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One Piece D&D 5th Edition?

Ch. 1: World of One Piece.............................................2
The Red Line.....................................................................2
The Grand Line..................................................................2
The Blue Sea.....................................................................2
The Sky..............................................................................2
A Brief History of the World................................................2
Ch. 2: World Government..............................................3
World Nobles.....................................................................3
Cipher Pol..........................................................................3
Enies Lobby........................................................................4
Impel Down........................................................................4
The Marines.......................................................................4
Ch. 3: Outlaws...............................................................5
Revolutionary Army............................................................5
Ch. 4: Devil Fruits..........................................................6
Ch. 5: Haki....................................................................7
Ch. 6: Martial Arts..........................................................7
Ch. 7: Technology..........................................................8
Den Den Mushi..................................................................8
Log Pose............................................................................8
Vivre Card..........................................................................8
Lineage Factor...................................................................8
Voice of All Things.............................................................8

The World of One Piece

planet where One Piece is set in is a peculiar
one. It has only a single dominant landmass, The clouds in certain areas are solid and can carry
the Red Line, that goes around the world like a landmasses and buildings on top of them. The people living
belt fully vertically over the north and south in the sky are similar to humans, but sport miniature wings on
poles of the planet. The rest of the landmass is their backs. Various sky kingdoms are one of the oldest and
a vast collection of islands of various sizes most prosperous to ever exist and are aided by the
scattered across the globe. Along the equator, there is a mysterious Dials, that provide advanced technical
special sea called the Grand Line. It is seperated from the capabilities to those living in the sky and those who have
rest of the sea by the Calm Belts. These two bands crossing visited the various sky islands.
the world create the four large oceans: North, East, South
and West Blue. The planet also has an axial tilt of about 24 to A Brief History of the World
25 degrees. The exact history of the creation and early life of the world is
unknown, but multiple sources cite it to be at least millions of
The Red Line years old. The oldest records kept are at least 5000 years
The largest singular land mass on the planet is the Red Line. old, which marks the creation of the Oharan Tree of
It rises sharply from the seas almost vertically making it hard Knowledge. Oldest kingdoms in existence also have histories
to climb from the sea. It has two major attractions on both spanning at least 4000 years. The Great Kingdom existed
places where it crosses the Grand Line. First is the Reverse until 800 years ago, when 20 kingdoms overthrew it through
Mountain, which acts as the only safe entrance to the Grand unknown means. The one hundred years preceding this
Line. It is a peculiar mountain that has 4 rivers rising up the event, after which the World Government was formed, is
mountain and joining into one that flows down to the first half called the Void Century and any research or records of the
of the Grand Line. On the other side of the globe is Mariejois, events of those years are forbidden. The only tangible
the capital of the World Government. This is where the 19 records of the events are the indestructible stone monoliths
World Noble families reside and most of the governing created by the best stonemasons of Wa Kingdom which are
bureocracy apart from the Marines is located. called Poneglyphs. The language used to write on the
Poneglyphs is considered lost and the World Government
actively hunts anyone even hinted to know the forbidden
The Grand Line language. Sometime before 28 years ago, a pirate by the
The Grand Line runs along the equator of the planet, but the name of Gol D. Roger started his own pirate crew and went
climate is completely unpredictable. Only certainty is the on to conquer the Grand Line. He managed to gather all the
Calm Belts bordering the Grand Line on both sides, where Poneglyphs and decipher the true history of the world. He left
there is absolutely no wind and the area is infested with Sea it all on the final island of the Grand Line, Raftel, which has
Kings. Currents and local weather patterns vary wildly and not been rediscovered to this day. Fame, wealth, power.
only stabilise near islands. A storm can creep on a ship with Everything this world has to offer. This penultimate treasure
only minutes of warning. Island climates are stable, but vary is known as One Piece.
greatly between islands. One island can have eternal
summer, while the other has eternal winter. The Grand Line
is diveded into two by the Red Line. The first half is called
Paradise by the people who venture on to the second half
since entering from the Reverse Mountain, because it is
relatively tame compared to the second half: The New World.
The Grand Line can only be navigated using the stable
magnetic fields of islands, using a special compass called
Log Pose. The New World has even more random magnetic
properties and you need three Log Pose compasses to
navigate the Grand Line.

The Blue Sea

Rest of the world is divided into the four sections of ocean by
the Red Line and the Grand Line. These are called the North,
East, South and West Blue oceans. This is where majority of
people live and they are relatively peaceful, because only
pirates that are not after One Piece are interested in the
regions. This also means there are fewer Marine units
stationed here and most of the recruits are trained here.
Navigation and weather are predictable and follow seasonal
patterns. Most pirates spend rest of their lives on the Grand
Line, but usually they hail from one of the four seas.

The Sky Chapter 1 | World of One Piece

World Government
World Nobles
19 of the 20 kings who founded the World Government
moved to live in the new capital, the Holy Land of Mariejois,
where they became to known as World Nobles. The king of
the Alabasta kingdom opted not to move to the new capital.
The World Nobles are above all laws and usually opt to wear
specially made glass bubbles around their heads to prevent
breathing the same air as the commoners when traveling
outside the Holy Land. When they are not toying with political
or military schemes, they enjoy spending their time in various
activities with their slaves and servants, that are pressed into
forced servitude usually on a whim. They are usually
physically weak, but accompanied by a horde of slaves,
bodyguards and servants.
To anger a World Noble is to bring upon the full might of
the World Government upon oneself. Because of this, even
pirates and other revolutionaries usually play along in their
presence. Officially only once has a World Noble renounced
their title and rights.
They have a fear of people who have the will of the D. and
use it to scare their children. World Nobles also possess
intricate knowledge of the history of the world not available to
anyone else. The information they possess is so volatile that
the ex-World Noble turned Shichibukai, Donquixote
Doflamingo managed to blackmail the World Nobles into
giving him equal rights and request CP0 to perform tasks for

Most of the time the World Nobles are not interested in
running the day to day business of governing, therefore there
is a group of five elders who have similar power compared to
the World Nobles governing in their stead, but are still
second to World Nobles. Because the World Nobles only
interfere when they have a vested interest in governing, the
Gorosei are the de facto highest authority in the World
Government. They are also the authority who appoint and
revoke a Shichibukais official status. They deploy Cipher Pol
units and Marine fleets at-will to maintain the status quo of
the World Government. Their individual strength is unknown,
but seem to bear arms at all times.

Cipher Pol
Secret police of the Government. There are ten Cipher Pols
ranging from 0 to 9. Each Cipher Pol specialises in a specific
task, e.g. CP9 is specialised in assassination. Cipher Pol
agents are rather few in number, but each individual is a
highly lethal individual. CP0 is also known as Cipher Pol
Aigis Zero and they the most elite among the Cipher Pols
answering only to the World Nobles. Most Cipher Pol agents
are martial artists and/or Devil Fruit users. They also have
extensive intelligence training and possess a vast amount of
knowledge of the more clandestine affairs of the world. Their
authority overrides that of the Marine and can commandeer
ships that do not have orders from higher up at-will.

Chapter 2 | World Government

Also known as Warlords of the Sea, these pirates turned
government privateers are one of the Three Great Powers
and all of them have impressive combat capability. There are
no formal requirements to become a Shichibukai, except that
the Gorosei to choose you to become one. They can also
revoke their status if one does not live up to the title.
Shichibukai and all their followers are temporarily pardoned
and they are exempt from most laws. Most control an area
which they rule or have significant influence in. Shichibukai
are allowed to any loot they gather from other pirates, but are
expected not to engage any government forces and vice
versa. Despite working for the government, only the Gorosei
have any power to command them and most do not have any
respect for the Government or eachother.

Enies Lobby
The courthouse of the World Government. Because of the
World Nobles advocation for Absolute Justice, trials are
mostly just a ritual on the way to Impel Down or the
excecution stand. Located near the Calm Belt and is
connected to Impel Down and Marineford via Gates of

Impel Down
The maximum security prison of the World Government.
Located within the Calm Belt and extends deep under the
sea as a precaution against Devil Fruit users. Connected to
Enies Lobby and Marineford via the Gates of Justice. Only
the Marine battleships lined with Seastone can even
approach the facility without being devoured by Sea Kings.
Officially has five levels each more punishing than the last
with environmental factors ranging from desert heat to arctic
environment and fauna. The most dangerous inmates are
locked away in the secret sixth level at the very bottom of the
sea where there is virtually no escape from.

The Marines
The Marines are the primary military force of the World
Government and act as one of the Great Three Powers.
Their highest priority is thwarting the Revolutionary Army and
capture and elimination of pirates. Their exact strength is
unknown, but it is safe to assume they outnumber any other
military force in existence. Marines follow a strict command
structure that ends with the three Admirals and above them,
the single Fleet Admiral. Marine Admirals possess monstrous
individual strength comparable to the Yonko. All Vice
Admirals and Admirals possess mastery of at least one Haki.
Typical marine uniform consists of a sailor outfit and a cap.
Commissioned officers wear a coat over the uniform usually
just by hanging by the shoulders. On the back of the coats
the symbols for "Justice" are written in large bold print. Most
commissioned officers are not trivial opponents and many
possess a Devil Fruit ability. Marines are the authority that
give out bounties for wanted individuals.
Although the Marines seem to be highly cohesive, there
are political powerplays and vying for promotions behind the
scenes. The Marines also have no qualms about
manipulating the media to decrease favourable pirate or
revolutionary exposure or cover up their own failures.

Chapter 2 | World Government


Where there is people, there is crime. Besides
the listed special types of outlaws, there is a Yonko, also known as the Four Emperors, are the four most
"normal" underworld focused on the usual successful pirates that have power so great that the
trades such as smuggling, drugs, slavery. Government doesn't want to risk a confrontation with them
most of the time. They are one of the Three Great Powers
along with the Shichibukai and the Marines. All the Yonko
reside within the second half of the Grand Line and usually
are after One Piece. Their individual strength is unparallaled
and even Marine Admirals struggle against them. Most
possess the Conquerors Haki and have mastered both of the
other Haki. If they are Devil Fruit users, their abilities are
incredibly useful or destructive. Most of the New World is
divided in Government controlled islands and islands
controlled by the Emperors. The islands that they control
have become a small nation of their own and pay taxes to
the Emperor. Their fleets consist of multiple pirate crews that
have pledged loyalty to the Emperor and consist of dozens of
ships. Causing trouble on an island claimed by an Emperor
or engaging their followers is a declaration of war, so there
are few who risk to gain an Emperors ire. This has lead to
Yonko and the Government to have an unspoken ceasefire
between their forces. Unaffiliated pirates are fair game and
the Yonko seek to prevent any new major forces from
emerging in the New World.

Revolutionary Army
Unlike the pirates, the Revolutionary Army seeks to
overthrow the World Government for the betterment of all.
They control at least several islands and are lead by the
most wanted man of the world: Monkey D. Dragon. Their
officers are extremely effective individually and are usually
backed up by their own followers. They have covert agents
working in high positions in the Government and have
acquired sensitive intelligence concerning the Government.
They are a threat to the fragile, but still existing balance of
the Three Great Powers and anyone associated with them is
automatically considered a threat by the World Government.
Due to their illegal status they have to resort to pirates and
various black market transactions to provide arms and
supplies to maintain their opposition against the status quo.

Anyone flying a Jolly Roger is considered a pirate even if
they do not commit acts of actual piracy. Common reasons to
begin a pirate life is to gain fame, wealth and power as these
are hard to come by in the authoritian World Government.
Seeking the One Piece is also a common reason. Pirates
usually revel in their freedom to speak against the World
Government and their representatives. Some pirates do not
seek to cause havoc, but to right wrongs or help their fellow
men, if the Marines are unwilling to intervene. Weaker pirates
are weeded out by the Marines and Shichibukai before they
can reach the New World and those who make it usually
pledge loyalty one of the Emperors. Pirates have a high
number of Devil Fruit users among them as they are most
likely to encounter them during their adventures.

Chapter 3 | Outlaws
Devil Fruits

GARDEN. Their origins are unknown and
science cannot explain their true nature yet. Users body gains the ability to transform between the human
There are some things that are accepted as form and a single animals body. Usually gaining three distinct
facts though. There are at least hundreds of forms: Human, Hybrid and Animal. Animals range from birds
them, but because of their random nature only to extinct animals such as dinosaurs. Common animals have
the most famous ones have become known multiple models of fruit, such as Tori-Tori fruit, Model: Falcon.
through their users. A Devil Fruit has a distinct appearance A Zoan users' power grows with their physical strength and
that usually involves spiral shaped patterns. The same fruit as such are able to become stronger with training and
always has the same appearance, which has lead to people experience.
cataloguing the fruits, but all the catalogues are incomplete With practice or use of special chemicals the user can gain
and sometimes erraneous. When a person eats a Devil Fruit additional forms that improve the qualities of the users
he/she will gain a single supernatural power of a limited choosing. Example of this is the reindeer Tony Tony Chopper
scope that are divided in three categories below. When the who ate the Hito-Hito fruit, gaining human intelligence and
person who ate the Devil Fruit dies, it will be regenerated in a invented the Rumble Ball that allows him to force
normal fruit anywhere in the world after a few moments. transformations beyond the traditional three forms.
Additionally anyone who eats a Devil Fruit is cursed by the Zoan fruits can be divided into three subcategories:
sea and loses any and all ability to swim, float or move on normal, ancient and mythological. Normal fruits are by far the
contact with seawater causing them to sink like rocks, most common and give powers of a normal animal that has
becoming effectively paralyzed. Their bodies return to the not gone extinct. Ancient fruits give powers of a mammoth or
state before eating the Devil Fruit and they lose all Devil Fruit a similar extinct animal. Mythological fruits are even more
abilities. This starts to apply when water reaches the knees rare than Logia fruits and grant forms such as the Phoenix or
of the user. This effect is also caused by having contact with Buddha.
Seastone, which is metallic material that gives off the same Through an unknown process, Dr. Vegapunk has been
type of aura as the sea. The users recover quickly after the able to make inanimate objects consume Devil Fruits and
contact with the sea or Seastone end. become sentient items with animal intellgence.
Artificial, but imperfect, Zoan Devil Fruits have been
Paramecia created through a process discovered by the famous
scientist Vegapunk. The users of these kind of powers are
Users body is physically altered or their bodies gain other
called Gifters.
physical properties. The users' powers are usually limited to
their own body, unable to affect non-living material outside
them that they did not generate themselves. However, they
retain a physical, solid body unlike Logia users. Paramecia Users' body become intangible gas, liquid or energy. Solids
powers range from the user becoming rubber to ability are also possible, such as sand. Common to all Logia users
excrete vast amounts of poison or mucus. Also more abstract is that they become effectively immune to physical attacks.
powers are possible, such as Memo-Memo fruit, that allows Their bodies are immune to decapitation or dismemberment
the user to edit memories or the Soru-Soru fruit that allows as they can reattach or regrow their body parts. Additionally
the user to manipulate souls at-will. Usually considered the they can generate the same thing their bodies are made of in
weakest Devil Fruit by the other user categories, but at least large quantities to use as projectiles or tools. Their bodies
two Paramecia users have become Yonko regardless of that. can be disrupted by Haki, which allows physical attacks to
A Paremecia users strength may or may not grow with the damage them. A Logia users' body also returns to normal
physical strength of the user depending on the power when in contact with the sea or Seastone. Additionally a
granted by the fruit. Logia power or element opposite to or more powerful than
Some Paramecia type fruits concerning physical materials the users Logia type is able to harm the user. E.g. ice is
can be awakened, which grants additional powers beyond superior to snow. There haven't been any discoveries of
the users' body. A famous case of this is Doflamingo Logia users' power growing in any way since ingesting the
Donquixote, who uses his Ito-Ito fruit to turn buildings and fruit.
rocks into string.

Chapter 4 | Devil Fruits


WILLPOWER. Every living being
possesses Haki, but most do not notice
its existence or fail to awaken it. Those
who are able to harness their Haki gain
extraordinary capabilities. Ability to use
Haki is common in the Sky Islands and
on the second half of the Grand Line. There are three distinct
ways to use Haki which are described below.

One that uses Observation Haki is able to perceive other sentient beings immediate actions and use this to dodge or evade the
attack in advance. It also gives the practicioner the ability to see other beings auras through obstacles. The range of this ability is
proprotional to the willpower of the practicioner. When two Observation Haki users clash, the powers are usually useless and both
sides have to rely on their actual combat ability to prevent injury. The people of the Sky Islands call this ability "mantra".

This Haki gives the user the ability to harden their skin so that regular arms become ineffective against them. One can also coat
their weapons using this haki, enabling them to deal more damage, become harder to break and pierce the enemys' Armouring
Haki. Attacks using the Armouring Haki are effective against Logia Devil Fruit users, because they are still living beings despite
their intangible nature. When two Armouring Haki users clash, the willpower of the combatants is a factor that determines if one is
able to pierce the Armouring Haki of the other.

Unlike other Haki, the user must be born with the ability to use this power. Average prevalance is about one in a several million.
Those who use Conqueror's Haki are usually charismatic or otherwise fit for a leadership role. The user releases an shockwave of
their willpower, which overpowers the minds of the weakwilled and causes them to faint. The range and strength of this ability is
fully dependent on the general willpower the user and the situation it is used in. The Conqueror's Haki of a Yonko can knock out
even a pirate crewman that has made it to the New World. This power can be also be used to tame wild or rampaging animals
without knocking them unconscious. When two Conqueror's Haki users clash, a shockwave of power is emitted.

Martial Arts

KILLS TO STAY ALIVE. Soldiers and outlaws Rokushiki
alike train in the martial arts, as the strongest
usually clash in melee combat. By mastering your A special unarmed martial arts style that seemingly grants
craft, you become capable of inhuman feats. the user six superhuman abilities. Even in the World
Here's four popular types of martial arts Government there are few who have mastered all the six
practiced, but virtually any form of combat can be forms of this martial art, but mastering one or two is common
mastered as a martial art. among commissioned officers. Powers include: ability walk
on air, hardening the users body, evading attacks, a ranged
slashing attack, short ranged sprint and turning a finger into a
Swordsmanship melee ranged pistol. Powers are described in detail in the
Swordsmanship is a common practice across the globe. The mechanics section.
versatility and availability of the sword is unparalleled. By
mastering this art, the swordsman can "throw" their slashes Kenpo
increasing their ability to engage at range. Master
swordsmen can cut through common metallic materials like Kenpo is an universal term for a martial art of a specific type.
iron and steel without breaking their own sword. The most Two prominent types used are Okama Kenpo and Newkama
common sword type is the katana and there are multiple Kenpo. Additionally individual styles such as Ramen Kenpo
grades of katana to collect and use. High-grade swords can have been developed. The primary requirement for a martial
withstand a lot more punishment than normal katanas. The art to become a kenpo is a specific focus on a single idea.
most famous users of the katana are the legendary samurai
warriors of the Wa kingdom. This doesn't mean that other Fishman Karate
types of swordsmanship are not practicioned and rapier A martial arts used primarily by fishmen, but can be learned
fencing is also popular as its fast and piercing attacks can by other humanoids. Techniques manipulate the water inside
grant a tactical advantage in some situations. enemies or in the environment to cause damage.

Chapter 4 - 5 | Haki & Martial Arts
Den Den Mushi Vivre Card
A type of snail that boasts telepathic communication A magical piece of paper made from a persons fingernails.
capabilities with other Den Den Mushi with an operational Once processed into a paper form through a specific
distance ranging from few kilometres to global scale. They process, the paper is automatically drawn towards the
are found commonly in the wild and are amphibious. Den person whose fingernails were used. The paper can be
Den Mushi can transmit, record and project data such as teared and split and it will retain its function. The paper also
audio, video, still images and text, but each type of snail represents the physical wellbeing of the target and it will start
specialises in a single type of data transmission. Adapting a to wither away if they are in phyiscal danger.
snail for use requires technical adaptations, but these are
rather simple operations. The most common type by far is Lineage Factor
the traditional telephone Den Den Mushi that acts as a global
Discovered by Vegapunk and the king of Germa, this factor
range telephone device. Most ships carry at least one of the
that is present in every living being can be used to clone
these on board. All Marine bases utilise visual Den Den
lifeforms. Cloning was promptly outlawed by the World
Mushi as a video security measure.
Government. Further research into the Lineage Factor of
various people revealed that Devil Fruits alter the users
Log Pose Lineage Factor to grant them their supernatural powers.
A special compass adapted to the random magnetic
fluctuations of the Grand Line. There are three variants of the Poneglyphs
Log Pose. Log Poses reset after an island-specific period of
Indestructible stone monoliths created by the master
time spent on an island, after which the needle(s) begin to
stonemasons of the Wa kingdom and spread across the
point at the next island(s).
Grand Line. They are used to record the events of the Void
The standard Log Pose is intended for use in the first half
Century, navigation and various other informative purposes.
of the Grand Line and can be used to navigate from one
The language used to write and read the Poneglyps is
island to the next.
considered lost and only very few people can interpret the
A New World Log Pose has three standard Log Pose
texts. The World Government would prefer to destroy the
compasses in one. The navigator must navigate by using
Poneglyphs, but it is impossible, so they actively hunt any
each needle and its sensitivity to change as a guide to find
rumours of people able to read the Poneglyp language.
the next island.
An Eternal Log Pose has been locked with a specific
islands magnetic field and will always point towards that Voice of All Things
island. These are quite rare and most are owned by the Not strictly a technology, but related to it. Voice of All Things
Marines. is the ability to "hear" the history of inanimate items and
converse with things that do not understand your language.
Dials Most theorize that Gol D. Roger used this ability to read the
Poneglyphs. It is extremely rare in humans, but supposedly
Shells of a specific shellfish that have been turned into a
common in humans of the Three-Eye Tribe.
device capable of storing energy and matter. The shellfish
only live in the Sky Islands, so Dials are rare everywhere
else. Things that Dials can store range from voice to flames.
A common Dial to use is a breath Dial, that stores wind and
is able to release it on demand making it an ideal motor for
small watercraft.

Living beings augmented with mechanical parts. Actual
Cyborgs are rare, because there are no standardized parts
or industry around it. Every Cyborg has their parts custom
built for their needs. Brain modifications lead to loss of free
will and leaves the patient spiritually dead.

A naturally occuring, but rare, metallic substance that gives
off the same wavelength as the sea, disabling Devil Fruit
users. Additionally used by Marines to pass the Calm Belt by
lining their ships with Seastone to fool Sea Kings. The
Marines are the only group with access to significant
amounts of the material.

Chapter 6 | Technology

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