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Where is Islam's soul searching for 9/11?

By Philip Wemhoff Tue, Sep 20, 2016

@ 4:09 pm | updated Tue, Sep 20,
2016 @ 4:57 pm |

Islamic Terror Attacks Over 45 Years

Terror growth: 15,517 incidents in 45 years with most
(90+%) after 9.11, when exponential growth began.
Perpetrators: The 211 terror groups are listed here.
Source: The nations official Global Terrorism Database,
housed at the University of Maryland, 2016.
soul-searching-911 .
During the recent 9.11 commemorations the painful events were successfully wiped
clean of the motivating ideology: Islam. The Left-wing media did BleachBit purges on nearly
every story and event to hide the motive from new generations and to downplay Islamic
terror in the national policy debate.
The sanitized remembrance told us what happened on 9.11, but omitted the who and
why a Pearl Harbor without the Japanese.
The hijackers, in the four-page manifesto they left behind, invoked Allah 90 times, cited
tenets of Islam to justify their crime calling it a deed that Allah loves and prepared to
wed virgin women of paradise, a martyrs reward. Ringleader Muhammad Attas
misdirected luggage contained his wedding garments.
In a Times-Union column, Islamic missionary Parvez Ahmed frets that, under Mr
Trumps plan, Muslim refugees would undergo extreme vetting. Islam is always aggrieved.
But, after the Twin Towers fell there was no Islamic soul-searching, to learn what defect in
Islam allows it to be misinterpreted so easily and so frequently, and no hunting down of the
plotters to hang them from lampposts.
In contrast, when an observant Jew assassinated Israeli leader Yitzhak Rabin, Jewry
began a decade-long soul-searching how could Judaism have produced such a monster?
That societal self-exam still echoes on the Internet.
But, the 9.11 depravity in Allahs name changed nothing in Islam. Thereafter, Islamic
terror escalated exponentially to horrific frequency, many times greater than attack rates in 40
preceding years documented by the nations Global Terrorism Database.
The worldwide Muslim street turns out tens of thousands to protest the mere rumor of
a Muhammad cartoon, but very few to protest a Paris, Orlando or Brussels massacre. In
Brussels, 90 percent of Muslim teens make heroes of jihadi murderers. And, bogus
accusations of blasphemy and Islamophobia are used incessantly to silence critics.
Europe is a preview of Americas future. Due to the onslaught of poorly-vetted Muslim
refugees, Frances prime minister laments that security forces must stop imminent Islamic
attacks every single day. ISIS is spreading like a cancer, because refugee volume is
masking the movement of terrorists, warns the NATO commander.
The magnitude of the threat in Europe is unprecedented overwhelming security
services, according to Congressional experts. Germany harbors 1,100 Jihadists, France
over 2,000. Its . . . an impossible situation very grave, say Belgium authorities, as trained
Islamic fighters transit Europes open borders.
The United States spends trillions to intercept Islamic terrorists (such rigorous security
was not induced by Buddhist attacks). And 580 terrorists, mostly immigrants, have been
quietly convicted here since 9.11; 23 percent since 2014.
Leftist Hillary Clinton wants a vastly increased Middle East influx, recklessly ignoring
the European catastrophe that she helped create (Footnote 1).
But, to keep Americans safe, Mr Trump urges extreme vetting. So, Mr Ahmed, not
having embarked on the 9.11 soul-searching, has a grievance against Trump, not Islam.
Philip Wemhoff, Jacksonville

Freedom | Tuesday, September 20, 2016 @ 5:02 pm
Mr. Wemhoff has chosen to be politically incorrect and truthful. I await the storm of
protest from liberals, academics and politicians trolling for votes. Muslim leaders are always
defensive in defending Islam's inertia to not only condemn radical Islam but also activate
strategies and initiatives to destroy same. Examples of this equivocation is the counseling
provided by a Muslim leader in Orlando about "jumping to conclusions about motivations" as
50 people lay slaughtered by a confessed radical Islamist.
As to Parvez Ahmed, he is a "favored one" of the FTU. He is an example of the
arrogance displayed by Muslim leaders even in the face of Islamic deviate behavior.
Examples include Ahmed's comments on an objection to a mosque in NY to cognitive
dissonance of those objecting or attempting to divert the root cause of the Orlando massacre
to LGBT hate when the real root cause is radical Islam.
Muslim leaders leadership is deficient domestically and internationally in taking the
charge to eliminate the barbarism of radical Islam. Our quisling like President and
Democratic(?) party are collaborators. Thankfully, there are a number of modern Muslims at
the "people to people" level who follow American values - we need more of them in
leadership roles.
Role of Hillary Clinton in ISIS growth. The full text of these reports are found in the file
March 24, 2016
Nov 22, 2014 Obama Orders Expanded US Role in Afghanistan to Avoid Another ISIS

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