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lnsearch UTS and

International Programs,
University of Technology, Sydney

Unit 1: Introduction to the IELTS test 1

Part 1: About the IELTS test
Part 2: For the student: How to prepare for IELTS
The day of the test

Unit 2: The Listening test 11

How to use this Unit
Listening Practice Tests Answer Sheet
Listening Practice Test 1
Listening Practice Test 2
Listening Practice Test 3
Listening Practice Test 4
Listening Practice Test 5

Unit 3: The Reading test 47

How to use this Unit
Reading Practice Tests Answer Sheet
General Training Reading Practice Test 1
General Training Reading Practice Test 2
General Training Reading Practice Test 3
General Training Reading Practice Test 4
General Tra ining Reading Practice Test 5

Unit 4: The Writing test 105

How to use this Unit
Global strategies for the General Training Module Writing Tasks
Writing Task 1
Writing Task 2
General Training Writing Practice Test 1
General Training Writing Practice Test 2
General Training Wr iting Practice Test 3
General Training Writing Practice Test 4
General Training Writing Practice Test 5

Unit 5: The Speaking test 123

How to use this Unit
Information and Strategies for the Speaking test

Unit 6: Answers and tapescripts 129

Part 1: General Training Listening Practice Tests
Part 2: General Training Reading Practice Tests
Part 3: General Training Writing Practice Tests

Acknowledgements 155
Unit 1
Introduction to the IELTS test
Part 1:About the IELTS test
Not only has English become an international language, it is used by more and
more people around the world as a medium of post-school study. To help
universities and colleges select students with sufficient English skills to succeed i n
their cou rses, the IELTS test was introduced in 1989 to assess "whether cand id ates
are ready to study or train in the mcdjum of English". It is now used for th is
purpose around the globe.
Depend i ng on the cou rse of stu dy that students plan to take, stu den ts m ust eJect
to sit either Lhc Aca dem i c lELTS test or the GeneraJ Trai n i ng TELTS test. Th is choi ce
m usl be ma de when applying to sit the test. The Academic TELTS test is necessary
for students who plan to study at university (undergraduate or postgraduate
courses), and will test the studen t's ability both to u nderstand and to use com plex
academic language. The Genera l Tra ining TELTS test is requ ired by other
insti tutions, such as colleges and high schools, for courses tha t require less
complex language skills, and isaJso used as a general test of English proficiency
e.g. for immigration purposes in Australia and New Zealand.

The Test Format

There are four subtests,or modules, to the IELTS test Reading, Writing, Listening and
Speaking.Students must sit alJ four subtests. While all students take the same Listening
and Speaking tests, they sit different Reading and Writing tests, depending on whether
they have selected the Academic lELTS test or the General Training IELTS test.

On Lhe day of the test, the four subsections will be taken in the following ord er:

Listening test
30 minutes

Academic Reading test General Training Reading test

60 minutes 60 minutes

Academic Writing test
60 minutes or '
General Training Writing test
60 minutes

Speaking test
15 minutes

The Speaking test may even take place a day or two later at some test centres.

THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS:General Training Modules 1

Unit 1 Introduction to the IELTS test

The Listening test lasts for abou t 30 minutes. It consists of four sections, played
on cassette tape, i n order of increasi ng difficul ty. Each section migh t be a d ia logue
or a monologue. 1he test is played once only, and the questions for each section
m ust be answered while listen ing, although time is given for studen ts to check
their answers. Unit 2 of this book contains fiye practice Listen ing te5ts, recorded
on the accompanyi ng cassette tape.

The Reading test last for 60 minu tes. Students arc given either an Academic
Read i ng test, or a General Tra ining Reading test. Both tests consist of three
sections, and i n both tests differen t question ty pes are used lo assess students'
com prehens i on. In both tests the sections arc i n order of i n creasi ng di ff i cul ty.
Unit 3 of this book contains five Reading practice tests.

The Writing test also lasts for 60 m i nutes.Agai n, stud ents ta ke either an Academic
test, or a Genera l Training test. Students m ust perform two wri ti ng tasks, which
requi re di fferent styles of wri ting. There is no choice of question topics. For more
detail and Writing practice tests, turn to Unit 4 of t h is book.

The Speaking test consists of a one-to-one interview with a spccia Ily trained
exam i ner. The exam iner will lead the candida te through the th ree parts of the test:
an i n t rod uction and interview, an individual long turn where the candid ate
speaks for one to two minutes on a particular topic, and a two-\vay discussion
thematica lly l i n ked to the individual long tu rn. This intervi ew will last for
approxi mately 11-14 min utes. For more deta il, tu rn to Unit 5 of th is book.

How the test is marked

Each modu le is ma rked on a sca le fromIup to 9. These ba nds arc gi ven accord i ng
to highly detailed marking gu idelines. These marking gu idelines are not made
public, bu t correspond roughly to the following descriptions:
l Non User
2 In term i tten t User
3 Ex tremel y Limited User
4 Limi ted User
5 Modest User
6 Competent User
7 Good User
8 Ve') Good User
9 Expert User

The test rcsu l tc; form will show the mark for each mod u le as'"'ell as an average
(overa ll) band score.

What do the band scores mean?

There is no pass or foil mark in the IELTS test. The marks, or bands, t ha t a student
recei ves show thei r il bility to use and understa nd English. However, it is u p Lo

2 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Unit 1 Introduction to the IELTS test
each u n iversity and college Lo decide what bands will be acceptable for enlry
into each course. This will usua lly depend on the language requ irements for lhe
course, that is, how di ff icult is the level of language that students are requ ired
to use and u nderstand in each course.

The advantages of the IELTS test

The lELTS test is very com prehensive. Itrates a student's ability to use English
in the fou r major language skill areas:Reading, \'\f ri ting, Listening and Speaking.
Each mod u le contai ns a variety of question types, and all of them arc designed
to simulate the language tasks that are needed in real life academ ic and training
situa tions.Th us the scores that a student achieves in the IELTS test will give the
student and the institution lo which they have applied a clear idea of the st udent's
ability to use English and whether their language ski lls are strong enough for them
to study their desi red cou rse, or to fit more easily i n to the English-speaki ng
com mu n i ty.

The interval between tests

Students may take the IELTS test as many times as they like, but after sitti ng an
IELTS test, they must wa i t for THREE MONTHS before they can take i t aga i n. This
is an officia l rule, but in an} case it is unlikely that a student's score will i mprove
in less than three months.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:GeneralTraining Modules 3

Unit 1 Introduction to the IELTS test
Part 2: For the student: How to prepare for IELTS
ln this cha pter you will find some suggestions for activities and approaches to
hel p you do you r best in the TELTS test. You will probably find it most useful after
you have completed one or more of the practice tests in this book.

Analyse your weaknesses

To begin with, read the following statements and tick any that apply to you .

Listening I ca n not l i sten and read the questions at the same ti me (E) D
r do not understand what the question is asking me to do (E) D
I do not understand what I hear (L) D
Reading T ru n out of time and do not answer all the questions (F) D
It Lakes me a long time to read the passages (E)

D I do not u nderstand what the question is asking me to do (E) D

1 do not understand the reading passages (L) D
Writing I am not sure wha t the question means (E) D
I cannot wri te quickly enough (E) D
l do not ha ve enough i deas to write about on the topi c (L) D
l cann ot say wha t l think in English (L) D
Speaking 1get nervous and make mistakes (E) D
The examiner asks me questions I have not thought abou t before (E) D
I do not understand the examiner 's questions (L) D
T feel threarened \Yhen the examiner asks me to speak for
1or 2 minutes (F) D

Af ter each statement you will find a letter: F, E or L. These refer to:Format, Exam
Practice and Language Practice. As you read the sections below, you will find
su ggestions under each head ing to help you im prove your J ELTS score.

Know the Format

An important prepa ration for the TELTS test is to f i nd out abou t th e structure of
the Lest. Wha t are the sections of the test? Which one comes fi rst? Second? How
much time is allowed for each section? How many questions are there? How long
m ust I speak?

These are simple questions to answer,but im portant. Once you are familiar wi th
the test format, ) ou will be more relaxed. You will be able to focus on answering
questions well, ra ther than worryi ng about how many questions there are, or how
m uch time is left.

You wiJl find the an swers to these questions in the i ntroduction to this book, and
(in more deta i l ) in the I E LTS Hmzd book, available from test administra tion centres.

4 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Unit 1 Introduction to the IELTS test
Exam Practice
Once you have found ou t abou t the format of the IELTS exam, you need to
practise you r exam skills. These are techniques to hel p you show off your
language skills during the short time you have in the exam.

The first skill to work on is timing. You will have to practise reading and wri ting
under time constraints. Practise speed reading every day.Try reading a c;hort
passage in a fixed time (for example, set yourself three minutes to read it qu ickly).
You will not understand everyth i ng in the first readi ng, bu t you will become more
used to skimming a text to get a general idea of its ma in points. Then you can
come back to read certai n parts of the text with more attention.

Likew ise, lry wri ting for a set peri od of time every day. For th is exercise, tota l
accu racy is not necessary; rather you are trying to practise getti ng you r i deas down
on paper qu ickly. Set you rself n different topic each dny, su ch as Compu ters, the
Fa m ily.. J nd ustry in my coun try, etc., and write as m u ch as you can for, say, five
minu les. Wri te notes to your friends, or short descri pti ons of something you have
seen. Your speed will improve gradu ally, and will be very usef ul i n the exa m, when
you musl write a certa in num ber of words for each task in a set period of lime.

Another exam preparation is to fam iliarise yourself with the question types used
in the IELTS exam. There are many different types, and they do not all appea r in
every exam. But by knowing some types,you \.\rill be familiar with the kinds of
tasks you are expected to do, and you will saYe time because you can interpret
the question more easil}.

Start wi th the exams in this book. Do each test under exam conditions, then
af terwa rds look at the tests aga i n. What kind of questions were asked in each
section? M u lti ple choice? Short a nswers? Matching parts of sentences? Fill ing
in diagra ms? Look a t the kinds of q uestions used, and wha t they a rc asking you
to d o. 1f you had problem s with any of them, do them again, slowly, so tha t you
are su re of wha t you are doing. Then when you sit lhc rea l test, you wil l be more
familiar wi th the kinds of questi ons asked, and will und ersta nd wha l you h ave
to do more qu ickly.

Nole: always read the questions carefully. Do not assu me they wi11 be exactl y the
same as the practice tests!

Fina lly, you might thi nk abou t sitting a real IELTS test "just for practice" . You will
get to know how it works, and get practice worki ng u nder exam conditions. Then,
when you are ready to tak.e the IELTS test in earnest, you \'\rill know about the
IELTS format, and will have already practised you r exam sk.ills.

If this is not possible, you can ask other students who have taken the IELTS test
abou t thei r experience, and find out which tasks they thi nk require the most

THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS: General Training Modules 5

Unit 1 Introduction to the IELTS test
Language Practice, in class and on your own
This is \.\ here the hard work lies. Exam practice and kno" ing the forma t will help
you in the IELTS test bv leaving you free to concentrate on your lang uage skills.
However, you will need to work hard to further develop these skills.

The TELTS lest measu res how well students can perform the language skills
needed for study. To do this, it uses the kinds of tasks tha t might be fou nd in real-
life situations. Therefore, you will not be able to simply memorise a nswers. Your
IELTS score ....i ll be a reflection of you r language ability, and lo do well, you will
ha \'e to work on your la nguage skills. To achieve the IELTS score you wa nt will
require hard work, usua lly \.v:ith the help of a teacher.

Class Work
I n class you r teacher wi ll be introd u cing and cxlcnd ing a ra nge of skills,
a l l esscnti n l for the rELTS test. These will inclu de:
Spea king: pron uncia lion and in tonation practi ce, fluency practice, usi ng and
understa nd ing com mon phrases, i n teracting wi th other speakers,
speaking for an extended time on a particular topic, discussing tha t
topi c.
Listening: recognising voice tone (questions, surprise, etc.), Listen i ng for
keywords, listen ing for general information, listen ing for nu mbers,
l istening for discourse markers (firstly, seco11dl y, Or I could sny that
nnother wny, the most significant result was that ...).
Reading: skimmi ng (to get a general understa nding), sca nni ng (looking for
speci fic information), Yocabula ry de..elopment, summa risi ng,
determining the wri ter's attitude and opinion.
Writing: adjusting style according to pu rpose, writi ng paragraphs, introd uctions
and cond usions, using conjunctions and reference, organ ising
i n fonnation within a tex t, using supporting evidence to prove a claim.

Make the most of the work you study in class by reviewi ng i l regu la rly. Re-read
your class noles; note ca ref u lly any areas where you had problems. Work on them
again and "ce your teacher if you still have questions. Try to use new vocabulary
in your wri ting compositions, or in conversa tion. Practise gramma tical structu res
in the same \\ ay.

You r teacher knows what you need and will try to help you overcome language
problems. By going over lessons you will get the maximum benefit from your
teacher' ski lls and work.

Out of class work

Most experts agree that the quickest way to improve in a language is to immerse
yourself in i t. Therefore, to improve your English skills, try to get into as many
situations where you and other people are usi ng English.

6 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Unit 1 Introduction to the IELTS test
This may be d ifficu lt if you live in a non-English speaking country. However, try
to find English interest groups, go to English films and listen to English on the
radio. Read English books and magazines.

In an English-speaki ng country this is much easier. Wherever there are people, you
will be able to use and understand English. English books and magazines will also
be easier to obtain. Try to spend as much of you r day as possible using English.
You will probably end up dreaming in English, too!

A final word
The practice tests in th is book are designed to help you understand the natu re of
the test. You cannot use you r results in these tests to accurately predict you r
performa nce in a live IELTS test where you will be doing an examination with all
its atlendant stresses. You can, however, get to know the form of the test very well.

With all th is preparation - getting to know the forma t of the IELTS test, pra clising
exam techniq ues, class work and private study - you will be ready to do you r best
in the lELTS exam .

Try also to relax, and do some activities that you enjoy. An occasional break from
your studies will give you fresh energy and motivation to continue studying hard.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 7

Unit 1 Introduction to the IELTS test
The day of the test
After all your preparation for the IELTS test, follo""' these simple suggestions
to ensure your test day goes smoothly.

Plan to arrive early (perhaps half an hour). Then i you have unexpected
transport probJ ems or some other dela you will have extra time to sort them
out before the test starts. There is nothing worse than arriving late, upset and
flustered, when you need all your mental energy for the exam.
Don't worry abou t the parts of the test that are finished, or those yet to come.
Concentrate fully on the module you have in front of you.
Use your time caref ully. Don't spend too m u ch time on any one answcri i f you
do, you may not answer the other questions properly. Don't fin ish qui ckly, then
sit doing nothing. In the time remaining, check you r answers - you might
cha nge a wrong anS\ver to a right answer and gain extra marks.

The Listening test

Before each listening section is played, read the questions th rough qu ickly. The
vocabu lary (and any diagrams) will give you some idea of what you are about
to hear.
N ote what ki nds of questions you m ust ansvver: filling in numbers, choosing a
description, finding the speaker's opinion. You will then make the most of what
you hear, because you will know what to listen for.

The Readi ng test

You have one hour to answer questions on three sections, so divide up your
time - perhaps 15 minu tes for the first section, 20 minutes for the second section,
and 25 minutes for the third section (the sections get harder as you go on, so
you might like to spend more time on the last one).
As a general strategy, do not start by reacting the passage . You do not yet know
what i n formatjon you arc looking for, and you will waste precious time if you
try to read and understand everything.

Firstly, read the heading of the text. This will give you a very general idea
of what the passage is about.

Secondly, quickly read through the questions. How many questions are there
relatin g to thjs text? What kind of questions are they? (sentence completion,
diagram completion ...). This will help you focus when you read the text,
as you will have some idea v.rhat to look for.

Thirdly, tum to the reading passage, and read it through quickly. The purpose
here is to get a general understandi ng of the passage - you do not need to
understa nd every detail.

8 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Unit 1 Introduction to the IELTS test
Fina lly, tu rn again to Lhe questions and begin to work Lh rough them, referri ng
back Lo the passage when you need to, and reading i m portant sections ca ref ully
and slowly.

If at any time you cannot answer a question, or it is taki ng you a long ti me,
leave i t and come back to i t at the end.

The Writing test

The style and shape of you r answer will be covered in more detail in Unit 4
of this book.

On a very practical level, however:

write in pen (not pencil ), as it is easier to read. Bri ng several pens to the test
\.vi th you.
do not wri te a rough d raft, then re-write it. You will waste valuable ti me.
use time at the end to check for small errors:verb agreemen ts, plurals,
punctuation, verb tense. These things are easily corrected and affect vvhat ma rk
you r work will receive.

The Speaking test

Prepara tion for this test will be covered in more detail in Unit 5 of th is book.

Some thi ngs to th ink abou t:

Talk to you r friends in English while you are wa i ti ng for your interview.

Do not simply answer the exa m iner's questions;elaborate on your answers.

Tal k as m uch as possible. This is not rude;the exam i ner needs to hear you tal k a
lot, so he or she can find ou t your proficiency level.

You wi ll find i t easier Lo ta l k if you have smneth i ng to say. Use the suggestions
in Un i t 5 to prepare for the i n terview. Think about you r opin ions and you r
reasons for holding them. Think of important / funny Iexciti ng th ings lhal have
happened lo you and be ready to tal k abou t them.

Phase 2 of the test req u i res you to speak for one to two m inu tes. Use all the
informa tion on the card to help you, and practise wi th a timer so you know
how long you shou ld speak.

lf you prepa re caref u lly for the lELTS test using the practice lcsts and the strategies
in Units 4 and 5, and note the hints for the day of the tcsl, you will show you r
language skills to thei r best advantage.

Good luck!

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 9

Unit 1 Introduction to rhe IEL"TS test
Unit 2
The Listening test
How to use this Unit
This Uni t con lains:
A photocopiable master of a Listeni ng Practice Tests Answer Sheet '"'h ich
resembles the actu al Answer Sheet you will use in an lELTS test. Make a copy
of this Answer Sheet to use for each Listening Practice Test.
Five Listen i ng Practice Tests. Each test, which is made up of four sections,
should take 30 minu tes only, plus 10 minutes to transfer you r answers to the
Answer Sheet, as you wil l do in the real IELTS test.
Each Listeni ng Practice Test is recorded on cassclte. There is no need lo stop the
cassette du ring a test; all pa uses for you to read Lhe next questions are included
on the cassette.

In Unit 1of this book you \.dll find general :information about the Listen i ng
Mod u le and strategies to hel p you before you begi n.

You should com plete each test u nder exam cond i tions. DO NOT use a dictionary
to help you u n t il after you have completed each Practice Test.

Wri te your answers on each page as you compJete each question, as you would in
an fELTS test. Af ter you have finished each Listen i ng Practice Test, transfer your
answers to a Listening Practice Tests Answer Sheet before you correct them. This
\vill give you practice in tra nsferring your ans"ers, which must be done wi th care.

The answers to each Listen ing Practice Test can be found in U n i t 6, along with
complete tapescri pts for you to con fi rm your understandi ng of informa tion and
of vocabulary i tems.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 11

Unit 2 The Listening test
Listeni ng Practice Tests Answer Sheet
You may photocopy this page.

Transfer your answers from the question pages to this Answer Sheet al f /ze end of the
l..iste11i11g Test.

Use one Answer Sheet for each Listening Practice Test.

1 22
2 ' 23

3 24

4 25

5 26

6 27

7 28

8 29

9 30

10 31
I 32
12 33

13 34

14 35 ,,

- '

15 36

16 37

17 I 38

18 ,: 39

19 40

20 41

21 42

Listening total:

12 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Unrt 2 The L stening test
Listening Practice Test 1
SECTION 1 Questions 1-12

Questions 1-8

Listen to the co11versatio11 bctwee11 a student, Angela Twig, and Bob Wills,wlzo is tlte
stude11t adviser nt a la11g11age school. Complete the fonn. Write NO MOR E THAN
THREE WORDS OR NUM BERS for each answer.


ame: /l,r/a J;,g,

r,- tr

Example Student nutnber: lf

Add ress: (1) 'fiMIJJOl"tJ, 2J
Telephone n u mber:

Cou rse: (

Teacher's name: (

Studen t visa expiry da te: (


I wish to request leave i n Term: (5)

Da tes of lea ve: (

6) to (7)

N um ber of worki ng days m issed: (


THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 13

Unit 2 The Listening test Listening Prawce Test 1
Questions 9-12

Circlt.' tile ap pro priate letter A-D.

9. Why does A ngela wan t to take leave?

A to visi t her au n t and uncle
B to see the National Gallery
C to see the Southem Highlands
D to study more writing

10. Where is Angela going?

A. Tamworth
B Brisbane
C A rmida lc
D Syd ney

Tl. Who is going wilh Angela?

A her u ncle
B her mother
C her aunt
D her father

12. When will Angela go home to her own country?

A in five years
B i n twelve months
C in two months
D when her mother goes home

14 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Listening Practice Test 7 Unit 2 The Listening test
SECTION 2 Questions 13-24

Questions 13-18

Complete the calendar while you listen to the tape. Use words fr om the box. There are more
words in the box than you need. Some words may be used more than once.

cleaner garbage filters stove

dry deaner charity gardener paper
lift library electricity water

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


17 18 19 20 21 22 23
(16)-- (1
3) _

24 25 26 27 28 29 30
(17) _ (1
4) _


31 1 2 3 4 5 6
(18) (15)

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 15

Unit 2 The Listening test Listening Practice Test 1
Questions 19-24

Circle the appropriate letter A-D.

19. Where has Martha gone?

A London
B Sydney
C New York
D Paris

20. Why is Martha away from home?

A She's visiting friends
B She's at a conference
C She's on bu siness
D She's setting u p a business

21. Wh o wil1 Martha meet wh ile she's away?

A an old school friend
B a friend of her m other's
C an old university friend
D an old teacher

22. Wha t has Martha left for John?

A a letter
B a meal
C a book
D a bill

23. Who does Martha wan t John to telephone?

A the optometrist
B the telephone co1npru1y
C the d octor
D the dentist

24. Wha t is the code for Martha's alarm system?

A enter 2190
B 2190 enter
C 9120 enter
D enter 9UO

16 THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS: General Training Modules

Listening Practice Test 1 Unit 2 The Listening test
SECTION3 Questions 25-36

Questions 25-29
Complete tile table below. Write NO M ORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS
for encfr answer.


Name of Applica nt: {/jaff Parui

Telephone nu mber: 909 2167

Language to be learned: (25)-


Loca tion of class: (26) --------------

Time of class: (27) --------------

Name of class: (28) --------------

Date of commencemen t of class: (29)

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 17

Unit 2 The Listening test Listening Pract1Ce Test 1
Questions 30-32

Circle the appropriate letters A-D.

30. Anne is
A Vijay' s friend
B Denise's friend
C Vijay's boss
D Denise's boss.

31. When. Anne speaks she

A congratulates Denise
B ignores Denise
C criticises Denise
D praises Deni se.

32. When Denise replies she

A laughs at Anne
B sympathises with Anne
C argues with An ne
D apologises to Anne.

18 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Listening Practice Test 7 Unit 2 The Listening test
Questiotts 33-36

Liste11 to the directions a11d matell the places in questions 33-36 to t/ze appropriate let ter
A-H Oil the plan.

33. Reception area, admissions

34. Fees office

35. Book and stationery su pply

36. Travel agency

Robert Street

Q) entrance
u ulti
Games D
E ....

c - -
I escalators I Insurance G
A H Office

I entrance

Smith Street

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 19

Unit 2 The Listening test Listening Practice Test 1
.SBCTlOr 4 Questio11s 37-41

Questions 37-38

Look at questions 37-38 below n11d study tlze grid. Tick nll tlzc relevant boxes i11 mc/1 column.

37. I 38.
CITY Cities with old-structure Cities with good public
problem s transport
Los A ngeles



1J ong Kong

New York

Tai pei



Da llns

Questions 39-41

Wrilc N O M ORE THAN THREE WORDS to complete t11ese sentences.

39. The public transport available in Houston is

40. To red uce peak hour traffic jams, people can lravcl

41. Vehicles carrying more than one passenger can u se

20 THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS: General Training Modules

Listening Practice Test 1 Unit 2 The Listening test
Listening Practice Test 2
SECTION 1 Questions 1-10

Questions 1-4

Listen to the co11vcrsntio11 between hvo people in a shop which sells electronic goods.
Put n circle aro1111d the letter of tlze item they choose.


c D

Question 1

c D

THE NEW PREPA.RE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 21

Unit 2 The Listening test Listening Practice Test 2
Question 2

c D



Question 3

c D

22 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Listening Practice Test 2 Unit 2 The Listening test
Question 4


c D

Questions 5-10

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each n1151ver.

5. Where will Mary go no' ?

6. Who is \Vai ti ng for Tom?

7. Wha t time does Ma ry expect to come home?

8. Where is Mary's office?

9. Wha l TV program docs Tom plan to wa tch ton i gh t?

10. Where docs Tom have to go tomorrow?


ing Modules 23
Unlt 2 The Listening test Listening Practice Test 2
SECTION 2 Questions 11-22

Questions 11-17

Complete the request to terminate or transfer form.


Message for: (11) __ Student affai rs

Student's family na m e: (12)

Student's first name: (13)
Studen t nu mber: (14)

Teacher's name: (15)

Student's address: (16) --------------

Telephone: (17)

24 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Listening Practice Test 2 Unit 2 The Listening test
Qi1estions 18-22

Circle the approprinte letter A-D.

18. May wants to change classes because
A she doesn't like her teacher
B too many students share a language
C she can't under stand the work
D the class is too large.

19. In the even i ng class most students' first language is

A English
B Italian
C Spanish
D Japanese.

20. There is room in the new class because two students

A went hon1e
B dropped the course
C transferred
D gradua ted.

21. May prefers the evening class because it is

A inthe same room
B in the room next door
C in the same building
D in the building next door.

22. May wants Mrs Brooks to leave a message at

A the library
B her work
C her friend's house
D her home.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 25

Unit 2 The Listening test Ustening Practice Test 2
SECTION 3 Questions 23-31

Questions 23-27

Complete the table showing the students' opinions. Choose your answers fr om the box below.
There are more word s than spaces so you will not use them all. You may use any of the
word s more than once.

guitar violin pipa
organ flute bou zouki
piano drums harp

ballet music rap classical
heavy metal opera jazz
rock be-bop country

Student f avourite instrument f avourite style of music

' - " ".<
Example :::
..., GTeg
, "- <i:>
rifaf/fC ., efa cclaa.I "'
., "' - ! --






26 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Listening Practice Test 2 Unit 2 The Listening test
Questions 28-31
Write NO M ORE THAN TIIREE WORDS to complete the sentences.

28. Stimu1ating music speeds u p our -


29. Calming mu sic redu ces our -----------

30. music has very pred ictable rhythms.

31. Research may show if people of differen t percei ve

m usic differently.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 27

Unit 2 The Listening test Ustening Practice Tesc 2
SECTION 4 Questions 32-40

Questions 32-36

Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS,a11swer the following questions.

32. Who shou ld take charge of the pa tient'sheal th?

33. Wha t, i n the speaker's opinion, is the single grcalcst threat to health?

34. Which grou p in the stu dy was most at risk of early d eath?

35. Whi ch en vironmental hazard does the speaker find mosl u nder-rated?

36. What will be improved by an education campa ign?

Questions 37-40

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS to complete the se1Ltences.

37. Statistics qu oted show that wou ld prevent ma ny

38. Exercise shou ld be , so fi nd someone to joi n you i n

you r aclivi ty.
39. One i m porlan l way of preventing sports inju ry is by adequate _

40. Inju ries can also be red u ced by using tech n iq ues.

28 THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS:General Training Modules

Listening Practice Test 2 Unit 2 The Listening test
Listening Practice Test 3
SECTION 1 Questions 1-8

Questio11s 1-5

Listen to the conversatioll betwee/l the manager of the Stude11t Hostel a11d n student.
Tick (.!) if tlze information is correct, or write in the changes.


Charges f or meals

BREAKFAST $2.00 "2.50
LUNCH $3.00 .I

DlN N ER $3.00 (1)

THREE MEAL PLAN $-18.00 per week (2)

TWO MEAL PLAN $36.00 per \/\reek (3)

Meal Times

BREAKFAST 7.00 - 9.30 am (4)

LUNCJ_;I noon - 2.00 pn1

DINNER 6.00 -7.30 pm (5)

THE N EW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modul es 29

Unit 2 The listening test Listening Practice Test 3
Questions 6-8

Listen lo file co11versatio11 and 111afc'1 the places in questio11s 6-8 to the appropriate letters
A-F 011 the map.


Fees Off ice Ansuier B

6. Student Lounge

7. Key Room

8. Box Room

vend ing
mach ine
I store I
I room library
E J lib
W +E

c - - s

f emale WC
ma le WC D

A hssio ns

30 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Listening Practice Test 3 Unit 2 The Listening test
SECTION 2 Questions 9-19

Questions 9-16

Liste11 while a teacher tells you how to complete this note. Write NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer.


S ig 11a / 11re of Cuarrlit111 I Gm1111 I.ender

Questions 17-19

17. When will the bus get to the Blue Moun tain s?

18. What special equ i pment is on the bus?

19. What other class is going on lhe excursion?

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 31

Unit 2 The Listening test Listening Practice Test3
SECTION 3 Questions 20-30

Questions 20-22

Complete tlle tnble which shows when visitors may go to the differelll parts of the hospital.

Intensive Care Maternity Surgical Emergency

Example (20) (21

) (22)
visiting hours 6 (JJI( -IJ(tibrt

Questions 23-25

Complete the table showing who is allowed to visit, n11d the number of visitors permitted.

A Adults may visit

E - Everyone may visit
I Immediate family onJy

Intensive Care Maternity Surgical Emergency

Example (23) (24) (25)

p ermitted
- -_ ., '

32 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Ustening Practice Test 3 Unit 2 The Listening test
Questions 26-27

Circle TWO letters.

Example On Monday Andrew wm visit these ds

@ male surgical.
female surgical
c children's surgical
t> male geriatric
If fema)e gel'iaQ.'ic s ,"'
' s
'F infectiotts diseases. "'


26. On Tuesday A ndrew will be wilh

A Dr d1ang
B Dr Tho.mas
C Dr Gray
D Dr Robertson
E Dr Shay
F Dr Kom inski.

27. On Thursday and Friday Andrew will visit

A the nursery
B the hospital gymnasium
C the adm i nistration office
D the school room
E the teenage ward
F the children's ward .

Questions 28-30


28. Wha t time on Wednesday morning will Andrew be in lectures?

29 . How many first year studen ts are there?

30. What job d oes And rew's father do?

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 33

Unit 2 The Listening test Listening Practice Test 3
SECTION 4 Questions 31-38

Questions 31-35

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS to complete these entcnces.

31. Sa m uel Wells before Scholastic House opened i n 1903.

32. Scholastic I louse became -------------in 1963.

33. There were -------------original students.

34. One of these students became a prominent ------------

35. The college has a tradition of learning and ------------

Questions 36-38

Circle the n11propriale htf er A -D.

36. The college d icusscs controversial issues because it

A in forms the debate
B redu ces tension
C encou rages a rgument
D bri ngs posi tive publicity.

37. The princi pa l believes that

A science is less adva nced than medicine
B philosophy is more usef ul than science
C science is ahead of philosophy
D science is more useful than philosophy.

38. The pri nci pa l u rges the students to

A accept whal they are told
B ask questions at all times
C Lhi n k on ly abou l thei r studies
D think where progress will lead them.


ing Modules
Ustening Practice Test 3 Unit 2 The listening test
Listening Practice Test 4
SECTION 1 Q11estio11s 1-8

Listen to the conversation and comp lete the table. Write C for Cookery, S for Sport s
and T for Travel.

C = Cookery
Name of author S = Sports
T = Tra vel

' PeterAdats
gr -

Stephen Bau (

Pa m Campbell (2)

C. Kezik cf

Ari Hussein (3)

Sal1y Innes cf
Meg Jorgensen (

Bru no Murray (5)

R uby Lee (

Jim Wells (

Helen Yeung (

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 35

Unit 2 The listening test Ustening Practice Test 4
SECTION 2 Questions 9-18

Questions 9-14

Look at this invitatioll .Tick (.I) if tlze information is correct or write in tire changes.

Example Answer


AT BLACKWELL HOUSE _ _ _ ,{_ _,_,,_








Questio11s 15-18

Complete the se11tences below. Write NO M ORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

15. There is new road v.ork on

16. Do not use Blackwell Street beca use workmen arc

17. When you pass the roundabout, go aJong Brown Crescen t into

18. It's wisc to use the

----------------- -- -- -- ----

36 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Ustenmg Pr.:Ktice Test 4 Unit 2 The Listening test
SECTION 3 Questions 19-29

Q11estio11s 19-23

Label the parts of the lawn spri11kler. Choose words from the box below. There are more
words in the box than you will need .

Write the appro priate word s 011 the diagram.

holes base crank

spray tube handle gears
hjngc hose pipe water wheel
gu ide chain guard pulley

'! ,
I water spray





exn 111pIe _},o.s>e,;{oe (23)

THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS:General Training Modules 37

Unit 2 The Listening test Listening Practice Test 4
Questions 24-29

Circle Ille ap?Jropriate letter A-D.

24. The last examina tions will be held on

A November 26
B November 29
C Decembcr 2
D December 4.

25. Scoll is going to the United States

A to study
B to teach
C to travel
D to visit friends.

26. The general science course in the United States is

A similar
B simple
C djfficul t
D different.

27. Linda has had an extension to

A com plete her assignment
B do more research
C study
D go on hol id ay.

28. Comm u n ications and English '" illbe examined on

A December 1 morning
B December 2 m.orn i ng
C December 1 af ternoon
D December 2 afternoon.

29. Mark f inds teach ing this class

A boring
B tiring
C depressing
D stim ulating.

38 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: GeneralTraining Modules

Listening Practice Test 4 Unit 2 The Listeningtest
SECTION 4 Questions 30-39

Questions 30-39

Complete tile swnmanJ. Use words fr om the box. There are more words in tlte box tlm11
you 11eed. Some words may be used more than once.

rest relaxed angry warm

stress work hunger 45 degrees
chew exha ustion desk 40 degrees
noise tense study crowded
speak sm oky relaxati on
tired exerci se raised

The most usual cau se of headaches is (30) --------. Headaches can also
come as a result of excessive (31) --------

Some people say they get a headache when they (32) ------- This is
probably because the}' get very (33) _

It may also be because lhey are working in poor light which makes them very
(34) . Jt is helpful if you r read i ng ma terial is on a bookrcsl at

(35) to the desk. It is aJso im portant to be (36) _

in bed .

You may even get a headache beca use you (37) too ha rd.

The best advice is to try to cat regular meals, get enough (38)
_ and avoid (39) places.

THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS: General Training Modules 39

Unit 2 The Listening test Listening Practice Test 4
Listening Practice Test 5
SECTION 1 Questions 1-9

Questions 1-7

Listen to the conversation between Megan and Ken about how thetJ will spend the e-vening.
Circle the appropriate letter.

Exapte::" What is TJip"fJ;ftis 's new home rthone number? "
A 97
' 314322 B is13 4562 9452 3456 D 9340 2.367

1. What will Ken and Megan do this evening?

A B c D

2. Where is En tertainment City?


c D

40 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IElTS:General Training Modules

Listening Practice Test 5 Unit 2 The Listening test
3. When wi l l Ken leave?
A now
B in Len m inu les' time
C a t 10 o'clock
D in 30 mi n utes

4. How \.\'ill Mega n travel to Entertai nmen t City?


5. How ma ny people will they meet there?

A none
B th ree
c h\'O
D a grou p

6. How m uch '"'ill Lhc evening cost?

A nothi ng
B j usl the fares
C less tha n $40.00
D more lhan $40.00

7. Whal Li me does Megan plan. to come home?

A before mid n ight
B af lcr midnigh t
C on the last bus
D on lhc lasl tra in

Questions 8-9

Write ONE NUM BER for each nnswer.

Which telephone bu tton will Ken press:

Example: If he wishes to order a cab now? l

Which telephone bu tton will Ken press

8. if he w ishes to order a cab for later?

9. if he has losl something in a cab?

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 41

Unit 2 The Listening test Listening Practice Test 5
SECTION 2 Questions 10-20

Questions 10-15

Complete the 11otcs below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUM BERS
Jor ench a nswer i11 the spaces provided .

The plane will leave Gatwick Airport at (10) i n the morning. The
lransport from Athens Airport will be by (11) . The hotel is booked
for (12) nights. During our stay, the group will visit the National
Archaeologica l Museum in the morning.Group members will then have free time on

(13) evening. The group will see the Greek Islands and will travel
by (14) .Tradi tional (15) will be part of the package.

Questions 16-18

Circle TWO let ters

16. The orga niser would like to thank

A the Greek government
B the tra vel agent
C Bri tish Airways
D staff at the Bri tish Museum.

17. People should bring to the party

A photographs
B food
C ca mera
D d ri n ks.

18. The mem bers of the group share an interest in

A Greek culture
B studying old societies
C fine food
D lraveJ.

Questions 19-20

Complete this baggage label. 19

WORDS in the spaces provided.
0 20 ----------

42 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Listening Practice Test 5 Unit 2 The Listeningtest
SECTION 3 Questions 21-31

Questions 21-26

Write NO MORE THAN IBREE WORDS OR NUM BERS for eaclz answer.

21. When did the Language Learning Centre enter its new build ing?

22. Which country do most of the students come from now? --------

23. Wha t were the Indonesians studying at the La nguage Learning Centre?

24. HO\'\ Jong should studen ts stay at the Language Learning Centre?

25. Wha t is the most common class size? --------------

26. Who does Dr Robinson consider to be the best promoters of the Centre?

Questions 27-31

Complete tlte table showi11g which activities are available. Tick (.I) i11 the col1L m11 if a11
activity is available.

Activity all students beginners advanced

studen ts

Example -.

Soccer dub . ./ ;

. -
Non-English language courses
Jaz.z dub

Drama society
Choral group
Special conversation group

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 43

Unit 2 The listening test Listening Practice Test 5
SECTION 4 Questions 32-40

Questions 32-37

Circle the np pro prin te letter A-D

32. Most postgradua lc stu den ts are studying

A cou rses that fea ture vocat ional training
B fu II-time courses
C part-time cou rses
D resea rch-based courses.

33. Postgraduate students are advised to

A ta ke as many diverse subjects as possible
B accept an i n teJlectua l challenge
C be sure to have a defini te goal
D have already com pleted training.

34. The speaker says that where you study

A is of minimal im portance
B must be somewhere you like
C must be reasonably priced
D should be based on you r course.

35. Choosing an insti tu tion should be mainly based on

A the quality of the housi ng for postgradua te studen ts
B Lhc repu ta tion of the department they work in
C the rcpu lalion of the organisation they attend
D the qua l i ty of the supervision they receive.

36. These facil i ties a re the most important to the speaker:

A l ibra ries and laborator ies
B computer facilities
C secretarial support
D recreationa l orga nisations.

37. Postgra d uates can avoid feeling alone by

A joining associa ti ons of their peers
B d evelopi ng outside in terests
C pa rtici patin g in the ou tside community
D maki ng friends outside the university.

44 THE NEW PREPARE FOR let.TS:General Training Modules

Listening Practice Test 5 Unit 2 The Listening test
Questions 38-40

Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each

38. Students should not forget to budget for their

39. Students should check all study costs carefully because i nstitutions may

40. Postgraduate students cannot get loans from

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 45

Unit 2 The Listening test Listening Practice Test 5
Unit 3
The Reading test
How to use this Unit
This Un it con tai ns:
A pholocopiable masler of a Reading Pract ice Tests Answer Sheet which
resembles the actual Answer Sheet you will use in an IELTS test. Ma ke a copy
of this Answer Sheet to use for each Reading Practice Test.
Five General Trai n ing Reading Practice Tests. Each test, which is made u p of
three sections, shouId take one hour.

ln Un it 1of this book you will find general iniorma lion abou t the Reading Module
and strategies to hel p you before you begin.

You shou ld com plete each test under exam conditions. DO NOT u se a dictiona ry
to help you unti l after you have com pleted each Pra ctice Test.

Wri te your answer<.> on a copy of the Reading Practice Tests Answer Sheet (see the
next page). Do not write your an5wers on the question pages, because in an lELTS
test all answers in the Readi ng test are written on an Ansvver Sheet.

The answers to each General Training Reading Practice Test can be found in Unit 6.


ing Modules 47
Unit 3 The Reading test
Reading Practice Tests Answer Sheet
You may pho tocopy this pnge.
Lise om Anc;wer Sheet for each Read ing Practice Test.

1 22

2 I 23
3 24

4 25

5 26

6 27

7 28

8 29

9 30

r 31 t
11 32

I 33
13 34

14 I 35
I- -
15 36
16 37
17 38

18 39

19 40

,...._..... 1 41 I
21 42

Reading total:

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Unit 3 The Reading test
General Training Reading Practice Test 1
SECTION 1 Questio11s 1-15

Questions 1-3

011 the f ollowing pnge i!> n Co11tc11ts page fr om a 111ngnzi11e.

Answer questions 1-3 by writiJZg the nppropriate page 1111111ber or m11ubers where
the i11formatio11 np penrs in the magazine, in boxes 1-3 011 your answer sheet.

Example On what page is the main article in the magazine?

Answer 5

1. What page wou ld you turn lo for advice abou t money?

2. On wha t TWO pages can you read abou t art?

3. On wha t page is the new sports stadium discussed?

Ques tion 4

Answer Question 4 by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS 111 l1ox 4 011 your
a11S'wer sheet.

4. How often docs this magazine appear?

THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS:General Training Modules 49

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 1

From the Editor C O V E R S T O R Y 5

In this issue we publish
Mike Mikeson: a new
some of the many letters
smash-hit movie, but plans
we received on the new
for a dramatic career change
Sports Stadium, our cover
story last month. Your
reactions were certainly
mixed! Read our exclusive
interview with film-star
Mike Mikeson and his plans
to start a fast-food chain. Film Review 30
But there's so much more...
enough to keep you going Crossword 31
for the rest of the month.
Letters to the Editor 32
Until next time,

The Editor What's on Round Town 33

fl Art, Music,Theatre

12 Getaway Holidays
;Some popular and some unusual

18 Start Now
Marissa Brown of EastBank sets out a sound investment
and savings plan for young professionals

Best Wheels
Racing car driver Marco Leoni changes teams:
will it be Ford or Ferrari?

The Met
Metropolitan Art Museum hosts a new exhibition
of post-modern paintings

50 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 7 Unit 3 The Reading test
Questions 5-10

Read the ad vertisements for musical concerts below and answer the questions that follow.


/ o r J/ a n u a ry 2 00 1

A. Sydney Youth Orchestra

Conservatorium High School students play a selection of Mozart concertos.
Date: Sat. 4th and 11th January, 8.00 pm. $10 and $5

8. Let's Sing Together

An afternoon for the young and the young-at-heart. Led by the Giggles Band,
sing children's songs from your childhood and from all over the world.
There will be a special appearance by Willy Wallaby,
from the popular children's programme, Hoppy!
Date: Sun. 5th January, 3.00 pm. $5

c. One Romantic Evening

Bring someone special with you and listen to some of the greatest
love songs as you gaze at the stars together!
Date: Sat. 25th January, 8.00 pm. $20 and $12
Note: This concert will be held in the Conservatorium Rose Garden, not in the Concert Hall.

D. Rock n' Roll

Bop a long 'til late to the rock hits of the last 10 years. Bands playing include
The Hippies,The Hypers, and The Heroes.If you have a special request,
write it down at the ticket counter when you come in.
Date: Sat. 18th January, 8.00 pm. $1O and $5

E. Flamenco!
World-famous classical guitarist Rodrigo Paras will play a selection
of traditional Spanish Flamenco pieces.
Date: Sun. 19th and 26th January, 7.30 pm. $20 and $12

THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS:General Training Modules 51

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 1
Questions 5-10
Rend fht' atfoertise111e11tsfor musical events 011 tlze previous page.

Am,wer t/Jc quesf icms below by writing the appropriate let ter or letters A-E in boxes 5-10
011 your n11swer slteef . Your answer may req uire 111ore thn11 011e letter.

Example At which concert will a television character appear?

Answer 8

5. At which concert will young performers play?

6. W hich concert will be held ou tdoors?

7. Which concerts wiJ I happen m ore than once?

8. Which concert will featu re only one performer ?

9. \..Yhich concert is NOT being held at night?

10. At which concert can the audience choose what will be performed?

52 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modul es

Reading PractJCe Test 1 Unit 3 The Reading test
Questions 11-15

Read the information below on treatment for snake bite, then answer Questions 11-15.


Snakes are not normally aggressive and tend to bite only when they are threatened
or mishandled . Some snakes, e.g. the carpet snake, are not poisonous. Others, e.g.
the brown snake tiger snake and taipan, are very poisonous.

A Prevention
leave snakes alone and do not collect snakes
do not put your hands in hollow logs, und er piles of wood,
or in rubbish
be noisy when walking in the bush
look carefu1ly when walking through thick grass
use a torch around ca1nps at night

B Symptoms and signs

These do not appear immediately, but from about 15 minutes to
2 hours after the casualty is bitten. There are often no visible syn1ptoms
or signs. Take seriously any information from a casualty concerning:
strong emotional reaction
headache or double vision
drowsiness giddiness or faintness

nausea and / or vomi ting and diarrhoea

punctu re marks about 1centimetre apart at the site of the bite.
Bites are usually on the limbs, especially the legs.
breathing diff iculties

C Management
reassure the casualty
apply a pressure im1nobilisation bandage over the bitten area
and around the limb
seek medical aid urgently

D Snakebite Warnings
never wash the venom off the skin as this will help
in later identification
never cut or squeeze the bitten area
never try to suck the venom out of the wound

THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS: General Training Modules 53

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 1
Questions 11-15

The passage "First Aid for S11nke Bites " explains what to do in the event of a snake bite.

Read t]Je add i t ional instructions below rwd choose the section A-D to which each
instruction belongs. Write the appropriate letter in boxes 11-15 on your nnswer sheet.

Examp1e nevet:use a tight bandage

A11swe,r /).,. ';

11. hel p the casua lty to si t or lie down

12. wea r stout shoes, wal k-socks and jeans (or sin1i1ar clothing) in areas
where snakes could be presen t

13. pain or tigh tness in the chest or abdomen

14. do not try to catch the snake

15. swelJing of the bitten area

54 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 1 Unit 3 The Readingtest
SECTION 2 Questions 16-25

Rend "St11de11t Accommodatio11 nt Northside University" below n11d answer the questions
that follow.


Si tuated abou t 20km from the city centre, Northside University is not easy
to get to by public transport However, students have several different
alterna tives for accom modation on or near the Universi ty campus.

firstly, the Univcrsily ha several residential colleges; Burnside College,

Boronia College and Helen Turner College. Each of Lhcsc colleges provides
a si ngle ru l ly furnished room wi th shared bathroom facil i ties, and mcnls.
Burnsi de College is Lhe most expensive, with 1996 fees ra ngi ng from $154 -
$165 per week. However, each student room is equi pped with a pri va te
telephone and voice-mailing facilities, and within the next few months
coJlege students will have access to E-MAIL,On-Line library, INTER NET
and AARNEf via a network with the Universit). Boronia College has sim ilar
room facili ties but docs not offer the same com puter access. It also offers only
17 mea ls per week, compared to Burnside's 21. Fees vary from $1.+7 - $157
per week. Helen Turner College is a college exclusively for women, with
simila r fee!> to Boronia College. To attend classes, students ha,e a short wal k
from lhe residential Colleges to the main Universit) campus.

The Universi ty also provides 23 self-contained furnished townhouses.

These townhouses ha ve either 3, 4 or 6 bedrooms each and studen t
residents are expected to be studying fuJJ-timc. Rents in 1996 ranged from
$54 per week for a room i n a six bedroom flat to $68.50 per week for a room
in a th ree-bedroom house. Students wanting to l ive i n u n i versity housing
shou ld apply to the uni versi ty housing officer i n August of Lhc previous
year, as it is i n high dema nd . Smoking is banned in U niversity housi ng.

Off cam pus, there are ma ny fiats, townhouses and houses for ren t in the
loca l area. These can be fou nd by looking in the local newspaper under
ACCOMMODATIOI\i, or by checking notices pinned up on the boards
arou nd the universi ty. There are always students ad \ertising for
houscma tes and you can e\cn add a notice of you r own to the board.
However, even sharing accommodation \\ ith others can be expensi ve;
tenants arc usuall) req ui red to pay a rental bond, ren t in advance, and
telephone clcctricit} 'gas bills in addition to food bills. Be sure tha t you
knO\.'\ what you wilJ be req ui red to pay before }ou en ter into any wri tten

THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS: General Training Modules SS

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 7
Questio1ls 16-19

Clzoose the npproprinte letter A-C and write it in boxes 16-19 011 your a11swer sheet.

16. The U niversity Residential Colleges provide

A a place to live and regular classec;
B regu lar classes onl}
C a pl ace to live only.

17. Smoki ng is
A allowed in Uni versity housing
B not allowed in University housing
C allowed only in certain areas in Uni versily housi ng.

18. U niversi ly town houses are ava ilable for

A fu l l -time stu den ts only
B parl-ti me studen ts only
C all students.

19. Accom modation in Lhe area su r round ing the u niversi ly is

A sca rce
B plentiful
C scarce and expensive.

Questions 20-25
Complete the followi11g sentences with infon nntion fr om the passage. Write your answers
in boxes 20-25 011 your answer slzeet.

A student l iving in a 3-bed room University townhouse wou ld pay (20) _

per week for a room; in com pa rison, the chea pest accommodation available at
Bu rnside College is (21) per week. The fee charged at Bu rnside
College includes (22) meals per week, but at Bororua College only

(23) meals per week are included in the fee. Helen Tu rner College has
a similar fee structu re to (24) College, bu t only (25) may

live there.

56 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test I Unit 3 The Reading test
SECTION 3 Questions 26-40

Rend the pnssnge below nnd n11swer qllestions 26-40 that foLLow.

Kormilda College

Section A
Kormilda College is a unique school situ ated nea r Da rwin in A ustralia's Northern
Territory. For 20 years, Lo 1989, Kormilda College operated as a governmen t-run,
live-in school for high school Aboriginal students. In 1989 it v. as bought from
the Go\'crn mcnl by two Christia n church groups and since then it has expanded
enormously, to include a da) school as well as boarder<; (residential students)
in Years 8-12. Although 320 pupils of the College's total nu mber are Aborigi nal
students, d rawn mai nly from isolated communities across the Northern Territory,
Kormilda abo has a wa iting l ist of non-Aboriginal students. Wi th a curren t
enrol men t of 600, student n umbers are expected to grow lo 860 by 1999.

Section B
Central to the mission of the school is the encouragemen t of individ ual excellence,
wh ich has resulted in programs designed especially for the student population.
Special ist support programs allow traditional Aborigi nal students,'" ho arc often
second language users, to u nderstand and succeed in the mainstream cu rricu lum.
A Gif ted and Talented Program, includ ing a special A boriginal and Torres Stra it
Islander Tert iary Aspi ra tions prog ram, has been introdu ced, as has an Adapti ve
Ed u ca tion U n i t. Moreover, in Years 11and 12, studen ts may choose to follow
the stand ard Northern Territory Courses, or those of the In terna tional
Baccala ureate (l.B.).

Section C
To provide appropriate paslora l ca re, as weJl as a suitable academ ic stru ctu re,
three disti nct su b-schools have been established.
Pre-Seconda ry: For Aborigi nal and Torres Stra i t Isl ander studen ts i n Yczi rs 8-10
who a rc of second ary school age but have difficu l ties read i ng and wr i ti ng.
Supported Secondary: For Aborigi nal and Torres Strait lslandcr studen ts who
a rc of seconda ry school age and operating at seconda ry school yea r levels 8-12
who need specific second language literacy and n u meracy support.
Second ary: For mul ti-cu l tura l Years 8-12 students.

Stu dents remai n in thei r sub-schools for classes in the ma in subject areas of Engl ish,
Maths, Social Education and Science. This arrangement takes into accoun t bolh
cLi verse levels of literacy and the styles of learning and cultu ral understandings
appropriate to tradi tional Aborigi nal second-language users. In electi ve subjects
chosen by the studcnlc; - wh ich i ncl ude Indonesian, Music, Art, Drama, Science for
Life, Com merce, Geograph), Modem History,'Nood work, Metal Work, Economics
and Legal Studies - students mix on the basis of subject interest.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:Gern!ral Training Modules 57

Umt 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 1
Section D
To aid the developmen t of Lhc Aborigi nal Ed ucat ion program, a specia l ist
curricul u m Support Unit has been set u p. One of its functions is to re-package
school cou rses so that they can be taught in ways that suit the studen ts.

The educa tion program offered to Aboriginal students uses an approach which
begi ns with the studen ts' own experiences and grad ually bu ilds bi-cu ltura l
understa nd i ng. ln one cou rse, 11Tn lroduci ng Western Eu ropea n Cu ltu re Through
Trad itional Story-Telling", studen ts are helped to bu ild a common base for
approaching the English literature curriculum. on the oral culture of
trad itiona l Aborigi nal commu nitie&, they are introduced to trad itional stories
of other cultu res, both oral and lv ri tten. In a founda tional Year 10 cou rse, "Theory
of Lea rn ing", concepts from Aborigi nal cultu re are placed side by side with
Eu ropean concepts so lhat studcnls can use their own knowledge base lo hel p
bridge the cu l lu rnl d ivide.

A nother project of the Support Un it has been the publica lion of sevcrc:i l books, the
moc;t popu la r, Kormildn Capers. The idea for Kormilda Capers came abou t when it
became obvious tha t there was a lack of engaging materia l for the school's teenage
readers. One of the stories i n the book, "The Bul ma n Mob hi ts the Big Smoke",
recou nts the adventu res of Kormild a pupils on their first \ isit to S) dncy, Canberra
and the sno\>\. cou ntr). Focussing on experiences "'hich have directly affected the
lives of stu dents at the College, and on ideas and issues which arc of i m media te
in terest to Aboriginal students, Kor111ildn Capers has earned enthusiastic supporl
within and ou tsid e the school.

Questions 26-27

Complete tltc followi11x sc11te11ces witlt a NUMBER OR DATE from the pnssnRe.
Write your n11swers i11 boxes 26-27 011 your answer sheet.
26. Kormi lda College opened as a school in _

27. At lhc li me of w riti ng Lhere were non-Aboriginal stud ents

al Kormilda College.

58 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Reading Practice Tesr 1 Unit 3 The Reading test
Question 28

From the list below, choose the best head ing for Section B of the reading passage. Write the
appropriate letter A-D in box 28 on your answer sheet.

A Specialist teaching and teachers at Korm ild a College

B Special Programmes at Kormilda College for Aboriginal students
C The new look Kormilda College
D Program mes a t Kormilda College to pron1ote individual excellence

Questions 29-33

Thefollowing diagram shows how Kormilda College is organised .Complete the diagram
using information from the text. Use NO M ORE THAN TiiREE WORDS for each
answer. Write your answers i11 boxes 29-33 on your answer sheet.


(29) _

Sub-schools (30) _

) _

I Courses studied in sub-schools l,_ --<)"'



Social Education

(33) _

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 59

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 1
Questions 34-40

Read the passage about Kor111ildn College and look at the statements below.
In boxes 34-40 011 your answer sheet write:

TRUE if the statement is true

FALSE if the statement is not true
NOT GIVEN if t he i11formn tio11 is not give11 i11 the passage

34. Kormilda College ed ucatesboth Aboriginal and non-Aborigina l studen ts.

35. Some students travel from Arnhem Land to attend Kormilda College.

36. Students must study both the lntemational Bacca lau reate and Northern
Territory cou rses.

37. The Pre-Secondary School attracts the best teachers.

38. The specialist curricul um Support Unit adapts school courses so the students
can approach them more easily.

39. There are no oral trad itional stories inWestern commu nities.

40. The school helps the students make connections between Aboriginal
and non-Aboriginal cu l t u res.

60 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 1 Unit 3 The Reading test
General Training Reading Practice Test 2
SECTION 1 Q11estio11s 1-20

Questions 1-6

There are 5 advertisements A-E on the next page.

Answer the questions below by writing the letters of the appropriate advertisements
in boxes 1-6 on your a nswer sheet.

1. Which advertisement is not for a restaura n t?

2. yvruch TWO advertisements offer facilities for parties?

3. Which restau rant states tha t it serves breakfast?

4. Which restau ran t will give you an extra serving if you present the coupon?

5. Which restau ran t does not offer a takeaway service?

6. Which restaurant will bring the food you order to you r house?

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 61

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 2
Buy a Burger
Get the same one
You are invited to enjoy a special treat at Jaspar's Macquarie Pla7..a. Simply present
this coupon''ith you r next order and when you pu rchase the burger of your choice
it will be our pleasure to give you another burger of the same variety absolu tely
FREE! Valid only at Macquarie and ONE voucher per customer per day.
']aspar's Macquarie Plaza
North Richmond
Expires 9th May, ]997. Cannot be Eal in or Takeaway
used with any other J aspar's offer. Level 3, next to the cinema complex

Fine Italian Food
B.Y.O Eat In - Takeaway BYO 6932258
OPEN Lunch - Dinner '\lo Corkagc 6932260
and licen.;cd

Now: Better Menu - Food - Service Superb

J nl.,,i1tn lltvbnr
Winter Dishes and Dessert DNER 7 NIGHTS
Perfect for Parties 10% d iscount on takeaways
Separate party rooms and choice Free home delivery (local areas only)
of set menu available Banquet - only $16.50 per person
For 10-80 people and value for SSS Separate party room (up to 90 people)
Ph:271 8600 12 Oxford St. EPPING 63-65 John Street, RYDE
Opp. PO. Ample parking

writers cAfe
Dante Trattoria,Shop 4, Spring Centre, VEG ETAR IAN
Soldier's Road, Neutra l Bay. Ph: 953 1212
OPEN: Sam-midnight
Are you looking for some healthy
CUISINE: Italia n influence, menu changes alternatives to your menu? Join our
every four months.Breakfast includes creative and nu tritious three week
toast,pancakes,smoked salmon, program conducted by qu alified
scrambled eggs,gourmet sausages professionals, includ ing delicious
and fruit; light meals and lunch menu tastings and demonstrations.
includes pasta,salad,crepes,seafood,
Starting Wednesday May 10
soups,focaccia, burgers,desserts.
at 7.15 pm.
PRICES: Breakfast $4.50 - $8.90
Lunch $6.90 - $13.90 Centre for Health Management

ATMOSP HERE: Relaxed and quiet. Patrons can SYDNEY DAY HOSPITA L
dine inside or out. BOOK NOW 748 9696

62 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 2 Unit 3 The Reading test
Questions 7-12

Tilefollowing text is n series of general instructions for using a nJicrowave oven.

Part of eac11 instruction is underli11ed . l11 boxes 7-12 on your allswer sheet write:

E if the underlined section gives an EX AMPLE of tile instruction

R if the underlined section gives a RE ASON for t'1e instruction
CP if the underlined section is a CORRECT PROC E DU RE .


Example "" ', Anstuer' ,

\0::not bojlin fh'flhell (unls otherwise statetl). -
ssure wtf-bu:ild up'W'.td the eggs will expl6Qe. " R
7. Whilst heating liqu ids which contain air (e.g. m ilk or milk based
fl uids),stir several ti mes during hea ting to avoid spillage of the
l iqu id from the container.

8. Potatoes, apples, egg yolks, whole squash and sausages are all foods
with non-porous skins. This type of food must be pierced before
cookin& to prevent bu rsting.

9. Do not dry clothes or other materials in the oven. They may catch
on fire.

10. Do not cook food directly on glass oven tray unless indica ted
in recipes.Food should be placed in a suitable cooking uten sil.

11. Do not hit control panel. Damage to controls may occur.

12. Clean the oven, the door and the seals with water and a mild
detergen t at regular intervals.Never use an abrasive cleaner that
may scratch the surfaces around the door.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 63

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 2
Questions 13-20

Read tlze "Guided Walks and Nahtre Activities" infor111atio11 below, and answer
Questions 13-20.

Kuringai Chase National Park

Guided Walks and Nature Activities

Early Morning Stroll in Upper Lane Poetry around a mid-winter campfire

Cove Valley
Meet 7.00 pm Kalkaari Visitor Centre.
Meet at 7.30 am at the end of Day Rd, Share your favourite poem or one
Cheltenham while the bush is alive of your own with a group around
with birdsong. a gently crackling fire. Billy tea and
damper to follow. Dress up warmly.
Round trip:4 hours
Bring a mug and a rug (or a chair).
FRIDAY MAY 12 MEDIUM Cost $4.00 per person.

Possum Prowl Duration: 2.5 hours

Meet 7.30 pm at Seaforth Oval carpark. SUNDAY JUNE 25 EASY

Enjoy the peace of the bush at night.
Morning Walk at Mitchell Parle
Lovely water views. Bring torch and
wear non-slip shoes as some rock Meet 8.30 am entrance to Mitchell
clambering involved. Coffee and Park, Mitchell Park Rd, Cattai for a
biscuits supplied. pleasant walk wandering through
rainforest, river flats and dry forest to
Duration: 2 hours
swampland. Binoculars a must to bring
SUNDAY JUNE 4 HARD as many birds live here. Finish with
morning tea.
Bairne I Basin Track
Duration:3 hours.
Meet 9.30 am Track #8,West Head
Road. Magnificent Pittwater views.
Visit Beechwood cottage. Bring lunch GRADING
and drink. Some steep sections.
Reasonable fitness required. EASY suitable for ALL
fitness levels
Duration: approx. 6 hours.
MEDIUM for those who
PER\00\CALL'< exercise

HARD only if you

REGULARLY exercise

64 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 2 Unit 3 The Reading test
Questions 13-20

Below is a chart containing some of tlze Kuringai Chase Park Nature Activities. Fill
in the blanks using infonnatioll fr om f he brochure "Guided Walks and Nahtre Activities".
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in boxes 13-20 Oil your answer sheet.



MORNING _(13)_

MORNING varied landscape,

WALK _ (14)_ birds

POETRY warm clothes, _(15)_

rug I chair, poem _(1

_ (17)_ _ (18)_ coffee, biscuits peace,

19)_ _(20)_

THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS: General Training Modules 65

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 2
SECTION 2 Quest ions 21-31

Below nre tl1e course descriptions for five courses offered by a local co1mnu11ity college.
Read tile descriptiom; mid answer questions 21-31 .

Community College Courses

If you have no previous experience with compu ters, or you have some ga pe;
in your know ledge of the ba<.ics, then this is an appropriate cou rse for }OU.
This cou rse will give you a thorough groundi ng in the fundamental concepts of
com pu ti ng com mon to all compu ters. Itis a practical "hands on" cou rse that looks
at how a com pu ter opcrCltes and how the programs work. Usi ng three of the most
widel y used programs in busi ness, you will lea rn the basics of word processing,
spreadsheets and databases. By the completion of the cou rse you will be
prod ucti\'e al a basic level and competent to progress to the elementary level
of an} of the specialised programs. No previous compu ter skills assu med.
2 days
25045 Wed /Th u rs 12, 13 April 9.15 am-5.15 pm
25006 fues/ Wed 30, 31 May 9.15 am-5.15 pm

J n dealing with your customers you are in a posi tion of great importa nce. Your
abilities di rectly in fluence the company's bottom line. This cou rse will look ut
wClys lo revi tal ise the customer contact skills you al ready have and add many
more. Lea rn ways lo i m prove you r com mun ication with customers, at all levels;
techn iq ues to use wi th diff icult customers, how to confiden tly hand le com pl ai nts
and kee p you r cool i n stressfu l situations. Most i mportantly, you will learn
to bu ild good will a nd lrust with you r customers. Cou rse notes, lu nch and
refresh mcn ls provi ded .
Joshua Smi lh
Fee: $145
25026 Sal 20 May 9.00 a m-4.00 pm

Every thi ng you need to know before purchasing or sla rti ng a coffee shop,
tearooms or small restau rant. A usef ul course for all aspiring owners, managers,
and employees of these small businesses to assist them in ensu ring they don't
ma ke expensive mistakes and that their customer<> return agai n and agui n ...
Bring lunch. '\lotes and ma nual available (if required ) for 5>25 from Tu tor.
Sa rah Bridge
rce: $5'; (no concec;sion)
25252 Sat 6 Ma} 10.00 a m- 3.00 pm


ing Modules
Reading Practice Test 2 Unit 3 The Reading test
This course covers three areas of business communication:
Interpersonal Communication
Telephone Skills
Business Wri ti ng Skills

Leaming Outcomes: At the end of the course participants will be able to

effectively: Pla n and wri te workplace documents in plain English; gather,
record and convey i nformation using the telephone and in a face-to-face situation;
interact with clients with in and external to the workplace abou t routine matters
using the telephone and face-to-face contact. An excellen t cou rse for those entering
or retu rning to the workf orce. A Statement of Competency is issued if the
assessmen t req ui remen ts are successf ully completed.
Doug]ass McDou gall
25021Wed 3 May-2J June 7.00-9.00 pm

Are you ha ting work, wa nti ng a different job, needing a change or wanti ng
a promotion? Co1ne along to a new tvvo day program for women. We will
explore your work goals and what holds you back, your fears in a work
environmen t and how you handle them, your image and wha t it says to others,
your communication style and what it says. You will develop more confidence
to make changes, get clearer about what you want and have the cou rage to act.
Itis a relaxed, informative and fun workshop with lots of practical tips!
Sophie Bradley
Fee $199
25036 Su n 18,25 J une 9.30 arn-4.30 pm

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 67

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 2
Questions 21-25

Choose tile ti/ le whiclt best fits each course and write the number I to I X in boxes 21-25
on your answer sheet. Note: tltere are more titles than you will need .



Course A: (21)

Course B: (22)

Course C: (23)

Cou rse D: (24)

Course E: (25)

Questions 26-30

From the information about the courses, answer Questions 26-30 lnj writ ing the
appro priate LETTER OR LETTERS A-E in boxes 26-30 on your answer sheet.

26. Which course is not specifically related to people'sjobs?

27. ln which course arc men not invited to pa rtidpate?

28. Whi ch TWO cou rses have course notes to go with them?

29. Which course will deaJ with writing skills?

30. Which cou rse is on at nigh t?

68 THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS:General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 2 Unit 3 The Reading test
Question 31

Three of tlte courses speci fically cover the same subject. Choose the subject from tlze list
below and write its name in box 31 on your answer sheet.

Writi ng skills
Commu nication
Fina nce
Work goals
Ma nagement

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:GeneralTraining Modules 69

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 2
SECTION 3 Questions 32-42

Great Inventions

There arc some things we use every day. Can you imagine a world withou t
zippers to fasten clothing? Have you ever wondered abou t the layou t of the
keyboa rd of a ty pewr i ter, v. hich we see every day on the compu ter? These are just
two of the many inven tions which have made ou r lives easier. Maybe that's why
""c don't th i n k abou t them very much!

The Zipper
\.Yhatever did ""'c do before the invention of the zipper?

In 1893 the world's first 7ipper was produced in Chicago. Allhough the i n ventor
cla imed tha t i t was a reliable fastening for clothing, this was not the case. The
Chicago zipper sprang open'vithout warning, or jam med shut, and i t swif tly lost
populari ty. Twen ty yea rs later a Swed ish-born engineer called Sundback solved
the problem. He a ttached tiny cups to the backs of the interlocki ng teeth, and
this mean t tha t the teeth cou ld be enmeshed more firmly and reliably.

Al first i:ippers were made of metal. They were heavy, and i f they got stuck it was
d ifficult to free them. Then came nylon zippers which were lighter and easier to
use, and had smaller teeth. The fashion ind ustry l iked the neV\ zippers far better
because they did not distort the line of the garment or weigh down ligh t fabrics.
They \Vere also easier for the machinists to fit into the garmen t.

Meanwhile a new fasten i ng agent made its appea rance at the end of Lhe hven tieth
centu ry: vclcro. Velcro is another produ ct made from nylon. Nylon is a very tough
synthetic fibre first d eveloped in the 1930s, and bea ri ng a na me lo remind the
hearer of the two pl aces where it was developed: N Y for New York and LON for
London. Velcro is made wi th very small nylon hooks on one side of Lhc fastening
whi ch catch tin y looped whiskers on the other side of the fasten i ng. I t is st ron g
and d u rn blc.

Velcro is used on clothing, luggage and footwear. IL is q u ick and easy to fasten and
u nfasten, and has ta ken a large part of the zipper's share of the market. 1t is also
used in ways a zipper cannot be used - for instance as an easil y changed fastening
on plaster casts, and to hol d furn ishi ng fabrics in position.

The Typewri ter and the Keyboard

The keyboa rd of the modern typewriter is laid out i n a most odd fashion. Why
wou Id anyone place the letters on the left side of the top row of the keyboard in
the order Q W E R 1Y? The answer is simple: to slow the typist down. But first,
let's consider the history of the typewriter itself.

70 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IEJ.TS:General Training Modules

Reading Pract1Ce Test 2 Unit 3 The Reading 1est
Jn the 1860's a newspa per ed i tor called Christopher Sholes l i ved i n Mi l waukee,
USA. Sholes i nven ted the first of the modern typewriters, althou gh there had
been patents for typewriter-like machines as early as 1714, when Queen Anne of
England gran ted a paten t to a man called Henry Mill for a machi ne which would
make marks on paper "so neat and exact as not to be dislingu ishcd from print".
In1829, across the A tl an ti c in Detroit USA,William A ustin Burt took ou t a patent
on a typewri ter-li ke machine, four years before the French i n ven tor Xavier Projean
prod uced his machine designed to record '\Vords at a speed comparabl e to
someone w ri ting wi th a pen.

So the typew ri ter was not a new idea, although there had not been a successful
realisation of the idea before Christopher Sholes' machine. His typew riter became
very popu la r, and soon people learned to type very quickly - so qu ickly, in fact,
tha t the keys became tangled. On manual typewriters the cha racters were set on
the end of ba rs w hich rose to strike the paper when the key was pressed. ln the
first models, the keys were set alphabetically.When a quick typist tapped out
a word like federal, it was very likely the adjacent e and d keys wou ld become

Sholes therefore set abou t finding "'Tays to slow the typist down. He looked for
the letters which were most often used in English, and then placed them far away
from each other. For insta nce, q and u, which are almost al ways used together in
Engl ish, arc sepa ra ted by five intervening letters.The pla n \l\.Orked, and the typist
was slowed down a l ittle.

When corn pu lcrs ca me i n to use in the latter part of the twen tielh cen tu ry it was
suggested tha t the keyboard should be rationalised. After all, there was no longer
any need to avoid cl ashing manual typewriter keys. One new boa rd induded keys
which prod uced l cltcrs which frequently occur together in Engli sh, l ike ing and th
and ed, so lhc word tlr iHg wou ld take two strokes to wri te i nstead of five. Although
this mad e pcrfccl sense, people fou nd it very ha rd to learn lo u se a new keyboard,
and the idea was d ropped. ft is u nlikely that the keyboa rd wi ll ever be changed: as
we approach lhc Lw cn ty-first century the voice-acti vated com putc1 already in an
advanced state of development, is becoming more and more accessible. lL is very
likely lhal we will soon have machines which take dicta tion as we speak to them,
and the keyboa rd w ill be u sed for corrections.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 71

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 2
Questions 32-37

From the informatio11 in the read ing passage, classiftJ tile following events as occurring:

A - before the nineteenth cen lury

B - during the nineteenth century
C - in the first hall of the twentieth century
OR D - at the end of the twentieth centu ry

Write the ap propriat e letters A-D i11 boxes 32-37 on your answer sheet.

32. Sundback' s zipper

33. the development of nylon

34. the development of velcro

35. the development of Lhe fust typewri ter-like machi ne

36. the first appearance of Sholes' typewriter

37. the development of the voice-activated com puter

Questio11s 38-42

Read the passage about Great Inventions a11d look at tlze statements below. In boxes 38-42
on your aJLswer sheet write

TRUE if the statement is true

FALSE if the statement is not true
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage

38. The first zi pper was successful as a fastener.

39. Nylon was used a lot during the Second World War, 1939-1945.

40. The first typewriter' s keyboard was different to the modem keyboard.

41. The keys of Sholes' first machine were likely to ja m.

42. New compu ters will use the rationalised keyboard.

72 THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS:General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 2 Unit 3 The Reading test
General Training Reading Practice Test 3
SECTION 1 Questions 1-14

Questions 1-3

Use i11formnti o11 in the description below to answer Questions 1 to 3. Write your answer
in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.

Morpeth is today a small town about two hours' drive north of Sydney.The town
of Morpeth grew from an original 2000 acres of land given to an English army
officer, Lieutenant Edward Close (1790-1866), in 1821. During the 1830s and 1840s
Morpeth became a major river port, due to its favourable location. Produce, hides
and timber were brought to Morpeth from inland New South Wales and shipped
down the Hunter river to the coast and then to Sydney . However, in 1870 a railway
line reached the town, and the importance of river shipping began to decline.
Today, Morpeth,with its beautiful old buildings,is a popular tourist destination.

1. When \Vas Lieutenant Close given the land on which Morpeth grew?

2. On what river is Mor peth situated?

3. When did trains first get to Morpeth?

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 73

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 3
Questions 4-7

There are four advertisements on the next page for places to stay 11ear M orpeth.

Answer the questions below by writing the letters of the appropriate nd vertisen1ents
in boxes 4-7 011 your answer sheet .
4. Which TWO places to stay have restauran ts?

5. Which place claims to offer the cheapest rate?

6. For more information, to which place can you telephone free of charge?

7. At which place can the guests cook their own food?

74 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 3 Unit 3 The Reading test
WHERE TO STAY Accommodation


Country Comfort Inn, Siesta Motel

Hunter Valley ''Spend a night - not a fortune"
The Country Comfort Tha t's the Budget Motel chain motto. The
Inn, Hunter Valley, is Siesta Motel, rated 3-star, is conveniently
a beau ti fu11.y restored placed at the gateway to the winery
125-year-old building district and nearby to the historic
just 20 minutes from towns of Morpeth and Wollombi.
the vineyards. The family-owned and operated
Formerly an orphanage, Siesta offers airconditioned comfort
the Inn is set on 10acres and a friendly atmosphere. A free light
of landscaped gardens breakfast is delivered to your suite and
complete with pool, excellent meals are available at the
sau na, tennis cou rt, Maitland City Bowling Club next door.
spa, gym, billiard room, Quality of accommodation is assured
guest lounge, fireplace, and the tariff is the lowest in the district.
cocktail bar, and two
258 New England Highway, Maitland.
restaurants. Special
Phone (049) 32 83 22
packages available.
New England Highway,
Call toll free 1800 065 064
or (049) 32 52 88

Eskdale Country Cottages

Rustic cottages secluded amongst gum
c trees provide quietness and privacy
on 200 acres. The cottages are located
on the historic beef cattle property,
Endeavour East "Eskdale", nestled in the Williams Valley.
Maitland Motel Each cottage is completely self-contained
28 modern, comfortable having 2 bedrooms, full kitchen facilities,
3-star units which open and sitting rooms with TV and video, and
onto the swimming pool offers comfortable rural accommodation
and barbeque area. All to those who enjoy the delights of the
units fea ture TV and country yet still retain access to the city.
videos, airconditioning, Situa ted close to the towns of Morpeth,
2 with spas. Maitland, Port Stephens & rainforests
Fully licensed restaurant around Dungog .
wi th cocktail bar and Nelson Plains Road, Seaham NSW 2324.
lounge is open 7 nights. Phone (049) 88 62 07, 88 62 09
Close to all amenities. Fax (049) 88 62 09
New England Highway,
East Maitland.
Phone (049) 33 54 88

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 75

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 3
Questions 8-14
Read the descriptio11 below of the toum of M orpeth and answer the quest io11s that follaw.
The best way to see Morpeth is to take the Morpeth Heritage Walk. This covers abou t
three ki lometres, and takes visitors past many beau tifu l h istorical buildings. Starling
at foig Tree I t ill, which has picnic facilities, stroll past the Surgeon's Cottage, bu ilt in
1845, formerly home of the local doctor, now shops. From there you will come to
Vlorpeth Bridge, erected in 1870, which replaced a ferry boat. Opposite it on the right
is the Courlhouse, still in use today. Continue your walk past the historic Railway
Station, then tu rn into George Street. Stroll past gracious houses until you come to the
Church of the Immaculate Conception on your right, built of bricks made in Gosford.
Continuing up George Street, you come to the shopping district; browse through the
shops or stop for refreshment. Your tour of Morpeth \.vi ii fi nish at magnificen t
Closebourne I l ou, bu ilt in 1826 by Lieutenant Edward Close.

Tourist attractions
A Fig Tree Hill
------ B
Ferry Boat
George Street
D Gosford
E Church of the
Immaculate Concept on
F Closebourne House
G Morpeth Bridge
H shopping district

- ..- .. - - ..- ..III..- ......

I Surgeon's Cottage
J Railway Station
K Courthouse

.. -
Using informat ion from the text,fill in the names of the numbered tourist att rnctions on
the map. Write yo11 r answers in boxes 8-14 on your answer sheet. The first one has been
done for you ns an exarnp le. Note: t here are more names fhnn you will need .

[- : xai d ,- I
8. [!] =
9. [!] =
10. @] =
11. -=

12. =

13. IIl=
14. 00 =

76 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 3 Unit 3 The Reading test
SECTION 2 Questions 15-27

Read the information about the Numeracy Centre below, and answer Questions 15-27.

Many business and marketing courses require a knowledge of introductory

statistics, c01nputing or mathem.atics. If you feel inadequately prepared for
your course, you can get help from the Numeracy Centre, which offers FREE
elen1entary help inn1aths and statistics. Grab a timetable from the Centre
and drop in when it suits you.

The first course available to students is a Revision Course in Basic Maths. This
3-hour lecture will review mathematical concepts necessary for elementary statistics,
such as fractions, area and percentages up to a Year 8 level of mathematics. Itis not
necessary to book, so feel free to drop in. This session is FREE!

For those students doing marketing cou rses, and other courses requiring statistical
analysis, there is the Bridging Course in Statistics for Marketing. This three-day
course introduces ideas in elementary statistics to provide a starting point for
further developments in statistical skills later on inother courses.The course
is run in sessions of three hours, in the form of a one-hour lecture followed by a
two-hour tutorial. Examples will be drawn from the reference books listed. The
tutorials will be interactive where possible (eg. drawing random samples fron1
the population of numbered cards in class) wi th hands-on experience of data
manipulation using MINITAB on a bank of PCs.

Statistics for the Practitioner is slightly different to the previous course, which
must be co1npleted before this course. Thi s course is largely non-mathematical.
Itwill instead concentrate on the interpretation and application of statistics rather
than on computation. The statistical package MINITAB w.ill be used as a teaching
tool. This course will be con ducted over two days in the form of workshops and
srna11 group discussions, with a strong emphasis on hands-on experience of data
manipulation using computers.

A further course of interest to many students is English for Computer Studies.
Students with English as their second language who will be needing elemen tary
computing for their courses are encouraged to enrol in this 8-hour course. Stu.dents
will learn through workshops giving hands-on experience. The cost of the course
is $15 which indudes notes and refreshments.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 77

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 3
Questions 15-22

Below is a chart summarising information about the Numeracy Centre courses. Comple te
the required details using information from the passage. Writeyour answers in boxes
15-22 011 your answer sheet.

I Course Cost Number of Name of previous Teaching Method

hours I days studies required

A _(1
5)_ 3 hours None _ (1

B _ (17)_ None lecture and

hours --(18)--

c 2 days _ (19)_ _(20)_

and smaJJ groups

D _.(21)_ 8 hours None _(


Questions 23-27

Courses A to D are each aimed at helping a specific group of shtdents. Below is a List of
different students .M atch the stude1Lts to the course that would help them most. f n boxes
23-27 on your answer sheet write the letter A,B, C or D for the number of the course,
or N if there is no course available for the student 's need s.

23. Narelle, from Taiwan, has to use a com puter to do assignments in her
business studies classes.

24. Joe, who left high school 10 years ago, wants to brush up on his maths before
he starts his stu dies for the year.

25. Jenny needs an advanced cou rse on computer graphics for her studies
in Graphic Design.

26. Geoff, who has to read many articles containing statistics, needs to know
how to interpret and apply the facts and figures.

27. Bob needs to know how to perform some of the basic statistic eq uations
for the assignments in his business cou rse.

78 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 3 Unit 3 The Reading test
SECTION 3 Questions 28-40

Read the passage below and answer Questions 28-40 that follow.

Business Pl

What is a Business plan ?

It is probably best described as a summary and evaluation of your business idea,
in wri ti ng.

Preparation of a business plan is the first and most im portant task for the business
starter.The plan should include details concerning the industry in which you operate,
your product or service, marketing, production, personnel and financial strategies.

What purpose does it serve?

A business plan allows you to think through all the factors of a business, and to
solve potential problems before you come to them. It will identi fy strengths and
wea knesses and hel p to assess whether the busi ness can succeed. Itis a blueprin t
for starting, ma i n ta i ni ng or ex panding a busi ness. It is a \'\ orking plan to use in
comparing your achievements to the goals you set. lt should provide information
req u ired by financial institu tions when finance is c;ought.

How to produce a Business plan

Step 1: Collect 111/ormation
Gather as much relevan t informa tion as possible concerning the ind u stry
in which you intend to operate (the number of businesses already opera ting,
the size of thei r opera tions, where they are located ). Use books, ind ustry
associa tions, and existing business owners to help you .

Collect all possi ble i nforma tion regarding the market / s you are aim i ng for
(who buys, why do they bu y, what are the key features the custom er l ooks for).

Lea rn all you can abou t the produ ct/ s or services you in tend to produce,
distribu te or offer.

Step 2: Anal ysis

Read over all the material you have collected and decide what is releva nt to
you r business idea. You may have to modify your idea depending on wha l your
research shows. The key q uestion to ask is:
"Ca n you design a business that will earn enou gh to cover costs a nd pay
a wage and reasonable profit to you as proprietor?"

When Steps 1 and 2 arc com pleted, you shou ld have decided if there is a market
for you r prod u ct or service which is large enough and sufficien tly accessi ble to
make your ne" business financially worthwhile. Now you are ready to commit
you r plan to paper.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 79

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test3
Step 3: Strategy Formulation
Decide how the busi ness will operate. You should describe how the business
will be n1anaged, and the staff and organisational structure that will be in place.
Diagrams may be useful to show how these areas will work. Don't forget to
incl ude the areas of responsibility for each member of staff. This is especially
importan t if some of your staff will be family members.

There are three further parts that go together to make a co.m.prehensive

business plan:
A Marketing plan, which includ es location, method of selling, packaging,
pricing and so on. In all these areas you must be aware of consumer trends
to make sure that your business does not become outdated or irrelevan t.

An Operational plan, which describes the day-to-day running of the business.

You should include supply sources, cost and quantities of materials, processes,
equipment and methods of extending the services or products offered.

A Financial plan, which is a master budget for the operation and includes:
- cash flow forecast
- balance sheet
- profit and loss statement
- sources of finance
- sales forecast and target.

The financial aspects of the plan are most important and you should develop or
access financial skills to make sure this part of your plan is accurate and realistic.
Don't forget set-up costs and the money needed to see you through an initial
period of low cash flow when calculating your first year's budget.

Update your Business plan

Nothing remains constant in business; circumstances change, markets change,
fashions change, methods change.

From time to time you m ust check your sources of information and reassess your
business pla n. What is relevant when you start i.s not necessarily so in five years'
time. You 1nay also need to revise targets and budgets if external factors (such as
interest rates) vary.

Keep your information up-to-date and be prepared to change as circumstances

demand. A business plan should be thought of as flexible, not fixed. If you use
these steps to develop a business plan1 changing it according to circumstances,
you will be well on the way to a successf ul business.

80 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 3 Unit 3 The Reading test
Questions 28-34

Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in the passage
"Business Planning?"
Tn boxes 28-34 011 your answer sheet write

YES if the statemen t agrees with the writer

NO if the statement does not agree with the writer
NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this i11 the passage

28. A business plan m ust be written down.

29. Creating a busi ness pla n is only necessary for a new business.

30. A business plan should include a diagram of your proposed office

or shop layou t.

31. A busi ness should generate enou gh money to pay salaries, and some profit
to the owner.

32. The roles of family members inthe business must be dearly defined in the
bu siness plan.

33. You shoul d expect not to earn much money in the first year.

34. Once a business plan is finished, no further changes will need to be made to it.


IELTS:General Train ng Modules 81
Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 3
Questions 35-40

The text describes how to mnke a business plnn. Choose the correct word or phrase fr om
the box to complete the follow ing flow chart of how to make a busi11ess plnn. Write its letter
in boxes 35-40 on your answer sheet.

(35) _

Sources:books, industry
associations.other people

Analyse Information

Ask: (36)---


_ Areas to describe:



(40) _

A Advertising
B Keep your business up-to-date
C Find in formation
D Create a sample product
E Find a good location
F Organisational structure
G Can 1find good staff?
H Opera tions
I Crea te your business plan
J Can my business 1nake enough money?

82 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 3 Unit 3 The Reading test
General Training Reading Practice Test 4
SECTION 1 Questions 1-13

Questions 1-3

There are 6 office messages A-F on tlze next page.

Answer Questions 1-3 lnj writing the appropriate letter A-F in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.

1. Which message changes the time and place of a meeti ng?

2. Which message is probably personaJ?

3. Which message is from a company which is trying to sell something?

THE NEW PREPAR FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 83

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 4

Plea..s-e ea.II II{)J((}/l INTEROFFICE MEMO

cfk (,(/I; f be o.t Meeting in the boa rd room on
8181516 ifjd Friday, J uly 10 at 10 am has been
changed to Monday, Ju ly 13.
lfftJ>.s> h-e1" at h-olffe.
Same time, same place .
Please bring the notes of the
previous meeting.

You are invited
to a demonstration of our new audio-visual office products
10 Barry Avenue
5 pm,July 28.
RSVP. Refreshments wfl/ be served.

Please note:
10.30 12,30
July 27
Websters Trading Company meeting,
30 Ba rrow Street.
12 Uo1tM R()arl

MEMO TO: C. Gates

Please confirm your fligh ts \
Qantas. We have you booked to MEMO TO: C. Gates
depart August 21at 10 am and
to return a week later, arriving Check amendments to the
August 28 at 7 pm. The company Li ng Kee conlracl. Do we
will pay all expenses of this trip. really wan t to offer 10%?
Please see me this morning
at 10 i n my office.

84 TttE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 4 Unit 3 The Reading test
Questions 4-13

Rend tire Dnily Work Record form below. It records n week's work btj Ama11dn Lee, n
te111pornry typist, who ltns been sent on a job by her employer, j & B Offic e Temps Pty Ltd .
Some sections of the Daily Work Record fon11 are marked with the letters A-0 .

rzt J & B Office Temps pty Ltd Level4,356 Elizabeth Street, Elswick
Telephone 390 5647 Facsimile 390 7733
Temporary Office Staff - no job too small



Reporting to: Name:(BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE)

B Kate Shea AMANDA LEE m

Office Removaflsts Pty Ltd
21 West Street Week ending'.
Box Hill Sunday 1411 I 96

D MONDAY 811196 9:00 5:15 :45 7:30

m TUESDAY 911196 8:30 5:00 :30 8:00

Cl WEDNESDAY 10 I 1 I 96 8:45 5:30 :15 8:30
D THURSDAY 11 11196 9:15 5:45 1:00 7:30
D FRIDAY 12 I 1 I 96 9:00 5:00 :30 7:30
SUNDAY 14 I 1 I 96 :
TOTAL 39:00 13

Please sign and also print name PLEASE TICK

Comp leted 0 Continu ing "7f
l!I t'ate cfiea J & B TEMP SIGNATURE
Icrtofy that tht <lbOve hovrs,lntludtng any overtim e.
are a true and correct record of hours WO<ked Icertify that tht' above hour 1nclu<ltng ny overtime,
are a true and <e><rKt record of hour> worked.


1 Complete this Dally Work Record using the format hh:mm (nine-fifteen in the morning "' 9.15 am).
If you do not use this format your hours may not be entered properly and your pay may be delayed.
Work to the nearest 15 minutes.
2. Sign the completed Daily Work Record as a correct record of your hours worked
3 When you have completed the Work Record.ask your Supervisor to check and sign. Your pay will
not be processed untilthis 1s done.
4 Make a copy of the Daily Work Record for your own records.
5 Fax the Work Record J & B Pty Ltd on 390 nJJ, by 10 00 am Monday.

WE REQUIRE: Bank Code (BSB). Account yo:.i are taxed corec'.'y Tax
Your bank details to be Number. Account Name Certificates are sent out al
completed on the enc:osed A completed Employment the end of the '1nanc1al year
Banking Form Declaration Form including to your home address


les 85
Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 4
Questions 4-7

Using tlte i11for111ntioll i11 flze daily work record form a11d tlzc i11structio11s, anszver the
questions be/010 by writ i11g the Letter of the appropriate section A lo 0 in boxes 4-7
011 your answer c;heet.

4. Which section has the address of the company to "-hich Amanda has been sent?

5. Which daily lime record sho""s the longest working day?

6. Which daily lime record the longest break?

7. In which section did Amanda indicate whether the job is still going on?

Questions 8-12

Using NO M ORE THAN THREE WORDS, answer the followh1g questions. Write your
answers in boxes 8-12 on your answer sheet.

8. Whal formal must be used to record the hou rs worked?

9. Whal shou ld employees copy for thei r own records?

10. Who m usl check and sign the work record before pay men t will be processed?

11. Wha t day m ust the work record be received?

12. What mu sl be w ritten on the Employment Dec\aralion form?

Question 13

UsiJ1g NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS, comp lete the fo llowiHR sentence. Write
your aH swcr ill l.Jox 13 on yott r a nswer sheet.
13. Ta x ccrli fi ca tcs arc sent to --------

86 THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS:General Training Modules

Reading Practice Tesr 4 Unit 3 The Reading test
SECTION 2 Questions 14-27

Here and on the next page are several passages giving illformatiou for overseas stL1de11ts
at tile Language and Culture Center in Houston in the USA.

Informationfo stdents at the Language and Culture Centet

Student information
Campus Activities
LCC students can enjoy many sports at the u ni versity. You will find tennis and
hand ball courts, gymnasiums, and indoor and outdoor swi mmi ng pools. At the
Un iversi ty Center (UC), you can play pool or table tennis. LCC studen t tea ms
compete in universi ty in tra mu ral sports. The LCC has one of the best soccer teams
on cam pus! Please sign up and play.

You can also sec films and plays, attend lectures, and go to concerts on campus.
There are ma ny international clubs where you can meet other students &om yoUI
home country.

Weather Emergency
If the Un iversi ty ofITouston closes because of emergency weather conditions,
the LCC wi ll also close. ln the event of an emergency, all LCC studen ts arc advised
to listen to major radio or television stations for announcements rega rd ing
cancellation of classes or the closing of the cam pus.

Teacher Emergency
Al ways wail i n the classroom 15 minutes for you r teacher. If the teacher does
nol come after 15 m i n utes, you may leave. Please go to your next schedu led class
on time.

Wiflrdrnwing from the LCC

You may wi thd raw from Lhc LCC if you have a medical emergency, a fa mil y
emergency, or if you wish lo return to yoUI home cou n try. If you withdraw for one
of these reasons, you may receive a pa rtial refu nd of you r tui tion. The LCC cannot
ref u nd you r a pplica tion fee, contract fee, insu rance fee, or late registra tion fee.
A tui tion refund must be a pproved by the director and will be given according
to the following schedu le:

Time of Wi thd rawal Amount of Refund

Registration "' eek 90''o
First week of classes 75%
Second week of classes SO"ti
Third week and after No refund

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 87

Unt 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 4
Health Care
If you arc ill,see a d octor at the University Health Cenlcr first. LCC students can
visi t a doctor at the Hea l th Cen ter. Medici nes are available through the pharmacy.
You shou ld use the Heal th Center as often as you need to. The Heal th Cen ter
is located behi nd the Student Service Center.

For some heal th problems, you may need to see an outside doctor.The I Icalth
Center can hel p you find one. There are many clinics in Houston for mi nor
emergencies. Some of them are open 24 hou rs a day. For big emergencies there
are good hospi tals in Houston.

All LCC studen ts must have hea1th insurance. You must buy heal th insu rance
through the LCC u nless you have proof of another heal th insurance plan or
fina ncial responsibili ty for at least $50,000.

LCC policies
Attendance and Academic Progress
The best way to lea rn English is to come to class regularly and to do you r
homework. If you miss several days of classes, for any reason, you cannot
keep up with the other students. The Language and Cu l ture Cen ter is a serious
academi c progra m i n intensive English and wanl& all of its studen ts to succeed.
Therefore, studen ts are expected to attend all classes regula rly, do all classroom
assignments, meet all class requ irements, and make academic progress. Students
who do not meet these sta ndards may be placed on academ ic proba tion. Students
placed on academic proba tion will meet with Lheir lcachcr(s) and with either or
both the associate d irector and foreign student advisor. Students will be informed
in writi ng of the terms and length of their probation.

Students who ha ve 30 hou rs of absencesare in danger of being placed on academic

probation. Students failing to meet the terms of thei r probation will be term i na ted
from the LCC for the remai nder of the sem.ester. Th is will also .likely resu lt i n Joss
of stu dent status with the US Immigration and .Natu raliza tion Service.

Students who have 50 hou rs of absences will nol receive a Certifica te of Successful
Com plet ion and will be term inated from the prog ram.

If a sludent is absent for ten consecu tive days wi lh no expla nation, the stu dent
will be termina ted au tomatically from the program.

88 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 4 Unit 3 The Reading test
Questions 14-20

Complete the se11tences below with words taken fr om "I11formntioJL for StTtdents at the
Lnngunge n11d Culture Center" 011 the previous pages. Use NO MORE THAN THREE
WORDS for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 14-20 on your a11swer sheet.

14. ln the UC stu den ts can play or _

15. You can meet studen ts from your own country at

_ 16. You shou ld go fi rst to the

if you are sick.

17. - --must be held by every student.

18. Cancella tion of classes due to ----is announced on radio and television .

19. 1f your teacher is la te you should wait for _

20. If you wi thd raw in the second week of classes you may recei ve
_ of you r tu ition fees.
THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 89
Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 4
Questions 21-27

Comp lete the following flow-charts of actions and their consequences by choosing the
appropriate consequence from the list in the box, and writing its Letter in boxes 21-27
on your answer sheet.
N.B. You may use any consequence more than once.

A terminated from the program

B may lose student status with US Immigration
and N aturalization Service
C receives advice and counselling
D may be put on academic probation

Student frequently
fails to complete (21) _ (22) _

Student does not

respond to letter
(23) _ (24)___
announci ng
academic probation

Student is absent ___(25) _

for 30 hours

Student is absent (26) _ (27) _

for 50 hours

90 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modu .les

Reading Practice Test 4 Unit 3 The Reading test
SECTION 3 Questions 28-41

Rend the passage below and nnswer the questions that fo flow.

A. Every autumn, when recruitment of new graduates and school leavers

begins, major cities in Japan are flooded wi th students hunting for a job.
Wearing suits for the first time, they run from one interview to another.
The season is crucial for many students, as their whole lives may be
determined during this period.

B. Ln Japan, lifetime employment is commonly practised by large com panies.

While people working in small com panies and those working for sub-
con tractors do not in general enjoy the advantages conferred by Lhe la rge
companies, there is a general expecta tion tha t employees will in facl remain
more or less perma nently in the sam.e job.

C. Unlike in n1any Western countrieswhere com panies employ people whose

skills can be effective immediately,J apanese companies select applicants with
potential who can be trained to become suitable employees.For thisreason,
recruiting employees is an important exercise for companies, as they invest
a lot of time and money in training new staff. This is basically true bolh for
factory V\70rkers and for professionals. Professionals who have studied subjects
which are of immediate use in the workplace, such as industrial engineers, are
very often placed in factories and transferred from one section to another. By
gaining experience in several differen t areas and by working in close contact
with workers, the engineers are believed,in the long run, to become more
effective members of the company. Workers too feel more involved by workin g
with professiona ls and by bejng allowed to voice their opinions. Loyal ty is
believed to be cultivated in this type of egalitarian working environment.

D. Because of this system of tra i ning employees to be all-roun ders, mobility

between companies is low. Wages are set according to educational background
or initial field of employment, ordinary graduates being employed in
administration, engineers in engineering and design departments and so on.
Both promotions and wage increases tend to be tied to seniority, though some
differences may arise later on as a result of ability and business performance.
Wages are paid mon th Iand the net sum, after lhe deduction of tax, is usually
paid directly into a bank account. As well as salary, a bonus is usually paid
twice a year.This isa custom that dates back to the time when employers
gave special allowancesso that employees could properly celebrate bon,
a Buddhist festival held in mid-July ill Tokyo, bu t on other dates i n other
regions.The festival is held to appease the souls of ancestors.The second
bonus is distribu ted at New Year. Recently, bon uses have also been offered as a
way of allowing workers a share jn the profits that their hard work has gained.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: GeneralTraining Modules 91

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 4
E. any fema le gradua tes complain that they are not given equal training and
equal opportu ni ty in com parison to male gradua tes.Japa nese companies
genera lly believe thal female employees wi ll evenlua lly leave to get married
and ha ve children. It is also true that, as well as Lhc still-existing belief among
women themsel ves tha t nothing should stand in the way of child-rearin& the
extended hou rs of work often do not allow women to contin ue their careers
af ter marriage.

F. Disa ppoin ted career-minded female graduates of ten opt to work for foreign
finns. Since most ma le gradu ates prefer to join Ja pa nese fi rms wilh their
gua ranteed c;ecurity, foreign tirms arc often keen lo employ female grad uates
as their poten tial tends to be greater than that of male applicants.

G. Some men, however, do leave their companies in spite of fu ture prospects,

one reason being to take over the family bu siness. The eldest sons in famil'i cs
tha t own fami ly companies or businesses su ch as stores arc normally
expected to take over the business when their parents retire. Tt is therefore
quite common to see a businessman, on succeeding to his pa rents' business,
com pletely cha nge his professional d irection by becoming, for exa m ple,
a shopkeeper.

H. On the job, working relationships tend to be very close beca use of the long
hou rs of worb. and years of senrice i n common. Social life i n fact is frequently
based on the work place. Restaurants and 1tomi-ya, "pubs", are ah'ays
crowded at night "'ilh people enjoying an evening out wi th their colleagues.
Many compa nies orga nise trips and sports days for Lheir employees. Senior
staff of ten play the role of mentor. This may mean becom ing invol ved in the
lives of ju nior staff in such things as marriage and the children's ed ucation.

I. The average age of retiremen t is between 55 and 60. For most Westerners,
retirement may be an eagerly awaited time to underlake such things as
travel and hobbies. Many Japanese, however, si mpl y cannot get used to the
freedom of rcli remen t and they look for ways of constructi vely usi ng thei r
time. Many look for new jobs, feeling that i f they do not work they \\fill be
aba ndoned by society.This has recen tly led to the development in some
m unici pali ties of m u nicipal job centres which advertise ca5ual work such
as clea n ing and lawn mowing. Given that Japan is facing the probl em of
an increasingly agei ng society, such activities may be vita l in the fu tu re.

92 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 4 Unit 3 The Reading test
Questions 28-35

The rending passage has 9 paragraphs marked A to I.Match each of the topics i to ix below
with one of the paragraphs A-1and write the appropriate letter in boxes 28-35 011 your
nnswer sheet.

Example Topk,, w :new employees are usedm a company

' '

28. Topic ii: women and Japanese companies

29. Topici i: why men sometimes resign from Japanese companies

30. Topi c iv: permanency in employment inJapan

31. Topic v: recruiting season: who, when and where

32. Topic vi: the social aspect of work

33. Topic vi i : the salary structure

34. Topic viii: the recruitmenl strategy of foreign firms

35. Topic ix: J apanese people after retirement

THE NEW PREPARE FOR!El.TS: Gi!neral Training Modules 93

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Tert 4
Quest ions 36-38

Complete t/ze sentences be/aw with words taken from tile reading passage.
Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Write your answers
ill boxes 36-38 011 your amwcr slreet.

36. Japanese employers believe that moving professionals within companies

and listeni ng to workers' dews leads to _

37. Employees receive thei r wages monthly and a bonus _

38. Japanese workers of ten form close personal relationships and older staff
may even become a to junior staff.

Questions 39-41

Choose the appro priate letter A-D and write it in boxes 39-41 on your answer shee f'.

39. Company training in Japan

A is not importa nt
B is for factory workers only
C is for professionals only
D is for all staff.

40. Foreign firms are keen to employ Japa nese women because
A the women are more intelligent than men
B the women tha t apply are more capable than the men that apply
C the women will be only short-term employees
D the women prefer guaranteed security.

41. Japa nese people con ti n ue to work af ter retirement because

A they need the income
B they m iss work ing
C they assist in the family business
D they have no status outside employment.

94 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 4 Unit 3 The Reading test
General Reading Practice Test 5
SECTION 1 Questio11s 1-15

Questions 1-6

Read the following not ice.

Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS answer tlie questions

below. Write your a11su1ers in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet .

The Art Gallery's mission is to bring diverse forms of art and craft
to the people of this city

New Year festivities: a multimedia exhibition from the four corners of the
earth on show in the Hanson Theatre, Level 2. Main Building
Opens January 1,closes March 20.

The art of the early West: American art of the westward expansion is on
show in the South Gallery, Level 3
$15 adults, $5.00 for members, $4 50 for students.
Opens March 13, closes June 30

Greek Olympic sculpture: a historical exhibit of work by ancient artists is in

the North Gallery
$10 adults, $8 00 for members, $6.00 for students
Opens July 1, closes August 7

Developmental art: work by gifted local school children on show in the

East Gallery.
$2 00 Donations may be left in the box at the exit, and will be gratefully received .
Opens July 25,closes September 30

Headsets are avai able for the Greek Olympic Scu pture only
A fee of S6 00 per adult, SS 00 tor members and S4 SO for students willbe charged

Example How muchwill it COst a student to see the Greek Olympic Sculpture?

Answer ,f6,00

1. Wh i ch exhibi tion can you visit in late August? ------------

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 95

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 5
2. A studen t would like a headset for the Greek Olympic Sculpture. How m uch
will it cost?

3. Which exhibition shows the work of young people? _

4. How mud1m ust a member pay to see the exhibition of art from the United States?

5. In which location would you find the oldest exhibits? _ _ ___

6. Which exhibit could a large gToup see most cheaply? ___ __

Questions 7-11

Read the extract below from the service directory of a M otorists'Associa tion.

Answer the questions by writ ing the appropriate extension numbers in boxes 7-11 on your
answer sheet.

Wha t extension should you ca ll if:

Example. you "'rant to pay your bill by Visa card2

Answer 3#

7. you want to find out about a baby's car seat?

8. you feel cheated by a repair shop near you r home in Newcastle?

9. you have trouble hearing and you need road service?

10. you are going on a road trip and want to find out what acti vitiesare available?

11. you wan t advice on purchasing a vehicle?

96 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 5 Unit 3 The Reading test
Call our main number 9292 9222 then call these extensions
SERVlCE AND INSURANCE (8 30 am TO 5 pm, Monday to (8 30 am TO 5 pm, Monday to
Fnday,8.30 am to 11 Saturday) Fnday)
Allinsurance enquiries 133 for road tests, car buying.advice
and assistance on motoring Sydney 191
Credit card payments 344 problems. Local call charge
Visa. Mastercard for Newcastle 132
membership and insurance Child restraint enquiries 632
policies (open 24 hours, 7 days) Wollongong 132
Recorded road report 222
Teledaims 123 for major highways Canberra 426
For motor vehide da1ms
(open 24 hours. 7 days) VEHICLE INSPECTIONS SMASH REPAIRS 900
(7am - 10 pm) 1 30-0 362802 Repairs guaranteed for life.
HELPLINE (7.30 am TO 5 pm, Monday to
Road Service 114 (8 30 am TO 5 pm.Monday to
(open 24 hours, 7 days) Friday,830 am to 11 Saturday) Batteries 111


Alarm systems 554 UteInsurance 976 Local tounng 1nformat10n
Personal Loans 978 and attraction tickets

Road Service 317
Insurance enquiries 728

Questions 12-15

There are 9 parngrn phs i11 tlzis advice to motorists. Answer the questions below by writing
the letter or letters of the appropriate paragra ph or paragraphs in boxes 12-15 on your
answer sheet.

- --- -
A. Al ways lock you r car and never leave your keys in the car. Sounds obviou s,
bu t how often have you left your car u nlocked while you paid for fuel a t a
servi ce station or dashed into a shop? A recently-passed law will ensure that
you never forget again - heavy penal ties apply.

B. AJways lock valuables in the boot. Most car crime is opportu nistic, so don't
make it easy.And if somethi ng is too valuable to lose, the golden rule is take
it with you.

C. Thieves need little incentive. A lot of thefts from cars are carried out by
youngsters af ter nothin g more than a few dollars, so don't leave coi n-ho l ders
if they can be seen from outside. The cost of repairs of ten far outwei ghs the
val ue of wha t is stolen.

D. At nigh t, always try to park ina brightly-lit area where your vehicle can be
seen by passers-by.Poorly-lit streets a re the thief's favourite hunting ground.

TH NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Trajnin.g Modules 97

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 5
E. Never park where you can see broken glass from car windows on the ground.
Thieves arc crea tures of habit and will return to the scene of past successes.

F. Install a car alarm.

G. Where available, use car parks that are well lit and have boom gates. Don't
leave your pa rking ticket in the car.

H. In high-risk areas leave your glove box and ashtray open to show thieves that
there is nothing in the car worth stealing.

I. Don't buy goods offered for sale if the price seems suspiciously low. Chances
are the goods have been stolen.

. "'
Example Whi<;h p,Magra- ts. you add extra equipmetltto th: r
Answer F

12. Which TWO paragraphs advise you how to show there is nothi ng to steal
from the car?

13. Which TWO paragraphs give advice about good places to park?

14. Which pa ragraph warns about the effects of a new law?

15. W hich paragra ph tells the reader how to protect va1uable items?

98 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 5 Unit 3 The Reading test
SECTION 2 Questions 16-28

Questions 16-20

Read the passage below, and a11swer the questions that follow.


General LRC rules Borrowing from the LRC
\.\'t.> haw a number of simple rule:. to help you Language C.enlre c.tudents are JX"rmitted to
use the I RC. Please cooperate and enjoy your borrow materials from the library.Other
v1.,it wtlh us. schools' students must use the faciliti at their
No eating or drinking own schooh..
No copying of audio cassettes Full-time students: Give your photo-ID card to
the librarian and you \\ ill get an LRC number.
Plea work quietly. This is a library and Part-Lime students:You wHI need lo bring your
many sludenls are studying for exams. 550.00 depo'iil n>
. re1pt from the cashit.>r. Whln
your cou finishes, bring your library card
Using the LRC back and your deposit wilJ be rdundL>d in ca5h.
)'ou can use the IRCl'ither on your own
du ring :.clf-acce:ss tlmtc'S or you may use it Loans
with your teacher as part of a le.son. Language <,tudents can borrow up to 4 itt?ms
ff you u..e it as a self-accx-. ss !->ludent you (of which no more than 2 can be kib) at one
must scan your borrower barcodc (issued by time. Kits arc bags containing book(s) plus
the library stafO when <mtt.>ring and leaving. cassettc(s).
The LRC is for US<' by Language Ccmtre All teacher lra incc students may borrow up lo
students only. 3 item!>:
All bc1gi:. must be put in the bag-rack. lELTS materials 1 week
Al wa) s work quietly. Listening k.iLs 1week 2
Most olhcr books weeks
We have a photocopier availnble. Please ask Books marked RI I in red are reference boolG
the library staff to help you. The cost is 20c for and cannot hi! taken out of the library. BoolG
one A4 sheet. marked REF in green may be removed by staff

Renewa ls
Most i tems ca n be renewed nncc. IELTS
materials cannot be renewed.

Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR N UMBERS from the pnssnge to n11swer
the q11estions below.
Write yo11r answers in boxes 16-20 on your answer sheet.

16. Wh ich students may use the LRC?

17. Wha t must full-time students show in order to receive an LRC nu mber?

18. Hov. will part-time students' deposits be refunded?

19. What mark shows a book cannot be removed from the library?

20. Wha t ma terials m ust be retu rned after one borrowing period?

THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS:General Training Modules 99

Unit 3 The Reading test Readmg Practice Test 5
Questions 21-28

Read the passage below about tlze Buddy Peer Support Scheme, and answer the questions
that fo ll<1W.

International Business Institute - Buddy Peer Support Scheme

Think back to you r first days and weeks in a new cou ntry. Were there times when
you had questions tha t you wished you could ask a friend? Or when you wa n ted
lo ha ve a chat abou t how you were feeling?

To hel p new students, the I n ternational Business Institute (IBI) plans to set up a
buddy peer support scheme. The scheme will help new studen ts meet current
studen ts at IBI who can provide them "vith some friendly company during their
first months i n Newcastle and help them with any small problems that they may
have. Often, budd ies may not be able to solve the problem, bu t they may know
who can help.

What's in it f or you?
We believe tha t bei ng a buddy wilJ be rewa rd i ng in severa l ways.As a volu nteer,
it will be persona lly satisfying to know that you are able to help new students.
However, it wi ll also help you to make contacts tha t may be val uable in your
futu re academ ic and professional lives. l you arc an overseas studen t, it will give
you another opportuni ty to practise speaking English. Lastly and most
i m portantly, we hope that it will be enjoyable for you to be a buddy!

Responsibilities of buddies
1. Telephone a nd a rrange to make contact with the new student.

2. Meet the student and show him / her arou nd the campu s and the local area.
Meet for coffee, perhaps. Answer questions about Ji vi ng i n Newcastle and
ad m i nistra lion procedures at IBI. (We will give you a check list of things to
men tion when we send you Lhe new student's na me and telephone number).

3. Arrange to meet the new student one morning or afternoon one weekend early
in the semester, and take the student to places that you enjoy in Newcastle.

4. Be prepared to ta1'.e phone calls from the ne\v student to answer further
questions that he Ishe may have from time to time. Meet to explain information
to the new student inperson, i f req uired.

5. You will be matched to an individual new student. However, if you have

friends who arc also bu ddies, you might prefer to form a su pport grou p
together. Th is would mean tha t you meet the new students as a group rather
than one-on-one.

100 THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS:General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 5 Unit 3 The Reading test
6. Being a buddy is vol u n ta ry.There is no "requirement" to provide assistance
beyond Lhe help ou tl i ned above. However, we hope that the buddy and new
stu den ts will enjo y each other's company and con ti nue to meet each other.

Please note tha t if you agree to become a peer su pport buddy, you w ill be
expected to fulfil you r role conscientiously and cheerfu lly. It will be important
to be considerate and reliable so that our studen t can feel confid en t of your

7. When you agree to act as a buddy for a parti cular term, your commitment
covers that term only. For example, if you act as a buddy for Term 2, and would
prefer to be free in the follo\ving term, there is no obliga tion to continue as a
buddy in Term 3. Of course, we hope that you wi11 want to assist every term.

Questious 21-28

Look nt the stntements be/010. In boxes 21-28 on your n11stvcr sheet write

TRUE if the staternent is true

FALSE if the statement isfalse
NOT GIVEN if the infonnation is not given in tlle passage
2l. The main aim of the Bu ddy Peer Support Scheme is to help new stu den ts
during exam periods.

22. Students will be pu t in touch with others from thei r own language grou p.

23. The pri nci pal rewa rd for the buddy is ma king new friends.

24. The budd y is responsible for making the fi rsl m ove to meet the new stu dent.

25. Budd ies need to work one on one with the studen t in thei r care.

26. Budd ies w ill be pa id a small allowance.

27. The buddy' s obligations finish at the end of each term.

28. Buddies are required to attend two meetings per term.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 101

Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 5
SECTION 3 Questions 29-40

Read the pnssn c l1e/ow and write the answers to the questions whiclt follow in boxes
29-40 on your mzwcr sheet.

How Babies Learn Language

Du ring the fi rsl year of a ch i ld's life, parents and carers arc concerned with its
physical developmen t; d uring the second year, they watch the ba bys language
developmen t very ca refully. lt is i nteresting just how easily child ren learn language.
Children who arc just three or four years old, who cannot yet tic their shoelaces, are
able to speak in fu ll sentences without any specific language training.

The current view of child language developmen t is tha t it is an i nstinct -

something as na tural as eating or sleeping. According to experts in this area, this
language i nsti nct is innate - something each of us is born wi th. Bu t this prevailing
view has not always enjoyed widespread acceptance.

ln the midd le of last centu ry, experts of the lime, includi ng a renowned professor
al l la rva rd U niversity in the United States, regarded d1ild l a nguage developmen t
as t he process of lea rni ng throu gh mere repetition. La nguage "habits" developed
as young child ren were rewarded for repea ting language correctl y and ignored or
pu nished when they used incorrect forms of language. Over lime, a child,
according to this theory, would learn language much Like a dog might lea rn to
behave properly through training.

Yet even though the modern vie'" holds that language is i nsti nctive, experts like
Assistant Professor Lise Eliot are convinced that the interaction a child has with its
pa ren ts and ca regi vers is crucia l to i ts developmen ts.The language of the pa ren ts
and caregivers acl as models for Lhc developing child. In facl, a baby's day-to-day
experience is so i m portan t Lha l lhc child will lea rn to speak i n a manner very
simi lar to Lhc model speakers i t hears.

Gi ven that the models parents provide are so important, it is i n teresting to

consider the role of "baby talk" i n the child's language development. Baby talk is
the language produced by an adult speaker who is trying to exaggerate certain
aspects of the la nguage to capture the attention of a young baby .

Dr Roberta Golin koff believes that babies benefi t from bab) tal k. E>.perimcntc; show
tha t immedia tely c:i fter birth babies respond more to infant-d i rected talk than they
do to adult-d irected talk. When using baby talk,people e>.aggcrale their facial
expressions, which helps the baby to begin to u nderstand wha l is being
com mu nicated. She also notes tha l lhe exaggera ted natu re and repetition of baby
tal k helps infa nts lo learn the difference between sounds. Since babies have a great
deal of information to process, baby talk hel ps.Although there is concern that baby
tal" may persist too long, Dr Golinkoff says that it stops bei ng used as the child

102 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modu

Reading Practice Test S Unit 3 The Reading test
gets older, that is, when the child is better able to comm unica te wi th the pa rents.

Professor Jusczy k has made a particular study of babies' ability to recognise sounds,
and says they recognise the sound of their O\\ n names as early as fou r and a half
months. Babies know the meani ng of and Daddy by abou\ ":.1. >.. n1tntl?r ,
\.\'hich is earl ier tha n was pre\'iously believed. By about nine months, babies begin
recogniz ing freq uen t patterns in l anguage. A baby will listen longer to the sounds
that occu r frequen tly, so it is good to frequen tly call the infant by its name.

An experimen t al Johns Hopkins U niversity i n USA, in which resea rchers wen t to

the homes of 16 ni ne-month-olds, confirms thjs view. The resea rchers arra nged
thei r visi ts for ten days ou t of a two week period. During each visi t the researcher
played an audio tape that i ncluded the same three stories.The stories included odd
words such as "python" or "hombill", words that were unl ikely to be encou ntered
in the babies' everyday experience. Af ter a cou ple of weeks during which nothing
was done, the babies were brought to the research lab, where they listened to two
recorded lists of words. The first list included words hea rd in the story.The second
included simi l ar words, bu t not the exact ones that were used i n the stories.

J usczyk found the babies listened longer to the words tha t had appeared i n the
stories, wh ich i nd icated that the babies had extracted ind ivid u a l words from the
story. When a control grou p of 16 nine-mon th-ol ds, who had not heard the stories,
listened to the two groups of words, they showed no preference for either Jic;t.

This does not mea n that the babies actually u nderstand the mea nings of the
words, just the sou nd patterns. It supports the idea that people are born to speak,
and ha \ e the capacity to lea rn language from the day they a rc born. This ability is
enhanced if they arc invohed in conversation. And, significantly, Dr Eliot reminds
parents tha t babies and toddlers need to feel they arc commu nicating. Clea rly,
sitting in fron t of the television is not enough; the baby m ust be having an
i n teraction wi th another speaker.

Questions 29-34

Complete the s11111111nry beloui. Choose no more thn11 THREE WOR DS AND/O R
N UMBERS from the passage a11d write tlzem i11 boxes 29-34 011 your n11sii'er sheet.

The study of (29) in very young child ren has cha nged considerably in
the last 50 years.fl has been established that child ren can speak i ndependently at
age (30) and that this ability is innate. The child will, in fact, follow
the speech pa tterns and linguistic behaviour of its carers and pa rents who act as
(31) _

Babies actua l l y benefit from "baby talk", in which adults (32) both
sounds and facial expressions. Babies' abil ity lo (33) sound pa tterns
ra ther than words comes earlier than was previously thought. IL is very im portant
that babies arc incl uded in (34) -


i g ModuJes 103
Unit 3 The Reading test Reading Practice Test 5
Questions 35-40

Do the follo wing statements agree with the views of the writer in the passage "How babies
learn language"?

In boxes 35-40 on you r answer sheet write

YES if the statement agrees with the writer

NO if the statement does not agree with the writer
NOT GIVEN if there is 110 informati on about this in the passage
35. Children can learn their first language withou t being taught.

36. From the ti1ne of thei r bi rlh, h umans seem lo ha ve an ability lo learn

37. Accord i ng to experts i n the 1950s and '60s, language learning i s very similar
to lhe training of an imals.

38. Repetition in language learning isimportant, according to Dr Eliot.

39. Dr Golinkoff is concerned that "baby talk" is spoken too much by some
paren ts.

40. The first word a child learns to recognise is usua lly "Mummy" or "Daddy".

104 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Reading Practice Test 5 Unit 3 The Reading test
Unit 4
The Writing test
How to use this Unit
This Unit contains:

Global strategies for the General Training Module Writing Tasks. These
strategies will show you how to analyse the Writing Tasks, and wha t you must
do to give a satisfactory answer.

Five General Training Wr i ti ng Practice Tests. Each has two Writin g Tasks similar
to the kind of tasks found i n the real IELTS test. To do these practice tests under
exam conditions, you must complete each test in one hour. Keep to the
suggested time of 20 minutes for Writing Task 1 and 40 minutes for Wri ting
Task 2. Sit in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, and DO NOT use
a dictionary.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 105

Unit 4 The Writing test
GlobalStrategies for the General Training Module Writing Tasks
The General Training Writi ng test is challenging. ln one hour you must do two
tasks of differen t ki nds, both of which require advanced language skills.

This section describes the two writing tasks required for the examination and
specific strategics which you might use for these tasks. There are also five
practice tests.

Suggested a pproziches to Lhc tasks in the Praclice Tests are provided .in the Answer
Key. Please do not read these un til you have ,a ttem pted the tasks. Remember tha t
these are suggestions only and tha t your a nswers may be equaUy valid. Tt is
valuable to discuss your answers with other students.

The Tasks
For the General Training Writing test you are requi red to answer two tasks,
of different types and lengths. The types of tasks are summarised below.

Task 1 Task 2
Suggested Time 20 minutes 40 minutes
Length 150+ words 250+ words
Type letter essay
Paragraphs 1-2 4 or more
Introduction greeting, 1sentence I 1 paragraph
Conclusion 1sentence 1-2 paragraphs
+ yours sincerely, etc I
Function To: To describe
complain To convince by:
request information giving reasons,examples
seek assistance comparing
make arrangements weighing up advantages and

The word length for both tasks should be taken seriously; if your answer is too
short you will lose marks.
We "vill now look at each task i n more deta il.

Writing Task 1
Your task is to \'\trite a letter.To help you u nderstand wha t you have to do,
look at the example on the next page, and the strategies below.
1. Who are you writing the letter to? Look through the tex t and you wiJ I find
that you have to write to a particular person or group of people. You do not
need to give them names. As you can see i n the example, the Writing Task i tself
tells you who you should w rite to. The introduction to a letter isthe greeti ng,
"Dear ", and the first sentence gives the reason you are writing the letter.

106 THE NEW PREPARE FOR I ELTS:General Training Modules

Unit 4 The Writing test
2. What are you writing about? Once again, you will find the clues in the question.
Check Lhe exam ple, and you will see how to fi nd the su bject matter of the letter.
Be ca reful to answer each point in the letter. This is the body of your letter, and
it should be one or two paragra phs.

3. At the end of you r letter you have a final sentence sum marising wha l you want
the letter to achieve and perha ps thanking the person you arc wri t i ng lo. Finish
a busi ness letter, or letter to someone you don'L knmv wi th "You rs sincerely"
or "Yours faithfully", and then sign your name.

Example of Writing Task 1

You are organising a trip to the Snowy M ouHtains ill NL'li.> South Wales for a group
of st udents from Perth in Western Australia. Write to the manager of Student Hostel
Services and explaill w/Je 11 you want to visit the Snowy M ountains, how long you will
stay, lzou1 many students are ill your party, nlld what accommodation you will require.

Who are you writing to?

The answer is:the mauaer of the Shtdent Hostel Sentices, so you will wri te "Dt.?ar
Manager" or "Dear Manager of Student Hostel Services".This pcon looks after
accommodation and probably knows a lot about what is available in the area.

What are you writing about?

... explain wizen you wa11t to visit the Snowy M ou11tai11s: give a ti me or limes
when you will visil.

... how Long you will stay: make up a sensible period for students to visi t.
A weekend? A week? It's a long way to go for a few days!

... flow 111n11y people nre in your part y: say how many people a re goin g wi th you.
Fi ve? Ten? Thi rty?

... what you will req11 ire: think of all the things a grou p or studen ts migh t need.
You could ask abou t hiring equipment for hiking or skii ng. Maybe the students
arc all stud ying geology. You could ask abou t access to interesting geological
sites. Think about the clues in the question, and use them to write you r answer.

Enlarge u pon the cl ues given in the question. You are looking for
accommodation, so you might ask how many people ca n sleep in each
room, and whether you will require separate accom mod ation for any of the
stu dents. You d on'L wa nl lo spend too m uch. You could consider, for insta nce,
whether any studenl m ighl bring other family members. lf they do, you may
need di fferent accom modation for them. Use your imagination.

How will you end your letter?

Write a sentence sum ma rising what you want the manager to tell you and
finish with "Yours sincerely " or "Yours faithfully". Then sign you r name.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IElTS: General Training Modules 107

Unit 4 The Writing test
The Sample Answer thc:i t follows shows you one satisfactory way of a nswering the
exa m ple Writing Task, bu t any letter that gives the information requested and asks
the required questions would also be acceptable.

Sample letter

Dea r Manager of Student Hostel Services,

I am wri ting to seek accommodation in the Snowy Mountains for a group

of students from Perth.

We expect to be in the Snowy Mountains between June 1and June 12. There
are fourteen people in our group, five men and seven women, and a married
couple. The five men will accept dormitory accommodation, and the women
are happy to share rooms,bu t the n1arried cou ple would li ke a double room.
We hope to keep our expenses as lo\Ar. as possible.

Please tell me about recreational services in the area. The group wilJ bring
their own boots for bushwalking, but we are hoping to hire equipment for
other sports, like skii ng. Some of our group will want to hire geological picks
and other equipment, if possible. We also need to know about access to caves
and other interesting geological features in the area.

Ia m looking forwa rd to receiving information about the Stud en t Hostel

Services and other facilities.

Yours si n cerely

Ama nd a Ch a n

Writing Task 2
First of all, make sure you understand what you are bei ng asked to do. Identify
the instruction, the top ic, and the way to answer the question.

The Instruction
Often, Writing Task 2 begins with a statement like this:
As part of a class assignment you have to write ...

Who is your au dience iJ you are writing for a class assignment? A teacher?
Another studen t? The general public? Although other students may read your
work, it is pri maril y add ressed to a teacher, and so your answer to this Writing
Task shoul d have the tone of an essay for a teacher.

How w ill this i nfl uence the language you use? Will you r l a nguage be Jonna/ or
casual? Will your language be intimate or distant? The language of the classroom
assignmen t is formal and a little distant.

108 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IE1TS:General Training ModuJ

Unit 4 The Writing test
Tile Topic
What is the topic that you mu st write about?

The first part of Task 2 usually introduces the topic or subject matter of the question.
It is usually in the form of a staten1ent although it is sometimes a question.

For example, look at the statement,Many people believe that ed ucation will solve the
problem of poverty in the world . You can see that the subject matter of the statement,
the topic, is education as it relates to poverty.

To explore the topic, you should ask yourself q u estions like these:How do the
ideas relate to each other? Ar e bad ly ed ucated people l ikely to be poor? Are well
educated people likely to be better paid? What do you know about poverty?

Are there any words in the statement you do not understand? Look at the whole
sentence. For example, you may not know wha t solve means. If you know what
problem means, you ca n guess that solve is something to do with fixing or
overcmning a problem.

T/1e way to answer the question

The second part of the task usually asks you to consider the topic of the first part of
the task in a special way.Here are four djfferent ways of developing the topic in the
statement,Many people believe that education wm solve the problem of poverty in tire world .
1. Do you agree? Give examples to support your argument.

2. Explain how your cou11fnJ uses education to overcome poverhJ.

3. Other people, however, believe that only the richest peopl e should be ed ucated .
Write an argument to suppo rt either of these ideas.
4. How would yo11 use ed ucation to solve the problem of poverty?

Look at the four endings n u mbered 1to 4 above, and match them to these tasks:
A provide general factual information
B outline a problem and present a solution
C present and possibly justify an opinion,assessment or hypothesis
D present and possibly evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence and argument
(These task t) pes come from the JELTS Ha11dbook, 2000, page 22)

The tasks match in this way:

A Provide general factual information
Explain how your comi tnJ uses ed ucation to overcome poverhj.
This task asks you to give an explanation of how something is done. When you
explain you could:
give examples of the education your country offers: is it free? for how many years?
describe what is taught in the schools
describe any program s which are specifica1ly d esigned for poor people
describe any scholarships which are offered to poor people.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modu

les 109
Unit 4 The Writing test
Remember to relate what you write back to the topic of education and its relation
to poverty.

To recognise information and explanation questions, look for words and phrases like:
describe ... explain ... what are ...? e.g. What are the features ...?

B Outline a problem and present a solution

How can we use education to solve the problem of poverty?

This task asks you to suggest solutions to a problem. When you set out to consider
and solve the problem you could:
give examples of training programs which help people to find work,e.g.
literacy programs, language teaching programs, programs which help people
update or change their skills so they can do new jobs, e.g. teach people dilierent
ways of farmi ng.You could also talk about governmen t planning for future
employment needs and matching education to the skilJs tha t will be required.

When you are w riti ng, think of how these things can be done.

Remember to rela te what you write back to the topic of education and its relation
to poverty.

To recogn ise problem solving questions, look for words and phrases like:
How can ...? How would ...? How should ...? S uggest ways to ...

C Present and possibly justify an opinion, assessment or hypothesis

Do you agree? Give examples to support your argument.

This task asks you to say whether you agree or disagree with a statemen t, in this
case with the i ni tic:il statement, Many people believe that education will solve the
problen-1 of povert y iu the world .

In an opin ion question you are expected to say what you thin k or feel about
somethin g. An assessment question asks you to say how importan t or valuable
someth_i ng is, and a question about a hypothesis asks you to consider a theory.

If you agree with the statemen t in the exam ple, you could start by stating that you
agree tha t educa t]on will solve the problem of poverty i n the world. Then explain
why. You cou ld say that education will help people to get better jobs and to
contribute more to society, that education helps people use natu ral resources
better ... ;in short, you can give your opinjon of the value of education as a
weapon against poverty.

U you disagree, say so, and then say why.You could say that money spent on
education will have no direct relationship to reducing poverty, that poverty has
economic causes that education "'rill not change, that there will always be poverty,
tha t educa tion is not going to change very much ...

110 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IElTS:General Training Modules

Unit 4 The Writing test
Remember to relate what you write back to the topic of ed ucation and its rela tion
to poverty.

To recognise questions where you must present or justify an opinion, assessment

or hypothesis, look for words and phrases like:
What do you think ...? how do you tlzi11k ... ? To what extent do you agree/believe/ tlrink/fee l ...?

D Present and possibly evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence and argument
Other people, hou1euer,believe that only the richest people should be ed ucated . Write an
argument to support either of tltese ideas.

This Lask is like the opinion question above bu t you do not have lo originate
the idea. Instead, you look at somebody else's i d ea and evaluate it.

Choose the idea you prefer. If you believe that ed ucation will solve the problem of poverty
in the world say why you believe this.Your ideas migh t include that educa ti on wi ll
help people learn new skills, move from job to job and even cou n try to cou n try, lean1
how lo use na tural resources better ...

lf you bel ieve that 011/y t/ze richest people s1wuld be educated say why you believe
this. For example, if the rich arc educated their knowledge will give them power,
they will be able to afford the very best of education, they will have the time and
resou rces to study deeply, the poor won't really mind because there are other
\.vays of solving the problem of poverty ...

Remember to relate wha t you write back to the topic of education and its relation
to poverty.

To recognise questions which ask you to evaluate other people's argumen ts,
look for words and phrases like:
Discuss ... Towhnt extent is/are ...? (Statemen t) -1 ls this true?

These phrases may a lso appear in the statemen t:

However ... On the other ha11d ...

Be careful to look at the whole question.Read all parts of Lhe question. 1L is possible
that there will simply be one statement containing both topic and instruction.
The words and phrases that contain the task type and the topic need to be found.

You may like to write rough notes.Youwill not use all of them.

01oose the ideas you'"'ant to use. Organise these ideas i n to a passage of abou t
250 words. Wri te:

an i n trod uction which ma kes a general statemen t of what you think

Lhe body of the essay which gives reasons for you r opinion, or the description
or explana tion asked for, and evidence to support wha t you say
a concl usi on whjch sums up what you have said.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 111

Unit 4 The Writing test
General Training Writing Practice Test 1
Writing Task 1

You should spend about 20 minu tes on this task.

You have a penfriend living in another country and he/ she is curious
to know aboltt the major news items in your country.

Briefly describe ONE news stonJ that has been on Tv, on the radio,
or in the newspapers in your countnJ, and explain why people are
interested in it.

You should write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to wri te you r own address.

Begin your letter as follows:

[Turn over]

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 113

Unit 4 The Writing test Writing Practice Test 1
Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

As part of a class assignment you have to write about the following topic.

A healthy person is often described as someone who has a good d iet,

gets lots of exercise, and avoids stress.

What do people do to stay healthy in your country?

You should write at least 250 words.

114 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Writing Practice Test 1 Unit 4 The Writing test
General Training Writing Practice Test 2
Writing Task 1

You should spend about 20 mi n u tes on this task.

You are n member of an organisation which meets regularly at a

particular restaurant. The most recent tneal you had there was not
satisfac ton11 and you were very disappointed with the quality of the
food and tl1e behaviour of the staff .

Write a letter to tlte manager of the restaurant. Explain wlrat was

wrong witll the meal and tlze seruice, and suggest wha t he/ sire should
do to ensure that you atzd your group retunt to the restaurant.

You should wri te at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write you r own address.

Begi n your letter as follows:

Dear Sir/ Ma da m,

[Turn over]

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 115

Unit 4 The Writing test Writing Practice Test 2
Writing Task 2

You shou ld spend abou t 40 min u tes on this task.

As part of a class assignment you have to write abou t the following topic.

111 some countries clzild re11 lzave ven1strict nil es of behaviour, in

other cou11tries they are allowed to do almost a11ythillg they want.

To what extent should clzildre11 have tofollow rules?

You shou ld write at least 250 words.

116 THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS: General Training Modu

Writing Practice Test 2 Unit 4 The Writing test
General Training Writing Practice Test 3
Writing Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Although you have never studied computing,you have always been

interested in computers - you buy magaz ines about them, and you have
taught yourself many skills 011 your co1nputer at home. Yon have ju st
read about a computer course that really interests you, but it is only
for peopl e who have studied computing at college or 1miversihJ.

Write a letter to the Enrolment Officer asking if you can enrol,

explaining your circumstances and asking if he/ she will make a special
exception for you.

You should write at least 150 word s.

You do NOT need to write your own address.

Begin you r letter as follows:

Dear Sir / Madam ,

[Tum over]

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IEUS:General Training Modules 117

Unit 4 The Writing test Writing Practice Test 3
Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 mi nutes on this task.

As part of a class assignment you have to write about the folJow i ng topic.

What difficulties will fa ce y our country in the next ten years?

How can these p roblems be overcome?

You shou Id write at least 250 words.

118 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Writing Practice Test3 Unit 4 The Writing test
General Training Writing Practice Test 4
Writing Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Yesterday you lost your student identification card . You need it to get
discounts 011 public transport a1ld for the ci11e11ia, and to use the college
libran1.Even more importantly,you need it as proof of identity to
withdraw money at the bank.

Write to the Director of Student Services explaining the situation

and requesting a new card as soon as possible.

You should write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write you r own address.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir IMadrun ,

[Tum over]

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 119

Unit 4 The Writing test Writing Practice Test 4
Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minu tes on this task.

As part of a class assignment you have to write about the following topi c.

Even} co1mtn1has poor p eopl e and even1countnJ has differ ent way s
of dealing with the poor.

What are some of tlte reasons for world po verty? What can we
do to help the poor?

You should write at least 250 words.

120 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Wrrting Practice Test 4 Unit 4 The Writing test
General Training Writing Practice Test 5
Writing Task 1

You shou ld spend about 20 mi nu tes on this task.

You travel by bus even} weekday moniing, and y ou always use the
same bus route.

Recently the bus has 11ot been reliable. It sometimes comes late, and fo r
the last few nwrnings it has not stopped when y ou hailed it. No change
of schedule has been advertised. You have also noticed that the bus is
fa r d irtier than it used to be.

Write to the bus company. Explain the situation and tell them what
you want them to do.

You shoul d write al least J 50 words.

You do NOT need to write your own address.

Begi n your letter as follows:

Dea r SirI Madam,

[Turn over]

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 121

Unit 4 The Writing test Writing Practice Test 5
Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

As part of a class assignmen t you have to write about the following topic:

Everr1country should have a free health service, even if this means t11at
the latest medical treatments may not be available through tlte service
because they are too expensive.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer.

You should write at least 250 words.

122 THE NEW PREPARE FORIELTS: General Training Modules

Writing Practice Test 5 Unit 4 The Writing test
Unit 5
The Speaking test
How to use this Unit
This Unit contains:

An introduction to the new IELTS Speaking test.

A description of the th ree parts of the IELTS interview and suggestions on how
to prepare for ead1. parl, including practice topics.

Information and strategies for the new Speaking test

Description of the Speaking test

The Speaking test consists of an oral interview between you, the candidate, and an
exami ner. It will last between 11 and 14 minu tes, and is clivided into three parts
which are described below.

The aim of the test is to assess the cand idate's ability to communicate effectively
in English, and the examiner will consider your: Fl uency and Coherence; Lexical
Resou rce: Grammatical Range and Accuracy; and Pronunciation.

These criteria will be cliscussed below.

Revision of the IELTS Speaking Test in 2001

Introduction to the IELTS Interview
Like the Li stening test, the Speakin g test is taken by all candidates, whether they
are taking the Academic or General Training modules. Itis a one-to-one interview
of 11 to 14 minutes and may be done on the day of the examinat ion, or up to two
days later, at the discretion of the examination centre.

Your examiner is a qualified teacher who has been appointed by the test centre
and approved by the British Council or IELTS Australia. He or she is likely to be
very experienced in dealing with students.

There are three main parts to the interview. The examiner has been trained to
guide candidates through the interview, and will help you to feel comfortable.
The interview V\rill be recorded.

The examiner will have to follow a script, or frame, during the interview.This frame
means that everyone doing the Speaking test will receive the same instructions and
informa tion in the same ma n ner. Your exa1niner will be more constrained in Part 1

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 123

Unit 5 The Speaking test
and Pa rt 2 of the test. In Part 3, the two-way discussion, the examiner will have a
less restrictive frame, but will still have very firm rules to follow.

Description of the three parts of the interview

Part l
ln this pa rt you wil l answer general questions. The exa miner will ask you abou t
things which are close to you and which should be easy for you to answer. The
examiner may ask you abou t yourself, your home and you r family, what sort of
job you have, wha t you are studying, or he or she may want to know abou t your
pa rticular in terests. This part will last betv. een four and five minu tes.

Part 2
In Part 2 the examiner will give you a verbal prompt on a card and will ask you to
talk on a pa rticular topic. You will have one min u te to prepa re you r answer before
spea king at length for between one or two minu tes. After you have spoken the
examiner will ask some questions which arise from what you have said. These
questions \'\ ill bring Pa rt 2 to a conclusion. The "' hole of Part 2 lasts between three
and fou r minu tes, hich includes the one min u te spent preparing the answer.

Pa rt 3
In Pa rt 3 the examiner will get you to develop the ideas on the topic you have been
discussing in Pa rt 2. The discussion will contin ue between four and f ive mi n utes.

How to approach the test

Part 1
The exa m iner will in troduce him or herself and ask for you r iden ti fica tion.
The exa m i ner may also ask you how to pronounce you r name correctly.

This pa rt of the in tervi ew takes four to five m inutes, and shou ld a l low you to
settle down and feel com fortable.

Part J is con cerned with familiar topics of general i n terest.

Preparing for Part 1

Make su re you know the English vocabulary you might use to speak abou t fa miliar
topics, so you can talk abou t topics like your home, your family, you r course of
study or your job. It is a good idea to think about the sort of things your examiner
migh t ask you about. If you are studying with other students, be ready to question
each other abou t you r homes and families, jobs and stud ies and you r i nterests.

You will notice that it is a very wide list, and it is im possible to guess the specific
topic you will be asked to discuss. If,for instance, you r exam iner wants you to talk
about your interests, he or she might ask you what sport / hobby I pasti me you are
interested in, and "hen, where and ""Thy you became interested. Or he or she
might ask if that particular hobby is popular in you r cou nt:T) or if you r paren ts
share you r interest, or if your hobby is expensive ...

124 THE NEW PREPARE FORIEl.TS:GeneralTraining Modules

Unit S The Speaking test
Please do not th ink you can prepare a talk on any topic and take it in to the
examinat i on. The examiner will be in control of the interaction, and may prompt
you with questions or change the direction of the conversa tion . The exa miner will
not permit a prepared speech.

Develop the topic as fully as you can, and offer your own ideas and give
explanations if necessary. Do not simply answer "Yes" or "No" to the exanliner 's

If possible, practise asking and answering questions with another person. Do not
let the person you are talking to correct you or prompt you while you are
speaking. If you want to be corrected, record your conversation and then listen to
it and see how you migh t improve it

Part 2
In Part 2 the candjdate is given a verbal prompt on a card and is asked to talk on
a particular topic. The candidate has one minute to prepare before speaking at
length, for between one or two minutes. The examiner then asks one or two
follow-up questions.

Describe the thing you most like to do when you have

some free time.

You should say:

what it is
what you do
wha t makes you enjoy the activity

and explain why this activity is important to you.

You will have to talk about this topic for one to two minu tes.
You have one m i nute to th i nk about what you are going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish .

Preparing for Part 2

It is a good idea to practise talking on a topic for one or two minu tes, and to
practise ma ki ng notes to help you. Do not write too much, and do not allow more
than one mi nu lc for preparation tin1e.

Practise with the topic above.The first instruction is to Describe the thing you most
like to do when you have some free time.

Wha t do you like to do? When you describe something, you say whal il is, and
you should you make a word picture which tells the Ustencr abou t what you like
to do inyour free time. For example, you might like to go to the movies. Describe

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modu es 125

Unit 5 The Speaking test
the sort of movies you enjoy, and when you get to see them. Maybe you have
favourite actors. You might talk about them. Describe the sort of movie theatre you
like to visi t, and how you get there. You could talk abou t who you go with, and
what you both enjoy, or whether you have differing tastes.

After that, you should explain why going to the movies is important to you. Think
of reasons . It cou ld be because you like to be able to talk to other people about what
you have seen, or you enjoy having stories told to you, or you think that movies are
an important part of our culture. Explain your reasons as fully as you can.

Your examiner wiJl ask you some questions just to round off the topic. If you talk
about a particular actor you r examiner inight ask if you know something more
about him or her. Or you might be asked more about the movie theatre you attend,
and why you go there.

Here is another topic you might like to practise:

Tell the examiner about your f avourite f estival.

You should say:

where it is
what it is celebrating
what makes you enjoy the things that happen

and explain why this festival is important to you.

Your examiner wil1 ask you some questions about the festival you have chosen.

Tilne you rself making notes for up to a minute and talking for a minute or two.
Talk on any topic you know well. It is a good idea to use a ti1ner, and a small piece
of paper so you cannot write too m uch. Your prompts should only be one or two
words long.

Itis also a good idea to record yourself and then play back the recording so you
can think of ways you could improve your talk. Here are some questions you
could ask yourself:
Did 1answer the question?
Did lgive enough details?
Could Idevelop the ideas more?
Did I keep using the same vocabulary? What other words could 1use?
Was my grammar correct?
Was my pronunciation clear?
How could Imake n1y notes more helpful?
Did T talk for at least one minute? Did l take more than two minutes?

126 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Unit 5 The Speaking test
Timing is important. You must speak for at least one min ute so the exam i ner can
get a good sam ple of your speaki ng to listen to. On the other hand, if you take
more than two minu tes in the examination, the examiner will have to stop you so
you can go on w i th the rest of the Speaking Test. Do not be u pset by this. The test
has to be fitted into the 14 m i nu tes allotted, so the examiner can not let you go on
over time.

Part 3
f n Part 3 the exa m iner and ca nd idate develop the discussion which began in
Pa rt 2. The discussion lasts between four and five m in u tes. The examiner will get
the candida te to enla rge upon things wh ich were discussed in the second pa rt of
the test.

Preparing for Part 3

Practise discussing topics at length with another person. For instance, take a topic
which you have discussed in level 2 and enlarge u pon it. lf possible, work wi th
another person and take it in tu rns to be exam iner and cand idate. The person
pl aying the role of examiner shou ld ask questions and give the person playi ng
the pa rt of the ca nd idate plen ty of time to answer. Perha ps you have been LaJ king
about entertai n men t where you live. You should be ready to ta lk abou t other
possibilities:wha t if your favourite movie house closed down? Do you foci
disillusioned wi th the behaviou r of some of the actors? J low do you think the
pressu re of fame can be managed?

Factors in your assessment:

Candidates arc assessed on Fl uency and Coherence; Lexica l Resource;
Gram ma tical Range and Accuracy; and Pronuncia tion.

Fluency is the qua lity of being able to speak withoul too ma ny pauses and
hesi tations.

Coherence refers lo the way you stay on the topic and argue ilclearly, so lhc
listener can follow your ideas easily.

Lexical Resource refers to you r use of words, the ra nge and accuracy of you r
vocabulary and ho\v well you use it. You should keep in m ind that this is a fairly
formal situation, and your language and you r manner should not be too casual.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy refers to the number of gra m matical forms
which you can use, and how well you can use them. Itis better to be able to use
many different constructions, and not to be limited to subject I verb I object
sen tences like Tire cat ca ught a rat. Accuracy refers to the appropriate use of
l a ngu age, for insta nce correctly using the different tenses of English.

Pron unciation refers to whole sentences and not just single words. It is irnportant
tha t the exami ner is able to understand what you are saying. You are not expected
to sound like a na tive speaker of English.

TME NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Train1ng Modules 127

Unit 5 The Speaking test
The examiner will assess you on each of these factors and will give you an overall
Bandscore of 1to 9. Bandscores were discussed in U nit 1.

How you can help yourself to do well

Practise speaking English wi th your friends. If they arc preparing for the IELTS
test you m ight l i ke to in tervie"v each other. If you are tal king wi th people who are
not studyi ng for the IELTS test, the practice you get in using English will be
va luable.

You m igh t like to taperecord you r conversations and listen to them again later. It is
better to consider how you could improve you r grammar and pronunciation after
you have listened to the ta pe; if you worry abou t you r gram mar while you are
speaki ng you will be less fl uen t. It is better not to let people correcl you while you
arc spea king, bu t to wa it until you have finished speaking.

Du ring Lhe exa mina tion, the examiner will gu ide you. The exam iner has to keep
control of the progress and timi ng of the diff eren t parts of the i n terview and so
you should take you r cues from him / her. A nswer the questions as well as you can,
and remember the exa mi ner i s there to help you achieve your best level.

Finally, please remember this is a speaking test, and the only way to prepare for it
is to c;peak.

128 THE N EW PREPAR E FOR I ELTS: General Training Modules

Unit S The Speaking test
Unit 6
Answers and tapescripts
The reading, writing and listening practice tests in this book have bee11 designed to
resemble tire format of the lCLTS test as closely as possible. They are not, however,
real IE LTS tests; they simply give practice i/1 the type of question sf udents may have
to answer in the real test.For / his reason, there is no system of marking or scori11g
Ihe practice tests in this book,so the tests cannot be used to assess or predict band
scores. These pra ctice tests are designed f o practise exam technique to ltelp students
to f ace the I ELTS test with co11fi de11ce and to pe1jor111 to the best of their ability.

Part 1: General Training Practice Listening Tests

Cassette 1 Side A
Narrator: Here are some instructions regarding these Pract i ce Listening Tcsls. In
each Practi ce Li stening Test on these two ta pes you will hear a n u mber of d i fferen t
recordings, and you will ha ve to answer questions on what you hear. There will be
ti me for you to read the instructions and questions, and you will have a chance to
check your work. All the recordings will be played once only.

Each test is in four sections. Wri te all your answer on the Listening Module
Answer sheet. At the end of the real test you ""ill
be given ten m i nutes to transf er
your answers to an answer sheet.

General Training Pradice Li stening Test 1

-- -------- --'
Answer Key: General Training Practice Listening Test 1
Sect ion 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4
Questions 1-U Questions 13-24 Questions 25-36 Questions 37-41
t. JO Bridge Strl.'CI 13.garbage 25. Spanish 37 ./ Imes for London,
2. writing I 14. garbage 26.Building A f'.:e\' York, Svdncv,
writing cla.s..c; 15.garbage 27.6 pm Paris,Tokyo
3. Mrs Green 16. paper 28. Elementary 1I one (All ticked = 1 murk,
4. Juh tS(th ) I 17. charity 29. August 10(th) fi!'U>er or more = O;
IS(th) July I 15/7 18. filters lO(th) August I -;ome ri. lrt/urrimg = 0)
5. l/ one 19. A 10/ 8 38. ./ lines for London,
6. Ma) 31(st) I 20. B 30. D Hong Kong, l\.c\'
31(st) via} I 31 /5 21. D 31. c York, Sydney, Paris
7. J une 4(th) I 22. B 32. D (Alf ticked= 1 mnrk,
4(th) J w1c I 6/4 23. D 33. I\ fewer or more = O;
8. 3 I three (days) 24. c 34. D some rig'11/wro11g = 0)
9. A 35. F 39. (very) /
10. c 36. G (extremely) poor
11. B 40. al different times
12. B 41. special (driving I
priority) lane.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 129

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
Tapescript: Listening Practice Test 1 Bob: Thanks. I I mm . When docs your student vic;a
C1.;,;t'f Ir 1 Suit,\ Angela: I el me look. Ju ly 15.
Narrator: I kn arc me instructions rega rding these Bob: Ju ly 15. Okay. \!\hlch term do you want to take
l,ract1n Iistening Iests. I n t!Jch Pructi Listening leave?
Tl>:-.l on thl>st> two tapes you will hear a number of Angela: Do you want dates?
different rordings, and you will have to answer Bob: Fi r..,l, I have lo write a term numbt!r. When do
questions on what you hear. There "' ill be lime for you want to lake leave?
vou lo rt>ad the inslruclion.<J and questions, and you Angela: In term one.
will have a chance lo check your work. All the Bob: Okav. Term one. l\ow can you l1. ll me what
r1-. cordings will bl.' play1.'Cf onre only. are the l'.,.act datt>.<,?
F.ach ll"'l is in four St?Ctfon-...\\'rile all ,our an:>wers Angela: I'd like to beaway May 31llJune 4.
on the l i-..tening Module An-.." er ..hl At the end of Bob: Okay.I'\ e got that. You 'll miss four working
the wal tC'.il you will bl:! gi\'Cn ten minutes to transfer day:-. bl.:h\ ecn fay 31 and June 4.Is that right?
your an-.wcr.- to an an-.wer '>ht.:et. Angela: Only three. r11 be a\\'ay 0\Cr a weekend.
Preparl' for IELTS Practice Llstcning Tests.This is I'll be back at my classes on June 5, so that'.., three
tarx- 1. Practice Lbtening Tl'st 1.Tum to Section 1of days away.
Practice l.btcning Test 1. Narrator: Look al queslions 9 to 12.
&-.cticlO 1. Listen to the conwrsalion lx--tween Bob '\low listen lo more o( the conversation between
\\'ills, wh<l is a forcign -..tudenl advir al a language Angela and Bob, and answer que'>tion.., 9 to 12.
S<twol,.md Angela Tung, who is a -..tudent, and Bob: Why do you want to lake lcaw. Angela?
complete the form. Angela :I'm g<ling to \"i<. t mv aunt .\la\'.She's m\
Fir.-t you ha, e 50me time to look at Questions 1to 8 mother's -;i.. ,ter. She and her my guians
on tht:> form now. while I'm here.
You "ill see that there i<> an example which has been Bob: \\'hcrl' do they Ii' e?
dune for you. The ron\'crsalion relating to this will Angela: About fifty kilomelrL>s from here,
bc pla)'l'd first. near Armidale.
T1lr111ro11trings Bob: Do vou have to take so long 1( they live nearby?
Bob: I lello, Foreign StU<.llnl Advi'>l'r's office. This is Angela: Nly motht>r is coming with me. She'scome for
Bob Wills speaking. Can I help you? a holiday, o;<1 he \vants to have some time with May,
Angela: It's Angela Tung here, Bob. I'd like to make a I''
and ant to spend some time with my mother, too.
rcqul>st for special leave. Can I do that over the phone? Bob: Aren't you going home soon?
Bob: I lello Angela. You can make that request by Angela: I've applied to extend my time here. 1expect
phone - but I'll have lo fill Lhe form out. Let me get to go homL' in twelve months.
tlw special leave form. Okay.I !ere it is. Tell me your Narrator: That is tht' end of Section 1 You now have
student number, please. some time lo check your ans'er.>.
Angela: H's I I for llarry 5712 !'.ow turn to Section 2.
Bob: 11 'l712. Okay. Whn l's your add ress, Angela? Section 2. You a rl'going to he<1r a tape recording
Narrator: Angeln' student n umber ls H57l2, so that of instructions and advice which a woman called
has btcn wri lll.'n on the form. Now we shall begin. Ma rthn has left for her friend John, who ls coming
You shoulu answer Lhc questions ns you listen to stay nl hc1house and take care of i l while she is
because you wil l not hear Lhc recordi ng a second lime. away. Fi rst, look al questions l3 lo 18.
Now lblen carefu l ly and ;mswcr questions 1Lo8. As you lislcn lo the fi rst part of the Lal k,.rnswer
T1lcplrtmt ,.;11ss questions 13 tu 18.
Bob: l lello, Foreign Student Adviser's office. This is Martha:Hlllo, John. Welcome lo the house. I'm
Rob Will<; spt>aking. Can Ihl'lp you? really pleased that you can be hl'rc Lo look after my
Angela: It's Angela Tung htrt>, lk1b. I'd lik.e tomake a hou-..e while I'm away.
fl.'1.llll'"l f<lr sp..'\i. al leave. Can I Jo that over the phone? Here Ml' some things you nt'l'<.l to kno\\ about the
Bob: 1 ll'llu Angela. You can make that request by hou<;e. I mportant tu ff like when the garbage is
phone - but I'll have to flII the form out. Let me get collccll'd. In fact, let's start with the garbage, which
Lhl spccial leave form. Okay.Herc il is. Tell me your is .:ollcctcd on Friday. Just wri te "GJrbagc" on the
student number, pleai:.e. ca lendar on the days they takt 1l a\\ ay. l'ut i t out on
Angela:It's H for I Ian) 5712. Friday every week, that'll be Friday 22nd, r:riday
Bob: 11 .5712.Okay.What's your addr.Angela? 29th and Friday Sth. It's a really g0<xl ..;ervice. The
A ngela: I live at 10 Bridgl' Stri. l. I amworth. truck.s arc quiet and the service is dficicnl. The bin
Bob: 10 Bridt: 5trwt, Tamworth .And your phone will be put back outside the hou.;c empty. It's a good
number? idea to put it away quickly. Thb street can be quite
Angela: T1w ll'lephone number'.., 1'106745. windy. J once watched my ne:>.t door neighbour
Bob: !'hanks. \.\'hat cuurst.' are )'OU doing? cha ht.>r bin the whole length of the slfl>et. Everv
Angela: I'm in the writing clas-... time shL' nearly caught up with il, it got away ag
Bob: Writing.\\'ho's }Our teacher thi-; term? The \\ aste paper \\ ill be collecl1-. d this I uesda,-, that's
Angela: M"' Grl'en -"h'-' spells hl'r name like the colour. Tuesday 19th. The's a plastic box full of pa?er in

130 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Unit 6 Answers and tapescnpts
the front room: please put it ou t on Tuesday. The Lhc examples that have been done for you.
truck will come during the day. If you don't mind Using no more than three words (lr numbers,
collecting old newspapers and otht?r paper and complete the table.
putting Lhem in Lhe box I'll put 1t out when I come Denise: I lcllo. May I help you?
home - the paper people only come monthly. Vijay:1lcllo. Is this the right pl.lee for ml' to register
I ha\'C c;omc things lo give lo d'larit) in a box in the to study foreign languages?
front room. Would you put it out on Monday the 25th Den ise: Yes, it is.May Ihave you r nanw plea?
pleaS(? It'<> a box of old clothe'l and some bed linen Vijay: Vija) . \.1y family name is Parl"'h.
'vhich l 'w collectt> . d, pl us a fow other blls and pieces. Denise:Vijay Paresh. Okay. Do you haw
Be careful when you pick it up,becauo.;(. it's heavier a telephone number?
than you might expect. The charity truck \\ill come Vija y: Yeh 909 2467.
by during the day on the la.,t \fonday of the month. Denise:Thank you. '-:ow. which lanuag1.. would
If you want to U!'C the libraf), you'll find it on you hke lo learn? We offer French. Italian.
Darling Street. J',e left my borrO\... l'r's card near the Canton. 1andarin. Spani<.h, Portuese ..
telephone.llhas a very good local reference section Vijay: Ah. I'd like to learn Spani-.h, plca"l!.
if you want to find ou t more abou t this city Denise:Okay. Our daSS<.w . ; arc conducted in lots
I'sorr\" to sa\we don't have a cleaner. Oh, ves! of different plan.-s. We have clac;.-. .rooms in the city
Filte!Pica nluld you change tht.> filters o the and here in this building ...
wa-;hing machine on the last day of the month, Vijay:What'., this building call?
which i.<; Sunda) the 31st.Wt.> find that the machine Denise:This is Building A.
works much better iiwe change the filter., regularly. Vi jay :I work near here, so it'd l:>e Ix-st tl1 study
The gas company reads the meter oul.,ide the house, in Building A
so don't worry about that. I trunk that's all the Denise:What lime do vou want to t\) (Orne t\l
intonnation about our calendar of events. lcs<;0ns? They g(l on fo three hour.;,and the) '>tart
l\arrator: '\ow look at qm .-:.tions 19 to 2.J. Circle the at J0.00 am. 4.00 pm and 6.{X) pm.
corrl!<:t answer. Vijay: I wish I could come to tht.' daytime 11?'"-0ns,
Martha :Well, John. I'm trying to think what else 1 but I can't, so b.00 pm plea.
should be telling you. A'> you !, I'm going to a Denise:That's our most popular time, ot course.
conference in London. I hope to have a little time to Umm. Ilave you ever studie<l 5p.inish before?
look around ll's a great city! I do hope I manage to Vijay: t\o, Ihaven't.
get lo at least some of the lhcalrcs and museums. Denise: We dl''icribc our classes by level clnd
I'm looking forward to illl the things I have to do at number. 'iour cla'!> is called "Elemcnl.iry One."
the t'tmforenre,too. I'm giving a paper on Tuesday the Vijay: Okay When will claS&.'S start? there arc a cou ple of really exciting events Denise: Elementary One beginsah - jus t a minute -
pla nned l.1ter in the conference program I hope to ah - it begins on AuKtJst 10.
meet up with an old teacher of m 11w at Lhc conference. Vijay: C..rcal! Now \\ hat el se do I h.wc lo do?
She taught English Literature at ffi) old high school Narrator:J\ow look al quet:.tions 30 lo 32.
and we've kept in touch through letters over the Ch oose the a ppropria te letters A to D ,md w ri te them
years. She leaches now al Lhc Universily of Durham, in boxl'S 30 Lo 32 on you r answer sheet. I.1stcn
and I'm real l y looking forwnrd Lo seeing her again. caref u lly lo !he conversation between Dl'ni sc n nd
By the way, Iexpect you're hu ngry aflcr you r trip. V ijay .md Anne.
I 've left a mea l in th e refrigerator for you . Ihope you Denise: Wel l, l et's se1.. First, you h av e to go lo ...
li ke cheese mtl oni on pi e. Anne: May Ihave a m inu te plc<1sc Denise?
Would you do me a favour please? Ihaven't had time Denise: Of cou rse, Anne. Excuse me for a minu te,
to cancel an clppoi ntment. It was made a long time please, Vijay.
ago and Iforgot about it until this moming.It's ..'ith Anne: Didyou file those forms for me last night?
m y dentist, for , check-up on Thursda} the 28th. Denise: Ah. l\o. They're still on m} de'>k.
Cou ld you please call Lhe denlist on 816 2525 and Anne: Oh, Dcni"C, that's l>imply not good enough!
cancel the appointment for me? Thanks a lot, John. Den ise:I'm really sOff)'. Anne. It won't happen again.
One last thing. When you leave the hou, make sure Anne: All right Denise. Go back to your CU'>lome r.
the windows and doors arc shu t, and set Lhe burglar But please Ix more careful in fu lu rl'.
alarm. The alarm code number i., 9-1-2-0 enter. Narrator: Now h'>Ltn to Lhc directions ,1nd match the
Have fun! I'll .we you "" hen I gd back This 1s your places in quesh<m'> 33 to 36 lo the appropriate letters
friend Martha, saying goodbvc. A lo l l on the plan.
Narrator: Thal is the end of St>.ction 2. You will now Den ise:I'm :>0rry Vijay. What \\'t:'n. you <>.1ying?
han wme time to check you r answers. Vija y: I wanted to know what elSt.> I had lo do.
'\oo"" tum to St> . ction 3. Deni se:Oh. l'f 1".0u rse. Plea go to the building on
X-'\:lton .'.l.In this St'.Ction you " ll hl'ar a di5C'l.15Sion the other -.1dc of Smith Street. Iwant you to go to the
bt.>h\ l't'n a college n> . ceplioni-.t, Ocni"C, and a student reception area hrLIt's iust m-.idc the door <in the left
nam Vijay about learning a language.In the first a.. you enter tmm Smith Street. Give them this fonn.
part of the discussion they an. t.:ilking about the course Vijay:Oka.., Do Ipay my fees there?
Vijay will stud}. Fir<it look at qutiorn;25 to 29. :\:otc Denise: '\jo, but the fees office is in lhl ..amc building.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 131

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
(.;o past the escal,ltor.; nnd you'll see a games shop. a large bussystem. New York has a comprt>hl'nsive
It's in the comer. Thl' k>t...., office is between the games underground train system, but many people feel that
..,hop and the toilcl'i. it's dangerous to ride on it - then' have bt!en some
Vijay: fhanks. Er. Wht!re can Ibuy books' nasty attacks. Howe\'er, the trains themseh: are
Denise:TI1C booc;hop is t1pposite the lift!>. It's right efficient, so we ha\-e to call it a good system. Sydney
ne't to the entrance from RobertStra?t. has a good public transport sy,tem, but onJy part
Vijay: Your offic'--.; arc spread ou t! of it is underground.
Denise:l\ot a... badly a.., they used to be. By the way, Narrator: :\m' an..wcr questions 39 to -ll. Write no
we offer ,ery comtiti,e overseas travel rates to our more than three words for each answer.
students. Tom: Notably absent from this discussion of cities
Vijay: Oh, I'd like to loo!.. into that. with good public transport arc the cities Inominated
Denise: Of course. The travel agency is at the Smith previously as not havi ng old structure problems:
Street end of the bui lt.l ing, in the corner next to the ILouston, Los Angeles and Dallas. Let's start with
insu rance office. Da llas, a very wealthy city i n rexas which has grown
Vijay: Thank you very much. Bye. up in an era when cars were considered to be
Narrator: This is the end of Section 3.You w1U now essential to move abou t. Ilhas an excellent rm1d
have some time to check you r answer5.l\ow turn s')'stcm, as does Houston, another new city with wise
to Section 4. city leaders'" ho insbt1.'.<i on good roads.However,
51.'.Ction 4. You will hcar an extract from a k'Cture on the public transport sytcm 1n both Houston and
traffic management. Iistcn to what the ...peaker says, Dallas is extremely poor. As a rcsuJt, travel in Dallas
and answer questionc; 37 to 41. First you have c;ome and Hou-.ton 1seasy except tor peak hour, when a
timt! to look at the que..,tions. '\low listen carefully twenty minute run can expand to more than an hour
Jnd answer questions 37 and - nck all the relevant in traffic jams. Los Angck>s suffers from chronic
boxe. in each column. h1ghway blockage., despite efforts to encourage
Tom Fisher: Good afternoon. I'm Tom fisher, and people to use publ ic transport.
I'll be lecturing you on traffic management this term. Cities with good road systems and no old-structu re
Before we go any flt rlhcr, Ithought you should look problems can use other methods to reduce the
at the sort of problems we've inherited - and number of vehicles travelling together at peak hour.
"inherited",or receiwd ns a legacy from those before Flex1-time is one good method: offices open and close
us, is just the word for our situation. Many of our at different times so people are travelling to and from
major cities were built long before the car "as work at different tim. Vehicles carrying mon than
thought of. and the road system evolved from the one person can use special priority lanes which
goat tracks followt.'CI by the early inhabitants. These means they can travel more quiclJy. There are even
we can refer to as old-structure problems, and you systems to make peak hour car use more expenc;ivc,
can take the expn.......,ion "o)d-<;tructure" to refer to ,,;th electronic chips recording the presence of a
problems which were in pl<1ce before we saw the vehicle in a given high traffic area at a given timt!.
need to build efficicnl road systems. So, what can we do? The rest of this course will be
Old-structure problems arc casil) demonstrated in dernted to looking at the conflicting demands of
London. New York, Sydney and Paris. l et's look at road use.and relating the use of the priva te car
t!ach city in turn. Iondon has a most confusing road to other aspects of the economy. Over the next three
i..ystcm, which is forgi veable because it'sa very old weei..s we'll be djscussing this i n more detail ...
city. I'll talk more abou t the ring roads l ater. New Narrator: Tha t s lhe end of Section 4. You now have
York is laid oul on a grid which mn kcs ileasier to some ti me to check your answers.
find your way around, but it's an enormous city and That is the end of Llslening Practice Test I.
the sheer pressure of numbers strangles the roads.
Sydney has narrm' str\!cts in the centre of the city,
and the new road 'orl..s are not keeping up. Paris
has''ide -.trts, but it'-. -.till the victim of old-
.,lructure problems, Iii..\.'Rome and Edinburgh.
rokyo Ls another city with old-structure problems
compounded by a huge population, lik '\ew York.
Cities which do not have these old-c;tructure
problems arc Houston, I.os Angeles and Dallas.
The thing which sJves .,onu of these cities is an
efk'Ctivc public transport system, usually below
ground. London has cln old but effective
underground train system known as the tube, and a
com prehensive bus and train system above ground .
Il ong Kong has cheap, swi ft and effective public
transport in the form of 'v1ass Transit Railway, buses
and ferries. Paris has the Metro underground raihvay
which carries tens of thousands of people daily, and

132 TKE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Umt 6 Answers and tapescripts
General Training Pradice L
istening Test 2
-- ,
Answer Key: General Training Practice Listening Test 2
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4
Questions 1-10 Questions 11-22 Questions 23-31 Questions 32-40
I. 0 11. Mrs Brooks 23. gu itar, classical 32. (the) patient I himsel f
2. A 12. Lee 24. d rums, rock 33. smoking
3. c 13. May I Mai I Mei 25. violin, country 34. young men
4. A 14. 002312 26. pfano, opera 35. (the) sun
5. (to the/ her ) off ice 15. (Mr) Anderson I 27. flutc, jaz" 36. public health
6. (his) brother Anderi.en 28. hearts I heartbeat I (standards)
7. (by) 8 pm I 8 o'clock 16. Flat 5/ 10 or 5/10 blood (flow) 37. healthy lifestyle
8. City Square Univerity Avenue I 29. blood pressure I choices
9. l'<'.Ople arc funny Ave heart beat 38. fun I a pleasure
I0.(the) new office) I 17. 8186074 30. calming I relaxing I 39. warm-up (lime) I
Newtown I 18. B gentle stretching (e)(crcic;es)
l\ew Town 19. c 31. cultures 40. cross training
20. B
21. D
22. c

Tapescript: Practice Listening Test 2 Mary: I'm finding it hard lo know where lo start.
Would you like to look al the answering machines?
Cas'it'll<' 1 Side A Listr11i11& Test 2 SectiollS 7, 2 and 3. Tom: Let's start there. Ilike this one.
St'ctio11 4 is on Cassel It' 1,Side 8 Mary: We have a lot to buy, Tom. We can't afford to
Narrator: Prepare for I ELTS Practice Listening pay $129 for an answering machine. And we can't
Tesb.Practice Listening Test 2. afford to pa) $127.50 for the dual tape answering
Tum to Section I tlf Practice listening Tt 2. machine, either.
Section 1.Thi!. conversation is between two people, Tom: \!right. We'll buy a cheaper one then. There's
fom and Mary, who ilre choosing radio-;, televisions this one for $89 or the smaller one for $59.95.
and telephones in an t>ll'Ctronics shop. Lien to the Mary:l like the square ...ha of the !.mailer one.
ron, crsation and didc which of the items in the It'll fit neatly onto my dl,..,k.
picture, A, B, C, or D they are going to buy. First you Tom: And it's the chea()\."-t Okay, we'll buy that one.
havl! some time to look at Questions 1to 4 now. You Mary:Good. \low, we nl>t!d to buy a telephone for
,., ill >e that there is an example ,..,,hich has been the office.
done for you. lht conversation relating Lo this will To1111: I'd like to get a portable phone. You know,
be played fi rst. one o( those cordless ones.
Tom: Well, here we <1rc.lhere's certai n l y plenty to Mary: Arc you su re?
choose from. Tom: I thi nk it's a good idea. We don't need another
Mary: I'm find ing i t h;ird lo know where to starl. telephone answering machi ne, so we can look for
W1)uld you li ke lo look. at the answering machines? a small one.
Tom: Let'sstart there. I like this one. Mary: Ireally like the one with the hinge in the middle.
Mary: We have a lot to buy, Tom. We can't afford to Tom:A folding telephone' Yl , that's a good idea. So
pa) $129 for an answl.'ring machine. And we can't we'll take that one. Are \'OU readv to look at the other
afford to pay 5127.50 for the dual tape answering things we need? - '
machine, either. Mary:Yes.Let me look at the !isl We n a couple
Tom: Alright We'll buy a cheaper one then. There's of radios.
this one for $89 or the mailer one for $59.95. Tom:I\\ ant one lcan lic;ten to while I'm walking.
Mary: r like the square shape of the !.mailer one. lt'll Mary: Iknow. They're juc;t O\ er here. Idon't think
fit neatl) on my de'>k. you c;hould buy the really cheap one.
Tom: And it's the chcapt"'il. Okay. We'll buy that one. Tom: You mean this one? $17 1s a very good price.
Narrator: Tom and Mary choose the small, c;quare Mary: Ah, lhat's true, bu l l believe they give a very
answering machine costing $59.95, the cheapest bad sound quality. And what if you want lo use a
avai lable, so letter 13 has been circled. Now we shall cassette? It doesn't havt! any space for a cassette.
begin. You should answt'r the questions as you listen Tom: You're right. II mm. Well, r really hate the
becau1>e you will not hcnr the recording a second time. ones where you have lo put the small earphones
No,., listen carefu answer questions 1to 4. into your ear.
Tom:Well, here we arc.There's certainly plenty Mary: 1lere's one with big earphones you put over
to ch from. your cars.

TH E NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: GeneralTraining Modules 133

Unit 6 Answers and tapescnpts
Tom: Ooh. I L'" l'>qwnsi ve ... at questions 1 1 Lo 17.
Mary:ll's only $20 more than the one with the little As you listen lo the first part of the La lk, answer
earphom1.;. Iakl ill questions 11 to 17.
Tom:Okay.What's next? May: l lcllo. This is M,1y ll'C :.pcclking. This message
Mary:Wc have lo choo il tl'levision. is for \'1r.:, Brooks, in sludi:nt affairs. M rs Brooks,
Tom: We nt'l.'J one''hich j., - ah - big enough to ... Itclephon<.'d you la<;t W('l'k <md you told me to call
Mary:But not llXl big. Idon't want an}thing larger back and put the dt.taib of my rl.-que-.t to transfer
than -18 cm. on the answering machine I hope you can hear me
Tom: I rcalh think 3-t c:m jc; too small for our room. easily. [ have the form here and I'll gl\'C you the
That's onlv b<iut thirtl>cn and a half inches. information working from the lop lo the bottom.
Mary: O) .Let's lake the sizc bigger than 3-t cm. As } ou know. my lamily namc is l..L>e, spelled L-E-E. <Jooul anolhl'r radio? and my first name is :'v1.1y. My st udent number is
Mary: rkw. would you ti."I ab<1ut a clock radio 002312, that's 002312. I'm in M r Anderson'sclas.s -
instead of just a r.1dio? you kno\\. hl's the ont who hl'IP" out with the
Tom:I don't want a clock radio. I'm very fond of football team .
my alarm clock! But 1 l ikc this radio with the curved The next part of the form a'>k- for my addresc;. I'll
earn handlt! give it:.lowly. I livl.' o:it Fl,1t 5, 10 University Avenue -
Mary: So do I. I t's a good pric.:-, loo.So, now we've you probably kmw the building. it'sjust near the
chosen an an..\\ crin mad1ine, a cord IC$ telephone, engineering school.
a radio for you lo use when you go for a walk, The telephone number is 818 607-l, and I share it with
another radio and.1 ldlvi.,ion . a lot of olhl'r J".'Opll.' c;o ii'" ofll'n l'ngaged. I'll give it
Tom:Anything l'b.. ? to you again, 81l{ 607-l. I think that's all I have to put
Mary:No.Let''gci and hcl\'e a cu p of coffee! on this part of tht! form. I know you''ere curious
Narrator. fom and Mary o for their cup of coffee. about my rea<;(m for n.>quc..ting a transfer, so I'U
Listen to their con\'crsation, and be ready to aJlS\\.'er explain that next.
questi(lns 5 to 10. Narrator: '\'o\\ look at qul.,..lions 18 lo 22
'\low Ji.,tcn tu the c:onvcr...1tion bctwa.>11 Tom and Ac; Ma} lee continUl'S her ml "Clgc, answer questions
"\1ary,and an...\n'r <1ueslion'> 5 lo Ill. Write no more 18 to 22.
than th rec words for l'ach answer. May:'\low I'll tell you why I want a transfer between
Mary:Shopping's hard work! classes. M r" Brooks, I n.:illy hke my teacher and my
Tom : I'm glad it's onr. daates, but I find it very hard not to speak in my
Mary:Do vou to go home now' own language. I just begin lo thini... in English when
Tom:Yt>:., I think I'll tai...e the things we bought home. the class ends, dnd I 'm surrounded b} other people
Mary:Oi...dy. I'll go to the office.I've got lots to do. from my country so it's natural that we aU speak in
I'll comt' bilci... lilter, straight from the office. our mother tongue. 1 havc bl'l'n looking around for
Tom:Oi...ay. l'J bctlN hurry. M} brother's wai ting a class where there arc very fcw other people from
at the hoL1sc lo hel p carry thl tl'lev1sion m. my country so I wi ll be forced to use English.
Mary: Good. 1 hopl' hl'tl still be there when l get The best class I can fin d ,.., thl' even i ng class which
h ome 1 hawn 'l ;,len you r brother for ages.{\;o, wait, begins at 6 pm . Nlos l of lhL students in that class
I forgot lo lcll you . I'll be l<i tc home tonight. l've got come from mu n tri ls which spen "Spanish, and r
n meding a l "i o'dock. can't speak 1 word so I mu st ui,c Engl ish. I have an
Tom: When do you thl nk 1L w i l l end ? Ital ian friend i n the cl Ms, n nd she Lelis me there are
Mary: I'm nol i;u rc. Sli l l, I should be home by eight. two Hong Kong Chi n ese,si x Spa nish speakers and
ff I th ink I'l l be I n ter tlw n 8 o'clock I'll ca11 you. one Japanese sludenl. She silys mosl people speak
Tom: Okay. ll's n icl' now tha t you r office is in City English al the bre.:iJ..., n l lhough M) ml!limes the
Square. You don't hllvc lo travel very far at all. Spanish sl ip inlo lhli r own language.
Mary: I ccrtlli nly apprcci.ill! it! 1dXi drivers always l checked lhc dass l bt,.1nd lwo i:.ludenU; have
know where' City St1uarc i'>, loo.13y the way, are you droppl'd (lUl of the l'\'l'ning class so there should be
going to watch Pt.'Oplc a rc Fu nny on TV tonight? room for me. Could you plea"'4! SL>t.> 1f I can joi n the
Tom:Whal did 'nu 1y? Wha t TV show? Oh, People clasc;? I'm not sure what the da...., nu mber is, bu t the
ar<' I unny? Of cour..c I am. I'll tell you what happened evening cla"s I want i... m Room 30 of the Trotter
when you get home.I nl"t'.Cl something lo laugh at - Building. The class I'm m no" ;., next door to the
I'm going to the nl'\\' officc al Newtown tomorrow, Trotter building in Prinre To\\ er, it's very ea5}
and I m not looking l<.'rward lo it. for me lo find my WJ)" lo the nl'W class.
Mary:I'd better go.Takt. C1.1 !. I'll you later. Bye bye_ I'm not going homl' until late today, !>O cou ld you
Narrat or. rhat j., thl cnd of Section 1. You now have please lca' l'a ml':'-.agc for me at my friend
some time to dwck your answer.;. \1argaret'<> hou? Hl.'r numbN is 812 7543.and she
'\ow tum ll> St.tion 2. has an answering machine.
Section 2.You arl.' going to hear a "tudcnt arranging I do hope you can tr.m...fcr ml,Mr.> Brooks. If there
to transtcr bl.'t\\ l'\.'n Engfi.,h cla ...::.e:,. Sh is lea,ing is any more information you net.>d ple<Jse call me.
a message cm thl l.1nguagc dcpartmt:>nt' s answering Thank you 'ery much.
machine. The studlnt's nanw i" May L. First look Narrat or. That i;, the end of Section 2. You will no\\'

134 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modu es

Un it 6 Answers and tapescnpts
have some time to chc<.:k your answers. opera, heavy metal, cl.:issical ... bul jazz is the best.
Now turn lo Section 3. Dr Lester: Than!-. you, Cr<.g. Iwanted lo sec what
Section 3. In Lh1s section you wi ll hear a discussion you all l iked so I cou ld u ndtrsland your musical
between a tutor, Dr Ll.'Slcr, ond two students, Greg taste5 more, and I w.:int to move from this to a
and Ale\andra. at the end of , talk about music. In discu.<.;.s. ion uf the physiologic.:il dfocts of music.
the first part of the discu.,sion they arc talking about Narrator. In the c1md p.Hl of thl dission
some of thl' studlntc;' f,wouritc instruments, and Dr Lester w1ll talk <1bout the way music affects
favou rite o.;tyil-.s of music. our bodil."S. Look at qul'.Slions 28 tl' 31 first.
Complt.>te thl' t.ible .,howin the .students' opinions. As vou listen to the di'Uso.;ion. complete the sentences.
Choe>'-e your ans\\ ers from the box. There are more Dr Lester: For the purposes of this discus.-.ion, I'm
words than spac..-. s so }OU \'l.ill not use them all. You gomg to divide music roughly into two l} pes:music
may use any of the words mon. than once. First look which stimulat U!-> 1nd mu-.i1. which calms us.
at qul'Slion., 23 to 27 "oh. the example that has been lt seems that music \\ hich stimulah.'S u" giv1'.S rise
done for vou. to actual chang in our b(' We Ii-.ten to exciting
l\o" li'>ten to tilt' fir..t p.lrt and answrr que>tions 23 toll. music and our hearts beat fa.,tcr, tiur blood pressure
Dr lester: Ithink it's timt> we look al the results of rises, and our blood flows more quickly. In short,
our surve}. Ah. What did you find out, Alexandra? we' re stimulated. Soothing music. ho\\ ever, has the
Alexandra: \\'e'n. J group with very diverse tastes, oppo:;ite eftcct. We rdax, and let the world go by.
Dr lester. Ou r heart beats more gently. our blood pressure
De Lester: IIm . I'm not surprised. What were the drops, and we fet.>I calm. Um Ale\andra. can you
favourite instruments? think of lhings which ht.>lp us to relax?
Alexandra :\\'di, Grl'g lows drums. He told me he Alexandra: Lim. Gt.?nlle rh\'thms?
played drumc; wht.>n hl was at primary school, and Dr Lester. Yes, in part. ThmdodiL>s which hdp us
now he pl.iys drums with his friends at weekends. to relax are smooth flowing and often have repeated
The) haw .i rhythm. 1hcsc rhythms arc constant and dynam ic.
Dr Leslee: Hm. Good. Ah. \\' do you like to play, a little like the crash of on the beach. Their
Alexand ra? \"ery p ictability i., Sl'l.iating, By contrast
Alexandra :My fi"l\'ourih.' is th'- guitar. Howe,er, very loud, discordant mu.,ic with unprl'<iictable
1hawn't pla}l'd for )l'ar., so I keep hoping to start chvthms and slru<-.tu r'--s C'l.cites and stimulates us.
agai n. Will I go on with the 0thcrs? These two generalisations about the differences
Dr Lester: Hm. Ye-., pltaw. between music which stimulates and music which
Alexandra : K.ltJcl i-. likl' Grl'g. She lcl\'cs to listen soothes an:true a-; far,1s they go.but they are far
to drums. She says she's not a player, just a listener. from conclusiw. We still han a lot of research to do
Rachel, as you know, is a violinist, so of course to find out wh.:it, ah, for instance. pl'Ople of different
it's n.itu ral lh,1t she should favour the violin. cultu res hear and foci whtn thty listen lo music.
Dr Lester:I lm. Sn w0 have two people who love the This department 1s t,1king part in a continuing study
sound of the d ru m and two who like strings - ah, the on the influence of rn lturl' on musical perception,
violin for Rachel and the gu itar for Alex. Whal does and we'll Lalk about that mote 1cxt wlck.
I lany l ike? Narrator: Tha l is the end of Section 3. You will now
Alexa ndra: Harry sayo.; the best instrument of them have some lime lo check you r answers.
a ll i s th e pi ano. I l e claims it's more versa tile than This side of the t.ipc is now com plclc. Prnctlce
any other i nst 1L1mcnl. Emi ko plays the piano, but her Listenjng Test 2 conti nues on si de 6. Please turn the
favourite i nstru ment is the n llte. tape over.
Dr Lester: I he fl u lt? Tape l Side B Practice Li Sllni ng Test 2 con ti nues.
Alexand ra:Yes. Em iko plays lhc flute loo, of course. Now Lum Lo Section 4.
Dr Lester: I-I m. !"hank yc1u, Alexandra. Ah, Greg, Section 4. You will hear iln l'Xtract from a talk about
will you tcll u., thL ..tudents' fovou rite style of music? preventative mcdicirw spct:1fica lly, how students
Greg: Wl''rc re illy very rnnstrvative. My favourite can look af ter their own he 11th. l ist1.1n to what
is cla..;.s1c.:il mu.,1c, and th.1t's Alt>xandra's choice too. the spt>aker says,.md answer qul'!>lions 32 to 40.
Katja claims to likl rod:. Fin.t you have soml' timt. to look at the questions.
Dr lester: So that's a votl' from Greg, Alexandra '-O\\ lbten carefully and answer qutions 32 to 36.
and Katja. D<lt. n't Rat:hlI pr.?fcr clas,.ical music? Parker: Good morning. I'm Dr Pal Parker.and I'm
Greg: Rachel m.:ide a choic1.1 which surprised me. here to talk t0 you about prtn>nlative medicine in
She playc; the violin, I expected classical or opera. its widest and most pcrmal asi"'-cts. In other words,
but Rachel says that .,he prefers country music. I'm here lo tell you how lhl' p.lti\.'nt should wTest
Dr Lester. Im. l low int\'n.">ling! What's Harry'schoire? conlrol oi their health away from the practitioners
Greg:Harry likt'S to listl'n to opera, and lov to go of medicinl' and take charge of their l)Wn medical
to a pt>rtormance. lle says opera ha" everything, destiny. I want to talk alxlut staying out of the hands
wlour and spt?Clacll' and theatre and great muic. of the doctor.
Dr lester. And Emiko? When the patient takl..., rl'sponsibilty for her or
Greg: Emikl) say:-. j.:in is her favourite mu-.ic. She goes hie; own health - and llt's dl.'Cidc the patient is male
t0 listen to jan. every Fridt1y evening. She also likes for nm' - men.ue in fact mtirl' at risk than women

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 135

Unit 6 Answers and tapescnpts
anyvay - \\-hen the patient takes over his own health which may be suffered by typists or other people
regime he must decide what he wants to do.The first ""ho perform the same action hour after hour,
thing, of course, is to give up the demon nicotine. day after day.
Smoking is the worst threat to health, and it'c; elf- In this context, therefore, the most important thing
inflicted damage. Ihave colleagu es who are reluctant to remember before any sport is Lo wa rm up
to treat smokers. lf you want Lo stay well,stay adequately. Do streld1lng ex.erciscs, and aim at
off tobacco and smoking in all its manifestations. all times lo increase you r flexibility. I3e gentle with
Our department has recently completed a survey yourself, and allow time to prepare for the game
of men's health. \Ve looked at men in different age you have chosen to play. Don't be fooled by the term
groups and occupatfons,and we came up with a "warm up",by the way. It's every bit as important
disturbing insight. Young men, particularly working to do your warm up exercises on a hot day as on
class men, are at considerable risk of premature a cool one.
death because of their life style. As a group, they I think one of the most sensible and exciting
have high risk factors: they drink too much a lcohol, developments in the red uction of injury is the
they smoke more heavily than a ny other grou p, their recognition Lhat all sports can borrow from each
diet is freq uently hea vy in saturated fats, and they olher. Many sports programmes arc now
don't get enough exercise. encouraging players to use cross training techniques,
We then did a smaller survey in which we looked that is, to borrow training techniques from other
at environmental factors which affect health. 1had sports. Boxers ha\ e been using cross training for
privately expected to find air or water pollution to years: building up stamina by doing road work
be the biggest h.uards,and the) must not be and weight training, while honing their skills and
ignored. However, the effects of the sun emerged as reflexes.Other sports which require a high level
a threat which people simply do not take su fficiently of eye-hand coordinalion are following trend,
serious ly. Please remember that loo mu ch sunlight so you see table tennis players runni ng .and jogging
can cause permanent damage. lo improve their performance, and footballers doing
Gi:ven this information, and the self-destructive things flexibility exercises which can help them control
which people,particularly young men,are doing to the ball better. All of these results are good, but the
themselves,one could be excused for feeling very general sense of well-being is best, and isaccessible
depressed. However, Ibelieve that a well-funded to us all, from trained athletes to people who will
education campaign will help us improve public never run a 100 metres in less than 15 seconds.
health standards and will be particularly valuable for Good health is not only for those who will achieve
yow1g men. I'm an optimist. 1sec things improving, athletic greatness!
bu l only if we work very hard. ln the second part of Narrator: That is the end of Sectjon 4. Now you have
the talk Iwant to consider d ifferent things that you some timt;? to check your answers.
as students can do lo improve your fitness. That is the end of Listening Practice 2.
Narrator: Now answer questions 37 to 40.
Parker: So now J 'd like to issue a qualification to
everything I say. People will still get sick, and they
wilJ still need doctors. This advice isjust to reduce
the iJ1cidence of sickness - il would be great if disease
were preventable, but i t'snot. However, we ha ve
power. In the la Le 80's the Su rgeon-Genera l o( the
Uni ted States said Lhat 53 percent of our illnesses
could be avoided by healthy lifestyle choices. I nmv
want to discuss these choices wHh you.
You should try to make keeping fit fun! lt's very
hard to go out and do exercises by yourself,:.<> it's
wi lo find a sport that you like and play it with
other people.Ifyou swim, you can consider scuba
diving or snorkelling. I f you jog, try to find a friend
to go wilh. 1 you wa l k, d10ose prelty places to walk
or have a reason for wa lking. You r exercise regime
should be a pleasure,not a penance.
The university is an excellent place to find other
people who share sporting interests \, th you, and
there are many sports teams you can join. This,
unfortunately, raises the issue of sports injuries,
and different sports have characteristic injuries. As
well as accidental inju ries, we find repetitive strain
injuries occurring i n sports where the same motion
is frequently performed, like row ing and squash.
The parallel in working liJe is repetitive strain injury

136 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IElTS:General Training Modules

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
General Training Pradice Listening Test 3 ...:..... - ---'

Answer Key: General Training Practice Listening Test 3

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

Questions 1-8 Questions 9-19 Questions 20-30 Questions 31-38
1. .I 9. (lne) Blue Mountains 20.8 am-8 pm 8 31. died (in 1900)
2. .I 10. Monday I \lion. I 21. 9 am-9 pm I 9-9 32. co-cducalional
3. ,/ June 10(Lh) I 10/6 22. 24 hours 33. ten / 10
". 7.00-9.00 am
5. 6.00-8.00 pm
IJ. (the) front gate
12. 8 am
23. E (up lo) 6
24. A 2
3-l. teacher I u ni versity
6. F 13. (the) side gate 25. E 3 35. tolerance I debate I
7.I l.J. 6 pm 26. B and () discussion
8. c 15. (your / thair) (own) 27. c and F 36. A
lunch 28. 8 to 10(am) 37. c
16. strong shoc>s 29. 200 / two hundrL-<l 38. D
17. 11 am 30. a nu r.;e I nursi ng
18. Fil'!"t Aid kit
19. 38

Tapescript: Practice Listening Test 3 Manager: I t's unchang('(i '>llll $3.00.

Student: Does dinner '>till cost $3.00?
01ssi. tte 1 Side 8 M anager: Yes, it d0t>s. Wc'w managed to keep tJ1c
Narra tor: Prepar{' for 11:.1 rs Practice I ishming prices down this yl'ar But the best deal is the three
Tests.Practice Listening rest 3.Tu rn to SC!clion 1 of meal plan for 548.00 per week. We give you vouchers
Practice Listeni ng Test 3. to present when you coml' into the cafeteria, and you
Section 1.You haw JUSt cJrrived at the o;tudcnt hostel get twenty one meab for your $48.That works out
where you will liw du ring the term. The manager is to a liltlc more than $2 a meal. The two meal plan is
explaining the rull-s, and another student is asking al'-0 at last year's rates of 4';16.00 per week. We gi\'e
quL>slions. Liskn lo thl' amversation and complete you \'Ouchers for that, too.
the fonn. Fir<;t you have some time to 1<1<lk at Student \ih sister was in this hostel before me.
Qu..,tions 1 to 5 on the Student H05tC?I Charges for f'm sure the hours for breakfast used to be longer.
meals form now. You will that there is an Manager: \ ec;, they 'ere. They used to be 7 to 9..30,
exJmple which ha-. lx>cn done for vou. The but lo kp our exptmc;es down we made them 7 to 9.
conver-;ation relating to this ,,;11 played fir.;t Student Lunch is the way it was, though. Ilold on!
Studen t facusc me. I w,1nt to ask you about the Dinner 6 to 7.30? l<;n'l that a change?
charges for meal'>. Are they the same as the) were Manager: Yes, it i'i, and in foct the form is \\ rong.
la'>t year? It u sed to be 5.30 to 7.30, but now it's 6 to 8 pm.
Manager: l\:o, I'm nfraid they're not. We've managed Student:6 to 8 pm .That':;good.
lo 1-.cep moslof them lhl' some, bu t we've had to Manager: So which pion wou ld you like?
i ncrc<isc the chn rge ror b 1'('<1kfost. Studen t: I'd l ike to thi nk L1boul il, please. I 1wcd
Student: I low mu ch is il now? to check my lecture schedu le.
Manager: f t'-; $2.50. llused to be $2.00. Narrator: '\low look ell quc!-.tions 6 to 8.Listen to the
Stud ent:Ic;cc. WhJt about lunch? conversation bcnwcn the c;tudenl and the manager
Manager: It's unchanged - still $3.00. and match the places in questions 6 to 8 to the
Narrator: Breakfast co-.Ls $2.50, so th ch.mgl? has been appropriate letters \ to F tm the map.
written in. Lunch <;till cost-- $3.00, so the information Student Can you tell ml' how to gt.>t to my room. please?
ha_,bL"l'n tided. ""'O\\'t' :-.haU begin. Yl"U houJd Manager. Of course You're in the new wing. which b
\'t'f} frhly painlt'd and pleasant. But I'm afraid
an..,wcr the questions a., you listen bt.>cau you will
not hear the reconJing a '("(Ind time. you're going to ha\ e to go to a couple of other offices
!\ow li<.tcn cardully and an...wcr qut':'-tic>n." Ito 5. before you can ha\'c the kty.You're in tht
Student Excuse me. I want to a.,k vou Jboul the Admisions Office now. LeJ\e thic; office and tum
charges for meals. An lhl') the saw as thl'y were right and go to the end of thc hall. The l<1st office is
last year? the fees office, where )'OU can pay the balance of
Manager: No, I'm ,1fra1d they' re not. Wl'w managed your room deposit. They'll give you a receipt.
lo keep most of thlm thc same, but we've hnd lo Student: Okay.
increa!;C the charge for breakfast. Manager: After you've bt'Cn lo the fees office come
Stud ent: H<m much is it now? back past Admissions. You'll 'lee a very large room
Manager: It's $2.50. It to be $2.00. at the north western comer oi the buil ding. You can't
Stu dent: I St>.c. Wh.1t Jboul lunch? miss it. That's the student lounge, and if you go in
there you can meet soml' of the other students Jnd

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 137

Unit 6 Answe and tapescripts
sec who'll have,1 room you. Narrator: That is the end of Section 2. You will now
Student: That's good. Can I get a clip of coffee lhere? have some time lo chl.'ck. your answers.
Manager: Y1.. s, therl's a v1..nd111g machine i n the Now turn to Section 1
corner. rhen go t1l the Kev Room, which is opposite Section 3. lnthis section you will hear a conversation
the lift and next to th1.. library, o.,how them you r between M rs I .am, a m1..mtxr oi the staff in a large
receipt, and you can pirk up you r key there. hospital, and Andrl'w, who is a student in the
Stud ent:\I} luggag1.. was sent on ahead.Do you nursing school. \llrs I am b explaining the rules
know wher1.. I should cull1..-"Cl it? about visiting hours in thl' hospital. Iook at
Manager: The box mom is ne't to the women's toilet. questions 20 to 25.
You'll ha\'e to get th1.. k1.. y ln>m tht.' ke}' room. Listen to the first part of thl' C\lllVl.'rsation and
Student: Thank vou. answer questions 20 to 22.Complete lhe table
Narrator: Th.Jt i;the 1.. nd of &'Ction I You will now sho\, ng when visitor<; may go to lhc d ifferent parts
have some time to chcck your ans\\ ers. of the hospital.
i\ow tu m to &>ction 2. Lam:Hello, Andrew.I bl'lil've vou want to know
Section 2. Yuu .Jrc going tu a teacher helping about visiting hou rs?
high ..,chuol studcnb \'io.,iting rom an overseas school Andrew: )cs, Ido lrs Lam . I ha\ e to 1111 lhL<> form
to fill in a sch<x1l cxnar...ion rwrmi..,sion note. First out, and I'd like to havl' >me idl1 , why the different
look at questions 9 tu I h. parts of the h<Y.'>pllal have different times for \'isiting.
LLc;ten whilc a t1..aclwr tl'lls you how to complete the Mrs Lam:I set' W<.'11, let's start with an ob\'ious one.
school i.'>.cur..,1on f)'m1i.....,inn note.Write no more Intensive Care Peoplt.> in intcnsi\ c care are very sick
than thrt!e words or numrs for each answer. indeed, and for that rca<;0n we sw . that \'isitors can
Mrs Brown :Good morning studl'nl'>. f\.ly name is come between 6 am and midnight.
\fr.., Brown,.md I'm in charge of thc school Andrew:Ican understand that.
excur:ion next \\1..>ek Ple.lSl' lake out your School Mrs Lam:At the other end of thi. -;call', our maternity
Excur..,ion Permi,,ion 'J<;ll' > \'Ou can fill it in. For patients are usually quite well, but \'\ C re.trict their
insurance purp1 . this nott.. ust be signed by your visiting hou rs from 8 am ll18 pm . We find lhey get
guardian or the group kadl'r. Fir...t of all, fill in the vet) tired if we permit vi...itors all the time.
name of you r cl.l';c.:.. Everyone henis in 3A, aren't Andrev.-: Isec.What about the urgical wards?
they? So writ1.. 3A w hl'rl' it says "da..s". \'\'e're going Lam: The dt>etl1r.<. prdlr t1> do thl-ir round.., early
to the Blu1.. Mountain..,, which is gmat, so this is the in surgical, so visiting hours are 9 am to 9 pm. Surgical
school excursion to lhl Blul' Mountains.The day patients are often on vt.l)lwavy painkillers, and they
we leave i., Mondav's !'v'londav June 10. aren't really very good compan} for their vi">itors!
We arc tra\clling l} bus illl Lhc wy, .so we don't Andrew:Bul !>Urdy the visitor.; come lo cheer up the
have to worry .ibout ch.rnging trains or anything like patient, not the other wa> rou nd?
that. The bus will ILaw from thc front gale at 8 am. Mrs Lam: Of course.And olten lhe visitors are able
lknow we usually use the side gale, bu t because of to help the patient a l()l. hat's why we a llow visitors
the roadwork.., we wi ll be usi ng the iront gate when all day, the f ull 24 hou rs, 111 thl' emergency ward.
we leave. J lowevcr, when w1.. rclu m Lhe roadwork They help com rorL LhL pa while they're waiting
will be complett so Wi.'11 u'lc the side gate. We expect to be diagnosl!d.
to be back at 6 pm. Narrator: In Lhe second part of lht.! d iscussion And rew
It's going lo be o lowly day. Ym1,. teachers will give will ask Mrs Ln m abou l tlw people who arc al lowed
you tasks to do when Wl'orriw. We'l l provide fruil lo visil palienls. Look al tjllCslions 23 to 25 first.
and fru i t ju kc rni lhl' b11s, bu lyou must bring your Complete th1.. table show i n g who is a l l owed to visit,
own lunch. and the nu mber or visitors pcrmi llcd. Use the letter
While we're on Llw 1..xcu rsion we'll be movi ng A tu show tha l Ad u lts m.1y vii;il, E lo shmv that
around a lot in some fJ1rly rough cou ntry. Be very Everyone may visit ,inc.I Ilo .,how tha t only
careful to wcM strong shoos. ll's very important that Immediate family may v isi t.
you look. artcr your fe1..l very wel l. Now does anyone M rs Lam : Of course, i t's nol JllSl l'veryone who can
have any question"> thcv \.\ ant to ask? visit a sick patient. Pcoplt.! i n inltnsi ve ca re can only
Narrator: !'\ow louk at qul'slions 17 to 19. be vii;ited by lht.!ir immcdialc family. What's more,
k,lhc talk. conlinu1.-. s, .insw1..r quL>stion<> 17 to 19. Write we only allow two pt.'(.>plL in at m} time. We let
no mOn'! than thr1..'e W\>rds \)r numbers for each answer. children of the immL'<li.1tc tami ly in to \'isit people
Mrs Brown : l\;<l qul'stiuns? Okay.I'd just like to fill in mtensivlc' cart., bu t WI.' don't likc to do it. It's very
in a fe\\ more dl'tails.The bu<> should arrive in the hard on the children, and it m.1y disln. ._ the paticnt.
Blue fountains al 1 1 am. We'll havl.' time to do the Howe\ cr, if the patil'nt asks for thl' child, and the
fir..t of our tao.,k.., b.:forc lunrh.The bus is not a new family agrt>eS, that's okay.
one, but it dl>l"i carry one pieC\.' \lf special equipment Andrew:What about childrl.'n in maternity?
- a first aid kit. lcl!rtainly hope we won't have to use Lam :Of course we ll't thl.'m in! Thev're ,erv
it, but it's nin to know it's thl.'rc in case we have a pleased to see thei r' nile in.matemlty
medical emergcnry. is evervone may visit, up to -,ix p..". 'Ople at a time.
The other class on thb c.\cu ion i 3B, so I know The maternity ward is tjuilc '-OCiablc, after all.
it'll .1good dcly .'Ihe last ti me JA and 3B went Andrew:The surgical ward muo;t be difforenl.
out logethcr was a thoroughly sucres,ful excursion. Mrs lam:It IS indL'\.'Ci. W1.. dlln't all\l\\ cruldren in

138 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
the surgit at ward beca use of the danger of infection, Nm.. listen caref Lilly and answer quest ion., 31 to 35.
and.1s you know we restrict Lhe hours.There arc a lot Principal: GOl.ld morning, and welcom1. to Scholastic
of which must be carried out on surgical House. Iam delighted to sec you here. It is my d uty lo
pabento.;, and we onl} let two visitor.. rome m at a time. ex. plain lo you <-0me of lhe history of our collc.-. ge and
Andrew:And in Emergency, f>l'.Oplc arc allowed to some of the tr.lditions. which Ihope you will u phold.
\'isit all the time? The idea for Scholastic House was expoundt>d by
Mrs Lam:Oh yes. We rely on patient< relati\'es to be Samuel Welt .. in 1898 \\ ells was a vi-.ionar., whili.e
thl re for tht'm, and \.,e permit C\'Cl)'tmc to \'ic:it the ideas were well ahead of hlS time. He want>d a
emergency department at all hour... However, we college which would CnCtlUragc menJ..,hip behHn
rtrict it to thr v1...itors for each patient. Othem;se people ot different races and n.1tionaliti . Wells died
tht' room ju.,t gets totally crowdl>d. in 1900 before he could the college in action .
Narrator: \;ow listen to Mrs Lam eplaining where Scholastic Hou finally began operating in 1903
\ndn.w \\ ill spend the first m .ek ot his training. \dth ten sludlnt -. fhosc student-. came from Asia,
Circle two letters. An example ha.... lx. n done for you. Europe, and tht> Americas. At that time &holastic
Look al qm !-.tions 26 and 27. House accepted only male studenb, although it has
Cirde two letters in each answer. been co-education.ii since 1963. f\ine of the-;e
Mrs lam: Nm.. Ihave you r schedu le for thl' next foundati()n studenb went on to lead i llustrious li ves;
we1.'k'<. observation sessions. A rc you ready? the only exception ditd tragiC'a lly on hi.., wny home
Andrew: Ye&. Wht.?re do I start? from Scholastic 1 louse to Sarawak. r le had on ly
Mrs La m :011 Monday you'll be i n mole surgical in recently grad uated wilh an honou rs dcg11.t1 i n La w,
the morni ng, and i n fema l e surgical i n U1.e afternoon. and he was robbed of a brilliant futu re.
You' ll Lx fol l owi ng Dr Shay on htr round s. The other ni ne sludenls, as J said, led wry fu l fi l l ing
And rew you. And on Tuesday? lives. Ihrl'C became political leaders, Lhrt>e became
Mrs Lam: On you will be with Dr Thomas doctors. Perhaps Lhe most famous gradualt became
111 th1. mom1ng and Dr Robertson in the a fternoon. a univer'>i ty teacher and was responsiblt for the
No, that can't be right ... you're \Hth Dr Thomas in introduction of modem teaching training methods in
the aftl:'moon and Dr Robcrbon in Lht> morning. his country. Two of the original grl1up txc.:ime senior
Andrew : Do Icver get to Dr Kim ? enginl't!rs and went on to deeply influence the way
Mrs Lam:YL..,, you'll be with Dr l\.1m on lhursday the water systems of their country wen.- 1 :xploited.
and Friday. She'll take you through the children's The rullegl.' ran into hard times during the p...riod of
ward and through our new teenage ward for 12 to 15 the Great War, 1914 to 1918, when the charter of the
\'l:'ar old.,. college wa-. int rpreh.>d to mean that mither students
Andrew:C..n.-at! l'w read a lot about that new ward. nor staff could take part in the "ar effort. Many
\\'ill I ._, the school room? p.. ple foll that thio; indicated a lack of national spirit.
Mrs Lun: \1aybc another time. and the \., allo.; of the college were frequently marked
Narrator: t\ow look at questions 28 to '30. with graffiti. Meantime, outside the collegc, lenc:; of
t\ow answer qul>stions 28 lo 30. \.\ rill:' no more than thousands of young men went away to fight in
three words or numbers for each answer. Europe, never to return.
A ndrew: And what wi ll Ido on Wt>d nesday? The collcgl' \ building a reputation for learning
Mrs Lam: On Wed nesday you'll join the other and for tolerance of opposi ng vicv. s. Schola-.lic L Louse
sludtnt for lectu res. You' l l be i n the Rcdm ore debate and d iscussion ni ghts were.' orerwd to the
Icctu re Room 8 and 10 om and later public in 1927, n nd have been available lo n nycme who
bclwtc112 nnd 3 pm. wishes to allcnd t?vcr since. IL is a proLtd trad i tion of
Andrew: Thnnk you. l)o yoi..r know how big my the college thnt any view may be expressed provided
Mrs Lam:'I he i ntake this Lcrrn is two hundred fi rst that it can be defended intellectua l ly. Ovl'I' Lhe yea rs
y<.,1r students. I'm pleased Lo say about one third are topics which were controversia l at the ti ml' have been
men, which is good. i':u rsi ng used to be an almost discussed and debated.
cnlircl) fomall' occupation. Narrator: NO\.'\ look at queslions 36 lo :l8.
Andrew: I know. My father trained as a nurse, Principal:As I s.iid, the college hac:; a proud history
and he wa.., considered very unusual. of publich. examining controvcr.-ial issue-..Why
1\ Lam: 1... he "till working as a nu? should WI.! do this? The publicity we recei\'e i.., often
Andrew:Yt... ... He'c; working in a hospital in the sensational. and there bno joy in encouraing
country. Igul..,., Ijust wanted to tollow his C\ample. argument for it-. own sake; in fact that .lrt of
Narrator: That is the end of <>ection 3.You will now di.s-l u...itm juo.;t tenc;ion .The only 1"-gitimate
ha\'C somc time to check your ans\' ers. rea n for our l:>eha\.'iour is that it casts light upon
:\m... tum to ion 4. the topic in quL'Stion and informs the debate.
Section 4. You will hear an extract from an And contnwer,ial topic; are the one. \\ hich most
introductory talk given to a group ot students who need informed alll:'ntion. As tht> world forgL"" ahead
han.' just entert..>d a univer-.ity ridcntial college. we often find our entists ha\ e outstripf>1.>d our
The spc.:ikcr is the principal o( the colll-gc. philosophers. We frcquenll) dcvelop sci1. nlific

I isten to \Yhat the speaker says, .ind .in..,wer marvels wi thou t realising their full 1mplic.:il10ns.
questions 31 lo 38. Fi r&t you have some lime to look Nowhere is this more obvious than i n med icine.
al questions 31 to 35. We arc now c'.l blc lo keep people nl iw fo r longer than

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 139

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
before, but this medical ability must be measured
in relation to the quality of those lives.
Iu rge you to c;pend you r lime al Scholastic House
wic;ely. You are the heirs of an t' l.Cellent academic
tradition nf which we can all be justly proud.
rt is your responsibility to continue this tradition
of qulrying where our world ii; going. Progress
is nol always upwards.
I wish you every joy in your hme here, and l hope
that I will hear much \.\ Cll informed debate from you.
Narrator. That lS the end of St?ct1on 4. '\JO\\ you have
some time to check your answer...
That is the end of Listening Prilctice Tc:.l 3.
This ta is now complete.
Practice Li'\l'eTUng Test 4 starts on Cas.:.ctlc 2 Side A

140 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
General Training Practice Ustening Test 4
Answer Key: General Training Practice Listening Test 4
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4
Questions 1-8 Quest ions 9-18 Quest ions 19-29 Qu estions 30-39
1 c 9. ./ 19. water whl>cl 30. hunger
2 r 10. 11 (pm) 20.gear.. 31. noise
3. Cl 11. 11.30 (pm) 21. spray tube 32. stud}
4. CST 12. ./ 22. hol 33. tense
5. T 13../ 23. base 34. tired
6. T 1-l. Thur.. I lhu rsday 24. c 35. 45 dcgn.>cs
7. s 15. Smith Street 25. A 36. relaxed
8. c 16. laying (telephone) 26. A 37. chew
c<ible(s) 27. A 38. exercise
17. (th e) college 28. B 39. Sm l)ky
grou nds 29. D
18. side door

Tapescript: Practice Listening Test 4 John:Did he?

Carol:Next one is Stephen Bau.
Cnsi:ttc 2 Sidt' A John: Ile wrote Summer Barbecues, Co<>king for Smgles,
Narrator: Prepare for TELTS Practice I isltming tests. Dimttrs bv Ca11dle/1glit ...
This is tape 2 Carol:An) thing else?
Prepare for IELTS Practice Listening Tests.Practice John:l\o. Do you have anything by P.:im Campbell?
Listening Test 4. Carol:Wnndmngs in Greece, My lift! i11 R11...sw
1urn lo St> . ction 1of Practice Listening Te:.l 4. Travels m lltt Amaum,and Pam Campbell's g11111e
51.-. clion t .I isten to the conver;i'lllon between two toa sucussful trip.
studenls, John and Carol. The} have a lbt of the John:Sounds like she got around! \1y nt.xt one
names or authors ...hose books haw bt.-cn given to is C. Kcz1k..
the library.They have to ddssif) the authors as Carol:J le has a list of books about football. 'nw World
writer.. of cookery, sports or tra\'el. First you have Cu11, Htr0c.,, of tlU! World Cup, Playing w1tl1 ll1t' ro1111d ball.
SClmC time to look at Questions 1 to 8 on the table Sot:cer for ewryo11t ..
nO\\ John:That's enough! He was a one-topic writer. Ari
You will S'lC that there is an example \\ hich has been Hussein, however, wrote about cool<lng and travel!
done for you. The conversation relating to this will His series of cook books is called l...tm11g and cookmg in
be playt.d fi rst. Spn111, Livi11g n11d cooking in Chinn, Uvi11g n11d cook111g
Joh n:This is a great collection of books, isn'l il? in Brazil. l lc's been everywhere.
Carol: Very i mpressive. Wlw gave them Lo us? Carol: I've gol a specialist here. Sal ly I nnes on Lennis.
John:A ppa rentl y the donor was a book 1-evi ewer. Herc arc some of her titles: TmprOVI' your St'rTJe, Te1111is
There a rc a lot of books about sport. J lere's one. for t>veryo11e, Te1111is forever!
My life i11 cricket. John: Meg Jorgensen has three books, one i n each
Carol:That's certainly sports. Who's the author? category: C<'10ki11g for health, Sport 1s good f<>r yo11'
John: Peter Adams. and Trnr'1:ll111g 111 Australia.
Ci'lrol: I le also wrote /oumeys lliro11gli S11t1m. Carol:A varil>d talenl Who's next?
John:Did he? John :Bruno Mu rray. He \\.Tote child ren's book.-. -
'\arratur Peter Adams writes on both sports and a wholt> ries called A child 'sguide to ...and then the
travel. o.;() S T is written against his name. name of the city.
No" Wt' shall begin. You should i'lnswcr the Carol:Oh. You mean like A child\g11idtlo Lo11do11?
lJUl>stionc; as you listen because you will not hear the John : '\ es, that's right He seems to havL' stayl'Cl
record1n a second time.NO\\ listen c&i rcfully and in Europe. Ruby Lee, however, has ju l onc book.
answer questions 1to 8. lt' rallL'Cl Tlte emernld isle and rt'sall about Jrdand.
John:This is a great co11ection of book.c;, im't it? Apparently !-he went around Ireland on foot.
Carol:Verv impressive. Who gave them to us? Carol:Jim Wells wouldn't like that! Hi., books are all
Joh n:Apparentlv the donor was a book l'l!v1ewer. about motor racing. Hmm. ice photos of old racing
There an a lot of books about sport. Herc's one. car;.Don't you love the goggles on lhc driver?
M11 lifr 111 cricket. John:They do look trange, don't they? I think we're
Carol:That's certainly sports. Who's the author? nearly finio;hed. What did Helen Yeung write?
John: Peter Adams. Carol:S11111111er 111e1111s: food for tho11glit. She also did
Carol: I le also wrote Journeys lltro118lt Spn i11. a book of Chinese recipes - Cantonese, I Lhink.


les 141
Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
Joh n : Ok,1y. That's dealt with the fi rst box. Let's stop between two students who have lo describe a lawn
for a m inute sprinkler for part of their general i-.cicnce course.
Narra tor: l11at is the end of "'--ction 1. You now have (A lawn sprinkler is a machine dl gnl'<.l to water
"llml' llnw to chcck your an'>wl'rs. gardens and lawns). In the first part of thl' di<.russion
l\!o\\ tum to &ction 2. the students arl' talking about the Jifforent parts of
S..> . etion 2.You are going to hear a taU.. by a student the sprinkfor.Fir-t look at qut?Stions 19 to 23. '\lote
ad\'i'>('r who i., inviting nC\\ student-. lo a welcoming the example 1h,1t ha., n done for you.
party. Ll><lk at the in\'ilation . fick if tht' information ;\.ow listen to the com ersation and larel the parts of
b corn-.-ct or write in the chan .Fir-.t look at the sprinkler on the diagram. Choose lrom the box.
que-lilm:. 9 to 14. There are more words in the bo'\ than yt)U will nt!ed.
,\s you'f'I to the first part of the talk, answer Linda:Hello, Scott! I relicw you're going to be my
lJUt"-tiOil'"' lJ lo 4 partm.r for thi.-. practical sessiun . lave you got the
Student Adviser: Hello. My name is Dave Bums, model .;ct up?
and I'm here lo tdl you about the welcoming party Scott: Yes. Uh. It's right here.lhc in.,tructions say we
we arc h<wing for nt?\\ student... Unfortunately the have to dt> . scribe it first, and label the d1agrilm. I've
intormillilm on you r im italion is inaccu ratt?. We started from where the water enters the machine.Um.
didn't h.ivt l'nt>ugh time to print mw invi tations, The water l'nttrs through a hose pipe and then it turns
S(l I'll h.iw lo.1sk you lo makl'chclnge:-.. a watcr wht-el. You can see where Lhe wheel is marked
To slnrt w ith, this isn't a welcomi ng l u nch: i t's a by an arrow poi nting L1pwards. It's c.J llcd a waler
d<1nce pnrly. I l owcvcr, the 1wx l l i n e i s true. The party whet'! b{'cm1st:' it'sdesigned so the Wfllcr wi ll catch
wi ll ht lwl d .J l Bl.Jckwd l I Ioust'. Is everybody against the wheel. This action spins a series of gears ...
rom forlablc with that? The next li ne tells you when Linda: How arc you goi ng lo describe !he gea rs?
the p<lrly will be: Friday J une l'ilh al 8 pm, bu t I have Scott:There arc lwo worm gears, one vertical and
good new<>: tlw party wi ll end al I l pm. As a resu lt one horizontal 1he hori7onta1 worm gear drives a
ol Lhis l.ill'r l'nd to the part) tlw bw; will go later, too, circular gc;ir.That gear is connected to a crank. which
<:<l it "hlluld read "Free transport to thl' student changes the motion. The crank. is alreadv labelled.
hC>Sll1l i-. av.iilablc leaving Blackwell I louse at 11.30". Do vou sec the two white arrows?
And of wur:-.c other students ma\attend, and all Linda: I 'it."C Okav, the water has pasd across the
...rudt.'Jlt" must ha\'e their studlnl ID card with lhem. '"att.'r \\ hl Then \\'hat?
I ho(X' you l".lln come to the "tc'koming party. It's a Scott: Umm. Then you could !'ilY the watt.>r
reall)'glv<l way to et to kno\\ other tudents and pa-..., through the spray tube.
to li.'am what it's like to li\'e in this city and to study Linda:'t es, I "t>.e.
here.Ju"t tmc final change:please let us know by Scott: And the waler i., then <.pread onr the lawn
Thl1May if you c.:in come. through holes al the top of the spray tube.
r..arrator: Now listen while Dave Bum-. gives Linda: How arc you going to dt?Scribe the ba..;c?
instrudion., for students who arc goin>; to travel h} Scott: I low about thL<i: "fht? spnnkll'r -;t.Jnds on
c.:i r to tht. p.1rty. First look al que.;tions 15 to 18. Write a base consisting of two metal tube,, which join
no mort th.:i n thl"l.'<.' words for e<Kh.mswer. a t a hingt?.1t ont? end and continue into a plastic
Student Adviser: Some of you m.1y prefer to travel the other."
by c.1r, but I hiivc to \'\'arn you obuut some changes Lind a: That'Ii certainly starling al the bottom. Do you
to thl'.' ro.1ds. You will find there i s a lot of new road want to mentil)n that there's no water in the bast??
work on Smi th Street. The work wi ll not finish for Scott: I don' L lhink tha t's necessary. If you look at the
a long l i me so we can be sure lhol S111i Lh Street will d iagra m it's em;y Lo sec that the 011ly metal tube lo
be ,1 problem. con tain wa ltr is lhc spray tube. You con actually
I f you an comi ng from Lhc city you will be able to sec the waler com ing ou t of il.
lrawl ea!-.ily u ntil you gel lo Blackwell Street, just Narrator: \Jow li slt'n while l.inda .md Scoll's
ne;ir tlw rnllec. As you know Bl.ickwell Street is very instructor, Mark Stewart, talks lo them. Answer
long. You should avoid the coml'r of Bldckwell Street q uesllon-. 24 lo 29.
and Jonl'S A\'Cnue, bl auw thl'y are laymg telephone Mark: Hello Scott, Linda. I'm glad I caught you
cable.I lowl'ver, you can tak<.> a detou r and avoid before da<.s. Did you know about the change in lhe
Blackwell StT't'l't altogether. I he bl,.,l lhing to do is to examination ht.tfole?
. ... . the round-about and take the first road on your Scott: Changd
ldt which i-. Brown Cnt. Brown Cn.. nt \\iU Marie Ye-;. lhe Ja-.t day of cxaminal on.., for your group
lead you into the collegt? ground.;, so th.1t'!> ca!>y. ,.,,;11 be December 2nd instead of '\:t1\'tmber 29th.
I hop..' l'\'Cryonc hasa great time.Bring yt.,ur friends, Scott: lo; that dl'finite? We wert. klld lht.v'd on
and \\'l''ll '<vou on Fridav. Oh, one final reminder: O\ embcr 26,and then there was a ru.,;uur the\''d
it'-. bt_,..t to u the side dc.x r.'I he trnnt door may be be on IA> . rembcr the 1-.t.
llhJ lt 7.00, so come to thl' side. you on Friday. Mark: Thl schedule'., gone to the printer There
Narrator: That is the end of &ction 2 't ou will nm\ can bc no chilngcs. It'-; dt?finitt?I) Derember 2nd.
h.wc soml' time to check you r answers. Scott rhat's a relief. I'm going to the US tm D<.>. cember
\Im" tu rn to Section 3. thl'4th.
!-Jcclion 3. In this S<. ction you wi ll hear a discussion Mark:A rl' you ont? of the exchange !-.ludcnts?

142 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
Scott: Yeah. Yeah. I'm really looking forward to raising you r shoulders and tensing them - now relax.
studying there. Do you know if their general science Can you feel how much more comfortable a relaxed
courses are anything like ours? stance is? Another thing - it's very important to
Linda: It's not very likely. check that you are working in a good ligbt. ltwill not
Mark: ActualJy, all basic genera l science courses are actually hurt your eyes to work in a bad light, but it
fairly similar. You'll find you're behind in some things will make you tired very quickly and is very likely
and ahead in others.1 wouldn't worry too much about to give you a headache. What's more, if you have the
the course. You've been doing well on this one. Linda, book flat on a desk in front of you ilwill be harder to
have you finished your assignment yet? read, and you will have t-o hold your head at an odd
Linda: I'm nearly there. 1should be able to give it angle. Itis wise to have a bookrest which ra ises the
to you on Monday. ma terial you are read ing 45 degrees to the desk. This
Mark: That's good.lcan't let you have another will help reduce your chance of a headache. Try to
extension. relax before bed so that you 'l.Vill be relaxed when
Linda: lwas really gra teful for the extra time you you try to sleep - a soak in a hot bath may be hel pfu I.
gave me.That was a really big assignment. It's also important to really sleep \vhen you go to
Mark: Well, I'll expect i t next week. Now, would you bed: a good mattress is a wise investment for people
li ke to hear the details of the timetable? who want to avoid headaches.
Scott: Oh. Yes, please. This talk seems to keep coming back to tension.
Mark: I've just finished putting it on the noticeboard Tension may cause you to chew too forcefully, clench
downstairs. Basically, you'll have four examinations. your jaw, or grind your teeth, and tbis i n turn may
General mechanics is in the morning of December lead to headaches. It is very easy to say that you
1st, physics and maths are on the afternoon of the shouldn't grind your teeth, and very hard to stop,
same day. Comn:n.mications and English are on the particularly if you grind your teeth in your sleep.
morning of December 2nd, and Earth Sciences in Try to avoid situations which will make you tense,
the afternoon. particularly just before bed. If you do compulsively
Linda: A11 over in two days! grind your teeth in your sleep, ask your dentist about
Mark: Yes. 'll miss teaching this class. You're all a soft mouthguard.
good at expressing your views, which makes for an .l general, try to eat regular meals and avoid tense
interesting class. Some of the other first year class<:!S situations. Be sure you gl:!t plenty of l:!xe.rcise.
won't talk, and they're .rather boring to teach. Hopefully your headaches will be greatly reduced.
Narrator: That is the end of Section 3. You will now One other thingIshould point out - avoid smoky
have some time to check your answers. rooms and cars. Such places certainly encourage
Now turn to Section 4. headaches, and the smoke may be doing you quite
Seclion 4. You wilJ hear an extract from a talk about serious long-term damage.
student health, and specifically about ways to avoid Narrator: Thal is the end of Sect.ion 4. Now you have
headaches. Listen to what the speaker says, and some time to check your ans\vers.
complete the summary. First look at questions 30 to 39. That is the end of Test 4.Test 5 is on Cassette 2 Side B.
As you listen to the talk, answer questions 30 to 39.
Complete the summary. Use words from the box.
There are more words in the box than you need.
Some words may be used more than once.
Broadcaster: Hello. Welcome to the student
orientation program. Today's session is on health
issues, and this talk is about headaches, and how
to avoid them. It may surprise you to hear that
headaches are often caused by hunger! lnfact one
study suggested that 70% of headaches are related
to hunger, which makes it the principal cause.
The advice is simple: eat three meals a day and
try lo keep to a fairly regular schedule of meals.
People associate noise with headaches, and for most
of us excessive noise creates the condi tions for a
headache. Very loud noise is unpleasant, and people
usually remove th.emselves from it. Having said that,
younger people tend to tolerate noise better than
thei r elders, so Imay be leaving noisy places far
earlier than you. Just remember that exposure to
too much noise may predispose you to a headache.
Of course, we all associate headaches with studying!
In fact the headache probably doesn't come from the
studying so much as from being tense. When we
study ha.rd, we often hunch over our work. Try

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 143

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
General Training Pradi e L;.istening Test 5
- - ...&. J

Answer Key: General Training Practice Listening Test 5

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4
Questions 1 7 Questions 1()...20 Questions 21 31 Questi on s 3240
1. A 8. 3 21. 1987 32. A
2. B 9. 5 22. Turkey 33. c
3. D 10. 8.25 (AM) 23. English for forming 34 B
-l. ,\ 11. coach 24. 16 weeks I 4 month.. 35. l)
5. D 12. 2 25. 1-l (students) 36. B
6. c 13. Friday 26. former I previou I 37. A
7. A It. (sailing) boat old student-. 38.Social life
15.(reek) music 27. ad\:anred (students) 39. I fide (extra) fees
16. B; D 28. all (stut.ltmts) 40.The government
17. A; B 28. advanred (studcnh,)
18. B; D 30. a11 (students)
19. Giwk tour 31. beginners
20. AA3 (1101aa3)

Tapescript:Practice Listening Test 5 Ken: Ithink I hav(' 1t. 9731 4322 sound right?
Megan:That's it. But thl.' home nu mber is 9452 3456.
Cas5ellt' 2 Sidi R He moved in last Wl'Ck
Narrator: Prepare for lEl TS Practice Listening tests. Ken :GtlOd .l'n. got that. l\Jo\\, \\'hat would you like
Practice l.i<.tcning Te:.t 5. f urn to St.'.Ction 1of Practice to do?
Listening Tt. t 5. Narrator. Thoma.<;'s hom tdcphone number is
5''.Ction 1. Megan.ind Ken are deciding ho,.,they will 9-152 3-t% c;o letter C has been circled. 1'.ow we shall
-pend the ewning.Look at section 1of you r listening begin. You <;hould answer the recording as you listen
te;t. You have some timt.' lo look at Questions 1to 7 because you will not hear Lhc qucslions a second
now. You \viii !'iCt' th<it lhl.'n.' is an e\ample which has time. First, vou haw <inother chance to look at
been done for you. 'l he convcr-.;ation relating to this questions I to 7. NO\\ listen {'ardullv and answer
will be played fir.;t. questions 1 to 7
Tcleplrom r111gs Teleplw11e rmss
Megan: 1 ldlu. Mlg,m !'c1king. Megan : Hello. Megan "pl'aking.
Ken: Hello Megan. Ken: Hello Megan.
Megan : I lel lo Ken. I'm glad you cal led. Thomas Megan: Hel lo Ken. I 'm glad you called. Thomas
asked mt' to gi ve you h i s Lclcphonc number. asked me to give you hi& telephone number.
Ken : I!'> th at h is office num ber or his home number? Ken: Ts that his office nu mber or his home number?
Megan: I can gi ve you both . t I ii- new home number Megan:Ican give you both. I fis new home number
is 9452 3456. Wou ld y(1u li ke his office number? is 9452 3456. Wou ld you l i ke h i s office n umber?
Ken: I thi nk I havt i t. Docs 9731 4322 sound right? Ken: Ithi nk I h avl' it. Docs 9731 4322 sound right?
Megan :Thnt's i t. But Lhc home number is 9452 3456. Megan:Tha t's it. But !he honw nu mber is 9452 3456.
J le moved i n last wtck. He moved .in last wt-ck.
Ken:Good. l'vt got thJt. Now, what wouJd you like Ken:Good. l'w got that. Now, what would you l ike
lo do? to do?
Narrat or: Thomas'<. home tcll.'phonc number is Megan:Well, I'd like to go dancing, bu t J ane'shurt
9452 3456 so letter C ha<> been cirdcd. 'Jow we shall her ankle c;o !'.he'd rather not.
begin. You -.hould answer Lhc questions as you Jjsten Ken :That'c; a pity. Igues.c; it mcanc; c;he doesn't want
becau'-C you will not hear the quhons a second to play Lennie;, either.
time. First, you have another chance to look at Megan :That's right Sht> says it'<; okay to go bowling
questions 1 lo 7. !\m.. li!-.ll'n can>fully and answer if we don't expect her to do wel l.
question-.; I to - Ken:Okay, let'sdo 1t! Igul"s we can go dancing
Trfrylicm1 ri11. another timl.'.
Megan: Hello. fog<1n '>peaking . Megan:Well, 1 bll0k1..... U!-. <;<lmc lime al the bowling
Ken :Hdlo M1.g.m alley of Ent.:rtainmln t C.ih .Do vou know it?
Megan: Hello Ken. I'm glad you called. Thomas Ken:le; it on Smith Strt>.t?l, down'near the university?
a!-.ked me to give \'OU his telephone number. Megan:That's nght. I t'son the comer of Smith Street
Ken: rs that his 0Hic1. numbt.>r or his home number? and Bridge Road.
Megan: I can giH'you both.I lis new home number Ken:What time did you book for?
is 9-152 3456. Would you likl.' hi.; office number? Megan:The first booking 1 could get was 8o'clock.

144 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
Ken: Okay. It's 7 now. What dti you wa nt to do fi rst? some time to check you r answers.
Megan: Well, J thi nb. we hould leave now. We can Now tum to Section 2.
meet at the bowli ng a lley. Section 2. You a re going Lo hear some
Ken:I can't be that quick. 1 have to call Thomas, to announcements made to a group of people who are
start with, and Ineed to get changed. planning a trip to Greece. Pirst look at questions 10 to
Megan: Okay. 1 think I'll leave in ten minutes and 15.As you listen to the first part of the talk arnwer
meet you in there. questions JO to 15. Write no more than three words
Ken:Thal makessense. I'll take my car, so I'Ube or numbers for each answer.
quite quick. I'll be oul of here in half an hour. Tour organiser. Good morning everyone.f'm getting
Megan :Okay. You're so lucky to have a earl You can very excited about this trip to Greece,and I'm sure you
get around so easily. are too. As you know, we didn't have all the details at
Ken:Well, yes and no. I often spend ages driving our la'lt meeting, but l can give them to you now.
around tryingto find a park. The traffic be very bad. We'll leave London Gatwick Airport on British
Megan:Well, that won't be a problem for me, Airways next Wednday. Please sure lo be at the
because I'll take the bus. rt goes right past my door, airport by 6.30.I know it's early, but our departure
and l'll have plenty of Lime. time is 8.25 AM. We're quite a large group, and we
Ken: Sounds good. Who else is coming? don't want to ha'e any hassles.Please be sure to
Megan :J think nearly everyone from lhe afternoon have allyour Lravel documents ready. We'll arrive in
dass will be lhcrc. Athens al 2.25in the afternoon, and there'll be a
Ken: Which class? l'he big maths class,or the vehicle there to meet us. It'll be a full sized coach so
afternoon tutorial? everyone can travel together.
Megan:The maths cla::;s. What's more, we get a We'll spend three full days in our hotel in Alhens,
conion for large numbers! although we're only being charged for two nights'
Ken:That's good. I'm trying to keep my expenses accommodation, which is good news. lne second day
down this month. we'll go to the National Archaeological Museum to
Megan:So am I. l expect tonight'U cost about $20. see the enonnou<; collection of ancient Greek works of
Ken: You must be good with money. I expect itto art, antiques, statues-a brilliant display. We'IJ eat
come lo ... um ...nearly $40! So how are you going to out at a typical Greek restau rant on Thursday night.
manage that? Irs going to be a very busy time in Athens!Friday
Megan: Well, the bus is cheap, and if I come home morning and afternoon we'll visit historic sites,but
early I won't have time to spend too much!ln any ,... .e have nothing planned for the rest of the day.
case, I have to be u p early tomorrow morning, so T'd On Saturday we're off to the islands, the Greek islands
really better Lry to get home by about 1l. of ancient myth and mcidern romance. Now, the big
Ken: That reminds me. I have to phone the taxi news!At first we thought we'd lake the ferry, bul
company for my mother. Goodbye, Megan. T'll see we've been very lucky to secure a sailing boat which
you Later. is big enough for all of us. I'm really excited about this
Megan:Goodbye, Ken. part of the trip, because we'll see the islands to the
So111nf of plro11e lrn11gi11g up. best advantage, and we'll be able to cru ise around and
Narrator:Ken ca lls the taxi company. Listen and be sleep on board. Wc'l 1 gel off at different islands and
ready to answer questions 8 and 9. Now listen to the for one part of the Lrip we'll have people playing
telephone ca ll and be ready to answer questions 8 Greek traditional music actually on board with us.
and 9. Now I'll pass out a brochu re wilh all the details.
Sound of somebody d ialli11g, pho11e ringing Narrator: Now look a t questions 1.6 lo l8. As the talk
Man's voice: Hello, this is Acme Cabs. Please follow continues answer questi ons 16 to 18.
the instructions on Lhe Lape. Tour organiser:A lot of work ha::; gone into
If you wish to order a cab now, press 1. organisi ng this tou r, and l 'c.J l ike to thank in particular
lf you ha ve placed an ord er previously, press 2. the travel agent who got us a rea lly good deal and the
Ifyou wish lo make a n advance order, Press 3. Please people at the Bri tish Museum who offerec.l us such
be ready to tell us your slreet number and name. good advice. Trips like this only happen because of
lf you wish to speak to the radio room supervisor, the hard work of really expert people.
press 4. As you know,we have planned a gathering for when
Jf you want to enquirt? about lost property, press 5. we return. 1 have a list of things which the committee
If you want to order a taxi equipped to carry would like you lo bring to the party. They are: your
wheelchairs, prec;s 6. pictures and something to cal for everyone to share.
Your call is very important. Please stay on the line You are almost bound to have people ask what we
for the next available order taker. have in common, and why we are Lravelling as a
Clic.k lo mdimle a real perso11 is tliere. group. I su ppose the answer is that we are interested
Ken: IJello. I think I left something in one of your inlearning about old societies and vanished cultures,
cabs on Thursday. lt was a brown paper package and we all enjoy travelling. Of course, we enjoy fine
with an addres:. written on it in green ink. Has food too, but that's not as important!
anyone handed it in? Narrator. No\\ look at questions l9 and 20. As the
Narrator: That b the end of Section 1.You now have talk continues answer questions 19 and 20.

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 145

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
Tour organiser: J nearly forgot the l<1sl piece of preparing for a uni versity cou rse in agriculture. They
inform.tlinn. You wi ll SCI! then an labels whidi 1 came to u s for English for farmi ng, and they vvere
ha\'e passed around for you to pul on all your \\ ith us for a long time. We mic;s them!
luggage. Could you fill them in, please? On the top Cheryl :Ilow long do studen ts usually st<1y al the
line ple,1-.c w rite "Gn.-ck tou r" <1nd on the lower line, Language Iearning Center?
write, in block letters, I mean upper Ci!"<?, the letters Course Director: lt varies, so I'll talk about the
A A .:ind the number 3 - that's AA3. average. \!lost of our last for five week!>,but to
\Vl nwd to have these labels dearl) displayed to make any real progress a student nds to be here for
hl'lp thl b.1ggage handlers keep our luggage together at least thr term, that's fifteen weeks. lhe students
on thl difforent parts of our t rip, so please don't take do better if thev have a litUe time to c;cttle in at the
thl.m lift. beginning of the course, and \\ e ofter an orientation
Narrat or. lhit j., the end tlf 'Cl.ion 2. You now have rour.;(> that lasts a week. lost students take it. ll helps
soml' timl' lo check your an'-\H'r.,. Now tum to them to settle down. and it giH'S us plenty of L me to
...._'(_'lillll J. test them and plare them al th" right lc\'cl.
ScctiCln 3. You an going t,,he.u Dr Joanne Robinson, Don t lo\\ many people are in each cl;is-.?
th'- wu dirhlf of a l.anguilge Leaming Center, Course Director: We sometimt.'." go up to HI,but our
an.,wering'lutions fwm reporters from the student average da-;-. -.ize is 14 tudents, and some classes
mw:-p.ipcr. First look at qm. lion-. 21 to 26. A.5 you have a' fo\'1. a' ..even participants. It depends on the
liskn to the first part of the talk. cJnswer questions 21 need'> ot tht! group.
to 2o. Write no more thnn thn>t. words or numbers CherylYou \\ ere .saying that you missyou r students
for l'.:tch anc.\\ er. \\ hen they go. I low do you attract students? I mean,
Cou rse Director. \\'c.-lrome t,,theIanguage Leaming how do thcv hear about the Language learning
C'-nh:r. I'm jvanne Robinm. You must be the Center n the fi rc;t place?
reporters from 771e 'fami11er. Ple.:ic;e come in and sit Course Director We're included in the univer:-ity
down. adn:rt1smg and marketing. and we have ou r own
Cheryl: Hlllo Dr Robinson. Yl"', we're from TI1c website. I hle' thin \\'hich worb bt!st for us, though.
faamiller. I'm Chcrvl Perkin-. and thb ic. Don KJjm. is word of mouth. Studenb who lecJvc U'> often .send
M.1y I sl<lrt \\ ith a question? DiJ this etllll'ge really us thcir friends. In fact, a student wh) arri\.ed toda\
o,;tart \\ ith Bra.rilian !>lUdl nts? \\'ac; carrying a photograph for mt' ot a former
Course Director. ll did. The I anguagt.> Leaming student <1nd his baby!
Center wns founded in 1985 lo look ,11ler a group of Cheryl: ll sounds like a nice place lo he!
studlnts from who wanted to o,;tudy here. Course Director: It is!A lol of ou r stu dents make
I hos'-' hwnty students soon grew lo 60, and, as you lasting frilndships while they're herl'
can im.iginl', we had Sl?\'Cn accommodation Narrator: '-ltl\' look at lJUtions 27 to 31. As the talk
problems. continul>s, an-.wer questions 27 to 31.
Don: C,omcbo<ly Sclid you were in the old amenities Cheryl: Making friend<; with other studenh sounds
bluc.::k, right near the cnginC'l!ri ng school special enough! I'd like to emphasi that in the
Cou rse Director: They ha\'c a good memory! Yes, we student newspaper.
wcrl' thcrt, because the u niversity hadn't believed Course Director:We do try lo get our students lo be
we wou ld cxp;ind so qu ickly. The problem wasn't part of lhe wider u niversi ty.
solved unti l we moved inlO these new premises in Don: I.low do you do lhat? Do you cncou rogc them
Bt1ncrolt Ilou:-.c i n 1987. lo joi n llw Sporb Cen ter, for instunce?
Don: Whl'l1 <lid you start laki ng sluden ls from olher Course Director: I ndeed we do! l'hc Sports Center is
CllU nlrics? al way-, l noki n g for ,lclive partici pa nL'>, parti cul arly in
Cou rse Di rector: About 1990. We now have students soccer. Oh, and somethi ng else. You m ight l ike to
from 11d1ffcrcnl counlrie'l enrol led, and we expect a mention that we don't teach j ust English here.I
larg'-'gwup from Turkey next month. mean, we're a language center, not an English
Ch eryl :Y\.'S, wc'w noticed a lot more advertisements language center. You may learn Spanish, Mandarin,
tor Tu rl-.1sh rc!>tauranh; in our advertising section. and Ru c;si.:in here, and we can sometimes offer other
Course Director: Well, 40% of our students come languages. This means we Ciln have some students
from Turkey, by for the l<1rge"l singlt.> national group, who arc native speakers of those l,1nguageo,; as
and I believe thert.>'sbt?en iln inOux to the rest of the conversation partnt:>rs for English-spc.:iking students.
uni\'l'rsi ty. 1here are a lot of Turkish students CherylWho can do those courses?
study ing hn..pitalit)- Course Director: At this time, any natiw speaker of
Cheryl: Q ,> y<)U offer anything spcci<1l to the students? English.
Course Director: Yl'S, we do. 'J hlre arc several things Cheryl:What about the people who are learning
which malo..c us rather differt>nt from otht!r language Engli!'h? Cln they do a non-English languagt.> course?
schoc.,ls. Engli'>h is certainly not rt"tricted to English Course Director. At this time, only if thcy'\'e almost
for ac:1demic pufP\ here! Sometime-. we have finished lJi, 1r English language course. You see, we
i.. :1.tra cla'"'-"for -.tudenb "hn have particular try very hard to involve students who arc native
cou in mind, and we ha\'t.' ju.,,t 5.lid goodbye to a spea!...ers of English as conversation leaders and we
group ol thirty lndone;ian -.tudcnh; who were encourage our students to join groups on the

146 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
cam pus. Por instance, if they enioy music, lhere is an reputation ot an institution, bu t find ou t what ratings
act1vc> jazz group available lo everyrnw .md that's a are from tht.> mo,,t rt.>ccnl assessment t.>wrciSl's. find
lot of fun. On the other hand, elementary .,tudents out about the staff, their reputation, compl'lence,
can't go lo the drama group, their Engli...h 1ust isn't enthusia..,m and friendlincsc;. Vi<.it the dcpcJrlment if
ready for th.1t rt of acti\'ily, but the uni\'el">it)' choir pos.-;iblc and talk to existing postgraduJte.., about
welcoml-.. all the singers it can find. They often do their c'pcricnL-e, thfaction, commenb and
larg'-' production., that nl'\'.Ci a lot of voices. complaint.,, Be vcry careful to ch'-"Ck ho" they ft.>el
Cheryl: I imagine the '>pt.>cial com l'rsalion groups are about their -.uf"!rvisor.-.
open k'l all your student'> ... Abo,check what facilities are a\'ailablc, both at an
Cour..e Director: Iwish they \\ ere. I'm sorry to say institutional lc\'cl (for example librarit...;, laboratory
the\ 'rl' a sJX'Cial nice "'-' provide for elt.>m.mtary and computing facilities) and in the department (for
studmts only. Is there anythin cl Ican tdl you? example study room, desk. photocopying. -.ccrclarial
(/lillN'} I'd really plea'Ci if you wuld w rite about support etc). Everyone will ha\'!! their own priori lies
the ct)UN. we offer in iorcign langu.1gcs. here: Iam always anxiou.,; to check the wmputlr
Cheryl: I thint... ou r readers would bl! very intert:!Sted support J\ atlable, and regard i t as slightly more
m that. Thank you for your time, Dr Robinson. imporl<tnl than library acre. Your working
Don : YL'S, thant... you very m uch. envi ro11mlnl nnd the support ..iva rlobk to vou plays
Cou rse Director: Goodbye. I you for giving me an essentit1I pa rt in making your work ns a
Ll1c opporlL111i ly to ta l k about!ht' cenll..'1" ll'b al ways postgrndu.1lt' a posi ti ve expcricnc1.'.
good lo kt lhc rest of Ll1e studentsot thc un i versi ty Life as a postgrnduatc can bl? very dl ffl'r!'nl lo you r
know what gtws on in ou r classmoms, and ou tside other experiences of ed uca tion. Things Lhal rnn
Lhernl Afll'r all, many of ou r students leave us and then d isti nguish your experience <i re the level (lf '>Ludy,
study for degrs in various disciplines on this campus. independence of working, intensi ty ot thc cou rse, the
Narrator: rhat is the end of Section 3. You will nm.. demands on vou r ti me, and of ten Lhc fad Lh,1t vou
have '>Orne time to check your answer:; !\ow tum to are oldl'r tha the majority of th!! slud!!nls. '
Scclil)n -l Th facttlr" can contribute to m.:iking }'OU foci
Section -l You will hear a talk .ibout the pitfalls and isolated. Howc\'er, there are \'era I \\ a\s \ ou can
pleasures of bdng a po:;tgraduate ...tudcnl. make '>urc that thic; is either ..,hurt-lin.'CI r dr1t_.,, not
look al qut-....tionc; 32 lo 37.u..ten to the ...peaker's happt?n at all.
advie and an-.\h'r question<. 32 tt137.Circle the Many <.tudent uniol'b have lgraduatc socicli
corret.i letter. that organise soda! C\'t'nt:; and ffill) also provide
Speaker: Po...t.iduates arc al-out as l!ay to define as reprt. ntation for postgraduall>s lo bt1th th" student
catching steam in a buclct. Cou...., bt? union and the in!>titution. Departments c-m abo help
vocational, for training, as rarch. as a preparation to create a scn!>C of identity and community,.md
for n.':>('an:h, or a combinatim of tlw .. Also you can t1ftcn haw discu'>sion grou ps <1vailablc. Don't
choose between full-time and part time.Increasing!), afraid to t<ilk to sta ff abou t any difl icu ltiL"S ynu might
the appro.1ch to postgradu.:ite study i" blrnming be having. 01 course univer..,i ties provide c.:oun<,elling
modular. llw vast maioril) of postgraduatt>S arc services but Wl'havc> found that tht! bcsl.1dvice
doing short, taught courses, m<iny of which provide comes lrom lci lkrng lo other poslgrau ualcs who may
specific voc.1tional trai ning. I ndeed, Ll1cre has been a .have faced sim i lar d i fficu lties.
400% i ncrease in postgrad uate nu mbers i n 13ritain Narrator: Look al qucblions 38 lo .JO. W ri lc no more
ovt-r the p<isl 20 years. Cu r rent figu re1> stand al just than th ree words or m1mbcrs for each 011:-;wcr.
und er 400,000. Spea ker: Fi nancia l planni ng is c1>scnli,1l, since the
P<.oplt u ndcrt<i kc postgraduate study for many govemmln t cxcludcc; postgraduates from student
reasons. These may be academic (intellt.>ctual loans, and i l c<in be difficu lt lo mc1in lain you r 'ltudent
cha llengt', development of knowlcd};e), vocational statu-. wi th banks. This ha., i m plical1ons tor free
(traininH for a specific c<irL-cr goal) or onl\ vague banking and owrd raft facilitiL>s. Do not
(driftin}; into further study).llis csnt1.1l that you underestimate your lh'ing costs. indudin food,
determine the reasons you want to lx-come a accomml>dation and travel md be c.1reful not lo
postgraduate. rf you have de .u goal-;.:ind reasons for budget for C\ crything except a sodal lift.>.
studying, thi., \\ill enhance your ll'arning cxperit?nce Funding a couN.> i-. onto( the m<ht dialll nging things
and help you to rt?main forud.1nd motivated pt."llpl('face when mn-.1dcring po5tgraduate -.tudy.
throughout your course. .\lo,,L postgraduate students an!:-.elf.financing.'111c.>)
\\'hen: vou stud\ c;hould be ba"'->d on much more pay (ofttc>n wry large) fees to the in...titution and
than th ct1u rou want to do.Ft1r somt.> a>urse:. rech e no maintl'nanc1.: income tu support their study.
you art.' likl'ly tl;bt? there for '>C\ era Iyear-, and it is Make sure you know t.>xactl) what you r CO!>b will be -
important that you are happy living there. Cht:ek institution.., 1\ttn hide extra flike l.1bt1r,1torv c0<-ts
also "hat ty of accommodation i<. available and behind the heaJli1w fee rate ad\'Crti"ot'tl.
\ ht.?lhlr the institution pro\'idL'S any housing
I runding can l'Omt' from various sourns. l{L':'>l'arch
spccil icall for postgraduatl's. councils, chilrillcs, trust fund-.,
Choosing an insti tution and dlparlmcnl is a difficult scholar;;hips, loc.:il t.>ducation authorilic" ,ind
pmccs . To determine quali ty. do not rt'ly on the prnfPssional bod ies and organi.,;alion" u ll nffor

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 147

Unrt 6 Answers and tapescripts
various levels of funding. As I said before, the
government excludes postgraduates rom student
loans,so i t is essential you look to other sources.
Career development loans are available from high
street banks. The best advice on funding is to be
proactive, persistent and patient.
The postgraduate community inBritain is
mLtltinalional, has a wide range of experience of life
and work and an exciting mix of goals,both career
and academ ic. Being a postgraduate student should
be a productive and fulfilling thing to do,and you will
become part of a diverse and motivated social group.
Narra tor: That is the end of Section 4. You now have
some time to check your answers.
That is the end of Listening Practice Test 5.

148 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
Part 2: General Training Reading Practice Tests

Answer Key: General Training Reading Practice Test 1


1. 18
2. 28, 33 (must ha\ C both anwers;the que!>tiOn says utwo pages";
page 30 is not C<lrrect as the que:-.tion asks about "art" not Uthe arls")
3. 32 (the sports stadium j, discus.-.ed in the "letters" page.)
4. monthly /every month / each month
5. A
6. c
7. A,E (must have both answers)
8. E
9. B
10. D
11. c
12. A
13. B
14. D (note the importance of the artide "the"i.e. "the snake" that has bitlt.n you, not snakes in general )

Section 2 Student Accom.modation at Norfhside Univenity

16. c
18. A
19. B
20. $68.50
21. $154 (the ans..,,cr requires "the cheapest'' not the range.
22. 21
24. Boronia
25. women

27. 280
28. D
30. supported conda ry
31. secondary
32. English
33. science
3-l. T
35. NG
36. F
38.T r
39. NG

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 149

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
Answer Key: General Training Reading Practice Test 2

Sedion l
1. E
2. B & C
3. D
.J. ,\
5. D
6. c
7. R
8. E
9. R
10. CP
1l. R
12. CJ>
13. bi rdsong
14. binocu lnrs
15. {bi l l y) Lc.:a
L6. damper
l7. Possum Prowl
18. torch
19. non-slip shoes
20. (lovely) (water) view

21. vu
22. IV
:.!3. I
24. Ill
".!5. II
27. E
28. B & C
29. D
30. D
3J. communicalion

32. c
33. c
34. D
35. A
36. B
36. D
37. D
38. r:
40. T
41. T
.J2 F

150 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
Answer Key: General Training Reading Practice Test 3

Section l

t. um
2. (The) Hunter (Ri\"er)
3. 1870
4. A & C
5. B
6. ,\
7. I)
8. I
9. (,
10. K
11. J
12. E
13. 1 1
14. Ii

Section 2 Numeracy centre

15. free
16. lecture
18. tutorial
19. Cour....- B I Statistics for tarkcting
20. workshops
22. workshop
23. D
24. \
25. I\
26. c
27. B

Section S Bess Planning

28. YES
29. \JO
30. \JOT GIVEN (even though th plan is comprehensive,
it cannot be argued that by implic.ition the would be 1\0)
31. YES ("the kc) question to ask")
32 YES
33 'r ES
.it. "\O
35. c
36. J
38. F
39. H

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules 151

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
Answer Key: General Training Reading Practice Test 4

1. E
2. A
3. c
4. c
5. H
6. I
7. M
8. hh:mm
9. (Daily) Work Rl"COrd
IO. (your I thehuper. ir
11. Monday
12. (your) Tax 'lumber
13. your I the employl't."'- home address

Section 2 Language and Culture C nter

14. pool. t;ibl<.> tennis (muc;l have both answers)
15. international club<.
16. Un.i\er.-ity Ht.>alth Center
17. H<.>alth ln-.urance
18. (a \\eatht.>r) emergenC)' I emergency weather conditions
19. 15 minutes
21. D
22. c
23. A
24. B
25. D
26. A
27. B

28. E
29. c
30. B
31. A
32. H
33. D
34. F
35. J
36. loyalty
37. twice \early / I\, ice a year
38. mentor
39. D
40. 8
-11. B

152 THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS:General Training Modules

Unit 6 Answers and tapescriptS
Answer Key: General Training Reading Practice Test 5

1. Developmental art
2. $-l.50
3. Dcvclopmcnt<1l <1rl
4. S'l.00
5. 'forth Gilllery
6. "lew Year fe;tivitics
7. 632
8. 132
9. 317
10. 122
11 +13
12. C; I I
13. 0;G
14. A
15. B

Section 2 International Business Institute

16. Language Centre studt?nls

17. Photo-lD card
18. (in) cash
19. REF in red
20. CELTS (materials)
21. FALSE.
22. f ALSI
23. '\JOf l.IVF'\J
24. rRUI.:
25. IAl.SL
26. NOf C..I VFN
27. TRUE

29. langu age dcvclopmcnl

30. 3 or 4; 3-4 Yl'a rs
31. models
32. exaggcratt
33. recognt
34. conversation I intlractl\)n I communication
35. YFS
36. YES
37. )ES
38. '\OT GI\ EN
39. 0
40. NO

THE NEW PREPARE FOR IELTS: General Training Modules 153

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
Part 3: General Training Writing Practice Tests - Suggestions
General Training Writing Test Practice Test 1
Task 1The answer should describe an event which is in the news, and explain why
people are interested. You do not need to worry if your information about the
news is not accurate. You are being assessed on the way you write your answer,
not on whether what you write is true.

Task 2 The answer should explain clearly what people do to stay healthy in your
coun try. Relate to diet, exercise and the a voidance of stress.

General Training Writing Test Practice Test 2

Task 1The answer should explain why you are dissatisfied, and what you expect
the restauran t to do.

Task 2 The answer should talk about acceptable behaviou r for children in different
cultu res, and explain what factors help adults to decide what is acceptable

General Training Writing Test Practice Test 3

Task 1The answer should exp]ain your specia1 circu mstances. Itshould give
reasons why the Enrolment Officer should make an exception for you.

Task 2 The answer should identify the diff iculties of a particular country (the one
the writer is in now, or the one the writer came from). The answer should describe
the problem(s) and suggest how it / they can be overcome.

General Training Writing Test Practice Test 4

Task 1The answer should explain how you lost your card yesterday, so the
explanation will be in the past tense. Itshould incl ude a req uest for a new card,
and an explanation of why the card is important to you.

Task 2 The answer should give sensible arguments for why there is poverty, and
offer suggestions on ways to help the poor.

General Training Writing Test Practice Test 5

Task 1The answer should complain about the bus service and give details of the
bad pa rts of the service. The answer should tell the bus company what you expect
them. to do about the problem.

Task 2 The answer should give suggestions on how a heaJ th service should be


IELTS:General Training Modu es
Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts
The New Prepare for IELTS:
General Training Modules
Book and audiocassettes

Practice tests for the General Training Modules of the

International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

Includes five complete practice tests for the listening,

reading and writing subtests of IELTS prepared by
experienced IELTS teachers and examiners


information and strategies for the new speaking test

practice General Training Module writing tests which

include help and global strategies for students

practice in the different forms of questions used in the

General Training Module reading test

practice listening tests recorded on the accompanying


full and explanatory answer key and transcripts

The New Prepare for IELTS: General Training Modules has

been trialled extensively with IELTS preparation classes,
and may be used by students who are preparing for the
examination independently.

ISBN 0-90&537-19-D

lnsearch UTS and

International Programs,
University of Technology, Sydney

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