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From: Yiping Zhou

To: Ambassador
Sent: 2/3/2015 6:54:09 PM
Subject: RE: Honduras Coverage
Attachments: letter-to-Lorenzo-Expo-2015.pdf

Dea r Am bassa do r, (, rea t job cove rin g th e S(, 's v isit. W e shou ld do m o re fo r th e SC, and oth er head s of UI\J o rgan espe ci ally
also for ou r UND P Ad mini st rato r Helen Clari<. Pl ease fin d rny lette r of suppo rt in respo nse t o a lo ng-sta nd ing request of th e
68th PG A.

Yipi11g Zhou
Envoy o'fthe Secreetary-Generat on
South-South Cooperation and Director

l!11 itllKII Natii:::m111 C'.lffice for South-South cooM ~r altion

304 E. 45th Street, ff-12'14
New York, NY '100'17
Tel: +1 (212) 900-6392
Fax: +1 (212) 906-6352

From: Ambassador []

Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 12:08 AM
To: Yiping Zhou
Subject: Fwd: Honduras Coverage

Dear yiping enclose see the first report of our coverage of the trip of the SG to El Salvador.

http :// south-south-news/ ssn-features/448-un-coverage/un-inain-bodies/3 564 7-ban-ki-


HE. Francis Lorenzo

President South-South News
Direct 646-648-1136 / Ofiice 212-644-8789
Fax 212-644-7985

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2 Feb:rua,ry 2Q15
H.E. Ambassador Ftancis Lorenzo
}'=>resident of Sun k.Jal'.I IP Group Foundation
Ptesident of South-South News
SS5 2l!d Avenue, One Da_gfiatlllnarSJokl Plaza, 48tbiF}ot:rr
NewYork,.NY l0:017 . .

Dear Ambassador Locenz-0,

I 1-efettuthe lettetdated 24 februaty 2012 from tbe Perm$ientRepresn(ative of Antigua arnd Barln1da tQ
the UN H,E. Ambassf,l4orJohn .Ashe addrt}Sse<i to. th~Unite.d Nations Secret(l!'y,.,QenernJ (GA<document
.A/~6/748)1 onthe.laurt9hJng.ofthe(lloh~J . 'Bl1$i11ess11111hal:Qt,.P.erman<~lltExp<i mtd . Meeth1g.Gentre.with{b1;:
s11pport offhe P~11nrutj11t fylisgI9p.sJ(1Jhe1JN ofAntigim atld .Barbuda, Bi1.ngh1des1i~ Benin, Cape .Verde.
Comoros, Kenya, the R~p\1blic 9f Moldova ai:td Jajiki,\\tan, the Ofi'ic-e Qfthe Secretary-<}ermral's Special
A,dy~CJt pn Africa, tihe World Tq11ril>\Il Qrgal'liiation. l.fud the lJ'N l-Hin1an S1;1ttleti:iebts Pi"ogi.'lmme (UN
~:~JfJf aJ:{:: ~~ra:s:;~~::\~~:;rl::tj!:i~\rttaf~~ti!:1;1c~,;:;~:t:fs~~::~;:
r2tthf;~i::::1:c:;ttitt;:~~r;;1::~:t~t:ttrrr:;0i~:::n:~:11aiJ:::it ~01!ti;:J:~~at~:
representatlve for tl~e n:pJm:nentadp:n of the; pe:rrna:n1t Expo ahd M~~g C@tre. Wt' the cptmJtie!l Qftbe

t1iangulat Qt,:e1:-ati<>11: .Refetence i~)tlso 1i1acle tq.yotit lettet dated 5 J11~ 201$, copi4toth.Pr-siclentoft11e
pgtn. Sessi()tilJN Gener~I.i\?semblyHigh-level.Cnmritt~e. on.south-South .Cpoperation, intega.rd.tqthe.same
m~ittt, Since then, r~1vant United Na:fions agencies a:nd M,et:nl?ex Stat!?,t;, $pecJaI]y Jlle Presiijent of Jhe6$1"
ss$k>n of the .Gneral .AssemblytlJ.Et . Jqhn.Aslle, . hay,e . be,en . callii:ug upqn .myoff1ce . t9 . st~p.uptheeffortstq
::;4pporuhe {ly lttiplemeJ)t,ltkm of the initiative, in patticular, tbe Pennan~ntE~po and Meeting Centre in

It is a~itt$t !be al)oyyJback;grotrndtha<t we wotHd like to strongly -s upport the develp,pment ofthe Permanent
Sout!H5outh Expo M<i Meiting Cettter by Sun Kian lp Group Foum:mtiou and Soutli;South News:. Should
this p1'4:ject b~ w-elcom:ed.and suppQ:tted by fetevanl alithoriti~s of Macao SAR {'ind ~ ce:ntral Government
lnaei]i:tr,g,. this would then.-beco:me lJNOSSCs first and:only South.:...quuth global proji:r(:tinvolving Stm Kian
iP Grop f-04ti4a-tion r,i1td So\lth~South .New&, wt; thei'.efore very 111uch look. forward tts. early to
irr1plerilentation. With,this in mind, We would like to invitt:"l the SKIG Foundation and its South-South News
to ccmsider h,o$ti;ng the. United Nations Global SouthSbuth Development Exp~>201S and the 2()15 World
Alliance of Cities Against Poverty (WACAP) global foruritt

Sincerely yours~

~ :--+.. ...,i,n.. ~:<

nmtZ 3>
'f!tiN9yof1hfilSec; . tmy-Oeneta1011 South..s_
Cooperation and Director
United Nations Office for Soutl.r-Sputh Coopenrtit111

CC: fLE. John A~he, Presfrlentofthe 681hSessio11nftbc U11itedNMiorisGeperal Assembly

CC: H.R David Ng~ Chairman of Sun Kia:nJP Group F1.1undatiott

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