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Three weeks have passed since the day when a strange human male appeared in my nest.

At the
beginning I was going to throw him away, but after a few days I changed my mind. Every rich
dragon, especially Celestial, should have own human pet. I was afraid I couldn't handle with
upbringing of human. My Pet is an adult (24 years old). This causes problems, because it is best
when a human, from birth, is raised in nest, in the presence of dragons. My Pet was initially
burdensome by his rude behavior. He almost ruined my new acquaintance with Lady Astatia.
Fortunately everything ended well. It turned out that under his mask of mockery and rudness My
Pet hides melancholy and longing. He sat or was napping in my home all days. He didn't want to
leave. Go to city or something. He was eating very little. Fortunately, when I took him to hospital
exam, he was completely healthy. Physically, but mentally?

Yesterday evening I asked him. My Pet was sitting on lair couch.

- Do you miss your home still?

- Try to guess, you scaly genious! - he barked.

I frowned, but I was still nice.

- I could take you to your home... for a while. Short visit.

- I told you I wasn't come from this dimension.

- I don't believe that. It's some nonsense. Fairy tales for hatchlings.

- Believe or not, Eledin. I don't give a shit.

I decided to change subject.

- You need a bit of entertainment.

- I have television and internet.

- I meant something more interesting. Dress well! I'm taking you to an interesting place.
After a few minutes we were in the air. I had my best jewelry on my body and headed to south of
Bloodfang (capitol of my country), to Lanthorn - famous entertainment district. Shortly afterwards
we landed in front of huge hangar bouilding - Diamont Lair Club. Without unnecessary waiting I
went inside. I have been there many times so I didn't pay attention to decorations. But My Pet was
intimidated. Around gigantic stage, where orchestra played quietly, it were building many lounges
intended even for largest dragon breeds. In the distance stood a long bar with a huge choice of
alcohols. As a rich beast and representative of Celestial holy race I needed some privacy.

- Welcome in Diamond Lair Club, noble Celestial master. Old receptionist in green uniform bowed
in front of me. - In half an hour an operetta will be shown.

- I hope you have a free lounge. - I murmurred.

- Of course, sir. I will show you.

We were sitting in a comfortable lounge. But My Pet seemed still tense and sad. But when a young
waitress approached us, he raised his head and smiled. Would he want to flirt with this poor
women? I decided to ignore it. I don't think that such petty indulgence will make My Pet to do
human hatchling after 5 months.

- What wishes, gentlemens? - girl asked.

- Barrel of the best chianti for me and tonic for my pe... companion. Now, go quickly! We are
horrible thirsty!

- Hey! - My Pet snorted. - Again you treat me like a hatchling! This brought me a shame before
waitress - He pointed toward the girl who was walking to bar. - Why can't I drink one beer?

- Calm down... - I shook my ruff. - I think that humans shouldn't drink alcohol.

- But...

- No excuses! - I snorted. - You live on my upkeep. That provide you full stomach, medical care and
clothes on your ungrateful back. You should not be surprised that I decide about certain things. No,
this is not speciesism!
- Maybe it would be better for me to live alone?

- Really? What are your earning opportunities?

- I have higher education.

- Your education will not give you anything. Humans can't working in history, politics or law. You
can be only a great cook, actor or musician. Most often, humans work physically as a waiters or
hotel boys. But even a perfect job wouldn't provide you good life. Humans, without dragon masters,
can't buy land or independent house. You would have to live in a communal nest with noisy, dirty
and annoying courier dragons from lower spheres.

My Pet didn't answer. He was sitting tense, sipping his tonic. I felt guilty consciences. I didn't
imagine our visit to the Diamont Lair Club like that. I didn't know how I should react. On the one
hand, My Pet is spoiled. His behavior would be unthinkable in rich dragon clans, where humans
can't say anything without permission. On the other hand, liberal Lady Astatia was able to make her
human pet always cheerful. Maybe I should try changing my methods? At least for a while. My Pet
need some relax.

- Waitress! - I roared. - Pint of beer for this young man! - I turned to My Pet. - Today is a loose day
for you. But this is just one beer.


- I lofshe you, I loffe you, I... I... love yhou My Pet, terribly drunk, tried lick face of the waitress,
who was sitting on his lap. Girl was also under influence of alcohol, so she was cheerful too.

- We should go home I said, feeling how alcohol is buzzing in my head. I drank a lot too. I lost
my vigilance. I didn't watch My Pet as I should.


- Forget it! We leave this place. Remember that you really like Estera She would't like...
- Yezh, I lohve heer! - My Pet climbed onto lounge table, throwing down empty glasses and bottles,
grabbed my head and licked my nose. - I lohviu thoo.

- Bill please! - I murmurred angry.


I was too drunk to fly. In my situation it would be dangerous. I had to go on paws. To my nest
mension was 15 kilometers across strip and park. I put my half-conscious human companion on my
back and go across passage, hoping that the fresh air would sober up me. After half-hour I felt well-
know issue and I wasn't exactly sure where to go to resolve it. I had to get rid of some of that rum,
beer and wine that I've been drinking earlier. I stopped.

- Wha... tt is? - My Pet burped.

- Give me a while. Just gotta... hrmpfff... - I shifted my hind legs a little. I really had to go all of a

- Whoa... tahke a leak? Ghood idea, Eledin! I nheed ith tooo. Jhuzt a fehw more minuthes and I will
piss my phants. Plhease, tookh me on grouund!

- Alright, alright! - I did what he wanted. - But don't pee right here! - I looked around for a suitable
spot. I wanted to find corner where we could go, and where we wouldn't be urinating. Not beside
gate to private property land or something. I doubted the locals would appreciate a large puddle of
dragon urine or at least small puddle of human urine on their pavement. - There! - I sighed, pointing
my head at small green square with grove of trees.

My Pet ran to this place, unzipping his pants. I trotted behind him. Finally as I felt real dried dirt
beneath my paws instead of cobblestone, I lifted my hindleg, and when my malehood slipped out of
my slit, I let loose.

- ARGHH! - I tried don't groan in satisfaction as I emptied my achlly full bladder, but it was
- Ahh, finalllhyy... - My Pet sighed, relieving himself.

It seemed to last forever. In my mind, I sent pray to ancestors so that no one would see us in the
well-lit passage, especially females (in the worst case Lady Astatia!). That would be unthinkable.
Eledin Shining Malachite of clan Skypride pees in public place like a stupid courier dragon. What a
disgrace! Even as a little hatchling I didn't do such things. My parents always took me to secluded
places when I had to relieve myself. Damned alcohol. He spoils even good dragons. And of course
humans - I thought, glancing at My Pet, who jauntily "watered" grass. On the other hand, humans
are simple beings. They want just eat, drink, sleep and have fun. They don't mind even things that
would be ashamed for good dragons, not couriers runts, to do in public.

Just dropped last few spurts and I finished my business. My shaft returned into slit and... argh,
blimey! I couldn't get rid of last drop. This is one of the two situations when I envy My Pet, who
shaked his hrm..., having hands. Don't ask about second situation.

- Uuu... I guess you reallhy needh thath... - My Pet zipped his pants, pointing at puddles, which
were more a river as their run away at pavement.

- You too. I didn't know that human, even adult, could hold so much liquid.

- Nexght time we shohtuld pay for puh... pu... pussies noth forg vodka! UNDERSTHANDT,

- Shut up! - I hissed. - Before anyone sees us. Let's go home.

- Yes, home...

I gave him a paw to help him to get on my back.


Return lasted a very long time. My head ached, I still felt effect of drinking a lot of alcohol and I
couldn't fly. Beside to Ancient Ancestors Park we had to make another piss break. Fortunately there
was a public pissoir. Poorly flushed wall and huge buffle allowed to use it at least one dragon of
largest races. However, urine scent of hundreds, perhaps thousands of dragons and humans males
users, didn't make this installation a pleasant place. After all, it was a better option than bushes. I
was not going to pay a fine, besides my reputation was also important. After using of public pissoir,
we arrived at my nest mansion without any adventures.

- Eledin... I gotha... ghhh... - My Pet burped when we were in my garden, then he leaned over my
neck and vomited abundantly. - BLUERHGPPPP!!!

- Don't be embarrassment, boy - I said, enjoying myself that he make a mess outside, not in my
dragonbed or something.

Home, sweat home. Sleep, sleep, sleep.


Next day, around noon, I stood by nest fountain, drinking cool water. It was necessary to replenish
lost fluids and return to form. I saw that My Pet goes to fountain.He was in a terrible condition. He
had disheveled hair and smelled of alcohol.

- Eledin... - He moaned. - I never drink again. - My Pet dipped his head into fountain.

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