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Ingls 1

Lngua Inglesa
Teoria e Exerccios Propostos
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Captulo 01
1. Personal Pronouns ................................................................................................ 7
2. Possessive Adjectives & Possessive Pronouns .......................................................... 7

Captulo 02
1. The Simple Present Tense ..................................................................................... 8
2. The Simple Past Tense .......................................................................................... 8
3. The Simple Future Tense ..................................................................................... 9
4. The Present Continuous Tense ............................................................................. 10
5. The Past Continuous Tense .................................................................................. 10
6. The Future Continuous Tense ............................................................................... 11
7. The Present Perfect Tense ................................................................................... 11
8. The Past Perfect Tense ....................................................................................... 11
9. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense .................................................................. 12
10. Modal Auxiliary Verbs ........................................................................................ 12
11. Irregular Verbs ................................................................................................. 15

Captulo 03
1. The Indefinite Articles ......................................................................................... 19
2. The Definite Article ............................................................................................. 20
3. Reflexive Pronouns ............................................................................................. 21
4. Adverbs ............................................................................................................ 21
5. Plural of Nouns ................................................................................................... 23
6. Many, Much and Co. ............................................................................................ 25

Captulo 04
1. Comparison of Adjectives .................................................................................... 27
2. Idiomatic Constructions ....................................................................................... 28
3. Some, Any, No and Compounds ............................................................................ 29
4. Question Words ................................................................................................. 30
5. Relative Pronouns .............................................................................................. 31

6. Relative Clauses ................................................................................................ 32

7. Question Tags ................................................................................................... 33
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Captulo 05
1. The Gerund ....................................................................................................... 34
2. The Infinitive ..................................................................................................... 35
3. Reported Speech ............................................................................................... 36
4. If Clauses ......................................................................................................... 38
5. Passive Voice .................................................................................................... 40

Captulo 06
1. Correlative Conjunctions ..................................................................................... 42
2. The Uses of Either, Any, Neither, None .................................................................. 42
3. Useful Words .................................................................................................... 43
4. Two-Word Verbs ............................................................................................... 45
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Captulo 01 Possessive Pronouns

Mine Ours
1. Personal Pronouns Yours Yours
Subjective Case Objective Case
His Theirs
I We Me Us
You You You You Hers
He They Him Them Os Possessive Adjectives tm a funo de
She Her modificar um substantivo, devendo,assim,
It It sempre preced-lo.
Funo de sujeito Funo de objeto Os Possessive Pronouns, por sua vez, subs-
Subjective Case: como sujeito de orao, tituem o adjetivo possessivo + substantivo.
so empregados antes de verbos. Em geral, os dois tipos de possessivos con-
She sings and he dances. cordam com o possuidor expresso na orao,
They told me she knows them well. e no com a coisa possuda.
Objective Case: como objeto de orao, We have our problems. They have theirs too.
so empregados aps verbos ou preposies. She is wearing her new dress.
Tell them we are here. The cat is drinking its milk.
He saw us last night.
Their car is here. Where is ours?
Hes looking at her.
O pronome one tem seu prprio possessivo:
One should trust ones friends.
Uso especial:
one of + possessive adjective + substanti-
vo plural = a/an + substantivo singular + of +
possessive pronoun
A friend of hers (one of her friends)
A car of theirs (one of their cars)
Think it over!
A man who wants to lead the
orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.
2. Possessive Adjectives & Max Lucado
Possessive Pronouns Dont go to a doctor who places his
Possessive Adjectives stethoscope on your wallet.
My Our Johnny Hart
Your Your
His Their
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Captulo 02
1. The Simple Present Tense Exemplos
Do they know it? / Does she know it?
Forma-se este tempo verbal, retirando-se
o to do infinitivo. They dont know it. / She doesnt know it.
Acrescentamos s ou es s terceiras pesso-
as do singular.
usado para expressar uma verdade ge-
ral, uma declarao em geral, uma ao ha-
bitual ou um programa futuro.

Water boils at 100 C.
Kids like sweets.
She always studies hard.
They arrive here next Wednesday.

Regras para o acrscimo de ES/IES:

2. The Simple Past Tense
Acrescenta-se ES a verbos terminados em Corresponde segunda forma principal
S/SH/CH/O/Z/X: do verbo.
He watches TV every night. Expressa uma ao que ocorreu em um
She goes to school every morning. ponto de tempo definido do passado.
That mechanic fixes old cars.
Quando o verbo terminar em Y precedido We sent them the reports last night.
de consoante, ele perde o Y e acrescenta-se IES. She needed to see him yesterday.
He always carries his things home with him. When he called her, she came running to
Nota: a 3 pessoa do singular de have has. meet him.

Formas Interrogativa e Negativa Regras para o acrscimo de ED aos verbos

Question Form
do/does + sujeito + verbo principal no
Acrescentamos D aos verbos terminados
infinitivo sem to
em E;
Negative Form
Verbos terminados em Y precedido de
sujeito + do/does + not + verbo principal consoante: perdem o Y para I;
no infinitivo sem to
Verbos terminados em Y precedido de
vogal: acrescenta-se ED;

8 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 02

Se o verbo for constitudo de uma slaba e planejada ou para expressar uma ao que
terminar em consoante + vogal + consoante, tem grande possibilidade de ocorrer.
dobramos a consoante final;
Se o verbo tiver duas slabas, sendo a lti- Exemplos
ma tnica, e terminar em consoante + vogal + They will meet them tomorrow morning.
consoante, dobramos a consoante final. We will be very glad to receive you.
We shall punish them if they dont behave.
The sky is cloudy. I think its going to rain.
We received it last night.
Stop it. You are going to fall down.
He studied all his lessons yesterday.
The kids played a lot that day. Nota
He stopped at the traffic light. As expresses e shall...we?
We all preferred to stay home last night. podem ser usadas para expressar um pedido
polido, um convite, ou ainda uma sugesto.
Formas Interrogativa e Negativa
Question Form Will you please open the window?
did + sujeito + verbo principal no Will you drink some more wine?
infinitivo sem to. Shall we go now?
Negative Form Shall we wait for him?
sujeito + did + not + verbo principal no
infinitivo sem to. Formas Interrogativa e Negativa
Question Form
will/shall + sujeito + verbo no infinitivo
Did she see them last week? sem to.
She didnt see them last week. to be + sujeito + going to + verbo no infinitivo.

3. The Simple Future Tense Negative Form

sujeito + will/shall + not + infinitivo sem to.
usado para expressar uma ao futura.
sujeito + to be(neg.) + going to + verbo no
Existem as seguintes formas para a cons- infinitivo
truo desse tempo: Exemplos
will + infinitivo sem to Will they come tomorrow? They wont
shall + infinitivo sem to come tomorrow.
to be going + infinitivo Shall we wait here? We shall not wait here.
A forma mais utilizada will. Usamos o Are you going to eat out to right? you
be going to para expressar uma ao futura arent going eat out tonight.

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4. The Present Continuous Nota

No usamos, nos tempos contnuos, os
Tense seguintes verbos:
Forma-se com o verbo to be (present tense) relacionados com pensamento: remember,
+ verbo principal no infinitivo sem to acres- forget, understand, etc.
cido de ING. relacionados com sensaes: hear, see,
usado para descrever uma ao que est taste, etc.
acontecendo no presente momento, ou para relacionados com desejos: wish, need,
descrever uma repetio constante de uma ao. desire, etc.
Pode, tambm, indicar planos imediatos relacionados com emoes: like, love,
futuros. hate, etc.
Peter is writing a letter now. Exemplos
She is preparing it at this moment. She understands it now.
Look! They are running to that park. I see it better now.
My father is always smoking a lot.
What are you doing tonight?

5. The Past Continuous te, ou uma ao passada que estava ocorren-

do quando uma outra ao ocorreu.
Forma-se com o verbo to be (past tense) + ver- Exemplos
bo principal no infinitivo sem to acrescido de ING. She was waiting for him last night.
usado para descrever uma ao que es- While he was studying, she was cooking.
tava acontecendo no passado, aes passa-
We were crossing the street when we saw
das que estavam ocorrendo simultaneamen-
the accident.

10 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 02

6. The Future Continuous I have lived here since 1990.

She has been there for hours.
Tense Uma ao que acabou de ocorrer:
Forma-se com o verbo to be (future tense) The old man has just died.
+ verbo principal no infinitivo sem to acres-
cido de ING. Advrbios que podem acompanhar o
Descreve uma ao que estar acontecen- Present Perfect Tense.
do no futuro. already yet ever lately so far
recently etc.
Exemplos Exemplos
She will be travelling to Europe next She has already left. (j)
Have you met him yet? (j) I havent seen
I will be waiting for you tomorrow. him yet. (ainda)
Have you ever seen a ghost? (alguma vez
7. The Present Perfect na vida)
Tense Nobody has arrived so far. (at agora)
formado com o verbo to have (present I havent seen him lately. (ultimamente)
tense) + verbo principal no past participle. I have watched a lot of films recently.
usado para descrever: Nota
Uma ao que ocorreu em um ponto Observe bem a diferena entre o Simple
de tempo indefinido do passado: Past e o Present Perfect:
She has gone away.
He has eaten all the apples.
Uma ao que comeou no passado e
tem continuidade at o presente momento: He ate them last night.

8. The Past Perfect Tense Exemplos

He told me he had been there before.
Forma-se com verbo to have (past tense)
+ verbo principal no past participle. After he had found her phone number, he
called her up.
Descreve uma ao passada anterior a
outra tambm passada. After he had finished the exercises, he
went to bed.
ONE NIGHT, after he had gotten ready for bed, my husband went out to
the driveway to retrieve some work papers from his car. Since it was dark,
he figured no one would see him make the quick run in his underwear.
And he probably would have made it, too-if not for our motion-sensor
light, which illuminated him just as he reached the car door.
by Beverly W. Dillard

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9. The Present Perfect lar;

no tm s nas terceiras pessoas do singu-

Continuous Tense no possuem as trs formas verbais

usado para descrever uma ao que co- principais;
meou no passado e que tem continuidade no so conjugados em todos os tem-
at o presente momento. pos verbais;
Forma-se com verbo to be (present perfect no so usados com ing;
tense) + verbo principal no infinitivo sem to so negados acrescentando-se not
acrescido de ING. aps os mesmos;
so interrogados por meio da inver-
Exemplos so da posio verbo/sujeito.
He has been waiting for him for hours. CAN (poder) expressa capacidade ou
They have been doing it since last week. habilidade.
Present Tense : She can dance well.
Observe que o Present Perfect Continuous Past Tense :She could dance well at
Tense sinnimo do Present Perfect Tense, that time.
quando o intuito mostrar uma ao que teve Future Tense :She will be able to dance
incio no passado e que continua at o pre- well some day.
sente momento. No entanto, prefere-se este
tempo verbal quando nos referimos a aes The greatest good you can do for another
mais recentes. is not just to share your riches, but to
reveal to him his own.
He has lived here since last year. = He has
been living here since last year. Benjamin Disraeli

Se no houver continuidade de ao, os You can have it all. You just cant have it
dois tempos verbais nada tm em comum. all at once.
Oprah Winfrey, quoted by Susan Litwin
He has done it. He has been doing it.
in TV Guide

Whoever has been watching life go by, Notas

without being a part of it, has been dying CAN/COULD tambm podem ser usa-
each day. dos para expressar permisso ou possibili-
M. Stephens
Can I go now?
10. Modal Auxiliary Verbs That cant be true.
Can We Handle This Much Freedom? COULD have + past participle expres-
sa uma habilidade passada que no foi usa-
Os verbos anmalos can, may, must, da.
mustnt, neednt, should e ought to tm ca-
ractersticas prprias:
no tm to no infinitivo; He could have become an excellent
so geralmente seguidos de verbos no
infinitivo sem to;

12 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 02

COULD e was/were able to so sinni- As a high-school teacher, I thought I had

mos, mas COULD no usado quando hou- heard it all. That is, until one of my
ver referncia apenas a ocasies especfi- sophomore math students came to class
cas. and saw her failing grade. Oh, no!she
lamented. Now I wont be allowed to get
He could / was able to do it very well. my tongue pierced.
He tried hard and finally was able to do it. Nancy Berthold

A friend was standing in a hotel gift MAY pode ser usado para expressar de-
shop when a man walked in smoking a sejos, esperanas.
cigarette. Looking up from her register, the May all your dreams come true!
clerk politely informed the man that
smoking was prohibited in the shop.
Well, if you sell cigarettes in here, I The most
ought to be able to smoke here, the man important
said irritably.
job of
Youre right; we do sell cigarettes
here, the clerk answered calmly as she your life
rang up my friends purchases. And we just might
also sell condoms.
Presley D. Holmes be your
MAY / MIGHT (poder) expressam possi-
MUST (dever) expressa obrigao ou for-
Present Tense: He may arrive / might te necessidade.
arrive today.
Present Tense: You must go there.
Past Tense: He may have arrived / might
have arrived yesterday. Past Tense: He had to be there yesterday.
Future Tense: He may arrive / might arrive Future Tense: You will have to do it
tomorrow. tomorrow. (must do it)
Notas A man who wants to lead the orchestra
MIGHT usado quando o verbo que in- must turn his back on the crowd.
troduz uma orao est no passado. Max Lucado, And the Angels Were Silent
He said he might do it.
MAY pode ser usado para expressar per- Nota
misso. (=be allowed to)
MUST tambm expressa deduo.
Present Tense : She knows it all. She must
May I come in now? be very smart.
She was allowed to go there last night. Past Tense: The streets are flooded. It must
have rained hard last night.

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MUSTNT (no dever) expressa proibio.

You mustnt do it here. Its forbidden.

NEEDNT (no precisar) expressa no necessidade. (= not to have to)

You neednt take an umbrella. Its not raining.

NEEDNT HAVE + past participle expressa ausncia de necessidade no passado.
You neednt have done that for me.
SHOULD / OUGHT TO (deveria) expressa conselho ou dever mais brando.
Present Tense: You should see (ought to see) a doctor.
Past Tense: You should have seen (ought to have seen) a doctor.
Future Tense: You should see (ought to see) a doctor tomorrow.

Maybe I didnt treat you

Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didnt love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
from Always on my Mind, Elvis Presley

14 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 02

11. Irregular Verbs

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Captulo 03
1. The Indefinite Articles
Os Indefinite Articles so A e AN (um, Usamos os artigos indefinidos:
uma). antes de um substantivo contvel qual-
A raise is like a martini: it elevates the
spirit, but only temporarily.

diante de um predicativo.
He is an architect.
She is an Engliswoman.
He is a Catholic.

Crawford H. Greenewalt:
Behind every advance of the human
race is a germ of creation growing in the
mind of some lone individual, an indi-
Usamos os Indefinite Articles: vidual whose dreams waken him in the
night while others contentedly sleep.
A antes de som de consoante. The Uncommon Man (McGraw-Hill)
a flower - a notebook - a person

AN antes de som de vogal. antes de medidas em geral.

an egg - an orange - an incident a thousand dollars
a dollar a month
A antes de h aspirado. once a year
a house - a hotel - a horse three dollars a kilo

AN antes de h mudo. No usamos os Indefinite Articles:

an honest man - an hour - an heir - an antes de palavras no plural.
honourable person
a dog - dogs
A antes de U pronunciado [ju]. a phenomenon - phenomena - a child -
a union - a unicorn - a usual thing
antes de substantivos incontveis.
A antes de EW ou EU pronunciados [ju]. advice - information - furniture - water
- gold, etc.
a ewe - a European
antes de materiais.
A antes de O pronunciado [w]. Its made of leather.
a one-dollar bill Its written on paper.

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2. The Definite Article O Definite Article no usado antes:

de palavras de sentido geral.
O artigo definido THE significa O, A, OS, AS.
Love comes to everyone.
O Definite Article usado antes: Friends are good companions
de instrumentos musicais. everywhere.
He plays the guitar. Money and fame attract a lot of people.

de um adjetivo substantivado. Friendship is certainly the finest

This book is for the blind. balm for the pangs of disappointed love.
The deaf face many problems. Jane Austen

dos seguintes locais: theater, officer,

movies, cathedral, restaurant. de pases.
He is at the office now. Brazil is a nice country.
Lets go to the movies. Excees: the USA, the Netherlands,
the United Kingdom, the Philippines.
de superlativos.
de ttulos seguidos de nomes.
He is the best student in this class.
President Clinton, Pope John Paul II
She is the most beatiful girl I know.
de possessivos adjetivos my brother,
your car
When I enrolled in a creative-writing
course, one of my first poems was de ruas, avenidas e nomes de cidades.
returned with the following comment Fifth Street - New York - Main Avenue
from the teacher:Put more fire in the
poems, or vice versa. das palavras school, college, church,
H. A. Maxson hospital, work, prison e bed quando a idia de
sua finalidade principal mantida. Compare:
de certas expresses. She was taken to hospital because she
was sick.
in the morning - in the mood - on the
other hand Ill go to the hospital to visit a friend of mine.
Be silent! Shes in bed.
de substantivos que representam o ni- Dont sit on the bed, please.
co de sua espcie.
the sun - the moon - the universe - the A man noted for his tact was awakened
sky, etc. one morning at four oclock by his ringing
telephone. Your dogs barking and its
de um substantivo singular que repre- keeping me awake, said an irate voice. The
senta toda uma classe. man thanked the caller and politely asked
The telephone was invented by Bell. his name before hanging up. The next
morning at four oclock, he called back his
de nomes de rios, mares, oceanos e canais.
Sir, he said, I dont have a dog.
the Atlantic Ocean - the Nile - the Suez
Canal Ruth Meyers

20 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 03

3. Reflexive Pronouns 4. Adverbs

Myself Ourselves ADVERBS OF MANNER
Yourself Yourselves Os advrbios de modo so geralmente co-
Himself Themselves locados no final da orao.
Herself He speaks French fluently.
Itself Oneself John has closed the door silently.
She sings well.
Reflexivo Simples: quando o sujeito pra-
Those kids answered the questions easily.
tica e recebe certa ao ao mesmo tempo.
John hurt himself yesterday.
Enjoy yourself. You know you are middle-aged when
Reflexivo Enftico: usado para enfatizar um your children tell you that youre
sujeito ou um objeto. driving too slowly and your parents
She herself will do it. tell you that youre driving too fast.
She will do it herself.
Reflexivo Idiomtico: os reflexivos vm ADVERBS OF PLACE
precedidos de BY, significando alone. Os advrbios de lugar em geral so colo-
He lives by himself. cados no final da orao.
Go ahead. Youre by yourself now. Take these letters to that company.
Wait for her here.
Notas They are all at the office.
O pronome impessoal ONE tem seu pr-
prio reflexivo: oneself.
One should behave oneself well.
Os advrbios de tempo podem aparecer
no incio ou final da orao.

He did all those things last night.

Tomorrow Ill give them to the teachers.


never, usually, often, seldom, etc.
Os advrbios de freqncia so colocados
aps o verbo to be e verbos auxiliares em geral.
She is never tired.
He has always done it well.
As expresses each other e one another
expressam reciprocidade ou mtua relao:
They are looking at each other.
We all should love one another.

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So colocados antes do verbo principal. Com verbos de movimento, tais como,

They usually arrive early. go, come, travel, return, fly, run, etc., o
advrbio de Place precede o de Manner.
John seldom works on week-ends.

Paul went 123452367892 3

3 7 3 9713
After giving a woman a full 6  
medical examination, the
doctor explained his prescription Havendo mais de um advrbio de Place
na orao, o mais especfico vem antes.
as he wrote it out. Take the green
pill with a glass of water when you
get up. Take the blue pill with a glass She lives 1234351637849 3 2 4 343 69 3 123429

of water after lunch. Then just before

going to bed, take the red pill with another
Quando dois ou mais advrbios de Time
glass of water. so mencionados, o mais exato precede o
Exactly what is my problem, Doctor? menos exato.
the woman asked. 123435678579 5 313  1 21235 2
She arrived

Youre not drinking enough water.

ADVERBS OF INTENSITY/DEGREE Havendo mais de um advrbio de

Manner na orao, o menor precede o maior.
Geralmente os advrbios de intensidade
precedem as palavras que modificam.
She is very sad today. 1234 92
33 6
He always drives his truck 62786
5 5
Its too good to be true.
He speaks rather fast.
Is there food enough for us?
Is there enough food for us?
He is old enought to know it well.

Enough: vem aps adjetivo ou advrbio,

e antes ou aps substantivos.

Tipos Variados de Advrbio

na mesma Orao
Quando numa mesma orao houver Fron the readers digest, Oct, 97
advrbios de Manner, Place e Time, eles devem
se manter nessa ordem.
71 86
He studied 1234 6 276891

6 .

22 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 03

Palavras Negativas ou Restritivas

no Incio de uma Orao
Podemos iniciar uma orao com advrbios negativos ou restritivos. Neste caso, o verbo
auxiliar deve vir antes do sujeito. Observe os exemplos:

He never works hard. Never does he work hard.

She seldom went there at that time. Seldom did she go there at that time.
He will go nowhere tonight. Nowhere will he go tonight.

5. Plural of Nouns Palavras terminadas em o:

Se precedido de vogal, acrescenta-se s.
Regra geral: acrescenta-se s.
radio radios
car cars pen pens
Se precedido de consoante, geralmente
acrescenta-se ES.
Palavras terminadas em y: hero heroes
Se precedido de vogal, acrescenta-se s.
Estas palavras fazem o plural em s:
boy boys
dynamo photo canto piano
Se precedido de consoante, troca-se o y por
solo kilo ego ghetto
As palavras archipelago, banjo, buffalo,
library libraries
cargo, volcano, grotto e memento admitem o
plural com S ou ES.
There is no shortage of good days. It is Palavras terminadas em S, SS, SH, CH, X e Z:
good lives that are hard to come by. Geralmente fazem o plural, acrescentan-
Annil Dillard do-se ES.
bus buses brush brushes
Palavras terminadas em F FE: fox foxes dress dresses
Geralmente, acrescenta-se s: church churches buzz buzzes
roof roofs
handkerchief handkerchiefs A palavra ox tem oxen como plural.

Estas palavras fazem o plural em VES: Men are like steel. When they lose their
shelf leaf loaf sheaf temper, they lose their worth.
knife wolf self elf Chuck noris
calf half wife life
thief Palavras terminadas em CH cujo som seja
life lives de K: acrescenta-se s.
thief thieves stomach stomachs
patriarch patriarchs
epoch epochs

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Plurais irregulares Algumas palavras tm a mesma forma

foot feet louse lice para o singular e plural:
child children goose geese sheep species deer
mouse mice man men means trout series
tooth teeth ox oxen
Alguns substantivos singulares na forma
woman women
so usados apenas em sentido plural:
cattle army people
Palavras de origem grega terminadas em mankind police vermin
IS. Troca-se o IS por ES.
crisis crises analysis analyses
Alguns substantivos so incontveis: no
Palavras de origem grega terminadas em admitem o uso dos artigos indefinidos
ON. Troca-se o ON por A. (a, an), nem o acrscimo de s para a formao
phenomenon phenomena do plural:
criterion criteria news advice furniture
health laughter information
Palavras de origem latina terminadas em garbage weather freight
UM. Troca-se o UM por A. knowledge attention leisure
datum data erratum errata soap dirt money
equipment progress gossip
Substantivos ptrios terminados em SE, trash bread
SH, CH e SS tm a mesma forma para o English(French,etc.)
singular e plural. coffee(water,etc.)
English English
Japanese Japanese Good manners will open doors that
French French the best education cannot.
Swiss Swiss Clarence Thomas

Substantivos de nacionalidade termina- Para dizer um, uma, podemos usar a piece
dos em MAN. of, a word of ou an item of
Troca-se o MAN por MEN. a piece of information a word of advice
Irishman Irishmen
Scotsman Scotsmen Para indicar uma quantidade indefinida,
podemos usar some.
Fazem o plural em s as seguintes excees: some news some advice some furniture
German Roman Norman
Sendo incontveis, pedem o verbo no sin-
Adjetivos substantivos conservam a
The news is good.
mesma forma para o singular e plural:
There is much furniture in that room.
the rich the old
Some information is important.
the poor the young

24 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 03

6. Many, Much and Co.

Sinnimos de much:
a great deal of a lot of
many significa muitos, muitas, e refere-se
a substantivos contveis no plural. lots of plenty of
many people many girls many stars
many men so much significa tanto, tanta, e refere-se
a substantivos incontveis.
Sinnimos de many: There is so much noise in this room!
a great number of a lot of lots of too much significa demais, e refere-se a
plenty of. substantivos incontveis.
She speaks too much!
so many significa tantos, tantas, e refere-
se a substantivos contveis no plural. much usado antes de adjetivos e ad-
There were so many people wishing to see vrbios no grau comparativo.
her that she left without any notice. much better much more intelligent

too many significa demais, e refere-se a Uso especial

substantivos contveis no plural. this/that + much significa tanto assim, e
There are too many people in that room. refere-se a uma quantidade indicada.
We cant walk in. I know German, but not that much.

Uso especial Few

Duas construes para o uso de many: few significa poucos, poucas, e refere-se a
many + substantivo plural + verbo substantivos contveis no plural.
plural few advantages few boys few doubts
Many boys are there. few children
Many apples have worms.
a few significa alguns, algumas, e refere-se
many + a/an + substantivo singu- a substantivos contveis no plural.
lar + verbo singular a few lighters a few people a few
Many a boy is there. chances a few pens.
Many an apple has worms.
Observe a diferena entre few e a few
Much I have few friends. (not many)
much significa muito, muita, e refere-se a I have a few friends. (some)
substantivos incontveis.
Much love much money much time
much coffee

Captulo 03 PV2D-06-ING-11 25
Lngua Inglesa

little significa pouco, pouca, e refere-se a
substantivos incontveis no singular.
little pressure little honey little food Wanting to put a little spice into our
little water marriage, my husband asked his buddy
Allen for advice earlier this year. Allen
a little significa algum, um pouco, e refere-se told him to do some of the romantic things
a substantivos incontveis no singular. we used to enjoy 20 years ago, before we
were married.
a little time a little love a little energy
a little sugar My husband thought this was a great
ideahe took me to see Star Wars.
by Christine Hanks
Observe a diferena entre little e a little
I have little time. (not much)
I have a little time. (some)

26 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 03

Captulo 04
1. Comparison of Adjectives
Equality Inferiority
He is as tall as his brother. This is the least interesting film Ive
She is not as (so) beautiful as her sister. ever seen.
He is the least efficient employee in that
Inferiority company.
This chair is less comfortable than that.
Superiority Acrescentamos EST a adjetivos de uma
Acrescenta-se ER a adjetivos de uma slaba ou adjetivos de duas slabas termina-
slaba ou de duas slabas terminados em y, dos em y, er, ow e le.
er, ow e le. Today is the coldest day of the year.
This house is bigger than that. That is the richest country in the world.
The weather today is hotter than This is the happiest person Ive ever seen.
Which of them is the simplest exercise?
She is much happier today.
Rick is the cleverest boy in class.
This exercise is simpler than that.
Obs.: Deve-se usar o artigo definido the
This river is shallower than that. antes do adjetivo no grau superlativo
He is clever, but Peter is cleverer. Irregular Comparisons

Acrescentamos MORE antes dos de-

mais adjetivos. Base form Comparative

This book is more interesting than that. good better

Mary is more attractive than Jane. bad worse
Big cars are more comfortable than right/wrong more right/wrong
small ones.
little less
far farther/further
Do more than exist live.
Do more than touch feel. old older/elder
Do more than look observe.
Do more than read absorb. the best
Do more than hear listen. the worst
Do more than listen understand. the most right/wrong
Do more than think ponder. the least
Do more than talk say something. the farthest/furthest
Gene Brown the oldest/eldest

Captulo 04 PV2D-06-ING-11 27
Lngua Inglesa


Older/oldest: referem-se a pessoas, coisas Equivale a cada vez mais . . . ou cada
ou animais. vez menos . . .
Elder/eldest: referem-se somente a pesso- Usa-se comp. of superiority/ comp. of
as que sejam membros da mesma famlia. interiority + and + comp. of superiority/comp.
Elder no pode ser usado com than. of inferiority.
This is my elder brother.
The weather is getting colder and colder.
Further: tambm pode significar mais, She is becoming more and more beautiful.
adicional This product is getting more and more
I need further information about this expensive.
contract. John is thinner and thinner.

How Nicotine Can Help Free

You From Nicotine

When you smoke,

nicotine goes right to your lungs
and then to your brain.
And the more you smoke,
the more you want it.
When you want to stop smoking,
and you chew Nicorette gum,
you get just enough nicotine
2. Idiomatic Constructions into your bloodstream
PARALLEL INCREASE to help cope with your cravings.
Equivale a quanto mais/ menos ..... mais/ You dont get the dangerous tars,
menos ...... and toxins and carcinogens
Usa-se the + comp. of superiority / comp.
you get from cigarettes.
of inferiority + the + comp. of superiority /
comp. of inferiority And your cravings get fewer and fewer.
The more I see you, the more I want you. And the less Nicorette you need
The hotter, the better. the less you use.
The cleaner the house, the happier my Until you use none.
mother feels. And none is a wonderful number.

28 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 04

3. Some, Any, No and Anyone with money to burn will

Compounds always find himself surrounded
by people with matches.
Os Indefinite Pronouns & Adverbs so
compostos a partir das palavras: Joe Ryan
NO E SEUS COMPOSTOS - (no, nobody
no one - nothing - nowhere)
somebody - something - somewhere) Usados em oraes negativas. No deve
haver, na mesma estrutura, nenhum outro
Usados em oraes afirmativas em geral.
elemento negativo.
We want some people to help us.
I want to go nowhere tonight.
There is somebody looking at us.
She wants nothing from you.
I saw nobody last night.
You cant stay mad at somebody
who makes you laugh.
Nota NO e NONE significam nenhum(a).
Jay Leno NO deve estar sempre seguido de um subs-
tantivo. NONE, sendo um pronome, nunca
Usados em oraes interrogativas, quan- deve vir seguido de um substantivo.
do for feito um oferecimento ou quando se I have no money and no friends.
espera uma resposta afirmativa. She needs some money but I have none
Would you like some coffee? to give her.
Will you ask somebody to do it for us? None of them will come to our party.


anybody - anything - anywhere)
Usados em oraes interrogativas em
Is there anybody in that house?
I need some money. Do you need any?

Usados em oraes negativas em geral.

I dont want to go anywhere tonight.
She never does anything right.
I didnt see anybody there last night.
Usados em oraes afirmativas signifi-
cando qualquer.
Anybody can enter here.
Come at any time you want.
Im so hungry I would eat anything.

Captulo 04 PV2D-06-ING-11 29
Lngua Inglesa

4. Question Words HOW WIDE (qual a largura)

How wide is that corridor?
WHAT/WHICH (o que/qual/quais)
What refere-se a um nmero ilimitado; HOW LONG (quanto tempo/qual o com-
no seletivo. primento)
Which refere-se a um nmero limitado; How long will you stay in this country?
seletivo. For two years.
What is you name? How long is this room?
Which is your name, Helen or Sue? HOW MANY (quantos)
What makes you think I want it? How many people will come to the party?
Nota What tambm usado para per-
HOW MUCH (quanto)
guntar a profisso.
How much sugar do you want in your
What is he? Hes a tailor. coffee?
WHO (quem) WHOM (quem - aps prepo-
sies) HOW OFTEN (com que freqncia)
Who is that man? Hes Mr. Smith. How often do you go there? Once a month.
Who knows it? HOW FAR (qual a distncia)
About whom are your talking? How far is your house from school?
WHOSE (de quem)
Whose car is that? Its my nieces.
Why do they call it rush hour when
nothing moves?

WHY (por qu)

Why are you so tired?

WHEN (quando)
When will you leave?

WHERE (onde)
Where have you put those things?

HOW (como)
How do you go to school? By subway. Free Fall. While my wife and I were
How is your food? Tasty. visiting Albuquerque, we took the
aerial tramway that rises to the top of
WHAT + TO BE + LIKE (como) Sandia Peak. About halfway up, the
What is she like? Shes tall and attractive. tram stopped so we could take
pictures and look around.
HOW OLD (qual a idade) How far down is it to the canyon
How old is this town? floor?someone asked the guide.
HOW BIG, HOW LARGE (qual o tamanho) About ten seconds,he replied.
How big is her house? Paul Goodwin

30 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 04

5. Relative Pronouns Men who treat women as helpless and

As oraes relativas em ingls so as que charming playthings deserve women who
vm introduzidas pelos pronomes who, treat men as delightful and generous bank
whom, which, that, whose e what. accounts. GQ
Seus usos esto ligados funo que exer- The most predictable thing about the
cem na orao. stock market is the number of experts who
take credit for predicting it.
WHO WHOM THAT Dave Weinbaum
Usamos os pronomes acima quando a re-
ferncia feita a pessoas.
Quando o pronome relativo exerce a fun-
Usamos os pronomes acima quando a re-
o de sujeito da orao relativa, podemos
usar who ou that. O pronome relativo no ferncia feita a coisas ou animais.
pode ser omitido. Quando o pronome relativo exerce a fun-
o de sujeito da orao relativa, podemos
That is the woman who / that usar which ou that. No pode haver omisso
SUJ. dos pronomes.
wants to talk to you. The car which / that
broke down yesterday is here.
Quando o pronome relativo exerce a funo VERBO
de complemento da orao relativa, podemos
usar who, whom, that ou omitir o pronome.
Quando o pronome relativo exerce a fun-
The man who / whom / that / o de complemento da orao relativa, po-
demos usar which, that ou omitir o pronome.
The books which / that /
you want to talk to is here.
she wants are over there.
O pronome whom obrigatrio quando SUJ. VERBO
precedido de uma preposio.
O pronome which de uso obrigatrio
That is the girl about whom quando precedido de preposio.
were talking. Those are the old documents in which
Im interested. PREP.
Neurotic: Someone who builds castles in
the sky.
Psychotic: Someone who lives in those
Psychotherapist: The one who collects the rent.
Manuel H. Chavez

Captulo 04 PV2D-06-ING-11 31
Lngua Inglesa

Ultimately, the only power to which They say the average taxpayer works
man should aspire is that which he more than four months out of every year
exercises over himself. for the government, which is very
Elie Wiesel, Memoirs: All Rivers Run disturbing. Were not even sure people who
to the Sea (Knopf) work for the government work four
months out of every year for the
There is nothing like returning to a place government.
that remains unchanged to find the Montana Oil Journal
ways in which you yourself have
Nelson Mandela, A Long Walk to
Freedom (Little, Brown)
O pronome whose (cujo, cuja) indica pos-
se, vindo sempre seguido de um substantivo.
Good manners will open doors that the
best education cannot. That is the woman whose father died in
Clarence Thomas the accident last night.

The joy of life is made up of obscure and What significa o que, aquilo que.
seemingly mundane victories that give
us our own small satisfactions. Tell her what we want to know.
Billy Joel I want what is mine.

WHICH SPECIAL USE The incidence of memory is like the light

O pronome which tambm usado para from dead stars whose influence lingers
nos referirmos a toda idia j expressa na ora- long after the events themselves.
o anterior. Vem sempre aps uma vrgula. David Horowitz, Radical Son (Simon & Schuster)
Our close friends didnt accept our
apologies, which made us sad.

6. Relative Clauses The people who want to see you are here.
The car which she bought yesterday is
Defining Relative Clauses (Oraes Su- brand-new.
bordinadas Adjetivas Restritivas) Non-Defining Relative Clauses (Ora-
So oraes necessrias para que a orao es Subordinadas Adjetivas Explicativas)
principal tenha sentido. Seguem as mesmas Essas oraes simplesmente nos informam
regras j vistas. algo a mais sobre o termo anterior, no sendo
necessrias para que a orao principal seja

32 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 04

Devem vir sempre entre vrgulas e no Declarao afirmativa Question Tag Negativa
admitem o uso do pronome that, assim como
no pode haver omisso do pronome relativo. Sue is going home, isnt she?
Shakespeare, who wrote Hamlet, was a Paul knows it well, doesnt he?
great playwright.
This book, which is famous, is by Thomas Declarao negativa Question Tag afirmativa
We wont do it again, will we?
Prefere-se o uso de that aps adjetivos no The kids didnt go home yesterday, did
grau superlativo, aps alguns indefinidos, they?
aps the first, the last, etc. e quando o prono-
me relativo referir-se a pessoas e coisas (ou Once upon a time
animais) ao mesmo tempo. You dressed so fine, you
This is the best that I can do. Threw the bums a dime
Nothing that you say impresses me. In your prime, didnt you?
He will be the first that will arrive.
This book is about the people and the Bob Dylan, Like a Rolling Stone
places that I love most.
Casos Especiais
Think it over A Question Tag usada com o imperativo
Aung San Suu Kyi: will you.
It is no simple matter to decide who are Come here, will you?
the more fortunate those to whom life gives Dont do it, will you?
all, or those who have to give all to life. A
fulfilled life is not necessarily one constructed
Com lets usamos shall we.
strictly in accordance with ones own
blueprint; it can be a glorious collage of Lets write it now, shall we?
materials that have come unexpectedly to Lets not do it again, shall we?
hand. How wonderful it is that we do not
know what tomorrow will bring. O verbo there to be conserva there.
In a speech There isnt anyone there, is there?

7. Question Tags A Question Tag correspondente a I am

arent I.
Question Tags so pequenas frases acres- I am right about it, arent I?
centadas ao fim de uma orao com o intuito
de obter uma confirmao do que foi dito an- Declaraes que contenham never,
teriormente. seldom, hardly, etc. equivalem a declaraes
Forma-se com o verbo auxiliar corres- negativas.
pondente ao tempo verbal empregado na de- She never goes there, does she?
clarao, seguido do pronome pessoal do They seldom work, do they?
caso reto correspondente ao sujeito da de-
Se o sujeito for somebody, someone,
anybody, anyone, nobody, no one, a question
Na question tag negativa deve-se sem- tag formada com o pronome he
pre usar a contrao do verbo auxiliar Nobody will do it, will he?
com not.

Captulo 04 PV2D-06-ING-11 33
Lngua Inglesa

Captulo 05
1. The Gerund
Usado como sujeito de oraes: to be used to costumar
Living is a hard task. He is used to travelling a lot.
Playing cards is a good pastime.
cant help no poder evitar
Today, watching television often means I cant help looking at her all the time.
fighting, violence and foul language and
thats just deciding who gets to hold the cant stand no suportar, no tolerar
remote control. I cant stand having to do this all day long.
Donna Gephart in National Enquirer

Aps os seguintes verbos:

Em proibies curtas:
admit appreciate delay
No smoking! consider miss excuse
No camping! deny quit finish
enjoy resist keep
Aps preposies:
forgive suggest understand
Before leaving, talk to her. mind risk postpone
Im not interested in doing it. practice avoid imagine

The secret of being boring is to tell

everything. Avoid criticizing in order
not to be criticized.

He enjoys living here.

Aps as expresses:
He denied knowing about this situation.
Do you mind opening the window?
be worth (while) valer a apena
Why dont you quit smoking?
Its worthwhile going there.
Avoid talking to her about this subject.
I wont risk losing my job.
Its no good (Its no use) no adianta,
Its no use trying to do this again. It wont Ateno!
I used to smoke a lot. (costumava)
look forward to esperar ansiosamente I am used to smoking a lot. (costumo)
Were looking forward to seeing her

34 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 05

He stopped to say hello. (parar para)
He stopped saying Hello. (parar de)



Try to do it again. (fazer um esforo)
Try doing it again. (fazer uma experin-
cia para ver o resultado)

2. The Infinitive
Usado como sujeito de oraes:
The Infinitive without to
To live is an adventure. Usamos aps verbos auxiliares e anmalos:
She shall arrive soon.
Usado aps what, how, where, etc.: He may do it again.
I dont know how to get there. Usamos aps os verbos make e let:
She doesnt know what to do. Make her stay a little longer.
Let me tell you about our coming party.
Usado aps adjetivos:
It is good to be here. Lets Give Peace a Chance
Usamos aps os verbos had better e would
Usado aps os verbos:
You had better believe me; Im telling you
appear ask want the truth.
refuse wish hope I would rather stay here till tomorrow
decide used to seem morning.
teach can afford have
care expect Usamos aps as preposies but e except:
He does everything but work.
I expect to hear from you soon. Ill do everything except change my mind
He seems to be quite happy. about it.
I cant afford to buy that house.
He refused to accept our help. Modern Maxim: Give a man a fish, and he
will eat for a day. Teach him to fish, and he
will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
The Dan Moon Show, WTMA, Charleston, S.C.

Captulo 05 PV2D-06-ING-11 35
Lngua Inglesa

Verbos seguidos por gerndio ou 3. Reported Speech

infinitivo sem to Reported Speech a repetio de algo que
Aps os seguintes verbos:
foi dito por algum, algo que foi relatado a ou-
tras pessoas, com nossas prprias palavras.
feel realize notice
listen(to) see watch He said: I know it well. (direct speech)
hear observe perceive He said (that) he knew it well. (reported

H trs tipos de Reported Speech:

He said to her, I love you!
He told her he loved her.

He said to her, Open the door!
He told her to open the door.

He said to her, Do you love me?
He asked her if (whether) she loved him.

He was watching the girls cross / crossing

the street.
I heard her say / saying she was tired.
Leia a seguir as alteraes verbais que
Can you feel my hands touch / touching ocorrem na passagem de uma sentena para
you? o Reported Speech e os trs tipos de Reported
Yesterday I saw her leave / leaving her Speech mais detalhados com suas mudan-
house. as verbais e de construo.

36 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 05

Alteraes verbais
direct speech indirect speech
Simple Present Simple Past
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Simple Past Past Perfect
Simple Future Simple Conditional
Simple Conditional Conditional Perfect
Can Could
May Might
Must Had to

Quando o verbo introdutrio to say estiver no simple present, present continuous,

present perfect ou simple future, no haver mudana nos tempos verbais.

He says: I love dancing.

He says (that) he loves dancing.

Os verbos should, ought to, might e could, assim como os verbos no past continuous
e no past perfect, no sofrem alteraes na passagem do discurso indireto.

He said to her, I was studying hard.

He told her (that) he was studing hard.
Com verdades universais no h mudana verbal:
He said, Man is mortal.
He said (that) man is mortal.

Outras alteraes
direct speech indirect speech
this that
these those
here there
now then
today that day
yesterday the day before
tomorrow the next day
last (...) the (...) before
next (...) the following (...)
ago before

Captulo 05 PV2D-06-ING-11 37
Lngua Inglesa

No direct speech, deve-se usar say ou

say to na orao introdutria. J no reported She said to him, Dont smoke here.
speech, usa-se say (sem objeto) ou tell segui-
She told (ordered) him not to smoke there.
do de objeto direto na orao introdutria,
ou ask ou order conforme o tipo de reported
speech. O conectivo that facultativo. Questions

Com oraes interrogativas, o verbo

Tipos de Reported Speech indrodutrio altera-se para ask.
Statements He said, How is Paul?
Seguem normalmente as regras j an-
He asked how Paul was.
teriormente mencionadas.
He said, I study hard.
John said to Mary, Where did you spend
He said (that) he studied hard.
your holidays?
John asked Mary where she had spent her
He said to us, I think I have broken holidays.
my arm.
He told us (that) he thought he had
Quando no houver pronome interroga-
broken his arm.
tivo, usamos whether ou if no discurso indi-
She said to Paul, I bought it last week. He said to me, Did you go there
She told him (that) she had bought it the yesterday?
week before. He asked me if (whether) I had gone there
the day before.
4. If Clauses
direct speech If Clauses so oraes condicionais
introduzidas por if. A outra orao, que a
verbo principal
principal, a Main Clause.
If you study more, you will succed.
imperativo afirmativo
imperativo negativo Dividem-se, basicamente, em trs tipos
indirect speech Future-Possible Condition (sugere uma
tell, order ou ao possvel de se realizar)
ask Forma-se com a If Clause no simple
present e a Main Clause no simple future ou
infinitivo com to
not + infinitivo com to If she goes there, she will see him.
If you see him there, call me at once.
He said to John, Please, open the door.
He asked John to open the door. If you cant convince them, confuse them.
Harry S. Truman

38 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 05

If you had kept those coins, you would

Oprah Winfrey:
have them now.
Keep a grateful journal. Every night, list
If she had asked me to buy the tickets, she
five things that happened this day that you
would see the show with me tonight.
are grateful for.
What it will begin to do is change your A mind, like a home, is furnished by its
perspective of your day and your life. If owner, so if ones life is cold and bare he
you can learn to focus on what you have, can blame none but himself.
you will always see that the universe is Louis LAmour, Bendigo Shafter (Bantam)
abundant; you will have more.
If you concentrate on what you dont If you would win a man to your cause,
have, you will never have enough. first convince him that you are his
In a speech sincere friend.
Abraham Lincon

Present-Unreal Condition (sugere uma possvel invertermos a posio do ver-

ao irreal, improvvel de se realizar) bo auxiliar com a do sujeito e eliminarmos o
Forma-se com a If Clause no simple past e if da orao quando os auxiliares forem were,
a Main Clause no simple conditional. had ou should.

If you went there, you would find him. If she were here, shed see it.
If they came here earlier, they would be Were she here, shed see it.

Nota If you had gone, youd have found them.

Na Present-Unreal Condition o verbo to Had you gone there, youd have found
be were para todas as pessoas. them.
If I were you, I would go home right now. If you should see her, give her my regards.
If she were here, she would be happy. Should you see her, give her my regards.
Past-Unreal Condition (sugere condies O present perfect ou o present continuous
hipotticas ou irreais no passado) podem ser usados na If Clause no lugar do
Forma-se com a If Clause no past perfect simple present.
e a Main Clause no conditional perfect.
If they have arrived, well go to greet them.
If they had gone there, they would have If they are coming, well wait for them.
seen us.
If she had eaten all that food, she would A wealthy man came home from a
have felt rather sick. gambling trip and told his wife that he had
IF CLAUSES USOS ESPECIAIS lost their entire fortune and that they
would have to drastically alter their life-
Podemos usar o simple present em ambas
style. If you will just learn to cook, he
clauses para expressar uma relao de causa
said, we can fire the chef.
e efeito.
Fine,she said. And if you learn how
If you heat ice, it melts.
to make love, we can fire the gardener.
Quando o efeito da orao principal sen-
Lee Goodin
tido no presente, usamos o simple conditional
em vez do conditional perfect.

Captulo 05 PV2D-06-ING-11 39
Lngua Inglesa

5. Passive Voice Waiting Game. Whenever I accompanied

my aunt on her visits to the doctor, she
Usamos a Passive Voice para enfatizar a would complain to me about the long delay
ao sofrida e ainda quando o autor da ao she always endured.
desconhecido, indefinido ou no importante. One day, when my aunts name was
finally called, she was asked to step on the
People do it everywhere. scale. I need to get your weight today,
It is done everywhere. said the nurse.
Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. Without a moments hesitation, my aunt
replied, One hour and 45 minutes.
Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
Michelanne Bierbaum
Regras para a transformao em Passive
Voice: Simple Future
o objeto da voz ativa torna-se o sujeito My sister will eat those pears.
da passiva. Those pears will be eaten by my sister.
o verbo to be o verbo auxiliar da voz Present Continuous
passiva, e conjugado no mesmo tempo ver-
She is doing the exercises.
bal do verbo principal da voz ativa.
o verbo principal vai para o past The exercises are being done.
participle na voz passiva. Past Continuous
o sujeito da voz ativa torna-se agente da They were preparing those reports.
passiva e vem precedido da preposio by. Those reports were being prepared.
o agente da passiva s mencionado Future Continuous
quando for importante para o entendimento
da sentena. She will be analysing the tracks.
The tracks will be being analysed.
We are told that people stay in love Present Perfect
because of chemistry, or because they John has broken that vase.
remain intrigued with each other, because That vase has been broken by John.
of many kindnesses, because of luck. But Past Perfect
part of it has got to be forgiveness and
They had robbed that bank again.
gratefulness. The understanding that
That bank had been robbed again.
although youre no bargain, you love and
you are loved. Anyway.
Ellen Goodman

Exemplos da Passive Voice nos tempos

Simple Present
People speak English here.
English is spoken here.
Simple Past
She wrote those letters last night.
Those letters were written last night.

40 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 05

Future Perfect Passiva Impessoal

The doctor will have finished it at Esse tipo de construo ocorre aps os se-
midday. guintes verbos:
It will have been finished by the doctor
believe consider think report
at midday.
find know say understand
Simple Conditional
They would begin the task soon. Observe o seguinte exemplo:
The task would be begun soon. They think that he is boring.
Conditional Perfect He is thought to be boring.
They would have seen her there.
She would have been seen there. Modificaes que ocorrem na Passiva
Modal Auxiliary Verbs
o sujeito da segunda orao (orao su-
Those kids can carry it.
bordinada) transforma-se no sujeito da voz
It can be carried by those kids.
They should permit it here.
It should be permitted here. o verbo da primeira orao (orao prin-
cipal) colocado na voz passiva.
Casos Especiais com Passive Voice o verbo da segunda orao passa para o
Verbos com dois objetos: podemos op- infinitivo ou infinitivo perfeito.
tar entre o objeto direto e o indireto para su-
jeito da passiva. Se optarmos pelo direto, ser omitem-se o sujeito da primeira orao
necessrio o uso da preposio to (ou for). e o that.
I gave her the books that day. se o tempo do verbo da orao subordi-
The books were given to her that day. nada for anterior quele do verbo da orao
She was given the books that day. principal, usa-se o infinitivo perfeito na pas-
I will tell them a story. siva.
A story will be told to them. Exemplos
They will be told a story. People think that he is timid.
Advrbios de modo na Passive Voice: de- He is thought to be timid.
vem ser colocados antes do verbo principal.
Observe o exemplo: They say that she knows it all.
She closed the door carefully. She is said to know it all.
The door was carefully closed.
People think that he was rich.
He is thought to have been rich.

My cousin took a flight on a new budget

airline. No snacks were served, but drinks
were offered. He heard one man request tea.
What kind? the flight attendant asked.
Chamomile,he responded, pleased at
having a choice.
No, sir. she said. I meant, hot or
Rita K. Mackintosh

Captulo 05 PV2D-06-ING-11 41
Lngua Inglesa

Captulo 06
1. Correlative Conjunctions NEITHER . . . NOR: nem . . . nem
She is neither rich nor pretty.
So construes usadas para relacionar
I want neither this nor that.
oraes. As principais so:
BOTH . . . AND: tanto (to) . . . quanto
Como no pode haver mais de um ele-
Both you and I will have to do it. mento negativo em uma mesma sentena, o
He likes both blondes and brunettes. uso de neither . . . nor deve ser feito
com o verbo da sentena na forma afirmati-
NOT ONLY . . . BUT ALSO: no s . . . mas va, embora seja possvel a seguinte opo:
tambm She is neither rich nor pretty. She isnt
She is not only pretty but also very either rich or pretty.
intelligent. I want neither beer nor wine. I dont
This is not only important but also want either beer or wine.
Com as construes either . . . or e neither
EITHER . . . OR: ou . . . ou . . . nor, o verbo concorda com o sujeito mais
You can do it either now or later. prximo:
Either you do it or Ill punish you. Either a cigarette or a cigar is bad for
your health.
Neither John nor I am sick.
Both unsuccessful and offendend?
For her upcoming prom, my daughter went to have hair done at a
trendy new salon. As she approached the door, she was greeted by a sign:
Some of the Worlds Most Beautiful Faces Have Walked Through This
Door. Unsuccessful in opening the door, she then noticed another small
sign posted on it: Please Use Other Door.
Nilam Parekh

2. The Uses of Either, Any, either tambm significa um entre dois

Neither, None Here are two books. You can choose either.
any significa qualquer um entre mais
either significa tambm, usado em sen-
de dois elementos.
tenas negativas.
You may choose any of those ten books.
I wont go there either.
either . . . or significa ou . . . ou NEITHER / NONE
Either you do it or Ill punish you. neither significa nem.
You can take either this or that. William wont do it and neither will I.

42 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 06

neither . . . nor significa nem . . . nem HOWEVER entretanto

I will take neither this nor that with me. She said she would do it, however she
neither tambm significa nenhum en-
tre dois elementos. STILL ainda
Both are good but neither interests me. They are still doing their compositions.
none significa nenhum entre mais de
dois elementos. EVEN mesmo, at mesmo
None of those girls will accept our Even a child can do it! Its so easy!

YET j, ainda, entretanto

Have you finished it yet?
I havent been there yet.
Hes so ugly, yet she loves him!

THEREFORE portanto
Youre supposed to do it now, therefore
just do it!

ABOUT sobre, cerca de

They are talking about us.
There were about two hundred people at
the meeting.

3. Useful Words
Segue, abaixo, uma relao de palavras
muito freqentes e de muita valia para o alu-
no na compreenso dos textos.


Though you dont deserve it, it will help

Captulo 06 PV2D-06-ING-11 43
Lngua Inglesa

OTHERWISE seno, caso contrrio DESPITE / IN SPITE OF apesar de

Youll have to behave yourself, Despite (in spite of) the bad weather, they
otherwise youll be punished. decided to go home.

MOREOVER alm do mais

LIKE como / UNLIKE diferente Its already late. Moreover, you are not
wanted here any longer.
He is like his father in every respect.
They are so unlike that nobody would DUE TO devido a
believe they are brothers. They arrived late due to bad traffic.

David J. Wolpe:
BUT mas, exceto
There is a marvelous story of a man
He said he would help us, but he didnt. who once stood before God, his heart
I will invite everybody to that party, breaking from the pain and injustice in the
but you. world.
Dear God, he cried out, look at all
TILL / UNTIL at the suffering, the anguish and distress in
III wait for her till midday. your world. Why dont you send help?
God responded, I did send help. I sent
you. When we tell our children that story,
SO THAT para, a fim de que
we must tell them that each one of them
Come closer so that you can hear me. was sent to help repair the broken world
and that it is not the task of an instant or of
BOTH ambos / BOTH . . . AND tanto... a year, but of a lifetime.
quanto / Both were wrong, but continued Teaching Your Children About God (Henry Holt)
discussing about the matter.
Both you and she will have do to it. PROVIDED contanto que
You can stay with us provided you
behave yourself.
BESIDE ao lado de / BESIDES alm de,
alm disso
Sit here beside me. NEVERTHELESS entretanto
I dont like this film, besides it is too long. There was no hope; nevertheless we went
Besides you, therell be five more people on hoping.
at the dinner.
MOST a maioria, muito
AS THOUGH como se Most people appreciate it.
He always acts as though he knew She is a most attractive girl.

CONCERNING com relao a ALMOST quase

What are you going to do concerning her She almost fell off the wall.
bad behaviour in class?
AGAIN outra vez / AGAINST contra
RATHER THAN em vez de Do it again, will you?
III have some coffee rather than tea.
He did that against my will.

44 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 06

to bring up educar, criar

Adolescence is like a house on moving
day a temporary mess. to call on visitar
Julius Warren in Quote Magazine to call off cancelar
to call up telefonar
Writing about music is like dancing to carry out pr em prtica
about architecture.
to carry on continuar
Elvis Costello, quoted by Timothy White
in Musician Magazine to catch up with acompanhar,
As a child, a library card takes you to to come about acontecer
exotic, faraway places.
to come across encontrar
When youre grown up, a credit card
does it. casualmente
Sam Ewing to come back voltar
to do away with abolir
UNLESS a menos que, a no ser que
to do without viver sem, passar
You cant enter here unless youre invited.
HARD duro, arduamente / HARDLY to drive at insinuar
mal, quase no, dificilmente. to figure out calcular, entender
He is a hard worker. He works hard.
to get about circular,
His brother hardly works.
At that time I hardly knew what to say. movimentar-se
to get away escapar
INSTEAD OF em vez de to get by dar um jeito,
Instead of criticizing him, help him do that.
4. Two-Word Verbs to get off descer de veculos
comum em ingls a colocao de prepo- to get on subir em veculos
sies ou advrbios aps determinados ver- to get rid of livrar-se de
bos, conseguindo-se, com isso, uma grande to get over recuperar-se
variedade de significados.
to give dar Give up your dreams and life
itself will cry for death.
to give up desistir

Segue uma relao de alguns two-word to give up desistir

verbs bastante comuns em ingls. to give in ceder, dar-se por
two-word verb translation vencido
to be over terminar to hang around perambular,
to blow over ser esquecido vagabundear
to break up brigar, terminar to hold on continuar, persistir
namoro to keep on continuar
to bring about causar to keep up with acompanhar, no
ficar atrs

Captulo 06 PV2D-06-ING-11 45
Lngua Inglesa

to leave out omitir to run over atropelar, examinar

to let down decepcionar, rapidamente
desapontar to see to providenciar,
to look after cuidar de tratar de
to look down on desprezar to show off exibir-se
to look for procurar to show up aparecer, surgir
to look like parecer-se to take off decolar, despir
to make up inventar, maqui- to take over assumir a direo de
lar-se, compilar to tell...from diferenciar
to make up ones mind decidir-se to throw up vomitar
to make up for compensar
to turn down diminuir som, luz;
to pick out escolher recusar
to pick up apanhar, aprender to turn in devolver, entregar
com facilidade
to turn into transformar-se
to point out salientar
to turn off desligar, apagar
to put off adiar
to turn on ligar, acender
to put on vestir, encenar
to turn out revelar-se, tornar-se
to put out apagar
to wait on servir
to put up with tolerar, suportar
to work out planejar, resolver,
to run into encontrar casual-
produzir o efeito
to run out of ficar sem, no ter mais

46 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 06

Captulo 06 PV2D-06-ING-11 47
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48 PV2D-06-ING-11 Captulo 06

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