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Review Article

Disability among the elder population of India: A public

health concern
Amit Agrawal
Department of Neurosurgery, Narayana Medical College Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India

The Government of India adopted the National Policy on Older Persons in 1999, which defines a senior citizen or
elderly as a person who is of age 60 years or above. In India the elderly population accounted for 8.2% of the total
population in 2011 and the number is expected to increase over the next decades. The link between aging and disability
is a biological fact, and disability in the elderly is an important health indicator pointing to jeopardized quality of life.
But at the same time, aging should not be treated as synonymous with disability as a large proportion of older people
live with good health status. There are many studies from India that have addressed disability in the elderly population;
however, they lack uniformity in defining disability and largely address mostly one aspect, that is, the medical model of
disability. It is well recognized that disability and elderly encompasses a much larger spectrum of the conditions with
unique requirements and needs to be studied as a much broader concept.
Key Words: Aging, disability, India, rural


The significant increase in an aging world population has In most of the developed world, the accepted definition
resulted in rising proportions of older persons in the total of elderly or older person is the chronological age of
population with profound consequences on a broad range 65 years minimum; there is no United Nations standard
of economic, political, and social processes. Although aging numerical criterion, but the UN agreed cutoff is 60+
partly reflects the longer and generally healthier lives of years to refer to the older population.[3] The Government
individuals, it is simultaneously associated with chronic of India adopted the National Policy on Older Persons in
and degenerative diseases, which become more common at January, 1999 and this policy defines senior citizen or
older ages. Disability can jeopardize the quality of life in the elderly as a person who is of age 60 years or above.[4]
elderly and is an important health indicator that can have In India the elderly population accounted for 8.2% of the
heavy social impact with long-term institutionalization total population in 2011, and the number is expected to
and increased use of medical care.[1] In addition, as people increase dramatically over the next four decades (to 19%
age there are increased chances of becoming disabled, and in 2050).[5]
once disabled, there are increased chances of deterioration The International Classification of Functioning,
with decreased likelihood of recovering from disability.[2] Disability and Health (ICF) defines disability as an
Disability and elderly encompasses a large spectrum of umbrella term for impairments, activity limitations,
conditions, with unique requirements. In the present and participation restrictions.[6] Disability has been
review, we discuss the current status of disability patterns defined as a restriction or lack of ability to perform an
in the elderly population from India.
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DOI: 10.4103/0972-4958.175791 How to cite this article: Agrawal A. Disability among the elder
population of India: A public health concern. J Med Soc 2016;30:15-9.

Address for correspondence: Dr. Amit Agrawal, Department of Neurosurgery, Narayana Medical College Hospital, Chinthareddypalem, Nellore -
524 003, Andhra Pradesh, India. E-mail:

2016 Journal of Medical Society | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 15

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Agrawal: Disability among the elderly

activity in the manner or within the range considered However, these studies did not define disability and
normal for a human being.[7] Operational measures of were unable to show quantitatively the effect of age and
disability vary according to the purpose and application morbid conditions as the cause of disability in greater
of the data, the conception of disability, the aspects of detail.
disability examined impairments, activity limitations,
In one study it was found that 51.5% of elderly people
participation restrictions, related health conditions,
over 60 years of age had fallen (ending up on the floor
environmental factors [][8] Often, types of
or ground unintentionally), and 21.3% sustained fractures
disability are defined using only one aspect of disability,
and 79.6% other injuries.[13] It is important to note that
such as impairments sensory, physical, mental,
the fall is not a diagnosis but can be a manifestation
intellectual and at other times they conflate health
of multiple underlying disease like visual impairment
conditions with disability.[8]
(cataract, corneal opacity), postural hypotension,
This holds true for many of studies from India where degenerative joint disease, giddiness, and depression,
there is no uniformity in defining the elderly or clear the effects of certain medications on homeostasis, and/
demarcation of disability from morbid conditions. It or environmental hazards or obstacles that interfere with
has been emphasized that most of the studies discuss safe mobility.[13]
the morbid and co-morbid conditions but do not
address the issues of resulting disability.[9] Additionally, High prevalence of morbidity has been observed in
people with chronic health conditions, communication the elderly population residing in rural areas of the
difficulties, and other impairments may not be included country.[13,15,17] A study that included about 90% of the
in these estimates, despite encountering difficulties in population from urban areas and 10% from rural concluded
everyday life.[8] Disability in the elderly can be grouped that the morbidity among urban subjects (90.7%) was
into who can manage in their daily activities with the higher than among rural (77.6%) ones.[15] However, most
help of mechanical devices, who have multiple health of these studies on multimorbidity in India are disease-
problems and severe limitations in mental and/or physical specific and do not provide a comprehensive overview of
functioning that require very intensive levels of care the wide range of disabilities that can occur due to many
and in between above two groups, they are functionally of the diseases among elderly populations.[9,15,17,18]
disabled in one or two (activities of daily living (ADLs),
or have mild cognitive impairments.[10] DISABILITY IN INDIA

MORBIDITY AMONG ELDERLY It has been well recognized that elderly persons
constitute one of the most vulnerable groups, who have
Many chronic illnesses can influence the quality of life more chances of developing chronic disease, infections,
in elderly populations, and there is evidence that there and subsequent disabilities.[7] As a result, the elderly
is increased risk of multiple comorbidities in elderly population is at greater risk of being less healthy than
populations that may lead to disability.[11] It has been well the nonelderly population.[19] It has been suggested that
recognized in many studies from India that morbidity the aging population in India will lead to increases in
influences the physical functioning and psychological the prevalence of chronic conditions, including diabetes
well-being of elderly populations;[12-15] the need to and hypertension, and nearly one-half (45%) of Indias
develop geriatric health care services in developing disease burden is projected to be borne by older adults
countries on the basis of existing morbidity profile must in 2030.[20] Early results from a pilot phase of the
be emphasized.[15] A number of morbidity patterns have Longitudinal Aging Study in India showed that 13% of
been identified in elderly populations, which include older Indians sampled have some type of disability that
hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, constipation, cataracts affects at least one activity of daily living.[20] The survey
and hearing loss.[16] In another study, the authors Report on the Status of Elderly in Select States of India,
recognized many morbid conditions [p]ain/swelling of 2011 collected information on locomotor disability,
joints, limitation of movement, indigestion/heart bum, and questions were asked about the about difficulty
backache, breathlessness, giddiness/fainting, frequency/ regarding vision, hearing, walking, chewing, speaking, and
urgency, change in bowel habits and blurring of vision memory.[21] It was found that the prevalence of locomotor
[] in the elderly population from a mix of rural and disability was highest for vision (about 60%) and lowest
urban communities.[15] for the speech (about 7%).[21]
Chandwani et al.[16] found that 73% respondents felt that In a study that used Barthels ADL questionnaire, the
their age affected their day-to-day life and 58% reported estimated prevalence of functional disability was 37.4%.[12]
that their age partially affected their daily activities. In The disability was relatively less among men (35.9%)
these studies, morbid conditions were recognized and it than among women (38.8%) and the prevalence increased
was found that age was affecting their daily activities. with age (from 23.7% for age 60-64 years to 63.8% for

16 Journal of Medical Society / Jan-Apr 2016 / Vol 30 | Issue 1

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Agrawal: Disability among the elderly

age >75 years).[12] Joshi et al.[13] assessed disability by the climbing stairs, body movement and dexterity; 33%),
standardized Rapid Disability Rating Scale-2[22] and the respectively.[26] However, this study did not provide the
overall prevalence of disability was 6.3%. Another study underlying causes of disability in the population studied.
that used World Health Organization (WHO) criteria[7]
found that the most common type of disabilities were SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES
mental, locomotor, hearing, speech, and visual.[23] AND DISABILITY
The prevalence of disability among the elderly group
(>60 years) was high (21.5%); 80% of the disabled had It is commonly accepted that there is a relationship
a single disability and the 20% had multiple disabilities; between poverty and disability, and it is widely
as age advanced, there was significant increase in the hypothesized that it is a vicious cycle, i.e. disability
prevalence.[23] increases the risk of poverty and conditions of poverty
Audinarayana et al. collected data regarding physical increase the risk of disability.[27] In one study, the
disability from a mix of rural and urban populations authors analyzed the data from a survey conducted
among the elderly in Tamil Nadu and the disability by the 58th round of the National Sample Survey
was measured in terms of physical limitations.[24] The Organization (NSSO) and found that higher level of
information was collected about permanent loss of any poverty and income inequality among disabled elderly as
of the following and resulting inability to do the normal compared to non-disabled elderly and those differences
day-to-day functions from the elderly, for visual (loss in the income levels vary significantly across different age
of sight), hearing (loss of hearing), walking (loss feet or groups, gender, social groups and educational status.[27]
legs), dental (falling of teeth) and complete loss of arms In another study, it was observed that elderly people who
or fingers (including fractures) and many other problems live in the rural area, who are unmarried or divorced, and
like apoplexy, speech difficulties, paralytic condition those who belong to Scheduled and Backward castes had
and trembling.[24] It was found that 47% of the elderly higher levels of morbidity.[13] In this study it was also
persons were suffering from one or the other physical found that lower education is consistently associated with
disability condition; the extent of physical disability higher levels of morbidity and subsequent disability.[13]
was lower among the elderly belonging to higher Another study from the rural community of Karnataka
socioeconomic background (educated, engaged in own also revealed that illiteracy, primary schooling, and
cultivation, higher-salaried occupation, and belonging to unemployment have independent significant association
higher family monthly income bracket).[24] However, in with disability.[23]
this study the details of underlying morbid conditions or
any other factors responsible for physical disability have PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING
not been addressed. AND DISABILITY
Chakrabarty et al.[25] used an ADL scale and reported In one study where the investigator assessed the
16.16% prevalence of disability in the study population, psychological well-being and disability status among
and 92.5% had one or more associated chronic conditions. elderly people, it was found that minimal disability was
They found that the different chronic conditions like seen in 22%, moderate disability in 48.5%, and severe
osteoporosis, anemia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disability in 17%, respectively.[13] It was also noted that
disease, scabies, prostate hypertrophy, ischemic heart as the number of morbidities increases, the psychological
disease, osteoarthritis, acid peptic disorder, age and sex well-being deteriorates and disability increases.[13]
were significantly associated with functional disability
of the geriatric population.[25] In that study the authors
were able to explain risk factors in only 58.2% of the
cases, and identified that, the study being a descriptive
Inability to largely understand and accept the concept of
study, the factors found as associated with disability could
disability is a major challenge in India.[28] Aging should
be suggestive, not a causal one and there may be other
not be treated as synonymous with disability, as a large
factors for disability, which could not be identified.[25]
proportion of older people live with good health status
Venkatorao et al.[26] studied the impact of functional and without significant mental or physical decline.[27]
limitation on handicaps, technical aids, environmental The link between aging and disability is a biological fact
adaptation, human assistance, limited community access, as the risk of disability increases with increase in age.[27]
confined to home and confined to bed parameters to With rapid increase in elderly population accompanied
assess disability. The authors reported prevalence of by a decline in physiological functions in this age
functional limitation among the geriatric population and group, the foremost apparent challenge is to prevent
found speech disability (4%), hearing disability (10%), physiological aging translating into pathological aging, as
visual disability (56%), and agility (locomotion, walking, when diseases supervene.[16] Disability could be prevented

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