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48 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 61 (1986) 48-60

North-Holland, Amsterdam

T H E O R Y OF F E R R O M A G N E T I C H Y S T E R E S I S t

Ames Laboratory , Iowa State University, Ames, 1.4 50011, USA


D.L. A T H E R T O N
Physics Department, Queen's University, Kingston K7L 3N6, Ontario, Canada

Received 5 December 1983; in final revised form 21 January 1986

A mathematical model of the hysteresis mechanism in ferromagnets is presented. This is based on existing ideas of domain
wall motion including both bending and translation. The anhysteretic magnetization curve is derived using a mean field
approach in which the magnetization of any domain is coupled to the magnetic field H and the bulk magnetization M. The
anhysteretic emerges as the magnetization which would be achieved in the absence of domain wall pinning. Hysteresis is then
included by considering the effects of pinning of magnetic domain walls on defect sites. This gives rise to a frictional force
opposing the movement of domain walls. The impedance to motion is expressed via a single parameter k, leading to a simple
model equation of state. This exhibits all of the main features of hysteresis such as the initial magnetization curve, saturation
of magnetization, coercivity, remanence, and hysteresis loss.

1. Introduction temperature. For this reason, there has been, until

recently, n o reliable theory of the m a g n e t o m e c h a -
I n the majority of applications of ferromagnetic nical effect [1].
materials the magnetic properties are most con- A l t h o u g h there is no totally general form of
veniently expressed as m a g n e t i z a t i o n curves or hysteresis loop for ferromagnetic materials, there
families of hysteresis loops. The absence of an does exist a shape of hysteresis loop which occurs
a d e q u a t e q u a n t i t a t i v e model of the behavior of frequently in practice. This is called the ' s i g m o i d '
these materials has b e e n a serious d i s a d v a n t a g e a n d has been discussed by Craik a n d T e b b l e [2].
b o t h in u n d e r s t a n d i n g the processes involved a n d Its general form is shown in fig. 1. It is the
in describing the variation of m a g n e t i z a t i o n as a e q u a t i o n of hysteresis loops of this form which the
f u n c t i o n of other parameters such as stress or present work is concerned with.

1.1. Early attempts to explain hysteresis

t Research supported under contract from the Canadian De- Early investigators in the field of m a g n e t i s m
partment of Energy, Mines and Resources (CANMET, considered several possible explanations for the
Physical Metallurgy Lab.,) and the National Research p h e n o m e n o n of ferromagnetic hystersis. These hy-
Council of Canada (Industrial Materials Research Institute).
potheses fell b r o a d l y into two categories, one of
Operated for the US Department of Energy by Iowa State
University, under contract no. W-7405-Eng-82,supported by which suggested that a frictional type force was
the Director of Energy Research, Office of Basic Energy responsible a n d the other which considered hyster-
Sciences. esis as due entirely to the strong m u t u a l interac-

0 3 0 4 - 8 8 5 3 / 8 6 / $ 0 3 . 5 0 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

( N o r t h - H o l l a n d Physics P u b l i s h i n g Division)
D.C. Jiles, D.L. Atherton / Theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis 49

M (MA/m) was accepted readily and Wiedemann's idea of the

1.6- "frictional force" was discarded. It will be shown
later that in fact an elementary form of hysteresis
loop can be obtained simply on the basis of
Fe-C 0.25 Wt % strongly interacting moments, fig. 2, but that the
form of this loop is somewhat different from the
experimentally observed loops. In particular, sides
of the loop have infinite slope givin a very square
loop with rapid "switching" of the magnetization
5 5
between the two extreme states.
H (kA/m} In practice, most hysteresis loops show a fairly
smooth change in magnetization with field (some
notable exceptions with square loops do occur
however) and it is believed that this is due to a
frictional force of the type envisaged by Wiede-
1"0 T "-- 0-796 x 106 A i m
m a n n which opposes the changes in magnetiza-
- 796 emu/cm 3
tion. The frictional force is due to pinning of
domain walls by defect sites inside the solid, which
Fig. 1. General form of sigmoid shaped hysteresis loop for a causes an opposing force to resist any changes in
specimen of iron containing 0.25 wt% carbon mostly in the magnetization.
form of iron carbide (F%C) inclusions in lamellae. The speci-
men was obtained by air cooling from 820C.
1.2. Modelling and curve fitting of hysteresis

tions between the individual magnetic moments. In the past there have been many attempts to
The original suggestion of a restoring force which fit equations to actual magnetization data, how-
tried to maintain the moments in their initial ever no single satisfactory equation has been de-
unmagnetized state was due to Weber [3]. How- veloped to describe the processes involved in this.
ever, although this would be able to explain the Consequently, attempts to describe the behavior
shape of the initial magnetization curve, it would of ferromagnets have always been handicapped by
be unable to explain residual magnetization once their restriction to only narrow ranges of field.
the applied field was removed. Wiedemann [4] According to the review by Cullity [7] in only
postulated the existence of a frictional resistance three instances have algebraic expressions been
to rotation of the "magnetic molecules", as he obtained for the curves. These are, high field
called them, an idea which lends quite well to magnetization curves of single crystals, as in the
account for the most obvious effects of magnetic work of Williams [8], high field magnetization
hysteresis. curves of polycrystals which are governed by the
Maxwell [5] appears to have been the first to law of approach to saturation as indicated by
suggest that hysteresis could be explained in terms Chikazumi [9] and low field magnetization curves
of the mutual interactions of an array of magnetic and hysteresis loops of polycrystalline specimens
moments. This idea was pursued further by Ewing which exhibit Rayleigh loops [10].
[6] who believed that the mutual magnetic interac- The recurring problem in previous attempts to
tions could entirely account for the phenomenon. obtain a hysteresis function has been that either
Ewing's concept was supported by some simple an extremely comphcated mathematical function
calculations which showed that the essential fea- could be used to describe the behavior to an
tures of hysteresis would be obtained from a small arbitrary level of accuracy but with little or no
number of strongly interacting moments. Ewing's theoretical basis, or alternatively, a simple func-
influence was such that the concept of mutual tion, obtained from first principles, could be used
interactions being totally responsible for hysteresis which, although it has a good theoretical founda-
50 D.C. Jiles, D.L. A therton / Theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis

tion did not characterize real materials with suffi- is too restricted a concept. Domain walls are also
cient accuracy. pinned by inhomogeneities within a grain, for
The usual approach to the empirical curve fit- example tangles of dislocations, regions of inho-
ting method has been the use of power series as in mogeneous strain and any precipitates or nonmag-
the work of Brauer [11] or the use of rational netic inclusions within a grain. In addition the
polynominals as in the work of Fischer and Moser locations at which the domain walls are planar we
[12], Trutt [13] and Widget [14]. A more recent believe are on the anhysteretic magnetization
application of the rational function method has curve, not at remanence as suggsted by Globus.
been made by Rivas, Zamarro, Martin and Pereira For materials with high anhysteretic susceptibility,
[15] in which families of major hysteresis loops of course, these locations will be very close to the
have been generated and the results have shown remanence point on the M , H plane.
good agreement with experimental data. It is More recently the problem of modelling mag-
noticeable that Rivas et al. used two generating netization curves of ferromagnets has received at-
functions which were added to give the correct tention from Porteseil and Vergne [27] who studied
behavior. These functions bear a marked resemb- the magnetization process from consideration of
lance to the two terms of the equation derived on Bloch wall motion in polycrystalline ferromagnets
the basis of the present model, the anhysteretic and the interactions of these walls with structural
function and its derivative. Although Rivas et al. defects. They then calculated the magnetization
[15] had no theoretical justification for summing curves. However this model only took into account
two such functions, the present work indicates irreversible domain wall motion in the low field
why such an approach is correct. region, it did not fully consider reversible domain
The theoretical approach to the problem of wall motion. Further experimental investigations
hysteresis has involved generally one of two meth- were undertaken by Astie, Degauque, Porteseil
ods. Calculations based on the Preisach-N6el and Vergne [28], Degauque and Astie [29] and
model [16-18], two of the most recent of which Astie, Degauque, Porteseil and Vergne [30]. In one
have been by Del Vecchio [19] and by Rahman, of these papers [29] the authors state that in low
Poloujadoff, Jackson, Perrard and G o w d a [20]. magnetic fields the magnetization is due to the
However a serious drawback of the Preisach model displacement of the magnetic domain walls. Al-
is its aribitrary nature. The other method, which is though it is true that at low fields domain wall
theoretically sounder, is based on the micromag- motion dominates the magnetization process com-
netics theory of Brown [21] and Aharoni [22]. pared with domain rotation, we consider, in accor-
However this method does not yield a simple dance with Globus, that domain wall bulging (a
equation of state for a ferromagnet which was the reversible process) and domain wall displacement
objective of the present work and consequently (an irreversible process) are both important in this
this method will not be considered further. region and that an irreversible mechanism alone is
Globus [23] and Globus and Duplex [24-26] unrealistic.
developed a model of domain wall motion which The present paper describes a model of hyster-
was able to explain qualitatively the general shape esis which generates the familiar sigmoid-shaped
of hysteresis curves of ferromagnetic and ferri- hysteresis loops by considering impedences to do-
magnetic materials. Their model assumed that do- main wall motion caused by pinning sites encoun-
main walls were pinned only on grain boundaries tered by the domain walls as they move. The
by a type of frictional force. Under the action of a existence of such pinning sites was first suggested
field the domain walls underwent first a reversible by Kersten [31,32] and by Becker and D~ring [33].
motion due to domain wall bulging and later an For the purposes of the model no distinction has
irreversible motion due to domain wall displace- been made between the different types of pinning
ment. These ideas are very much in accord with sites. A mean pinning energy per site is used and
the model presented here, except that we believe the pinning sites are assumed to be uniformly
pinning of domain walls on grain boundaries only distributed throughout the solid. Such assump-
D.C. Jiles, D.L. A therton / Theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis 51

tions allow the hysteresis equation to take its be expressed as,

simplest form. The model applies at present to
m = msf(He) , (4)
isotropic ferromagnets only, and so is applicable
to polycrystalline materials or crystals with low where f is an arbitrary function of the effective
anisotropy. However extension of the equations, field which takes the value zero when H e is zero
in particular eq. (6), to include anisotropy has and takes the value unity as H e tends to infinity.
been achieved by Furlani [34]. M S is the saturation magnetization.
This expression for the magnetization so far
only takes into account the response to the mag-
2. Anhysteretic magnetization netic field and some averaged interaction with the
magnetization of the rest of the solid included in
2.1. Coupling of domain magnetization to the mag- the form of the mean field term aM. It represents
netic fieM H only a statistical distribution of domains which
corresponds to an optimum energy state without
Consider the energy per unit volume of a typi- taking into account any features relating to the
cal domain with magnetic moment per unit volume structure of the material such as impurity sites or
m in a magnetic field H. By this H is meant the nonmagnetic inclusions.
actual internal magnetic field experienced by the This expression can only be used to model the
domain within the solid, and not the applied field. magnetization state of a ferromagnet at its global
If there is no preferred direction, that is if the equilibrium state. This applies only in the case of
solid is polycrystalline and behaves isotropically, an ideal or perfect solid in which there are no
then, impedences to the changes in magnetization, such
as pinning of domain wall motion. In a real solid
E = -/t0m-H. (1)
it applies to the anhysteretic or ideal magnetiza-
tion curve, along which the domain walls achieve
2.2. Coupling of domain magnetization to the bulk positions of true equilibrium under the prevailing
magnetization M value of the field H, as described by Tebble and
Craik [2]. A method of obtaining the anhysteretic
Inside a ferromagnetic solid there will be cou- magnetization by superimposing a decaying ac
pling between the domains. This may be expressed field on the steady dc field H has been described
in the simplest terms as a coupling to the bulk by Bozorth [38].
magnetization Therefore we may write

E= -/tom'( H + aM), (2) Man(He) = M s f ( H e ) , (5)

where Man is now the anhysteretic magnetization.
where a is a mean field parameter representing
f is the arbitrary function of field and M S the
interdomain coupling, which has to be determined
saturation magnetization.
experimentally. The energy per unit volume may
then be expressed as
2.3. Equation for the anhysteretic magnetization
E = --/to m "He, (3)
For purposes of modelling the anhysteretic
where H e = H + a M is an effective field, and is magnetization we have chosen a modified Lan-
analogous to the Weiss mean field experienced by gevin expression L ( H e ) [36] as the arbitrary func-
the individual magnetic moments within a do- tion Msf(He). This therefore leads to an expres-
main. Such an effective field for domains has been sion for the anhysteretic magnetization [37]
used by Callen, Liu and Cullen [35].
Man(He) = Ms(COth(HJa ) - ( a / H e ) ) , (6)
The response of the magnetization to this effec-
tive field may in the case of an isotropic material where a is a parameter with dimensions of mag-
52 D.C. Jiles, D.L. A therton / Theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis

N/N netic field which characterizes the shape of the

MS= i. 6 NA/f,4 anhysteretic magnetization.
a= Ii00 A/N
t4= 0 The modified Langevin eq. (6) can give rise to
ol pho= 4E-03 /
an elementary form of hysteresis loop if the coeffi-
cient ~ is sufficiently large. This has been referred
to in the introduction and is the type of hysteresis
that Ewing [6] found from his calculations based
solely on strong mutual interactions between the
H kA/M magnetic moments. An example of the solution of
eq. (6) showing hysteresis is given in fig. 2. How-
I (=87. 50~
ever, for values of the coefficient c~ which have
been found in practice for samples used in the
present work, the general form of the solutions to
eq. (6) was as shown in fig. 3. This represents the
continuous, single-valued anhysteretic curve.

3. Normal magnetization
Fig. 2. Elementary form of hysteresis loop with switching from
extreme magnetization states. The curves were obtained as the Although the Langevin equation works quite
solution of eq. (6) with the following values of the parameters:
Ms=l.6x106A/m, a =1100 A/m, a= 410 -3 . well for describing the magnetization of a para-
magnet, the modified Langevin equation does not
give such a good description of the normal dc
magnetization of a ferromagnet because the model
ignores the possibility of the change of magnetiza-
tion being impeded, as for example when the

M/MS 1.2
MS= I . 6 NA/M
o - I i 0 0 A/M
k= 0
o l p h a = I . 6E-03 ///7


~-~---+-- ---~- q H kA/M i /

(-87. 50~ 0.4

1 I
5 10

H (kA/rn]
Fig. 3. Solution of the anhysteretic magnetization eq. (6) with Fig. 4. Experimental initial and anyhysteretic magnetization
the following values of the parameters: M~ = 1.6 x 106 A / m , curves for a sample of iron containing 0.1 wt% carbon mainly
a=ll00A/m, ~ = 1 . 6 1 0 3. as Fe3C precipitates.
D.C. Jiles, D.L. A therton / Theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis 53

motion of domain walls is inhibited by pinning 3.2. Domain wall pinning

The initial magnetization curve of a ferromag- The motion of domain walls under the in-
net always lies below the anhysteretic. However, it fluence of an applied magnetic field is however
does approach the anhysteretic asymptotically at impeded by the presence of pinning sites in the
high fields. In the high field regions therefore the solid such as non magnetic inclusions and voids
magnetization is described well by the modified [31,32] or regions of inhomogeneous stress [33].
Langevin equation. Examples of experimentally The present work is not concerned with the nature
determined anhysteretic and initial magnetization of these imperfections and they will be referred to
curves for a sample of ferromagnetic steel are collectively as pinning sites. These pinning sites
given in fig. 4. have the effect of causing a decrease in the initial
permeability of a ferromagnetic material and an
3.1. Domain wall motion of rigid, planar domain increase in its coercive force. We are in agreement
walls with the conclusions of Globus [23] that irreversi-
ble changes in magnetization are caused during
If a domain wall is displaced in a constam wall displacement by the pinning process.
potential, then no change in wall energy will occur Consider a pinning site on a perfectly rigid
and therefore when the field is removed, the wall domain wall between domains with magnetic mo-
will remain in its final position, as discussed by ment per unit volume m and m ' where m is
Chikazumi [9]. In order to have reversible wall aligned, for simplicity, along the field direction
displacement as would occur in an ideal or and is the growing domain, and m ' is aligned at
unpinned specimen, it is necessary to invoke a some arbitrary angle 0 to the field. The energy
potential which increases with the magnetization. required to overcome the pinning site will depend
The domain boundary will then come to rest when on two factors, the nature of the pinning site itself
the work done by the field is balanced by the and the relative orientations of the moments in the
magnetization energy of the sample as indicated domains on either side of the wall.
by Hoselitz [39], and when the field is removed the Suppose that the energy required to overcome
domain wall will return to its original location. the pinning site is proportional to the change in
Consider the total work done per unit volume energy per unit volume of the m ' domain caused
by a magnetic field, by rotating its moments into the field direction.

E=fHde= fede-fMde, (V) AE=m'Be-m"B e (9)

and consequently %in, the pinning energy of the
where the second term on the right-hand side is site is proportional to
the work done on the sample.
In the absence of pinning the domain walls of a %i, cc mBe(a - cos 0). (10)
ferromagnet are acted upon by what may be envi-
sioned as a pressure which tends to move them in Let the pinning energy of the site for 180
such a way that the magnetization reaches equi- domain walls be %. This is then a characteristic of
librium at the anhysteretic. Using the effective the pinning site only and % cc 2roBe.
field Be for the ferromagnet ~pin = %(1 - cos 0), (11)

fMdBe=fMao(Ho)dBe, (8) where this expression includes both the character-

istics of the pinning site % and the relative orien-
It should be noted that here M represents the tations of the domains, 0.
bulk magnetization of the solid and should not be If n is the average density of pinning sites
confused with the spontaneous magnetization throughout the solid and ( % ) is the average pin-
within a domain. ning energy of all these sites for 180 walls, then
54 D. C. Jiles, D.L. Atherton / Theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis

<~pin> = (%)(1 - cos 0). (12) and - 1 when H increases in the negative direc-
tion, d H / d t < 0, ensuring that the pinning oppo-
The total energy dissipated through pinning ses changes in magnetization.
when a domain wall of area A is moved through a This equation of state for a ferromagnet under
distance x between domains whose moments lie at the given conditions has been given previously
an angle 0, Epin ( x ) is given by [37]. The coefficient k is not constrained to be
constant and may vary as a function of M and H.
= f-10
xn<% ) (1-cosO)Adx.
2 "-
(13) Nevertheless, the form of the solution remains the
same whether k is constant or not, only the shape
The net change in magnetization of the ferro- is modified by variable k.
magnet (remembering that by symmetry there will It should be noticed then that the form of eq.
be a number of domains at an angle 0 to the field (18) is free from any limitations which may be
direction such that the component of magnetiza- imposed on its generality by a choise of a specific
tion perpendicular to the field due to these do- function to model the anhysteretic. In order to
main will be zero) will be make use of it, however, some assumptions have
to be made as to the form of Ma. as a function of
d M = m(1 - cos O)A dx, (14)
field. We have found that an empirical form of
substituting into equation (13) leads to Langevin function models most forms of anhys-
teretic curve very well.
Epin(M) _ n(%) t'MdM" (15) The differential eq. (18) may be rewritten in a
Fm Jo more convenient form as
Replacing k = n ( c , ~ ) / 2 m therefore gives
dM 1
(man--m) (19)
Epi. ( M ) = k f M d M. (16) dH 8k/tto - or(Man - M )
which shows that apart from the perturbation due
3.3. The irreversible magnetization process to the coupling of magnetization, expressed
through the coefficient a, the rate of change of
Hence under the assumptions of a uniform magnetization M with field is proportional to the
distribution of pinning sites, and treating each one displacement from the anhysteretic, M a , - M,
as having the mean pinning energy, the total work which is a useful result.
done against pinning is proportional to the change
in magnetization. The magnetization energy 3.4. Domain wall motion of flexible domain walls
f M d B e from equation (8) is now the difference
between the energy which would be obtained in One of the central assumptions of the models
the ideal or lossless case fMa,(He)dB e minus the of Becker and DSring [33], Kersten [32] and
loss due to hysteresis, k f d M Kondorsky [40] is that the domain walls are planar
and rigid. Among other features of these models
the hypothesis of planar walls was criticized by
fMdSe= fMan(ne) dBe-kf(~-~8~)d~o (17) Nrel [41] who noted that the domain walls should
be flexible in order that the walls could be dis-
and consequently, differentiating with respect to placed without ever being completely unattached
Be. from pinning sites. Later Kersten [42] published a
revised theory which included the expansion, or
M = Man - - 8k(dM/dBe). (18)
bending, of domain walls under the action of a
This is the model differential equation of hys- magnetic field.
teresis. The parameter 8 takes the value + 1 when When the domain walls bend while being held
H increases in the positive direction, d H / d t > 0, for example on two pinning sites as shown in fig. 5
D. C. Jiles, D.L. A therton / Theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis 55

anhysteretic magnetization Man then the domain

walls will experience a force which tends to in-
crease the magnetization. Because the pinning sites
themselves exert a force on the domain walls
which impedes their motion, the existence of the
corvo,oro '7 -X "1 force on the domain walls when above or below
the anhysteretic can only be demonstrated by
breaking the walls away from the sites and observ-
Unflexed r /~ D isplacod ing the resulting change in magnetization. This has
domain j~domain been reported recently [1] using stress cycles to
wall f ~J"~....r...~
all unpin the domain walls.
It follows from this that a domain wall between
Fig. 5. Bending of a magnetic domain wall between two
pinning sites under the influence of a magnetic field, after two domains, aligned for example parallel and
Giobus, Duplex and Guyot [42]. antiparallel to the field direction, bends one way
when M > Man and the other way when M < Man.
When M = Man therefore the wall will be planar
this results initially in a reversible change in mag- since there is no longer any net force on it.
netization. The reversible process continues until Consequently the amount of domain wall bend-
the domain wall either encounters another nearby ing depends on a third factor which is the dif-
pinning site which it becomes attached to, or until ference between the prevailing magnetization
it has expanded sufficiently to break away from M ( H ) and the anhysteretic magnetization at the
the present pinning sites and moves discontinu- same field Man(H ) .
ously and irreversibly until it encounters further
pinning sites. 3.5. Reversible component of domain wall motion
The amount of domain wall bending which
occurs depends on three factors. Two of these are As indicated above and elsewhere [1] the anhys-
intrinsic, being dependent solely on the properties teretic magnetization at a given field H represents
of the material, the domain wall surface energy the global minimum energy state as described by
and the strength of the pinning sites. If the surface Tebble and Craik [2]. Consequently the domain
energy is low and the pinning energy high then the walls bend in such a way as to reduce the dif-
domain walls will undergo more bending before ference between the prevailing magnetization and
breaking away from the sites. If the surface energy the anhysteretic magnetization.
is high and the pinning energy low then the do- If the magnetization M is expressed as the sum
main walls undergo less bending before breaking of a reversible component Mre v due to domain
away from the sites. wall bending and an irreversible component due
The third factor is extrinsic and depends on the to wall displacement, then
magnetic field H. Clearly in the demagnetized
state the domain walls are planar since they do m = mir r -F mre v . (20)
not experience any net force tending to move Consequently, if M < Man then Mre v > 0, but if
them and hence there is no reason for bending. On M > M a n then Mr~v < 0 . Finally if M = M a n it
the basis of the model presented here, in which the follows that Mr~v = 0.
anhysteretic magnetization is the state of optimum
configuration of the domains (i.e. lowest energy), 3.6. Bulging of domain walls due to displacement of
it follows that at any given field H, if the magneti- magnetization from the anhysteretic
zation M is greater than the anhysteretic magneti-
zation Man, the domain walls will experience a Consider the bulging of a domain wall between
force which tends to reduce the magnetization. two pinning sites as shown in fig. 5. The dotted
However if the magnetization M is less than the line gives the position of the unflexed wall. x is
56 D.C. Jiles, D.L. A therton / Theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis

the linear displacement, r is the radius of curva- It is now necessary to make some assumptions
ture and 2 y is the distance between pinning sites. concerning the dependence of Mre v upon x. It is
By simple geometry not possible to take into account every possible
x=r-~/(r2-y 2) (21) situation and geometry. Naturally there will be an
almost infinite number of possible configurations
and if E is the surface energy of the domain wall in which domain walls interact with defects, be
and P is the excess pressure caused by application they regions of inhomogeneous strain, point de-
of the field, fects, dislocations, nonmagnetic inclusions or grain
P = 2E/r, (22) Therefore consider the situation in fig. 5 and
so that suppose, like Globus and Duplex [42] that a do-
x = 2E/P - ~/(2E/P) 2 _y2 (23) main wall bisects a spherical grain and is pinned
at the grain boundary. Under the action of a field
and using a binominal expansion on the square the domain wall is deformed reversibly through a
root term, distance x. The volume swept out by the domain
wall is AV('rr/6)x(3y2+x 2) and the change in
x- p ~- ~ + .... (24) magnetization will be Mrev = 2AVm if the mo-
ments in the two domains are parallel and anti-
x -~ y 2 p / Z E , (25) parallel to the field.
for small displacements this expression relating x Consequently, substituting from eq. (29)
to the excess pressure P becomes exact. m~y4C' (Man - M )
Now consider the actual form of the pressure P Mrev - 4E
on the domain wall. The fundamental idea of the ~r(y2 )3
model presented so far is that the force experi- +m- 5 -4-~C'(Man- M) (30)
enced by the domain walls is not simply due to the
applied field, but is due to the applied field minus and as in the Globus analysis [42] neglecting terms
a contribution due to the tendency of a ferromag- of order greater than x2 leaves
net towards a random orientation of its domain
configuration. Mrev = C( Man - M ) , (31)
It is implicit in the model presented so far that where now the coefficient of proportionality is
the effective magnetostatic energy is given to c = ( m ~ y a / 4 E ) C '. The value of the coefficient c
within a coefficient of proportionality by, is determined experimentally by the ratio of the
initial differential susceptibilities of the normal
E = ( M - Ma,) 2, (26)
and anhysteretic magnetization curves, c =
and that the force on the domain walls is X0 . . . . /X0anhys" Consequently the amount by which
the domain walls bulge before breaking away from
F = (Man - M ) . (27) their pinning sites, and hence the reversible com-
The pressure on the domain walls will then be ponent of magnetization, is for small displacement
simply linearly dependent on Man - M.

*' = C ' ( a , G - M ) , (28) 3. 7. Extension of the equation of hysteresis to in-

clude reversible changes in magnetization due to
where C ' is a constant and substituting this into domain wall bulging
eq. (25) gives,
The magnetization M can be calculated as the
x = (y2/aE)C'(Man - M) (29)
sum of two components, an irreversible compo-
as the expression for the bending of the domain nent Mir r and a reversible component Mrev, as
wall. given in eq. (20).
D.C. Jiles, D.L. Atherton / Theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis 57

The irreversible c o m p o n e n t of magnetization is 1.0 Q:

n o w given by the solution of eq. (19) MS- 1.6 1100

d Mir r 1 alpha - 1.6E-03
= (Man - Mirr) ,
dH 8k/l~o -- a(Man -- Mirr)

and differentiation of eq. (31) gives the rate of

changes of the reversible component.

dMrev/dH = c(dMan/dH- dM/dH). (33)

H (kA/ml
S u m m i n g these leads to,
dM 1 1
dH (1 + c) 8 k / I z o - or(Man -- M)
c dMan
+ - - (34)
(1 + c) d H " -1.0

Solutions m a y be obtained either by solving eq. Fig. 6. Theoretical anhysteretic magnetization curves obtained
as solutions of eq. (6) with the following values of the parame-
(34) directly or alternatively b y solving eq. (19) ters: M s = ] . 6 1 0 6 A/m, k = 0 , a = 1 . 6 X 1 0 - 3 . Values of a
a n d then adding Mre v using eq. (31). are given on the figure.

4. Results walls have achieved positions of true equilibrium

under the prevailing field H [2], and as such it is a
The c o m p a r i s o n between experimental results reversible single valued function. The equation
and theoretical predictions will be discussed in which has been used to model the anhysteretic
relation to the following types of magnetization M/MS
1.0 alpha =
curves (i) the anhysteretic curve, (ii) the initial MS= 1 6 M A / m
1-6E -3
magnetization curve, and (iii) major hysteresis a= 1100 0.8E-3
k=0 0.0 E - 3
loops (i.e. loops which are symmetric with respect
to rotation of 180 about the origin), in that order.
The measurements were taken on bar shaped
samples of dimensions 6 x 1 x 1 cm 3 magnetized
along the long axis. The H field was measured
locally on the surface of the sample at the center
of the long axis, making use of the fact that H 5
tangential is continuous across the surface and
H (kA/m)
that H is uniform inside. This avoided the need
for demagnetizing field calculations.

4.1. Anhysteretic curve

A l t h o u g h the anhysteretic curve is the most

difficult of the four curves to obtain experimen-
tally it is the most fundamental and has the sim- Fig. 7. Theoretical anhysteretic magnetization curves obtained
as solutions of eq. (6) with the following values of the parame-
plest form. The anhysteretic curve represents the ters: Ms=l.6106 A/m, a = l l 0 0 A/m, k = 0 . Values of a
locus of points in B, H space at which the d o m a i n are given in the figure.
58 D.C. Jiles, D.L. A therton / Theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis

the a l t e r n a t i n g field a m p l i t u d e reaches zero. A n
1.0 e x a m p l e of an e x p e r i m e n t a l anhysteretic curve for
a s a m p l e of steel used in the present work is given
in fig. 8. This is c o m p a r e d in the figure with
theoretical anhysteretic curve d a t a o b t a i n e d by
using a curve fitting r o u t i n e to d e t e r m i n e the
values of the p a r a m e t e r s M s, a a n d a in eq. (6). A
large n u m b e r of anhysteretic curves have been
d e t e r m i n e d e x p e r i m e n t a l l y b o t h for different sam-
ples of steel a n d u n d e r different c o n s t a n t a p p l i e d
u n i a x i a l stress. In all cases, the solutions of eq. (6)
0"5 with different values of the three p a r a m e t e r s , gave
an excellent fit to the curve.

4. 2. Initial magnetization curve

Fe-C 0-06 Wt %
-- Theoretical

Solutions of eq. (34) for m o n o t o n i c a l l y increas-

r "~: l&'5 M A^JM
M S = i. /M
k~ g ing field H yield theoretical initial m a g n e t i z a t i o n
o l p h a - I. 6E-03
curves. The simplest solutions, involving c o n s t a n t
k are shown in fig. 9 where the effect of different
values of k on the initial m a g n e t i z a t i o n curve with
1 2 3
c o n s t a n t M s, a a n d c~ are shown. Fig. 10 repre-
H (kA/m) sents the e x p e r i m e n t a l results.

Fig. 8. Comparison of experimental and theoretical anhys-

teretic magnetization curves. The experimental results were
obtained on a specimen of Fe-C 0.06 wt%. The theoretical M/MS
1.0 k=
results were obtained with following values of parameters: MS= 1.6 MA/m 400
M~=I.6x106A/m, a = l l 0 0 A / m , k = 0 , a=l.6><10 -3. a= 1100 A / r n ~ 1 2 0 0
alpha = 1 . 5 E - 0 3 / 2000

curve is given b y the eq. (6). Solutions of eq. (6)

for various of the p a r a m e t e r s M s, a a n d a are
given in figs. 6 a n d 7. In fig. 6, the effect of
different values of the p a r a m e t e r a are shown
I i
while M s a n d a are held constant, while in fig. 7 5 5
the effects of different values of the p a r a m e t e r a H (kA/m)
are shown while M s a n d a are held constant.
E x p e r i m e n t a l l y the a n h y s t e r e t i c curve is ob-
t a i n e d b y a p p l y i n g a k n o w n s t e a d y field Hac a n d
then s u p e r i m p o s i n g u p o n it a large a l t e r n a t i n g
field of low frequency ( < = 0.2 Hz) whose initial
a m p l i t u d e is sufficient to virtually s a t u r a t e the
m a g n e t i z a t i o n . T h e a m p l i t u d e of the a l t e r n a t i n g
Fig. 9. Theoretical initial magnetization curves obtained as
field is then slowly r e d u c e d to zero a n d the flux
solutions of eq. (19) with Ms=l.6xl06, a =1100 A/m, ~=
d e n s i t y B ( a n d c o n s e q u e n t l y the m a g n e t i z a t i o n 1.6 X 10 -3 and various values of k as shown on the figure. The
M ) converges to the a n h y s t e r e t i c value at the reversible component given in eq. (31) was obtained with a
given field H, reaching the anhysterestic o n l y when value c = 0.2.
D.C. Jiles, D.L. Atherton / Theory offerromagnetic hysteresis 59

1-0 MS= i. 6 MA/M
a= llOO A/M
k= 400
o l p h o - i. 6E-03

H kA/M
i i i 1 ~ 1 1 i ~ i i i i i

5 5


o Fe-C O - 0 6 W t % f r o m f i g . 11


MS= 1.6 MA/M

o" ii00 A/M
k= 4DO Fig. 12. Theoretical magnetic hysteresis loops obtained as
oIpho- 1.5E-03
solutions of eq. (19) with M s = l . 6 x 1 0 6 , a =1100 A / m , ~t=
1.6 10 -3 and k = 400. The reversible components was ob-
tained from eq. (31) with a value c = 0.2.

H (kA/m)
Fig. 10. Comparison of experimental and theoretical initial
4. 3. Major hysteresis loops
magnetization curves. The experimental results were obtained
on a specimen of F e - C 0.06 wt%. The theoretical results were Major hysteresis loops are obtained by cycling
obtained with the following values of parameters: M s = 1 . 6 the H field at progressively increasing amplitudes
106A/m, a = l l 0 0 A/m, k=400, a = l . 6 x 1 0 3, c = 0 . 2 .
starting from the demagnetized state. These are
M {MA/m)
used widely to define the magnetic properties of a
ferromagnet and their general shape is well known.
1.6 A family of experimental major hysteresis loops
for a sample of steel is shown in fig. 11.
Fe-C O 0 6 W t % Theoretical major hysteresis loops are obtained
from solutions of eq. (34) also with progressively
increasing HmaX starting from the demagnetized
state Hm,x = 0. From this the theoretical major
hysteresis loops of fig. 12 were obtained.
N (kA/m) 5. Conclusions

A theoretical equation has been derived which

describes ferromagnetic hysteresis in the case of
sigmoid-shaped hysteresis loops. The theoretical
results are able to reproduce the initial magnetiza-
tion curve and families of major (symmetric) hys-
Fig. 11. Experimental magnetic hysteresis loops for a specimen teresis loops. From the theoretical equation, which
of F e - C 0.06 wt%. is in the form of a simple differential eq. (18), the
60 D.C. Jiles, D.L. A therton / Theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis

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