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(ver has got two jobs. but 1) netnerinettner of nem pay py eco cede clrer pl people have nthe whois ives: but 3) none/none of hein a 1d ete ‘shame, because he spent 4) several/ Fof years at college and has. gat 5) some/any good ons: 6) Either ot/Both his: parents are very proud of or gating a-good education. but 7) each ofinelther of itm can underetane why he can tind. stable job, He buys 8) severalimost newspapers every week and looks careuly trough 9) each ollevery one of them to see 10) any/no 5, go0sLJobs are being advertised..He applies for 11) every one. “ellavary avaiable positon, But often receves 12) someino «reply He sil beieves that he wl fn his ideal jo one dy. 2) Choose the correct answer, 1 “How many brothers do you have? Two. and ...C.. of them are older than me. A either B all © bath ‘2 There were fot of people atthe party 25, know: But 0! ofthem.were'strangers fo me.” A all B neither © ether 210s, 'Mum. di you wash my:blue shin? c.1. Well wasted two shrs.but...- of hem was bive ‘A, Both B neither” C either ©: =You cpt be lonely. You have lots of fiends. “Yes, bu... f them can come to wisl today Beck none 7". Ball © both 5 ‘Mave you seen any James Bond tims? Ive seen wo. very good A Either." B Both.” Al “Se Mby dd you buy anything?’ + : +77 SBecaone. sv ofthoge clothes were ery nice both B ther C none. 7. ‘Both of those dresses are beauttul "Yes. but don think... of therm wilt me Aether B nether Cal 8, "You have its 01.CDs, don't you? S265." Yes an. of them are in my room ‘Anche Beall © both 9 ‘Did you read both of those books? "Yes, but didnt enjoy ..... of hem 2A neiheg 2 Boalt 6 4 either 40 ‘0id you waten a comedy last ight?* No. We watched two films, but of them were comedies ESR ether B neter —“e botn 11 "Do you have many pen-triends? ff them ve abroad B ether ‘Yes, and A al: © tone 174 ‘Rew te the sentences using “neither..n6r or ett 1. Both hasn't got a car. Lucy naan gots cor var "Nether eth Pr (ugg has go 2. Harold wears glasses. Helen wears, oe ee 2 ery accent 4 Give cart speak French Bil cant speak either 5 Kim loves chocolate, Laura loves chocolat, too, 8 Scots washing tne ca, Forererenipts rer 10 Henry repaired the fance, o¢ maybe Todd cid aly ‘A: Con you give ms 1) sor. sche, ploniet 8: Ofcourse. is 2) worrying you? A Well. yes. I've had 3) nies tetenty: 8: 8) Maybe there's 4) Heart dota me what's wrong ant et ie can do | [A Woll the main problem is that have 6) 10 do for my exams and | don't have 7) time lotto study. I've let it very late and so far haven't one 6) fevision. B:, Pse0: How 8) os snes aldo ya ha the exams? 1: Three weeks. | should be studying 10) ay but dont know where to sta. have so 11) Subjects to study. Aso, Ldon realy have 12} 10 sitin peace and quiet. Our house's alway’ nolgy.«. 9 8 Well you want 13) iietto woik Wiiy dont you goto the library? I's always quiet there and there are 14) sel Book thera whit YoU ould use in your revision. very help:

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