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SEPTEMBER, 1941 J. . S. A.

VO LUM E 3 t

The Retinal Mechanism of Color Reception

The NeurophysiologicalDepartment of The Caroline Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
(Received July 16, 1941)

This paper is a review of the analysis of color reception with the aid of electrophysiological
methods. Microelectrodes have been inserted into the retina to record the discharge of impulses
from single or a restricted number of elements in response to illumination with a spectrum
of known energy distribution. From the electrodes leads have been taken to amplifier, cathode
ray, and loudspeaker. In this manner it has been possible to obtain curves showing the distri-
bution of sensitivity to spectral light of active elements in the eyes of mammals, amphibians,
and fishes. Thomas Young's conception, that the retina possesses elements sensitive to different
regions of the spectrum, has been proved to be correct. A number of other results illustrate
some fundamental properties of the mechanism of color reception.

THE key to the problem of color reception called for by the well-known Purkinje-shift
was given by Thomas Young in 1801 when Other contributions confirmed this conclusion
he suggested that there were fibers in the retina which, however, was not put on a strictly quanti-
carrying impulses elicited by different regions of tative basis until 1937 by our own work [Granit
the spectrum. When he, as well as von Helm- and Wrede (1937); Granit and Munsterhjelm
holtz 50 years later, for well-known reasons chose (1937); Granit (1937)]. It has also been shown-
a triple response and developed the trichromatic that the size of the electroretinogram of dark-
theory, this step was merely an elaboration of adapted eyes was distributed in the spectrum
his first brilliant generalization. Today we are in much as the absorption curve for visual purple
a position to put Young's idea to an experi- (see author's review (1938)).
mental test. The electrophysiological technique But these facts, after all, did not offer color
enables us to lead off directly from restricted theory anything that was radically new. Some
areas in the retina, and this work has demon- authors [Kohlrausch (1914), (1918); Brossa and
strated the fundamental correctness of Thomas Kohlrausch (1913)] concluded that different
Young's conclusion. At the same time many wave-lengths gave different types of electro-
unexpected facts have turned up and the full retinogram. And if this had been so there would
significance of them cannot yet be understood. have been, so to speak, a natural opening for an
Much remains to be done, but there are already attack on the physiology of color reception, but
a number of basic facts which deserve to be these results have been disputed
and remain
presented to those outside the domains of electro- unconfirmed [Graham, Kemp and Riggs
physiology who are interested in color vision. Granit et al. (1937)]. They have failed to con-
vince chiefly because many such effects could be
imitated by intensity variations, others could be-
The electroretinogram, a relatively slow poly- explained on the idea of a difference in the rela-
phasic potential elicited upon illumination of an tive contribution of rods and cones to the total
eye, was discovered in 1865 by the Swedish response. It is clear that a mixture of photopic-
physiologist Frithiof Holmgren and rediscovered (daylight) and scotopic (dim light) spectra can
in Scotland somewhat later by Dewar and be made to simulate a mixture of, for example,.
McKendrick (1873). This discovery raised some green and yellow.
hopes that the ancient problem of color vision New hopes were raised by the idea that-
would yield to the pressure of the new technique. selective fatigue to one wave-length, by removing
Already in 1901 it was first shown by Himstedt its own elements, would leave the electroretino-
and Nagel that light- and dark-adapted frogs' gram with the more or less isolated response too
eyes reproduced the distribution of sensitivity other wave-lengths. WaIler (1903) was the first

to try this idea and also the first to be dis- selective diminution of the red end. These results
couraged. In this Journal Chaffee and Hampson were published and discussed in a review written
(1924) have reported negative results. together with W. D. Wright [Wright and
Our own work was begun with a close scrutiny Granit (1938)].
of the old results and repetition of experiments of On the basis of our early work it was concluded
the same general type, first with the simple that many results only could be explained on
technique of merely measuring the size of the the basis of Young's generalization but that for
electroretinogram in an equal energy spectrum, further advance it was necessary to restrict the
later continued with measurements of the energy number of elements under the electrode in the
necessary for a constant response. Frogs were the eye. The electroretinogram, as recorded from the
only animals used in the beginning. Later other
animals, including mammals, were used. For the 100
Rods Cones
scotopic and photopic frog's eye the size of the
electroretinogram is distributed as in Fig. 1.
The two legs of the scotopic curve illustrate 80
physiological variations. The hump in the blue 7
end of the photopic curve proved to vary inde-
pendently of the rest of the curve. Sometimes
scotopic eyes also gave excessively large responses
in the blue, when strongly stimulated. The 40 .I I

necessity for assuming the presence of a blue-

sensitive substance other than visual purple in , I V

order to explain such facts was the first objective 20 - I

evidence in favor of Young's theory.

As it seemed possible that failure to obtain n
positive results in the earlier experiments on 0-400 0-450 0-500 0-550 0 600 0-650

selective fatigue might have been due to lack FIG. 1. Size of electroretinogram of photopic (cones) and
of standard curves based on a sufficient number scotopic (rods) frogs based on a large number of average
data. [J. Physiol. 89, 239 (1937).]
of data, we repeated those experiments on a
large number of eyes. Table I shows the result.
The photopic standard, taken immediately after whole retina, is an average of what happens in
light-adaptation, is compared with measurements the active elements. Some isolation of them
of the response to the same wave-lengths during seemed desirable.
illumination of the retina with, respectively,
green and red light. In the former case the
photopic curve has only become symmetrically Adrian's well-known discovery, that sense
narrower, in the latter, however, there is actually organs upon stimulation discharge impulses
through their nerve fibers, has led to the re-
TABLE I. Comparison of size of b-wave, elicited by equal
energy spectrum, after light-adaptation (photopic standard) cording from several end organs of the frequency
and during adaptationto Ilford spectralred or spectralgreen. of such impulses in response to variations in
intensity of the stimulus. Hartline (1938) has
IN STANDARD ADAPTATION ADAPTATION recorded from single fibers of the optic nerve of
0.430 21.5 22 17 frogs and invertebrates and recently published a
0.450 29.3 33 24 review of his results in this journal (1940). We
0.470 39.4 40 35
0.500 59.3 56 57 chose a somewhat different approach. A micro-
0.530 87.0 89 83 electrode was inserted into an eye from which
0.560 100.0 100 100
0.580 93.3 90 94 cornea and lens had been removed. If correctly
0.600 80.0 73 78 placed on the living retina the microelectrode
0.630 49.3 40 43
0.650 27.0 15 21 picks up spikes of impulses from single (or
elements synchronized to behave as single) or a
! i , any correlation between type of discharge and
color sensitivity. I shall therefore wholly neglect
.1 11 111 -1 I I I R4 this side of the question, the more so as it has
1 11 1 11 I I I I 1
been amply dealt with by Hartline. Only two
general observations are of some interest: the
first is the very common spontaneous activity,
: , if I I 4 4 1 I - 1111 L . 11-1 - -_ I I -10_
I'll I - I III , - , 11.1
I I if I I I 4 _ seen in all types of eyes, but most disturbing in
mammalian retinae which never are "quiet"
[Granit (1941a, c)]; the second is the fact that
prolonged activity during illumination is more
common in the dark-adapted state whereas light-
adapted elements tend to be dominated by brief
discharges at onset and cessation of illumination
[see also Hartline (1940)]. It is, of course,
possible to ascribe the spontaneous activity to
the change in intra-ocular pressure after re-
moval of cornea and lens. But seeing that many
other sense organs are characterized by spon-
.4 50 .500 .550 .6001.e
taneous activity I am inclined to hold the
FIG. 2. Above: Discharge of single element in rat's e,ye phenomenon to be physiological, perhaps the
recorded with microelectrode. In the lower curve tiie
element responds to intermittent light, the upper oi physiological equivalent of "Eigenlicht." It is
shows it to have been spontaneously active. At onset atid indeed probable that normal reception consists
cessation of illumination the frequency of the discharge is
accelerated. Light signal and time in 1/50 sec. also on tihe in a modulation upon the background of spon-
film. Below: Distribution of sensitivity of the elemeint taneous activity. In experimental practice it has
illustrated in the upper curve. Dotted lines: absorpti
curve for visual purple. Equal energy spectrum. [Ac tn led to the necessity of measuring just perceptible
Physiol. Scand. 2 (1941).] acceleration of a spontaneous discharge rather
than the absolute threshold with mammalian
restricted number of elements when the eye is retinae.
illuminated. The spikes (see Fig. 2) can I)e A first application of this new technique to
recorded with any type of fast oscillograph aft er the problem of color reception with the frog's
suitable amplification and listened to in a lou(d- eye [Granit and Svaetichin (1939)] soon led
speaker in the usual manner. The advantage, of to the conclusion that Thomas Young's general-
this technique is that it is easily manageable ar Ld ization was correct. But I shall not describe this
can be used in vivo with anaesthetized mamma Is
just as easily as with excised eyes of coldbloodEed
In our work on color reception the
method has been to listen to the discharge 0

the loudspeaker and observe it on the screen of

a cathode ray in order to determine the energ
necessary for the threshold or for another coin-
stant index such as cessation of "flicker." F(o)r .450 .W .550 .600 050.40 .500 .550 .000

details of technique and energy control tl he FIG. 3. Curves illustrating the average distribution of
reader is referred to a paper by Granit ar id sensitivity to spectral light of 10 rats (81 averaged obser-
Svaetichin (1939). vations from individual experiments, based on in all 152
observations). To the left: Equal energy spectrum and
In accordance with results described by Har curves drawn through the averaged data. To the right:
The smoothed curve lacking the hump (left) replotted on
line (see his review in this journal, 1940) we al the basis of an equal quantum intensity spectrum to be
find very many different types of discharge, to compared with Lythgoe's (1937) absorption curve for
illumination as well as to cessation of illumin;a- visual purple (broken lines). Below is plotted the differ-
ence between the two upper curves. [Acta Physiol. Scand.
tion, but it has not been possible to establi, sh 2 (1941).]

work in its chronological order. It is easier to curves, in the region where it must have some
understand if some of the later results are significance, is plotted below. This difference-
presented first. curve rises in the regions where a mixture of
hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin would have ab-
EXPERIMENTS WITH ALBINO RATS sorption maxima. Actually the rat's eye always
bleeds a little, when the cornea is removed, and
This eye is dominated by rods and said to
probably therefore the lack of complete corre-
contain only 1 percent cones [Menner (1928);
spondence between visual purple absorption and
Walls (1934)]. This fact provides an interesting
the scotopic spectrum of this eye is due to a thin
simplification of the whole problem. Figure 2
filter of blood cells.
shows the activity of an isolated element, spon-
taneously active, and answering with an accelera- 20

tion of its frequency to onset and cessation of

illumination [Granit (1941c)]. In the lower curve 15
it is reacting to intermittent light and the
constant index in this experiment was cessation
of "flicker." This element, as shown in the same
figure, actually gave the distribution of sensi-
tivity required by the absorption curve for
visual purple, drawn in dotted lines. A correction
to equal quantum intensity of the spectrum . .
10 . 20 30 40 50
would have shifted my curve somewhat to
the left. FIG. 5. Shows recovery of sensitivity for the wave-
lengths 0.500 and 0.600 , after light-adaptation, in the
But very often there was an increased sensi- experiment analyzed in Fig. 4 with regard to the distribu-
tivity in the region of 0.6 00y, even in fully dark- tion of sensitivity. [Acta Physiol. Scand. 2 (1941).]
adapted rats. When the averages for 10 animals
were collected, as in Fig. 3, it was found necessary Assume now that the eye of the rat, lying
to split the values in this region into two groups with electrode inserted, for 10 minutes is flooded
in order to bring out the fact that some elements with 2.400 mC. This is very efficient light-
had a distinct secondary rise around 0.600,u. To adaptation for an eye lacking pigment. Immedi-
the right in Fig. 3 the same curve (without the ately afterwards we follow the recovery of
hump) is replotted in terms of a spectrum of sensitivity (dark-adaptation) for a number of
equal quantum intensity in order to compare it wave-lengths. The result is plotted in Fig. 4.
with the absorption curve for visual purple Before light-adaptation curve 1 was obtained
(Lythgoe, 1937). The difference between the two with a definite hump in the red. Immediately
afterwards only the "red" substance, curve 2,
was above the threshold of the monochromator,
and thus obtained in the isolated state. It is
I singularly narrow and precise with a maximum
around 0.600.u.But already after a few minutes
the "green" substance with its maximum in
0.500 turns up above the threshold of the
apparatus. Somewhat later curve 3 is obtained.
.4 50 .500 .550 .000 ,. .050 To the right in the same figure curves 1 and 3
are compared with the absorption curve for
FIG. 4. To the left: Visibility curves of an active unit.
1 dark-adaptation, 2 immediately after light-adaptation, visual purple (curve 4). The "green" curve was
3 somewhat later when the "green" substance is well above unusually narrow already before light-adapta-
the threshold of the monochromator. To the right: The
same curves similarly labeled corrected for an equal tion, despite 36 hours of dark-adaptation of the
quantum intensity spectrum and compared with 4, the animal. Afterwards it is still narrower. It is to
absorption curve for visual purple. Acta Physiol. Scand.
2 (1941).] be noted that all readings are given in percent






.450 .500 .550 *600 .050*700p -

.450 .500 .550 .600 .65 0A

FIG. 6. Inner curve shows distribution of sensitivity of
diffuse discharge from frog's eye as recorded with micro-
electrode of large cross section. Outer curve as photopic FIG. 7. Distribution of sensitivity of type of element
curve of Fig. 1 [Upsala Lakaref. F6rhandl. N.F. 45 (1939)]. with maximum in 0.5 60p in photopic frog's eye. [Acta
Physiol. Scand. 3 (1941).]

of what at the moment of plotting is the maxi-

mum. This is the reason for the shape of the
"red" curve 2.
In view of such results it is difficult not to
believe that visual purple is the precursor of the
"green" substance of the light-adapted eye.
Most important from the theoretical point of
view is that during the early phase of recovery
(dark-adaptation) the "green" curve rises at a
slow rate just as the "red" curve. This is shown
in Fig. 5. Later on the "green" curve begins to
rise at a very much faster rate than the "red"
one. This latter phase is what might be called
dark-adaptation proper. The characteristic two-
step rise of the "green" curve is always noted.
It is difficult to believe that the initial slow .500 .550 .UsU ^
phase of recovery is anything but a change in a
FIG. 8. Distribution of sensitivity of "red" elements
somewhat modified visual purple molecule. In from the scotopic frog's eye. [Acta Physiol. Scand. 3
the experiment illustrated in Figs. 4 and 5 the (1941).]
same element to all appearance was active all
the time, thus passing through all the changes eye, what would its color system look like? It
recorded, and also being sensitive to both red would be a yellow- and blue-blind eye in which
and green. This is what one always finds. The the "red" and "green" sensitivity bands would
"red" and "green" elements are somehow coupled be coupled and show much the same adaptive
together at the point where recording takes properties in the light-adapted state. Fatiguing
place. It has not been possible to find isolated the "green" might be expected to leave a pre-
spikes merely responding to red. dominantly "red" after-image and vice versa.
Actually the albino rat can be taught to dis- For the rat the sensation of white in darkness
tinguish red from green [Walton (1933)] and in would correspond to that of the dark-adapted
my experiments there is obviously a physiological human eye. It is possible that in the light-
basis for this fact. Assuming the "red" and adapted the red and green may cancel out by
"green" elements to be the only ones in the rat's being complementary, and that photopic rats

would see some grayish white. This we do not visual purple, present immediately after light-
know. adaptation, is either merely a store of material
But how do all these facts fit in with the waiting for some sort of "intermediate" process
duplicity theory? It is possible that the "red" determining sensitivity to become completed, or
element is a cone, coupled to the same nerve else it has been modified into cone substances
fiber as the rods, that is, the element from which[see Lythgoe (1940)]. The experiments with
the microelectrode picks up the discharge. But to micro-recording from the eyes of albino rats would
ascribe the "green" substance also to the 1 seem to make the latter assumption unavoidable.
percent cones would seem to be out of the
question. It is far more probable that visual A PHOTOPIC SPECTRUM REMINISCENT OF
purple under the influence of light is slightly THAT OF MAN
modified, loses its extreme sensitivity and hence
acts as a cone substance though still located in If the cross section of the microelectrode be
the rods. made very large a great number of elements fall
Actually it is impossible to bleach away the under it, and an average curve can be recorded
visual purple of an eye [Granit et al. (1938, from the light-adapted frog's eye. A curve of
1939); Lythgoe (1940)]. In the cat's eye, for this type is shown in Fig. 6. In dotted lines
instance, there is 40 percent visual purple left around it is plotted size of the electroretinogram
after a light-adaptation which makes it impossible in an equal energy spectrum. We need not now
to elicit an electroretinogram with my mono-
chromator, and there is a definite period of 100A
delay before the sensitivity, measured as size of
the electroretinogram, enters upon the phase of 80 ~t*
rapid rise, dark-adaptation proper. The concen-
tration of visual purple begins to rise immedi- 60-
ately and long before this phase of dark-adapta-
tion sets in [Granit et al. (1938, 1939)]. There 40 e m
is no proportionality between visual purple con-
centration and rate of rise of sensitivity, as 20
parallel measurements of the two have fully
established. The large amount of "inactive"
.450 .500 .550 .600

FIG. 10. Blue-sensitiveelements in frog's eye.

[Acta Physiol. Scand. 3 (1941).]

.500 .550 .600 ,A.650

.450 .500 .5 50 .6 00 .650 #U .700
FIG. 9. Distribution of sensitivity of green type of
elements in the photopic frog's eye. [Acta Physiol. Scand. FIG. 11. Elements from light-adapted frog's eye.
3 (1941).] [Acta Physiol. Scand. 3 (1941).]
I which their maxima shift towards 0.500g. In the
course of this change they gradually acquire the
shape of absorption curves for visual purple with
maxima around 0.500g. The reason for this is
probably the convergence of the paths of rods
60 and cones towards a common final station at or
above the point where the microelectrode is
located. "Red" elements, which are stable, are
40 sometimes seen but must be regarded as rare.
Sometimes, in the fully dark-adapted state, the
curves are expanded towards the blue end much
20 further out than could be accounted for by visual
The picture is thus more complicated than in
.4 50 .500 .550 U .600 the rat's eye. One of the main questions is clearly
FIG. 12. Averages of records from eye of dark-adapted
whether the curves with maxima around 0.530 to
guinea pig. o Averages of values from experiments in which 0.540,u can be regarded as caused by a certain
no rise in the blue. All values from eyes of guinea pigs. amount of dark-adaptation of elements of the
The small circles refer to Lythgoe's (1937) absorption
curve for visual purple. [Nordisk Medicin (1941).] type shown in Fig. 7. I thought so in the be-
ginning [Granit and Svaetichin (1939)] but,
enter into the question as to the relation between having since in the eye of light-adapted guinea-
these two curves [but see Granit and Svaetichin pigs found elements with maxima between 0.530-
(1939)]. What are the components of this 0.540,u, I think they may well be genuine in the
photopic curve which reminds one of the human frog's eye too. In the guinea pig I have found no
photopic luminosity curve and possesses a maxi- element with maximum further out towards the
mum around 0.560u, where the rat's eye has its long wave-lengths than in 0.530 to 0.540,u, and
minimum? With the frog's eye I possess a large even the latter ones are not very common. In the
experimental material (well over a hundred frog's eye I have not found the narrow curve
retinae), and so should be able to distinguish the with maximum in 0.500 which is seen in rats and
unusual from the common. It is to be noted that guinea pigs.
the microelectrode tends to pick out common The eye of the guinea pig is of particular
types at the expense of unusual ones. interest because it has a very marked "blue"
The most common type of element is the one element which influences the average curve
illustrated in Fig. 7. This does not differ much shown in Fig. 12 just as the "red" element often
from the average curve for a great number of
elements. But there are also other types. Figure 8
shows a number of elements from the "red" end
of the spectrum. They are of the narrow type.
One of them, a particularly stable one, has its
maximum as far out as in 0.6 00,4.Such types are
8C -
rare. Somewhat more common are elements with
01 - J _____
maxima in 0.580,u and between 0.530 to 0.540/.t,
shown in Fig. 9. The "blue" elements shown in
Fig. 10 are rare in the form shown in the figure
but quite often readings are found to be in-
fluenced by a blue-sensitive substance. Figure 11 .4 5 U .5UU .550 .600 .Al .05U
gives a summary of these observations. FIG. 13. Averages of observations from eyes of dark-
During dark-adaptation most elements, inde- adapted tenches. Small black dots absorption curve for
pendently of their initial spectra, sooner or visual violet according to Bayliss, Lythgoe and Tansley
(1936). Spectrum of equal quantum intensity. [Acta
later enter upon a fast rise of sensitivity during Physiol. Scand. 2 (1941).]

shows up in the average curve for dark-adapted tivity. Assuming the frog to see white and a
frogs [Granit (1937)]. number of colors, photopic white would probably
In view of the results with the frog's eye, be determined by the total impulse frequency in
would a trichromatic theory seem possible for the activated elements. Probably the broad
this animal? Birukow (1939) has shown that the curve of Fig. 7 also would represent white, and
frog has good color vision but that it may be colors would be determined by the different
somewhat green-blind. Clearly some polychro- narrow bands serving, so to speak, as modulators
matic theory would be more in accordance with of white. Color discrimination would be great in
the experimental results but, on the other hand, those parts of the spectrum where the number of
it would perhaps be possible to average the slightly different narrow modulators is great.
curves with maxima between 0.580-0.6004 into
one set, those around 0.530-0.540/u into another, I
and, finally, the "blue" ones into a third group of
elements and thus to work out a trichromatic
theory for the frog's eye. The broad type of
curve of Fig. 7 which is so common in the frog's
eye could be regarded as a combination of the
"red" and the "green" substances, a combination
which may be photochemical or physiological.
In the former case the substances would be
mixed in the sensory cells, in the latter "red" .500 .550 .600 .650 700,u
and "green" elements with narrow sensitivity FIG. 15. Individual curves from the retinae of photopic
bands would be coupled together physiologically tenches. [Acta Physiol. Scand. 2 (1941).]

The rather special position of the blue is obvious.

It is quite possible that the scotopic white of an
eye saturated with visual purple, has a bluish
In many respects there is great likeness be-
tween the visual systems of frogs and man.
How far the likeness goes, we cannot say, but to
those acquainted with the subject of color vision
it is clear that the results obtained with the
frog's eye could form a basis for an analysis of
the mechanism of color reception in man. Only
in one respect was there a better fit in the results
FIG. 14. Averages of observations from eyes of light-
adapted tenches. The dotted line shows distribution of obtained with the rat's eye. This was the coupling
sensitivity of isolated red element of the Greek tortoise. of a "green" and "red" element in this eye.
Spectrum of equal quantum intensity. [Acta Physiol.
Scand. 2 (1941).]
at or above the point where recording takes
place. Certain fishes possess a type of visual purple
The sum total of active elements would then which is called visual violet and has the maxi-
give the daylight spectrum of the frog's eye, mum of its spectrum between 0.530-0.540u, when
shown in Fig. 6. It is likely that the relative calculated from a difference spectrum [Koettgen
ordinates which one would be forced to choose in and Abelsdorff (1896); Grundfest (1932); Bayliss,
order to be able to combine the average curve Lythgoe, and Tansley (1936); Wald (1939)].
from the narrow elementary curves, would be The photopic and scotopic spectra of one
determined by the total number of elements of such fish (Lepomis) were studied by Grundfest
each type rather than by their relative sensi- (1932a, b) by a behavioristic method based on
the reaction to a moving pattern. The scotopic
spectrum had a maximum around 0.540i, the
photopic one around 0.600,u,both spectra being
somewhat distorted by what Grundfest held to
be absorbing filter-substances in the eye. Still,
the important point in this experiment was that
the photopic spectrum was shifted towards the
red end in much the same proportion as visual
violet was shifted by comparison with visual
purple. Today we know that the photopic spec-
trum is complex and that even in the frog's eye,
which has the mammalian type of visual purple, .500 .550 .600 .650
individual sensitivity bands may reach as far
out as into 0.600u, though the average photopic FIG. 16. The individual curves from the eyes of the fresh-
water eel. [Acta Physiol. Scand. 2 (1941).]
curve has its maximum in 0.560g. Grundfest's
very good argument, that proportionate shifts of found a pure "green" element (0.5 30,) in this
the photopic and scotopic curves indicate chem- animal, but its average photopic curve shows that
ical interrelationship between rod and cone sub- the "red" element cannot alone be responsible for
stances therefore needs reinvestigation with the its color reception EGranit (1941b, d)].
electrophysiological technique. A weakness in his The average photopic curve of Fig. 14 is a
argument is also evinced by the possible rejoinder mixture of components of the type shown in
that fishes as a species may have cones more Fig. 15. Thus in the photopic tench there is a
sensitive to red than frogs and mammals. Since
family of curves just as in the frog's eye and
the work of Bayliss, Lythgoe and Tansley (1936) with maxima spread over a large spectral range.
we know that there are also fishes with the visual In the retina of the eel it proved impossible
purple of mammals and frogs. An analysis of to find the extremely red sensitive elements
the photopic spectrum of fish of this type would
which dominate the photopic retinae of fishes
therefore be of great interest.
possessing visual violet. Figure 16 illustrates the
Work with the microelectrode technique has
type of elements which are found in the eye of
brought clarity into this question. As repre-
sentative of fish with visual violet we shall use the fresh-water eel where visual violet is re-
the tench (Tinca). The fresh-water eel (Anguilla) placed by visual purple. None of them goes
will serve as representative of fish with visual beyond 0.560,.
purple. The average scotopic curve for dark- It is therefore safe to conclude that a shift
adapted tenches, compared with the absorption of the scotopic curve runs parallel with a shift
curve for visual violet, is shown in Fig. 13. In of the photopic curve in the same direction,
Fig. 14 follows the average curve for the light- independently of the species studied. It would
adapted fish. The extreme red sensitivity of be unwise to overemphasize the strict propor-
photopic tenches is obvious. A set of similar tionality in these Purkinje-shifts counted from
curves could be obtained from the eyes of the the scotopic maximum. We have seen that the
carps which also possess visual violet. The curve photopic elements may have narrow absorption
drawn in dotted lines in Fig. 14 represents bands as widely apart as 0.050,u. In some eyes
the isolated "red" receptor of the Greek tortoise there may be more of one type, in others more
(Testudo) which has a practically pure cone eye, of another. Thus in the rat's eye I found only a
apparently with properties of the kind found in single narrow "red" photopic band with maxi-
mum in 0.600,u.It is therefore best to be content
photopic fishes with bleached visual violet. This
interesting fact shows that there are preformed with the statement that the further out towards
cone substances of the type found after light- the long wave-lengths the spectrum of the
adaptation of fishes. The "red" element of the scotopic substance is located, the greater the
tortoise is easy to isolate. Only once I have probability for the occurrence of photopic bands

in the extreme red. These facts are difficult to between 0.600-0.620,u.His methods cannot there-
explain unless it be assumed that the scotopic fore have been adequate enough to support the
and photopic substances are chemically inter- conclusions which he has advocated.
related. Bleaching of visual purple leads to other
Wald (1935) and Krause and Sidwell (1938) yellow substances than the indicator yellow or
have shown that visual purple consists of a retinine. The latter is rather insensitive to light.
protein carrier and a prosthetic group. Wald's But, for instance, Lythgoe (1937) and Lythgoe
experiments have made it likely that the pros- and Quilliam (1938) have described a photo-
thetic group is a carotinoid. He calls it retinine. product which they call "transient orange" and
Illumination breaks the linkage between protein which may have something to do with the per-
and carotinoid and sets free a yellow product, by ception of blue and the special position it occupies
Lythgoe (1937) called "indicator yellow," be- by virtue of its rod-like properties, emphasized
cause its absorption spectrum, also determined by Wright and Granit (1938). But no red sub-
by him, shifts with the pH of the solution. stances have ever been found in solution. The
Retinine and visual yellow are closely related latter seem to be particularly elusive. There is,
products. Wald (1938, 1939) finds-that retinae however, interesting work by Weigert and his
containing visual purple in the bleached state collaborators [see bibliography (1940)] on visual
contain Vitamin A, whereas retinae with visual purple dissolved in gelatin film which offers
violet contain Vitamin A2. In the latter case the some promise, but we have perhaps not yet
retinine formed is of a deeper yellow tone, advanced far enough to make a discussion of
retinine 2 . The active systems are thus similarly his work profitable.
organized for visual purple and visual violet, and In one respect the experiments with micro-
differ only by being throughout displaced in the electrodes have been disappointing. It has not
spectrum relative to one another. We have seen been possible to ascribe with certainty any
now that this displacement also turns up in the particular sensitivity band to a single active
equivalent cone systems. All these facts give unit with the conviction that this unit delivers
further support to the conclusion that the rod only one kind of message upwards. The experi-
and cone systems are chemically interrelated. ments must count with the possibility of a given
How could we imagine the cone systems to be type of nerve fiber being able to deliver messages
formed from the rod systems or, possibly, vice from different parts of the spectrum, depending
versa? Broda, Goodeve and Lythgoe (1940) have also upon the state of adaptation. At the mo-
shown for visual purple that each protein mole- ment I do not think that color is determined by
cule carries about 10 chromophoric groups. In one-line connections for definite types of cones
view of this, one is entitled to assume that to the brain. And, indeed, if this were so why
small changes, say, in the linkage between would the retina possess its very complicated
chromophores and carrier suffice to constitute switchboard of synaptic arrangements joining
the many types of cone substances described in adjacent areas and twice interrupting the path
this paper. It is true that none so far has been upwards? At present the best explanation would
definitely isolated but this need not deter us from seem to be that the perception of color is the
putting forth this hypothesis. In favor of it response to integrated patterns caused by the
there is also the evidence by Hecht and Mandel- interference in the retina of an assembly of
baum (1939) that not only rod adaptation but simultaneously active sensitivity bands modu-
also cone adaptation is influenced by lack of lating a broad absorption curve of the type seen
Vitamin A. I should perhaps mention that v. in frogs. This would probably be perceived as
Studnitz (1937, 1940) claims to have isolated white and color could only be perceived when a
cone substances from the eyes of frogs, fishes, sufficient number of modulators of a given type
and the Greek tortoise. In all cases he finds a simultaneously are in operation thereby elabo-
maximum in 0.560,. Actually, however, only rating the pattern of impulses delivered upwards
frogs possess a maximum in this region whereas [cf. Wright and Granit (1938)]. On this view a
fishes and tortoises have their average maxima small area or a low intensity would be incapable
of producing any other impression than that of 18. R. Granit and G. Svaetichin, Upsala Lkaref. Fr-
white in proportion to the total discharge of handl. N. F. 45, 161 (1939).
19. R. Granit and C. M. Wrede, J. Physiol. 89, 239 (1937).
impulses. This we know to be the case.
20. H. Grundfest, J. Gen. Physiol. 15, 507 (1932a).
21. H. Grundfest, J. Gen. Physiol. 15, 307 (1932b).
BIBLIOGRAPHY 22. H. K. Hartline, Am. J. Physiol. 121, 400 (1938).
23. H. K. Hartline, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 30, 239 (1940).
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2. G. Z. Birukow, Zeits. vergl. Physiol. 27, 41 (1939). 25. S. Hecht and J. Mandelbaum, Am. J. Physiol. 130,
3. E. E. Broda, C. F. Goodeve, and R. J. Lythgoe, 651 (1940).
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4. A. Brossa and A. Kohlrausch, Archiv. Anat. Physiol. (1918).
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5. E. L. Chaffee and A. Hampson, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 9, Leipzig 421 (1914).
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33. E. Menner, Zeits. vergi. Physiol. 8, 761 (1928).
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34. G. v. Studnitz, Pfluegers Archiv 239, 515 (1937).
11. R. Granit, Acta Physiol. Scand. 1, 370 (1941a).
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