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Statement of Problem:

The main problem of this study is to provide manual design of can crusher for small scale junkshops.
Specifically, this research attempts to answer the following questions.

1. How would be the mechanism be designed and work?

a. Materials to be used
b. Parts and components
2. How is this mechanism different from the conventional types of can crushers and improvised
methods of crushing cans?
a. Design and operation
b. Efficiency
c. Cost
3. What are the benefits in using the proposed mechanism?


1. The system would be designed using concepts and principles of machine design.
a. The materials to be used
b. The parts and components
2. The mechanism differs from existing types of can crushers and improvised methods of crushing
cans in terms of:
a. Uses manual power to operate the mechanism but reduces work done compared to the
improvised can crushing methods.
b. Cost-efficient mechanism that can crush more cans than improvised methods and
conventional can crushers.
c. Less expensive in design and operation rather than the conventional types.
3. The benefits gained using this mechanism includes:
a. The proposed mechanism has simple and low-cost design ideal for small-scale junkshops
b. Cost of operation and maintenance is much lesser than the conventional types.
c. Produces a more efficient output than the improvised methods.

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