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Mishnayos Rosh Hashana:

Review Sheets
By R Yossi Wieder

Inspired by M_00811 and M_00812 Mishna Rishona on Rosh

Hashana by Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz
Inspired also by Rabbi Bentzion Weissberger
Grade Level: Elementary, Middle School

Updated November 2015! Thorough Chazara sheets, written mainly in English,
reviewing Mishnayos Rosh Hashana! The sheets include a summary, a phrase-
by-phrase translation of each Mishnah, review questions and additional
information to aid the Talmid in his understanding of the concepts presented by
the Mishnayos.

What to download
Download the print-ready PDF file (includes lesson plan/instructions).

Students will review and display mastery of the material by answering the
questions. They will refer to the translations as needed and they will read
supplemental information to help them gain a more comprehensive
understanding of the Mishnayos.

1. Teach the material to the class.
2. Have students read the supplemental information together in order for
them to gain a comprehensive understanding of the concepts presented
by the Mishnayos.
3. Have students complete the review sections of the sheets. Go over the
answers together.

The discusses four times during the year that are :

Each is the beginning of the year for a different thing. This is
similar to the of the school year. The 1st day of the new (school)
year begins in September. Even though it is really not the beginning of the
year it is the of the new school year.

What are the names of the 12 months of the year? (In Hebrew)
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
1. When writing a ( document) the year of the ______________ must be included.
2. If someone promises to bring a they have one year of ____________ _________ to bring it.
3. When giving , all of the produce must be from the same _____________ .
4. When someone plants fruit __________ they cannot eat from the ____________ for the first ___ years.
This is called ______________. On the fourth year the food is brought up to be eaten in _________________.
These fruits are called ____________ __________ .
5. means taking off ___ out of _____. We take on ___________ ____________ and animals.

KEY WORDS Translation Refers to.


There are four heads of years -

On the first of it is -

For (counting the years of Jewish) Kings -

On this day the 29th of On this day the 1st of
the 1st Day of the 1st the 1st Day of the 2nd
year of the rule of our year of the rule of our
Majesty King... Majesty King...

We learn from that a new year for a Jewish King begins on regardless of what day he
became king. Even if he became king only one day earlier on the last day of , the second year of his reign
still begins on . Our is important regarding -Documents. All documents used to
have the date and the year of the King written on them.
Extra Info: Did you know? The year written on a was tremendously important in regards to a loan
(a debt or ). If someone lends money they may place a lien () on the land ()
of the borrower
(). A lien allows the lender ( ) to collect the borrowers land if he doesnt pay back the loan. Since land
can never run-away people are willing to lend large sums of money if they have a lien on the borrowers land
(most businesses need to borrow large sums of money). Even if the borrower sells his land, if the lender has a
lien he can take it away from the buyer. The land is owed to the lender. A lien only allows the lender to col-
lect land from the date that the was written. If someone borrows from 2 people the one whos is dated
first will be the one who can collect land from the borrower. It is therefore imperative that the proper date is
written on the .

And for the -

You have until You have
THIS to actually comes from until NEXT
I promise I promise
bring your the word /foot. Every
to bring a to bring a to
Jewish man has a to
(About 61/2 walk up to the on ! bring your
! Months)
the 3 and bring a .
(Almost 18

If someone promises to bring a he must bring it before the pass. However all three
need to pass in order: , before one violates the of ,
delaying the bringing of a past .

On the 1st of -

For taking off 1/10 of your animals -

& say its on the 1st of - ,

There is a to separate ( 1/10) from born into ones flock. The animal is then brought as a
. When taking from a flock all of the animals must have been born within the same year. When
the year begins and ends is a . According to the the new year begins on .
argue and say the new year for is on .

How do you calculate ? to from

Example: Someone is taking on and has 30 lambs. 25 lambs take

were born between & . The remaining 5 were
This years
born after . In this case only 2 sheep need to be taken off as 20 SHEEP 5 SHEEP

!This is because at the cut-off date for this years there were only
Next Years 5 SHEEP
2 groups of 10 that taking off ( 1/10) is possible on. The remaining 5

(so far)
sheep wait until the upcoming year to take off
on them.
(Whenever there are less than 10 sheep leftover
( 1/10) cannot be taken).

is for
5 things
On the 1st of -
1. Is "for years (counting the years of non-Jewish Kings) -

- Similar to , (Jewish Kings) the new year for non- Jewish Kings begins on . Regardless
of when he actually became King.

2. For the start of the year -

3. For the start of -

: The created a 7 year cycle for doing work on ones field in - . On the 7th year no
work (plowing, planting, harvesting) is allowed to be performed on the field. begins on and
lasts the entire year.
: After 7 cycles of ( 49 years) the decreed that the 50th year is . All the rules of
apply on this year. In addition, Jewish servants are set free, and houses and fields that had been sold over the
past 50 years are returned to their original owners
Did you know? On all years of the cycle different gifts are given out. All 6 years is given to a
and ( 1st tithing) is given to a . A second tithing is also always taken. On years 1,2,4, and
5 it is called which is eaten in . On years 3 and 6 it is called and it is given to poor

4. For planting trees, (waiting 3 years for )-

When a new tree is planted it is ( forbidden) to eat its fruit for the first 3 years. These forbidden fruits are
called . On the 4th year the fruit must be brought to and eaten there. The produce of this year is
( plantings of the fourth).
Extra Info: Did you know? If the tree was planted at least 45 days before it is considered to have had
enough time to take root. We will then considered it like it had been planted for one whole year. Therefore in
there is always a rush to plant trees before ( 45 days before ) .

5. And for (taking on) vegetables -

There is a to take ( 1/10th) on vegetables and give them to a . The cut-off date for is
. Any vegetables that are harvested before belong to of that year. Any vegetables
harvested after would be part of the next years .

On the 1st day of -

It us "for on fruit trees -
Like the words of -
says it is on the 15th (of )- ,

There is a to take on fruit which grow on an
The in our concerns the time trees are just
about to begin to begin to bloom. This date determines
what year of the fruit belong to. According to
fruit trees begin blooming . According to
it is on ( 15th).
The follows .

1. How many are listed in our ? WORKSHEET

A) 1 B) 4 C) 10 D) 12 1.

2. What type of needed to include the date of the ?

A) Buying houses B) Checks C) Loans D) All the above
3. Someone violates by not bringing a he promised over: (r to l)
A) 1 year B) , , C) , , D) , ,
4. When is for taking on animals?
A) B) C) D)
5. For which thing is NOT ?
A) B) Non-Jewish Kings C) D)
6. For how many years after a tree is planted are its fruits ?
A) 3 B) 7 C) 50 D) 4
7. When is the new year for on trees?
A) B) C) D)
8. Which fruit must be eaten in ? 8. _________________
9. If someone has 46 animals born between and and 10 animals born between
and , how many animals does he give for this years ? 9.
10. When is taken from produce who is it given to ? (most times) 10.
E.C. What other fruit must be eaten in ( ?different than answer 8) ________
11. Explain how its possible for a year to have 4 :


Fruits of first 3 years 1 Use the words from the matching.
Fruits of the 4th year 2
Vegetables 3

Planting 4

Delaying a 5
Tree 6
Non-Jewish kings 7
Fifteenth 8

Jewish Kings 9

One tenth 10

Holidays 11

The teaches us that the world is judged on 4 separate times
for different needs:
- on Grain
- on Fruit
- Every Person
- on Water

1. discusses the 4 ___________ ___________ of the year.

2. Our discusses when the world is _________________ .

4. On the day we refer to as everyone passes before like __________ _________.
5. This means that examines each persons deeds and _____________ them.

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*


At four times

the world is judged -

On for grain -

On we are judged on who much grain will grow. That is why we bring a special from barley
on the second day of .

On ,
for the fruits of the tree -

In the name for is ( not to be confused with ( . Since on the world is

judged on fruits, it is the day we bring ( first fruits to ripen). They would tie a red string around the new
fruits and then joyously bring it up to the .

On all who come to this world -

Pass before him ( )like young sheep - ,
Like it says in the - ,) (

Who formed their hearts as one, -
who understands all of their deeds -

On every person passes before to be judged. This is similar to

the way sheep pass in front of the shepherd as he inspects and counts them one at
a time (when they take
the animals are led one at a time like this).
The explains that although created and sees everyone together, he
examines all the actions and deeds of each person and judges him by himself.

And on we are judged on water-

In the name for is . On the world is judged on rain water. We have a special of
, pouring water on the . We also have a special for rain and begin saying
on .



1. How many different judgments are listed in our ? Answers

A) 1 B) 4 C) 10 D) 7 1.

2. Which judgment takes place in the month of ?

A) Water B) Pretzels C) Grain D) Fruit 2.
3. Who is judged on ?
A) Jews B) non-Jews C) Kings D) All the above
4. How is each person judged before ?
A) Individually B) Together with C) Like a flock of D) Like young
the whole world sheep cows 4.
5. Who examines the deeds of each person?
A) A judge B) C) D) 5.
6. Which is ?
A) B) C) D) 6.
7. Which is ?
A) B) C) D)

When is the world judged on:

The Grain 8. WATER______________________

Who Come 9. FRUITS ______________________

Is Judged 10. THEIR DEEDS _______________

4 Like Young Sheep E.C. Where do we also discuss the

concept of sheep passing one at
5 Forms
time? _________________________
6 As One
7 Times
9 Understands
10 They Pass
11 The World

The teaches us that ) ( , would send out messengers
to inform - when and would be. The
messengers were sent out only on the 6 months that had important days
) ( that made knowing the day of
extremely important and urgent.

) begins to discuss the of . This will

be discussed through . Please see INTRODUCTION
for an in depth explanation.)

1. What does our discuss? ____________ _______________

2. Who could make the 30th day into ______________ _____________ ?

3. Why would send out messengers? ________________________________________

4. What made these 6 months special, what do they have in them? ________________________

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*





On six months messengers were sent out -

On because of -
On because of -
On because of -
On because of the establishing of the -

On because of -
On because of -
And when the was standing -
They also went out on -
Because of -
During the times of the 2nd ,
sent out messengers on 6 months to make sure
people would know when is. The other 6 1
months didnt have a so it wasnt 2
necessary to send out messengers.
Since is on the 3
messengers needed to go out on . was
almost always , (29 days) and everyone

would keep on both the 30th and
31st days.
- refers to and .
Even though we knew when was, 6
people might say that since they kept 2 days of
we really arent sure which days are
and . Therefore messengers went
out specifically to fix and establish these
. Messengers were NOT sent out
- messengers went out so anyone for /.
who didnt manage to bring the 1st This is because is exactly 50
would be on time to bring the 2nd . days after the 1st day of .



1. What was the 2nd month that went out? (when there was no ) Answers
A) B) C) D) 1.

2. Which did NOT have going out? (LIST ALL)

A) B) C) D) 2.
3. On which day of this month is ?
A) 1st B) 17th C) 10th D) 9th
4. When would messengers go out only when the stood?
A) B) C) D) 4.
5. Which is certainly NOT included in ?
A) B) C) D) 5.
6. Which is only important to some people?
A) B) C) D) 6.

Please complete the chart of

when messengers are sent out. E.C. UNSCRAMBLE THESE
Date Month 1. -
2. -
3. -

4. -
5 -

6. -

7. -


The rest of and discuss the of
This is the to make
commanded - to be the
when the , the new moon appears. This is the very first
given to - as a whole.
To understand this better we are going to explain a little about the functions of the moon. The moon has
no light of its own. Instead it reflects light from the sun. As the moon orbits earth it will reflect different
amounts of light. (Look at the picture!) When the moon is between us and the sun it doesnt give off any light,
this is considered to be the end of the month for Yidden (#1).
A day later the moon moves over slightly and it begins to reflect some of the suns light (#2). This is
called the , the appearance of the new moon and we make this day into
. The moon continues
to grow until in the middle of the month, the moon will be directly opposite us and the sun and we see a full
moon (#3).
Afterwards the moon begins to get smaller again, until it will eventually disappear for a day or two
(#4). It will then reappear, and it will be
once again.


This Lunar (moon) cycle takes exactly 29 days, 12 hours, and 793 for the moon to go completely
around earth. [In we use instead of seconds. There are 1080 in an hour. Each is 3.333
seconds.] Since it takes 29 and a half days for the new-moon to appear, when the time occurs early in the
morning of the 29th day of the month, the new moon will be visible that evening. Other times the might
only occur late in the evening following the 29th day (which would already be considered the 30th day, SINCE
A NEW DAY IN BEGINS IN THE EVENING !!!) and in which case the new moon would not be
visible until the night after the 30th (which is day 31).
Since our months are based on the lunar cycle of 29.5 days (the time it takes for the moon to go complete-
ly around), our
can have either 29 or 30 days in a month ( since a month cant have half a day ). When a
month has only 29 days it is called a
( a month that has less ). There is no day thirty, rather the 30th
day is
of the new month. A month with 30 days in it is called a
( a complete month ). We
treat both and as


The commands us to make the , in their correct seasons, in the spring
and in the fall. The seasons of spring, summer, winter, and fall are based on the solar year. A solar year
has 365 days. However a Jewish, lunar ( moon-based) year has only 354 days in it ( 29.5 x 12 = 354 ). Our year
and our seasons are off by 11 days. To fix this add an extra month of to the year (approximately once
every three years). This is called an ( the word means extra or pregnant ).

During the times of the the ( or ) were in charge of making .

the new moon was seen on the night after the 29th day, (a.k.a. on the 30th!) ( witnesses) who saw it
would race to to inform the . If their ( testimony) was accepted the made that day,
the 30th into and called the day of the new month. The month would only have a total of 29
days in it and one day . It is called a .
If didnt come, or if their wasnt acceptable then that day would remain and the next
day would be of the new month. The month that passed would have 30 days in it and it is a . In
a both days would be .
If the of the new moon was accepted, needed to spread the news on months that had a
in them. It was vital that people know which day was in order for them to make on the right
day. would send out ,
messengers all over - to inform them that they had made the
30th day into .
After the of the it became increasingly difficult to give out the special needed
for a to do
. were afraid that this could harm our ability to keep . Therefore, in the
year 4118 (358 c.e.) and his calculated all of the until the year 6000 and made
in advance. They established all the and , until the time that will have
already arrived.

1. What is the first given to - as a nation? ___________ ____________
2. How long does it take for the moon to orbit around earth _____ days _____ hours
3. Where does the light of the moon come from? __________________
4. When the new moon appears it is called the ___________.
5. Every Jewish month has either _____ days or ______ days in it.
6. Which number day of the month is the FIRST day that the new moon can appear ? _______
7. When a month is __________ there are 2 days of .
8. When a month is __________ there is only 1 day of .
9. When there are 2 days of the first day of is called _____ the second day
of is called ______ .
10. When there is a FULL moon the earth is positioned between the sun and the moon. When
there is a NEW moon the moon is positioned between the sun and the earth. Draw a diagram
of this.

11. How many days are there in a SOLAR year? _________

12. How many days are there in a LUNAR (moon) year? __________
13. Who needed to run to to tell them they saw the new moon? ___________________



The teaches us when were allowed to be
to go testify in about the new moon. When
the stood they could go for all months. After it
was destroyed they could only be for the 2
months that had major in them. (Later on in
we will explain in detail why they were allowed to desecrate

When the stood witnesses were allowed to desecrate for every _____________

This was to make sure that the correct _____________ are brought in the .
This also makes sure that ____________ _________ come out , in their correct time.

After the was __________________ you could only be _____________ Shabbos for ____ months.

It was necessary to go out for these months in order for people to know when the of _________________,

_________________ (and )will be.

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*


On two months [the ]would desecrate -

On and -

Because [on those months] the messengers would travel -

to Syria (and beyond)
And on those months they would establish the dates of - .
And (in the times) when the stood -

[The ]would desecrate on all [the months] -
Because of the establishing (bringing) of the [correct] -

When ' gave - the of he gave them the ability to determine

when and will be. Besides for being forbidden on some of these
days there were also special that needed to be brought. Because of the
tremendous importance of doing the in the the permitted
who saw the new moon to be and travel to even on . Even though
there would be , like walking past the ( 2,000 beyond the walls of
ones city), bringing the at the right time overrides the .

After the was destroyed and there were no more , there was no longer
a need for to be and come to . However for the months of and
, would still send out messengers to tell people when , , and
would be. They would therefore allow the to travel on for these 2






Please write the letter answer on the line. If there is more than one correct answer, Answers
write all that apply.
1. If witnesses see the new on it is ______ for them to go testify .
A) B) C) a D) 1.

2. When the stood, for how many months would be ?

A) 2 B) 12 C) 6 D) 4 2.
3. After the was destroyed, on which month/s would they be ?
A) B) C) D)
4. When the stood, why would they desecrate to testify?

B) C) D) All the Above 4.
5. After the was destroyed, why would they desecrate to testify?

B) C) D) All the above 5.


1 Go out
2 Regular/Weekday
3 Fix/Establish
4 Stood
5 Send

The brings a regarding if should be
when the moon was seen clearly.
The says the should still travel on .
says that the shouldnt be

1. Our continues to discuss the of __________ ____________

2. If the new moon was seen by ___________ they must immediately go to______________.
3. If the new was seen on ___________ they are still permitted to travel and go testify.
4. If the moon was seen ___________ there is a _____________ if they should go.
5. The says that they _____________ go to testify.
6. argues and says they ________________ go to testify. This is because since it was
seen ______________ everyone else will also see it.
7. Therefore it isnt necessary to be _________ ____________ to go testify.



Whether (the moon) was seen clearly -

[or] whether it was not seen clearly -
We desecrate on it -
says -
If it was seen clearly -
We dont desecrate on it -

Our brings a between the and ' regarding the following scenario: The
moon was seen clearly outside the city of on the night of . The says that
the who saw it should be to travel to to testify about the new moon. '
disagrees and says that since the moon was seen clearly we can assume that it was also seen in
. It therefore isnt necessary to be . The follows the who says that
we are to come testify, even if the moon was seen clearly.


1 It appeared
2 Whether
3 Clearly
4 For it
5 Desecrate Answers
1. Our discusses that saw the moon on which night of the week?
A) Sun. B) Thurs. C) Fri. D) Sat. 1.

2. If the moon was NOT seen should you be to go testify?

A) Yes B) No C) It depends D) 2.
3. If the moon was seen should you be to go testify?
A) Yes B) No C) It depends D)
4. If you live in and the moon was seen , should you go testify?
A) Yes B) No C) D) 4.
5. What describes NOT ?
A) Cloudy B) Foggy C) Rainy D) All the above 5.

The brings a story in which many were being to
get to . We see from this story that the is like the
in the previous who says that even when many people
certainly saw the new moon (because it was seen ), should still
be to come testify.

1. Usually a brings down a ______________ to prove/make a point.

2. In the last we had a _______________ between the and .
3. The held that even if the moon was seen _____________ on ______________ (cont.)
4. and many ___________ will come, one should still be _________ ___________ and testify.
5. In this we bring down a in which more than ____ pairs of are coming.
6. ____________ held them up in _________ because he didnt want so much .
7. ________________ told him that by doing this he may be causing harm in the future.
8. This is because people may be discouraged from coming in the _______________.
9. We see from this ____________ that even when many people will be they
should all still come to testify.



A story happened
That there passed -

More than 40 pairs of witnesses -

And held them back in -

The discusses a story where over 40 pairs of were travelling to

on to give about the new moon. This happened after the
and at this time the was located in . All of these were
passing through on their way to and were being by going
beyond the .When ' saw them he told them to stay in since it
wasnt necessary for so many people to go and be .

- sent to him () -
If you hold back the public -
You will find (cause) -
That you have caused harm in the future -

When - ' , who was the leader of , heard about what '
had done he sent him the following message: If you stop who were
already on their way from coming to give their , in the future they may
feel that it isnt worthwhile for them to come, even when they are really need-
ed. This may cause problems in the future. Therefore you should have let
them come. The follows -' .



Who are these referring to? 1. - ____________________

2. -_____________________ 3. -__________________ 4. -_________________ Answers
1. On which night of the week did the story in our take place?
A) Fri. B) Sun. C) Sat. D) Thurs. 1.

2. Who held back the ?

A) B) C) D)
3. Who wasnt happy about the being held back?
A) B) C) D)
4. Where were the held back?
A) - B) C) D)
5. How many were in our story? (min.)
A) 2 B) 40 C) 80 D) 88
6. What best describes what was afraid of? (according to the )
B) We wont know C) In the future others
A) Wrong will be brought D) Too much
when be may not come 6.
7. Where were the headed to ? (look on notes)
A) B) C) D)
8. We see from - that he allows all to come testify even on . Who is
this is in agreement with from last ?
A) B) C) D)


1 Cause harm
3 Many
4 Hold back
5 Pairs (of witnesses)
6 Story

This begins teaching us the of who is to be an on the new moon.
An must be someone who we can trust. Our discusses a about if
relatives (who can each testify by himself) are allowed to testify together for
PART I: The says relatives are to testify together. This is
because are always to testify together. This applies to any . '
argues and says that for relatives are allowed to testify
PART II: ' brings a story like the :That relatives are to
testify together. The story mentions a second regarding the status of
a freed slave as an . The allows a freed slave to be an . '
and the of the say that a freed slave is .


1. The ______________ says that we have a to be _________ the new moon.

2. As long as ___ witnesses saw the new moon they can come and __________ in .
3. The 2 _____________ need to be trustworthy and honest people.
4. People that are _______________ to each other are to be witnesses together. This is
because the says so. It may also be because shouldnt be trusted together.
5. Just because the says that are _________ ,this is only when they testify together.
6. The _______ _______ says that they should still come to ______ _______ anyway.
7. This is because maybe there will be a different ______ found in 1 of them. Then can
use the remaining together with someone else.
8. ___________ argues on the and says that for __________ __________ are
different than any other .
9. holds that are _________ for even if they are .
Words may be WORD BANK Testify
used more than


- -

A father and son that (they) saw the new moon -

They should go (to ) -

Not that they combine with-each-other - - -

But rather -
If one of them becomes disqualified -

The second one can combine with another ) (-

The says that all ( testimony) requires two to testify. /relatives are to
be together.
The holds that for needs like any other . Therefore /relatives
are . Even so, the says they should still go up to . Not that relatives will be used together,
rather, just in case finds a with one of them, the remaining can combine with someone else that
arrives to testify.

says -
A father and his son and all relatives -
Are acceptable to testify about the new moon -
' holds that relatives are to be for , even though he agrees that relatives
are for all other . ' explains that there is a difference between and all other .
This is because by the of , ' commanded and (his brother) together about the .
From here we see that in regards relatives are . (The says:
) ' () :

') ,'(


1. Are normally accepted together as ?
A) Yes B) No C) By D) On 1.

2. According to our , should a father and son GO to ?

(2A) Write the word that proves your answer: ______________
A) Yes B) No C) D) On
3. According to why should they go?
A) B) --
C) D)
4. According to the why should they go?
A) B) --
C) D)
5. According to an and all relatives are ________ for ?
A) B) C) D)
6. EC According to what word tells us that are acceptable for
? 6.


1 Acceptable
2 Disqualified
3 Relatives
4 They should go
5 The new moon
6 Combined

says -
There was a story with the doctor -
That he saw the new moon in -

He, his son, and his freed servant -
And the ( of ) accepted him and his son -
And they disqualified his servant -
And when they came before -
They accepted him and his servant -
And they disqualified his son -
' brings a story which shows us that the between the
and 'is really an old between the and the
of the . the doctor saw the new moon together with his son
AND his freed servant (This means an . Once he is freed he
becomes a full-fledged -.) When he went up to the
of the accepted him and his son as but disqualified his
freed servant. Clearly the of held like ' who says
relatives are . We also see that they didnt accept his freed servant.
This is because the held that a freed , doesnt have good
(lineage) and is therefore to be an .
When went to the , they accepted him and his servant, since
he is a regular -, but they didnt accept his son. The held
that relatives are . This is like the opinion of the . The
is like the .

1. The brings a ____________ to bring a proof to the _____________.

2. , his ____________ , and his ____________ _______________ all came to to testify.

3. The first of ________________ accepted ______ and his _______________, & not his ____________.

4. The second , the were ________ and his _________________, & not his ___________.

KEY WORDS Refers to.*

*Proof to:
* Named:
*What type:




1. Who said over the story?

A) B) C) D) 1.

2. Which was the first of witnesses accepted by the 1st ( ?2)

A) B) C) D)
3. Which was the second pair of witnesses accepted by the 2nd ?
A) B) C) D)
4. Who was the second ( ?b)What word proves your answer?________________
A) - B) C) D)
5. From this story we see that the is like _______ ?
A) B) C) D)
6. What type of was ?
A) B)

7. What happens when this type of slave is freed?

8. Why didnt the 1st want to accept him?

9. Why did the did the 1st accept ?

10. Why do they think that is different than regular ?


The teaches us that not everyone is to be an .
Some people are from testifying and some are .
Slaves (who arent freed) and women are . Anyone whom
we suspect of dishonesty or improper dealings in money is
from testifying.

1. As we have learnt there are different reasons why someone is not _______ to be an .
2. Some may be _____________and some may be _____________.
3. Every person can normally be trusted since they each have a ________________.
4. Some people may lose their _______________by engaging in dishonest activities.
5. This is only ____________. However a woman or ________ are .

6. Someone who is a gambler forces others to pay against their will which is _____________.
7. This is because the loser really never expected to lose so much and need to _________.
8. Our considers someone who is a _____________ racer to also be a gambler.
9. Getting more money back than what was lent out is called ____________.
10. This is a very serious _____________. Someone who does this is _______ .
11. Produce from is _________ therefore selling it is __________.
12. The rule is: Anything that a __________ isnt acceptable for, these arent either.



These are the ( to be )-

Every Yid has a , we believe that they are honest and only say the truth. The first four people in
our lose our trust in them because they commit for money. We are afraid that people like this
may easily lie if someone would pay them. therefore made them from being .

Those that play with dice -

This means a professional gambler. A gambler plays to win money. When he wins he forces
the other person to pay money even though the loser never really expected to have to give it.
This is considered by as a form of , and a is from being an .

And those that lend with interest -

The forbids lending money to a Yid and charging him interest. For example if someone lends
$100 today and his friend who borrowed must pay him back $110 tomorrow. It is to lend on
interest even if the borrower wholeheartedly wants to pay the extra money. Someone who does lend
on interest is for being an and the compares him to someone who does !

And dove racers -

Racing doves (pigeons) is a form of gambling, just like horse racing today. The loser doesnt want to pay
and the winner forces him to.

And sellers of produce -

The was all fruits owned by a Yid that grew during the year of . Although we
are allowed to eat the fruits that grew it is to sell them. Someone that violates the laws of
the to make money selling fruits of is from being an . We are afraid he will
testify falsely to make money.

And slaves (non-freed) -

This means an . He is and his status is similar to a woman in regards to his

This is rule -
Any testimony that a woman is not accepted for -
Also they (the in our ) -
Are not acceptable for it -
a woman is not allowed to be an . This is learnt from . However, a woman is permitted to
say about a man that died in order to permit his wife to get remarried. This is a special exception we
make to save women from being ( women who we dont know what happened to their husbands and
therefore they can never marry). All of the can testify about the status of a husband even though they
are for all other .

1. To testify about other people a person must be a ________ .
A) B) C) D) 1.

2. Someone SUSPECTED of being dishonest with money is _______ .

A) B) C) D)
3. How many people that are suspected of being dishonest are listed in our ?
A) 4 B) 5 C) 1 D) 7
4. What type of is like a woman regarding testifying and doing ?
A) B) C) D) -
5. All the mentioned in the are allowed to testify on: (list all)
A) That person stole B) This is C) I saw the new moon D) I owe $ to

Write the names of the in Heb. and Eng.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. What similar reason is there for 6,7, 9, and 10 being ?


The teaches us why being the allows us to be . This is
because it will effect what day will be. It is so important that the
arrive in on time to testify that they may take along whatever is needed.
This is because the says which teaches us that the must
come out on the day declared by .
The also teaches us that the can only be if they can arrive by
afternoon. (Otherwise, if the arrive afterwards they could not be
accepted and the month we will just have 2 days of .)

1. As we have learnt before in , that saw the new moon were allowed to be _______
________ to go testify. This was only for the ___ months mentioned that had in them.
2. It makes sense that the ________ should only be allowed to go on if they can arrive in time.
3. Therefore the furthest distance that may travel is a journey of __ ________ and __ day.
4. It is important to get to on time so that we can determine what day _______ _____ will be.
5. The reason were allowed to be is because it says ____________ in the .
6. This word teaches us that ________ ______ must be made based on when declares .
7. that are on their way to testify are allowed to ride on a ________ or be carried in a _______.
8. They may bring ___________ if they are afraid on an ___________ and they may also bring food.

/ / Meaning of the :


Someone who saw the new moon -

And is unable to journey -
They bring him on a donkey -
(or) even a bed -
And if there is an ambush for them -

They take in their hands sticks -
And if it ) (was far away -

They take in their hands food -

that saw the new moon on the night after the 29th day of the month needed to immediately get to to
testify. They were even allowed to be to get there. If someone couldnt walk he was allowed to ride on a
donkey or be carried up in a bed even on . If they needed to bring weapons or food they were allowed to bring
them along as well.

: We will learn in that the nation of the
tried to stop .
They would even try to ambush the to stop them from reaching . Therefore the were allowed to
bring weapons to defend themselves.

For (only) on a journey of (up to) a night and a day -

(do) We desecrate -

could only be if their journey was no longer than one night, , and one day. If their journey
would take any longer there would be no point in them coming. would only wait until the afternoon of the
30th day for to arrive. After that time they would no longer accept and there would be 2 days of .

And we go out to testify about the new moon (on )-

As it says in the - ) (
These are the appointments ) ) of - ] [
That you [must] call them in their appointed time -

The only way we could ever allow someone to be is if there is a clear source in the for
doing so. The says that the of must be called (meaning: declared by )
in their appointed (meaning: proper) times. This means that even if it requires ,
- must still ensure that ( and thereby ) occur at their proper time.


1. After the was destroyed for how many months may go to testify?
A) 6 B) 12 C) 5 D) 2 1.

2. What are that are going to testify on permitted to do?

A) Go beyond the B) Carry food C) Bring weapons D) All of the above
3. What are that are going to testify on NOT permitted to do?
A) Ride on a horse B) Travel for 2 days C) Be carried in a bed D) All the above
4. An saw the but it will take 36 hours to get to should he go on ?

A) Yes B) No C) If there is a D)
5. What word teaches us that we are allowed to desecrate to testify?
A) B) C) D) 5.
6. Translate each phrase from 5:
A) B) C) D)

7. Why is it so important for to testify on time?

2 Bed
4 Food
5 Journey
6 Far
7 Take
8 Ambush

continues teaching us about the for . It will
then teach us about the procedures for actually being the new
month and how the news was spread around. It is important to
keep in mind that these were written after the destruction of
the 2nd . Times were difficult for - and they
had many enemies who were eager to end ancient Jewish customs
and their clinging to the words of the .

The teaches us that not just anybody could be an for
. needed to make sure that they recognized and knew
that the were trustworthy people.

1. Every single Yid has a __________________________________ .
2. Originally would except ___________________ to be an for _________________ __________________.
3. After the was destroyed groups of _______________________ wanted to harm the frum Yidden.
4. They would even testify falsely in order to make and the of ______________ come out when they wanted.
5. As a result decreed that they would only except from people who they ______________________.
6. If the suspected that the main () wouldnt recognize him the local would send along __ other
to tell them that the ________ was indeed .

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*

*(who sent)
*(who are they)


If they ) ( dont recognize him (the (-

They (the of his city) send another (pair of )with him -
To testify about him. -
In the beginning -
They would accept testimony of the new moon -
From any man -
From when the Apikorsim (
)did harm -

They ) (established (decreed) -
That they ( ) would not accept ( )-

Only from those that they recognized -

As we learnt previously every Yid has a , that we believe what he says to be
true. As generations passed the realized that people were not as trustworthy as they used to be. They
therefore decreed that must recognize the as a trustworthy person. If the knew that the
wouldnt recognize him (as being trustworthy), the from his town would send along 2
other people as to testify about the himself that he has a and he should be
: THE STORY: In the times of the 2nd there were groups
Yidden that were looking to stop acting like Yidden. They were called , Apikorsim ,
people that went off and become irreligious. They decided to claim that they didnt believe in
the and . However as history has proven, this was really just an excuse to
become totally irreligious. The 2 most famous groups were known as the &

, meaning followers of and

. These two groups constantly tried to
change to change and harm the Yidden.

Since they only believed in

could interpret the as they
wanted. One example of this has to do with
. The says to begin counting
: . explain that in this
case means the day of rest, meaning we
begin from after the day of rest,
after the 1st day of . The translated
the literally. Therefore they said that means the day after , which is
always Sunday. If you begin counting 7 weeks from a Sunday will always come out on
a Sunday. This is what the wanted continued...


1. Originally who would accept from?
A) B) C) D) 1.

2. Who did harm that caused to stop accepting testimony from anyone?
A) B) C) D)
3. After those people did harm who would accept from?
A) B) C) D)
4. If someone thought wouldnt be him, what was done?
A) B) C) D)
5. Normally every is believed because of his ___________ ____________
what went wrong?
A) B) C) D)
6. How many people were sent to be on the witness that wasnt recognized?
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 6.

7. List all the ( ?3)

A) B) C) D)
8. On which day pf the week did the
believe must come out on?
A) B) Sun. C) Mon. D) Fri.
9. According to (before calendar was established) on which day of the week can
come out?
A) 1 or 3 B) 2 or 5 C) 4 or 7 D) All the above
10. For we count _____ days after the ___ day of .
E.C. How is this day of called in the :
A) B) C) D)
To testify about him

the best
possible 3
match. (1
4 Another
word is used
twice and 1 5 Did harm
isnt used) 6 Recognized

Story continued:
One year the 30th day of was . The wanted that day to be because
then the 1st day of would come out on . This way would begin the following day
on Sunday and would came out 7 weeks later on Sunday. If theyre plan worked they could get
all of - to keep their !The
hired false to lie and say they saw the moon!
What the
didnt know was that their false witness was actually loyal to . When
he was asked by how he had seen the new moon, he described it in a very strange way. He said,
the moon was crouching between two rocks, its head looked like a calf, its ears like a goat, its horns
like a deer and its tail was placed between its thighs. I looked at it, and got such a shock that I fell over
backwards. And if you don't believe me, here is the two hundred Zuz that the gave me to
testify falsely. The false quickly explained that he came to testify falsely to make sure no one
else could get away with doing it. gave allowed the to keep the money he was given and gave
the people that hired him . To make sure this would never happen decreed that only people
they were as trustworthy would be allowed to testify .


2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15/

8 WEEK 2
15 WEEK 3
22 WEEK 4
29 WEEK 5
36 WEEK 6
43 WEEK 7


The tells us how used to spread the news of
and why they needed to change that practice.

1. In the previous we learnt that one time the ______________ did harm and made to
come out on the wrong day.
2. They did this by hiring false ____________.
3. In this we learn about how the ______________ also harmed - .
4. Originally would ____________________ to declare that the 30th was turned into ____.
5. The would wave torches on the night of the 1st even though _______ hadnt come.
6. As a result stopped waving torches and would only ____________ ______________.

Questions Answers
1. Who was the original practice of being
B) C)
D) 1.
2. What was ?

C) D)

3. would be
at NIGHT. Which day preceded (came before) it ?
A) The 1st B) The 30th C) The 29th D) The 2nd 3.
4. Originally, why would be

A) B) C) D)
5. Who were the ?

B) C) D) 5.

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*


In the beginning -
They ( ) would light -
Torches -
From when the did harm -
They established (decreed) -
That there should be messengers going out -

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

new moon TORCHES

Once accepted the testimony of the they are the 30th day as . The day now
becomes of the new month (If the dont come by the afternoon of the 30th there will be 2 days of
) . now needed to spread this important news to the rest of - . That
evening on the night AFTER ( ) , would go up to the mountain tops and light
torches (as will be explained in detail in ) & . This would signal to all of - that the
previous day was and this month was a ( it only had 29 days). used this
system until the decided to harm - . They lit torches on the night of the 30th
when the moon had not been seen. This caused much confusion. As a result decreed that
would be sent.

: The are discussed in in ) ( .
conquered the northern part of - and exiled the 10
who lived there. To make it more difficult for the Yidden to return he
imported a non-Jewish nation and settled them there. The were
. Since - was so at that time it couldnt
tolerate the idol-worshipping . sent bands of lions that constantly attacked the .
Realizing that the lion attacks werent natural, the complained to . forced a
to teach the about being a Yid and serving . The converted and the lion attacks
stopped. At first it seemed that when the converted they accepted to become Yidden.
They were extremely careful about certain . But after a while it was soon discovered that
the used to also secretly serve their old . decreed that - needed to
treat as if they were . This made the very resentful of us and they began to go
out of their way to harm - .

In we mentioned what happened with the ( ) . In this we are

discussing the . There were 3 different groups of . ALL of them went
out of their way to harm - .

The teaches us in detail how the original procedure of
waving torches would take place.


1. This discusses how they would light the _________________ used by .

2. These were waved on the night after the _____ day of the month to announce that it had been made
into .

3. would send someone to the top of a _____ and ____________ fire to a torch.
4. The torch was made out of (1)______________________ (2)________________________
(3)__________________________ (4)_______________________ and was tied with a ___________.
5. The of would then wave it forwards, backwards, (3) _________ and (4)_________
6. Someone on a _________ mountain and a _______ mountain waited for this signal and did the same.



How did they used to light the torches -

They would bring -
Long poles of cedar-wood -

And reeds -
And oil-wood (some say: from an olive tree) -

And scraps of flax -
And he [would] tie (bundle) it with a rope -

And he [would] go up to the top of the mountain -
And he [would] set to them the fire -
And he [would] move it forward and bring it back -
And he [would] move it upward and downwards -
Until he sees his friend -

That he is doing the same thing -
At the top of the second mountain -

And the same thing at the top of the third mountain -

On the night of the 30th posted men on top of several mountains to wait and see if the
day was ( made into ) ) These would bring along torches made out
of very bright burning and long lasting materials. When it was announced that the 30th was in-
deed the of would climb onto the top of a mountain and wave the torch
up down front and back. This signaled to a similar waiting on another mountain who
would also light a torch and begin waving. They would continue to wave until they saw torches
lit on the next few mountains.


1. What does this come to teach us about?
B) C) D) 1.
2. Which items were actual parts of the torch? (see Question #3 before answering)
A) B)
C) D)
3. Which items are descriptions of the materials or what was done to them?
A) B)
C) D)
4. Which was the 3rd direction the torch was waved?
B) C) D)
5. When would the person waving stop waving?
A) B)
C) D)

6. Draw a picture of your torch. Make sure to label the names of all the parts.

The continues teaching us the details of how they would
wave torches. The tells us all the places where torches
were lit.

1. After declared the previous day to be they spread the news by waving

2. They would wave the torches in _____ directions on the tops of ______________________.
3. The first place that began waving was right outside of the and is known today as

4. The news needed to travel to ___________. This place is called ____________ meaning
the exile.
5. People would light torches until it spread to _____________ _______ in the north of .
6. From there they everyone in ( the )would light torches until it looked like a huge

Number the correct

order of waving


And from where -
Did they light the torches -
From to -
And from to -
And from to -

And from to -
And from -
they didnt move away from there -
But rather -
He [would] move it forward and backward -
And upward and downward -
Until he would see -
The entire exile (/ )in front of him -
Like a bonfire -

On each mountain top people eagerly waited to see if the previous day had become
. The news needed to travel to to inform the large Jewish communities. As soon as
a torch was seen each mountaintop would also light their own torch. This continued and spread
throughout - . The light of the torches spread all the way to on the northern
border of - and . There they wouldnt extinguish their torches until all the Yidden
of lit torches on their rooftops. For someone looking at the )( the entire city
appeared like a huge bonfire, and from there the news was spread to the rest of .


1. What is another name for ?
A) B) C) D) 1.
2. What was the last city in that waved torches?
A) B) C) D)
3. What words best describe what WAS done in ( ? tricky)
B) C) D)
4. Where were torches waved after
A) B) C) D)
5. True or False: was in
T) true F) false
6. What is ?

The tells us where the who came on to testify
would go. It then explains why we needed to allow that
travelled beyond their to walk around the city and
not be stuck The details other people who are similar
to in regarding their permission to travel beyond the
and then return home.

1. On it is _________ to go beyond ___________ which is the __________ .
2. If someone goes beyond this area he is stuck in a space of ___ or in the house he is in.
3. that saw the new moon on would rush to in _________________ to testify.
4. When the arrived they were gathered into ___________ ____________.
5. This was a large ______________ surrounded by walls.
6. Once they were there they couldnt leave the until the end of ___________.
7. The would be stuck there and notice many other witnesses. This would make them feel
bad so prepared ________________ _________________ to make them feel good.

8. was __________ that since the came for a they would acquire a new .
9. This allowed them to walk ___________ ___________ in every direction like a regular resi-
dent of the city.

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*


There was a large courtyard in -

And it was called -
And to there all the witnesses were gathered -

And would check them there -
And large meals (feasts) were made for them -

In order that they should be used-to coming -

There was a large courtyard called into which all the
that came on * gathered. The explains that it
was called because it was enclosed with a stone wall.
As will be explained in the next , would receive
the from here and check out if they were saying the truth.
were afraid that some might be discouraged from
coming in the future when they see how many other also
came. Also, once the arrived they were stuck in
for the rest of since they had gone outside of their .
They therefore made large to comfort the and
encourage them to come back in the future. (*according to )

In the beginning -
They (the )would not move from there the entire day -
- decreed (established) -

That they can travel -
2000 ( the ) -
In every direction -
( city limits)
decreed that a person is not allowed to walk beyond the limits of his city on . Once starts you
acquire the of whatever city youre in. This is known as the . The or [border] limit of a city is
2,000 from outside the walls of the city. A person IS allowed to walk up until this point. The
penalize someone who goes beyond the 2,000 limit by not allowing him to walk more than 4 in
any direction until the end of . HELP IM STUCK IN THESE 4 !!!

In our many that came to testify had travelled beyond the

of their cities. Therefore, [in the beginning] when they arrived at
they couldnt leave for the rest of . (They were allowed to walk
throughout the entire . Since it had 2,000 a wall the entire courtyard was con-
sidered like one giant 4 area.) 2,000 - was afraid that may
still feel uncomfortable being stuck in for the entire . He
therefore decreed that since the had done the right thing by coming,

they should be considered like regular citi- zens of and acquire the
of someone who lives in .This allowed them to
travel anywhere in itself and 2,000 outside of the city.


? gather when they came to 1. Where would the
)A )B )C )D 1.
? that were in the do to the 2. What would
)A )B
? 3. What was made in
)B )C )D
?4. Why
)A )B )C

?) go after they had testified (on 5. Originally where would the
)A )B )C )D
? decree 6. What did
)A )B )C )D
) make this decree? (Explain 7. Why did

Used to


It was

In order



To go/Journey



And not these alone -

: Not only were given a new on for doing a one.

But rather -
Also a midwife that comes to [help] give birth (1) -
And the one who comes to save -
From a fire (2) -
And from an (invading) army (3) -
And from a river(4) -
And from a fallen building(5) -
All of these are like the men of the city -
And they have 2000 -
In every direction -
The same that applies to , that we give them a new because they were doing a
of coming to give , also applies to anyone else that was required to leave the . If
there is a situation of ( saving someones life) it is a to go and try to save them. The
lists 5 different examples of people that are going on life-saving mission that may require them to
go out beyond their . Once they are done they get a new and are allowed to walk 2,000
in any direction.
1. Helping a woman give birth
2. Saving someone from a fire
3. Protecting against an enemy army
4. Saving from a flooding river
5. Rescuing people from a collapsed building

Nowadays responds to many calls throughout . In a related to our

, we allow members to drive to an emergency and even drive back.
We allow them to do so from the start )). This ensures that a
volunteer doesnt need to delay for a second worrying about how they will get
back. (We also need to make sure their available to go on another call.)



PART II Answers
1. In this part of the : How many people are listed that get a new ?
A) 6 B) 5 C) 4 D) 3 1.
2. Why do they get a new ?
A) They were doing a B) C) D) All the above
3. Who could this be very important to nowadays?
A) A man whose wife is B) Doctors C) Firefighter D) Hatzaloh Members
about to have a baby 3.
Please write the words from the AND their translation for each picture.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

This describes in detail how would check the
and their .

INTRODUCTION (* = use the s word/s if you can)

1. could only accept testimony after they made sure that the actually ______ the .
2. would be ___________* the ___________ to make sure their testimony made sense.
3. 1st they would be _________* the 1st ______ * of and begin questioning the _______*.
4. They would then bring in the second . If their words were _____________* they were .
5. Our lists ___ questions that the needed to answer.
6. asked questions to every ____ * of to ensure they wouldnt be _________ ______*
7. This wasnt because they were __________* them, rather it was to make sure they would be
*_________ .
8. means the __________ side of the moon.
9.Label which side of the moon is the side.
10. Label which side of the moon could the sun be on.

KEY WORDS Words weve alreadylearnt:

* *
* *


How did they check the ?-

The pair that came first -
They would check (it) [them first] -

began checking whichever group arrived first, regardless of who was the most .
And they would bring in the greater (older) of the 2 of them -
And they would say to him, tell us (Say), -
How did you see the (new) moon -
(Was the )
in front of (facing) the sun -
Or (was the )
behind (with its back towards) the sun ? (1) -
)1( :Was the inside part of the moon, called the the part that looks missing or
dark, facing the sun? Or, was the away from the sun (in the early morning or evening when both the sun
and moon are out) ?

The truth is that was really only testing the . The only possible answer to this question is
, away from the sun. As the says later . This is because it is
impossible for the dark part of the moon to be facing the sun. The light of the moon is really just a reflection of
the light of the sun shining on it. It is impossible for there to be no light on the part of the moon that is
(towards/facing) the sun, without there being light on the part of the moon that is
( with its back towards the sun).

(Was it) To the north or to the south (of the sun)? (2) -
(2) Was the moon to the north or south of the sun? Based on various calculations and the seasons the position of
the moon in the sky would be different. The used this info to tell if they were saying the truth.

How high was it? (3) -

(3) How high did the moon appear above the ground?
Was it near the ground or way up in the sky?

And to where was it leaning? (4) -

And how wide was it ? (5) -
(4) Which way were the points of the moon leaning? Was the points of the moon up and down or across?
(5) How wide/thick did the moon appear?


If he said (the )
it was facing the sun -
He did not say anything -
: As we explained previously, he didn't say anything truthful that we can use for .
Clearly the are mistaken about what they saw since this is impossible !

And after this -

They would bring in the second ( )-

And they would check him -
If they found their words to be similar -
Their stands (is accepted) -
And all the remaining pairs (of )-

They would ask them -
The main words (details) -

Not because they ( ) needed them -

But rather -
In order that they should not go out -

With disappointment -
in order that they should be used-to coming -

Although really didnt need more than one successful

to be the they would nevertheless question all the rest
of the that came. This was to make sure they would not feel
disappointed and think that there was no reason for them to
come. By doing this would encourage them to come again.


BEFORE they could use their did to 1. What best describes what
)A )B )C
? before they checked them of do to the 1st 2. What did
)A )B )C

? of do with all the remaining 3. What did
)A )B )C

?) check first (did was 4. Which
)A )B )C )D
?5. Which question was really a trick question
)A )B
)C )D
?6. Which question means How high was the moon
)A )B
)C )D
?7. Which question means How wide was the moon
)A )B
)C )D
? feel if they wouldnt be questioned by 8. How would the
)A )B )C )D
?s words need to be 9. How did the 2
)B )C )D
? leave 10. What may happen if the
)A )B )C )D

1 Main
3 Leaning
4 Disappointment
5 High
6 Wide
To where
8 Accepted/Stands

The explains the process of actually being the . It then
brings a regarding if is the only when the moon
was seen in its right time (on the night of the 30th). Or, is the
new month (on the 31st) even when did not come.


1. Who would declare the to be ?

A) B) C) D) 1.
2. Who would answer after him?
A) B) C) D)
3. When is the moon SEEN ?
A) Day of the 31st B) Night of 30th C) Day of the 30th D) Night of the 31st
4. According to the , when are we the new month? (write all)
A) Day of the 31st B) Night of 30th C) Day of the 30th D) Night of the 31st
5. According to when are we the new month? (write all)
A) Day of the 31st B) Night of 30th C) Day of the 30th D) Night of the 31st
6. On which DAY is there a if we should be the month?
A) Day of the 31st B) Night of 30th C) Day of the 30th D) Night of the 31st
7. What reason does give to not be if the moon was ?

KEY WORDS Refers to.*





The declares -
It is holy (special) -
And all of the nation (people present) answer after him -
It is , It is -
HOW DO WE KNOW: By the of the says:

) (
This teaches us that the one in charge of is supposed to declare the day .
The also says: ) (
The word can be read , teaching us that - has a to declare the day to be holy,
and that it is .
Since it says
holy callings (plural, two callings) anyone who heard the would

Whether [the moon] was seen in its right time (30th night) -

Or whether it was not seen in its right time (31st night) -

They ( ) declare it -
says -
If it was not seen in its right time -
They do not declare it -
Because it already has been by heaven -

The of our has a with regarding the need to declare the

31st day . The says that even though didnt come and the day is automatically
there is still a to declare it . says that once we reach the 31st
it is automatically anyway. Now there is no longer a on to declare it.

The is like didnt come so

it will not become Need to be or not
Tonight is . (This is
the only night to see
the new moon)

This begins a long story that happened with - and the
other . - accepted which the held were . He
accepted witnesses even when their words didnt make sense. He was able
to do this based on pictures, diagrams, and calculations that the
really had seen the moon. As we will see in the next , this resulted in a
major problem.

1. was the after the destruction of the ____ . His was located in ________.
2. had ____________ and forms of moons to assist __________ testify about what they saw.
3. Based on pictures and calculations __________ even when things didnt make sense.
4. Our mentions ___ incidents where accepted and the ____________ disagreed.
5. In the 2nd story said they saw the moon ________ but not on _________ ( night of 31st).
6. _________ __________said that these are ______.
7. _________ who was the agreed that the were lying and disagreed with _________.



Forms of moon pictures/shapes -
- had on a tablet -
And on the wall of his upper story (attic) -
That with these, he would show the simple people - ,
And he say, Did you see it like this or like this? - ,
A story happened that two [ ]came and said -
We saw it (the moon) in the morning in the east -
And in the evening (BEFORE) in the west -
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: To fully understand this and the following it is
important to know some history. -( as mentioned in ) was the ( leader) of
and - . He had this position both during and after the . (In fact he was
the that specifically requested Vespasian to save...) In his days the fled
from the and relocated in ( another of s requests). During this time
there was much confusion and upheaval. - took strong steps to restore the lives of .
He instituted many and take very strong measures to ensure that the power of the ,
which was now in , would be strong, and people would listen. As we will see in the next .

- made pictures of
the moon to help who
didnt fully understand the
questions that would ask.

said, -

They are false witnesses -
When they came to -
- accepted them

felt the were lying because it was impossible for the moon to travel that far in the span
of a few hours. - accepted them, based on his calculations he realized that they had indeed seen
the new in the WEST (THE NIGHT BEFORE) and in the EARLY morning they had mistaken the moon
for a cloud.

The word /East comes from the word /to

shine. The sun always starts shining from the East.
/West comes from the word /Evening. The sun
sets in the West.
and are named for the location of the moon.

Another (time) two came and said -

We saw it in its right time (the night of the 30th) -
And on its extra night (the night of the 31st) it didnt appear -


- - - -

DAY - -
/ )(/)(
NIGHT say they saw
the new moon Night of the 31st
did NOT see

- accepted them -

said -

They are false witnesses, -
How can they testify on a woman that she gave birth, -

And the next day her stomach is between her teeth! -
(She is still pregnant)
said to , - ,
(That these must be lying -and - made a mistake )
I see (agree) with your words -

An incident happened ( on / ) when said they saw the new

on the night of the 30th (MON). The next evening, (TUES, the 31st night) which according to the
was , was a clear night and the moon should have been clearly visible.
However no new moon could be seen. - had already declared , the previous
day, (TUES), as / of that month. Said , it must be that the
who claimed to have seen the moon on MON are lying, otherwise it would have been
visible on TUES! Once the new moon appears it only gets bigger, not smaller. It is like saying
a woman gave birth and then seeing she is still pregnant! , who was also one of the
greatest leaders during that era (time period) agreed with . The must
have been lying! Therefore even though - had already declared TUES day to be
, believed this was a mistake. He wanted him to change TUES back into .
would not accept - s decision that was on TUES.
The next will continue this story...


1. Who made ?

A) B)
C) D) 1.
2. A) Where were they located? B) On what were they located? 2A.

A) B) C) D)
3. In the 1st story said they saw the moon in the _______ in the morning.
A) B) C) D)
4. Who said these are lying?
A) B)
C) D)
5. Why did make these pictures
6. In the 2nd story the said that _________ on the 31st night.
A) B) C) D)
7. This was even after they had just testified that _________ on the 30th night.
A) B) C) D)
8. Who was the first to disagree with for accepting these ?
A) B)
C) D)
9. Who was the 2nd to disagree with for accepting these ?
A) B)
C) D)
10. What did the 1st to disagree with give to explain why the MUST be

11. How do you think should respond when all the are saying hes wrong?
CONSIDER THIS: Whos is it to say in ?

This continues the story from . - heard that
disagreed with him about accepting the . - had
already made the 30th of into . He was afraid that if people
questioned his authority it could harm - . He therefore came
down very strongly against , which caused much
anguish. The other comforted explaining to him why
- was justified. In the end accepted - s



continues the story and between - and from .
agreed with against - . They held that - had made a
mistake by accepting which seemed impossible. Therefore, although - had
already declared to be on the 30th day (TUES) they held that was really on
the 31st day (WED). Since this occurred in ( the came on ) it would
result in - and having different days for and . Since it was
right after the there was tremendous upheaval in - . - therefore decided
to be very strict and demand that accept his ( decision).

- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -

- sent (a message) to him ( ) -

Im decreeing upon you -
That you come to me -
With your (walking) stick and your money (belt) -
On that comes out to be -
according to your calculations -
In order to preserve - , - decided he had no choice but to publicly force to
accept the !He therefore ordered to carry his walking stick and money belt and appear before him
and on the day which considered . was clearly upset...
went and found him ) ) upset -

He ) ) said to him ( ) -
I can learn (teach) -
That whatever - has done is proper -

As it says in the , These are the appointment - ( ) ,

times of
That are declared -
That you ) ( should call (declare) them, -
Whether in their right time or not in their right times -

There are no other except for these -

comforted by reminding him of the /. The says:

. We ( explain) the and explain that not only is it the
job of to declare when it is ( and as a result ) . Rather, the decision
of which days and should be completely depend on whatever
decides! Even if its the wrong day, gave the power to decide.
He ( ) came by

He (
) said to him ( ) -
If we come to judge (challenge) -
After the of - -

We will need to (also) judge -
After each and every -

Which arose from the days of and until now -

As it says in the , And went up -
( )
And (with) , , and -
And (with) the seventy elders of - -
And why were they not mentioned -
the names of the elders -

Only rather (the )is coming to teach -
That every 3 [people] -
That arise [as] a on - -

It is like (equivalent) to the of . -

had been the one who had originally argued against - s .

went back to , but he must have eventually decided to accept - s .
( also) began to comfort and urged him to (also) accept - s decision. He
explained that the doesnt list the names of the even though it did list the names of
, , , ,. This is to show us that although all the were certainly not as
as , as a all the would still be equal to them. Just like we
would never challenge a from the of , so too we cannot challenge the
of any .

After hearing these arguments agreed to accept - s .


He ( ) took his stick and money in his hand -
And went to to - -
On the day that came out -
To be according to his ( ) calculations -
stood up and kissed him ( ) on his head -
He ( )said to him, Come in peace, - ,
my and my student, -

my in wisdom, -
and my student, because you have accepted my -

The greatness of is hard to imagine. He lowered himself and humbly went before
-. We must realize that was also concerned about the welfare of - .
He felt that now after the , - was lowering the high standards of and
allowing things that previously would have never been acceptable. That is why when he came
before - , he honored for accepting his decision.

The truth is that this story really didnt end here. -

put in his place a few more times. The rest of the
decided that - was too strict about the of
and not careful enough about s . They
eventually dismiss him as the leader of and replace
him with . That is the we read at the
: , ..

1. is really a continuation of _____ .
2. In the previous , there was a _____________ between and __________ .
3. This happened after said they saw the new moon on [the night of] ______ but on
_________ AKA the _____ night they didnt see the new moon.
4. accepted these based on diagrams and pictures he had. However said they are
_______ ______.
5. had already made into ____. Since this story took place in the month of
_________, it would come out that s ___________ _____ would be on a different day than

1. Who did send a message to?
A) B) C) D) 1.
2. Which thing/s was NOT told to bring with him?
A) B) C) D)
3. Who was the 1st to try to comfort ?
A) B) C) D)
4. Who was the 2nd to comfort ?
A) B) C) D)
5. What reason did give to justify s decision?

B) C)


6. What reason did give to justify s decision?


B) C)


7. What did do ? (LIST ALL)

B) C) D)
8. What did do ? (LIST ALL)
B) C) D)
9. Explain why was so strict:

First the discusses the appropriate time that must
declare the new month to be . Then the explains what
happens if only the sees the new moon.
And lastly the discusses what happens if the only
consists of 3 .

1. The new moon can only be seen on the night after the ____ day. This is called the ____ night.
2. If the arrive in they must be accepted before it becomes ____________ .
3. If they get their in on time that day _____________________ becomes ___ .
4. If the is not on time the month has _____ days and ______ is on the ______day.
5. If is wants to be the new month they must hear _________ from __________ .
6.Even if themselves see the new moon they need to testify in front of ____________.
7. A must have at least ___ judges. One is not ___________ by himself.

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*

who *

What day is it now? *



If and all of - () saw (the new moon) -
The were checked -
And they did not have enough time to say -
Until it got dark -
This is an extra month (a full month of 30 days) -
has a to verbally declaring the new month to be . Even if saw the new moon
and accepted them, it is not until actually says the words . If
didnt manage to say on the 30th day will be on following day, the 31st. The extra
30th day is called the .
If ALONE saw (the new moon) -
Two ( )stand and testify in front of them (the rest of -
And they ( ) say -

- If themselves see the new moon on the night of the 30th. now
needs to testify about what they have seen and / judges to check them out. is not
allowed to just skip the process of testifying about the new moon. Therefore 2 of the act as
witnesses. They stand and testify the next day before the rest of the . Afterwards is
the new month.
(REALLY EXTRA INFO: If themselves sees the moon on the morning (day) of the 30th, they can be
the new month on the spot. There is no requirement to have witnesses! The explains that this is based on a rule
called ( Hearing shouldnt be better than seeing), meaning if can be the
by hearing about it they certainly can be the when they actually see it. The reason need to testify
when they saw it on the 30th at night, is because can only be during the day. Therefore, although the
entire saw it, they must wait until the next day. Once they are already waiting it is no longer considered -
seeing it right now and must rely on what eyewitnesses saw to tell them what they had seen the night before.
If [ONLY] three [people] saw it and they are (from) -
Two of them should stand (as ) -
And they should sit from their friends by the one (remaining judge) -
And they should testify in front of them (the new ) -
And they should say -
Because the individual [] isnt trusted by himself -

If only 3 saw the new moon (at night) we will need 2 of them to serve
as while the 1 remaining judge adds 2 new judges to join him on the . The teaches us
that we cant rely on 1 judge by himself for .
Really EXTRA Info: Why would we think we should be allowed to rely on only judge? And how many judges do
we need for ? The explains that since we have already learnt that the is on the to
say , we may think that one judge is enough. The therefore proves the of our from a : It says:
), (
. We see that commanded about the even
though was the greatest expert on . From here we see that we cannot rely on one judge (even if he is the
greatest expert). Since a cannot consist of an even number of judges, we learn from the that the minimum
number of judges is 3.


1. On which NIGHT can the new be seen? (so the can come testify)
A) 29th B) 30th C) 31st D) 1st 1.
2. What must be said to make the day into ?
B) C) D) 2.
3. What happens if it becomes ?
A) B)
C) D)
4. How many judges (minimum) does there need to be to have a ?
A) 1 B) 3 C) 6 D) 23
5. What happens if a large sees the new moon?
B) C)
6. What happens if a of 3 (only) sees the new moon?
B) C)
7. How many people will now be present when they are the new month?
A) 3 B) 2 C) 5 D) 6
8. Describe what a of 23 would do if only they saw the new moon:

9. Describe what a of 3 would do if only they saw the new moon:

10.E.C. (in notes) What would ( any size even 3) do if they saw the new moon on the
30th day?

1 Checked out
2 Himself
3 Stand
4 Believed
5 Friend
6 Before them
7 Sit
8 Testify
9 Extra (Pregnant)

The discusses which are to be used on
for the . There is a between the
and if a cows (bull) horn is .

For the rest of the the teach us about

the of and the of .

1. Read and Translate the

Check off the
boxes when 2. Pause in the proper places
3. Provide a basic explanation of where we learn to use a from.
4. Explain the between and the
5. Explain why we shouldnt use a cows horn
EC Why cant we use a deers antlers

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*


Did you know The main we perform on is blowing the . It is amazing, but the
doesnt actually use the word when it teaches us about . The calls a
and a ( a day of blowing and a remembrance of blowing):
. ) ,(
. ) ,(
The does not actually tell us what we use to make a !

The ) : ) explains that we know to use a from of . The would blow a

with a , in the 7th month:
) ,(
EXTRA INFO: Since we already know that is in the 7th month, the words seem to be
extra ? The explains that we use these extra words for a * . Since the uses the words
in regards to the of and , this teaches us that the on uses
a just like .

All are ( for the ) -

Except for that of a cow -

Because it is (called) a /horn -

Additional Info: What is a ?A is the horn of a kosher animal that has a hollow inside (there is
soft marrow in there) such as a ram, goat, or cow. According to the ( and )the word means a
hollowed tube therefore the horns of a deer are , since they are solid all the way through.

The of our says that the horns of a cow are because they are called and not . We
find this in when gives a to . The calls the horns of a bull a :
) ,(
Another reason why horns of a cow should be . This is because of the rule , the
prosecutor doesnt become the defender. We use the to ask to forgive our . The horns of a cow
remind of the . We certainly dont want to use something that recalls our at a time we are
trying to get rid of them.
{For this reason the wouldnt wear gold when he went into the on . Similarly,
some people have the to not wear gold on which would recall the of the .}
said -
And are not all called -

As it says in the - ) (
When they make a long blow on the of a ram -
) , (

The in is describing how the walls of would come crashing down after the Yidden made a
long blow on a ( here means the horn of an - ram). Says , we see from here that even
of a ram are called . Therefore a cows horn should not be . The answers that although
a rams horn IS sometimes called a it is also called a . But a cows horn is NEVER called a and
therefore it is .


1. The says . Are all horns to be used as a ?

2. Are cow horns to be used as a ? A) yes b) no c)

3. Does it say the word by in the ?

4. What word does it say?

5. where does it say we need to blow a ?

6. the says to use a rams horn Because it is usually called a ?

7. a rams horn could also be called a ?

8. says that a cows horn is called a Therefore it is just

like a Rams horn And it is to use as a .

9. the argues with because... a cows horn is only called:

It is never called however a rams horn is called both .

10. What type of horn is this?

E.C. 1. Can we use a deers antlers to blow ? Why?

E.C. 2. Why would using a cows horn be a bad idea ?

E.C. 3. Which does bring his proof from?

Unscramble the words from the



The teaches us how the was blown on
in the .

1. Read and translate the

Check off the
boxes when 2 Location. Where did this take place? Why?
3 Explain the details: Why was the straight?
4 Why was the mouthpiece gold?

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*


The of ( in the ( -
Is from (the horns of ) a (wild mountain) goat, that are straight - ,
And its mouthpiece are plated with gold -

The that was used in the was straight. This symbolized that our and our
should be straight and simple. (The is actually like mentioned in who says we use
the curved of an ( ram)
DID YOU KNOW... The actual mouthpiece of the was not covered in gold. If it was, the sound would
not becoming from a rather from an instrument. Instead the gold was near the mouthpiece. This was
done only for the of the , in order to be ( honor) it.

And two trumpets (from) are on the sides -

The blew long -
And the trumpets blew short -
Because the of the day is with the -

The blowing in the was done

differently than the way we blow. The
(we say in ) says:
) ,(
with trumpets and the sound of the you
should blow BEFORE the king.
explain that before ) ) refers to in
the . Only there do we blow the
accompanied with .

The would make a short sound while

the would continue with a long blow.
This allowed the people listening to the in
the to hear the and fulfill their



1. Our discusses the of blowing where ?

2. From which words in the do we know this ?

3. Do we blow a like this ?

4. What shape was the that they used?

5. Why?

6. What would they do to beautify the ?

7. What accompanied the sound of the ?

8. What sound was ?

E.C. If the mouthpiece is covered in gold isnt it now a trumpet and not a ?










The teaches us how the was blown on
in the .

1. Read and Translate the .

Check off the
boxes when 2. Pause in the proper places.
3. Explain why, when, and where they blew and .
4. Explain the significance of a of an

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*

* *


(In the ) On fast-days -
(They used )from bent (curved) rams (horns) -

And their mouthpiece was plated silver -

The bent horns of a ram recall the of the .

brought an for a instead of his son . We hope
this will awaken s mercy.
Also, using something bent reminds us to bend our and
come close to .

And 2 trumpets were in the middle -

The [ blew] short -
And the trumpets [blew] long -
Because the of the day is with trumpets -
The mouthpiece of the was silver. This was because the were silver. It would not be fitting for
the main of the day to not be as beautiful as the secondary .

The in teaches us that if it does not rain in - before a fast is declared

by . This is called a . A series of up to 13 fast days will continue until sends rain. During
these fasts there is a to Daven to , crying out to him and blowing on . Similarly, any time there is
a affecting many people (such as a siege) a fast is declared. We learn this from the which says:

) , (

On these fast-days they would blow on both and in the . However, since the is to
blow with ( 2) they would be in the middle. On each side a blower would stand. The would
make short blasts, while the would continue with a longer one.

WORKSHEET Instructions
1. Use the words from MATCHING to answer the QUESTIONS.
2. E.C. Check your answers by placing them into the crossword puzzle.

1. Our teaches us that on days that a is declared , we also blow . 6 Across

2. Not only was a blown but we would blow as well. 2 Down
3. All this was done only in the . (We know this from ( 5 Down
4. We use the horns of an because it recalls the . 1 Across
5. The sound of the is . 3 Across
6. The sound of the are . 1 Down
7. The were in the because that is the of the day. 7 Across
8. A that is reminds us to do and bend our . 4 Across
9. The was only in silver to show its important but not more than the . 3 Down

1 Hints and Rules for Crossword:
3 1. Only use regular letters, do not use endah
letters ( )like ,,.
2. Do not leave any spaces between words


7 Long
Fast Days


The teaches us about the used on
of . There is a between the
and about which type of is
preferred to be used on AND on
)( .

Read and Translate the .

Check off the
boxes when Pause in proper places.
Explain what refers to and when would we blow .
Explain what is referring to.
Explain the between the and .
Explain what we use nowadays.

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*

* *

* *


) of) is the same as -

For blowing -

And for the (additional) ( in ) -

says -
On we blow with (the bent horns of) a ram -

And on ( with the straight horns of) with wild (female) goats -

The year of was just like . No work was permitted in the fields. As we have already mentioned (in
the Introduction to ) on the of they would blow . This occurred once every 50 years.
When they would blow it would announce that all Jewish slaves go free. Also, all land of - that had
been sold would return to its original owners. We learn this from the which say:
) - ,(


The holds that since we learnt (from a -see Introduction to ) that all the
blown in the 7th month ( ) are the same, the are also the same. As we mentioned in ,
the says the used for is of a .
argues on the ( from back in ) and says that the of should be with the
bent horn of a ram, just like on a . As we mentioned, this reminds us of the and also to bend
our .

The is not /
like the or
. Nowadays
prefer to use an
, even on .


On of the says that we add the same special in like we do on

. These are: , , . They will be discussed in .


1. How often is ?
2. When do we blow on ?
3. How is the same as ?
4. What does refer to ?
5. What shape horns are those of a ?
6. What shape horn does the say to use on ?
7. When would say to use a bent horn ?
8. (TRICK) When does the say to use a bent horn ?
9. Why is a bent horn preferred by us nowadays ?
10. List (at least) 2 details that happen on ?

E.C. Can you explain what a

is ?


Is the same




The teaches us some of the :
It cannot be cracked (split open).
It cannot be made from broken pieces glued together.
If it had a hole that was stuffed up it is only if the sound
is unaffected

Read and transalate the .

Check off the
boxes when Study the new words.
Need to know what size a must be.
Explain the problem/s of a crack, broken-pieces, and hole in a .
Explain how it is possible to repair a with a hole.



A which split (crack) -

And he glued it (stuck it together) -
It is ( invalid) -

: The got a crack:

explains that the cracked along its entire length and it is now in 2 pieces.
: The word means cling or stick to. There are 2 ways to
The explains that if it
fix a broken . It can be glued back together or it can be heated up
split in the middle (width)
and melted back together. The is because the says we
and it is now two separate
must blow a ( 1) not a combined .
it IF each
is a .
The minimum size of a is called a .
This is 1 the size of a fist (to hold it) PLUS a
little extra on each side for the to stick out.

[If] he glued broken-pieces of ( together) -

It is -
the is broken into many pieces. It is for one of two reasons. The main reason is
because the says to blow with one and not a combination of . Another reason given is
because the pieces are too small.

[If it] got a hole and he closed it -

If it holds back the (sound of the) -
It is -
And if not, it is - ,

: If he closed up the hole. The can be fixed by filling it with some material.
If the sound cannot come out because of the hole the it is . You cannot put
you finger over the hole to make the sound come out.
: If the hole never held back the sound of the it is . Even if the now sounds better
after it was closed up.
EXTRA INFO:Another explanation of is that the hole changes the sound of the .
If the hole prevented the from making a but by closing it the makes the same sound, it is



1. How BIG does a need to be ? _________________________________________________________

2. This is called a ____________________ the size needed to __________________ the .

3. What happened to the that was ___________________________________________________ ?

4. Why is a cracked that was glued together ____________________________________________?

5. Describe what happened with ___________________________________________________ ?

6. If a got a hole in it and wont make any noise unless you cover it with your finger is it or ?

7. If you want to fix a hole in a you must use __________________ material.

8. A that had a hole closed up with gum is or ?

9. A that cracked in the middle into 2 pieces ,each 10 inches long is or ?

10. A with a hole that was fixed but now it sounds very different is or ?
E.C. Where do we say a word with the of in Davening ??? _________________________________
Small Hint: Its in and we say it every single day.

Use the words from MATCHING for the word search.

Holds Back


Closed it
Size of



The teaches us that in order to fulfill the of
the actual sound of the must be heard, not an
echo. In addition, the teaches us that need
. Therefore one must have to do the of
listening to the in order to be the .

Check off the

Read and Translate the
boxes when
completed Explain why the may have heard an echo and why one is not with this.
Explain what it means to be



The one who blows into a pit -

Or into a cistern* -
Or into a barrel -
If he heard the sound of the -
He fulfilled his obligation (( -
But if he heard the sound of the echo -
He has not fulfilled the -

There were many times in our history when doing were forbidden. Yidden would need to hide to
perform like . Often these hiding place had echoes that could interfere with the actual sounds.
Therefore our teaches us that one must concentrate to make sure that he is hearing the actual sound.
* a cistern is a pit raised above ground usually used to gather water

And so to someone who was passing -

Behind a Shul -

Or his house was close to a Shul -
And he heard the sound of a -
Or the sound of the -
If he has intention (to do the ), he fulfills the - ,
And if [he does] not (have intention), he does not fulfill the - ,
Even though this one heard and this one heard -
This one had intention (to do the , so he is ) -
And this one did not have intention (so he is not the ) -
:Once we have mentioned that a person must concentrate to make sure they are hearing the and not
an echo, the teaches us about other people that need to concentrate to make sure they fulfill their .
Really this can be translated as, if he concentrated his heart. In order to fulfill (be )any
one must have , the intent to do the . A done by mistake or without realizing what
one was doing is not a (complete) . Therefore if two people both happen to hear the or it is
possible that only one of them performed the even though they both heard the same thing! This is
because one had the intent to be and the other one didnt.



1. If someone hears the of the of a is he the _________________________ ?

2. In order to fulfill a you need to have ______________.
3. If two people both heard the same person reading is it possible for only one of them to do the _________?

4. How ? _________________________________________________________________________________
5. What does the mean when it says : a) a cute puppy b) one person c) 2 people

6. By which should a person have to do the ?

E.C. For discussion. If we cant be a by hearing the echo should we be allowed to be with a
microphone ??? Please DO NOT answer this question here !


1. _______ ____ ________ my favorite food is pizza, Ill still take ice cream.
2. Not only the boys that did their homework, but __________ the best behaved will be put ___________ the raffle.
3. My house is ___________ to the Shul so if you are __________ by it you went too far.
4. The ________ of all the talking was so loud that I could not be __________ ___________ during Davening.

1 Into

2 Intent

3 Sound
4 Close To

5 Echo

6 And So To

7 His Heart

8 Pass

9 Fulfilled the

10 Even though

11 Blows

12 Behind

The last taught us the doing requires . This
discuss the importance of having . The bring
two incidents from that show us how having
changes an action from something meaningless into something
The concludes with the that a , ,
cannot be others in . This is because of the rule

Read and Translate the

Check off the
boxes when Explain the story of the battle with
Explain the story the complainers and the snake
Explain the connection between these two stories and the previous
Why cant a perform for others
Explain the



The continues from the last regarding having . We bring a discussing the war with

And it was when lifted his hand -

And the - were stronger, - ) , ' (
And did the hands of make (win) the war -
Or break (lose) the war ? -
But rather (the )its coming to say to you -
The entire time -
That - were gazing -

upwards -
And subjecting their hearts (making their hearts servants) -

To their father in heaven -
They would be stronger -
And if not, they would fall -

After the Yidden came out of only one nation dared to attack them; . explain that the reason
was allowed to attack was because - weakened their . sent to fight against
while he went on top of a mountain to Daven. The tells us that when s hands were raised the
Yidden would be stronger. Our explains that obviously it was not s hands that caused the Yidden to
win over their enemies. Rather it was their to come closer in to that allowed them to win. From here
we see the importance of having .

A similar matter -
(You) it says (in the ) - ) , ( ,
Make for yourself a serpent (snake) - Many health organizations
and even use a snake
And place it on a pole - on a pole to symbolize a
And it will be everyone that was bitten - speedy .

And they will see it and they will live -

And does (looking at) a snake kill -
Or (looking at) a snake bring to life -

But rather -
At the time that - were gazing upwards -
And subjecting their hearts to their father in heaven -
They would be healed -
And if not, they would melt (die) -
After died the Yidden complained about the difficulty of traveling and about the . punished the
by sending serpents (snakes) to bite the Yidden. The Yidden quickly realized they had done an and ran to
. commanded to make a snake (which he made out of copper) and put it on a pole. Anyone bitten
that looked up at the snake would be healed. Explains the , it certainly wasnt the copper snake
determining if Yidden should live or die. Rather, it was their to do and serve .

The last part of the teaches us that even if someone has all of the right he can only fulfill the
if the person blowing for him was capable of blowing.

A deaf-mute person, a mentally incapable person, and a child - ,

Cannot [make] the-many to fulfill their obligation. -

The three people mentioned are all ( exempt) from doing any . They do not have the mental ability
to be responsible for their actions. As the will explain, the only way one Yid can perform a for
Yid is if the one doing the actual is to do it. Since the , , are not obligated to hear the
themselves they cannot do the of blow it for someone else, even if they can blow the perfectly.

- means someone who cannot speak or hear.

- means a mentally incapable person, someone who is /crazy
- means a child who is under

This is the rule -

Anyone who is not obligated in a matter -
He cannot [make] the many fulfill their obligations -



Use the NEW WORDS to answer the Questions and to fill in the crossword
1. When the Yidden were ____________________ upwards they would remember to come close to . 1. Down
2.. Obviously the hands of dont make (win) or _________________ the war. 2. Down
3. A _______________ is someone who may be an adult but is mentally not there. 2. Across
4. Anyone that was ___________ by a snake would look ____________ _____________at the copper pole. 3. and 4. Down
5. If anyone bitten wouldnt do full they would be _________________ 5. Down
6. Hashem commanded to make a ____________ 6. Across
7. A ________ is someone that cannot speak and talk. 7. Across
8. If I want to say something to you I would ____ ________ 8. Down
9. If you hear from someone who is not to do the you have not fulfilled _______________ ______ 9. Across
10. was _________ his hands to remind the Yidden to serve 10. Across

Hints and Rules for Crossword:

1.Only use regular letters, do not use endah letters ( )like ,,.
2.Do not leave any spaces between words !!!

4 3 2 1
And put it 1
This is the
2 6

Fall 3

Similarly 4 9

Be stronger 5

Healed 6

Time 7

Make serve 8

But rather 9



The teaches us that when came out on
we would not blow except in the .
After the was destroyed decreed
that the could still be blown on if it is done in front
of to remember what was done in the .
There is a if allowed anyplace where
there was an established to blow on or did he only
permit alone (the new place of the )to blow.

1. Read and translate the .

Check off the
boxes when 2. Explain what the is permitted .
3. Explain why originally forbade blowing on . Why was the different
4. What did come to permit.
5. Explain the regarding what came to permit.


Please make sure the definitions fit into the wording of this .


The of -

That came out to be on -

In the they would blow ( )-

But not in the (rest of the) country -
The gave - a to listen to the being blown on . Blowing on is not
a and
( according to the law of the )the should be blown on . However, the
were afraid that since blowing is a skill (a )that not everyone knows how to do, a person may
carry his in to go and learn how to blow it. This would be with the of -
carrying 4 in a on .
therefore made a ( decree) that should not be blown on ( ! The have the
authority to tell us not to perform a if it may cause us to violate other )!
However, when made decrees, they did not apply them to the ( -there are no
in the ) . This was because the and the were in the (
- The were very careful). They were very careful in all matters of and were expert blowers.
They would make sure that no one would do by carrying a .

Carrying the
There is a as to what and mean:
says: means only in the itself, while
means anyplace outside of the , even in .
says: means anyplace in , while means anyplace outside of .

From when the was destroyed -

decreed (established) -

That they would blow ) , even on )-

In every place that there in it a . (of 3) -

was amongst the very last of and was one of the most important links in our . He
lived during the times of the and also after the . He was the person who snuck out of a besieged
and asked Vespasian to save - and his family, , and the city of . By reestablished the to
, managed to save the of - . Originally there were numerous that were only done in
the . After the , instituted many to remember and practice these . This contains a
few of .
says -
did not decree (to blow even on )-
Except in alone -
They (the other )said to him -

Whether in -
And whether in any place that has a (permanent) ( of 23) -

There is a 3 way between the , and regarding where allowed to be
blown on outside of / .
-: it could be blown on anyplace that there is any ( even of 3).
- : it could only be blown on in front of the main / in .
-: allowed the to be blown on in or a similar place that had a permanent .



If false change one word

TRUE OR FALSE to make the statement
1. The
allowed us to blow in the . F
2. Blowing on is
3. The were afraid that someone may carry their .
4. Carrying a on is the of .
5. The decreed that we shouldnt blow on .
6. Everyone agrees that in the we blow on .
7. Everyone agrees that in we may blow on .
8. decreed that we may blow in the
9. According to the , , allowed us to blow in
anyplace that there is a Shul.
10. According to , allowed us to blow
only in front of the in .

Use the words from MATCHING to do the


In the country


When it was de-


That came out

To be


As we explained in the previous , in where there was the ( or in
the ) they would blow even on . After the was
destroyed decreed that any place that had a should also blow
on .

Our teaches us that there were differences between and . In

one was allowed to blow anywhere within the of the city.
However, in they could only blow in front of .

Read and translate the

Check off the
boxes when Explain (from last )why the was allowed to be blown on
Explain why was better than
Explain each of the four conditions that are required for a place on the outskirts of
to be allowed to blow on .
Why dont we blow on nowadays ? (from last )

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*


And also [like] this -

DID YOU KNOW...?There are a few reasons why a may be missing words () . One reason
is because had a special to help people learn and memorize them. The shorter and more precise,
the easier it is to remember it. The would sometimes leave out words and sometimes add words so that the
of the would work out better.
EXRA INFO: The seems to begin in middle of a sentence, and also ? The explains that the
is missing some words )( . Really the was supposed to say that: In the was
blown throughout the entire city when was there, but in they would only blow on in front of
. Then, our continues and says: And also like this was superior to .
Was superior than : -

That every city -
That could see and (also) hear -
And (also) is close and is able to come -
They blow -

And in they would not blow -
Except in alone -

EXTRA INFO: (In we mentioned that the says that means anywhere in . This
seems to follow his opinion. who says means only in the in front of explains that our
which allows one to blow outside of on is referring the time period right before the destruction of the
2nd when the moved from inside the to outside, into the city of )

WAS SUPERIOR TO . In the was only blown in front of . In the

was blown throughout the entire city. In addition, the areas surrounding were also considered to be part of
the city in regards to blowing on provided that they meet ALL of the following conditions:
- It could see . If it was high on a mountain they were more likely to see
than if they were in a valley.
- They also needed to be within hearing distance of to be allowed to blow on
- And it is close. It is within the 2000 of the .
- And it is possible to come. There is nothing in the way that makes it impossible
to come like a river



1. In the did they blow on _________________ ?

2. Did they blow on in _____________________ ?
3. How many conditions needed to be met to allow someone to blow on in an area outside of ____ ?

4. List those conditions: ______________________________________________

5. Where else were they allowed to blow on ___________________________ ?
6.What was special about this place?_____________________________________
7. How close must a city be to to be considered _________________?

E.C. What do you think: If an area fulfills all of the conditions to be considered part of , except
that an army is surrounding the area so that it is impossible to come. Can the people of this area blow on ?

Use words FROM THE to solve the scrambled words.

More 1

Alone 2

Also 3

Close 4

Come 5

Hear 6

See 7

Able 8

The teaches us two more of . He
made these in order for - to remember what
happened during the times of the .
The first was that everyone should take (shake) a for
all 7 days of . Not just the 1st day.
The second was that new grain ( ) would be
(forbidden) to eat on the day that the was brought.

1.Read the pausing in the appropriate places.

Check off the
boxes when
2. Translate every word correctly.

3. Explain the of how many days the was taken

during the times of the both in the and everywhere else.

4. Explain the of :
List the time that new grain was permitted (a) during the ( b) after the
was destroyed (c) after the of



In the beginning (when the stood) -

The was taken -

In the ( for all) seven days -
And in the (rest of the) country (only) one (the 1st) day -
From when the was destroyed -
decreed (established) -
That the should be taken -
In the rest of the country all seven days, -
To remember the -
It says in the :

) ,(
This teaches us that ( according to the )there was a difference between the first day and all the rest of
the days regarding the of / .
- teaches us that every Yid had the on the first day of , even though is 7
days long.

- teaches us that in front of the the there was a to take
all 7 days.
After the was destroyed decreed that the / should be taken by all of -
for all 7 days. This would remind us of how the was done when the stood .
NOWADAYS we take for all 7 days of ( except ). On the 1st day we are doing a . On
the rest of the days we are only doing a , listening to s . Since the is only on the last 6
days of , the requirements of and dont apply.

And (he also declared) the entire day of waving (the ) should be -
Forbidden (to eat from the -new grain) -

It says in the :
) ,(

And you should wave the before on the day after the rest (the day after the 1st day of (.
And you may not eat any bread or roasted or ripe grain until the daytime, until you bring the korban of .
There is a to bring a from an amount of barely on the 2nd day of ) (
The was brought by waving it in all 4 directions. That is why is called - the day of waving. Part
of the was offered on the and the rest was eaten by the .
Until the was brought any - new grain that grew within the past year, is to eat.
There seems to be a contradiction in the . First it says we may eat the new grain once it becomes daytime. Then it
says we must wait until the is brought. Which one is it? The answer is, that when the stood, we
must wait for the to be brought. After the was destroyed, was allowed to be eaten as soon as
the sun rises.
In truth, nowadays people would not begin eating until the 3rd of . This is because decreed that
once the is rebuilt a person might begin eating as soon as it is daytime on the 2nd day of like he has
done every year. However now that the is rebuilt, it is to eat until the is brought. He
therefore decreed that the entire 2nd day of is to eat any .



1. Where is there a to shake a for all 7 days of ?

2. When we shake on the 1st day of are we doing a or ?

3. Which type of are we doing when we shake a on the 2nd day of ?

4. decreed that ..................... 5. we take the for all 7 days as a

............................. ......................
6. What special is brought on the 2nd day of _____________________________ ?
7. What was it made out of ? ________________ 8. It allows us to eat ________. (new grain)
9. When the stood we were allowed to eat new grain as soon as the was
brought. After the was destroyed , new grain can be eaten as soon as it is:

10. This teaches us that everyone has a to

___________________________ on the 1st day of .
Circle the word/s in this that tells us that in the
they took a all 7 days.

Insert the words of the to complete the sentences.

I flew on a plane to the __________ of -
1 Waving
I saw that parts of Ashdod had been ___________ .
2 Country
I Davened that ____________ .
3 Destroyed
I hoped they would __________ new laws to protect
4 It should be Yidden. I saw how they left a bombed out tank as a
5 Taken _______ to the war. As I was leaving __________(1st)

6 First I went to the Kosel to Daven. When my taxi was about

7 Remembrance to _________ me to the airport I ____________

8 Decreed goodbye to all the people I had met.


The tells us about a made because of an incident that happened.
One time came late to testify. This caused a mistake in the . The
therefore decreed to only accept s testimony early, before . If
the came after that time both days would be considered .
After the was destroyed and there was no longer any ,
decreed that could again be accepted the entire day.
also decreed that the could be the new month even
without the present.

1.Read the pausing in the appropriate places.

Check off the
boxes when 2. Translate every word correctly.
3. Describe . Include: What day the would testify, when would be.

4. Explain why the didnt say the ( What is the ) .

5. What did the do to make sure this would never happen again?
6. Explain the 2 of .

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*

* *

* *

* *

In the beginning -
They would accept testimony of the new month -
The entire day (of the 30th) -
One time (on the 30th day of ) -
The witnesses were delayed from coming -
And the made a mistake in the Song )( -
They (the )decreed -
That they ( ) would not accept () -
Except until the (time for the) -
And if came -
From (past) time and (above) beyond -
They (practiced) treated that day as -
And the next day -
would come to testify about the new moon on the 30th day of the month.
If their was accepted then that day would become .
That day would be of the new month. This is called a . A month with only 1 day of .
There would not be 2 days of .
If there was no accepted about the new moon the 30th day would remain of the old month.
Both that day and the next day would be . This is called a with 2 days of .
The 31st day is of the new month.
Everyday the would the while bringing the .
On and other they would sing special songs.
On the 30th day, during the the would sing regular ( weekday) songs since hadnt
come yet.
For the the would almost sing the special since by that time almost always had
come already.
The is also called the .

Originally would accept for the entire 30th day. Even if it was right before ( sunset) and the day was
practically over. Since was never sure if would come they would always treat the 30th day as .
The month of was nearly always on the 30th day from . Therefore the would always assume that
the day was . The would treat the day as if it was really and would even blow . At the time of the
the would almost always sing the special for .
One year the were not accepted until after the had already been brought. Now the did not
know which to sing. As a result they ended up not singing at all ! (The brings another opinion that says they
sang for instead of which was wrong.) As a result the were that after time (the time for the
) they would no longer accept .

From when the was destroyed -

decreed (established) -
That they would accept on the new month -
The entire day -
After the was destroyed there was no longer a fear that the could confuse the .
decreed that we could therefore accept the entire day.

EXTRA INFO: Why was it necessary for to make a about this ? Why shouldnt they
accept the entire day ? The explains that really couldnt just nullify a previous
s . The therefore teaches us two things. One was that only stopped the
original while the is still -destroyed. However when the is rebuilt the
original would go back into effect. Also, that even when would accept after
he would still make both days . In this way he was not really nullifying the original decree.

said -
And also this decreed -
That even if the head of is in any (other) place *** -
(So) that the should not go -
Except to the place of the assembly (gathering, of ) -
In we learnt that the would say to announce ( We learn it
from a ). After the destruction of the second the Yidden were constantly persecuted. The
Roman government would often try to capture the . Very often the would need to flee.
was afraid that it would be to troublesome (and dangerous) to make the wait or go find the .
He therefore decreed that the should go to and they would be the without .

Questions Please keep in mind, we will be learning many of the details of

this in great depth in the 1st two
Answer the following questions using numbers:
1. On which day of the month would come? ______
2. If their testimony was accepted what day would it be? ______
3. If there was no how many days of would there be? ______
4. What is the maximum amount of days a Jewish month can have? ______
5. What is the minimum amount of witnesses needed to testify? ______
6. How many of are mentioned in our ______ ?
7. In one week, how many days did the sing the _______ ?
8. After the decree of the , for how many hours after would they accept ___ ?


This teaches us about the special of . This
had 9 in it. Like every the first 3 and last 3 are
(basically) the same. However, this had special for with
describing , , and .
During this they would blow after saying each of the middle
3 ( 4,5,6).
There is a between and regarding the proper
placement of . says it is said together with the third .
says it is said together with the fourth .

Check off the

1 Read and translate the . Pause in the right places.
boxes when
completed 2 Explain what this is. What do we do special during this ?
3 What is ?
4 Explain the 9 of this .
5. Explain the between and

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*

* 1st of * , ,
* *
* *

* *
* * that describe ' as King over the world
* 5th of " *
* *
* *
* *
* *


The order of the ( of of ) -
(First) he says ( the 1st ) -
And ( the 2nd ) -
And ( the 3rd ) -
And he includes (the of) with them (with the 3rd ) -
And he does not blow (, with ) -
(He says the 4th of) - ... -
And he blows -
(He says the of) and he blows (the 5th ) - ,
(He says the of) and he blows (the 6th ) - ,
And he says ( the 7th ) -
And ( the 8th ) -
And ( the 9th - which begins with ) -
These are the words of -
On for we say a special . This contains 9 .
The is blown during the middle 3 ( 4,5, & 6) which are special for .
(EXTRA INFO: The real name for is actually - the standing . Sometimes it is simply referred
to as . The term comes from the original creation of this which had 18 . As early as the
beginning of the 2nd a 19th (( was added. On & there are less than 19 .
Nowadays when we say we are referring to any silent standing ) , or
Every has a minimum of 7 . The first 3 and last 3 are basically the same in every
. While the middle ( the 4th) mentions the of the day.
says that of are said in the 3rd together with . This is because both
and discuss being the King. holds that once we begin discussing s Kingship
we should finish even though will not be blown.

We add and of & , , to find favor in the eyes of on the . We learn to do this
from :
), (

From the word we learn to add and from we learn to add . we learn from another


( ,(
The words
are extra. From here we see that when we have and we also must have

(EXTRA INFO: Why cant we just blow in the 3rd 5th and 6th according to ? holds
that we shouldnt separate the 3 in which we blow . He therefore says we do not blow while saying in
the 3rd . Instead we say in the 4th, blow , and then blow again in the 5th and 6th .)


said to him (to )

If he is not blowing for (the of) -

Why is he mentioning (them)? -
But rather he says , , and -
And he includes with and he blows -
(He says the of) and he blows - ,
(He says the of) and he blows - ,
Everyone says that is blown in the 4th, 5th, and 6th . This is because these are special for
According to : is said with in the 3rd . We then say the 4th of
and then blow .
has a with : He argues that it isnt right to say without blowing !
The reasons we are mentioning is to find favor in the eyes of and because we are saying &
. Why should we bother to say without blowing ?
Therefore, says that we say together with in the 4th and then blow .
The is like .

(EXTRA INFO: said we say together with since they both discuss the same topic.
agrees and says we should say a few of with in the 3rd . However full goes together
with in the 4th .)

Use the chart ! Questions

1. How many are in a regular weekday _____ ?
2. In a regular ____ ?
3. How many are there in ___ ?
4. What is the name of the 4th __________________________________ ?
5. Which do we always blow in ? ________________________________
6. What does the / of refer to ? ___________________________________________
7. With which does does hold we say with ? __________________________
Why ? __________________________________________________________________________
8. Why does argue ? because the reason we say is so we_____________________________
9. What are we asking for in the of _________ ?
10. Which are basically the same in every single ____________________________ ?




-s mighty
deeds 2

Holiness of the
to name of

Holiness of
to -


Blowing 6

* In
accepting our
say: / 7

Thanking 8

* * Some say for of

* *

This teaches us the details of & , ,. They are groups of 10
that describe each of these subjects.
The says that 10 should be said on each subject. 3 should
come from each part of . The last comes from . This results in a total of
30 .
agrees that 10 should be said. However, he holds that if only 3
were said about each topic (for a total of 9) one is ( fulfills his obligation).
The teaches us that we do not say that mention punishments.

1 Read and translate the . Pause in the right places.

Check off the
boxes when 2 Explain what & are.
3 Explain how many are supposed to be said according to the .
4 Explain what adds to the .
5 Describe the order of the for &
EC What does add to the ?

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*

* *


In of we say 3 special . These are the main concepts of . They

are the middle ( 4,5, & 6) of the . Each one begins with a paragraph to introduce the
idea. They then consist of 10 that describe them:
- is about being the King of the world.
- is about how recalls all of our actions and judges us on .
- is about the sound of the and how listens to it.
We do not [say] less -
Than 10 of -
Than 10 of -
Than 10 of -
says -
If he said 3 each from all of them -
He has fulfilled his obligation -
We do not mention -
of & , , of punishment. -
We begin with from -
And we complete with from -
says -
If he completed with a from -
He has fulfilled his obligation -
Number of :
The says that we must say 10 for each of the of & , , .
agrees that we should say 10 . However if only 3 for each of &
, were said then one can be the . This is true only if there was at least one
from each of , ,. The is like .

- is ultimately the , the day judges us. We
therefore only want to mention of so as not to arouse the against us.
Order of the :

- We begin each of the 3 with from the . We then say 3 from
. - The last 3 are from . The middle 3 of come before those
from because they are from . These were written by , before the from
were written.

- The final 10th comes from . The explains that means to
say, we should conclude with a from BUT if someone mistakenly finished with its okay.

Why do we say 10 with 3 from each part of ?

Here are a few answers:
1. To recall the which appeared with the sound of a .
2. The last - which says also says the word 10 times.
3. created the world on using 10 .
4. 3 types of for 3 types of Yidden: & ,

PLEASE EXPLAIN (In your own words)

1. What is about ?

2. What is about ?

3. What is about ?

4. Why do we say all these ?

5. Should we mention what happened with the ( spies) ?

Why ?
6. If someone said only 3 , all from the for has he fulfilled his obligation ?

Why ?

7. How many are we supposed to say total ?

8. What is ?

This teaches us that even though we always try to do as
early as possible. The blowing of the is delayed until .

1. Read and translate the , pausing in the right places.

Check off the
boxes when 2. Explain the reason we should blow in the morning. Why do we blow at ?
3. Explain what & are referring to.
4. Explain the concept of
5. Explain the concept of

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*

* *

* *
* *

* *


The one who passes (the ) -

Before the (box) -
On the of -
The second [( ]of ) -
Blows -
And at times of -
The first [ ]of -
Reads the -

The teaches us that the of is delayed until . However other ( like (are
done right away.

Background: Normally there is a rule when it comes to doing :

People that are careful about do them as early as possible. Therefore, we should really blow as early
as possible in the morning. Certainly we should blow at and not wait until ?!
The gives 2 reasons why we were to blow during . There were times when there were
decrees against blowing ( and doing many other ). The would send spies to see if the Yidden
would blow on . After they would leave. They therefore decreed to blow during .
And that continued on.
Another similar reason is from a story that happened. The Romans were looking to find an excuse to harm the
Yidden. When they heard the sound of the early in the morning they claimed the Yidden were rebelling.
Normally, armies begin an attack at the crack of dawn. The Romans came and massacred the Yidden. To make
sure such confusion would never happen again decreed that we only blow later on in the day.

On days that there is we may think that we should delay until . This would allow more people to
arrive. We may think that it is preferable for more people to be there because of the rule of
. Therefore the teaches us that doing it right-away is more important.

- And on all other

when we say . On the of we do
NOT say !The explains it is not right to
sing to while he is judging us.


1. The who Davens ____________________ is called the .

2. The who Davens ____________________ is called the .
3. Why dont we say on ?
4. There is a rule called ......................................

5. Because of this rule we should really blow the at .....................................?

6. Why is the blown by ?

7. Why is said at ?
8. / means:
9.Explain what means:
it glorifies the king (to perform his )
10. Is it better to do a right away or should we wait until there is a lot of people ?
(Prove your answer from the )

Match the words with their

regular meanings and with
their meaning in our
Use the numbers!

The box 1 for

To read 2 The
The first 3 Who goes up to Daven

The one who passes 4 for

The second 5 In front of
And at the time 6 Says
In front of 7

Give an example of _____________________________________________

Give an example of ______________________________________________

The teaches us that even though the of is ( from the
)we may not violate any to blow it. We may not even violate an
to do the of .
The also teaches that if the sound of the isnt clear we may wash it out.
This will improve the sound.
The final section of the teaches us that in order to fulfill the the person
blowing must intend to do the . If he was practicing or teaching others, the
was not done.

Read and translate every word in the .

Check off the
boxes when Explain the 2 categories of .
Explain why the made a .
Explain how one may clean out their
Explain what a is and what the is regarding hearing the blowing of one

KEY WORDS Part I or Refers to.*


The of -
We do not pass over the boundary for it -

And we do not open-up the pile (of rubble) for it -

We do not go up in a tree -
And we do not ride on top of an animal -
And we do not swim on the face of (on top of) the water -
And we do not cut it -
Either with something which is -
(forbidden) because of an ( Like using a knife) -
Or whether with something -
That is because of a (violation of a) from the ( Like using a saw) -
- to rest . There are many actions which are really permitted on . However, the were afraid
that if we do them it may lead to . They therefore decreed that these actions are to do.
These are called .

The lists a 6 actions that are because the are afraid that if we do them it may lead
to : (Some may also violate an )
Action Reason
Going beyond 2,000 from city to hear
A person will do his traveling on
or get a
2 Uncovering buried Stones are
3 Climbing a tree to get May break a branch
4 Riding an animal to bring or hear May break a branch
Swimming across water to bring or
5 May build a flotation device (raft)
Cutting the , with a knife to make it May cut the with a saw (which is
usable )

, ,
- Cutting a is the of ,
shearing. Like all it is only if it was done normally. If it was done with a
(abnormally) it is . Using a saw is normal for cutting a horn so it is . Using a knife
is .
IMPORTANT INFO: (A) When it comes to doing we have a rule: - doing a
pushes away a . Why then does an not allow us to blow ? The explains
that regarding there is both a and to not do a . Therefore, the rule of
does not apply.
(B) The 6 actions in our are . We may have thought that blowing is a and is
more important. The therefore teaches us that when the said something is a it is as if it
was from the . The made their decrees this way to protect and safeguard the .

KEY WORDS Part II or Refers to.*

But if he wants -
To put into it (the ) -
Water or wine -
He [may] put it. -
It is to improve the sound of the by washing it out with wine or water. Even though it seems like
you are fixing a musical instrument () . It is just improving and not fixing the .
We do not hold back the children -
From blowing -
But we may be involved with them -
Until they learn -
And one who was involved (in blowing - not for the ( -
Has not fulfilled his obligation -
And one who hears from someone involved in blowing (not for the ) -
Has not fulfilled his obligation -
- The explains that we do not hold back children from blowing EVEN on
of ! Since there is a of , children NEED to practice blowing. However on we do
not help them, we just dont hold them back.
- BUT, on a regular weekday we are involved in teaching them how to blow.
-The word means to be involved with something. Someone who is blowing the to
learn or practice how to do it is NOT doing the . This person is being with blowing . He has
no ( intent) to actually do the . Therefore a is not . Since the himself is not ,
one who hears from him also cannot be the . This is true even if the listener has and wants
to fulfill the . This is because a person can only be the through someone who is doing an actual
EXTRA INFO: In the word refers to someone who is so involved in doing something that they
accidentally do a . For example, someone was carrying a heavy box and bumped into a light switch. In this case the
is from even bringing a ( unlike a , someone who did a


1. Decrees that the made to safeguard are called a _____________________.

2. The decrees that the made may prevent us from doing a __ __ __ .

3. The did this to make sure we dont come to violate other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

4. How many different examples of are mentioned in our ___ ?

5. Why arent we allowed to swim to get a ?

6. When we say the rule of : , we are referring to 2 different types of:

Part 2
1. If someones isnt sounding okay, how MAY he fix it on ___________________?

2. Is a child allowed to blow on __________ ?

3. If an adult hears the of a child can he be the ________ ?
4. Someone who is involved in what he is doing is called a __ __ __ __ __
5. If someone HEARS from someone who is blowing without to do the , is he
________ ?
6. Does the one who blew himself fulfill his _________ ?
7. Prove your answer from 3 words in the : __________ _______ ______________
8. E.C. What MUST we say every day in Davening which means to be involved in ? ______

17 of the Key-

Words are in

(except for

). Can you

find them???

This teaches us the of the . How many are blown and
how long each is. If someone doesnt pause in between a vey long
it only counts as one.
The also teaches us what must be done if someone only got a after
The brings a regarding if one can be his obligation of
by hearing through the and not Davening himself. The
says he can only be if he does not know how to Daven.
- says he can be even if he knows how to Daven.

Read and Translate every word correctly.

Check off the
boxes when Explain the phrase "
Explain the different ( lengths) of the sounds in our
Describe how a person may unsuccessfully try to make two
Explain what one should do if he only got a after he already Davened.

Explain the regarding who is in

KEY WORDS or Refers to.*

* *

* *

* *

* *


The order of the blowing (of ) -

Three sets (of blowing) -
That are of 3 [sounds] each ( , ,) -
In we learnt that since the says the word 3 times in the of and
we need to blow 3 . Since it says the words and ( to blow) before and after the word
we learn that we need a before and after each . This adds up to three sets with three sounds in
each set. One set is blown for each of & ,.

The only tells us to blow a . As we explained, we learnt from that each has a
before and after. The now discusses how long is a .

The length (of time) of a -

Is like 3 -
The size of a -
Is like 3 ( Sobbing sounds-( -
The changes the ( to answer a contradiction) and adds in the following word:

Meaning, 3 = 3 so 1 = 1 .
Now that we know that 1 = 1 , How long is a ?The teaches us that a is
3 / 3 short sounds. There is a as to what a sound is like. One opinion is that it is 3 short
sobbing sounds [which we call a ]. Another opinion is that each is a combination of 3 very short
whimpering sounds. Accordingly, each would be 9 .

- -
Some say
3 medium
are a

Some say
9 short

are a

Nowadays, since we are unsure what sound a makes we do all possible combinations.
) (", -, ) (", , ) (",,

If he blew the first [] -

And he pulled (lengthened) the second ( )like two () -
so it should also count as the first sound of the second set
He does not have [in his hand] only one () -
A must have a beginning and end. Therefore, even if someone blew a twice as long as the , it
still only counts as one.

One who said the ( of ) -

And afterwards a was appointed to him -
He blows a & , , three times. -

What happens if the ( community) Davened and they did not have a ? Since
was established to be blown with & , , does the ) (need to repeat ? The
teaches us that is really a separate . Therefore they just need to blow the regular , ,
like we explained un the beginning of the .

Just like the is obligated (to Daven for himself) -

So too, each and every individual is obligated (to Daven himself). -
- says -
The can make the many fulfill -
Their obligation -
This last of the really applies all year. Why do we have ? Can someone just fulfill his
obligation of saying ( asking for and his needs) by just listening to ?

Only someone who does not
Who is with ? Anyone
know how to Daven.
To be those that dont
Why do we do ? To be everyone.
know how to Daven.
Why do we first Daven quietly ? To be . To prepare for .

The is like the all year round by a regular . It is like -

on when it is an unfamiliar difficult .
EXTRA INFO: The reason the can be someone else with his is because of the rule
- , every Yid is responsible for one another. Nevertheless, the holds that each
person should Daven for themselves. This way they can ask for their individual needs. Therefore;
just like the must Daven for himself and no one Davens for him. So too every individual, they
should Daven for themselves. - holds that since the is there to be those that dont know how
to Daven, he can also be someone who does know how to Daven (a ).


1. When the tells us to blow what word does it say? _____________________

2. We accompany each sound with ______ , one before and one after it.

3. How many sounds are there in each set according to our ______ ?

4. How many sets are we supposed to blow? _____

5. We blow a set for each of _______________ _________________ ________________

6. The of the sound of a is like ________ ______________________

7. How long is the sound of a ? like _______ ___________________

8. What are 2 ways to describe what a sounds like? _____________ ______________

9. How may someone try to get 2 out of 1 blow ? ______________________________


10. Does this work ? ______________

11. If someone already Davened without hearing how many sounds should he blow ?

12. If someone KNOWS how to Daven is he allowed to be with the _____________ ?

E.C. What is a different way to explain what a is ? (From _____________ )


1 13.Complet
2 Appointed to him e the Chart

3 He doesnt have
4 Just like Who is

with Anyone
5 2 Blows ?
6 Davened
7 2nd
Why do we
8 Sobbing
9 Length of ?
10 Pulled

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