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STATE OF MARYLAND OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR: ‘Monday, September 11,2017 ‘The Honorable Terry McAuliffe Governor of Virginia 1111 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 29219 ‘The Honorable Muriel Bowser Mayor of the Dist of Columbia 1350 Penn Ave NW /ashington, DC 20008 Re: Washington Metropolitan Ares Transit Authosity (WMATA) Dear Governor MeAul and Mayor Bowser, Following the mos recent proposals at our regional meeting on August 28,1 wanted io fllow up with ‘you nan effor to continue ant further ou discussions regarding the future of Meta ‘As Ihave stated repeatedly, both pully and in ou private dlieatons, 1 fully support Metro and ecogniae its ole asa vital economic drive for Maryland and ou epioa. Despite it long-standing Financial mismanagement and safety and liability isues, Met nonetheless continues o play an incredibly mporant and vital role inthe region. (Our administration has consistently supported Meta though svstantil investments to both its apt and operating budgets. Over the past thee budgets, our adminisration has increased Maryland's

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