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United Nations S!


(.~ Security Coun cil Provis ional

~ dJ?
a 10 Septembe r 2017

Origi nal: English

The Security Co uncil,

Recalling its prev ious rele vant resolutions, including resolution 825 ( 1993).
reso lution 1695 (2006). resolution 1718 (2006). resolution 1874 (2009), reso lution
1887 (2009), resolution 2087 (2013), resolution 2094 (2013), resolution 2270
(2016 ). resolution 232 1 (20 16), reso lution 2356 (20 17), resolution 237 1 (2017) as
well as the statements of its Pres ident of 6 October 2006 (S/PRST/2006/4 J), 13 April
2009 (S/PRST/2009/7), 16 ApriI 20 12 (S/PRST/20 J 2113), and 29 Auz ust 20 17
(S/PRSTi20 J 7/1 6)
Reaffirming that proliferation of nuclear, chemica l and biological weapons, a
well as their means of delivery, cons titutes a threat to internalional pence and
secur ity,
Express ing its gra vest concern at the nuclear rest by the Democratic People's
Republic o f Korea ("t he DPRK") on Septem ber 2, 20 17 in vio lation of resolutions
1718 (2006). 187 4 (2009), 2087 (20 1), 2094 (2 0 13).22 70 (20 16), 232 1 (20 16),
2356 (20 17), and 23 71 (20 17) and at the challenge such a test constitutes to the
Treaty on Non-Pro liferatio n or Nuclear Weapons ("t he NPT") and to international
efforts aimed at strengthen ing the global regime of non-proliferat ion of nuclear
weapons, and the danger it poses to peace and stability in the region and beyond,
Underlining once aga in the importance that the DPRK respond to other
security and humanitarian concerns of the international com munity and expressing
great concern that the DPRK continues to devel op nuclear weapons and ballistic
missi les by diverting crit ically needed resour ces away from the people in the DPRK
who have great unmet needs,
Expressing its gravest concern that the DPRK's ongoi ng nuclear- and ballistic
missile-related ac tivities have des tabilized the region and beyond, end determin ing
that there continues to exis t a clear threat to international peace and sec urity,
Undersco ring its concern that developme nts on the Korean Peninsula could
have dangerous, large-scale regional security implications,
Undersco ring its commitment to the so vereign ty, territor ial integrity, and
political independence of all States in accordan ce with the Charter, and reca lli ng the
purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,
Expressing also its des ire for a peaceful and diplomat ic solution to the
situation, and relte rating its welcoming of efforts by Council members as well as

17-15526 (E)

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other Member States to faci litate a peaceful and comp rehensive so lution through
Underlin ing the need to ens ure international peace and sec urity, and ensu re
lasting stability in north-cas t As ia at large and to resolve the situat ion thro ugh
peaceful, diploma tic and politica l means,
Acting unde r Chap ter VII of the Charte r o f the United Na tions, and taking
measures unde r its Article 4 1,
I. Condemns in the strongest ter ms the nucle ar test co nducted by the DPRK
n Septem ber 2 of 20 17 in vio lation and fl agrant disregard of the Secu rity Cou nci l's
reso lutions ;
2. Reaffirms its decis ions that ti l e' DPRK sha ll not conduc t any further
launches that use ballistic miss ile technology, nuclear tests. or any othe r
provoca tion ; sha ll Immediately suspend all activities related to its ba llis tic missi le
program and in this con text rc-cstabl ish its pre-existing cornrn it rnents to a
morator ium on all missile launches; shall immediately aban don all nuclear weapons
and exist ing nuclear programs in a co mplete. ver ifia ble and irreve rsib le manne r, and
immed iate ly cease all rela ted activities; and shall abandon any other ex ist ing
weapons of mass dest ruction and ballist ic missi le prog rams in a com plete, verifi able
and irre vers ible manner:

J. Decides that the measures sped fied in paragrap h 8 (cl ) of reso lution 171 8
(2006) shal l ap ply a lso to the ind ividual and en tities liste d in Annex T and 11 of this
resolution and to any ind ividua ls or ent ities acting on thei r behalf or at the ir
direct ion. and to en tities owned or control led by them, inclu ding through illicit
means, and decides furth er that the meas ures spec ified in paragraph 8 (e) of
resolution 17 18 (2006) shall also apply to the individual listed in Annex I of thi s
resolution and to individuals actin g on their beha lf or at their di rect ion;
4. Decides to adjust the measures imposed by paragra ph 8 of resolution
!i l l:; (2006) through the designation of add itional WMD-I'e llltcd dual-use items ,
materials. equipment, goo ds, and technology, directs the Committee 10 under take its
tasks to this e ffect and to report to the Sec urity Co uncil within fiftee n days of
adoption of th is resolution. and further decides that, if the Commi ttee has not acted,
then the Security Counci l will com plete action to adjust thc measures within seven
days of receiving that report, and directs the Commi ttee to regu larly update this lis t
every twelve months;
5. Decides to adjust the measur es imposed by paragraph 8 (a), 8 ( b) and
8 (c) of reso lutio n 1718 (1006) through the designatio n o f add itiona l co nven tio nal
arms -related items , materials, equi pmen t, goods. and technology, directs the
'ommiuee to undertake its tasks to this effect and to report to the Sec urity Co unc il
within fi fteen days of adoption of th is reso lution, and furt her decides that, if the
Committee has not acted. then the Secu rity Co uncil will complete act ion to adj ust
the measures within seven days o f receiving that report, and direc ts the Comm itte e
to regularly update this list every twclvc mon ths;
6. Decides to ap ply the meas ures imposed by paragrap h 6 of reso lution
2371 (2016 ) on vess els tra nsp ort ing proh ibited items fro m the DPRK. directs the
Committee to designate these vesse ls and to report to the Secu rity Council within
fiftee n days of adoption of this reso lution,ftlrtlter decides that, if the Corn rnittee h
not acted, then the Secu rity Coun c il wi ll com plete ac tion to adj ust the measures
within seven days of rece iving that report , and directs the Committee to regularly
update this list when it is infor med of additional violations;

- -- ---- - - - - - -
Marit ime I n t e r d ic ti o n of C a r go Vess els
7. Calls upon all Member States to inspect vesse ls with the consen t of the
flag Slate , on the high seas , if they have information that provides reasonable
grounds to believe that the cargo of suc h vessels conta ins items the supply. sale,
transfer or export of which is pro hibited by reso luti ons 17 18 (2006), 1874 (2009),
20 87 (2 0 13), 2094 (2013),2270 (20 16), 232 1 (2016), 2356 (20 17). 237 1 (20 17) or
this reso lution, for the purpose of ensuri ng strict impleme ntation of those
8. Coils upon all States to cooperate with inspections pursuant to paragraph 7
above, and. if the n ag Stale does not consent 10 inspection on the high seas, decides
that the flag State shall direct the vesscl to proceed to an app ropriate and convenien t
port for the required inspect ion by the local authorities pursuant to paragraph 18 of
resolution 2270 (20 16), and decides further that. if a na g State neither consents to
inspect ion on the high seas nor directs the vesse l to proceed 10 an appropriate and
convenie nt port for the requ ired inspection. or i f the vesse l refuses to co mpl y with
flag State d irection to permit inspection on the high seas or 10 proceed to such a
port, then the Comm ittee shall consider designating th e "e sse I for the measures
imposed in paragrap h 8 (d) of resolution 17 18 (2006) and paragraph 12 of resolution
232 1 (20 16) and the flag State sha ll immediately dercgistcr that vessel provided that
such designation has been made by the Committee ;
9. Requires any Member State. when it does no t receive' th e cooperation of
a flag State of II vesse l pursuant to paragraph 8 above , to submit promptly to the
Committee a report conta ining relevant d et ai ls regarding the incident. the vessel and
the flag Slate. and requests the Committee to release on a regular basis infor mation
regard ing these vessels and flag States involved;
10 . Affirms that paragraph 7 co nte mp la tes o nl y inspections carried out by
warships and other ships or aircraft clearly marked and identifiable as being on
govern ment serv ice and authorized to that effect, and underscores that it does not
app ly with respect to inspection o f vessels entitled 10 sovereign immunity under
intern at ional la w ;
11. Decides that al l Member States sha ll prohibit their nationals, persons
ubjcct to their j urisdiction, enti ties incorporated in the ir territory or subject to th eir
j urisdiction. and vessels flyi ng thei r flag, fro m facilltatlng or engaging in ship-to
hip tra nsfe rs to or fro m DPRK-llagged vessels of any goods or items that are being
supplied, sold, or trans ferred 10 or from the DPRK;
12_ Affirms that paragraphs 7. 8 and 9 app ly on ly with respect to the s ituation
in the DPRK and shall not affect the rights, obl igations. or responsibilities of
Member States unde r international law, including any rights or obligations under the
United Nat ions Conve ntion on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982, with
respect to any other s ituation and underscores in particu lar that this resolution shall
not be consi dered as establishing customary internat ional Jaw;

S ec t n r a l
13. Decides that all Member States shal l prohibit the direct or indirect
supply, sale or transfer to the DPRK. through their terr itories or by thei r nationals ,
or us ing their flag vesse ls or aircraft, and whether or not originating in their
territories, of all condensates and natural gas liquids. and decides that the DPRK
sha ll not pro c ure such materials;
14. Decides that all Member States shall prohibit the direct or indirect

upply, sale or transfer to the DPRK, through their territories or by their nat ion a ls,

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or using their nag vessels or aircraft , and whether or not or iginating in their
territo ries, of all refined petrole um products, decides that the DPRK sha ll not
procure such products, decides that this provision sha ll not apply with respect to
procurement by the DPRK or the direct or indirect supply, sa le or transfer to the
DPRK, through thei r terr itor ies or by thei r nationals, or using their flag vesse ls or
aircraft, and whether or not or iginat ing in thei r territories. of refine d petroleum
produc ts in the amount of up to 500,000 barre ls during an initial per iod of three
months beginning on I Octo ber 20 17 nnd ending on 3 1 December 20 17. and refined
petroleum products in the amoun t or up to 2,000,000 barrel s per year during a
period of twelve months beginning on I January 2018 and annua lly thereafter.
provided that (a) the Member State notifies the Committee every thirty days of the
amount of such sup ply, sale , or transfer to the DPRK of reli ned petrole um product
along with information abou t all the parties to the transaction, (b) the su pply, sale,
or transfer of refined petroleum products involve no individuals or entities that are
associate d with the DPRK's nuclear or ballistic missile programmes or other
activities proh ibited by reso lutions 1718 (2006), 1874 (2009). 2087 (20 J 3), 2094
(20 13 ), 2270 (20 16), 232 I (2016 ). 2356 (20 17), 237 1 (2017) or this reso lution,
including des ignated individuals or entities, or individuals or entities acting on their
iehalf or at their direction, or entit ies owned 01' controlled by them, directly or
indirectl y, or indi viduals or enti ties assis ting in the evasion of sanction s. and (c) the
supply, sa le, or transfer of refined petroleum products are exc lusively for livelihood
purposes of DPRK nationals and unrelated to generating revenue for the OPRK's
nuclear or ballistic missile progra mmes or other ac tivities prohi bited by resolutions
17 J 8 (2006 ), J 874 (2009), 2087 (20 13). 2094 (20 IJ), 2270 (20 16), 232 1 (20 J 6),
2356 (2017), 2371 (2017) or this reso lution. directs the Committee Secre tary to
notify all Member States when an aggre gate amount of refine d petro leum products
sold, supplied, or transfer red to the DPRK o f 75 per cent of the aggrega te amount
for the period between 1 Oc tober 2017 and 31 Decembe r 2017 has been reached.
and again notlfy all Member States when 90 percent and 95 percent of such
aggregate amount has been reached , directs the Cornrniuce Secretary bcginnlog on
1 January 2018 to notify all Member States when an agg regate amoun t of re fined
petroleum produ cts sold, su pplied. or tran sferred to the DPRK of 75 per cent or the
aggregate yearly amo unts have been reached , also directs the Committee Secretary
beginning on I Janua ry 20 18 to notify all Member States when an agg regate amoun t
of refined petroleum products sold, supplied, or transferred to the DPRK of 90 per
cent of the aggregate yearly amoun ts have been reached, and further directs the
Committee Secre tary beginning on I January 20 18 to notify all Membe r States
when an aggreg ate amou nt of refined petrole um products so ld, sup plied. Or
ransferred to the DPRK o f 95 per cent of the agg regate yearly amoun ts have been
reached and 10 inform them tha t they must immediate ly cease se lling. supplying, or
transferring refined petroleum products to the DPRK for the remainder of the year,
directs the Committee to make publicly avai lable on its websitc the total amou nt of
refined petroleum products so ld, supplied, or transferred to the DPRK by month and
by source country, direc ts the Committee to update this information on a real-t ime
basis as il receives notifications from Member Stales, calls /lPOII all Member States
to regularly rev iew this website to com ply with the annua l limits for refined
petroleum prod ucts establ ished by this provis ion, direc ts the Panel of Experts to
closely monitor the implementation efforts of all Member States to provide
assistance and ensure Iu11 and globa l compliance, and requests the Secre tary
Gene ral to make the necessary arrangements to this effec t and provide addi tional
resources ill this regard;
15. Decides that all Member Slates sha ll not s upply, sel l. 01' transfer to the
DPRK in any period of twel ve months after the date of adop tion of this resolution
an amount of crude oil that is in excess of the amoun t that the Member State

Sf20 17l769

upplied, so ld or tra nsferr ed in the peri od of twelve months prior to adoption of this
resolution, unless the Com mittee approves in advance on a case -by- case basis a
hip rnent of crude oil is exclusively for livelihood purposes of DPRK nationa ls and
unre lated to the DPRK 's nuc lear or ballistic missile programmes or other activi ties
prohi bited by resolutions J 718 (2006) , 1874 (2009), 2087 (2013), 2094 (2013),
227 0 (2016),2321 (20 16), 2356 (2017),23 7 1 (201 7) or this reso lution:
16. Decides that the DPRK shall not supp ly, sell or transfer, directly or
indirec tly, from its territory or by its nationa ls or using its nag vesse ls or aircraft.
texti les (including but not limited to fabrics and partially or ful ly completed app an.. 1
products), and that all States shall prohibi t the proc uremen t of such items from the
DPRK by the ir nationals. or using their n ag vesse ls or aircraft, whether or not
or iginating in the territory of the DPRK, unless the Committee approves on a case
by-case basis in advance, and furthe r dec ides that for such sa les, supplies, and
transfer s of textiles (incl uding but not lim ited to fabrics an d partially or fully
completed appar el products) for which written con tracts have been final ized prior to
the adop tion of this resolution, al l States may a llow those sh ipments to be imported
into the ir territories up to 90 days from the date of adoption of this resolution with
noti fication provided to the Commi ttee containing details on thos e imports by no
later than 135 days after the date of adoption of this reso lution;
17. Decides that a ll Member States shall not provide work authorizat ions for
DPRK nationals in their j urisdictions in connect ion with admiss ion to thei r
territories unless the Co mmittee determ ines on a case-by-case basis in advanc e that
employme nt of DPRK natio nals in a member state 's j urisdiction is required for the
deli very of huma nitarian assistance, denuc learization or any other purpose
consis ten t with the obj ectives of resolutions 1718 (2006), 1874 (2009) ,2087 (20 13).
2094 (20 13), 2270 (20 16), 232 1 (20 16), 2356 (20 17), 237 1 (20 17), or this
reso lut ion, and decides that this provis ion shal l not apply with respect to work
authorizations for whic h written contrac ts have been fina lized prio r to the ado ption
of this resolution;

Joint Ventures
18. Decides that States shall prohibit, by their nationals or in the ir territories,
the opening. maintenance, and operation of all j oint ventures or coo perative entities,
new and existing, with DPRK en tities or individuals, whethe r or not acting for or on
behal f of the governmen t of the DPRK, unless such j oi nt ventures or cooperative
ent ities, in part icula r those that are non -commercial, pub lic liti lity infrastruciurc
proj ects not ge nerating profit, ha vc been app roved by the Cornrn iuce ill advance on
a case- by-case basis, fu rther decides that States sha ll close any such ex isting j oint
ventur e or cooperative ent ity withi n 120 days of the adop tion of this reso lution i f
suc h j oint venture or coopera tive en tity has not been approved by the Cornmiuee on
a case-by-case basis. and States shal l close any s uch existi ng joint venture or
coo perative entity within 120 day s after the Committee has denied a request for
approva l. and decides that this provision shall not apply with respect to exis ting
China-DPRK hydroelectric power infrastructure projec ts and the Russia- DPRK
Rajin- Khasan port and ra il project sole ly to export Russia-orig in coal as perm itted
by paragraph 8 of resollition 237 1 (2017 );

Sanctions Implementation
19. Decides that Member States shal l report to the Security Co unci I within
ninet y days of the adoption of this reso lution, and therea fter upon request by ih
Comrniuec, on concrete measures they have taken in orde r 10 implement effectively
the provisions of this resolution, request s the Panel of Experts, in cooperation with

~ l9

other UN sanct ions monitor ing groups, lO continue its effort s [0 ass ist Member
Stares in preparing and submittin g suc h reports in a timely manner;
20. Calls UP OII all M e mb er Stales to redouble e fforts to implement in full t he
measures in reso lut ions 1718 (20 06). 1874 (2 00 9) , 20 87 (20 13), 209 4 (2 0 13), 227 0
(2 0 16), 2321 (2 0 16), 23 56 (2 0 17),237 1 (20 17), and this resolution and to coopera te
with each other in doing so, part icularly with respect to inspecting. detect ing and
seizing items the transfer of which is prohibited by these reso lutions;
2 1. Dec ides that the mandate o f the Co mmitte e, as set out in pa rag rap h 12 of
resolution 171 ~ (2 0 06 ), shal l app ly wilh respect to the meas ures imposed in th is
resolution ,mdjllrlher decides that the mandate of the Panel of Experts , as specifi ed
in paragraph 26 of resolution 1874 (2009) and modifled in parag rap h I of resolution
2345 (20 17). sha ll also apply with resp ect to the measu res impose d in this
reso lution;
22. Decides to authorize 011 Member Stat es to, and that all Member States
sha ll. seize and dispose (such as throug h destruction, rendering inoperable or
unusable, storage, or trans ferring to a State other than the originat ing or dest ination
States for disposal) of items the supply, sa le, transfer, or expor t of which is
proh ibited by reso lu tio ns 171 8 (2 00 6), 1874 (20 09 ). 20 87 (20 13), 20 94 (2 0 13),
2270 (20 16). 23 21 (2016),2356 (20 17), 237 \ (2 0 17) . or this resolution that are
identified in inspec tions, in a manner that is not inconsistent with their obligations
under ap plicable Security CO UIlC i l resolutions, inc Iuding rcso lut io n 1540 (20 04 ), as
well as any ob ligations of parties to the NPT, the Conven tion on the Pro hibition of
the Deve lopment, Production. Stoc kpil ing and Use of Chemical Weapons and on
Their Development of 29 April 1997, and the Co nventio n on the Prohibit ion of the
eveloprnent, Production and Stock piling of Bacteriologica l (Biological) and Toxin
Weapons and on T heir Destruction of 10 April 1972 ;
23, Emphasizes the impo rtanc e of all States, including the DPRK, taki ng the
necessary measures to ensure that no claim sha ll lie at the insta nce of the DPRK. or
o r any pe rso n o r entity In the DPRK, or of persons Or entities des ignate d for
meas ures set forth in resolutions 17 18 (20 06), 18 74 (2009), 20 87 (2 0 13), 209 4
(20 13), 2270 (20 16), 232 1 (2 0 16), 235 6 (20 17), 237 1 (20 17). or this resolution, or
ny person claiming thro ugh or for the bene fit of any such person or entity. in
connection with any contrac t or othe r transaction where its perfor mance was
prevented by reason of the measures imposed by this resolution or previous
reso lut ions :

24 , Reitera tes its deep concern at the grave hardship that the people in the
DPRK are su bjected to, con demns the DPRK for pursu ing nuclear weapons and
ballistic missiles instead of the we lfare of its people while people in the DPRK have
great unmet needs. and emp has izes the necessity of the DPRK respecting and
ensuring the welfa re and inheren t dignity of people in the DPRK;
25. Reg rets the DPR K's massi ve d ivers ion of its sca rce reso urces toward its
development o f nuclear weapons and a number o f ex pensive ba llistic missile
progr am s, notes the findings or the United Nat ions O ffi ce for the Co ordination of
Human itaria n Assistance that well over ha lf of the people in the DPRK suffer from
maj or insecurities in food and med ical care, includ ing a very large number o f
pregnant and lactarlng women and under-five ch ildre n who arc lit risk 0
malnutrition and nearly a quarter of its tota l popula tion su ffering from chro nic
malnutrition. and, in this context, expresses deep concern at the grave hardship to
whic h the people in the DPRK are subjected;

SJ2(1 171769

26 . Reaffirms thnl the measu res imposed by resolu tions 17 18 (2006), 1874
(2009),2 087 (2 013), 2094 (20 13),2270 (2016). 232 1 (2016 ),2356 (2017 ), 2371
(20 17) and this resolution are not inten ded to have advers e humanitar ian
consequences for the civil ian population of the DPRK or to affec t negative ly or
restrict those activit ies, incl uding econom ic activ ities and coo peration, food a id and
humani tarian ass istance , that are not proh ibited by resolutions 1718 (2006), I li74
(2009), 2087 (20 13), 2094 (2013), 227 0 (20 16), 2321 (201 6), 2356 (20 17), 237l
(2017) and this resolution, and the work of international and non-gove rnmental
organizations car rying out assis tance and re lief activities in the DPRK for the
benefit of the c ivilian popula tion of the DPRK and decides that the Committee may,
on a case- by-case bas is, exem pt any activit y fro m the meas ures imposed by thes
reso lutions if the committee determines that such an exemp tion is necessary to
fac ilitate the work o f suc h organizations in the DPRK or for any other purpose
consisten t with the objec tives of these resolu tions:
27 . Emphasizes ' hill a ll Member Slates shoul d comply w ith the provisions of
paragr aphs 8 (a) (i ii) and 8 (d) of resolut ion t 7 18 (2006) withou t prej udice to the
activities of the diplomat ic missions in the DPRK pursuant to the Vienna
Conve ntion on Diplomati c Rela tions;
28. Reaffirms its su ppor t for the Six Party Talks, calls for their res umpt ion,
and reiterates its support for the comm itmen ts set forth in the Jo int Statement o r
19 September 2005 issued by China, the DPRK, Japan, the Republ ic of Korea, the
Russian Federation, and the United States, includ ing that the goa t of the Six-Part)'
Talks is the ver ifiable dcnuclearizat ion of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful
ma nner, that the United States and the DPRK undertook to respect each other's
sov ereignty and exis t peace fully together. that the Six Parties undertook to promote
economic cooperat ion, and all other relevan t commitments;
29 . Reiterates the importance of main taining peace and stabi lity on the
Korean Peninsula and in north-east As ia at large, expresses its cornmiunen t 10 a
peaceful. diplomatic, and po litical solution to the situa tion, and welcomes efforts by
the Cou nciI mem bers as wel I as other States to facilitate a peaccfuI and
comprehens ive solu tion thro ugh dialogue and s tresses the import ance of working to
reduce tensions ill the Korean Peninsula and beyond;
30 . Urges further work to redu ce tensions so as to advance the prospects for
a comprehensive settleme nt:
3 1. Underscores the imperative of achieving the goal of com plete, verifiable
and irrevers ible denuclearizatlon of the Kore an Pe n i IISUla in a peace ful manner;
32. Affirms that it s hall keep the DPRK's act ions under cont inuous review
and is prepared to strengthen, modify, sus pen d or li n the measures as may be
needed in light of the DPRK's com pliance, and, in this regard, expresses its
determina tion to take further sign ifican t measures in the event of a further DPRK
nuclear test or launch:
33 . Decides to remai n seized of the matte r.

,120 171769

Annex I
Tra vel Bun/Asset Freeze (Individuals)


a. Description : Pak Yong Sik is a member of the Workers' Part)' of Korea
Centra l Military Commissio n. which is responsible for the development
and implementation of the Workers' Party of Korea military policies,
comma nds and controls the DPRK's military, and heIps direct the
country 's In i litarv dcfense industries.
b. AKA : n/a
c. Identifiers : Y OB : 1950; Nationality: DPRK

Sf20 17n69

Annex JI
Asset F reeze (En titi es)


a. Descrip tion: The Central Milita ry Comm iss ion is respon sible for the
deve lop ment a nd implement ation of the Wor kers ' Part y o f Kor ea 's
military policies, comm ands and controls the DPRK 's military, and
d irects the country 's military de fense industries in coordi nation with the
State Affairs Comm ission.
b. AKA: n/a
c. Locati on: Pyongy ang, ))PR K
a. Descript ion : T he Orga nization and G uidance Department is a vcry
powerful body o f the Worker 's Party of Korea. It directs key personne l
appo intments for the Workers' Party of Korea, the DPRI<' s military. and
the Dr RK 's governmen t administration . II a lso purports to control the
po litica l affairs of all of the DPR K and is instrumental in implementing
the DP RK's censorship po licies.
b. .-fKA : nl
c. Location: DPRK
<I , Descr ipt ion : The Propa gan da and Agitat ion Departmen t has full con tro l
ove r the med ia. which it uses as a 1001 10 control the pub lic on beha lf of
the DPRK lead ership. The Propaganda and Agitation Department a lso
engage s in or is respo nsible for ccnso rship by the Government of the
DPRK. incl ud ing newsp aper and broadcast censorship.
b. tl KA : n/a

c. Locution : Pyo ng ya ng , D PR K


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