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Right to vote

those rights which are made by legislative bodies or present in statutes are called Statutory
Rights for example Consumer Rights. All those rights which Constitution has provided are called
Constitutional Rights. UAF is granted by Article 326 of Constitution and Section 62 of RPA
provides for right to vote. Hence it is both constitutional and statutory right ( I read in different
article). All the constitutional rights cant be statutory rights.

Article 326 in The Constitution Of India 1949

326. Elections to the House of the People and to the Legislative Assemblies of States to be on the
basis of adult suffrage

Right to vote is legal right under RPA 1951 Representation of the People Act, 1951

exercising that right is part of freedom of expression under article 19(1)(a), thus a fundamental
right. further, SC says that in similar fashion right to reject a candidate in elections is right to
negative vote, again a FR - NOTA.

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