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Disposol of the Bomblets .

The KB_Z is very siinilar lo the KB_1. but conlains no
eetnal sleet ragmenlalion balls. Ti1rq to lhe simplicily o the uze. lhe KB-2 should be
reliable weepon. bul many have a
Tne KB-2 is a dual been ound,h ;;";.
Yugoslavia. and caulion musl be observed.
J h e p e d. m a n c h a g e ::T "r1:.T5 ",;"no; ;,.j.i
i r
;' I I'; 3" ; o: Unormed bomble
delonation. The grenade is slabilise-d ^
an armed
in flighl , ,

L,y a ribbon slabiliser. The bomblel can be considered unarmed

i lhe ribbon
The body is made up o a 40 mm diameter sliener
.is slill in place rr.,e aeion alor has nol

lube conlaining prolruded rom the sije or lhe""a

uze housing. :=ri,.:
3 hollow shaped charge wilh an impact ineriia
uze rivelej
on the top. Frorn lhe cenlre o le uze a while nylon
ribbon is fixed. lo lhe armed posilion.
?,: Transport the sub-munilion lo a vvlllvlll'L"
demolilion area or .,.
Specificotions deslruclion-

Oiarneler: 40 mm detonating al 90o io rire smu-n;Uo."''
Height: 87 mm (Eure he shaped charge is poinling inlo
Height lo shoulders: obstacle to prevenl a down-ran_o"'r,"."r ' '
a bank or'
50 mm
Tolal wei9ht: 255 gms b: Armed bomblet
Weighl o explosive: 35 gms The kB-2 can be considered armed i the
ribbon has
Eecl: Shaped charoe/bodv deployed and lhe delona.lor_ slider is proring
u:_e assembly. Two melhod rom the
ragmenlalio S" ,i.-J"r"O to render
Penelralion o armour:60 mm safe: ""n
Fuze: 1: Place donor charge beside ihe sub-munition
delonale at sOo tt},."'---,- "'-'''
lr,lecha nical, impacVinerlia and

Operotion ,2: l dernoliton in siu is not possible, lhe

mechanism can be relOeiJi;;;;i uze
wilh Plasler o Paris. d.1y ti;;'r:ii-a?rosorn;gia
Once lhe rockel has,been launched at its irrg.t
nose uze will unctonal a pre_delermine .re" tt" Urelhane oam. The'mi.rnirons can il.;i. l
heighUlime transported to a sae ar." ro, Oolliion.
ejecling the sub-munitions.jnto lhe slip
The sip
Jlearn vrilt remove the ribbon stiener "i.""-.
and allow lhe CAUTloN
labilising ribbon lo deploy. As the sub-munitions
arro irre TH|S METHOD CARRIES RiSKS AND i.,,1..
ground. they wilt spread out and start lhe SHOULD ONLY ; 'qa
arming pocess, BE UNDERTAKEN l
he ribbon will orientale lo,ensure a correcl lN ExTRElilE cruiaHces i:' .r] i
impact angle
25o.rom verlieal). and will also i.
"r- pin ro.unscrew
olaling. This rolalion allours the firing "uU."ir"iiiorr-Ui
itsel lj'.j::
rom the delonalor slider. allowing r detonator ii'ir-' ,
slider lo
,.l!^'1"^armed posilion by reans o a spring.
lame llme as unscrewing rom the At the
delonaloi sler, the
rring pin sceurs ilsel inl.o the inertia
weight. On impact
no* weighted' firing pin ari""-=-ii""ij'nro rr," .in-line'
detonalo and unclions the explosive train.

t. .- t.

l," .:-

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