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I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is marketing?

2. What is advertising?

3. What is a brand? Name some famous brands and their makers.

4. Why are people fond of certain brands?

II. Use the words in the box to fill in the gaps:

equals mix out community announcement billboards

public pie with performing effective facilitate
developing expense distribution independently implementation

Many people confuse marketing 1.advertising or vice versa. While both components
are important, they are very different and knowing the difference and 2market research can
put businesses on the path to substantial growth.
Marketing is the systematic planning, 3..and control of a mix of business activities
intended to bring together buyers and sellers for the mutually advantageous exchange or transfer of
products. It is the presentation and 4.of goods and services in the manner best designed to
benefit the producer, the distributor and the 5... The main elements of the marketing
programme, the marketing 6., are Product, Price, Promotion and Place.
Advertising is considered to represent the paid, public 7of a persuasive message by
an identified sponsor, or the presentation or promotion by a firm of its products to its existing and
potential customers.
Advertising is a single component of the marketing process. It is the part that involves getting the
word 8..concerning your business, product or the services you are offering. It involves the
process of 9..strategies such as ad placement, frequency etc. It includes the placement of
an ad in such mediums as newspapers, direct mail, 10, television, radio, and of course the
Internet. Advertising is the largest 11of most marketing plans, with public relations
following in a close second and market research not falling far behind.
Some say the best way to distinguish between advertising and marketing is to think of marketing
as a12.., inside that pie you have slices of advertising, market research, media planning,
public relations, product pricing, distribution, customer support, sales strategy and 13..
involvement. Advertising only 14one piece of the pie in the strategy. All of these elements
must not only work 15..but they also must work together towards the bigger goal. Marketing
is a process that takes time and can involve hours of research for a marketing plan to be
16.. Think of marketing as everything that an organization does to 17an exchange
between company and consumer.

III. Match the following marketing concepts with the corresponding funny situation:
1. Competition for the same market 4. Direct marketing

2. Advertising 5. Brand recognition

3. Feedback from customers 6. Restriction for entering new markets

7. Public relations 9. Telemarketing

8. Imbalance between supply and demand

a. You are at a party and see a gorgeous girl. You say: Im very rich. Marry me.
b. You are at a party with some friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends go to her and
pointing at you says: Hes very rich. Marry him.
c. You are at a party and see a gorgeous girl. You go to her and get her phone number. The next day you
call and say: Hi. Im very rich. Marry me.
d. You are at a party and see a gorgeous girl. You stand up, arrange your tie, walk up to her, give her a
drink, open the door (the car) to help her, offer her to go home, then say: I am very rich. You do not
want to marry me?
e. You are at a party and see a gorgeous girl. It comes to you and says: You are very rich! I have a
chance to marry me?
f. You are at a party and see a gorgeous girl. You go to her and say: Im very rich. Marry me. She
gives you a nice hard slap.
g. You are at a party and see a gorgeous girl. You go to her and say: Im very rich. Marry me. It takes
you by the hand and leads you to introduce you to her husband.
h. You are at a party and see a gorgeous girl. You go to her and before you say anything, another man
comes and says: Im rich. Will you marry me? and she goes with him.
i. You are at a party and see a gorgeous girl. You go to her and before you say: Im rich. Marry me.
Comes your wife.

IV. Find the right word to fill in the gaps. The first letter of the word is given to you:

1. When a company has a new product, it has to decide on a

2. If you want to know what people think about a product, you conduct some market

3. A tis a brief advertisement which offers the public only bits of information
without revealing either the sponsor of the ad or the product being advertised, with the
purpose to arouse curiosity and get attention for the campaign that follows;

4. The p.of a product is very important: the company has to think

carefully about how the product should look.

5. The objective of advertising is to build up b..loyalty.

6. Some companies show the same television several different


7. You ask people to fill in qso that you can get information about
what they want or need.

8. Where to sell the product is a matter of p..

9. A t. is a name, design or symbol registered for the
exclusive use by a manufacturer to distinguish its product.
10. One recent advertising clasted for over a year.

11. P..of a product is the general process of getting people to know your
product, to like your product through advertising.

12. The tmarket is the specific group of customers that a company aims to

13. Market a strategy of dividing a large market into smaller groups
of consumers or organizations.

14. An a recommendation to purchase a particular brand of product

made in advertisements by well-known personalities or experts.
15. Advertising tries to turn pcustomers into real customers.

16. Direct advertising in shops is called p.-of-sale advertising.

17. A response the inclination of respondents in a marketing research survey

to give the answer that they believe the interviewer wants to hear.

18. Lare those in a community who are slowest to adopt new products.

19. refers to the importing of particular goods by firms which have not
been appointed by the manufacturer as official distributors of the product.

20. P..mapping is a tool or process used in marketing research for

charting the way individuals selected from the target market perceive different companies,
products or brands.

V. Choose the correct phrase to fill in the gaps:

chain store confusion marketing loss leader market leader

market price window dressing price-sensitive soft sell
seller's market unique selling point shelf life niche market
brand stretching trading stamps trading down subliminal perception

1. The .. is the price of a product that most companies charge in a free market.
2. A is a company that sells more of a particular product than others.
3. A . is a market where there are more buyers than suppliers.
4. is the receipt and interpretation of stimuli received through the
senses at a subconscious level.
5. A .. is that feature of a product which will persuade people to buy it.
6. means extending a popular brand to a new type of product.
7. adding a lower-priced version of a product to the range, generally to
capture a new market segment not served effectively because the original version of the
product was too expensive for it.
8. .. is the skill of decorating shop windows and arranging goods in them.
9. If someone uses ., they try to sell something by being gently persuasive.
10. The .. of a product is the length of time it can be kept in a shop before it
becomes too old to be sold.
11. .. represent a form of sales promotion used by retailers in which
customers receive stamps or coupons in proportion to the amount of their purchases; the
stamps can be redeemed later for merchandise.
12. If a market is , buyers look for the best deal they can get, comparing prices.
13. A is a small area of trade within the economy involving specialised
14. A .. is an article that is sold cheaply in order to attract the public and make
them buy other things.
15. is selling in a way that makes it very difficult to decide which products are
16. A is one of a group of shops which belong to a single company and
sells similar goods.
VI. Translate into English:

Strategiile de marketing sunt metode care iti permit sa atingi obiectivele de marketing. Ele au de-a
face cu elementele mix-ului de marketing. In primul rand, strategia de marketing trebuie stabilita, si apoi
trebuie pregatite planurile de actiune componente ale planului de marketing si planurile de actiune
concreta. Acestea din urma sunt cele care te vor ajuta in mod concret sa duci la indeplinire strategiile si
obiectivele de marketing.
Strategiile individuale pot fi explicate in forma elementelor mix-ului de marketing (cei patru "P"):
1. Strategii legate de produse
2. Strategii legate de preturi
3. Strategii legate de promovare (reclama)
4. Strategii legate de plasare (distributie)
Este posibil sa apara unele suprapuneri intre categorii, insa ce conteaza este ca toate strategiile sa fie
mentionate. O strategie legata de pretul unui produs poate fi inclusa atat la "produse" cat si la "preturi".
Strategiile de marketing sunt de trei tipuri:
a . Strategii defensive (de aparare)
b . Strategii de dezvoltare
c . Strategii ofensive (de atac)

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