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Y siempre he editado mis vdeos porque ya desde entonces, y

todava hoy, no me gustaba reproducir mis grabaciones directamente de lacmara al TV.

I wanted to edit my videos

because even then, I did not, and I stilldon't like to play videos directly from
my camera on the TV.
Me gustaba el ambiente del laboratorio aunque haya habido momentosde tensin con Eric.

Me gustaba el ambiente del laboratorio aunque haya habido momentosde tensin con Eric.

Desde pequeo me gustaba ver deportes de equipo.

Since I liked seeing small team sports.

I had a little accident I fracture my arm but luckily the coup was not strong my brother and I
liked to play basketball I liked to frabricar wooden carts I had a good childhood I really like
listening to romantic music all the time I'm very good For mathematics I used to be delighted
to be a teacher but for things of destiny it was not possible due to problems that I had four
years ago but now I am not aware of studying systems engineering that is a good career that
the good that all the time leaves things New and we have to update day adia I like the subjects
of security networks and in the future I would like to be a good professional

I had a little accident, I fractured my arm but luckily the blow was not strong, my brother and I
liked to play basketball, I liked to frabricar wooden carts I had a good childhood, I like listening
to romantic music all the Time, I am very good for mathematics, I would be delighted to be a
teacher but for things of destiny it was not possible due to problems I had four years ago, but
now I am not aware of studying systems engineering which is a good career that Good that all
the time leaves new things and we have to update us day adia I like the matters of networks
security and in the future I would like to be a good professional

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