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Basic ECG Interpretation for Co-ass

Firman B. Leksmono

Cardiology and Vascular Department

Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University
For What?
Action Potential


I, aVL Lateral
II, III, aVF Inferior
V1, V2 Antero--Septal
V3, V4 Antero--Apical
V5, V6 Antero--Lateral
I, aVL, V5, V6 High Lateral
V1 Whole Anterior
How to Interprate ECG?
Rhytme? Ischemia/Infarction?
Rate? Chamber Hipertrophy?
Axis? Arrhytmia?
P wave?
PR interval?
QRS complex?
ST segment?
T wave?

Standarization :
Speed Paper : 25 m/s
Amplitudo : 10 mm/1 mv
Heart Rate

Large Boxes 300/R

300/R--R interval
Small Boxes 1500/R
1500/R--R interval
Waves, Segment, Complex and Interval
Sinus Rhytme
Rate 60-100 bpm
Constant R R interval
Negative P wave in lead aVR and positive in lead II
P wave is always followed by QRS complex
P wave

No more than 2.5 mm in height

No more than 0.11 sec in duration
P-R Interval

Duration 0.12 0.20 sec in adult, may be

shorter in children and longer in elders.
PR segment
QRS Complex

Duration 0.06 0.12 sec

Q : 1st negative deflection after P
R : 1st positive deflection after P
S : negative deflection after R
R wave Progression
QT interval

Normal <0,40 s

Qtc= Qt measured
RR interval
ST segment

Normal Isoelektrik
T wave

Limb lead : no more than 5 mm

Precordial lead : no more than 10 mm
Normal ECG

Sinus Rhytme, HR : 80 bpm, Normoaxis, P wave : 0,06 s, PR interval : 0,12 s, QRS

complex : 0,08 s, ST segment : isoelectric, T wave : normal.
Conclussion : Normal ECG
Myocardial Infarction
Myocardial Infarction
STEMI evolution
Infarct Location
Coronary Oclution


Anterior MI V1-V6 LAD

Septal MI V1-V4 LAD

Lateral MI I, aVL, V5, V6 RCX

Inferior MI II, III, aVF RCA (80%) RCX (20%)

Posterior MI V7, V8, V9 RCX or RCA

NB :
LAD Left Anterior Descending Artery
RCX Ramus Circumflexa
LM Left Main Artery
RCA Right Coronary Artery
Acute Anterior Infarction
Acute Inferior Infarction
Chamber Hypertrophy
Atrial Enlargement

P - Pulmonal

P - Mitral
Ventricular Hypertrophy

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

S wave in V1/V2 + R wave in
V5/V6 35 mm (mV)
Strain pattern in V5 and V6
May be accompanied by LAD
Ventricular Hypertrophy

Right Ventricular Hypertrophy

Reversed R- R-wave progression (taller
R waves and smaller S waves in V1 &
V2; deeper S waves & small R waves
in V5 & V6
Common Arrhytmia
Atrial Fibrilation

No P wave, Irreguler R-R Interval

Atrial Flutter

Saw teeth App. Reguler

Reguler//Irreguler R-R Interval
Supraventricular Tachycardia

Narrow QRS, Reguller

Reguller,, Ussually P waves is not seen,

Narrow QRS, Reguller

Reguller,, Ussually P waves is not seen,
Ventricular Tachycardia

Wide QRS, Reguller

Ventricular Fibrilation
1st Degree
AV blocks

2nd Degree, Type 1 (wenckebach


2nd Degree, Type 2

3rd Degree (Total AV block)

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