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Religion 43

August 2010

T What leads these sentient laymen to disbe-

he halo of the Buddha and the instances ted from statues?
of lights radiating at Buddhist sites were Answer : Huin Xian’s records bear wit-
in the centre of attention lately. Various
opinions were expressed by various individu-
lieve these phenomena? They may be clinging ness to similar instances. Huin Xian came to
India in 6th century A.D. and his records
als on this topic. Some opinions expressed by
lay people, as well as monks, were contradic-
to various views. What happened in indicate the blessed effects of stupas and
Buddha statues.
tory. Some opinions were controversial.
Following is a dialog with Ven. Kiribathgoda
Afghanistan? The extremists destroyed the Question: When devotees congre-
Gnanananda Thero , with a view to finding sacred Bamiyan Buddha Statue using shells. gate in a sacred site and make a resolu-
tion on a religious matter, could that
details about this marvelous topic from the
Buddhist scriptures and the teaching. Now, the whole country is getting destroyed site emit rays of light? There were such
reports about a sacred place recently.
Question : Venerable Sir, there are
contradictory views with regard to the
by bombs and shells. Answer: There were true incidences of
sighting of Buddha Rays at some sacred sites
halo of rays of the Buddha (Budu res).
when devotees were performing religious rites
One such view is that the colours of the
in isolation. Buddha Rays had been visible in
rays of the Buddha should always be
the absence of devotees at these sites as well.
six-fold. Is this correct?
Buddha rays are visible when Devas worship
Answer: “Not at all. Let’s turn to at these holy sites. Photographs had been
Buddhist discourses to figure out the accuracy taken on such occasions.
of this phenomenon. There is one sutta which
When I first visited Somawathie Stupa, I
deals with the halo of the Buddha. According
witnessed Buddha Rays with my own eyes.
to this sutta, the Gautama Buddha, once went
There were five others with me at that time.
to Kosala City on arms rounds. There was a
All of us were able to witness the Buddha
man in this city carrying some multi-coloured
flowers at that time. Having seen the grace of
the Buddha and the bikkhus , he offered these Question: When devotees are on a
flowers to the Buddha with gladness.” collective pilgrimage at a holy site, is it
possible for them to emit rays of light
“On this occasion, a bright ray, resembling with mental power?
the glow of lightening, was emitted from the
Answer: A certain type of ray is emitted
Gautama Buddha’s mouth. Having seen this
from an ordinary person. This varies from
amazing phenomenon, Ananda thero
person to person. At the time of the passing
inquired from the Buddha,” Awakened One,
away, Arahant Upawana was fanning the
let us know the reason why you laughed.
Gautama Buddha. The Gautama Buddha
Please dispel our doubts”
made Arahant Upawana move away from
The Gautama Buddha explained, “If a per- him to enable innumerable Devas to see the
son entertains a wholesome thought at my Awakened One’s holy body. Arahant
sight, then this person will never be born in a Upawana’s aura had prevented Devas from
lower realm for many eons. This wholesome seeing the Gautama Buddha’s holy body
deed may result in the comprehension of the clearly. Arahant Upawana’s aura was power-
Four Noble Truths as a Pachcheka Buddha ful enough to shut down the vision of the
(Silent Buddha) in his last birth” Devas. No one was aware of this at that time.
“This story is found in the Maha Parinibbana Sutta has these details.
Neththiprakarana. Does this show the This shows that even human beings can
Buddha’s rays with a particular colour? It is emit certain rays of light. However, Buddha
mentioned clearly in this story that when the rays are a miraculous phenomenon.
Gautama Buddha smiles, a white ray radiates According to the Athbuta Sutta, the hell

The halo of the

through his teeth and mouth, which moves which is in total darkness is said to be illumi-
around his head three times and then disap- nated by the birth of a Buddha. This particu-
pears” lar illumination takes place when a Buddha
“It is this ray, emitted from the mouth, sig- attains enlightenment and attains

Gautama Buddha
nals Ananda thero that the Gautama Buddha Parinibbanan. However, these miraculous
is smiling” phenomena are unbelievable for people with
Question: There is another popular sentient mentality.
belief that the rays of the Buddha radi- What leads these sentient laymen to disbe-
ates only from his person. What is the lieve these phenomena? They may be cling-

is not supposed to
truth in this statement? ing to various views. What happened in
Answer: “This is not true. Rays radiate Afghanistan? The extremists destroyed the
from Bodhi trees as well. References have sacred Bamiyan Buddha Statue using shells.
been made about this. According to You may observe what is happening in
Afghanistan right now. The whole country is

be six coloured at
Mahawamsa, the Gautama Buddha had
made five great resolutions at the time of his getting destroyed by bombs and shells.
passing away. How many miraculous things had hap-
First, the Bodhi branch to be taken by the pened during the tsunami in Sri Lanka? An
King Ashoka may break itself from the Bodhi amazing story was told by one mother and

all times
tree and plant itself in a bowl. So this is how her daughter. On this fateful day, a raging
the sacred Sri Maha Bodhi which exists even wave had hit and submerged her once. Then
today in Anuradhapura was extracted from the wave had tossed her to the surface. At this
the main Bodhi tree. Today, various tech- time she had started contemplating the quali-
niques have to be used to extract a branch ties of the Buddha. All of a sudden, the next
from a Bodhi tree. Sometimes, tools have to wave tossed her on to a rooftop. On seeing
be used for this task. In the case of the Sri Buddha’s image and perform a great twin erected by this king and started paying hom- her daughter, who was almost drowning in
Maha Bodhi, only an incision had been made miracle.(Yamaka Patihariya). Details of this age to the Tooth relic. Details with regard to the water, mother had yelled, asking her to
around the branch to be extracted. Then twin miracle have been recorded in the same virtues, dignity and miracles of the Tooth contemplate the qualities of the Buddha,
Bodhi branch had severed itself from that chronicles. According to these chronicles, Sri Relic have been recorded in the which she did immediately. A wave had
point. Lanka earth had glowed when Buddha rays Dhatuwamsa, Thupawamsa, Dhadawamsa, tossed the daughter on to the same rooftop
were emitted, and earth had become wet and Mahawamsa. If someone rejects these miraculously. Both are living in Pelana
Second resolution was for this extracted (Galle). Many people, who were practitioners
branch to radiate rays. Accordingly leaves of when rays of water were emitted. Both these matters, then we are not in a position to
phenomena had taken place simultaneously. explore our own Buddhist History. In that of the Buddha Qualities, had survived the
the Bodhi branch had radiated Buddha rays. Tsunami by contemplating the qualities of the
It is regretful to note that people accumu- case, we will be led to a point where we will be
Third, the right jaw relic enshrined at the Gautama Buddha, as they used to do in their
late a great deal of sins by humiliating these deprived of opportunities to venerate any
Thuparama Chetiya may rise to the air and day to day lives, on this fateful day as well.
miraculous phenomena. This is quite unfortu- statue or Bodhi.
perform a great miracle. Accordingly, the Similarly, the tsunami, which wreaked
right jaw relic had performed a great twin nate for a person who is fortunate enough to Question: Do statues emit rays?
be born into this rare human world. havoc on human lives and properties, could
miracle (Yamaka Patihariya) by emitting fire Answer : Of course. This is evident from not do any harm to any of the Buddha statues
and water simultaneously when the relic was Question: There is another belief the historical instances as well as from similar found on the affected coastal area.
enshrined at the chetiya. However some do that only a living Buddha is capable of incidents at Somawathie Chetiya. We should
not believe in these chronicles. If one does not emitting rays? not fall prey to people who believe in and How do laymen in our country, who seek
believe in these chronicles, then he or she spread western ideology for personal benefits. refuge in science far more than the western-
Answer: That is not correct. When the ers, interpret these phenomena? I would like
needs to reject the existence of statues, Sri Sri Maha Bodhi was brought in, a number of As Buddhists, we need to confront the reality.
Maha Bodhi etc. History and background of The expectations of those who continue to to appeal to those with Metta to refrain from
miracles had taken place. First such miracle accumulating an immeasurable amount of
these artifacts had been recorded in the took place when the Bodhi branch severed disparage these phenomena are clear to us.
chronicles. That is to create a group of materialists in the sins by challenging the omniscient knowledge
itself and planted itself in a bowl. Secondly, of the Gautama Buddha with a sentient men-
Question -Is there a Gautama when an attempt was made by a non- country. They aim at making materialistic,
politically motivated businesses flourish and tality. It is highly advisable for them to look in
Buddha’s resolution with regard to Buddhist king to destroy the Tooth Relic, to their own ignorance and sentient mentality
Ruwanweli Maha Seya? which is preserved in Kandy today, by crush- getting people used to a life style based on
self-indulgence. which would lead them to well-being.
Answer - Yes. A resolution for the collec- ing with a hammer, the Tooth Relic had risen
to the air unscathed and emitted Buddha Question : Are there any other Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero
tion of relics to rise to the air forming the
Rays. Later, a special chamber had been instances of Buddha Rays being emit- Mahamevna Asapuwa, Toronto, Canada

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