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Ed Bausbacber
Roger Hunt

PT R Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bausbacher, Ed.
Process plant layout and piping design I Ed Bausbacher, Roger
p. em.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-131386298
1. Chemical plants-Design and construction. 2. Plant layout
3. Chemical plants-Piping. I. Hunt, Roger (Roger W.) II. Title.
TPI55.5.B38 1993
66O---dc20 93-9725

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To the most important people in my life, whom I love
very much: nry children, Peter, Karin, and Linda

To the memory of my brother, William


Foreword xi Imer- and After-Coolers . 82

Preface xiii Housing and Platform Requirements 83
General Compressor Layout . . . . . 85

1 The Basics of Plant Layout Design

5 Drums
The Plant Layout Designer 1
Project Input Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Types of Drums 91
Basic Layout Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . 4 Location of Drums 92
Abbreviations, Standards, and Terminology 8 Nozzle Locations . 9S
Platform Arrangements 98
Piping Arrangements 100
2 Plant Layout Specification Drum Instrumentation . 103
The Components of Specification 19 Maintenance . . . . . . 106
Further Considerations 107

3 PlotPIans
6 Exchangers
The Plot Plan in the Process Unit 27
Definition . . . . . . . 27 Exchanger Construction . . . . . 110
Plot Plan Development 28 Exchanger Location and Support 114
Types of Plot Plans 31 Nozzle Orientation .. 125
EqUipment Location . . Exchanger Piping . . . 127
Exchanger Maintenance 135
Pipe Racks . 42
Roads, Access Ways, and Paving 44
Equipment Spacing
7 Furnaces
Sample Plot Plan Arrangement . 51 Basic Operation and Primary Parts of a Furnace 141
Types of Furnaces 141
4 Compressors Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . .
Burners .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Auxiliary EqUipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Combustion Air Preheating Systems 148
Centrifugal Compressors: Nozzle Orientations 61 General Arrangement of Furnaces . 149
Types of Compressor Drives . 61 Piping Layout for a Furnace . . . . 165
Lube Oil System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Tail Gas Incinerator and Waste Heat Unit 1n
Seal Oil System . 64
Surface Condensers and AUxiliary Equipment
Compressor Maintenance . . . . . . .
8 Pumps
Compressor Arrangement and Location 75 Pump Terminology 181
Elevations of Machines . 79 NPSH Requirements 182


of Pumps
Locations 185 12 Structures
Pump Piping . . 188 Design Features . 285
Pump Piping Suppons 199 Srruaural Terms . 285
StrUaural Details 287
Small Structures . 293
9 Reactors Medium-Sized Structures 296
Large Structures 298
. Process Operation . . . . . . . . . 203
Stair Struaures 301
Design Considerations for Reaaors 203
Drill Structures 301
Location of Reaaors . . . . . . 204
Operations Platforms 304
Support and Elevation . . . . . 204
Nozzle Locations and Elevations 207
Platform ArrangementS
Piping Arrangements
13 Underground Piping
Maintenance . . . . . . 216 Industry Standards 305
Terminology 305
Types of Systems . 306
Construaion Materials 309
10 Towers Oily Water and Storm Water Systems 309
The Distillation Process . . . . . 219 Ch~mica1 and Process (Closed) Sewers 320
Process and Potable Water . 322
Types of Towers . 221
Fire Water System . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Design Considerations for Towers 223
Underground Electrical and Instrument DuctS 337
Tower Elevation and Support . . 223 Underground Details . 337
Nozzle Elevation and Orientation 232 Double Containment-Underground Systems 340
Platform Arrangements 240 Fabrication . 341
Tower Piping . . . 243 Underground Composite 344
Tower Instruments 246
Maintenance . . . . 252
14 Instrumentation
Types of Instruments 345
11 Pipe Racks Instrument ~ons 352
Establishing Width, Bent Spacing, and Miscellaneous . . . . 357
Elevations . . . . . . . . . '. . 261
setting Une, Valve, and Instrument Locations
Pipe Fiexibility and Supports
15 Process Liquid Storage Tanks
Struaural Considerations 277 Codes and Regulations . 359
Other Considerations . . . . 280 Terminology . . . . . 359

Types of Tanks 360 Layout Solutions of Thermal Loads 398

Spill Containment . 362 Layout Solutions for Other Stress 410
Dike Access 366
Sizing Tanks and Dikes
Tank Details
17 Computer-Aided Design
Tank Suppons 374 Basic CAD Applications . . . . . . . . . . . 415
Integrated Modeling Systems . 419
Systems Engineering and Instrument Design 419
16 Stress Analysis Electronic Spool Sheets 428
Introduction to Piping Stress 389 CAD Benefits Summary . 429
Pipe Stress Analysis Work Process 389
Impacts of Excessive Pipe Stress 392
Indq 431
Causes of Pipe Stress . 394
Layout Solutions for Weight Stress 395

During the 43 years of my career, it was extremely am convinced it provides an excellent tool to enhance
difficult and time<onsuming for an individual to be- the education of individuals who aspire to such a ca-
come knowledgeable and competent in the field of reer. In addition, I believe it should anraa widespread
piping design and plant layout Little was wrinen in a use as a textbook and reference manual by refinery
format that would provide the designer with educa- and petrochemical companies, engineering and con-
tional or reference material. About the only ways struction companies, and technical schools and col-
knowledge and techniques were absorbed were by leges.
tedious, repetitious design functions and through I commend the authors on their remarkable effon
working with experienced peers. in accumulating and developing this data, and present-
Today, the learning cycle is even more constricted, ing it in such a practical and commonsense manner.
reducing exposure to the design basics that are so
essential to the development of the plant layout de-
Piping Destgrz and Plant I.ayout
Engineer and Manager
I have spent considerable time in reviewing and
studying Process Plan! Layout and Piping Design and

Whether one is entering the employment ranks in the within the process unit plot plan. Chapters 4 through
process industry for the first time or is well estab- 15 deal with specific pieces of process equipment, or
lished in the design field, it is imperative to under- components of a plant such as piperac.ks, structures,
stand the true nature of today's marketplace. underground piping, instrumentation and their most
Competition formerly limited to cities, states, prov- efficient layout in the overall plant design configura-
inces, or country, must now be considered in the tion. Chapter 16 deals with stress analysis by step ap-
world marketplace. A sustained level of success can proach to basic stress analysis, which is a must for
only come about as a result of "meeting or exceeding" designers and engineers. The last chapter in this book
client requirements. Introduction of automated tech- is dedicated to the computerization tools that are now
nology has added another dimension to the already available to help plant layout and piping designers in
dynamic process industry. Formal education of design- the execution of their work. DUring the past decade or
ers and engineers has become a necessity. Rapid cwo, the way these designers learned their craft has
changes in process technology, environmental and changed dramatically. Historically, secondary school
safety laws, along with work execution methodology, as well as two-year technical college graduates entered
place a constant demand for education in this industry. the profession and spent many years learning the busi-
The intent of this book is to help train, on an ac- ness. Novices were trained through such manual ex-
celerated basis, the young engineers and technicians ercises as revising drawings, drawing single-line
entering the field of process plant layout and piping isometrics, and preparing material takeoff sheets;
design. It also updates equipment spadng require- eventually they were given an opponunity to do sim-
ments and addresses the latest feature of electronic ple design work. Today's computers vastly alter this
data transfer for the experienced layout designer. learning process. One designer at a computer graph-
Process Plant layout and Piping Design represents ics terminal can route a line and extraa the single line
the accumulated, practical experience of twO plant isometric, which includes a complete bill of material.
layout designers who, through more than 70 years of This information may then be electronically rransmit-
trial and error, have devised workable methods and ted to a shop or field fabricator.
rules of thumb for plant layout and piping design. Such rapid changes in technology demand that in-
Illustrations that make up the heart of this book are dustry adopt a more formal means of educating future
its key aspect, because plant layout and piping design designers, because new trainees today must learn in a
is visual by nature, requiring the designer to make in few short years what our talented predecessors spent
essence the conceptual leap from a two-dimensional a lifetime learning by repeated manual exercise. Al-
process flow diagram, to a three-dimensional, phy- though the availability of the computer vastly facilitates
sical process facility that comprises extensive networks the design of process plants, the tool itself does not
of process and piping equipment. confer the knowledge of fundamental principles of
This book has been arranged into 17 chapters. The plant layout and piping design that are the basis of any
first three deal with general concepts and principles of creditable effort at such design work. The computer
plant layout from basic technology and input require- remains, at best, a tool for learning and execution.
ments to actual deliverables. Plant layout specifications A plant layout designer is primarily skilled in the
have been included for spacing, clearances, and safety development of equipment arrangements and piping
requirements leading to equipment arrangement layouts found in process plants. The position offers a


unique opportunity to demonstrate technical ability entailed in each individual job. And although the tools
and creative talent as well as a commonsense approach we now use to achieve these goals have changed from
to problem solving. The world economy today de- pencil and paper to computer graphics terminal,the
mands that the design and engineering of process responsibilities and challenges of the plant layout de-
plants be accomplished on extremely short schedules signer remain the same. It is hoped that, through the
while optimizing operations, maintenance, safety, combined practical experience of both authors, this
quality, constructibility, and economics. 1his demand- book can help designers meet those challenges suc-
ing position offers great rewards for those willing to cessfully.
work to solve the coundess complex layout problems


The Basics of
Plant Layout
Plant .layout design plays an important pantrr the de-- .. Creati';ity.
sign and engineering phases of any industrial facility. Sufficient ~rience to a\'oid reinventing the
This chapter discusses the role and responsibilities of wheel.
the plant layout designer, provides advice on how to Knowledge of~e principal roles of other design
use project data, describes the timing of various acrh'i and engineering groups and the abili~' to use inpur
ties, offers an approach to a basic piping design layout, from these other disciplines.
and lists abbreviations and common terminology. Sub-
The ability to re~lve unclear or questionable data.
sequent chapters cover plant layout specifications. ma-
jor equipment layouts commonly found in such facili- \Xrillingness to compromise in the bes. interest of
the projed- ,-
ties. pipe rack layout, underground design, and
instrumentation. The abilitY-to generate clear a../d concise documents.
The ability, to defend designs when challenged
THE PIA.l\,ji L\YOUT DESIG!\Tf:R The Designer's Role
The plant layout designer is skilled primarily in me Exhibit I-I shows th.e factors, depanments. aI1d per-
de'\'elopmem of equipment arrangements a.'1d piping sonnel with which the plant layout designe~ can ex-
lA:0U~ fUi prciI..::t::,s industries. The po:,iLion offe:-s an pc::cr to work tJ1roughout me engineerIng phase of a
opportunity to demonstrate technical ability along project. The principal activities of Lr.e plm plan de\-el-
\\.ith a creative talent and common-sense approach to opment, equipment layout, and piping desig-::._ which
problem solving. Process facilities must be designed often account for a significant ponion of projeG engI-
and engineered within e~.-tremely shon schedules neering cosrs, be9.m~_(QQJ PQiD.tJ..QL<;Ij~[ltS, prQject
while adhering to maintenance, safety, and quality managem~DJ~S-QnSro.LctiDn. engineering,..44'1d SlIPPOrt-
sta..'1d.ards; moreover, the design must rake constructj ing disciplines. The designer must realize L'13t tl:-:le
bility, economics, and operations into account. Al- and care spent during engineering help shonen con
though the tools ro achieve these goals are changing struction schedules and thereby lowe o\-eral! project
from pencil and paper to computer graphiCS termi- COSts. The designer must be conscious of the cons~ruc
nals, the responSibilities of the plant layout design re- tibiliry of every la~out.
main the same.
The plant layout designer crwsr ~lop bgll.!!...9.o( Principal Functions
UrI]~~.1!tiQ..g the conceptual aI2d study phases ~of :1
The principal funaions of the plant layout designer
~ct The SKIlls needed anc1uae:
include the conceptual and prelimma.r-:-- de'--eIopmem
of process unit plOt plans, sometimes referred to as
Common sens! and the abilIty to reason.
equipment arrangements: the routing of maio:" abo\-e-
Knowledge of wlyt a pa:1..icular plant is designed [Q
and below-grade piping systems; and the byout of
do. equipment and itS associated irJrastrucrure. Plot plans
A general undersranding oUtow process equlp:nent sho\'" the positions of major uni[S a.rld equipment
is maintained and operated within units and their J..'isociated in:ras..rucrure. Creat-
The abiliry to generate a safe. comprehensi\'e byout mg a well-designed facilir,-. involves meeung 3Jl C~t
\\'imin a specified time aI)d with conside:-3iJOn to- spe.opc<3riooS and local gO\'erL\l:n~n:cod~s and regula-
\\"3.rd constructibiliry and cj1steffectl\-eness. ti.Q..lJs and acth~ri~J.9 deSIgn engmeering practIces

EXHIBIT 1-1 Plant La}pout Interface

\X"ith the planning plor plan as a basis. the following Establishing _all _~ql:!.!Q.!I!~m no?zle locations rhJ~
functions are a standard part of u~e plan[ layout de- satis~-aIi--p~ocess. urili~. ::md instrument requi~e-
signer's acti\"ities: ments.
Locaung ~lL?afery~'TIs (e.g., fire hydrants, moni-
Setting all equipment location5~This acti\"iry in-
tors, and safer:.' shower StatIons).
cludes input from COnStrucIlon o~ctiQ_n ...s~
que~ or on special problems :1;lSDdatedy.. Uh set-
Locating all itemS ,(e.g.. filters, si-
lencers. and :.lnalyzer hou~e5)
ting la.r&e--.PiecesQt_eQ.L:!.illJ1l~m ChoQ~~f1g e,quip-
rn~!~~i.Q!1S inc]J!des setling_ coordmates _in_lwo These acti\-ities must be closely coordinJted :.lmong
directjQO.i_And .firlalizing equipment elevations. all the plant design and constrUCtion participants in-
\\"hether they are cente.rline" t;lngem hne,. or bonom \"olved in [he engineering Jnd construction pha....;;es of J
of bJ.SW~e.
prolea ro reduce costly rework and enable '[he plJ.n~
De~ali SlW.CIUres and posHionmg the associ- layout deSIgner to generate the optimum design on
Jt~~,_J.a.Qders--,...and pu,~-In general. schedule
the designer makes provisions to sallsf'.- all opera-
tional. mJmte~ance. and safS'..,,, requircnems for 3(-
ce~s ro and clearaI'!.~~Eqund. e.::t:.Iipmem PROJECT L~PVT DATA
Planning unQ!Jstrucred are3S for _ne;:essJ.0._st~el
memberS-or" s[~Ciur-esthJ.t -r;cili'r;te al1 plant main- :\j[hough [here is a vast amount of input dat3 [hrough-
tenance requirements out th~ life of 3 prOject the d:uJ b~iGll!y hils mro

Process Pklnt UrJ'our and Design

Internally Generated
Engineering Data

I f I


three distinCt categories: Internally generated engineering data datJ is

rypicall~' generated by the supporring diSCiplines
Projea design daLa- Is supplied. b\t.h~.dienI.O--f within. ~'1~ .. .9.s;Signe(s", 9rg3.niz~~lon _-\.: exam;:,!e of
pr~.cLengine.ering.. such informarion is shown in Exhibit 1-2. This infor-
Vendor daG3.-Penains.lQ_ e.quiprnenr and specialty mation is e\'emually superseded b:\' ce:-:ined \'endor
bullUte1IlS. draWings but is of sufficient qualiry and definirion to
Int~(nally generated engine.ering. data use during the study phase of the project

These are discussed in the following sections.

The Logic Diagram
Project design data This includes the geographic 10- The design of any processing plJm is usuallyaccom-
eation of tbe_RlanLils p rox j ~lOroad.s. r.ailwa~:s..-and. plished in three phases: C~~j1,L...sw.d>.~~?r19..9~;~iL
\\~rS; regu-lations: tapograph}"; ConceRH.IaJ.cje:sigr:l?.)lre made when sketchy or mini-
and climatic conditions. The projeCt design data also mal inforI}lJtlon isq~ed to prepare an abstract ar-
specifies whether the p~oject t~ rangement of a pI9t_pl~JIQr an equipmem anQ.p'W.!~g
iry oels.a new site. This information is general1.L re- la~:Qllt. Prelirninar}.~ors.tud~: phase. designs are .made
quired during the pr.o.).ect:s.....plpt .plan-de\ wi~ed or~ncert.itleddara ro design:1 facili[\'
phase. in r~,Yff.iCl~Dj._deta.iL5o that thedocv:ne::lt; p~Q~~ced
can be ~sed foL~tai1 ~sign, confirmation of pur-
Vendor data 0-'\11 plJrchased equipmem and .specialty cha."ied equipment. and the purchJ..'.;e of bulk m:ueriJ!s
bul~rn.$__(e.g.,pumps, compressors. air coolers. fur- In the detail phase, all designs are nr1al:zed. The de-
naces, comrol and s~ety \'al\'es, le\'el Instruments. signs use such checked data J...';; steel and cone-ete
strainers, and silencers) reql!ire...prelim~~or drawmgs, hydraulICS and certified \'enjor draWings r the development of piping ~ ~l for equipmem, \03Ives, and in:'tiumem.'. i
cenified dca\1iOg~L.a.te_-USL1.:J,Hy not r~tred until the The m3jo: aaivjties of [he p1Jm !J'.-ou: designer to
de.taiJ-pb~ achie\'e ;In"9?Limum plam contlgu:-JtiOn t:ike plJct'

1JHo Bastes oj Plant Layout Design


DCHIBIT 13 Logic Diagram

~c;,!1 \/1T:(

~;n-J~ 0..0- ?....cJ.J

during the sUJd)" phase Of a pmjea The diagram BASIC L~YOL" PHILOSOPHY
ShOVoil in Exhibit 1-3 outlines the sequence of these
3ctl\i ties, along WIth the principal input reqUired and Each pl3...,t byout designer de\Oelops an indl\-idual by
output generale9] A..Ithough project schedules often Out philosoph~o. Although conditions (e.go. cliem speCi-
dlcute \"3nations in this 3.pproach, it IS imended to be fications, schedule constraints. and avail3.bihry of infor-
an optimum condition for the most effecti\"e use of mation) may cha.."ge signirlcamly among prQiects. the
suff time. The study ph:.lSe can make or bre3.k a proj- designer's style remains conSIstent. One basiC rule to
ect '\);"orkmg out of sequt=nce is acceptable within rea- remember j;; IQ 3\'oid desji'0jog Qn~ line at 3. liOJe-
son. but if It 15 overJone. a prOject will ne\'er reCO\Oer mat is, rouWJ~ 2 I! ne frOQl.,.on.e..ple~e_of.equipnlenL [0
during the detail phase The ideal situation for speed anq~_~I..QStl.,.ll,~ t[l~DliLMWw..1b~[t~\"l . QDe :\.lthough
and quality is to do the job right the hr51 ume it is possible ro campI ere an are3 design using d1J:-

Process Plant Layout a,ut Piping Design


EXHIBIT 1-4 Plan Viev. Layout

..2... c.
-~ ~~t:
~- .,..,.. nr-
;~ .~ ~ I
~- ~~~ ~~
r'_i -,.... ...... ~ ...... ~


I-=- ,~ ~ -

," .:L
;~l r-~---.,

........ _- ./

.................................. - --..atar----
I -
~~ .. A" @

approach, the resulr is a lack of consistency. Plan Vie~' Layout

An overview of all the piping withm 3 gi\'en area
should be completed before the designer proceeds Both arrangem,ents shown lC1 Exhibl: 1-1 are wo:-k3bie
\\ith the final arrangemem, This CJ.n be 3..:hie\'ed piping b\'out5 for the gl\'en equipment The desIgn 10-
through close review of the piping and in5rrumentJ.- phn A is the one-line-3t-a-tlme a~pro3ch. :\..Iong with
tion diagrams and freehand sketching of nU1Cl;" ~Iping requi:-mg more pipe !1nings Jnd steel In support I, j~
configurations to ensure that the piping ~'il! be fouted la;:ks consi:,renC" Plan B \\'a.':; de\-eloped as 3. whol:::-
in an orderly manner. unit llnes runnmg to the nozzle:, on drums 0 and E

Tbe Basics of PU:IPII LaJ>out Desigll


EXHIBIT 1-5 Elevation layout


, t - - - I - - - - - -... '- \

4/ \
~ --1..--------:--~!,J
~I \

~ ' '-----,"--~--:-

/ ' ,/

are on the outside of the pipe rack and peel off first though it is not always necessary to pl:lll for future
with flat piping turns. The lines to exchangers A, B. expansion. it can ohen be done with \'e~' little ajdi
and C are located to the center -of L'le rack and can also tiona! effort a.l1d COSt Each 3rea should be tI10ugnt
peel off in most cases. through on a caseby-case bJ.Sis
This approach saves firtings and requires a shorter
steel beam to support the piping It should be nmed
Elevation Layout
that the use of flat turns in piping IS not recommended
if there is a likelihood of future eXDansion in an area Exhibit 1-5 shows twO workable piping layouts, The
The alternative to accommodate fut~re piping running key dulerence is that the arrangement on L~e left
north at the same ele\'ation 15 to change elevarlor; for shows piping running at too many ele\'3tJons 'X"d1 3
the piping running east and west to '- the drums :\1 linle effort, thiS can be corrected, as shown In L"1e

Process Plant LAyout and ptping Design


" ,(" DIagonal Piping Runs

i T I'

i .I i 1 e;l

! I 0 1.0"

: j /f
1/ '
/f' , ~


right-hand \iew. Adding suPPOrt steel for this prefer ferem ele\'ation. as shown, The:-e is no absolutc rule.
red design would require only minimal effort. The except tJ1<it judgment should be used to produce J
view on the left. howe\'er. \'\'ould require additioful ne3.t Jnd orderly layout as \'\"ell as to occasional!'.- SJve
engineering time and additional steel cost. pipe fittings ~'hen possible

Diagonal Piping Runs..,.w Valve Manifolds

\1.;nen lines are ruQjU..J. 'QogeSieQ..JlfQ.. ~J~~ic rule [Q The layoU( of \'alve manifolds is anOther oppo;:~ni~'
follow is to change the e~\"3[toQJ.Q~_id.j~e to exercise consistency of design, Layout A of Exhibit
with orher lines \Yb.en.lines.3.t:e..lO.k.r_OI !ted perpen' 1- - uses an excessive number of fmings and jn..:11C316
dicular ....w--..m.ost--ad.j.acem ,p;.p~ The arrangemem a lack of proper planning. \'\'nh J little thm.1~~[ :md
shown 'in pb~ A of ExhibH lG has 3. minimal offset ext:'J etTon, a less expensive anc more pracuGd dt:,.gn
dimension. X Running the line at the s;3me ele\'Jtion I~ GIn be generated, as shown in layouI B. Cenain pipin~
acceptable if it does not block the p~s3ge of a IJrge spe':lrlC3[ions nuy restrict the llse of branch co:mt:'c-
number of other lines In phn B. dimension r wOulc [I0fb In lieu of reducers. but this option shl-ll.lld be
interfere With tOO many lines and should run at 3 dlt- considered if Jt all pl..)Ssible

The Basia of Plant Uz.}'OUI Design

EXJDBIT 17 Valve Manifolds

l~~~~ p;z::-~~ ~

~~'V!:: F-rr:r~ ~I"-JI~UH Flrrl~



Use of Space keep that in mind when the next expansion is

The efeaive use of plant real estate pro\-ides plam
ope:-ations and maintenance personnel with the rna.xi-
mum amount of room in a plant. which in most ca.'es
can be very congested Exhibit 1-8 shows some ~"pic31
misuses of valuable real estate.
For example, the steam trap assembly shown on the
This seaion defines a.'ld summarizes the abbre'\"ia-
left is commonly designed in the engineering office.
tions, standards. and terminology used throughout
This arrangement for a thermod~namic steam trap is
this book.
spread out over an area of approximately :2"7 in (690
mm) in length. Although this area may not seem ex-
cessi\"e for one trap assembly, it can be avoided com Abbreviations
pletely by installing the trap and strainer in the venical
leg of the piping, as shown on the right. An additional The follOWing abbre\"iations are used in re:\.l and illus-
drain may be required, but mis arrangement should trations:
be considered as a space-saving alternative. The steam
tracing manifold in the left-h311d sketch is another ../AG-.Abo\"e ground.
common engineering office approach that w3.Stes valu- -..'A.'.;SI-American :\ational Sr::mdards Institute
able plant space. If a \'enical manifold thJt is sup- ./AS~lE-A.meriC:ln Society of \lech:l:lical Engl::~crs
ported from the column is used. additional spJce is JBBP-Bottom of bJ..'e?!Jte
3\-ailable for other piping systems or operator access. J BL-Barrer. limit
The client must live with the plant long after the
J {-Cemerl;ne.
engi:1eering and construction ph3.Ses are o\'er. The
operJtOrs will be walking through the fa..:dlt\ e3ch dJ.\' J EL-Ele\"JtlOn.
and will be cominu~lIyr~mind~d.oil\"hotl~k the tim~ .j IRI-lndusrri31 Risk lnsurt'rs
and effort to plan the projecubor~.~:1dthey wIll ..J ;";-:\orth

Process Plant La_l'OUI and Piping Design


Space esc

1be Basics oj Plant /A.Jout Destgrl


.IOD-Outside diameter. ..------.--- ------.--.----. conveYors. It shows equipment numbers. :10..,; rates,
'"-Diarneter. and operating pressures andtemperarures a."1d is used
.; :'\FPA-:\ational Fire Protection Association, to prepare the mechanicaLflQw d)agrams (ie.. piping
and instrumentation diagrams). It is also usee to pre-
J ~PSH-:\et positive suaion head
pare conceptual and preliminary plOt plans.
~OSHA-Operational Safety and Health ACL
/ PFD- Process flow diagram. Equipment list .-\11 itemized accouming Est by class
J P&ID-Piping and instrumentation diagram of all equipment to be used on a project. this docu-
J POS-Poim of SUppOIT. ment gi\'es the ~uiI:2me[ll,ite.m.numbers.a..~d.. descrip
~I TI- Tangem line tion~gl.q 1~..g~ne~311y furnished by the cliem 0:- proj~ct
T05- Top of steel.
1YP-Typical Piping and instrUmentation diagrams These docu-
CG-Cnderground. ments schematl:ally show aU"pro,c.ess. utility. and aux-
ihary elliUPm.e;H :,;s .. ~:eIL9.S_'p'j'pjng,.\'alnr1g. specialty
item~. . in~hJ,1menra~ion ..and.ins U1Jli.oD. 3..i1dheat
Codes and Standards
This book refers to the following codes and 5tanda:-ds.
which cover the stated areas: Piping specilication ThIS doqL~nt lists Lie type of
materia,ls tc: ,be u5ed. for pipes. vah'es. andfmmgs for
~ A"SU.-\S~lE B31-3-Chemical p13m and petroleum each commodity in a plant This listing is ba..;;,ed on
refinery piping. pressure. tem'perature. and the corrosi\'e nature of the
.....-.0\."SIIAS~lE B31-4- Petroleum pipeline. flow medlUm. It also describes pipe waILtbicJ-;l1~~es,
,- A."SI!AS~IE B31-8-Gas transmission pipeline. how branch connections are made. and itemlzed srock
... :\FPA 30-Tank storage codes thal: are used for ordering materials .
:"FPA 58-Liquefied petroleum gas storage andh:m
line run This is the PQr~lC~U~.oute a pipe takesqe-.
, dling.
[Ween any~poims 3S~Lh~~l.hepl.mL.lJ}.:QYl "d~ . "
". ~FPA 59A-Liquefied narural gas storage and han- signer
i OSHA 1910-24-Flxed stairs. Planning study or layout drawing This is an onho-
"/OSH.-\ 1910-2-:'- Fixed ladders. graphic piping plan. It is usually not J finis~ed docu-
ment. nor is it delt\'erable to a client. This drawing
shows all equipment in J gi\"en 3.rea to :mc in-
cludes major process and utility piping systems. signifi
The terminology used 1:1 te~l and dll.!~i::-3t1--:Jn:' IS de cam \alnog. J.:1d instruments It notes exaCl equip-
fined in the following sec-lions. ment locations 3nd ele\"ati'J:1s. all nozzles. pbtform
and hdder requirementS. ar1d any pl;->e stlppon dat3
Process flow diagram This document :;chen13tic311~ that aff~ct:' the design of equi;:>menr or srruaures by
shows all majo,L eqJ!ipmenr iTems wirb..w 3 plJAt 3.0d other disciplines. Exhibit 19 is 3 rypicli eX:lmple of a
how they are linlied !ogetL~.~~~.~:,~-aod-- planning study.

Process Plant Lo.'vout and Piping Design



I .\

__________..~_~_ -J .=J- i,.c'"'j~'7i

-~ 'P-~'.~~~
;-+-,r4d-.......,... -.;.. I

ItO'" e'Z ( -to: ~b~~~M=.~?-L..-..Jl-

II '"IZ,-VG:

.; ,,0-, j" i
aP' OZI -1~ .
- ---'- I-oo I

.; .,1'. " J I
..4', r&l(~9


The Basics of Plant Layout Desig71

Stearn-Traced tine

?,.LW..I CO\J~
lC~,L~~IOIJ V~!=oL.':2

-:7 -~- ;;:r


~IC?N '~.A'I

Heat tracing In many processes, equipment, instru- points in a plant. An example of a header arrangement
ments, and piping systems require eXTernally applied is shown in Exhibit 1-12,
heal. Tbis heat may be appli~d by elearical.rracing
leads anached
t6'the... item
. or line or . through
3. small Branch The individual piping leads bem"een head-
bore pipe or tubing mat carries steam or other heating ers and users are also illustrated in Exhibit 1-12
media (e.g., QQtQiI). An example of 3. steam-traced line
is shown in Exhibit 1-10. Maintenance Equipment and iL" components re-
quire rourine maintenance for continued reli3bih~
Inline This term refers to a component that is placed and safe operation. A plant layout designer must pro-
either inside or berween a pair of flanges as opposed vide unobs[ru~t:~,2.R.~~~ fgr ,~~r.. ice equipment and
to one anached to a piece of pipe or equipment..~ person!}~Lto~a~.c~~s<~ndremove components ~'ithouL
example of in line instrumem3tion is sho\\'n in Exhibit remO\'ing uDI~l;u.ed ,_eqlJJpf!1en~ and piping
Operation Valves, instrumentS. 3.nd many ~?es of
....Header block valves These \"J.kes lso!J.te branch equipmem reqUire frequent ane;;tion for oper:.HIon,
lines th~l[ are nor usually pro\'lded wah permJ.nenr These !terns must be acces,Slble \Yl:hOU[ impairing the
access for plant operations perso:lnel safe~" of plant personneL

Header This Ime is the V1r:1Jry -;,,)urce ,-)~. J commod- Safety The byout of any bcdtr; must enablt- ~lanr
ity used by nUmerL)US ple.::c':- of c'q~llrml'm or persunnel to exit 3. pmentlJlly hJL.lrdous area withuut

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design

Inline Instrumentation


Uf2t2 ~~ vALv-:= EXHIBIT 1-12
Hcader- Branch- Header
I Block Ya.! ..'e

mjury. Planning for safery includes adding roadways [0 the result of a balanced consider3tio:1 of initial cost.
provide access for ~r~ers and equipment; SJ.Q.te safe~'. and L,e long-term effects of 3 design 011 o;::>era-
giCl1~~~.:~ .9:e.[~~~<?r_s_ ~nd h~'drfM1ts arQu.o.d...rbe tions and maimenanc.e.
pr~; adding suffi~'liJadd_ers and stairways ,at An example of cost-effectiveness is the b~\Ju[ of
5truau!'es--to-meeL ~H'; reqlliremenI,S.; ioeating fur- steam-dfl\'en g~.:; compressors. AJrhough 3 grade-
nace:- WIth fired burners Jway from potentIal sour('e~ mounted instalbtlon is initially less expensi\'C' to in-
of gJS leJks: and settmg L~e heIght and location uf stall. mJli!ren:Ince on such arrangenems onc"n re-
vents t.J pre\"em injury to operating personnel quires tht> dism:mtling of all major piping systems
ThIS can prolong rLm! downtime an": [;311slare::- into
Cost-effective De\'e1o?mg L~c most mexper:~I\'t' !J~ lost re\'enue fL)f the client. Careful con';;dJe:-3uon
OUt r:1JY nOt tr~lnslJ.te imo the most cos~effectl\'t de- should be gl\'en [l) :111 bctors before [1t.' InH13J1y 10"-
sign f,x the ilie of the plant. A cost-effectl\'e dt'~Jgr: I' est-cost solution 1:- ch.J-"en

The Bastcs of Plant Layout Design

EXHIBIT 1-13 Gravity Flow

I-O~-?-- --- --- --------1-0;.. :: 107-;'

Gravi~ flow \X"hen pockets must be 3\'oided in 3 Flexibility - E\"ery piping arrangement must be suffi
given piping 'system. the line is labeled "grJ\"iry fiow" ciently flexible to allow each line to thermally expand
on the piping and instrumentation diag:-am This after: or contract without o\'erstressing the pIpe or equip-
results in lOCating equipment In ele\'Jted structures ment_ Exhibit ]15 illustr3teS se\'er31 methods to meet
instead of at grade, as shown in Exhibit 1-13, this flexibility requirement. including-

Open systems An open system is .D..O.e-lll-'C.-"hk.~ the Relocating equipment to bui Id fl~.\.ibilll\- l:1tO L~e
comems of _~JiD.~~discharged aRd RQ[ reca' "ered inherent design of the line
Examples of this inclu~ief \:aln~ d&~mo
Addmg an exp:lnsion luop
the atmosphere and a steam tI~..R d~s.c;.!l;u-~ the
ground~ an-o'pe~ . Adqing an ex;')ansion jom! (but only if 3. loop \\"111 not
suffice )_
Closed systems A closed systt':-n is one In \yhicn the Reducing the schedule I:U:', wall thICkness) of the
coments of relief system:, or SteJm tr_~_conje~s:ue~ pipe if possible
are recovered. Examples oLo;>e:Q. and closed system~
are shown in Exhibit 1-] of,

Process Pumt La.l'Out and Piping Design

EXHIBIT] -14 Open and Closed Systems

---- ~~~ .
?~~~ 7..::' .c.~J:-~~

c;.~D ~-"1Jl

-0 l,..:;..c.~

Line Flexibility

The Basics of Plant a)'out Design

Typical Pipe Supports

solutions ~\'ith the project stress engineer before pro- Spring ~uppons-These lines move 3.t the paint of
ceeding with any of these methods. support as a result of thermal expansion or comrac-
tion and are generally supported by springs. De-
Pipe supports These steel members are arrached to a signed for specific pipe loads and movements. the~'
pipe to hold it in place during operation. Supports are mainuin a SUppOrt under a line throughout Its range
available in many shapes and sizes and range from of movemem.
those that hold a hne firm enough to permit no mm"e Trunnions and dummy legs-These supports are
ment [0 those that allot\ mO\'emem in any direerion. used for many applications and are welded to the
Some ~"picaI pipe SUppO:-t5 are shown if: Exhibit 1-16 outside of the pipe without cuwng 3. hole mto it.
and include:
Brackets-This t)pe of sUppOrt m3y be welded (Q
struClural members or cenain pieces of equipment.
Pipe shoes-These insulated lmes Jre u5u31ly sup- It may have :1 cantilever design or knee b:-J..:ing fo:-
poned on shoes fabnc3ted from sm..lcwr31 sh3pes supporting hea\'Y loads Line~ m3~' be U-bolted.
(e.g., T-sections or Wide rhnges). :\ st:.lIljJrd shoe guided, or hung by rod hanger:> from the bracket or
height is jlfn II 00 .mm ).. may rest on shoes

Process Plant La.l'OU( and Piping DeSign

/ -17
EXHIBIT 1-11 ConstnJctibiliry Planning



':i?Z I.I! 1'-;' ~.X;",~ l..I' ~~ . .=-I

A plant layout designer should make e\'ery effort ro pump. Although the piping configuration is basically
know and understand the pipe support requirements correa, it ignores the consrruct.ibiliry of the O\"e:-all
of the area being worked on so that an optimum lay- layout. Adding a spool piece to pump B permil'i any
out from a piping and a pipe suppon point of view can adjustment that construction may require.
be developed. The fining-to-fining arrangement at the air cooler
inlet header poses a similar problem. Installation of
Constrllctibiliry Spending additional time and effort large air coolers often makes it impossible for a pre-
during the engineering phase of a project is often juSti- fabricated piping configuration 0 be bolted to the
fied if it reduces initial construction staff time or de- nozzles. unless a spool piece of reasonable length is
creases the pmemial for costly rework on piping lay- included in the layout. Heat may be applied co the
outs. T"9."O examples of constructibiliry are shown in problem branch lines so they can be recemered on
Exhibit 1-1 '7. The suaion piping of pump A is arranged the nozzles. The fining-ro-fining configurarion does
fining ro fitting and does not allow the construaion nor permir this flexibiliry to the constructor. Once
comraaer any v,,-ay ro make an adjustment to a mis- again. the constructibiln;- factor should be conslderec
alignment between the centedme of the vessel and the

Tbe Basics oj Puml LAJloul Destgn

Cupyrigh[ 1990 hy \X'arren, Gurlul1l &: Lll1hH1L Inc.


~o part of [his wurk covert:d by rhe c()pyri~hr hen:'l)J1

may he reproduced or u:.;ed in :1l1:' fl.>flll or hy ~\IlY
means-graphic. electronic. or lllech:lIlictl. includin~
phOlocopying. recording, taping. or informar ion ;';(Of-
age and retrie\'al systems-withuLH \\Ti[(en penni.. .
sian of [he puhlisher.

ISB~ O-913-05--i35

A DI\lSro;..; OF \X:AKRE\, GOKJ-L\\\ & L-\\IO'\T. 1'\:
BOSTO< l\l-\.-;SACHLSETIS 0211 ]



Plant Layout

Specification. as usedininduSrriaLLerminology. means eqUipment in place or [Q remO\'e the unit equi';nenr

the c~nsEi.n~ und~ which a c.omponent should be or ponians of eqUIpment for off-site repair.
desi.!led and manufactured. Almost eve~lhing that is Equipment includes every camponen as:,o.:iated
pu;chased, con;rr;;~-o'r designed is gm'erned by with the process plant (e.g .. pumps, tOwers, ::e:lt ex-
specifications. Specifications encourage uniformity changers, and compressors).
and improve quality throughout all industries. For the
plant layout designer. specification is an essential tool
Equipment Arrangement
of the trade. Ignorance of or failure to comply with the
guidelines set in the project specification could be General plant arrangement must be consiste::: WIth
costly and could affecr the quality of the design. Specifi- prevailing aunospheric and site conditions 3.5 weIi as
cations set the requirementS for plant equipment ar- with a...'1d regulations- Equipmem ::1-..:.5: be
rangement. operation. maintenance, and safety In the grouped within common process a~eas to 5:"':'1:
process plant layout and detail the requiremem~ for pendent operation and shutdown Eq~llpmen: ";Yi~i--jin
compliarlCe with national codes and regulations. process and off-Site area.;; must be arra:lged to a:cOITl-
modate operational and maimena:1ce access 3.:1C tJ
meet the safety requirementS listed i:1 Ex~ibit :-:. l..'n-
THE CO~fPOl\~~TS OF SPECIFlCATIOX less required for common operatio=-:. or safey. equip-
ment is to be located in process seq:Jt':1ce to mi...~ l:":"';:Z:::
This chapter defines what is included in L~e specifica- io.tef-GOflnecring-pipUng.
tion. The plant layout designer must be aware of all Process units. buildmgs, and groups of a~ea."
the specification components and how to work effec- (e.g.. tank farms) are serviced by a:Jxiliary roajs for
ti\'ely with the speCification. maintenance ...a.nd-fi,r.eJighting Eq:Jipmem l:A"'3.tion
must facilitate in-place maintenance b~' mobile equip-
menL Process eqUipment must be e:lclosed in shelters
only when required b~- extreme climatic condi:hJrlS or
Any revisions, exceptions. or addenda to the specifica- client pr~fe~en.~es.
tion should be highlighted in the project document;]- In gen.eral. piping, power. and instrument cables
uon E.... cep[. for small skid-mounted units, all clear- are [0 be carried on ~ . pipe rack,5 in. process
ances and accesse;;. for operatic;m and maintenance on units and utility plants and,je_sJ~.eP.~rs..jnoff-Site
equipment furnished as :1 regular pan of a proprietary ~as'.
package should be 10 accordance with the require-
ments of the specification.
Equipment Elevations
EqUipment should generally be ele\'ated a mini:num
Tenns grade tp ~lljLpro,.e~S. oper~Hional. and
Ope:-aror access is the space requ ired betv,:een com- maintenance requirements. Ho..r.iz.ontJ.! drums, shell
ponents or paIrs 0: components to permit w:.llking. and tube exchangers. and furnace~ ml, be su?poned
operating \"a)\,es, \'Ie~'ing instruments, clImbIng bd- fr()~_-sgge by co0.-rete Rk,rs. \'en.ic.:.lLsesseIs \:e.g ..
ders or stairs. and sJiely exiting the unit in an emer- lOwers and reaaors with attached skir-..s) and b2.Seplate
gency. equipment with pumps should be supported 3.: grade
~1aimen3Jlce access is the space required to ser.'JCe by co~c; founciltlOns.

EXlUBIT 21 Equipment Spacing
A Can be reduced to a minimum of
200' by increasing height of flare:-
B Boilers, J>O"'-er generators, air
C Monitor l0C2tions should be
sekcted to protect specific jtc:'m5 of
o Gre~uer than 500 F
E Less thAn 500 0 F
utoJr; F The diameter of the brgCSt ta.~
i G Double the diameter of the largest
H Maximum 250'; minimum will '\"a!"'\"
M Minimum to suit operator or -
maintenance: access
NA :O-;otapplicable

Exhibit 21 highlights the recommended safe~' distances Fixed fire: water sprays should be pro\;ded o\"er equipment t.~at
bcr":een equipment associated with rennery, chemical, and handles flammable materials and operates at temperatures
petrochemical plants. greater than 500 F (260 C) and over equipment that handlc:s
This ahibit should ~ read in conjunction \:l.;th national and light hydrocarbons "'ith a \"apor pressure greater than 65 psi
local codes and regulations. Exceptions to thIS ~xhibit should be . (3.5 kg'em) at 100 F (38 0 C) or a discharge pressure greater
by Clien~ specification only. than ;00 psi (35 k.g/cm) that is located direcdy beneath
air-cooled exchangers.
Dimensions shown are to the face of equipment and are

a. English Measurement

L.1rge vacuum or crude lOwers with swagged bot overhead pipe racks. Equipment e!e'\-3tions must be In
tom sections and compressors th3t 3re to be elevated - accorchnce with Exhibit 2-2.
for operational needs must be supPo:1ed from con-
crete structures. EqUipment th:u mus;: be elev3ted for
process reqUirements (e.g.. shell and ruhe o\"erhe3d
Roads, Paving, and Railroads
condensers) must be supponed in s;:~uctureS \X"hen Process pbnts 3re to be serYiced by roads 3d!ace~t [0
practical, air coolers should :1lso be: =,'-'rponed from process units, utility pl~nb, matenals-handlmg l~d

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design

EXHIBIT 2-1 Equipment Spacing (Cont)
A Can be: reduced to a minimum of
61 m b~' increasing height of flare
B &oilers, power generators, air
C Monitor locations should be:
sc:1c:'cted to protect ~ci.fic itcfTl5 of
o Greatcr than 260~ C
E Less than 260= C
F The diameter of the largest tank
G Double the diamcter of the largest
H Ma.:"imum"S m: minimum ~ill \''at'''-
M Minin)um to suit operator or .
maintcnance access
Sit l'iotapplicahk ...

b. Metric Measurement

loading areas. and groups of off-site equipment thar extend to ~uxili3~' roads.
require access for maintenance and fire fighring. An Off-site area pa\-ing muse be pro\'ided at groups of
adequate road nem'ork and parking facility should be equipment (e.g.. pump slabs and meter~ng stations)
provided ar administration buildings, the main plant but nor ae tJ.nk farms. inside diked a:-e::L~. under pipe
control room. firehouses. and warehouses. Access racks. or in areas alongside roads. except when re-
'ways or secondary roads muse be prOVided within pro- quired for maintenance. These unp.:n"ed are:lS are not
cess units and utiliry pbnrs so that equipment can be surfaced. l"npa\'ed areas wimin the banery limll~ of
remm"ed for off-Unit repair and chemicals and cata- process units and urili~' plants must be graded and
lysts can be loaded and unloaded. Road~ must be surfaced with crushed stOne or J slmdar materiaL Ex-
ramped Q\'er piping at intersections '\\"ith grade-Ie'\"el cept for rloors in control and s\,;jechger buildings, all
sleepers. indoor and outdoor p3\"ing mu.. . [ be sloped for drain-
Paving within process units and utili~' plJntS should age.
also all equipment. unie comrol room ar- Curbs and WJlls a:-e ro be u~ed 1f1 ?;lKe:-;s unl[.. . Jnd
eas and the areJ be:leam the m:.lin pipe rack. Lnkss utility plants [0 contain spills frum c:"qulpmC'nt USIng
required for n13imC'n~.mce re35om. p3\'ing need not acid Jnd other d,mgerous chemiCJb E3rt.hen dike"

Plant Layout Specijic4tiotl

Open Enclosed EXHIBIT 2-2
lnstaUation lnsaillation Equipment Elevations
Item Support Rderence ft mm ft DUD

a. Process ('nits and L'ti/iry Plants

Grade pa"'in~t lloors High poim 100' 100.000 100'6" 100,1 :;0
Low polO: 99'6- 99,850 100'2" l00,OSO
Veruol vessels BottOm of ba..;;e ring or 100'6- 100.150 101 ' 100,300
POS BO!Iom 101' 100.,300 101'6- 100... 50
Horizont.J! \'esse!s BOHom of saddles .~.;; require:: :or \;?SH or for operation
tEL J.::C maJrltenan;;e

Pumps, bio'll'ers. packaged Bonom 0f ba5eplate 100'6" I'J(,::;C 101' 100,300

IflQepeooernlubricared Bottomofba.--eo iate ~ re-qtHrec f,J! -ltl~-aili"-e,um plping or
compressors t shaft . st;r:ace condensers
MotOrdn\"en Bonom qf basep late .~ requl:-ec: Or clearance J, puls:uion
reCipro...-auog t shaft bo~le~ and plpl::g
Furnaces. wall- or Bonom of noor ?late 1O-i' 101.200
roof-fired POS
Furnaces. floor-fired Bonom of lioor piJ.te lOS' 101.-iOO
\'ertical reboile'5 Bonom of lugs .~ reqUire: :0 SUI: srruaure or related
Pipe ra.:k.s Top of st~el _\:; req:';lrec ro suit clearances for
opc'J.:io:-: a::c: maintenance access
b. Off Site
Grade pJ\"lng :ioors High po::"" 9' ~}) 1T 380
Low pom, 3" -5 S-. 230
\'ertical '.essek Bonom of base ring or 1',3" 3S0 1'0' 530
Storage ::inKs Top of berm or bonom of 1' 300 \.-\ \.-\
Horiz0nt.J! "'esse!::; Bottom of saddles .-\s requIre: for \PSH 0, for o?era:ll.:m
tEL Jr:c matmena:1ce
Pumps. biowers, packaged Bonom 0:- baseplate l' 3" 380 rsr 530
Cooling to~ers. clarifiers. As req'Jired \.~ \.A
clear wells
Grade pipe slee?ers Top of s:ee! I' 3~IO \.~ \ ..J..

For e-J.Se of height rder~nce an': .::lIcub.lIor.5. .l!: ele-.":llions reie~ to 100 f:
for prOlec-.s ~mg English me:LS~remen[S and 100.000 mm fo~ prOle"",
using :Tler.:1C l'ne:ISuremems These datums ::o:-:-esoond 10 the Site d~'"J110r.
tughlaght~ lr, the pro,ea deslgr: dat;l specihc:ltiO~
Dlmen5lons snOtlon In b (OJ! Sue: are height.' above high pornt of g~de
Al: Concr~e s::pport e!~'"Jtlor'..'> sno~n for eq:;!i'ment Include an aJlo~'ance
for grouL
All dimel"'.,>lofb shov.'Tl are ml:llr.,~m

must be built in off-Site areas to retain spills from R.1ilroad syStems that 3re d~~lgned for in-pbm op-
storage tJnks. Dikes, curbs. and walls used to comain erJuon and th3t imersen or form pan of L1e m:l1r: lme
tank spills must be able to accommodate the \"olume a~e to conform with st:mdard.;-; and pranice:, the 0:
of the 1J.rgest tJ.nk in L~e area \X'hen calcu13ring the m,:un-line railroad or 3ppropriJte Juthoriry. R03C. ;::'.1\'-
size of enclosure, the designer must conside:- the dls- mg. and raiiroad dimensions and cleJ.-Jnces shoul": be
placement volume of all other tanks (ie., to the heiRht in accordance with the mmimum dImenSions s!1 ...: wn
of the dike) as well as -3n allow3.I1ce for freebo3rd'- in ExhibIt 2-3

Process Plant La)'out and Piping Design

Dimensions EXHIBIT 23
lIem Description ft DUD Roads. Paving. and
:>tam plJn< roads ~'Idth 2... -:",300
Headroom ").,'

InsIde turning radius 22' 6....00

Secondar'\' plam r03& Width 16' ".sOO
Headroom 1... ..,300
In:iide turning radius 10' 3,000
~tmor acces... roads \X'ldth 10' 3.000
Headroom II' 3.oiOO
Inside turning radius 8' 2..'150
Paving Distance from outsIde edg-: of equIpment to edge 0:- ... 1.200
Railroads Headroom over railro:ids. from tOP of rail .,")'
Headroom over dead end:; and Sidings. from tOP of :2' 3,600
-- -rail-------------------------- -.
Clearance from track centerline to obstruC'tlon g'6- 2.600
Centerline distance beTween parallel tracks J3' 4,000
Distance beTween cemerlme of track ane OJraJle! 23' -.000
above ground and undergroL.:nd piping'
Co\'er for underground piping ~,thin 23 ft i-.OO~; 3' 900
rom I of track centerline

Platforms, Ladders, and Stairs

EXHIBIT 2-4 Platforms. Ladders. and Stairs
Platforms are [0 be pro\'ided at all ele\~ated equipmenr
and ar COntrols thar are beyond reach from grade for Dimensions
manual operation :L'ld maimenance. \ hem Description ft IDnl

Stairways must be prOVided to lead to service le\'els Platforms Headroom 2 j eM)

in struCtures. buildings. compressor house decks. and ~'idt." of ..... lllh-wa~"s (grade or 3' 900
furnaces that require frequent access by plant opera- eie-.arec)
~l~'.:lmum \"3.riance bei\\eer. S' 23(:
tions personneL StOrage tanks larger than 15 ft (4.500 platforms ~Jthout an
mm) in diameter and higher than 20 IT (6,000 mm) intermediate step
also require stairs for access. Ladders must be pro- ~"Jdt." 3r vertical vesse!~ 3' 90Q

vided for vessel platforms, secondary service levels in Dtst.1nce bei\\'een inside racius 10" ~50
and inside of platform on
struaures, and furnaces and at srorage ranks with the ver.:ical \'essels
dimensions pre\'iously mentioned. Escape ladders ~la.,<imum dis.ance of platform or 5' 1,500
must also be pro\"ided from service levels so that no grade below center:ine 0;'
mamtenance access
point on a platform is horizontally more than 75 ft
,\laximum length of dead ends 20' 6,000
(22.500 mm) in walking distance from J. main or sec-
Ladders \X'idth of ladders ]'6" ... 50
ondary exit. Side exit ladders are preferred. Flare Diame[~r of cage .,' ",
- -I -10
stacks need only be pro':ided with a single continuous b.-tension at step-off platforms .:j' 1.200
ladder for tip inspeCtion and access ro [he top mainte Disunce of b<mom hoop from S' 2.... 00
nance platform. Handrails should be installed on open grade or platform
Dlsunce bertl,:een Inside radius of 1'2- 3';0
sides of all platform areas and s[airv,:ays. l...3dders that \'ertJcal vessels to centerline of
e:o.1:end more than 20 ft (6.000 mm) abo\'c grade must ladder rung
have safety cages Selfc1osing gates at ladder openings ,\ta.ximum \'ertiol rise of 30' 9.150
uninterrupted ladder run
on all platforms are also required.
~lJ.Xlmum slope from q::nic-.ll a.-..;is 1'5~
Venical vessels (e.g .. rowers or reactors) should TDe clearance 8~
generally have circular piatforms supported b~' brack- St:lIrs \l:'lddl Iback-ta-back of srrmger) 2'6" -50
etS from the side of the vessel Pbrform. ladder. and .\1J.ximum \'eniC".lI onet1lgh( n"c 18' 5::;i.)(J
stairway dimensions and clearances should be In ac- \la.Xlmum angle ';0"
cordance with those sho\\'n in Exhibir 2-~ ( L"nless mh He-.ld room 2.1tXl
ern'ise nored, dimensions shown are minimum) \X'ldth of landings ,- ()()()

Plant La...out Specification


-Maioteoaoce- _ be located in trenches.

In process units and utility plants, piping to equip-
Adequate clearance must be pro\'ided adjacent to or
ment must run overhead to meet operatOr and mainte-
around equipment and controls that require in-place
nance clearances. Shan runs of piping (e.g., pump
servicing or that require removal from their fi.xed op-
suaions), however, may run at grade. where the\" do
erational location for repair. .
not obstruct access ways. Piping in such off-site ~eas
If equipment is located Vo,'ithin shelters. suitable fa
as tank farms must run approximately 18 in ("'*50 mm)
cilities (e.g., trolley beams or traveling cranes) must
above grade and must pro\'ide adequate access to con-
be provided to lift and relocate the heaviest items.
trols and maintenance areas by walk-over stiles Off-
Drop areas must exist within shelters that use fued
site pipe racks must be located adjacent to storage tank
handling facilities. There should also be drop areas for
dikes. \X'ithin diked areas, piping must run by th~e most
vertical equipment that must be lowered to grade,
direct route unless limited bv flexibility and tank set,
There must be adequate area at all shell and rube
tlement. PIping sen'ing a tank or tanks' in a common
exchangers for rodding or tube bundle remm"al and at
area must not run through adjoining diked areas.
furnaces for coil rerno\"al. Exhibit 2-5 highHghrs some
All insulated piping L~at passes through dikes ~'1d
of the principal maintenance aa1\'ities and handl\:lg
all pIping passing under roads or railroads m LlSt be
de'\'ices associated with a com'emional operating
enclosed in metal pipe slee\"es. Uninsulated piping
passing through dikes should be coated and v.Tapped
but nOt slee\ed. Piping systems must faciliL:lte the re-
Plant Operation moval of equipment without remm'ing the ass.:x:iated
There must be clear access at grade and at elevated piping and controls.
platforms so that operation of th~ plant can proceed in Piping systems are to be arranged with suffiCient
a safe and unrestriaed manner. Valves and instru- fleXibility to reduce any excessive Stresses and. when
ments are to be placed so that they can be operated or possible, to accommodate expansion without using
viev.'ed but do not impede access at grade and ele- expansion bellows Line spacing should be based on
vated wal}.."V,'ays.
. anticipated line mo\"ements under regular operating
Operating valves that cannOt conveniently be lo- conditions.
cated below a centerline elevation of 6 fi 9 i~ (2.050 The tOp of stacks and continuously operating \"ems
mrn) from grade or platform must have opera- that discharge hazardous \"apors must be positioned a[
tOrs, e:..."tension stems, or motor operators. Except for least 10 ft (3.000 mm) abo\"e any platform within a
bane~' limit \'3lves, all unit isolation \'a!ves must be horizontal radius of ~o ft (21,000 mm) from the \'em
located at grade. Exhibit 2-6 highlights the minimum or Stack. Intermittent \'ents that discharge hazardous
requirements for operatOr access to controls vapors intO the aunosphere are to be located 3. mini,
mum of 10 ft (3,000 mm) above any platform wIL~in 3
horizontal radius of 35 ft (10,500 mm) from the vent.
Abo'"eGround Piping
The \"ertical distance may be reduced for n::nrs and
\X'ith the exCeption of plpeUne pumping stations, stacks discharging into the atmosphere by. the s:une
sewe:-s. and most cooling W3ler systems. piping is gen- distance thar J platform is outside me safery radius
erally run above grade in process plants \\'hen IOC:Hed from the \"em or stack. as illustrated in Exhibit 2--.
helot'. ground. process piping that ha.-; proteCtive heat- ;-";onhazardou5 vapors (,e.g., air or steam) must be di
ing or that requires inspection and senclng :-;huuld rected away from per:,onnel

Process PlRnt Layout and Piping Design

,,- -.25 ~

\'en.lcaJ vessels Maimenance access cover removal[t~na.nce acce.s5 cia\;l
Relief and control valve removal Top head davit
Catalyst loading and unloading Mobile crane
Vessel Internal removal Top head cia\;t or mobile
Cover rernoval (horizontal) Hoist trestle~,th load u;> to
2.000 Ib (900 kg) or mobile
Bonom co\'er removal (venial) Hitch points
Top cover remo\-al (venical) Mobile crane
Bundle removal (horizontal) Mobile crane arid extracter,
Bundle remov:al (\'enic:al) .~obile crane
Roddlng ~1anual
Ai r cooler rube removal Mobile crane
Plale removal I plale exchanger) Manual
Purr.rS. compressors ~lotor or largest componem rem 0\"3 I Troller beam Or traveling
(housed) crane
Motor Or largest component remo\"J.1 Mobile crane or hoist trestle
(open ins-.allatJon) ~ith load up to 2.000 Ib
(900 kg)
\'enic:al pumps Mobile crane
FUr."'..1ces Coil removal Mobile crane
MLSce! laneous Filter removal Manual Or hOlst trestle
Strainer rt'mo\"J.J ~lanuaJ
Relief \-ah'c=:, .. IG 6 in and larger D2\itS. hitch POints, or mobile
Blmds, blanks, tigl.:re-Ss, and \-ah'es, more HOlSt trestle
than 300 lb 1135 kg)
Srr.J.ll componei,:.s. 300 Ib 035 kg I and ~lanual Or hoist tres,le

EXHIBIT 26 Operator Access to Controls EXHIBIT 2- i :\tmospheric Vents

Platform fixed
hem or Grade Ladder

\t3Jr::e:>ance access Yes ,I

Le'\'e: :antrols Yes
\lOt0~-opera[ed valves
Sari":~;~ connections
Bll::.:.,.; J,:1d tigure-S,:;

,~ Io'/~,,"QO
Ob:'<::';,"\"3tJor. doors Y~s
t '
R~i:~: \-.ll'''e~

Cor.:;o: \-.lh"es
Bar.:~;. hmlt \-ah'es
\'aj... ~. 3 in and larger
Han': hoit'5 Yes
\a:\':,,:;, srr:ailer man 3 10
Lt"\'t.; puges
Press:Jre Instrumenr.-.
Terr.;:x':-awre tnstrumenl~
, \'es.'e; r.ozzies
Cht'cr: \"3h'es
He.l":C'~ bluek ""J.ln:~,)

Or::i:~ :1an~~s

PlDnt La}'Out Specification

To rbe most important people in my life, ubom I tot'(,
l't7)' mucfF.l1~r cbifdren;-Pp[(?r, Kan)z, alld Linda.


To tbe memo~l' oj my brother, 'W'il/iam

R \X., HL'~1

Plot Plans

The plot plan 15 one of the key documenL<:.p.roduced~ limit area. usually designed for mdependem operation
during the engineering phase in any processmg facil- and shutdown. The final plot plan identifies all the
ity. It is used to locate equipment and supponing in- , components by designated numbers and shows. to
frastructure and to esablish the sequence of major scale. the basic shapes of the equipment and suppOrt-
engineering and construction activities. Plot plans are ing facilitJes. locating them in both the \'ertical and the
used by almost every engineering group within a proj- horizontal planes. Generally, the arrangement is
ect taSk force from estimating and scheduling through shown m the plan with ele\"ated \'ie",'s fu~ni5hej onl~'
construction. The plot plan is de',eloped by the phm for clarity (e.g .. in the \'enicall~' strucwred plant) PlOt
layout designer. usually at the proposal stage of the plans de\'eloped with three-dimensional em model-
project. and remains LI-)e responsibility of the designer ing ha\'e the ad\"amage of producmg multiple pbns.
throughout construCtion. Similar process units engi- ele\'ations. and isometric \'ie\\'s \\'ith no additional ef-
neered for rWQ cliems rna:: look \:L.;;th different for fort. The plor plan is used for the fu:Jc:ions discussed
various re:L~ons. i:1c1Uding 3\'ailJ.ble re3.] estate. SOIl in the foliJ\vmg seCtions.
and climate condltio;;s. a:ld client philosophy' on op-
eration. maintenance. and safer\'. For these re35or:s. Piping design The plm pbn IS :...:~ej to produce
stand3rdiz:mon of process u:lir plot pbns 15 dlffic~lt equi;Jl.lem a:-rangeme:lt studies ~:'a: :acilltate the in-
\"e\'enheless. a.." m,,JSt 0t=>e:-armg facrlities use common terCOrtnectlO:1 of abo\'e- and be;o".. . -groJund process
equIpment' e.g .. shell and tube heJ[ exchangers. pres- and utility piping s::stems and to. es:i::-.Jre pipmg mate-
sure vessels. pumps. ::U:G cmnpi'e:,sors). It is possible ria! quamiues.
to apply a few basic :-uies ~h:lI SUI( most clients and
processes and th:u en3ble the plJm b~'OUl designer to Civil engineering The plot plan is used to de\'elop
approach the task of 3.:-rangii1g the equipment and grading and drainage plans. holdmg ponds. dIked ar-
supponing facilities in :J.n orde..-h manner. eas. found3.rion and structural designs. and all bulk
material estimates

THE PLOT PL~~ L~ THE PROCESS UXIT Elec~rical engineering The plot pbr:. IS used [0 pro-
duce area. classification dr3\\'I:lgS. to locate SWitchge3.f
This chapter highlightS the general requirements for and the incoming subst::ltion 3nd motor comrol cen-
process unit plOt pb.n Jrrangement It identifies the, ter. [Q route cables. and to estimate bulk materr:i!s
information reqUired to locate operating equipment
and supponing facilities (0 suit operatOr and mainte- Instrument engineering The plot pl;:m IS used ro lo-
nance access. construCtibillry, process operation. cate analyzer hou~e5 and c3ble tra~'s. 3.Ssist in the lao-
safety. and cost-effecti\'e design tian of the comrol hou:,e. aZld estim:lte bulk r:u-

DEFL~ITIO~ Systems engineering The pl\J[ rbn 15 used to facili-

tate h~dr.:lUllc deSign. line :'Izing. u:ili~y block rlo\\'
The process unit plot plJn 15 Jn :1:-r:mgeii1ent d:-Jwmg requirerne:ltS
that highlighb the eqUlpmen: JnG supporung rJ.cJiltieS
(e.g" pipe racks and buildmgs) The:,e Jre requi:-ed for Scheduling The plo! p13n is used to schedule the
a gi\'en process integ:-Jted \\'ithir. 3 common bJae~' orderly completion of engineefl:1g 3CLi\'1ties.


r r""9 ~.. D\1t>.A

s <;.0-:
1N-=I-- EXHIBIT 3-1
Sample Proposal Plot


-1. :,'~
::I-~." ~
~~2 -

:-$-$- ~ m ffl f l)AltZ(1f L~ dJ .44 :

I ~.-~ W~ U ~:~~:p~~~~~:$ ,

Construction The plot plan is used to schedule the arrangement be recognized and e limimned during the
erection sequence of all plam equipment, which in- plOt plan de\'elopmem phase of the project because
cludes rigging studies for large lifts, construaibHiry they can be costly to Correct once ..he plant is in opera-
reviev.'s, marshaling. and lay-down areas throughout tion.
the emire construction phase, Pior p'lans are generally developed ,in stages. from
the innial concept to the fully dimensioned document
Estimating The plot plan is used to estimate the at the const!"uaion issue stage.
overall cOSt of the plant. The proposal plot plan, shown in Ex."libit 3-1. is
developed during the estimate phase of the project
Client use The plot plan is used for safery, operaror. and is used to estimate bulk materials. It is also in-
and maintenance reviews a.'ld to develop an as-built cluded in the proposal as a representation of the unit
record of the plam arrangement. arrangement to the prospective client. The proposal
plot plan is based on limited information and gener-
ally indicates only the principal items of equipment,
PLOT PLAN' DEVELOPMEl'i main supporting facilities. and overall dimensions.
After contraa av.-ard, the proposal plot plan is up-
Developing a plot plan- is not an exact science, because dated to suit the latest information and is re\'iev.:ed
the arrangememof L~eplam must be set at the begin- and appro\'ed by the c1iem This document becomes
ning of the projea before all equipment requirements the basis for the plant layout phase of the project and
and configurations are finalized and before all of the is called the planning plot plan, A sample planning
mechanical problems associated with the design are plot plan is shown in Exhibit 3-2 On completion of
solved. PIG[ plan arrangement is a reflection of the the plant layout phase-when all the equipment has
designer's abiliry to amicipate mechanical problems been sized and is in the best position to suit the proj-
arId prOVide the necessar:,; access for oper3tion and eo requirements and when all access roads. buildings.
maintenance as well as the designer's general experi- and pipe racks h~l\'e been located-the plor plan is
ence with plam byout requirements. The intended finally issued for consrrucuon. This is illustrated in
goal is to produce a safe, operational Exhibit 3-3 as the construction plot plan.
plant. Vo,'hich will probably remain in use for at least 15 To de\'elop a plm plan. the designer must assemble
years. Therefore, it is important that a:lY errors in the inform3tion discussed in the follOWing sections.

Process Plant Layout and Pipirzg Design

EXIIDIrr 3-2 Sample Planning Plot Plan

The equipment list This document lists all the irems The block flow diagram The block flo~' diagram
of equipment and buildings by number and descrip- shows all primary interconnecting lines betv.een pro-
tion to be included within the unit battery limits. :\ cess units. utility plants. and storage faCilities, :\lthough
sample equipment list is gi\"en in Exhibit 3-4. not absolutely essemi31. it is a u~efuI document for
equipmem location
The process flow diagram The process flow diagram
is one of the mOSt imponant documents required by Specifications Similar to L'"le pla;u layout speCifica-
the designer to position equipment. It indicates flow tion discussed in Chapte 2. this document highlights
rates, temperatures, and pressures and how the \'ari- maintenance. operator access. clearances. and equip-
ous pieces of equipment are interconnected. The pro- mem spacing,
cess flow diagram generally does not show utih~
equipment (e.g., drives, surface condensers. and injec- Process design data The proces~ design d~lt3 gi\'es
tion packages), These can be obtained from the equip- sire information on a [:13p or an o\"erall eXlstmg plot
ment list. The process flow di3grJ.m does not alw3Ys plan The eXisting plot plJn. or sire m3p. shows such
sho\\' the true representation of the equipment. :\ shell geographic details ~, rO:lds. railro3ds. ri\"er:-. or sea-
and rube exchanger shown :IS J smgle item could turn shore. land comours. Jne inhabited are:lS. I: abo indi-
OUI to be two or more shells for J large load. Exhibit cates the location and extem of re31 estate 3\'Jibble for
3-; shows a process flow diagram that incorporJH:S the new facility or exp~n.:'i0n. The process design data
the items in the sample equipment lIst. indicates weather condItions \ e,g" 3\'er3ge se3Sonal

Plot Plans

t:?'- GO
., #' f-
c ~:!"=-s~


IOi';~' "1':! T

~ 3* I

~ nO,e:,o. 13?
S-, ... :
0':"0, .~~~

q .,"',, "1; ~
_. I.

ft~'l'-O:"'~ tI;:
~-~h -< Iii
..c ;;..'---=-:'"""'-=----
u1 ,0-,07'


,,0';'91; ';3:'
0-001 o- ----_ D~
..... ......, -~

l......_. . .--;~

~ i
...-,-~-;L-. - I- ,OiSZ, .:

Proc~ss La.l'out and Piping Design


temperatures. rainfall records': and p~e\'aihng ~'mds)

EXHffiIT 3-4 Sample Equipmenr list It also gives the plant ele',ation d~u'Jm 3.nd refeence
coordinates for plam location.
Item Description

Furnaces Equipment sizes At this phase of the project, the

lOjF Charge furnace equipment sizes for the plant are furnished b~' the
E;'(ch.1ngers supponing groups on the basis of preliminan' inf0r-
IOlE Stnppe:- rebolie
mation and co\er such general Ite~s as :loor s?3.ce
l02-E Stripper teed cf:: :..;e:1: exchanger
103-E Stripp-;.-r ove:nea': ::im conde:1ser
requirements (e.g.. for a pump of k..'1',)wn size) or a
lC,.,E Reacror effluem ::-l~ cooler shell and rube exchanger with onl:.- the tube di3.merer
lO').-E Strippe:- (1\'erhe3c c();"'lder.ser and length gi\'en, A.<; the projec: ;Jr_'g:-e~.;es, equip
lo&E Reactor effluent :,::):er ment configu:-ations and sizes becc:~le firm J:1C L~e
lO--E .~ to H CombIned feed ex:;-,..1~gers
plot plan is updated accordingly, Ex..:;:':)it 3-6 lisL~ 54.'11-
10.-;..:: Surface conJ-:-:1.-.e:-
ProduCt cooler pIe information mat must be 5uppliec
JO]PA Charge pump Materials of consrruction :\ ili3.rerial~ s;->cc:J.list
JO;-PB Spare charge ~L:r.:; marks up a process flow diagram Ljemif~-ing s;:::'e'cial or
lC'~-P \X'ater iniec:l0i, ;: ...;:-:-:? critical piping m.:ueriJls I:e,g, a110':' .:md la:-g:: ~e3\",:'
lC':'P.~ Smpper bottoms ;:G~p
wall piping). The diagr3.m asSiSLS L~e p:am byo:..:: de-
103-PB Spare stripper bo~~'r.:s pump
]C,.,P." signer in optimiZing equipment ioca:ions to S~l: t.~e
S:np?er re~lu:\ r..::-:-:;:-
lo-tPB Spare strip~er r:;-:~:.;x pump most economic piping runs.
lO':'-P.-\ Condensate pur.:;:,
IOS-PB Spare conderlsa:e ;:'i..l:Tlp
TO'Q,.ers TI'PES OF PLOT PL':\';'~S
101T Smpper
Reac:e>l"S Plot plans :lre often referred to by L~elr process \ego.
lOl-R Reactor an ammon.ia plant or hydrotreater L:~i[) rather mJn by
Orum's the ~pe of configuration of the equI~ment byout. In
1010 Feed surge drurr. terms of equipment arrangeme;)t. txocess unit plm,
102-0 Rec'\"cle compres:'Or sUCtion drum plans can basically be di\'ided into ',\.'0 configu r3tlons:
1050 \l.1ke-up comprC'~'0r suction drum
the grade-mounted horizontal iniiile 3rrangemenr
'"X'ater mjectlon dr... m
10-)-D Stripper rdlux drum
seen in mos[ refiner:-' facilities. and the structure-
mounted venical arr.:mgement foune in nun:; chemi-
101-( ReC\'c1e Cun1;1ft:oS,,0r cal plants,
1O~-C." \13ke-u~ comprc:>.'''::>:
102-CB Spare m:lkeu;::: c-:>~~;xes"Jr
The GradeMounted Horizontal lnline
lOi-OJ Lube ad con,,0k
lOIL CorrO~lon inhlbl:..Y ':-:'-:-:"-:Ion s,,~:cr.: The horizontal inline unit is usu311y b..:arcd \yj:nin ;J.
JOi,H Cumpressor hOl.:"c rectangular ar.e3.. ~'ith equipmem ~bced 0!l~eit.'er
!OIHI.. O\'t:'rheJc tr:l'.. t:'!1:~ '::"'3~e
side of a cemral pipe' r3ck ser,icec by .1uxili3~' roJds

Plot Plans
EXHIBIT 3-5 Sample Process Flow Diagram

I=~O e:.".c~b.N6e'?.,




MA~e: -wP
~ CCJ ~ P'2 E: ~~1Z ~

&O.,.,.~~ L~E: ~O~T ~l..E"

1--_ __ _...,,_P_'_--:2:...:7.....:;_o.:..F..-l I '2.::: of ..: Af" ..;, 14 A

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design


--and cabling usually enter and exit the struaure at one

EXHIBIT 3..6 Floor Space Sizes level and gain access to each floor by chases OT are
supponed from the outSide members. Operators usu-
ally gain access to each level by stairs or by ele-..~ator.
Item Bundle Diameter Length
Equipment maintenance is usually accomplished
lOl-E 36 in (9]; mm) 20 it (6.100 mm) through the use of hitch points, trolley beams, or rra\'
lO2-E 30 in (750 mm) 10 ft (6.100 mm) eling cranes. An adequate area must be pro,,-ided
lO3-E 30 to eso mm) 10 t (6.100 mm) around each item along with a clear drop ZO:le at
104E 14 to (610 mm) 20 ft (6.100 mm) grade for equipment remo\'al. The struaure is ser-
l05-E (A/C) 30 ft (9.150 mm) 40 it (12.200 mm) viced by access roads.
l06-E (A. C) 30 ft(9.150 mm) 20 h (6,100 mm) The advantages of this type of arrangement a:-e L;'e
10:-E (8 shell.s) 36 10 (915 mm) 2"1 f: (-,300 mm) small amount of real estate requirec for the plan: a.'1d
10&-E 6e in O,SOO mm) 15 ft (-i.6OC.' mm) the abihry to house the faciliry to sui: Jrocess require-
l09-E .30 in C50 mm) 20 f: (6.100 mm) ments or climate conditions, The disa:::\"antages a:-e in
the operator and maintenance access and in the con-
struaion of the plant EXJ.~ibit 3-8 shows a ryplCaJ struc
Item Length Width
ruremoumed vertical plot plan arrangement.
101-Pa.'b '5 ft 0,500 mml 2 h 6 in (-50 mrr. J
102-P 2 f:: 6 in CSO mm) 1 f: 3 in \380 mm!
103-Pab of f: 6 in 11.rO mm.1 2 :: 1610 mm) EQUIPt.lENT LOCATIOl';
l04Pa.'b -1 it /.1.220 mm) 1 f: 6 in ("1;0 mm)
lOS-Pa.'b (vertical) 1 it 6 in (.:I SO rom) 1 ft 6 10 (-+')O mm) Various requiremems diaate the location of equip-
mem and supporting facilities within the con\-entiaoal
operating plant, and many faCtors must be considered
when the designer is locating equipment. The'.'- are
The principal ad\-antage of this arrangement is that the
discussed in the follOWing sections
equipmem is generally located at grade, which makes
this rype of plant easier to construa and more accessi-
ble for maimenance and operation. The disad\'antages
Plant Layout Specification
are the amOunt of real estate reqUired and the long This document highlights spacmg requirements for
runs of cabling. utilit:>', feed, and product piping reo equipment and access widths and ele\-3.tion clearances
quired (0 service the unit. Exhibit 3-7 shows 3. t:>-pical for operator and maintenance access. A typIcal plant
horizontal inhne plot plan arrangement. layout speCification can be found In Chapter :2 The
sample specification shown in ExhibIt 3-9 highlIghts
The Stnlctllre-Mounted Vertical the safery spacing requiremem.s 3:-ound 3 process fur-
Arrangement nace.

The Structure-mounted vertical 3rr3.ngcmem h;.i5

Economic Piping
equipment loc:ued in a rectangulJr\cl stt."e] or
concrete structure. The s(rucrure C3.n bc se\'cr3l bJ'::, The major ponion of the piping within most process
long and either open-sided or fully cncio~cd. to S~I[ units is used (Q interconnect equit1ment and sup;x>rt
either cliem preference or c1im3[c c0ndnions PIping controls berween equIpment To mtnlmize the C0:,t of

Plot Plans

EXHIBIT 3-' Grade~1ounted Horizontal lnline Arrangement

4~AD - ------.---~


!-----i$:;:::::::::=:t:H~~==~--.J - i


;'~ mm~ ill~ ~t~m~
~~-,<-~g$ ~ W


~ I ~..T"I"E'V! LJI'Mt.G __ - -_ _ ---J) I ~

---------- L-J.
c-r 4gp.. p

this bulk material, equipment should be looted in of related equipment 3nd comrols that fu:1ction a...; 3
process sequence and close enough to suit safer\' subsystem within the main process Unit. The compo-
needs. access requirements. and pIping flexibilit..... The nems within the subsystem should be arranged to suit
sequential imerconnecllon of the unit' is shown on L~e the most economic piping runs. and the whole assem-
process flow dlagra.'11, The first step is [0 Idemify the bly should be positioned within the plm area to pro-
alloy or hea,'y wall pipl:1 The dlag~am should then vide the most economic imerconneaion between re-
be subdivided into smaller groups of process-related lated process subsystems, Exhibit 3-10 shows a
equipment. These groups should cont3in an assembly process tlow diagram divided into subs~"Stems. an ar-

Process Plant LaJ'Out and Piping Design

EXHIBIT 3-8 Structure~1ounted Ycrtical Arran~emcm

I -$-"
~--~-- ..........


i !

EI.~i'J!. " Sample Plam Layout
eGUIP~~ Specificat.ion for Safety
A= ?c>'.. Olljl'.o.?O
I .
Spacing Requirements

b = A.~ ~EG)u l"Ep

Plot Pklns
EXHIBIT 3-10 Planning Piping with a Process Flov. Diagram


l@ . I
I~ I
I ..-.I~
...----....1 I I
I .2
I I I ,
I : .1
r ----l I I
, f
I ~-----+--.....,JL ~ !-.l
I : I I -:; :
I I -'

I -.l
L- _

3J a. Subdivided Process FloW" Diagram

-- ----,
--8-0- - - ~
f@- - - , f- - - -,
! I I
- I I
;_ ~ ~... 1, _~ I I I

:~~_~- _...J L,-t-t~SJ

~ ---~----ll
31 '-';'1. I
I ~ I
I 1~::' I
l I I . I
b. Subsystem Arrangement
@ -.J@ J
c. Interconnection of Subsystems

Process PlDnt Layout and Piping Design

Typical Gn,,;ty
Feed Arrangemen[

rangement of a subsystem. and the imerconneaion of cost. Exhibit 3-12 shows a typical com?ressor area ar-
a group of subsystems. rangement.

Process Requirements Real Estate Availability

EquIpment often must be located in a specific position Generally. most new process uniLS are built within an
to suppon the plant's process operation (e.g.. for pres- existing faciliry in which a piece of land !s dedicated to
sure drop, line pocketing. and gra\'ity feed), The plant the new expansion. Older process uni:s. which have
layout designer must be faIniliar with the process be- undergone many expansions, often leai:e 3. less-than-
cause the process flow diagram rarely indicates this desirable piece of real estate for L~e ne::a..-r :lew facility.
information. It is recommended that the designer dis- This can be a problem for inline horizon~l arrange-
cuss these requirements wiL~ the process engineer ments but is less so for vertical structure arrange-
before proceeding with the plant arrangement. Ex- ments, which require less ground space. \'X"hen an in-
hibit 311 shows the effectS of an arrangement with a line arrangement is construCted. it is recommended
graVity feed process requiremem. that pans of the unit be located in eleyated struCtures
with related equipment located adjace:H to it if the
process permits. For an already-elevated plant. adjust"
Common Operation
ments can be made in the overall size of the struaure
Equipment that requires continuous operator atten and eX"tra floors can be added Care m~st be taken to
tion or shares common utility and maintenance facili- adjust usual plant configurations to suit minimum
ties should be located in the 'same area. For eXJ.ffiple. space requirements so thar the plant is not too difficult
compressors generally require 24-hour operator :u- to maintain. Exhibit 3-13 shows 3.n 3.rrangement be
tention. Compressors with condensing steam turbine fore and after it has been adjusted to suit minimum
drives often share the same surface condenser and are space requirements.
located in a compressor house using 3 commor. fixed
handling facility (e.g.. an o\'erhead tra\'eling crane)
Equipmen t Sizes
Although this arrangement is often more expensl\'e in
terms of piping components. the use of common bell- Ideally, all the different t'.>pes of equlpmem within the
nies (e.g., the surface condenser, buildmg. 3nd equip- process unit would be the same size. This rarely oc-
ment-handling facilities) makes up the difference in curs. however. and the- plam byout d~5igner often

Plot Plans
Typical Compressor Area

EXHIBIT 313 Floor Space Comparison

eJ'" SEG:>JD
lEvc.L oF
S\~T.... ~E

. --------
a. Before Minimum Space Adjustment b. After Minimum Space Adjustment

Procns Plant Layoulllnd ptptng Design


EXHIBIT 3-14 Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unir Plor Plan

struggles to place a large, cumbersome piece of equip- first and plan the remainder of the unit around them.
ment mto an area while re[Jining the aesthetics of the ~'hether the planned plant is an inline arr~gemem
unit Generally, most plants are dominated by com-en- or housed in a structure, the plant layout designer
tional rectangular and circular equipment of a reason- must make prodsions for operator a.nd maintenance
able size. Some processes, however, reqUIre much access. The designer must re\'iew the items of equip-
larger and more awl..: wardly shaped items (eg., an meor thJ.t are included in the process and plan for
onhoflow com'ener Jnd expander train in J tlUJd cata- their ope:-3tion and mJjmen~lnce requirementS. Fa:-
I~tic cracking unit. a.c; displayed in Exhibit 3-1-L 3. re- eX3.mple. towers must be located in a position ro 3.J1o~
former furnace in an ammonia unit, or a w:iSte heat for rhe remo\'aI of imern3Js. reacro:-s require space for
recovery system in a large cogener~Hion pLin). In cata.lyst loading 3nd unlo3.ding. shell and tube ex-
these situations, the deSigner should pbce these Hems changers require space for bundle remo\'al, and rOtar-

Plot Plans

e.u....,P\",E P..JLLI""-I6 Typical Access
"'~eA.. Requiremenrs in a
Vertical Arrangement

ing equipmem needs space for drive and casing re- soil conditions, the foundations for the equipment are
moval. either piled or spread footings. Spread footing founda
All these aspects of the equipment design add to tions require more space than piled applications, and
the floor space requirements of the plant. Equipmem care should be taken to locate equipment so that
that requires sen'icing during regular operation or enough space exists berween equipment for the foun-
planned shutdown periods should be accessible from dations of larger items. In cenain cases, equipment
the au.xiliary roads or internal access ways. From the can be supponed on a common founcbtion. Depend-
project specification, the plant layout designer should ing on the projeCt specification, instrument and elec-
determine operator access requirements and the de- trical cabling can be located above or below grade. If
vices to be used for servicing before proceeding with located below grade, adequate space should be desig-
the plant arrangement. Exhibit 3-15 shows rypical ac- nated during the plot plan development stage. Lnder-
cess requirements in a \"enical arrangement, and Ex- ground piping is another facwr that the designer must
hibit 3-16 displays an inline arrangement consider when locating equipment. ~1os[ process units
are sen"iced by an underground oily water seV\:er,
SlQrm sewer. and fire water system and J. chemical
Underground Facilities
drainage system if required. In addition, the unit cool-
There are a \arier... of underground facilities that could ing system could be positioned below ground. All of
affect the POSitia"ning of equipment. Depending on these facilities require plot space. and it is recom-

Process PlDnt LDyout and Piping Destgn


f;.X.:::.~E.R Tu~;. EXHIBIT 3-16

f>\oJIlJDI..E. P...H.~'''''6 Ati:.~"., Typical Access
RequiremenLs in an
lnline Arrangement

GATtaJ-"'r~ ~DlNu 1(.E,.f:ri(1 OE~""1

.U"'-l~"O~ .~&A
p~ ~ Ac.,c,a...S

mended that the plane byour designer investigate what the whole unit, as depicted in Exhibit 3-18. or by in-
facilities are to be positioned below ground before dividually housing groups of equipment (e.g. com-
proceeding \\"ith the equipment arrangemene. Exhibit pressors or pumps), as illustrated in Exhibit 3-19. For
3-1- sho~..s a typical ele\"J.tion through J unit below individual housing. consideration must be gi\"en to
ground. locating equipment out of process sequence to mini-
mize cost.
The wind can influence the location of such eqUip-
climate Conditions
ment as furnaces. compressors. comrol hou~es, cool-
\X'eJt.l)er condnions could intluence the locJtion of ing towers. and stacks. Furnaces or other fired equip-
equipment. In J severely cold clim~I(e. equipment ment should be located so as nOt to allow flammable
should be housed; this can be done by enc:L"mg \'apors to const3ntly drift. Smoke from stack..", or vapors

Plot Plans
Typical L'nderground

F~ _ _I

CA'7~e L:\JG.r~

Total l'nit Encasement

from cooling towers should not be in the direct path sian), the equipment and access way located beneath
of main operating areas (e.g,. compressor houses. con- the pipe rack, or the equipment (if any) supported
trol rooms, and structures). abo\'e the pipe rack. The byout results in the most
economical design should be chosen.
At the estimate stage. when most plot plans are
PIPE RACKS de\'eloped. the pipe rack widr:h is specified on the
basis of hmited information; process flow diagrams
Generally, most inline plant arrangements are fur, usually are nor 3\'ailable to accurarely work out the
nished with a central pipe rack system that am as the exact requirements. L"sing the process flow diag~3m,
main artery of the unit supporting process intercon- me designer can prepare a line rouring diagram on a
nection, feeds, product and urili~' piping. instrument print of the preliminary plot plan. similar to the in,
and electrical cables, and. sometimes. air coolers and structions gi\'en in Chapter 11. This es~ablishes the
drums. Usually, the pipe rack is made of strUCtural main process lines supported in the pipe rack for
steel. either single level or multile\'el. to suit the width equipment interconnection. feed. and produaJOn. An
and capaci~' of the unit it is ser;ing The pipe rack bays allowance of 20% of the main lines should be added
are usually spaced at 20ft (6.000-0101) centers. The to the toul for unknowns. The pipe rack width can
v..idth is determined by such factOrs a..~ Lf-)e quantity of be adequately sized on the b:l..';:5 of approximate line
piping and cabling to be carried on the main run of sizing. utili~' piping, and ms~13tion requiremenL"
the pipe rack l with an allowance for future expan- by the process system enginee:-: cable tfay require

Process Pumt LAyout and Piping Destgn


Individual Equipment

1-i==::::je::::::::Jt::::==:i::===:r--t----+---t-- - 1---+----+-1
P..h..1 P

\ : r--r;i~ WATE.R
'-~ 'TAN:::::"-=- ...:~=V==,."'2'=~~:.c::=:z.=!.ie='::.::~::::. =- ___J

ments by the el-:cr.rical and instrument engineers: and The bottom suppOrt ele\"ation of the main pipe racK
a 20% future pipmg allowance \toSt rypical units re- is dictated by the ffiaimenance and piping clearance
quire a two-Ie\"t~l pipe rack with :1 width of 20 ft (6.000 beneJL~ the pipe rack. 'with addiuo;:a! le\"els spaced 3t
mm) [0 .;10 ft ~ 11.000 mm). If the (Otal requiremenl" 6-n ll.SOO-mm) imeryals, On pro!e~-- with \'ery brge
exceed 80 ft \..~-t.OOO mm), an extra le\'el should be diamete:'" piping, incre3.....-;,ing thr::, dimension to suit
introduced c1ea~3.nce requirements should be considered when
After est:lhllshing the pipe r~i(k width to suit the pipe direction IS changed, Exterr.:l! clearances (e.g.
piping and c:lble requiremenl..... the designer must O\'er main roads or imel.~eCtions with off-site pipe
check the desl~n for the accommodation of air cooler racks) need close attention Exhibit 3-::W sho\\'s J typi-
5uppon. if srt"clned, and pumr~ :md access ways be- caJ pipe rack ele\ation.
neath the plpt' rJck. The air cooler is specified by tube Pipe rack configur:Jtions a:-e dlCi:3reC by the eqUIp-
bundle It''n~lh and is eSlabllshed :ll the e~tlma{e stage mem layout sire condition:;, client ;equlrement:;. and
of the pr\.)It..'CI It C3n o\'erh:mg Iht. Dek wljth equJ.lIy pLlm economy. The ideJI siwJuon would be :l
on either SlJt' :\..~ 31r cooler with :l -ton (11.000-mm) strJight-through arrangement. \'\'itn pr,,)cess feed:' J.nd
tube bundle k'ngth can be :Jdequ:lleiy supponed on a utilltles emering one end of the Ur1H J.nd products 3nd
pipe rJck that l~ 35 ft \..10.500 mm ) wide Pumps may disposals eXiting the other end The rllul layout of the
be lo...-ateJ ht'neJd1 pipe racks 1..)11 either side of an pipe r3ck to meet the speCIfic r;:-qulremenL-- of the
acres"..; w:Jy th;\t i::, lOft (.3.000 nl1l11 wide prt.>ject could result in J \':IrIer"." or conl1gur3tion.-. I e.g..

Plot Plan5
Typical Pi~ lUck
EI c:"ation

a T, L, or U shape), as shown in Exhibit 3-21. Changes cess ways for mobile equipment access. ~1ostclients
of direction in pipe racks must be accommodated by require that the equipment areas, the area beneath
changes in elevation and are usually equally spaced the pipe rack, and the areas around buildings be
about the midpoint of the main pipe rack elevations to payed .....lth concrete for housekeeping Exhibit 3-23
suit required clearances illustrates a ~'PicaI process unit road and pa\'ing ar
Pipe racks within \'enically structured or housed ra..r'lgemem.
facilities cannot be defined as easily as for inline ar-
rangements, because the equipment is usually located
on several levels. The vertical units are usually fed by BUILDL~GS
con\'emional pipe racks at established elevations en-
tering the structure at 3 designated area. Once inside Apan from buildings that house equipment (e.g.. com-
the structure. piping should be routed in an orderly pressor houses), it is often necessary to position con-
manner according to economic, constructibiliry, and trol houses, substatiOns, analyzer houses. and operator
support requirements. Exhibit 3-22 displays a ~'Pical shelters within the process unit battery limirs. Admin-
process structure. istration buildings and \\.'arehouses are generally lo-
cated away from process unit areas. Control houses
and substations are usually located at the edge of the
ROADS, ACCESS "'A'YS, Al\TJ) unit adjacent to a plant road, 50 ft (15.000 mm) from
PAVING the operating equipment. _~ seen in Exhibit 3-24, ana-
lyzer houses and operator shelters should be located
For maintenance and safe~', the principal access to nex't to the equipment that they service.
and from most process units is by auxiliary roads. Ide-
ally, the unit bartery limits should be positioned 50
ft (l ;,000 mm) from the centerline of the main plant EQUIPME!'1 SPACING
roads. This allows adequate space for ditch drainage
and firefighling facilities and a\'oidc; obstruaing roads The previous seaions have outlined the information
",nen such items as heat exchanger tube bundles are reqUired to locate equipment and the general content
removed, Access ways or spur roads should be pro- of the [\pical process unit. A[ this stage. the plant lay-
vided within the unit for access to items that require out designer should prepare a sketch of the unit can
servicing or for components that require removal figuration and a line run to confirm th:lt the equip-
for off-site repair. ClearJ.nce according to project ment is positioned for the maSi: fa\'orJble piping
specification should be prm'ided over roads and ae- interconnection. The line run can be prepared by dia-

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design


EXHIBIT 3-21 Pipe Rack Configurations EXHIBIT 3-22 Typical Pipe Rack in a Vertical

t----....-""1"'"T""------l 1----------l1 .


graming the principal process piping. as shown on the

process flow dlagr3ffi. onco a prim of the plm plan
I arrangemem sketch.

The fmal srep in the plot plan arr::mgemem is [Q
space equipment and suppol1ing facilities for operator
and maintenance access. safety. piping flexibiiIry and
support. and p13rforming requiremenrs. :\t thi5 stage.
the layout designer must rely on experience bec3use
the final inform:nion is nOt 3\"aibble for calcul:ning

. Plot P/Qns

EXHIBIT 323 Typical Process Unit Road and Paving Arrangement

~----------------------------------- ---i'

..' ..
t -:
c ....

~ m~ I i

l !

exaa distances bem:een equipment or solving unfore- should review the sketched arrangement of the unit to
seen mechanical problems. The spacing of the compo- confirm the exact requirements needed for s:lfe and
nents within the unit is an imponant exercise-it fi- orderly operation of the plant. Consultation with pro-
nalizes real estate requirements for the facility and cess engineers is recommended [(J obtain general line
assists in the pricing of the plant It is also used as the sizing requirements for comrol spacing allowances. At
basis for the plant layout design. this stage.. the designer should be completely farniliaf
Before spacing the equipmem. the layout designer with the project specification requiremenl" for s3fe~

Process Plant Layout and Piping Dmp


Building Locations

...-......;.~-i-i;"-O-~........~-+-4--1~-----'f----=--~- - ; ----.;-4--+-;~-+-;...--_l


and for operaror and m3imenance access. paired in each bay.
In a r,.pical rower area, depiCted in Exhibit 3-~5, the Compressors and their related equi?menr are LlSU-
tower and such related equipment as drums and heat ally located in one area for common operation :md
exchangers are located adjacenr [Q the main pipe rack. servicing adja1cenr to the main pipe rack 3.nd the 3uxil-
with maimenance access from the auxiliary road. The iary road. The suction drum for the mJ.=-hine should
associated pumps are located beneath or adjacent ro be pOSitioned for tlexibilir,.' in the piping and [0 ac-
the pipe rack and are sen'iced by a central access \yay. commodate orifice run requirements. 1: the compres-
SheIl and tube heat exchangers can be located 35 sin- sor is driven by 3 condensing turbine, J surrice con-
gle items or in pairs. If the process permib, they em denser and condensate pumps are reqUired If
be supported \'enicaliy or located in struaures to sen'icing one m:lchine. the condenser I713y be IOC:Hed
meet gra\-iry feed requirements. \'enical reboilers beneath the turbine. If it sen'ices '."\'0 or more. L;'e
should be supported from their related tower" .\lulri- condenser must be located adjacent to t..'e machines it
pIe shell heat exchangers operating in series or in services. In both cases. space must be pro\'ided for
parallel may be socked three high if size permiL". condenser rube bundle remm'al.
Pumps beneath the pipe rack may. if size permits, be The condensJte pumps are usua!ly n~nical pumps

Plot Plans
Typical Tower Area

!'-o' . 91;
~LU2 DPflZAT,,12

5 -0" I.c;.~
10 -0" ?ooo
C : '/ ~AloJc;,e& FLAWbEc,,-;.telj.470
D = &1_ 0 ' / -2.400 To IO~OIl 3.000
E: y", 02u DIAMe.TE.~'S + 4 1 '.'200 _0" /
F ': '/z Dl2w DIA ...... E.TE~ + 1/'2 ~A.N"ER DI~--...e.TE"
+ ~I_O/.'IS opE:.&2ATO~ .A.:::c.E'S~ + ~'-O~91?
fi:XZ PIPI~6 AIoooID ~ ..... 'T~t.. 'S

G = ~ 1~I~uwt Foe Fl...E.}( 1f,1l...IIJ

os T A.c.. )l-E; C-' ~ ~ b.. ' " ~ t= IZ ~

P"e;;:E.~R &D

and should be located as close to the condenser as compressor and suaion drum. Adequate space should
possible [0 suit flexibiliry in the pipmg and \'enical be prOVided around the compressor and turbine for
removal space The lube oil console should be located the installation of a platform and suirca.c;e. If the f3cil
as close [0 the compressor as possible wIth operamr iry is housed, a drop area mus[ be pro\"ided. Exhibit
access on all sides of the skid. with space to remove 3-26 illustrates a rypical compressor 3.rea arrangement.
the cooler tube bundle. filter::., and p~mps Imersrage Air coolers, shown in Exhibit 32-. arc generally
coolers. if needed. should be located adpcem to me supported from the cemral pipe rack adjacem to their

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design


Typical Compressor .oUea


I':.e~ \ f!i'.:?:: AT I .... U

C4If:' ~PiZ. ~~l:l.~


B = 81_011/~AOO
C : C"l U~9E.g l2E..t-.'\oVt..L + 12" ~;oo
-- I /-
0::: (;-0" 1.Boo M,"-JI"""UM
~ '2 xc.-+- ll
lb /4-50

relJted eqUlpmem and are serviced by platforms ar the located directly bene3th 3ir coolers. Space should be
header boxes and beneath the 3ir coolers for mowr J.\'J.il3ble on [he plOt pIJn for maimen:mce acces~ by
m;limenance Care should be t.1ken [0 posHion" mobile cranes for remo\'31 of air ~ooler rube bundles.
coolers to allow tlexibiliry for mr=rconne~ting piping Furnaces shou Id be loclted at a safe distance 3.nd
:\. p..:>vrly po~l~ioned overhead condense:- could result upWind from unrebteli equipment containing hydro-
In ajjI(IO:1J.! brge o\.'erJ.11 diameter piping and expen- carbons Steam drums or deaerarors can be located J.S
Sl\"t~ SUPPV~'lS l"nless furnished 'wlth fixed tire \"Jler rc>quired for oper3tion Jnd maintenance. Re3cwrs Gm
sprJ~s. pum~s cOm3.ining hyd;-oc3.rbons and oper:u- be located to furnaces thln other equipm~m
mg hlghe:- L"lJ.n aU[Qignition conjitlOnS shQuld nm be com.J.ming hydr0c3rbon~. 3.5 long as adequJte spa-:e is

Plot Plans
Towc" fC:>'llo~EO iC' ~~IT EXHIBIT 327
OVE,2 "'E.AO LI..... e; Fl.c""'IP;~"" T~'PicalAir Cooler
P.JtwtP-S A ~C"" E; Spacing
A.JTo \6~'IIO...a

p~~ e~,-",

oR. WIT"" f=lx~D
':~E. WA"&:~ "!lIf'2&''''(S

'. ;0 1- 0
! __ .i EXHIBIT 328
Typical Furnace .-vea

~ I 4- .
W ! II!~

WINO ---!i-
ile:;-i I ~= D


I Process Plant Layout and Piping Design

EXHIBIT 3-29 Subsystems ~'ithin the Process flo\\" Diagram

prLl\'lded for catalyst IOJding and unloading. Exhibit sketch of the unit (Exhibit 3-30), the lme run che~k
328 .shO~5 a typical furnace Jrea. (Exhibit 3-3)). and the final plot pIa;: arrangemerH
(Exhibit 3-32).
This chapter has highlighted some of the princip:l!
features involved in the arrangement of process
equipment with reg3rd ro operatlon. mainten;lnce.
The [ol1o\\;ng illustrated examples show' the various constructibi!iry, safety. and economics. Subsequeru
steps in 3rranging a naphtha hydrmrearer unit and chapters deal with the needs of each equipment J[e~
identify the process subsystems within the process in more derail. thereby offering greater insigh~ to
flow dlagrJJ11 (Exhibit 3-29), the initial arrangement proper equipment location on 3. plm pbn

Plot Plans

------ _. --_ .. -_ . . .
EXHIBIT 3-30 Initial Arrangement Sketch

+ I


Process Plant LaJ'OItt and Piping Dntgn


.cc:M M2 toJ ee>,...p ~og,

o::I,..e .:::.ue-T ee.Q~ ,2e.ME-aT
_ _ _9


PrOP\.) C.

01.LITI& sl]--~~i::f~:::;::~~~~:;:~~~~~-


Mu..... ,"'-"','2.E- PI P.~


tae.""-r" Eo c;

Plot PklFU

EXHIBIT 332 Final Plot Plan Arrangement

'2 SQI 0 WI ;6 0 0 0

. '.
'.,J .


P\.A..a-,J"'-lljo,J G P1.OT PL.A.e.J

Process Plorrt lAyout and Piping Design



Compressor machines are used to increase the pres- ing compressors are available in many sizes and physi-
sure of a gas by mechanically reducing its volume cal configurations. These machines, which can be used
within its case. Air is most frequently compressed, but with a variety of auxiliary equipment, are usually
natural gas, oxygen and nitrogen are also com-
l driven by steam or gas turbines or by electric motors.
pressed. Positive-displacement, centrifugal, and axial Exhibit 4-1 shows a surface condenser mounted
compressors are the three most common types used directly below the turbine. This arrangement is used
in process facilities and pipeline stations. They can when the condenser is designed to service only one
handle large volumes of gas in relatively small equip- steam turbine. The arrangement shown in Exhibit 4-2
ment and may have a variety of drives (e.g., electric is generally used when several turbines are exhausting
motors and steam or gas turbines). into one condenser. Exhibit 4-3 shows the various
This chapter focuses on the two most common compressor systems and their reciprocals.
types of compressors-centrifugal and positive dis-
placement, also known as reciprocating. CenuifugaJ
machines can be single stage or multistage. High- AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT
speed impellers increase the kinetic energy of the gas,
converting this energy into higher pressures in a di- Centrifugal and reciprocating compressors and their
vergent outlet passage called a diffuser. Large volumes drives require a variety of auxiliary equipment to sup-
of gas are compressed to moderate pressures in cen- pan their operation. The equipment for these com-
trifugal machines. Positive-displacement, or recipro- pressors is described in the follOWing sections.
cating, compressors can also be single stage or multi-
stage. They are usually of the reciprocating piston-type Lube oil consoles Compressor bearings receive lu-
and are the only compressors that can compress gas to bricating oil from the lube oil console (Exhibit 4-4).
extremely high pressures. Centrifugal and reciprocat- These consoles may either stand alone or be mounted

EXHmrr 4-1
Elevated Centrifugal
Compressor with a Single
Condensing Steam
Turbine Drive

EXlDBlT 4-2
Elevated Centrifugal
Compressor with
Multiple Condensing
Steam Turbine Drives

~pr2ISS!ptZ. EXHIBIT 4-3

Types of Compressor
~La::nz\C.. ...- Systems

a. Grade-Mounted Centrifugal Compressor

with Electric Motor Drive

~,j---t--....., .....,

b. Grade-Mounted Centrifugal Compressor

with Gas Turbine Drive

directly ontO the compressor frame. Condensate pump The condensate pump (Exhibit
47), which is usually vertical, removes the condensate
Seal oil consoles The hydraulic seals, located at the from the hot well in the surface condenser. Conden-
outer ends of the compressor shaft, receive oil from sate forms during liquefaction in the condenser and is
the seal oil console (Exhibit 4-5). The seal oil equip- collected in the hot well.
ment may be configured as a console or may be de
signed as individual pieces of eqUipment. Air blowers Usually motor driven, these centrifugal
fan machines (Exhibit 4-8) deliver fresh air to cool the
Surface condensers Surface condensers (Exhibit internally housed electriC motors. Although this air is
4-6) reduce gas or vapor to a liqUid by removing heat. delivered to the motor through duets, its exhaust may
Once sufficient heat is eliminated, liquefaction occurs. be sent directly into the compressor house or to the

Process Plant Layout and Piping Jestgn

Types of Compressor
Systems (Cont)

c. Elevated Centrifugal Compressor with Gas Turbine Drive

and Waste Heat Recovery System

d Reciprocating Compressor with Electric Motor Drive:

Outdoor Installation

e. Reciprocating Compressor with Electric Motor Drive:

Indoor Installation
Lube Oil Console

Seal Oil Console

U!lI!IU&--- t~""

L _ _- ~ VAft?'CZ. EXHIBIT 4-6

UJLe:r- Surface Condenser

._----. --~-::~--:-:..-.--

''':-;;,;~:_--oiiii-iiiiiiii'-'''-'''~...;..,;--~ ';";"'.;."."7'
"Iii;." .'.-ili--.:.-:.-i!-'~--..:..~-:..=:I:'

t.;]i;i:..".:. ;-~7_.:.~~::.:....:. ~_ .. -:-. ;~" .. =_.

. ~. :- -:....."":..-:-:'"-:-~---~ ..~-:~-==-..~-:---. -.
. -~~~~":~~- ~~ .=~r''''~- ~:=.~-~.: ~ "~'~"'~'~~~;a;u.--- ..
- --- _. -_ ..
___ -0 _ . _ ~_. _ _ : : _

...... .
EXHmIT 4-7
Vertical Condensate

Air Blower

outside in similar ducts. NO[ all electric marors within If other air inlet duct schemes (e.g., B, C, D, or E) in
houses require this cooling facility. Exhibit 4-10 are considered, a brief study should be
conducted to obtain an agreement by all principals,
Inlet air filters Gas turbines require large amounts including the equipment engineer, me engineering
of clean filtered air for operation. The filters (Exhibit manager, the vendor, and the client. The exhaust gas
4-9) can be extremely large. When positioning a gas dua has a theoretical 1800 discharge orientation range
turbine-driven compressor, the plant layout designer but is usually set at the left, top, or right side, shown as
should be aware of the possible variations in orienta- F, G, and H in Exhibit 4-10.
tion of the inlet and outlet dueting, as shown in Exhibit
4-10. Waste heat system Waste heat systems (Exhibit 4-11)
The optimum inlet ducting arrangement shown in take hot exhaust gas from gas turbines and put high
Exhibit 4-10 is in a parallel plane with the gas turbine, oudet temperatures, ranging from 8000 to 1,2000 F
which is at point A in the exhibit. Sometimes, how- (4260 to 6500 C), to use in various ways. Through con-
ever, the available space adjacent to the gas turbine vection, it may be used to generate steam or to heat
and air filter does not permit this optimum arrange- oil, which may be used as a heating medium.
ment, and alternative layoutS must be considered. Ad-
ditional turns and length to the inlet dUCting can de- Compressor suction drum/knockout pot Because
grade the machine's efficiency and overall economics. compressors require dry gas that is free of foreign

Inlet Air E1ter

Variations in Inlet and

Waste Heat System

particles, it is necessary to pass the inlet gas through a

suction drum or knockout pot (Exhibit 4-12). This ves- EXHIBIT 4-12 Compressor Suction Drum/Knockout
sel removes moisture and particles from the gas by
passing it through a demister screen, which is located
just below the outlet nozzle.

Pulsation dampener/volume bottles The negative

effects of vibration on the life of redprocating com-
pressors and associated piping can be minimized by
the use of pulsation dampeners (Exhibit 4-13). The
pulsation dampeners.are sized by the compressor ven-
dor and are mounted directly onto the cylinder noz
zles. Higher pressure on the outlet side, which is sub-
ject to greater pulsation and vibration, is usually on the
bottom of the cylinder. It can be held down more
easily because it is located close to grade. Volume
bottles are also used to reduce vibration. They are
located downstream of the discharge pulsation damp
ener and are similar to snubbers but do not have such
internals as baffles or choke tubes.

Vertical Split-Case Compressors

CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS: Exhibit 4-15 illustrates how this application can
NOZZLE ORIENTATIONS come with top or bottom orientations on the nozzles.
Layout preference dictates the selection. Removal of
Horizontal Split-Case Compressors the rotor assembly is through the front end of the
The selection of a single-stage or multistage horizontal compressor, away from the driver; the compressor
split-case compressor may depend on the design of vendor supplies the removal distance to the plant lay-
the compressor or preference of the nozzle location out designer. This design is used for catalytic reform-
to suit a particular layout. If a grade-moumed com- ing, gas conversion and repressurizing, processing
pressor is planned, the side or top orientation may be services, refrigeration, and high-pressure, low-volume
selected, whereas the bottom connections are gener- or high-volume, low-pressure gas service applications.
ally used for elevated compressors. During mainte- More than one compressor case may be hooked up in
nance, the top half of the compressor case is removed tandem (see Exhibit 4-16).
by lifting it vertically and away from the bottom assem-
bly. This configuration is used for chemical, petro-
chemical, industrial and process air, refrigeration, and 1YPES OF COMPRESSOR DRIVES
high-volume and low to medium-pressure gas service
applications. Exhibit 4-14 shows the variations of a Electric motor From a layout standpoim, electric
horizontal split-case compressor. motors require the least amount of information to
AL.TE~TIVE; Pulsation Dampenersl
NOZZLE; Volume Bottles
L.ct::4:p O~~

Single-Stage or Multistage
Horizontal Split-Case

Process PkJnt Layout and ptplng Dalgn


EXHmIT 4.15 Vertical Split-Case Compressor EXHIBIT 4.16 Tandem Arrangement

EXHIBIT 4-17 Electric Motor

suppon a comprehensive design adequately. Inforrna

tion is needed regarding the motor's physical dimen-
sions, largest component, weight to be maintained,
and special cooling requirements, if any. Exhibit 4-17
shows a typical elearic motor.

Steam turbine There are two kinds of steam tur-

bines-back pressure and condensing. Back-pressure
turbines are driven by high-pressure steam and do not
require surface condensers. Condensing turbines are
usually driven by low-pressure steam. S[eam turbines
".. ~
. ...'"..

are currently popular because they can convert large

amounts of heat energy into mechanical work very
efficiently. The propulsion force is applied direaly to Gas turbine Seleaion of gas turbines, like any orner
the rotating element and nOt through a series of links drive system, is based on economics. The availabiliry
and cams. The steam turbine also has a low vibration of gas in such remote areas as deserts and offshore
level and few moving pans that require maintenance. platforms makes it a prime source of power in these
Finally, the turbine's range of speed is very wide- locations. Gas turbines are used in various applica-
some vendor turbines are rated from 1 to 100,000 tions, including gas transmission, gas lift, liquid pump-
horsepower. Noncondensing turbines are physically ing, gas reinjection, and process compressors. Air is
smaller than comparable condensing units because compressed in the gas turbine by the centrifugal com
fewer stages are needed to let down steam that has a pressor and is discharged into a reverse flow annular
lower heat drop. A typical steam turbine is shown in combuster in which fuel is injected through nozzles.
Exhibit 4-18. The transition dua directs the hot gas into a gas gener-

EXHIBIT 4-18 Steam Turbine EXHIBIT 419 Gas Turbine

might restrict their removal. Third, when the unit will

be exposed to severely cold temperatures, a heating
coil is placed below the tank that requires mainte
nance and must be pulled clear of the tank. Exhibit
4-21 shows a typical lube oil console piping and in-
ator turbine, which in turn drives the compressor. The strumentation diagram, and Exhibit 4-22 illustrates a
hot gas is ducted into a power turbine and discharged typical drain line routing from the compressor to the
through an exhaust diffuser. The exhaust gas, which lube oil reservoir tank.
generally ranges between 8000 and 1,2000 F (4260 to
6500 C), is often used for steam generation and for hot
oil systems. Exhibit 4-19 shows a typical gas turbine. SEAL On.. SYSTEM

The seal oil system supplies oil to the hydraulic seals

LUBE On.. SYSTEM of the compressor, which are located at the ourer ends
of the shaft, at a constant temperature and pressure.
The primary function of the lube oil console is to The oil escaping the low-pressure side of the seal re-
supply clean, cool lubricating oil to the bearings of the turns to the reservoir and is recirculated. Oil escaping
compressor and its driver. The console is a package of through the high-pressure side passes through sour
equipment, which is supplied by the compressor ven- oil traps to the seal oil degassing tank.
dor and usually includes an oil reservoir, two pumps There are twO types of seal oil systems: gravity and
(a primary and a spare), two filters or filter elements pressurized The gravity-feed seal oil system reservoir
in a duplex-type arrangement, coolers, and associated is mounted above and in view of the compressor,
controls. A typical lube oil console is shown in Exhibit whose elevation is set by the compressor vendor. The
4-20. When placing a lube oil console around a com- sour oil traps can be integral with the lube oil console
pressor, the designer must adhere to clearance re- skid or located on a separate skid. The pressurized
quirements for operation and maintenance of the unit. seal oil system is a pump-around facility whose com
First, there should be sufficient room to remove the ponems are integral to the lube oil console skid or
cooler tube bundle. Second, the space required to mounted on a separate skid. If components are
pull the filter elements must be considered-there mounted on a separate skid, placement must accom-
can be no physical obstruction over the filters that modate seal oil console operation and maintenance,

Process Plant /.QyoNt and Piping Dalgn

PI L C! L-retz. ga.AOylJ... EXHIBIT 4-20
Lube Oil Console

Lube Oil Console Piping
.--.--r--------,:!--r------ and Instrumentation

I -----1-...L...----I...:....----4
~"'l~~- I
I biZ2Sh.f~[--- ---.

I ~\..~~ :
I i ,
Lube Oil Drain Routing

hibit 4-23 shows a seal oil tank location, and Exhibit

EXHIBIT 4-23 Seal Oil Tank Location 4-24 shows a general piping and instrumentation dia-
gram of a seal oil console.



Surface condensers are used in conjunction with con-

densing steam turbines that drive large centrifugal
compressors. As depicted in Exhibit 4-25 the exhaust
steam enters the tOP of the condenser and passes
as with the lube oil console. On some compressor through the shell, which is filled with tubes. Cold wa-
systems, a gland condenser is requiredj it should be ter is pumped through the tubes while hot exhaust
located close to the compressor. Systems engineering steam passes around the outside. Hot water. called
supplies information regarding the elevation and condensate. results and collects in the hot well at the
other requirements of a seal oil loop. Seal oil facilities bottom of the condenser.
are not required for redprocating compressors. Ex- Exhibit 4-26 shows a piping arrangement typically
Seal Oil Console Piping
and Instrumentation

I ~
I g~
1_ _

III _ r-----r-_
_ _- " I I
I _

~ ~L--....o""'-' L...-..L J

EXHmIT 4-25
Basic Condenser

(hL.L TUeE7 NOr~)



Surface Condenser and
Auxiliary Equipment

found around surface condensers. The condensate the atmosphere through a safety valve. Condensate is
that collects in the hot well is pumped out and used in piped downstream of the valve and creates a water
the generation of steam elsewhere in the plant. A level seal on the valve to maintain the vacuum pressure in
controller, which is mounted on the side of the hot the system. Ejectors pull additional wet vapor from the
well, activates the control valve downstream of the condenser. As steam is fed into the end of the ejector,
pumps when the condensate reaches a specific level in the low-pressure wet vapor is sent to the inter-after
the hot well. A wet vapor vent is run from the pump condenser, where additional liquefaction takes place
casing back to the condenser shell to be liquefied. A through conveaion with cold water. When the steam
line connected to the exhaust system inlet is vented to trap is filled with condensate, it opens and the higher

pressure on the inter-after condenser sends the con- nance and economic factors must also be considered
densate back to the hot well in the surface condenser. when in a compressor area plan. When dealing with a
horizontal split-case centrifugal compressor, the plant
designer must determine whether the compressor
Equipment Location and Elevation should be elevated or grade mounted. Although a
Exhibit 4--27 illustrates how primary process consider- grade-mounted machine sits on a relatively low con
ations govern the elevation of the surface condenser crete pad, with its lube oil console close by, this ar-
and some of its auxiliary equipment. Because a pump rangement also has its price. Suction and discharge
is needed to remove the condensate from the hot well, piping enters and exits the compressor case from the
the pump net positive suction head (NPSH) must be top, which means that piping must be removed to
satisfied to operate satisfactorily. Venical pumps are perform general maintenance on horizontal split-case
generally used in this application because the NPSH machines. When a condensing turbine is used as the
requirement is calculated from the bottom of the driver for such a machine, the exhaust piping, which is
lower impeller for vertical pumps, compared with the also run overhead, must be removed. The suPPOrt
centerline of the inlet nozzle for horizontal pumps. steel required for top-connected compressors is gen-
Sening the elevation of the inter-after condenser, usu- erally more extensive, and it must be placed so that
ally located to the side of the surface condenser, can maintenance of the machine is nor hindered.
be done with fewer restrictions. The bottom of the For an elevated compressor with condensing tur
interafter condenser shell must nO[ be more than 3 ft bine drive, the compressor suction and discharge
(900 mm) below me condensate return nozzle on me (with single stage or multistage) and the exhaust out-
side of me hot well. The plant layout designer is men let on me turbine remain in place during general
free to set the elevation as high as necessary. maintenance. Although an elevated structUre reqUires
a greater initial capital expenditure, the on-stream
time over the life of the plant will be greater because
COMPRESSOR MAINTENANCE of shorter maintenance turnaround and shaner down-
Compressor installations and most odler equipmem
may be located either in open areas of the plant or in
Maintenance Impact on Shelter or
structures that have a roof only or a curtain wall or are
Structure Size
completely enclosed. For the plant layout designer,
client preference and climate conditions are the two Exhibit 428 illustrates how compressor maintenance
primary considerations that determine the inclusion affeCts the size of the shelter or structure. Although
of compressor shelters. The fact that machines may be operational access often determines floor space re-
either elevated or grade moumed creates a variety of quirements, the height of a compressor house is
maintenance problems for the plant layout designer. strictly a funaion of maintenance. Consequently, the
size of the maintenance area must permit the largest
single item to pass unobstructed from one end of the
Compressor Maintenance Versus building to the other and should be set as dose to the
Economics operating level as possible. The centerline elevation of
Although operation and safety are important and must the hook that allows all items to pass through the
be incorporated in the design of any facility, mainte maintenance area must be set. The hook elevation,
Surface Condenser

Elevated Compressor


A curtain wall is usually a four-sided structure with all four sides open 8 it (2.6 m)
above the operating tIoor.
Totally enclosed structures usually have siding on all four sides from grade level up. 1bis
generally is done in severe climates.
All maintenance is handled by a traveling crane. A clear area is reserved during the
layout stage to allow the largest piece to be removed without dismantling any piping
system, if at all possible.

Process PlDnt Layout and PIping Destp


Centrifugal Compressor:
No Shelter

plus the maximum lifted load, determines the depth of traeror should be informed of the type of mobile
the trolley beam. The elevation of the building's eave equipment the client will use, as well as itS lifting
is then set by allowing sufficient space for the traveling capaCity, to develop the optimum compressor layout.
crane to traverse the length of the building as well as For topconnected horizontal split-case compressors,
for its routine maintenance. break flanges must be proVided in the piping to allow
the removal of the top half of the compressor case.
The installation in Exhibit 4-30 is an open-sided
Maintenance Considerations for
structure with a roof. Component removal may be ac-
No Shelter
complished by mobile equipment or a traveling crane.
When developing a compressor layout that does not Adequate room must be planned for removing the
require a struaure or shelter, the designer must allow largest component both in the level I (grade-
adequate room for mobile handling equipment to lift mounted) and level II (elevated) installations.
an item, raise it to clear all obstructions (including fire The compressor arrangement in Exhibit 4-31 is a
hydrants, monitors, and light poles), and back away or curtain wall structure with four sides, open from the
swing it to where it can be placed on another vehicle. operating level to a height of 8 ft (2,400 mm). This
Exhibit 4-29 illustrates a grade-mounted centrifugal arrangement is often found in temperate climates.
compressor with no shelter. . Maintenance is accomplished with a traveling crane.
This installation is usually the easiest to maintain The drop zone for the equipment may be within or
because all the components may be removed with outside the shelterj if the drop zone is outside the
mobile equipment. If possible, the engineering con- shelter, removable panels must be furnished and iden-

Grade-Mounted or
Elevated Centrifugal
Open-Sided Structure

I r-'1 r-" I
l I_ _ I

tLfied on the layout drawings. The arrangement illustrated in Exhibit 4-28 is for an
The arrangement in Exhibit 4-32 is an open ele- elevated multicompressor structure; it am be
vated installation. Component removal may be accom- equipped with a curtain wall or totally enclosed. A
plished with mobile equipment or a traveling gantry, clear area must be planned early in the layout stage to
which rides on twO rails along either side of the ma- permit any machine to be maintained without disturb-
chine. A structure must be provided to carry the rails ing the piping or components of the other compres-
out to the equipment drop zone. sors. The maintenance sequence for a multicompres-

-, Grade-Mounted
Curtain Wall Shelter


sor arrangement is shown in Exhibit 4-33 and is The item is lowered to grade, where maintenance
detailed as follows: may be performed, or set on a flatbed truck for
The component is lifted by the traveling crane and is The clear area allows the mobile equipment to tra
passed through the clear maintenance area. vel to and from the drop zone.
It is brought to the drop zone above the operating
floor level. If the client prefers to maintain the componem on the

Elevated Centrifugal
Compressor: No Shelter

operating deck level, an adequate area must be pro-

EXHmlT 4-33 Maintenance Sequence vided and the structural engineers must be notified of
the size and weight of the largest item that will be set
onto the deck.
Maintenance of reciprocating compressors for
open and enclosed installation is shown in Exhibit
4-34. Although it is common to use permanent han-
dling facilities (e.g., traveling cranes) for enclosed in-
stallations, another option is available. If the structural
engineers provide removable panels in the roof, mo-
bile equipment may be used to facilitate component
Another imponant feature regarding reciprocating
compressor maintenance is shown in Exhibit 4-35. A
clear area must be provided in line with each com-
pressor cylinder to permit cylinder reman! during
the maintenance cycle. The area be(~veen rolO ma-
chines must be common for both cylinders.

No Shelter
Because many acceprnble variations of a centrifugal
compressor area are possible, the version presented
in Exhibit 4-36 must be explained. Briefly, the area
I. Piece to be maintained is lifted and passed through this area. includes three centrifugal machines with separate
II. It is then brought to the drop' zone area. lube oil consoles (driven by condensing steam [ur-
J1I. The piece is lowered to grade or onto a vehicle for rCllloval bines). two inter-coolers. three suction drums, a sur
from the compressor structure.
face condenser, and twO vertical condensate pumps.
IV. The clear area allows the vehicle to pass free of any
obstruction (e.g.. equipment, piping. fire monitors, and light
Because there are three condensing steam turbines
poles). operating at low steam pressure, minimizing the
Some maintenance may be done on the operating floor, but the length of the exhaust line to the surface condenser
lIoor must be designed accordingly. should be one of the first goals a layout designer con-
siders. The surface condenser is located just to the
south of the compressor operating platform. The lube
oil console for compressor 1 is located to the west of
the surface condenser, which permits the return line
to drain to the oil reservoir without obsrruaion. Con-
sequently, the area directly east of the surface con-


Compressor: Open

Planning for Cylinder

Process Plant Layout and Plptng Design


Centrifugal Compressor
Area: No Shelter

denser can be used to pull the tube bundle. south for tube removal. The lube oil console for com
The vertical condensate pumps are located just to press 2 is located just to me east of the compressor at
the south of the condenser and should straddle the grade level below the operating platform. If there is
centerline of the hot well outlet nozzle. The distance insufficient room to maintain the console, removable
between the condenser and the pumps is diaated by grating must be provided at the operating platform
pump operation and maintenance requirements as level, which prohibits any other use for this area.
well as piping flexibility. Compressor 3 has an inter..cooler moumed directly
The suction drums for compressors 1 and 2 are below the machine, which is supplied by the vendor.
located along the equipment line just to the west of Again, ample access must be provided for tube reo
the operating platform. Often, the outlet line of the moval. The lube oil console for compressor 3 is 10- .
suction drum to the compressor suction nczzle reo cated just outside and clear of the operating platform
quires a flow meter with straight run lengths upstream to the east. Again, a free-draining oil return line to the
and downstream. This arrangement permits the natu- console must be provided The suction drum for com
ral configuration of the line to satisfy the meter flow pressor 3 is on the equipment line to the east of the
requirements. operating platform.
The intercooler for compressor 1 is located at Access to the operating platform is by two stairways
grade below the platform, with clear access to the at opposite ends of the area, allowing emergency exit.

EXlDBIT 4.37

Compressor Area: Totally
Enclosed Structure


Each machine has a comrol panel that is placed along v.nether it runs direaly below the operating platform
the north edge of the operating platform. Because or below grade.
there is no shelter over this particular area, all major Compressor 1 has three cylinders with a separate
maintenance is handled by mobile equipment. lube oil console that is located directly to the north,
below the operating platform. A removable section of
the platform should be prOVided for maintenance
Enclosed Structure
above the unit. This area must be kept clear of any
The arrangement shown in Exhibit 4-37 consisrs of obstlVction.
three electric motor~ven.redprocating compres- Compressors 2 and 3 are identical four-cylinder
sors as well as air blowers, suction drums, inter-cool- machines that have integral lube oil consoles mounted
ers, comrol panels, and one lube oil console. Because directly onto the compressor frame. Each compressor
the compressors are two differem sizes, the electric has a control panel located along the north wall.
motors have been lined up to permit the power-supply An area along the north compressor wall is re-
conduit to run straight east and west, regardless of served for the valve stems, which are .located below

Process Plant Layout and PIping DaIgre


the floor and extend to a distance of approximately 3 ft sor inlet piping are the major factors that set the final
(1,000 mm) above the platform floor. A sleeper runs elevation of the machines. Exhibits 4-38 and 4-39 illus-
east and west outside the north wall for all compressor trate the follOWing:
piping, which vibrates a great deal because of redpro-
cating compressor operation and therefore must be Arrangement A shows bottom-mounted nozzles.
run as close to grade as possible. If the operating Arrangement B shows top-mounted nozzles.
valves are located outside the building, a catwalk Arrangement C shows a sudace condenser mounted
should be provided to allow access during operation. direci1y below the turbine, which is common when
The suction drums and inter--coolers are located only one turbine is being serviced.
across from the sleeper area.
Arrangement 0 shows a top nozzle that allows the
In a totally enclosed building, all compressor main- exhaust steam line to run to a surface condenser
tenance is handled by traveling crane. The operating servicing multiple turbines, as shown in Exhibit 4-2.
floor stops one bay before the east wall, which allows
for a drop zone for maintenance. Mobile equipment By selecting compressor arrangement A or Band
must be brought into this area from the south or east. placing its match line against the turbine match-line
Roll-up doors are generally prOVided for this purpose. arrangement C or 0, a designer can review the gov-
Each of the three electric motors requires air from erning criteria for setting machine elevations (see Ex-
the outside to cool the motors. Electric motors within hibit 4-40). In addition, consideration must be given to
buildings do not always require this type of cooling. miscellaneous equipment (e.g., as shown in arrange-
Access to the operating area of this structure is ac- ment A of Exhibit 4-38).
complished by stairway and doors along the north
wall both at the west end and close to the east end and
on the south wall at the west end. An additional stair- Reciprocating Compressors
way at the east end permits operators or-maintenance Reciprocating machines are located as close to grade
personnel to enter the drop zone or to access the area as possible because of the extreme vibration in the
under the operating floor. piping system. This minimum elevation is established
by the following steps that describe Exhibit 4-41:

ELEVATIONS OF MACHINES 1. Sleeper-Usually set at 12 to 18 in (300 to 450 mm)

above grade.
This section deals with the problems that must be 2. Header size-Established on the piping and instru-
addressed when the elevations of both centrifugal and mentation diagram.
redprocating compressors are set When separate
3. Minimum distance required to enter the header
lube oil consoles are used, a free-draining line from
with the largest line to and from the compressor.
the machine to the lube oil reservoir must be main-
tained. 4. The pulsation dampener-Designed by the com-
pressor vendor.
5. Minimum clearance reqUired between the damp-
Centrifugal Compressors ener and floor steel.
The type of driver and associated equipment items as 6. Maximum depth of floor steel-set by the struc-
well as the straight run requirements of the compres- tural engineer.

Setting Elevations of
Centrifugal Compressors

Process Plant Layout and P1plng Destgn

Setting Elevations of
Steam Turbines

_------.:~....:.:;...;.:t..::< . J a - - _....

t::~oeN~~~~ ~~N~
At2l2.oNGCHeY"f II C?lt

Compressor Drive Elevation EXHIBIT 4-40

Arrangement Arrangement Governed By Remarks Criteria for Setting
Machine Elevations
A Elearic motor A MotOr not shown
B D NA Usually grade-mounted arrangement
B Elearic motor NA Usually grade-mounted arrangement, motor .
not shown

Setting Elevations of

7. Dimension from the centerline of the dampener to should be located as close to the compressor as prac-
the face of the nozzle-Set by vendor. tical. In some reciprocating compressor arrangements,
8. Bottom of the compressor baseplate to the cen the coolers may be mounted on and directly over the
terline of the compressor shaft-Set by the vendor. compressor by the vendor, but they are usually lo-
cated by the engineering contractor close to the ma-
chine or stage suction drum. Exhibit 4-42 shows a
INTER- AND AFI'ERCOOLERS centrifugal compressor with its inter-cooler and inter-
connecting piping between stages as supplied by the
Inter-coolers Coolers are primarily used to reduce vendor. Exhibit 4-43 shows a reciprocation compres-
the operating temperature within a compressor cir- sor with all components, including the inter-cooler,
cuit, which allows the use of a smaller machine with supplied separately by the contractor. Further refer-
fewer cylinders. These coolers may vary in size and ence to this can be seen in E.xhibit 436, where the
type (e.g., shell and tube, air coolers, and U-tube) and intercooler to compressor 1 is mounted separately at

Process PI4"t Layout and Piping Dalp


grade, parallel to the compressor shaft. The inter-

cooler to compressor 3 is mounted at grade, perpen- EXHIBIT 4-42 Centrifugal Compressor with
dicular to the centerline of the shaft, and is supplied Inter-Cooler and Piping Berween Stages
by the vendor.

After-coolers After-eoolers are used to reduce the

operating temperature of the gas when it leaves the
compressor, whether it continues through additional
process equipment or enters a pipeline in which it
must have a specific temperature. After-coolers may be
located farther away from the compressor than shown
in Exhibit 4-37 because the primary piping does not
return to the cooler. Exhibit 4-44 shows a typical after-
cooler piping and instrumentation diagram.



When a compressor is covered-partially or totally

enclosed by a shelter or structure-many elements
determine how the layout must be approached. The
faaors to consider are:

Operation-The plant operations personnel need

room to walk safely around the machine. They must day while allOWing cooler breezes to pass through
have access to valves, switches, and gauges and must the structure. This installation may also be used in
be able to see all gauges, lights, and dials on the areas with significant rainfall. Totally enclosed struc-
comrol panels. tures are usually provided in severely cold climates.
Maintenance-All principal components to be reo Safety-The housing must have easy access through-
moved during major maintenance must be able to out, ample ventilation as protection from potentially
be lifted by the traveling crane, swung laterally to dangerous gas leaks, and a sufficient number of
the clear area (designated in Exhibit 4-33), and reo doors and stairways in the event of an emergency.
moved from the building. Economics-The area inside the building should be
Climate conditions-Installation in temperate cli- large enough to satisfy all other factors and no
mates may require only a roof that provides limited larger, unless specifically requested by a diem to
protection from the elementS. In warmer climates, a accommodate future equipment within the struc-
cunain wall structure may be the right application. A ture.
curtain wall has a complete roof and four sides that:
are open from the operating level to a height af 8 ft Exhibit 4-4S shows how to size a building, regard-
(2,400 mm). The roofblocks the sun far most afthe less of what type of machine is used; the example is for

EXHIBIT 4-43 A Reciprocating Compressor with All EXHIBIT 4-44 After-<:OOIer Piping and Instromentation
Components Diagram

pressor end, there must be sufficient room for the

operators and any routine maintenance, as shown in
block B. Although the operator must have access to the
front of the control panel, it may also be necessary to
allow access to the rear of the panel for maintenance,
shown as clearance D.

a centrifugal gas compressor. The elements to be sized Building elevation The elevation of the building is
are discussed in the following sections. funher established by determining the size of the clear
maintenance area (shown as X by Y). This area must
Floor elevation The operating floor elevation is es- accommodate the largest single piece to be maintained
tablished by making all standard allowances around at a minimum elevation above all operating floor re-
and above equipment and providing the usual head- quirements, shown as clearance A The alternative
room below all horizontal piping runs and conduitS, maintenance area may be used if this area is clear
as shown by blocks E and F and Exhibit 4-45. throughout the length of the building.

Building width The width of the building is estab- Hook centerline elevation The layout designer de-
lished by first allowing space for the largest compres- termines the centerline elevation of the hook. The
sor train. There must be adequate room between the maximum lifted load must be supplied to the struc-
steam turbine, lube oil drain piping, and any miscella- tural engineer or building contractor to furnish the .
neous piping that may- be arranged along the adjacent correct traVeling crane. The eave elevation is then set
wall, as shown by block C in Exhibit 4-45. A1 the com- on the basis of the clearance of the crane selected.
Compressor Shelter:
Sizing Criteria

GENERAL COMPRESSOR LAYOUT by the various layouts. Another faeror that could influ-
ence straight run requirements is the need to inject
This section highlights additional features to consider wash water into the gas stream to clean compressor
in the design of a centrifugal or reciprocating com- blades, as shown in Exhibit 4-47.
pressor layout. There are many ways to develop a
compressor layout, but cenain aspects of these ma-
chines dictate how best to approach a design that opti-
Suction line Strainers
mizes operation, maintenance, and safety while adher- Compressor suction lines must be free of any foreign
ing to economic requirements. particles that could damage the internals of the ma-
chine. Strainers are installed in the inlet line between
the block valve and the compressor inlet nozzle. After
Centrifugal Compressors: Inlet Piping
the unit has been on stream for some time, the strain-
With higher compressor velocities and rotating ers are normally removed. Should the strainer be the
speeds, the plant layout designer must give greater permanent type, a clean-out connection must be
consideration to the compressor inlet line. The ASME added to remove any trapped foreign maner during a
power test code requires a minimum of three diame- shmdown of the compressor. Exhibit 4-48 illustrates
ters of straight run piping between the elbow and the two such applications.
inlet nozzle. Often, however, such faerors as gas veloc-
ities, molecular weight. and temperature must be con-
Break..Out Flanges
sidered for the optimum layout An equipment engi-
neer should be consulted at the outset to develop a All lines to a compressor that must be removed for
base-case layout requirement. The preferred design is maintenance of the compressor or strainer removal
one in which the horizontal run is parallel to the com- must have a set of flanges in the line in addition to the
pressor shaft, as shown in arrangement A of Exhibit set at the compressor nozzle. Exhibit 4-49 shows one
4-46. (In these examples, it is assumed that the com- line with a built-in extra set of flanges at the shut-off
pressor inlet size is 12 in and that the required L- valve and another line for which flanges must be
dimension for this pamcular gas compressor is four added because there are no other flanges near the
diameters.) The compressor elevation can be affected compressor case.

Compressor Suction

Wash-Water Injection

=1?'?~ tJo z zU;:

11." 1J~f:

Miscellaneous Piping Connections accessible through extension stems or chain opera-

tors. Exhibit 4-50 shows some of these variations.
The plant layout designer must review both the engi-
neering contractor and the vendor piping and instru-
mentation diagrams to ensure that all connections High-Pressure Steam Inlet Piping
have been piped up by one or the other.
To sueamline the high-pressure, high-temperature
Primary operating valve accessibility All operat- steam inlet piping to the turbine, the plant layout de-
ing valves must be accessible to the operator from signer should review the compressor outline drawing
grade or the operating platform around the machine. to locate the neutral axis. AI. this point, the turbine is
Valves that are physically out of reach may be made anchored to the steel frame. As depicted in Exhibit
Inlet line Strainers

EXHIBIT 4-49 Maintenance Break-Out Flanges EXHIBIT 4-51 High-Pressure Steam Inlet Piping

4-51, locating the line anchor close to this point en

abIes the designer to generate a layout with a mini-
mum amount of leg, thereby satisfying the stress and
EXHIBIT 4-50 Operating Valve Accessibility flexibility requirements in this particular system.

Straightening Vanes
When the Straight run on the inlet piping is less than
desired, a straightening vane may be installed to
.smooth the flows and improve the compressor perfor- .

mance. These vanes must be in accordance with ASME
or American Gas Association standards. If use of vanes
can be tolerated, the length for any arrangement (as
illustrated in Exhibit 4-46) can be divided by four.

Reciprocating Compressor Piping
Poorly designed recprocating compressor plpmg
~( causes pulsation that can reduce machine capacry and
~. ",
increase horsepower reqUirementS. Line design
should be simple and run as low to grade as possible
to facilitate suppon. Once the compressor piping has
been designed, the proposed configuration is sub-
jected to an analog study that may be done by the

Process Plant Layout and Plpt"& ~

Compressor tine

Compressor Supports

vendor or an independent testing laboratory. SinlU located on the top of the piping to minimize any pa-
lated by electrical drcuits, this analog study identifies tential liquid carry.aver. Exhibit 4-52 shows typical
potentially damaging accoustic or pulsation problems branch connectiOIl5.
during the design phase of the project; eliminating
higher repair and redesign costs at a later date.
Compressor Pipe Supports
Exhibit 4-53 illustrates how to minimize the transmis-
Line Branches sion of damaging vibrations by isolating the line sup-
All branches should be located close to a lin~ support pons from adjacent compressor or building founda-
whenever possible. Any such connections should be tions, operating poor steel, or building framing.

Drain Piping strumentation diagram should be carefully reviewed

to ensure that all vents and drains are properly de-
Ample drain piping must be provided on suction and
discharge piping to avoid liquid carry-over into the
This chapter has given the plant layout designer a
cylinders. On multistage machines, care must be taken
variety of possible solutions to successfully develop a
with the drain header system to avoid piping up a low-
comprehensive compressor layout. Maximizing effi-
pressure drain into a high-pressure header. Doing so
ciency while minimizing original capital expenditures
forces the higher-pressure liquids imo the lower-pres-
and ongoing maintenance costs is a demanding task.
sure cylinders. Compressors have small amounts of
The close coordination and cooperation of equipmem
gas .leakage at the stuffing box, which is usually picked
and system ~ngineers, an understanding of the cliem's
up In the distance piece between the cylinder and the
needs and preferences, and designer creativity are all
crankcase. Gas-tight distance pieces are used for such
necessary elements to achieve this goal. .
hazardous materials as hydrogen. The piping and in-


Generally, drums are cylindrical hollow steel vessels drum, and Exhibit 52 shows a horizontal reflux drum.
used in process plants as intermediate containers that When specified, steam drums and deaerators are
receive liquid from distillation and condensing equip- usually furnished as a proprietary item. Layout is lim-
ment Drums also collect liquid from vapor circuitS ited to confirmation of nozzle and support locations to
and pump it to other process groups, disposal, or suit piping and structural configurations and platform-
product storage. They are also used for chemical and ing for operator and maintenance access. Exhibit 5-3
catalyst storage, steam generation, and deaeration of illustrates a typical deaerator arrangement.
boiler feed water. This chapter highlightS the general
requirements for drum plant layout and provides in~
formation reqUired to locate nozzles, instruments,
piping, and controls for platforming and operator and EXHIBIT 51 Typical Vertical Compressor Suction
maintenance access.

The drums discussed in this chapter are process unit
drums that are used for refluxing, surge, suction, and
general liquid colleaion. Drums in these services can
generally be divided into two categories: horizontally La.VEL.
and vertically mounted. Drum internals are far less
sophisticated than the components found inside the
distillation tower and are limited to demister pads,
baffles, vortex breakers, and distribution piping. Ex-
hibit 5-1 shows a typical vertical compressor suction LIQUID QUT

UQUIO uJ Typical Horizontal Reflux


EXHIBIT 5-3 Typical Deaerator Arrangement EXHIBIT 5-4 Drum Location in a Tower Reflux System

..... ..\ eaTTc:>hit~ P~MP~

LOCATION OF DRUMS EXHIBIT 55 Locations for Feed Surge and Compressor

Suction Drums
Drums are located within a process unit either adja-
cent to related equipment (e.g., the reflux drum) or as
a standalone operation (e.g., a condensate collection
drum). When operating within process sequence of
related items (e.g., pumps, condensers, and towers),
the drum should be positioned [0 facilitate an orderly
and economic piping interconnection between itself
and those items.
Within the conventional inline process unit, drums
and their related items are generally located on either

side of a central pipe rack serviced by auxiliary roads

for maintenance access. In certain cases (e.g., for flash
drums and deaerators), drums can be located above
the pipe rack. In chemical plants, drums are generally
located at all levels of enclosed or open-sided struc-
tures. For example, Exhibit 5-4 shows the drum loca-
tion in a tower reflux system, Exhibit 5-5 shows the
typical location of feed surge and compressor suction
drums, and Exhibit S-6 shows the drum locations in an
enclosed chemical plant structure.
93 G EXHIBIT 5-6

Towe.a.. Drom Locations in an
Enclosed Chemical Plant


Elevation and Support ability. Drums for chemical collection systems are gen-
erally located below ground in concrete pits, as shown
Similar to towers, drum elevations are dictated by the in Exhibit 5-8.
NPSH, as illustrated in Exhibit 5-7, minimum clear- Methods of support are influenced by the size and
ance, common platforming, and maintenance and op- location of the drum. Similar to towers, large vertical
erator access. Within structures, especially chemical drums are supported by skirts. If size permits, small
facilities, drums could be elevated above the mini- vertical drums may be supported by legs, as shown in
mum requirements of accommodate floor space avail- Exhibit 5-9, or by lugs if elevated within a structure, as
EXHIBIT 57 Net Positive Suction Head Elevation EXHIBIT 5-8 Elevation Requirements for an
Requirements for a Horizontal Drum Underground Drum

Dt2..JM E.Le. VATIc;.... t=.e.T

~ u .... O&IiilC:;r 1Zo1oJ~ D APIN6

EXHIBIT 59 Sample Leg-Supported Drum EXHIBIT 510 Sample LugSupported Drum

Sample Saddle-Supported

Prous.s Plant Layout and Piping DMp

EXHIBIT 5-12 Drum Elevation Sketch EXHIBIT 5-13 Typical Process Vessel Sketch for a
Horizontal Drum

~ EL .1111. ,I.. . . .
7.'.0' J,co
IO~O' ~o

1'1 1 .~ I"""'-t----'

shown in Exhibit 51 Q. Horizontal drums are usually 1o..IQ~~'-& su ..... MA.,..

W~'- .l~e s-ec:z.... I'e.
supported by saddles from concrete piers or steel l'h'l~dtlZF
~ VA.~owT
frames if elevated within a structure, as illustrated in eo ~. LJQw.o IN
Exhibit 5-11. Legsupported drums should not be used C 4- L1QLJ'C' OuT
0 '2- 0l2A.Ip.J
in reciprocating compressor circuits. E: ,I VE.....T
The first step in drum layout is setting the height of F 5o'TI!AM OUT
the drum. To do this, the plant layout designer re- hoi'"
" ........~~"-:~~'e
quires the follOWing information: L
P ,.
l' ~.....E.L..

T II Te.MpeaTuie
Drum dimensions.
Type of heads.
SuppOrt details.
NPSH requirements of pump. release package. Exhibit 5-13. shows a typical process
Bottom outlet size. vessel sketch for a horizontal drum. The follOWing
Minimum clearances. information is required in order to position drum

The centerline elevation of the drum, as illustrated Process vessel sketch.

in Exhibit 5-12, was set using the following listed infor- Instrument vessel sketch.
mation (it is recommended that a freehand sketch be Piping and instrumentation diagrams.
used for this exercise): Plant layout specification.
Nozzle summary.
Drum dimensions-4-ft (1 ,22Qmm) diameter by 10-
ft (3,050-mm) length. Insulation requirements.
Suppon details-Saddles and concrete piers. Plot plan.
NPSH-9 ft (2,700 nun).
Exhibit 5-14 depicts the preferred nozzle locations for
Bottom outlet-4 in. horizontal drums.
Location-Freestanding. The preferred location for level instruments is away
Minimum c1earance-7 ft (2,100 mm). from the turbulence at the liquid outlet nozzle. A1~
though the vessel is provided with a vortex breaker,
instruments should be set in the quiet zone of the
NOZZLE LOCATIONS vessel-for example, on the opposite side of the weir
or baffle or near the vapor outlet end. Process nozzles
Drum dimensions, nozzle sizes, and, if required, inter- should be located a minimum from the tangent line.
naIs are shown on the process vessel sketch furnished Steam-out connections should be located at the end
by process engineering and included in the process opposite the maintenance access and vent in the bot-

Preferred Nozzle
Locations for a
Horizontal Drum

tom section of the drum. Pressure instruments should

EXHIBIT 515 Typical Hillside Nozzle be located anywhere in the vapor space, preferably at
the tOp section of the drum. Temperature instruments
should be located anywhere in the liqUid space, pref-
erably at the borrom section of the drum. The vent
connection should be located in the top section of the
drum at the end opposite the steam-out connection.
The drain should be located in the bonom section of
the drum.
To facilitate specific elevation requirements for
level instruments or positioning a maintenance access,
nozzles may be located off the main axis. These noz-
zles are generally referred to as hillside nozzles. A
typical hillside nozzle is shown in Exhibit ;-15. Tall
vertical drum nozzles should be elevated and oriented
"--------t~ '. :":.4 ."....
using the tower subject as a guide. It should be noted,


however, that nozzle locations are not restricted by
internal components, as is the case for the distillation
tower. More information on vertical drums is available
in Chapter 10, Towers,
The nozzles shown in Exhibit 5-16 were positioned

11 EXHIBIT 5-16
71'- '2~ 1 12" gil
11 Sample Nozzle Locations
.l~ .b4~ .280 and Elevations

" ~

.(610 plO


using the guidlines discussed in this chapter as well as Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID}-Ex-
other information contained in this book. The infor- hibit 528.
mation required can be located as follows: Nozzle summary-Exhibit 5-13.
Plant layout specificatiOn-Chapter 2.
Process vessel sketch-Exhibit 5-13. Insulation-No requirements.
Instrument v~l sketch-Exhibit 5-29. Plot plan-Exhibit 5-4.


Platfonn Arrangement at
a Horizontal Drum


MAlI'loJ e!:) e2ATlN C:a

PLAT~IZ.M ~"e:.L.

For tall vertical drums, platforms are usually circu-

EXHIBIT 518 Platform Arrangement at a Venical lar and supported by brackets attached to the shell of
the drum. Platforms at horizontal drums are usually
rectangular and are supported by brackets attached to
the concrete piers supporting the drum or trunnions
attached to the shell of the drum, or by structural steel
supported from grade. Drums located in structures, if
size permits, use the structure floor for access to can
trois. Top head platforms on horizontal and venical
installations are supported by trunnions attached to
the vessel head Generally, access to freestanding
drum platforms is by ladder. Typical drum platform
arrangements are shown in Exhibit 5-19.
Platform elevations for drums are set by the items
that require operation and maintenance. On tall verti-
cal and high elevated horizontal drums, the platform
PLATFORM ARRANGEMENTS elevations are determined by a maximum ladder run
of 30 ft (9,150 nun). Exhibit 5-20 illustrates horizontal
Platforms are required at drums for access to valves, drum platform and ladder elevation requirements.
instruments, blinds, and maintenance accesses. Ex- Platform floor space requirements are dictated by op-
hibit 5-17 illustrates a platform arrangement at a hori- erator access to controls, instruments, and mainte-
zontal drum, and Exhibit 5-18 displays the arrange- nance accesses. Exhibits 5-21 and 5-22 show platform
ment for a venical drum. floor space requirements for horizontal and vertical
EXHIBIT 5-19 Typical Drum Platform Arrangements

a. Horizontal Drum Platform Supports

ToPI-lE:AD ~
6UPPbfI,Ta." ~M
TfZu IoollooJi ON ,

b. Vertical Drum Platform Supports

c. Structure-Located Drum

d Common Platform

~Te.P-'"TH~<'::I H EXHIBIT 520

UpOE!.s:z. !'u..J Horizontal Drum
IOI.OIlZ~(:)2D Platform and Ladder
Elevation Requirements

.9'S TO 1525
~oP OF- .::c",,'1iZ

MA., ..... TE .... " .... c.c

A"Ge~~ I 'VALve, ~lJ~D
~,r~M.e ......T AU~~

1b ~IT MA'l-I)...hJ....-I
LA.ppeca rQJN

installations. For tall venical drums, platforms should drums' location to related equipment. Piping should
be arranged using the tower subject as a guide; this is be positioned to facilitate the installation of supports,
covered in Chapter 10. with sufficient flexibility to absorb any excessive
Exhibit 5-23 depicts a horizontal drum platform ar- stresses during operation. Piping at tall vertical drums
rangement that was designed using the guidelines in should be arranged in accordance with the guidelines
this chapter. This information can be found as follows: given in Chapter 10,
If required, piping at horizontal freestanding
Process vessel sketch-Exhibit 5-13. drums should be supported from the shell of the
Drum elevation-Exhibit 5-12. drum, the platform steel, or the concrete piers sup-
Plot plan-Exhibit 5-4. porting the drum. PiP\I1g associated with drums lo-
Type of suppon-Saddles and concrete piers. cated within structures should be supponed from the
struCtural steel. Exhibit 5-24 shows typical pipe sup-
ports at a horizontal drum, and Exhibit 5-25 shows a
PIPING ARRANGEMENTS typical pump suction arrangement
Relief valves that are open to the aunosphere on
Piping at drums should be arranged in conjunction low elevated horizontal or vertical drums should be
with nozzle locations, platform arrangementS, and the positioned to allow the discharge piping to be routed

Process Plant Layout and Pipbtg DtIftp



Horizontal Drum
.750 Platfonn Floor Space
Area Requirements

Te~pElZATioJ "f:
1~ ~lZl.a""F -.."


IN ;Tl2uM~~T,


. '.

:t ,:~ ,.~' ~
;.. ~.'

~"; "
EXHIBIT 5-22 Vertical Drum Platform Roor Space Area EXHIBIT 5-23 Horizontal Drum Platform Arrangement
!t!ll 'l~r..
~~ :l~ 10

....,~TIZu.... e....T~

Horizontal Drum Pipe

~ PPtJeT Rii:oM
.up.po,,~ F20"'" e;o~e.Te. P1~~
P\..~TF02M e,~e.T
EXHIBIT 5-25 Pump Suction Arrangement EXHIBIT 526 Relief Valve Systems

~TI ....6 ,..2

J=L.e,,,,,, ~ILI"T'Y
~eo ?'I~leM
R'!.yJ;E v","e. Loc.a.TIO..,
I~ ~w .. P\.A-naoQ.M ,~

eaow RELJE.F ....&\r..1J.


!25UaF V~\18
~?f!!!:~ li1a.uu

Nozzle summary-Exhibit 5-13.

Drum elevatiOn-Exhibit 5-12.
Plant layout specification-Chapter 2.

The sample piping and instrumentation diagram dis-

cussed in this chapter is illustrated in Exhibit 5-28.


Level, pressure, and temperature instruments are used

to control the operation of the drum and should be
placed in a position for optimum operation and main-
tenance. Instrument requirements are usually high-
to a convenient, safe location. Closed system relief lighted on an instrument vessel sketch furnished by
valves should be located at a convenient platform adja- the instrument engineer assigned to the project. Ex-
cent to the drum above the relief valve header. Relief hibit 5-29 is a typical instrument vessel sketch.
valve inlet piping more than 20 ft (6,100 nun) long Level controllers, SWitches, and gauges are either
should be checked by the systems engineering group located individually or grouped from a common
to determine whether the line size needs to be in- bridle or standpipe. The controller must be operable
creased for pressure drops. Exhibit 5-26 shows typical from grade or a platform; switches, gauges, and pres
arrangements for both systems. sure and temperature connections may be operable
The piping arrangement shown in Exhibit 5-27 was from a ladder if no platform is available at the re-
designed using the guidelines in this chapter. The re quired elevation.
quirements can be found as follows: The instrument arrangement shown in Exhibit 530
was designed using the guidelines in this chapter as
Process vessel sketch-Exhibit 5-13. follows:
Nozzle locations-Exhibit 5-16.
Instrument vessel sketch-Exhibit 5-29. Nozzle locations-Exhibit 5-16.
P&ID-Exhibit 5-28. Instrument vessel sketch-Exhibit 529.
Equipment arrangement-Exhibit 5-4. Platform arrangement-Exhibit 5-23.
Platform arrangement-Exhibit 5-23. Piping arrangement-Exhibit 527.

Sample Drum Piping

-'200_ -.......w-... - -......-+-~O++-........--....- - - t K .

....._tt1~tt__t_p. '200

PLATf'b'2.M EL.
109 1.4'/102,$46


Process Pla.nt Layout and PIping DesIgn

Sample Piping and
Instrumentation Diagram

4~) "l{T.,.P.)
Ft~1 :!A/6 P-~~.. /f:J
SoTTo"",~ ~101'\~ f2,RF\J"",I)(, P..,MP;

Sample Instrument Vessel
EXHmlT 5-30
Instrument Arrangement


EXHIBIT 5-31 Sample Horizontal Drum Davit EXHIBIT '-32 Drum with Mixer


EXHIBIT 5-33 Typical Drum Boot Layout

Maintenance of drums is limited to removal of such
exterior componentS as large relief or control valves
for off-site repair. Handling of these items can be
achieved either by fixed davits or by mobile equip.
ment. Davit arrangements for tall venical drums
should be in accordance with tower requirementS. Da-
vits are not usually furnished at horizontal drums; if

Proc:a8 Plant Layout and Piping DeslgtI


~onL&io .. ~Ij l.E? Sample Sloping Drum
To &eo P&cP~O\C.4Jl..A2
To l"&4E; ~IZo~~L.

required, they should be arranged in accordance with given to the arrangement of additional platforming for
those in Exhibit 5-31. access to the instrumentation on the boor. Exhibit 5-33
Removal space should be provided above drums shows a typical drum boot layout.
furnished with mixers. If the drum is located within a In certain cases, drums must slope, as shown in
structure, .a removable section of the floor above Exhibit 5-34. If the nozzles are not perpendicular to
should be provided. Exhibit 5-32 illustrates a drum the horizontal plane, all venical piping runs from
with a mixer. these nozzles must be calculated because they will be
offset at an angle.
The dimensions, clearances, and gUidelines high-
FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS lighted in this chapter are an example of what can be
used for drum arrangement. The plant layout designer
For various process reasons, horizontal drums often should be familiar with company and client standards,
are furnished with what appears to be a small veItical however, before proceeding with drum layout and
drum, called a boot, attached to the underside of the should coordinate the effon with such supporting
vessel. Because the boot is inaccessible to the main groups as vessel, systems, process, and instrument en-
drum platforming, special consideration must be gineering.


Heat exchangers are similar to pumps and vessels in mation reqUired by the plant layout designer to locate,
that they are widely used in most process plants. The elevate, operate, and maintain the most common ex-
control of heat within any facility is an important pan changers and to position the piping and controls asso-
of plant operation. whether by direct application (e.g. ciated with these items. The most common applica-
in a furnace) or by heat interchange (e.g., in a shell tions for heat exchangers, illustrated on a process flow
and tube exchanger). The prindpal application of a diagram in Exhibit 6-1, are:
heat exchanger is to maintain a heat balance through
the addition or removal of heat by exchange with out- Cooler-Cools process streams by transferring heat
side sources or between streams of cwo different oper- to cooling water, atmosphere, and other media.
ating temperatures. Exchanger-Exchanges heat from a hot to a cold
This chapter highlights the general layout reqUire- process stream.
ments for heat exchangers. It also identifies the infor- Reboiler- Boils process liquid in tower bottoms us-

Exchanger Applications
Shown on a Process Flow


liZ ~1It1~ e.~ A ""T

EXHIBIT 6-2 Common Heat Exchangers

a. Shell and Tube Exchanger

b.. Plate Exchanger

c. Spiral Exchanger Ii Double Pipe Exchanger

e. Air Cooler Exchanger

ing steam, hot oil, or a hot process stream as the arures by evaporating a refrigerant.
heating medium.
Heater-Heats a process stream by condensing EXCHANGERCONSTRUcnON
Condenser-Condenses vapors by transferring heat The most common heat exchangers used in process-
to cooling water. atmospheric air, or other media. ing facilities are illustrated in Exhibit 6-2 and dis-
Chilter-Coois a process stream to very low temper- cussed in the following sections.

Process Plant Layout and Piping Dengn

Vee i' \G.6.L EXHfflIT 6-3
Sample of Tube and Shell
~A.FFLe~ Exchanger Passes


EXHIBIT 6-4 Key Items for a Typical Shell and Tube Exchanger

~~I~~TAL Verz.Tlc6L FLOAT 1t-.J6

eAFFLE TL.J~c ~A.FFLE~ Twe>E -?"U:ET


~t:AD c.o"e.~

Shell and Tube Exchangers welded steel plates for the larger sizes. Tube bundle
sizes can vary from 8 to 96 in (200 mm to 2,400 rom) in
Shell and rube exchangers are elongated steel cylin- diameter and from 6 to 50 ft (1,800 mm to 15,000 mm)
drical vessels containing bundles of parallel tubes. Liq- . in length. The ends of the shell can be designed to
uid passes through the inside of the shell over the accommodate welded, dished, or flanged shell covers
exterior side of the tubes, with another liqUid passing as well as flanged or welded heads. Both the rube side
through the interior of the rubes, causing the neces- and the shell side of the exchangers have inlet and
sary interchange of heat between the twO liquids. The outlet nozzles positioned to prOVide the reqUired flow
heads at the ends of the exchanger can be designed to through the exchanger. The unit is supported at the
accommodate several passes on the tube side. Multi- shell by attached saddles for horizontal installations
ple passes on the shell side can be achieved by install- and by lugs for venical arrangements. Tube bundles
ing baffles parallel to the tubes. Baffles may also be are made up of many smal1~diameter tubes that are
installed inside the shell, perpendicular to the tubes, expanded into tube sheets at each end of the bundle.
to direct the liqUid in the shell against the tubes. Multi- One end is usually fixed; the other is allowed to float
ple passes are used to increase the fluid velocity or to for expansion. For the more simplified Urube ar-
improve the flow path, causing increased heat recov- rangement, only one tube sheet is used, which is inte-
ery. Exhibit 6-3 shows an exchanger with two passes grated with the channel head Exhibit 6-4 shows a typi-
on the tube side and one on the shell side. cal shell and tube exchanger identifying the key items
The shells of most heat exchangers are construaed of construction.
of seamless pipe for small diameters and shaped With many shells, shell covers, and head covers

available, exchangers can be arranged in various com-

EXHIBIT 6-5 Typical Shell and Tube Exchanger binations to provide a wide range of services. The U-
rube, fixed tube, and kettle arrangements are illus-
trated in Exhibit 6-5.

Plate Exchangers
Plate exchangers, shown in Exhibit 6-6, are generally
used in low-pressure, low-temperature applications
and are made up of end covers, carrying bars, inlet
and outlet nozzles, plates, and gaskets. The exchanger
a. U-Tube plates have spacing between them for liquid ~ow. A
gasket, set into channels on the periphery of each
plate, directs and contains the liquid flow distribution.
Ports for inlet and outlet of both hot and cold liqUids
are stamped into the corners of each plate. When
aligned, they form four distribution headers through
the plate pack. Distribution of hOt and cold liquids to
alternate plate flow channels is achieved by the gasket-
ing pattern around each pan. When the liquid is in-
tended to flow through to the next plate, the gasket is
left imaa around the port. Alignment is achieved by
b. Fixed Tube top and bottom carrying bars and slots in each plate.
When completely assembled, the plate pack and gas-
kets are compressed by bolts between the two covers.
Support is prOVided by the fixed end cover and carry-
ing bar. The plate exchanger requires less installation
and servicing space than do shell and tube arrange-
ments of equivalent surface.

Spiral Heat Exchangers

Spiral heat exchangers are generally used in chemical
plants and are of circular construction, consisting of an
assembly of two long Strips of plate wrapped to form a
c. Kettle pair of concentric spiral passages. Alternate edges of
the passages are dosed, so that liquid flows through
continuous channels. Removable covers are fitted to
each side of the spiral assembly for access to the spiral
plate. As shown in E..d1ibit 6-7, the inlet and outlet
nozzles are integral to the plate housing and the cov-
ers. The unit is supported by legs attached to the plate

Process Plant UJyout and Piping Design


EXHmIT 6-6
Plate Exchanger

housing for horizontal installations and by lugs for

EXHIBIT 6-7 Spiral Exchanger Construction vertical installations. Similar to the plate exchanger,
the spiral exchanger is compact and requires less in-
stallation and servicing space than conventional ex-
changers of equivalent surface.

Double Pipe Exchangers

The double pipe, or tin-rube, exchanger is used when
one liquid has a greater resistance to heat flow than
another or when the surface area is small. In such
cases, the addition of tins to the inner pipe evens our
the resistance to heat flow of the two liquids. As shown
in Exhibit 6-8, the double pipe exchanger consists of a
pipe within a pipe; both pipes have a return bend at
one end. The inner pipe is fitted with fins; the outer
pipe acts as the shell. The shell nozzles are mounted
vertically from the outer pipe, and the tube nozzles
are direaly welded to the inner pipe ends. The units
are generally supported horizontally by brackets at-


Double Pipe Exchanger

Air Cooler Exchanger

tached to a foundation or to the side of other equip- installed and located side by side.
ment supports. Air is circulated by multiblade propeller-type fans
that proVide forced or induced drafts. Fans can be
supplied with either adjustable-speed or variable-pitch
Air Cooler Exchangers
blades. The fan blade pitch can be changed to vary the
Air cooler units are entirely different from the previ air-flow rate to compensate for rising or falling air
ously mentioned arrangements in that the cooling temperatures. Air coolers supplied with multiple fans
agent used is circulating air instead of a liquid. As seen may be operated with some of the fans shut down.
in Exhibit 6--9, an air cooler unit consists of fin~tube Dampers, baffles, and bypasses can also be used to
bundles with a header box attached to each end, sup- further control liquid outlet temperature. For elevated
ported horizontally by a steel frame or structure. For inStallations, platforms are generally furnished for ac-
the single~pass arrangement, the inlet nozzles are cess to header boxes and motors.
mounted on the top of the header box; the outlet
nozzles are at the oppoSite end and mounted on the
bottom of the header box. For the double-pass ar- EXCHANGER LOCATION AND SUPPORT
rangement, the outlet nozzles are located at the same
end as the inlet nozzles. For additional surface area, Heat exchangers are located within the conventional
more passes can be added or additional units can be process unit plot area, close to related equipment, to

Process Plant Layout and Plptng De#p

Typical Plot Plan of Exchanger

Sample Exchanger


Au XILl AR..'( '"'~

OIZ t-.o1A. \N'Te""'" A.tJ "'~
~e "b WAY

EXHIBIT 6-12 Sample Single and Paired Exchanger EXHIBIT 6-14 Sample Structure-Mounted Exchanger
In$ta11ation Inst2llation

05Z ~A..I .... TE.o,JA,,~E.

EXHIBIT 6-13 Parallel and Series Exchanger

Installations support economic pipe runs, flexibility, process re-
quiremems, and operator and maimenance access.
Support of the eqUipment (e.g., for air coolers or verti-
cal reboilers) can also influence heat exchanger loca-
tion. Exhibit 6~ 10 depictS a typical plOt plan with sev-
eral heat exchanger applications. Horizontal shell and
tube exchangers should be positioned so that the
channel end faces the auxiliary road or maintenance
access way for tube bundle removal with adequate
space provided at the front end of the exchanger for
bonnet removal. This exchanger oriemation is shown
in Exhibit 6-11.
Exchangers can be located as single items, in pairs
(this is the most common installation), or in larger
groups when no intermediate control is required be-
tween the shell and tube streams. The single and
paired installation is shown in Exhibit 6-12. Paired ex-
changers may operate in series, parallel, or dissimilar
services; grouped exchangers operate only in series or
parallel. Exhibit 6-13 shows samples of parallel and
series exchanger installations.
Paired or grouped exchangers should be spaced to

Process Plant Layout and Pipi"g Desigre


allow a minimum of 18 in (450 rom) between the

outside of adjacent channel or bonnet flanges to facili-
tate access to flange bolts for maimenance. Space
should be provided on either side of paired exchang-
ers and at both ends of grouped exchangers for con-
trol and operator access. Exhibit 6-14 illustrates a
structUre-mounted installation and its required access
Horizontal exchangers may be stacked to a pre-
ferred maximum top shell centerline elevation of 12 it
(3.600 nun) from grade or platform, as depicted in
Exhibit 6-15. Stacking of exchangers above this height
may require platforming for access to channel and
bonnet flanges and fixed handling devices.
Horizontal shell and tube exchangers may be lo-
cated at grade or elevated in steel or concrete struc-
tures when process requirements or space availability
diaate. Support of horizontal exchangers, as shown in
Exhibit 6-16, is by saddles attached to concrete piers
EXHIBIT 6-16 Typical Horizontal Exchanger Supports for grade-mounted installations and by saddles at-
rached to steel frames in elevated installations. When
possible, supports should be inline for common foun-
dation design.
If process requirements permit, shell and tube ex-
changers can also be mounted in a vertical pOSition,
supported by lugs and tower nozzles in a tower-sup-
poned installation (as shown in Exhibit 6-17), within
concrete or steel structures (as shown in Exhibit 6-18),
and by concrete piers (as shown in Exhibit 6-19). The
same considerations for maimenance, control, and op-
~. ,~ c:.LE,A2ANGE.
~i'-"-l~ OloJT:s..Cle: o f erator access should be given for venical installations
FI.AN6 Ec 012: as are for horizontal installations.
1",,~ ... A.i'IO~
An important feature to remember when working
with tower-supported vertical reboilers, not requiring
springs, is highlighted in Exhibit 6-17A
1. The layout designer must set the reboUer sup-
port lug elevation 1 in/.025 above the platform
steel, and not at the steel elevation.
2. Before maintenance. the l-W.02S gap will be
shimmed, thereby enabling the reboiler load to
Tower-Supponed Vertical

~ITC.~ PCllo.JT~ ~
l::O'VE~ ~E Io.<\O'JAt.

11 1.0. /3."0 0
10II 1"'11 Mu..... P\.A"TFo""'"

Tube Bundle

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design


Vertical Installation

4'-0 'YI. "2. 00

LU6~ Cf:,L o ' 0aoo

MAXI 10.11 LJ W'\


I '2.'-0
11/ ~o MA-,( 'MLJM
WlillouT PLATFo'2M
--".,.c~rnr-_...ij.L_.L._---=====::::"-4! .Jt.-.,:3:..1_-O'f.90() Ml~ I~ U ......,

be carried by the platform steel during mainte- rangements for control and operator access, with
nance turnaround. enough room allowed at the spiral exchanger to swing
3. The nozzle and channel flange will be unbolted the cover plates open, as shown in Exhibit 6-20, and at
and the channel seaion removed. the plate exchanger to remove the individual plates, as
4. The tube bundle is then ready to be removed. shown in Exhibit 6-21.
Air coolers are located adjacent to the equipment
Spiral and plate exchangers can operate in series or that they serve for piping flexibility and maintenance.
parallel, but, because of their configuration and main- They can be supported from grade, at the top level of
tenenace requirements, it is preferable to position struaures, or above pipe racks, which is the most
them as single items. Space is provided at both ar- common installation. The rube bundle bank can be
Pier-Mounted Vertical


4'-o}' \.200
I LU6'~
I / ..,


- --, "'-

'\ PLA.-r~M

I ~NG~e.TE PIe.rz.7

Control and Operator
Access in a Spiral

S:rwltoJ6 A~6A (Typ,)

SPA.:::.S (TyPo)


Process Pklnt Layout and Piping Design
Control and Operator
Access in a Plate

CO.... Tl<O l.
SP,A.t::.E (TYF?)


AIR. c.oa\.e.~
CoLumn-Supported Air
Cooler Arrangement



~!lDe.1Z. 2UN I
Lot.J& e.~ "'T""'AI'oJ
;0'-0-/9. I'So


Fol2C..e.O D2A-F T EXHIBIT 6-23

AIR c::.oOt..E2 Typical Leg-Supported
Air Cooler Arrangement



=o Q
I 0
-to ~

supponed by steel legs from the air cooler vendor or platform arrangements.
by extending the pipe rack or struaure columns to the When designing the air cooler configuration, the
underside of the bank. Generally, the air cooler ven- plant layout deSigner must consider the source of the
dor furnishes header box and motor access platforms. supporting column. As seen in Exhibit 6-26, arrange-
Ladders are provided for exit to grade to suit maxi- ment A, developed by the contractor, allows changes
mum ladder runs and safety requirements. Exhibits to platforming and pipe support loading late in a proj-
6-22 through 6-25 show various air cooler suppon and ect without affecting the air cooler vendor's scheduled
platform configurations, which include column-sup- delivery dates to the job site. In arrangement B, any
poned. leg-supponed, fixed-platform, and traveling- such late changes would cause the air cooler vendor

Typical Fixed-Platform
Air Cooler Arrangement

LAl;>OE2 To

~E.ADE&2. f;o-x
L6.DOe.~ To
P\. AoIF04Z.M (iY ~)

Ci~A.DE. C"t'fP.)

M Al~ TE."'-JA JlJ GE. AU2 -c::oo l..eJi

P,-ATFOc:lM ~PPo"T &eA.~

Fo~c::.E.D ~A..FT EXHIBIT 6--25

~,~ c..oOI-e.~
Traveling-Platform Air
Cooler Arrangement

~aA,oE.$2. boX

Proce$$ Plant Layout and Piping DaIgn


Considerations for
Vendor- or
Supporting Columns

to redesign the support legs or platforming, causing improved arrangement by relocating exchanger noz
delays in delivery and extra costs. zles. Exhibit 628 shows allowable nozzle configura-
NOZZLE ORIENTATION Elbow or gooseneck nozzles are especially useful
in reducing the height of large stacked exchangers.
Nozzle orientation and location can affect the piping Exhibit 6-29 highlights the effectS of using elbow noz-
configurations at most exchanger arrangements. A de- zles on stacked exchangers.
cision by the piping designer to relocate the ex- Air cooler nozzle locations can also affect piping
changer nozzles can often produce a neat and cost configurations. A single-pass arrangement can make
effeaive arrangement. Although the piping designer the return piping on an overhead condenser very long
does not have the freedom to independendy relocate and can also increase the height of the air cooler.
exchanger nozzles, suggested alternate nozzle loca- Reorienting the air cooler or making the unit a dou-
tions can be made to the exchanger engineer in the ble-pass arrangement can improve the piping configu-
interest of improving external piping arrangements- rations. Exhibit &30 shows alternative nozzle configu-
for example, alternative B in Exhibit &27 highlights an rations for air cooler piping.

Alternative Arrangements
for Locating Exchanger
<;:: I

" II
ALiE.5iatoJAi'IVE A.

EXHmIT 6-28
Allowable Nozzle

d ---
I :1


Process P14nt lAyout and Piping DresQn

Effect of Elbow Nozzles
on Stacked Exchangers


!W@ /tQ1Jf1/
ALTc~NAT\VE ..~\ A LT E:2.tJ AT \ \J E. Ilep

AltemativeAir Cooler
I.... LE.-r I'oJOZ.2~E Nozzle Configurations
Loc:..ATao N

DoubL~-P~ auT~ET
~o'Z.'Z.1.E ~.TIO.,j





Exchanger piping must be routed in such a manner tions. Large.-diameter or more expensive piping can-
that it meets economy, flexibility, support, and opera- not be set to accommodate smaller or less expensive
tion and maintenance access reqUirements. Piping at piping. Piping connected to channel head nozzles
shell and tube exchangers is positioned to allow ade- should be furnished with break flanges to facilitate the
quate space for removal of channel heads and shell removal of the channel head.
covers. The free space at me side of horizontal shells Piping at spiral and plate exchangers is also posi-
can be used for placement of controls. Piping is ele- tioned to allow the opening of covers and the removal
vated a minimum distance from grade or platform to of plates. Controls at the spiral exchanger are located
provide operator headroom clearances, to offer ease on the ends of the unit, clear of the cover plate swing
of support, and to meet designated pipe rack eleva- area, and at the from and on one side for the plate
Piping Arrangement for
HoriZOnt2l Shell and
Tube Exchangers

(;.~EC::I( CI.CA.iZA...,,,e
/11..,. ~LJPFlt)ftT$

I('..J"'-' PIPINa:. ~T
~MQ"" EL.5VATloloJ
TO ~UI'T PI Pc. '2ACI'
I'W'\b.I""Tll.n.,J GI.E.A2.A.NC.E



exchanger. Piping is elevated in a fashion similar to over tube banks or fans and should be kept clear of
the shell and tube arrangements. Piping attached to the designated space for motor maintenance. Exhibits
the cover plate n'ozzles of the spiral units is furnished 6-31 through 6~4 show various piping configurations
with br~ flanges. Piping at air coolers is not routed for heat exchangers.

Process Plant Layout and Ptptng Design

EXHmIT 6-32
Piping Arrangement for
Underground Cooling
Water System

---&.g:;:lU NG Wqt&!Z
Hc1" w4f"E'!2.
USE. 'f.POO~ Ple.GS
FO~ ~I.JTTC2.i=-L.Y


C'O OEtJ?A'Te S7,.e.AM c.o N"T 201. EXHIBIT 6-33

GC T~L Vb.,LVe. VA.\ Piping Arrangement for
Steam and Condensate
, ... System

'$JET f?r P2o'-:27

Sample of Piping
Economy Arrangement

EXHIBIT 6-35 Supports for a Piping Arrangement EXHIBIT 6-36 Piping Arrangement for Horizontal
h.rre12ME DIATE $L.I epa Gt"r
,:zE:.Gh,,1IGl.Q;O I=c>g PIPI .... ~
.....T ,., CNiHt~P~""f=P
SbE."T'wf:SN PIPe R"",I( ",""'I)
e:.~ ~ ~"'" 6EIr'S

- I
I - "II


"'I:\> 1M II


~ ./ .
. JI ________ PlPl10J 6

.". r
- _ _ 0-

DIoI""toiY Leal
T"'-l.... NI~ I

EXHIBIT 6-37 Piping Arrangement for Vertical

laTT~ -s,.ee.\.. Reboiler
FIl.A.Me To
.... PF'bR:~
~16H-TEMPE12AT~~E, ~1e:,H-Pt< ES'SW~E. Piping Arrangement for
A.LLoy PIP 1"-J6 High-Temperature,
High-Pressure Feed

i I
11 :1 j
II i:
11 I,

Plia:>V IDe. Lot::' P P520V\DE. SF'~IN6

,~ PIP1I'J6 FO'l(: ~uPPO~T AT C6NTE~
FLe),1 e>JL\TY E XC ~.,JGa E ~ ~LJ ~ l:L

AL1E.i2:.tJAT lYE 'A ALTCNAilvE l">
P\Pu"JG. 6E.t..JSAT~
PLAT'Fo~"" f=Q2 e:.AC';:, e
Piping Arrangement for
Feed Exchangers
OF ",uP~~T

e;,e,VE. ~ PLATe EXHIBIT 6-40

~WI.-JGr AIZ.&..A. Piping Arrangement for
Spiral Exchangers

Process Plant Layout and Plplng DesIgn

Piping Arrangement for
Plate Exchangers

~?IPE:. ~c.K. COLUMN$



EXHIBIT 6-42 Air Cooler Piping Configurations


Overhead Piping
Arrangements for a
Condensing Air Cooler


~P~I2.T ~. &.FFEGi\VE
~Te.E.L. To $uPfo~T ALTE~"'ATr"a I2oUTIt<:.
o"e.~l-lEAI) LINE IF PIP ,~~ \'=" FL.E:X1rzL6:
,A.~O c.A"'" $PAto.J OI'1TANCE
WIT"'4-0UT , ...."'T'C.IC:, MEOI4-rc



F=o~ FlE~lblLl j).I~

Ale GOOL~~ ~ e,E

PO'$''-'OItJD ~1j'H ~E
IIooJLe.T ~UL.ei D""J T~E

J=A.2. e.e....T2l.....c o~

~e. PIPE. U " G.oLuM.... S.

T~c 12 ~t.Ea. f,EGTIO~S
~L.!) be. 5EQIZEGrATE.9
brow!) Tt4-E ~TEI. ~fIJOO
TO ~PP()2T ~E
O"E2.~E:AP P,P '.... 6.

Inlet and Outlet Piping
Arrangement for a
Product Air Cooler

II: I2f:QuI2E: I)
0\= Ou'TL.t=.:T PIP,~u $wPPo2.T GooL,II.J6

A.T A.I~ Ce::::t:::?L~ Il-JLE.T P'P1N<:t

P~A.TFO~M ?Tci:L F~M Pl.ATFoeW\

EXCHANGER MAINTENANCE dling devices for removal of tube bundles. Minor re-
pairs (e.g., rube plugging) are usually accomplished
Like an automobile radiator, the internals of heat ex- With the air cooler in place; for major repairs, air
changers require periodic cleaning and repair. It is cooler sections are removed by mobile cranes, as
important for exchangers and related components to shown in Exhibit 6-49. Internal servicing at plate ex-
be positioned to facilitate access to their internal pans. changers can be done manually. In the event of a tube
For the shell and rube heat exchangers, the rubes failure, individual tubes are closed by insening a plug
and the interior of the shell can be cleaned in place through the end of the header box and hammering it
with high-pressure steam or water and rodding de- imo place, as shown in Exhibit 6-50.
vices. If the design of the exchanger permits, the tube The use of tube bundle extractors eliminates the
bundle can also be removed for repair or cleaning. need for permanent rube bundle removal structures ,
Tube bundles and head and shell covers can be re- with considerable saving to the plant. These mecha-
moved by built-in fixed handling devices (e.g., davits, nisms weigh seven tons and are capable of pull forces
hitch points, pulling posts), fixed structures with trol- greater than 500,000 lbs. The extractor is lifted into
ley beams and traveling gantry cranes, or by mobile position by crane and clamped to the shell flange of
equipment (e.g., cranes and hydraulic bundle extrac- the exchanger, which is stripped for bundle removal.
tors). Exhibits 6-4; through 6-48 provide examples of Held in position by the crane and balanced by the
tube bundle removal equipment. Considerable saving extractor's leveling cradle, the bundle is pulled out of
can be achieved if the plant is serviced by mobile its shell with pull rod attachments that use hydraulic
equipment force. The whole unit is then lowered to grade and can
Air cooler units are not furnished with fixed han- be relifted onto a truck for off-site repair or cleaning.

Bundle Pulling Post

Fixed Structure with a
Trolley Be2IIl

~eMo\JA bl.E

P""IT Pu l.L.I"""~ ~E"M

.Proces8 Plant lAyout a7Ul Piping DesIp


FIXed Structure with a
Traveling Gantry

EXHIBIT 6-48 Removal of a Tube Bundle by Crane EXHIBIT 6-49 Removal of Air Cooler Sections with a
Mobile Crane



Air Cooler Tube Plugging

~TU~ B.u
~J \' =


EXHmIT 6-51
Bundle Removal Using an
Extractor and a Mobile

Procea PltJnt Layout and P1p~ng Dmp


Tube Bundle Extractor

Item No.

om. chMn

11 Hr***moton 10 S8nC qoinders

21 T..... , . . . 11 HycInuIlc contraf ......

23 Air moW 15 Balanclt cyItnders

1 1IIlin ......
CylInder Main car
Reaction !up
Air cylinder for reactlan !up
7 Meln cyIiMer

EXlUBIT 6-53 Tower-Mounted Air Cooler .EXHIBIT 6-54 Stab-In Reboiler

most commonly used in process plants. A wide range

of items, however, can be identified as heat exchange
Exhibit 6-51 iIlusU"ates an elevated exchanger with the eqUipment for specific situations. Generally, these
extractor and crane in position for bundle removal. items have design features similar to those for com~
Exhibit 6-52 provides details of a hydraulic rube bun- mon applications. Care should be taken to arrange the
dle extractor. eqUipment so that the basic rules for exchanger layout
This chapter has highlighted the principal layout are followed. Exhibits 6-53 and 6-54 show examples of
requirements for the heat exchanger configurations more unusual heat exchanger eqUipment.

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design



Furnaces, also referred to as heaters, are one of the perature increases, the hot flue gas rises out of the
main pieces of equipment in a process complex. A stack. and begins to exert a negative pressure within
furnace may raise the temperature of a gas or hydro- the radiant and convection sections. For optimum op-
carbon liquid to meet specific processing needs or, in eration, there should be a pressure of approximately
the case of pyrolysis and reformer furnaces, cause a -0.35 in of water columns just inside the air register
chemical or physical change to the medium. A circular of the burner. There should be a pressure of -0.2 in
or box-type configuration is primarily used; variations of water columns at the furnace floor, with a further
to each design are covered throughout this chapter~ In drop to -0.5 in at the top of the radiant section, and
addition, because of the various types of furnaces, this -0.7 in at the base of the stack. Maintaining these
chapter covers some basics of furnace design and dis- levels ensures adequate air flow to the burner. Peep
cusses how to approach a piping layout as it relates to doors are provided along the radiant walls to allow
maintenance, operation, and safety. plant operations personnel to view the burners while
making fuel flow adjustments.
A product is introduced inco the radiant tubes and
BASIC OPERATION AND PRIMARY is heated to the maximum operating temperatures. It
PARTS OF A FURNACE then exits the furnace. Steam enters the convection
semon tubes and is raised to a superheated tempera-
Exhibit 7-1 illustrates the basic makeup of a furnace. As ture by the hot flue gases.
shown in this exhibit, the basic partS of a furnace in- The damper, which is used to conrrol the draft in
clude: the furnace, is located in the stack. Adjusting the
damper controls the pressure balance within the fur-
The radiant section-Houses rows of horizontal or nace. The Stack. height is determined by the draft re-
vertical tubes that carry the product to be heated. quirements of the furnace but may be adjusted. Draft
Burners-These are primarily fired by oil or gas and gauges are used to check pressure levels.
are located in the radiant section. It should be understood that there are many vari-
The convection section-Located above or down- ables to this description. Burners may be located in
stream from the radiant section. It houses rows of the side walls or roof of the radiant section. Insulation
horizontal tubes that are heated by the hot flue may be refractory brick, ceramic fibers, or a mineral
gases. wool blanket. The product may flow into the convec-
The stack-This is usually located above the convec- tion section tubes, exit that seaion through crossover
tion section and carries the flue gases to the anno- piping, and flow through the radiant section. Multiple
sphere. furnaces may be tied to one common stack by breech-
Insulation-lines the walled surfaces of the radiant ing.
and convection sections.
The furnace operates in the following manner. Fuel
is fed to the burners located along the furnace floor. It
The principal types of furnaces are box, ci~cular, pyro-
is then ignited by a pilot gas line located in the burner.
lysis, and reformer.
The combustion air flow is regulated by adjustment of
the air registers. For proper operation within a fur- Boxtype Exhibit 7-2 shows a box-type furnace that
nace, a natural draft must be maintained. As the tem- houses rows of horizontal or vertical tubes in the radi-


EXHmIT 7-1
Basic Furnace Operation

D~~PE;t2 -----_..L....-




Process Plant Layout and Piping Design


EXHIBIT 72 Typical Box-Type Furnace EXHIBIT 73 Typical Circular Furnace

ant section. The convection section is located down- the product being heated, and are located at one end
stream from the radiant section, where flue gas may of the convection section.
pass in an up\V3fd or downward flow. Rows of burners
are located in the radiant sectionj this is the primary Pyrolysis Exhibit 7-4 illustrates a pyrolysis furnace
source of product heating. whose product tubes are placed in the center of the
radiant section because of a relatively short residence
Circular Exhibit 73 illustrates a circular furnace that time, high heat transfer rate, and need for even tem-
houses tubes mounted vertically or helically in the perature distribution in the tubes. An integral waste
radiant section. These furnaces are generally used for heat recovery system that employs the use of a steam
such smaller duties as start-up heaters or reboilers. drum and a transfer line exchanger (11.X) is also
Inlet and outlet connections are usually located at the shown. Steam decoking is reqUired to clean the inter-
top or .the bottom of the radiant section, depending on nal walls of the process tubes.

EXHmIT 7-4
Typical Pyrolysis Furnace

Reformer In a reformer furnace, shown in Exhibit system used to carry waste away from piping or tubes
7-5, preheated process fluid flows through catalyst- for disposaL
filled tubes, which are usually located in the cemer of
the radiant section. This rype of furnace may have sin- Breeching Breeching refers to the duct work that
gle or multiple compartments; burners may be collects flue gases along the furnace box outlet for
mounted in the roof, wall, or floor. Heat recovery sys- transmission to the Stack.
tems may also be employed through the use of waste
heat boilers or the convection section's steam genera- Burners Supplied with air and fuel necessary for
tion coils. combustion, burners heal the product in the tubes in
the radiant section of the furnace. The most common
cypes of burners are gas; air and gas; air and oil or
TERMINOLOGY gas; and oil, which requires air, oil, and atOmizing
The follOWing sections list common furnace terms.
Burner management package This device is de-
Blowdown steam Blowdown steam is used for tube signed to comrol such burner operatiOns as monitor-
cleaning or removal of productS from the inlet piping ing purge sequence, igniter and main fuel start-up,
in the event of fire. pilOt flame, main flame, and heater conditions. limit-
ing devices are built imo the package that shut down
Blowdown system A blowdown system is the piping the furnace if unsafe operating conditions arise.

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design

Steam Reformer Furnace

Clean-out access doors Access is provided to the in- usually flat plates that rotate on a shaft resting on pil-
terior of the furnace for maintenance personnel. low blocks set in the steel shell, similar to a butterfly
Convection section This companment houses rows
of primarily horizontal tubes located downstream Decoking The coke built up in many hydrocarbon
from the radiant section that are used for additional furnace tubes during operation is removed by inject-
heating in a process unit. Passing the hot flue gases ing steam and air into the tubes.
over these tubes can provide additional duty. Exam
pies include preheating process streams, steam super
Draft gauge This instrument is used to check pres-
heating, and additional steam generation. Provisions
sure in a furnace.
must be made to remove these tubes for inspection,
repair, or replacement.
Explosion doors In the event of an explosion in a
Crossover piping This piping interconnects the radi- furnace, doors specifically designed to blowout and
ant and convection sections and is usually furnished protect against a major structural failure are provided;
by the furnace vendor. they act like safety valves in a piping system.

Damper Located in the stack or duct, this device is Header A header is the fitting that connects two
used to control drafts in the furnace. Dampers are tubes in a flow pattern.


Pigtail Detail

Typical Radiant Coil

Process Plant Layout and Plp~ng Dmgn

Combination Oil and Gas

+--.r----AIt2 ~

Header boxes . Most ends of tubes are connected by on natural drafts. If the height of the scack is increased
Ubends that make inspection difficult. Therefore, spe- to suit safety conditions, a fan must be added. If emis-
cial return fittings with plugged connections are pro- sion probes are needed in a stack, ladders and plat-
vided that permit inspection and cleaning. Because the forms are added as required.
removable plugs are subject to leaking, all headers
must be completely enclosed in -header boxes. Snuff- Snuffing stearn This is stearn that is injected into the
ing steam is used to suppress fire in this area. combustion chambers or header box of a furnace to
suppress a fire.
Peep doors Small doors are provided in the wall or
floor of the radiant section to permit visual inspection -Transfer line The oudet of the process rubes are tied
of burners during start-up or operation. inca a piping header called a transfer line, which feeds
the main process tower.
Pigtails Small-bore flexible piping configurations
Tubes Piping within the furnace carries the medium
connect the radiant tubes to the inlet and outlet head-
to be heated. A typical radiant coil is shown in Exhibit
ers, as illustrated in Exhibit 7-6.
Radiant section The main compartment of a furnace
is the radiant section, in which process streams are BURNERS
heated, usually in vertical tubes, by heat from burners the walls, roof, or floor. Furnace structure and heat-release requirements are
the determining factors in the selection of the correct
Refractory The refractory is made up of insulating burner design. Burners are fired by a wide range of
bricks capable of withstanding high temperatures in gaseous and liqUid fuels, and a variety of configura-
furnaces. tions are used throughout the industry. It is recom-
mended that the designer cake full advantage of all
Soot blowers Soot blowers are mechanical devices burner data available from vendors to gain a greater
that clean residue build-up on the exterior of the con- understanding of the operation and mainrenance re-
vection tubes. They are usually furnished when oil- quirements of each design.
fired burners are used. The combination oil and gas burner is shown in
Exhibit 7-8. Some of the features of this burner in-
Stack Located downstream from the convection sec- clude:
tion, the stack is designed to carry flue gases directly to
the atmosphere or to divert them through secondary It is designed to fire horizontally or vertically.
duets to an air preheating system. Stack elevations are Oil spillage in the radiant section cannot cause
usually established by a furnace designer to operate burner plugging.


EXHIBIT 7-9 Maintenance Area for a Combination Oil EXHIBIT 7-10 Windproof Gas Burner
artd Gas Burner

Fuel GA.'? - - - - - . +

is easy to light and fires in any pOSition. It requires no

combustion controls to maintain maximum effiCiency.
The burner may be straight or L-shaped, according to
layout requirements.
Burners may be arranged in single or multiple
rows and located in the roof, wall, or floor, as shown
in Exhibit 7-11. Many burners are operated and con-
trolled through the use of burner management
It burns any oil that can be pumped. systems.
It burns any fuel gas safely and quietly.
All pans of the burner can be inspected closely
while the burner is in operation. COMBUSTION AIR PREHEATING
Exhibit 7-9 shows the maintenance area that must
be provided when developing a layout for a combina- The overall thermal efficiency of a furnace is improved
tion oil and gas burner. By shutting off the oil and if the air that enters the radiant section around the
steam to the oil gun, the oil tip/atomizer assembly can burners is preheated. Economic studies are per-
be changed while the heater is in operation. formed early in a project to determine the feasibility of
The windproof gas burner, shown in Exhibit 7-10, such a system. The two most common preheating sys-

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design


EXHmrr 711
Sample Burner Locations

terns are regenerative systems and recuperative sys- tank and pump is far less complex than the regenera-
tems. tive system.
A rypical regenerative system is shown in Exhibit
712. Hot flue gas exiting the conveaion section is
divened through a duet to a heat exchanger called an GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF
air preheater. Incoming fresh air is heated and sem by FURNACES
a forced draft fan to the burner plenum, where it en-
ters the burner through the air register for combus- This section describes the general arrangement of var-
tion. An induced draft fan draws the flue gas through ious rypes of furnaces and discusses how operation
the preheater and sends the cooled gas back into the and maintenance affect furnace elevation, how to plan
atmosphere through the Stack. all necessary access, and platform requirements, asso
A conventional recuperative (closed-loop) system dated equipment, and stack design. Exhibit 7-14
is illustrated in Exhibit 7-13. Oil is circulated through shows a typical arrangement of a circular furnace.
the convection seCtion tubes, heated, and sent through
the inlet air duet, where it releases its heat. The hot air
Setting Furnace Elevation
then enters the burner for combustion, and the hot oil
is recirculated to a storage tank for recycling. From a The location of burners and the possible need for air
layout standpoint, the hot oil system with a storage preheating duetS are two primary faCtors to be consid-


Typical Regenerative

Process Plant Layout and Piping DesIgn


EXHmlT 713
Recuperative System

Typical Arrangement of a
Circular Furnace

f:E" ABFA< - - - -

UPPe:C2. PLA"'-J


ered when the elevation of a furnace is established. If, valves is on the firing platform at the peep doors, nor
as shown in Exhibit 7-15, the burners are floor beneath the furnace. When wall-mounted burners are
mounted, the elevation should be set high enough to used, the elevation of the furnace can be lower be-
allow an operator to walk freely under the furnace or cause there are no major maintenance or operational
ducting but not necessarily under all the burner requirementS beneath the furnace to be addressed.
piping. Access for operation and maintenance is a major
The preferred location of the burner operating consideration in the development of a furnace layout.

Process Plant Layout and Ptptng Dmgn


Setting a Furnace

Access requirements are reviewed for tube removal, tube removal in a circular furnace is accomplished by
soot blowers, damper control, header boxes, burners, pulling the tubes through an access door located in
and burner management skids and control panels. the top of the radiant section. This is performed by
Because furnace tubes must be periodically re- using a hoist attached to the circular trolley beam on
placed, clear areas are provided directly in line with top of the Stack. Once the tubes are lifted oue of the
the tubes. The removal mechanism may be a troHey radiant compartment, they are pulled away from the
beam located on the stack of a circular furnace, a furnace and lowered to grade. The convection section
crane, or a cherry picker. If only one or two rubes tubes are removed in a manner similar to the one
require removal, a tube extractor, similar to the type shown for the box.type furnace in Exhibit 7-17. Here
used for extracting shell and tube exchanger bundles, again, the access area must allow the tubes to be
may be used. As can be seen in Exhibit 7-16, radiant pulled clear of the furnace, permitting the crane to


Radiant Tube Removal in
a Circular Furnace


EXHmIT 7-17
Convection Section Tube
Removal in a Box-Type

Damper Mechanism

Header Box Detail

-4E::~ ~------

..... _.-

Process Plant Layout and P~Jnng Design

Burner Management Skid



ated operators are less commonly used for damper

EXHIBIT 7-21 Burner Management Control Panel adjustments, which are routinely made during start-up
when the proper pressure balance within the furnace
must be obtained.
Header boxes, as shown in Exhibit 719, are enclo-
sures around the fittings that connect two tubes. The
fittings, called headers, are furnished with plugged
connections for cleaning. The header boxes are sealed
from the inside of the furnace by an insulated tube
sheet, and, because this area is a possible source of
fire, a snuffing steam conn"ection is provided for fire
suppression. A drain connection is also proVided for
leak detection. Clear access must be provided around
the header box to permit inspection and tube cleaning
or replacement.
Burner access is required for ignition on start-up,
air flow control through register adjustment or control
swing away and lower the tubes to grade. handles, and oil-gun maintenance. Access is also re-
Soot blowers have different access requirements, quired to allow routine operator inspection for any
depending on the type used. One type is fixed to the sign of leaks, particularly when flexible hoses are
convection section wall and occupies a relatively small used.
area, unlike the retractable type, which is furnished Burner management systems are vendor-supplied
with a horizontal support beam that enables the mech- packages consisting of all primary valving and instru-
anism to insert the lance dUring operation. mentation necessary to start up, operate, and shut
Dampers, located in the stack, are usually regulated down all burners of a furnace under regular or emer-
by a device located at grade, as depicted in Exhibit gency conditions. A typical burner management skid is
7-18. Cables strung through guides fixed to the shown in Exhibit 720, and a burner management con-
damper and adjustment lever, or control handle, may trol panel is shown in Exhibit 7-21.
be locked into various positions as desired. Air-aCtU- Platform requirements for furnaces are no different

Circular Furnace Platform

Miscellaneous Platform
Requirements for a
Circular Furnace

from any other large piece of equipment that needs A circular furnace platform layout is shown in E."(-
operator and maintenance attention. Because each hibit 7-22. The firing platform, which is usually a full
heater is designed to meet specific process needs, may 3600 circle, can be reached by a variety of stairway
fire with different fuels and require air preheating or configurations and ladders, as illustrated on the lower
soot blowers, and is subject to client needs, each de- plan in this exhibit. Each scheme shown may be set to
sign should be approached as a unique layout, follow- accommodate the layout as required. Stairway varia-
ing basic guidelines. tions shown here are:

ProcttS$ Plant Layout a7Ul Piping Datgn

EXHmlT 7-24
Pyrolysis Furnace Ladder
and Platform

StaiIWay A-Perpendicular, which can be set to ei- form and viewed from the peep door on the end wall.
ther side of the landing. The floor-mounted burners can be operated from
Stairway B-Radial. grade at the edge of the furnace or from an optional
Stairway C-Tangential. lower firing platform. Additional platforming is re-
qUired for access to draft gauges, peep doors, and the
Access to all other platforms on this type of furnace is conveaion section. Because the primary operator
by ladder, indicated on the exhibit as follows: level is at the burners, stairways are used for access
and ladders are provided for all other levels.
Ladders D and E-Urnited to a 30-ft (9150-mm) max-
A reformer furnace, shown in Exhibit 7-25, has a
imum ladder run per Occupational Safety and Health
penthouse and roof-mounted burners. In addition to
Administration (OSHA). An intermediate platform is
platforms and a stairway for regular maintenance and
operation, ladders are prOVided in case of an emer-
Ladder F-Enables plant personnel to gain access to gency. Other platforms are for access to peep doors,
both sides of the upper furnace by the convection draft gauges, and piping, as required.
section platform.
Additional platform requirements-for example,
Auxiliary Equipment
for access to soot blowers or interconneCting plat-
forms between groups of similar heaters-are shown A soot blower mechanically cleans soot build-up on
in Exhibit 7-23. catwalks are planned for the firing convection section tubes in fuel-oil-fired heaters. A
platform and top of the radiant section for operator SOOt blower essentially consists of a lance (i.e., pipe)
convenience. with nozzles specifically located for the rube section to
A pyrolysis furnace, shown in Exhibit 7-24, has both be cleaned and a conneroon for the blowing medium,
wall- and floor-mounted burners. The wall-mounted which is steam or air. There are two types of blowers:
burner piping can be operated from the firing plat- fixed and retractable.

Refonner Furnace

Fixed Soot Blower

Process Plant Layout and ptptng Dengn

EXHmIT 7-27
Retractable Soot Blower

fl~XI ~p Pe:i

EXHffiIT 728

Soot Blower in Operation


A fixed soot blower, shown in Exhibit 7-26, is in Exhibit 7-29. Platforms designed specifically for
mounted directly on the convection section wall and is each fan configuration should be adequate for mainte-
hard-piped as shown. A retractable soot blower, illus- nance and operation of the drive and fan mechanism.
trated in Exhibit 7-27, allows the lance to be removed Exhibit 7-30 shows a typical arrangement of a sin-
from the convection section during operation. Some gle-zone pyrolysis furnace With an integral waste heat
of the principal components are the support channel, system, which requires a steam drum and a heat ex-
the gear-driven carriage, the poppet valve (used to changer (often called a transfer line exchanger). Be-
control the flow of the cleaning medium), and the cause the preheater and ducting on an average-sized
lance with nozzles. Exhibit 7-28 depiCts a soot blower combustion air preheating system are somewhat large,
in operation. As the lance enters the heater, the blow- the plant layout designer should pay extra anention to
ing medium cuts a path through the deposits until the the amount of space that is finally used for this equip-
lance reaches its apex. The lance then reverses rota- ment. After enough room is allotted for maintenance
tion and is indexed so that on the retraction path it and operation of the forced and induced draft fans and
cleans surfaces not covered on insertion. The reversed blowers, the distance from the outer edge of the pre-
rotation and indeXing allow the soot blower to peel heater to the centerline of the furnace should be kept
and strip all deposits efficiently and with less chance of to a minimum, as shown in E.xhibit 7-31.
heater tube erosion. Whenever furnaces are arranged in groups on a
An induced draft fan may be required for furnace plot plan, the plant layout designer should consider
operation, as shown on top of the convection section using a common stack, as depicted in Exhibit 7-32.

EXHmrr 729
Induced Draft Fan


Steam Drum and Transfer
Line Exchanger

ProaJss P14n1 Layout and PtJring Dalp

Combustion Air
Preheating System

Common Stack for
Multiple Furnaces

Piping and
Instrumentation Diagram
for a Circular Furnace

@ D2.orf G6UC;e
(f) ~~ "f'rAP


Process Pklnt Layout aM Piping Design

Piping and
Instrumentation Diagram
for a Combination Burner


To I=-LAI2E:-

*' ~Te: 5 E!EZ,C)c;:E - 1o.A1~It...1U""1 c;oy,r,.'2oo

~M FUf2t..J~

Economic constraints usually determine the feasibiliry convection section. The furnace plan and elevation for
of this design feature; all furnace configurations can the upper level of this furnace are shoVvTl in Exhibits
use this breeching concept. 7~35 and 7-36, respectively. The stack shown in Exhibit
736 is eqUipped with a trolley beam (an optional fea-
ture) that pulls the radiant tube bundles during main-
PIPING lAYOUT FOR A FURNACE tenance. The need for platforms depends on the in-
strument requirements. The damper setting is
This section details the piping layout of Circular and
regulated from grade by a cable-operated mechanism
box-type furnaces. Although such special features as
supplied by the furnace vendor.
snuffing steam are actually reqUired for both heaters,
In the convection section, three stationary soot
they are explained for one application only.
blowers are fed by 1.5in leads from the fire steam
header located below them. This piping is kept close
Circular Furnace Piping to the convection section wall to maximize the avail~
Exhibits 7-33 and 734 present simplified piping and able work area for plant personnel. The four 3-in
instrumentation diagrams for a circular furnace. The product inlet lines have manual control valves and
furnace has 6-in inlet and oudet lines, with control local flow indicators that must be visible when person~
valves, combination burners, and SOOt blowers in the nel are operating the valves. They are located at the


Plan for the upper Level
of a Circular Furnace

Furnace Elevation for the
Upper Level of a Circular



Lower P!2n (or a Circular

E~I ::: - . -~-

- su~~~~
DGtlroI~ HUt7 ..a.
H~e:a ee6 ~)oJ
~L. :?NufP!~6
mAM !:A4tJ I021..12
~L.QT' <ilAl'!P
I--- ~u et.. Gol:)6
~---------fue.L. pIt.

upper platform for economic reasons-placing them port when practical, as shown in Exhibit 7-38.
at grade would require running four individual lines Snuffing steam, which is used to suppress a fire in
up the entire furnace. The snuffing steam lines are the header box in the convection or radiant sections,
grouped together for common support until they is supplied through local and remote manifolds. The
reach the top of the radiant section. The line to the remote manifold should be no closer than 50 fr
header box on the opposite side is run radially around (15,000 mrn) from the furnace. In Exhibit 7-37, the
the heater. Bending small lines is generally not a prob- local manifold is located at grade, next to the interme-
lem and saves fittings and welds. Platforms are de- diate pipe support column. If the local area is unreach-
signed to permit plant.operations and maintenance able in an emergency, steam would be supplied from
personnel clear access to all valves, instruments, and the remote manifold The inlet and outlet control sta-
soot blowers. tions are located along the pipe rack adjacent to the
The lower level of the circular furnace is shown in furnace. This parucular furnace uses manually con-
Exhibits 7-37 through 739. In the radiant section, all trolled valves for each burner. The burner supply
piping should be grouped together for common sup- headers-fuel gas, fire steam, and fuel oil-are run

Process Plant Layout and PIpbIg Dmgn

Furnace Elevation for the
Lower Level of a Circular


Burner Piping Detail

14~9f~~ ------;-
~ II fU el. G?I L

Piping and
_. - Instrumentation Diagram
for a Box-Type Furnace

@--- -~

~ SWlloJG E:Ll.

FLoW ItJOI<:.arOCl..
VI~I!:"L!:: Frzci...1
G~ V6UtE-

A.~l'/ "


radially over one another to keep the ladder close to should have a drip leg to remove any condensate
the furnace wall. This positioning also allows the indi- build-up by piping it to the flare system. The fire steam
vidual burner piping leads to run adjacent to the peep line that atomizes steam must be run and insulated
doors, creating access to the valves during operation, with the fuel oil line to decrease oil viscosicy. Atomiz
as shown in Exhibit 7-39. The pilot gas valve is located ing steam is injected into the burner with the fuel oil
below the furnace, providing operator access during to obtain effective combustion.
ignition. It should be noted that although most new The header-box drain must have a seal loop and
furnace installations use burner management systems, clean-alit plug for inspection just above the drain hub
this design approach is acceptable if manual control (see Exhibit 7-37). Removal of this plug permits in-
and ignition is required. spection for small leaks in the tube headers in the
The fuel oil, fuel gas, and pilot gas control valves header box.
are located at the pipe rack. The fuel gas is run sym- The 3600 firing platform allows full access around
metrically to provide an even gas flow to each burner. the radiant section to the burner valves (at the peep
This system must be kept dry by the elimination of low doors) and instruments. The intermediate platform is
points where condensate may collect. The header furnished to meet OSHA requirements, which state

Process Plant Layout and Piplng Dmp

BoX-Type Furnace

e 7-f1".. .S

that any single ladder run must not exceed 30 ft (9.150 is set for regular operation. With the swing ell bolted
mm). The plant layout designer must ensure that tube to the steam and air line, the rube cleaning process
removal areas remain clear of any obstruction. may begin. Each coil is drained and blown out with
steam. Header plugs are removed-the removable
header-box panels are illustrated in Exhibit 7-43. A
Box..Type Furnace Piping
cleaning tool is used to remove coke deposits from
Exhibit 7-40 is a sample piping and instrumentation the inner wall of each tube. Once this is completed,
diagram for a box-type furnace. This heater has 6in the plugs are replaced and the burners are fired.
produCt inlet and oudet leads. a swing ell used for Steam is introduced to remove any remaining coke
decoking a convection steam coil. and a burner man
l deposits. The steam flow rate must be sufficient to
agement system. Exhibit 7-41 provides an overall view prevent overheating of the tube walls; air is then
of the furnace in this example and indicates the major added to burn off any remaining coke deposits. Steam
pans of the furnace. and air discharge to the stack above the damper
Exhibit 742 shows the decoking operation. ProduCt through the vent line. Steam is introduced one final
inlet line A is shown in the decoking mode, and inlet B time to flush the tubes clean. All decoking flows are

EXHmIT 7-42 De:coking Operation for a Box-Type: Furnace

. I,

(;) .~~~_Il---4l.... I;j ~_~O:;Ze;,1 +~

C' ."2'~ .4" i'


A4C1h ~
(!'O ~er ~czuq ~)

Process Plant lAyout and PipIng Design


Product Outlet and
Decoking Piping
Convection Section
Steam Piping with
Miscellaneous Structural


:zJpe~fAP::9 ~ ~
~ __--#Q=AM IN

EXlUBIT 7-45
Piping and
Instrumentation Diagram
for a Burner Manag(:ment

downflow operations, except the vent line to the stack. Exhibit 7-43 also shows the produCt outlet line and
The swing ell is positioned to be accessible to mainte- its decoking hOOk-up. Line A is set up in its usual
nance personnel. The steam and air manual control operation configuration; line B is set in the decoking
valves and their local flow indicatOrs must be located mode. As the steam and air are blown through the
at the peep doors to allow the tubes to be viewed radiant tubes, any waste is carried to the sewer or, if
during this operation because overheating can cause preferred, to a drum for removal. The vent line is run
damage to furnace tubes. to the stack. Once again, the plant layout designer

Process Plant Layout and ptplng Dmgn


~ ~
Burner Piping

~, UJ i
~ ~"

e:y12.-JE'1Z ~IP



FuEL ~ LI\Je:

must avoid blocking access to the header boxes when hazard to plant operations and maintenance person-
developing the piping layout in this area of the nel. The structural feature highlighted here is the ab-
furnace. sence of handrails to permit access to the decoking
piping. The plant layout designer must notify the fur-
nace vendor of this requirement on a mark-up of the
Convection Section Piping platform arrangement drawing.
Exhibit 7-44 illustrates the convection section steam
coil piping along with some miscellaneous structural
Burner Management System Piping
details. The steam inlet line can be run horizontally to
the inlet nozzles because the elevation is above head- Exhibit 745 is a sample piping and instrumentation
room. The superheated steam oudet piping can be diagram of a burner management system supplied by
routed below the platform so that it will nOt pose a the burner vendor. The engineering contractor sup-

EXHIBIT 74.7 Transfer Line Layout EXHmrr 74.8 Stearn-Generation Thermosiphon Circui


hibit, the transfer line should run horizontally and in

the most direct route possible to satisfy all stress and
fleXibility requirements. The addition of line flanges
should be planned to facilitate cleaning if coking be-
comes severe.
A typical steamgeneration thermosiphon circuit is
shown in Exhibit 7-48. Briefly, this circuit is the differ-
plies the fuel gas to the burner skid and may be re- ence of the water-steam mixture and the static head in
quired to run the fuel gas and pilot gas to the individ- the downcomer that maintains fluid circulation. Locat-
ual burners. ing the steam drum at the top of the furnace provides
Exhibit 7-46 is a plan at grade of the burner man- the static head and colleCts the steam being generated.
agement skid and control panel in relation to the fur- Steam returns to the top portion of the drum, while
nace and burners. The skid is located directly in line the water lines come off the bottom. Loops and pock-
with the furnace centerline to provide the most direa ets must be avoided when laying Out the downcomer,
piping to the individual burners. The burner manage- and riser piping and any horizontal lines must slope
ment control panel is remmely located at a minimum toward the waste heat boiler or convection coil. When
of 60 ft (18,000 nun) from the furnace. Plant opera- pumps are used in this circuit, it is called forced cireu-
tions personnel may ignite the burners from this panel lation.
by sending a spark [Q the igniter located at the pilot Transfer line exchanger piping is shown in Exhibit
gas tip within the burner and aaivating the solenoid 749. This example shows how the heated product
valves on the skid. outlet of a pyrolysis furnace is used to generate steam.
The main consideration is the downcomer and riser
piping between the steam drum and transfer line ex-
Transfer Line Piping
changers. Lines should be run with a pronounced
A furnace rransfer line is the primary product oudet slope to avoid undesirable slug flow, which tends to
header from a heater or furnace to a process tower. A occur in horizontal piping runs. Vertical expansion
typical vacuum tower transfer line layout is shown in loops can be easily spring-supported from the struc-
Exhibit 7-47. Because many tranSfer lines tend to coke, ture. The transfer line exchanger is supported by twO
the length of the line should be kept to a minimum. lugs just above the bottom channel flange, and a trol-
Quench oil injection near the furnace oudet is anOther ley beam is provided to remove the tOP head for main-
means of reducing line coking. As shown in the ex tenance. In this system, the product line enters the

Process Plant Layout and PI~ng DesIgn


EXHIBIT 7-49 Transfer line Exchanger Piping

s~o VIE:\N

convection section, exits the coil into the crossover TAll GAS INCINERATOR AND
piping, and then enters the radiant tubes through the WASTE HEAT UNIT
top of the heater. The heated product outlet from the
two rows of radiant tubes enters the transfer line ex- Waste gases containing liquids that must be disposed
changer from the bonom, transferring its excess heat of and that for environmental or safety reasons cannm
energy to the steam piping, and exits at the top of the be directed to the flare system are burned in a tail gas
exchanger. indnerator, shown in Exhibit 7-50. The horizontal in-

Tail Gas Incinerator

cinerator is bolted directly to the stack. The waste continued heat source for steam generation. Because
product enters the top inlet and is disposed of by a the physical makeup of these waste heat units varies in
burner firing directly into the chamber. Piping usually size and overall configuration, a detailed piping layout
associated with this equipment includes fuel gas, pilot is not shown.
gas, steam, nitrogen, and a liquid drain outlet located Because the configuration of equipment and associ-
in the stack. ated items covered in this chapter may vary signifi-
The waste heat recovery unit, illustrated in Exhibit cantly among vendors, the plant layout designer
751, uses the waste gases of 8000 to 1,2000 F (425 to should study the principles outlined and adjust each
650 C) from a gas turbine to generate high- and low- layout accordingly. Consideration for maintenance,
pressure steam for plant use. As can be seen in this operation, safety, and economics, as well as the use of
exhibit. duct burners located in the inlet of this unit common sense, result'; in an effective O\'erall furnace
can be used if the turbine is shut down, providing a design.

Process Plant Layout and Piptng Destgn

EXHmIT 751 Waste Heat Recovery Unit


WA?TE:' ~l3;~T ~r' UI'JIT



This chapter highlights the types of pumps commonly required. Dimensions of nozzle locations or baseplme
found in industrial plants, along with maintenance and sizes may change slightly, but revisions to physical
operation considerations for :l centrifugal pump pip- nozzle locations (i.e., from top to side or side to from)
ing layout. do not usually occur when the data is finalized. Work-
Exhibit 8-1 shows an electric motor-driven hori- ing closely with the equipment and system engineers
zontal pump that is familiar to plant layout designers. acquaint.~ the principal parties with the exact design
The two primary piping connections are the suction conditions and minimizes rework.
and discharge nozzles (i.e., liqUid inlet and outlet).
The impellr within the pump case draws the liquid
into the pump and send.., it out at a high velocity. The PUMP TERMINOLOGY
impeller shaft is sealed with a stuffing box where the
shaft exit'i the case to prevent the pump fluid from This section highlights some of the most common
leaking. Drips from wearing seals are picked up in the terms that the plant layout designer encounters when
stuffing box drain. The pump shaft is connected to the creating a pump layout.
drive shaft by a coupling, which is enclosed within
protective housing. Both pump and driver are Allowable nozzle loading The allowJ.ble nozzle
mounted on a common baseplate. Miscellaneous loading is the ma.ximum amount of stress that the pip-
pump leaks that colleer within the baseplate during ing configuration may impose on the pump suction
operation are drained through a connection at the and discharge nozzles, as set by the vendor, client, or
front of the pump. code. The pipe stress engineer is responsible for
Pump size and configuration vary for the follOWing working within this rolerJnce by c(x)rdinating the pip-
reasons: ing design early in a project and rechecking all ~llcula
tions before formal fabricJtion issues of piping draw-
The commodity being pumped. ings are made.
The viscosity of the liqUid.
Net positive suction head NPSH is one of the most
important terms a plam layout designer needo; to Ull-
dersland when developing an equipmem layout that
Temperature. includes pumps and vessels. The required net pOSitive
Available head requirement'i. suction head is a me-Jsure of the pressure drop of the
Physical limitations. liquid as it moves from the inlet of the pump to the
eye of the impeller. It is a characteristic of the pump
Initial pump piping layout'i are done with prelimi- that is generJlly determined by testing and is ex
nary information. The equipment engineer supplies pressed in "feet of W'Jter" by the pump manufacturer;
the plant layout designer with a catalog cut of the
pump that most closely represent'i the one to be pur- Vapor pressure When the pressure in the pump suc-
chased. In many cases, this dara does not change sig- tion line falle; below the V"Jpor pressure of a liquid, the
nificJntly if the engineer has made the correct selec liquid flashes, or changes to vJpor. Because no ordi-
tjon. Piping layout'i are started early in the study ph~,se; nary liquid pump can pump only vJpor, liquid flow to
when the certified vendor drawings become 3vJilabie the pump fJIIs otT and the unit is ~lid to be V"Jpor
later in the project, minor adjustments are made as bound.


D1?r:HAtzq EXHIBIT 8-1

Centrifugal Pump
6d 4J r:? Gf\er)

4?l.JpLIN6 Gut>rzr;z ~FLpre ~ t-J

fiT UFf1t:.6 "'?'>' 0C2Al t.J

Available net positive suction head The available vice" is used to specify pumps for purcha.'ie. To a plam
NPSH is the net pressure available in a given system, layout designer, an API pump is a large, refinery-type
ba'ied on vessel pre.ssure and static head, minus the pump.
liquid vapor pressure and functional losses in the sys-
tem. The goal is to maintain equipmem heights and AVS (American Voluntary Standard) pumps This
minimize pump suaion piping to ensure that the standard, issued by the Hydraulic Institute, oudines
available NPSH is gre-Jter than the required NPSH. In- several pumps with standard dimensions. They are in-
sufficiem NPSH can reduce pump C'Jpacity and effi- terchangeable for a given size, regardless of who
ciency and lead to cavitation damage. build'i the pump, with no effect on foundation, piping
design, or type of electric motor used.
Cavitation The rJpid coJlapse of vapor bubbles that
can produce noise, result in a loss of he'Jd and capac-
ity, and create a severe erosion of the impeller and NPSH REQUIREMENTS
casing surfaces in the adjacent inlet areas.
An example of how to deal with a typical NPSH prob-
API (American Petroleum Institute) pumps This lem is shown in E.''(hibit 8-2. The required NPSH in this
term refers to the horizontal, single-stage pumps example is 22 ft (6,700 mm). If a horizontal pump is
found in the petroleum industry. The standard devel- used, the bottom tangenc line of vessel A must be a
oped by vendors, contractors, and users entitled "API minimum of 22 ft (6,700 mm) above the centerline
610-Centrifugal Pumps for General Refinery Ser- elevation of the shaft. If a vertical pump is used, the

NPSH Example

vessel B tangent line is located closer to grJde because temperature. They are usually driven by electric mo-
NPSH is calculated from the bottom impeller of the tors or steam turbines. They may he single stage or
pump located below grade. Although vertical pumps multistage. depending on pressure requiremems in
require less of a vessel support structure and possibly the system, and can be horizontal O[ vertical. Centrifu-
less piping, they are more expensive to buy and main- gal pumps, unlike reciprocacing and rotary pumps, op-
tain. Therefore, a horizontal pump application is a erate at constant speed and can deliver any capacity
more desirahle solution in this instance. Vertical from zero to maximum, depending on the head de-
pumps are hener used to draw suction from large sign and suction conditions. Exhibit 8-3 depicts some
surface condensors that service large compressors. of the more common variations of centrifugal pumps.

Positive Displacement (Reciprocating)

Pumps are classified as centrifugal, positive displace- These pumps are commonly used to move viscous
ment (reciprocating), or rmary. liquid'i, inject chemicaL4i or additives into a system, or
pump quantities too small for centrifugal pumps.
These pumps discharge a definite quantity of liquid
Centrifugal Pumps during piston or plunger movemem through the
The majority of pumps used in industry are centrifugal stroke distance. Exhibit 8-4 shows cwo typical recipro-
because of their fleXibility in flow rates, pressure, and cating pumps.
EXHmlT 8~3 Examples of Centrifugal Pumps

b. Chemical Process Pump (ANSI)

a. Horizontal Split-Case, Double Suction Pump
(for Chemical and corrosive liquids)

c. Multistage, High-Pressure Pump d. Horizontal Frame~MountedPump

e. Inline Process Pump

f. Vertical Sump Pump

Process Plant Layout and Piptng Design

Examples of Positive
Displacement Pumps

a. Single-Acting Plunger Pump b. Double-Acting Piston Pump

(for very high pressure with (for viscous liquids and
moderate flows and high efficiency) slurry service)

Examples of Rotary

3. ExternaJ.Gear Pump b. Cam and Piston c. Two-Lobe Pump

d. Three-Lobe Pump e. Single-Screw Pump f. Two-Screw Pump

Rotary Pumps the length of the sucion piping while satisfying [he
piping tlexibility requirements ~L'; well as allowable
These pumps are generally used for viscous liquids
loads that may be subjected to (he nozzles. Exhibit H-6
thm are free of hard and abrasive solid.;. Rot~ll~' pumps
dea!s with pumps along and unuer main pipe racks at
push the liquid within the ca..;ing by ge-.lrs, vanes, and
various locations. Exhibit H-i Jisplays [he typical pump
cams. The liquid is then discharged in a sm(x){h now,
unlike with the reciprocating pump. These pumps are
In Exhibit 8-6, pumps lAo 1B. 2..-\, and 213 are located
also characterized by the absence of suction and dis-
under the main ov~rhead pipe rack. This is a common
charge valves. One advanrage of rotary pumps is their
location within many plants with a minimal potential
ability to send out a constant volume against V'Jriable
for hydrocarbon leak.; to the el~ctric motors. (Hydro-
discharge pressures. Some variations of rmary pump
carbon-bearing air c(x)lers locat~d over pipe racks are
design are illustrated in Exhibit 8-5.
a concern for many clients.) This location provides an
effective me-J.ns for adding support steel from [he pipe
PUMP LOCATIONS Pumps 3A, 3B, 4A, and 4B are p,lrthilly located un
der the pipe rack. with the c~l';ing set outsiue [he
The location of pumps may vary for many reasons. The column line. In this arrangement, the discharge piping
primary goal in setting pump location is to minimize can rise into the veniC"JI slot that is usually proVided

Typical Pump Locations:

Typical Pump Locations:

for lines emering or leaving the pipe rack, a.."i shown in ported in the structure above. Drums and shell and
Exhibit 8-8. rube exchangers are less a..~sociated with dangerous
Pumps 5A, 58, 6A, and 68 in Exhibit 8-6 are located spills and therefore may have pumps located directly
oUlSide me confines of me pipe rack. This is me usual beneath them. Supporting pump piping is also facili-
arrangement when hydrocarbon spills are more likely. tated by the proximiry of the steel.
Pumps 7A, 7B, SA, and 8B are located directly under Pumps 9A, B, and C and lOA, B, and Care inline and
the process equipment that they serve, which is sup- are treated basically as a piping item (e.g., a comrol
EXHIBIT 8-8 Pump Discharge Location EXHIBIT 8-9 Vertical Condensate Pump


.. ) Sump Pump

I ~O, ~cWAt2~e tJozz~

valve). Adequate access must be planned ) the pump shows a typical condensate pump that is located adja-
and drive, which may be removed for maintenance. cent to the surface condenser it serves.
Exhibit 8-10 depiet~ a sump pump that is generally
u~ed to remove waste material collected in a concrete
Locating Boiler Feed Pumps or steel pit. A screen at the boctom of the pump suc-
Because boiler feed pumps take water from a deaera- tion connection reduces the possibility that the pump
tor and generally operate close to the vapor pressure will foul during operation. The discharge connection
of the liquid, they must be located as close to the may be piped to another holding vessel, a pond, or a
deaerator as possible. waste-removal vehicle.
Centrifugal pumps in vacuum service are shown in
Exhibit 8-11. Because the system operates at a negative
Locating Vertical Pumps
pressure and extremely high temperatures, the loca-
Vertical pumps are used when NPSH requiremenLCi tion of these pumps must be either directly under the
make using horizontaJ pumps impraaical. Exhibit 8--9 tower or just outside the support columns. When the
~p21~ -~~Te:o EXHIBIT 8-11
, i i lr v~uUM iOW!:t:it Centrifugal Pumps in
Vacuum Service

Spring-Mounted Pump

pumps are located direaly under the tower, it may be in most of the exhibits, the arrangements are typical
necessary to support the pumps with sprinKs, <L"i for all types of pump applications. E.xhibit 8-13 ilIus-
shown in Exhibit 8-12. This essentialJy con"iist"i of a Enites the components that are usualJy found in pump
steel frame with four sprinK support"i attached to the suaion and di~harge piping.
sides. The pump is then set into the steel frame and The suction line has a positive shut-off V"dlve; in thiS
secured. DurinK operation, the pump is free to move example, it is a gate valve. The temporary tee-type
within the design limit"i of the four springs, reducing strainer (shown in Exhibit 8-14) catches any foreign
the ~tress imposed on the nozzles by high tempera- matter that may have collected in the piping during
tures. construction. After the SUCtion and discharge valves
have been shut off, the blind flange is unbolted and
put aside and the strainer L"i pulled out. ThL"i strainer is
PUMP PIPING generally used only for start-up. Exhibit 8- I5 shows a
basket strainer that may also be used in a pump suc-
This section highlight') some common pump piping tion line.
configurations. Although horizontal pumps are shown Although this particular strainer does not need ad-

Process Pia,., Layout and Piping Design

Components of a Typical
Pump Suction and
Discharge Piping System

=~"-l6 0IZ<>I.... (QtJ>.l~>/


Typical Temporary
Tee-Type Strainer

Typical Basket Strainer

dirional firtings for it" removal and cleaning if reused,

EXHmrr 8-16 Eccentric Reducers ir does require addirional maimenance because of rhe
downstre-Jm flanges of rhe valve. The pump nozzle
and possibly rhe base SUppOf[ under rhe elbow must
be unbolred ro pul! the sp<x)1 piece and remove [he
strainer. The next common fitting is a reducer; this
should be an eccemric type as .'ihown in E:xhibit 8-16,
wirh the flat side on [01' to reduce the possihility of
cavitarion in the pump.

Piping layout Considerations

Before initiaring a piping byour in a pump are-J., [he
Hp planr layout designer mWit consider several factors
rhat are cririeal [0 optimum design. The nrst fac[or
concerns the support of [he pump piping, which often
includes larRe expansion !(X)PS for flexibility. If [he
pumps are loc:Jred under a pipe rack or strucrure,
support is relarive!y e'.L'iY. If nor, the plam layour de-
signer must consult with the stress engineer for [he
EXHmlT 817 AFrame for Pump Maintenance best locarion for equipment such as srops and hangers.
Pumps in an open area ofren require a much larger
srructure for pipe supports. Allowable loading 011 a
pump nozzle is very low, and the piping must be prop-
erly supported to avoid oversrressing [he nozzles. Ven-
dors may void pump warramies if the allowable load'i
are exceeded.
CHem pump and driver mainrenance procedures
must also be known ar this srage, especiaJly those re-
garding how each item is to be physically removed.
Very small pumps may be removed by hand; larger
pumps require the use of an A-frame, as depicred in
Exhibit 8-17. Very large pumps may be removed by a
cherry picker.
The next faaor ro consider is duplicate piping con-
figurations at groups of pumps of similar size. For
example, a new chemical planr had 203 pumps, of
which almost 75% reqUired piping ranging from 11/2
in to 3 in in diameter and had a maximum operaring
temperature of 2300 F. A Iayour designer, working with
a stress/support engineer, designed the piping with a

Procas Plant Layout and Piping DesIgn


Standardized Pump

~ ~


flexibility loop that was based on a 3-in line operating project. If the pumps in the designer's area fell into the
at 2300 F. This layout was duplic.ned for 76 pairs of 3-in, 2300 F operating temperature category, the design
pumps, or 152 total. Although the piping as designed was copied exactly. The 152 pumps were designed
was conservative and slightly more costly for the IV2- and supported once and in an identical manner.
in and 2-in pumps, engineering, fahrication, and con- Uniformity of design in piping, support';, and steel
struction time could be reduced through standardiza- were the result'i of thinking ahead. This is what a cliem
tion. A fully dimensioned sketch of this particular pays for when hiring an engineering contractor.
standard design was given to each designer on the Spending more on engineering may reduce construc-

EXHIBIT 8-19 Maintenance and Operational Access EXHIBIT 8-21 Block Valve Handwheel Elevations

a. Preferred b. Alternative
Arrangement Arrangement

tion costs, or spending more on materials may save

Ixlh engineering and construction costs. A pump lay-
out should be viewed not on an item-hy-item h'l"iis but
as a whole area. Exhihit 8-18 shows an example of a
standardized pump layout. The de.signer must also he
aware of all operation and maimenance concerns with
all pump layouts. Maintcn,lI1ce and operational access
EXHIBIT 8-20 Primary and Standby Pump Arrangement neeu"i are illustrated in Exhihir H-19.
When developing ,111 equipment arrangement in
pump are:.l"i, the layout designer must envision poten-
tial ohstructions around the pumps (e.g., large hlock
valves, steam turhine piping, and tee-type pipe sup-
ports from grade). Four feet (1,200 mm) is a generaJly
accepted distance herween pumps or 'L"i."iocimed
When expansion I<xlps are required hetween
pumps, it is necessary to partially run the lines over
the pump and driver. Every effort must be made to
minimize maintenance ohstructions hy running the
piping either outside the are,1 directly over the pumps,
or at a high enough elevation to permit the removal of
the pump or driver.
Orientation of hlock valves must minimize the plot
are:.l required. Elevation of the valves should generally
he as low as possihle and common in both lines when

Multiple-Pump Piping Arrangements

There are many W'JYs to design multiple-pump hook-
ups. This section discusses several contigllr~ltions that
s~ltisfy various conditions. The primary ~llld standby

Process Plant Layout and PIping Dmp

Two Primary Pumps and
One Common Standby

shown in Exhibit 8-21. In larger line sizes with higher

EXHIBIT 8-23 Common 5candby Pump pressure ratings, rhe valves place the horizomal piping
too high, especially if they are ben~lth the pipe rack.
Therefore, the alternmive arrangement shown in rhe
exhibit solves the layout problem.
Exhibit 8-22 illustr~ltes how a comlllon standby
pump is used for two primary pumps; this is the ideal
layout, with flexibility loops added ~t'i reqUired. Ex-
hibit 8-23 shows how the suction line for service B is
tied into the suction line for service A below or down-
stream from the block valve and upstream from the
srrainer. The discharge line for sen-ice B is tied in
downstream from the check valve.
Pumps for hot slurry sen-ice may be conti~llred in
anmher manner, ~t'i shown in Exhibir H-24. lkcaLlse rhe
line reqUires a large flexible loop, the amount of dead
leg in the line for (h~ nonoperatin~ pump must he
pump arI"".mgement illustrated in Exhibit 8-20 indicates minimized. The plant layout designer should discuss
two ways in which the pumps may be tied together. this particular arrangement with the vessel engineer.
Although the preferred hookup is direaly across and When the vessel dma sheets are sent out for quotation.
over headroom, the operating temperature of many the split ~>({oms outlet connection is induded in the
pumps requires the addition of a flexibiliry lex>p to bao,;ic design. Making this rype of decision roo late can
reduce stresses on the pump nozzles. The loop need be very costly and may delay delivery of {he vessel.
not take the routing as shown, but it should be confi- The design~r should not just take information Wi is bur
gured so that the piping receives optimum support. should look for wJ.ys (0 improve the overall design or
Another concern is the eleV'J.tion of the block valve lower the cost of the plant in all disciplines.
handwheel in the discharge line, which must be Pumps whose SUCtion lines com~ from helow grade
within the reach of plant operations personnel-the are shown in Exhibit 82.,. This is the one time that the
preferred arrangement and an alternative layout are reducer absolurely ~ust have the flat sid~ on top to
Primar)' and Standby
Pump for Hot Slurry

EXHwrr &-25 Primary and Sundby Pump with EXHIBIT 8-26 Spool Piece Removal
Below-Grade Suction

arrangement ha'i a maximum straight drop om of the

deaerator down to where me flexibility loop is re-
quired. Althougn suppon may be more difficult, opti-
mizing the operation of the pump is of primary con-
cern and should take precedence.
There are many sol utions that can remove COl
from process gas, some of which operate close to the
V"dpor pressure of the liquid. Exhibit 8-28 shows one
way to solve this problem. The use of multiple nozzles
avoid cavitation. Use of a ba~ket stl"cliner is more prac- reduces the changes in direction in the suction line.
tical in this C<l.ore because the spool piece conwining Extending the nozzles to a maximum distance before
the strainer could be lifted out, as illustrated in Exhibit exiting the skirt above headroom and adding a slight
8-26. slope to the horizomal run also helps scream line the
Avoiding cavitation in a pump is a concern in all piping. The suction sU"'diner must be located away
services but panicularly when the liqUid operates from the pump, as shown in the vertical portion of the
close to the vapor pressure. Boiler feed pumps, shown line, and placed low enough to maintain. Once again,
in Exhibit 8-27, generally operate close to the vapor early planning by the plant layout designer allows chis
pressure of me feed water. As a result, it is imperative additional nozzle feature to be added to the quote
that changes in direction be minimized. DeSigners documents.
may add flexibility to the suction line when it is con- When sidesuction nozzles are used on centrifugal
venient to support it, but this may disrupt the flow and pumps, a minimum of five diameters of straight run is
increase the possibility of cavitation. The preferred added to the line before it enters the nozzle. This

Boiler Feed Pumps

distributes the liquid evenly because the flow is com- steam condensate into the turbine case, which could
ing in perpendicular to the impeller. Exhibit 829 dis- damage the blade'i. A rypiC'JI turbine arrangement is
plays this configuration for a centrifugal pump. shown in Exhibit 830.
The steam supply comes off the top of the supply
header and reduces condensate carryover into the
Steam Turbine Piping
turbine. The block valve isolates the turbine when it is
not in use. A drip leg is provided at the low point of
When a steam turbine piping arrangement Lc; being the system to remove any condensate. A control valve
developed, it is important to avoid the introduction of is placed adjacent to the turbine. The steam exhaust

CO2 Medium Pumps

Side-Suction Nozzles on ;l

Cenlrifugal Pump

Typical Steam Turbine
Piping Arrangement

Improper Valve and
Steam Trap Location

Tu~~E-: IN~~---
Condensate: Blow{]own

line block valve is provided for i:;olation. A relief valve and may he run to the pump support pedesral for
is also provided as a protection device should the ex high-temperature services.
haw,t valve be clo~ed before cutting off the steam sup- Pump vendors usually supply the auxiliary piping
ply. This line must vent to a safe location awa" from to the mechanical seals through a harnes."i, When
plant personnel. Additional consicterJtion m~st he pump tluid is used, a line is anached to the vem COIl-
given to acces..'i to the turbine for maintenance or in- nection on the pump C'.lse. The circulated seal tluid
spection of lube oil connections, packing glands, and must be sent back to the pump stream or re[Urned
the governor. through the seal to pump internal clearances. In vis-
~xhibit 8-31 shows an improper ste'Jm supply line cous or high-temperature hydn>C'"Jrbon liquid~, the
arrangement; the steam trap does not come off the low seal fluid medium circulates from :.111 external source
point in the system. The condensate that builc..b up through connections on the pump seal. This medium
above the block valve enters the turbine when the may be a clean gas oil. In all ca."ies of auxiliary pump
valve is opened, damaging the blades. This configura- piping, the planr layout designer must carefully reviev,,'
tion must be avoided. the vendor draWing and piping and instrumentation
Removal of condensate at multistage turbines is an- diagrams to ensure that all requirement'i for cooling
mher serious concern because if the water slugs, the or seals have been covered by one of these docu-
thrust bearings can fail. A typicJl method of safely re- ment'i, Exhibit 8-33 shows a typical auxiliary pump
mOVing excess condensate without endangering the piping arrangement. The cooling \vater in and out of
operator who drains the line is shown in Exhibit 832. this particular pump is from above grade; however,
A temperature indicator, which is visible from the many cooling water ~ystems are below grade. and the
blowdown valve, indicates the presence of water in planr layom designer must find a suitable location for
the system. Opening the valve relea~es the hot con this connection.
densate into the exhaust stack. The hm steam C"dn then
vent safely overhead, and the condensate is dumped (0
grade or direaly to a drain system. PUMP PIPING SUPPORTS

A plant layout designer must have some basic knowl

Auxiliary Pump Piping Arrangements edge of stress and pipe support') to generate a sound
Many pumps have auxiliary piping that is supplied by pump piping arrangement that will not be radically
the vendor or the engineering contractor. This piping redesigned by a stress/support engineer. Some simple
delivers cooling water to mechanical seals, bearings, rules, if followed, enable the designer to satisfy two of
stuffing boxes, gland quench, and lantern ring flush the most important considerations illustrated in Ex
Auxiliary Pump Piping

. hibit 8-34: supporting the suaion line under the el- diameters of that elbow. Pump nozzle loading falls
bow and supporting the discharge line within five di- under the API-610 code. There are rwo ways of sup-
ameters of the top elbow. porting the discharge line. One is to sit the spring
The suction line is commonly supported under {h~ support on the steel with a rod hanger and clamp; the
elbow adjacent to the pump nozzle. This may be a other version is to place a base spring on the steel wirh
hard support (Le., pipe or a structural steel member), the discharge line resting directly on the load flange of
adjustable type, or spring support for hightempera- the spring. Bec-duse the hanger rod could pose a dan-
ture pumps. If pumps are located in poor soil areas or ger during a fire, each project should be reviewed for
where differential settlement may occur, extending such concerns. Loading on steam turbine nozzles falls
the pump block foundation may be necessary to pick under the NEMA-SM-21 code, which is different from
up the base support. The stress/support engineer and the allowable nozzle loado; on pumps.
civil engineer need to be part of this deci.sion. Inline pumps do not require a direct support bur
The discharge line should be supported as dose to are held in place by {he suction and discharge line
the top elbow <L'i possible and should he within five supportS, a..<; shown in Exhibit 8-35.

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design

Typical Pump and
Turbine Suppon
~tJc'ie Considerations


Typical lnline Pump



Reactors are used in processing facilities to comain Some of the nitrogen is convened to ammonia.
catalysto; thal promote chemical transformarion of Any metals entrained in the oil are deposited on the
feed'i or as agent'i to remove unrequired materials catalyst.
from feedo;. Reaaors are generally vertical steel hollow Some of the olefins, aromatics, and naphthenes be-
vessels and often operate under very high tempera- come hydrogen saturated and some cracking takes
tures and pressures. One of the principal layout fe-J- place, C"Jusing the formation of butanes, propane.
lUres of the reactor is the requirement for cataly:.;t and lighter gases. Exhibit 9-2 shows a ~11iC"JI hydro-
loading and unloading. The use of catalyst-charged tre-Jter proces.o,; arrangement.
vessels are essential to modem processes and have
found widespread application in the pnxluction of Catalyst'i promote a relction hut do not react in any
chemical and refinery product'i. v.~JY themselves. The catalyst used inside reactors is
This chapter highlight'i the requiremento; generally hall or pellet shaped and, depending on [he
for reaaor plant layout design. It provides instructions type of service, can be made from a variery of mate-
on how to 10C'Jte no:t..zles, instruments, piping, and rials, including alumina, zinc oxide, or even such all
controls to provide convenient and safe platforms for expensi've metal as platinum.
operator and mai ntenance access.


There are many catalyst-charged vessels within the <,.-at- Although some reactors (e.g., those used in methanol
egory of re-Jaors, mainly because their characteristics and catalytic reforming l1nit~) are spherical, most are
and layout requirements are similar. Examples .of vertically mounted vessels with elliptiC'JI heaus. There
these are desulfurizers, methanators, and ~uard cham- are fewer connections for [he plam layout designer [0
bers. The desulfurizer, which usually operates with a be concerned with than there are with [he distillation
twin ves.o,;el, is responsihle for the removal of sulfur tower. Generally, connections are limi[ed to inle[ and
from feedo;tock by absorbing the sulfur on the inter- outlet, maintenance access, unloauing, sample, and
nally loaded catalyst When the catalyst becomes sam- temperature. Internally, re-JdOrs Jre furnished with
rated with sulfur, regeneration takes place and the bed supports, screens, inlet baffles, owlet collectors,
spent catalyst becomes refurbished. Exhibit 9-1 shows caralyst<;, and inert materials. Exhibi[ 9-3 depic[s a typi-
a typical desulfurizer process arrangement. ell reaCtor and ito; principal component~.
The reactor used in a typical hydwtreater unit is Nozzle reqUirement'; and overall dimensions of the
more versatile. In the hydrorreating proces.'i, the reactor are highlighted on the proces.'i vessel sketch
treated stream L-; mixed with hydrogen and heated to furnished by process engineering and are included in
between 500 and 800 F (260 to 427' C). The hvdro- the proces.'i relea~e package. If the reactor operates in
gen~oil mixture is then charged to a reactor filled" with a high-pres.~ure service, it is recommended, for clear-
a pelleted catalyst, and the follOWing reactions take ance purposes, that the plant layour designer obtJin
place: the shell thickness of the vessel before proceeding
with layout arrangements. Exhibit 9-4 shows a ~"pic31
The hydrogen combines with sulfur to form hydro- reaaor process vessel sketch, and Exhibit 95 shows a
gen sulfide. high-pressure reactor.

Desulfurizer Process


" EXHIBIT 92 Hydrotreater Process EXHIBIT 93 Typical Reactor


Re-.Ktors are 10Gneu within a process unit adjacem to

rdated equipment and in a suiwble position for oper
ation and catalyst loading and unloading. A re-dctor
operates in sequence and close to a furnace heC".luse
expensive high-temperature piping runs must be min-
imized. Exhibit 96 illustrates a panial plm plan of a concrete piers, a ring girder from a concrete table top,
hydrotremer unit. and a skin from a concrete table [Op. Exhihit 9-7 de-
picts these four arrangement.;.
Re'ddor elevation is dictated by the cacalyst's un-
SUPPORT AND ELEVATION loading: nozzle or cle-Jrance for the outlet piping,
whichever resull"i in the lower tangent line elevation.
There are four principal method... of support for re-JC- The tangent line elevation, however, could be much
tors: a skirt from a concrete foundation, lugs from higher to suit specific cliem unloading requirements

Process Plant Layout and. Piping Design

Process Vessel Sketch

t>-J02.2LE. -su.... MAJZ,y

~~e;oL '&1 z.S' 5lE5ZVIGE
A 6~-rz.F 1..... t-aT

e el&otJt .F OuTLET
~ Sl'oott2F SAMPLe

T 1"'o(Jt &3' iaA ~.;:.:::...;:

U~ It N600"'F c..AT'b.LYiJT
D{loP ouT
MA MA.I..".fNW<
'2lf:004eF A.cGec,.,

EXHIBIT 9-5 High-Pressure Reactor EXHIBIT 9-6 Partial Plot Plan for a Hydrotreater Unit

-~- 1o" _12 -ZC?o -.~"ez


W6U-1\..I ~ ...r~

4.v;,7 ~T.a..~'('iJT I
LDAOI~6 ..

_ _--

...... ......

EXHIBIT 9-7 Methods for Reactor Support


a. Skirt Supported (Foundation) b. Lug Supported

c. Ring Girder Supported d. Skirt Supported (Table Top)

Process Plant lAyout and Ptpmg Design


Minimum Reactor
Elevation Requirements

h11~IMuM To ~lJ~T
PIPe. S~f'PO~j'
02 \.cW-PQu.aT OItA.IIJ

(e.g., truck unloading). Exhibit 9-8 depicts minimum

elevation requirements, and Exhibit 9-9 shows 'direct EXHIBIT 9-9 Direct Unloading from a Reactor to a
unloading into a truck. To set the elevation of re-clctorS,
the plant layout designer requires the following infor-

Reactor dimension'i.
Type of head'i.
Support detail'i.
B<mom outlet size.
Unloading nozzle size.
Clie~t preference for C'J.talyst handling.



Nozzles are located to suit process operation and

maintenance requirements and to facilitate an eca-
Ij..JL&T No:Z;2I-&. EXHmrr 9-10
10, lOW I! it,S) Top-Head Nozzle

ELE:.YATIO .....

ItoJLE.T tJo2'Z.LE.


nomic and orderly interconnection of piping between zle are located on the hottom head of the react()r. If
the reactor and related equipment. The following in- the reactor is skin supported. the outlet is arranged
formacion is required to locate and elevate reactor like a tower b(){wms outlet. If supported by lugs or hy
nozzles: a ring girder, the nozzle is vertical on the centerline of
the ves.'iel that terminates at the nozzle flange. The
Proces.'i ves.'iel sketch. catalyst unloading nozzle is angled from the bottom
Instrument vessel skeKh. head to clear the skirt and is positioned between the
Piping and insrrumematiol1 diagr...lm. piers on lug-supported reactors and below the table
top on ring girder-supported reactors. Exhihit 911
Piping line list.
depict'i typic.ll bottom-head arrangements. In certain
NOjf.zle summary. cases, especially with stacked reaetors, catalyst unload-
Plant layout specification. ing nozzles are located in the side shell of [he reactor.
Insulation requirements. as shown in Exhibit 9-12.
Temper-Hure instruments are usually required at
The process inlet is located at the top h~ld of the re-...lctors; they are used ttl measure the temperamre at
reactor along with maintenance access, which is used different levels of the catalyst bed. These instrument..;
for catalyst I<Ydoing. On sm~ll1-diah1eterreactors whose can be individual nozzles located m various levels on
space is limited, the inlet nozzle can he integral wirh the shell of [he re'detor or, to minimize multiple con-
maintenance acces.'i. Exhibit 9-10 shows t}Vical top- nections, immersed in a well from the top of the reac-
head arrangements. tor, either on an individual nozzle or through [he
The process outlet and the catalyst unlo~lding noz maintenance access. Instrument requirements for re-

Process Plant Layout and Piping Dengn

Bottom-Head Nozzle


PO..... T

EL. E.VA j ' 10"" PLA .....


T_ _t-V
U .... l.O.. OINU
~ O"'Z. '2. L. S


EL.e:.V.o.,.IOf-J PL.A....,


actors are usually highlighted on a vessel instrumem unloading. Platform elevations are determined by the
sketch that is furnished by the instrument engineer. items that require operJ.tion and maintenance; 011 rail
Exhibit 913 illustrates side shell-mounted tempera reactors, platform elevations are set to accomJl1ouare
ture instrumems, and Exhibit 9-14 shows the top-head a maximum ladder run length of 30 ft (9,150 0101).
vertical arrangemem. E.xhibit 9-16 shows platform and lauuer elevation re-
Sample probe connections, which are sometimes quiremems.
specified, are usually located on the side shell of the Re-Jetors taller than 30 ft (9,1 SO mm) should be
ves.o.;el as shown in Exhibit 915. tre-dted much like towers (see Chapter 10) for plat-
form requirement'\ except thm, for re-Jcwrs, interme-
diate platforms and ladders are required only for ac-
PLATFORM ARRANGEMENTS cess to tempeiJture instrumenL'\, sample probes,
catalyst unloading nozzles at stacked ves.'\e1s, and max-
Platforms are required at reaaors for access to valves, imum ladder runs. BeC"J.use of the economics of plat-
instrument'\, blind'\, maintenance accesses, and C"Jla form bracket welding or client preference. however.
Iyst loading as well as at stacked reactors for C"Jtalyst reactors must sometimes be surrounded by steel
EXHIBIT 9-12 Side Shell-Mounted Catalyst Unloading EXHIBIT 9-14 Vertically Mounted Temperature
Nozzles Connection

NOZ2.l.E / !oJ 0 Z.2.LE

\ 2>0"


EXHIBIT 9-13 Side Shell-Mounted Temperature


EXHIBIT 9-15 Sample Probe Connection

structures with stairs for operator and maintenance

access. On reactors shorter than 30 ft (9,150 mOl), only
a top-head platform is needed. Exhibit" 9-17 through
9-21 show typical reactor platform arrangemenL'i.


Reactor piping must be arranged for ease of support

and positioned to suit interconnection with related

ToP' Ue.A P~A.TP02t1 EXHIBIT 9~16

Reactor Platform and
V~L.Ve, \/E.~T, TENpeQA1Uet:.
Ladder Elevation
ItoJ "JT~c..H.4e."T II:- CATAL.... ~ Requirements


f,r LA21)E:~ oe

~A."""PLC. ~,,-,....,eGTIDpJ
/ Au.e:.~ '7 ~.,...

b.. TEI.",e.OIAT E; /
<:A."A.I.:~T UfoJl.DADI .... G
F7u..TR::?l4.d To ~.T
A.::.G&'7~ F~ a M
"Ab.'ll.\ ..... UM ~I)~
C::rC2Al.Q e. d' ~ PI.AT Fo""-'1

EXHIBIT 9-17 Vessel-Supported Platform Arrangement EXHIBIT 9-19 Structure-Supported Platform

1tJ"tt IZuM~T')


~to' ."'s-
(Tyfl1c:AL ..gee SlOES)

EXHIBIT 918 Single Platform Arrangement


Top Platform

Single-Reactor Piping
PIPe. RAC.K-+--

Reactors in Series:
Manually Operated Valve

, ..
t ~~



Reactors in Series:
Remotely Operated Valve


equipment. Because reactors often operate at very be routed directly between related equipmem to suit
high temperatures, piping must be arranged with suffi- economics, fleXibility, and supports, as shown in Ex-
cient fleXibility to absorb excessive stress under usual hibit 9-22. If the facility operates in a series, the piping
operating conditions. system is designed to accommodate regeneration of a
Piping at reactors or other similar catalyst operating catalyst in one reactor while the other is still on
equipment can be relatively simple in configuration, stream, as shown in E.xhibit 9-23. To do this, the sys-
as shown in the process flow diagram in Exhibit 9-2, or tem is furnished with comrols and crossover bypas..')es.
more sophisticated, as shown in the flow diagram in For ease of operation, the valve manifold') for regener-
Exhibit 9-1. In the single-reactor arrangement, which ation should be located at grade. If these valves are
has no controls to influence the design, the piping can controlled remotely, however, the overhead manifold

EXHIBIT 9~25 Davit Arrangement EXHIBIT 9~26 Trolley Beam Ariangement


C'Jn be located at the top-head platform, as shown in

Exhibit 9-24.
Relief valves are usually furnished as part of the with the vessel, the first step is to load the bottom head
reactor piping system and should be located in accor- and unload the nozzle with inen material. The inert
dance With the arrangement"i shown in Chapters S material could be silica pellet'i or alumina balls, which
(Drums) and 10 (Towers). are usually larger than the catalyst and suppon the
C'dtalyst bed. The inert material is then cm"ered with
the bottom floating screen. The catalyst is first sieved
MAINTENANCE through a mesh screen to remove the finer particles. It
is then loaded into a bucket or sock and lowered
Handling such removahle items as relief valves and through the maintenance access, where it is manually
valve drives for off-site repair and catalyst loading C'dl1 distributed in layers unti! the reactor is filled to the
. be achieved by fixed handling devices or by mobile required capacity. The top and bottom layers of cata-
eqUipment. Fixed handling devices C"dn be davit'i or, lyst are usually a larger mesh than the main bed. The
for structure-mounted reactors, trolley be-dms. Exhibit top floating screen is then installed and covered with
9-25 depict'i a typical davit arrangement, and Exhibit an additional layer of inert material that is used to hold
9-26 shows a trolley beam arrangement. down the screen as.sembly during regeneration and
Catalyst'i are loaded through the top-head mainte- eliminates inlet gas turbulence during operation.
nance access of the reactor after removal of the inlet The catalyst is removed infrequently. Removal is
no~..zle if integral to the maintenance access cover accomplished during shutdowns after cool-down by
flange. If the catalyst is not supported on a fixed grat- allOWing the catalyst to exit through the bottom un-
ing and screen as.";embly, which would be fabric-dted loading nozzle. After removal of the flange cover on

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design

ItJ La, EXHmrr 927
Spherical Reactor


_ - - - . l_ _ eeD



~ L.L.e"-i'"Qi2


Horizontal ReactOr

the unloading nozzle, the catalyst can be allowed to lighted in thiS chapter are examples of r~lct()r ar-
free fall to a temporary containment area or be re- rangement~. The plant layout designer, however.
moved using an industrial vacuum, or a temporary should be familiar with company and diem swndar<.b
valve may be used to control the unloading rates. Ex- before proceeding with reactor layout and should co-
. hibit'i 9-27 through 9-30 are examples of less common ordinate this effort with such supporting groups ~L-;
reaaor arrangement'i. vessel, systems, process, civil, and instrument engi-
The dimensions, clearances, and guidelines high- neering.


EXHmlT 9-29 Stacked Reactors EXHIBIT 9-30 Multibed Reactor

C-ATA.~.,. ~.,.


No;z.2.LE: loJoZ.Z.LE

Process Plant Layout and PIping DesIgn



Towers, also referred to as columns, are one of the The fraaional distillation process.
principal pieces of equipment of any processing fadl-
ity. Towers are cylindrical steel vessels that are used
Batch Shell
for distilling raw materials in the production of such
products as gasoline, diesel, and heating oil. The plant In the batch shell still process, the still is partially filled
layout designer must understand the internal structure with a set feed called a batch. The feed is then heated
of a tower and how it operates to produce a satisfac- to the temperature reqUired to produce a specific
tory design. produa from the overhead vapors. This process is
: This chapter highlights the general requirements repeated each time for each produa until the batch
for tower plant layout design. It describes the internal reaches the maximum temperature for the range of
workings of towers and provides the information re- produCts specified. The feed remaining in the still is
qUired to orient nozzles; locate instruments, piping, then pumped out, and the still is allowed to cool. It is
and controls; and provide platforms and ladders for then refilled, and the whole process is repeated. Not
operator and maintenance access. only is this process time consuming, but the produa is
not always of high quality. Exhibit 10-2 shows the
batch shell still process, which was one of the earliest
THE DISTILLATION PROCESS used for liquid mixture separation.

Crude oil is of ~ittle commercial use; when separated,

or broken down, however, oil becomes one of the Continuous Shell
most valuable commodities in the world. Crude oil is a In the continuous shell still process, several shell stills
mixture of hydrocarbon compounds with a wide are linked in series to form a battery. Fresh feed con-
range of boiling points from 100 F (38 C) to 1,400 F tinuously enters the first still, which is kept at the low-
(760" C). est temperature for the lightest overhead product. The
separation, or distillation, is a process by which a bottoms from the first still are fed to the second still,
liquid mixture is partially vaporized The vapors are which is kept at the temperature for the next highest
then condensed, separating the individual compo- boiling overhead product, and so on. The number of
nents of the mixture. As the temperature of crude oil is stills required depends on the number of products
raised, the initial boiling point (IBP) is reached. As needed. If the feed and the temperarure of each still
boiling continues, the temperature rises. The lightest remain constant, the finished product is of satisfaaory
material, butane,. is produced first, at ffiP, just below quality. Exhibit 10-3 depicts the continuous shell still
100 F (38 C); the heavier materials are produced be- process, which is an improvement over the batch shell
low BOO F (427" C). The residue includes everything still operation.
above BOO" F (42t C). Exhibit 10-1 shows the distribu-
tion of the different products at the various tempera-
ture ranges. Fractional Distillation
The evolution of distillation towers is best ex- Similar to the continuous shell still, the fractional dis-
plained in three basic steps: tillation process is made up of several stills linked
together in series. The main difference is that all the
The batch shell still process. liquid condensate is returned to the upstream still. As
The continuous shell still process. the feed is partially vaporized in the first still, the va-

EXHIBIT 16-1 Crude Distillation of Products Across EXHIBIT 16-2 Batch Shell Still Distillation Process
Temperature Range

Continuous Shell Still
Distillation Process

Multiunit Fractional
Distillation Process

IS~F (E:I6".:;)

pors rise, traVel through the overhead line, and come still. As vapors rise in the first still, they meet the in-
intO contact with the liquid in the second still. Because coming liquid from the second still. This causes vapor-
the temperature of the liquid in the second still is iZation of the incoming liquid from the second still
lower than the incoming vapors from the first still, the and condensation of the rising vapors in the first still.
vapors partially condense. AI. the same time, liquid The Same reaction takes place in all the downstream
from the second still enters near the top of the first stills. This process improves on previous operations in

EXHIBIT 10-S FractioIWor Towa: EXHIBIT 10-6 Vapor Liquid Flow

terms of quantity, quality, and a reduction in the en-

ergy needed to heat the raw materials. Exhibit 10-4 to flow down.
illustrates the multiunit fractionaldistillation process. Rising, vapors in the tower pass through slotted
All three process arr.mgements are satisfactory op- bubble caps and come into contact with liquid flOWing
erations and play an important part in the develop- around the caps. LiqUid flowing down from trays
ment of the modem distillation tower. The final step above fall through downcomers and over and around
in combining these operations into one single compo- the bubble caps en route to the next downcomer. In
nent is achieved by stacking the stills on top of each this manner, the light boiling fractions in the down-
other and installing an intemaJ device between each flowing liquid are vaporized by the heat from the ris-
still to allow the liquid to flow down and the vapors to ing vapors, and heavier boiling fractions in the vapor
rise. This means that the single unit can function in a are condensed and flow down the tower. This process
MJ:'f similar to the multishell unit for less capital and of vaporizing and condensing throughout the tower
operational cost Exhibit 10-5 shows a single fractiona- allows the feed to be separated into the required boil-
tor tower with the corresponding still numbers and ing-range fractions, which are drawn off from the side
temperature ranges of the multistill unit The reflux of the tower at the appropriate locations.
return line controls the temperature of the fluids in
the upper portion of the tower.
Vapor and Uquid Flow
Towers are named for the service Or type of unit they
One of the most common internal devices that allows are associated with. For example, a stripper is used to
the single tower to funaion similarly to the multistill strip lighter material from the bottoms of a main tower
unit is the tray, illustrated in Exhibit 10-6. Slots and or a vacuum tower. It is generally used in a vacuum!
holes in the trayS allow the vapor to rise and the liqUid aude unit for distilling crude bottoms residue under

EXHIBIT 10-7 VacuJJm Tower and Stripper EXHIBIT 10-8 Tnyed Tower

.- ~ MII.'~ Ti:IoJA.N~e r = = u


MA ""fT .......AIo.K.&


~~ L: l

I ~~ ~ rtf- I ~
:in WI! 1"-1 TE;A.jb".j c.e
1"'~u ..... e""T~

: .... ~ ~ Au.~"
ee.TT'='M? !

vacuum pressure. Exhibit 10-7 shows a typical vacuum of its associated components.
tower and stripper. In a packed tower, instead of having trays, the units
From the outside, tower configurations are similar are packed with beds of metal rings. On entering the
in appearance, varying only in dimension; some tow- tower, the liquid passes through a distributor that
ers have swaged top and bottom sections. The princi- routes the liquid evenly down through the packed
pal difference among towers is the type and layout of beds of metal rings. Rising vapors passing through the
the internal components that control the vapor-liquid beds come into contact with the descending liqUid. In
contact. a manner similar to teayed tower operation, the liqUid
This chapter describes the internal and external is partially vaporized by the heat from the vapors and
plant layout requirements for the two most common the vapors are condensed by the cooler liquid. Exhibit
types of tower: the teayed and packed arrangements. 10-9 illustrates a typical gas-liquid packed tower and
Exhibit 10-a depictS a typical teayed tower with some its principal components.

and their related items are located on either side of a

EXHIBIT 10-9 Packed Tower central pipe rack, serviced by auxiliary roads for main-
tenance access. In plants in which the related equip-
ment is housed, the tower is often located adjacent to
the building or structure containing the equipment
Exhibit 10-10 shows a process flow diagram of a tower
and its related equipment, a typical plan arrangement
LIQIoJI D of the same equipment, and the equipment in eleva-
Dl~TlZ.I~TC2~ tion.


Tower elevation is the distance from grade to the bot-

tom tangent line of the vessel. Support is the means by
which the vessel is retained at the reqUired elevation.
Exhibit 10-11 shows an example of elevation and sup-
Although tower elevation must satisfy minimum
NPSH requirements, it can be set by a combination of
the following constraints-whichever produces the
minimum tangent line elevation:

NPSH (Exhibit 10-12).

Operator access (Exhibit 10-13).
Maintenance access (Exhibit 10-14).
Minimum clearance (Exhibit 10-15).
Vertical reboiler (Exhibit 10-16).
Common access (Exhibit 10-17).
FOR TOWERS A skirt is the most frequently used and most satis-
factory means of support for vertical vessels. It is at
Towers are not a standalone operation; they are usu- tached by continuous welding to the bottom head of
ally located within a process unit adjacent to related the vessel and is furnished with a base ring, which is
equipment and in a suitable position for operator and secured to a concrete foundation or structural frame
maintenance access. A tower operates close to such by means of anchor bolts. In most cases, the skirt is
related items as pumps, reboilers, drums, and con- straight, but on tall, small-diameter towers, the skirt
densers and should be positioned to facilitate an or- could be flared. Access openings are reqUired in ves-
derly and economic interconnection between itself sel skins for inspection and, when possible. should be
and that equipment oriented toward the main access way. Exhibit 10-18
Within the conventional inline process unit, towers shows a typical skirt arrangement.

EXHIBIT 10-10 Tower Area


a. Process Flow Diagram b. Plan Arrangement

c. Elevation

EXHIBIT 10-11 ConsideratioDS for Tower Elevuion EXHIBIT 10-13 Operator Access
and Suppon


EL, 1I01_0~

EXHIBIT 10-12 Net Positive Suction Head EXHIBIT 10-14 Maintenance Access

--.. ~


. -..JI
",e.,- PC)40''-'VS
SIJc:.TIO..... "IRA!)
~ -
I I 1"""'1


EXHIBIT 10-lS Minimum Clearance EXHIBIT 10-17 Common Access


The first step in tower layout is setting the bottom

EXHIBIT 10-16 Vertic:a1 Reboiler tangent line elevation. This step assists civil engineer.
ing in foundation design, vessel engineering in sup-
.- port design, systems engineering in line sizing, and
rOOlting equipment engineering in pump selection. To
TOW~ set the elevation of a tower, me plant layout designer
requires the follOWing information:

... i
Tower dimensions.
E1= I=rr" Type of heads.
~eeolL.e.S2: Support details.
I -f-'" NPSH reqUirements.
Bottom outlet size.
Reboiler details.
Foundation details.
- I
Minimum clearances.
~ ...eT
IZ&.MovAL For example, the tangent line elevation of the tower
Af/l.eA as shown in Exhibit 10-19 has been set using the fol-
\ lowing information and the guidelines in this chapter:

Configuration-Exhibit 10-13 (operator access).

Tower dirnensions-4 ft (1,200 mrn) in diameter by
Tower Skirt


/1 11')( Is.J1j.?&>)C~;.o

_-+---+, '6"\~"T Aue~5
<t E.1.."t"'2 I-<D"/;7S0

Tower Elevation Sketch

a.. flO'.. ?"

I EL.e.o~
POlhlT O~ SuPPc~T

I r 101

-'_.J:,.:~~~~ ... ,. . +-__ '~\OQLarl

EXHIBIT 1().20
Process Vessel Sketch


"-102"Zl-E: ~"''''Ajity
SVl-4&DL ~12.1:. 5oa~vlC:.l!

A. 161s<:>1IIl.F VA.Pofl.
f:) ~/5~ 2eFLu)(
C- rt! I~(F FEEP
0 IO"ISo"F ~e:&c:>lL.E:~
e 10' ~!~F
F 6" 1'56"5ZF e.C1TTO""1~
p 15o-ltF Az6~~ulZ.~

T "III ISo"IZF TI;!"IpeeA.T""e:e

L '1" IW fZF Le:Ve.l.
S JII I?o+ t.F .r;,iV-M auT
Iwf '24' lr,!ltF M6l~c.E
6 ~. 1~ltF ~A.l..,j


60 it (18,300 nun) in length. Tower Internals

Type of heads-2 : 1 elliptical. Towers have a variety of internal devices for vapor
Support-Straight skirt wim base ring. liquid contact and feed distribution that affect the exte
NPSH-6 ft (1,800 mm) minimum. rior layout of the vessel. There is a wide range of
Bottom outlet size-6-in diameter. designs for trays. which are the principal internal com-
Foundation-Concrete point of support elevation of ponent of the crayed tower. The two most frequently
101 ft (100,300 rom). used are the single-pass bubble cap tray and the dou
ble-pass bubble cap tray. Other trays (e.g., sieve or
Operator c1earance-7 ft (2,100 rom).
perforated trays) are similar in design to the bubble
A freehand sketch should be used for this exercise. cap tray and do not affect the layout of the tower. Tray
Although the minimum NPSH requirement was a configurations and dimensions are furnished by pro-
key faaor in elevating the tower in this example, the cess engineering and are included in the process re-
height was finally dictated by operator access clear- lease package. Exhibit 1Q.20 illustrates a process vessel
ance, which was the greater of me two dimensions. If sketch, Exhibit 10-21 shows me tray derails, and Ex-
the configuration shown in Exhibit 10-12 (NPSH) had hibit 10-22 depicts single.pass and double-pass trays.
been used, the tangent line elevation would be 108.5 it Towers have the same tray configuration for the
(102.600 mm). whole length of the tower. Some towers, however,

Tray Details


2~d!$e5 -
'1 '/0";0 --I--~ D
11'/.01. S - -
1 _ _";-:-;::;"1-
EXHIBIT 10-22. Examples of Downcomer Trays

a. Single-Pass Downcomer Tray b. Double-Pass Downcomer Tray

EXHIBIT 10-23 Tower Transition section EXHIBIT 10-25 Opposing Downcomers


Dc:l w'" t:<=> "'" E.Ir.S

EXHIBIT 10-24 Chimney Tray Arrangement EXHIBIT 10-26 Reboiler Arrangement

LIGUID Packed Tower

FI.AIoo.K:lt; . - J L . - - - -

a. Packed Bed Section

b. liquid Distributor c. Packing Support Grid

especially those with enlarged sections, could change vessel sketch (Exhibit 10-20) shows that the reboiler
from single-pass to double-pass tray configurations. draw-off nozzle is located directly below the down-
Exhibit 1023 shows a ~"pical arrangement at a tower comer of tray 27, and the plan arrangement (Exhibit
transition section. The chimney tray, if specified, is lo-10b) indicates that the reboiler is located on the
another device that could change the tray configura- west side of the tower and that the maintenance road
tion. The chimney tray is a solid plate with a central is south of the tower. Therefore, because the tower
chimney section and is usually used at draw-olI sec- reboiler nozzle is generally on the same side as the
tions of the tower. Exhibit 1Q.24 identifies a typical reboiler and the maintenance access way is best lo-
chimney tray arrangement. cated on the maintenance side, the trays are automati
The plant layout designer must orient the trays cally positioned about a north/south centerline. Ex-
along with the tower nozzles to suit the best exterior hibit 10-26 UJustrates a plan view of the arrangement.
arrangement. The trays can be at any angle as long as The principal difference betWeen crayed and
the downcomers directly oppose each other. Exhibit packed toWers is that the packed tower uses metal
lQ.25 shows a typical example of opposing down- rings instead of trays for vapor-liquid contact. The
comers. metal rings are dumped or packed into specific sec-
Two main items that influence tray orientation are tions of the tower. called beds, and supponed by cross
maintenance access ways and reboilers. The process grid bars spaced to prevent the rings from falling
Elevation and OrientatiOI
Requirements for
Maintenance Accessa

OIAME.TEt-+7'Y.I'Z7 ~HJt
il<:~'!E:D iOWl:1Z

a. Maintenance Access Elevations

~11ooJG L. Eo DOW"-k::oM E.~ t:c;lUeLE DOWp.JGO""'IE~

"~A..y iliA.)'
b. Maintenance Access Orientations

through. The supports are designed to allow vapor to operational needs. Their position must also facilitate
rise and liquid to flow down. Uquid is fed inro the economic and orderly interconnection of piping be-
vessel at the top of each bed through a liquid distribu- tween the tower and related equipment.
tor. Unlike the trayed tower, there are no special con- A maintenance access is usually located in the bot-
siderations for orientation of the beds, the distributor, tom; top, and intermediate sections of the tower and is
or the packing supports. Exhibit 10-27 shows these used to gain entry to the tower during shutdowns for
three packed tower components. internal inspection and component removal. Mainte-
nance accesses must not be located at downcomer
sections of the tower. Care must be taken at sections of
NOZZLE ELEVATION AND the tower that contain internal piping to avoid block-
ORIENTATION ing the maintenance. access entrance. Exhibit 10-28
shows typical elevation and orientation requirements
Nozzles must be elevated to meet the inremal require- for maintenance accesses.
ments of the tower and oriented for maintenance and Feed connections to trayed towers usually must be

Refl.ux: Alternative

No~E. D1AMeTeIC.

bs;tE. .. LD""'4 gAolU'50 ~.e;;r-~:.-_.L

M~L.TIP"I!. """",alt::.-E. Oli:lElooiTATION

located in a specific area on the tray by means of

EXHIBIT 10-30 Feeds: Alternative Arrangement internal piping, which can restriCt nozzle orientation
options. The restrictions are minimized by optional
routing of the internal piping to facilitate the most

economic exterior arrangement. Internal feed piping
to packed towers is piped direerly to the distributOr
and can be oriented at any angle. Exhibits 10-29
and 10-30 illustrate several options for internal feed

I piping.
If specified, reboiler connections are usually lo-
...L. ~ cated at the bottom section of the tower. For the hor
Al.TE~"'''''TIVIi\/ izontally mounted thermosiphon reboiler. the draw-
CIIIe.""TATI,"", off nozzle is located juSt below the bottom tray. For
DoUbLE IoJc:>Z~l.E: O~IE""TATIO-.J
the vertically mounted recirculating thermosiphon re-
boiler. the draw-off nozzle is located at the bottom
head. For both systems, the rerurn nozzles are located
just above the liquid level. Exhibit 10-31 shows both of
these arrangements. .
The vapor outlet is usually a vertical nozzle located
on the top head of the tower. It is usually a single
nozzle, but in certain cases (e.g., towers with very
large diameters), more than one nozzle is specified.
On large-diameter vapor lines. the vessel connection
could be butt-welded instead of flanged. In addition.
!l.TClZNAT1~ the vent and relief valve could be located on the top
.:>ClI f. ..Tr,C>h1
SoINGoLE "",zzLE c>~IS...TA""ON head instead of attached to the overhead piping. Ex-
IWO 0 PTIDN 5 hibit 10-32 shows a typical top head arrangement.
The liquid outlet is located on the bottom head of
the tower. If the tower is supported by a skin, the
nozzle is routed outside the skirt. As with the vapor
outlet. more than one nozzle may be speCified. The
elevation of the nozzle is dictated by the constraints
discussed previously in this chapter. The orientation
can be at any angle, but generally it is dictated by
pump suction piping flexibility. Exhibit 10-33 shows a
, typiCaI bottom head arrangement.

~ Temperature- and pressure-instrUmen~ connec

tions are located throughout the tower. The tempera
~1-.JGoL,E. Iooj"OZZLE!. OCllh.ITATloN
ture probe must be located in a liqUid space, and the
Io.iIUL"TIF'L,E al""Tlo",~
pressure connection in a vapor space. Exhibit 10-34
shows the preferred location for both connections.

Process Plant Layout and Plphtg DesIgn


Reboiler Connections
Ot>W...,&DM EI2:



a. Horizontal Reboiler


\y.. L'Te12to.lATIVE.
2&T..... "~

b. Vertical Reboiler

Top Head Arrangement
"'NUc::.~l.e ~
Tb."-16EJo".J"T A::l'.... T

1.4,~E: DIA.METiOll- LINES
l';l::? Jo.JOT' t2!:QJ1?,lJozz....c$
......... 1

Bottom Head

6oTTc::;M 6E.c HEAD

OUTl-ET + - - . l L . -_ _--L_ 01 Me,IoJ ~IO N'S

4',Y.'I"c 1JI1NIMUM
c::.... e~~".....,c.e
I! .en? + Lo""a. IZADILJ$ cLeow
1NSLJL..A.T1oN ot.

Process P1IZnt Layout and PljJhIg DaiS"

Temperature and
Pressure Locations

F!2G)M ve;.$=1. AI.Te2I.Jb.'TIYIi Le-.rti,L. EXHIBIT 10-35

I~ ~T I<u,,", r:"",T '$.~ e.Tc:..l-1 'lI'ZTlZuMe-T l.QiUTIO.... S level Instrument
IF ~AFFl.e 1061 "'1t.. . 1~Iot .. D


~~ ll.elZ

Pl:Z.IS~E.~~ED La.... el.

!:it.\.: H1C:1H UG-sID Le.VE;L 1"'~"IZ.L.1ME......,. L...Or::.ATIO .....~ lo.Io~t.~ Llgw.O L.e.Ve.L.

EXHIBIT 10-36 Tray Support Beam Sizes

_. TO'NEe:

~I_O" ~~l~

7'o~ /'lJoo
Id-o~ I?>t:>~o
I ~1_0 /~lo6o
1~'-o1 ~b&o
'1..0"0' I~)oo


A. Nozzle Elevations

Ibel-O u

P2 El..I~e.'~91l
II ~.~ ~S
[ji\1;EL..141 1-S c:bEL...14"L4 '1 ....E!I
II '2~2~
~4taL.I4d.~ P1.Ai'F02M I&L.
1l2.~4S 1~4)'
II I.e,
LAO e.~

IO~.$ooo ~ PI.ArTF EL.

- -.........-1- ~e:L..I06!.911~ log!. (;)
I02l4-oo 1"2.74D
."'niT Arc::c::..~~_ ..... l FF EL IC?ZLp' [iJ
<i. ~. lo~ I~"". 10'2,)00
Po," lib .lcul_Qu_


P1PI~6 EXHIBIT 10-40

\ 1/1 lii=:ii~T ~~p& Typical Platform


~=-=5~~:-~. o--i><JUoI'\/ ~;;T~e~~

--~-+-~( - ~*--' '-"-+-+F--+-+--

E.L. 1091-0" MA.IIoJTE..IJANCE

Bottom tangent line elevation (Exhibit 10-19). attached to the side of the tower. Generally, access to
Nozzle summary (Exhibit 10-20). platforms is by ladder. Exhibit 10-40 depiCts a typical
Instrument ve$Se1 sketch (Exhibit 10-58). platform arrangement.
Platform elevations for towers are set by the items
Piping and instrumentation diagram (Exhibit 10-56).
that require operation and maintenance and by a max-
Plant 1:l.yout specification-Chapter 2. imum ladder run of 30 ft (9,150 rom). Exhibit 10-41
Insulation-None required. shows platform and ladder elevation requirements.
Platform widths are dictated by operator access. For
intermediate platforms with no controls required and
PLATFORM ARRANGEMENTS platforms with controls located to the side or the edge
of the platform, the width must be a minimum of 3 ft
Platforms are reqUired on towers for access to valves, (915 rom). At congested platforms .....1th controls lo-
instruments, blinds, and maintenance accesses. Plat- cated over the platform, the width must be a minimum
forms are usually circular and supponed by brackets of 3 ft (915 mm) plus the width of the controls or

Procus Pla1lt Layout and P1p1ng Dalgn


Tower Platfonn and
ladder Elevation
MA.llo.JTStJANCE4 bLloJl)
"'--+--'..;;-4.l..~/.-/ Ae" eH

TE"'1 pel2AT... ~e.

P1Zs~~ .... ~ e Po.""T
",,",e.t~ &Y LA.DD.e.e
cit. ~TFc;>2.~

.T 1&11 TO '=0
.~o T"''t.P~
A.L T!:~lJATlVa VAl. e
"""e.~s> WIT'" ow:
~1"J.+o""T =)(""P~7IOioJ

I Ii
PUr.TfOQ,.... T"
!:.!-WEil ~ ~L_-/:.=:I=:=~~~"
Fflc;It.;t ~1lU.!2 w:

EXHIBIT 10-42 Platform Width Requirements EXHIBIT 10-43 Maintenance Access Arrangements

must be from three sides. Exhibit 10-43 displays typi-

cal maintenance access arrangements. Top head plat-
forms are required for access to vents, instruments,
and relief valves and are supported from the head by
trunnions. Exhibit 10-44 shows typical tOp head plat-
form arrangements. Access betWeen towers, if layout
permits, is provided by common platforming. The
platform elevations can be within a maximum differ-
ence of 9 in (230 mm) but must be connected by
mechanical joint. Exhibit 10-45 shows a common tOP
head platform arrangement.
Brackets for side-mounted platforms are evenly
\/oJlOi14 spaced around the tower and, when possible, straddle
both the main axes. Oddly angled brackets can be
ca~<ire~T60 PI.&"T~
used for small platform extensions as long as the
bracket clip does not interfere with the adjacent sup-
port. Exhibit 10-46 is an approximate guide to bracket
proJections. Exhibit 10-42 shows these two arrange- spacing.
ments. When a common ladder serves two or more plat-
At maintenance access platforms, adequate space forms, the ladder rungs must be level with the plat-
must be provided to swing the maintenance access forms they serve. The platform elevations must be in
cover flange open for storage againSt the face of the even increments to suit the standard 12-in (300-mm)
tOwer. Top head-mounted maintenance accesses ladder rung spacing. Exhibit 10-47 illustrates this re-

EXHIBIT 10-44 Typical Top Head Platform Arrangements


Il .oV"IO
MIIoJI ...... L1"'"
"'41 .. 1"-IIIM

a. Minimum Top Head Platform b. Multinozzle Top Head Platform

For example, the platform elevations shown on the

EXHIBIT 10-45 Common Platfonns process vessel sketch in Exhibit 10-39 are the mini-
mum requirements for instrument, valve, and mainte-
nance access. Exhibit 10-50 displays a platform ar-
rangement for the tower using the information in
Exhibit 10-39 and the gUidelines in this chapter.


Tower piping is located in conjunction with tray, noz-

zle, and platform orientation. When possible, the pip-
quirement. Ladders at tower transition sections and at ing is grouped for ease of suppon and positioned to
flared skirts may be sloped, if required, to a maximum accommodate interconnection with related equip-
angle of 15D from the vertical. Offsets in ladders ment and the pipe rack. Exhibit 10-51 shows the pre-
should be avoided Exhibit 10-48 shows a typical slop- ferred areas of division for piping, platforming, and
ing ladder arrangement. ladders.
On very wide platforms or those that support heavy Adequate space must be provided between piping
piping loads, knee bracing is required in addition to and between the back of piping and the lower shell to
the usual platform steel, as illustrated in Exhibit 10-49. facilitate the installation of pipe suppons, which are
The potential obstruction immediately under the knee attached to the tower. Exhibit 10-52 displays some typ-
brace must be kept in mind during platform design. ical supports for rower piping.
EXHIBIT 10-46 Bracket Spacing EXHIBIT 10-48 Sloping Ladder



1~6.L PtAMET1Z X Y
UP TO 4'-otl ?xl ~o
EXHIBIT 10-49 Platfonn Knee Brace
4 1.o ll ro &'.011
1110 '2t4-4-Q ~1'lt 4-,0
~JO",.o 17 1.. 0.
I~o 5tl
'21440 ~J8o

Ii_oil To 12?I- o '

5,180 7.&P'Zo lit: 'l'l.'Il

EXHIBIT 10-47 Ladder Rung Spacing

Pl-A.T~M E.L'H
r-. 115.D9D
.--- . --- - PLATFcolZI.A EL.lg,'

1 W Pt.A.T~"" ~,l~~ 0'1
U1~ -
III fit
- PL.t.TFDl2h4 IC~190


__ .fI..A."I~ IL.llol

c..UOE!: E.L. IeD

~ leo.QOO


Platform Orientation
o o


PLATro~M E.L..178~ I'lt It.f;oye


&L. ,,,.,!.d'
PLATFcA,M &L.t",I.O'To I~'~O PUt.TFc~ ti..",lQ" To ",g!.o'
10;7<40 - ~ !.!.!4!2 ~
EXHIBIT 10-51 Tower Aras of Division EXHIBIT 10-52 Tower Piping Supports

Pipe RA~ ~~::A.~I~LJM

1 t r II t J , IZA.DIAJ. ~TE 9
_ _ _ _ PI.. ,W6

lIJz' IJTlLITt Plf'II,I&

j-! ~ l-~ 4E~41'-


&0 P .. e.~ ~ PI"~

---.. CO......C1.... ~-."


Tower piping should be arranged with suffiCient

flexibility to ~ccommodate tower growth and to allow
interconnection to equipment during regular operat-
ing conditions. Exhibits 1O-S3 and 10-S4 show typical
overhead vapor line and pump suction arrangements. TOWER INSTRUMENTS
Relief valve systems that are open to the atmo-
sphere are located at the top of the tower; closed sys- Level, pressure, and temperature instruments control
tems are located a minimum distance above the relief the operation of the tower and must be placed in a
header. Exhibit 10-SS shows a typical arrangement for position that enhances operation and maintenance
both systems. without obstructing operator access. Instrument re-
As an example, the piping arrangement shown in quirements for towers are usually highlighted on an
Exhibit 1O-S7 has been designed uSing the following instrument vessel sketch furnished by the instrument
information and the guidelines in this chapter: engineer. Exhibit 10-S8 is a typical instrument vessel
Process vessel sketch (Exhibit 10-20). Level controllers, switches, and gauges are either
Tray details (Exhibit 10-21). located individually or grouped on a common bridle
Nozzle elevations (Exhibit 10-39). or standpipe. 1he controller mUSt be operable from
Instrument vessel sketch (Exhibit 10-S8). grade or a platform; gauges and switches may be oper-
able from a ladder if no platform is available. Exhibit
Piping and instrumentation diagram (Exhibit 10-56).
10-59 illustrates arrangements for level instruments.
Equipment arrangement (Exhibit 10.10b). Uke level gauges, temperature and pressure instru-
Platform arrangement (Exhibit 10-50). ments can be operable from a ladder if a platform is
Nozzle summary (Exhibit 10-20). not available at the reqUired elevation. 1hey can be
Plant layout specification-Chapter 2. read locally orin the main control room. Locally

PIPE. ~~ 0\Ie.2"EA9 ~!?e:N~U EXHIBIT 1()'53

-t---t\ -j ~
Overhead Arrangement

-t~"'Q ~t=:=r---t t

Pump Suction

t Arrangement


LDc.AT10~ 0- Relief Valve Systems


~ p:::::;
~TIokl7.p1ol1ii:1C. ~LIEF' "AWE
P2eFE2~ \"01::6.110...,

, O\l~U6"D LI~E

C~E:D S'r~TEM lZEL I e. F-

/;Vb.WE Pl2eFeli!Q.~ l.oc::ATIOJ\J
((!..LtJ!t&ST AI~~ r::'\.o.TfCl<Z"1
V ~ R&UaF VA~va HEADE~)
ToW~ I
~EWE'F Vb.~"e

f/ ~eA.De.f::


I ,

I ,~
EXHIBIT lo-S6 Prdlrnlnary Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

ll.v-loo -4"
'Vb\..",E. ",eAP E.2.

f I~-E


I1 T-Ioo
STR.IPPE~ lo~-EI cfE2
j ,.~''''' cool-all..
c: -eM


p. 10 ~-tO"

4(~P.) ~M(ryp')

'O~-PA/P.7 1"4-PA/~
~oTToM os Pu...... p~ Rel=l..u)( PWMP'$

Tower Piping
IlTll.lTy Lt ... ~

PL,t\N EL.IZel-l
.+ Above F'L.A...J lSb.I",t o To 17~
11)8..:10 IJ.IP~ ~

PLNJ &L.(1afZA.Ol! To
Pu.., &b
IHI.o Ie;> 1'.,1.0


@ 101
Instrument Vessel Sketch


i~D= "D+&,A.OELO
iF ~ 12AI'!7 &P ~A.'-e.

-@ 10

r'~~F 101

-- 8

\:-L- _

mounted indicators are available in a variety of styles, Platform arrangement (Exhibit 10-50).
with straight or swivel heads that can be positioned for Piping arrangement (Exhibit 10-57).
clear dial visibility. Exhibit 1().6() shows typical tern Level instrument locations (Exhibit 10-35).
perature and pressure connections.
The instrument arrangement shown in Exhibit
10-61 has been designed using the follOWing informa- MAINTENANCE
tion and the guidelines in this chapter:
Tower maintenance is usuaUy limited to removal of
Nozzle elevations (Exhibit 10-39). exterior items (e.g., relief or control valves) and inte-
Instrument vessel sketch (Exhibit 10-58). rior components (e.g., trays or packing rings). Han-
e::c:r..'e~ '5;,.... ,IoJc:. AaEA EXHIBIT 10.59
Arrangements for Level
'1~~ DR 'Z II ~ Instruments

D~"IIJ ~.


a. Single.Mounted Level Controller

b. Single.Mounted Level Gauge and Switch

dllng of these items is achieved by fixed devices (e.g., the back: of the tower that is accessible from the plant
davits or trolley beams) or by mobile equipment (e.g., auxiliary road- Exhibit 10-62 depicts a typical davit ar
cranes). When davits or beams are used, they are lo- rangement, Exhibit 10-63 shows a typical trolley beam
cated at the top of the tower, accessible from a plat- arrangement, Exhibit 10-64 portrays a planned drop
form, and designed to lower the heaviest removable zone, and Exhibit 10-65 shows mobile equipment.
item to a designated drop area at grade. When mobile In certain cases, stiffening rings are specified as
equipment is used, a clear space must be provided at additional strengthening for the tower shell, especially

Temperature and
~oc.Al.l."( 1YI0101....Te.Q Pressure Instrument
DI6.1. ,.IolEItMo MI5TI5IC'

TeMPIi2A.TwlaE IIIOZ'Z.1.6~
GIoIe.G.Ic. Ft::)~ 6.D~Tc
e:;..O=.;6::;::":;:.;lI;l~-..:.:M:.:::O:",::U::,N;;:.T.wS:=.O~--::.\ ~P9'T
t::.'. I:: 10 I2A o.J,C. e
c:>~. p~e. E

W\1'loI_ ~WfJCoME.e WAU,. TI42Mo~p~e

EXHIBIT 10-61 Common Bridle-Level Instrument


Typical Tower Davit

OAVIT ~ppalZ.T


Typical Tower Trolley
Be2m Arrangement


Planned Drop Zone
&~ 1;===;S::;:=:;::::===::l



Mobile Equipment

for towers in vacuum service. Care must be taken in ings show the location of weld seams; Exhibit 10-67
positioning the rings to allow adequate clearance at illustrates typical weld seams.
nozzles, platfonns, ladders, and clips. A tower section Utility stations are required at tower platforms that
with stiffening rings is shown in Exhibit 10-66. Be- have maintenance accesses. Steam and air riSers are
cause of size, towers can be shop fabricated in twO or the two services required and must be positioned dur-
more sections for shipment in one piece or in s~ons ing the tower layout stage so that adequate clips can be
for field welding. As With stiffening rings, allowances furnished for suppon. Exhibit 10-68 shows utility sta
for clearances must be made between weld seams and tion requirements. Such towers as demethanizers op-
attached fittings. The vendor's vessel fabrication draw- erate UQder extremely cold conditions and sometimes

EXHIBIT 10-66 StUfening Rings EXHIBIT 10-68 Utility Station Requirements

EXHIBIT 10-67 Tower Weld seams

require increased standout dimensions for nozzles,

platforms, and ladders to clear extra-thick insulation
and to prevent frost on supporting steelwork Polyure-
thane insulators are usually furnished between trun-
nions and suppon bracketS. Exhibit 10-69 shows typi-
cal cold-service tower requirements.
The dimensions, clearances, and guidelines high-
lighted in this chapter are an example of those to be
used for tower arrangements. The plant layout de-
signer, however, must be familiar with company and
client tower standards before proceeding with tower
layout and should coordinate me effon with such sup-
poning groups as vessel, systems, process, and instru-
ment engineering.

ColdService Tower

Pipe Racks

A pipe rack is the main artery of a process unit It mentation diagram issues covers only commodity, line
connecrs all equipment with lines that cannot run number, and preliminary sizes.
through adjacent areas. Because it is located in the Process flow diagrams provide insight to operating
middle of most plants, the pipe rack must be erected temperatures and identify the need for insulation.
first, before it becomes obstructed by rows of equip- Once the routing diagram is complete, the develop-
nl l:'nt. The corresponding piping drawings are also re- ment of rack width, bent spacing, and numbers of
qUired early for the same reason. Pipe racks ~:arry levels and elevations may proceed.
. process and utility piping and may also include instru-
ment and electrical cable trays as well as equipment
mounted over 0.1. of these. This vital area requires
Bent Spacing
considerable planning and coordination with other A pipe bent consists of a venical column or columns
technology groups regarding construction because and a horizontal structural member or members that
costs are so high. carry piping systems, usually above headroom. The
This chapter explains what is reqUired to finalize line sizes that are installed in me rack establish the
the pipe rack width, number of levels and elevatiOns, bent spacing. Exhibit 11-2 is a typical pipe span chan
and bent spacing and addresses pipe flexibility and and shows how far a panicular line can span on the
access and maintenance concerns for each item lo- basis of size, schedule, liqUid or vapor, and insulated
cated within the pipe rack area. or bare pipe. Pipe racks are tailored to a specific plant;
The primary data required for the detailed develop- pipe sizes in chemical plants are smaller than those
ment of a pipe rack includes the follOWing: found in refinery units. If a plant requires a 16-ft
(4, spacing, me variation in Exhibit 11-3 al-
Plot plan. lows for a 32-ft (9,700-mm) spacing by adding inter-
Piping and instrumentation diagrams. mediate bents supported from spandrels. Spandrels
Plant layout specification. are horizontal struaural members located along the
longitudinal centerline that are used for srruaural sta-
Client specification.
bility, pipe support, or intermediate pipe bents. Dou-
Construction materials. bling the column spacing as shown in 2.-\ of Exhibit
Fireproofing requirements. 11-3 may be required to cross roadways or avoid un-
derground obstructions. The civil and stfUaural engi-
neers should be consulted to review the economics of
AND ELEVATIONS Setting the width of the pipe rack may then pro-
ceed. With the routing diagram, a dimensioned cross
The first step in the development of any pipe rack is section is developed at the bent that will carry the
the generation of a line-routing diagram, shown in most piping, which is bent No 12 in the example
Exhibit 11-1. Aline-routing diagram is a schematic rep- shown in Exhibit 114. Usually, pipe racks carry pro-
resentation of all process piping systems drawn on a cess lines on the lower level or levels, and me utility
copy of the plot plan. Although it disregards exact lines on the top level. Instrument and elearical trays
locations, elevations, or interferences, it locates the are integrated on me utility level if space permits or
most congested piping bent in the pipe rack. Usually, on a separate level above all pipe levels. Any pipe rack
the information available on early piping and instru- design should provide for 20% future growth. When

EXHIBIT 111 line-Routing Diagram

...- - - - - - - - - ---.011...-.....~,...------ - - - - -__


,,~ t> -217

I) I

Process Plant Layout and PIping DesIgn


EXHIBIT 11-2 Basic Pipe Span Table

Vapor Line UquidUne

Insulation (Span) Insulation (Span) Bare Pipe (Span)
Size Schedule Corrosion 351 to 601 to 351 0 to 601 to Empty Water Filled Size
(inches) (inches) Allowance To 350 F 600" f 750 F To 350 F 6000 F 750 F (to 350" F) (to 3500 F) (lnches)

314 40 0.05 12 11 8 12 10 7 14 13 314

1 40 0.05 14 13 10 14 12 9 16 14 1
1 112 40 0.05 18 14 14 17 15 12 19 17 1 112
2 40 0.10 18 16 11 17 IS 11 21 18 2
2112 40 0.10 23 19 16 19 18 15 25 21 2112
3 40 0.10 24 21 18 21 19 16 26 22 3
4 40 0.10 27 2S 22 24 23 19 29 25 4
6 40 0.10 33 31 28 29 27 25 34 29 6
8 40 0.10 39 36 33 33 32 29 40 33 8
10 40 0.10 44 42 39 r 35 34 -+6 38 10
12 318 w 0.10 47 4S 42 39 38 36 49 ~O 12
14 318w 0.10 49 47 44 40 39 37 52 -+1 14
16 318 w 0.10 53 50 47 42 41 39 55 43 16
18 318w 0.10 56 54 50 44 43 40 59 ,,5 18
20 Y8w 0.10 59 57 53 46 45 41 62 46 20
24 318 w 0.10 65 62 58 48 47 43 68 ~9 24
314 80 0.10 12 10 7 II 10 6 14 13 314
I 80 0.10 14 12 10 13 12 9 16 14 1
1 112 80 0.10 17 16 1~ 16 15 13 10 17 I 1/2
2 80 0.10 19 17 14 18 16 13 21 19 2
2112' 80 0.10 22 20 18 20 19 17 23 21 2112
3 80 0.10 24 22 20 22 21 19 25 23 3
4 80 0.10 27 26 23 25 24 22 29 26 4
6 80 0.10 34 32 30 31 29 28 35 31 6
8 112 w 0.10 39 37 35 35 33 32 40 36 8
10 112w 0.10 44 ,,2 39 38 37 35 45 39 10
12 1/2 w 0.10 47 45 .:t3 41 40 38 49 42 12
14 112 w 0.10 50 48 45 42 il 40 51 44 14
16 112 w 0.10 53 51 49 44 43 42 55 46 16
18 liZ w 0.10 57 55 52 f' 46 44 59 48 18
20 lI2w 0.10 59 57 55 49 ..7 46 62 49 20
24 lI2w 0.10 65 63 60 52 50 49 68 52 2'"1
1 XXS 0.25 14 13 10 13 12 10 IS 14 1
11/2 XXS 0.25 ]7 16 14 16 15 14 18 17 1 112
2 XXS 0.25 20 18 15 18 17 15 21 19 2
2112 160 0.25 21 19 17 19 18 16 23 21 2 liZ
3 160 0.25 24 22 20 22 21 19 25 23 3
4 120 0.25 27 26 23 25 24 22 29 26 4
6 80 0.25 33 31 28 28 27 26 35 29 6
8 112w 0.25 38 34 33 32 30 40 34 8 8
10 1I2w 0.25 43 41 38 36 35 33 45 37 10
12 112w 0.25 47 4S 41 38 37 35 49 39 12
14 112w 0.25 49 47 44 39 38 37 52 40 1..
16 112 w 0.25 52 SO 48 41 40 39 55 42 16
18 lI2w 0.25 56 53 50 43 42 40 59 47 18
20 112w 0.25 59 56 53 45 44 42 62 4S 20
24 112w 0.25 64 60 58 47 46 45 68 48 24
Pipe lUck Column

A Pipe lUck Cross Section
(at Column 12)

Process Plant Layout and Piping Dalgn

Pipe Rack Composite

the electrical conduit trays are located on the top level ft (6,100 mm) rather than 19 ft 3 in (5,850 mm). To
and a row of motor-driven pumps is located beneath illustrate, if the pipe requires a much greater area in
the rack at grade, a 6-in (lSO-mm) slot should be pro- the rack, the designer would work with the structural
vided to allow the conduit to run in the most direct engineers to determine whether the pipe rack should
manner and avoid running to the outside of the rack be twO 30-ft (9,150-mm) wide levels or three 20-ft
and back to the pumps. This feature is illustrated in (6,1 OO-mm) wide levels. This decision affectS the COSt
Exhibit 11-5. Once future rack growth and conduit of the structure and pipe and must be made carefully.
have been allowed for in the plan, the spacing may be After the bem spacing, rack width, and number of
set with the line spacing chan in Exhibit 11-6. levels are established, the elevation of me levels must
When flanges or flanged valves are required on two be set. As discussed in Chapter 2, the plam layout
adjacent lines, the flanges are staggered as depicted in designer must know the minimum clearances to set
Exhibit 11-7. Thermal expansion or contraction must the elevations. Plant roads, type of mobile equipment.
be accommodated, as shown in Exhibit 11-8. When all and equipment located beneath the pipe rack can in-
the distances have been established between all lines fluence the pipe rack elevation. Usually, space is al-
on each level, including allowances for future growth lowed below the pipe rack for equipment, with a mini-
and conduit, the only remaining dimension to be set is mum clearance of 10 ft (3.050 mm).
the distance from the first line in the rack to the veni The next factor to consider is the dimension be-
cal column centerline. Column sizes are furnished by tween the bottom of a line in the rack and the bottom
the civiVstructural engineers. of a branch as it leaves the rack. For example, if a
The last step is to add up all the dimensions and review of the largest lines in the emire pipe rack
round off to the next whole number-for example, 20 indicates that there are two or three large-diameter

Pipe Racks
EXlUBIT 11-6 line Spacing Chart

L.tto.Je- t?O#~~ 'J~~~

,I 1 1
I~ "2
l 1
~ 8 10 It IA It;, It> to 11.4 I I Yo: '1.
4 ~

? 4 (;, !> 10 I'Z 14 ~ Ib
'10 14
t & c:> 10 1'2. I? 14 Ie;, IS l l l
, 1 1 8 9 10 11 I~ IK; Ia- 18
1 1
,1 1 t> ~ 10 11. I? 14 I;"

1 1 e ~ 1\ f'Z. I? 14 1':7 ~ I")

I(, Ie!> 1 1 1 ~ 10 II I~ 14 I~
'" Ie, fo

~ ,
b ~ 10 II I~ 14 I;' 1(; 11 I.,
1 "1 /3 ~ 10 I~ 14

1 e> ~ II "/"Z. ~ I~
11 Ie
11 ,~
LlJ 4 e, ~ 10 1'2 17;10 14 lS- I" 11 '-tc ~ 10 II 11 14 1~ I~ 1& I~ 1t
~ c# 10 II 14 It; 11 11 Ie:> '21 'I 12 I~ It; IG. 11 1'" -zc, -z;
w 8
.:\ 10
It 14- I~ 1(;, 1& 1& I" 't'Z.
I~ I~ 11 ,~ 10) '21 11.?
I? 14
I i 'b
'.e> Ie:>
1.t ~

S- 1'1 11 18 1P 'ZD -tZ 'Z4 If' 1~ 1D ~7. '%? "ZGI

14 II:') "to '2.1 ..z:z 'Z4 1.1 'Z'Z.. 1." ~'toe; 1.1

la, Mll-J.
tl 'Zz ~ z? otz ~
<t I~ 't~ 24 ~ 'Z4 ~ rze
'20 '1" ,11 'Z1 1."
Z4 Z} -?I

, N"11"':, ~PACI~~ I~ ~ O!'J Pf PI pe- To F~G e -+ 1;:0'7.7_

~r l.11JE: W1~ lA~ FlA~ I:)I~CT'E:'Z> fiNO ~ ~ L.I).,JE: ~ZE- ~ 'ZE-AO
, ~ T~ ~IJD ~~l..I~e-~I'-Je. Dt....,.,a..J~I~... Il--J 11o-JCHe$.
6l7JU~ t?\1--'1e..J?Ia-J Tc ~'T I~L.o.TJot-J TI--l~~.
~ ~UL.oTE= ~~IJG 'M-lee~ P'~ lUlC-K 'a7.i. ~~-re ~ U\0..4IT6C'.
toJu~n--1~ T" ~IJ~ ~"1lJ~ e<:~~IO"'-J tAl (OJjtZtlC..fCN ~L1?T elf:.

EXHmrr 11-7
Line Spacing

Process Plant Layout and Piping Destgn

Planning for Line Growth


<ie fZOW1H --:I:j
'* ~.t<Cte:cz La::apoJ
_-J::lo- H~E7

t,A"",e:H !'NT

EXHmIT 11-9
Large-Diameter Lines



Process Plant Lai)IOut and Pirpi

. ... ngDesign

Pipe Rack Meter Runs

lines (e.g., 18,20, or 24 in) and the remaining lines are is an example of a typical layout.
12 in, the exit level above and below the rack can be 3 A common arrangement of a standard process unit
ft (915 nun). The dimension from the end of a 90 pipe rack is one in which the process lines are on the
butt-weld elbow to the centerline of a 12-in line is 18 lower level or levels. The utility piping is on the top
in (457 mm). Exhibit 11-9 illustrates how to handle the level, which carries piping EleCtrical and instrument
large-diameter lines by using a 45 elbow or trimming cable trays are located on the top level with the utility
an elbow to a more shallow angle. If the instrument piping or on a separate level above the utility piping,
and electrical conduit are installed on a separate level, depending on the extent of cable tray area required.
the estimated dimensions of each tray must be ob The plant layout designer must consult the elearical
tained from the instrument and electrical engineers to and instrument engineers early in the pipe rack layout
ensure that adequate space is provided to establish these requirements.
The design of the pipe rack is now complete with When locating lines in the rack, the plant layout
the exception of installing equipment over the rack. designer should run the largest lines near the outside
where possible to reduce the overall load on the sup-
paning beams. Meter runs should be installed directly
SElTING LINE, VALVE, AND next to the columns so that access is available by porta-
INSTRUMENT LOCATIONS ble ladder or mobile platform, as shown in Exhibit
11-11. Meter runs are located in the pipe rack only
Many factors must be considered when locating each when absolutely necessary.
line, valve, and instrument in a pipe rack. Exhibit 11-10 Many relief headers must be located above the top

--------------------.... /'

-ttr EXHIBIT 1112
Relief Header Location

EXHIBIT 1113 Altemative Pipe Rack Expansion EXHIBIT 1114 Hose Station at a Pipe Rack Column


level of the rack to allow the line to drain to the blow-

down drum. The designer should avoid locating the
line over the centerline of the column for support so
that the columns can be extended for future rack ex- dead spaces. The designer can minimize runs in the
pansion. Exhibit 1l~12 shows a suggested location for rack by consulting with the adjacent-area designers to
the relief header that does not impede future expan~ identify which lines can run within the areas. Because
sion. the development of a pipe rack often includes swap-
Shut-off valves at utility headers are located inside ping lines, it is advised that the designer draw the lines
the rack area in the horizontal position, directly above lightly until satisfied with the design. Once the layout
the header if room permits. Operating valves must be is optimized, the line definition can be finalized.
accessible from platforms or by chain operators. The A pipe rack compOSite is shown in Exhibit 11-5.
location of the valve must also permit the chain to fall This view highlights features mentioned previously
free of obstructions that would hamper operation. An and clarifies additional considerations. For example.
additional 2096 of space must be allowed for future the width of the access way is determined by the space
pipe rack growth. An alternative approach to such ex- needed to maintain the equipment located at grade
pansion is shown in Exhibit 11 ~ 13. below the pipe rack. For process or cost reasons. shell
Because space in the pipe rack: is limited once the and tube exchangers may be located under a pipe rack
design is set, it is importam to route lines to avoid in certain process units. Allowances must be made to

maintain such units (e.g., providing a hitch point over

the channel end to facilitate its removal). Once again, EXHIBIT 1115 Banery limit Valving: Single-Level Rack
(Process/Off-Site Common Elevation)
it is extremely important to know exaaly what kind of
mobile handling equipment the plant will use.
The vertical drop of lines outside the rack, although
usually 2 ft (610 mm), is once again set by the average
line size in the unit. If the average line size is 2 in, a 12-
in (300-mm) drop suffiCient. This view also
shows how the electrical conduit can be run directly
to the pump starter switch.
Exhibit 11-14 shows a typical arrangement for a
hose station. Battery limit valving for a single-level
pipe rack is shown in Exhibit 1115. The valves are
staggered on either side of the catwalk, and hand-
wheel extension stems are furnished when necessary
to facilitate operation. Exhibit 1116 also displays a
single-level rack. Here, however, an elevation change
is reqUired between the process unit and the offsite pL~
pipe rack. This design has the block valves installed in
the vertical ponion of the line, which allows for rela-
tive ease of operation.
Exhibit 11-17 illustrates a two-level process unit
pipe rack; the elevation change to the off-site area is
either above or below the process unit pipe rack.


Although conducting the final stress analysis is the reo

sponsibility of the mechanical or stress engineer, the
pipe rack designer makes preliminary calculations us-
ing relevant books and nomograms to ensure that the
design will not require major rework during the for-
mal stress check. Exhibit 11-18 highlights the steps
involved in making a preliminary flexibility check,
which are discussed in the follOWing sections.

Establishing potential flexibility problems The lines

that would most likely require expansion loops
should be defined. Steam headers in the top level of
the pipe rack are such examples.

Battery limit Valving:
Single-Level Rack
( Process/Off-Site
Elevation Change)

Process Plant Layout and Ptjnng Design



Battery limit Valvmg:
Two-Level Rack
Elevation Change)


Flexibility Check Steps

MUL.] ply eoepflCl et-Jf 0/ ~~aJ )( ~rJ g: LHJE:.

~r' J~ t?'i'!'EtA.A 1)JE: L.! He 6t32VtTH fc?Z 1"HCe L.!hle2

~_r-I----*-\_I I I TT
12'( ~Q..Ia2. IN C9J'1Eg eF utJE;
me 1!I ~ Df=TeC2H1 ~f: WHe!Y&tZ 0Je ~ ?abl1=-
WII-l,.. WEfIGF;: .

"lHe: ~~e: (2!CU'ca~ THe l.b~

_ 12: . UZ2t1Gt l.IN~ ItJ ~ ~et:.k:E-


Pipe Rack Anchor Bent
PI Plt-J&, A... I.... I. .----:>

. - --- - \ \

- - - ""-
If "

- ---4
- - - - - - . -"-+" ,.----1=--:..:.:'-==-.::t===!=:=;I:::===::P=--

Determining line growth The growth of such utilicy two anchor points approximately one-quarter of the
headers should be determined by multiplying the co- distance from each end of the header should be tried.
efficient of expansion by the length of the line. The Using the nomograms, the designer can calculate the
coefficient of expansion is based on a panicular mate amount of expansion leg reqUired to satisfy all flexibil-
rial operating at a specific temperature. Upset temper- ity requirements.
atures take precedence over operating temperatures.
Arranging lines in proper sequence The line that
Determining whether one anchor point will suffice requires the largest leg must be located on the outside
Assuming that an anchor is located in the center of the of the loop. Plating the headers along one side of the
header, the designer should calculate the growth of pipe rack allows the expansion loops to sit with a
various branches to determine whether they have slight overhang along the adjacent side of the pipe
enough flexibility to absorb the header growth. If not, rack. Exhibit 11-19 shows such an arrangement. As a
Steam Line Drlp ~gs

Proper Line Support

EXHIBIT 1122 Intermediate Pipe Support

an adjacent line or column, because it will act as a line
stop and could cause a problem. Enough space must
be proVided for the line to move its maximum
distance and still have an ample clearance of 3 in
(75 mm).
Exhibit 1121 shows the correa way to support a
line that has exceeded its allowable span. A common
mistake is to extend the 10-in process line over the
rack bent and cap it, when the line should have been
run as if a support problem did not exist. A smaller
result of imposing stop loads on a particular bent, piece of pipe or dummy leg could then be welded to
bracing may be reqUired to grade, prohibiting the lo- the elbow for support (a hole should not be cut in the
cation of any equipment in that particular bay. A process line).
means of removing condensate build-up must be pro- Exhibit 11-22 shows how larger lines in a pipe rack
vided on either side of the expansion loop. The most are used to support a group of smaller lines that may
common way to accomplish this is to add drip legs and not be adequately supported because of the bent spac-
traps, as shown in Exhibit 11-20. ing. The uninsulated line is U-bolted to the supporting
Header growth causes another problem that is of- steel; the insulated line has its shoe welded to the
ten nOt as obvious. The line spacing chart may have steel. The smaller lines then rest on the steel. When an
been used to set distances between lines, or lines may insulated line is used for support, the growth of the
have been set dose to a column. Exhibit 11-8 reveals line at the proposed support point must be checked.
that the movement of a line must not be restricted by Its growth could become restricted by this type of

~ess Plant lAyout and Plphag Deslp


~~== . _- -_.
--:.l_ _ =e~ t EXHIBIT 1123
Pipe Rack Spandrel

Eley4f'~ A \o..-.-_--.:.-_...J,...,;..._~ ~_ __J

6Uivap~ ~ _.-~_---..j~_J-- _ _- - - J

Pipe Rack Spandrel

support, and it may be better to use anomer line for member for the spandrel suppOrt. The spandrel also
this application. has an embedded steel member that is bolted to the
column and eventually grouted in. An installation se-
quence for a precast pipe rack is also shown in Exhibit
Such equipment as drums and deaerators is often
Most lines require support when leaVing or entering a located above pipe rack columns. To avoid wasting
pipe rack. Struaural members called spandrels are the valuable rack space with the large support columns,
most common means of satisfying this requirement the inside face of the pipe rack column must line up
After all the lines have been run in the pipe rack. me with rhe inside face of the equipment suppon column,
plant layout designer must begin to locate the span- as shown in Exhibit 11-26. This approach also allows
drels necessary to support all of these lines. Exhibit the feed-water oudet piping to run vertically down to
11-23 shows how the requirement can be handled. If the pump before the expansion loop is added.
the structUral engineers require additional spandrels Fireproofing of pipe rack columns is shown in Ex-
for stability of the pipe rack, they should bring this hibit 1l27. If hydrocarbons are prevalenr, it is com-
requirement to the anention of the plant layout de- mon ro fireproof the columns to a level just below the
signer. Exhibit 11-24 shows some variations of span- lower rack support beam. If air coolers or Other
drel design. equipmenr is locared above a pipe rack, the fireproof
The plant layout designer should be aware that pre- ing is extended to the equipment support beam. This
cast concrete pipe racks require structural members issue must be reviewed with the client; allowances
that are much larger than most designs. Exhibit 11-25 may need to be made for as much as 4 in (l00 mm) of
illustrates a precast column with an embedded steel fireproofing.

Precast Concrete Pipe
Rack Considerations

a. Precast Concrete Pipe Rack.

EXHmIT 1126
Equipment Support
Column Location


AXJ:~1l~ ,
900 Pipe Rack Turns

Rack Intersection

a. Rack Intersection Layout

OTHER CONSIDERATIONS on the left side of the rack muSt remain constant as
long as flat turns are used. A different elevation must
Occasionally, a siruation arises in which a flat-tum be used at a 90 turn in the rack if the sequence must
pipe rack may be employed. This often happens near a change, as shown on the right side of the diagram.
dead-end area where the potential for problems is This approach must be well thought out before it is
minimal. As shown in Exhibit 11-28, the line sequence used.

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design

Rack Intersection (Cont)
.,--_ ......-
- ~,--- !

I v - "'~ ~
- v
/ /
""/ I I
I 2
I .l

't' - ~
~ -
WC?oN@ ----: i ~ /',_1.- 2' s;t-t+.
b. Rack Intersection Detail

The secondary pipe rack intersection is shown in

EmIBIT 11-30 Pipe Rack Additions
Exhibit 11-29. There is a right and a wrong way to set
this location. Although it may seem more uniform to
set' the secondary rack directly south of the main
north/south rack during the plOt plan development
stage, Exhibit 11-29 also clearly shows why this should
be avoided. The lines heading north off the main east!
west rack restrict the lines from the south from en-
tering this common area. Therefore, the secondary
rack should be shifted east one bay to eliminate the
Alternative pipe rack expansion of the individual
levels can be accomplished by adding a cantilever
beam as required on the outside of the column. 1be
only problem with this approach is that, if not planned
for, the vertical risers commonly found outside the
pipe rack use a considerable amount of the space of I
the extension, as shown in Exhibit 11-13.
Pipe rack additions are shown in Exhibit 11-30.
Area A shows a standard two-level pipe rack, as
planned. Because it is always possible for the pipe rack
to be expanded in the future, the area over the
columns must be kept free of piping and conduit. The
future expansion may include another new level (B),
,an air cooler (C), or a series of shell and tube exchang
ers (D). The preferred location of a relief header
above a pipe rack is illustrated in Exhibit 11-12.
Lighting panels and welding receptacles also must

Lighting Panels and
Welding Receptacles

L~~J1~ PA~e:k..
(~UkAg 1\% etd~f)

Operator Access

be planned for during the early stages of a pipe rack the designer should avoid blocking access from under
layout They are mounted directly on pipe rack the pipe rack to adjacent equipment areas by leaVing
columns; their location must be recorded on the ap- clear space, as illustrated in Exhibit 11-32.
plicable documents. Electrical engineers designate Overall pipe rack design mUSt meet the current
where the regular and emergency panels are located; needs of a dient as well as any expansion plans with-
construction personnel selea the preferred location out making major modifications to existing facilities.
for the welding receptacles (see Exhibit 11-31). When Available space in the pipe rack must be considered
locating piping manifolds, control stations, instru- valuable and used to the utmost advantage of present
ments, and pull boxes along the pipe rack columns, and future needs.

Structures are used in most industrial facilities to ac- maintenance platforms.

commodate equipment and associated components to Structures that contain equipment that does not
suit specific process, real estate, climatic, and client need daily operator attention can be serviced by
requirements. A structure can be designed to support ladders.
one or two pieces of equipment or an entire process Equipment requiring regular operatOr attendance is
plant and can be open or enclosed The prindpal 0b- serviced by stairways.
jectives in the layout of structures are to optimize all
Service to large structures may require an elevator
.available space and to support safety, maintenance,
or traveling belt lift.
operation, cost. and construetability.
This chapter highlights the general requirements Because equipment may need to be removed for
for structure layout It covers the most common struc- major maintenance (e.g., exchanger bundles), struc-
tural details and discusses equipment placement, tural members or handrail sea.ions may need to be
maintenance, and operational considerations. removable.
Monorails or hitch points may be required for main-
DESIGN FEATURES Main structures of concrete do not use bracing but
should be constructed with a rigid frame design.
Many design features must be considered before a When fireproofed steel construction is used, pipe
structure layout is begun, including: support steel must be installed before the steel
columns, beams, and braces are fireproofed. Other-
Steel or concrete design. wise, the fireproofing must be chipped away down
Open or enclosed structure. to the steel member. This chipping is costly and
Siding requirements. should be avoided.
Type of flooring.
Braced or rigid frame.
Fireproofing requirements. Terms commonly used in structure layout are defined
Equipment maintenance. in the following sectiOns.
Type of roof.
Braced ,or rigid frames The design of any elevated
After these basic parameters have been established. StrUcture must take into account the size and weight of
the layout may proceed. Besides real estate restric- the equipment to be supported and operation and
tions, allowable pressure drop, gravity flow condi- maintenance requiremenrs as well as wind load and
tions, and NPSH requirements may require equipment earthquake zone considerations. Of these poinrs, op-
to be elevated; however, each piece of equipment eration and maintenance playa large role in determin-
must be set as close to grade as possible to minimize ing the need for a rigid or braced frame. A rigid frame
the overall height of the structUre. If the structure is to design requires no additional horizontal or veItical
be elevated. the following points must be addressed: cross bradng, permitting maximum access to equip-
ment and piping. The plant layout designer must rec-
Handrails are required around all operation and ognize frame requirements early in the development


Typical Ladder Detail

of a structure and consult with the structural engineer

EXHmrr 12-2 Preferred Positions for Ladders, before proceeding with the design.
Stairways, and Ramps

Equipment load This is the weight of equipment

with all dead load attachments.

Dead load Dead load is the weight of all structUral

members within the structure, including the fireproof-

Live load This comprises the superimposed loads on

platforms or floors as a result of operation and main-
tenance. It is usually a minimum of ;0 lb per square
fOOL Live load does nO[ include the weight of equip-
ment, piping, or storage of materials.

Stairway Dimensional

Pipe load Pipe load refers to the weight of all piping, Dynamic loading This is the response of struaures
valves, fittings, and insulation, including the weight of and their componems to the cyclical loading pro-
contems during test or regular operation, whichever is duced by rotating or reciprocating equipmem.

Earthquake load This is the specific seismic data for STRUCTURAL DETAll.S
a particular site.
A typical ladder detail is shown in Exhibit 12-1. Lad-
Wind load Measured in miles per hour, wind load is
ders with elevations of a maximum of 20 ft (6,100 mm)
the force applied to a structure at a given site.
above grade do not require a safety cage. An 8-in (200-
mm) open area behind the ladder should be main-
Exchanger bundle removal load This is haH the
weight of the tube bundle. tained for toe clearance. Any obstruction within this
distance is a potential tripping hazard
Thermal expansion load The effects of thermal ex- The preferred positions for ladders, stairways, and
pansion must be accommodated by equipment sup- ramps are illustrated in Exhibit 12-2. It is recom-
port structures and elements. mended that ladders be run vertically to a maximum
angle of 15. Stairways should be limited to a maxi-
Pipe anchor load The force calculated to resist load- mum angle of 50 off the horizontal plane, but they
ing in anchored piping systems, the pipe anchor load should not be used for less than a 1S incline. Ramps
is added to the thermal expansion loads of the equip- should be limited to a 15 maximum incline. A stair-
ment. way dimensional detail is shown in Exhibit 12-3~ The

location of the steps are usually set by the structural

EXHIBIT 12-4 Traveling Belt lift engineer.
Exhibit 12-4 shows a traveling belt Uft. This device
consists of an elearic drive belt with steps and hand
grips. It is constantly in motion at a slow rate. The lift
provides rapid access to a large structure without the
need for a standard elevator.
Agrating platform is depieted in Exhibit 125. When
this type of platform is used, the platform top~f-steel
elevation does not include the thickness of the grating.
Moderate pipe support loads can be 'imposed on this
design; holes for piping should be banded for rein-
forcement A deck plate platform is shown in Exhibit
12-6. This commonly used form of decking is 1/4 in (10
nun) thick.
Fireproofed steel is shown in Exhibit 12-7. The
plant layout designer obtains the required fireproof-
ing thickness for particular structure at the outset of
the design. Fireproofing thickness usually varies from
2 in (50 mm) to 4 in (100 mm). Bracing, illustrated in
Exhibit 12-8, is fabricated from a variety of structural
shapes or piping. Because the size of the gusset plates
varies widely, final dimensional data must be obtained
to check for possible interference between piping and
steel gussets.
A concrete platform is illustrated in Exhibit 12-9.
Like steel platforms, the concrete platform has a 4-in
(IOO-mm) toe plate installed around its edge. A con-
crete platform for acid service is shovm in Exhibit
1210. Acid-resistant brick is used when specifically
required, as shown in Exhibit 12-11. A curbed area is
provided around the equipment most likely to leak
during operation and maintenance. Shields are prer
vided for flanges in add service outside the curbed
Exhibit 12-12 illustrates structural siding. Siding
may be fabricated from lightweight aluminum or Lu-
dte. Siding support steel should never be used to sup-
pon piping. Piping may penetrate the siding through
an opening slightly larger than the pipe or insulation,
if applicable.
Grating Platform

Deck Plate Platform
Fireproofed Steel

Concrete Platfonn

Concrete Platfonn for
Acid Service

It .~' :
fo- --
- --
. ~ .. ,o
~ ...
..,.' .....
' &
EXHmlT 1211
Acid-Bearing Equipment

-!-- -$-

eLe6rz ~I~ ~ ""0=- EXHIBIT 1212

......... Structural Siding


... ~,,:-.,:- ,.::.:. .,...... -:::

I~ 1~

Equipment Supports
Monorail lAyout

Exhibit 12-13 provides three variations of equip- load to be maintained by the monorail.
ment suppon. Detail A is a kettle supponed on lugs at A pipe chase. shown in Exhibit 12-15, is usually
floor level; the major portion of the vessel sits below found within a building or structure with concrete
the supporung floor. Detail B illustrates an exchanger floors. The chase on each floor is lined up free of any
supponed by lugs below the floor, with a steel frame obstructions and allows utility and process piping (0
hung above the equipment to secure it at the required run between all floors with minimal changes in direc
elevation. Detail C shows a common method of sup- tion. Individual lines should penetrate the floor at the
paning horizontal equipment In this application, the desired locations and do not use a pipe chase.
main structural steel members must be located under
the saddles. Additional steel may be reqUired between
the supporting beam and the saddle to achieve the SMALL STRUCTURES
desired elevation, or the exchanger saddle may sit di-
rectly on the strUcrural beam. Exhibits 12-16 through 1220 show variations of small-
A monorail layout is depicted in Exhibit 12-14. structure design. The physical size of any structure
When equipment requires constant maintenance. a should be strictly limited to the space reqUired for
monorail is often used to service it, not necessarily in a eqUipment operation and maintenance. The first
straight line. Client input is required before this fea- smallstrueture scheme, in Exhibit 12-16, illustrates a
ture is added, because mobile handling equipment common approach, in which one piece of equipment
may be an alternative to this approach. When a mono- is set above another to accommodate a graVity-flow
rail is planned, the plant layout designer highlights the system. Although the design appears reasonable, there
lifted load on the draWing to signify the maximum may be an alternative to consider.
Pipe Ch2se Detail

In Exhibit 12-17; the exchanger is set above me

EXHIBIT 12-16 Small Structure drum as in the previous design, but it is supported in a
completely different manner. By consulting with the
vessel engineer, the plant layout designer may be able
to support the exchanger and platform from the vessel
shell as shown; with the drum supported from con-
crete piers. This application should be considered
whenever it is economically practical.
A single-level; one-bay structure is shown in Exhibit
12-18. In this design, the elevation of the upper-level
-=- platform is determined by the following conditions:

The drum elev2tion must adhere to NPSH require-

-The platform on top of the drum must allow ade-
quate headroom for operations personnel and space
for the piping and for the Stnlaural beam.

A single-level, cwo-bay structure is illustrated in Ex-

hibit 12-19. As previously mentioned, equipment sad-
Small-Structure Design

... ; .. ~..
~ .. ..


1ZaA0J~ rbJ.pz~L EXHIBIT 1218

Single-Level, One-Bay
Small Strucrure
ZP"tz\VA'( CefnC"l<J.) )
Single-Level. Two-Bay
Small Suucrure

F9?JlP~ewr UI'-Jf!:'

Low&a. t3Al--J UEPE:t2 pl~N

EN!? VIew

dIes are located on main structural beams whenever must project out to allow mobile equipmem to pick
possible to minimize the need for additional steel. At up the bundle and lower it to grade.
grade, equipment is lined up along a regular equip-
ment line; however, equipment in structures must fol-
Iowan equipment line that accommodates the main MEDIUM-SIZED STRUCTURES
support location, which may vary. Removable hand-
rails must be provided in from of shell and tube ex- When designing a struaure, a plant layout designer
changers when rube bundles must be removed. must often satisfy restrictive process conditions (e.g., a
A two-level struuure is shown in Exhibit 12-20. The minimal pressure drop within a system). ExhibitS
exchanger tube bundle maintenance on level I is the 12-21 and 12-22 show how one equipment arrange-
focal point of this exhibit. The size of the exchanger to ment may satisfy that requirement Preferably, the
be maintained determines the need for a tube removal shell and tube exchangers eEl through E6 in Exhibit
structure. If such a struCtUre is required, it should have 12-22) are set vertically in the structUre, which uses
a beam direetly oppoSite the exchanger from which the least amount of platform and may significantly reo
the bundle can be pulled. The stnlaure must also duce the area needed for the maintenance of the ex-
have a crolley beam across the top of the upper level changers. Although the tube bundle removal structure
and directly over the exchangers. If a tube removal is higher for the vertical configuration, the drop zone
structure is not used, a trolley beam located direaly at grade is at its absolute minimum.
over the channel end of the exchangers on level I As illustrated in Exhibit 12-22, the platform area for

Process Plant Layout and Plptng D418Ign

Two- Level Small

Horizontal Arrangement
Vertical Arrangement

the vertical layout is significantly smaller than for the gravicy-flow systemS and a great deal of small piping
horizontal one. If a traveling crane is used in the hori- need the natural support that a large struaure can
zontal arrangement, a slightly larger drop zone is offer. Exhibit 12-23 illustrates a large structure. Faaoes
needed. If individual trolley beams are used over each that must be considered during the development of an
exchanger, the area required at grade is significantly equipment arrangement and piping layout in a pro-
increased and can become a costly real estate prob- cess plant include:
lem. Solving it requires th~ participation of the struc-
tural engineer and the exchanger engineer. Finished grade within a structUre should be 12 in
(300 mrn) higher than grade outside to avoid drain-
age problems.
LARGE STRUCTURES Pipe racks and elearical and instrument cable trays
should be located in the same general area. prefera-
Many process plants have equipment located in large bly down the middle of the structure.
strUctures. The reason these structures are preferred Freestanding process towers should be located adja-
over grade-mounted installations is that a significant cent to the struaure to facilitate operator access
number of small pieces of equipment are used. Many from the tower platfonns to the strucrure.

Proc8ss Plant lAyout and Piping Design

EXHIBIT 1223 Large Structure

1 cSC;?~

t 11/

i Structure Cross-Section


A clear access way is needed for equipmem maime- Slruaural engineer's informarion. '\-lain pipe routing
nance or removal. elevations must be established early. Flat piping [Uros
Adequate clearance should be provided around all should be used with caution. The use of pipe chases
equipment for operation, maintenance. and safety. for grouped piping configurations should be consid-
. Adequate stairways and escape ladders are needed ered for structures that have concrete floors to mini-
to meet OSHA requirements. mize individual holes through the floor.
When designing a large strucrure, the plant layout
Opensided and enclosed strucrures fall under differ- designer must observe how various pieces of equip-
ent governing codes. ment are erected during construction. Exhibit 1225
Hitch points and trolley beams are also required to shows one such sequence. The lift structure is erected
facilitate maintenance. The lifted load requirement adjacent to the process structure, and a: remporary
should be indicated on the layout drawing (as shown track is run between them. The vessel is brought into
in the structure cross section in Exhibit 12-24) to show place and lifted off the rail. It is then raised to the
the maximum weight to be lifted at that point for the desired elevation. With the outSide beams yet to be

Process Plant lAyout and Piping Dmgn

Setting Heavy Equipment
in a Large Structure

installed, the vessel is moved laterally into place; the need to route lines and support them from their re-
beams are then installed. This is one method for set spective towers. The structUre should be looked at as a
ting large or heavy equipment in structUres. vertical pipe rack and used to irs maximum advantage
to allow sufficient flexibility in the piping systems.
between the stationary structure and the movable

When complex equipment (e.g., a converter and frac-

tionator in a fluid catalytic cracking unit) is designed, a DRILL STRUCTIJRES
stair structure with a vertical pipe rack must be located
between both vessels, as shown in Exhibit 12-26. Al- Exhibit 12-27 illustrates two variations of the structure
though elevators are often used, client approval must generally found in a coker unit. As can be seen, the
be obtained before they are included. The optimum main operating valve platform is the only platform
layout includes arranging the vessel platforms for easy supponed frbm the elevated concrete deck in both
access from the structure. Clearance between the ves- arrangements. In one variation, the operator's pent-
sel and structure platforms must accommodate the house is supported from the top of the vessel, along
growth of the vessels, which should be calculated to with the entire drill StrUctUre above the penthouse.
satisfy safety concerns. This structure eliminates the This layout requires the coke drums to be designed to

Stair Structure

Process Plant lAyout and Plpln, Dalgn


Structures in a Coker

Underground piping applies to any piping system lo- TERMINOLOGY
cated below grade. Buried or in trenches, under-
ground piping systems within a processing complex Terms used in underground piping systems are de-
consist of gravity flow drainage systems that carry pro- fined in the follOWing section.
cess waste, spills, hydrocarbons to be reclaimed, and
sanitary and storm water, along with pressurized water Invert elevation This term, usually associated with
systems for process, fire, and drinking to meet the any underground line, refers to the elevation of the
operational needs of the facility. inside bottom of the sewer line, as shown in Exhibit
This chapter highlights the general step-by-step 13-1. Because of the wide range of materials used in
procedures to follow for each system when an under drainage piping systems with varying wall thicknesses,
ground piping layout is being developed. Local codes it is the constant that is used to set the elevation on
and regulations and specific client requirements gov construction drawings.
.em the design of any underground piping system.
Sewer main This is the primary drain line in a sys-
tem; it is separated imo semons for safety reasons by

The following list represents the most commonly used laterals Laterals are drain lines colleamg from twO
industry standards for developing underground pip- or more sublaterals. They discharge imo the sewer
ing systems: main through a seal.

ASTM A74-Cast iron soil piping and fittings. Sublaterals These collect branch lines and sealed
ASTM A120-Steel, black and hot-dipped, zinc- sewer boxes into laterals.
coated (galvanized), welded and seamless pipe, for
ordinary use. Branches Branches collea all the various drain
ASTM A746-Ductile iron gravity sewer pipe. points within a plant (e.g., from catch basins and drain
ASTM C42S-Compression joints for vitrified clay hubs) and tie into sublaterals.
pipe and fittings.
Lift station This is an underground structure (e.g., a
ASTM C7~ Vitrified clay pipe (extra strength, stan-
sump) used to pump effluent to a higher elevation,
dard strength, and perforated).
which may be in a graVity sewer system, or to the
ASTM Di785-Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe banery limit.
(schedules 40, 80, and 120).
ASTM 03034-Type PSM PVC sewer pipe and fit- Catch basin This device is used to collect surface
: tings. drainage, with an outlet liquid seal and sediment trap.
~ DIN 123Q-Clayware for sewerage systems.
~ $AS 14-Pipes of unplasticized plastic (polyvinyl Qeanout A cleanout is a piping connection in a
: chloride) for potable water. sewer system that is located at grade level for inspec-
~ SAS 236-Clay pipes for draining sewage and water. tions or for cleaning the system.


eas must have a 4-in vent line that discharges to the

EXHmIT 13~1 Pipe Elevations atmosphere at a safe location.

All lines encering sewer boxes within a process unit

must have a 6-in (ISo-mm) minimum water seal. For
off-site sewer boxes, a straight-through flow for sewer
mains is permined, provided that laterals from other
areas do not encer the sewer box or mains. The inside
top of the outlet line is installed at or lower than the
elevation of the inside top of the lowest inlet line
before sealing.

Drain hub Usually a 4-in open pipe connection lo- S<:als These devices isolate the potencial spread of
cated approximately 4 in (100 mm) above grade or fire from one area of a planc to another in a sewer
plad'orm in a concrete structure, a drain hub is used to system.
collect drips or effluent from pumps, piping, or equip-
ment drains. Angle of repose Concrete foundations must remain
on undisturbed soil and must not be undermined by
Trench This is usually a three-sided concrete trough underground piping or conduit. In Exhibit B-2, the
located in the ground whose top is flush with grade. It angle of repose extends down at a 4So angle from the
is used to house piping systems below grade and may outer extremity of the foundation; nothing should be
require heat tracing or operator access. located within this area Projects that use piles under
foundatiOns do nOt need to consider the angle of re-
Sewer boxes Used in oily water sewer systems, pose because the piles are carrying the load of the
sewer boxes: foundation, as depicted in Exhibit 13-3.
Permit access for inspection and cleaning the sewer
Allow a lateral to be sealed as it ties into a main
sewer. This section focuses on the various types of under-
Are required at intersections and changes of line ground systems used in processing plants.
size in sewer mains every 200 ft (61 m) in process
units and every 400 ft (122 m) in off-site areas. Uncontaminated Storm Water
Are sized to permit a worker to enter and inspect or This system generally collects all service water from
remove any obstruction-They should have a mini process equipment areas, access ways, and roadways
mum diameter of 48 in (1,200 mm). adjacent to such equipment. This collection is
Do not require ladders as part of the design. achieved through the use of area drains, catch basins,
Must have sealed covers in all sewer systems, with roof leaders, ditches, or swales. Spent process water is
the exception of those in storm water sewers located injected into this system if it is proved to be free of
in nonhazardous areas, which may have open grat- hydrocarbon contamination. In addition, the system
ing covers-sewer boxes located L~ hazardous ar must be sized to accommodate rain or fire water,



Sanitary Sewer drainage from a furnace. This sewer box has an air-
tight cover and vems to the aunosphere if located
This system collectS raw waste from lavatories. If not
within a minimum distance of 50 ft (15 m) from a fired
discharged to the unit limit or lift station for disposal,
it is routed to a septic tank or leeching field.

Pump-Out System
Blowdown System
This system is shown on the piping and instrumenta-
This system picks up drains around boilers and steam tion diagrams. Although it does not need to slope,
drums and is run as a separate system, preferably to pockets must be avoided. Because it is common to
the battery limit. It is permissible to tie into a sewer pump out hot piping systems, adequate means must
box in the oily water sewer system as long as it is be provided to allow for line expansion or grovvth.
located downstream from any sewer box that collects Although trenches are generally used, buried pump-

Process Plant Layout and ~ping DeslIl"


out liries are covered with a mixture of sand and ver- Stainless steel-For closed chemical drains.
miculite. cast iron (or grey iron)-Often used in handling
storm and oily water drains. Cast iron is very resis-
Solvent Collection System tant to corrosion. The hub and spigot design is fabri-
cated in 5 and 10-ft lengths. which may be modified
Many solvents are used to remove C02 from gas with a special cutting tool.
streams. These solvents are reclaimed in a separate Ductile iron-Has a higher stress value than cast
drainage system and are also shown on the piping and iron. It is also used for hub and spigot as well as
instrumentation diagrams. The pipe is usually made of process water service.
I carbon steel and is run to an underground sump,
Concrete pipe-Used for surface drainage and for
, where it is evenrually pumped out.
IS-in and larger pipes. Although it is available in
smaller sizes. economics may limit its use.
Cooling Water Fiberglass reinforced pipe-Used in corrosive ser-
.This system supplies water to such process equipment vice. It is limited to low-pressure and low-tempera-
as surface condensers. coolers, and pumps through an ture systems. When fabricated, it is designed to meet
.underground header system. very specific needs. For example, it may need to be
able to withstand outdoor exposure or burying or
may need to be sun retardant or made to project-
Fire Water specific dimensions.
This system consists of a loop around a process unit or PVC pipe-Commonly used for corrosive service.
equipment, with branches as required for hydrants or Vitrified clay pipe-Used in gravity drain systems
monirors, to protect the unit in case of fire. that handle sanitary or surface drainage. It cannot be
subjected to any significant loads (e.g., under build-
ings, paved areas, or roadways). It generally has a
Potable Water
maximum operating temperature of 200 0 F (93 0 C).
This water is used for drinking, emergency eyewashes, Glass pipe-Used for floor drains in processing
and shower facilities. plants, especially for acid service.


Materials selection is the responsibility of the piping
specifications engineer and depends on service, oper- The initial layout of any oily or storm water under-
ating pressure and temperature, durability, eco ground piping system usually takes place after the pre-
nomics, and availability. Some of the materials and liminary plot plan is generated. Even though some
their uses commonly found in underground systems equipment locations may be tentative, the plant layout
include: designer can begin to spot the oily 'Water and storm
water mains, locate sewer boxes, and establish the
Carbon steel-For closed drain systems, cooling, invert elevation of these systems at each end of the
and fire water. unit.

piping is routed underground.

EXHIBIT 13-4 Below-Grade Obstructions
Fire water requirements.
The type of system required (e.g.) separate or com-
bined oily and Storm water system).
The invert elevation of lines at the process unit bat-
tery limit) as preferred by the client
The extent of paving.
The extent of pipe trenches that carry heat-traced
drain systems.
Preliminary foundation sizes and depths.
Continuous process discharge that enters the sys-

Using a copy of the plot plan, the piping designer

should outline all underground obstruaions, includ-
ing equipment and structure foundations, proposed
routing of major elearical and instrument duets as
developed by the electrical and instrument engineers,
or any existing underground piping) trenches, and
light pole stanchions. A typical example is shown in
Exhibit 134.
A decision must be made on whether to route the
oily and storm water drains as separate systems or
combine them. A combined system is the most com-
mon. It requires seals to prevent the spread of hydro-
carbon vapors or fire throughout the unit. A combined
As with any piping layout) information for an under- system must pass through a treatment facility outside
ground gravity flow drain system is often less than the process unit before entering any outside body of
what is required at the outset of a project. A list of the water. Because the sewer must be run past the cooling
most preferred information includes: water system, under the pipe rack, along with some
electrical ducting and the major portion of the cooling
The underground specification. system run outside the equipment) the combined oily
The plot plan. and storm water sewer system is routed between the
Above-ground piping studies. pipe rack columns and the equipment The extent of
all paving, curbed and diked areas, roadways, access
Local codes and regulations.
ways) and equipment lay.down areas should be
The location of potential site obstruaions. shown.
Local site data) including topographic information) A high paint of paving of 100 ft 1 in (100.025 mm) is
maximum design rainfall) and frost depth. set down the center of the area directly below the pipe
Electrical and instrument conduit locations if the rack before the unit is subdivided into areas serviced

Catch Basin

by a single catch basin. The area under the pipe rack When possible, catch basins are located near the cen-
toward the center of the high point is included in each ter of the drainage area, preferably not under stair-
area run-off calculation. The suggested maximum area ways, structures, or equipment. A typical catch basin is
per catch basin is 5.500 sq ft (510 sq m) for paved illustrated in Exhibit 13-5, and the extent of these areas
areas and 3,500 sq ft (325 sq m) for unpaved areas. is shown in Exhibit 13-6.
Cricket lines are drawn around each area to indi- A tentative location and invert elevation of the drain
cate the high point of paving or grade. The diagonal system is established at the unit banery limit from the
cricket lines from the corners of the area to the catch site data supplied by the client If the information is
basin must slope at a rate of 1 in per 120 in; the unavailable, the end of the unit that the system exits
maximum allowable drop should not exceed 6 in ( 150 should be obtained from the client. The west banery
mm). The maximum length of this diagonal cricket limit and an invert elevation of 94 ft 6 in (99.850 mm)
must not exceed 60 ft (18.25 m). Its length and eleva is used as an example. The twO sewer mains running
tion difference is calculated point to point and does east and west through the unit are located in the most
not account for such obstructions as eqUipment foun- direct route possible, with the depth of all under~
dations. ground obstructions on the way taken into consider-
In paved areas with a high concentration of equip. ation. The designer must avoid locating any line below
ment, the allowable area per catch basin should not the angle of repose of a foundation. Another concern
exceed 3,000 sq ft (270 sq m). When practical, these is possible interference at the point at which any twO
areas are arranged to collect drainage from common underground lines intersect. It may not be obvious
equipment. Catch basins are located as required, pro- what the exact elevation of each gravity drain line is at
vided that the difference between the long and the the point of intersection. The following criteria deter-
short diagonal cricket line is no greater than 2 to 1. mine the need for sewer boxes:

EXlUBIT 13-6 Plot Subdivided into Drainage Areas

At the beginning and at the end of each main. Sewer boxes should be made .of precast reinforced
At the imerseaion at which a branch line must be concrete pipe a minimum of 48 in 0,220 mm) in
sealed from the header. diameter. The system engineer establishes the need
for sealed sewer boxes. Those conmining clean storm
At any change in direaion or elevation in the main.
or fire water do nO[ require sealing, but [oxic hydro-
Every 300 ft (91 m) for lines of 15 in and larger. carbon-bearing run-off requires a sealed sewer box
Every 200 ft (61 m) for lines of 12 in and smaller. that is vented to a safe location, as shown in Exhibit

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design

EXlUBIT 13-7
Sewer Box Detail

...IIo..+--4-4--l-.i. el ee ~
It.JV. el.~bl~dl

I"-JV. e:L '2~"" -----

~ ~~~j-+-H-+-'''''''-----...{.-.-!'~
ItJv. e:L.. e:t:i=O' ----1-..-' \~E:---...... t---+
It--N.el_ ,,~~"

+ 47" s,tJ l:I:7O ~T EXHmlT 13-8

Cleanout Connection

/f#" ~@C?lT 1,%2$

13-7. Provision should be made for the removal of foreign

Before the gravity drain system is routed, the fol- matter that may block a sewer-This is achieved bv
lowing basic rules must be applied: rodding or fl~hing. .
Main lines should be rodded or flushed between
Drain hubs should be provided at all eqUipment
sewer boxes.
except that equipment whose coments flash at auno-
spheric temperature or equipmem that carries water Branch sewer lines that terminate at main sewers
or highly viscous materials (e.g., slurry). may be rodded or flushed from the hub where they
. Miscellaneous small bore drains that are used infre-
quently do not require hubs, as long as there is a When the cumulative total of bends in a sewer line
hub within SO ft (15 m) and they can be serviced through which rodding or flushing is performed ex-
with a hose. ceeds 180, an additional c1eanout must be pro-
. Sanitary tees should be used instead of laterals in
vided, as shown in Exhibit 13-8.
free-flowing sewers to eliminate the need for addi- Cleanouts for branch sewers should be located
tional fittings. more than 100 ft (30 m) apart.
: P traps must not be used. Connections used for cleanout only are sized as fol-

lhulergroNnd Piping
Minimum Cover for
Buried Piping

-10 ""!'~t:J~ .zLd' 'Z.!.-CI 't.~".

-I~ ll.a~L,~ 1,1.c),1 !'-O' ~Lc::l"

4- .d l
1. 1.0" 1,.1.d'

lows: should be installed with the centerline of the pipe

-Cast iron, concrete, and vitrified clay tile must be located at or below the frost line as indicated in the
4 in. project data.
-Carbon and stainless steel and lined pipe must be Stagnant lines (e.g., fire water or cooling water not
line size, with a maximum of 3 in and a minimum equipped with an antifreeze bypass) and lines with
of 2 in. intermittant flow should be installed with the top of
the pipe located at or below the frost line.
For ground cover for underground and gravity pip-
Branch lines in water service with a constant flow
ing systems, the following information should be used
may be installed above the frost line.
in conjunction with the chan in Exhibit 13-9:
Branch lines in sewer service are installed with the
centerline at or below the frost line, with the excep-
Sewers, drain systems, and process water systems
usually have a minimum of 12 in (300 mm) of cover, tion of lines reqUired only for housekeeping drains,
except when foundations (e.g., spread footings) or which may be installed above the frost line-An ex-
other obstructions located in nomraffic areas diaate ample of a housekeeping drain is one in which the
otherwise. outlet from vesselleveI instruments is collected and
routed to a drain hub at grade.
Process and fire water piping, without exception.
have a minimum cover of 2 ft 6 in (750 mm).
The starting invert is set with the equipment drain
If cast iron, concrete, or clay tile pipe that passes located the greatest distance away from the ultimate
under roadways and other tucking areas does not point of disposal, hub A of Exhibit 13-10. This hub is
conform to minimum cover requirementS for load- set with a 12-in (3QO-rnm) cover from the low point of
ing conditions, shown in Exhibit 13-9, the pipe must paving to the top of the pipe.
be encased in a suitable protective housing. As a rule, the slope of sublaterals is set to 1/4 in per
The frost line is considered when elevations in foot (6 nun per 300 mm), and laterals are set at 1h in
freezing climates are established. per foot (3 mm per 300 rom). All inverts are rounded
Continuously flOWing main water and sewer lines to the nearest Ih in (lO mm) less than the calculated

EXHIBIT 13-10 Oily Water and Storm Water System

____t.Jo;.;:;;.;em;;;;.u.:.~~.Il}?'( UM'T_ _ Q
~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~I ~ ~I ~
_ ; ; . J -'

JNV... It-.&Vtl2:f &M'i"t ~ CI\.AIT

value as displayed in Exhibit 13-11. before cleanouts are installed. All laterals entering
The piping designer should locate the oily water sewer boxes are sealed.
drain hubs using the above-ground piping srudies, set- Oily or chemIcal lines should not be routed over
ting each invert elevation and routing sublaterals, lat- the top of potable water lines. Local plumbing codes
erals, and headers. Each fitting (e.g., Y branches, 1k should be used for aaual requirements. When oily
bends, and Vol bends) must be identified. Headers and and process systems drain to a sump or storage con-
laterals should be reduced, when possible, to 4 in tainment, the storage capacity is determined from the
EXHIBIT 13-11 Lateral and $ublaceral Detail

~~ ~~~IEtze:.L ~F?
1 C"ZAI"J ~~ AN?- ~ ~ W/(b""foo 2'lJtJ =4 L..nJe-~Ze:- 11

1. ~ MotZe DtZ6t~ lJu~ ~ ~22:JUAhJ ;zoyc,.. loo r2U'J ~ ~lIL.nJc-~zc
It---J"* =-II-JV~

~F'=~/nl' -~e,

IW, eL.,., ~I
I L/V. !t. ~~,l'
,two E-L. ~~.

inlet and below. Under no conditions should any sys- Line Sizing
tem run flooded, unless approved by the client. Eleva-
tions for sewer systems are shown only at key imersec- This section outlines the criteria and formulas that are
tions, sewer boxes, and the starting and termination commonly used for developing line sizing for oily and
points of lines. storm water sewer sysrems.
When all mains, laterals, and sublaterals have been Oily water and storm water sewers are sized to
routed, the line-sizing calculations can proceed. The handle the calculated rainfall plus process water drain-
system must be checked for excessive quantities of age or the fire water plus process drainage, whichever
hydrocarbons that may suddenly discharge into the results in the greater quantity. Rainfall rates are ab A

oily or storm water drain system as well as for any wned from the project design data, and process water
continuous.discharge that exceeds 100 gallons (378.5 drainage quantities are obtained from the systems en
liters) per minute (gpm). (For simplicity's sake, the gineer. When client input on fire water quantities is
remainder of this chapter deals only with gallons.) unavailable, a decision is made jointly by the systems
These quantities are added into the line-sizing calcula- and project engineers. When specific considerations
tions and are furnished by the systems engineer. If (e.g., a deluge system) are not required, the fire water
excessive discharges are expected, it may be advanta- flow rate for each area is set at 1,000 gpm. The ma."{i
geous to run -a separate branch line directly to the mum fire water figured into line-sizing calculations for
nearest sewer box. The outlet line of a sewer box is a process unit should not exceed 2 OOO gpm. Local

sized based on the total effluent into the sewer box rainfall charts are reviewed before any line sizes are
from all sources. calculated.

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design

EXHIBIT 1~12 Rainfall Intensity and Frequency

Fifteen-minute rainfall, in inches. to be expected Fifteen-minute rainfall, in inches, to be expected

once in two years. once in five years.

Eventually, the sewer line must be sized for a com- The runoff rate for each area, as initially oudined in
bination of rainfall and fire water. Sewers containing Exhibit 13-5, may now be calculated by using the mod-
combined rainfall and process water are designed to ified rational formula:
run 75% full, which allows additional capacity for
short bur heavy rainfalls. This amount is calculated by
multiplying the actual runoff rate by a factor of 1.1. For where:
example, if the aaual runoff rate were 1,500 gpm, that Q = the runoff rate in gpm (converting to cubic
figure would be multiplied by 1.1 and the resulting feet per second can be done by multiplying
1,650 gpm would be used in the line-sizing calcula- gpm by 0.00223)
tion. Sewers containing combined fire water and pro- K = the conversion constant (0.01039 for flow in
c~ water are deSigned to run full. The following co- gpm)
efficients are used for surface drainage runoff: I = rainfall intensity for the stOrm duration in
inches (or decimals of an inch) per hour, as
Rainwater, paved area-90% (0.9). shown in Exhibit 1312
Rainwater, unpaved area-50% (0.5). C = the runoff coefficient
A = the area of surface to be drained in square
Fire water, all areas-l00% (1.0).
Sewers running at the maximum flow rate are de- For example, the runoff rate for a paved area can be
signed with a maximum velocity of 9 ft (2,700 mm) per calculated with the follOWing data:
second and a minimum velocity of 3 ft (900 mm) per
second. The size of pipe depends on the coefficient of Area = 80 ft x 75 ft (6,000 sq ft).
roughness, n, when run at a given slope. Although it is Rainfall = 5 in per hour.
preferable to stay at the lower values of n for the most Fire water = 1,000 gpm.
economical sizing, it is important to select the proper Process water = 150 gpm.
n value on the linesizing chart Based on these pipe Pipe material = 4 in to 15 in, cast iron; 18 in and
typeS, the design value n is as follows: larger, concrete.
Velocity = 3 to 5 ft per second.
Clean, coated cast iron-O.012.
'. Clean, uncoated. cast iron-O.013. Therefore, K = 0.01039, I = 5 in per hour, C = 0.9
(data was supplied), and A = 6,000 sq ft The runoff
rate in gpm (Q) is calculated as follows:
~ Painted steel-0.013
Vitrified clay tile-O.013. 0.01039 x 5 in x 0.9 x 6,000 = 280 gpm
Galvanized iron-O.OIS. The toral area runoff is the toral process water (150
Corrugated steel-O.025. gpm) plus the total rainfall runoff (280 gpm), or 430


BASED ON MANNING FORMULA ~ =0.013) Manning Formula

2.56 c~

.5 v / ' " ; I
.4v V I !, i
~ t-v-+v:oor-+v-+....
~l++r--+-+--+--+tI++t-ttt . . --+-~~1 !'""'t~it-H

across the chart from left to right at the flow rate previ-
EXHIBIT 13-14 Calculation Chart ously calculated, 2.56 cis. As can be seen on the chart,
several line sizes could handle the flow in the desired
velocity range of 3 to 5 ft per second. A 12in line
would flow at 3 ft per second if the slope were set at
~~ ~F1" c:aPM/t:f? ~At2\::~ 0.42 ft per 100 h; a lo-in line would flow at 4 ft per
I ~ lett/~ second at a slope of 1 ft per 100 ft; and an 8-in line
'2 ~ 'fo4~/.~ would flow at 5 ft per second if the slope were set at
?1 <iOoDcao "Zeo/ ~2 2.1 ft per 100 ft. Higher velocities are attainable but at
4 4~ '%10/.41 much greater slopes, which may not be praaicaL
So ~?D 11?/.~ Therefore, the aetualline-size selection must be made
"- ~ ~/I.77 ~~~ on the available slope within the system (from the
1 ~
farthest catch basin to the final invert elevation at the
& battery limit) and on the desired flow rate. It must be

remembered that, in this example, the flow rate can-
nor be set at less than 3 ft per second.
II The runoff rate calculated in each area of the unit
'\1 must be recorded on a chart similar to the one shown
~ in Exhibit 13-14. Because each section of sewer main
14- is sized to handle the total accumulation that could
possibly enter the line, it is important that all total
flow-rate quantities are recorded not only for line siz-
ing but for use during a mechanical check. or audit of
the system. Sizing gravity flow drain systems is a give-
and-take situation. As the west battery limit is ap
preached) it may be necessary to readjust some previ-
ously selected line sizes, flow rates, or slopes to avoid
gpm. To conven 430 gpm to cubic ft per second Cds), an underground obstruaion or other graVity flow
it is multiplied by 0.00223, yielding 0.959 cfs. drain system within the unit There are no absolutes,
To calculate the total amount of water that would JUS{ many alternatives that must be explored before
result if the pipes were running 75% full, 0.959 cfs is me line sizing of the oily and storm water drain system
multiplied by 1.1, for a result of 1.05 cis. The com- is finalized.
bined fire water and process water is: As the invert elevations of the main at the sewer
boxes are confirmed, the actual elevations are re-
1,000 gpm + 150 gpm = 1,150 gpm, or 2.56 cfs
corded on the orthographic piping plan drawing,
The larger tocal of the t'NO, 2.56 cis, would be used for which is shown in Exhibit 13-7.
sizing. As the details for each sewer box become available
Now that a flow rate of 2.56 cfs has been estab- (e.g.) main inlet and outlet sizes and invert elevations,
lished, the actual line calculations can be developed auxiliary inlet elevation, top and bottom elevatiOns,
through the use of graphs based on the Manning for- and the diameter), the information is recorded on a
mula, illustrated in Exhibit 13-13. First, a line is drawn sewer box schedule, as depicted in E..'d1ibit 13,.15. This
Sewer Main Inlet Main Outlet AulII., sewer EXHIBIT 13-15
BOI l1li. Top Bottom BOI Sewer Box Schedule
No. Size Invert EL. Size Invert EL. Ella.... ElevaUan Elevation Dlameler
'2. *'"
4-t!!l %'.%."
3D- ~?~
,.,()'.. d'
? ,,," ~G.'~' 'ZOo ~"I' ~'-ef I Do'_d ~~~o" s-4- M
4 \0" o/l~ I" I~' ~e:Jt" ~1~i '.ttl-d' ~~!'>.. .4.l!;J'
~ "~'<:J' '!)i~" '9'-'.~' 'J,!;J"
(d 97 Ld' "'0 'p C)"

~ 14" %'_~I ~ ..", ~.z " -:>eJpo" ..,~~ tel' '!>5~" I~"

information is used to requisition the necessary mate- CHEMICAL AND PROCESS

rials and provide the construction contraetor with a (CLOSED) SEWERS
tabulation of all sewer boxes on the project. As noted,
the minimum inside diameter of sewer boxes is 48' in. Many industrial plants have multiple process or chem-
The formula used to size sewer boxes depends on the ical drain systems. These systems are designed 0 col-
inlet line configuration-a 90 entry and a 45 entry lect all corrosive or toxic chemical waste as well as
are shown in Exhibit 13-16. surface drainage around the equip~em bearing these
For the 90 entry sewer box, the sum of one half the materials. Exhibit 1317 displays a typical piping and
diameter of each of the largest twO lines adjacent to instrumentation diagram for a chemical drain system.
each other is added to 12 in. That sum is then multi- Depicted on this flow diagram are those pieces of
plied by 4 and divided by 1T (3.1416 is used here): equipment bearing the material to be collectedj the
actUal number of drains is determined by the low
(9 in + 6 in + 12 in)4 = 3437 . point in each piping configuration. Exhibit 1318
3.1416 . m shows a plan of the entire system.
For the 45 entry sewer box, the sum of one half the Because many of these systems are of PVC, carbon.
diameter of each of the largest two lines adjacent to Stainless steel, or fiberglass reinforced pipe, the key
each other is added to 12 in. That sum is then multi- elevations are set by working point centerlines. With
plied by 8 and divided by 1T (3.1416 is used here): the individual sublaterals, or leads, sloped to V4 in per
foot, the only working point elevations required for
(9 in + 7.5 in + 12 in)8 = 72 57 . this panicular system are at the beginning or high
3.1416 . in point, at the change in direction at the east battery

Process Plant Layout and Piping Dalp

EXHIBIT 13-16 Sewer Box Sizes

THltz ft,Werz ~ ~ZE: 41/

t...MI~Il.AU"'" g)

a. 90 Entry

EXHIBIT 13-17 Process Drains: Closed System

'~ ..J ~ 10:2& ~


limit, and at the point at which the header enters the neer. A typical sump is depicted in Exhibit 13-20. The
sump. Exhibit 1319 illustrates a typical cross section civil engineer sizes the sump on the basis of the quan-
of what a closed or chemical drain system consists of. tity expeaed to be collected, as supplied by the sys-
The large end of the hub, or reducer, is sized to suit tems engineer. The discharge of the sump pump is
the number of drain leads entering the hub. The re piped to an on-site storage tank or to a truck that is
mainder of the system is sized by the systems engi- brought in periodically to remove the contents.

-- -- .:.-.....:- '-~..:.~~~-----

EXHIBIT 13-18 Plan for a Closed Drain System

__ ~lJO;.",;.,.etH~~ LJMrr Q
.~ ~

PROCESS AND POTABLE Cooling water for temperature control of process

WATER streams in exchangers.
Condensing steam exhaust in surface condensers of
Process and potable water are two common commodi- low-pressure steam systems.
ties found in most industrial plants. Some uses of pro- Chemically treated water used as boiler feed water.
cess water include the following: Cooling water for pump and compressor seals.

EXHmIT 13-19
Closed Drain System:
Cross Section

EXHmIT 13-20
Closed Drain System

Potable or drinking water is used by plant personnel not be set above the frost line as determined by the
,and also is supplied to emergency eyewash and project design data.
: shower installations. Parallel cooling water and hot water return headers
The layout of a comprehensive pressurized water must be kept a minimum of 12 in (300 mm) from the
system follows some basic gUidelines. In freezing eli outside of the pipe diameters. Running these two
mates, the centerline elevation of a water line should headers too close together may affect the temperature
EXHIBrr 13-21 Process Cooling Water and Potable Water System

~ ~ ~~
l. l --.I

of the cooling water supply line, which in tum may

EXHIBIT 13--22 Cooling Water Crossover Piping
hamper the ability to control the temperature of the
process stream in the exchanger. As a pressurized sys
tern, the piping may run as required to clear any grav-
ity flow drain system that crosses its path, by passing
over or under the obstructing line.
An example of process cooling water and potable
water layout is shown in Exhibit 13-21. As with most
piping layouts, the lines are run in the most direct
route possible to each of the water users (shown
shaded in the exhibit). The locations where the cool
ing and hot water lines enter and leave the unit are
usually set by the client or by the location of any exist-
~ ing supply and retUrn headers. In this case, the west
battery limit has been seleaed. Both lines run at the
~ U!vspeJ eq~~
same elevation, as shown in Exhibit 13-22. When
F!!fnnr ~eJ Fe \.e!! laJ~ branch lines must cross over supply headers, they
should return to the elevation of the higher branch
line, unless the distance is so shon that it would be
impractical to do so.
Because the cooling water inlet nozzle is located on
Cooling Water at

Cooling Water at Pumps

the bottom of the exchanger channel, the inlet header agreed to by both the above-ground and the under-
must be located directly under this nozzle, as illus~ ground plant layout designers.
trated in Exhibit 13-23. This arrangement allows for
the most direa hookup. The underground ponion of
the fabricated pipe includes the flange to be bolted to FIRE WATER SYSTEM
the block valve; the hot water outlet line should termi-
nate 12 in (300 mm) above grade with a bevel end. Every industrial plant is proteaed by a fire water sys-
The above-ground piping takes over from this point. tem that provides water [Q each piece of equipment
If the water users are located in a structure, the through hydrants, monitors, or deluge spray systems.
underground portion of the lines should terminate Each process unit has its own underground piping
with bevel ends 12 in (300 mm) above grade. Cooling loop system, which is adequately valved to protect the
and hot water headers to the pumps are run under the system from a failure in any pan of the line or isolation
pipe rack, between the rows of pumps, as Exhibit B- because of maintenance. Although each piece of
24 shows. A self-draining hydrant valve is used if the equipment must be protected by one hydrant or mon-
installation is in a freezing climate; this detail is dis- itor, client specifications often override this rule and
: played in item 8 of Exhibit 1325. require two sources of fire water for each piece of
The potable water line also enters the unit at the equipment. Basic fire protection equipment consists
, west battery limit and is run to the emergency eye- of fire hydrants, hydrants with monitors, grade-level
: wash and shower installation. A typical arrangement of and elevated monitors, hose reels, and deluge and
this facility is illustrated in Exhibit 1326. The under- spray systems.
ground portion of this line should terminate at a paint All hydrants and monitors and their shut-off valves
EXHmrr 13-2S Miscellaneous Details (Cont)

~ k::. tzeouc.erz.

fi,! fi
~l~ ldbJe:
eLJao>'-4'Y,,,,o.i QO

t ~ IZe.:QUI~P

~Uty1e1L&AD pLU6 V6LVE: (j) HfbebNT v6.LVE:' c.+-tFt1ICAL DtzAI t.J

1. Typical equipment drain, with the top of the cast iron hub set at an
elevation of 100 ft 4 in (100.1 m). Unes draining into this hub would
terminate at a plain end elevation of 100 ft 3 112 in (100.085 m).
2. SimUar drain hub tying into another drain line.
3. Cleanout connection in a cast Iron piping system.
4. Catch basin In a paved area.
5. InUne sewer box or catch basin in which flow passes directly
through the box.
6. Catch basin in an unpaved area.
7. Sump with a lead plug drain valve. Turning a handle allows the plug
to fit into the scat, closing off the sump to lis drain system.
8. A hydrant valve, which Is commonly used for water In freeZing
9. Chemical drain hub, whose size Is determined by the number of lines
entering the hub as well as by its flow requirements.

EXHmrr 13-26
Emergency Eyewash and


must be located a minimum of 50 ft (15 m) from a

EXHIBIT 13-27 Typical Fire Hydrant potential source of fire. A typical fire hydrant is shown
in Exhibit 1327. Although the hydrant dimension
above grade is standard, the dimension below grade
varies, depending on the proximity of the line to ve-
hicular traffic and the potential for freezing. In cold
climates, the cemerline of the inlet to the hydrant must
not be above the frost line, which is the lowest point
below grade at which water freezes.
Exhibit 1328 shows a typical hydrant installation.
Proper drainage of the hydrant barrel after the hydrant
is closed is essential to prevent freezing in cold cli-
mates. Drainage is provided by crushed stone around
the base of the hydrant and extending above the lower
bairel flange. The amount of crushed stone required
depends on the nature of the soil. Loose sandy soil
requires a smaller drainage bed than claylike soil,
which absorbs water very slowly. The project civil en-

Process Plant Layout and Piping Datgn


Hydrant Installation

gineer should be consulted before this detail is pre- tank farms or truck loading areas), hydrants are lo-
pared. If the soil conditions prohibit the proper drain- cated every 300 ft (90.5 m).
age around the hydrant, a drain to the nearest clean Fire monitors are used to direct streams of water to
water or drainage ditch must be provided. burning pieces of equipment in a plant. Before moni-
Exhibit 13-29 illustrates some additional features tors are selected and located, several factors must be
that the plant layout designer should consider when considered. Fire monitors are lever operated, have a
selecting and planning the installation of fire hydrants full 360 range, and may be locked in any desired
and monitors, including: position. They may be located at grade, approximately
4 ft (1,200 mm) above the ground, elevated to heights
Protecting the valve bonnet and extension stem with of 100 ft (30 m) or more, or mounted on a hydrant.
a buffalo box, which is a piece of pipe that sits on the The spray pattern of fire monitors depends on water
valve and extends approximately 9 in (230 mm) pressure and flow rate. If vendor data is not available
above grade. when preliminary fire water layoutS are made, the
W'hen required, orienting the pumper conneCtion chan in Exhibit 1330 can be used to determine the
nozzle toward the fire truck access way. effective fire water monitor range. This chart is based
If hydrants are vulnerable to damage, providing on a water pressure of 150 psi and a flow rate at the
guard posts for proteaion. nozzle of 500 gpm.
Coating and wrapping the buried portion of the hy- Typical monitors are shown in Exhibits 13-31
drant. through 1333. The grade-mounted monitor shown in
Exhibit 1331 has the block valve located above grade,
If not specified by the client, a typical hydrant has a bur it would be buried below grade in a freezing cli-
6-in inlet line size with two 21/2-in hose connections. mate. The method of supporting an installation of this
Hydrant locations must permit clear access during a type is determined by the civil engineer.
fire and be no more than 25 ft (7.5 m) from where a A typical elevated monitor is display~d in Exhibit
pumper may be required to hook up a SUCtion hose. 13-32. When grade-mounted monitors cannot direct
In remote areas of an industrial plant (e.g., around water to all pieces of process equipment because of

EXHmIT 13-29
Hydrant and Monitor
EXHmrr 1330
Monitor Range Chart

~ Go !b lco 11,0
\dotzt1g.Jr~ "~ANG& (fr:eq:)

EXHmIT 13-31
Typical GradeMounted
Fire Monitor
Typical Elevated Monitor

rtt?2E v~\ L _--.J

obstruaions (e.g., large structures), an elevated moni-

EXHIBIT 1333 Typical Fire Hydrant with Monitor tor may be required. Although nozzJes can be set 100
it (30 m) above grade, the vendor should be consulted
before this design is finalized. The equipment ar
rangemem drawing shown in Exhibit 13-34 is an ex-
ample of how a large process strueture blocks the fire
water from monitor 1, which is direaed at the air
cooler located over the pipe rack. Therefore, monitor
2, supponed from the process struCture, may be di-
~- rected at the air cooler and locked in pOSition. As
illustrated in Exhibit 13-35, monitor 4 may be reqUired
to cover additional air coolers or very large process
Monitors and hydrants are the most common indi-
vidual firefighting system componems. The cliem,
however, may request that a hydrant and monitor
combination be used, as shown in Exhibits 13-29 and

Process Plant Layout and Piping Dalgn

EXlDBIT 13--34 Selecting Elevated Monitors

Grade-Mounted and
Elevated Monitors

------------~ .~.,,:
lhUlItrgrouftd P1phtg .'..
EXlDBIT 13-36
Typical Deluge and Spray

Deluge and Spray Systems connections that flood the sphere in the event of fire;
the other has a horizontal 3600 ring header and verti-
Deluge and spray systems are generally used when
cal leads that are approximately 6 in (150 mm) from
process equipment cannot be reached by fire moni-
the sphere shell, all with equally spaced spray nozzles.
tors or requires a great quantity of water to protect it
This type of fire protection is often subcontracted to
from a fire in the local area. Typical deluge and spray
companies that specialize in this particular service.
systems are shown in Exhibit 13-36. The storage bullet
is protected by a ring header around the vessel, with
Fire Water System Layout
spray nozzles equally spaced to prOVide appropriate
coverage. Two storage sphere arrangements are The layout of a fire water system in a process unit is
shown in the exhibit. One has two open-ended pipe usually accomplished in the following way:

Process Plant Layout and Plptn.g Destp

EXHmrr 13-37 Fire Water System Layout

~~ --+-.-.-.......w-.. &-.. ._ .__ .. ,::",,:_.=t===.- - -

CDLJDJ1TIe:> e'I'l-leZ U<S37i EXHIBIT 13-38

Underground Cable Duct
~pul.L!P I
EXlDBIT 13-39
Dst Iron Fittings

a. Quarter Bend b. Eighth Bend Co SixIh Berid d. SJxte:eoth Bend

e. Quarter Bend f. Quarter Bend g. Quarter Bend h. Quarter Bend

with Low Hee1lnlet with High Heellolet Reducing Increasing

i. Single Hub Straight Tee k. sanitary Tee I. sanitary Y

Retum Bend

m. Combination Y n. Upright y o. Sanitary Cross p. Tapped Y

and Eighth Bend

A reproducible copy of the plot plan is used to pre- through vendor data or the chart in Exhibit 1330-
pare the initial layout, as depicted in Exhibit 13-37. If a compass is set to the maximum effective range,
A complete loop is drawn around the unit, with the monitor 1 can be pOSitioned showing itS full cover-
line run along the edge of the plant road. age area.
To provide a margin of safety in the fire water sys- Monitor 2 is located east of monitor 1 to cover all
tem, the fire water loop is fed from opposite ends of equipment not proteaed by monitor 1, and monitor
the unit-Enough block valves are provided to en- 3 is located to cover equipment nm protected by
sure the overall firefighting capabilities of the sys- monitor 2.
tem in the event of a rupture in the fire water loop. Monitor 4E is an elevated monitor that is trained on
The number of valves placed in the header is subjec the air cooler over the pipe rack, the large process
tive and is submitted to the client for approval. tower, or furnaces.
The effective fire water range is then established Monitors 5 and 7 adequately cover the remaining

Process Plant Layout and Piping DesIgn

Cast Iron Fittings (Cont)

t. Reducer t. Double Hub

q.Double Y

w. Double Hub

v. Running Trap
with Hub Vent


- -


x. Cast Iron Soil Pipe

equipment on the north half of the plot. where best to locate the pull boxes. (There may not be
Monitors 6E and BE are elevated and can cover the a box per se, but it is the point at which the conduit
air coolers over the pipe rack as well as the pipe exits the underground and serves all other users.) It is
rack itself. imponant that this space be left free of piping, equip-
ment, or associated maintenance access. The conduit
Although each plant must conform to local firefight in Exhibit 13-38 is encased in red concrete for protec-
ing rules and regulations, client interpretation of those tion and located under the main pipe rack, bet\Veen
regulations can produce vastly different fire water sys the two rows of pumps. Both the electrical and the
tern layouts. Early consultation with each client is instrument engineers are responsible for proViding
strongly suggested before a complete systems layout is the estimated size of the duct, and the plant layout
developed. designer sets the elevation to best suit the graVity flow
drain systems throughout the unit.



AI.. the outset of a project, a decision must be made on Variations of pipe finings, catch basins, sewer boxes,
where the major electrical and instrument conduits trenches, sumps, and lift stations are only a sample of
will run-above ground in the pipe rack or buried what a plant layout designer encounters in the devel-
:below grade. If the underground route is selected, the opment of an underground piping system. Available
plant layout designer must confer with the electrical vendor data for fittings, catch basins, and sewer boxes
:and instrument engineers about the optimum layout must be used as a reference. Typical cast iron fittings
of the ducts, where the conduits enter the unit, and are shown in Exhibit 1339. The list of labels for these

UtUlergroutUl Piping
EXHmIT 13-40
Concrete Pipe

EXHmrr 13-41 Trench Piping


~ON .. i!>- ':="


EXHmrr 13-42
Sewer Box
1 (U~mtL)
1 /.Ipco
t I

fittings is different from that used for fittings above depending on the traffic anticipated in the area or
grade. A90 change in direction is nO a 90 elbow but particular process concerns. The width of the trench
a quarter bend, indicated as 1/4B on a piping plan should allow adequate clearance to valves and drains
drawing. A lateral is called a Y branch. as required. Miscellaneous details are displayed in Ex-
Concrete pipet which is commonly used in oily and hibit 1325.
storm water sewer systems in sizes of 15 in and larger, Atypical sewer box is displayed in Exhibit 13-42. As
is illustrated in Exhibit 13-40. Use of cast iron pipe mentioned previously, all pertinent information for
smaller than 15 in is determined by economics. each sewer box must be recorded on the sewer box
Trench piping is shown in Exhibit 13-41. Occasion schedule, shown in Exhibit 13-15. for transmission (0
ally, drain piping or process piping must be run below the construction contractor. Exhibit 13-43 illustrates a
grade but not buried. The example shows two insu- variation to the inlet piping at a sewer box where
lated lines, A and B running be~ow grade ro a drain
t provisions are made to rod the line near the sewer
tank. The top of the trench is covered with grating but box. The systems engineer should be consulted as [0
could be covered with deck plate or concrete slabs t whether this feature is required.
EXHmrr 13-43
Sewer Box with Une

Buried Insulated Piping

Exhibit 13-44 shows one way to bury a hot line slope or impossible [Q tie into existing plant facilities
underground. The line should be backfilled wiili a without the installation of a pump in me system. A lift
mixture that is equal pans sand and vermiculite. allow- station is shown in Exhibit 13-46. It basically consists
.ing for a thickness of at least 4 in (100 mm) around me of a concrete sump (sized by systems engineering)
entire line. The line is anchored as required by the and a venical pump. The discharge line of me pump is
stress engineer, through the use of concrete mrust run as desired because it is now a pressure system.
blocks. This insulating mixture of sand and vermicu-
lite allows the line to expand as necessary.
A diked area drain is shown in Exhibit 1345. Be- DOUBLE CONTAINMENT-
cause dikes are designed to hold the contents of a UNDERGROUND SYSTEMS
storage vessel in the event of a rupture, area drains
must be kept closed at all times. Adrain valve operates New and more stringent environmental laws through-
just outside the dike wall so that plant personnel can out most of the world are impacting many operating
see when the contents have been drained and the process plant underground systems. As an example, in
valve may be reclosed. the United States, the Environment Protection Agency
When gravity flow drain systems are developed. it has promulgated several standards applicable to the
may be impractical to cominue with the reqUired transfer of waste operations in refineries. The NESHAP
Diked Area Drain

~M e:-:~__--L_

/ ~:t.:-,.:.;~"';":""'-....+,,1
voLvE; U~UAI-L(

Lift Station

(National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pol- FABRICATION

lutants) standard for benzene are likely to impaa
many refineries. If determined to exceed the allow- Many shop fabricators are capable of suppl~ing pre-
able coment of benzene in waste water systems, some fabricated components of these systems., be-
form of change must occur in the design of effluem cause of the numerous material combinations one may
waste systems. be faced with, consideration should be given to work-
Process drains normally run below grade may be ing with vendors who specialize in providing this ser-
pressured to remme treatmem facilities through vice. FRP, lined, and PVC pipe are just a few examples
lbove-ground piping. Another solution is possibly to of available prefabricated double-eontainment piping
jouble-contain the gravity flow drain system carrying systems. Primary drain lines, sometimes called carrier
:he contaminant. It is suggested all local environmen pipes, come fully fabricated with supports within the
11 laws be thoroughly reviewed by the operating com secondary pipe or containment line. This service
)any before any decision is made on this vital matter. greatly reduces field installation time that can translate
ihould double-eontainment be the selected means of into significant cost savings.
;atisfying such regulations, the following exhibits are Exhibit 13-47 is a composite schematic sketch of the
;orne suggested ways of dealing with the layout. various containment features covered in the followiing

lhuIergro"tut Ptping
EXHIBIT 13-47 DoubleContainment--Systems Sketch

LD Leak detection

EXHIBIT 13-48 Drain Hub with P-Trap

exhibits. Exhibit 13-48 is a drain hub with a P-Trap. Because it is possible to suck the water seal out of
The secondary containment line should be sealed to a P-Trap caused by the imroduaion of variable flow
the drain line approximately 1 frl300 below finished rates downstream, it is important to vent underground
grade because it is not likely that any liquid entering drain systems properly. Exhibit 13-49 shows how the
the drain pipe would ever reach this elevation. As with vent is branched off the clean-out line. The vent line
many aspectS of underground systems, it is important may discharge into the atmosphere or closed system
to understand client philosophy on providing a vapor for disposal.
seal. Solutions may include use of a P-Trap, Running Exhibit 13-50, a commercially available component,
Trap, Sewer Box seal, or insertion of a commercially is a suggested means of effectively prOViding a seal to
available seal intO the effected drain hub. new or existing underground systems. It comes in

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design

EXHmIT 13-49 Vent Branched Off Clean-Out line EXHIBIT 13-50 Vertical Pipe Trap

EXHIBIT 13-51 Sewer Box-Inlet line EXHIBIT 13-52 Sewer Box

varying sizes and is insened into a hub and sealed with spilled liquids or vapors mat may have entered the
1 caulking compound A clean-out plug is provided to secondary comainment pipe. An internal dip collec-
flush out any debris that may collea in the system. tion line is precast into the sewer box, and should be
Exhibit 1351 highlights a number of fearures for a large enough to permit cleaning if required. A I-in
jesigner to consider. A prefabricated seaion of pipe is vapor leak deteaor line should be run from the top of
imbedded into the concrete wall. A V:z inlOlS-thick the effluent carrier pipe, through the tOp of the sewer
;>late is welded to the secondary line to act as a water box. A portable leak detection device can routinely be
;ea.l. A I-in drain line is provided to remove any leaked attached to check the integriry of the system. Perma-
naterial from the containment line. The exterior wall nent deteaion devices are also available.
.>f the sewer box is covered with a polyethylene mem- These few sketches are just some examples of how
)fane liner that acts as a condary containment barier. the new and changing may impact
Exhibit 13-52 shows one means of dealing with any the design of underground piping systems.


Exhibit 13-47 is a composite of the various under- All spread footing sizes and elevations to ensure that
ground piping systems discussed in previous seaions a foundation has not been undermined by entering
of this chapter. The circled numbers refer to details the angle of repose.
shown in Exhibit 13-25. Shop-fabricated piping sys- Spacing prOVided between lines and cover.
tems are the only underground lines assigned line The data transferred from the drawing to the sewer
numbers. All other piping is fabricated and installed box schedule to be used by the construction con-
from information supplied on this drawing. When pre- tractor.
paring this draWing, the plant layout designer should
double-check the following: All line-size calculations from the data recorded in
Exhibit 13-14.
All above-ground piping layouts to ensure that all All piping interface points between the new facility
drain points have been picked up. and any existing piping at the site.
. Coordination of the locating dimensions, interface The issued construaion piping and instrumentation
. point, flange size, rating and elevation, and bevel diagrams to ensure that all lines have been ac-
end schedules and elevations. counted for on the underground piping plan.

Process Plant Layout and Piping Daip


Instruments play an imPOrtant pan in the operation from a panel withiri the control room. This is achieved
and control of modern process plants. Instruments by a mechanical, pneumatic, or electrical connection
indicate, record, and control such process and utility from the instrumentsensing element. These arrange-
flows as liqUid volume, temperature, and pressure ments are referred to as local and distributed control
conditions within equipment and piping systems. Al systems. Exhibits 14-1, 14-2, and 14-3 show typical pip-
though .the instrument engineer is responsible for de- ing and instrumentation diagram arrangements for
signing the instrumentation to operate and control the these systems.
plant. the plant layout designer must undersrand the
system to position the associated controls.
This chapter highlights the general requirements lYPES OF INSTRUMENTS
. for the layout of instruments. It also discusses what
information is required to locate, operate, and main- Most process plants have many instrument compo-
tain the most common types of instruments associated nents that must be incorporated into the design by the
with these facilities. plant layout designer. The mOst common are vessel
Instruments give information about the internal level instruments, pressure and temperature indica-
conditions of piping and vessels and, when required, tors, control valves, and flow elements.
about control temperatures, pressures, liquid levels, Control valves are installed in piping systems (Q
and process flow. Temperature, pressure, and level automatically control the flow of pr~ess and utility
gauges are regarded as locally mounted systems and gases and liqUids. This control is achieved by com-
are placed in piping systems'and on vessels to facilitate mands from the sensing elements through transmit-
visual readout. Instruments can also be monitored ting and controlling devices. The body of the valve is
from a control panel adjacent to the components or similar in design to the conventional globe valve and

EXHmIT 14.1 Locally Mounted System EXHIBIT 14-2 local Control System

ooz, I


PIC&. u~e.
GrA.uca e.

Distributed Control
05Z1f=lC.E System
I ,. ,

~I ~

EXHIBIT 14-4 Control Valves and Accessories

a. Typical Diaphragm Control Valve b. Butterfly Control Valve

c. Control Valve with e. Side-Mounted

Valve Positioner d Double-Acting Piston Actuator Handwheel
Flow Instruments

a. Orifice Flanges

" b. Venturi c. Annubar

can be manufactured to suit most ratings and end con-

OOIJBIT 14-6 Transmitter nections (e.g., flanged, butt welded, socket welded,
and screwed). The principal difference between the
valves is that most control valves are furnished with a
diaphragm actuator for automatic operation rather
than a stem and handwheel for manual operation.
When comrol valves are specified for both manual and
automatic operation, they are eqUipped with a hand-
wheel and a diaphragm actuator. Exhibit 14-4 shows
examples of comrol valves and their accessories.
Flow instruments are installed in piping systems to
indicate, record, and assist in the control of process
and utility media. The most common component used
is the orifice flange assembly, which consists of a pair
of flanges tapped to receive the sensing connections,
orifice plate, bolts, and gaskets. Other items (e.g., An-
nubars [Pitot averaging devices] and venruris) are also
used as flow instruments. The sensing conneroons
(usually 1;2 in) are conneaed to a transmitter. The
transmitter is located adjacent to the assembly before
it is connected to the remote panel and controlling
device (e.g., a control valve or vessel level controller).
Exhibit 14-5 illustrates these components; Exhibit 14-6
shows a transmitter, which is located by the instru-
ment engineer.

EXHffiIT 147

a. Gauge Indicator b. Thermocouple

Temperature measurement for piping and vessel

EXHIBIT 14-8 Skin Temperature Attachment internal media is achieved either by the installation of
local gauge indicators or by distributed conrrol sys-
tems. The gauge indicator consists of a metallic probe
NQ~<2IN~ for insertion into the pipe or vessel, with an attached
gauge and indicator shOWing the reqUired tempera-
ture range. The gauge is fixed or swivel-headed for
specific visual readout angles. Thermocouples are
used for distributed control systems or when the tem-
perature must be read remotely. Like the gauge indi-
cator, the thermocouple has a metallic probe, with
a thermowell if required, but instead of a gauge in-
dicator attached to the opposite end, it has a terminal
head that houses the conduit connection used for in-
terconnection to the remote panel. Both gauge in-
dicators and thermocouples are generally flanged or
EXHIBIT 14-9 Pressure Measurement Instruments screwed, and their pipe and vessel connection sizes
range from 1h in to 2 in. Exhibit 14-7 illustrates both
applications; Exhibit 14-8 shows a skin temperature
Pressure measurement for piping and vessels is
achieved by the installation of dial indicators or by
distributed control systems. The piping and vessels are
tapped at the reqUired location and furnished with a
3/4-in threaded or flanged connection and a block
valve. The dial indicatOr is screwed imo the block
valve; if a remote readout system is required, the valve
a.. Pressure Gauge becomes the sensing connection. Like the thermocou-
ple. the dial can be either fixed or swivel-headed to
facilitate readout. A dual local indicator and transmit-
ter system needs only one tapping point. Exhibit 14-9

depicts a typical pressure gauge and a dual pressure
1D1 system hookup.
--~ Level gauges are installed at vessels to check the
liqUid level visually. They consist of metallic box seg-
ments with heavy~dury glass insertions and Ih-in
threaded end connections. A 3A-in-by-l/z-in threaded
angle valve is used for the connection between the
gauge glass assembly az:td the vessel. Generally, a 3/4-in
block valve is reqUired between the angle valve and
b. Dual Pressure System the vessel; the vessel connection is threaded or

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design


Level Gauge Assemblies

~: ~eL MAl e&

FtaoM eo~

a. Typical Gauge Assembly

b. Re1leetive Glass

EXHmrr 14.12
External-Cage Level
ENCLOSING TUBE - - - - i t - - - - t


ENCLOSING TUBE - - - -....





flanged. Exhibit 14-IOa shows a typical level gauge the sensing device. This device is conneaed to the
assembly. It should be noted that if reflective glass is control valve acruator directly for local comrol or to
specified, it can only be viewed from one side, as the control room for remote recording and control.
shown in Exhibit 14-10b. The liqUid flows through the chamber to the vessel by
Aside from the level gauge, which is a local visual two flanged or screwed connections that are moumed
readout instrument, many devices are installed at ves- on the vessel's side or on its top and bottom (or both).
sels to control and record liqUid levels. The displacer- The size of the connections usually ranges from 1 in to
type level controller or transmitter and SWitches are 2 in; a block valve is installed between the vessel and
the most common. Basically; these operate by a float the chamber to suit maintenance requirements.
or displacer in a chamber that reacts [0 the changing Another type of level control instrument is based
levels of the liquid in the vessel and, in tum, operates on an internal ball, which is generally used in vessels
Side-Mounted Internal
Level Switch and

a. Switch b. Transmitter

hibits 14-11 through 14-15 display typical examples of.

EXHIBIT 14-14 Top-Mounted Internal Level Switch these applications.
and Transmitter
Exhibit 14-16 illustrates the level control operating
principle. A directly acting proportional comroller is
illustrated. A decrease in vessel outflow causes the
liqUid level to rise. Buoyant force on displacer C in-
creases, unloading range spring E, which causes the
displacer to rise. Attraaion ball J rises inside the en
closing tube G. Magnet H follows and rotates cam L
clockwise. Flapper M moves closer to pilot nozzle K,
increasing pressure in chamber A of relay B. The pres-
sure increase opens check valve 5. increasing output
pressure to the control valve, whid~ throttles, decreas-
ing flow into the vessel. Simultaneously, feedback bel-
lows D senses the increased pressure and expands
against proportional band spring N, ending pressure
buildup in chamber A by driving pilot nozzle K away
from flapper M. As a result, the liquid level is stabilized
at a high point within the proportional band and ves-
sel outflow again equals inflow. The reverse cycle
takes place on a falling liquid level.


It is the responsibility of the plant layout designer to

locate instrument components (e.g., control valves, or~
IDce flanges. vessel level instruments. and temperature
a. Switch b. Transmitter
and pressure indicators) within piping systems and on
vessels to accommodate process conditions and pro-
vide access for operation and maintenance. Such in-
contammg viscous liquids. Unlike the housed dis- strument componentS as individual transmitters, pan-
placer. the ball or float is immersed directly inside me els, and pneumatic piping are located by the
vessel through a flanged connection, which is large instrument designer. The piping and instrumemation
enough for the assembly to be withdrawn for mainte- diagrams highlight the instrument requirements for
nance. These instruments have no block valves and are each piping system and all equipment; the instrumem
installed on the side or on the tOP of the vessel. Ex- engineer furnishes specific dimensional requirements
Control Diagram






(e.g., for level, pressure, and temperature instruments

EXHIBIT 14~16 Level Control Operating Principle on vessels).
Comrol valves are located as single items in piping
systems or are furnished with up- and do~nstream
block valves and a bypass valve. These multivalve ar-
rangements are called control valve stations. The
blocks and bypass valves are used so that the system
can continue to operate during maintenance work on
the comrol valve. In the most common control valve
station arrangements, the block valves are located in
the vertical section of the assembly, with the control
and bypass globe valve in the horizontal seaion. The
globe valve can be used to regulate line flow manually
while the comrol valve is our of service. For other
arrangements (e.g., the steam control valve station),
the upstream block valve is also located in the hori-
zontal leg of the piping to accommodate adequate
'condensate removal. Low pOint drains and trunnion
base supportS are also furnished at comrol valve sta-
tions. Exhibirs 14-17 through 14-20 show various con-
trol valve station configuratiOns.
Control valve stations are preferably located at
grade for the inline unit and at main operating levels
for the vertical arrangement. It is not absolutely neces-
sary to locate comrol valve stations in such a way that
pneumatic or elearical imerconneaions are kept (0 a

f .. Standard Control Valve




ther side of the access aisles, adjacent to equipment

EXHIBIT 14-18 Single Control Valve Station and structural columns. When locating control valves
with valve positioners, the plant layout designer must
allow adequate clearance between structural columns
and vessels.
Orifice flanges need nm be accessible from grade
or a platform but should be positioned at a location
HAfoJDw~ee.L and elevation that can be reached by a portable ladder.
Care must be taken at horizontal banks of lines to
allow for adequate space for side-oriented taps and,
~~=A~ ~AN6E~ when required, close-coupled transmitters. Depend~
..r I~ R.EGulSii:E:.D ing on sexvice, orifice flanges can be mounted in the
vertical and horizontal sections of piping, as shown in
Exhibit 14-21, or with specific upstream and down-
stream dimensional requirements, as shown in Exhibit
14-22. For less common flow instruments (e.g., Pitot
tubes and Annubars), advice from the instrument engi-
neer is necessary for location and dimensional re-
Instruments at vessels (e.g., level comrol instru
minimum; usually, however, the control valve is lo- mems and temperature, pressure, and level gauges)
cated in the same area as its source of control-for are positioned in conjunction with the instrument en
example. to facilitate the connection between the ves- gineer's requirements for the project. Examples of
sel level controller and its associated control valve. these requirements and information relating to vessel
The prime considerations, however, are cost and, for internals and access and maintenance for vessel instru-
the more expensive piping systems, accessibility. Con- mentation are highlighted in Chapters 5 (Drums), 9
trol valve stations are located within process areas for (Reactors), and 10 (Towers).
ease of operation and maintenance. preferably on ei- The location of pressure instruments on piping sys-
EXHmIT 14-19 Steam Control Valve Station EXHmlT 14-20 Elevated Control Valve Station


EXHIBIT 14-21 Straight Run Requirements

~J:J1I: I


1. Multiple fittings may be considered as single bends there is an interference between the valve and the
when all but one line is usually blocked off. measuring device, the minimum distance between the
2. The length of run upstream from the orifice must be intermediate interference and the measuring device is
equal to or greater than the number of diameters required by the applicable detail-that is, the
required by any fitting upstream from pipe segment x. measurement of malerial flowing inside a pipe should
be made downstream from the interference. The
3. If a control or other throttling valve must be installed
remainder of the 39 diameters is between the valve
upstream from a flow measuring instrument, the
and the intermediate interference.
minimum straight run requirement is as shown. If
MecUum Venturi Tubes Tap Locadon EXHIBIT 14-22
Upstream and
Clean liquid Horizontal Or verticaJ J Horizontal or verticaJ' Horizontal Downstream Dimensional
Liquid with solids Venica12 Horizontal or venical' Horizontal Requirements
Sream Horizontal Or vertica.l 2 Horizontal or vertical' HorizomaJ
Dry gas or air Horizontal or verticaJ' Horizontal or vertical' Vertical
Wet gas or air Horizontal or vertiaP Horizontal or vertical' Vertical

I Upward flow only

J I:lownw3rd flow only
, Upward or downward flow

Pressure Tap Locations

EXHIBIT 14-24 Stream Intersection EXHIBIT 14-26 Alternative Instrument Details

10'1 ,o~

terns is not considered a major function during the
plant layout phase of a project. Nevenheless, the plant
layout designer must consider pressure reqUirements,
especially between componentS or at junctions, to al-
EXlUBIT 14-2S Intema1 Clearance low for sufficient space to include pressure raps. An
allowance of at least six pipe diameters should be
FlJa.N6e.D made for the inclusion of the pressure tap after a con-
trol valve or a pipe intersection. Generally, pressure
gauges should be accessible from grade or a platform
or at least from a portable ladder. In both cases, the
gauge must be readable from the operating level with-
out a portable ladder. Pressure gauges in piping sys.
tems at such equipment as pump discharge lines must
be located as close to the equipment as possible. Ex
hihit 14.23 shows examples of these locations.
like pressure instrument location, temperature in
Analyzer House

strument location is not a major function of the plant MISCELlANEOUS

layout phase of a project. The designer should give the
same considerations to temperature instrumems Another responsibility of the plant layout designer is
when locating between components, at equipment, to establish the location of the instrument cable trays
and for accessibility. To secure maximum mixing of and analyzer houses. Both items are coordinated with
two or more incoming streams and to promote accu- the instrument engineer during the early phase of the
rate readout, temperature connections are located a job. The main instrument cable runs are located either
minimum of eight pipe diameters downstream from in elevated trays, generally in the pipe rack, or below
the stream intersection, as illustrated in Exhibit 14-24. ground in cable trenches. These reqUirements are dis-
Minor process connections (e.g., pressure taps or ther- cussed in Chapters 11 (Pipe Racks) and 13 (Under-
mal relief valves) can be located within this section of ground Piping).
pipe. Such additives as flushing oil are located down- Analyzer houses in today's facilities contain a wide
stream from the temperature connection. range of instrumemation, including portable sampling
The location of temperature instrumem connec- devices, 'W3Shing facilities, and sophisticated mass
tions must prOVide adequate clearance for probe and spectrometers. These structures can be as large as 200
dial or thermocouple head removal. On small piping sq ft and are often located in a controlled environment
systems (e.g., less than 4 in in diameter), it may be containing blowers and air-conditioning units. A typi-
necessary to increase the size of the line near the cal analyzer house is shown in Exhibit 14-27.
insenion pOint of the probe or to locate the instru- This chapter has covered the most common instru-
ment in an elbow to maintain adequate clearance be- ment requirements found on a conventional project.
tween the end of the probe or well and the inside of The plam layout designer should always discuss spe
the pipe, as displayed in Exhibit 14-25. Alternative in cial instrument requirements with the project instru-
strument configurations are sho'Nn in E.xhibit 14-26. mem engineer.

Process liquid
Storage Tanks

Steel containers are used for sroring Iiquid~ in a pro- All NFPA codes are recommended as a hasis for
cess plant Although many such vessels are found legal regulations. They are intended to reduc~ p()[~n+
within the confines of a process unit, most vessels and tial hazardc; to public safety, but compliance does not
tanks are located in areas commonly referred to ~l~ off eliminate such hazardc; as those that occur when t1am-
sites or rank farms. The two most important factors mabie and combustible liquid~ are stored in process
governing these layout'; are safety and economics. Any facilities.
comprehensive design must consider 10<"":11 codes and
regulations, eliem specifications, topography, adjacent
The Occupational Safety
process unitc;, and neighboring commercial or resi-
and Health Act
dential property as weIJ as maimenance, operation,
and constructibility. TIlis chapter discusses the most The main considerations in the layout of storage facili
common types of storage vessels, plot plan arrange- ties that fall under Occupational Safety and Health Act
ment.... safety considerations, spill containment, pump- (OSHA) regulations are personnel, access ladders. and
ing; and general piping layout. stairways and catwalks.

Local Codes and Regulations

All document'; concerning local codes and regulations
The plant layout designer should review codes and should be reviewed before :lny off-site layout is begun.
regulations of the National Fire Protection A'isociation,
the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and local juris-

The terminology used in text and illustrations is de-

National Fire Protection fined in the follOWing sections.
Association Codes
The latest issue of the following National Fire PrOlec- Atmospheric tank This is a tank that operates at pres-
tion A.'iSOCiation (NFPA) codes should be reviewed be- sure levels r.mging from atmospheric pressure to 0.5
fore storage layout is begun: psi.

Barrel A barrel is a standard unit of liquid volume in

NFPA ll-Low-expansion foam and combined
agent systems. the petroleum industry that is 42 US gallons at 60 F.
NFPA 30-Flammable and combustible liqUids
Bullet This term describes a high-pressure horizon-
tal storage vessel shaped like a bullet.
NFPA 58-Storage and handling of liquefied petrer
leum gas. Cone-coof tank This is a low-pressure storage auk
NFPA 59A-Production, storage, and handling of liq- that has a fixed cone-shaped roof.

uefied narural gas.

NFPA 321-Basic classification of tlammable and Dike A dike is a barrier designed to contain liquid
combustible liquids. spills within a given area for safety reasons.


Distribution system This comprises equipment, pip- keeps the foot valve open. When the pump is re-
ing mains, and services that carry and comrol gas Sup- moved, the spring.-operated fooc valve closes the riser
plies. pipe.

Diversion channel A diversion channel directs dan- Heaters These are heat exchangers used inside large
gerous produa spills away from primary diked areas s[Qrage ranks. They heat viscous materials using steam.
to remOte holding pando;. hOt water, or other heating fluids.

Diversion dike Thio; is a barrier designed to divert Hononsphere This spherical vessel is used to score
spills from mher storage canko;: it uses naturaJ terrain liquids and gases at high pressure.
to direa liquidc; to a sump area.
Intermediate holding tank. This cank is used for tern
Double-wall storage tank A double-wall storage tank porarily storing a liqUid umil it reaches a specified
has an inner ",-all to concain a liquid. an annulus space state. at which time it is pumped dov.nstream in a
usually filled with in<;ulation. and an outer \-yall for process.
spill containment.
Remote impounding basin Used for temporary stOr-
Fixed roof This is a low-pressure rank with a roof age of potentially dangerous liquids. a remote im-
that L<; welded to the shell regardless of roof design or pounding basin is a containment area located away
method of support. from a process or off-site faciliry.

Flame arrester In the event of lightning or another Sediment This sludge accumulates in tanks and pip-
wurce of vapor ignition. a flame arrester in the \'em ing. It consist<; of dirt.....'ax. and mill scale and must be
line of a scorage tank prevems flames from flashing to disposed of periodically.
the vapor inside the tank.
Sleeper Sleepers are steel or concrete support~ usu-
Flame snuffer This is a device in a tank vem line that ally locued within 18 in (450 mm) of grade for piping
can be operated manually to snuff out a tlame at the systems commonly found in off sites.
open end of the Vent
Sump This is the low point ....ithin an area used to
Floating-coof tank A floating-roof cank L'i desi!(ned to collect liquid~ for removal.
cono;erve vapor loss and minimize fire hazard.
Tank farm A location ~;th many storage t3nk'i is of-
Foam This is a ~Iution with a den'iity lower than that ten called a tank farm.
of oil and water. It is used to form a blanket over
dangerous v:tpors and thereby reduce the risk of ex-
plosion. lYPES OF TANKS
Foot valve This valve is found at the bonom of:1 riser Storage tankc; come in many shapes and sizes, accord-
in a tank, where :1 submersible pump can be housed. ing to the rype of produa to be stored, its potential for
During regular operation, the weight of the pump fire. and the amount to be held. Thic; section dio;cusses

EXHmrr 151 Cone-Roof Tank EXHmrr 15-3 Low-Temperature Storage Tank

EXHmIT 15-2 Floating-Roof Tank

EXHmIT 15-'1 Horizontal Pressure Tank (Bullet)

the most common types of vessels found in most pro- por loss and minimizing tire hazard. It is commonly
cess facilities. found in oil refineries.

Cone-Roof Tank Low-Temperature Storage Tank

This low-pressure tank (see Exhibit 1S-l) is used for This tank (see Exhibit 1'5-3) stores liquefied gases at
coumless product'i, including petroleum. chemic:ds, their boiling point. Products found in such ranks in-
petrochemicals, food products, and \Vater. Another clude ammonia (-2SO F), propane (-43.;0 F), and
low-pressure storage vessel is the tlat-roof tank. methane ( -258 F).

Floating-Roof Tank Horizontal Pressure Tank (Bullet)

The roof of this tank (see Exhibit 15-2) rises and Bullet tanks (see Exhibit 15-4) are usually shop~fabri
lowers with the stored content'i, thereby reducing va- cated ves.."tels used to store product... under high pres-

Process LlquUl Storage Tanks


eanh, steel. concrete, or solid masonry. They may be

EXHIBIT 15-5 Hortonsphere Pressure Tank square. rectangular. circular, or irregular in shape,
conforming to the natural terrain around them. Dikes
may hold one or many tanks. NFPA 30 should be con
suIted for matters lhat concern the diking of flamma-
ble and combustible liquids.
One common design is to make the dike out of
eanh. as shown in Exhibit 15-6. Dike heights typically
range from 3 ft to 6 ft (0.900 rn to 1.800 m) above
interior grade. The width of the dike at the top should
be a minimum of 2 fr (0.600 m) unless it is designed to
accommodate vehicular traffic. The dike slope must be
consistent with the angle of repose of the material;
otherv:ise. industry dike slopes are usually 1. 5 : I (i.e..
for every foot of dike height [he toe of the dike is 1.5 ft
from its tOP edge).
Another dike design commonly found in restriaed
or tight areac;: is the concrete waIL shown in Exhibit
15-7. The location of storage tank.'i often must be
within the battery limits of a process unit, and earthen
~ure. The headc; of these vessels are either elliptical or dikes are nOt praCtical for this application.
hemic;pherical. me latter being used when higher Should it be neces.'i3ry to store liquefied gas dose
pres..:;ures are required. to a population cemer, double containment (see E.,\;-
hibit 15-8) should be considered. This containment
method uses a circular concrete ~'all surrounded by a
Hortonsphere Pressure Tank
conventional eanhen dike. It provides for complete
This cank (see Exhibit 15-5) is used to score large spill containment should the primary dike fail.
quamities of Iiquidc; and gases under pressure. Limited Another method of containment for use with tall
road acces.'i to a plant site may make it more ad\'anta- concrete dikes is shown in Exhibit 15-9. Adding an
geous co erea a HOrlonc;phere in the field (0 store eanhen berm on either side of the concrete wall al
productc; under pressure. lows the thickness of the concrete ~'3Jl to be reduced.
Tanks are often located in sloped or hilly areas.
where square or reaangular dikes would be impraCti-
SPILL CONTAINMENT cal. The designer should consider using the natural
terrain for a group of tanks, as shown in Exhibit 15-10.
Becau.~ of the real risk of failure of scorage tanks and In addition. roadways and pumping faCilities must be
primary piping systems. means must be prOVided to located to suit the terrain.
contain the resulting spiUs. Comainmem,,~' be a sec- Exhibit 15-11 shows how natural terrain is used to
ond tank wall around the '{esseI holding the liquid or a direCt spills from spheres of highly volatile liquid to
continuous dike designed [0 hold all of the liqUid flow [0 a Single sump. This is done by installing a
stored in the largest tank. Dikes may be construaed of diversion dike between the spheres to reduce the risk
W(I~): ..HO EXHmIT 15-6
Earthen Dike


Concrete Dike

Double Containment
Diking Method

Earthen and Concrete
Combination Dike

Procas Llqukl Stonige TanAar


-~::::::========:::_- Natural Terrain Diking


EXHIBIT 15-11 Nalura! Terrain Diking wim Tanks Conlaining Highly Volatile Uquids
eL. /l.o!:J-O

Process Plant Layout and Piping Desip


Plant Topography

Earthen and Concrete
Containment for Buried
Low- Temperature Tank

of a lire spreading from one sphere to the other. A-, a ing f.lcility. Therefore, extreme safety mea...,ures are
result of the natural terrain, the spill is directed to its employed, as shown in Exhihit 1:;-13. The inner tonk is
safest point within the dike. he-Jvily insulated from the ourer concrete containment
When the overall plot plan for a process f.lcility is and is huried in an earthen containment.
developed. off-site stomge should be set at a lower Developing a layout for huried storage tank.., in ~111
elevation than the process unit whenever possihle. existing chemil:al plant often poses special problems.
This approach (see Exhibit 15-12) provides an addi- It may nm be possible or praaiC'JJ to move existing
tional margin of safey in the event of a major rupture. underground obstruaions in the arC".l in which the
Containment of potentially dangerous liquetied tank must be located. One solution to this prohlem is
natural gas spilL'i is a significant concern to any operat- to hury the tank ahove grade in a concrete conrain-

Procas LiqUid Storage Tanks


Tank Buried Above

memo as shown in E.xhibit 15-14. Pumps. maintenance nance vehicle ramp should have a maximum grade of
access. and all appurtenances must be installed in the 15%. J( should be located on the side OPPOsite the
roof of the tank pump area. Personnel access should be by stairways
Spills that pose 3 high risk to adjacent facilities must designed according to OSHA standards. A single stair-
be diverted to a remme holding area. One method way located at the pump area provides access to a
would be [0 erea a concrete diversion canal (see E."(- ca~"'alk located on tOP of the dike. Two ocher stairways
hibit 15-15). Drain valves that are located outside the provide service access to the dikes, as shoVo-n in Ex-
diked area usually would be closed but would be hibit 1;-16.
opened in the event of a critical spill. Sump drain lines When a layout of a tank farm must be developed at
discharge into the concrete diversion canal and flow an existing fadliry. unmovable objects or suuaures
downward to a holding basin. may obstrua the dike area. Exhibit 15-17 shows how a
dike may be designed to accommodate obstruaions.
Such designs are routine, but the spacing between the
DIKE ACCESS outside shell of the tank and the obstruaion must
meet NFPA or other governing regulations.
Consideration must be given to providing vehicular When initially trying to establish a tank farm layout,
and personnel access into diked areas. A typical at- the designer should consult NFPA codes and local
rangemem is shown in Exhibit 15-16. The mainte- codes and regulations. Rules for spacing berween

'EXHIBIT 15-15
Concrete Diversion Canal

Vehicular and Personnel

l ==r---ZAfrzw~


EXHIBIT IS-I7 Building Dikes Around Obstructions
Development of optimum sizes for tanks and dikes
comes through trial and error. Considerations include
the availability of real estate, the possible use of Stan-
dard-sized tanks for smaller capacities. and the nature
of potential foundation design problems caused by
e-arly tank-size selections. The designer should refer to
API 12F for standardized shop-fabricued tank sizes.
Larger fieldfabricated storage tanks must be sized to
suit each site.
As an example of how to develop tank height and
dike size, a 150,OOO-barrel (42 gallons per barrel), 150-
foot-diameter t;ink is used. The first step is to convert
the tank volume iOo cubic feet, as folloVv'S:
) .
x 4?
').1.- ftj
- -- 84')_._:f) fl' 'd
7.48 0 lqul

T:!nk height is calculated according to the following

" 1rIr
tank~ and all adjacent facilitie- usually can be found in
b = height
d-ie latest issue of the Industrial Risk Insurers
D = diarne[er
Recommendation for Spacing" pamphlet.
V = volume (in' cubic feet)
The :-\FPA will indicate what the de;igner .c:;hould
consider when grouping sever:!1 tanks '\vithin :! single Therefore:
dike or whether the tank.. should be indiVidually
4 x 842.24S
diked because of large capacitie;. There is no simple
:lilswer to this layout problem. Each plant site is
b = C3.1417X 1-S<T)
unique, with different products. tank C'Jpacities. tire- = 47,66 fi or 48 ft high
prevention requirement". terrain. and adjacent com- TIle volume of the tank berm is calculated as fol-
mercial or residential property. lows, using the data shown in Exhibit 15 H~:
After the diking arrJngement has been established.
there are a f~' additional factors to plan for. The 1rh ,
grade sloping away from the t:.lnko; to a sump must he
V = -Cr
+ rR + R-)

determined; minor spills and rainwater may ha\'e to where:

he pumped from the sump to a tfeating pond. Dike r = tOP of berm radius (78 ft)
height'i muSt also be eStablished on the basis of im'en- R := bonom of berm radius (79.5 ft)
tories and available re-ell estate. b = nerm height (I foOt)

ft. Next, the designer reads to the right until the de

EXHIBIT 1518 Tank Berm Volume sired capacity (861,724 tt3) is found and then reads
down vertically until the 6-foot dike data line is
reached. Finally, the designer reads left to the \ertical
axis of the chart to find the missing dimension of the
rectangle, 350 ft in this example.
Dikes containing multiple tanks are sized to hold
the capaCity of the largest tank. For the dimensions of
dikes containing more than one tank, it is necessary
not only to subtract the volume of each tank from the
dike's capacity but to subtract the volume of the soil in
each berm.


Therefore: After primary liquid-transfer line connections have

been located, roof access ladders (or staif\\H..lYs) and
3.1417 x 1 side shell and roof maintenance access connections
V = 3 (6,084 + 6,201 + 6,320)
should be located. Exhibit 1;-20 addresses the;e is-
= 1.04'"7 x 18.605 sues.
= 19,479 frj of soil in the berm If rank heaters are employed. mobile maim~nance
equipmem should be located in the most convenient
Calculation of the volume required in the diked area. Tank maintenance includes such activities as in-
are-J i~ a~ follows: ternal inspection. cleaning. and repairs to internals.
842,245 tt3 of stored liquid roof supports. and level in'itrument'i. Serting entrJnces
to ~tairway or ladder areas at grade is the most conve-
+ 19,479 tt3 of berm soil
nient choice for operations personnel. Ir should he
861,724 dike area required
noted that stairways are nOt recommended for rank"
The chart in Exhibit 15-19 is used to find the di ""TIose diameters are less rhan 15 ft 6 in (4.7 m).
mensions of a square dike. For example, for a dike For safety, handrails should be added along the
height of 6 ft, the designer first finds the 6foot dike rank roof edge on both sides of the ladder or staiI"'t\HJY.
data line that corresponds to 861,724 tt3 and then reads Level instruments with internal floats are u~ually lo-
directly left to the vertical axis to find the dike dimen- cated in this area, ali are roof maintenance access
sions. In this example, a 390-square-foot dike would openings, which are convenient for inspections, re-
contain the liquid. K is the volume of liquid held within pairs, and cleaning of instrument~.
a dike that is constructed to a 1.5:1 slope. T'9.'O typeS of tank-shell maintenance access open-
The exhibit may also be used to calculate the di ing are shown in Exhibit 1;21. The ~tandard. round
mensions of a rectangular dike. First, the designer lo- opening is a minimum of 18 in (0.460 m) in diameter.
cates the point on the vertical axis for the known The larger, ovalshaped. flat-bonom opening is more
length of one side of the rectangle-for example, 425 commonly used on large tank'i or those rhat use imer-

Process LiquUl Storage Taxa


EXHmIT 15-19 Dike Volumes and Heights




I.S 2.5 7 8 9
1.5 2.5 7 8 9 1
EXHmIT 15-20 Tank Details

(~ ~Ie>tt

Tank Maintenance

a- Standard b. Large Tank

Maintenance Access Maintenance Access

Valve Access CalW3.lks

Tank Mixers

nal he-.uers. The layout designer muon keep the are-..t ation must be given to the elevation of all valve hand-
immediately around access openings free of such 00- Vcoheels in relation to the cat\llaJk. Adding extension
struaions as large pipe suPPOrts. pipinR. and Ii~t stems to smalJer valves Vo'ill facilitate opening or clos-
poles. ing such valves,
Valve access c.l(\valks CJn he seen in Exhibit 1-;-22.
It is of utmost importance to give oper..ttions person- Tank mixers Atank mixer. shown in Exhibit 15-23. is
nel adequate access to primary tank \'aJves. Con"ider- an<Xher auxiliary piece of equipment found in tank"
EXHIBIT 1~24 Typical Tank Heaters


EXHmIT 15-25 Floating-Roof Tank Access

with highly viscous fluids. Adequate area must be pro- tanks, consideration should be given to designing in-
vided for removal of tank mixers. terconnecting catwalks for operator convenience. The
limiting factor is catwalk length, as shown in Exhibit
Tank heaters Tank heaters come in various sizes and 15-26. Travel distance to exits in high-hazard industrial
shapes, as shown in Exhibit 1524. Sufficient unob- occupancies shall not exceed 75 ft (23 m). Additional
structed space must be provided outside access open- length can be accommodated by adding ladders or
ings to permit removal of heaters. stairways.
Because of the need to avoid imposing heavy loads
Floating-roof tank access Access to floating-roof on the external tank or containment walls of most low-
tanks is shown in Exhibit 15-25. 11le straight stairway temperature tanks. consideration should be given [0
on the left of the diagram can be used for ranks of all using access towers (see Exhibit 15--27). The rectangu-
diameters. Each stairway must have a landing outside lar tower on the left of the diagram supports all piping
the tank wall that allows adequate space for the stair- and a conventional stairway; the circular tower on the
way, provided by the tank vendor, down to the floating right carries all piping inside with a spiral stairway on
roof. the outside. Both provide access to the operations
For storage areas with many small or medium-sized platform at the top of the [afl}c. Economics and client

Prou# Liquid StJoragil Tanks


EXHIBIT 15~26 Interconnecting Catwalks

preference usually dictate design selection. tions. Layout designers should understand the funda-
Another approach to accessing tank roofs is shoV\n mental narure of each design to optimize piping. stair-
in Exhibit 15-28. In this design, the imerior dike eleva- v..ay, and ladder locations without creating problems
tion is lower than the outside grade. and all rank con- for construction or plant personnel.
nections are on the roof. Therefore. consideration A concrete ring ....'aU is sho....n in Exhibit 15-29. The
should be given to adding a car~\'alk over the dike tank is supported by Class I compacted struaural fill as
parallel to the piping. Plane personnel use a stairway well as a ring wall that is 12 in (0,300 rn) thick.
on the dike's outside wall to reach the catwalk, which Compacted granular fill support is shown in Exhibit
connectS to a ladder to the operatiOns platfonn on top 15-30. The tOP of the tank berm is 3 ft (0.900 rn) wide,
of the tank. slightly sloped away from the tank wall, and coated
with asphaltic concrete for weather protection.
A low-temperature tank foundation design is shown
TANK SUPPORTS in Exhibit 1;-31. This panicular design employs a con
crete slab supported by columns, providing an air
Four common tank support designs are shown in space under the slab. This air space helps raise the
E:dlibits 15~29 through 1;~32. The civil engineer is temperature of the slab during a failure in the primary
responsible for determining the most cost-effective tank.
design, on the basis of available data about soil condi~ A more conventional low-temperature tank founda~
Piping and Personnel
Access Tower

pUMp:z. p,ptt..J. ItJ~TI?U~f?JT~,erG.

aper?A1}oN'2 Ftt.:n=orz.M

Elevated Pipe Way
and Catwalk

Protcas Liquid Storage Tanks

Ring Wall

~__ "JI"'lI""l~~~"
Ei~U~ et.A~ t
COMpAC:fEO !f'2Uc::rU~

Compacted Fill Tank Pad

Tank Foundation with
Elevated Concrete Base

tiun is shmvn in Exhihi[ I:;-32. This design hao; :10 cliem preference. Exhibir 15-33 shows the pump 10-
embedded he'Jring element for use during possihly cared in the earthen dIked area. surrounded by a
damaging spills. Consultation wirh ci\"i1 engineers he- curbed wall that is 15 to 18 in (0.380 [0 0.460 m) high.
fore an\" tank layout is undertaken is neces..~["\ [0 ef- This design protect'i (he pump from minor spills
feaivel;' u..;e e-J~h design. . within [he dike and enables the discharge piping to
To eSG.lhlish rhe optimum location for pumps. cun- exit [he dike over the wall. therehy eliminating the
sider-nion must he given ro potential hazards and [0 need fUf dike-penetration seals. Piping Qut'iide the

Process Plant Layout and Plpheg Desip

Low- Temperature
Tank. Foundalion with
Embedded Heting

Pumps Inside Diked Area


rPf= E?=PC'< ~ ~epeSi?S

Pumps Outside Diked

dike may run on a pipe rack or sleepers. maintenance philosophy. Sleepers permit \.Inob-
Pumps located outside the dike are shown in E."\- struaed pump access when located between the
hibit 1534. Tank outlet piping can either penetrate the pump and the dike wall. Pumps located under pipe
dike or pass over, as shown in this exhibit. The latter racks support discharge piping but limit access [0
approach would usually be considered if the maxi- pumps during maintenance. Prime consideration
mum dike height were 6 ft (1.83 m) and if the mini- should be given to proViding an ample maintenance
mum liquid level in the tank would nOE cause oomag- area around and above pumps.
ing c..lvitation in the pump. The designer must Loc~lting pumps inside a concrete diked wall is
carefully examine each layout before employing this common in many proces.~ plants. The approach shown
design. The location of an elevated pipe rack or in E."\hihit 15-35 shows the pump block set at the same
sleeper relative to the pumps should account for plant elevarion as the dike. With this contigurJtion. the

Process Liquid Storage Tanks


Pumps Inside Concrete
Diked Area

If;//!t70 ---t---

Buried Product-Transfer

pump would not be submersed during a spill inside

EXlfIBIT 1537 DikcPcncU'2tion Seal the dike. This configuratiOn enables a close-coupled
piping arrangement. Providing for differential settle-
mem allo~'s the discharge line to be run [0 the pipe
rack over the dike wall. This approach should be ap-
proved by [he cliem.
An alternative arrangemem in routing produCt lines
to pumps from very large tanks is shown in E.xhibit 15-
36. With the pumps located outside the eanhen dike.
the transfer piping is routed underground after allow.
ances are made Cor differential settlement. This ap-
proach reduces potential damage [0 suaion lines
. . '.~ ~,': . when extremely large inventories are involved.
Lines penetrating concrete dike walls may be se-
cured against leakage by using commonly available
seals. The design shown in Exhibit 1537 permits mi-
nor axial movement. The seal shown in Exhibit 15-38
is used when an insulated line runs through a larger
EXHmlT 15-38
Flexible Dike St."al

EXHmIT 15-39
Differential Settlement

pipe sleeve that must be sealed on the inside of the settlement (dist:mce A) yield') the differential settle-
dike. This design permits minor line movement A ment between the two. By figuring line size. wall thick-
stress or support engineer should be consulted when ness, and allowable stresses, distance C can be estan-
the designer is planning its application. Iished. Differential settlement C'.m also be C:llIsed by
tilting of the tank, by out-of-plane settlement. or by
Differential settlement This concern must be ad- dishing of the tank bottom (which is a resu It of gre-..lter
dressed early in the layout of any process unit or tank settlement at the center of the tank than at the edge).
farm. Exhibit 15-39 illustrates differential settlement The optimum piping arrangement in a tank fJ.rm. as
The foundation of any process facility will eventually elsewhere in a process facility, is the most direct rOtlle
settle or sink to some extent, depending on the weight between two point'), allowing for normal line expan-
it carries and the condition of the soil. To determine sion and stresses. Exhibit 15-40 iJlustrates piping be-
where pipes may be supported safely without impos- tween tanks and pumps. Anchor points, or places
ing excessive stress on equipment nozzles, a civil engi- where piping movement is restricted, must be estab p

neer and soils experts must work together to deter- lished Tank nozzles are one such anchor point. The
mine how much the foundation is likely to settle. second anchor point may be [he pump nozzle if line
Subtracting sleeper settlement (distance B) from tank growth is permitted through the dike, or it may be

Process LIq.,ut Storage Tanks


Alternative Piping

an~where along the piping within [he dike or at the under the road. making allov,,'dnces for vehicular loads
point of dike penetr':nion. To minimile the potential imrx>sed on the pipe. or by placing them over [he ro:ld
for tank spills. expansion joint..; should nm be used. on a pipe bridge. Cliem preference should he consid-
Exhibit 1.,41 shows how to accommodHe line ex- ered in this design. Adequate acces."i to pumps on the
pansion he~'een t:.lnk nOllles and a manifold he-dder. side of the pipe v,'dy oppoSite the road must also be
Expansion I<x>ps may he added at the sleeper level. as prOVided.
shown for lines A and B. E.xpansion may also be al- A buBet-rank pipin~ layout is shown in E.xhibit 1.,-
lowed for hy running line C dirt..'"Ctly over the header. 43. Tanks are set at the lowest possible elevation to
perpendicular to the portion of the line causing the sati.Oil) pump head requiremenL'i. A is lacned
expansion. across all four ranks to provide sufficiem access to
E.'(hihit 1.,-42 iHustrdtes a cross seaion of piping. operating valves and instruments. Liquid outlet piping
pumps. dikes. and a primary pipe way that is rypicJ.l of to the pumps should altow for differential settlement
what might be found in a rank farm. Bec.:lUse the pri- and line fleXibility. A fire \\l'3ter spray proteCtion sys-
mary pipe Vw':lY is located to the left of the m'ddw'Jy. tem for buJIets is shown in Exhibit 13-36.
pump-discharge lines across the road must be routed A typical piping arrangement for a high-pressure
) the he-ddeni in one of 'NO ways: hy burying them Hortonsphere is shown in Exhibit 1;.44. I.3yout factors

Tank Piping Layout

EXHIBIT 1542 Cross Section of Pipe Way and Pumping


Process Liquid Storage Tania

Buller-Tank Piping

EXHIBIT 15-44 Horronsphere Piping uyout

EXHWIT 15-45
lJquefied Natural Gas
Tank Layout



for spheres include: the operations platform and tank roof. Additional lad
ders are prOVided from the circular access road
Tank elevation should be kept low but not less than around the tank to the catwalk. This platform provides
5 ft (1.525 m) above grade. access to relief valves, vacuum breakers, maintenance
Ideally, each rank should have it~ own stairway- access openings, and instrumentc;.
Exhibit 15-44 shows an acceptable alternative ar If an above-grade, more conventional layout is pre-
rangemem. ferred for liquefied natural gas tanks, a layout similar
Valves should be installed as close as possible to all to that shown in Exhibit 15-47 may be used. NPSH
nozzles. requirementc; usually necessitate locating the pumps
in a pit when the tank is above grade. A submersible
Typical layouts of liquefied nmural gas tanks in an pump and its mOlOr are located within a containment
earthen embankment are shown in E.xhibits 15-45 and vessel and supported on lugs. An adequate clear area
15-46. Features of this arrangement include: direaly over the pumps must be maintained to allow
pump removal for maintenance. ~1otoroperated
The secondary containment is a steel-lined concrete header valves are located at grade and made accessi-
structure. ble by platforms. Individual suaion and discharge
There is heavy cryogenic insulation between the pri valves are located near the nozzle conneaions in the
mary and secondary containers.
pit Safety requires that a water-deluge fire-fighting
system be included in this layout as well as a sump and
The eanhen embankment provides an acceptable sump pump to remove unwanted water.
margin of safety in the event of tank failure.
When highpressure bullet tanks are located close
Submersible pumps are located at the bottom of the to a process unit, a prOtection berm is often used (see
pump shaft. Exhibit 15-48). Berm length is slightly longer than the
The roof is steel domed. width of the tank area, and the berm height is roughly
The operations platform, piping, and jib crane are equal to the height of the tanks. These berms offer
supported from the concrete containment wall. some protection in the event of an explosion.
Although foam fire-fighting systems are often sup-
The stairway on the pipe trestle provides access to plied by companies specializing in fire protection, a

Process Liquid Storage Tanlu


liquefied Narural Gas
Ol~ EXHIBIT 15-47
Abovc-(jradt: Liquefied
Natural Gas Tank Llyout

p1200UGr BJP;;J,,;; /ff/7ff//

Ace :0'56 1<..0O




J '
Protection Berm
4. -.........-It-
4+- .+

Process Liquid Storage Tanks


EXHIBIT 15-49 Foam Injection into Tanks

t$C?U~e- Of ~ co-.JCE:~

basic understanding of such systems is beneficial to a age tank through a permanent line especially for that
layout specialist. Exhibit 15-'f9 shows an arrangement purpose.
in which foam concentrate is pumped with \'\orater from An alternative to mobile fire-fighting equipment.
a truck to a storage tank. The piping usuaUy has quick permanent hydrants and monitors may be used for
connect coupling located outside the dike. The line is fighting fires in storage tank areas. Local codes and
routed to the tank wall. A foam maker-which essen- regulations as well as the latest issue of NFPA must be
tially consists of a pressure gauge. an air strainer. and a consulted to establish the appropriate coverage of wa-
check valve-is located in the vertical riser. The foam ter for a given layout. Exhibit 15-;1 shows how fire
solution enters a foam chamber located at the edge of hydrants and mon~tors may be arranged in a tank farm.
the tank roof and then discharges across the top of the The fire water piping around this area muse come
liqUid in the tank. from rwo supply sources should any pan of the,system
Another way of injecting foam into a tank is shown fail.
in Exhibit 1;-50. Foam concentrate from a truck or Exhibit 1;-52 illustrates an effective overall layout
tank is supplied to a foam maker located outSide the of a process and off-site plot plan. The administration
dike W2l1. The foam may be injected into the regular area is immediately inside the plant's main entrance,
product transfer piping or routed direaly to the Star- as are maintenance and fire-fighting equipment Pro-
Scmiportable Foam

\ FIr<.E:~

ROAO Tank Fire Water System
I x ~


$ $ -t-

I 1t9 v
x- ~J
-(f ----tV
l)1 I
I -$$ ~
'\/ I
I -'-...,. /'
-L :L _ _ --J- _

*- FI~e MO"-J'1"~
+ FIEl!!! ~~NT

Process Llqtdd Stqrage Tana

EXHIBIT 15-52 Overall Process and Off-Site Plot PW:I

v "
_ ... _, "'- AJ,JO ..... 11

cess unilii and the utility plam are loc,ned in the cen- me cooling tower, across the stOrage tankii. and away
trJ.1 and eastern section of the plot and alJov,,'3nces for from busy process units.
nuure expansion are made. StorJge tank-; are located Tank farms can occupy va.St areas of valuable real
in the western and southern sections of the plot Truck estate within a process facili~" Development of the
an<.l rail loading and unloading are-.JS are IOCited to- optimum design. considering all applicable codes and
gether in the south :10<.1 southwest comers of the plot regulations. is achieved only through close attemion
A flare stack. a cooling to\"\"er. and tre:Iting pondo; arc in to safety and economics. Although many solutions to
the corner. layout problems are possible. :l mixture of proven
Pr()ces..~ units are locJ.tetl J.S far a\\';lY :1S it; prJ.ctic.l1 meth<Xi..-along with the commonsense les."on.s of
from the stor.Jge tank-; and product-loading ~re-Js. In trial and error-will pnxJuce the optimum design.
cold climates. the wind will carry c:::-.haust ~:lses from

Stress Analysis
INTRODUCTION TO PIPING STRESS tors. Some allowable stresses expressed in this chap-
ter are not addressed or defined by the code. Rather,
The impact of high piping stresses on operating piping we chose some of these lower limits to assure a high-
systems can be dramatic and costly. Yet for many pip- quality, cost-effective, piping layout.
ing designers, piping stress analysis is the least- Before going further with stress analysis itself, let us
understood area of piping knowledge. A thoroughly first address the work process.
analyzed plant will last longer and be more cost~
effective. Neglecting the impact of the weight of pipe
and the thermal expansion of hot pipe can cause sig- PIPE STRESS ANALYSIS WORK PROCESS
nificant maintenance problems. Some examples of typ-
ical maintenance problems due to high piping stress There are many steps in understanding how to layout
are the following: a plant with minimal piping stress revisions. The first
step is to understand the work process on a project.
The steps the designer takes to assure quality stress
Pump bearings wearing out.
analysis during the design of a petrochemical plant
Hairline cracks developing in vessel and nozzle junc-
may vary. The steps vary with the size and complexity
of the plant. Client requirements also can affect the
Flanges leaking flammable liquids. work process. The process described in the follOWing
Pipe permanently deforming. steps is a typical process for a plant design resulting in
3,000 isometrics. Other processes may work equally
The piping layout designer and the stress engineer well.
must work together as a team during the design cycle.
This team is critical to successful stress analysis. It is
Critical Lines List
critical because the solution to many pipe stress prob-
lems is an adjustment of the pipe layout. Exhibit 16-1 shows that the first step in the stress anal-
This chapter's purpose is to reduce the cycle time ysis work process is to identify the lines on the critical
between the layout designer's proposed layout and lines list. The critical lines list is a list of line numbers
the stress engineer's approved layout. This section will that are likely to receive formal calculations by the
accomplish this goal by providing Stress background stress engineer. This list of lines is important to the
and easily used Stress analysis tools to the designer. designer. It identifies those lines that have the most
Using these tools will assure the designer that his or potential for layout revision requests. The revision
her proposed layout will need little or no revision requests typically come from the stress engineer on
because of a stress engineer's comments. the project. The designer will usually apply the tech-
We define pipe stress as the force per unit area ap- niques described later to the lines in the critical lines
plied to the cross-seaion of a piping component. En- list.
gineers typically express stress in pounds per square The stress engineer normally supplies the critical
inch (psi). Many of the codes limit the design stress on lines list. At times the critical lines list is not available.
carbon steel pipe to 20,000 psi or less. This limit is The designer can then use the following tables as a
associated with stress due to pressure and weight This guideline. There are twO tables used for determining
allowable can change based on attached equipment, the critical lines. The designer uses the first table for
temperatures, load applications, and many other fac- lines attached to rotating equipment, such as pumps,


EXHIBIT 16-1 Pipe Stress Work Process Flow Diagram

Attachment A: Pipe Stress Work

Process Row DIagram

. . . . . -.d ~3D
Comment on ModelMd
Conc.ptuel 1----l1li Support
S1UdlM Sc:tMme

as shown in Exhibit 16-2. He uses the second table for work process that requires most of the designer's
all other lines as indicated in Exhibit 16-3. Because suess knowledge. A good layout at this stage reduces
pumps are more sensitive to pipe loading than other turnaround time between the stress group and the
equipment, pump lines are often more difficult to lay design group.
out Many of the lines on a critical lines list will be
pump suction and discharge lines. Analysis and Revision
To read the chart, the designer aligns the pipe size
(not the nozzle size) and the upset line temperature. The stress engineer will usually analyze critical lines
If the intersection of the two lines is not in the shaded with a computer. Over the last decade, the piping in-
area then the line is critical. dustry has made significant progress in computer-
aided engineering (CAE) programs. The CAE
programs have resulted in stress engineers analyzing
Stress Isometrics
increasing amounts of linear footage. Stress engineers
The stress engineer uses the stress isometrics to serve are also performing more iterations of analysis on the
as the basis for a formal calculation. The piping layout same stress isometric. Lower costs in computer equi~
designer draws the preliminary isometrics as shown in ment and increasing hardware performance are the
exhibit 16.4. primary reasons for this increased level of analysis.
The creation of these isometrics is the step in the What is the impact to the designer? The impact is more

Pipe Stress Review
Criteria Rotating
Operating Temperature Equipment Piping

10 12 ,. ,. a II II ~

PIpe Size (Nominal Diameter)

revisions to his or her original design as the stress only the critical lines. The conceptual study contains
engineer attempts to improve the computer results. layouts for noncritical as well as critical lines. There-
This step in the work process requires close teamwork fore, the layout designer may receive a stress engi-
between the designer and the responsible area stress neer's feedback on the noncritical lines at this stage.
engineer. The authors designed the tools given in this chapter to
reduce this feedback to a minimum. -
Conceptual Studies
lbree..Dimensional (3-D) Modeling
The piping layout designer will generate conceptual
onhographic drawings (planning studies) based on The 3-D designer builds the 3-D models based on the
good layout practice and the recommendations of the approved conceptual studies. The designer includes
pipe stress engineer. The plant design supervisor cir- the pipe supportS in the model. At this point, revisions
culates these documents to the other disciplines. The to layout due to stress problems are unusual.
stress engineer will often write requests on this doc
ument for additional steel, additional nozzle reinforce-
Isometric Extraction and Approval
ment, critical pipe support locations, and other items.
Refer to Exhibit 1-9 for an example of a "planning Plant design extraCts the isometrics from the 3-D elec-
study." Feedback from the different engineering de tronic model automatically. The isometric checker re-
sign groups concerning stress analysis requests may views each isometric. The stress engineer then signs
change the designer's piping layout. otT on the isometric. The extracted isometric also in
Up to this point the stress engineer has reviewed eludes pipe supports.

Process Plant Layout and Piping Design, Stress Analysis


Pipe Stress Review
Criteria All Piping Except
Expansion Temperature Rotating Equipment
SOlI r;::=====l:------------;~~-::06~A<:-d'::'".=IiI---,
~ DelaIM MlnaaI~





III 12 ,.. '6 .. :Ill 22 .. &A8O'tE

Pipe SIze (Nominal Diameter)

Overstressing Piping Components

The first item a stress engineer avoids is overstressing
We have discussed why stress analysis is important a piping component. Various forces act on a pipe from
We have also reviewed the work process steps me its own weight, thermal grov.rth, wind, and other
designer and the stress engineer lake- to accomplish causes. As the forces are applied, the piping system
a quality stress analysis. The next: step is to address begins to deflect or sag. The more forces, the more the
what the stress analyst specifically looks for when pipe deflectS. The greater the pipe deflection, the
analyzing pipe. This section will provide me basis higher the stress becomes in the pipe material. Once
for understanding what stress analysis tools the lay- the stress in the pipe reaches a maximum limit, the
out designer should use when performing piping defleaion becomes permanent By "permanenc deflec-
design. tion" we mean, when the cause of the deflection is
The following paragraphs discuss the three basic removed. the pipe will not return to its original shape.
types of problems that the stress engineer faces. These The stress engineer calls this phenomenon yielding.
three problems are overstressed piping components, This is what he seeks to avoid.
overstressed vessel nozzles, and overloading the noz To avoid yielding a piping component during oper
zles on mechanical equipment There are a wide va ation, the Stress engineer manipulates the layout and
riery of other problems that the stress engineer the supporting scheme of the piping system. His goal is
addresses on a typical petrochemical pro;ea. How to keep the pipe stress below the limitS described in the
ever, mese three cypes of problems are often the cause ANSIIASME B31.3. Code. This is the code used for pet-
for piping layout revisions. rochemical projects in the United States.

Stress Isometrics


.1f"..cW:.o AI ~!.z

Overstressing Nozzles
from cold to hot to cold again; it will push and pull on
The second type of problem the stress engineer seeks the nozzle. Many cycles of this force loading can cause
to avoid is overstressing vessel nozzles. The nozzle it cracking in the vessel wall. The reader can observe this
self typically is not the problem. It is the junaion be- type of failure when bending a paper clip. When the
tween the nozzle and the vessel wall. As a pipe cycles reader bends the paper clip the first time; the clip per-

manently deforms (yields) but does not break. Re- thermal causes. These two causes are also the most
peated bending of the paper clip will eventually crack common reason for loads on equipment nozzles.
and break it.

Impacting Mechanical Equipment
Weight causes the pipe to sag, which puts stress into
For this section, we will define mechanical equipment the piping material and forces onto equipment noz-
as equipment that rotates or redprocates. The most zles. Proper spacing and design of supports, and care-
common example of this type of equipment on petro- ful attention to concentrated loads can take care of
chemical projects is a centrifugal pump. The stress most weight problems.
engineer's goal is to limit the amount of force the pipe
pushes on the mechanical equipment nozzle. When a
piping system pushes a pump nozzle, the force de- Thermal
flects the linkage be[Ween the pump and the pump
motor. Excessive deflection (misalignment) of this When a piece of pipe gets hot, it grows. The pipe itself
linkage causes rapid wear of the bearings and other physically becomes longer as the temperarure of the
parts of the pump. This extra wear results in extra pipe material gets hotter. As the pipe grows it pushes
niaintenance e1fon on the pump. against the nozzles and supports that restrain it from
Who defines what an excessive force on a mechan- moving. With an improperly stressanalyzed system,
ical equipment nozzle really is? Typically, the manu- this "pushing" will cause pump bearings to wear out
facturer lists allowable loads for his piece of quicker, vessel nozzles to leak, and perhaps even the
equipment. In some cases, the vendors build me pipe or vessels themselves to ruprure. Also, the re-
equipment to a standard specification. An example is straint of this growth causes the pipe to deflect in
the API610 specification for centrifugal pumps. In directions different from an unrestrained pipe. This
these cases, the standard specification defines the al- "unnarural" deflection causes additional stress in the
lowables. pipe.
These allowable forces on mechanical equipment
nozzles often result in an equivalent pipe stress that is
small. This equivalent pipe stress is typically a small
portion of the allowable stress for the pipe. Therefore, The first two types of pipe stress problems cause most
it is sometimes difficult to achieve a piping layout that of the pipe Stress effort. However, there are other
will satisfy the manufacturer's maximum allowable causes. The following paragraphs list some of these.
forces on a nozzle. The stress engineer on a typical Wind pushing on a pipe can exert large forces on a
Petrochemical project spends much of his time on piping system. Exhibit 16-5 shows the -approximate
solVing this type of problem. forces exerted on different pipe sizes 100 ft above
ground during a hurricane force wind of 75 miles per
hour (mph).
CAUSES OF PIPE STRESS These loads increase with higher elevations of pipe
and with insulated pipe. The Code requires that the
There are many causes of pipe stress in a piping sys~ designer considers the wind in the design of piping
tern. The two most common causes are weight and systems. Wind loading that reaches 70 mph is not un-

Prouss Plant Layout and PIpI"g Df1$'Ip


EXHIBIT 16-5 Wind Force on Pipe

NOMINAL DIAMETER 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24
WIND FORCE LM.IN IN 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.22 0.29 0.36 0.43 0.47 0.55 0.60 0.68 0.81

usual. Piping guides and anchors resist the wind load routing of the piping system. Layout problems due to
ing on the piping system. weight stress typically arise for piping systems that the
The petrochemical piping codes require that the de designer has elevated. The pipe stress engineer can
signer considers the loads due to earthquakes. The easily support systems that are close to the ground by
Code allows a simplified version ofseismic analysis for using foundations or paving. When the piping layout is
petrochemical plants, otherwise known as a static anal- higher than 6 ft, the stress engineer usually sUppol15
ysis. For areas ofhigh earthquake activity, static analysis from existing structures. Therefore, the layout de-
usually results in lateral loads that are about a third of signer must route the piping system close to these
the piping system weight Pipe support engineers de- structures. Except piperacks, a designer will want to
sign pipe anchors and guides to resist these forces. avoid a situation in which construction would have to
There are some dynamic loads that a petrochemical build a structure to support one or two lines.
stress engineer encounters regularly. Pulsation load- So, how often does a designer have to provide pipe
ing due to reciprocating compressors is a common support access to an existing structure? What is the
stress concern. The back-and-forth motion of the com- allowable span for piping systems? The answers to
pressor pistons compresses the gas. The compressor these questions depend on the way the designer
pushes the gas into the piping system in pulses. The routes the system, the size of the pipe, the coments of
pulses usually happen around six times a second. This the pipe, the pipe material, the temperature of the
means that the pulsing frequency is six pulses per pipe, the insulation on the pipe, what the pipe con-
second. As a tuning fork has a natural vibrating fre- neas to, and several other faaors.
quency, every piping system has a natural vibrating For our purposes here, we will make conservative
frequency. If the piping system natural frequency is assumptions about many of these variables. Let us fo-
the same as the compressor pulsing frequency, large cus on the different types of pipe routing and the im-
piping deflections occur. The stress engineer strives to paa different pipe sizes have on the span. The
make the piping system frequency different from the designer will use different piping spans for each size
compressor pulsing frequency by adding and subtraa- of pipe for three basic typeS of pipe routing. These
ing supports. three types of routing are piperack spans, branch
spans, and unsupported overhang spans.
STRESS Piperack Pipe Allowable Spans
Pipe stress engineers can resolve most weight stress The first type of pipe routing typically encountered is
problems by the addition of pipe supports. For the pipe that is "continuously supported" This is the type
piping layout designer, this solution may change the of routing associated with pipes in a piperack. By con-

tinuously supported, we mean there are at least two smallest diameter of piping typically allowed in a rack.
identically supported spans on either side of the span which is 2 inches.
in question as shown in Exhibit 16-6. For example, for a 6-inch diameter pipe that firs
This type of routing provides a balance in loading within the parameters defined in notes 1 and 2 in
on either side of the suPPOrt point This allows a Exhibit 16-7, the allowable span is 44 ft.
greater span than what the designer will observe with
"free-ta-rotate" end conditions. Exhibit 16-7 gives the Branch Pipe Allowable Spans
allowable spans for the continuously supported pipe
The second type of pipe routing that affects the allow-
routing situation. We should note here that although
able span is pipe that is "simply supponed." This is the
we have used the piperack routing as a typical exam-
type of routing associated with branch lines coming our
ple, the designer usually spaces piperacks at 20 ft or 25
of a piperack. What this means is that either end of the
ft between bents. This is partly to accommodate the
span in question is free enough to rotate slightly about
the support point. There is no span on the other side of
the support to hold the end of the span from rotating.
This situation makes the end conditions of the span
EXHIBIT 16-6 Continuously Supported Spans "free." Therefore, it makes the allowable span for
branches smaller than the allowable span for piper-
acks. In Exhibit 16-8, you can see that the simple span
does not have completely free ends. The span has an
elbow for each end. The vertical piece of pipe at each
end acts as a support. However. an elbow has much
more flexibility than a straight piece of pipe. There~
fore. the designer can consider the elbow as a hinge.
This makes this span simply supported.
Exhibit 16-9 gives the allowable span for branches.
For example, for a IO-in diameter pipe that firs
within the parameters defined in nmes 1 through 4 in
Exhibit 16-9, the allowable span is 40 ft.

Unsupported Overhang Allowable Spans

The third type of routing that impacts the allowable
spans is "unsupported overhangs." This is the type
of routing a designer sees at turning points of
piperacks. The supported piping has different lengths
of pipe hanging over the last support beam. The
pipe then turns up or down and then travels at a right
angle to the next support as shown in Exhibit 1610.
In this case, one end of twO conneaed straight
spans of pipe is not supported. Where the line turns
up or down, there is no support Note that the end of

EXHIBIT 16-7 Allowable Spans for Continuously

Supported Pipe Routing


PIPE SIZE 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24

SPAN (FT) 25 30 36 44 48 55 56 57 59 61 66 70
1. Calculations of pipe spans are based on the following:
2" through 6" pipes, Wall Thickness SChedule 40
~ through 12" pipes, wall Thickness Schedule 30
14" through 24" pipes. Wall Thickness SChedule 20
2. The table assumes that pipes are tilled with water and insulated for 450" F.
3, The spans in the table above are limited by longitudinal bending streSS of <:: 9,000 psi and by
acceptable pipe deflection between supportS determined from past experience.
4. Supponing of the end span of a continuous run of pipe in the main pipeway shall be given spe-
cial consideration.

NOTE: Normal spans for general pipeway design shall be within 20' to 25',

the overhang is free to rotate and deflea. This type of Once the designer has identified the system as a col-
routing is acceptable, but the allowable span for each lection of one or more of these three typeS of routing,
overhang is smaller than both the simply and contin- then it is a simple matter for him or her to apply the
uously supported spans described earlier. correct table and determine the location of the support
The designer will use a graph to determine the points. Once the designer has the support points de-
allowable span for unsupported overhangs. This is be- termined, he or she has the responsibility to make sure
cause the allowable span for one overhang changes that there is a structure available for the support to use.
with the span of the attached overhang. The two over-
hangs irnpaa each other.
Other Weight Stress Problems
For example, for a 6-in diameter pipe that firs within
the parameters defined in the notes in Exhibit 16-11, So far when determining the span. we have only con-
the allowable A span is 18 ft when the allowable B sidered the pipe stress due to the pipe weight There
span is 13 ft. A liB" span greater than 13' would re- are twO other points a designer also should consider:
quire additional support first, the significant effea concentrated weighs such as
valves and pipe risers can have on auxiliary steel 10-
eations; and, second, the imJY.:et of large weight loads
Breaking Up a System into Its Spans
on equipment nozzles.
The designer can break up most piping systems into
one of the three different span types. Exhibit 16-12 Solving concenttated weight problems A common
gives an example of this. problem facing a stress analyst is how to support con-

The usual support solution for concentrated loads

EXHIBIT 16-8 is to provide a support as near [0 the concentrated
Simple Supported Span
load as possible. Therefore, the designer should try to
provide "pups" or suppOrt access to the pipe near the
location of concentrated loads as shown in Exhibit

Weight on nozzles The allowable load on a nozzle

varies with the type of equipment. Centrifugal pump
nozzles are more sensitive to loads than vessel noz-
zles. Good general practice for a pipe designer is to
provide a layout that will allow a stress analyst to re-
duce the load on a nozzle. On pumps this usually
means an adjustable support within a few feet of the
nozzle. Therefore, the designer must provide some
room on the pipe free of fittings, drains, and instru-
mentation. The support designer will use this space to
attach a support near the pump nozzle. The pipe sup-
port engineer does not typically provide maintenance
supports during the pipe support design. However,
there is an exception to this rule. Support designers
normally provide an adjustable support next to the
centrifugal pump nozzles. As described earlier, the
piping layout should provide for a pipe suppOrt at-
tachment near the nozzle. Exhibit 16-14 show~ a rec-
ommended routing for a vertical discharge pump.



There are many challenges a designer faces when lay-

centrated weights. We can define concentrated weights ing Out a piping system. One of the biggest challenges
as a portion of the piping system that weighs signifi- is to develop a layout that will satisfy the requirements
cantly more per linear foot than than the pipe itself. for acceptable thermal loads on equipmenr nozzles.
The most common example is a valve. Another exam- The following section will try to give the designer the
ple is a pipe riser. Stress analysts consider risers to be tools and skills necessary to accept this challenge. This
point loads. The designer should try to picture the semon first shows the designer how to calculate the
piping system in a plan view. From the plan view, a amount of axial thermal growth on any straight piece
pipe riser is a point load equal to the pounds per foot of pipe. To satisfy the equipment nozzle allowables,
of pipe times the total length of the riser. the designer can then go to nomographs. The nomo-

EXHIBIT 16-9 Allowable Spans for Branch Lines


PIPE SIZE 4 1 IIh 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24

SPAN (FI') 10 13 17 20 25 30 35 35 40 40 45 45 45 50 SO
1. Calculations of pipe spans are based on the following:
2" through 6" pipes, Wall Thidmess Schedule 40
through 12" pipes, Wall Thickness Schedule 30
14" through 24" pipes, wall Thickness Schedule 20
2. The table assumes that pipes are filled with water and insulated for 450" F.
3. The spans in the table above are limited by longitudinal bending stress of < 9,000 psi and by
acceptable pipe deflection between supportS determined from past experience.
4. Supporting of the end span of a continuous run of pipe in the main pipeway shall be given spe
cial consideration.

graphs will determine how long the other pieces of

pipe in the system need to be. EXHIBIT 16-10 Unsupported Overhang

Determining the Thermal Growth of a

The first step is to determine the amount of pipe
growth in a given direction for a piping system. This
calculation is in two parts. First, determine. the tem-
perature to use. second, determine the overall growth
between the anchors for each global direction (nonh- ?;'!"10 ---t--r
south, east-west, and up-down). "1~H.-1UM

Temperatures to use Choosing the correct temper-

ature is critical to successful stress analysis. For pre-
liminary layout purposes, the designer should use the
operating temperature for piping attached to rotating
equipment nozzles. For other piping systems, the de-
signer should use the maximum upset temperature.
Unfortunately, the documentation of all tempera-
ture cases is not always available at the preliminary
piping layout stage. If this is the case, use the temper~
ature shown on the process flow diagrams. Typically,
the design temperatures shown on pieces of equip-
ment are too conservative for this effort

EXHmrr 16-11
Unsupported Overhang Allowable Span

26 -~-I-" ,or - .. , ..

~ ~D~fl)t_'JI~II~~i TII)T~I:
!. ,10. l~r :OF. r.1I~ 11 11 ~
22 : I .,... . - .

2 4 6 a 10 12 14 11 1. 21 22 24 ZI 21
"A" 0 ~ E II A C- f T
( F FEe TI r ( T. - I C L. T (. I I' S' l.


-- I.ll
-,_ _ .,
: {____ I ..

U:.!!._ I( \~-i i-"--- 1 H.IY i: H~

. :"j_,.~-I~ ;--w"T 25!:!-
__ -L'-S.:~

11.2' , 1 ." 121.1 r1

UIUS CII[ TU l U l l " UlO. . .U
n(lllUC U All USI"lJIHD IUD "'E
UIIU'''l 51"'" .In U AlUD

u . . . . es nUL It IIYUlIU'U

Process Plant LAyout and Piping Dalp


Piping System Showing
11U'ee Different Span

Growth charts Once the designer determines the

temperature, he or she goes to the growth charts. The
Checking the Piping Layout on Rotating
designer must know the temperature and the material
of the pipe. with the temperature and the material the
designer looks up the growth per 100 linear ft of pipe To determine the amount of leg needed to satisfy the
(reference Exhibit 16-15). pump nozzle allowables, the designer must first know

The maximum allowable force on cast iron equip-

EXHIBIT 16-13 Supporting Concentrated Loads ment nozzle is (SO lb) x (nominal nozzle size). The
limit is 500 lb.
Example ofAllowables Calculation
4-in, 125# FF, C1 nozzle 50 x 4 = 200 lb
12 in, 250# FF, C1 nozzle 50 x 12 = 600 Ib,
exceeds the allowable limiL Use 500 lb.

Rotating Equipment Nozzle Example Calculation

1his section describes how to determine the pipe
length required for achieving a flexible pump layout.
(Reference Exhibit 16-16 for example diagram.)

Step 1.0
Calculate the allowable force on the pump.
(lo-in pump nozzle) x (200) = 2,000 Ib maxirilUm
force allowed

Step 2.0
Calculate the expansion in the north-south direction.
The 15 it 6 in leg is the only run in the north-south
the nozzle allowable loads. Once the designer knows direction. (Reference Exhibit 16-15 for thermal growth
the rotating eqUipment allowable loads, he can enter a table.)
nomograph and determine the amount of leg needed
to satisfy the loads. (15 it 6 in) x (0.046) = 0.713 in expansion

Rotating Equipment Nozzle Allowable Loads As dis- Step 3.0

cussed earlier, the designer should use the equipment 0
Calculate the total absorbing legs that are 90 to the 15
manufacturer's published allowable loads. However, ft 6 in leg. These legs are the east-west leg (11 ft) plus
these loads may not be available at the "planning" the vertical leg (7 ft 3 in). Due to the rigid valves and
stage of piping layout. For this example, we will make nozzles in the system, neglect the 6'-8' vertical leg.
the folloWing assumption. The maximum allowable
force on steel rotating equipment nozzles is (200 lb) total available absorbing legs = (11 ft) + (7 ft 3 in)
x (the nominal nozzle size). The maximum limit for = 18 ft 3 in
the allowable load is 2,000 lb.
Step 4.0
Example ofAllowables Calculation
Apply the chart shown in exhibit 16-17 to determine if
2-in, 300# RF, CS nozzle 200 x 2 = 400 lb the absorbing leg required is less than the total avail-
18-in, 150# RF, CS nozzle 200 x 18 = 3,600 lb, able absorbing legs determined earlier. Refer to the
exceeds the allowable limit. Use 2,000 lb. circled numbers on the chart.

Pump Piping


Step 4.1
On the Force scale locate the maximum allowed
force on pump nozzle: 2,000 lb. (point 4.1)
EXHIBIT 16-1S Thermal Growth Chart Table
Step 4.2
On the Total Thermal Expansion scale locate expan- 1. Carbon SteeJ (C.S.) = Carbon-moly steels (through 3% Cr.)
sion in inches: 0.713 in. (point 4.2) 2. Low chrome (LCr.) = Inrermediale alloy SteeJs (5% Cr. Mo.
through ~ Cr. Mo.)
Step 4.3 3. High chrome (H.Cr.) =SU'3ight chromium sttinless steeJs;
Draw a line from point 4.1 to point 4.2. Where this 12'6 Ct., 17" Cr., and 21% Cr.
line crosses the Pivot Une, locate point 4.3-
Step 4.4 ., C.s. LCr B.Cr. '"F C.s. LCt. B.Cr.
On the Nominal Pipe Diameter scale, locate the line 100 0.003 0.003 0.003 800 0.067 0.061 0.056
size 12 in. When the schedule of the pipe is other 200 0.010 0.009 0.009 900 0.078 0.071 0.065
than the standard weight, use the Pipe Moment of 300 0.018 0.017 0.016 1,000 0.089 0.081 0.074
Inertia scale. 400 0.027 0.025 0.023 1,100 0.100 0.091 0.083
500 0.036 0.031 0.031 1,200 0.111 0.100 0.092
Step 4.5 600 0.046 0.042 0.039 1,300 0.122 0.111 0.101
Draw a line from Point 4.3 on the Pivot line to point 700 0.056 0.051 0.047 1,400 0.133 0.121 0.110
4.4 on the Nominal Pipe Diameter scale. This locates
point 4.5 on the Pipe Length scale. Read 23 ft on the
Pipe Length scale as the minimum required absorb-
ing pipe length.

Example Thermal

Step 4.6 Step 5.0

The available absorbing leg 18 ft 3 in (see step 3.0) Calculate the absorbing leg required for the expan-
is less than 23 ft Therefore, the designer must add sion leg in the east-west direction~
a minimum of 5 ft to the vertical or east-west direc- The 11 ft leg is the only run in the east-west di-
tion. By adding this extra leg the designer will be rection: (11 ft) x (0.046) = 0.506 in expansion. Fol-
within the maximum allowable force on the pump low the procedure described in steps 3.0 and 4.0 to
nozzle. The 6'8' vertical leg previously negleaed find the minimum required absorbing pipe length (21
may be sufficient flexibility, despite the presence of ft).
rigid valves and nozzles.

Procf!$S Plant lAyout a1Ul PipiJtg DaIgn

EXHIBIT 16--17
Nomograph for Absorbing Leg on Pump Piping

~ 1 ~ !.\- ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ (\r\!l.l' ..... '" ':'_


j ~

1- 11-1111!(


Prof:.a$ PlmeI Layout arul Piping Design. Stress Ana.{Ysts

Step 6.0 Step 2.0

Calculate the absorbing leg required for the expan- Next, determine the length of the absorbing legs. The
sion leg in the vertical direction. two legs 900 to the north-south expansion are the east-
west leg (25 ft) plus the vertical legs (80 ft + 4 ft).
(2 ft 9 in) (6 ft 8 in) + (7 ft 3 in) + (l ft 4 in)
x (0.046) = 0.828 it total available absorbing legs = (25 ft) + (80 ft +
Follow the procedure described in steps 3.0 and 4.0 to 4 ft) = 109 ft
find the minimum reqUired absorbing pipe length Step ,3.0
(25.0 ft).
Given these numbers and the known allowable of
Checking the Piping Layout on Other 14,000 psi for vessel nozzles, we can now enter the
Equipment nomograph shown in Exhibit 16-19 and determine if
the available absorbing legs we summed earlier is suf-
To determine the amount of leg needed to satisfy the ficient.
vessel nozzle allowables, the designer must first know
the allowable vessel nozzle loads. Once the designer Step 3.1
knows the allowable loads, he or she can enter a no- On the pipe stress scale locate the maximum allow-
mograph and determine the amount of leg needed to able stress on the steel equipment: 14,000 psi (point
s~tisfy the loads. 3.1).

Vessel equipment nozzle allowable loads "nle max- Step 3-2

imum allowable load on a nozzle of a vessel is ex- On the Total Thermal Expansion scale locate the
pressed in stress. Earlier, we expressed the rotating expansion in inches: 0.179 in (point 3.2).
equipment allowables in pounds. However, for this
Step 3.3
section it is useful to express vessel nozzle allowable Draw a line from point 3.1 to point 3.2. Where this
in pounds per square inch or stress. line crosses the Pivot Line locate point 3.3.
The maximum allowable stress on a steel equip-
ment nozzle is 14,000 psi. Step 3.4
On the Nominal Pipe Diameter scale locate the line
Vessel equipment nozzle ownpJe calculation This size: 30 in (point 3.4).
section describes how to determine the pipe length
required for achieving a flexible piping layout that will Step 3.5
have a minimum impaa on the attached vessels. Ref- Draw a line from point 3.3 on the Pivot tine to point
erence Exhibit 1~ 18 for the example diagram. 3.4 on the Nominal Pipe Diameter scale. This locates
point 3.5 on the Pipe Length scale. Read 18 ft on the
Step 1.0
Pipe Length scale as the minimum required absorb-
Determine the amount of expansion in the north-south
ing pipe length.
direction. The distance to consider is from the an-
chored side of the exchanger to the centerline of the Step 4.0
vertical vessel. Reference Exhibit 16-15 for the thermal Now we determine the amount of expansion in the
grOWth table. east-west direaion. The 18 ft leg is the only run in the
east-west direaion.
(10 ft) x (0.0065) + (20 ft + 5 it) x (0.003) +
(6 it) x (0.0065) = 0.1790 in (25 ft) x (0.003) = 0.075 expansion. Say ~ 0.1 in.

Example Thermal
Calculation for Vessel

~1a2 ~~bl.~~~~
pIPe M~L.: Ar:.? tieoG'e; '"
l?lpe O~~ 'WUpazafUIZe:: \"".

Step 5.0 (20 It) x (0.046) + (30 It) x (0.027) + (25 ft) x
Follow the procedure describe in step 3.0 to deter- (0.0065) - (SO ft + 4 It) x (0.003) - (6 ft) x
mine that the minimum required absorbing pipe (0.0065) = 1.6015-in expansion
length is 13 ft.
Follow the procedure described in step 3.0. The
Step 6.0 minimum required absorbing pipe length is 52 ft. The
The last step is to determine the vertical expansion available absorbing leg is (20 It) + (25 It) + 5 ft = 50
and its impaa on the vessel nozzles. ft. These absorbing legs are smaller than the minimum
Nomograph for Absorbing Leg on Vessel Piping

.~ 1~~ ~ 1. \~ ~!9.~':!t~ ~ f:l ~ ~ ';r,


required pipe length. Therefore, add at least 2 ft in the The designer should locate anchors such that the
north-south or east-west direction to be within the max- expansion going into the loop does not exceed 12
imum allowable stress on steel equipment nozzles. in. Also, the total unbalanced forces at the anchors
will be within the limiting criteria. Locate anchors at
Checking the Piping Layout in Piperacks 125 ft from points A and B.

This section will describe how to size a piperack loop. Step 1.3
The first Step is to determine the location of the an- Calculate the expansion going intO the loop. Refer-
chors and loops in the line. Once the designer locates ence Exhibit 16-15 for the thermal growth chan.
the anchors, he or she will design preliminary loop {(500 ft) - (2 x (125 ft))} x (0.036) = 9.00 in
sizes and locations. Once he places the loops, the de-
signer can check the stress in the pipe. Step 2.0
Determine the minimum size of the loop based on the
Piperack allowable loads There are different typeS of allowable stress.
allowables for each phase of the piperack design. For
the location of the anchors, the allowable movement is Step 2.1
6-in maximum pipe movement at the loops and 5-in Determine the amount of expansion in each leg of
maximum movement at changes of direction. the loop perpendicular to the direction of pipe ex-
For the sizing of the pipe loops in a rack, the de- pansion:
signer uses a maximum pipe stress allowable. The .:l = Total expansion into the loop
maximum primary stress in a loop is 20,000 psi for 2
most temperatures encountered (reference ANSI
B31.3, Appendix A for more detailed information). ~ = 9I 2 = 4.5 in
Step 2.2
Piperack loop example calculation The follOWing Enter the table "DETERMINING LENGTIi OF LEG h'l
example describes how to size a piping loop in a pip- A PIPERACK LOOP" listed as Exhibit 16.21. Locate
erack. Reference Exhibit 16-20 for a diagram of the the expansion of 4,5" on the X-Axis.
Step 2.3
Step 1.0 Draw an imaginary line vertically from the 4,5" mark
Determine the location of the anchors and loops for to the line labelled "12" nominal diameter. Next
this 500 F carbon steel line. draw a horiZontal imaginary line from this intersec-
tion point to the venical axis. Read the loop leg
Step 1.1
length as 24 ft.
Calculate the total expansion in the east-west direc-
Step 2.4
(500 ft) x (0.0362) = 18.1 in Try to make the width of the loop approximately 20
feet wide for pipe sizes between 3 in. and 20 in. For
Step 1.2 pipe sizes above 20 in. make the loop 30 ft wide.
Locate a preliminary location for the loops and an- Note that the leg length is dependent on the as
chors based on inspection. sumption that the pipe is standard wall and the al-

Piperack Loop Sizing

lowable stress is 20000 psi. Consult the Stress erly a cold-sprung system. This is also why we do not
Engineer for exceptions. recommend cold springing as a piping layout solution
for dlermal loads. ArlOmer reason is me difficulty of
Cold Springing the Piping System to maintaining accurate cold-spring records over the op
Reduce the Loads on Equipment Nozzles erating life of the plant. Future maimenance effons
may not consider the original cold spring when dis-
Cold springing a pipe is the aa of cutting shon a
connecting the piping system.
semon of a piping system and then "pulling" the two On petrochemical projects. cold springing is very
ends together to make the final weld. This places a
rare. However, if the piping designer is considering
prestress in me piping system that is opposite (0 the
this option, we recommend the cliem approves the
stress imposed on the system when it is hot. Per the
procedure before proceeding with the final piping lay
B31 Code, the stress engineer can take no credit for out design.
cold spring when he considers the maximum stress In
the system. However, the piping code does allow the
stress engineer to apply two-thirds of the calculated LAYOUT SOLUTIONS FOR OTIIER
reduction in nozzle loads to the impacted nozzles. STRESS
Therefore, the benefit to cold spring is some reduc-
tion in nozzle loads on critical equipment Layout solutions for stress problems due to recipro-
Why does the code only allow the stress engineer to cating equipment, wind, or earthquake are similar in
consider two-thirds of the calculated benefit of cold nature to the solutions provided for weight stress
spring? The reason is it is very difficult to install prop- problems. Thus, most solutions revolve around rout-

Process Plant Layout and P1ping Design


II EXIllBIT 16-21
~. ~
I I~

- . - I ~:.,
101 ~~~:;z ~""'" -
_ ..=r.;;o:=.
- '=~ __ E~.

~ ~. . -"10o""-1--

.l&.a.. 15 1


4' t::=::"7 .- "-:':;'f.:._--_._ ,...-'" .~:. ~1~:~:~': J-:-~--:'7:F:~

1.5 '2 'l.!1 3 + ~ , 1 t> ~ 10


ing a piping system such that there is existing steel or makes the system looser, and therefore lowers the
concrete within reach of the suppon scheme. This system stress. However, on reciprocating systems
section primarily addresses the spacing of anchors and there is an additional problem. The pipe can vibrate
guides so that these other typeS of stress do not ad- with the compressor pulsations. To resist this vibra-
versely impact the piping system. tion, stress engineers often ask for stiffer systems with
more guides and anchors. These opposite types of
solutions for different problems provide the challenge
for a stress engineer. The resolution to this routing
Checking the Piping Layout for
challenge is first to rout to satisfy the thermal problem
Redprocating Equipment
(using the methods described earlier) and then solve
As described earlier I routing pipe to satisfy thermal the vibration problems. Normally, the stress engineer
criteria usually involves adding more absorbing legs will go through a series of iterations working the two
and reducing the number of guides and anchors. This typeS of stress concerns.

Procas p/mJt Layout and PiPing Design, Stress Analysts


Piperack Loop Sizing

Once a line is routed for access and thermal con- span for a typical reciprocating compressor piping
siderations, the piping layout designer considers the system.
vibration problem. The designer will determine the
forcing frequency of the compressor. With the fordng
Step 1.0
frequency known. the designer will use a nomograph
Determine the reciprocating compressor forcing fre
that will show the allowable spacing for the vibration
quency. Often, the motor speed is around 360 rpm. If
restraints. He can then rout the piping to assure that
we use this value in our example, then we get the
the needed restrainlS will be accessible to structural
steel and concrete.
4 x (360 rpm /60) = 24 cycles per second
Allowable natural frequencies in a reciprocating com
pressor piping system For initial routing on a typical Step 2.0
multistage reciprocating compressor, the designer can Determine the allowable span for a "clamped" end
use the following formula for an allowable natural condition using exhibit 16-23.
frequency of the piping system.
allowable natural frequency =4 x (motor rpm I Step 2.1
60) Draw a line from the lamda(A) frequency factor
(equal to approximately 14 for clamped end candiA
Reciprocating equipment piping example calculation tions) to the allowable frequency of 24 cps. Extend
The following example will calculate the appropriate this line through the Reference line.
Nomograph for Determining the Allowable Span for a
Reciprocating Compressor Piping System.

'0 10 171!l0D-
17000 Z8"
uooo 26
2].311 24"
11.37t ZZ"
L K 21.1'0
10,000 f
7 ...' 0 0 ZO"
2.0 6,000
17.311 IS"
6 '7.!S0

15.000 16"
1,000 13.311 I""
800 IS.250

.... 40 600 11.'21) IZ"

LaJ 400 11.750
~ '.0
I 10.11J 0
..J zoo 10.020 10" ~
C) 6.0 '.no I
W o 100- N
...J 7.0 z 80 Ui
o 8.0
60 3 ;.~~~1 8" LLJ

Z 9.0
40 7.UJ Q.

o '0
a: Q.

Z 20
5.'31 ,"
8 '.711

'.UI .."

LEGEND 1.1'.
3.011 ~ ..



Proces:l Pl4nt lAyout and Piping Design, Stress Analysis

"----""----------------. --

EXHIBIT 16-24.
Guide Spacing for Vertical and Horizontal Pipe

PlPESIZE .4 1 Jlh 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 . 18 20 24&

10 15 20 25 25 30 30 35 35 40 40 40 40 40 45
20 30 35 45 50 60 80 120 200 200 200 200 200 200 200

Step 2.2 must place guides on the pipe at intervals smaller than
Draw a line from the pipe size (assume 6-in pipe) the guide spacing for horizontal pipe.
qn the Radius of Gyration (K) line through me in-
tersection on the Reference line. Extend this line Layout suggestions for reducing wind stress Al-
through the Length of Leg (L) line. Read the L di- though most wind guides placed in a system have little
mension of 16 ft. This is the allowable span for a impact on proposed piping routing, vertical pipe on
steel pipe with no concemrated weights. columns requires some special consideration. Guides
on vertical pipe are physically larger than guides on
horizontal pipe. Also, the guide spacing is smaller on
Step 2,3 vertical pipe than on horizontal pipe. Therefore, the
Similarly, check each of the portions of the pipe piping layout designer must carefully consider where
routing for the correct span. the suppon designer will place the guides. Some col-
umn piping such as overhead vapor lines are large,
therefore generating large lateral loads. These loads
Checking the Piping Layout for Wind
can result in very large structural guides that may im-
pede access on column platforms.
Depending on the location of the plant, the designer Exhibit 1624 is a suggested spacing chart for guides
can design piping systems to withstand more than 100- on vertical column piping. Also provided for compar-
mph winds. The designer must place guides on the ison is the spacing chan for horizontal lines. The pip-
pipe at regular intervals to help brace the piping sys- ing layout designer should consult with the pipe
tem. Piping systems that travel down vertical columns _ support designer to confirm the guide locations. This
are particularly susceptible to vibrations because of should happen during the preliminary layout phase of
high winds. To prevent this vibration, the designer the piping design.
_ _ _ _ _ _ -1 . -,
CHAPTER -:1.- 1-

Computer-Aided Design

Today's rapid changes in computer technology de- needs. Even existing drawings may be easily regener-
mand that industry adopt formal means of educat- ared with revised symbols.
ing future designers. Many engineering contractors
as well as operating companies are now committed
to establishing a position in this rapidly develop-
Standard Drawings
ing technology. Computer-aided design (CAD) sup- Extensive libraries of standard drawings and derails
ports the entire engineering work flow from process have also been d~eloped. These range from electrical
simulation to mechanical design. This chapter lighting fixtures and pipe support details ro commonly
provides an overview of the tools used and how used process flow diagrams or contractor proprietary
they benefit the engineering and construction con- vessel assemblies. Each represents the cumulative ex-
tractor. perience of many COntractors over decades of engi
Applications range from the basic use of standard neering design. They conform to major industry codes
symbols and details to sophisticated 3-D graphics mod- as well as the contractor's own design practices.
eling with associated data bases, extracted reports, and Exhibit 17-2 shows an example of a CAD-generated
drawing generation. The use of these tools results in a drawing.
higher-quality engineering design at lower overall The most importam benefit of standard draWings is
cost. The enhanced quality results from improved ac- quality. Each detail for each project initially reflects the
curacy, greater consistency, improved constructibility, latest engineering design technology and is custom
and enhanced operability and maintainability; lower ized to meet particular cliem needs as well as special
costs are a result of fewer engineering staff hours, less code or marerial reqUirements. Drawings are laid our
field rework, lower material surpluses, and shorter well, and because CAD is used, lines and te.."{[ are clear
schedules. and uniform. Standard symbols are also used.

Computerization also takes practical advantage of
graphics layering (the placement of differem elements
Graphics Symbols of a drawing on different layers) and overlays in a
Each engineering technology group has designed ex- single drawing file as well as overlays. or referencing.
haustive libraries of standard graphics symbols. These of entirely separate files. For example, piping layout
range from simple arrowheads to entire mechanical drawings are referred to by various downstream func~
assemblies, from schematic equipment symbols to tions that develop pipe support location plans. electri-
drawing tide blocks and borders. cal and instrument cable and conduit routing plans.
The most significant immediate benefit of using steam tracing plans, and others, as E.mibit 17-3 dem-
standard symbols is the lower engineering costS as a onstrates. Reproducible copies of piping drawings
result of reduced designer time and better overall effi- were often used. in the past If equipment was moved.
dency. The other major benefit is consistency. Sym- new drawings were made and overlay drafting redone.
bols appear exactly the same every time, as shown in or each downstream funaion revised itS drawing. With
Exhibit 17-1. Overall draWing presentation is dramati- CAD, these groups may begin work much earlier.
cally improved. An indirect advantage is the ability to When changes are made, they need only reference the
customize these symbols easily for particular projea latest revisions.


EXHIBrr 171
Standard Symbols for
Foundations Detail

... .- e l i D E WI- SLOT
1I8IGII ..".

f -



! -
_._-_._._-_.-..... _-_._._-- -_.t.
- '-

1d \


Scanning and Translation ings for plant enhancements. Generally, blueline

prints are acrually scanned, although microfilm aper-
With graphics scanning. manually drafted documents wre cards may be scanned as well. The edited image is
may be converted [0 an electronic CAD file. Typical converted to a CAD system for aaual design work, as
applications include the modification of existing client Exhibit 17-4 shows. This method may be preferred by
piping and insuumemation diagrams or piping draw- clients who have adopted CAD systems of their own

EXHIBIT 172 Standard Vessel Clip Details EXHIBIT 17-3 Portion ot Pipe: Support Location Plan
Using a Referenced Piping Layout Drawing





355 400
T 13 16 20

and desire their drawings in that format

Although a corttraaor may select a particular CAD
systein, the client may use another. Therefore, it may
be necessary to translate files between the two CAD the past, the engineer made a sketch based on design
systems for direct communication. results and passed it to a draftsperson. With the advent
of CAD, graphics symbols libraries and standardized
drawing formats were developed to expedite the de-
Automated Drawings
sign effort
For years, contractors have used computer programs Special programs have been developed to aid in
to create certain engineering designs. Many generate interfacing the contractor's design programs with the
most of the data needed to produce the drawing. In graphics system. Programs were enhanced to generate
~I Scanning Comparison

eXTiR..,AL VE:tt.11.

a. Manually Drafted

2. CJl


b. After SCanning into CAD System

special graphics data files. and applications were VrTit nace mechanical drawings, foundation detail dra'li-
ten to fOrmal these drawings. They also selea and ings. and structural pipe support schedule drawings.
place appropriate graphics symbols. add dimensions Exhibit 175 shows an example of such a plan.
and text, perform material scheduling and take-off cal The advantages of automated drawing systeIIl are
culations, and execute plors. significant The drafting effort is radically reduced or
Automated programs are nOVv' available for many entirely eliminated in terms of design staff hours and
heat exchanger setting plans and tube layout sketehes, gr.aphics terminal time. Engineering COSt reductions
elearica1 oneline and control wiring diagrams, fur- are substantial, and valuable schedule time is saved.
EXHIBIT 17-5 Automatically Generated Heat Exchanger Setting Plan

,.,. , ..,.. ,


u ..,
oiiii\1 .. -'
...-, ......
.. -.u,.

-- -~

'''-1 114'''' lit

_ _ OUJU
'''' -.... .... .-...., ~ .. .u..

p. . .,

' "'"
, .. g

... /foffI ...

.... IlI...

'" -
. . . . . . . . . . ._....... ~ .a:-U'4 ,....a

-"'511( _ilm
IIlIlZU: ~t -- II-) .1

__. ._ or .......... _
.....,.. .wI' _ ..... _ 'IJ"'-".
r:: T =- == 1:::1 ==-
'5'0- os- Gee- B- .u.u- 1- .l
~[y15JllI6 IlLl 1m _ LI I ...

Errors are reduced through direct electronic data SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND
transfer and automated materials scheduling and take- INSTRUMENT DESIGN
off. Drawing formars are consistent and engineered to
ensure excellent layout using standard graphics sym- Many computer vendor dara base systems are initial-
bols. Flexibility is maintained through the capability to ized during the system engineering design of the pip-
easily customize referenced graphics symbol libraries ing and instrumentation diagrams. Line or nomencla-
and. in some cases, drawing arrangements. ture lists and other reports can be extracted from this
data. Data consistency checks are made throughout ro
ensure that the information is complete and accurate.
INTEGRATED MODELING The data base is further expanded by instrumem
SYSTEMS engineers and can then sUppol1 the generation of in
strument line lists and data sheets. It can be used ro
The applications disrussed in the previous seaion pri- assign and track cabling between individual instru-
marily use the basic graphics capabilities of CAD. Inte ments, field junerion boxes, and comrol room mar-
grated modeling systems, however make extensive 1 shalling racks and can reference appropriate graphics
use of graphics data bases. They are structured so that elementS for the generation of instrumem loop dia
most of the data is colleered in the process of con- grams. Exhibit 176 illustrates this process. This pro-
struCting 3-D elearonic plant models. Most of the en- cess requires about half the staff hours and much less
gineering documents (e.g., drawings and data sheets) graphics terminal time than previously expended by
are extracted from the graphics models or automati manual development of CAD drawings. ~loreover.
cally generated from the data bases. loop drawings may now denore additional component
EXHIBIT 17-6 Typical Plant Design System-Generated Instrument Loop Diagram



~..... ,.
, - ,I
::.. . "

.."" ..... .....-.

-- .. - -
information (e.g.. calibration data. manufaaure and and dimensions are kept to a minimum. It is easy for
model number, cross references to installation derails the designer to relocate, copy, or revise equipment in
and original purchase orders, and input and output the plot Both two-dimensional (2-0) and 3-D plots
signals) from the data base, which is useful for plant are developed simultaneously on separate graphics
maimenance. lavers of the same file, as Exhibit 17-8 illustrates.
There are three consecutive phases-conceptual . The conceptual plot plan is simply extraaed by
planning, derailed planning, and derailed engineer viewing the model from the tOP and turning off the
ing-for which different modeling tools are used. 3-D layer. PlOt model development is very fast. and the
3-D rendering is vastly superior to the purely 2-D plot
Conceptual Planning approach. As Exhibit 17-9 shows, the issue document
becomes a repon that accurately reflects the model.
Conceptual planning is the process of optimizing Extraction of a complete equipment list is a useful by-
. equipmem layout relative [Q the available real eswe product.
and overalJ consmJaion and operating costS. Many
CAD users ~Tite their own modeling software specifi-
De1ailed PJanning
cally for conceptual modeling. An example of such a
program is an advanced layout and design interface. in The detailea planning phase basically expands the
which plot modeling is built around the basic graphics equipment plot model by the addition of major pip-
system. It provides the plant layout designer with the ing. An effidentlyadvanced layout and design inter-
ability to create and locate equipment, pipe racks. and ace system can be used for pipe routing. Piping is
simple struCtures using specially designed ll1enus at pbced in a single-line representation for simplidty,
an alphanumeric terminal. This suppons the designer but dimensional data is included for batch process-
in building a 3D equipment plot model, illustrated in ing double-line shaded renderings later on, as de-
Exhibit 177. Input parameters, basic eqUipment types, picted in Exhibit 17-10. If equipment is moved, asso-
Equipment Plot Model
Using Plot Modeling

Detailed Engineering
EXHIBIT 17-8 3D Equipment Plot Model with 2D and
30 uyers During the detailed engineering phase, exhaustive
analysis and designs are performed. The resulting doc-
?O(~L) uments are those actually used to requisition, fabri-
cate, and construct the plant.
19 (1"J!1aL 1. EqUipment is modeled in more detail, followed by
the piping layout. This process is expedited in the
plant design system by the fact that routing informa-
tion may be transferred directly from the planning
model. Piping parameters are downloaded from the
system data base, which also ensures that all piping
specified in the piping and instrumemation diagrams
is accurately accounted for; even small bore lines are
At this point, an exhaustive piping component cata-
ciated piping is automatically rerouted with the same log and specification data base are used. Only compo-
basic configurations. Complex piping assemblies nents approved for the projea may be entered. The
(e.g., piping control Stations) that are used more than software auwmatically checks for compatibility be-
once are easily duplicated as a unit through macros. tween adjacent components-for example, to ensure
The piping model geometry is interfaced with a pipe that a flange piece is not placed against a nonflanged
stress analysis program to ensure adequate piping component Parts are placed to dimensional toler-
flexibility. ances of less than a millimeter on the basis of catalog
The major advantages of this system include: values. Materials (e.g., piping, flanges, gasketS, nuts,
bolts, washers, and insulation) are tracked per specifi-
The simplicity of pipe routing. cation.
Automated rerouting with equipment changes. Steel structures are modeled initially by centerline
The ability to extract preliminary piping material representation, then with preliminary member sizes.
quantities to support defined estimates and early An electronic interface to finite element Structural
orders. analysis programs allows the project to proceed to
The ability to extract the detailed layout drawings detailed design.
directly from the model. StructUral component catalogs of steel shapes are

____ ._.L--.,.. . - -

Partial Conceptual Plot
Plan (Extracted from Plot

JItL t""-+--+---+-~
~Ill .!
......1I:..4-~_,A1M III IF-
g. te!] I

G: I
r=ll ~
L..:-J I
- -.- .-- ..- .+~ ..- -.- .-- .
Partial Planning Model

referenced for final member sizing in compliance piping. In addition, the automated system is a much
with engineering specifications and design codes. A more valuable tool for plant maintenance and future
return interface is then made to upgrade the graphics expansion because, unlike the above-ground struc-
layout model to that of the final design, as shown in tures, the actual installation cannot be seen except by
Exhibit 17-11. Foundations and concrete structures computer once it is in place.
can be added as designs are completed [hrough the Each engineering function (e.g., civil, struCtural,
use of a foundation modeling system. Piles are placed and piping design) builds its portion of the model
in a 2-D model at grade for subsequent drawing ex with the ability [0 view but not change the other func-
traction. The entire underground can be modeled, in tions' work An example of this detailed engineering
eluding electrical and instrument conduits as well as model is depicted in Exhibit 1712.

Model Review
EXHmrr 17-11 Structural Steel Model
The capability of reviewing the CAD 3~D model has
been greatly enhanced by the ability to dO'Mlload the
model files at various stages of a projea to a specially
configured high-performance workstation. The intent
of the system is to provide an alternative to the use of
plastic models for reviewing integrated models that
can be easily used by project team members and client
personnel. There are no special computer skills re-
quired to complete the short training session on learn-
ing to operate the system.
The composition of the model can be controlled
using various features, such as level-eontrol and
display-set manipulations. Highlighting and color ren-
dering can also be used to separate specific files from
the remainder of the model. With the use of these
features, clutter and confusion can be kept to a mini-
The system allows for a view from any paint of the
model to be quickly generated. Various techniques
can be used to set the eyepoint to any position within
the model area and view any direction that is desired.
Also the package allows a "step through" of the model
in any direction and increments.
Any problem areas detected while reviewing the
model can be ragged with a number and description
of the problem. Saved views of these mgs can be gen-
ermed and brought back at a later time for resolution
by the area designer.

Interference Checking
Once completed, a batch process is run to identify all
component interferences for the entire model, as
shown in E."'<:hibit 17-13. It also checks for such inter-
ferences as pipes that cross a designated clear space
(e.g., a walkway or equipment maintenance area). Be-
cause these problems can be resolved before docu-
mentS are exrraaed. an extremelv small number of
interference reports during cons~ction are now gen-
EXlDBIT 17-12
Detailed Engineering
Model Using a Plant
Design System

EXHIBIT 17-13 Example of a Component Interference EXHIBIT 17-14 Isometric View



"'1ln4- )I~---,_....... .._




i--.-.~,----J+Io~--- __L- -"~~"""-\I~_

J_ I. . . . . ., .. ~
EXHIBrr 17-16 Typical Piping Isometric Drawing with Fun Bill of Materials
(AutomaticaJ1y Generated from an Engineering ModeJ Data Base) .

I fdiltAl. MIBWU , N
P, ~

PIP( ------ -------
PIJIII Do . . ..,'" an-I ,,, Cltl102 lD

PIJIII 00 " ' " ASl-' IT, CIlINU 7.1II

~ fn'lllIII

S 1110 . . OoU'" A214-'"

EMDI fCDf[), m.
,r, .xl

~ 1ltIU~" lOIIO U IIEL' Oo"nl "OS ,n" (1)903
Q. to Ilfl. ("AI," Ul'-'" sr, CJlCIlIt
~I.l . . . . U IItli U.UIM AIOS )".11l tI)....

!18 lI.1I lIEU C"U," Ul'-'" sr, c.JOO1

IIl.lIr;. IttlI aoA'lll Atll5olOllt 1&1 )/4 C15oo1


_2 , ...

_1__'. .

~ 5 I: I!~ -""
I" Z


erated, significantly lowering fixed field and refabrica- quence to better reflect a project's critical path. Mate-
tion costs and enhancing the ability to adhere to crit- rial quantities may be extracted at any stage for
ical schedules. estimates or early orders. As soon as the model is
completed, piping isometrics and other fabrication
drawings are extracted, followed by orthographic
Issue Documents
views for construction. (Manual drafting methods re-
The real return on investing resources to construct an quire the reverse order.)
electronic model is the ability to generate issue docu- Finally, materials reports may be direaIy interfaced
ments quickly and accurately. Plot plans and piping lay- with me contractor's materials control system, which
out drawings are taken directly from the model by automates much of the requisitioning, tracking, field
specifying plan and vertical boundaries, as shown in Ex- inventory comrol, and cost reponing.
hibit 17-15. Elevation views are produced in the same
way. These are often augmented with isometric views ELECTRONIC SPOOL SHEETS
of especially complex piping configurations to aid in
visualization and construction, as illustrated in Exhibit Electronic spooling is me term used for automatically
17-14. Such downstream disdplines as elearical, in- generating spool sheets, complete with bills of mate-
strument, and piping engineering then refer-ence rial (BOM), for pipe spool fabrication. Pipe fabrication
these drawings to generate their own data and reports. shops have traditionally hand drafted these sheets us-
The largest benefit of the system is the ability to ing isometrics as a reference, but are now developing
automatically generate piping isometrics complete computer programs to interface with contractors iso-
with detailed bills of materials, as Exhibit 17-16 shows. metric data files directly.
The designer merely indicates breakpoints for each The programs used for this system are capable of
sheet Process plans require thousands of isometric reading input data generated from a CAD 3-D model
drawings, and the system cross checks the model to using interface software proVided wim the 3-D model.
ensure that sections of pipe are neither omitted nor The first step in generating a spool sheet is to convert
duplicated. Struaural steel erection drawings, plans, the input data into a standard format for processing. The
and elevations are extracted and annotated, and mate- 3-D model is then restored with all of the branches and
rial summaries are automatically produced Founda- connectivity established The model is then transversed
tion and pile location plans are extracted in much the and broken into sheets to suit prelocated field welds or
same way the equipment plot plans are. Pile counts by natural material breaks. Finally, the material require-
type are automatically created, and foundation and pile memsforeachsheetarematchedwiththepipefabricators
data sheets are generated for internal checking. computerizedwarehouse or material information.
Automating take-offmaterial quantities offers a great The geometry of the sheet is then evaluated, and a
productivity gain. The material quantities are com- best view is determined Scaling and drawing compo-
pletely specification driven, which ensures conform- sition requirements are automatically considered and
ance with projea requirements and precise assembly appropriately set Using the necessary software, the
breakdowns. Because quantities are computed direaiy spool-sheet design file is then created with compo-
from the model data base, accuracy has improved; this nents, piece mark numbers, dimensions, tide block,
has allowed some standard surplus order rates to be and a BOM. The spool sheet can then be automatically
reduced. plotted, checked, and issued to the shop floor for fab-
Graphics modeling also allows the schedule se- rication, illustrated in Exhibit 17-17.
Figure 17-17.

51~- -

IiI: 31lI
! ;;g
~~ ...u w


;~Iz:. :i

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... M 8

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.'-I ~'~i ... '-I

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tir-'" .. ::!it=

- - - all C. c!l-----011


CAD BENEFITS SUMMARY Improved operability and maintainability-Because

of readily available engineering information (model,
CAD users generally believe that the benefirs ofa prop- drawing, and data base files).
erly executed computer-aided design program result Lower installation costs are a result of the follOwing:
in higher quality at lower installed cost. Higher quality
is a result of the follOWing: Fewer engineering staff hours-Because of auro-
mated task and electronic data exchange.
Improved accuracy-Because of automated tasks Less graphics terminal time-As a result of using
and electronic data exchange between design. mod- alphanumeric terminals for most data entry and au-
eling, and drawing systems. tomated draWing generation.
Consistency-In standard drawings and symbols, Less field rework-Because of reduced engineering
well.designed document formars, and automated er- error rates.
ror checking. Lower material surpluses-As a result of more accu-
Flexibility-In project specification customizations. rate rake-offs;
., Improved constructibility-As a result of standards Shorter schedules-As a result of all of these factors.
that reflect contractors' cumulative e."'q)ertise and
fewer errors to construction.

[Italic numbers indicaIe illustrations.]

A Automated drawings . piping 171-175

CAD applications 417-419 piping and instrumentation diagram
Auxiliary equipment 170
definitions of terms 8-10
compressors 55-61 Braced frames
Above-ground piping
furnace 159-165 definition of 285-286
plant layout specification 24
Auxiliary pump piping 199,200 Bracing 290
Access requirements
Available net positive suaion head 182 Bracket spacing 244
inline arrangement 41
elevation requirements for a Branch
vertical arrangement 40
horizoncal drum 94 definition of 12, 305
Access ways
AVS (American Volunrary SWKbrd) Branch pipe 396
plot plans 44 pumps 182 Break-out flanges 88
Acid-bearing equipment 291 compressor layoU( 85
Breeching 144
for pump maintenance 190 B Bridlelevel instrument arrangement
After coolers 82-83 Basket strainer 189 254
Air blowers Batch shell Building elevation
compressors 56-59 still process 219,220 compressor housing 84
Air cooler Banery limit valving Buildings
exchanger construction 114 single-level rack (p~off-site locations 47
exchangers 114 common elevation) 271 piC{ plans 44
nozzle configurations 127 single-level rack (processJoff-site Building width
piping configurations 133 elevation change) 272 compressor housing 84
removal by mobile crane 137 two-level rack (proce$offsite Bundle pulling post 136
spadng 50 elevation change) 273 Bundle removal
tube plugging 138 Below-grade obstructions 310 with extractor and mobile crane
Air cooler arrangement Belt lift 288 138
column-supported 121 Bent spacing Burner locations 149
fixed-plad"orm 123 pipe racks 261-269 Burner management
leg-supported 122 Block flow diagram control panel 157
traveling platform 124 plot plan development 29 skid 157
Allowable nozzle loading 181 Block Valve handwheel elevations 192 system piping 175-176
Analyzer house 357 Blowdown steam 144 Burner management package 144
Anchor points Blowdown system 144, 308 Burner management skid
pipe racks 275 Boiler feed pumps, 195 piping and instrumentation diagram
Angle of repose 307 . locating 187 174
definition of 306 Bottom head arrangement 236 Burner piping 175
API (American Petroleum Bonom-head nozzle arrangement 2(J) detail 169
IllSlitute) 182 Box-rype furnace 141-143,143, 171 Burners 144
Atmospheric vents 25 decoking operations for 172 furnaces 147-148


c Closed drain system 322 centrifugal compressors: nozzle

orientation 61
cross section 323
CAD, see Computer-aided design elevated 70
StUmp 323
CAD applications elevation of machines 79-82
Closed systems 15
automated drawings 417-419 general compressor layout 85-90
definition of 14
graphics symbols 415 housing and platform requirements
CO 2 medium pumps 196
layering 415 83-84
Codes and reguJatioos, liquid storage ranks
scanning and translation 416-417 inter- and after-coolers 82--83,84
local 3S9
standard drawings 415 lube oil system 64
National Flre Praeaion Association
Cast iron fittings 336 maintenance 69-75
codes 359
Carch basin 311 reciprocating with all componenlS 84
Occupation Safety and Health AI::t 3S9
definition of 305 seal oil system ~
tanks 359
cavitation 182 shelter 85
Codes and standards
Cemrifugal compressors 79 spadng 49
definitions of 10
. nozzle orientations 61 suman configurations 86
Coker unit 303
C~ntrifugal pump 182, 183 surface condensers 66-69
Cold-service tower requirements 259
examples 184 rypes of compressor drives 61-64
Cold spring 410
jn vacuum service 188 with inter-cooler and piping between
Combination burner
Chemical sewers 307, 320-321 stages 83
piping and insttumenr3tion di2gr.un
Chimney tray arrangement 230 165 Compressor sumon drumlknockout pot
Circular furnace 143 Combined sewer 307 59-{)1
arrangement for 152 Combustion air preheating systems 163 Compressor systems 56
furnace elevation for lower level furnaces 148-149 Computer-aided design
169 Common access basic CAD applicuions 415-419
furnace elevation for upper level towers 226 benefits of 429
167 integrated modeling systems 419
Common operation
lower plan 168 systems engineering and instrument
equipment location 37
piping 165-171 design 419-428
Common platforms
piping and instrumentation diagram Conceptual studies 391
164 rowers 243
Common Slack for multiple furnaces 163 Concrete pipe 338
platform requirement 158 Concrete platform 290
upper level plan 166 Common st3I1dby pump 193
wim [wo primary pumps 193 for add service 290
Civil engineering Condensate blowdown line 199
plO( plan 27 Component imerference 425
Compressor area arrangement 38 Condensate pump 56
Cleanout Condenser operation 67
definition of 305 Compressor drives
types of 61-64 Cone-roof tank 361
Cleanout access doors 145 . Construaibility
Cleanout connection 313 Compressor pipe sUpportS
compressor layout 89 definition of 17
Client planning 17
plot plan 28 Compressors
arrangement and location 75-79 Construetion
Climate conditions of exchangers 110-114
equipment location 41-42 auxiliary equipment 55-61


Construroon (cant) Deluge and spray systems 334 Drill StrUctures 301-304
plot plan 28 Design Drums
Construroon materials reaaors 203 boot layout 106
underground piping 309 strUctures 285 elevation sketch 95
Contaminated storm water 307 towers 223 feed surge and compressor suction
Continuous shell Desulfurizer process 204 drum locations 92
still process 219,220 Diagonal piping runs 7 in an enclosed chemical plant
Contractor-supplied supporting columns Dike access structUre 93
125 building around obstructions instrumentation 103, 105-106
Control and operator access 366-368. 368 in [ower reflux systems 92
in a plate arrangement 121 tanks and 366-368 location of 92-95
in a spiral arrangement 120 vehicular and personnel 366. 367 maintenance 106-107
Control valves and accessories 346 Diked area drain 341 nozzle locations 95-97
Control valve station Dikes, types of piping arrangements 100-103.104
e~evated 355 buried low-temperarure tank 365, platform arrangements 98-100
single 354 365 process vessel sketch 95
stapdard 354 buried low-temperature rank above typeS of 91 .
Steam 355 365-366, 366 Dynamic loading
Conveaion section 145 concrete 362. 363 definition of 287
Convection section piping 174, 175 diversion canals and 366, 367
Convection section rube removal double containment method 362. E
in box-type furnace 155 363 Eanhquake 395
Cooling water 309 eanhen 362, 363 Eanhquake load
Cost-effectiveness eanhen and concrete combination definition of 287
definition of 13 362,363 Eccentric reducers 190
Critical lines list 389 narural terrain 362. 364 Economic piping
Crossover piping 145 natural terrain with volatile liquids
equipmem 1000tion 33-37
Crude distillation of products across 362-365. 364 Elbow nozzles
temperature range 220 plam topography and 365, 365
etfea on stacked exchangers 127
Distillation process
Electrical engineering
D rowers 219-221
plot plan 27
Double pipe exchangers 113-114
Damper 145 El~ motors 63
Downcomer trayS 230
mechanism 156 compressor drives 61-63
Downstream dimensional requirements
Davit Elevated centrifugal compressor
arrangement 216 no shelter 74
Draft gauge 145
hofi?ontaldrumI06 open-sided structUre 72
Drainage areas 312
Dead load Elevation
Drain hub
definition of 286 furnace 149-159
definition of 306
Deaerator 92 pipe racks 261-269
Drain piping
Deck plate platform 289 reaaors 204-207
compressor layout 90
Decoking 145 towers 223-232


Elevation layout 6-7 definition of 287 fire water system layout 334-337
Emergency eyewash and shower 328 Exchanger installation Flexibility
Engineering parallel and series 116 check steps 274
systems engineering and instrument single and paired 116 definition of 14-16
design 421-423 stacked 117 pipe radG 271-277
Engineering model structure-mounted 116 Floating-roof tank 361
detail 425 Exchanger orientation 115 Floor elevation
Equipment arrangement Exchangers compressor housing 84
plant layout specification 19 consuuction 110-114 Floor space
Equipment elevations location and suppon 114-125 comparison 38
plant layout sped.fications 19-20,22 maintenance 135-140 sizes 33
Equipment houses 43 nozzle orieruation 125-127 Flow instruments 347
Equipmem list 31 piping 127-134 Fluid eatl1ytic cracking unit plot plan 39
. definition of 10 Explosion doors 145 Foundation derail drawings
plot plan development 29 Exremal-cage Ieve.l conuoller and stuldards symbols 416
Equipment load tr2I1SIIliaer 350 Fractional distillation 219-221
definition of 286 ExIemaI-age level switch 351 Fractionator tower 221
Equipmem location Furnace elevation 153
climate conditions 41-42 F Furnace operation 142
common operation 37 Feeds Furnaces
economic piping 33-37 alternative arrangements 234 basic operation 141
equipment sizes 37-40 Fire fighting, foam system burners 147-148
plant layout specification 33 foam injeaion into tmks 383-386. combustion air preheating systems
process requirements 37 386 148-149
real estate availability 37 semiponable foam syslem general arrangement of 149-165
underground facilities 40-41 386.387 piping layout for 165-177
Equipment plot model Fire fighting water system 386. 387 spacing 50
plot modeling software 421 Fire hydrant 328 rail gas incinerator 177-1 i9
Equipment sizes details 330 terminology 144-147
equipment loc3tion 37-40 installation 329 typeS of 141-144
plot plan developmem 31 with monitor 332 waste heat unit 177-179
Equipment spacing 20, 21 Fife monitor 330
plot plans 44-51 elevated 332, 333 G
Equipment support 292 grade-moumed 331, 333 Gas turbine
column locations 279 range chan 331 compressor drive 63-64
Estimating selecting 333 Grade-mounted centrifugal compressor,
plot plan 28 Fire water 309 no shelter 71
Exchange nozzles Fireproofed Steel 290 Grade-mounted compressor, curtain wall
alternative locations 126 Fireproofing requirements 279 shelter 73
Exchanger applications ](1) rare warer system 325-337 Grademoumed horizontal inline
Exchanger bundle removal load deluge and spray sysrems 334 arrangement

plot plans 31-33 34t Hortonsphere piping layout 380-383, Inter- and after<aolers
Grade-mounted or elevated centrifugal 382 compressors 82-S3
compressor open-sided SUUtture
t Hose station at pipe rack column 270 Interference checking
72 Housing and platform requirements system engineering and instrumenl
Graphics symbols compressors 83-84 design 424-428 .
CAD applications 415 Hydrotreater process 204 Internal clearance 356
Grating platform 289 Hydrooeater unit plot plan 205 Internal level switch and transminer
Gravity feed 37 side-mounted 352
Gravity flow I lop-mounted 352
definition of 14 Induced draft fan 162 Internally generated engineering data 3
Guide spacing 414 Industry standards Invert elevation
underground piping 305 definition of 305
H Initial arrangement sketch 52 Issue documents
Head dimensions 238 Inlet air filters 60 system engineering and instrument
Header 145 compressors 59 design 428
definition of 12 Inlet dua 60
Head block valves Inlet line strainers 88 K
definition of 12 Inlet piping
Knee brace 244
Header box detail 156 centrifugal compressors 85
Header boxes 147 Inline
Header-branchleader block valve 13 definition of 12 L
Heat exchangers 110 instrumentation 13 Ladder
Heat exchanger setting lnline pump support 201 detail 286
automatically generated 419 Instrumemation plant layour specification 23
Heat tracing drums 103 preferred position 286
definition of 12 locations 352-357 rung spacing 244
High-pressure reaaor 205 typeS of 345-352 sloping 244
High-pressure steam inlet piping Instrument deIaiJs Large-diameter lines 267
compressor layout 87-88 alternative 356 Large suuaures 298-301
Hillside nozzle 96 Instrument engineering setting heavy equipmenr in 301
Hook centerline elevation plot plan 27 Lateral and sublateral detail 316
compressor housing 84 Instrument locations Laterals
Horizontal exchanger support 117 pipe racks 269-271 definition of 305
Horizontal pressure rank (bullet) Instruments Layering
361 distributed control system 346 CAD applications 415
bullet-tank piping layout 380, 382 local control system 345 Layout draining
protection berm and 383t 385 locally mounted systems 345 definition of 10-11
Horizonral reactor 217 towers 246-252 Layout philosophy
Horizontal reflex drum 91 Instrument vessel sketch 252 diagonal piping runs 7
Horizontal split~ compressor 61, 62 Integrate modeling systems elevation layout 6-7
Hortonsphere pressure tank 362 computer-aided design 419 plan view layout 5-6


Layout philosophy (cont) rank supports 374-388 horizontal 297

valve manifolds 7 terminology 359 vertical 298
use of space 8 typeS 360-362 Minimum clearance
Leg-suppon drum 94 Live load towers 226
Level control operating principle 353 definition of 286 Mixer
Level gauge assemblies 349 Location with drum 106
Level instrumems exchangers 114-125 Mobile equipment 257
arrangements for 253 instruments 352-357 Model review
locations 237 pumps 185-188 system engineering and instrumem
Level transmitter control diagram 353 reaaors 204 design 424
tift station 341 Logic diagram H MocIifications
definition of 305 Low-temperature storage tmk 361 [0 plant layout specificaDon 19

Ughting panels 282 Lube oil consoles 58 Monorail 293

Une arrangement Lube oil drain routing 66 Multibed reacror 218
pipe rncks 275-277 compressors 55-56 Multiple-pump piping arr:mgemems
Unebranches maimenance 65 192-195
compressor layout 89 piping and instrumentation diagram Multiple reaaor arrangement 214
Une locations 65 Multiunit fractional distillation process
pipe racks 269-271 Lube oil system 220
Une growth compressors 64
pipe racks 275 Lug-supponed drum 94 N
planning for 267 Net positive suman head (NPSH) 181,
line-routing diagram 262 M 225
line run Maintenance Nomograph
check 53 compressors 69-75, 75, 76 for absorbing leg on pump piping
definition of 10 definition of 12 405
Une sizing drums 1~107 for absorbing leg on vessel piping
oilY and Slorm water SVSl:eDlS exchanger 135-140 408
'316-320 . plant layout specification 24 for piperack loop sizing 411
tine spacing chan 266 reactors 216-218 for reciprocating compressor piping
Une support 276 requirements 25 spans 413
liquid stor3ge tanks toWers 252-259 for unsupponed overhang span 400
codes and regulations 359 Maintenance access Nozzle elmtion, locations, and
dike access 366-368 towers 225, 232, 242 orientltion
liquefied natur.I1 gas pump and piping Maintenance and openadonaI access drums 95-97
layout 383,383, 384, 385 requirements exchangers 125-127
process and offsite plot plan, overall pumps 192 reaaors 207-2r1J
layout 386-388, 388 Manning formula 318 toWerS 232-240
sizing ranks and dikes 368-369 Materials of construetion Nozzles 393
spill comainment 362-366 plot plan development 31 Nozzle SI3Ilcioul5 238
tmk details 369-374 Medium-sized suuaures 296-298 NPSH example 183

NPSH requirements Pier-moumed venical installation 120 Piping and instrumentation diagrams
pumps 182-183 Pigtails 146, 147 definition of 10
Pile-supported foundations 308 Piping arrangements
o Pipe anchor load drums 1~103
definition of 287 economy 130
Oil and gas burner 147
Pipe chase detail 294 feed exchangers 132 .
maintenance area 148
Pipe elevations 306 for horizontal shell and tube
Oily water sewer 307
Pipe load exchangers 128
Oily water systems 315
definition of 287 for steam and condensate SYStem 129
line sizing 316-320
Pipe racks 261-283 for underground cooling ~ter
underground piping 309-320 system 129
additions 281
Open systems 15 high-temperature. high-pressure feed
alternative pipe rack expansion 270
definition of 14 exchangers 131
anchor bent 275
Operating valve accessibility 88 horizontal reboiler 130
Operation . column spacing 264
composite 265 inlet and ourlet for produa air cooler
. definition of 12 135
configurations 45
Operations platforms struaure overhead for condensing air cooler
. 304
cross section 264
elevation 44 134
Operations struaure 304 plate exchangers 133
interseaion 280
Operator access reaaors 21~216
pipe racks 283 layout 268
5K)0 tums 280
spiral exchangers 132
to controls 25 supports for 130
towers 225 plot plan development 42-44
vertical reboiler 130
Opposing downcomers 230 spandrel location 277
spandrel variations 277 Piping conneaions
Ourler dua 60 compressor layout 87
vertical arrangement 45
Overhead arrangement Piping design
towers 247 Piperack396
Pipe span oole 263 plOl plan 27
Overloading 394 Piping isometric 427
Overstress 392 Pipe Stress 389
Piping layout
Pipe stress work process 390
Pipe support location plan furnaces 165-177
p reference piping layout drawing 417
Piping layout model
Packed tower 223 Pipe supports
auxiliary isometric "iew 425
Packed tower components 231 Piping specification
compressor 89
Panial conceprual plot plan 422 definition of 10
definition of 16-17
PaniaI piping layout drawing 426 Plan
intermediate 276
view layout 5-6
Partial planning model 423 Piping
Paving 23 buried, insulaled 344
arrangement 46 systems engineering and instrument
cover for buried 314
design 420-421
plant layout specification 20-22 exchanger 127-134
Planning Study
plot plans 44 pumps 188-197
definition of 10-11
Peep doors 147 towers 243-246


Plam design system planning 29 Produa outlet and decoking piping 173
CAD generated 420 proposal 28 Project design data 3
Plant layout design roads, access ways, and paving 44 Project input data
basics of 1-17 sample arrangement 51 in plant layout design 2-4
philosophy 4-8 types of 31-33 PuJsations395
projea input data 2-4 Pn'iitive displacement pumps 185 Pulsation dampenerIvolume bottle 61,62
role and functions of designer 1-2 Positive displacement (redprocaIing) Pump
terminology and standards 8-17 pumps 183 and turbine suppon 201
Plant layout designer Poable water system 309,324 discharge location 187
function of 1-2 Precast concrete pipe 278 layout 191
role of 1 Preliminary piping and insttumentItion suction and discharge piping syslem
Plant layout imerface 2 diagram 189
PI3l1t layout specification towers 250 Pump locations
components of 19-25 Pressure measurement plan 186
equipment location 33 instruments 348 elevation 186
Plant operation Pressure rap locations 356 Purnp-out system 300-309
plant layout specification 24 Primaly and swxIJy pump Pumps
Plate exchanger construction 113 arrangement 192 locations 185-188
Plar:e exchangers 112 for hex slurry service 194 NPSH requirements 182-183
Planorm and ladder ele\"aIion requirements with below.grade suction 194 piping 188-197
towers 241 Probe conneaion 210 terminology 181-182
Platform arrangements Process and potable water 322-325 lypes of 183-185
drums 98-100 Process (dosed) sewers 320-321 Pump suaion arrangement 248
reaaors 209-210 Process cooling water sysrem 324 ~lysis furnace 143,144
towers 240-243 at exchangers 325 ladder and p1alform requirements 159
platform orientation 245 at pumps 325
Plad'onns cro.w:wer piping 324 R
plant layout specification 23 Process design eta Radiant coil 146
plar:fonn width requirements plot pbn deYeIopment 29-31 Radiant section 147
tQ1NerS 242 Process drains: do5ed system 321 Radiant tube ren1OY2l
Plot plans Process flow diagram 32 in a circular furnace 154
buildings 44 definition of 10 Railroads 23
consuuction 30 planning piping with 36 plant layout specification 20-22
definition of 27-28 pkx pbm deveiopment 29 Rain&ll calculation chart 319
development of 28-31 Process oper3tion Rain&ll intensity and frequency 317
equipment location 33-42 reaaors 203 Ramps
equipment spacing 44-51 Process requirements preferred position 286
exchanger applications 115 equipment location 37 Re3aors 204
final arrangement 54 Process unit road 46 design considerations for 203
in the process unit 27 Process vessel sketch 205 elevation requirements 207
pipe racks 42-44 towers 228 location of 204


Reactors (cant) 5 dimensions, square dike 369

maimenance 216-218 volume of tank berm 368-369.369
Saddle-supported drum 94
nozzle locations and elevations Skin temperature anachmem 348
207-209 Safety
Sloping drum 106
piping arrangements 210-215 definition of 12-13
Small structure 293-296
platform arrangements 209-210, spacing requirements 35
alternative design 295
211 Sanitary sewer 308
single-level, one-bav 295
process operation 203 Scanning and translation
single-level, twC>-ba}r 296
support and elevation 204-207 CAD applications 416-417
t'WO-level 297
unloading 207 SCanning comparison 418
Snuffing steam 147
Reactors in series Scheduling
Solvent collection SYStem 309
manually operated valve manifold 215 plot plan 27 Soot blower' 147 .
remotely operated valve manifold 215 Seal oil console 58
fixed 160
Real estate availability compressors 56
in operation 161
equipment location 37 piping and instrumentation diagram
retractable 161
Reboiler 67
Seal oil system
arrangement 230 use of 18
conneroons 235 compressors ~
Reciprocating compressor piping Seal oil aI1k location 66
plot plan developmem 29
compressor layout 88-89 Seals
Spherical reactor 217
Reciprocating equipment piping lavout definition of 306
Spill comainmem, see also Dikes, ~-pes of
411 . Sewer box 339
tanks and, 362-366
Reciprocating compressors 79-82 definition of 306
Spiral exchanger construaion 113
Recuperative system 151 derail 313
Spirnl heat exchangers 112-113
Reflux schedule 320
Spool piece removal 194
alternative arrangements 233 sizes 321
Spring-mounted pump 188
Reformer furnace 144 with line cleanout 340
Srab-in reboiler 140
. plalforms 160 sewer main
Stack 147
RefractOly 147 definition of 30S
Stacked reactors 218
Regenerative system 150 Shell and rube exchangers 111-112
Relief header location 270 arrangements 112
plant layout specification 23
Relief valve systems 249 Side shell-mounted catalyst unloading
nozzles 210 Stair Structures 301,302
Rigid frames Stairway
definition of 285-286 .Side shell-mounted temper3lUre
connectionS 210 dimensional detail 287
Roads 23 preferred position 286
Side-suction nozzles on centrifugal pump
plant layout specification 20-22 Standard drawings
plot plans 44 CAD applicants 415
Single platform arrangement 212
Rowy pumps 185 Single-reactOr piping arrangement 214 Steam drum and transfer line exchange
Rotating equipment lavou[ 401 162
Sizing tanks and dikes 368-369
Rotating equipment ~zz1e allowable Steam-generation thermosiphon circuit
dimensions, chan for square dike
loads 402 176


Steam line drip legs 276 . Structure-supported platform Tandem arrangement 63

Steam reformer furnace 145 arrangement 212 Tank access
SteanHraced line 12 Structure-supported vertical installation elevcued pipe WXf and cmvalk 374,
Steam rracing manifold 9 119 375
Steam crap assembly 9 Sublaterals floating-roof tank access 373,373
Steam curbine 64 definition of 305 interconneaing carwaJks 373,374
compressor drives 63 Subsystems maintenance access 369-372,371
piping arrangemems 195-199 within process flow diagram 51 piping and personnel access rower
Stiffening rings 258 Suction line strainers 373-374,375
Storm water systems 315 compressor layout 85 valve access cnwalks 273, 372
line sizing 316-320 Sump pump 187 Tank details 369-374
underground piping 309-320 Support tank access 269-375
Straightening vanes reactors 204-207 tank hearers 373, 373
. compressor layout 88 pipe racks 271-277 tank mixers 372-373,373
Straight run requiremenrs 355 towers 223-232 Tank hearers 373, 373
SCream inrersection 356 Support spacing 'Tank maintenance 369-374,371
Stress example calculation branch lines 399 elevated pipe way and carwalk 374,
other piping 406 piperacks 397 375
piperack 409 unsupported overhang 400 floating-roof tank access 373,373
reciprocating compressor 412 Surface condensers 56, 58 interconneaing catWalks 373,374
rOlating equipment 402 compressors 66-69 piping and personnel access tower
Stress isometrics 390 elevation 70 373-374,375
Struaural considerations with multiple condensing steam valve access carwalks 372, 372
pipe racks 277-279 turbine drives 56 Tank mixers 372-373,373
Struaural details wim single condensing SleaID turbine Tanks
of struaures 287-293 drive 55 codes and regulations 359
Struaur.l1 siding 291 Systems engineering and instrument dike access 366-368
design pipes and 379-382
Struaural steel mode 424
conceprual planing 420 process and off-sire pl<X plan, overall
StructUre cross seaion 300
detailed engineering 421-423 layour 386-388, 388
Srruauremounred vertical arrangement
detailed planning 420-421 pumps and 376-378, 388, 377
rypes of plot plans 33, 35
SrnJaures interference checking 424 sizing ranks and dikes 368-369
design features 285 issue documenrs 428 spill containmenr 362-366
details 287-293 model review 424,428 I30k details 369-374
plot plan 27 tank supports 374-388
drill structUres 301-304
large strucrures 298-301 System types terminology 359
medium-sized struaures 296-298 underground piping 306-309 [ype5 of 360-362
operations plarforms 304 Tanks and piping 379-382
small strucrures 293-296 T alternative piping layouts 379-380,
stair strucrures 301 Tail gas incinerator 380
terminology 285-287 furnaces 177-179 bullet-rank piping layout 380,382


Tanks and piping (cant) dike 359 davit arrangement 255

buried produa-transfer piping 378, distribution system 360 design considerations 223
378 diversion channel 360 distillation process 219-221
dilferential settlement and piping 379, double-wall storage tank 360 drop zone 256
379 fixed-roof tank 360 elevation and suppon 223-232
dike-penetration seal 378,378 flame arrester 360 elevation sketch 227
flexible dike seal 378-379, 379 flame snuffer 360 intervals 228-232
Hononsphere piping layout 380-383, floating-roof tank 360 maintenance 252-259
382 foam 360 nozzle elevation and orientation
liquefied natural gas pump and piping foot valve 360 232-240
layout 383, 383, 384, 385 heaters 360 piping 243-246
pipe W'iJ){ and pumping cross semon Hoftonsphere 360 piping arrangement 251
380.381 intermediate holding tank 360 piping supports 246
piping layout 380,381 platform arrangements 240-252
remote impounding basin 360
Tanks and pumps 376-378, 377, 378 skirt 227
sediment 360
pipe way and pumping cross semon spacing 48
sleeper 360
380,381 tower instruments 246-252
sump 360
pumps inside concrete dike 377-378, tranSition section 230
378 tank farm 360
Teetype strainer 189 trolley beam arrangement 255
pumps inside diked area 376-3Tl,
Temperature measurement insmunems typeS of 221-222
348 weld seams 258
pumps outside diked area 377,377
Temperarure and pressure instruments Tower-supported vertical installation
Tanks, types of 360-362
arrangement for 254 118
coneroof tank 361,361
Temperature and pressure locations 237 Transfer line 147
floating-roof tank 361,361
Terminology Transfer line layout 176
horizontal pressure tank (bullet)
in plant layout design 10-17 Transfer line piping 1i6-177
of structures 285-287 Traveling ganuy 13 7
Hononsphere pressure tank 362,
362 . underground piping 305-306 Tray details 229
low-temperature storage tank 361, Thermal 394 Trayed tower 222
361 Thermal expansion load Tray suppon beam sizes 237
Tank supportS 374-376 definition of 1E7 Trench
compaaed fill tmk pad 374, 376 Thermal growth 399 definition of 305
elevaed concrete base 374,376 Thermal stress solutions 398 Trench piping 338
embedded heating element 374-376, 3-D equipment plot model 421 Trolley beam 136
377 Top head arrangement 236 arrangement 216
ring wall 374,376 To head nozzle arrangement 208 Tube and shell exchanger passes 111
Tank terminology Top platform amngemem 213 Tube bundle exrractor details 139
atmospheric tank 359 Tower-mounted air cooler 140 Tube bundle remowI
barrel 359 Towers by crane 137
bullet 359 area 224 Tube exchangers 111-112
cone-roof tank 359 areas of division 246 Tubes 147

Typical tOP head platform arrangements terminology 305-306 connection 210

towers 243 underground composite 344 Vertical pumps 59
underground derails 337-340 locating 187-188
u underground electrical and Vertical reboiler 226
Vertical split<ase compressor 61.63
Uncontaminated storm water 306-307 instrument ductS 337
Unit encasement 42 Vessel dip details
Underground cable duct 335
Unsupported overhang 396 standard 417
Underground composite 344
Upstream dimensional requirements 356 Vessel-supported platform arrangement
Underground details 337-340 212
Underground drum Utiliry station requirements 258
elevation requirements 94 w
Underground electrical and instrument v Wash-water injection 87
duos 337 Vacuum tower and stripper 222 Waste heat system 59
Underground elevations 42 Valve locations Waste heat unit
Underground futilities pipe racks 269-271 furnaces 177-179
equipment l0C2tion 40-41 Valve manifolds 7 Weight 394
Underground piping Valve and steam trap Weight stress solutions 395
.chemical and process (dosed) sewers improper location 198 Welding receptades 282
320-321 Vapor and liquid flow 221 Width
construction materials 309 Vapor pressure 181 pipe racks 261-269
fire water system 325-337 Vendor data 3 Wind 394
industry Sl:aCldards 305 Vendor-supplied supporting columns Wind force on pipe 395
oily water and storm water systems 125 Wind load
309-320 Vertical compressor suction drum 91 definition of 287
process and potable water 322-325 Vertical condensate pump 187 Wind piping layout 414
system rypes 306-309 Vertically moumed temperarure Windproof gas burner 148


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