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Code No: 117BD Set No.

IV B. Tech. I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, September - 2017
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. A
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.

I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. The widely employed Computer architecture in CAD/CAM application is [ ]

(a) Work station based system (b) Minicomputer based system
(c) Mainframe based system (d) Micro computer based system

2. Which of the following is does not belong to the family of conics [ ]

(a)Hyperbola (b) Ellipse (c) Parabola (d) Triangle

3. The software that is used for file manipulations. Managing directories and sub directories programming
and account setup is known as [ ]
(a) Graphics software (b) Application software (c) Programming languages (d) Operating system

4. Thumb wheels are usually mounted on [ ]

(a) Monitor (b)Key board (c) CPU (d) Mouse

5. The order of the cubic spline is [ ]

(a) 2 order (b) 3order (c) 1 order (d) 4 order

6. The following is not a Graphics standard [ ]

(a) PHIGS (b) GKS (c) UNIX (d) IGBS

7. Identify the correct sequence of the design process [ ]

(a) Recognition of need definition of problem synthesis analysis and optimization evaluation
(b) Recognition of need definition of problem analysis and optimization
synthesis evaluation presentation
(c) Recognition of need definition of problem synthesis analysis and optimization
presentation evaluation
(d) Recognition of need definition of problem analysis and optimization
Synthesis presentation

8. The screen is scanned from left to right ,top to bottom all the time to generate graphics is [ ]
(a) Random scan (b) Stroke writing (c) Raster scan (d) Vector scan

9. In the following geometric modeling technique which cannot be used for finite element analysis
[ ]
(a) Solid modeling (b) Wireframe modeling (c) Surface modeling (d) none of the above

10. The tensor product techniques constraint surface s by two curves [ ]

(a ) adding (b) subtracting (c) dividing (d) multiplying
Code No: 117BD :2: Set No. 1

II Fill in the Blanks

11. The heart of the Computer is __________________

12. The degrees of freedom of a Two node bar element _________________

13. The sum of the shape functions over the element is always equals to____________

14. Key board is _____________ Input device

15. The shape of the Bezier curve is controlled by _________________

16. Color raster display uses three electron guns, namely ________________

17. Parametric equation of the Hermit cubic spline______________________

18. C0 continuity refers to_____________________________

19. The curve based on Bernstein polynomial interpolation function is called______________

20. The data model that represents the data as a tree structure is known as ______________

Code No: 117BD Set No. 2
IV B. Tech. I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, September - 2017
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. A
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.

I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. Thumb wheels are usually mounted on [ ]

(a) Monitor (b)Key board (c) CPU (d) Mouse

2. The order of the cubic spline is [ ]

(a) 2 order (b) 3order (c) 1 order (d) 4 order

3. The following is not a Graphics standard [ ]

(a) PHIGS (b) GKS (c) UNIX (d) IGBS

4. Identify the correct sequence of the design process [ ]

(a) Recognition of need definition of problem synthesis analysis and optimization evaluation
(b) Recognition of need definition of problem analysis and optimization
synthesis evaluation presentation
(c) Recognition of need definition of problem synthesis analysis and optimization
presentation evaluation
(d) Recognition of need definition of problem analysis and optimization
Synthesis presentation

5. The screen is scanned from left to right ,top to bottom all the time to generate graphics is [ ]
(a) Random scan (b) Stroke writing (c) Raster scan (d) Vector scan

6. In the following geometric modeling technique which cannot be used for finite element analysis
[ ]
(a) Solid modeling (b) Wireframe modeling (c) Surface modeling (d) none of the above

7. The tensor product techniques constraint surface s by two curves [ ]

(a ) adding (b) subtracting (c) dividing (d) multiplying

8. The widely employed Computer architecture in CAD/CAM application is [ ]

(a) Work station based system (b) Minicomputer based system
(c) Mainframe based system (d) Micro computer based system

9. Which of the following is does not belong to the family of conics [ ]

(a)Hyperbola (b) Ellipse (c) Parabola (d) Triangle

10. The software that is used for file manipulations. Managing directories and sub directories programming
and account setup is known as [ ]
(a) Graphics software (b) Application software (c) Programming languages (d) Operating system

Code No: 117BD :2: Set No. 2

II Fill in the Blanks

11. Key board is _____________ Input device

12. The shape of the Bezier curve is controlled by _________________

13. Color raster display uses three electron guns, namely ________________

14. Parametric equation of the Hermit cubic spline______________________

15. C0 continuity refers to_____________________________

16. The curve based on Bernstein polynomial interpolation function is called______________

17. The data model that represents the data as a tree structure is known as ______________

18. The heart of the Computer is __________________

19. The degrees of freedom of a Two node bar element _________________

20. The sum of the shape functions over the element is always equals to____________

Code No: 117BD Set No. 3
IV B. Tech. I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, September - 2017
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. A
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.

I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. The following is not a Graphics standard [ ]

(a) PHIGS (b) GKS (c) UNIX (d) IGBS

2. Identify the correct sequence of the design process [ ]

(a) Recognition of need definition of problem synthesis analysis and optimization evaluation
(b) Recognition of need definition of problem analysis and optimization
synthesis evaluation presentation
(c) Recognition of need definition of problem synthesis analysis and optimization
presentation evaluation
(d) Recognition of need definition of problem analysis and optimization
Synthesis presentation

3. The screen is scanned from left to right ,top to bottom all the time to generate graphics is [ ]
(a) Random scan (b) Stroke writing (c) Raster scan (d) Vector scan

4. In the following geometric modeling technique which cannot be used for finite element analysis
[ ]
(a) Solid modeling (b) Wireframe modeling (c) Surface modeling (d) none of the above

5. The tensor product techniques constraint surface s by two curves [ ]

(a ) adding (b) subtracting (c) dividing (d) multiplying

6. The widely employed Computer architecture in CAD/CAM application is [ ]

(a) Work station based system (b) Minicomputer based system
(c) Mainframe based system (d) Micro computer based system

7. Which of the following is does not belong to the family of conics [ ]

(a)Hyperbola (b) Ellipse (c) Parabola (d) Triangle

8. The software that is used for file manipulations. Managing directories and sub directories programming
and account setup is known as [ ]
(a) Graphics software (b) Application software (c) Programming languages (d) Operating system

9. Thumb wheels are usually mounted on [ ]

(a) Monitor (b)Key board (c) CPU (d) Mouse

10. The order of the cubic spline is [ ]

(a) 2 order (b) 3order (c) 1 order (d) 4 order

Code No: 117BD :2: Set No. 3

II Fill in the Blanks

11. Color raster display uses three electron guns, namely ________________

12. Parametric equation of the Hermit cubic spline______________________

13. C0 continuity refers to_____________________________

14. The curve based on Bernstein polynomial interpolation function is called______________

15. The data model that represents the data as a tree structure is known as ______________

16. The heart of the Computer is __________________

17. The degrees of freedom of a Two node bar element _________________

18. The sum of the shape functions over the element is always equals to____________

19. Key board is _____________ Input device

20. The shape of the Bezier curve is controlled by _________________

Code No: 117BD Set No. 4
IV B. Tech. I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, September - 2017
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. A
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.

I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. The screen is scanned from left to right ,top to bottom all the time to generate graphics is [ ]
(a) Random scan (b) Stroke writing (c) Raster scan (d) Vector scan

2. In the following geometric modeling technique which cannot be used for finite element analysis
[ ]
(a) Solid modeling (b) Wireframe modeling (c) Surface modeling (d) none of the above

3. The tensor product techniques constraint surface s by two curves [ ]

(a ) adding (b) subtracting (c) dividing (d) multiplying

4. The widely employed Computer architecture in CAD/CAM application is [ ]

(a) Work station based system (b) Minicomputer based system
(c) Mainframe based system (d) Micro computer based system

5. Which of the following is does not belong to the family of conics [ ]

(a)Hyperbola (b) Ellipse (c) Parabola (d) Triangle

6. The software that is used for file manipulations. Managing directories and sub directories programming
and account setup is known as [ ]
(a) Graphics software (b) Application software (c) Programming languages (d) Operating system

7. Thumb wheels are usually mounted on [ ]

(a) Monitor (b)Key board (c) CPU (d) Mouse

8. The order of the cubic spline is [ ]

(a) 2 order (b) 3order (c) 1 order (d) 4 order

9. The following is not a Graphics standard [ ]

(a) PHIGS (b) GKS (c) UNIX (d) IGBS

10. Identify the correct sequence of the design process [ ]

(a) Recognition of need definition of problem synthesis analysis and optimization evaluation
(b) Recognition of need definition of problem analysis and optimization
synthesis evaluation presentation
(c) Recognition of need definition of problem synthesis analysis and optimization
presentation evaluation
(d) Recognition of need definition of problem analysis and optimization
Synthesis presentation

Code No: 117BD :2: Set No. 4

II Fill in the Blanks

11. C0 continuity refers to_____________________________

12. The curve based on Bernstein polynomial interpolation function is called______________

13. The data model that represents the data as a tree structure is known as ______________

14. The heart of the Computer is __________________

15. The degrees of freedom of a Two node bar element _________________

16. The sum of the shape functions over the element is always equals to____________

17. Key board is _____________ Input device

18. The shape of the Bezier curve is controlled by _________________

19. Color raster display uses three electron guns, namely ________________

20. Parametric equation of the Hermit cubic spline______________________


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