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Semi Official Cleopatra and the Society of Architects FAQ ver 1

These are simply the questions asked on the rules forums and answers complied into one
document. Bruno Cathala one of the game designers and Eric Hautemont of Days of Wonder
(DoW) answers several questions. Ive edited out some commentary not necessary for
understanding the question or answer. Ive also corrected a few spelling errors. Ive
included any comments I make below in [brackets]. Some threads that were repeats of other
questions werent included in which case I picked in favor of designer answers or clarity.
Some questions that had obvious answers in the rules werent included as well.

Discarding cards

Tom Key asks

Can you discard cards by visiting the market if you have fewer than 10?
In the last round, a player was holding 4 or 5 tainted cards, each leading to a corruption
point at the end of the game. Apart from playing them (thereby gaining the corruption), is
there a way that player can get these cards out of their hand?

I think the rules only refer to discarding if you have more than 10.

Nick Fisk responds

Pretty sure the answer is no.

The whole point is that it's a punishment to pick up the corrupt cards, whether you end up
using them or not.

The only way I see not to get punished for them, is to go way over 10 cards, then discard
them all for a penalty of 1 amulet.

Eric Hautemont answers

Nick is correct.

Bruno Cathala follows up with

Eric gave the correct answer..

but just a comment:

if you want to get rid of corrupted cards before the end of the game, you need to
anticipate this end, and to choose to have more than ten cards after being to the market....
it's a good way to avoid being eaten by crocodiles !


Sanctuary rule

Greg Zamira asks

If when laying a mosaic piece you create two sanctuaries can you place both of your
statues of Anubis on that turn?

Matthew Smith responds

Bruno gave an official answer on the Days of Wonder website:

He said you can place two statues on the same turn. However, in a different thread, he
said you can't move a statue once it's been placed. So, plan and claim your sanctuaries

How much of Amulets I have?

Ales Matas asks

Can I check during the game to see how many corruption amulets I have? We played it
without looking. We think that's more fun, but I'm not sure what the rule is. I did not find it
in the written rules.

Eric Hautemont responds

Yes, you can check how much corruption YOU have at anytime during the game. As for
the other player's corruption, you can only guesstimate it in the end, since it is not
possible to know how many tainted cards they will have in hand when game ends.

Must keep ALL cards in excess of 10

Doobermite asks

My understanding of the Market Rule is:

If you choose to hold onto more than 10 cards than you must hold on to ALL of them. You
cannot choose which ones to discard. You may only choose which cards to discard if you
choose to discard down to 10 cards.

So if you had 15 cards in your hand you could not discard down to 12 you would have to
hold onto all 15 and take 5 corruption. That is unless you chose to discard down to 10,
then you'd only have to take 1 corruption.

Vitas Povilaitis responds


I was interested in your question because my group played the game choosing how many
cards to discard.

I just re-read the rules and see that your interpretation is what the rules literally say. So,
yes... Either keep all the cards (adding a corruption for each card over 10) or discard
down to ten (for one corruption.)

Putting Corruption Tokens in Sanctuaries

Steve Hicks asks

At the end of the game, where you get to dump corruption by putting pieces in your
claimed sanctuaries...

The rule book says "empty squares".

Does an "empty square" mean just that; empty?

or does it also include a square with a tree on it?

So if I have a sanctuary with five squares, three are trees, and two are empty.

Do I dump five tokens, or only two?

uh oh, here responds

As I understand it you would get rid of 5 corruption markers, I read it as being the actual
squares rather than any pictures.

Mik Svellov follows up with

The official English rules does NOT use the word 'empty' in connection with Sanctuaries.

Under "Game End" it reads:

"The Players place 1 Corruption Amulet on each space of the Palace's Garden that they have claimed as
a Sanctuary when they placed one of their Statues of Anubis (including the space where the Statue is)."

and under "Building a Sanctuary" it reads:

"At the end of the game, any player who owns a Sanctuary (or two) can get rid of 1 Corruption Amulet
for each grid square of Sanctuary space under his control, including the space on which his Statue lays!"

Using the Beggar at the Market

Matthew Smith asks


Let's say I visit the Market and take a stack of cards that puts me at exactly 10 cards in
hand. I then play the Beggar and receive 2 cards from the other players. Since I now have
11 cards in hand and I visited the Market this turn, do I need to discard down to 10 cards
and take a corruption token, or can I keep 11 cards in hand this turn, with no corruption

This situation came up in a game last weekend, and we ruled you can keep the extra card
at no cost of corruption, because the test for having more than 10 cards in hand happens
only when you select cards from a Market stall. As long as you have 10 or less cards AT
THAT TIME, then you can go over 10 cards later in your turn with no penalty.

Of course, this situation applies to any Character card that could put you over 10 (e.g.
Vizier, Envoy).

Matthew Smith follows up with

Never mind. I just re-read the rule. It says, "If the player's turn ends with more than 10
cards in his hand ...".

So, when you visit the Market, you don't discard down to 10 cards in hand until you've
taken your Market cards and played any Characters you wish to play that turn. When you
declare your turn is over, only then must you decide to discard down to 10 or keep the
extra cards (and take the appropriate amount of corruption tokens). Lastly, you replenish
the Market stalls.


W. Eric Martin responds

You got it right the second time, Matthew. You check for hand size only at the end of any
turn during which you visited the market. That's the last thing you do before the next
player take his or her action.

Matthew Smith writes

Actually, isn't the very last thing you do when visiting the Market is replenish the Market
stalls? You have to discard cards before replenishing the stalls. This order is important;
otherwise, seeing what new face-up cards enter the stalls could influence which cards you
choose to discard.

It's a minor point that may not have much influence on the outcome of the game, but I
believe that is the intent of the rules.

uh oh, here responds Matthew Smith

I think it could have an outcome on the game; some players are astute to that kind of thing
and would discard according to what would be on the stacks.
Personally, I would play it that you discard, and then restock.

Placing Walls directly adjacent to Door Frames?

Matthew Smith asks

I've seen pictures on BGG that show Wall sections directly adjacent to the Door Frames
(i.e. on the side of the box that faces the Plaza). However, the pictures in the rulebook
only show Walls on the other three sides of the box. In addition, the Door Frame scoring
example shows scoring Walls placed on the side of the box, when there is no Wall directly
adjacent to the Door Frame.

Can Walls be placed directly adjacent to the Door Frames?

Christoph Moritz responds

No, they cannot.

Mark Biggar follows up with

Eric of DOW at Kublacon said that the original plan was to have a real wall section
attached to each door frame, but that they had to remove them because they couldn't
figure out how to fit them in the box with the rest of the pieces.

Two clarifications please

Steve Cox asks

The wording in the middle of page 4 could be taken to imply that you can't play a
character card until after you have declared whether you are visiting the market or the
quarry. Am I correct in believing that this interpretation would be wrong?

Also, I assume that if you place a mosaic tile and thereby create two new sanctuaries, you
can place both of your Statues of Anubis in the same turn?

Eric Hautemont responds

yes, this interpretation would be wrong. You can play characters at _any_ time during your
turn, including before you have decided where you will go this turn.

and yes, you may place 2 statues if you create 2 sanctuaries during the same turn.

Flipping mosaics

Andy Ravenscroft asks


I'm assuming that because the mosaics are two-sided you can play them either side up.
This is important because, for example, you can sometimes place a mosaic "upside
down" when it won't fit with the smooth edged side (the "top") uppermost.

Eric Hautemont answers

Yes, you may play mosaics either side up.

Another question about discarding cards

Ryan W asks

Here's a question: If I decide to Visit the Market, and I now have more than 10 cards in
my hand, can I discard as many cards as I want, and then receive the 1 corruption? In
other words, can I discard down to 1 card, or 0 cards, or do I have to discard down to
exactly 10?

The rules state: "so as to keep only 10 cards in hand". It is not clear if this means "at
most" 10, or "exactly" 10.

Matthew Smith responds

Since it says "only 10 cards in hand", I think it's pretty clear they mean 10 and only 10
cards, i.e. exactly 10 cards. DoW is usually pretty good about being precise on their rules.

I agree it would be nice sometimes to be able to dump more cards, but I don't believe
that's the case.

W. Eric Martin follows up with

Either you discard down to 10 and take one corruption or you keep all your cards and take
one corruption for each card over 10. You might want to discard lots of tainted cards, but
to do so; you'll have to take your hand size well over 10 so you can toss the lot of them.
That's one of the strategies of managing your hand and your corruption, especially in the
endgame when tainted cards in your hand count against you.

Great Priest question - how often

Duncan Flint asks

OK, if I buy 2 pieces from the quarry, do I roll the dice once (for my turn) or twice (once for
each piece I've built). We play one roll, which seems to lead to 1 offering per game -
should it be more ?


Matthew Smith responds

You only roll the dice once per turn, even if you've built multiple pieces.

Like you, all three of my games have only included one offering as well. However, in all
three games we were only one die away from another Offering, and had multiple attempts
at that last die. So, from my small sample of games, it seems a very high percentage of
games will have one Offering, while a few will have two. I think it's possible, but very
unlikely, that you'll have zero offerings.

Seeking some feedback on rules [Question 4 was answered before but I left it in for

James Sanheim asks

Have played the game twice now; once with three and once with five players. I really
enjoy this game.
However, had a couple of situations come up that I am seeking feedback on.
1. Can a person play cards, say beggar, before deciding whether to visit the market or the
As I understand it the rules say you can play the cards at any time during your turn so I
would think that yes, you could play the beggar, see what you get, and then decide which
action to take.
2. The game ends immediately when 5 out of the 6 building item categories are complete.
So, if I, on my turn, want to build two items that finish off the last two categories, can I
actually do that and claim the corresponding talents or does the game really end when I
build the first item completing the 5 category thereby not allowing me to build the second
item and gain the talents?
3. When the game ends by someone building the last item of the 5th category is there a
die roll to see if there is a priest offering? As the rules state that the game immediately
ends upon the 5th category being completed I assume that the answer is no.
4. If I build a mosaic so as to create two sanctuaries can I claim both?

Mark Biggar responds

1. Yes: any time is any time.

2. Yes: the step by step instructions for "Visit the Quarry" say: 1) play cards, 2) build
everything, 3) get talents (and corruption), 4) move Cleo and 5) roll dice for offering. 2
comes before 4.
3. No: see above 5 comes after 4.
4. Yes: The rules read a little ambiguous, but that's how Eric of DOW taught me at

Paul Sauberer follows up with

I agree with everything Mark said, except that the answer to 2) is not clear cut, as the
rules are contradictory. As he mentions, the rules to visiting the quarry have Cleo moving


after all buildings are done, which would indicate that all 6 could be built.

However, the end game rules are quite specific that game ends "the moment" that 5 of the
6 categories have been built, not just when Cleo reaches the last space.

I have made a post on the DoW forum for this game. I imagine there should be a ruling
there fairly soon.

Todd Sweet responds to Mark Bigger

mark_biggar wrote:

2. Yes: the step by step instructions for "Visit the Quarry" say: 1) play cards, 2) build everything, 3) get talents (and
corruption), 4) move Cleo and 5) roll dice for offering. 2 comes before 4.

I missed this neat step by step sequence, do you know which page it is on?
I had always played by the end game comment that the game ends the "moment" you
build the 5th item, so the answer would be NO. Looking forward to the official answer from

Tejas Mistry writes

There was a discussion on the DoW Cleopatra forum regarding question #2 above
(whether you can build the last two pieces of the last two categories) and the answer was
that YES, you can build them.

The order of events that Mark mentioned above seems to be the correct way to serialize

A very full crocodile

Mike Young asks

Yesterday my wife pulled off a great build coup. Using the smuggler, she was able to
amass enough cards to have a 24 point build round with just mosaic and walls. It even
gave her a total of 9 points of sanctuaries.

Unfortunately, she tied with me for most corruption. We were both fed to the crocodile and
Rita won.

However, what happens if all the players tie for corruption? Do they all get fed to the
crocodile and nobody wins? How much can that crocodile eat anyway?

Sagrilarus responds

No winner, just dinner.


Matthew Smith responds with [I had to include this reply]

Crocs store food under rocks and logs at the bottom of the river, so don't worry about
overfeeding the crocs. If you're not the main course, you could be dessert.

Door Frames

David Andreasen asks

The rules state that when a player builds a Door Frame, they get 4 Talents + 1 Talent for
each Column Wall linked to that Door Frame's corner. I'm not sure what that means. Does
it mean the corner of the building that is closest to the side of the Door Frame? And do
the walls have to touch in order for the player to get the extra points? I assume that's what
the word "link" is for.

For example, looking at the diagram on page 9 of the rules where it explains the scoring
for Door Frames, if someone builds the left Door Frame, as in the diagram, but the left-
center wall weren't there, would the player only score 5 Talents (4 regular + 1 bonus)?
What if all of the walls were in place? Would the player score 13 Talents (4 regular + 9

Eric Hautemont responds

David, yes on both accounts.

It is from the corner closest to that side, and the walls must be contiguous to count. Both
of your examples are correct as well.

Tony Marozas has a follow up question

Going back to the example in the book. Lets say the left wall CLOSEST to the door frame
were missing.

Would the left center, left rear, and rear left continue to score, or is there no bonus if that
piece is missing.

I guess what I'm asking is where do you "start counting" for the bonus.

Eric Hautemont answers

There is no bonus if the wall that is the closest to the door frame is missing.

Creating Sanctuaries and Adding Cards to Market

Mike Young asks


1. When creating sanctuaries, may I move my statue from a previously created sanctuary
to the new one I've just created?

2. When adding a card to the new markets, I can see two ways of doing this:
a: always adding a card to the markets in the same order
b: current player chooses which card goes on which market.
Which way is correct?

Mark Brown responds

You cannot use a statue already used, so you get 2 chances to create sanctuaries and
that's it.

The person visiting the market decides where to put the 3 market cards. My
understanding is that all 3 new cards are known before deciding where to put them, so if
all 3 are face up you can put each one where you want to, as long as 1 card is placed on
each pile.

Eric Hautemont adds [In response to question 2]

you choose where to place them (and I recommend usually doing so before looking at the
pile of cards you just picked up, especially when that one is a large one) as this will help
keep the game moving along and there are arguably on very few instances where what
you picked up and/or decide to keep will impact how you'd want to place the 3 cards in the
market's stalls.

Cleopatra and society of architects question about the rules

Randy Bookman asks

The rules state you place one corruption on each tile you own in the sanctuary is that
corruption that you had already gained in the game. I'm assuming yes because it seems
that you want to have more tiles and in the end of the rules it states you lose a corruption
for each tile.

N i n j a B o b says


Jesper Thestrup elaborates

...Or to sum up in unmistakable terms:

For EVERY SPACE OF SANCTUARY you have, you get to remove ONE corruption from
your pyramid, BEFORE counting who has the most corruption.
Remember that, as you use your statues of Anubis to mark your sanctuaries, you can
have a maximum of TWO different sanctuaries, each consisting of 1 or more spaces.

And then a little tactical advice:

If you keep an eye on what pieces of mosaics have been built, a timely use of a SCRIBE
card or two, will allow you to pick the mosaic(s) of your choice, and not just the one from
the top of the pile... If you do this, especially if you build TWO sanctuaries at the same
time, you will often be able to create really large sanctuaries.


Jim Cote asks

"You may ask for the Standard Resource cards of your choice from any and/or all of your

How exactly does this work?

You pick one or more resources you want? Players may or may not tell you what they
have to offer? You choose what to take and who to take from? Are you allowed to ask for
further resources after some exchange has taken place?

Bruno Cathala responds

Envoys works the simplest way you can imagine!!

When playing this card, you're free:
- To tell your opponents exactly what resources you're looking for
- To let them make proposal

And you're free to accept their proposal or not !

You can pick as many cards as you want this way (as long as one of your opponents
accepts to give you one!!)

But take care: for each card you'll accept, the player who gives you the card will give you
one of his own corruption amulets...

Discarding cards with corruption

Martijn vR asks

I was wondering: if I play a card with one corruption, I get one corruption. If I end up with
having one card with corruption in my hand at the end of the game, I would have the
same. Therefore, it doesn't matter if you keep it or play it (this only applies to one-
corruption cards, those with two on them only count for one corruption at the end).

The idea behind the game is to build as fast as possible and earn as much as possible,
while keeping your corruption in check. Since it doesn't matter if you play or keep a one-


corruption card, there is no barrier or restraint from keeping you from playing this card
(which contradicts the game idea). Anybody have thoughts about this?

I have been looking for a rule (but didn't find it) that states that you can discard the card
(in that case, the situation described above would be different.
The only way to get rid of the corruption cards is, in my view, to get more than 10 cards,
pay 1 corruption and get rid of all the excess cards (only lucrative if you have more than 1
corruption point in your hand). That is allowed, isn't it?

Perrianne Lurie responds

Part of the strategy is hand management. If you start collecting too many corrupt cards,
take a large number from the market and discard the corrupt ones for only one corruption.

Matthew Smith follows up with

Each corruption token taken gets you one step closer to the crocs. So, the reason you
may not want to play a tainted card is, on future trips to the Market, you may draw the
untainted resources you need to build what you want. You can then draw a large number
of cards later in the game and discard your unused tainted cards for only one total

Instead, if you use a lot of tainted cards early in the game, you'll be searching for ways to
ditch those corruption tokens, which could force you into an undesirable strategy (like
building low-value mosaics, or bidding too high on the offering).

Envoy card question

Lurch asks

The Envoy card: Does this card mean that you may demand a card from another player,
or merely request one. In other words, must that player give up the card you had asked

Matthew Smith responds

The Envoy card is a request, not a demand. Even if the other players have the card that
you ask for, they are not required to give it to you.

Furthermore, you can ask for a type of card (e.g. Artisan), another player can offer an
Artisan, and you can then refuse it. In this way you can "fish" for information regarding
what cards the other players have and are willing to give up.

Another question about 2 mosaics on one turn


Drew "Dark Slayer" asks

Here's the scenario: I built 2 mosaics on one turn, and the first one I could use to build a
sanctuary AS LONG AS I didn't place the second one inside it (that I received from the
stack). Since that second piece is in my hand, can I create the sanctuary and opt not to fill
the space with the second piece in my hand? Or is the second mosaic technically "still
available" to be placed inside the first and so no sanctuary allowed?

[Due to the number of replies the reader should visit the BGG web site and this link .]

Unclear about the Market Rules

Hovhannes B asks

It says in the rules that there are 3 Market stacks... I assume those are the 3 cards.
However, it says when you go to the Market you can take all the cards off of a stack if you
wish. Does that mean at the start of the game you basically can pick up only ONE card?
Or can you take all three, and them replenish all 3 immediately for the next person?

Also, what's the point of some cards showing, others not? Is it just a random element for
your opponents to sometimes get a glimpse of what you're taking into your hand?

Also, after every player's turn, do you add 1 more card to each of the 3 'stacks?'

Jonathan Marchi responds

You are right, at the start of the game, you take only one card. Then the person whose
turn it is place one card on each of the stacks, the second players can then choose
between the 3 stacks, 2 of those now have 2 cards. And it goes on like this.

Is this clear?

The showing cards make the choices for selecting stacks more interesting. Do you like
taking a stack with more hidden cards that you don't know or take one stack showing
something you really need at the moment?

Some (difficult?) questions about 2 mosaics in one turn [That is no clear

answer to this question, I think Barries answer is best. See web site for more.]

Alan Kwan asks


A player tries to build 2 mosaics in one turn. How are the following situations handled?
(Official answer preferred.)

1. The second mosaic in the pile cannot fit anywhere in the garden
(at the start of the turn). How to handle?

a. It is discarded and the player takes the 3rd mosaic in the pile.
b. The player cannot build 2 mosaics.

2. There is space in the garden which can fit either the first or the 2nd mosaic in the pile,
but not both. How to handle?

a. The 2nd one in the pile is discarded. The player takes the 1st and 3rd mosaics in the
b. The player may choose to discard either the 1st or the 2nd mosaic in the pile. He takes
the other one, plus the 3rd in the pile.
c. The player cannot build 2 mosaics.

3. There is space in the garden for the 2nd mosaic in the pile, but if the player builds the
1st mosaic there, then the 2nd cannot be built. How to handle?

a. The player may choose to build the 1st mosaic there, thereby discarding the 2nd
mosaic and taking the 3rd one instead.
b. If the player wants to build 2 mosaics, he may not build the 1st one in that space.

4. There is space in the garden for the 1st mosaic in the pile, but if the player builds the
2nd mosaic there, then the 1st cannot be built. How to handle?

a. The player may choose to build the 2nd mosaic there, thereby discarding the 1st
mosaic and taking the 3rd one instead.
b. If the player wants to build 2 mosaics, he must build the 1st one in the available space
and build the 2nd one elsewhere.

Barry Figgins responds

Don't think of it as buying mosaics together. You do them one at a time. If, at any time, the
next mosaic in the pile cannot be built, discard it.

1. a.
2. a.
3. a.
4. b.


character cards [about the scribe card]

David McCulley asks

If you go to the market and draw "the Scribe", can you then use the power of the card to
go the quarry and play a mosaic tile of your choice? This means you would be visiting the
market and quarry in the same turn, a violation of the rule that you can only visit one or
the other in a turn. However rules also state character cards can be played at any time in
turn regardless if in market or quarry. Can someone please clarify?

Dan Blum responds

The Scribe doesn't give you an extra visit to the quarry - you can merely play him when
you visit the quarry. You can play him when you visit the market, too, but you can't use the
mosaic-finding power in that case.

Matt Smith asks

If the Offering to the Great Priest happens as soon as all five dice show the Ankh, can a
Scribe card be used to immediately STOP the offering from happening?

Eric Hautemont responds

Once the Offering is triggered, you can't play a Scribe card to "untrigger" the Offering. You
CAN play the Scribe card to turn one die back to blank BEFORE you roll the dice, thereby
reducing the chance that you will trigger an Offering with that roll.

Game end and smuggler questions

Stephan Jackson asks

Right, here are some issues with this game I'd like clearing up:

1) When the last piece has been placed to complete the fifth section, does the game end
instantly, after talent being awarded of course, or does the player still have to roll the dice
meaning the possibility of a offering to the Great Priest before the game ends?

2) The Smuggler card, I assume it works for just one turn, and if the player visits the
market on the next turn instead of building then they are subject to the usual more than
ten card penalties? What happens if they do build but still have more than ten cards? Do
they discard and pay the penalty in the same turn as building, or does the penalty only
apply if they still have too many cards in the turn after?

Luca Lennaco responds

1) The game ends before the roll (answered by Eric on DOW forum).
2) Yes, it works for one turn only. Hand size is checked only after visiting the market.


Brian Mola follows up with

[In response to question 1] Rules state the moment that a 5th piece is built, Cleopatra
moves and the game is over. Cleopatra is Step 4 while the offerings to the Great Priest
are step 5. So the game would end before a final offering is made.

[In response to question 2] It lasts for the current turn. So if you have not got rid of any
cards on the next turn after visiting the Market, then you are subject to the penalty.

You can build (after visiting the Quarry) and still have more than 10 cards in your hand.
The hand check and penalty only occur after you visit the Market.

Mark Biggar adds

Close, DoW has ruled that everything you build during a turn is a single action. Thus you
can build the last item of a fifth type and some (or all) of the sixth before the game ends.
E.g., if there is just one wall section and a single Mosaic tile left; you may build both and
Cleo only moves after your whole build of both items is done. But she does move before
you roll the dice, so the game does end before the roll.

Mosaic Order - Known?

Mike V asks

Obviously, everyone can see the mosaic sitting on top of the pile. But is it legal to look at
the next piece underneath?

Due to the way the mosaic pieces are physically stacked, a player sitting next to the
Quarry can probably see enough of the piece underneath the top one to determine what it
is. But would it be acceptable for a player to rifle through the stack and look at the order of
all of the pieces?

If so, might it be better just to lay out the next couple of pieces for everyone to see?

If not, should they be somehow hidden so no one can see them? And should they be
shuffled after someone uses the Scribe?

Brian Mola answers

You may look through the pile of Mosaics, they just need to remain in the same order. This
was confirmed by Eric of DOW in a related comment on the DOW pages:

Smuggler and Card Limits


Bruce H asks

I did not see this thread and it was a controversy in my gaming group this weekend. When
you pick up a Market Stall and it takes you over the 10 limit and you play a Smuggler card
(to keep all the cards you choose) do you: A. take a corruption for the 10 limit and another
for the Smuggler card OR B. take a corruption for the Smuggler card, which states to pay
one corruption to any keep cards over 10 limit.

Also how the rules state to A. pay 1 corruption and discard down to 10 cards or pay 1
corruption for each card in excess of 10. Does it not mean that you can keep 11 cards and
pay only 1 corruption?

Doug Faust answers

A) Just take one corruption for the Smuggler card. The card takes the place of the normal
card corruption rules.

B) Yes, if you have 11 cards, you could keep them for only 1 corruption. You could also
discard a card and take one corruption, but there aren't many cases in which that would
be better.


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