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Research Article

Received: 1 September 2009 Accepted: 3 September 2009 Published online in Wiley Interscience: 6 November 2009

( DOI 10.1002/xrs.1223

Estimation and account for matrix effects in

studying glass materials of cultural heritage by
X-ray spectral analysis
A. G. Revenko
Discussed are special features of the X-ray spectral analysis in solving different problems related to the study of glass materials
or objects, which are of archaeological, historical or artistic value. The following objects were considered: various dishes and
colored glass. The study of the chemical composition of particular materials, for example, obsidian or raw materials for the
production of glass is very often necessary to determine their sites. The increasing number of publications on these topics is
noted. The versions of sample preparation and the problem of the heterogeneity of materials under study are considered.
Essential attention was given to techniques for the conversion of experimental intensities into concentrations of elements
determined. The estimates of the matrix effects are given when analyzing certain kinds of glass with X-ray fluorescence analysis
(XRF). Copyright c 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Introduction of a remaining material. It is desirable to retain the original

material as obtained. It was not for nothing that in his annual
Specialists note that even in rather prosperous European countries reviews the known specialist Ph. Potts devoted one chapter to the
a destruction of precious objects of cultural heritage happens faster application of XRF to archaeology and forensics.[7 9] Another fact
than their restoration, conservation and study. Many reasons are is of particular importance: conclusions drawn from the results
responsible for this: great financial needs, environmental changes, affect the destiny of people (in justice) or the ideas of analysts
wars, natural disasters, and finally, misunderstanding and simple studying the materials considered. Thus, it is very important to
negligence. obtain reliable results.
Russia has a rich cultural heritage. This heritage includes both In this report only a small part of representative examples is given
relatively massive objects, for example, buildings and monuments, which illustrate the possibilities of X-ray spectral analysis in the
and objects of rather small sizes including glassware, jewellery, considered field of application taken from the publications of the
coins, glass and ceramic fragments, and others. All these are the last years. Additional references can be found in the literature.[10]
basis for the present and the future of our culture. When solving Principal attention is given to the works on the study of glass wares
problems, related to the conservation of the objects of cultural and colorants for glass. Although the cited examples reflect mainly
heritage, it is necessary to permanently carry out many analytical the progress in XRF, some publications are also mentioned where
investigations, whose aim is: the authors applied other versions of X-ray spectral analysis.
the determination of a chemical composition; The author of this work took part in the XRF study of raw
the elucidation of a period and a location of product materials and the Pleistocene-Early Holocene exotic graphite
manufacture and the affiliation; artifacts from the valley of Vitim river (the northern Baikal region)
the identification of particular objects; and their mode of transportation, in determining the chemical
the diagnostical study of the material of such objects before composition of archeological metal finds from the burial place
the conservation or the choice of materials for the restoration. found on the banks of Lake Baikal (Bronze Age) and in other
investigations of similar kind. In the European Conference on
For a number of articles the requirements to which the methods X-Ray Spectrometry (June 2006, Paris, France) 42 of 287 reports
have to correspond were formulated so that materials and objects dealt with the application of X-ray methods to the study of
of historical and cultural value could be studied.[1 6] These objects of cultural and historical value. This fact reflects both
methods should be non-destructive, rapid, efficient, versatile, the total progress in instrumentation and the increased attention
flexible, sensitive and multielement. of society to these problems. The examples of X-ray method
The capabilities of X-ray spectral analytical method and efforts applications to the study of such objects showed that in a
of many scientists were widely applied when studying the objects number of cases the earlier-developed XRF techniques, which
considered. In the literature one can find examples of the
application of X-ray spectral analytical method and its version,
X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), to the investigations of art
Correspondence to: A. G. Revenko, Institute of the Earths Crust, SB, RAS,
objects such as icons, frescoes, oil paintings, watercolors, wood- Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail:;
, glass-, textile-, and paper-based paintings, various glassware,
jewellery, labor implements, coins, and others. The work of an Article presented as part of the special issue X-Ray Spectrometry in Siberia and
analyst is similar to the work of a forensic scientist. In both cases

it is necessary to reconstruct the past using the minute fragments Institute of the Earths Crust, SB, RAS, Irkutsk, Russia

X-Ray Spectrom. 2010, 39, 6369 Copyright 

c 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A. G. Revenko

concentrated on other problems, could be used in the field period. Its ordinary composition was 6672% SiO2 , 1618% Na2 O
considered without substantial changes. This is true for the ceramic and 78% CaO. For Roman glass it is sufficient to know the contents
and glass wares, alloys, and metallurgic slags. Similar problems of main components to confirm its genetic assignment. Samples
were solved in geological and research laboratories of the glass of Roman glass were also studied in refs [14 19] . Mass et al.[20]
industry. The difficulty of studying paintings and manuscripts, and have presented interesting data, confirming the cooperation of
also the analysis of some materials without their destruction are to metalworkers with ancient glass makers. Freestone et al.[21] have
some extent different when using micro-XRF spectrometers. For considered the possibility of other procedures of glass production
satisfactory solution of such problems it is necessary to use the in the ancient times, different from the ones in ref. [1]. A small
recent theoretical and experimental developments. The author has number of publications is dedicated to the study of samples
presented the preliminary considerations of the given problem in of more ancient glass[22] or glass from the other sites such as
several papers.[4 6,10] Russia,[23] the Lower Saxony, and Hesse.[24]
XRF has been successfully applied to solve these problems. But Information about the change in the glass production tech-
some questions appear. In particular, in the literature, examples nology in the Middle Ages, and also articles on the study of
of comprehensive estimations of matrix effects in analyzing glass chemical compositions of these glasses with XRF can be found in
materials by XRF have not been found. This report gives the the publications.[25 31] Schreiner et al.[32] have discussed the most
examples of the theoretical estimation of the effect of chemical important periods and subperiods in the development of glass
sample contents on intensities of X-ray fluorescence and scattered production technology in Northwestern Europe. One of the latest
characteristic radiation from an anode. The results of our calcu- papers by Schalm et al.[33] presents the hierarchical classification
lations are given for the samples of ancient, volcanic (obsidians), of window glass fragments, based on the content of its main
mosaic and iridescent glasses of different chemical compositions. components.
We have restricted ourselves mainly to two criteria in choosing Natural volcanic glass (obsidian) is formed when the viscous
samples for calculations: (1) the sum of the determined element persilicic lava solidifies. Obsidians occur naturally in different colors
contents should be close to 100%; (2) the contents of particu- such as red, black, gray, sometimes with beautiful iridescence. They
lar elements in them should be as maximum or minimum as are composed of SiO2 (about 75%), additives of Al, Na, K, Ca, Fe
possible to establish a whole range of the variations in matrix and Mg oxides, and water (0.10.3%). The obsidians, formed of
effects. a single lava stream, are usually chemically homogeneous; but
they somewhat differ in their composition at different locations.
Obsidians are abundant in the geographical sense. They are found
General Characteristics of Glass in all main volcanic zones of the Earth. Being a valuable material
for making stone implements obsidians were excavated in many
Glass, nowadays, is a common term used for a wide group locations. This material of immense hardness (seven points on
of materials. It refers to natural glass (obsidian) and vitreous the Mohs scale; it is harder than flint) was in great demand.
phase materials like faience, glaze, Egyptian blue and others. The Obsidian was widely traded, sometimes up to 1000 km from
main components of glass are Si, B, Al, P, Na, Ca, oxides, etc. its deposits. Since the Lower Paleolith it was used for articles,
and metal oxides such as Li, K, Mg, Pb, Fe and so on. Glass namely for making knives, arrowheads, and other sharp cutting
appeared in the Ancient Egypt or the Middle East about 5000 and stabbing objects. The study of the chemical composition of
to 6000 years ago.[11,12] Its production technology is supposed to obsidian is often required for the identification of its excavation
have come either from the progress in the ceramics technology or sites and transport routes. The paper by Negash et al.[34] is of
in processing vitreous slags obtained in the production of copper interest in which they present the results of XRF application
or lead.[12] Glass is mainly made of quartz with the addition of Na, to the investigations of obsidians from some sites in Ethiopia.
K and Pb compounds to decrease the melting point, stabilizing This is one of the typical publications in this field. In obsidian
agents such as lime or alumina to increase the lifetime and to samples the ranges of the particular oxides are (in %): Al2 O3
avoid the solubility in water, and also colorants (Cu, Mn, Co) 10.514.9, SiO2 53.5579.65, K2 O 0.745.48, CaO 0.459.45, TiO2
and opacifying agents (Sn, Sb). Colorless glasses are sometimes 0.12.6, MnO 0.10.54, and Fe2 O3 0.0911.7 (data from the
manufactured. Janssens et al.[1] note that although glasswares are publication by Doelman et al.[35] ). We estimated the matrix effects
not so frequently found at archaeological sites as metallic and for these samples. The results are presented in the Section on
stone artifacts, nevertheless, the use of silicate glass objects has The theoretical estimation of the matrix effects for the glass
been known since prehistoric times. materials.
Chemical glass composition is dependent on the raw materials
used and its production technology. It is natural that the
technology is substantially dependent on the particular time Instrumentation
period of glass production and geographical locations of glass
workshops. Therefore, results of chemical analysis of glass To aid the investigations of objects of cultural and historical value,
fragments found at archaeological sites can be very useful in it is appropriate to use conventional XRF instrumentation. The
the study of the glass production technology and its trade routes characteristics of the particular models of X-ray spectrometers
in different historical periods. The possibilities of XRF provide its can be found in the following monographs [refs [3645]]. The
wide use in studying such materials. different versions of X-ray spectral analysis, because of their
Swann[13] wrote a brief review of early publications on the specific features, came to be used in a range of investigations:
application of Particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) to the study electron-probe microanalysis (EPMA), PIXE and Total reflection
of the chemical composition of Roman glass. In the Roman period X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) units, energy-dispersive X-ray analyzers
(IVI centuries) glass was made of sodium-lime mixture (Natron (EDXRF), XRF using the synchrotron radiation for the excitation

period). The low Mg and K concentrations were characteristic of this of the fluorescence of a sample under study (SR-XRF) and XRF Copyright 
c 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. X-Ray Spectrom. 2010, 39, 6369
Estimation and account for matrix effects in studying glass

using the capillary optics (-XRF). The -XRF term stands for the The Theoretical Estimation of Matrix Effects
approach, which allows the study of sample areas of dimensions for Glass Materials
from a few microns to one hundred microns. This version
complements EPMA and PIXE, which are applied in investigations Let us consider the estimations of the theoretical count-rate values
of small objects. Before the advent of X-ray capillary lenses the of the radiation of analytical lines of some elements determined in
diaphragming of the primary beam of electrons (EPMA), protons glass and also the count-rate values of coherently and incoherently
(micro-PIXE), or X-ray photons was used for the study of small- scattered characteristic radiation from an anode (e.g. RhK ). The
sized objects. However this version of XRF was not advantageous theoretical count-rate values were computed using the program
due to the substantial decrease in the X-ray intensity emitted by presented in the publication by Finkelshtein and Afonin.[63]
atoms of the sample under analysis. The development of X-ray The algorithm used in this program takes into account the
spectrometers, based on the use of capillary optics, which allows contribution of effects of secondary and tertiary fluorescence and
focusing X-rays in relatively small areas of samples analyzed, also the additional fraction related to the contribution of radiation
has extended the possibilities of XRF and raised its appeal for scattering from atoms of a sample analyzed.[64,65] Theoretical
studying objects of historical and cultural value. Several research calculations of the photo- and Auger electron contributions to
groups and commercial enterprises that produce the analytical the generation of X-ray fluorescence were published by Ebel
instrumentation have used the combination of low-power X-ray et al[66,67] and Afonin et al.[68] These contributions were found to
tubes with focusing capillary lenses and have proposed different be negligible in most real analytical applications (from tenths of
purpose X-ray spectrometers. The rapid development of X-ray a percent to a few percent). For this reason the contributions of
optics, detectors, and excitation sources is characteristic of the photo- and Auger-electrons in the intensities of analytical lines
past decade. This development has brought about advances in have not been taken into account in this paper.
the considered field of investigations. The characteristics of the Our calculation procedure is given in detail in refs [37,69 71] .
particular models of micro-XRF spectrometers are presented in The K lines of elements Na through Ba and L -, L -lines of
the publications.[2 6,46 50] elements Sn through Pb were chosen to calculate specific relative
count-rate values (Irel,j ):

Irel,j = (Isample,j /Ireference,j ) (C reference,j /C sample,j )

XRF Techniques Used
In the considered publications, the external standard,[16] Isample,j = X-ray fluorescence line j intensity from the sample;
the background standard,[19,23,28,30,51 54] and the fundamental Ireference,j = X-ray fluorescence line j intensity from the reference
parameter[1,17,26,29,31,55 59] methods have been applied. In using sample;
the Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) adaptation the conven- C sample,j = concentration of the element j in the sample;
tional ZAF (method accounting matrix effects with the separate C reference,j = concentration of the element j in the reference
introduction of corrections for the atomic number Z, absorption sample.
and fluorescence excitation by characteristic and bremsstrahlung The SGD-1A reference sample was used for calculating the ratio
spectra) version is applied,[23,60,61] which is suitable for the elec- of count-rate values of all analytical lines. The analyzed minor
tron excitation. Cox and Pollard[57] have proposed a computer element concentrations were assumed to be constant and equal
program where the simplified version of fundamental parameters to 0.01%. Table 2 presents the results of calculating (Irel,j ) obtained
is represented (they have neglected the difference in the mass for the mean composition of two samples of ancient glass from
absorption coefficients of primary radiation and the contribution Qumran,[72] the chemical compositions of which are given in
of selective excitation effect). They tested this version on glass
samples with contents of ZnO up to 0.4%, CuO up to 3%, and
PbO up to 0.7%. Medicus and Ackermann[58,59] have developed Table 1. Chemical composition of glass, obsidian samples and CRM,
a technique and software to correct for the matrix effects for in %
glass samples based on the fundamental parameter method us-
ing the conception of effective wavelength. Hoffmann et al.[25] Sample Na2 O MgO Al2 O3 SiO2 K2 O CaO TiO2 Fe2 O3
have also noted that in studying colored beads it is necessary Gl 1 16.5 0.2 2.5 69.6 0.8 8.4 0.1 0.5
to apply corrections for the difference in mass absorption coeffi- Gl 2 17.0 0.1 2.4 71.6 0.6 5.9 <0.1 0.4
cients when varying the Pb contents. Nevertheless, in a number Obs P 3.61 0.01 12.11 74.66 5.21 1.11 0.21 2.4
of publications there is no information about the procedures Obs B 3.0 0.01 14.91 53.55 0.74 9.45 1.6 11.72
used by authors to convert measured intensities of analytical Obs G 3.13 0.01 10.72 79.65 5.48 0.52 0.07 0.09
lines into concentrations of elements determined.[27,49,62] It is of Obs K 3.15 0.01 10.51 72.46 4.21 1.27 0.26 1.96
utmost importance to inform in considerable detail the analyt- NBS278 4.84 0.23 14.15 72.97 4.16 0.983 0.24 2.04
ical techniques used. For example, for the external standard, it JR-1 4.1 0.09 12.89 75.41 4.41 0.63 0.1 0.96
is necessary at least to list the comparison standards used. The JR-2 4.03 0.05 12.82 75.65 4.45 0.45 0.09 0.86
validity of this requirement will be shown further in a number of RGM-1 4.07 0.28 13.72 73.45 4.3 1.15 0.27 1.86
examples. AGV-1 4.26 1.53 17.15 58.84 2.92 4.94 1.05 6.77
From the point of view of matrix effects glass is close to some GH 3.85 0.03 12.5 75.8 4.76 0.69 0.08 1.34
types of rocks. These materials (glass and rocks) differ substantially
According to the information of authors the uncertainties (SD) are from
when large amounts of components such as PbO, SnO2 , CuO, Co, 0.02% for TiO2 , 0.10.3% for MgO, Al2 O3 , K2 O, MnO, Fe2 O3 to 0.5% for
Mn, and others that change glass characteristics, for example its Na2 O, CaO and 0.70.8% for SiO2 .

colorants, are added.

X-Ray Spectrom. 2010, 39, 6369 Copyright 

c 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A. G. Revenko

Table 2. Specific relative count-rate values (Irel ) SiK , CaK , TiK , FeK , Table 3. Chemical composition of the ancient mosaic glasses
ZnK , BaK , RhKcoh and RhKincoh for glass samples (the reference (Chiavari et al.[15] ), in %
sample is SGD-1A)
Sample Na2 O SiO2 CaO MnO Fe2 O3 CuO PbO SnO2 Sb2 O3
Sample SiK CaK TiK FeK ZnK BaK RhKK RhKHK
G111 11.24 60.4 8.23 0.50 0.30 0.01 8.45 3.82 0.05
SGD-1A 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 G112 22.43 61.8 7.23 0.42 0.89 0.11 0.10 0.01 2.13
Gl 1 1.149 0.991 1.046 1.212 1.608 1.698 1.728 1.428 G113 16.79 67.0 7.23 0.80 0.84 0.12 0.28 0.02 1.64
Gl 2 1.146 0.996 1.107 1.286 1.691 1.810 1.820 1.472 G114 22.78 62.2 7.00 0.71 0.82 0.09 0.14 0.01 1.52
Obs P 1.146 0.890 1.091 1.247 1.570 1.674 1.681 1.397 G115 25.42 61.8 5.03 0.30 1.33 0.22 0.09 0.02 1.00
Obs B 1.052 1.070 1.091 1.083 1.055 1.073 1.079 1.030 G116 24.31 60.8 7.13 0.63 0.71 0.78 0.35 0.11 0.24
Obs G 1.183 0.872 1.082 1.274 1.748 1.875 1.914 1.542 G117 24.10 60.6 7.13 0.53 0.68 1.07 0.57 0.19 0.18
Obs K 1.163 0.935 1.143 1.311 1.653 1.685 1.723 1.400 G118 23.42 61.1 7.16 0.54 0.73 1.01 0.58 0.14 0.18
NBS278 1.099 0.877 1.081 1.246 1.607 1.191 1.251 1.123 G119 22.73 60.8 8.44 0.82 1.13 0.10 0.11 0.01 0.41
JR-1 1.146 0.905 1.123 1.313 1.740 1.874 1.887 1.510 G120 17.89 63.0 11.01 0.93 1.08 0.11 0.13 0.04 0.09
JR-2 1.148 0.905 1.126 1.320 1.755 1.892 1.906 1.519 G121 17.60 63.3 7.91 0.66 1.05 1.45 1.66 0.07 0.31
RGM-1 1.127 0.910 1.115 1.280 1.641 1.732 1.764 1.444 G122 14.34 54.8 7.63 1.08 2.49 3.78 6.83 2.47 0.06
AGV-1 1.046 0.978 1.103 1.165 1.279 1.306 1.330 1.189 G123 18.43 63.6 7.84 1.43 1.22 0.32 1.62 0.01 0.01
GH 1.150 0.898 1.112 1.295 1.693 1.833 1.843 1.487 G124 13.76 65.6 5.15 0.48 1.67 2.47 4.90 0.57 0.35
G125 13.13 70.8 5.63 1.43 0.67 0.01 0.04
G126 12.45 66.7 7.82 2.59 0.65 2.39 0.01 0.11
G127 11.11 71.8 6.61 2.08 0.81 0.07 0.01 0.01
Table 1 (the sample Gl 1 corresponds to group 1, and the sample
G128 14.61 75.2 4.71 0.07 1.61 0.19
Gl 2 to group 2). According to the authors the uncertainties (SD)
G129 10.38 66.8 9.11 0.69 2.26 2.95 0.20 0.02 0.05
are from 0.02% for TiO2 , 0.10.3% for MgO, Al2 O3 , K2 O, MnO,
Fe2 O3 to 0.5% for Na2 O, CaO and 0.70.8% for SiO2 .
The evaluation was made under the following measurement
conditions: Rh-anode, 50 kV, d0 of Be window 100 m, the
reference sample SGD-1A. The table presents the specific relative Table 4. Specific relative count-rate values (Irel ) of some lines for
count-rate values (Irel ) of analytical lines, computed in the same ancient mosaic glass samples (Rh-anode, 50 kV, d0 = 100 m Be,
way as in the publications.[10,37,69 71] It is seen that for these SGD-1A reference sample)
samples Irel of all considered analytical lines are sufficiently close, Sample SiK CaK FeK CuK PbL1 SnK RhKcoh RhKincoh
and the difference ranges from 0.3 to 6.6% (SiK 0.3, CaK 0.5,
TiK 5.8, FeK 6.1, ZnK 5.2, BaK 6.6, RhKcoh 5.3, and G111 1.051 0.760 0.835 1.088 0.925 0.438 0.504 0.948
RhKincoh 3.1). Similar estimates made for four obsidian samples, G112 1.082 1.010 1.183 1.528 1.565 1.429 1.578 1.426
the chemical compositions of which are given in the ref [35] and G113 1.471 1.483 1.496 1.503 1.372 1.043 1.480 1.364
Table 1, have shown the wide scatter of Irel values (Table 2). The G114 1.527 1.540 1.563 1.588 1.276 1.122 1.572 1.406
lowest Irel values of all analytical lines except CaK - and TiK -lines G115 1.068 0.998 1.268 1.616 1.647 1.602 1.673 1.440
were obtained for the sample Obs B (only Irel of CaK -line of G116 1.567 1.580 1.535 1.529 1.479 1.362 1.500 1.325
this sample is maximum), and the highest ones did for Obs G. G117 1.548 1.560 1.483 1.451 1.372 1.250 1.402 1.283
The difference in Irel values was (in %): SiK 12.5, CaK 22.7, G118 1.538 1.550 1.477 1.444 1.371 1.247 1.395 1.281
TiK 5.6, FeK 21.1, ZnK 65.7, BaK 74.7, RhKcoh 77.4, G119 1.506 1.519 1.540 1.566 1.552 1.403 1.564 1.357
and RhKincoh 49.7. As an example, Table 2 gives Irel values for G120 1.117 0.991 1.127 1.426 1.453 1.487 1.478 1.300
seven CRMs of rocks: obsidian NBS278, rhyolites JR-1, JR-2, RGM-1, G121 1.426 1.435 1.304 1.192 1.054 0.985 1.095 1.135
andesite AGV-1, basalt BR, and granite GA. The contents of main G122 0.985 0.832 0.921 1.060 0.813 0.455 0.504 0.885
rock-forming elements of these CRMs,[73] and also four obsidian G123 1.425 1.434 1.369 1.252 1.125 1.098 1.149 1.158
samples from ref [35] are given in Table 1. Several of these CRMs G124 1.278 1.280 1.136 0.835 0.641 0.585 0.691 0.968
were used in calibrating the XRF techniques for the analysis of glass G125 1.524 1.537 1.574 1.620 1.676 1.621 1.646 1.386
samples.[30,74] The obtained data demonstrate that it is necessary G126 1.118 0.961 1.159 1.356 1.252 1.286 1.278 1.168
to take into account the matrix effects even if the colorants are G127 1.165 0.948 1.177 1.450 1.486 1.563 1.539 1.322
absent in the samples. G128 1.213 0.987 1.305 1.657 1.680 1.790 1.758 1.433
Table 3 presents the chemical composition of samples of ancient G129 1.321 1.328 1.187 1.184 1.183 1.164 1.188 1.121
mosaic glass,[15] and the Irel of their analytical lines within the
wavelength ranges from CuK to BaK are given in Table 4. It
is seen that Irel values of the analytical lines such as SnK vary
fourfold. As an example, Fig. 1 presents the intensity of FeK -line to understand that when developing the analytical techniques for
(in arbitrary units) versus the Fe2 O3 content for the mosaic glass objects of cultural heritage an analyst must aim to minimize errors
samples. It is seen that the points of samples with the smaller in determining the element contents for each sample under study.
Irel values are under the trend line. These are, in particular, G111 Data on the values of the mass absorption coefficients of
(0.835), G126 (1.159), G127 (1.177), G112 (1.183), G120 (1.127), and radiation of analytical lines, the contribution of enhancement by
G122 (0.921) samples. In turn, the points of samples with the higher atoms of particular samples, and the estimation of contribution
Irel values such as G125 (1.574), G114 (1.563), G119 (1.540), G128 of radiation scattering from atoms for all samples analyzed in

(1.305), and others are above the trend line. Here it is important the present work are available. However the main aim of this Copyright 
c 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. X-Ray Spectrom. 2010, 39, 6369
Estimation and account for matrix effects in studying glass

the considered kinds of glass, is the difference in the absorption

of primary and fluorescence radiation. The contribution of tertiary
fluorescence for the glass samples under consideration can be
neglected. The contributions of secondary fluorescence and
scattering from atoms of samples for some analytical lines are
510% and more, therefore should be taken into account. It is
especially important when the chemical compositions of glass
samples under investigation are much different from the ones of
CRMs used.

The Problem of Heterogeneity of Materials

Figure 1. The intensity of FeK -line (in arbitrary units) versus the Fe2 O3
content for the mosaic glass samples. In ref [50] attention was given to the problem of heterogeneity
which becomes very pronounced when using SR-XRF and micro-
XRF spectrometers for the analysis of powder materials. It was
Table 5. Chemical composition of an iridescent Loetz glass artifact noted that some authors, applying these versions of XRF, have used
(sample L356, Mantler et al.[76] ), in % fundamental parameters not considering the need for satisfying
a number of conditions. In the case of colored glasses scientists
Material Na Si Cl K Ca Ag O Pb have found the presence of small copper metal spherules with
Bulk glass 2.4 34.3 0.4 12.0 5.4 44.7 0.4
size less than a micron in the homogeneous glass matrix.[22,78] In
Iridescent layer 2.0 30.7 0.7 11.0 0.6 1.1 39.5 14.4 ref [18] it was noted that the size of copper particles, which ranged
from <50 nm to several hundred nm, defined the tone of glass.
Such variations in the particle sizes do not cause difficulty for most
analytical lines in the X-ray range. However it is important to keep
in mind that in certain samples of ancient glass inclusion of copper
Table 6. Specific relative count-rate values (Irel ) of analytical lines of
the iridescent Loetz glass artifact (Rh-anode, 50 kV, d0 = 100 m Be, particles of size of tens of microns is possible.[22]
SGD-1A reference sample) When solving certain archaeological problems it is desirable to
take measurements without making changes to original samples.
Material NaK SiK ClK KK CaK AgK PbL At the same time the particular glass fragments cannot meet the
Bulk glass 1.112 1.314 0.984 0.906 0.741 1.286 1.275
requirements for perfect samples, such as a flat surface, saturated
Iridescent layer 1.002 1.104 0.776 0.661 0.557 0.317 0.741
layer, homogeneity, etc. Roedel et al.[48] have presented a brief
review of publications on estimation of the effect of particle
sizes on results of quantitative analysis of glasses using energy-
dispersive micro-XRF spectrometry. They have estimated this effect
publication is to demonstrate the necessity of taking into account for particles with sizes ranging from 50 m to more than 1 mm.
these effects when analyzing different glass samples with XRF. The complex dependence of the fluorescence radiation intensity
The results of analyzing the iridescent glass are presented in a on this factor was noted. The intensity was dependent on the total
number of publications.[75 77] Iridescent effect is obtained when a chemical composition of glass, the shape and volume of particles,
very thin glass layer with a substantially different refraction index is the energetic range, and the characteristics of used polycapillary
applied on a base material. Iridescent glass always attracts interest lenses. It is impossible to take into account all these factors
for public and private collections. The most famous producers with simple approaches. In this publication, the conclusions of
of such a glass are Tiffany in USA (the patent dated 1881) and Losev et al.[79,80] were experimentally confirmed that for coarse
Loetz in Austria (the patent dated 1898).[76] Because of increasing particles the influence of particle sizes decreased significantly. For
trend of falsifications, objective methods for the classification and example, for particle size of 1 mm the relative standard deviation
identification of an origin of similar glass samples have become related to the sample homogeneity was in the range of 15%;
active, which are based not only on aesthetic and style criteria but this is comparable to the results obtained for perfect samples.
also on the results of their chemical composition examinations. In measuring samples of smaller particle sizes, in particular in
Studies have shown that the thickness of surface layers of the range of 100 to 300 m, unsatisfactory results were obtained,
iridescent Tiffany glass, iridescent Loetz glass, and present-day which can be considered only as qualitative data. The reduction in
glass are 50100 m, 100300 m, and 100250 m, respectively. particle sizes down to 50 m provided an acceptable accuracy.
Table 5 presents data on the chemical composition of the The refs [16,61,72,81 86] present the investigations of variations in
iridescent Loetz glass artifact (results for SEM-EDS and XRF). One a chemical composition of glass due to various factors related to
can see the substantial difference in Ca, Ag, and Pb contents the environmental conditions. This is another factor, which makes
between the base and the coating. It is natural that this difference the acquisition of data on chemical glass composition difficult.
in the chemical composition affects the specific relative count-rate In these papers one can find information about the variations
values (Irel ) of the analytical lines from the iridescent glass sample in the chemical composition of glass due to the corrosion, and
and the base (Table 6). This difference is especially significant for recommendations on solving such problems.
the KK -, CaK -, PbL -, and AgK -analytical lines. We note finally that for glass samples of high Pb or Sn content
Our estimates have demonstrated that the key factor, which the thickness of the saturated layer dsat (an infinitely thick sample
or the information depth after Mantler [76,77] ) is no more than tens

has an effect on the fluorescence intensity of analytical lines for

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c 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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