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How to give a good presentation Answers

A. Here are some important stages in preparing for a presentation, put the stages in

1. Choose your topic

2. Understand who your audience is
3. Work out exactly what you want to say
4. Carefully organise your information into sections
5. Prepare your visual aids (power point slides) to match your presentation
6. Practice

Presentation introductions

1. Welcome your audience to the presentation

2. Introduce yourself

3. Introduce the topic of the presentation

4. Give background information on the topic

5. Outline the structure of your presentation

6. Tell the audience how long the presentation will take

7. Tell the audience when they can ask questions


Match the phrases to the correct part of the presentation introduction.

Part of Introduction Key phrases

Welcome your audience to the presentation Good morning ladies and gentleman. Thank
you for coming.

On behalf of....may I welcome you to...

Introduce yourself My names...Im responsible for...

Id like to introduce myself. My name

is....and I am.....

Introduce the topic of the presentation Im here today to talk about

This morning I would like to talk to you


The subject of my talk is...

Outline the structure of your presentation This talk will be divided

My presentation will be divided into three

parts. First, Ill talk about...After that I will
talk about....And finally I will...

Tell the audience how long the presentation My talk will last for approximately....minutes
will take
My presentation will take about 5 minutes.

Tell the audience when they can ask Perhaps we could leave any questions you
questions may have until the end of the presentation.

If you have any questions, Ill answer them

at the end of my presentation.

Well good morning ladies and gentleman. Welcome to my presentation. Before we begin, I
would like to introduce myself. Im Katie and I am a lecturer at a University in London.
Today Im going to talk to you about the Purple Company. The Purple Company is a
company that has recently opened in London. It is a retailer that sells cosmetics to the
public. My talk will be divided into three main areas. First, Im going to talk about the
owners of the company, after that Im going to talk about their business strategy. And
finally, Im going to talk about their future plans. My presentation will take approximately
7 minutes. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them at the end of my talk.

Main Body


Presentation 2 is better because it uses sign posting language which guides the listener.


1. First of all Id like to talk about

2. I must emphasize that

3. As you can see from the table

4. The figures show that

5. As I mentioned earlier

6. This brings me to my last point

7. Id like to move on now to the question of

8. Lets turn now to a new topic


Moving from one section to Looking at visuals Referring backwards and

another forwards
Let me start by Looking at the graph, Just to repeat what I
talking about... you can see...
said earlier
Well lets move on to If we focus on the
the next point More on this later on.
This brings me to my
As I mentioned
last point A summary of the
results can be seen
on the slide.


A. Own answers


1. Go back to the second topic MB

2. Sum up the talk C
3. Introduce the first topic MB
4. Ask the audience if they have any questions C
5. Refer to a graph to back up information MB
6. Thank the audience for their attention C


3. Ask the audience if they have any questions

1. Sum up the talk

2. Thank the audience for their attention


This brings me to the end of my talk. So, to re-cap, let me briefly go through the main points

of my presentation. First of all, I gave you some background information about the

company that I used to work for. Then I talked to you about my responsibilities in the role

that I had and finally I spoke about what I learned from working for this company. I hope

you have enjoyed my presentation. Let me finish by thanking you all for your attention.

Now, if you have any questions, I would be more than happy to answer them.



As the title slide it should include the title of the presentation. The title of this presentation
was not the Key to Success as you would think, it was Marketing Mix!

On the title slide you should have also your name and ID number.

Typically you would see the Outline of the structure on the second slide. This should
include how you intend to break down and present your topic.


This slide is not clear. The results could have been shown in a more effective/efficient
way. Also presenting figures as numbers is not very academic. They should be presented
in percentages.

Too much information. Not consistent with style e.g. complete sentences vs non
complete sentences. Should try and stick to the 5x5 rule which most is commonly
adopted by good effective presenters. This means no more than five bullet points per
slide and no more than 5 words per bullet point.


Complete sentences not essential. The pictures distract the audience from what the
presenter is saying.

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