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6 RMS RIV VU | Ashes BOB RANDALL (Little Theatre) Comedy q 4 Won, Interior jer view is open for inspection by by David Rudkin ‘50-895, 5 WHO KILLED SANTA CLAUS? | ‘TERENCE FEELY oe F E & SAMUEL FRENCH, INC. 25 Wot dim Seamer NEW YORK 10096 702 Susser Bouurvasy HOLLYWOOD 90046 4 LONDON pavisugy :a0v1E ‘MON. ZR, waity adoouag “7800087787 SHON, sa, Tyo“ “ww Teaxepy eoqou, anny Aounyy weg ** sri0g (eounsoeddy fo sopsg up) Isvo 1 conto a9 © Nast iyne sayin woyapord anak js #54049 ON, ‘hq woppraiof ‘up posnooe 09 penn yo 20 “Efoud io snopoun jo uonand oy vo PI 8 owetspo 101 10 “sryroya Prod 09 ar anya dof eso ony {2 fipoton 0 fo bq tow. ford e119 ugpvos oy) 01 parooxpen & fox fea Bonu ates IT aeoopvoig onpes Outpt fou ‘sopouty Fyouosofou inp fo soumunoo i dhage yma, oh 94 porn “doa oxy sapuh poreeioid hot 9°04 ee? Ale nha, so ear. pu soucsford :NOLLAVD aganasay SLHOLa TIV rang araver 8 ‘p26 “® wHoTEza0) CHARACTERS: Cota: early 30's, Nerthern Irish, was a writer, now a teach Aww: late 20's, his wife, West Riding, was an actress, now a teacher, ‘An averagely presentable couple, neither sexually possessing. COLIN ars ago: a good pair he uses at sh OTHER CHARACTERS Docror Smanovoasr: ( a Grwrazcotoaican SoRGHON Aamutaven Drives ‘Anna Aporrions Orricen Ianwrenn: medical student Rroserionist: at Guru's Vauers: fecund neighbor ‘Nurse Mns, Jonns: sistant Adoptions Officer fomalo actor; but in significance, To ¢: ‘would tell, I think, the play. 6 STAGING fo 8 a marriage rele, as ly drawn white traverse sioypruy 00g (uyooyy) “aKxY ‘rN4I04 YEN, mos oy sxoyooU omy oF sun BuIA YOU “AVIOD “Suidnod yon ay SuBn0p) “x1700) s(Bnous [INS JoAayL 2498 T op O5Ip vous (oun ‘noe 9 x09 fo son BUEN 14 & aqarbonas yent “saxon young) “9494 U9 {uo1 yoxp op oF oxvg nod op—oH AO tuseruy fo quey ‘punos ,2,, 3909 ‘Spunoe ya, PD ayRUopoD.OYD :ysLAT uloyRAONT sD gIgUDRABODES AjosDg e004 “wind yoraus fo dja “a1nyy u2osug) “MITOQ —oyssng pag foug » fo esuse pu yeosys “uoows pwryeq woes Mueppng ‘aouayy® panmo) sopreqne Ousyynesg owuyaniys daep saiDu © ‘wruoppno punos susyvods wos “esousoqT I soysy 10 ASHES 1 man skin must breath aroused by me at Anwe, Don't be fatuous— Cou. All my foreplay reefed on your si pectation of winkling out one clotted pore, ‘Awne, I like my man to be healthy. Coun. Post-coital triumph more like. Penis Anwe. What? yourself. Coun. (Pawse.) I never had blackheads till you started purging salousy. Anne. (Paus Cou. (Put owt.) Sort Anne. (Pause, Quieter.) Mop up now. Cou. Ay. Load delivered, back to yard, cold half of bed. (Sounds of them shifting. Long pause.) Aw, Perhaps we did it this time. (SNAP UP STAGELIGHT. White traverse screen masks all but Anne's half [Right] of bed: on which n lies supine, head toward us, bare legs raised in a coital posture. Doorox— fresh-faced, early 30's, slight hint of the farmer—gently firmly paips her lower belly to feel that everything isin its proper place.) Doctor. (Faintest last trace of rural speech. Frank, unpatronising.) How long have you and your husband eon trying for a conception, Mrs. Harding? Aww. Two years, we & problem, Forgive me: n 1s t0 conceive through alps.) No sign of damage or = Very nice set of Your husband is deformity, organs, Mrs. Har potent, you say; yo Docron, (Surprised she knows.) Have you been xr, No, Doctor, (Pause. Comes away, peels off a disposable glove into wastebasket.) Well you ean probably work ives what a post-coital test, involves ‘or eleventh day of your next — (CUT LIGHT. In darkness, loud ALARM on speakers, Screen fully drawn. Sounds of shifting. CUT ALARM.) Anwe. (Yawning, unseen be} so early? iwning, unseen there.) Specimen, love. d screen.) God, what Coun. Specimen. We of our mixture, F Cou. moving.) Mouth like a bloody Trot 03 (Siow DIM GLOW as of electric barfire beyond sereen: form of Coun before it. LOUD SPEAKERS:. urine trickling into water; rip, scuff of tissue paper; chain pulled.) Rom (Grumbt ‘axey, “aq £q sn 07 of yonpord ox Seusq vay ‘omy qe sty ue META doy Oy saat OMB yH op 9WI| So¥OLG suag (7oHUIpY.UoD) “Joy sf wooK SKI yeqAL OTT AK re Aa nq ‘Avs 0} A1I08 wH,] “sam 3s y,uop 100p 31f, Ho HOOT “mos OOIzOK0 oF Spogou qq ‘US OF A220 THY SOM Yop pUNG WHILE, “EAep uo Ayu UE synsod 044 Loqop amos ‘xajoNNIS O19 Joy [EG ayy Hod HOF OMA “OUOP AAO OHA qEI ay) OF 2oeq Hf SuIIq [dures nog oonpoag "yodu moos v :puoLts ‘aay axe, areH, (quojese0 qo] Muwnig » fo dnepuss poooa ‘gov ‘ayjoun ow S906 oy moy “Auvdwoo sey us soso ary 2 poof en Ousyor ‘en 30 syoo) oxy “nou dn oxo sivenon eH) ca “sures om, dp) “Aan, 4uBA NOX, Surouey Store sts “YO, (wowagt) "yunoo weds 8 gnoqe st 91 o¥oy simp ay T (fag) ,zNO< dyoy J we ‘np ‘s0x, (yeondovas uouion so7ofiust) “1709, (6 40} 700 up uo sunday ‘counjsyp omos 70 sn Guadany 00 sD opty. “8108 nowy fang dn Busy ‘so0sowe NxI0p “uoo.08 9a0qy (0 WOOO “AONVHD LOT) ww] © nok easB [eye T “S89[95N S| UOUIOd aod “SxopwEH 4! axOKAL Spo smox omy oy} &¢ ‘Mou NOs ‘yo uomeS Pood ooapord ou pInougs sofouse4 ywuuioN Ay woRwOE OR “wOLDOCT Jo sow 1 48, "STD ++ BuRO[D ‘qa ONY “BorOOC, ‘0X "NATOD ; doug ka 7e San tur ON. (syGn09 xrr09) “weBy (‘sy0n00 KII0Q) “asuatd 907 searjep ‘stuod ou you ‘sajomsoz, (7no4cq) “Houooq, aed wa SAS 5 ou} Jo SsousnorosuoD-f[oe Oy, “AITO, (Aowsonjeunss ondoa sxiso.08 puotieg usof puny poxou-soyzou.n ‘xrIoQ—AoDaud sguazod aau9s er SaHsV 1 seq, wopen ‘yng (‘aeuf aun sopouser yy yoyo 0) “spo0d “ aud 0} uosi08 smoip-pund woxsocy ‘edoosouomu soopans exaTNnay “pouyuor9 s7o)uob 5H aADy 0} epuDgs NIIOD, ‘nro 0) dn s006 ‘onops savyowD uo snip “usy-njzom oni apne posvows Jo sevodeyp uou20q “unop sfoug uo eeenosy ‘pag Jo ep3e sty uo poyooe NII0%) Jo wof busionoonp-piod ‘aNsry Buea “jyOtay wo9IDs ssp maamexag) “a T ‘pueqen op 998 oF quouUIOM nay (uajomng) “opET amp uo ayey syem HojeuUo You YO "0% GO "S94 YO 7 Pra 09 720] 79 Sues) "HoxDOCL Srouoo puowgiis Womog‘waaINNy go, (94907) {OI01|A “woxLD0q aie uueds aug “NREINNE aes 049 *xoxD0CE uo soxoyy 3uIyY | ‘Oqop ‘ou YO ("*Y007) “ERAINNAL {SU nok 4upIMO ‘peop re ore smd osony, (429nb hung) "wOxdOC, jro}oq, "wane (yomnb fue) sopsuop (390) 1¥) “wox0C (fgouzun uy soyoroa ‘opie EHDIAL 5:90 wo 980d Ouyqs opus dn soxmas “oyna Too ‘axxey “adoono.oyu opus sized ‘sow09 8OLo0C adoovouzeu 1am 870 “apy sfngig MESINNEL £7099 “oysom onus ono) ogavodnp Jo seed NOLO “apye 9 07 tno safeud4y BOLO, epoy wIALwAL “RomD no juowaydua smosp HOLDOC, wow ‘plas Dusddgus ynfouso F 000 porpos saxny ueonyeq pososuy quowopdu Joorpous usceun suor wien “pang “Ouspuo7s woxDOCT Justonoorp “907 08 40 puoh v uo9.08 saaous ‘00 oy tu ruopnge “waatxne “THOTT 96mg 4 —enjonoyns Uf ta] pouodo utes “uoea2s pane) poay ‘s097) “oath uv ooo ino sop Assrd pu poo [2 UE “UE “UoM RBA CBuoppmys “ouoyy suns adoys wx) "INKY r SaHSy as 4 ASHES 1 your time.’ (Coun is staying us out again: his expres sion never breaks, yet so he is charming us into a humorous sharing of his absurd predicament, Yet nothing must rupture his essential privateness, FADE UP SHOUTS, WHISTLINGS, SOUNDS OF BUILD- ING SITE outside, above; Covi glances up, out to~ ward these once or twice. He takes out of pocket a tiny glass or plastic container—two inches deep at most, neck barely an inch across, with blank label. He looks up from this to us, The building site sounds worry him. And an anatomical problem: how to address an erection lo this ludicrous jar? With simp precise gestures he sketches one or two ways that eccur to him, Impossible. A third way. Even more absurd, He catches our eye, goes to sil on chair near curtain, plays for time, Has thought: takes out pencil stub, writes on label. Shows ua:) My name. Against confusion. (Sits, drums fingers. Another idea: puts jar on floor, all but gets down onto all fours above it- A BUILDER's VOICE calling someone above, out- side—Couts sharp back on his chair again, jar in IN CLINIC SOUNDS: trolleys tn corridors, someone on intercom calling for a doctor. Ase iN sees he must make a reat effort. He brings chair down, drops trousers, turns back on wus, Over shoulder, to us:) What: are yous expectin’ to see, then? (Sits. Makes discreetest gesture of fondling; then suddenly a little tsk-tsk sound as though gecing up a diminutive hi en his thighs there. Soon, z 1a. (Sound of door opened, shriek of young girl—Couin sharply rises, hands covering himself. Clattering heels flee, a giggles shared afar. Over shoulder, to fella ? (CROSSFADE IN ie 1 16 , ete, An © builder turn ye on. (Part- wuling trousers up, makes off above screen—Suddenly mes hurrying back for jar, Of AGAIN. CUT SOUNDS. LIGHT CHANGE. From where’ Coun ‘went now, Docrox comes, labelled jar in hand, now dreg. Goss wre desk.) You Harding; but it we sm are, They © s0 many stunned tadpoles, I'm afraid. Cou. (Pause.) Can anything be done, (NB. al= ‘most no question tone.) Doon a bal a shower from now, not ‘ef for boxer shorts, Tt gle. Ciroulati ing for the next So, every moming a weeks, bathe your test oH soyo0q—yuouui0dds tee aang | ‘S04 ‘Buypsyyy wrod (oy smoyo,y) "NID {SupIeR WY asNOMAMO (cs109 404 soo noms fo Seyoas oy po9f wow 0 yor 07 ada oy9 ‘posnoraunu fyqvo ~oadun ‘astNoxawomy Apo s.0xng “yap PiEy9q $718) “Fos snqoo Stpnyour ‘Bumyyciosd Jo vopr ysxy oy poquosnr poy Afjuuosrod 1 yBaowy sv vod Aisu01s¥090 op T ‘peopuy quarsrumO wey UNA T Uorssoudau Oy 498 ory asnwo0q inp oq our Gnp sjaoyed mow om ‘Ay siBojouRMeS aaysuedxa we ume ] (‘en 97) “aNap (se0pp rouowssafoud fo quso0D yoanquapsy ‘copoojoods powuai-ouy “soy poys Ouyiosd :aunp dohugy ‘wiasoudun “uotoup “os surouos cuxy sods oe niay $80.00 puny puomuyon s9y seaou “uy wash poy fuung acy “3any “puoy Gusypewos 6 seoueopuar oy7 UL ‘yong oy 1g Ouyy0w 83 2404) 90Q :43y SoyoNO}“eOyDveR eff “Ouse; poou ysuseop oH) {eU0 PY "NIIOD Cangasnb soqoo xmn0p “sig Ben) poof amy ssmp “sysv—Iq om UT SsoULATON| OM “o~q ow UL Usd oN ound oN “ASp paray-Aiqy, “sped ‘Aca doay,T 82948 prdoqdno ayp Jo Z00p ayy Jo punos 1g} 40} Paxoud s1¥o sty TWO] Wed J ‘wow OL ayy Jo a,j 2am Arangt “Sep OM)-UNET, (88, SUID ¥ 50y on wi] sey ay gro Busy “epuopy, ATU 1 1 30 2a FE “sap oto-Any, "uaa OA JO POxorTD aa,oq4 70m PUB yod poypu Findoy dogs “Hy gnoge dows ‘srastary BumToy SH “AGL, "Yo Pree ayuosay, “[woUDRSAY 2G “AROS * AL ‘ou ‘aes J ‘anpsoao ‘yy Butpooyg Aux uy ou ysm4 “OP T sqquown smog fo doacp doqgy “aur wuAoyut ‘onpaaao 03 Nok J. sajonb (wauon wow AOU aOK (oje] 92077) “wowon duos ‘syed s.romn & TONS OK) “plone amp. Woxy gous apROq JOMouT oy As a SaHSV 1 nod suvgy uraq wivyss ‘suor;nvoasd J05 away OW “Joy SE (Kpuex asunoo ooijod ¥ wo Butoy soUNOD BAL 8A, id om wo. syimooerax Apuay “toy pom aT Jo auoyt “ures pod ur s.eiyyuAD Supoadsa sy uo[eA SGuryoado ax [rope “Binya] OTUIAUOD eIeANS 1y=UIq seouatpne Jo} pnoye Sumpyor ‘opm. so7u “UNNY (su9q791 wpa. umop sou. ‘yooe axxy fo aog umog seg) j,ssouuOT, Jo udu ayy 305 ‘2q sONpRE you He IAEA. PoOKONTTT Br 8 aQ “POOWOEEF HSE 50. “POOKLAYIEE LOp op Tos Jims w sump ou, zodoomyEG omy uy BaysHlds AouNp gaip snes LOT, (yooods woydurungy) —SwESIIO Toad asnoy tf) Ul SpUALRA ~woqmeDacT “sHIG HuNsoos ‘ites sy oF mmoms oy) Suusodxe sowgo arp wr “puey 0 wr protramoys oxy di Arteo,deyd soy ano ‘ed Hod at Uo Youd 4g “eBx0w coop ToR|OS w “IE poow amy atuos 48 AWM OY nod Jo o8osp OF “NOK JO door 20} “ing{ “ywourwoxpord asroead Lox Uf “Ayo yon you SA—pIq V wose yCROP T “AEP v sox!) WAOP 40K dep Beruvoyo PUIUL 4,Uop Nos Ft :980008 op peaoudamt tuwudiropy ("709 #0 woyo “epyn sour) zssoINN TOTO (neg oxy apEsIno 400} 94 (_payooe Gu}00 M souayy) gspreudn pouuye Tomoys pfoo puvyg ‘aamoayo A104 yoxt um Topusen y (UO £900 fust-oysnm oj sof uowse fo sueodap apymunou YoLood]) "ye AN nod : koe guog {Avs 24 sar] T op "Mog ¥ UE wom ofFTE reg sty Sumayeg patsy sou dn spun, “AITOD (HONVHO HIT ‘#4rs06 not -ayeony wo ‘on 07 su NTO) “APUROAF Soy wun ser yee pmnous nos ‘aye Seay T 752AA. O49 U LOU orgo Aug coy) 100K AIOE owas soonpaT A\quqoxd ‘mots nok ‘Bupyeaq [eAUID uN uENdS LOTION JO} song of “Kronur Jo pus avy a “OmmS @ 98 SANT [BID 1 sas 1 school yo Con, seedbed first erotie were at? ‘Ob, 8 day 01 that schooling cost me, maimed years: I know ¥ appy place, mover screen ves Off. GURU now im.) ember—were to Gunv. Wel der porforma uv vusiva dn ooap ‘joe ut agar ‘onoqaye ‘orgozous ‘no SuiBars 4098 oq 0} fouoTy ak[9p 4nq ‘urpaax4 205 ou apeur fouoye quods [pyuapusosue 205 99H ‘apa%e ‘tub ‘poos sajoup Surg, “xopeseg juepy aanjonpordoy, ung uv Buoy URY UE eq [eI TUR a, WEG LOUBIT, OPAL B soup yu Fows Jo quaupsvos"p A10A s,oxm1 ON 400 yor :yoX “sou omy Tuo] V woo yw {yi eazy 0} pawswa, “PUR SI nULAUOD o4 Jou suajaxC omquN ‘UvOM J “0s oM—weP Jo GNI aK JO} wR 4a0[e8 You Hop axMVEN HYG] SMOApLON yup Op SUIEOS siyp ‘ozods Suxay ye] []¥ xqJe sop as Sup IF ‘og (uorrnisony-fioe Buxy20u fo ovo} 9 Guydozeaeq) uo2taq popuvag wou “uonsonb uL Apund9y stk OL punoo} punoy yep style uaop “ueie dq -srI09 (cusp Sigw00 ‘en Ounseasppo agra yim Anan spurps XxIOD) ‘emojof sstwoxamay 990) “ju nod ut vOUDS sno S{PFEq-1 Burge yx “ays 008 04 1809 Oa OT 0} at109 | alojoq sash yuMOD © op WOM WE T {ETH sexy ood fq am oy paqvas ffous 4¢ BuuIMyOs “omOy amo4 qv [dares v qsiuany 04 ySnous poo’ oq ‘pusyoros aq soununuoo sup oor AxwssaooK OMY AusAOEGO IGE {22} Nok se Ajsta su ‘oxosazayy NOX PINON (—29N9 OLA uaye Apmno.oypey » IID 02 Ousbuug “emoyof ASINOLL =x) uy 78 ampadoud amy RUA PoYsES romotoye you wy (—pazdnuona ‘wux05) —eyend ope qurioo wueds nos Rurmmnsse tH Soum oq veIm00 jo Sou oq “Buy somo suo Supinyy “spy “auaH (ceabiota-04 nap —ap S40.2 XIIOQ 00 aap ‘wsuworsazomy) “esmoo 19 “ustNOnAEONY ‘IEG amg 80 pods ].nox "NE ssmnod ye 8a (8709Cq0 foorwyo—pasrgvod uppwos axxy ‘nim0) “yd Jo a" ‘ara Jo quod szu90704 svonzods auf) wtoxy (3290 “yoyo “ome “is000‘eps06u Te SmHSY r astNorrampany 798100 #7youe awa ‘snqpoyd smmspyner IsIXOIEaDEy) —epm7ys weoLEMY-ofSuy [UOT MInAttOD oy "YORA yA parsdmmog ‘uoRwaTMESuE JO afi quorowgo sou ayy (—e740d fo Ouxyorpo 0 sanqyoyd syoruy astNotaaomy) —stued om Sufproye ‘sdoy apiow opummas oxy ‘axysod sip ut ‘Moy 08 [TA NOX, (Coponuss spowaf fo yepor-jass09 anus v ‘seqn7 110 doyzo oy “ops pun wea yo prs uo ‘pouoydee Myywou daa ‘enqqoyd ssop9 Aruoyoun afy-uoy)-s0840) 0 sOeiq 1yonUDdAu STROLLER 94 Tunow of WSoUpD ‘ARNY 1y9q t0s0p9 yo9Uy 07 NITOC) SUCH}O FE) —SSOISUHOAAN. \gouTanr Xopoyysoun urs}109 satdod ‘seo anos Ut ‘ou YORE “pUIyeq woz Suweyma nox “away Cliay punyag Sr109 strug ARO !pooy SANY smog astnonaxony) “AYU (sn o;) “ANNY —praads soning 194 ‘amop pear ‘soour{ z9y UO apt NOK ('89qun99P HUA so sasod ANNY <90}au; MOuruinyo ISiNONAKONY) wdop Sarensojs0d Jo ounjsod v [Teo T FUGA oBANOD caoquy sof ydope oy ‘qyuour sJurpavey “Sxyy Jo ported aquoy op Buunp ‘AoW nox pususIOVeT T TOYO oT fo} ‘aanjoaye yyBnorq 2q Ajazous YSN ouO em =quOM, aun sr amidue amp ‘foxjad st wameg (‘paq wo “ENN Our ciaaoomp “ybay ussw0e smvsp carxomcasomy (7/07 47) rT0p sug awn ‘yore df) s45qUe-04 ISINOLARONY) usgeugns oyinb st axojeq uate amp oBmoosoyuT °490)> Gaawye 9m Op poott OW ST oLaNy TeATsaOxD U9Sq Sty. aousdyp amok sre oxy (u9V79] 10 ByOOT) “ANN (Copuoyg) “Tes98as ouop 2484 2A “ITO 4389) [P3100-480d us aoyrmny axe nog, (epUnag) soymeyD osu mmo jo VORTUGTIOD om UE {nq ‘Mo zou OFA TORyTOT TEL sexl AIqussod yBOUr 880 Joe ut aiqnon ayy, ‘Soyen3s oy Foya Jo AyfenD [90 I SaHSV % ayy soy suxgnor om 22 ASHES 1 glad up Ind-arse, knob cleaving splitting sphineta for joy alone, 'g sex emancipated from the of Propagation; a sexuality dis- ed, fraternal: in Awne upon it; themeelves.) Awne. He fu ard, d? You try it to order on two or morrow; or for hop doctor, anyway.’ pretend ax, (Makes avy and gorgeous. 80, ged it after all. So we've never in or doctor or ealendar—never onee all these years- ASHES 23 right leg crooked up us.) This man is a specialist, He © your National makes minimal Ip pressure, suficient gestures of examination: tor ete) unv. Your are now of 1g your hus- (There has merely a philosophical ig gentleness. ANNE can say nothing.) ‘The medioal profession has no answ Tt may he, that some (Looks at her stilly, says nothing. Then:) sur trea qavo%g amp Jo yooyo poowjue ox qioys 10 Buoy oy amns you Suing “aNIey (HIT phys “panna nyoads uo prop dQ “*myoR] “pooRuDyoow “Rup “oH Sutaq ‘eusyoow-panuf 0 fo SaNQOS ‘sreuysop Wy “dd GHOTT Lo) °° “Sosvypreays nod dn poqind urd dar 408 puy (240220 woy 300 -2q spuoy soyoooy) ° + “Keayeatsays nor worn ays oni | ply (oy pusyoq ro0uy uo foe e069) “a0 “MIUROPE 9TGU, HALT ay wo. ass Aut “pio Aur oxojoq gonbs op ENV (p09 wo oanqsvd » eidopo ‘sumjas exxy) —oot se plod ‘etoosayaq 2m) aos, O10 nog kg, ** * "NOGo oopey ony tpn ouO}e v ONT SOU, qrvoq Aux ‘uortoor9 Aur urwysTS OF AppnsD ysOURyA yp JO syqnowg snoroetes cn FuryseL ‘OMT T OLGAA (ayonep ypu Go $908 axxy) -uoyy ‘O(BI0H sory Aus OAT) (‘possaud ~dins-pe ssoupiny fo 940u meu :NIT0Q “sof sf ayonop yoyn sioquowss aNXy :uoyoug Muappns post) ysvare o8-ou yBnony suueds dary SurAz79} a0y peyTOA Sar aay sorasp uosuIqoy WOR, ¥ “YoyEUIUNESUE Lar oy setmovaz paou 494 9UBLUE ROA. “yey 4do008 ; YA oafoouod UNO 48K “TuIpIUE, “spy ‘soqwungioy oso] Jo ouO you axe NOA, (‘eo}0a nun) “NETO ‘SOI 0} xas 04 yong 428 pInoo om Ysa 1 (Ange yssppayo ysouD “ex0 suadsep 1 210 ‘sanasof figqunaas soy) Oussoy Jo pyosfo yOnoyy 80 ‘Auoppns ‘oysnop yno. ym fay, “s9y 0} sewoo KTIOD “yjnoM YIM spunoe Bus}Bin6 soxoUL ‘qyez0u sezeanbg) “om ToMOUY ‘IM PAY “aNNY (eomaap ayonop bryddoy Aywoyuoo » :oOvyo0d soopun axucy) “youq sn S08 4wUR ‘SUE Fe motor anmoey (p¥q #0 paumoor) “sp 9q 10 Oussnoonp “ybrar ussss Ouduims syorr do LO % SaHSV 1 006 Ayu) “ong seEmSTIGD top HOMO ayy HE tng hos 408 T2M “vale amp puP astysod oxy ourqnave nok pur fyoxp ony pute oomjvan aoywIa pjoo ayy A doox, of Durogang sn0% [9 og “uoos puw fearar orate Ry JO 300 fin oajono gona oq ‘oarasns 0} 8 Up JT “HOM 3m oy Aqnp mo. st ye, evIMb|q 0; KosBOy| Jo OxNyS OF Stoaw tw vip Yous 94,n04 ‘soenq Jo Ue SOR AN SHEL oot pusqaniy nok puv nos Je Ag "UosworY SUE HIOKS Sr aUpE somy_zoqUL ou0 aq :op T $0 [Hoe $8 SAINTE Inok Mow] NOX “os UN o} HEHE WoW, “ANBH . cto sanqooqe yo scum) Wy ofdoad Jo 3H oF ONL 4.x0P 1 “BNAY Aotorogs 59 Jo Hops pr BEAL qeur oqofa ano waoaotsees yup sypuoyp sd xp OAL qsumys qjdeg pae [vor yno-paddeyo ‘qos sop “ua of Sepang ox oxvey 0} U94GOD 9q PUY "BAAD pLsow pone -ndodioao we Suse w peed q2ed ano 88 AyteoFaL ‘no qdoooe yon prnoye ou sdoqsng (Ousyag) “aNIy sooqood sont) aqempour oq og “woRoesa 0} wufeA AMO osodxo Ago Nos woquoUTOY op ING “a|qUILEAW. AqVOR FOUL sop pay ‘opus ‘sad ‘at upon Jo aqouoqator “"WoRwoan timo fax yo Zaxmqowos opel © se SEE, (960;.0d 0 “Yeo um donvap 0 wish sburag) “xpINOp SUITEATW ax 0} UL aioe svat (papodoxje og ey 30% 880) “AHO ipoot ue op y2q) PINON Ss am axojoq qavorg Jo Mp Atos ox asous TFT -aNNY Sine} anog you yng Suop ano X ‘sae snl “eng "syo00n, ay yo asoussoyy (Ours: suoe “en soxopeat) “ANY “pwop voroyeutods pood cave og (f° 03 12m “Hop puayeg 118 07 fiom sowen} °° xopy Bu0x"s 00) 30 ‘PIO t SaHSY % Coun. To sey ture is giving, ‘motionless, faces toward us.) Com, To thi we married, from her, speakin, arse. Four stages dren?’ (Defiant, ie. SI Anna, (Relax sisters, ‘them: Vaan, Try dear. ‘Axne, Pe tol dear, inelud were married? Anwe, Why can’t we ASH kk we were 28 to do pretension?) ES aye facing Right.) say, Aunts, with th thing of the fact this bloody pos- function) ¥ tell ght.’ (Now appears behind different iad with iat part's nantie h the third or fourth, ed nighties, order! lay, a sec- iim before you Awne, IV's ‘Varmace, George e ch | up and down, Tr ith the booty o 2 high: cows, look at’ me. “You you're no woman, you're comes down past them to desk, a Gyxaxcovoatcat, akon: smooth, groomed, impeccably dressed in fashion, He has a medical filo, quite full 1, ANNE assemble themselves.) ut in all these years of co (To us.) Gynaces last resort. (Sits behind desk. down, sit: she opposite Si between th qeu, ‘suru Jo osnoaq mou ‘Kouatpyep sy Jo aenv999, sumb9e 91 ow 49 “}MOf g,laygfoN say sn ONSET SOU, (sn 0, ouow spuyf fofy fo ubis wof yonoy en pany sans oug ‘fesuey fo ons ws psy ‘pooy paoi0g 6NNY yo e019 S400) NTIOQ) “poviog "WRsE qyta quod ‘oqedo Jo kup Meao-Rqusay, oan “0 ‘Mog quod {poo pu yeoxy 2x08 {pa sory ued amu-Auu idn ‘9peo Jo Avp yyuIe sag" 398-Apoulyy oyoowomsoyy poddosp—sueye, Sas yujod “3I8 quiog “poxoe ‘oun qutod UoA3s-AYOUIN, qi@io-Gou eimeredaay ‘ijomouuey, mow ‘oppko po Aup (HUN TOMI & ravyg “Arena, Jo yyuooqyaigr “uasae quiod uoaos-joutu ‘Arenaqot Jo qusequoneg (eyo uo souiyua soy 2004) 07 su9es Toouowiow) yiidl) “pares ‘au qulod wanes your roypdo ayg jo Ap Wats “Arunaqagt Jo MUBePAIS “AY (pua-ys0p 30 poyoes ‘syOst {roy we supose NiT0p “sjowouNsoy) Yptn Ouypoas sta) 82004], ‘juoyo yuo Jo0fpeq wo sf "908 SKY "FDNY HO \LHDIT uy 8009) “yuapuodsap 04 3,u0¢, ('08 09 “nb ‘Spunyg) “eouiad Ayre wxxe We oy ood [Tem ZayrAHOY sppamioutiog) ayy PUY suyp aM Puy “SOR ‘NozOUag "IE a pues [AL HO "NIC -rourunspran Aq ujoadxo aq 304 plnogs nos Jo og otf At Woswas ou 908 J ‘Zopz0 Uy azo ‘osarp PLE ‘youn 11 (874040 any ‘odojoaus eyo) xi0c) “sesdz00 ayy Buruno9 ano Jo woxsanb w Afeuour st yf yg0d ayy WE xp sutzods au [18 51 uone {2oyyemn you [us Bey-ouIy & asodind squy 305 24q 46 doup 10 ‘qo wag 2 key “out }UO9 ofquyses w ‘sMI0J OM :Az0;oTE|ARD-f108 ai squsu09 ay, "ey 298 NOK OLE T ‘SeouDGD NOs Toneq ou} ‘Ou odo uN yw. voMyINasIO om, gnd NOS ‘saods o10ur oy, poor) (3909 Mybus amy) odojeaus pont Buoy 0 somoip wou dn Buabuisg) “SouDKng 6 saHsV x Ip arg wou T “XIE ‘qni95 no onan You [IE PHLOM ou UE soya pjoo org 118 wou “omy Zod uoxEN Aapy oxoM 1 Sos ‘oy o1v £ouy 31 gn “uoAwoy sopUmn apOU! yeout 2 0q uve suieds nox ‘smsods Uf Aysuop 9 uVOUT T 'pe9] ary Jo Ajqueab ax wear 9,uop T “NomDuag “yo MOUNT HUI, “PUINIOA JO FON “ATION, poumnyoa 50 90K tuo ATOM Jo Aon oxoas ‘mymoa muxdds soppy sod Samp ou sooungp oxy pasvarour ApaeoyrUts ‘souapodss un ‘you say yng ‘esuas rworueypaut soxear 9T “oa ye 4 dolus nos ssopun (‘pooy sexyoyg) " 1189 nod “sop snong ‘oansog (smb 49799] 70 seoun}s) wand “ort 00 oxy TuLMp amaszsf He sTesmos ayonop plo noK ‘sinoy 9uio8 ayinb ssHy “oadua oxy ur ssaMBANDANO pooay ye) pavjezopun nos uN T “WoRe|NAD yuo sigue osun09 Jo ssoposn nowy {Iasdjany Mb Ayqissod “uojqeropour ut pasf] “s9K “sp08 Jo aytuogreorg (py ut 40490] doy 30 syo07) “anv wow sey asmooz=RUT WOK sopep uo syurod-yde.8 omg 2 cot Aq poses st ‘Axe J ‘wxoyyNd-wonyoNAO yes aos vo [yey 08 ‘S}xEyD ayy am Bu 0} JuoMUTOddE tuv oxsar “oy oxojoq poaseouon you paopur aay NOL J ‘sqquom x8 yy “ABI ue UAALT o4y NOx puom ~Uooer J ‘dodnasay “patmoo0 sei] ToRINAO oussE Ayouiou uve nos ‘Ssomr omy e puY Youu se £q uve sos Lop yxou ay pud “oaiep ¥ so s]utod x18 20 aay £0s ‘sdrp Atuoppns Suan aw Nos {lead aq ‘0s 20 ‘kop qquay mos jnoge puns ‘FT (‘Peonpos ‘soyIO you jo oourjd Kyoayping anxcy ‘NITOD “2b.mj-s00j8 ‘s}40Yo Camquadeasy ung voyn; oy Yona toss edoqoaue fing opsonb 9 socnoap woaf yno sBusig.) "xwyp stm UO 6010 qq ep yoo 4 StO}TO ‘Buea wo omyEsadus—y 1 sus 8 20 gets at you. The combination of our chemistries, they say. Yet now it seems now it soems mine, (Sits with ‘mimes speech into phone.) Coun, T only want to ryet. But it has been ratl ity test, madam, other professions than of intelligence . . . Al it T am not asking for establish whethor there ‘tor may expect to ro re your wheels rotate simply, quiet, Suncrow to desk: he has a letter.) ‘Surgrow. Es ie, What more could yor IN, ANNE meanwhile sit be- and her fore him again, charts:) have we? What are these? es charts before him. SunGxon cannot join ‘ems to foe then. sora. Suddenly, verable ag an trascible Teacher) How do tries to organize th ruary . . . Wh in vai blot: wh to funny marks on chart. Anne. (Peors,) Po x. (Suiiden ner if & moonshot, ‘Sunazow. (Zgnores him.) W are, you should hit tl rT frankly see not ee Crnjecodand Ayyonaee asow sowoor9 ‘uspang snoyeud s.aaixy fo ynfosv) “aI YO" “X70 adoosoyay im uwepy (‘wioypioyy yooxy) “ay —arout Aue TE sayq dn soutoo au0 ON 4955 04 S0¥AL Zou “NITOD —odoag “aNNy atta “x10 enor ‘ax3q] ont (7499 “1 puntos moys 0} susboq Ouryougs s,A0I09) “ANAY “Bwysyo sMIJOCT Jo 11q 8 s,poou "INE “usHBuG_ Apoo|q og (9m 07 “Rrusppns, nig Jo us049e 0 eopenn fipfoe “uowou D soxfP “frossoy awry Buypryous ‘apnoig sapuon puo se0svo sq] “Rypoq 484 0} 409 smng) °~* ay] soUYD ww “> sr¥ok puvsnoys © asnp ‘on °° * soml0o Burqjou gno 9, 404 SE EUS FEAL (fee o,;) “xIIOD 0yqs08 Ousypoy-0 ‘quo obouow woo ‘(uosrmynyng 9.018044, 300) 1) ‘used 0 fo epom saquauias oj soe aff “pp W109 un pup ‘uowon ‘upu sway) fo vay; 943 u90my 09 83 ssousepuay oy, “Myeq soy Buryoxys Apemy “aay fo dig “aye uado “eusenouy wa xxm0%) “(3096019 ou GN) Puno peyou uo yoous us sey ANY aydrqins som dp -poouhy, Ayyouorruayus ‘punoe pasruzo-afos hyoasostp—Ouov-youy “poyoouoge dn {(ssoqua 20100 auofoq) qwoqnyag opog “240 Gusso> aq3m 0 ‘ex0u00 hyynf anip £48ep “WOR “sof aus ssousyinp wy “(Omoyieg 49ql “uBqnaog!) uid bunoqop prrossyies ‘eannjoo-ounrd 0109. pidoy n (Cun aqesod Mooyonu ev woos so moyog “ssouysop ‘sousNS LHDIT ‘OISA.H LAD ‘woond-piw ws Ayo “pop MoH oy eos m2 IB9 40 wo LOdS NELHDUL “ponby, painojoo-nniys yrin porn ‘o4s)-0oypoyo “uot suauggads 101 9 7 Uo paspuea “yop apn YR Pyp-104p0 pedosp mou ysep wo LOdS TIONTd da «onadg tyes) yuon ‘w9A,, “THA AATHVI 209 uo20p “hoy af “00 ISA MyVOR AION VAL “SAHOUO ‘NVDO) “eamsod seq ley, "AINA 259119 L1TPYS 981M "BOLO sox AaSINN an 460) nos pip :ojdws ou guIpreTy “sIpy “woxooq, {HowOg, "ASIN ‘OFIUMP "woIOO. (caoyjo yon 0} 0648 yop ss0.00 100 “for. uno Ho ‘waauxnare Iybrer &q wOL00qI Jo #99104 “LAD ‘ouow fo weforpno junydumesy 0 Mu2ppns “SCNQOS ouryoou-nuf ‘SUTMVAdS UO ‘souy.O) gy HI TT mopacqawen ory fo 3904 Lop Mt MT “998 | “XID "7 9981 pus auop “werdoitsaz omy papuoosep suy ruma0 gua00un, uy ("uy Joao dursiy) “axALY Buy om 4no Screpy “NTO {880 we proy 4,7 “Bo we pH o4,] UNNY Snafu. dn Sw Ay “NETO (ceays ‘eoynm wet0Q "uoy 0 =) YOR 07 suIleq 9ys UoOS “yp apne uay) ‘ymow w Lajowowey) soy aNNY “99s tuo ananoyps 1 soadida peq uo @Xxcy ‘do9ys0 xITO_) fo sadoys ‘uoog ‘ssouyinqr) “ea omy Uo suotstad ao dn wold 0} own uy “AY (on ,yOnowyr,, Ousweny) “xINO 1 SaHSY we Sorry, love, to me Moving from kim.) her firmly down.) Ym damn glad a. (2 phiss. After a long ing slightly, behind screen, Comm lies languorous; with discreet private gesture, fingers lucuricusly stretched and hooking, suggest the deep still glory of his resurrected shaft, reburyeoned testicles. * poem ( to ‘move. Something wrong. Coun turns sharply to her.) Awe, (Quiet, hard.) No sex. Get me home, I 0 his, our sight, a white cupped hands. In it, black clots of blood. shock: goos off in Ci no ott ction shown. CUT LIGHT. In darkness, silence, strike screen altogether; Coin Of. Up gloomy indoor LIGHT. Stage bare but for bed Up Right, its foot toward us now, Right of bed, her back ever toward us, Anne donning white nightdress, being helped into bed by Doctor (of opening scenes) now in cout. Yo Left of bed, indistinct, an upright chair on tio, dressing gown wiet.) How far are you on now, Mrs. tissue in A moment, u ASHES: 35 wree months, this is what we call a p some ti Iy. (Quel goes OF Right LIGHT Coun coming slowly di basket full with dark-stained bloody Conan. in the heart th something more Decides not to. Goes up slowly toward bed with yasket. LIGHT CHANG, Doctor comes quietly Right in hat, with case, Anne lies under bedclothes, head on high pillow, facing us, Doctor reels bag on bed,) Dootox, So what happened this t Awnr. [lay as you 8 Tt came up as to bring out a tissue with i from under p Doctor gestures no need.) Thank God we got Mrs. Harding? ob stre ers with basket.) I (orm) jensen y —oneen w as —A0t08 wh Ton, “NITOD —serTHoI4 ay wo 3H Som ‘TEE YO Atop TEM “~AKNY Caan ou ony 07 ou jum “e'7) —nok OMNI TPA “NIIOQ uy sowjazoo ary Hurpeany agmox (uooy wo penstp Myowosyz00] 497n9-Pur-poaigt "uDo oy depso yoyo vosoqsa4 fmasos sway Mos) s7yO%e sirTog) jatoxos Suyppos ary yy 9,UpIp OWA “ARATY ‘poou T [TY 34, powfsunss osoy9 sproy ‘800 “jodoeffoo soans Suune.08 sinde “uaa0 sy fn4;) —aou uno sor dey CT gnod op 40ty ‘sepne (‘suingoyz) “X09 (flog woods yequt poogou yor pw So uw Hoqw (A, (SInoyg) “aNKY (sop) teen EPID T ‘A108 “109 ssuoods ayysody aq, 5020s "wd 408 HO AHH 0% spoa.iy-fpoy ‘oye woul 2m eoyayoug) “em Ax 30 4n0 at UNIO) osnvveG (uoodsDey RM SusNg29z) “NEIOD (Cyede0 oyu yom Soyounag) LULU ATO oxy 8839 ayp, 408 nok 9,uop uM (synoys) “aRXY (890) “Au10g "N10, ‘uoods ay WoyRO 203 aa,nod ‘Aros uy ‘Barswcy (708 yiyM eowoa NETO) asso uo avons sfvidg) “ao Axfaod romp pa0y AOU Joya swouy pop “WEY Jo mse Amp “uaIYA TSH £01 Goouy 882 oq; omy] A,u0p 1 (40xf0 smnoys) “GAN (C8009) “810g “S110 sys (Ougsen 9 72 899g) TY dn puo apt Sf uaty 0} B- uy WAGE powwog sry aug, “@R0 puodos ay St TloAA “NITOD hog ons You, ‘weout NOK Op SYA “ANY ts SaHSV ” Bo ow qnoge ons you mT (-mu7 0 oy soy seo400 s0y) 38 Fo 08 902 SToOYAL "TA “PADY 900.) “KIO (COuryoury yeoupo ‘sonsey pouoppax uy smoyg) “aT paying (7 smnspynin Sepequr]Q yrvoU>g 7 yz seAd =29 {aoqd sopun wosl oneeg uvop s0y0,1) “aNNY 2pO01d om S,4OH ("pany MypybHIS) “ITO Copmousow Godooffoo ‘poesq ‘060 popoq b ‘yesp uy epno.00 "9p uo :ayguzontpo 3ybxy—2190) 998 ~youD4 0 us spoon ‘poovf-opnd “i109 “$900 “Og 390019) “wou poq ul deyg "IR doay{ 07 AXY, OLD 2531p 88 peg sy awNTY “Ang Aggeg "wox00c, goounyp yeqps Zon00cy RNY omy orp ur woddog sary, ‘os ssofoqAOAO a 9 ‘tops ywraz At209 O5| spunos gum JT “oN w wody poddosp ajddv poo8 © puy 440m noK “zoxD0c, ade poyenuvredng ;aqomud Apple, Wy {4F 199 NOs ye “Gay Ao 0q Tf WEB Huo] 36K HEY 9 IT “ARNY “9SU98UON. "HOIDOCL -Suno4 yoyy you uy “aRATY ‘satoouod tuv9 NO Aor] AOU AOU gover yu nod Inq ‘PEG sty poytEN YonuT AIA OAR nox Mocs} [YL Jol WNUK aw LawostaT Toy, LATER 0} sypog ¥ 20} UOswOE poo8 + 5,210 nog sf dn nod s[ves sy “AOU 9 0 das “yous JO TING axe soajaqs SowuxtEGA INO “sor, —Boap 2 saioy}—Bnap gem ‘ropoocy “wee pag fuw8e pooqg ‘uredy dn ‘uae Arq “uyeSe pag wus pooja “dn sjoscar uvop 1 :3no SoH axa, “omy ax UoNsexe oy “UWE dn oy ‘eunoy swap MpRIe-Ayz0g SUVS ALCL WoL pom “TSA SUG ‘por sures” poole Yom 4[o 1 343tU 9m UT “ENN Cryin Go *08 ‘poq iq joys0q synq “Ouusyyoyo 4 ay 227 " SaHSV 98 38 Anne. TV! wet sheets: e it off, quickly— A sponge, quickly—! (te. Coun exits, Anne dabs with sponge. They dab) tissues. Couin returns wi Cou. You'll need more Anne. 1 black! Cont. (Of) Don’t be silly no! No! Anne. (Shous.) W Coun, (Comes pieces of news, F (Goes Off) Feod her won't. fed, K, then, Chriet, nogenie. h.) What? is, Doclor was say- and Hard tack’s bad for them Coun. (Enters nd cowering in front of a mouse, Coun, (Brushes u ASHES 39 Anwe, Belter go and cle explores:) 1h morning, (Sees tissue, offers ‘Awne, (Wipes hand on blanket-cort it, Coun, Bat it. Ye Anne, (Paps egg. with knife, Suddenly a most conmalsive recoil—she hurls herself from bed, reels down. shock we see her nightdress stained where sh shuddering, utterly wplerned, Ci her gone; looks into egg. Utters alm abomination; covers egg with stands, bottling nav Awne, (To self.) WI monster to be hor! at all? (LIGHT now favours Down La area, Awnw by bed, back to us, slowly dons a plain long-worn dressing gown [from chair]. Couix comes bringing a garden lounger, unfolds this, erects it Down ‘Stage; dressed as returned from school.) oat Ae 998 0} poswayd wi (yee ow Buzu0% p aut dos 0} pooto[d oor arma} (iow; uo edna oofoo jim susros amurry\) ‘seats ano uo yuo ‘sn pores aay sonqea ano 208 nod Jy "yBte wlio anek puv om poo? wo mod Wf puBsaAasF ayy sa40 HRI, IsVEqPOOT (M7109 Sutsseappy) jatoqun om Jo sy;ou 92 punor Sdn Bw, ar Bay Ayan OM) SOE, ye ‘wonREINAUE, 2Hoxax soy yorTSEE se OY ISN PU AIELONANTY Jo sn agp dn onBuoy sy anoyg gooay 2q oy cn gunds w Sutaq nod op oxy “sotjod arf Humemot dn spuo aq “asrqoxeue din poy 8 Sug nog om a,aop TQ (joe 09 uot pur don) “9p £ ERD ‘9I49N Jo 1ONOIG v oq oF FAN OY Jeprmsn ofa AfouIN sry TEA T cwORIIAN|SGO, Jo pouy 908 OTF jeans om tr sofqang SuLAOTEE ZAC zoo ay Ug WY PoysonTE UGE y8IG ynoge POHL ANALY (mo soo) “sogoo amos aver 1. “purar Jo aowad ‘exo pow NOx "HRY 79] 9,00q] “antaTy, "0 tugpoo(g ory Kea w uf Yom Se OB SE aE AOU, TRAY “yo syne mmo Sxpoorg uonoe Jo 3no oszno4 osnvooq AjBujsNa0y Nox ye YOO] Toy !xky20E oNsaMOp ¥ AT 99u0 IOF OF ATHORIE OF Soy 97 senv20q Aan [oop nok yw 04 Ax [oH ‘tout ou TOA afexs HET yo axaMEE TOK. jaye oF Bx soot 35,004 ‘Buagp sood Aye Buyaonos Nos 438 908 yap ‘snowoaes aq yond nox, (3798 “Amyo SOs) “aTaETA umn 0} suurv somo siy Moxy IyBLENS MOD 4, “S[90M Hq eoY I “MOU UF [Jom S,pUEY SI YO "EXNY nyase 00} you sur{009 s,usjop adoy op 1 (‘ansoddo yonso w SaHSV 1 247 Ousop som ays s04 119} 07 249m auoswos fy poysui0y Gs 29 pmnom aye Sanyo soyjow-pun-ofim-buuiogns 2y) 0} waquow mau owoD]Om D [oof BRNY ayDU oF , bushi sx ays free 427709 s2y sonzaoep ays :yourun ound. ah aus0s siya moybnoays foro 494) {Ted 05 00] Nod “oaoy ar ‘ouNY (‘ou juoutoud you sp ayg) “au daU[eA (‘sOunoos porayy) “aNNY T85TOF 09-000) “ara, Cur unop soz001q ‘INO wosl popuinyy Ounog ‘aman, “s90p) @Bupye8 you wysaq, uM, ayy st [eUALS-sOBLEP YHA User} sno ore ey og (724809 umLop sounig MyDOL =owoynD xITOD “enss9 pexpo0}q soyRouD Ino soy200L suuy) “one WoW azm SITET Sy TE TE wIEAG aq YoRr yuprp wed ay “uorpHOD sty YEA YonOL Jo yno “Kos 05 saa mopsAs-oxoK stp “WB ,mnUsOuICT ay da fom som Funw ‘mow 30 SuorrEr ‘soqreIO Aan arm oxo SUIS AT YUN UME a8I044 “AITO, juounostawa sty (pI. do4s J0 9N “ARNG (pa fiq ysqqns fumsowos Aono suvey9) “ours pexou ogy aq qs “YBnowy ‘pu yu SUB SuIDOS IT 0} SIOHT St UOYE CET IOBUOT SoC pospuny oy poysoy anvsomp ay, ‘Bares seas Spry ay Jo 2ug “Kem ayy &q ‘aavsoup agp oxtuosyed 04 3u0Is axaq 00} SUNY ONDER (-uy doy BYON,L) “NVTOD ‘pItq Opop w aq saKPEA pT MOU My pooy ‘so6uno ojo Anjos fies sesng) “aNNY peaqon axour waaa ams auo azw yuamuorpaxd no Uy BxOKO PU T pu nog sduysoct wg) Ho paouvapE Aes oMIOS ySE—q ge at suardes omOH] “poraquo Says ou £1949 sayUINAD aug “Hage ayy Jo HORM, “AYoN{ woy JUG, {2x0 om Aon Mog WSNOM Nok aawTT ("usvoxDs o,Y) “NIIOD u SaHSV OF 42 ASHES 0 Ik you! (They drink. Pause, Vata @ new tone—a we-women can’t win confidence ix :) Speaking of bastards, (Pause.) You're not m overdue, I know T rr condition, bi re oant tA I? How ean I? Tt isn’t ‘What's so avfu le ck, Anne? 2 T wake 1 y and you were 80 h you martied and so happy ys Colin— (ears for- gotten.) on that Lambretia—Looking so brown— (Coun comes, utterly unsel{consciously tying on a woman's apron.) here's the teay— Vatanie, Colin! (Sees apron; incredulous shriok.) 1 T never thought to see the day! Coun. What? Oh this. (Camps slightly, to trap her. Vatmaun utters a camp giggle, Anne wryly watches.) Yes, you would think it funny. I just happen nl: T don't see how it is manlier somehow, to tray, leaving cups.) (Shouts after.) T didn't say any’ ing vi (Turns to Anne, resumes we-women-can't-win tune.) God, the tro d, earrying Jason, He simply re- used to bo born, George was G ls, whispers.) Don't let (Calis.) By-ve! (Goes. Coun her dep For cruelty, of (Kisses Anne, takes © omingly feels her belly troubled, nes, sits on chair, aproned still. Quiet:) 1 Com. My frazale didn’t make you any better. My frazale at th of the fault of it ) I lost a little at the lenly conscious of irremedi~ 8.) srsonal separaten Coun, My anxiety that’s why I ings in- Anwe, L know. Couns. If he or If it is a matter of your sasy for me. I've every! “ont (fig oF puny ‘uy 0} Ouguan anoyrnal) “ay "you 24,008 .0q 21h} palBB00 94,n0%. “NITED au [1 OL] NY (ss0u sooo 0} spams) “wornos ssaqadoy nox Cdyoy sof m0 4aspep aye porlowny) “xVI0Q (S206 gjom sowoo NrT00 “wsopy1004q ‘pond ‘avoy Gaxp pun yom prun eeu oquo saedoy Joo ays “nde soyon pnds ‘qmogpnds sqnof 400f 424) Plaunoy fo soaps fae 3s sosanooutus oye ‘hpoq Tay pueq Suauvp ou “hpsunyg "ysaspooy qenipo of “adunoy fo fjas 9909 0} onDY T[\m oye 8098 ys TuoWOU, 2 woxfy “faa ye yt ays “Poy Of IsespDey ‘y0q tune] "yoves ojus 409 “2)a ‘Soo;m}od “buyood “sednd sbuxiq 7nq ‘Nyoyospouunsy 009 U02] Jou s00q “=yuD imou D 5 sus ays quyn yO Yoog Amfosvo 73 Buszeos diofeq pavinio| +0} 009 73 S4sok Buymouy gnoysim ‘Ing pony soy puryoq jsaspooy uadaoe of #944) juowoN ealy Ravan ‘Busjoed onyueo 07 so70g aqpod wad Iustoup onus smoys “Mymfouno onsen spyof ‘efeue “Aan aio #100] aug "24H JOU Soop oys 7 WO Duxyrouos Jaf ‘oye aqgysia. ou {no ansey sOusigr }oyUD}q yrDeUIQ fosso snognvo soyppy “enaey une » yno sexo] nod “apun wou ‘spay “Nqjeq uo puny 89904 ‘umop ele, > sbuyoed “iadod sonott Myon axxcy “2008 “us}p08 cvof oy. NIIOD) 4UO WaAD, THINS nos pict AAV SuyaRi0g, soUENG ou seq ‘remg Moy avods pow wom ogy, "x70 0840p yanf ay sdoquog ANY posuidans you wi jor poulouroyop mo st ‘Sousa yousekRt au} Ur “Dye “Bane Teen 9 0} atquanys 0} JOUIEIUYS 0} IOAINYS OY, “OE-1S-OF ‘gene or oBCUITT "WBN jnd [loys quouVosy O10 (9 “03 op you S2op oyga “Sago oa xaTUL JOU Op om ! TIO % suHSY 1 ~to9 2m ‘uojoq You op om exon, euoIAEG—q UT “on TeyTaBu09 ¥ sv Ydooxo—ys0x— jou Soop aoueLAOyNy TUE TerjoUasAat ros ‘oyuySy st proM ayy BUY Og, YouEE AE, sBIBF Ao you Ing "yUnoy J og “eBVyLOGy “NITOD ORL (oporpowus) “ary EA VL Te. EH (uo; w2i519 pornsebSorg “esnvg) -xrI0p) fooyos 9 UW] Aw op S.upep 1 ‘qstdug, pods yuvo J ‘oye wi “sot pus 23mq Op 1,009 J ‘Sao amMyard ox op TD T (990) 7F -240yR quse24d a19m 812799] yonoy 80 Ladvd sexpm9g) "NNW mau VL TAME (sodod wo sabuy yum sopegt) “yu TON. “NETO (squatow maf 0 uo pood Aay,,) -axoyyoy user ox Buyjvonox A210, “worss.000 Tem ays eNO] T/,OT UD ANo4 buy, Eom amy Aq 00g ous roBSAjorg VEIL, (Susyood bog fy fo 20y aT A stoyo wo $738 NITOD 2.09800 34y2500U syd “pe 1 soysoqpnds so2.08 ay) (89x09 W508 92 UY] Souo tuo9. 92 puD ‘saxog ax 97 U SOLUWLN spo ax Mig, :9}u sor LO] (‘Ouyood 1of sadvdsmeu =pruts “sodsonns ‘spnis payson fo 109 ynm ssvoddoogy “seop), {pul a[euaj-onsouop Jo4sopuF Ino xe yoAO 0 no Joy 3H, opdaMS you (ET xOF:A—O0}-—ye0q 3 BPO 3,00I0P oqrqis 8 youn Buray gant sat BGO (380) 97) “NIIOD ‘fon Au ORE are ax ust asoy, (9nd]2x7 “eousye’ Bu) “PoP Sat LUNN 1 (Caen puoy siy sfinys up) “aXXy o SaHSY w 46 ASHES ” hore I'm wet. (Pause.) My waters ace up to him, A slill moment.) AmuuLancn, | heavy-sized, comes unfolding a | collect what Anxn will need vith him, all is smooth now. r out on floor between bed and © ASHES a7 ave broken, (Turns crouches on ground, face close to hers. To us.) Look, a it of nothing in the soc stretcher. Co ‘in hospital. Daven laye etre ww, 80 helpless, stupid. Tt tears hand itches rly slraight, without p tence. 7 I, We'll get. your things to- gether, don't you worry. (Coun comes with toile dressing-gown, slippers, a travel-grip containin soap, ote.; checks these with ANNE, DRivi her in gentle. (Does masking wral accent, perhaps Birmingham= a.) Now don’t you worry, re quick as we can. By the them all. In apron still, Cor Uberation clears potatoes, ete., then l —they will not be needed rete 1 Easy... (Draws stretcher first, toward ‘Ambi pens from some done it, you could be bitter. s. The way of natu ut to (Climbs backward wp hup step into ambulance itself: Aw ises strelcher-head, to display to us like a straw guy, undignified, helpless.) Don't she look like a witeh, eb, ‘on 7 Or a Jewess, trussed on her tray for the gone, now fet. Alone, ? (Silence.) In nature dead are eaten, What r oun (ROU BBN UE 8q TAA “2m 9SIY aay UE adnoo suo suaddey sty, ‘eroy ur 9q [Lam OMI IxON1 “NITOQ ouyjodurexy ony amy pur [ooqos spavgsny car oy MMOp Of IL] Pealq 03 IS T OMT PON “IM ¥ sOF sx OB¥NqsaNG Ploy T “UR on WBnonp oF 4,u0m J juoqoop ¥ Atuo Say—ajoyosre SI, ssp 0} dn onanb sosanu oy ‘pamysuq Susquored ¥ 9,91, GO "Weds sig) [Te YBNONT oF yuoM T ‘OPP om OF pies | (‘uy t09y 07 70u suaas ‘ssopuoyo pg) “axNy ‘ONY PONT "94 [2M ATOTPA 8,PIRA XEN “NETO seuss £tuo svi ‘auyeHo} epawea SS yuBLOYIP ou} BAuy OF BAW HOA “ULOG Ho9q OAT FO seo 43 ‘SULAxD souo poo ayy t¥or] uO nos peak qxoT oy) Uy “aApLy ayy ur uM ynd—pue prea ayy Jo PUD owt 07 waK a6) AOU, “@BpUS ayy us 94,40yI, (-2eNDg) ‘Mow O} JUBA T st 4 JOYA AOU; 4,uop ] ~so}SuORT w 0 9¢ 38) AO “Dysuour v 4,usUK YF MOT 0} QUEM AITO J '9Ur [fo} 3uom osmu eq, (-mnoyinosy, ssoquoopy ‘peg ayy AL BuO poo aif “no yIOq tayT yUsNOIg ay quow 243 UL pap af og “ys ayy Wor; JuoIN luaeq avy 4snur aUQ 995 Nok ‘BuOIm atIOR aATY gst aug “SaL} azo KDW, “OMy OFM ALOU, “Sw 9L AOU T -Aqug ¥ seas 9 ANEL MOTD AIO AI, ‘PINE Os ,BUNIBON, ghoq 8 HS], pes T "MB ayy Wl OUK oyoM 94 aq vem fsnojasuooun sem J uayp ‘ome auQ “sorquq, OA, “OMy axom azayy, (may? 2907 07 7811 ON) “BNNY modmy "TqsaUBIQ "EGON GWE (‘smoys) au, “S109 8 aSuaNT “puny sey uy suamoy [2¢muaygnn yoo] yen gA—Pauru so] pra fo young oyayiod “apispeq 07 dn axya sbuuuq Ayamnb NITOD “pos sofa ‘ony syquisy v s00f saxny “ony Susping @ ‘pooy BaxKY prsyad uodioe cone BuspuNg or SaHSY x 2 01 “ZHDIT df Oust “240 ‘ey09 ‘RousBaowo pavor 2 ‘86100 pun “sOuwco fo spunos ‘guas¥qds NO SSANMAVA) joey (uvs.9g) —gno sea 4 doy soisug ‘deo v su A309 gw ysnf sua 4] “dow w yusua 31 4ngq “uedpaq ouy sof poyfvo T “doso v poguua | yor 9 oye soynute vag “gus aUQ “BuNIsTA 70 4n0 ASL seine se apy —4Uir [|v Apoopsod sSuxpawyy sayy ‘ow Wo ‘Atos wo J yo ‘Suprey “xpy ‘ou YO “BupsvE “YO, “pies oy Bumpropy, .ghoareyy “apy ep 9, :sproo9s om tr paxoot Kou, .LAqeq ema, :prus ayy «que, “pres au —Aaeq om 3207 24,00 J “Ia, ‘pres Aatp gadteang, Uva nod ‘advise oy JOf, :ples ay 998], -yuVOUT Jem geya ave oF “pros Soy ‘ome—q) om 0} UAOP ys BugaOUH OUQ , OBO n oys !aq7Iu pug © poy says, :prEs ‘oevonmns om HLA ‘oma oy uy anal CHyBLE [ 9q [Loys “AozIONIE, soyo[D soy qyLA UL amg, “urjog plo} toss ony," peaws pow aygnoiy om ‘ha — Paar OF 9408 PAT ‘SPIEL om} UO tay SBA IE 298 9} Stuo pl (wrod posoquowiss us eof yzoosg) our Pauarex oy seasuaya :si68uy sy YO s300q pore =qou] pey ‘BiO}20 ay} Jo aup “pasojo youre ar “poo Woo XIAlo9 OW, F poaus Paw aysnom OA ANY (con burt ‘semqysy o9y ancy Go sonusquoo ‘smoyd uo posy Saxny s9n04 asuaN, “an spaomon 700f 1 ‘paq'pojudsoy mou—wnsgeos uo bunt posoncosip anny [2423 “oy9 ‘sobunoy buyers] G0 "én Manos s900 x19) “quowotunsio o4y-jond soy ‘aiau on susawoe Ousoimsp “7yOtar sioqUug—sjuru -2aow opie snq—asann’ -AONVHO LHOID “oY -x0 Buy ay Loy [RU 5, x0 “AyraNeFeo quosqE qufrur soms09 ¥ Zoaomoy :38%N {IY Jog. “pazTI0} ore Spay ayy seysE wIO¥y ‘pouang gos YHA HAART "YI 30 sorqqnq ouy munna yfosyy uoRGnssoo wy -uodns 0 ‘SaHSV 8h x GP will recommend you for suddenly buries head in ny — adoption.’ (Silens Coutn’s Coun indistinct, ie, about giving find nothing to say but.) No top saying sorry.) (Something ind’ ehildren—) less, silent. At last) Cou. (Very quiet, LIGHT.) UL spare, groping, desolate ( aughan Williams VI): ¢ 5 move bare rostrum Up Right lifeless LIGHTPOOL DOWN MID VW. On chair sits Social Services Ovri- id 30's, compassionate, quite smooth; suit clerical grey, duplicated notes on. crossed thighs Behind him a large colourless map of unident able county divided into two or three contrastingly- shaded admin regions, Ovmosn's chin on a steeple of kia hands: he eyes his audience, now this couple, now that (in real life seated in nervous semicircle seated on other chair Auss Aportions Orrt- ian in early $0's, smart, conventional, clipboard on lap. She would be dis- watching this couple, now that; nating a reaction here, a give-away gesture there; one or , all but imperceptibly, make a brief mark on her list of names, while Oxvicen speaks: ) We, in th ¢ to us as a last resort, We we for parenthood of any kind. are furlively assessing those with us as against your own, 5 “xpos Jo ayeuoqamayq puv 5276 plo KILAL ctOKES, yuu, © 0g prow J ,s9yeq possouy 1, "22H}2q OL T Ing (Juswo.0g) “says 0} soyse—quaueDX Upll xi 04 3g 4804 ‘poes peap :qumys at mos} our ystD BUS ‘Os stm emyEyy “apwor Jou Bea POOKsaETES 4O4t “OU PUT ‘gavyusy onyuooag “ott putyeq sA8tA ITV “ON. aqiay ouy Jo gouesq peop “uos ols CALLAN JssoqpUy ou yons op {] ure wos Jo 3408 4A “FODOTE pu oy, yum v Jo Vilas OuLy, “AumENO, aK. 200g ‘ops soy 09 Jorg Buy en Sag wBo aBnED £IKO Jo(pOVE, BtI0g “A39UM00 owtOg “Oo ‘PUBTEI] Ul JaA0 SUA aiou Tom yew, (eassoup Mau ey ay) "M1100 (pe aouns 0019 “oom uo} fo uobspsno gyln ‘om9 so0ng “qasys uote o7syaL “Ie90 D UID sy dono ‘[sy08 dn-poqjos aay, wi} sooye sovr0%y 4019 ‘puny sy us :asoyo 04 unop XTI09 Myo} soudo “eforig amqq-o70d sof 7nq_ poyou ‘oped ‘SSTNAVE wos stays dow ‘an 0b hyjomb worax Vay “eotas0, SUNIHS HOYT) “poow Aqywor nod your soy ‘mou 298 0} ufioq nox “aoys syuated oandopy oq-pinoat afiemnos omy 48 AqyunysuoD [oaswuL oy Zep ayy UF ao] 24 0} ‘nod 30} ss B71 couByHA UO FUR PUY BM aaa 20} 3uyzepuo4s fo] Pus Cercreer nou ‘ Jo40 quommnutoddestp snod qo 0} sojord Uy "yns TEM nos sw ‘sn OF a[qultRA® ou109aq ygqun qsoun aq TLS MITE HE UL Jt waag “at qoadxgy ‘poses ag (yuomdpaymowy -00 Jouguiu Jooonp sayDU wLLEED VERY “II UO aur asxopuD [[LM SHOMAseD six soIEYs oy ‘souOP ‘SPY “TOYO Vary IQ “VORODEEP o} soaxjour ysadoap Susmom Tso smeu ¥ SuNyTMgns ‘sn sof quuseold ag saHsV ur IE St TON “suosvor sno ayeroasddy “uorJo 003 aou0 gent BJs Amo wo Jno prey fej SOUR yw SuorISMbUT ayy HOA} LUM {[elouEUE “TeuoLssezord ‘yo9 ~tpout ‘dogp pu paSuojosd oy “paxwdoad ‘9q ysnM NOX “PInoo s[qsOswax aa [TY Jno Puno} you BY om asngny Ajo pu sonjEA ArONELY OBOYAL Jo BROT, ¥ O} PHYO ¥ puvety om uN s9—T TINS :FuMOW Mo oA Woy Jo PIIUD 8 oF FJssmOA BuryyTeaUIOD wy aus [29p you plno nox “doo 0} axou sf aioq}y nod usvL yoTU T ‘atojaq yoavos-yyas njuud toy asnvo poy avy Nos FL 3g ‘MoLoWo} zo pooygorvd w spruaoy ‘sduquod Buysjoao ‘puryoq sadoq snomey tons eaeay nox :nofk Ur A804 SF TUN NOs RUSS Jo soUEALIEE Uuovot puof ot “uorsua}x-j[as ou “AsuyUNY OW SI exDtN) poowuszud ongy ut yet) “ee ROA “qBur WO sty josqe fary WIE 3 ‘AIO}SI WO F0q IO ST JO assessed Apuasy 4queyur we se 4nq ‘sjesmok jo Yonpord v se 40 Plrqo aqqiss0d ¥ Bujo0s oyu ‘parnguea aozopz0d {pooryite -xud yuIIWox 0} pey easy NOK “yo 3nys axe Nos yoy ‘woyy ovyLoy UoUING LOUNOD ¥ st poomEIEd peaNTH quqy ydoooe 0} pey exvy nox eenesoq woRdope 0 a0 NOK “ssoUpES Ju aIuYs |AA “svoUpES TOMAR 0} Poof 0X Avar 4 ‘u99q 95 08 Se qed INO yBnowp ATA pg WYO Oy) YoU ar Toy, “Amme uaRy of aay SABA [8 Wwome [eys om ‘poddvovpuey Awa amos ‘UY sq, “PI? uy 03 uned qo © pug 03 40% dope oy— Joy Apeer you axe NOK ou Jt ose Mou NOK yaK ‘MOK woeAKIaq YORU OF AIIRAIE ou sf SII MOU] NOK JO “alqepuBsz=pUN ZyuO st yey 1 SaHSV we oe ASHES chart said, (Pauses.) Cor mny wife woul ‘TIL worst. ye yel tent hav mocking.) I wrote them half a nov ‘Two ndent referees outside the he two of us, here. Next ‘Mr, Harding, how enthood do you 0. Sits on chai his longing:) A (He is dressed emphasizing his pallor, vous, in drab camel coat, comes almost facing her. Sho takes t, her frock a bloodred shock, as th: ie blood on the tissue had rough the stain on her mightdress to become all of her. Anna Oveicun’s tone throughout ts utterly ing, 5 quiet, compassionate, but her eyes off Awwn at all,) How strongly do yo iawore that. e shown remi ling your footus to stay in was t T talked our Orson, (Silent, Then:) How do yo if we were to tu at with it there ‘Asn, (Thinks he'd nwa 0} Anne. Ob no, T mean, if w move on to what we can beet be very bitter. T togrity, but it comes over as pigl Anmi Orvicer. When Aura Orricer, If we we erie to refuse you, what would your reaction be? jybaf fo oan oy) sounouuy yarq, :882szounowD Hoduto fo AOIOA ‘NOC-DNIC "UPA 0 14 97008 7uOAf bo saoyo 790 “oaqueg-pyye wnsos 9109 Ousug ‘dow 92499 SSANMAVE Uy “Ourpuny 2foios» pro, ‘CNNOS THOCUY vappns sexyvods NO “WHIT LD) Sarat ut oxeye—e yong Bau Au yo UI ‘mo Jo weipjiyo Joyo 04 oAwt pow Auge ASHE * HSumnon Cuoy; “ou Guop 9 syuryr) “ANY Stiprey “Biyy “PID ¥ s2yO 04 aAey hos op aeiray (00) 29) “BHOTEAD YEEY “wor sqfoq At uy 4,04 If 10 pool sop ynq oma ayy tLe Pugs Aa SHET tiano 4.a0p "p00 sty Wo paoor 9q wet suvo.k egy JOE ‘Ruvdiioo afquisjoy wou snOx Puy op sayyoq A\quqosd Sar get puvgenyy sjaetom. yuyas‘FEreaxp AU JO 7O9ITN4 ‘ovoid vol} olf 10u SAE ‘oUOXOYIp owes asyour—Keak “fare ‘js wiH0q 0}—s99p aafeoU0d zos9U TOYS | 40H qovy om puy “opin om And Sey SK Te wOssUO} OY, "WoW ISN ped ZoIpEL gat aes UL "SAEATE JON TTY ‘day souyo Suomy WOLLAG VEY crow nod ‘port ANY Lape sayy ‘Gropoepsqes ofvtaivar ok sy "wo ILA YY “eatlegp ou} 208 mou 30 149) 8 or8oy reanqvt Jo oouanb “Senos woyfor © qont Sf SOI} poo! {wai oy pasod Tae oz soowjoue enxosomoy Wado ype vom “Seas “eay —Snpeaoqut S.00N0 Yue asnq 9,UOP OAL “aLNY au 3pous 4,use0p 4 "HOTA YaEY ago Wi, ‘NOK SABOUS FOUR JT "YIRAY JO aqua 0 + + 4nq fof #8391 “Por ano UE YoU wp SAS fy “uveny ar ayn OF qumMaONS Op saDy T FL "ATH OS MONT ait 900 quo Soy off fOpwUE Sot] MOG HIT “UROTD PE ‘ui00 of aans oq ¥sn{ “ays W_BL aouO xaB zopO oy} JO faq 2 oxey 01 sat ay ff ZCI Plo} 24,1 ‘Komdery “uouOM 7 SaHSv ut soYYo sof 99 Supaor v puy oy UND soFEg “aR JoyUg "wEDLeaQ vEKy “ro}es [pj [ANY 9 op “a8 taK0 OFOSUIOD HD 91 FEU, "MNLESO VEY BUT oso UB 3 Jo quousBpo} x98 SI] UTI 4,0P ug0q soy ays 2604) “‘Btuuxea] S97 (pipusg) “aNNY popwoued sj ay kus wod 42x “"HOTLAQ VARY ‘moMp soar oye yey soypund ‘oy aU Buyjox o[dood ynoqu yuvaer mT ADA Pihoo abouumw oy quvont ax ay 4,uop [ "ANNY G39yp Jo asneaoq UII NOK n aaqyOH SIRT J Aas plnoo oBuLasU wou oy, UI NO OP MOK =apea ogy Ua, (8970U 70 s0uNO [org “sonb sip, 0} satus s.pueqeng an0X "ExOIEEO) YaUY oq. ous, au0 Jy (380) 2) “ANA EI 0 wat yoyTa:B aug st 3 NOK op ayy CoHUEYD BRAY) 8T OBUUE savor mod sun nog op Buoxs aoFT wOLEAD VEY (soups Buo7) “003 ‘p20: Suoas ¥ som. sup axssny9 wos Ayyaid 9q pow 4 ‘waop pain oxos OM J] “Og 04) HOG P joy Mom] nos To44 “yO eat aurwa0q waspliyo Jo Vopr au woos yom ourwaaq om {pourwsy Ua9q ‘Srgowoy 0} sot 40% 928 | -taaQ Vauy s9og) “Wioyqud Surajoao—ayy Jo yaed wi2es We pinow 3] (ApoauyD exyy powopuod soy) “aNNY om SaHSY 9g 58 ASHES number BE 425 from Belfast? Repeat. SOUNDS of airport corridor, many people trooping. FADE AIR- CRAFT SOUNDS, Two CAR DOORS SLAM: SOUND of IGNITION, car pulling away. UP FAINT- SP LIGHT. Coun, Axw sit as in van, he passenger in coat, she with minimal mime perhaps false szering heel necessari Con. the he Someone yomb, keep away.? r the tensi : T began to wonder to say, only the bombs have made me 1 i a ASHES 59 (Searches self deeply for these words:) vy. ly of things (This last word he almost fails to find. Seif- satisfaction, no. Tries again.) Seli— (Still cannot find, At long last, after appalling self-search.) u.not show lapped eyes on—that tr ‘This way of yours, what sh T wanted to say Do T not love t! al people. ‘Twiee i scouusey oy puy ‘stom poyured aya, © pH posse smays pawoop stayy “preq mor8 “ONAL SURO [TH sraqp spvor oy Huiopy “yuanq puw da pods syoos “yusn4, 9} ayoq semja “Ayun0D arp jo scitey spray syed ou [EV “PaLTey Bareq sox (702%, jou op om punos » fo enoosuoo souoveg) ;dad 50 Ting oF sproury axp soxour 9h se geqay. (unm OogunsoL ‘fesq4)

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