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Spectral analysis of Qinling Mountain rock using laser

induced breakdown spectroscopy
a b a a a a
W.F. Luo , X.X. Zhao , H.Y. Zhu , D.H. Xie , J. Liu & P.F. Jin
School of Electronic Engineering, Xian University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xian,
Shaanxi, China.
School of Physics and Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Xian University of Arts and
Science, Xian, Shaanxi, China.
Published online: 21 Jan 2014.

To cite this article: W.F. Luo, X.X. Zhao, H.Y. Zhu, D.H. Xie, J. Liu & P.F. Jin (2013) Spectral analysis of Qinling
Mountain rock using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, Journal of Modern Optics, 60:21, 1905-1909, DOI:

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Journal of Modern Optics, 2013
Vol. 60, No. 21, 19051909,

Spectral analysis of Qinling Mountain rock using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
W.F. Luoa , X.X. Zhaob , H.Y. Zhua , D.H. Xiea , J. Liua and P.F. Jina
a School of Electronic Engineering, Xian University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xian, Shaanxi, China; b School of Physics and
Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Xian University of Arts and Science, Xian, Shaanxi, China
(Received 15 July 2013; accepted 10 November 2013)

The composition of Qinling Mountain rock is studied using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for the first time.
Elements Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, C, Na, Si, Al, Ti, K and Mn are identified qualitatively. Using an improved iterative Boltzmann
plot method, the electron temperature of 16,825 K is inferred with Ca I lines at 422.67, 428.30, 443.49, 445.48, and
585.74 nm, while the ionic temperature of 15,587 K is obtained with Ca II lines at 393.37, 396.85, and 370.60 nm. The
electron number density of 1.49 1018 cm3 is inferred from the Stark broadened profile of Ca I 422.67 nm averaged
Downloaded by [Anadolu University] at 22:28 24 December 2014

with 10 single spectra. The laser-induced rock plasma is verified to be in local thermodynamic equilibrium and to be
optically thin based on the experimental results.
Keywords: atomic emission spectroscopy; LIBS; plasma

1. Introduction alternate forms of elemental analysis. This is because the

The knowledge of rock composition is essential to a better processes (ablation, atomization and excitation) involved in
understanding of the formation of the geological history. plasma formations are quite complex and difficult to repro-
Currently, several techniques, such as chemical analysis, duce [5]. The main parameters affecting the performance
atomic absorption spectrometry, X-ray fluorescence analy- of LIBS results include the laser properties (laser intensity,
sis, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and so excitation wavelength, pulse duration), and the properties
on, have been used for the routine analysis of elements [1,2]. of the target material (physical and chemical) as well as the
All these technologies adopt the way of collecting samples surrounding atmospheric conditions [9,10]. Although a lot
and then returning for analysis in the laboratory, which is of experiments have been done to address these problems,
either time-consuming or non-efficient. there is still no universal model to describe the laser-induced
With the laser, a luminous plasma will be created when plasma phenomenon and study of its basic mechanisms is
a high power laser pulse is focused onto a sample. Through still a great challenge.
collecting the emissions from the atoms and ions in the Sharma et al. [11] have developed an integrated remote
plasma, the elemental composition or the elemental concen- Raman and LIBS system for measuring both the Raman
trations in the sample can be determined. This technology is and LIBS spectra of minerals with a single 532 nm laser
called laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) [37]. of 35 mJ/pulse and 20 Hz. Gondal et al. [12] used LIBS
LIBS has rapidly developed into a major analytical technol- to determine the trace elments in volcanic rock samples
ogy with the capability of detecting all chemical elements in collected from cenozoic lava eruption sites. Salle et al. [13]
a pulse, applicability to virtually all sample types, and a lack used different methodologies for quantitative rock analysis
of sample preparation [4]. Furthermore, because only opti- by LIBS in a simulated Martian atmosphere.
cal access to the sample is needed, remote on-line analysis in In the present work, the measurements are carried out
hostile and toxic environments becomes possible [6]. With to study the characteristics of the 1064 nm laser induced
its own unique advantages, LIBS has been applied in many rock plasma. The size of the rock is about 10 cm 10 cm
fields, such as environmental applications, archaeological and was collected from the Qinling Mountain in Xian,
materials and art objects, pharmaceutical products, medical China, and to our knowledge, there is no similar report
and biological applications, military and homeland-security on the elemental study of Qinling Mountain rock using the
applications, and even future space exploration [8]. LIBS technique. The electron temperature and ionic temper-
However, in spite of the advantages mentioned above, ature are determined using an improved iterative Boltzmann
LIBS suffers from poor reproducibility compared to plot method with Ca I lines and Ca II lines, respectively.

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1906 W.F. Luo et al.

The electron density is also inferred from the Stark broaden- 308.22, 309.27, 394.40, 396.15 nm; Cu I 324.75, 327.40 nm;
ing of the Ca I line at 422.67 nm. Based on the experimental Na II 251.55, 344.01 nm; Ti II 498.47, 499.18, 500.70,
results, the experimental plasma is verified to satisfy the 532.39 nm; K I 404.72 nm; Mn I 403.30 nm. Thus, our
LTE model.At the same time, some other plasma parameters experimental results clearly demonstrate that the Qinling
are also calculated. Mountain rock at least contains these elements.

2. Experimental 3.2. Determination of excitation temperature Te

The experimental setup consists of a Q-switched Nd:YAG The main factors that influence the light emitted by the
laser (SGR, Beamtech Optronics), which delivers 135 mJ plasma are its temperature, the electron density and the num-
per pulse at 1064 nm with 19.7 ns pulse duration, 10 mm ber density of the emitting species [5]. Therefore, the knowl-
beam diameter and a frequency of 1 Hz. The laser beam edge of the plasma parameters (electron density and electron
is focused onto the rock sample by using a fused silica temperature) is important to understand the processes (dis-
quartz lens ( f = 150 mm). The optical emission from the sociation, atomization, excitation, ionization) during the
rock plasma is guided to the AvanSpec-2048FT-5 lasermatter interaction.
spectrometer via a fiber bundle to yield information on The spectroscopic determination of electron temperature
the elemental makeup of the Qinling Mountain rock. The
Downloaded by [Anadolu University] at 22:28 24 December 2014

of the laser-induced plasma assumes that the local thermo-

AvanSpec-2048FT-5 spectrometer, triggered by the dynamic equilibrium (LTE) exists which will be discussed
Q-switch of the Nd:YAG laser, has five channels cover- below. Under LTE, the number densities in various excited
ing 200700 nm optical range, with the optical resolutions states follow the Boltzmann distribution and their relative
of 0.06 and 0.08 nm. The spectrally dispersed signals are intensity can be described as [6]
automatically sent to an in-built charge-coupled device,    
which converts the spectral signal into a digital signal. The mn Imn Em N (T )
ln = + ln , (1)
data averaged from 10 laser shots are stored in a personal hcgm Amn kTe U (T )
computer through AvaSoft-LIBS for subsequent analysis. where mn is the wavelength, Imn is the intensity, h is the
All the experiments are performed at room temperature in Plank constant, c is the speed of light in vacuum, gm is
air at atmospheric pressure. the statistical weight of the upper level, Amn is the tran-
sition probability, E m is the upper level energy, Te is the
electron temperature, k is the Boltzmann constant, U (T ) is
3. Results and discussion
the partition function and N (T ) is the total number density
3.1. Description of plasma emission of species, respectively. Plotting the expression on the left-
Figure 1 represent the portions (200640 nm) of the av- hand side of the equation versus E m , a slope of 1/(kTe )
eraged laser-induced plasma spectra of Qinling Mountain can be obtained, and the plasma temperature will be inferred
rock, in which almost all representative neutral and ionic from the linear regression.
lines are visible. Experiments demonstrate that soon after To calculate the electron temperature of the laser-induced
initiation, continuum, primarily due to free-free emission rock plasma, an improved iterative Boltzmann plot method
and free-bound emission, is seen [4]. The continuum is the is used and a threshold value of 0.98 is set beforehand
white light from the plasma that contains little spectroscopic [15]. After several iterations, the final result is shown in
information. As time progresses, continuum emission de- Figure 2 with Ca I lines at 422.67, 428.30, 443.49, 445.48
creases, while the ionic and atomic emission lines become and 585.74 nm. With the fitting slope, the electron temper-
dominant [4]. To obtain a good compromise between the ature of 16,825 K with the regression coefficient of 0.986 is
signal background ratio and the line emission intensity, a inferred. At the same time, the variations of the regression
delay time (5 s) from the ignition of the laser shot to coefficient and the electron temperature with iteration are
the opening of the window, during which signal will be depicted in Figure 3. As a whole, as the regression coef-
accepted, is chosen in our experiments. At the same time, ficient increases, the electron temperature becomes more
the integrated time of 2 ms is adopted. stable.
With the help of the peak identification facility in the With the Boltzmann plot method, the ionic temperature
AvaSoft-LIBS software and NIST database [14], some rep- of the plasma is also inferred with Ca II 393.37, 396.85 and
resentative atomic and ionic lines are identified and shown 370.60 nm. From the slope shown in the Figure 4, the ionic
by the arrows in Figure 1. For example, these lines are temperature of 15,587 K is determined with a regression
as follows: Ca I 422.67, 428.30, 443.49, 445.48, 526.56, coefficient of 0.991. It is apparent that these two temper-
585.74 nm; Ca II 393.37, 396.85, 370.60 nm; Fe I 279.55, atures equal each other within the uncertainty of 7%. Our
360.64, 406.19, 453.39, 455.45, 460.55 nm; Fe II 212.23, results further demonstrate that, under the condition of LTE,
220.84, 262.92, 438.60, 510.07 nm; C II 243.49 nm; Si I the ionic temperature, excitation temperature and electron
251.55, 288.16, 298.76, 390.55 nm; Mg I 285.21 nm; Al I temperature would have the same value corresponding to
Journal of Modern Optics 1907

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
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Figure 1. Segments (a,b,c,d) of the corresponding emission spectra of laser-induced rock plasma.

Figure 3. Variations of correlation coefficient and plasma

temperature versus the iteration for Ca I emission lines in
Figure 2. Boltzmann plot with Ca I emission lines in laser- laser-induced rock plasma. (The colour version of this figure is
induced rock plasma. included in the online version of the journal.)

the thermodynamic equilibrium temperature of the species the line profile is Stark broadening, which is relatively in-
[46]. dependent of the temperature [16]. The electric field that
The corresponding parameters of the lines used in this causes the Stark effect in LIBS plasmas results primarily
paper are presented in Table 1 [14]. from collisions with electrons, with small contributions due
to collisions with ions [4]. Therefore, the relation between
FWHM 1/2 (full width at half maximum intensity) of the
3.3. Determination of electron density Ne Stark broadening and the electron density can be expressed
Electron density is an important parameter to establish the simply as [17]
equilibrium in laser-induced plasma [4]. One of the most  
powerful spectroscopic techniques to determine the electron Ne
1/2 = 2w , (2)
density with good accuracy is obtained by measuring the 1016
Stark broadening of emission lines of major species in the
plasma. This is because that, in low-temperature plasmas where w represents electron impact parameter [4] and Ne
of high density, the dominant broadening mechanism of is the electron density in the plasma.
1908 W.F. Luo et al.

Table 1. Physical parameters for Ca I and Ca II transitions used in our experiments.

Wavelength (nm) E m (cm1 ) Amn (107 s1 ) gm
Ca I 422.67 23652 21.8 3
Ca I 428.30 38551 4.34 5
Ca I 443.49 37751 6.7 5
Ca I 445.48 37757 8.7 7
Ca I 585.74 40719 6.6 5
Ca II 370.60 52166 8.8 2
Ca II 393.37 25414 14.7 4
Ca II 396.85 25191 14 2
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Figure 4. Boltzmann plot with Ca II emission lines in Figure 5. Stark broadened profile of Ca I 422.67 nm in
laser-induced rock plasma. laser-induced rock plasma.

Figure 5 is the typical Stark broadened line profile of 6.21015 cm3 . As the electron density calculated is 1.49
Ca I 422.67 nm averaged from 10 single spectra in order to 1018 cm3 , LTE is valid under the present experimental
smooth out the fluctuations of laser-ablated plasma intensity condition.
and it is fitted fairly well with a typical Lorentzian profile
(R 2 = 0.85). With the fitting results, the electron density is
inferred to be 1.49 1018 cm3 considering instrumental
3.5. Optically thin
When estimating plasma parameters, it is also important to
ensure the laser-induced plasma ai free from absorption. A
3.4. LTE requirement plasma is said to be optically thin when the emitted radi-
To determine the electron temperature, the plasma must sat- ation traverses the plasma without significant absorption.
isfy the equilibrium conditions. In a LTE plasma, the colli- There are two relatively easy ways of checking the optical
sional excitation and de-excitation processes must dominate thickness of a plasma. Considering the emission lines used
radiative processes and this requires a minimum electron in our experiments, no evidently flat-topped profiles or dips
density [18]. A necessary but not sufficient criterion for LTE are found, which indicates that current plasma is free from
is [16] self-absorption and self-reversion [4].
Furthermore, other experimental methods can be used to
Ne (cm3 ) 1.4 1014 Te
(eV)[E(eV)]3 , (3)
detect self-absorption. In the optically thin plasma, the in-
where E (eV) is the largest energy difference between tensity ratio (I2 /I1 ) of two emission lines with the same up-
the states for which LTE holds, and Te is the excitation per energy level should be the same as the ratio of (Y2 /Y1 ),
temperature. For all lines used, the largest energy difference where Y represents (g A/) according to the Boltzmann
is approximately 3.34 eV, and the highest electron temper- law [19]. Take Ca I 445.48 nm, Ca I 443.49 nm and Ca II
ature is approximately 1.44 eV. With these values, LTE is 396.85 nm, Ca II 393.37 nm for example. The observed in-
satisfied for an electron density higher than approximately tensity ratio of ICa I 445.48 nm /ICa I 443.49 nm is approximately
Journal of Modern Optics 1909

0.7, which approximately equals the value 0.5 of References

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