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T73 Motive Steam

Thermocompressor Design
and Operation for
By M. Soucy and G.L. Timm

Abstract: Thermocompressor sizing and operation are often misunderstood. Thermocompressors that do
not match the syphon design is a common industry problem. Oversized thermocompressors operating at
differential pressures higher than required are common. It is not unusual for thermocompressors to consume
twice as much motive steam as is required. This is common on machines that have converted to stationary
syphons without optimizing the thermocompressor size. This paper explores the latest developments with
high-efficiency thermocompressor design and its integration with syphons and dryer drainage components.

n todays paper machine operat- of pressures the throat can be oversized for high-
ing environment, energy efficiency is pressure operation while the nozzle is oversized
receiving intense focus. Historically for low-pressure operation. This compromise is
the application of thermocompressors necessary to satisfy the operating steam pressure
was much less evolved than it is today. Overzeal- range of the dryers. For the most efficient opera-
ous safety factors, inefficient designs, and old dryer tion, careful design of the thermocompressor and
evacuation technology result in oversized thermo- syphons must be followed.
compressors that use excessive amounts of higher Each thermocompressor is custom designed for
cost motive steam. In the past, thermocompressor a specific application. The throat and nozzle size
sizing was as much an art as a science. are engineered to match the syphon characteristics
A thermocompressor is a steam control device and operating pressure range. This means a 6"
that uses high-pressure steam, referred to as unit on one machine will not necessarily perform
motive steam, to induce flow from a lower pres- adequately in another 6" application.
sure steam source and discharge the mixture at an A thermocompressor is controlled either by a
intermediate pressure. A typical thermocompres- differential pressure set point, by a blowthrough
sor is shown in Fig. 1. flow set point, or by algorithms determining dif-
In a typical paper machine installation, the ferential set points for a given set of operating
thermocompressor is used to recompress the conditions. All three control methods have been
blowthrough steam that is evacuated from the proven to be successful. A typical thermocompres-
dryers and separated from the condensate in the sor steam section is shown in Fig.2.
condensate receiver station. Blowthrough steam is Motive steam (i.e., high-pressure steam) is usu-
steam that is not condensed in the dryers. Blow- ally more costly to produce than lower-pressure,
through flow is typically between 8% and 40% or make-up steam. Steam routed to the thermocom-
more of the condensing load in a given dryer. The pressor bypasses the power generating turbine and
actual amount of blowthrough is dependent on less electricity is produced. It is not uncommon for
the syphon design, syphon size, dryer condensing there to be $2 to $4 per 1,000 kg of steam differ-
load, dryer pressure, differential pressure, machine ence in cost between the two steam sources. The
M. Soucy
speed, and external line size. The blowthrough can actual cost difference will vary depending on the
Kadant Canada Corp.,
vary substantially within a given dryer section over boiler operating pressure, turbine extraction pres- Summerstown, ON
various operating conditions. sures, and the purchased power cost. A typical mill
In paper machine operations, thermocompres- steam system is shown in Fig. 3.
sors are required to operate over a wide range of
operating conditions. In many machines, not only RECENT ADVANCES
do dryer pressure set points vary, but so do con- Recent advances in thermocompressor design
densing loads and machine speeds. When sizing and a deeper understanding of the impact of
a thermocompressor, the low-pressure operating thermocompressor fluid dynamics on sizing cri-
point determines the throat size, and the high teria have allowed for optimized internal geom-
pressure operating point determines the nozzle etry and improved efficiency. Advanced computer G.L. Timm
size. Since many mills operate over a wide range modeling techniques have allowed for a much Kadant Johnson Inc.,
Three Rivers, MI

34 Pulp & Paper Canada September/October 2010

peer reviewed T74

better understanding of the intricacies of flow dynamics within mized using computational fluid dynamic modeling software.
the thermocompressors and have resulted in improved internal Figure 4 shows how the computer modeling software reveals
geometries. Motive nozzle position, nozzle shape, throat entrance flows within the thermocompressor body. Figure 5 illustrates the
geometry, and throat length all influence the efficiency of the thermocompressor performance of a machine with misapplied
thermocompressor. These variables can be modeled and opti- thermocompressors. Replacing the oversized thermocompressors
with a high-efficiency design resulted in a 50% savings in motive
steam. Properly sizing the thermocompressors resulted in another
50% savings in motive steam. In this example, the 1,900 tpd
southern linerboard mill used 60 bar steam that was sent through
a 17 bar pressure reducing valve rather than through the power
generating turbine. The cost difference between motive and
make-up steam was $3.75 per 1,000 kg of steam.
The dryers on this machine consumed 125,000 kg/hr of steam,
with 44,000 kg/hr being motive steam to the thermocompres-
sors. The mill had previously changed from rotary to stationary
syphons, but did not evaluate the sizing and performance of the
Fig. 1. Typical thermocompressor. thermocompressors. Since the thermocompressors were oversized,
it was difficult to operate at the low differential pressures and
blowthrough steam flows the new stationary syphons allowed.
With the correct thermocompressor design, the machine was
able to operate at lower differential pressures. The mill would be
able to reduce the motive steam by 35,000 kg/hr for the eight
thermocompressors used on this machine. This was worth more
than $1,000,000 per year in savings to this mill, as steam energy
was used to generate electricity instead of create differential for
the dryers.
One measure of thermocompressor efficiency is the entrain-
ment ratio. This is the ratio of suction steam to motive steam.
Since it is economically beneficial to minimize motive steam
usage, we would like to maximize the entrainment ratio. Proper
sizing and optimizing the geometry of the thermocompressor has
resulted in improving the entrainment ratio by 25% to 50%. This
corresponds to as much as 75% reduction in motive use when
compared to current operations.
With advanced modeling techniques the new internal geom-
etries can often be fit into existing thermocompressor envelopes,
minimizing the piping changes necessary to install a better design.
Fig. 2. Typical thermocompressor steam section.
In order to achieve high-efficiency operation of a thermocompres-
sor section, the thermocompressor design must be driven by the
actual syphon characteristics and drying constraints of the steam
section. Required differential pressures, blowthrough steam flows,
dryer pressures, condensing loads, and machine speeds must be
taken into account over the range of grades produced.

Minimize the load on the thermocompressor

Once the drying parameters are understood, the amount of
blowthrough steam to be recompressed should be minimized.
Differential pressures should be minimized, accurately moni-
tored, and controlled. In many cases differential pressures are not
minimized due to poor transmitter installation and uncalibrated
equipment. Differential pressure set points are run at the worst
case scenario often with additional safety factors added. Accurate
differential pressure indication is the first requirement for proper
syphon operation and optimization of thermocompressor motive
Fig. 3. Typical mill steam system. steam use. September/October 2010 Pulp & Paper Canada 35

T75 Motive Steam
There is often justification for changing from rotary to station- 8% to 12% of condensing load range with stationary syphons.
ary syphons based on the reduction in thermocompressor motive This is compared to 0.7 bar and 20% to 40% blowthrough rates
steam. Since stationary syphons are not subjected to the centrifu- with rotary syphons. Stationary syphons inherently require less
gal forces found with rotary syphons, the differential requirement motive steam provided the thermocompressors are properly sized.
when using stationary syphons is much lower. Many machines Modern stationary syphons have proven to be highly reliable,
run differentials as low as 0.20 bar with blowthrough rates in the and when matched with dryer bars, drying capacity increases and
surface temperature uniformity is maximized.
In some cases condensate and blowthrough steam piping is
undersized. This creates additional pressure drop requiring exces-
sive differential pressures. Lowering blowthrough flows with
proper syphon sizing and design lowers velocity in these lines.
The sizing is less critical and erosion is reduced. In one mill,
more than $100,000 in annual piping replacement cost was due
to excessive line velocity caused by poor thermocompressor sizing
and operation.
In some cases the condensate separator tanks are too small to
provide efficient condensate/blowthrough separation. Conden-
sate carryover with the blowthrough steam can result. Erosion
of the thermocompressors and inaccurate measurement of the
blowthrough steam flow is the result. Often the tank internals are
worn and may even be missing, further allowing for condensate

Properly size thermocompressors

Thermocompressors should be sized based on actual operat-
Fig. 4. Advanced computerized flow modeling.
ing conditions with appropriate safety factors for suction flows.
Actual motive flow pressures at the thermocompressor rather
than header pressure values should be used when sizing the
thermocompressor. In some cases motive steam pressure varia-
tions are not well understood and poor thermocompressor sizing
and operation result.
The motive steam pressure should be at least 1.2 times the
suction pressure (absolute pressure) to achieve good performance.
Since care should be taken to minimize the load on the thermo-
compressor, accurate pressures for suction pressure (i.e., discharge
pressure less differential pressure and line losses) should be uti-

Optimize thermocompressor geometry

Specific geometry variations within the thermocompressor greatly
Fig. 5. Motive and suction flows.
affect performance and efficiency. Using computational model-
ing shows that two different designs of thermocompressors use
differing amounts of motive steam. In this case the motive steam
pressure (Pm) was 27 bar, the dryer section pressure (Pd) was 8.3
bar, and the suction pressure (Ps) 7.5 bar. Blowthrough flow was
5,800 kg/hr. Figure 6 shows how for the given set of operating
conditions a high-efficiency thermocompressor can be installed
which will use less motive steam. In this case the motive steam
was reduced from 4,045 kg/hr to 3,136 kg/hr, a 22% savings. This
was realized by optimizing geometry of the thermocompressor
assembly. This is typical of the savings in motive steam that can
be gained by using a high-efficiency thermocompressor geometry
versus the conventional designs found in the industry.

Properly manage differential pressure and blowthrough set

Fig. 6. Comparison of two different thermocompressor Differential pressure control is one of the more common meth-
geometries. ods to control a thermocompressor loop. Differential pressure

36 Pulp & Paper Canada September/October 2010

peer reviewed T76

requirements to evacuate a given dryer can vary greatly. Machine operating point for the system. Over the top operation must be
speed, dryer pressure and condensing load dictate the differential prevented.
requirement. Operators will typically set differential pressures to Over the top operation can be eliminated with proper ther-
the level that will prevent dryer flooding for all operating condi- mocompressor sizing, utilizing the correct differential pressure
tions. The worst case differential pressure is excessive for most set point, and through DCS logic. Managed differential pressure
operating conditions, resulting in higher motive steam flows and control ensures that the operators do not use excessive differential
wasted energy. set points that will force over the top operation. Knowing the
Another method that is used to control a thermocompres- thermocompressor sizing and operating characteristics, the over
sor loop is to measure the blowthrough flow coming off of the the top point can be calculated using algorithms programmed
separator tank and vary the thermocompressor opening to control into the DCS. The logic prevents the thermocompressor from
the amount of blowthrough steam flow. Differential pressure var- going into the over the top position based on the operating
ies as the operating pressure and condensing load changes. The conditions for the thermocompressor. This logic must be installed
blowthrough flow is controlled to a constant percentage of the with full understanding of individual thermocompressor curves.
condensing load in the dryers. Controlling blowthrough steam
flow simulates the syphon requirement but it does not take into SUMMARY
account the minimal differential requirements of syphons. Blow- Many mills will be able reduce motive steam requirements by
through flow control requires very good condensate separation in optimizing thermocompressor operation. Reductions in motive
the separator tanks or the measurement will be inaccurate. New steam have the potential to substantially improve the energy
high-efficiency separator tanks are often required to implement efficiency of the mill and the operation of the dryer drainage
blowthrough flow control. system. It is important to match the thermocompressors to the
The best practice for controlling dryer evacuation and mini- syphons. Properly designed syphons will minimize the load on the
mizing blowthrough is through managed differential control. thermocompressor. By taking advantage of new understanding of
Algorithms are used to continuously calculate the required dif- flow dynamics within the thermocompressor, the geometry can
ferential pressure based on the syphon curves, operating pressure, be optimized to minimize the amount of motive steam required.
machine speed, and sheet-on status. Operators are not required to Proper operation of the dryer drainage system is needed to achieve
establish the set points. The correct differential pressure is always continuous benefit. This can be accomplished by using an under-
present and the amount of motive steam used is held to the mini- standing of thermocompressor operation to improve the control
mum necessary. Differential pressure is automatically reduced on logic within the DCS.
sheet breaks to prevent venting and steam waste.
Rsum: Le choix de thermocompresseurs de dimensions et caractristiques
Prevent over the top operation adquates est souvent mal compris. Un thermocompresseur qui ne correspond
pas la conception du siphon est un problme courant dans lindustrie. Souvent,
The thermocompressor design must accommodate the operating des thermocompresseurs trop grands fonctionnent des pressions diffrenti-
pressure range of the drying system. The throat diameter is based elles plus leves que ce qui est requis. Cela explique que de nombreux thermo-
compresseurs consomment deux fois la quantit de vapeur motrice requise. On
on the low-pressure operating point and the nozzle diameter is observe ce phnomne sur les machines converties aux siphons stationnaires
based on the high-pressure operating condition. This can lead to sans optimisation du gabarit du thermocompresseur. Cet expos explore les
derniers dveloppements concernant la conception de thermocompresseurs
the condition where there can be too much motive steam flow haute efficacit et leur intgration aux siphons et composantes dvacuation
when operating at low discharge pressures. Excessive motive de scheurs.

steam flow can lead to over the top operation. This condition is
also commonly referred to as choked flow, although this term Keywords: THERMOCOMPRESSOR, HIGH-EFFICIENCY, OPTI-
is misleading. Over the top occurs when the thermocompres- ENERGY EFFICIENCY, MOTIVE STEAM AND CFD ANALYSIS
sor no longer increases suction flow with increasing motive flow.
With traditional methods of control, operation in the over the Reference: SOUCY, M., TIMM, G.L. Thermocompressor Design and
Operation for High Efficiency, Pulp & Paper Canada, 111(5): T73-T76
top region will result in the thermocompressor going wide open, (Sept/Oct 2010). Paper presented at the PAPTAC 94th Annual Meeting
consuming maximum of motive steam. The control action will in Montreal, February 5-7, 2008. Not to be reproduced without permission
open the vent valve once the thermocompressor has reached maxi- of PAPTAC. Manuscript received November 29, 2007. Revised manuscript
approved for publication by the Review Panel June10, 2010.
mum. This will result in steam waste and is the most inefficient September/October 2010 Pulp & Paper Canada 37

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