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Hace siete aos, mi mama decidi visitar a familia en la ciudad de Chiclayo;

pues era tiempo que no la vea, programamos el viaje y fuimos rumbo a
visitar la familia; cuando llegamos era de madrugada y mi mama no
recordaba exactamente la direccin, pues su familia no saba que bamos a
vitarla; llegamos a la direccin que recordaba mi mama y tocamos la puerta
y nadie nos responda; yo tena mucho miedo, pensaba que algn ratero
vendra y agarre una piedra por precaucin; pues deca si viene el ladrn le
dara con la piedra.
Seguamos esperando que alguien nos respondiese; de pronto alguien nos
abri la puerta y sali mi ta, se asombr de vernos y toda la familia nos
recibi con los brazos abiertos. Das despus mis primos me llevaron a la
playa yo como curiosa vi a uno de mis primos adentrase en el mar y pues
yo tambin quera le ped que me llevara y tomada de su mano me adentre al
Seven years ago, my mother decided to visit family in the city of Chiclayo; because
hadn't seen her in a long time,, we planned the trip and we went to visit the family; we
arrived early morning, and my mom didn't remember exactly the address, as his family
did not know that we were going to visit ; We arrived at the address she remembered
my mom and touched the door and no one responded to us; I was very afraid, I thought
that some thief would come and picked up a stone grab a stone as a precaution; I saying
"if come the thief would give him with the stone".
We were still waiting for someone to respond; Suddenly someone opened the door and
my aunt came out, she was astonished to see us and the whole family welcomed us with
open arms. Days later my cousins took me to the beach ... I as a curious saw one of my
cousins entering the sea and I them wanted, I asked him to take me and holding his
hands I enter the sea ...

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