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Project Title: Connecting American Culture and Popular Music

Project Description (a vignette or some paragraph):

For this project (as a part of the course Studying Music as a Social and Political
Statement in America), students will research a specific time period or political/social
movement in America, and the popular music of time that is associated with the movement.
The project will have two parts- first, they will provide a well researched, informational
component that describes main characteristics and causes of the movement, the music that
responded to it, influential people/musicians of that time period, and the short and long term
impacts of the movement and its music. This part of the project can be a paper, a PowerPoint, a
blog/website, a study guide, or some other approved method of presenting their information.
The other aspect of the project is the creative response. For this part, students will come up
with some creative way to respond to their presented research. This could be through a
performance of a song from the time period they studied, a music video, a presentation to the
class, a podcast, skit, or even a visual response (an artistic timeline, a drawing, etc.). Students
will work in small groups.

UbD Planning Template:

Stage 1 Desired Results
Standards Students will be able to independently use their learning to
Goals: T1.) Listen critically to music for its social and political messages.
To listen to music with the T2.) Understand the historical significance of music from different political/social
intent of understanding the movements in American history, and understand how it still influences modern society.
deeper political/social T3.) Use their creativity to present a meaningful response to music from American history.
To form a creative response Meaning
understanding of the Students will understand that Q1.) Why is popular music important in
movement they chose to U1.) Much of popular music is made as a society?
study. response to social and political movements Q2.) How does popular music of past
happening the United States. movements in the United States still have
Standards: High School U2.) A lot of music that came from past influences today?
General Music Virginia movements in the United States still has Q3.) How do political and social movements in
Standards of Learning influence today- their messages are often the United States affect popular music?
Music History and Cultural responded to or echoed in todays popular Q4.) Why is it important to listen and try to
Context music. understand messages that music aims to
The student will investigate U3.) Messages in popular music can be send?
the role of music in society very important, or even represent a
by movement or group of people who are
1. comparing and underrepresented/oppressed in the
contrasting the United States.
development of music in
diverse cultures throughout
2. examining various
opportunities to experience Acquisition
music in the community; Students will know Students will be skilled at
and K1.) The background of the specific S1.) Researching information and finding
3. describing the role of movement they are assigned to study reliable sources of relevant information.
technology and social media (causes, short and long term impacts, who S2.) Putting their research findings together in
in the development of was involved, etc.). a coherent, clear way that outlines what they
music. K2.) The key musicians during their were assigned to study.
movement who made music as a S3.) Brainstorming and putting together a
Analysis, Evaluation, and social/political response. creative response in a group setting,
Critique K3.) How such music was received by the demonstrating their knowledge of what they
The student will analyze public at the time. studied.
music by K4.) How music made during the time of
2. defining and classifying the movement has had long lasting
various musical styles that influences.
represent different
historical periods and
3. examining the
importance of composers
use of style, cultural
influences, and historical
context for the
interpretation of works of
Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
Thorough research PERFORMANCE TASK(S):
Clear presentation Students have thorough understanding of the topic assigned to them
of findings Can provide reliable resources (at least 4)
Well Can put their research together in a clear, coherent way
rehearsed/prepared Students prepare a thoughtful, creative response that demonstrates their
creative response understanding of their research
Provide a list of possible creative response ideas
Present a well prepared/rehearsed creative response that relates to their
Demonstrates their understanding of their research
Accountable Able to work well with their peers
Constructive Do the tasks delegated to them in their group, contribute in a meaningful
Students able to give constructive feedback to members of other groups about their
Stage 3 Learning Plan
Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction (these would be the summaries of the actual experience designs: Outline a
project for 6+ days
Day 1
Introduce concept of listening to music for its political and social messages
Go over several key political/social movements of United States
Civil Rights, Black Power, Counterculture, Feminist, Gay Rights, etc.
Briefly go over a few key musicians from each movement
Discuss why popular music is important to these movements
Introduce project- students form groups and pick a movement to study

Day 2
Class goes over various research methods that could that are valid for their project
Videos, textbooks, databases, newspapers, etc.
Students use time to research and work in groups on the research component of their project
Students are given homework to brainstorm ideas for the groups creative response

Day 3
Students half of time to work on research component, half of time to work on creative response
Each group meets in with teacher to check progress and receive advice for what next steps to take
Teacher will look at students sources to check they are reliable
Teacher will look at students list of possible creative response ideas
Day 4
Students have time to finish/rehearse creative aspects of project
Resources that students need will be available to them (video cameras, music technology, art supplies, etc.)
Teacher will be available for help as needed
Day 5
Groups will pair up with other groups to give and receive feedback on their project (both parts)
Groups will meet back together to revise/add to their project based on their peer feedback
Class has discussion on the significance of the project (reference essential questions)
Class discusses current movements in America, and discusses examples of music that responds to these movements

Day 6
Groups present their creative responses to the class
Students give feedback to their peers

ADAPTATIONS & MODIFICATIONS What changes related to color, size, pacing, and modality will you need to make
available overall? How can you increase or decrease the challenge/complexity while retaining focus. Be specific and provide

Students can use color in their research presentation
One color for facts about musicians, one color for general background information
Students can use color in their creative response
A color coded timeline
Drawings, paintings, etc.
Students can display their research information and their creative response at a size that suites them (ex: a poster
rather than a regular paper)
Students could be given just one musician to study in the context of a specific movement (rather than a whole
Student could focus on just one aspect of the project (research or creative)
Students get to choose the modality of their project
Kinesthetic- skit, presentation, performance
Auditory- podcast, performance, speech
Visual- poster, drawing, music video
Research Presentation (30 points total)
Students used valid sources that are properly cited (5)
Information covers background of the movement studied, key figures and popular musicians of the time, how
music responded to the movement, and how this music was received by the public (20)
Information is presented coherently, using proper mechanics of English, in a format approved by the teacher (5)
Creative Response (20 points total)
Creative response demonstrates the student's knowledge of the movement and the music assigned to them (9)
Creative response is well prepared/well rehearsed (9)
All members of group participated in the making/performing of the creative response (2)

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