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Heat Transfer

Temperature Change in
Process Stream Mixing
Dharmendra Tiwary The isobaric and adiabatic mixing of
Hyprotech Ltd., non-reactive process streams can yield
Aspen Technology, Inc.
Anil K. Mehrotra
an outlet stream temperature that is either
Univ. of Calgary between, higher than, or lower than
the inlet stream temperatures.
This article uses process simulation software
to explore temperature-change scenarios
in the mixing of normal alkanes.

onsider the mixing of a hot process stream A, hav- specified process conditions, along with mass and energy
ing a temperature TA and at pressure P, with a cold balances. In other words, the equilibrium mixed-stream
process stream B, having a temperature TB and at temperature depends on the type of species, composition,
pressure P (Figure 1). The non-reactive mixing, with neg- temperature, pressure, phase (or state), non-ideal behavior,
ligible heat of solution, is accomplished under isobaric and and the relative amounts of the process streams being
adiabatic conditions, i.e., the pressure of the mixture mixed. In this regard, the latent heat of phase transforma-
remains at P and there is no heat lost to or gained from the tion and/or the heat of mixing of the process streams plays
surroundings. Will the equilibrium temperature of the a significant role in determining whether (TA TC TB),
mixed stream C, TC, be: (TC > TA, TB) or (TC < TA, TB).
a. higher than TA Through a set of illustrative calculations, this article
b. lower than TB demonstrates that the correct answer to the above question
c. somewhere between TA and TB is: d any of the above. It presents a comprehensive set
d. any of the above?
A common notion regarding this type of mixing
shared by many process engineers as well as chemical engi-
neering students is that the mixed-stream temperature Stream A
will always be between those of the individual process @ TA , P Mixer
streams, i.e., TA TC TB. However, this is not necessarily Isobaric, Stream C
Adiabatic @ TC , P
true. Even without any endothermic or exothermic chemical and
Stream B Non-reactive
reaction and negligible heat of solution, TC could be @ TB , P
between (TA TC TB), higher than (TC > TA, TB) or lower Q=0
than (TC < TA, TB) the temperatures of the inlet streams.
The mixed-stream temperature, TC, depends on phase
equilibria considerations, i.e., the relative distribution of  Figure 1. Isobaric, adiabatic, non-reactive mixing of two
components in different phases under equilibrium at the process streams.

CEP September 2006 33

Heat Transfer

of results (obtained using the HYSYS process simulation made here; for more accurate and rigorous techniques,
software) to evaluate the change in temperature during adia- the reader should consult textbooks on chemical engi-
batic and isobaric mixing of process streams in non-reactive neering thermodynamics and mass and energy balances,
systems. The process streams are pure n-alkanes, ranging such as Refs. 16.
from methane (CH4, denoted by C1) to n-dodecane (C12H26, Assume that mA kg of stream A, which exists as vapor
denoted by C12), which are non-reactive over the tempera- at TA and P, is mixed with mB kg of stream B, which
ture and pressure conditions considered here. Binary mix- exists as liquid at TB and P, resulting in an outlet stream
tures of n-alkanes are studied in order to keep the calcula- C, consisting of vapor and/or liquid phases. To simplify
tions simple; however, the principle can be extended to the mathematical representation, both inlet streams are
more complex multicomponent mixtures. considered to be at the same temperature, Tin (= TA = TB).
The predicted values of selected properties of the n- While the pressure is held at P during the isobaric mixing
alkanes are listed in the table. Note that at P = 1 atm of streams A and B, the temperature of the outlet mixed
(101.3 kPa) and over the temperature range of 0100C, stream C, of mass mC (= mA + mB), is denoted by Tout (=
C1 exists as a gas, C2 to C4 exist as a vapor, C5 to C7 as a TC). For adiabatic mixing (i.e., Q = 0) with negligible heat
liquid or vapor, and C8 to C12 as a liquid. of mixing, the total enthalpy of the outlet stream is equal
to the sum of the enthalpies of the inlet streams; hence, the
Calculating the change in temperature total enthalpy of the outlet mixture, mCHC, is mAHA +
Before looking at the simulation results, it is useful to mBHB, where HA and HB are the mass enthalpies (in J/kg),
review the underlying calculations for the change in tem- at Tin and P, of streams A and B, respectively.
perature resulting from adiabatic and isobaric mixing of Assume that at equilibrium, fA mass fraction of vapor A
two process streams. Several simplifying assumptions are condenses and/or fB mass fraction of liquid B vaporizes. The

Table. Selected thermal properties of n-alkanes ranging from CH4 to C12H26 predicted by HYSYS.

Properties at 1 atm Properties at 20C

Normal Latent Latent
Boiling Heat of Vapor Heat of Specific Heat Capacity at 1 atm, kJ/kg-C
Point, Vaporization, Pressure, Vaporization, (Blue values are for liquid phase)
Alkane C kJ/kg kPa kJ/kg 0C 20C 40C 60C 80C 100C

CH4 161.5 512.2 NA* NA* 2.20 2.24 2.28 2.34 2.39 2.45
(C1, methane)
C2H6 88.6 487.5 3,787.5 192.0 1.68 1.75 1.82 1.90 1.98 2.06
(C2, ethane)
C3H8 42.1 424.2 836.1 347.0 1.60 1.69 1.77 1.86 1.94 2.02
(C3, propane)
C4H10 0.5 386.3 206.5 368.9 1.58 1.68 1.77 1.86 1.95 2.04
(C4, n-butane)
C5H12 36.1 358.9 56.34 370.2 2.12 2.24 1.76 1.85 1.94 2.03
(C5, n-pentane)
C6H14 68.7 336.5 16.25 366.1 2.04 2.15 2.26 2.37 1.92 2.01
(C6, n-hexane)
C7H16 98.4 318.4 4.89 361.6 2.00 2.10 2.21 2.31 2.42 2.01
(C7, n-heptane)
C8H18 125.7 304.2 1.47 359.0 1.98 2.09 2.19 2.29 2.40 2.50
(C8, n-octane)
C9H20 150.8 290.7 0.46 354.7 1.98 2.07 2.17 2.26 2.36 2.45
(C9, n-nonane)
C10H22 174.2 278.6 0.15 350.7 1.96 2.05 2.15 2.24 2.33 2.42
(C10, n-decane)
C11H24 195.9 269.7 0.05 350.0 1.96 2.05 2.14 2.23 2.32 2.41
(C11, n-undecane)
C12H26 216.3 258.2 0.02 343.4 1.94 2.03 2.12 2.21 2.30 2.39
(C12, n-dodecane)

* Not applicable, because CH4 (gas) at 20C is above its critical temperature of 82.8C

34 September 2006 CEP

A = inlet stream A (vapor)
B = inlet stream B (liquid) C10

Temperature Change, T, C
C = outlet mixed-stream C
Cn = n-alkane (CnH2n+2) 10
CpL = average specific heat capacity of liquid phase, J/kg-C
CpV = average specific heat capacity of vapor phase, J/kg-C
fA = mass fraction of A condensed into the liquid phase 20
fB = mass fraction of B vaporized into the vapor phase C6
H = mass enthalpy, J/kg 30
HA = mass enthalpy of stream A, J/kg
HB = mass enthalpy of stream B, J/kg
HC = mass enthalpy of mixed-stream C, J/kg 40 C5
HV = latent heat of vaporization, J/kg

(Hv)A = latent heat of vaporization of A at Tin, J/kg 50
(Hv)B = latent heat of vaporization of B at Tin, J/kg 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
mA = mass of stream A, kg Mass Fraction of CH4
mB = mass of stream B, kg
mC = mass of mixed-stream C (= mA + mB), kg
P = pressure, Pa or atm  Figure 2. Decrease in temperature for adiabatic mixing of
PV = vapor pressure, Pa methane (CH4) with n-alkanes (C2H6 to C12H26).
Q = heat lost to or absorbed from surroundings, J
T = temperature, C
TA = temperature of inlet stream A, C Note that the phases actually present in the outlet
TB = temperature of inlet stream B, C stream also depend on the relative amounts of A and B, mA
TC = temperature of mixed-stream C, C and mB. For example, when mA >> mB, the outlet stream
Tin = inlet-stream temperature (= TA = TB), C would most likely be a single-phase vapor stream, and
Tout = outlet-stream temperature (= TC), C
vice versa. Moreover, for the mixing of n-alkanes consid-
T = change in temperature (= Tout Tin),C
ered here, if both inlet streams were either liquid or vapor,
the outlet stream would also be liquid or vapor, respective-
numerical values of fA and fB can be determined from vapor- ly. This generalization about phases, however, may not be
liquid equilibrium flash calculations. Using (HV)A and valid for some systems, such as eutectic mixtures.
(HV)B to denote the latent heat of vaporization (in J/kg) of A
and B at Tin, the energy released by fAmA kg of vapor A is Simulation results
fAmA(HV)A and the energy absorbed by fBmB kg of liquid B Sample results for the temperature change due to mixing
is fBmB(HV)B. Therefore, the net amount of energy released are presented for: the C1+Cn mixtures at 20C and 1 atm;
(or absorbed) is equal to fAmA(HV)A fBmB(HV)B. This the Cn+C12 mixtures at 20C and 1 atm; the C1+C8 mixture
released (or absorbed) energy determines the magnitude of at 0100C at 1 atm; the C3+C12 mixture at 0100C and 1
increase (or decrease) in the outlet temperature, Tout. atm; and the C1+Cn mixtures at 20C and at two pressures,
The average specific heat capacities (in J/kg-C) of the liq- 5 and 10 atm. All numerical results were obtained from
uid and vapor phases are denoted by CpL and CpV, respective- HYSYS using the PengRobinson (7) equation of state.
ly. The change (increase or decrease) in temperature, T, as a
result of mixing streams A and B is given by Eq. 1 below. Effect of composition:
Obtaining T from Eq. 1 involves iterative calculations, Adding CH4 to C2 through C12
because Tout, as well as CpV and CpL, are needed for esti- Figure 2 presents the predictions for the change in temper-
mating fA and fB. The sign of T depends on the relative ature when C1 (stream A) at 20C and 1 atm is mixed individ-
magnitudes of fBmB(HV)B and fAmA(HV)A. ually with each of C2 to C12 (stream B), also at 20C and 1
atm. The temperature of every mixture, from C1+C2
to C1+C12, decreases at all concentrations of C1.
For C1+C2, C1+C3 and C1+C4 mixtures, the
decrease in temperature is small, since C2, C3 and
C4 are gas or vapor at 20C and 1 atm. For these
 Equation 1 for calculating temperature change. gas-phase mixtures, the predicted decrease in tem-

CEP September 2006 35

Heat Transfer


Temperature Change, T, C
Temperature Change, T, C


10 20

5 80C

C2 40

0 100C

5 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Mass Fraction of C12 Mass Fraction of CH4

 Figure 3. Increase in temperature for adiabatic mixing of  Figure 4. Effect of inlet-stream temperature on temperature
n-dodecane (C12H26) with n-alkanes (CH4 to C11H24). change for mixing of methane (CH4) with n-octane (C8H18).

perature is less than 0.4C, which is attributed to non-ide- liquid at these conditions (with a very low vapor pres-
alities, e.g., the effect of the heat of mixing. sure of 0.02 kPa), it is labeled as stream B and C2 to C12
There is a substantial temperature decrease when C1 is as stream A.
mixed with C5 and heavier n-alkanes. The largest tem- There is an increase in temperature only for the
perature decrease is for C1+C5 mixtures, but its magni- C2+C12, C3+C12 and C4+C12 mixtures at all concentrations
tude becomes smaller for mixtures with the heavier n- of C12. For all other C12+alkane mixtures, the change in
alkanes, due to their lower vapor pressures (PV) at 20C. temperature is much smaller and is negative, which is
Each of the curves in Figure 2 has a minimum, which attributed to the effects of non-ideality. For example, the
shifts to the right (toward the higher mass fractions of decrease in temperature for the C1+C12 gas-liquid mixture
C1) with an increase in the carbon number of the n-alka- is less than 0.5C. Likewise, the mixing of C12 with C5+
nes. The maximum temperature decrease becomes small- caused a small decrease in temperature, which was less
er with an increase in the carbon number due to lower than 1C for the C5+C12 and C6+C12 mixtures and less
PV. The decrease in temperature for C1+C11 and C1+C12 than 0.5C for the C7+C12 to C11+C12 mixtures.
mixtures is predicted to be less than 1C for all concen- For the C2+C12, C3+C12 and C4+C12 mixtures, the tem-
trations of C1. perature-change trends in Figure 3 are opposite those in
A decrease in temperature (i.e., a negative T in Eq. 1) Figure 2. The temperature increase is largest for the
upon mixing of C1 with C5+ implies fBmB(HV)B > C4+C12 mixture, and its magnitude becomes smaller for
fAmA(HV)A. Since C5 to C12 exist as liquids at 20C and 1 C2+C12 and C3+C12 mixtures, which can be attributed to a
atm, the mixing of C1 with C512 causes their vaporization, lower solubility of C2 and C3 in C12 at these conditions.
which results in a high value of fB for the C1+C5 to C1+C10 The curves for the C2+C12, C3+C12 and C4+C12 mixtures
mixtures. Since fB is directly related to the vapor pressure, in Figure 3 have a maximum, which shifts to the right
the small temperature changes for the C1+C11 and C1+C12 (toward higher mass fractions of C12) as the carbon num-
mixtures are attributed to the relatively low vapor pres- ber of the lighter constituents decreases.
sures of C11 and C12 at 20C. An increase in temperature (i.e., a positive T in Eq. 1)
upon mixing of C12 with C2, C3 and C4 means that
Effect of composition: fAmA(HV)A > fBmB(HV)B. Since C2, C3 and C4 exist as
Adding C12 to C1 through C11 vapor at 20C and 1 atm, they are condensed into the rela-
The predictions in Figure 3 represent the change in tively non-volatile C12, which yields a relatively higher
temperature when C12 is mixed individually with each of value of fA along with a lower value of fB for C2+C12,
C1 to C11 at 20C and 1 atm. Since pure C12 exists as C3+C12 and C4+C12 mixtures.

36 September 2006 CEP

10 10

Temperature Change, T, C

5 20C 10
60C 30

80C 40 C4

Temperature Change, T, C
100C 50 (a) 5 atm


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Mass Fraction of C3

 Figure 5. Effect of inlet-stream temperature on temperature C7
change for mixing of propane (C3H8) with n-dodecane (C12H26). C6

20 C5
Effect of temperature (0100C)
Consider next the effect of inlet-stream temperature,
Tin, on the change in temperature, T, at P = 1 atm. 30
The results for two mixtures, C1+C8 and C3+C12, at
0100C are presented in Figures 4 and 5, respectively.
As noted previously, at 20C and 1 atm, mixing C1
50 (b) 10 atm
with C8 gives a negative T, whereas mixing C3 with C3
C12 gives a positive T.

In Figure 4, for the C1+C8 mixture, as Tin increases, 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
the magnitude of T also increases. An increase in Tin Mass Fraction of CH4
implies a lower solubility of C1 in C8, as well as an
increased vapor pressure of C8. That is, the magnitude  Figure 6. Effect of pressure on temperature change for mixing
of fAmA(HV)A in Eq. 1 decreases with an increase in of methane (CH4) with n-alkanes (C2H6 to C12H26).
Tin, while that of fBmB(HV)B increases. The combina-
tion of these two effects leads to a decrease in tempera- as vapor condenses into the C12-rich liquid phase, with
ture upon mixing. a high value of fA. This results in fAmA(HV)A >
The results for the C3+C12 mixture shown in Figure 5 fBmB(HV)B, which corresponds to a positive T in Eq.
reveal very interesting trends. The C3+C12 mixture has a 1. For the C3-rich mixtures, on the other hand, a signif-
negative T at the lower Tin of 020C for all composi- icant fraction of C12, fB, vaporizes due its increased
tions, with the largest change occurring at the lowest Tin of vapor pressure at higher temperatures, such that
0C. However, the predictions at the higher Tin of fBmB(HV)B > fAmA(HV)A; hence, T is negative.
40100C show two peaks: a minimum and a maximum.
At these higher Tin values, T is positive for C12-rich mix- Effect of pressure (110 atm)
tures but negative for C3-rich mixtures. At the highest Tin Figure 6 illustrates the effect of pressure on T for
of 100C, the magnitude of T for the C3-rich mixtures is C1+Cn mixtures at a constant Tin of 20C, at two pres-
much larger than that for the C12-rich mixtures. sures, 5 atm (507 kPa) and 10 atm (1,013 kPa). These
The behavior at the higher Tin of 40100C can be results can be compared with the results for the C1+Cn
explained as follows. For consistency, C3 (vapor) is mixtures at P = 1 atm in Figure 2, which show a temper-
denoted as stream A and C12 (liquid) as stream B. For ature decrease for the mixtures of C1 and C5C10. As
the C12-rich mixtures, all or nearly all of the C3 added shown in the table, at 20C and 1 atm, C1 exists as gas,

CEP September 2006 37

Heat Transfer

C2 to C4 as vapors, and C5 to C12 as liquids. As men- Concluding remarks

tioned previously, at 20C and 1 atm, the C1+C2, C1+C3 Computer simulations for the mixing of two non-
and C1+C4 mixtures as well as the C1+C11 and C1+C12 reacting n-alkane streams under isobaric and adiabatic
mixtures did not give rise to any significant change in conditions demonstrate that the outlet-stream equilibri-
temperature. Figure 2 also shows that the largest T at 1 um temperature could be higher than, lower than, or
atm is for the C1+C5 mixture, followed by the C1+C6 about the same as the inlet-stream temperature(s). That
mixture, and so on. is, the equilibrium mixture temperature does not
At 20C and 5 atm (Figure 6a), the largest T is for always have to be between the temperatures of the
the C1+C4 mixture, followed by the C1+C5 mixture, individual streams.
and so on. Note that, in Figure 2, the C1+C4 mixture For non-reactive systems without significant heat of
did not experience a significant change in temperature mixing, the temperature change during the mixing process
at 1 atm. The difference in behavior is attributed to C 4 can be neglected, as long as there is no phase transforma-
undergoing a phase transformation from vapor at 1 atm tion. However, even for non-reactive systems, the temper-
to liquid at 5 atm. Compared with the results in Figure ature change can be significant when the components
2, the magnitudes of the temperature changes for the undergo phase transformation during the mixing process.
C1C5+ mixtures at 5 atm are smaller than those at 1 Among the parameters affecting the temperature increase
atm. This is attributed to changes in both fA and fB, as or decrease are the inlet temperature and pressure of the
well as a decrease in HV when the pressure is process streams, as well as their compositions, vapor pres-
increased from 1 atm to 5 atm. sures, enthalpies, latent heats of vaporization, specific heat
At 20C and 10 atm (Figure 6b), the largest T is for capacities, etc.
the C1+C3 mixture, followed by the C1+C4 mixture, and so Although the cases examined in this article deal only with
on. Once again, the C1+C2 mixture did not have any sig- vapor-liquid phase transformations, similar temperature
nificant change in temperature, which is similar to the changes could also be encountered in the mixing of liquid
results at 1 atm (Figure 2) and 5 atm (Figure 6a). and solid streams (i.e., in melting or freezing) and vapor and
However, C3 undergoes a phase transformation at 20C solid streams (i.e., in sublimation or desublimation). CEP
from vapor at 5 atm to liquid at 10 atm. The magnitudes
of T for all C1C412 mixtures at 10 atm (Figure 6b) are
smaller than those at 5 atm, which is again attributed to
changes in both fA and fB, as well as a decrease in HV due DHARMENDRA TIWARY is currently a process engineer with Canadian
Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL, Suite 1800, 324 8 Avenue SW, Calgary,
to an increase in pressure from 5 atm to 10 atm.
AB, Canada, T2P 2Z2; E-mail: Prior to
joining CNRL, he was a senior staff consultant with Aspentech
(Calgary, AB) and a process engineer in a petroleum refinery of Indian
Literature Cited Oil Corporation Ltd (Panipat, India). He is a registered professional
engineer with the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists &
Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA) and a member of AIChE. He
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2. Poling, B. E., et al., The Properties of Gases and ANIL K. MEHROTRA is a professor of chemical engineering and director of
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5. Smith, J. M., et al., Introduction to Chemical registered professional engineer with the Association of Professional
Engineering Thermodynamics, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, Engineers, Geologists & Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA), a fellow
New York, NY (2000). of the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC), and a member of the
6. Walas, S. M., Phase Equilibria in Chemical Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (CSChE) and AIChE. He
Engineering, ButterworthHeinemann (Elsevier), received a bachelors degree in chemical engineering from Birla
Burlington, MA (1985). Institute of Technology and Science (BITS, Pilani, India), a masters
7. Peng, D.-Y., and D. B. Robinson, A Two Constant degree in environmental engineering from Asian Institute of
Equation of State, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Technology (AIT, Bangkok, Thailand), and a doctorate in chemical
Fundamentals, 15 (1), pp. 5964 (1976). engineering from the Univ. of Calgary.

38 September 2006 CEP

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