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ALESA Wk 1 Reading for Academic Style

Read the extract from the book Civic life online: Learning how digital media can engage youth about
perspectives on civic engagement and citizenship for young people both online and offline. Answer the
following questions:

Topic: What does the author want to you know about young people as citizens?

In the age of digital, young people may reform their politics. Many young citizens have interest in
politics, but their prospects that they engage effectively with politics that are linked to spheres of
government remains negative. They are disconnected from conventional politics and governments in many
times because of this.

Evidence / reasons: What is / are the main reason(s) that the author gives for his position?

The tone of the press about politics is often cynical, candidates seldom appeal directly to young voters
on their own terms about their concerns, politicians have poisoned the public with vitrol and negative
campaigning. And their performances are inauthentic.

Applying to your life: Can you think of any examples from your life that support the authors view?

The circumstances of the politics is complicated; it includes policies, global problems and even scandals.
It is too hard for those who started thinking about their government just a few years ago to
understand their politics. It leads them to indifferent to the politics.

Academic Writing Do you think this is a good piece of academic writing? Why?

I think it is a good piece of writing. The writers view is objective, and the statement and the reasons
are clear.
ALESA Wk 1 Reading for Academic Style

Now read Generation Z: Who we are. Answer the following questions:

What does the author want to convince you of? Can you see any similarities with Reading 1?

The younger age the age that creates something new, and reform their society.

What evidence does the author present?

The report by forbes: only 6 percent of the young fear about their future.

Are there any differences in the language of the two articles?

While the former author uses objective writing, the latter author uses I or We. It means the author
is more objective than the other.

Which do you think is the better piece of academic writing? Why?

I think the former one is better academic writing. One of the reasons is that the former one is easy for
readers to understand the authors logical, while the latter one is not.
And the former one seems objective, while the other is subjective.

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