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The Rule of the Elite

The politics of elitism is considered as one of the reasons why people fail to
achieve their fullest potential. Elitism can be explained by how a certain class or group
of people rule over other individuals in a society. One classical elite theorist, Vilfredo
Pareto, remarked how social inequality is a result of man as a biological phenomenon.
Humans also differ in terms of intelligence and abilities. People are governed on the
basis of physical force or religion, or by way of intelligence and cunning.
Pareto emphasized the psychological and intellectual superiority of elites,
believing that they were the highest accomplishers in any field (e.g. friars subjugated
the natives; dynasties control political power in the provinces, thus thwarting the
authentic freedom of people).Additionally, he highlighted the control in political structure
leads to its control in the economic system resulting to a detriment of the poor sector of
the society.
Another classical elite theorist was Gaetano Mosca. He argued that people
engage in a competitive struggle with the desire to attain power and health. In this
struggle there are sure winners and losers. Those who are stronger and with power will
continue to enslave the poor. They become the ruling class and therefore be the sole
recepients of the country's wealth and resources by unjust practices.
The story of domination in Philippine History helps us understand the origin of the
system of patronage politics in the country. Class division in the Philippine society has
already existed and there is no central government before the Spaniards came. Since
the Philippines is an archipelago, this created a problem for Spain because for them
power must be centralized. In order to concentrate power, they organized pueblos
which consist of different barangays wherein a friar acts as a religious reader and also a
civil administrator. From pueblos, they organized haciendas when the Americans came.
They connived with the ruling class to protect the formers colonial interests. The
teaching and use of English benefitted the Americans more than the Filipinos. The
Americans left us with a presidential form of government when they give us our
After the devastating term of Marcos as the president of the Philippines, EDSA
People Power I took place and became the reason of Corazon Aquinos claim of power
in 1986. This event in the history of our country was life changing for many since human
calamities during Marcos regime has stopped. But then with Aquino being the
president, it does not change the fact that political patronage still existed. In this
situation, the poor still is suffering in their miserable condition while the people in power
take advantage and abuse the privileges they have. In this way, the people under the
leadership of the politicians somehow cannot exercise their capability to the fullest
because of the limitations the politicians cause in their society.
Today, our contemporary government still continue to take advantage of their
privileged position. In political bargaining, individuals seeking election coerce the poor
majority of voters by subtle goods and in kind. They may abuse the Filipinos trait of
having utang ng loob and thus making voters who may be poor and uneducated
inclined to elect them into position. There are also political patrons who shell out hefty
amounts to help politicians in their electoral campaign. Upon election, the same utang
ng loob comes into action and the elected officials feel indebted to return the favor by
protecting their private interests.
These examples show how one ruling class gets overthrown by another class
and thus is the politics of elitism. This elitism is also the very reason why the social
divide in our society is strikingly evident. As long as only the few remain in control of
politics, it shall always be detrimental to the interests of the weaker majority. A just
political arrangement is necessary in order to give every individual the means to flourish
and use his capabilities. Ones class should not define ones social standing. Rather, it
should be his own capabilities and honest work.

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