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Thank to Allah, the most grateful the most merciful that always give rahmat,
taufiq, and hidayat. So the researcher can finish this scientific writing on time.
This final paper writing is one of the requirement to accomplish International
Class of Diploma Program for Nursing with title Nursing Care Report of Mr.M
with Heart Failure Medical Diagnosis in Alamanda Ward Ulin General Hospital
Banjarmasin. The researcher realizes that this scientific writing needs a help and
support from some parties sides.
Therefore, the researcher would like to say thanks to:
1. Prof. DR. H. Ahmad Khairuddin.,M.Ag, as the Rector of University of
Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin.
2. Mr. M. Syafwani, S.Kp., M.Kep.Sp.Jiwa, as the Dean of Faculty of
Nursing and Health Sciences.
3. Mr. Muhsinin, M.Kep.,Sp.Anak, as the Head of Nursing Diploma Program
4. Mr. Solikin, Ns., M.Kep., Sp.KMB, as the First Advisor and the First
5. Mrs. Tenny Murtiningsih, SH, M. Pd, as the Second Advisor and the
Second Examiner.
6. Mrs. Noorminawati, S.Kep, as the Clinical Instructure of Alamanda Ward
Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin and the Third Examiner.
7. Patient and his family who were ready to give their time and opportunity
as a source of this scientific writing.
8. My beloved and blessed parents, H. Saharuddin and Hj. Sapariah, who
always pray and support with all the best ways until right now.
9. My beloved older sister Herna wati, the younger brother Sahrul Efendi,
my brother in law Hardiansyah & my little nephew Muhammad Dafa who
always support to finish this report.

10. All my lovely friend from International Class of Nursing Diploma
Program the 7th batch who always stay together in happy and sorrow, and
help each other.
11. All lectures and all my senior at International Class of Nursing Diploma
Program who help me to finish this final paper.
12. My beloved friends Six Star who give me spirit and support.
13. Thank you for anyone else who help me to finish this final paper.
In this report, the researcher realized that there are some lackness because the
limitation of the researchers capabilities. So, the researcher needs comments and
suggestions from the other to make this final paper can be perfect. The last
sentence that I want to tell you, I hope this final paper can be useful for everyone.

Banjarmasin, July 2017


Siti Rahmah

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