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Is administrative enforcement the answer? Copyright

protection in the digital era5

Guan Hong Tang

School of Law, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China


Keywords: Copyright protection is becoming more challenging by the day in the digital era. In line
China with its political policy, China has established a copyright regime with particular charac-
Intellectual property teristics. While the public interest in access is highlighted, the public interest in authorship
Copyright has also been imposed and taken further. It also provides for public, non-criminal
Enforcement enforcement - copyright administrative enforcement. Could the Chinese model possibly be
Cyberspace a solution for effective copyright protection? This will be explored in the light of an
up-to-date case analysis in both actual and virtual environments.
2010 Dr. Guan Hong Tang. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Peoples Congress at all levels to be the organs through which

the people exercise state power,3 it states that Chinese people
China has been forming its government based on socialism of all nationalities come under the leadership of the Chinese
with Chinese characteristics since 1979: socialism represents Communist Party (CCP).4 This confirms that China is currently
the basic principles of practice and Chinese characteristics are an authoritarian one-party state, although Article 5 of the
what these principles embody in the country.1 A multi- Constitution embraces the rule of law and states that the CCP
ownership-oriented basic market economic system (with the must be subject to the rule of law, the authority of the state
public ownership in the dominance) has thus been estab- and the Constitution, which is the fundamental law of the
lished and sustained together with a unique legal system. To state and has supreme legal authority as clarified in its
date, a Constitution-centred socialist legal system with Preamble. Recalling its history, China has nonetheless taken
Chinese characteristics has basically taken shape.2 a positive step toward, and is committed to, more than ever,
The implementations of these Chinese characteristics in implementing a system of the rule of law throughout the
the legal system are varied and sometimes might seem nation. Gradually learning the practice of the rule of law, the
peculiar and contradictory. For instance, whilst the Consti- country has made rapid progress in legislation: numerous
tution affirms that all state power belongs to the people and laws and regulations have been made and enforced, including
authorises the National Peoples Congress (NPC) and the local copyright, a regime that secures private property rights in the

An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 4th International Conference on Legal Security and Privacy Issues in IT Law
(LSPI) that was held in Maltafrom 3e5 November 2009.
; see Chinese Academy Social Science publication:
Professor Rui He, From Linens Late Years Blueprint to Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (1999), retrieved on 3.10.09 at http://myy.
See White Paper on Chinas rule of law published in 2008, retrieved on 15.09.09 at
Article 2 of the Constitution.
With advice from the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) that consists of CCP members, members from other
parties and non-party members. See Preamble of the Constitution.
0267-3649/$ e see front matter 2010 Dr. Guan Hong Tang. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
c o m p u t e r l a w & s e c u r i t y r e v i e w 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 0 6 e4 1 7 407

course of a legitimate concern of balancing the rights of perform legal supervision and safeguard the enforcement of
individual authors and of general users. It has been almost laws.7
two decades since the first copyright law initially came into The Organic Law of the Peoples Courts explicates the
effect in China, ahead of a more complete system for copy- nature, functions, organisation and activities of the courts and
right protection being established. Certainly, modern Chinese stipulates that the Chinese court system consists of the
copyright law also carries Chinese characteristics; it is col- Supreme Peoples Court (SPC), local Peoples Courts at various
oured by the countrys distinctive history, culture, economic levels and military courts, and other special Peoples Courts.8
and political concepts of state, as well as containing According to the Constitution, the SPC is the highest judicial
substantial elements inherited from ancient Chinese law. organ and is responsible to the NPC and its Standing
A significant manifestation of these Chinese characteris- Committee; all levels of local courts are responsible to the
tics is its implementation of a dual-track system for copyright organs of state power which instituted them and are subject to
enforcement. In addition to judicial protection, Chinese the supervision of the SPC, while lower level courts are subject
copyright law offers a legal basis for administrative enforce- to the supervision of the higher level courts.9 The local
ment and defines certain responsibilities including civil Peoples Courts include:
liabilities, criminal liabilities and exposure to administrative
sanctions. Currently, whilst interest in court action grows  Higher Level Peoples Courts, which are established at the
steadily within the country, the Chinese administrative provincial and autonomous regional level;
remedies still offer copyright proprietors the most popular  Intermediate Level Peoples Courts that are established at
enforcement for protection, which has obvious advantages levels of prefectures including autonomous prefectures,
over the judicial enforcement, such as simpler process, provincial capitals including cities under direct control of
shorter time, and cheaper cost. Compared with other legal the provincial or autonomous region government, relatively
systems in most western countries, Chinese law is unique in big cities, and within the municipalities directly under the
providing this administrative enforcement in relation to Central Government; and
copyright protection. The quasi-judicial power of the admin-  Basic Level Peoples Courts, which are established at county
istrative authorities is justified by Article 47 of the Copyright or autonomous county levels and also in urban districts.
Law of the Peoples Republic of China (CCL), the public
interest clause. At present, China practises a two-hearing system of trials
Whilst copyright protection is becoming more challenging which means a case may be judged at two levels, with the
by the day in the digital era, could the Chinese model possibly second hearing being final. The Constitution provides that all
be one of the solutions for effective copyright protection? This cases tried by courts should be conducted openly unless
paper thus will investigate copyright enforcement in the otherwise provided for by the law, while the accused is enti-
Chinese legal framework with a focus on administrative tled to the right to state a proper defence.10 Litigations against
enforcement, primarily its implementation and jurisdiction, suspected copyright infringements can be filed at the inter-
by means of an up-to-date case analysis. mediate and higher levels, as well as in the district courts that
have been approved by the SPC. So far, fourteen District
Peoples Courts have been designated to hear copyright cases,
2. The dual-track system which are: Beijing Haidian and Chaoyang; Shanghai Huangpu,
Pudong and Jinan Lixia; Qingdao Shinan; Guangzhou Dong-
The CCL 2001 adopts a dual-track system for copyright shan, Tianhe and Baiyun; Shenzhen Nanshan, Luohu and
protection, i.e. judicial enforcement and administrative Longgang; and Foshan Nanhai and Chancheng.
enforcement. Below, we will start with a brief introduction to Should the outcomes of cases fail to satisfy the plaintiff or
Chinas overall legal structure to see how the dual-track the defendant, they can be appealed through the national
system fits in. judicial system to the SPC. In 1996, the SPC set up the Chamber
of Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Trials, which consists of five
Justices and assistant judges, to offer guidance to and super-
2.1. Current legal structure and judicial copyright
vision of trials of IPR including copyright cases. Accordingly,
collegial panels or tribunals on IP cases were instituted in the
civil divisions or economic divisions at the relevant local
Broadly speaking, the Chinese judicial system is comprised of
courts for more effective enforcement. In line with Article 217,
institutions of three parts, i.e. the peoples court system, the
criminal sanctions may be applied to copyright-infringing
peoples procuratorate system and the public security system.
acts, which include a fixed-term prison sentence of three to
The Peoples Court system is paralleled by a hierarchy of
seven years.
prosecuting organs called the Peoples Procuratorates, of
Efforts are being made to upgrade the quality of the judi-
which the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate (SPP) is the apex.5
ciary: for instance, from 2002 on, people to be appointed
The Peoples Courts exercise judicial power on behalf of the
judges for the first time should be selected only from among
states, whilst the Peoples Procurators are state organs for
legal supervision,6 the Peoples Procuratorates at all levels
See Article 1, the Organic Law of the Peoples Procurators.
5 8
Article 129. Article 2, the Organic Law of the Peoples Courts.
6 9
Articles 123 and 129, Constitution of the Peoples Republic of Article 127.
China. Article 125.
408 c o m p u t e r l a w & s e c u r i t y r e v i e w 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 0 6 e4 1 7

those who have passed the National Judicial Examination and social value instead of the authorship public interest, due
(NJE), an annually held paper-exclusive exam. Nevertheless, to the long-standing cultural and legal practice.
the courts at present are still affected by the low educational Administration authorities may impose remedies such as
level of their judges and their low status in the hierarchy of to confiscate any unlawful income from the infringing act or
power. Judgeships in China are civil service positions, which to impose a fine on the infringer. Chinese law-makers see the
are classified into presidents, vice-presidents, chief judges system of administrative protection as necessary in the same
and associate chief judges of divisions, judges and assistant way as criminal protection and claim that it is also designed to
judges of peoples courts, and are still of a rather low level of safeguard the socio-economic order.13 The law-makers
professionalism.11 point out that adopting administrative enforcement in China
Article 126 of the Constitution authorises that the peoples is in the public interest (from the authorship aspect), and it is
courts exercise judicial power independently, in accordance important to efficient administrative management and to
with the provisions of the law, and are not subject to inter- maintaining social order and protecting citizens rights.14 Mr
ference by any administrative organ, public organisation or Xu Chao, Spokesman and Deputy Director of General National
individual. However, it also states that the SPC is responsible Copyright Administration of China (NCAC), defends such
to the NPC, and its Standing Committee and local peoples practice on the basis that.
courts are responsible to the organs of state power which
created them. Within the structure, each level of court is even if copyright is originally a private right belonging to indi-
essentially responsible to local political power at the same viduals, it will, when it develops to a certain degree, have
level, a responsibility that is reinforced by local control over a bearing on how to protect the interests of investors in an
court finances. The courts adopt a vertical management attempt to promote socio-economic development, and on the
system which means lower level courts have to report to public interests. 15
higher. Also, presidents of courts hold managers and super-
visors duty to all judges and they can not only monitor Yet the public interest clause has not been clearly defined
hearings but also influence judgements. The NPC also has the by any Chinese legislation and has consequently had a great
authority to issue laws binding over all of China and also impact on the enforcement of the law. Since the authorship
appoints the presidents of the SPC and the SPP. public interest is opposite to traditional and socialist Chinese
It should be noted that each court case, in theory, stands as culture and is rather foreign to the masses, the interpretation
its own decision and will not bind another court, but in of this clause has been confusing and probably misread as
practice judges from lower courts often attempt to follow the being socialism public interest, which can be seen in the cases
interpretations of the law decided by the higher courts, discussed later in this chapter. Nonetheless, the public
especially the SPC. Also, higher courts can use the finality of interest clause provides a legal basis for administrative
their judgments on appeals as having a binding effect on the enforcement and has conferred upon copyright administra-
lower courts that issued the first judgement or order. Similar tive authorities across the country a quasi-judicial power to
rules apply to cases concluded by administrative authorities. enforce copyright law.16 A Chinese phenomenon such as this
is somewhat unique but is not new. Administrative authori-
ties enforcing the law reflect the lengthy past and deep
2.2. Administrative enforcement cultural roots from ancient China.
The tradition of administrative authorities enforcing the
In addition to judicial protection, Article 47 confers power to law can be dated back to the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC; it was
the relevant administration departments to enforce the law: greatly developed in the Han Dynasty and was adopted
to investigate cases under the circumstances that the copy- thereafter until the last dynasty in China, the Qing Dynasty, in
right-infringing acts, , at the same time 1911. Although the 1911 Xinhai Revolution successfully intro-
breach the public interest.12 This public interest clause was duced concepts of democracy and socialism to China, the
not found in the CCL 1990; it is the legitimate justification country once again suffered from wars in the period from 1911
provided by the CCL 2001 particularly for administrative to 1949, which prevented the development of laws and the
authorities to enforce the law. The CCL 2001 weighs the establishment of a legal system. Modelled from the German
significance of the authorship public interest in copyright and the former Soviet Union legal systems, China began to
regime, not only awarding individual authors the exclusive institute its own system, for the purpose of serving the dicta-
rights to protect copyright over their works but also granting torship of the proletariat and the planned economy, in
administrative copyright enforcement, in which the relevant a socialist setting in 1949. Nonetheless, Mao initiated the
administration authorities may pursue anyone who has Cultural Revolution in 1966 which interrupted the construction
committed acts of infringement in order to safeguard the
authorship pubic interest. Although the interpretation of 13
Retrieved on 15.09.09 at
which has most likely been misunderstood by the masses as Publications/Article/Exc992.html, Xu Chao, Problems in the
being socialism public interest that emphasises public welfare Practice of Copyright Enforcement.
Retrieved on 15.09.09 at
, dd, 2006-05/23/content_4585984.htm.
2000143233e265 Suli Zhu, Professionalisation of Judges in See also
China: Its Historical Cause, Current Situation and Future Solution, Exc992.html, Xu Chao, Problems in the Practice of Copyright
Journal of Comparative Law (2000)14(3), 233e265. Enforcement; retrieved on 3 October 2009.
12 16
Article 47, CCL 2001. Article 47, CCL 2001 and article 37, Copyright Regulations 2002.
c o m p u t e r l a w & s e c u r i t y r e v i e w 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 0 6 e4 1 7 409

of the legal system in China and left Mao and Maoist thought seizure or detention of infringing copies took place, are
dictating the country for over ten years. It was not until the late eligible to take administrative enforcement action. When two
1970s that China started to re-build its legal system, influ- or more bodies have jurisdiction over a case, it will be dealt
enced by international communities and based on principles of with by the one first placing the case on file.19 Suspected
international law. Moreover, the 1999 Constitution confirms infringers are required to bear the burden of proving that
the rule of law in China for the first time in Chinese history, and copies of the works have been lawfully authorised. The
intends to foster China as a socialist country governed copyright authorities will give them a specified time within
according to law. It, on the one hand, continues to defend the which to produce such authorisation, failing which the copies
socialist ideology and system, and on the other hand, safe- are deemed to be infringing copies. However, in situations
guards the individual rights of Chinese people, such as their where the infringing goods may be lost as evidence, copyright
private property rights, including copyright. officials may take action even if the case has not been placed
At present, the most important regulatory stakeholders on file, including situations such as a prima facie case.20
with respect to administrative copyright enforcement are the The local administrative authority has the right, depending
NCAC and the provincial and municipal Copyright Bureaus that on the circumstances, to order the infringer to bear civil
are charged with administering and enforcing copyright liability for such remedies as ceasing the infringement, elim-
protection. The NCAC is responsible for national copyright inating the effects of the infringement, making an apology or
issues, such as investigations into infringement cases, admin- paying damages the amount of which is no more than the
istration of foreign-related copyright issues and developing actual injury suffered by the proprietor or of the unlawful
arbitration rules and regulations. Other relevant bodies that income of the infringer. The appropriate fee paid by the
may also play a role in enforcement include the General proprietor to stop the infringement should also be included in
Administration of Customs, the Public Security Bureau (i.e. the the amount. The infringer may also be penalised in ways such
police), Regional IPR bureaus, the State Food and Drug Admin- as the confiscation of unlawful income, destruction of
istration (for pharmaceutical products), the Ministry of Culture infringing reproductions, imposition of a fine not exceeding
(for copyright materials of cultural value), the Administration three times the amount of illegal business turnover or no
for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (infringe- more than RMB100, 000 yuan, and the confiscation of the
ments of low quality goods) and their local level offices. materials, tools, and equipment mainly used for making the
According to the regulations of Articles 47 and 48 of the CCL infringing reproductions.21
2001 and Articles 36 and 37 of the Implementing Regulations Any party that is unsatisfied with an administrative deci-
2002, the local administrative authorities are entitled to take sion of the administrative authority may institute proceedings
legal action against any copyright infringement actively or with a judicial authority, the Peoples Court, within three
under a request of the proprietor of copyright in line with the months from the date of receiving the decision. However, as
above regulations, and for any foreign proprietor, or under mentioned earlier it is only courts at the level of intermediate
either the Berne Convention or the UCC of which China has Peoples Courts or above that are eligible to hear copyright
been a member since October 1992. cases, except certain district courts which have been approved
In 2003, the NCAC issued the Implementing Measures for by the SPC, usually in big cities. In cases where such
Administrative Penalties on Copyright Infringement proceedings are not instituted and the decision is not complied
(Measures, 2003) to replace the earlier measures issued in with within the above period, the administrative authority
1997. Following the CCL 2001 and Implementing Regulations may approach the Peoples Court for compulsory execution.22
2002, the Measures 2003 aim to make the provisions more The administrative authority bears full responsibility for
feasible when it comes to administrative enforcement and the action conducted. In order to prevent governments from
stipulate that only in cases where the public interest is abusing the power of administrative enforcement, provisions
breached can the copyright administrative authorities take are made for certain safeguards. Any affected parties may
action.17 Detailed procedures to be followed by copyright prosecute the related administrative authority for any illegal
officials in dealing with infringement cases have been set out. action or procedure in line with the regulations of the
Thus, the procedural rules relating to administrative copyright Administrative Procedure Law and the State Compensation
enforcement are more transparent. In making a request for Law, which came into force on 1 October 1990 and 1 January
administrative protection, the interested party should submit 1995 respectively.23
a written request, proof of owning copyright, and evidence of
the infringing act. For copyright disputes, the administrative
authorities will make a decision as to whether a complaint will
be processed within 15 days of receipt of the request and will 3. Practices of administrative copyright
inform the applicant of its decision. A written explanation enforcement
would be given to the applicant if the decision were negative.18
Bodies such as the local copyright authorities of the juris- While dealing with copyright protection in China, the majority
dictions where infringement was committed, the jurisdictions of the concerned parties would choose to take administrative
where the infringement took effect, the jurisdictions where 19
Articles 5e7.
the infringing copies were stored, and the jurisdictions where 20
Article 15.
Articles 4 and 31.
17 22
Article 3 of (2003). Article 37.
18 23
Articles 11e13. Article 37.
410 c o m p u t e r l a w & s e c u r i t y r e v i e w 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 0 6 e4 1 7

rather than judicial action. Hitherto, most IPR enforcement Nonetheless, Xiqiao refused to abide by the APD and
has been done through the administrative system. According promptly instituted a legal proceeding with Guangzhou
to Chinas 2007 White Paper on IPRs, 10,344 out of 10,559 cases, Dongshan District Peoples Court (District Court), against
nearly 98 percent, were concluded by copyright administra- Guangdong Province Copyright Bureau. Xiqiao claimed that
tive authorities at all levels across the country.24 Of all the the decision made by the Copyright Bureau was unlawful
concluded cases, 8524 were concluded with Administrative since it had no legal basis: Article 47 of the CCL 2001 stated
Punishment Decisions (APDs), 1585 were concluded with that administrative management departments could investi-
mediation arrangements, and 235 were transferred to judicial gate cases only when the copyright infringement act had, at
authorities. The following cases illustrate how administrative the same time, breached the public interest. Xiqiao argued
enforcement was achieved, the current process and how the that its infringement of ting ting yu li was on a very small scale
public interest clause has been interpreted. and had only an extremely small impact on Tenai; Xiqiao
admitted that its infringing act harmed Tenai, one companys
benefit, but it did not damage the public interest (in its public
3.1. Illustrative examples welfare aspect). Therefore, the Copyright Bureau had no right
to handle this case and its APD should be dismissed. In addi-
In July 1995, one of the most well known companies in the tion, Xiqiao insisted that the Copyright Bureau should return
Chinese textile industry, Fuoshan Nanfang Printing and its 910.9 m of textile and RMB3081 yuan because they were
Dyeing Company (Nanfang), filed an administrative complaint Xiqiaos private property which should be protected by
at Guangdong Province Copyright Bureau against Shunde Chinese law.
Tenai Textile Design and Decoration Company (Tenai) for the In the court, the defence of the Copyright Bureau mainly
latters infringement of copyright in its 21 art designs. focused on the fact that Xiqiaos infringing act had breached
After investigation, Guangdong Province Copyright Bureau the public interest and maintained that the issued APD was
issued an APD and confirmed that Nanfang designed Ju Yuan lawful and just. The Copyright Bureau pointed out that
and another 19 art works for textile decoration between 1993 without the copyright owners consent, Xiqiao copied and
and 1994, registered the copyrights in early 1995 and owned produced ting ting yu li, in which Tenai had invested not only
copyright in those art designs. In July 1995, as a newcomer, money but also human resource and intelligence to research
Tenai participated in the Sixth National Construction and and to design, and then had taken an economic risk to
Decoration Exhibitions and presented nine works, with promote the design to the market. Xiqiaos infringing act had,
a mark of Tenai Design, which were exactly the same as Ju firstly, breached fair competition in the market; secondly,
Yuan and the other art designs. Thereafter, Tenai unlawfully infringed Tenais copyright and harmed the development of
copied Ju Yuan and the other 19 of Nanfangs designs and cultural creativity; and thirdly, violated the economic order
produced 35,471.7 m of decorated textiles for its clients. In its and brought chaos into the market. Quoting Office of the State
APD, the Copyright Bureau stated that Tenai copied, exhibited Councils Notice to Further Rectify and Standardise the
and produced Nanfangs art designs without obtaining Cultural Market Order26 and vice-premier of the State Council
designers and rights owners permission and therefore had Mr Li Lanqings talk on the National Teleconference on
infringed Nanfangs copyright. Tenai was instructed, first, to Rectifying and Standardising the Cultural Market Order,27 the
cease all its infringing acts without delay; secondly, to hand Copyright Bureau highlighted that the creative and cultural
over all pirated products and the sales gain; and finally, to market has a great impact on the development of the
remunerate Nanfang. Neither party objected to the APD. economy, culture and civilisation in China, as well as on the
Six years later, in December 2001, Tenai, by now an international reputation of the country. Xiqiaos act had in
established and strong company in the industry, complained fact corrupted social values and international harmony, and
to Guangdong Province Copyright Bureau, declaring that had thus infringed the public interest.
Xiqiao Henhui Printing Factory (Xiqiao) had illegally copied The District Courts judgement was granted in the Copy-
ting ting yu li, an art work that Tenai designed and owned right Bureaus favour. It concluded that Xiquiaos copyright
copyright of. Xiqiao produced and sold a certain amount of infringement had constituted an act of unfair competition as
decorated textiles with ting ting yu li, infringed Tenais copy- set out in the competition law,28 had damaged another partys
right and seriously damaged Tenais reputation and business. legal rights in the same trade, and therefore had breached the
During the administrative hearing, Tenais designer presented public interest. Xiqiao refused to accept the judgement and
the draft drawings of ting ting yu li and proof of the registration appealed to Guangzhou Intermediate Peoples Court (Inter-
of copyright in September 2000. mediate Court) in November 2002. Xiqiao affirmed that the
In February 2002, based on Article 47(1) of the CCL 2001, the term public interest had particular connotations: it meant
Copyright Bureau issued an APD and ordered Xiqiao to cease social and common interest, not individual interest. Xiqiao
the infringing act immediately, to destroy its 910.9 m of quoted the Law Dictionary and Thesaurus that
decorated textile printed with the pirated ting ting yu li, and to
confiscate its illegitimate gains of RMB3,081 yuan.25

24 26
Chinas Intellectual Property in2007,retrieved on 15 (2001) 59 ; National Document number (2001) 59.
September 2009 at Retrieved on 15 September 2009 at
2008/200807/t20080723_412568.html. china/20010816/450.html.
25 28
()[2002]l(2) ; Guangdong APD (case) Law of the Peoples Republic ofChinafor Countering Unfair
number [2002]l(2). Competition, 1993.
c o m p u t e r l a w & s e c u r i t y r e v i e w 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 0 6 e4 1 7 411

the public interest refers to the public order in a society, which interest, which was in fact a pre-conception for most Chinese,
is influenced by social and public policy, common morality, and and thus deemed administrative departments might interfere
legal principle. This should be followed and cannot be changed by in copyright disputes only when the infringing acts damaged
any individuals; it is the country and the societys fundamental the public welfare or social value. The Copyright Bureau and
interest.29 the courts should, first of all, have made it clear that the public
interest clause of Article 47 upholds authorship which is
Xiqiao believed that the intention of adding the public another dimension of the public interest in copyright, even if
interest clause to Article 47 was obvious: it intended to guide it is rather foreign to the Chinese legislation and people.
the copyright administrative departments to deal with the The latter case has gained great attention from legal
infringing acts which had actually breached the public practitioners, academia, media, and the general public; a sus-
interest but not common disputes of small scale. Further- tained debate has gone on ever since. Xinhua, Tianyi, Educa-
more, Xiqiao maintained that both the Copyright Bureau and tion China, NCAC, Xinlang, Sohu and other popular Chinese
the District Court had mis-defined the public interest. Xiqiao websites have launched a series of forums for discussions on
pointed out that according to the Copyright Bureau and the the enforcement of Chinese copyright legislation, particularly
District Courts explanations, all copyright-infringing acts in the CCL 2001, the general concept and defence of the public
trade had at the same time constituted acts of unfair interest in copyright and its implication for copyright and
competition, damaged another partys legal rights and other laws.31 Some identify the public interest as the benefit
economic order, and therefore breached the public interest. that a majority of citizens can enjoy and others think that the
Xiqiao accordingly claimed that the Copyright Bureau and the public interest is strictly defined in the Civil Code so that the
District Courts generalisation of the concept of the public so-called public interest means that all members of society
interest was apparently incorrect and had taken no account can enjoy the benefits directly. Briefly, as outlined above the
into the objective of the newly added clause in Article 47. public interest has been defined as the countrys interest, the
The Copyright Bureau responded that size and quantity peoples interest, the common interest of all members in
were not the criterion to determine whether an infringement a society, and where set in the copyright framework, it refers
had breached the public interest or not; an ordinary infringing to the overall situation of the countrys fundamental interest,
act small in scale may also breach the public interest. and not just a particular regions or industrys interest. Among
Amended Article 47 certainly in no way meant to limit numerous journal papers, three representative views can be
administrative copyright enforcement but reflected the identified. Firstly, the public interest currently is positively
nations determination to enhance copyright protection via helping to regulate a delicate balance in Chinese IP including
both systems of judicial and administrative enforcement. In copyright32; secondly, the current IP laws in China including
practice, regardless of the scale of an infringing act, the copyright have become over-protective for the rights owners
administrative department may lawfully handle any disputes and are impairing the public interest principle33; and thirdly, it
given that such act breached the public interest. It was
a matter of fact that Xiqiao pirated Tenais art design, and
unlawfully produced and sold the pirated textile, which had, See related websites. For instance
on the one hand, infringed Tenais copyright, and on the other 32
, , -20036
hand, disrupted the cultural market and managerial order,
16e19; Xiaoqing Feng, Balance, the Theoretical Foundation of
thus damaging the public interest. Hence, the Copyright Intellectual Property Law, Intellectual Property 2003(6)16e19;
Bureaus dealing with the case was fair and the APD was ,, -20041
lawful. 210e216; Xiaoqing Feng, Studies on Intellectual Property Law,
The Intermediate Court agreed with the defendants Jiangsu Social Science 2004(1) 210e216; , ,
opinion and upheld the District Courts decision in January -2004352e53; Zhi Wei, The Sacrosanct Intellec-
tual Property Rights, E-IP2004(3)52e53; ,
2003. Still, Xiqiao was not convinced, especially regarding the
, -2004652e56; Yuxiang Li, The Perfection
explanation of and the inference on the public interest clause
of Legal Limitation on Intellectual Property Rights, People Justice
of Article 47. In February 2003, Xiqiao held a national press 2004(6) 52e56; ,
conference, asking the media (both traditional and digital) and , -2007(1)-67e77. Xiaoqing Feng, Value of the
law-makers for further discussions on how the public interest Intellectual Property Law: Studies on its Balance Mechanism,
clause should be interpreted and urged future law to take ChinaLaw 2007(1)67e77.
account of such clarification.30 , , -20026
5e5; Chuanfu Chen, Prevent Intellectual Propertys Damage to the
These two rather simple cases turned out to be the very
Public Interest, Information Management 2002(6) 5e5; ,
first lawsuits in which the public interest clause of Article 47 , -2003:21(2)e
was considered. However, the explanations of this clause by 9e14; Chuanfu Chen, Intellectual Property Law in the Information
both the Chinese administrative authority and the courts Age, Journal of University Library 2003(2)9e14; ,
were imprecise and even confusing. Obviously, Xiqiao , : -20034472e475;
understood the term public interest as the socialism public Guohai Li, Analysis on the Concept of Public Interest in Intellec-
tual Property Law, Social Science 2003(4)472e475; ,
, -20043107-112; Xianlin Wang, Intellec-
(1998) ; Qinmin Zeng (1998) Law Dictionary tual Property Rights: the Abuse, Law 2004(3)107e112; ,
and Thesaurus. , -2006(7)-60e61. Qiang
Retrieved on 15.09.09 at Li, Earnestly Treat the Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights, E-IP
14/content_490267.htm. 2006(7)60e61.
412 c o m p u t e r l a w & s e c u r i t y r e v i e w 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 0 6 e4 1 7

should be recognised that there is a risk of using public enhance their understanding of copyright as well as IP in
interest as a tool to expropriate peoples private rights.34 general.39
Later, Mr Xu Chao gave an open comment on Xiqiaos cases
and the arguments involved; he said: it is evident that the act
3.2. Administrative enforcement in cyberspace
is a copyright infringement and has damaged the public
interest . it is very unreasonable to claim for returning of the
Cyberspace is currently the main domain where most copy-
pirated goods regardless of the size and amount.35 Mr Xu
right violations occur in China, although Chinese copyright
failed to provide clarification of the public interest clause of
laws have legitimately been in effect on the Internet since the
Article 47.
adaptation of the CCL 2001. In June 2004, a non-governmental
It should be mentioned that although China is not
organisation, China Internet Illegal Information Reporting
a country governed by case law, cases have always played an
Centre (CIIRC), was founded by the Internet Information
extremely important role in its making, enforcement and
Service Commission of the Internet Society of China. The
promotion of laws, for two reasons: the influence of its
CIIRC declares its core mission as maintaining the order of the
traditional culture of , facts speak louder than
Internet and upholding the authorship public interest in
words, and the current centralised government of adminis-
cyberspace.40 Administrative authorities also take serious
tration and courts. Therefore, it is most common to see that
action to reduce software piracy online and offline: the State
every year, Chinese courts and administrative authorities at
Council General Office (SCGO) issued a letter to all depart-
all levels carefully select ten typical IP cases and widely
ments of the central government to promote use of legitimate
publish them as the Top Ten of the Year, for the purpose of
software and demanded all pirated software to be removed.41
promoting IP awareness among the masses.36 As one of the
Later on, a similar notification was given to local govern-
Ten IP Cases of the Year in Guangdong, the Xiqiao cases had
ments.42 In 2006, joint notices were authorised by the Ministry
a great impact on later IP rulings of both administrative and
of Information Industry, the Ministry of Commerce, the NCAC
judicial, particularly on the APDs.37 In fact, the phrase, the act
and the Ministry of Finance to governmental and public
infringed the public interest, has ever since appeared in all
institutions at all levels, which intend to cut down down-
the APDs of NCAC, provincial and municipal Copyright
loading of pirated software by enforcing the pre-instalments
Bureaus. Some of these specific cases have gained great public
of legitimate software on all computers made for sale in China
attention and produced undeniable social effects: they have
and the purchase of legitimate software on pre-installed
increased the public knowledge and awareness of copyright.
computers and other equipments.43 These red-titled notices
For instance, the 101st Guangzhou Trade Fair, Chinas largest
were soon implemented by administrative authorities.
foreign trade fair, has taken action to strengthen the protec-
In April 2006, Autodesk, a US leading design and media
tion of IPR. In April 2007, three organisations were eligible for
software company, made a complaint to Jiangsu Province
removal from the list of trade fair exhibitors due to their
Copyright Bureau (JSPCB) against Viscount Industries (Kun-
IP-infringing acts.38
shan) Ltd (Viscount Industries). Autodesk pointed out that
It may be interesting to note that, with an analysis akin to
several of Viscount Industries computers used un-authorised
the rulings of lower courts in the Tenai cases alongside an
Autodesk software. Together with the local Police and Copy-
introduction to the development of and current achievement
right Bureau, and the Industry and Commerce Bureau, the
of Tenai, the High Peoples Court set out Tenai as an example
JSPCB inspected Viscount Industries and confirmed that four
of how copyright awareness can stimulate a companys
computers owned by Viscount Industries Department for
business. Repeating the judgement of the Intermediate Court,
Research and Development downloaded and installed pirated
the legal basis and purpose of copyright administrative
Autodesk software. In December 2007, the JSPCB issued an
enforcement were sketchily given. The High Peoples Court
APD imposing upon Viscount Industries a fine of RMB800,000
further noted that copyright administrative departments
yuan, based on the value of the infringing software, and
intend not only to punish those serious infringing acts
ordered the company to remove the un-authorised Autodesk
according to copyright laws but also to help infringers
software from the four computers immediately.44 It is the
biggest fine so far in China regarding copyright infringement.
The victory of Autodesk is seen as a boost for the promotion of
, 20051e14; Qianfan Zhang, What consist
of the Public Interest e Aims of Administrative Law and the enterprises using legitimate software throughout the
Balance, Comparative Law Study (2005)5 1e14; , country.45
, 2006825. Wenjing Liu, Why Is It
Difficult to Define the Public Interest? Procuratorial Daily, www. See the CIIRC website, retrieved on 29 July 2009.
35 41
, , 2004e8e12; (2001) 57; see SCGO Han Number (2001)57.
See Chao Xu, Some Issues Regarding Copyright Administrative (2004) 41; see SCGO Han Number (2004)41.
Protection, China Copyright 2004 (1) 8e12. [2006]1 [2006]199; see both Guo
As well as in the other subjects of laws. Quan Lian Number (2006)1 and Xinbu Lian Chan Number (2006)
See 199.
htm, retrieved on 24 July 2009. In addition, Suzhou Intermediate Peoples Court also ruled
Retrieved on 24 July 2009 at that Viscount Industries should compensate a total of RMB 69,400
php?id244434. to Autodesk for its loss, reasonable expense and litigation cost.
39 45
Retrieved on 24 July 2009 at See
030416/002.doc t20080523_403811.html.
c o m p u t e r l a w & s e c u r i t y r e v i e w 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 0 6 e4 1 7 413

With over thirty percent of Internet users using Internet copyright protection to documents of a legislative or admin-
cafes to surf online, the very unique Chinese Internet is istrative nature, for the benefit of the general public; therefore
greatly challenging the late-built system of copyright protec- copyright in most government departments works should not
tion in China, including its system of administrative be claimed by the state entities.
enforcement. In 2008, fifteen out of twenty-nine typical cases Hence, several questions arose regarding the decision
announced by the NCAC were copyright-infringing acts made by the HCB. Firstly, did or did not Huang breach the
arising on the Internet.46 Nonetheless, the Chinese adminis- Huarong government portals copyright? The HCB confirmed
trative authorities believe that perfecting the system of that Huang mainly copied the Huarong government portals
administrative enforcement will help to crack down on online works of governmental affairs and news, where under Article
copyright infringement of all kinds and in all fields,47 6 (7) of the Regulation 2006, one of the lawful exceptions is to
including those which used to be treated as materials in the provide published articles regarding current events to the
public domain. public through the Internet. Secondly, why was the fact of
Huarong, a county located north of HunanProvince with un-authorised P2P of more than 3100 films not referred to in
a population of 703,416 and with rich resources, is a pioneer in the HCBs APD? The fact that Huang used P2P to provide more
demonstrating the determination of the administrative than 3100 films through his website was briefly mentioned
authorities. On 3 August 2007, the Office of Huarong County once in the APD and the amount of films was described
Government reported to Huarong Copyright Bureau (HCB) that vaguely as a number of; the emphasis throughout was on his
a privately owned website ( had infringed acts breaching Huarong County Governments copyright.
copyright in the contents of the official Huarong government Thirdly, what was the justification for the fine? The HCB
portal, After investigation, the HCB imposed a fine of RMB1,000 yuan for Huangs infringement of
proved that was owned and operated by copyright in works of Huarong government and 3100 films,
Huang Liangyong. Since October 2006, Huang had been which makes people wonder about the basis and purpose of
copying a large amount of information, mainly of government this punishment.
affairs and news, from and had hyper- In June 2008, the State Council Information Office (SCIO)
linked the portal without consent; in addition, using P2P held a press conference regarding the Issues on National
technology, Huang published over 3100 un-authorised films Intellectual Property Strategy Compendium. Mr Xu Chao
through his website.49 On 16 August, based on Article 47 of the advocated twofold copyright protections for online works,
CCL 2001 and Article 18(1) of the Regulations 2006, the HCB namely legal protection and technological protection.51 He
concluded that Huangs acts breached the public interest, highlighted that the challenges of copyright infringement on
seriously violated the legitimate rights of the Huarong the Internet in China will remain in the future and optimis-
government portal and other right owners to control the tically declared that these would be managed by Chinas dual-
communication works on the Internet, i.e. their public track copyright protection system, of which the administra-
communication right. However, due to Huangs positive tive enforcement was described as an advanced system even
cooperation during the investigation, including publishing compared to the developed countries including the UK and the
a written self-criticism on 4 August,50 the HCB stated in its US and thus should be greatly strengthened.52
APD that Huang infringed copyright in works published on On 12 June 2008, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public
Huarong government portal and had breached the public Security and the Ministry of Industry and Information Tech-
interest; Huang was commanded (1) to publish a copy of his nology, the NCAC officially launched a four-month long
written self-criticism on the Huarong government portal, (2) to project called Special Action on Striking Online Copyright
cease all his infringing acts immediately, and (3) to pay a fine Infringement and Piracy (Special Action), which set up an
of RMB1,000 yuan. integrated office especially for this.53 According to Mr Xu
The Huarong case, settled in less than two weeks, Chao, the main objective of this Special Action was to prevent
happened to be the first court case in China confirming that it illegal broadcasting online of the Beijing Olympics 2008 and to
is an infringement to copy contents on a government portal ensure a normal distribution order on the Internet.54
without permission. Obviously, the Huarong case intends to
establish that governments may own copyright in works
published on their portals, which used to be generally seen as 4. Discussion and conclusions
works in the public domain. The CCL 2001 does not provide
Historically, China lacked the culture of rule of law. Its
See the NCAC official publication regarding Chinese copyright administrative authorities have always enjoyed additional
cases, retrieved on 24 July 2009 at
GalaxyPortal/inner/bqj/include/list_column_2.jsp?BoardID1913 See also Mr. Xu Chaos speech which was made on 16 July
&boardid1150101011161402. 2008, at
See , ; Chao Xu, Three Progress on 1216216895529.html.
Protection of Internet Copyright, retrieved on 29 July 2009 at See SCIO online, t187012.htm, retrieved on 28 July 2009.
48 53
[2007]05; see document Hua Ban Fa Number (2007)05.
See jsp?articleid14303&boardpid168&boardid1150101011160101,
ArticleID1457, retrieved on 28 July 2009. retrieved on 28 July 2009.
50 54
See See,
ArticleID1045, retrieved on 28 July 2009. retrieved on 28 July 2008.
414 c o m p u t e r l a w & s e c u r i t y r e v i e w 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 0 6 e4 1 7

judicial power and the jurisdiction over cases was imple- Secondly, the amended Article 47 aims to limit adminis-
mented by local civil officials, whose specialities were in trative power, namely the administrative authorities
Confucianism but never in interpreting and applying laws and involvement in copyright disputes. It lays down that the
rules. administrative departments should engage with copyright
The re-establishment of the legal system along with the disputes in circumstances where the infringing acts have
Reform and Opening-up Policy has been fairly effective, but breached the authorship public interest, in order to avoid
problematical. Although the Constitution has confirmed that abuse of the administrative enforcement, which is likely to
China adopts the rule of law, to date the Chinese public is happen due to the influence of the old traditions. For instance,
more accustomed to administrative enforcement which has disputes over uses of copyright works falling within the limi-
continued to be implemented in China within different areas tations and exceptions listed in Article 22 should be excluded
of law including copyright, and the central government from administrative enforcement. By limiting administrative
remains the most trusted institution.55 Nonetheless, it should enforcement, Article 47 intends to encourage people to guard
be appreciated that there is a growing trend towards judicial their lawful rights through legal actions and channels. Indeed,
protection for copyright as the Chinese legal system evolves. it is taking another constructive step forward in changing the
In conjunction with the development of the economy and the system away from the public notion of the traditional rule of
gradual improvement of the legal system over the country, man to the newly established rule of law.
judicial protection may become the preferred method for Nevertheless, types of acts that breach the authorship
protecting copyright in the future. public interest and would be taken into concern by adminis-
The Chinese government maintains that the protective trative authorities should be clarified in line with the Chinese
copyright system, particularly administrative enforcement, laws. As the CCL 2001 currently provides exceptions for
plays an important role in the promotion of science and purposes such as research and private study, criticism, review
technology and in the development of the economy and and news reporting, education institutes, libraries and other
culture. It is not only a necessary system ensuring the normal knowledge providers to balance the rights of the owners and
functioning of the modern economy, but also stands as one of society as a whole, the criteria to determine acts against the
the basic conditions on which international social communi- authorship public interest may include primarily, that the
cation and cooperation in science, technology, economy and infringing act must be undertaken for commercial purposes;
culture have developed. Today, the Chinese government and, that the infringement has damaged the social order, or
regards the protection of copyright as an indispensable part of has disobeyed common morality, or has harmed consumers
its Reform and Opening-up Policy and new legal construction rights in general. Indeed, where an infringing act has also
for the 21st century.56 violated the public interest, judicial enforcement should be
Article 47 of the CCL 2001 has included a new public nevertheless adopted rather than the administrative
interest clause and according to Mr Xu Chao, the intention of proceeding, because such acts would damage the interest of
this is twofold: to clarify the stipulation for administrative the masses and should be decided in line with relevant laws
liability, and to draw a line between civil liability and admin- for justice. A further dividing line should be drawn to define
istrative liability, and administrative and criminal charges.57 whether there should also be criminal enforcement taking
However, the purposes may also be understood as follows. account of the consequences of the damage. Hence, Article 47
Firstly, the amended Article 47 intends to grant administrative ought to be improved in future copyright law.
protection a legal basis in the name of the authorship public At present, administrative protection is playing a principal
interest, which is the lawful justification for the copyright and positive role in Chinese copyright enforcement. It
enforcement function for all levels of administrative depart- provides a simple, efficient and inexpensive service to copy-
ments. As mentioned earlier, administrative power has right proprietors, and does stop infringement in one place,
always been used in China for law enforcement, and adopting albeit temporarily. As revealed in the Autodesk case, the JSPCB
administrative enforcement in modern copyright could be inspected the infringer in cooperation with other adminis-
viewed as an inheritance of the historical traditions; but no trative departments, properly obtained evidence and imposed
lawful justification was offered prior to Article 47 of the CCL a fine of RMB800,000 yuan, which, firstly, lawfully punished
2001. It should also therefore be seen as an actual move the infringing acts; secondly, set up a stop sign for other
forward in the development of Chinese law as well as in the parties who intend to breach the law; and thirdly, presented
law-making. Nevertheless, rather than simply insert a clause the Chinese authorities determination to promote the use of
as such, it would have been better if the law-maker could have legitimate works.
either provided an additional clause for a clearer validation; or Furthermore, administrative law and regulations have
withdrawn the clause from Article 47 and explained it more been greatly developed and offers administrative protection
clearly in a relevant civil code. agencies more rules to follow. Indeed, the Chinese govern-
ment has been actively improving administrative copyright
enforcement and has mobilised various sources to crack down
See on copyright infringement by combining trans-departmental
122895.shtml, retrieved 20.07.09.
law forces to act together. Coordinated by the authoritative
See the White Paper: The Conditions of the Protection of the
departments of the Central Committee of the CCP, a nation-
Intellectual Property Rights in China.
200418e12 wide working group for consolidating the newspaper, maga-
; Chao Xu, Some Issues Regarding Copyright Administrative zine, audio and video market was jointly set up for better
Protection, China Copyright 2004 (1) 8e12. copyright protection.
c o m p u t e r l a w & s e c u r i t y r e v i e w 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 0 6 e4 1 7 415

However, the system of administrative enforcement in  all levels of courts should be independent from govern-
Chinese copyright still reflects the characteristics of the old ments at all levels;
legal tradition, the rule of man. It has granted administrative  lower level courts should not be eligible to report to higher
departments a quasi-judicial power, which has led to civil courts; and
officials acting as judges, but most with very limited  judges should review cases without supervision from pres-
knowledge of understanding and implementing laws. This idents of the courts.
brings the danger of arbitrary government power, a threat to
individual liberty and the deterioration in the enforcement of As reflected in the above cases, in general Chinese judges
the laws. currently still lack experience; and all levels of the courts,
As well illustrated in the Huarong case, the HCBs inter- including their interpretation of the laws, are strongly influ-
pretation of the Regulations 2006 is debatable and its narrow enced by the governments at all levels, for their finance is
focus on the local government portals contents while controlled by the latter, which makes the independence of the
ignoring the infringing acts in relation to 3100 films reflect courts currently impossible. Only an independent court
ignorance of copyright, as well as the courts defence over the system would be able to implement the laws independently
governments interest and regional protectionism. The latter, and maintain the justice of the law, which is obviously in the
commonly seen in China at present, results from the intense public interest. Further restructuring must be conducted
regional competition over the country since the adoption of within the court system as set out above since at present the
the market economy, and local governments consequent courts at all levels are run by the power-centralised tradition
desires of maximising their own benefits through the under which a judge has no authority to enforce the law.
employment of measures more protective to local business It is not difficult to ascertain the main reasons for con-
rather than to non-locals, creating unfair competition condi- cerned parties choosing the administrative channel to enforce
tions in the market. Regional protectionism also violates copyright laws in todays China. Firstly, the length, cost, and
domestic laws and WTO treaties, which detracts from state publicity of a litigation process and the extensive resources
capacity and may eventually cause trade sanctions and so that such a process requires, together with the fact that it puts
damage the national interest. the burden of proof on the copyright owner, are onerous,
Huarong has brought out some basic yet sensible questions whilst the current administrative procedures are compara-
for Chinese law-makers to answer as follows: What contents tively simple and clear; and secondly, the traditional Chinese
on governmental portals are copyright works? How to obtain attitude towards lawsuits probably still has a subconscious
permission for use of state-owned copyright? What are the impact on the public. However, as the infringing industry
exceptions? It is reported that the NCAC is drafting Regula- becomes more profitable, and techniques and networks
tions on State-owned Copyright Management and consulting become increasingly sophisticated in the digital era, judicial
renowned scholars,58 so the questions above should be measures may become a preferable option, as on the one
answered in the near future. hand, administrative penalties have failed to deter many
Nonetheless, such amateur administrative protection may, infringers due to their professional inadequacy; and as on the
in fact, weaken the legal enforcement and the development of other hand, in practice, there is often more than one admin-
the rule of law in China. Thus, it is vital to improve the istrative department involved in a copyright case investiga-
expertise of current copyright administrative authorities, and tion, which causes confusion.
in the meantime, the administrative authorities should be Nonetheless, Xiqiaos insistence on demanding the courts
prepared to refrain from law enforcement in favour of the decisions to be reviewed has shown an up-to-date trend in
courts in due course. China: to protect lawful rights via means of litigation. The
China ought to develop and perfect its legal system further. Chinese public, in the past, had been strongly influenced by
Administrative and legal instruments may have to be separate Confucian philosophy of he wei gui, harmony should be
eventually in order to march firmly towards the rule of law. To cherished59; thus, seeking mediation between the involved
ensure effective and efficient copyright protection in China, parties would remain the first choice, going to the adminis-
judicial enforcement, both civil and criminal, would be a more trative authorities would be second place, and taking a step
appropriate answer. Therefore, it is urgent, firstly, to facilitate forward to the courts would be the least favoured move. Now,
Chinese litigation; secondly, to simplify court rules; and legitimate rights including private rights are much more
thirdly to professionalise judges, as jurisdiction should be emphasised, laws are increasingly seen as an important
implemented by properly trained legal professionals. In the means of protecting such rights, and lawsuits are no longer
long term, the administrative departments should be removed seen as bad luck or evil, but rather as a means to obtain justice
from copyright enforcement and be focused on copyright or authorised explanations. Furthermore, unlike the period of
promotion, management and service. Moreover, the Chinese the Cultural Revolution, concepts of free thinking and
courts system ought to be reformed; an independent judicial freedom of expression have become not only familiar but are
system should be set up to secure justice within the law which essential to the general public. That is why Xiqiao organised
urges that: the press conference as soon as the second judgement was
given in the Tenai case, to express disagreement with the
authorities decisions and urge not only the medias concern,

58 59
Retrieved 15.09.09 , , ; li zhi yong, he wei gui, Analects of
2008/200802/t20080218_233414.htm. Confucius.
416 c o m p u t e r l a w & s e c u r i t y r e v i e w 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 0 6 e4 1 7

but also the publics further discussion and the law-makers unfamiliar aspect of the public interest in the Chinese context.
reconsideration of the public interest in copyright. Most It should be noted that the main Western philosophy under
encouragingly, discussions have been intensively carried out the principle of the invisible hand deems that each indi-
in multidisciplinary fields, including academic scholars, legal vidual maximising revenue for himself or herself maximises
professionals and the general public, on a national scale, and the total revenue of society as a whole,60 and thus the indi-
this should stimulate further amendments to the CCL 2001 in vidual benefits and rights are prioritised in general. On the
the near future. contrary, the interest of the state has been the overriding
The CCL 2001 grants Chinese administrative authorities the principle in Chinese philosophy, and is also the foundation of
quasi-judicial power to enforce copyright throughout the todays Chinese Constitution and laws; hence, even if the
country, to strengthen the authorship public interest. The private rights including property rights are authorised, such
question is, how far should this quasi-judicial power go or rights must obey the states social and collective needs. The
where would administrative enforcement extend to? Indeed, doctrine of the public interest in Chinese copyright intends to
that should be answered cautiously by perusing the public balance the exclusive property rights of the copyright owners
interest in a nation that demands and is pursing the rule of law. with a social benefit through the free dissemination of infor-
Still, how to define the public interest within the copyright mation, but additionally it aims to retain and develop Chinas
regime is a fundamental question for all. The concept of the socialist spiritual civilisation. It thus grants the public interest
public interest is nonetheless at a high level of abstraction and threefold dimensions. The authorship public interest safe-
depends on relevance in context. It is impossible to give it an guards rights of copyright owners, the socialism public
exhaustive definition. It is clear that the public interest interest uphold the socialist principle and value, and the
concept has offered copyright a firm ground for its launch and access public interest grants individuals the right to use
development, and has been exercised as a tool to maintain copyright work without owners consent in certain circum-
a balance between the benefits of the copyright owners and stances such as freedom of information, educational welfare,
the copyright users with its chief aspects of authorship and the spread and availability of knowledge, last but not the least,
access. Studies on the public interest in the context of copy- the interests of the state.
right are vital since it is mainly used as a legal argument in Chinas copyright administrative enforcement is justified
offering the limitations and exceptions of the subjective rights by the authorship public interest clause in Article 47 and is
of the copyright owners. Laws are the codes that regulate the presently the favoured measure for settling infringement
behaviour of members of a society and have seldom been disputes. Such dual-track system for the protection of copy-
neutral. It is thus difficult to believe in the existence of right and its restriction of judicial power is debatable. The
a neutral spectator in defining the public interest. It is enforcement of copyright law in China has been profoundly
however possible to try to accept and understand different influenced by the traditional legal culture, in which the rule of
views on the public interest whilst setting it in different man was essential. As a result, Chinese copyright on the one
circumstances, including diverse cultural and political hand granted administrative authorities a quasi-judicial
backgrounds. power to enforce the law; and on the other hand, at all levels
The public interest may be often seen as an accumulation courts interpretations of the law are shaped by various
of all items of individual self-interest which when combined factors, including government at all levels. The lack of inde-
demonstrate shared values rather than just the aggregation of pendence of the Chinese judiciary limits their ability to
individual items. The public interest in the context of copy- implement objective justice, the fundamental nature of the
right could be considered to be but in particular circumstances rule of law. In conjunction with its joining the world economy,
is not equal with the countrys interest, nor the majoritys China has begun to reform its legal system, and the state
interest or common interest (where this does not equate to the constitution has embraced the Western liberal approach of
concept of combined shared values set out above), which can rule of law. Such legal domination is stipulated by economic
have numerous definitions. Nonetheless, this legal term development and calls for a necessary precondition of
should be defined and must be fully functional, in order to democracy, which is the command of the Chinese public.
enable the promotion of learning, presentation of the public China may establish a copyright enforcement mechanism
domain and protection of the rights proprietors. The defini- with its own characteristics. It is however suggested that an
tion of the public interest, on a national scale, should be led by independent court system should be established to secure the
the constitution, be constrained by copyright law, be formed justice of the law, including copyright. Whilst the independent
by procedure and be comprehended and corrected by the Peoples Courts at all levels exercise judicial power for the
practice of justice. To determine whether an act, either an states in accordance with the Constitution, a system of judi-
infringing act or a legitimate undertaking, is in the public cial copyright enforcement should be matured, where on the
interest should take into account and meet any of the one hand the relevant courts are staffed by legal professionals
following criteria: firstly, if the act intends to promote the with specific knowledge, and on the other hand, suspected
progress of knowledge and learning; secondly, if the act infringers can be proceeded against with appropriate civil or
benefits the general welfare or common well-being; thirdly, if criminal sanctions. The administrative authorities could
the act defends lawful private rights; and finally, in China persist with copyright protections: complaints may be filed at
particularly, if the act stimulates socialist spirit and values. copyright administrative departments, while an initial
Certainly, the concept of authorship public interest has not inspection of the complaint may be carried out by the
been widely accepted by the Chinese public, which should be
advocated continuously so people would appreciate this See Eamonn Butler, Adam Smith e A Primer (2007), 100. 28.
c o m p u t e r l a w & s e c u r i t y r e v i e w 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 0 6 e4 1 7 417

departments. However, administrative authorities should not significant and insignificant infringements. Nevertheless, the
be granted the power to take legal action against copyright main mission of the copyright administrative authorities
infringers; at most, only insignificant copyright disputes may should be to promote the conception of copyright in society
be settled via administrative means. Suspected copyright generally and to provide public service, including manage-
infringements with confirmed or uncertain significant ment of copyright and assistance to copyright communities.
damages, especially in the case of affecting the public interest,
should be transferred to and dealt within the courts. Certainly, Dr. Guan Hong Tang ( Asso-
regulations must be provided to give the public easy-to-follow ciate Professor, School of Law, Shanghai University of Finance and
guidance, and these should define the public interest in Economics.
a Chinese context, stating how the line is drawn between

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