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DRIVE ---- SUMMER 2017




BKID ---- B1765


@-1 -- What are the key human resourcing ?

ans ---- tevery firm or organisation needs to week itself up to he changing time in
order o achieves is goals and objectives and to be sucessful . every manager
must have an understanding of these elemen and how i function .here are nine
key hr element tha every human resource manager needs to practice or attention o
when making decision . hey are ;-

1 } planning and evaluation employee ; -

organisation neends o articulate he vision , mission goals and objecive .these goals need o
castecade down to every employee in the organisation based of he job role . performance
targes are esachevi through strategic iniatives . operational excellence and adherence to
core value of the organisaion .organisaion implemen intervention of the employee
developmen to achieve higher standard of the performance . employee performance is
evaluion againt documen goals o decide acion steps in the terms of the rewards , traning
and developmen .

2 ] - job design -- some organisation have caegorized jobs ino

categories ..[a] --Individual conribuor

[b] -- people developer

[c] -- business operaor

the individual contribuor job roles donot require oo much in the terms of the team working
skills . however he people developer job roles and business operator job roles require
extensive team working skills .based on the job role categorey ,hiring of the candidaes is
decides . individual contributors need o be excellen in heir domain area . they are expeced
to manager their role independtly most of he imes .

[3] -- job analysis ; - job analysis is a procedure o collect information or data about
the job duies . responsibilities required skills , work environmen or atmosphere of a
particular kind of the job ,in short ,job analysis refers to various methodologies for the
analysis the requirement of the a job . job analysis leads to the job specification and job
description which helps in he geting the righ candidate for the righ job .

[4] -- individule and team deelopmen ; - organisation have to

identify the neends for he employee skill developmen compettency developmen and
educaion neends . organisation also identify he growth neends and aspiration of he
employee .

@ -- ques 2 -- what do you mean by human resource accounting

dicusses the objecive and advantage of HRA? [a] -- definition of
human resource accounting ?

ans -- A Accordind to he american accounting associations commitee [1973] human

resource accounting is he process of the identifying and measuring data abou human
resources and communicating this information o the interested parties so a parts from
calculating the costs and investment in the process like recruitmen , hiring , placement and
traning . human resource accounting also quantifies the value of the employee in an

[b]ques --- Describing the objecive of the human resource

accouning ?

ans -- though he application of the human resoure accouning in the HR sector has
show a positive trend , there are objective of human resource acounting and is neends
further works [a] most model are predictive

[b] - most models and evaluation are based on assumpions

[c]-- values determined are no accurate

[d] -- values ar method of determination are often subjective

[e]-- conversion of the non - moneary facors ino commercial value is difficult
[f] -- in some mehods , important facors like human behaviour are ignored

[g] -- difficult o replicate the models over a period of the time

[h ] --- one cannt predict employee tenure in he organisation

@ [3] ques --- describing the major benefit of human resource

accounting ?

ans---- the economic value thehuman resource is the financial benefis they offer through
their service at present and hose expection in future . his cab be considered for an
andividual , a group or the organisation . there are monetary and non monetary method of
calculating this value human resource accounting not only helps in internal decision
making but also influences external decision . its helps investors and stakeholder to make
investment decisions for instance the cost of the trainng and development will feature
under expenditures in the balance sheet . whereas he returns on investment roi of the
training will not feature in the balance sheet hus ,, its doesno provide a complete picture
to the investor . so ,, if the organisation is able to include such information in the annu
quarterly report i will add a lo of value to performance and depict a true picture of the
potential .

3 ques --- what is manpower planning ? mention five essential

elemen steps of manpower ?

[a] ---ques -- define manpower planning ?

ans --- the main purpose of manpower planning is to increase the

productivity of the organisation and the total value create by the organisation
in a given units of the timebles .it could be a month , quarter , half year or the
year . this enable he business o become profitable and accomplish
organisation goals . all the business plans can be achieve only by effective
manpower planning else business plans will never urn ino a really .
manpower planning is done for ; - successful excution of the plans

efficien utllization of resource

better human relations

higher produivity

[b] ques --explanation of fives essential elemen steps of

manpower planning ??

ans ----- there are five element steps of manpower planning process are ; - 1
evaluation present manpower planning inventory

;2-- manpower forecasting

3 ; - development a manpower resorcing plan or retrenchmen plan

4 ; - manpower allocation

5 ;-- buliding requisite completencies

1 ; - evalution present manpower planning inventory ; ---- it is very important to evauation

he presen manpower status before making a forcast for future manpower planning . to
evaluation the present the presen manpower staus a deparment level analysis and a job
role analysis is conducted o arrive at the required manpower verse the available
manpower . this is accumulated acreoss the organisation at the differen levels and
department .

2 ; -- manpower forecasting manpower planning is done based on the manpower

forecasts . the common manpower forecast techniques are ; - [a]-- expert forecasts
; - this includes formal; expert surveys , informal decision and delphi techniques .

[ b] -- trend analysis ; - manpower need can be seen through the past practies of
the firms or organisation keeping the principle year .as a baisis and a central tendency of

[ c] ; - work load evalution ; - this depend of the nature of the work load in a
branch . department , or a division in a firms or organisation ,

3 --- develop a manpower sourcing plan or retrenchment plan ; -

once the current inventory is compared witth he future manpower forecas then the
manpower sourcing or retrenchment plan is drawn

the sourcing plan inclued recruitment , selection , placement , hiring temporary staff
and ousourcing , you will learn more about the sourcing plan in unis

4 ; -manpower allocastion & retention ; - manpower allocation helps in

managing the impact deficits and excess in the manpower supply through
promotion , transfer and job rolation enhancing manpower utilties required
managing the dynam ice of the leadership and motivating

4 ; ques ---- discuess in detail the employee exit process

?{a}explanning the employee exit process in detail ?

ans ---theemployee who wnats to resign will dicuess with his manger ,
submits his resignation to his manager . the manager should put his omments
on the resignation letter and forword it to hr . [these omment can be to be
reliesed by dd//mm//yyy or some other speical comment ]

usally before / on the releiving day or some 2 days ago , the employee submit
all no dues , and other form o the human resoure and task his relieving letter .
the sample questions below will help to facilities these goals . how will he
employee knowladge be advantageous to the organisation heir opions ,
experience , introductions to their contacs colleagues etc . before the
employee leaves will the employee meet up happily with manager or
successor or colleagues to advice them so that he organisation will benefit
from their knowladge and experience before their departure .how to the help
the employee to the pass on the knowladge and experience to their suessor
before they leaves the organisation ??

how and when will the employee prefer to pass on the knowladge to the
successor ?? how does the organisation agree for this knowledge to the
successor ?

how does the organisation agree for this knowladge to be transferred ??

are employee happy to the help the organisaion by naming a successor ?

employee or human resource manager will get the most for the organisation
and be able to best help to the departing employee by beging positive .
constructive , understanding and helpful , prior to and during the exitt
interview process treat people wih respect and dignity and uassaly they will
respond in kind ..

5 ;- ques --- what are the benfit s of the setting up a training

academy ?

ans ; -organization set up traning academies where they provide training

course with /without certification in the area of their specialization to fresher
candidate . sometimes candidates wih lesser experience are also considered .
the candidate of the course , the setting up of the academy involves answering
he below mentioned questions ; -

why set up an academy ?

who will carry the training ?

where will the training be conducted ?

how will it be conducted ?

benefits of setting up a training academy ?

by setting up an academy , an organisation can get the following benefitts

reduced hiring costs - as lesser number of the students are hired from the
training academy . the hiring cost is reduced , also the organisation generates
revenue on every candidate trained ,,

reduced training cost -- during the training period the candidates are not
paid salary , so the cos of the salaries paid during the traing period is save . the
cost of salaries is a big componen of training cost s , for a bpo offering an
average salary of INR20,000 per month and a training duration of 2 months ,
salary cos sare INR 20,000 per employee during traing for eg if the BPO have
hired 1000 employee last year and trained hem for 2 months training period .
if it sets up an academy , it does not have to pay salary during training period
and hence can save 2 croces in terms of salary cost

reduced tarining period -- tarin o hire process completely concentrates on

the training he new candidates . only the seleted candidates are paid at the
end of the training .

ques 6 --- write short notes on the following {a]-- competency


[b]-- sucession planning ; - one of he types of he career planning is sucession

planning . succession planning is a techniquies for identifies and developing internal
employees with the postential to fill import organisation position . succession planning
ensures tthe availabilties of the experienced , skill ed .AND COMPLETENT EMPLOYEETHAT
Are to aasume these roles as they become avaible , succession planning incresase the
progress of qualified employees froms individul contribution o managers and leaders thus ;
- it prepares present employees to undertake key roles

0 it develops talent and long terms growth of employees

1 it improve workforce capacities and performance of the employee

2 it improve employee commitiment and thus enable retention of the employees

3 it ensures its support tto employee throughou their employees term

4 i meets the career development requirement of existing employee

5 it understands the increasing difficulty of recruities employee externally

6 it focuses on the leadership continuity and improved knowladge sharing

[b]--competency mapping ---competency - based HR is considered the best

HR .competency development and mapping still remains an unexplored
process in the m ost development . level 3 of the people capabilities maturity
model focused on the completency framework in an organisation . the
challange is that there are few qualified people on the subject and most HR
departments have been struggling to formualae the right framework for
theier organisation . employees , skill , knowladge and abilities are not
sufficient o achieve the desire goals .additional skill , like mind set , values ,
belief and commitmen are required for employees to the achive their desired
performance , thus completency is he sum of the knowladge , skills ,attitude
and personality of an individual as required by curren and future organisation

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