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Modern languages Langues vivantes

DM3_MARILLE E 11_print.qxd:Cover_V1 05.09.2011 17:00 Uhr Seite 1 EPOSTL E 11_print.qxd:Cover_V1_072010 26.08.2011 19:02 Uhr Seite 1 ConBaT+ E 11_print.qxd:Cover_V1 26.08.2011 19:00 Uhr Seite 1

w w w . c o e . i n t / m i n l a n g
nd Promoting plurilingualism Using the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages Plurilingualism and pluriculturalism in content-based teaching
Shaping language rights

La Charte europenne des langues rgionales ou minoritaires est lune

Charte europenne des langues rgionales ou minoritaires Recueil de textes

Majority language in multilingual settings des conventions cls du Conseil de lEurope, dont lobjectif est la protec- A training kit
ter Edited by David Newby, Anne-Brit Fenner and Barry Jones tion et la promotion de la diversit linguistique dans chacun des Etats
ce Klaus Brge Boeckmann, Eija Aalto, Andrea Abel, Tatjana Atanasoska and Terry Lamb parties. La charte est un instrument unique, car le seul au monde tre Merc Bernaus, ine Furlong, Sofie Jonckheere and Martine Kervran
he This publication is targeted at: spcialement conu pour protger et promouvoir les langues minoritaires.
est This publication is targeted at:
Teacher educators Cet instrument est relativement complexe ; ce recueil a pour objectif de
Majority language teachers of secondary schools Language teachers mettre disposition une compilation facile dutilisation englobant les textes
Teacher trainers, head teachers, curriculum developers Student teachers de base relatifs au fonctionnement de la charte et son mcanisme de
and school administrators Decision makers in tertiary education suivi. Cette compilation ne sadresse pas uniquement aux experts gouver- This publication is targeted at:
nementaux et aux autorits centrales, locales et rgionales des Etats
Traditionally, teachers of majority languages receive less training to teach a parties la charte, mais aussi aux reprsentants des locuteurs de langues
The European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages is a tool for reflection Primary and secondary school teachers working with learners from different
Charte europenne
language as a second language or to develop the plurilingual repertoire of their rgionales ou minoritaires, aux organisations non gouvernementales, ainsi
and self-assessment of the didactic knowledge and skills necessary to teach linguistic and cultural backgrounds
qu tout tudiant, chercheur ou citoyen intress par la protection et la
learners than, for example, foreign language teachers. Yet, in todays societies, languages. It builds on insights from the Common European Framework of Teacher trainers looking for a training kit with very practical resources
promotion des langues minoritaires.

language rights
learners bring many different languages to school. This means that the teaching Reference for Languages and the European Language Portfolio as well as the Educational inspectors and decision-makers faced with accommodating
of the majority language has to extend beyond teaching it as a first language and European Profile for Language Teacher Education. Four years after its initial
des langues rgionales
diversity in the school curriculum

Plurilingualism and pluriculturalism in content-based teaching A training kit

adopt elements of second language teaching. publication it has been translated into twelve European and Asian languages. To
meet widespread demand this ECML publication provides materials which sup- Educational institutions increasingly face the challenge of accommodating learners
This publication aims to encourage teachers to become agents of reform for the port its implementation in teacher education.
ou minoritaires
from a wide range of linguistic and cultural backgrounds in their classrooms. The
Promoting plurilingualism: Majority language in multilingual settings

Commentary on the European Charter training kit presents an innovative way of managing diversity in the classroom

Using the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages

promotion of plurilingualism in majority language teaching. The range of proposed The book entitled Using the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of
actions includes small-scale activities, such as planning a lesson relating to a Languages presents examples, discussions and research findings of how the by combining plurilingual and pluricultural approaches with content-based
for Regional or Minority Languages in light
specific aspect of grammar which incorporates all languages spoken in the EPOSTL is used in initial teacher education courses, in bi-lateral teacher-educa- instruction. The reader will discover how content-based and plurilingual activities
classroom. More comprehensive strategic approaches proposed in the materials
of the Committee of Experts evaluation
involve head teachers or parents.
tion programmes and in teaching practice. The accompanying folder and flyer
feature, among others, guidelines for strategic measures for introducing the
Recueil de textes
can be linked to several subjects of the curriculum.
The accompanying website presents sample activities which illustrate the
EPOSTL in a particular institution or in a country. approach outlined in the rationale. A primary school teacher will, for example,
For further information and materials relating to this publication, visit the website: find an activity suitable for mathematics, sports and/or music and a secondary For further information and materials relating to this publication, visit the website: school teacher of civic, social and political education may be interested in
Promoting plurilingualism Using the European Portfolio for Student Teachers testing out plurilingual comparative text work on the theme of the Universal Plurilingualism and pluriculturalism
Majority language in multilingual settings of Languages Declaration of Human Rights.
in content-based teaching
nt For further information and materials relating to this publication, visit the website:
A training kit

The Council of Europe has 47 member states, covering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It
Regional or Minority Languages, No. 9
The Council of Europe has 47 member states, covering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It seeks to develop common democratic and legal principles based on the European Convention on
seeks to develop common democratic and legal principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. Ever since it was founded in Le Conseil de lEurope regroupe aujourdhui 47 Etats membres, soit la quasi-totalit des Langues rgionales ou minoritaires, no 7
The Council of Europe has 47 member states, covering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It
Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. Ever since it was founded in 1949, in the aftermath of the second world war, the Council of Europe has symbolised reconciliation. pays du continent europen. Son objectif est de crer un espace dmocratique et
seeks to develop common democratic and legal principles based on the European Convention on
1949, in the aftermath of the second world war, the Council of Europe has symbolised reconciliation. juridique commun, organis autour de la Convention europenne des droits de lhomme
Klaus Brge Boeckmann, Eija Aalto, Andrea Abel, Tatjana Atanasoska and Terry Lamb Edited by David Newby,textes
Anne-Brit Fennersur
and Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. Ever since it was founded in
la Barry Jones

Editions du Conseil de lEurope

et dautres de rfrence protection de lindividu. Cr en 1949, au lende-
Council of Europe Publishing

Council of Europe Publishing

1949, in the aftermath of the second world war, the Council of Europe has symbolised reconciliation. Merc Bernaus, ine Furlong, Sofie Jonckheere and Martine Kervran
main de la seconde guerre mondiale, le Conseil de lEurope est le symbole historique
de la rconciliation.

ISBN 978-92-871-6670-8

Council of Europe Publishing

12 / 24 US$ ISBN 978-92-871-7170-2

Council of Europe Publishing

12 / 24 US$ ISBN 978-92-871-7162-7

Council of Europe Publishing

12 / 24 US$ ISBN 978-92-871-7157-3

DE L'EUROPE 27/54$US Editions du ConseilOFde lEurope

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2011 17:00 Uhr Seite 1

Promoting plurilingualism Majority language in

gual settings
multilingual settings
This publication aims to encourage teachers to become agents of reform for the
drea Abel, Tatjana Atanasoska and Terry Lamb

condary schools
urriculum developers

nguages receive less training to teach a

develop the plurilingual repertoire of their
nguage teachers. Yet, in todays societies,
es to school. This means that the teaching
promotion of plurilingualism in majority language teaching. It provides tools for
majority language teachers focused on recognising, supporting and promoting
d beyond teaching it as a first language and

achers to become agents of reform for the

Promoting plurilingualism: Majority language in multilingual settings

y language teaching. The range of proposed

s, such as planning a lesson relating to a

plurilingualism and answers to reflective questions on how to implement

ncorporates all languages spoken in the
egic approaches proposed in the materials

elating to this publication, visit the website:

Promoting plurilingualism

, covering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It

Majority language in multilingual settings
plurilingualism in the majority language classroom.
gal principles based on the European Convention on
protection of individuals. Ever since it was founded in
the Council of Europe has symbolised reconciliation.
Klaus Brge Boeckmann, Eija Aalto, Andrea Abel, Tatjana Atanasoska and Terry Lamb
rope Publishing
ISBN 978-92-871-7170-2, 16 x 24 cm, 90 pages, e12/US$24
/ 24 US$ ISBN 978-92-871-7170-2


:41 Uhr Seite 1

Relating language examinations to the Common

European Framework of Reference for Languages:
ns to the Common European
nguages: Learning, teaching,

and Gbor Szab

Learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR) Highlights

from the Manual

essed by the users of the CEFR, the

of Europe developed a manual and a set
ist in linking local language examinations
age proficiency. This publication seeks to

This publication complements a set of tools to be used to assist in linking local

user-friendly introduction to the process,
n quality language testing who are not
Relating language examinations to the CEFR - Highlights from the Manual

CEFR can best be seen as a process of

esents five inter-related sets of procedures

language examinations to the common reference levels of language proficiency.

r to design a linking scheme in terms of

ting to this publication, visit the website:

It targets professionals with a stake in quality language testing who are not
Relating language examinations to the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages:
ring virtually the entire continent of Europe. It seeks
Learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR)
es based on the European Convention on Human Highlights from the Manual

necessarily experts in testing and assessment.

of individuals. Ever since it was founded in 1949, in
of Europe has symbolised reconciliation.

Edited by the RelEx team

Jos Noijons, Jana Breov, Gilles Breton and Gbor Szab

ISBN 978-92-871-7169-6, 16 x 24 cm, 92 pages, e10/US$20

pe Publishing

20 US$ ISBN 978-92-871-7169-6



Relier les examens de langues au Cadre europen

commun de rfrence pour les langues : Apprendre,
enseigner, valuer (CECR) Les points essentiels
du Manuel
Cette publication complte une srie doutils utiliser comme aides la mise
en relation dexamens locaux de langues aux niveaux communs de rfrence en
comptence en langues. Elle sadresse aux examinateurs en langues qui ne sont
pas forcment des experts dans le domaine de lvaluation.
ISBN 978-92-871-7168-9, 16 x 24 cm, 100 pages, 10e/20$US

Language learning
Pdagogie et langues vivantes

Using the European Portfolio for Student Teachers

of Languages
This publication is a tool for reflection and self-assessment of the didactic
r reflection
y to teach
mework of
well as the
knowledge and skills necessary to teach languages. It builds on insights from
the Common European Framework of Reference and the European Language
r its initial
guages. To
which sup-
Using the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages

achers of
f how the

Portfolio as well as the European Profile for Language Teacher Education.

r and flyer
ducing the

e website:
Using the European Portfolio for Student Teachers
of Languages
f Europe. It
nvention on
founded in

Edited by David Newby, Anne-Brit Fenner and Barry Jones

ISBN 978-92-871-7162-7, 16 x 24 cm, 100 pages, e12/US$24



The European Language Portfolio A guide to the

t lvaluation
ement scolaire
planning, implementation and evaluation of whole-
school projects
naires ministriels.

This guide introduces the language education policy that underpins the European
ppement de l'auto-
PEL - Guide pour la planification, la mise en uvre et lvaluation de projets dutilisation lchelle de ltablissement scolaire

plurilinguisme des
uvent utiliser le PEL
ctifs visant la prise
utilisation du PEL
gres d'un tablis-

sous-tend le PEL,
ent planifier, mettre
de l'tablissement
ustrent diffrentes
Language Portfolio and explores the key concepts that it embodies as well as
its use, with the aim to develop learner autonomy, intercultural awareness and
ts et des conseils

riels accompagnant Portfolio europen des langues
Guide pour la planification, la mise en uvre et

des pays du continent
lvaluation de projets dutilisation lchelle
mun, organis autour de
nce sur la protection de
de ltablissement scolaire
nseil de lEurope est le

David Little

SBN 978-92-871-7160-3
ISBN 978-92-871-7161-0, 16 x 24 cm, 48 pages, e10/US$20

Portfolio europen des langues Guide pour la

planification, la mise en uvre et lvaluation de
projets dutilisation lchelle de ltablissement
Ce guide prsente la politique dducation langagire qui sous-tend le Portfolio
europen des langues et explore les concepts cls quil implique ainsi que son
utilisation, afin de dvelopper lautonomie, la prise de conscience interculturelle
et le plurilinguisme des apprenants.
ISBN 978-92-871-7160-3, 16 x 24 cm, 54 pages, 10e/20$US
ite 1

Pathways through assessing, learning and teaching

in the CEFR
rning and teaching in the CEFR

atta, Olivier Mentz and Malgorzata Pamula

dly and flexible resources to help them

ental concepts of the CEFR in general

and deepen their knowledge of the

n their assessment practice;
ssessment practices in line with the
This book presents an innovative way of reflecting on the multidimensionality of
approaching the Common European
CEFR) and of reflecting on the multi-
ain components of "Pathways" - guide
nd maps and examples of scenarios,
ay and to select and customize.
assessment, learning and teaching in line with the Common European Framework
oncepts in the CEFR that may not be
warrant "unpacking" for educational
of Reference for Languages. Designed to support professionals at all levels, this
Pathways through assessing, learning and teaching in the CEFR

ssible for professionals, both in their

it offers 107 worksheets in English and
a bridge for teacher educators, and

guide makes clear and accessible those fundamental concepts in the CEFR.
and to relate them appropriately to

g to this publication, visit the website:

Pathways through assessing, learning and

teaching in the CEFR
virtually the entire continent of Europe. It seeks
based on the European Convention on Human
ndividuals. Ever since it was founded in 1949, in
Europe has symbolised reconciliation.

Enrica Piccardo, Marie Berchoud,Tiziana Cignatta, Olivier Mentz and Malgorzata Pamula
ISBN 978-92-871-7159-7, 16 x 24 cm, 91 pages, e10/US$20

Parcours dvaluation, dapprentissage et

US$ ISBN 978-92-871-7159-7


2012 denseignement travers le CECR

Ce livre prsente une approche nouvelle de la rflexion sur la multidimensionalit
de lvaluation, de lapprentissage et de lenseignement en conformit avec
le Cadre europen commun de rfrence pour les langues. Conu pour aider
les professionnels tous les niveaux, ce guide clarifie et rend accessibles les
concepts fondamentaux du CECR.
ISBN 978-92-871-7158-0, 16 x 24 cm, 99 pages, 10e/20$US
011 19:00 Uhr Seite 1

Plurilingualism and pluriculturalism in content-based

ulturalism in content-based teaching teaching: A training kit
Jonckheere and Martine Kervran

Educational institutions increasingly face the challenge of accommodating

learners from a wide range of linguistic and cultural backgrounds in their
teachers working with learners from different
raining kit with very practical resources
ecision-makers faced with accommodating
Plurilingualism and pluriculturalism in content-based teaching A training kit

face the challenge of accommodating learners

classrooms. This training kit presents an innovative way of managing diversity in

cultural backgrounds in their classrooms. The
way of managing diversity in the classroom
luricultural approaches with content-based
r how content-based and plurilingual activities
of the curriculum.
ents sample activities which illustrate the

the classroom by combining plurilingual and pluricultural approaches.

. A primary school teacher will, for example,
matics, sports and/or music and a secondary
nd political education may be interested in
ve text work on the theme of the Universal Plurilingualism and pluriculturalism
in content-based teaching
ls relating to this publication, visit the website:
A training kit

ISBN 978-92-871-7157-3, 16 x 24 cm, 117 pages, e12/US$24

ates, covering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It
d legal principles based on the European Convention on
the protection of individuals. Ever since it was founded in
war, the Council of Europe has symbolised reconciliation. Merc Bernaus, ine Furlong, Sofie Jonckheere and Martine Kervran

Europe Publishing

/ 24 US$ ISBN 978-92-871-7157-3


Assessment of young learner literacy linked to the

Common European Framework of Reference for
Primary school teachers are increasingly faced with the task of assessing the
literacy of pupils in a language other than a pupils mother tongue. This handbook

presents practical issues and principles associated with this assessment.

ISBN 978-92-871-7155-9, 16 x 24 cm, 55 pages, e10/US$ 20


Language learning
Pdagogie et langues vivantes

ohesion Languages for social cohesion: Language

Languages for social cohesion: education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe
007) involved Language education in a multilingual and
multicultural Europe
tion promoted
of the Council
mmarises the
in European
David Newby and by: Brigitta
Hermine Penz (editors)
Busch This publication focuses on key developments in language education and
rence, held in

provides an overview of current issues and trends in European language teaching

results of this
projects which
ring language

and indicates perspectives for the future.

es and trends

f Europe. It seeks
ention on Human

ISBN 978-92-871-6428-5, 16 x 24 cm, 215 pages, e25/US$50

unded in 1949, in


Languages for
e Publishing social cohesion


Group facilitation in language teacher education

Languages for social cohesion
Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe

cation Les langues pour la cohsion sociale

L'ducation aux langues dans une Europe multilingue et multiculturelle

na Soler Sabans
Group facilitation in language
g group, teachers need
teacher education
This publication presents a number of tasks and activities which can be used
odes of working, and a
on of learning in groups
on, the roles of teachers
n his/her classroom.

Margit Szesztay, Rod Bolitho and Meg Einhorn

working with groups in

on training courses focusing on group facilitation. However, as there are strong

des and personal quali-
material provided here.
e main issues related to
observation, triggers for
in your own practice.

parallels between training rooms and classrooms, some of the activities and
s working with groups of
n ECML workshop orga-
cilitation, you will find a
cusing on group facilita-
lassrooms, some of the
own development in the

tinent of Europe. It seeks

n Convention on Human
was founded in 1949, in
d reconciliation.
ideas can also be adapted and used by teachers for their own development in

the area of group facilitation.

Group facilitation in language teacher education

ISBN 978-92-871-6296-0, 16 x 254 cm, pack + CD-Rom, 4 pages,
Europe Publishing

2008 e15/US$23

Languages for social cohesion

Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe
QualiTraining A training guide for quality
assurance in language education (Book + CD-Rom)
Les langues pour la cohsion sociale
L'ducation aux langues dans une Europe multilingue et multiculturelle

Leitfaden fr die Qualittssicherung im Sprachunterricht
Laura Muresan, Frank Heyworth, Galya Mateva und Mary Rose
This training guide, intended for teacher trainers and multipliers responsible for
quality assurance in language teaching at various levels in the educational system,
aims to provide them with a complementary tool for this work, linking theory to
practice with illustrative case studies from a variety of sources.
Leitfaden fr die Qualittssicherung im Sprachunterricht
ISBN 978-92-871-6283-0, 16 x 24 cm + CD-Rom, 110 pages,
e the European Language Portfolio
Languages for social cohesion
Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe

Les langues pour la cohsion sociale

L'ducation aux langues dans une Europe multilingue et multiculturelle
Preparing teachers to use the European Language
use the European Language Portfolio
d resources Preparing teachers to use the Portfolio Arguments, materials and resources
European Language Portfolio
(Book + CD-Rom)
pe, the European Language Portfolio (ELP) has rapidly
fluential instruments in the reform of language

age teacher educators and language teachers who are arguments, materials and resources
eir learners. It is the result of an ECML project "Training
nguage Portfolio" carried out in the Centres 2004-2007

Launched by the Council of Europe, the European Language Portfolio (ELP) has rapidly
Edited by: Brigitta Busch

n of the ECML project;

mmon European Framework of Reference for Languages

ntial of the ELP;

he CEFR and the ELP for language teacher education,

become one of the most influential instruments in the reform of language teaching and
zerland and Finland.

up work activities and discussion tasks to be used in trai-

es developed by members of the project team for parti-

learning practice in Europe. This publication is aimed at language teacher educators

vents that took place in ECML member states in the fra-

nts and a number of research studies related to the ELP.

states, covering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It seeks

and language teachers who are preparing to use the ELP with their learners.
egal principles based on the European Convention on Human
e protection of individuals. Ever since it was founded in 1949, in
the Council of Europe has symbolised reconciliation.
Preparing teachers to use the European Language PortfolioELP_TT ISBN 978-92-871-6273-1, 16 x 24 cm, 45 pages, e17/US$26
Council of Europe Publishing


Languages for social cohesion
Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe

Les langues pour la cohsion sociale

Blogs: web journals in language education
(Book + CD-Rom)
L'ducation aux langues dans une Europe multilingue et multiculturelle

Leja, Valerie Sollars

the most visible of the Web 2.0 technologies,

Blogs: web journals
in language education
This publication is intended for the adventurous language teacher who wishes
utton publishing for the people. One com-
pressive spontaneous acts of decentralised Fostering plurilingualism
of the power of blogs to transform both
ce to public and from consumer to creator.
Mario Camilleri, Peter Ford, Helena by: Valerie
Leja, Brigitta Sollars
tcomes of an ECML project which, over the

to harness the potential of the writable Web in his or her language class,
ated the design of an educational blogging
age classroom. It is intended for the adven-
shes to harness the potential of the writable
s, the teacher trainer who promotes a social
educational software designer who seeks to

the teacher trainer who promotes a social constructivist paradigm, and the
which incorporate subversion.

ntains the entire corpus of blogs warts and

ants (over 4 000 posts and 9 000 comments),
ng platform prototype developed for this pro-
ease under the GNU General Public License.

es, covering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It seeks

principles based on the European Convention on Human
tection of individuals. Ever since it was founded in 1949, in
Council of Europe has symbolised reconciliation.
educational software designer who seeks to create flexible educational tools
which incorporate subversion.
Web journals in language education BLOGS
Council of Europe Publishing
ISBN 978-92-871-6236-6, 16 x 24 cm, 45 pages, e15/US$25
2008 Blogs dans lenseignement des langues vivantes
(Livre + CD-Rom)
Cette publication sadresse Ienseignant en langues audacieux qui souhaite
exploiter le potentiel interactif dlnternet dans son cours de langues, au formateur
denseignants qui veut mettre laccent sur un paradigme constructiviste
tendance sociale et au concepteur de logiciels ducatifs qui cherche crer des
outils ducatifs flexibles incorporant la notion de subversion.
ISBN 978-92-871-6275-5, 16 x 24 cm, 45 pages, 15e/25$US

Language learning
Pdagogie et langues vivantes

ge teacher education
Languages for social cohesion
Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe

Les langues pour la cohsion sociale

L'ducation aux langues dans une Europe multilingue et multiculturelle
Plurilingual and pluricultural awareness in language
eacher education

and Fernando Trujillo Sez Plurilingual and pluricultural awareness teacher education A training kit (Book + CD-Rom)
es a set of practical in language teacher education

This training kit is designed to help teacher educators introduce the essential
essential aspects of
rners. It consists of a A training kit
activities, which are

Edited by Merc Bernaus, Ana Isabel Andrade, Martine Kervran, Anna MurkowskaEdited by: Brigitta
and Fernando Busch
Trujillo Sez
diversity, which is so

aspects of plurilingualism and pluriculturalism to language teachers and learners.

unicative education
e towards building a
language curriculum,
es from far away as
with different statuses

n LEA project run at

help raise educators
societies, enhancing
It encourages language teachers to reflect on the notion of diversity.
d cultural diversity as

tinent of Europe. It seeks

n Convention on Human
was founded in 1949, in
d reconciliation.
ISBN 978-92-871-6231-1, 16 x 24, 69 pages, e15/US$25
La dimension plurilingue et pluriculturelle dans la

Plurilingual and pluricultural awareness in language teacher education LEA

formation des enseignants de langues Kit de
Europe Publishing

2008 formation (Livre + CD-Rom)

Ce kit de formation est conu pour aider les formateurs denseignants
prsenter les aspects essentiels du plurilinguisme et du pluriculturalisme aux
enseignants et aux apprenants en langues. Il encourage les enseignants en
langues rflchir la notion de diversit.
ISBN 978-92-871-6230-4, 16 x 24, 73 pages, 15e/25$US

Languages for social cohesion

Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe
Developing and assessing intercultural
communicative competence A guide for language
unicative competence Les langues pour la cohsion sociale
L'ducation aux langues dans une Europe multilingue et multiculturelle

ative competence

Developing and assessing intercultural

teachers and teacher educators
atei and Christiane Peck

uisition researchers have

hing is to enable learners
communicative competence
rounds in an increasingly
cators and language tea-
mmunicative competence.
A guide for language teachers and teacher educators

The primary aim of foreign language teaching is to enable learners to

orkshops; Edited
Edited by Ildik Lzr, Martina Huber-Kriegler, Denise Lussier, Gabriela S. Matei by:
and Brigitta Busch
Christiane Peck

communicate with people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds


essons we learnt from the

rk of the ICCinTE project

in an increasingly multicultural world. The aim of this publication is to assist

ently or it can complement
to help incorporate inter-
teacher education more

ontinent of Europe. It seeks

an Convention on Human

teacher educators and language teachers in shifting the focus from linguistic
it was founded in 1949, in
ed reconciliation.

Developing and assessing intercultural communicative competence ICCinTE competence to intercultural communicative competence.

ISBN 978-92-871-6225-0, 16 x 24 cm, 43 pages, e15/US$25

f Europe Publishing

Dvelopper et valuer la comptence en
communication interculturelle Un guide lusage
des enseignants de langues et des formateurs
Le but premier de lenseignement dune langue trangre est de permettre aux
apprenants de communiquer avec des personnes issues de milieux linguistiques et
culturels diffrents dans un monde de plus en plus multiculturel. Lobjectif de cette
publication est daider les formateurs denseignants et les enseignants de langues
passer de la comptence linguistique la comptence communicative linguistique.
ISBN 978-92-871-6224-3, disponible en version PDF, 10e/15$US
sity and whole-school development
Languages for social cohesion
Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe

Les langues pour la cohsion sociale

Promoting linguistic diversity and whole-school
development (Book + CD-Rom)
L'ducation aux langues dans une Europe multilingue et multiculturelle

rsity and whole-school development

ma Promoting linguistic diversity
es the importance of societal multilingualism
mpetence as means to social cohesion. Why and whole-school development
This publication is intended to stimulate thought and to serve as a springboard
n be achieved are explained in the Language
Guide for the Development of Language Fostering plurilingualism
Ultimately, it is within the school, at the chalk
ations need to take place. The case studies
e an authentic illustration of how this is being Edited by Antoinette
Edited by:Camilleri
Brigitta Busch
d what successes and challenges it presents.

anguage education programmes and school

cipating in the creation of a new paradigm of
s, parents and the local community, instead of
orgotten become actively involved in language
for more schools to take up the European quest of building communities that are
can move on from being simply the executors

ever more inclusive, meaningful and democratic.

coming participants in drawing up, implemen-
ies. This work is intended to stimulate thought
for more schools to take up the European
hat are ever more inclusive, meaningful and

tes, covering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It seeks

ISBN 978-92-871-6213-7, 16 x 24 cm, 74 pages, e15/US$25

l principles based on the European Convention on Human
otection of individuals. Ever since it was founded in 1949, in
e Council of Europe has symbolised reconciliation.

Promoting linguistic diversity and whole-school development

Promouvoir la diversit linguistique et le dveloppement
Council of Europe Publishing

2008 lchelle des tablissements scolaires (Livre + CD-Rom)

Cet ouvrage a pour but de stimuler la rflexion et de servir de tremplin pour que
davantage dcoles relaient les efforts dploys par lEurope pour construire des
communauts toujours plus intgres, constructives et dmocratiques.
ISBN 978-92-871-6212-0, 16 x 24 cm, 81 pages, 15e/25$US

Languages for social cohesion

Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe

Les langues pour la cohsion sociale

L'ducation aux langues dans une Europe multilingue et multiculturelle
European Portfolio for Student Teachers of
European Portfolio for
Student Teachers of Languages
Languages A reflection tool for language teacher
A reflection tool for language teacher education
David Newby, Rebecca Allan, Anne-Brit Fenner,
Barry Jones, Hanna Komorowska and Kristine Soghikyan

This publication, intended for students undergoing their initial teacher education,
encourages them to reflect on the didactic knowledge and skills necessary to
teach languages, helps them to assess their own didactic competences and
enables them to monitor their progress and to record their experiences of
European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages
EPOSTL teaching during the course of their teacher education.
ISBN 978-92-871-6207-6, available in PDF version, e7,62/US$12
European Centre for Modern Languages
Centre europen pour les langues vivantes


Portfolio europen pour les enseignants en

langues en formation initiale Un outil de rflexion
pour la formation des enseignants en langues
Cet ouvrage, destin aux tudiants qui entrent en formation initiale denseignant,
les invite rflchir aux connaissances didactiques et savoir-faire ncessaires
pour enseigner les langues vivantes, les aide valuer leurs propres
comptences didactiques, leur permet de suivre de prs leurs progrs et

denregistrer leurs expriences pratiques denseignement tout au long de leur

formation denseignant.
ISBN 978-92-871-6206-9, disponible en version PDF, 7,62e/12$US

Language learning
Pdagogie et langues vivantes

ual understanding
Languages for social cohesion
Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe

Les langues pour la cohsion sociale

To get to know each other leads to better mutual
L'ducation aux langues dans une Europe multilingue et multiculturelle

ced or transmitted in any

or mechanical, including To get to know each other leads to
system, without the prior
unication and Research Se connatre mieux
better mutual understanding
This CD-Rom examines the place of intercultural competence in the language
ty of the authors and do
pe. pour mieux se comprendre
Edited by / Edit par
Magdalena Bedynska, Zsuzsa Darabos, Genevive Gillet, Markus Kerschbaumer, Irene Politi andby: Brigitta
Jirina Busch

classroom, and is targeted at school teachers, language learners, textbook

ut tre traduit, reproduit,

authors and curriculum developers.

oyen que ce soit lec-
registrement ou de tout
on des ditions, Direction
pe, F-67075 Strasbourg

es auteurs et ne refltent

ISBN 978-92-871-6144-4, CD-Rom, e19/US$29

ELV veuillez consulter:

urope, 2007
of Europe Publishing
To get to know each other leads to better mutual understanding
Se connatre mieux pour mieux se comprendre
Se connatre mieux pour mieux se comprendre
2008 Ce CD-Rom examine la place de la comptence interculturelle dans la classe de
langues et sadresse aux enseignants, aux apprenants de langues, aux auteurs
de manuels pedagogiques et aux concepteurs de programmes.
ISBN 978-92-871-6144-4, CD-Rom, 19e/29$US

Intercultural competence for professional mobility

Languages for social cohesion
Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe

mobility Les langues pour la cohsion sociale

(Book + CD-Rom)
L'ducation aux langues dans une Europe multilingue et multiculturelle


together experts and

Intercultural competence for
al mobility and which
professional mobility
All those who are interested in the enhancement of intercultural competence
and interaction compe-

A training kit
acilitators working with
ltural trainers,coaches
with a strong focus on

may find this publication valuable to gain a deeper insight into the theoretical
d in the enhancement Edited
Evelyne Glaser, Manuela Guilherme, Mara del Carmen Mndez by:and
Garca Brigitta Busch
Terry Mughan

ght into the theoretical

nd a CD-Rom. In the
MO project and on the

al competence

carried out in the

ermany, Portugal
concepts underlying these materials.
developed; and
ltural training

tinent of Europe. It seeks

n Convention on Human
t was founded in 1949, in
d reconciliation.
ISBN 978-92-871-6143-7, 16 x 24 cm, 54 pages, e19/US$29
Intercultural competence for professional mobility Comptence interculturelle pour le dveloppement
Europe Publishing

de la mobilit professionnelle (Livre + CD-Rom)

Cette publication sadresse tous ceux qui sintressent la promotion de la
comptence interculturelle et qui souhaitent obtenir un aperu des fondements
thoriques sous-jacents.
ISBN 978-92-871-6142-0, 16 x 24 cm, 57 pages, 19e/29$US
diversity in a global perspective
Languages for social cohesion
Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe

Les langues pour la cohsion sociale

Literacy and linguistic diversity in a global
perspective An intercultural exchange with
L'ducation aux langues dans une Europe multilingue et multiculturelle

iversity in a global perspective

h African countries
le Alexander
Literacy and linguistic diversity
utcomes of a project which brought together
e field of linguistic diversity and literacy from
s with a view to opening a dialogue, to taking
defining possible areas of mutually enriching
in a global perspective
An intercultural exchange with African countries African countries
he question of promoting low-status and non-
on is the core concern of contributions in this Edited by Brigitta Busch and Neville Alexander

This publication reflects the outcomes of a project which brought together experts
ses topics such as language awareness, sti-
eading culture in low-status languages and
and learning materials that respect linguistic
ualism. Examples of good practice in valuing
awareness raising campaign in Cameroon,

and practitioners in the field of linguistic diversity and literacy from European
ry production in Senegalese languages, the
tAAf) as well as initiatives of North-South co-
er training and materials development.

alised as a contribution to the African Union's


tes, covering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It seeks

l principles based on the European Convention on Human
otection of individuals. Ever since it was founded in 1949, in
e Council of Europe has symbolised reconciliation.
and African countries with a view to opening a dialogue, to taking a comparative perspective and defining possible areas of mutually enriching co-operation and
Literacy and linguistic diversity in a global perspective LDL exchange.
Council of Europe Publishing

2008 ISBN 978-92-871-6141-3, 16 x 24 cm, 100 pages, e10/US$15

Alphabtisation et diversit linguistique dans une
perspective globale Echange interculturel avec
des pays africains
Cette publication prsente les rsultats dun projet qui a rassembl des
spcialistes et praticiens uvrant dans le domaine de la diversit linguistique et
de lalphabtisation dans des pays europens et africains, afin douvrir le dialogue,
dadopter une perspective comparative et de dfinir des domaines potentiels de
coopration et dchange en tant que sources denrichissement mutuel.
ISBN 978-92-871-6140-6, 16 x 24 cm, 108 pages, 10e/15$US

First steps in teacher training: A practical guide

Languages for social cohesion

(The TrainEd Kit) (Book + CD-Rom)

Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe

: a practical guide Les langues pour la cohsion sociale

L'ducation aux langues dans une Europe multilingue et multiculturelle

g: a practical guide

rank Heyworth, Uwe Pohl, Tony Wright

First steps in teacher training
A practical guide
produced as a practical guide for those
acher education though experienced
g and useful, too.
The TrainEd Kit This guide covers four main aspects of a teacher trainers work: the professional
of a teacher trainer's work:

identity and the roles and tasks of the trainer; preparing for training events;
oles and tasks of the trainer; Gabriela S. Matei, Mercedes Bernaus, Frank Heyworth, Uwe Pohl, Tony Wright
uding analysis of training needs);
phasis on facilitation and managing


running training courses; assessment and evaluation of training.

he book is a very practical complement
be used as activities in training courses.
presentations which can be used and
her with background articles and biblio-

vering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It seeks

ples based on the European Convention on Human
n of individuals. Ever since it was founded in 1949, in
cil of Europe has symbolised reconciliation.
ISBN 978-92-871-6139-0, 16 x 254 cm + CD-Rom, 100 pages, e19/US$29
First steps in teacher training a practical guide
Council of Europe Publishing
Guide pratique du formateur (Kit TrainEd) (livre +
2008 CD-Rom)
Ce guide couvre quatre aspects cls du travail dun formateur denseignants:

lidentit professionnelle et les rles et tches du formateur; la prparation aux

vnements de formation; la gestion des cours de formation;lapprciation et
lvaluation des formations.
ISBN 978-92-871-6138-3, 16 x 254 cm + CD-Rom, 65 pages,
19e/ 29$US
10 /11
Language learning
Pdagogie et langues vivantes

A Common European Framework of Reference for

Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment
This book is the result of over ten years research by a number of leading applied
linguists and pedagogical specialists from forty-one member states of the
Council of Europe. It is an invaluable tool for those working in teacher education
and training, syllabus and test design, and textbook and materials production.
To obtain a copy of this title, please contact :
The Edinburgh Building Shaftesbury Road
UK- CB2 2RU Cambridge
Tl.: + 44 (0) 1223 312393 / Fax: + 44 (0) 1223 315052
Available translations by our partner publishers in: Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish,
Dutch, Estonian, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish,

Cadre europen commun de rfrence pour les

langues: apprendre, enseigner, valuer
Ce livre est le rsultat dune recherche mene pendant plus de dix ans par
des linguistes de renom dans 41 Etats membres du Conseil de lEurope. Il est
un outil indispensable pour les formateurs denseignants, les concepteurs de
programmes et dexamens ainsi que pour les auteurs de manuels et de matriel
Pour se procurer ce titre, veuillez prendre contact avec :
Les Editions Didier
13 rue de lOdon
F-75006 Paris
Tl.: + 33 (0) 1 44 41 31 31 / Fax: + 33 (0) 1 44 41 31 48
Traduction par nos diteurs partenaires en: bulgare, croate, danois, espagnol,
estonien, hongrois, italien, letton, nerlandais, polonais, portugais, sudois.
Shaping language rights Commentary on the
Minority Languages protects and European Charter for Regional or Minority
Shaping language rights

minority languages in Europe.

Languages in light of the Committee of Experts

s of the provisions of the Charter
the Committee of Experts since
y by legal experts examines the
ns of the Charter and studies best
ntation by states parties.

evaluation (Regional or Minority Languages, No.9)
language rights

Commentary on the European Charter

This volume provides an in-depth analysis of the provisions of the European
for Regional or Minority Languages in light
of the Committee of Experts evaluation
Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. An article-by-article commentary

overing virtually the entire continent of

ic and legal principles based on the
Regional or Minority Languages, No. 9
by legal experts examines the meaning and implications of the provisions of the
Charter and studies best practice and shortcomings in its implementation by
er reference texts on the protection of
he aftermath of the Second World War,
Council of Europe Publishing

Council of Europe Publishing

Council of Europe Publishing states parties.
ISBN 978-92-871-7216-7, 16 x 24 cm, 551 pages, e41/US$82

Minority language protection in Europe: into a new

n de contributions bases sur les exposs
decade (Regional or Minority Languages, No.8)
La protection des langues minoritaires en Europe : vers une nouvelle dcennie

e internationale La Charte europenne

oritaires : ralisations et dfis, tenue
vril 2009, et coorganise par le Conseil

This work looks at the future prospects of the European Charter for Regional or
pagnol, le Gouvernement du Pays basque

ectives davenir de la charte au vu de

e la premire dcennie de son existence.
n de la ratification et lapplication de la

Minority Languages in the light of the experience gained over the first decade of
u aux gouvernements comme lillustrent
diffrents Etats parties la charte les

La protection
ouent galement un rle trs important,
uotidien lutilisation et la protection

des langues minoritaires

en Europe :
vers une nouvelle dcennie
the charters existence, as well as the role and responsibilities of governments
and regional and local authorities.
ISBN 978-92-871-6727-9, 16 x 24 cm, 205 pages, e25/US$50
urdhui 47 Etats membres, soit la quasi-totalit des Langues rgionales ou minoritaires, no 8
bjectif est de crer un espace dmocratique et
la Convention europenne des droits de lhomme
Editions du Conseil de lEurope
Editions du Conseil de lEurope

protection de lindividu. Cr en 1949, au lende-

, le Conseil de lEurope est le symbole historique
Editions du Conseil de lEurope
La protection des langues minoritaires en Europe:
vers une nouvelle dcenie (Langues rgionales ou
minoritaires, n8)
Cet ouvrage examine les perspectives davenir de la Charte eurpopenne des
langues rgionales ou minoritaires au vu de lexprience acquise au cours de la
premire dcennie de son existence, ainsi que le rle des gouvernements et des
autorits rgionales et locales.
ISBN 978-92-871-6726-2, 16 x 24 cm, 223 pages, 25e/50$US

Regional and minority languages
Langues rgionales et minoritaires

European Charter for Regional or Minority

es is one of the
Languages Collected texts (Regional or Minority
European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages Collected texts

ect and promote

a unique legal
o the protection

cument aims at
how the charter
s compilation is
entral, local and
Languages, No.7)
ut also to repre-

European Charter
The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages is a complex
nterested in the

for Regional
or Minority Languages
instrument, this document aims at providing a user-friendly compilation of basic
Collected texts

texts on how the charter operates and how its monitoring mechanism works.
ISBN 978-92-871-6671-5, 16 x 24 cm, 125 pages, e27/US$54

ntire continent of Regional or Minority Languages, No. 7

es based on the
the protection of
cond World War,
Council of Europe Publishing

Charte europenne des langues rgionales ou mi-
noritaires Recueil de textes (Langues rgionales
rope Publishing

ou minoritaires, n7)
La Charte europenne des langues rgionales ou minoritaires est un instrument
complexe; ce recueil a pour objectif de mettre disposition une compilation
facile dutilisation regroupant les textes de base relatifs au fonctionnement de la
charte et son mcanisme de suivi.
ISBN 978-92-871-6670-8, 16 x 24 cm, 127 pages, 27e/54$US

The European Charter for Regional or Minority

e secrtariat de
Languages and the media (Regional or Minority
La Charte europenne des langues rgionales ou minoritaires et les mdias

aires en vue de
charte relatives

Languages, No.6)
nts qui ont sign
ur permettra de
nnaires chargs
ou minoritaires
rsentent, afin
onter pour leur
arge, et notam-
geable dans la

La Charte europenne
des langues rgionales
This publication will be useful to governments which have signed and ratified
ou minoritaires et les mdias
the charter, or are considering its signature and ratification; to public servants
charged with the task of implementing its provisions; to users of regional or
quasi-totalit des
dmocratique et
Langues rgionales ou minoritaires, no 6
minority languages, and those non-governmental organisations which represent
des droits de

them, and to a broader public, not least media outlets themselves.

Editions du Conseil de lEurope

Cr en 1949,
e est le symbole

ISBN 978-92-871-6431-5, 16 x 24cm, 106 pages, e15/US$30

seil de lEurope


La Charte europenne des langues rgionales ou

minoritaires et les mdias (Langues rgionales ou
minoritaires, n6)
Cette publication intressera les gouvernements qui ont sign et ratifi la charte
ou qui envisagent de le faire; les fonctionnaires chargs de mettre en uvre
ses dispositions; les locuteurs de langues rgionales ou minoritaires et les
organisations non gouvernementales qui les reprsentent, ainsi quun public plus
large, et notamment les mdias eux-mmes.
ISBN 978-92-871-6430-8, 16 x 24 cm, 100 pages, 15e/30$US
The European Charter for Regional or Minority
ction of papers based on presentations
Languages: Legal Challenges and Opportunities
The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages: Legal Challenges and Opportunies

ce entitled The European Charter for

Legal Challenges and Opportunities,

(Regional or Minority Languages, No.5)

Europe and the University of Wales
ea, Wales (United Kingdom) on 20 and

m a legal perspective. It illustrates the

vidual states, presents implementation
assesses the influence of this instrument
mplications of non-compliance. Some
ssues surrounding the charter, weighing

The European Charter for

This publication considers the charter from a legal perspective. It illustrates the
of a broad interpretation of the under-
ing at the challenge of adapting this

Regional or Minority Languages:

Legal Challenges and
Opportunities charter ratification process in individual states, presents implementation case
studies for some states parties, assesses the influence of this instrument on

Regional or Minority Languages, No. 5

domestic law and the legal implications of non-compliance.
Council of Europe Publishing

tates, covering virtually the entire continent of

emocratic and legal principles based on the
and other reference texts on the protection of
949, in the aftermath of the Second World War,

ISBN 978-92-871-6333-2, 16 x 24 cm, 275 pages, e28/US$42

Council of Europe Publishing


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TrainEd Languages for social cohesion

Languages for social cohesion
Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe

First steps in teacher training: a practical guide Les langues pour la cohsion sociale

w w w . c o e . i n t / m i n l a n g
L'ducation aux langues dans une Europe multilingue et multiculturelle

Relating language examinations to the Common European

re et lvaluation Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, Languages for social cohesion
First steps in teacher training: a practical guide
issement scolaire The TrainEd Kit First steps in teacher training
The present volume contains a selection of papers based on presentations
assessment (CEFR) Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe

The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages: Legal Challenges and Opportunies
Highlights from the Manual
Languages for social cohesion:
given at the international conference entitled The European Charter for David Newby and Hermine Penz (editors)
Gabriela S. Matei, Mercedes Bernaus, Frank Heyworth, Uwe Pohl, Tony Wright

A practical guide
Regional or Minority Languages: Legal Challenges and Opportunities, Edited by the RelEx team
co-organised by the Council of Europe and the University of Wales Jos Noijons, Jana Breov, Gilles Breton and Gbor Szab
Swansea, which was held in Swansea, Wales (United Kingdom) on 20 and
This book and CD-Rom have been produced as a practical guide for those
21 November 2006. This publication is aimed at:
The ECMLs Languages for social cohesion programme (2004-2007) involved Language education in a multilingual and
who are beginners in the field of teacher education though experienced
teacher trainers may find it interesting and useful, too.
The TrainEd Kit teachers and teacher educators;
approximately 4,500 language professionals from Europe and beyond.
multicultural Europe
This work considers the charter from a legal perspective. It illustrates the
charter ratification process in individual states, presents implementation curriculum developers and test developers; This publication focuses on key developments in language education promoted
The book covers four main aspects of a teacher trainer's work: case studies for some states parties, assesses the influence of this instrument policy-makers and other stakeholders. through the work of the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council
ctionnaires ministriels.
- the professional identity and the roles and tasks of the trainer; Gabriela
on domestic Matei,
the legalBernaus, Frank Heyworth,
implications Uwe Pohl, Tony
of non-compliance. Wright
Some of Europe (ECML). It serves three main functions. Firstly, it summarises the
David Newby andEdited by: Brigitta
Hermine Penz (editors)
- preparing for training events (including analysis of training needs); papers also explore more general issues surrounding the charter, weighing In response to a growing need expressed by the users of the CEFR, the
veloppement de l'auto- ECMLs contributions to fostering linguistic and cultural diversity in European
PEL - Guide pour la planification, la mise en uvre et lvaluation de projets dutilisation lchelle de ltablissement scolaire

du plurilinguisme des
s peuvent utiliser le PEL
- running training courses (with emphasis on facilitation and managing
the advantages and disadvantages of a broad interpretation of the under-
takings of states parties and looking at the challenge of adapting this The European Charter for
Language Policy Division of the Council of Europe developed a manual and a set
of accompanying tools to be used to assist in linking local language examinations
societies. Secondly, it contains the proceedings of the ECML Conference, held in
September 2007 at the University of Graz, to communicate the results of this
- assessment and evaluation of training. instrument to a changing society. to the common reference levels of language proficiency. This publication seeks to
objectifs visant la prise programme to the wider public. Thirdly, it provides a preview of the projects which
t l'utilisation du PEL
trangres d'un tablis- The CD-Rom which accompanies the book is a very practical complement
Regional or Minority Languages:
complement these tools by providing a user-friendly introduction to the process,
targeting professionals with a stake in quality language testing who are not
comprise the next programme of the ECML (2008-2011): Empowering language
with over 60 worksheets which can be used as activities in training courses. professionals: competences networks impact quality.
necessarily experts in testing and assessment.
Legal Challenges and

Relating language examinations to the CEFR - Highlights from the Manual

In addition there are PowerPoint presentations which can be used and
adapted by the teacher trainer, together with background articles and biblio- Relating an examination or test to the CEFR can best be seen as a process of In this way the publication both provides an overview of current issues and trends
qui sous-tend le PEL,
graphies. in European language teaching and indicates perspectives for the future.
mment planifier, mettre
helle de l'tablissement Opportunities
"building an argument". The publication presents five inter-related sets of procedures
that users are advised to follow in order to design a linking scheme in terms of
eb illustrent diffrentes self-contained, manageable activities.
ctivits et des conseils

The Council of Europe has 47 member states, covering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It seeks
The Council of Europe has 47 member states, covering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It seeks For further information and materials relating to this publication, visit the website: to develop common democratic and legal principles based on the European Convention on Human
matriels accompagnant to develop common democratic and legal principles based on the European Convention on Human Portfolio europen
Rightsdes langues
and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. Ever since it was founded in 1949, in
the aftermath of the second world war, the Council of Europe has symbolised reconciliation.
Relating language
the aftermath of the examinations toEurope
Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. Ever since it was founded in 1949, in
second world war, the Council of symbolised reconciliation.

Guide pour la planification, la mise en uvre et European Framework of Reference for Languages:
i-totalit des pays du continent
lvaluation de projets dutilisation lchelle COUNCIL
DE L'EUROPE Learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR)
The Council of Europe has 47 member states, covering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It seeks
commun, organis autour de
frence sur la protection de
de ltablissement scolaire to develop common democratic and legal principles based on the European Convention on Human Highlights from the Manual
Regional or Minority Languages, No. 5

Council of Europe Publishing

Languages for
Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. Ever since it was founded in 1949, in

le Conseil de lEurope est le The Council of Europe has 47 member states, covering virtually the entire continent of
Europe. It seeks to develop common democratic and legal principles based on the the aftermath of the second world war, the Council of Europe has symbolised reconciliation.
David Little European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of Edited by the RelEx team
individuals. Ever since it was founded in 1949, in the aftermath of the Second World War, ISBN

social cohesion
the Council of Europe has symbolised reconciliation. Jos Noijons, Jana Breov, Gilles Breton and Gbor Szab
978-92-871-6139-0 First steps in teacher training a practical guide 978-92-871-6428-5 ISBN 978-92-871-6333-2 Council of Europe Publishing
Council of Europe Publishing

ISBN 978-92-871-7160-3
Council of Europe Publishing

10 / 20 US$ ISBN 978-92-871-7169-6

28/US$42 Council of Europe Publishing COUNCIL

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