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a3 Page 1 of 15, Chemwatch Material Safety Data Sheet (REVIEW) Version No: 4 (Chemwatch 6527-81 cat7P PRODUCT NAME ‘Vertex Rapid-Simpified Liculd SYNONYMS “aon supply" PROPER SHIPPING NAME METHYL METHACRYLATE MONOMER, STABILIZED PRODUCT USE 15 Used according to manufacture’ directions. Used in the dental industry. ‘SUPPLIER Company: Verex Dental ares PO Box 10 Zeist, 3700 AK etnerlancs Telephone: +31 30 697 6749 Fax #31 30695 5188 Ema: nlo@verex dental com Wiest: wi verte-centalcom STATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS NATURE [RAzARDOUS SUBSTANCE. DANGEROUS GOODS. Revordng to he Crea of NOMSG, andthe ADG Coae] CHEMWATCH HAZARD RATINGS un Max Farmall : = a Tovey: of Body Comsat 2 od Reactivity 2. Meowrae2 Chronic = pee POISONS SCHEDULE Risk SAFETY + Highly flammable. + Keep away from sources of ignition. No smoking. “tating to oye, eB soF SSI2™ p» not reao gas/ fumes! vapour spay May cause SENSITISATION by. avoid contact with skin. skin contact. 600 g)ehould not be stored for more than 28 hours: smal sampes less than 109) ‘Moy be stored Tonger than 24 hours wih iereion. Generally storage of uninhibited vinyl monomers should be under ritogen| nd below room tomperaures. For storage in excess of 24 hours,» sulable inibor should be added, and as name and ‘anil shouldbe placed onthe label ‘Avoid al personal ean incudng inhalation. \iear protective cothing when risk of exposure ooours Usein a wel-vertiated area. Prevent concentraban in hollows and sumps. [DO NOT enter confined spaces uni atmosphere has been checked. ‘Avoid smoking, nakes ighs, heat or gniton sources. ‘Wen handing, DO NOT est, dink or sake ‘Vapour may ile on pumping or pouring de to stati electri. 1DO NOT use paste buckets Earth and secure meial coniainers when dispensing or pouring product. Use sparkre tools when nanan ved conic! wit incompatible materials Keep containers securely sealed ‘Avoid physical damage o containers. ‘Always wash nands ih soap and water after handling ‘Work clothes shou be laundered saparatly Use good occupational work practice. Observe manufacturer toring and handing recommendations [mosphere shouldbe regularly checked again eetabiched exposure standards to ansute safe working conitons. ‘SUITABLE CONTAINER Packing as supplied by manufacture. Paste vonainere may only be used # approved for farnmable liquid {Check that containers are deal labeled and fe from leaks. Farlow siscocty matetas (i) Drans and jerry cane must be ofthe nonremovable head type. (i): Where can sto be used Ss an ine package the can must have a serewea ercosure. ‘© Formaterials with a viscosity of at east 2580 cSL. (23 eg. C) 12 Formanufaciured product having 8 viscosity of al last 280 cSt. (23 de9.C) ‘2 Manufactured product that requires string before use ard having 8 vscosiy of atleast 20 eSt (25 deg. C) Removable heed packaging ‘Cans wth ston cesure® and Tow pressure tubes and cargos may be used 1 winere combnation packages are used, and he iner packages are of glass, there must be suffetnt inert cushioning materal Incantact wih ser and outer packages: ‘@ Insduliton, where iner sackagings are glass and contain aud of packing group | thee must be suicient inert absorbent io ‘bsorb any splage, unless tne outer packaging ié a loge fing moulded plastic box and the Substances are net incompatible with the laste STORAGE INCOMPATIBILITY Met aerate nay polymerize explosively when heated above 21 C, orn ight, o when when intiitor concentrations fal to ow levels 1 Horage coniainers may explode si tvated temperatures print=Y &NzGo=&ewno=6527-81&c... 30/01/2012 a3 Page 6 of 15 Vertex Rapid-Simplified Liquid ES Chemwatch Material Safety Data Sheet (REVIEW) Version No: 4 Chemwatch 6527-81 Issue Date: 4-Nov-2010 cst7LP ‘2 reacts velenty wit stong ondsers ‘Sis incompate nth strong acs. alkalis, alphatc amines, aksrolamines, polyvinyl chloride, mercaplans, nito- compounds, pevboraes, andes, efners ketones, aldendes niatzs. nities, reducing agents, a8 anhyerides,aié chlorides, concerted Ininral acids, meta sats, song bases, is usualy stored below 10 dee C {© vepour may block ven's and confined spaces after forming sold polymers NOTE. Contact wh alka solutions wll emave inher and fender meters! unstable on storage, ‘Avoid oxygen content oF oss than 5% Polymerization may oo2U! slowly at room temperature Storage requires sabilsing inhibitor content and dlssohved oxygen content {0 be moniored, Refer to manulaciurer’s recommended levels. (DO NOT overt containers go a8 mainisin fee head space above product larketng or sparging mth nitrogen or onygen fee gas wl deacsivate stabiliser. Siete beow 38 degC. multuneionsl sorties: ‘Avo exposure fo free radical iter (peroxides, perslates) fon, rst, xisers, and strong acids and song bases ‘Avoid hea, Name, sunght, X-aye or ulra-olet radiation. Storage seyond expiraton date, may itiate polymariealion, Polymersaion of ere quantities may be violent (even exposive) ‘iat under contoted s erage conaions proved material contains adequate siabiser/ polymerisation inhbir, Bulk storages may have epecialslorage eequirements WARNING: Gradual decompostion in sing, sealed containers may lead to a large pressure bullhup and subsequent ‘explosion, Rapie and volent polymerisation possible at temperatures above 22 de. ‘STORAGE REQUIREMENTS 1 Easily peroidisabe 18 Prodvets formed 22 8 result of peroxidation are not only safety hazards but may chemically aller the chemical behavior of the parent cempouns © Should have 2 warning label affixed bearing the date of recep inthe Isboratory andthe dale on whieh the container label is iret opered, or laboratary synhesised matenale are the responsi ofthe Incvdual chemist ‘© WARNING This product may form peroxides which themselves are noi themselves poriculay hazardous Dut whch on ‘decomatsiion may nile explosive polymersation ofthe Bulk monermer(Trommsdor ect) © Should be evalustes every 12 months redated if safe or else dicarded, 1 Quanties of uninhibited monomers exceeding $00 mi should nat be stored for more than 24 hours. ‘The ordain of odde to lodine or the conversion of colouleseferrotoryanate ered ferthiocyanate by peroxides are simple and convenient tess for most peroxides. 18 store dating or evaporating a sutable polymerisation inibter shouldbe adée © Leave atleast 10% Bottoms 1 Users stelé when evaporating or dstiling mixtures which may contain peraxisable compounds {Store euay from neat and ight 1 Parteuaateon snciad be pad tothe adequacy of the closure on storage containers Peroxides ray be removed by. fe" passing he material vera column of ordinary activated alumina (care shoud be laken in dsposal ofthe achvate alumina Shaking wih a concerirate solution of fereus sal (provided the carrer solvent is watar-nsolble). 1 agiaton wih an approximately equmolar mature of frous sufate and sodium psuale: © commercial quaniiies may be vested wit a 5% solution of aqueous sodium carbonate Jackson et sk Conta of Proxizable Compounds: Safely the Chemical Laboratory. oumal af Chemical Education; Vol 47, 1970, DpAITEAI8 1 When saves have bean fread from peroxides by percolation trough 2 column of activated alumina, the adsorbed peronides rtust pomply be desorbed by treatment wih pols solvens, methancl or water, which must tum be discarded safely." Poiymereation may occu slowly al room lemperature. Siorage requiesstablsing inhibitor content and diesohed oxygen conient to be moniorad. Refer to manufacturer's recommended level. (DO NOT evel containers 30 98 to maletan fee head space above product Bionketig or sparging with nirogon or oxygen fee gas will deactvate stabs. Store beow 38 deg. ‘Store in anginal containers in appeeves flame-proct ares. ‘No smasng, naked lohs, heat or gntion sources. [DO NOT ators in ite, depressions, Bazements of areas where vapours may be Wrapped, oep containers securely sealed ‘Store avay om incompatible materials n coo, dry wel ventated area. Protect containers aganet physical damage ara check regulary fo leaks (Observe manufacturer's storing and handling recommendations. ‘SAFE STORAGE WITH OTHER CLASSIFIED CHEMICALS’chemgold3/msds.exe?print=Y &NzGe=&ewno=6527-81&c... 30/01/2012 G3 http Page 7 of 15 Vertex Rapid-Simplified Liquid ee Chemwatch Material Safely Data Sheet (REVIEW) Version No: 4 Chomwatch 6527-81 Issue Date: 4-Nov-2010 cai7LP + x x x x . 26 Must nt ba stored ogother (0 May be stored together with specie praventions 4 May be stored togetior EXPOSURE CONTROLS TWA TWA STEL STEL Peak Peak TWA Source Material ppm mgim’ ppm mgim? apm maim Fcc Notes Australia Exposure prety meinen 6) 208.4 400, - 418 Repose, _(Methy! methacrylate) “The folowing materials had no OELs on ur records + ethylene glycol dimethacrylate: CAS:97-90-5 “N,Nedimethyl-petoluidine: -CAS:99-97-8 EMERGENCY EXPOSURE LIMITS Material Rovised IDLH Value (mg/m?) Revised IDLH Value (pp) ‘methy! methacrylate 183 1,000 MATERIAL DATA RAPID-SIMPLIFIED LIQUID. le METHYL METHACRYLATE 1 the vecommended TLV-TWA for hydroquinone takes info account the toxicology ef hydroquinone and expetence of industri ‘Exposures to benenediols, Exposure at or below the iit le thought to minimise the risk to workers of eye injury, dermatits and Ext nervous sysiom seca A short-term duatlon exposure value has bat been recomvrended, because no quantlaive data 35 {S the tevete of hyorequirone whven produce eye ritation or more serous corneal changes hes been ideniies, For ¢methoxypheno (MEHO) MEH has caused ocular toxety in animals and skin deplgmeniaton in rodents and workers. The recommendation for the TLV- {TWA arses from cocumented eye and sin oxltles and by analogy wih nycroquinone Ggourthresnola Vaue (eby!metnacrylate) 0.048 ppm (detecton), 0.24 ppm (recegniton) NOTE: Detector tubes measuring in excess of 80 ppm, are avalable Concenitations a lw as 725 ppm methyl melhscryate have produced irtaton ofthe mucous membranes of exposed workers. ‘The recommended TLV-TWA is Tough to be euffcienly lew to protect aganst discomfot fom ination and aoe systemic intoxeabon ETHYLERE GLYCOL DIMETHACRYLATE- {2 Sensory tianls are chemizals that produce temporary and undesirable side-effects on the eyes, nose of throat, Historically Sccupatorel exposure standards for these imarts have been based on cbservaion of workers responses fo various arborne Csncentratens. Present day expectaione require at neary every inaivdual should be protected against even minor sensory \tntaton ane exposuie standard are eslablshed using uncertainty factors or safety factors of § 10 10 et more, On occasion ana toabsenable-tiectevels (NOEL) are used to celermne these lewis where human resus are unavaiable, An addtiond| “pproach,lypicaly used by he TLV committee (USA) n determing respiratory standards fr this group of chemicals, has been tc Bega ceugy valves (TLV C) to Toot acting tants and fo assign short-term exposure limits (TLV STELs) when ine weight of Svdrce fom ilaton, boavaamuaton and other endpoints combine fo warrant such a limi In contrast the MAK Commission {Germary) uses a ve category system based on intensive seu", lealrtaton, and elimination halife. However fis system = teing relaced to be consent wth the European Unen (EU) Scertiic Commitee for Occupatonal Exposure Limits (SCOEL) thie ¢ more closely ied to tna ofthe USA CGSHA (USA) concludes tnt exposure fo sensory itnts can’ cause infammation fause increased susceptibility lo other ans ani ead to permanent mury or dysfunction perm grater absorption of Razatdous substances and _Scatimate the worker tone tant warning properties of se eubstances thus increasing the risk of overexposure CEL TWA: 1 mpims [compare WEEL-TWA" for mutfuncional scrstes (MFAS)] Exposure lo MEAs has been reported {0 cause conc! dermatts in humans and serious eye injury in laboratory animals, Exposure fo some MFAesin conlainng aerosols has alo Deen reported (0 cause dermalls. As no assessment of He possibe effects of [ene-tern exposure lo aefosets woe found, a conservative Workplace Envronmental Exposure Level (WEEL) was suggested by the American Industrial Hygiene Associaton (AIHA). Designated § in List of MAK values: Danger cf sensization. IMAKCvalues, and categores and groupe are those recommended within the Federal Repub of Germany. NACOIMETHYL-P-TOLUDINE 1B No expoaure limite eet by NOHSC or ACGIH, us agents PERSONAL PROTECTION :// &NzGe=&ewno~6527-81&c... 30/01/2012 cG3 Page 8 of 15 Vertex Rapid-Simplified Liquid ee (Chemwatch Material Safety Data Sheet (REVIEW) Version No: 4 (Chemwatch 6527-81 Issue Date: 4-Nov-2010 c3t7LP EYE © Safety glsene wth side shi. © Ghemea goagies. {2 Coniact ences may pose a special hazard sft contac! lenses may avsor an concertateiiants. A wren policy document ‘Soserioing the wearing a ens ar esiicians on use, should be Create fr each warkslace o lash. This should Include a ewiew Stiens sisorpton and adsorpion forthe cass of chemicals In use and an account of jury experience. Medical end first-aid Bersonnel shoul! be tained in ter removal and sutabla equipment should be ready avalsble. In the event of chemical Exposure, beg eve inigaton Immediately and remove eoniae lens as s00n os practeabio. Lane should be removed al the frst ftps of aye edees of ination = lene Should be removed in a dean envionment ony aller workers have washed hands thoroughiy [COC NIOSH Curren Inteligence Buln £9), [ASINZS 1336 or rational equivalent HANDS/FEET = NOTE 12" The matenal may produce skin sensitisation in precisposed individuals. Care must be laken, when removing loves and other prolectve equipment, fo ave all possible shin contact © Coniaminaied leather tems, such as shoes, belts and watch-bands should be removed and destroyed. ‘Suiabity and dural cf glove ype is dependent on usage. Important factor inthe selection of gloves include: 1 traqueney and duraton of contac chemical resistance of glove material © ove nckness and dexter Select gloves tested toa relevant standard (eg. Europe EN 374, US F738, ASINZS 2161.1 or nalional equivalent 12) When prolonged or frequently repealed contact may occur. glove witha protection class of 5 oF higher (bresktrough Kime restr than 240 minues according lo EN 374, ASINZS 2161.10.1 or natonal equivalent) fe recommended ‘© When orly brief contacts expected, 2 glove witha protection clas of 3 or higher (breakthrough te greater than 69 minutes ‘secording fo EN 374, ASINZS 2161.10.10 nalonal equivalent) 's recommended ‘© Coniaminates gloves shouldbe replaced Cioves mus only be worn on clean hands. Afler using gloves, hands should be weched and dried thoroughly. Application ofa non- perfumed moisturiser i recommended Beneral waming Do NOT use latex gloves! Use any recommended gloves - sing the wrong gloves may increase ho ik Use of thin nitrile rubber gloves: Nibile rubber (0.1 Exposure condition Short time use; (fow minutes less_mm) Excellent tactiblty ‘Yee!"), powder-free than 0.5 hour Litle physical stress Disposable Inoxpensive Give adequate protection to low molecular weigh acrylic monomers Use of medium thick nitrile rubber gloves Nitile rubber, NRL ([atex) free; <0.45 mm Moderate Exposure condition Medium time use; less than 4 _tactbility (‘feel’), powder-ree Disposable Moderate hours Physical stress (opening drums, using tools, price Gives adequate protection for most acrylates up etc.) fo 4 hours Do NOT give adequate protection to low ‘molecular weight monomers at exposures longer than ‘hour Nitrile rubber, NRL (latex) free; >0.56 mm low tactiblity ("feel"), powder free High price Gives adequate protection for most acrylates in combination Exposure condition Long time Cleaning operations with commonly used solvents up to 8 hours Do NOT. give adequate protection to low molecular weight ‘monomers at exposures longer than 1 hour Avoid use of ketones and acetates in wash-up solutions. \inere none f th gloves ensure ate handing (or example in ong term handing ef scryates containing high levels of acetates anal o:kelones, use aminatod multilayer gloves, Guide to he Glassifcaton and Labeling of UVIEB Actes Third editon, 281 October 2007 - Cefic OTHER © Ovorat, © PVCApIOn © PVC proscive suit may b Eyewast unt Eneure there is ready access fo a safety shower. ‘Some paste personal potecive equipment (PPE) (eg. gloves, aprons, avershoes) 2t@ not recommended as they may roduc sai elec, ruled if exposure severe. hitps://’chemgold3/msds.exe? print ewno=6527-81&c... 30/01/2012 G3 Page 9 of 15 Vertex Rapid-Simplified ar cose Liquid Chemwalch Material Safety Data Sheet (REVIEW) Version No: 4 Chemwatch 6527-81 Issue Date: 4-Nov-2010 camp «For larg scale or continuous vse weer tght-weave non-state thing (no mele Sey Genes. GLOVE SELECTION INDEX 1 Glove selection is based on a modified presentation ofthe “Forsberg Clothing Performance index”. ‘The effect(s) ofthe following substance(s) are taken into account in the computer-generated selection: ‘methyl methacrylate «= Protective Material CPI". PEVEVALIPE PVA TEFLON BUTYL ‘= GPI-Chemwatch Performance Index A: Best Selection B: Satisfactory; may degrade after 4 hours continuous immersion C: Poot to Dangerous Choice for other than short term immersion NOTE: As a sories of factors will influonce the actual performance of the glove, a final selection must be: based on detailed observation. - * Where the glove is to be used on a short term, casual or infrequent basis, factors such as “feel” or convenience (e.g. disposabilty), may dictate a choice of gloves which might otherwise be unsuitable foliowing long-term or frequent use. A qualified practitioner should be consulted, RESPIRATOR 2 Type A Fier of sufiientcapaciy. (ASINZS 1716 & 1715, EN 1432000 & 149-2001, ANSI 288 or national equivalent) The IbealYongentraton of mater quan and conations of use determine the typ of porsenal polectve aqupment required Foctocher ivornaton const se specie CHEMWATCH data (avaible), or you" Occupatenal Healh and Salety AdWsor ENGINEERING CONTROLS ‘S Engheerng contol are used to remove a hazard or place a barrier between the worker and the hazard. Wel-desiones Eagnesring coniois can be highly effective in protecting workers and wil vical be independent of worker Ileractons to provide thes gh love of protector ‘The bane types of engnberng convols are Process controls woh involve changing the way a job ator process is done to reduce the risk. Enelosute andr sosalon of emsion soutee nfich Keeps a Selected bazar “physically” away fom the wotker and ventlation that Svalegcaly "ades" and Yemoves" alr in the work environment. Ventlatan can remove or due an ai conlaminant i designed propery. Tre design to ventaion system must malen the partcuar process and chemical or contamina in use Ereployers may need to use multiple pes of cools to prevent empoyee overexposure. For flammable squids and fammatie gases, local exhaust venbistion or @ process erciceure venation system may be requied ‘Veniltion equipment shoud be exploston-esistant ere, cuffs or pockets), nen sparking opr APPEARANCE Highly flammable clear colouriss bqua wth an ester-ke odour: par mines with water. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES gui State Liquie Molecular Weight Not Applicable Melting Range (°C) 8 Viscosity 0.6 cSt@ao"C Boling Range (°C) 101 Solubility in water (g/L) Partly Miscible Flash Point (°C) 10 pH (1% solution) Not Applicable: Decomposition Temp (°C) Not Available pH (as supplied) Not Applicable Autoignition Temp (°C) 430 Vapour Pressure (kPa) 47 @20C Upper Explosive Limit(%) 12.5 Specific Gravity (water=1) 0.94 Lower Explosive Limit(%) 2.4 Relative Vapour Density (air=1) Not Available hitps:// &NzGe=&ewno=6527-81 éc... 30/01/2012 a3 https://edu.chemwatch net/chemgold3/msds.exe?print=Y &NzGe=&cwno=6527-81&... Page 10 of 15 Vertex Rapid-Simplified Liquid ees Chemwatch Material Safely Data Sheet (REVIEW) Version No: 4 ‘Chemuatch 6527-81 Issue Date: 4-Nov-2010 cai7P Volatile Component (vol) Not Available Evaporation Rate Not Available CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO INSTABILITY ‘lable under controled sirage conditions proved material conainsalequalestabéser/ polymerisation iio. 1 Buk storages may have spacial storage requirements 3 WARNING. Grocval decompesiion in stong, sasled containers may lead to a large pressure buildup and subsequent texplosion Rapid ans volent polymerisation possible at omperaures above 32 dea. Presence of incompaile materials. Product © coneidere slate. (© Hazardos polymersaton wl ct occur For incamptibe materials - refer fo Section 7 - Handling and Storage POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS ACUTE HEALTH EFFECTS: ‘SWALLOWED 1 Oral doses can preduce lo bloodpressure, central nervous system depression and drowsiness, liver and kidney degeneration fd death ater cessation of breathing Considered an unixe'y route of erry commercalindusl envicnments EYE fs This mate can cause eye tation and damage in some persons. SKIN. {2 This mateialcan cause inflammation ofthe skin encanact in some persons. ‘The materia may accentuate any pre-existing dermatii conten Reporte of Jena! teetnicans, surgeons and manufacturng employees with direct skin contact with methyl methacr/te show ‘tered ceneaton such ae numbing ard ging sensabon onthe fingers, wih mid local nerve éamage ‘Open cute abraded oiled skin should no be exposed to this mele Enty into the Dos steam, tough, for example, cuts, sbranons or lesions, may produce systemic injury with harmful tits, Examine the skin pr tothe use of te material and entre thal any external damage i surably protatea INHALED ‘= The material can cause respiratory ination n some persons. The bods response to such Iralon can cause further lung Gamage Innalaton o vapours may cause drowsiness and diaziness, This may be accompanied by sleepiness, reduced alertness, loss of feflexes, lack of co-rdiaton. anc vertoe, Wiorkersn pants manufacturing metry! methacrylate may experience headaches, pains inthe extemfis, tiredness, memory loss {nd sleep detureance, win hormonal disturbance in women, Inhalaton ofthe sistance may cause low blood pressure, cenal ‘ervous system depression, iver and kiney degeneration and death em fale of Brething CHRONIC HEALTH EFFECTS ‘= Skon conact wh the maternal fe more ikely to cause 8 sensisaton recetion In some persons compared to the general population. FFnere's sone evidence that inhaling hs prduc is more likely fo cause a sensiisaion reaction in some persons compared tothe ‘general pop ition Prolonged se repeated exposures can cause Wer and kidney damage, low blood pressure and heat allack. There may be Increasee dasins from colon or ecial cancer, Long tam ical injection may cause mou ofthe local tissues. When inhaled, may {cube wate and sore nostri and destucion of he organ of sme ‘Senatieaton may recut insllrie dermalie response includ rash, ching, hives or sweling of exroris. ‘Senetiealen may gvo severe responses 10 very low levels of exposure, Le. hypersensitiy. Sensitsed persons should not be ‘lowed to ork m stuatone where exposure may accu TOXICITY AND IRRITATION Unless otherwise specie data extracted ftom RTECS - Regiser of Tonc fects of Chemlsl Substances. ETHYLENE GLYCOL DIMETHACRYLATE: METHYL METHACRYLATE {Based on te avoliatle crcogentcty data and without @ beter undertianding of the earenogenio mechansm the Health and Environmental Review Onfeion (HERD), Ofes of Toxe Substances (OTS), of he US EPA previously concluded that al chemicals {hat contain the acrylate or methacrylate mostly (CH2=CHEOO or CH2=C|CHS}COO) should be considered to be a cainogene hazard unlse shown ofveruiae by adequate fetng. ‘The postion has now been revieed and alates and methacrylate ae no longer de tact carcinogens \inere no “sia” classiieaton fr acylates and methacryates exists, there hes bach caulous allempts o create classifications Inthe abserce of contrary evidence. For example Menai ormeroaryiasirs of acryc acids shoul be classified as R38/37/98 and R61/58 [Monoaly! or monoard estes of meihacrye acid shouldbe classified as R26/37/38 ‘sinmasine symptoms may contnue for months or even years afer exposure 19 the material ceases, This may be due to 3 non- 30/01/2012 cG3 Page 11 of 1S Vertex Rapid-Simplified Liquid eeaeat (Chernwaich Material Safety Data Sheet (REVIEW) Version No: 4 Chemmwatch 6527-81 Issue Date: 4-Nov-2010 cst7LP legenic condition known as reactive aways dysfunction syndrome (RADS) which can occur flowing exposure 10 high levels of Fighly tating compound. Key ertera forthe diagnosis of RAOS include the absence of precesing respiratory cisease, in 2 00n~ ‘top ndwidval wth abrupt angel of persistent aethme-ske symptoms wihin minutes fo hours ofa documented exposure tothe linant. & reversible ailow paitem, On spromety. win tho presence of moderate to severe bronchial hyperesctviy on ‘Metmackoine chalenge testing ard the ack of minimal Imphacytcflmrmaton, wihout eosinophilia, have also been inde in {he ortera for dagnoste of RADS. RAOS (or ama) folowing an tating inhalation isan inrequent disorder wi rates related {he concentration f and durabon of exposure to the lating substance. Indusinal bronchitis, onthe other hand, is @ deorder th ‘Sccurs as resul of enposure dus to high concentrations of irlaing substance (olen particulate in nature) and fs completely feversble ater exposure ezasce, The daorder fe charactersed by dyspnea, cough and mucus production. Contact slergles qukly manifest Pernseives as Contact eczema, more rarely a8 uticara or Quincks's cedema. The pathogenesis of contact eczema involves a cellmediated (T lymphocytes) immune react ofthe delays type. Othe alerge skin reactions, ©. contact urteara, invalve antibody mediated immune rescione. The sigafeance che canvact allergen ts not simpy determined by is serstsaton potenbal. the detiovion of the substance and the opportnties for contact wit i are equaly portant. A weakly erolsing substance which fs widely ditovted can ba 2 more important allergen than ene wih strange” sensing potential with when few individuals coma ino contact. From a clnial pont of vew, substances are noteworthy fey produce an allergic: tes Feacon in more than 1% of the persons tested VERTEX RAPID SIMPLIFIED LIQUID. Not avalabl. Refer te incividval constituents. METHYL METHACRYLATE: TOXICITY IRRITATION (Oral (rat) LDS0: 7872 mg/kg ‘Skin (rabbit): 10000 mg/kg (open) Inhalation (human) TCLo: 425 ppm Eye (rabbit): 150 mg Dermal (rabbit) L050: >5000 mg/kg Inhalation (rat) LC5O: 3750 ppm * Dermal (rabbit) LO50: 35500 mg/kg * LUNA is absorbed attr inhalation, ora Iniake and less ready through the skin. Following inhalation itis party deposited in the fivray where iis metabolised by focal enzymes. Acute (oxcly Is low. Skin, eye and aiway intation can result as well 35 dejeveraton of the smell uncton of the nose. Long term exposure may result camage to the Iver, Kney, brain, spleen and bone marten. Ii may cause mutation, esposally at righ doses. Theres no relevant concern for effects en reproduction ar cancer. The substance is classified by IARC as Group 3: NOT classifale ae os carcinogenic to humans. Evidenes of earenagenty may be inadequate or mite in animal testing. Inmelaton (human) TCLo: €0 mpin'(15 ppm” Manuf. Rohm & Haas) TOXICITY IRRITATION ETHYLENE GLYCOL DIMETHACRYLATE: (Oral (rat) LDSO: 3300 ma/kg Nil Reported Intraperitoneal (rat) LD50: 2800 mg/kg (Oral (mouse) LDS0: 2000 makg UY (ultraviolety EB (electron beam) acrylates are generally of low toxicity LUVIEB acrylates are divided into two groups; “stenomeric” and "eurymeric" acrylates, ‘The first group consists of well-defined acrylates which can be described by a simple idealised chemicalithey are low molecular weight species with a very narrow weight distribution profile. “The eurymeric acrylates cannot be described by an idealised structure and may differ fundamentally between vatious suppliers; they are of relatively high molecular weigh and possess a wide weight distribution. Stenomeric acrylates are usually more hazardous than the eurymeric substances. Stenomeric acrylates are Also well defined which allows comparison and exchange of toxicity data - this allows more accurate classification ‘The stenomerics cannot be classified as a group; they exhibit substantial variation. NN-DIMETHYL-P-TOLUIDINE: Intraperitoneal (mouse) LD50: 212 mg/kg Nil Reported CARCINOGEN Methyl methacrylate International Agency for Group 3 Research on Cancer (IARC) ~ &NzGe=&ewno=6527-81&c... 30/01/2012 G3 Page 12 of 15 (Chemwatch 6527-81 Vertex Rapid-Simplified Liquid (Chemwatch Material Safety Data Sheet (REVIEW) Version No: 4 Issue Date: 4-Nov-2010 cat7LP Agents Reviewed by the IARC. Monographs REPROTOXIN, ILO Chemicals in the electronics industry that have Reduced fertlity or sterility {oxic effects on reproduction ‘methyl methacrylate ETHYLENE SLYCOL METHACRYLATE NA-DIMETHYLS-TOLUIDINE METHYL METHACRYLATE 8 DONOT dscharge into sewer or waterways ETHYLENE SLYCOL DMETHACRYLATE METHYL METHACRYLATE For Aces Ecotonety - Compounds wh a lag Pow § cause drowsiness or siupor, but at lower log Pow the toxicity of acres is greater than predicted tor simp rarcotes ‘Amosphanc Fata Volabilzed aye acd and aorylc esters are predicted to degrade rapidly by atmospheric photo-oxidation with testimated halves of 219 24% ‘Teresiral Fate Nene ace bodegrades aerbicaly in gol The mobliy In sol of aeylc aid and its esters ranged Irom ‘median’ to vary nigh: Aente seid degrades raply fo carbon dane in sal [Aquatic Fate eleaseo to surface water, acrye act and the acrylic esters be rapidly biodegraded while @gorian would voatiize tothe aie Ecctoxiaty The acute tory of acre act ish and invertebrates | ly porone. The acute foxioy of re acrye eaters was moderately toxic, Acetone enol acutely foi o fish, ierebrates or water Neas. Effects on algae of ese compounds cous not be jadged rom cla fests due f0 the extensive biodegradation and volatizaton that occured ‘during toe teste, Overall these eludes show thal acre atid and two seryéc etors stuod can reply biodegrade, have a low polenta for serstence or bloacoumulation the environment, and have fw io moderate Loney ' Substances consinng unsaturated carbone are ubiquitous nindoot enuifonments. They fesut fom many sources (sve below). Most are veacive wit environmen ozone and many produce slable products which are thovah to adversely effect human heath The potential for surfaces In an enclosed space fo facile reactions should be considered sy ar ipslinua sil Unsaturated substances (Reactive Major Stable Products produced Soures Or RENEE BRIENSEE Eye pone) following reaction with ozone. Methacrolein, meth! viny! ketone, nitrogen dioxide, acetone, 6MHO, gerany| acetone, 40PA, formaldehyde, nonanol, decanal, 9- ‘oxo-nonanoic acid, azelaic acid, rnonanoie acid. Formaldehyde, 4-AMC, pinoaldehyde, pinic acid, pinonic ‘acid, formic acid, methacrolein, ‘methy vinyl ketone, SOAs including ultrafine particles Isoprene, nitric oxide, squalene, Occupants (exhaled breath, ski olls, unsaturated sterols, oleic acid and ppersonal care products) other unsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated oxidation products ‘Soft woods, wood flooring, including oypress, cedar and silver fir boards, houseplants Isoprene, limonene, alpha-pinene, other terpenes and sesquiterpene Carpets and carpet backing Linoleum and paintsipolishes Containing linseed oil Latex paint Certain cleaning products, polishes, waxes, airfresheners. &NzGe=&ewno=6527-81&c.... 30/01/2012 4-Phenyleycionexene, 4- vinyleyclonexene, styrene, 2- ethyihexy! acrylate, unsaturated falty acids and esters Linoleic aci, linolenic acie Residual monomers Limonene, alpha-pinene, terpinolene, alpha-terpineol, linaloo},linalyl acetate and other terpenoids, longifolene and other sesquiterpenes, Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde, hexanal, nonanal, 2- rnonenal Propanal, hexanal, nonanal, 2- hoptenal, 2snonenal, 2-decenal, t- pentene-3-one, propionic acid, n- butyric acid Formaldehyde Formaldehyde, acstaldehyd, glycoaldehyde, formic acd, acetic 220d, hydrogen and organic peroxides, acetone, benzaldehyde, 4-hycroxy-4-methy-S-hexen-t-al, = ethenykdinydro-5-methyl-2(3H)- {uranone, 4-AMC, SOAS including utrafine particles Formaldehyde, methacrolein, cG3 hittps:// &NzGc=&ewno=t Page 13 of 15 Vertex Rapid-Simplified Liquid Rad (Chemwatch Material Safety Data Sheet (REVIEW) ‘Version No: 4 (Chemwatch 6527-81 Issue Date: 4-Nav-2010 corp Natural ubber adhesive Isoprene, terpenes rmety| ving ketone Photocopier tone, pe4 Paper, yang Formaldehyde, benzaldehyde Formaldehyde, benzaldehyde, Environmental tobacco smoke Styrene, acrolein, nicotine exons, aire ‘methylformamide, nicotinaldehyde, catinine ‘Acetone, gerany acetone, 6MHO, Squaleno, unsaturated sterols, oleic 40PA, formaldehyde, nonanal ‘acid and other saturated fatty acids decanal, S-oxo-nonancic acid, azelalc acid, nonanoic acid Formaldehyde, nonanal, and other Unsaturated fatty acids from plant aldehydes; azelaic acid; nonanoic Soiled clothing, fabrics, bedding waxes, leaf iter, and other ‘acid; 9-oxo-nonanoic acid and other ‘Sonedlaricletaars vegetative debris; soot; diesel oxo-acids; compounds with mixed paricles functional groups (=O, -OH, and - COOH) Unsaturated fatty acids and esters, entiation ducts and duct liners te a ane C510 C10 aldehydes Oxidized polycyclic aromatic “ban grit Poyeyelcaromatc hydrocarbons OMB po Formalsehyd, AMC, acetone, - res, essential ots monene,alpharpnene,tnalool, hycroxj-tmethyrsshecen--al Pertmes, colognes essoll ois, jai aceite, erie, eheryayto-Smaiyh 234) 9 . " gamma-terpinene furanone, SOAs including ultrafine pattiles Formaldehyde, 4-AMC, pinonaldehyde, acetone, pinic acid, Overall home emissions Limonene, alpha-pinene, styrene pinonic acid, formic acid, benzaldehyde, SOAS including ultrafine particles ‘Abbreviaons 4-ANC, 4-scely-t-nathyleyelohexene; 6MHO, 6-mehylSteplene-2.0ne, AOPA, s-oxopertanal, SOA, Secondary Organe Aerosols Reference Chaves J Weschler; Envronmental Heath Perspectives, Vol 114, Qcteber 2006, METHYL METHACRYLATE fForMatnyiMathacryete (MMA) Kor 87: Log Pow! 83; Halle (r) a2 7-3; Halt. (hr) H20 surface water 6.2336: Henry's atm miimol 3246-04; BODS 0.14 log BCF 0.5 Environmental Fate Tha environmental behavior of MMA i elgimined by As range of .1-9,7 hours atmospheric halite and moderate volatity. MMA fs readly biodegradable. The air and to a much lower exten, the water, are the preferred target ‘Comparirenis fo lsribulen are nether relevant bloaceumulaton nor goo-accumuation are expecied ‘Aimosphere Fate rs not possible ta tomine the Predicted No Effect Gonceritaton (PNEC) forthe atmospheric compartment ‘duo the ack of expermenial daa, ‘quate Fate Hyoro}ysis fol signifcant at reual and acdc pH, but increases inthe upper pH range. In waste water reatment Plan's, 892 % ofthe substance Is estimated to be removed predominately by biodegradation. ‘Terostnl Fato WMA aceorbe onto sediment oreo colony MBA fe rot aeulely ioe 1 Tah ining busgll and rainbow vout ard is not aculely toxic o Daphnia magna water fieas, Thete 2 9 moderole hazard concern fo aquatic organvsms, Data on elles lo errestial organisms ae not avaiable ETHYLENE GLYCOL DIMETHACRYLATE NACDIMETHYLP-TOLUIDINE f Harmful to aquatic oxpanisms, may cause long-term adverse efecs inte aquatic envionment Bo NOT allow product to come In contac with surface watere o to ierlidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not Contaminate water when clearing equipment or disposing of equipment wash-waters. ‘Wastes reeuting rom ute ofthe product must be disposed of on sie or st aporoved waste sos. Ecotoxicity Ingrestont Persistence: WaterSolPersistence: Air Bioaccumulation Mobility rathy| methacrylate Low No Data Avaliable LOW HiGe tisene glycol dmethacrate Low No Data Avaisble LOW HIGH NN-smetnyip touudine HIGH No Data Avaiatle LOW ED 1 Legislation adsressing waste disposal requirements may ofr by county, stte andor terttory. Each user must reler Yo laws {Speratng in tei area In some areas, certain wastes must be racked. 527-816... 30/01/2012 ca3 Page 14 of 15 Vertex Rapid-Simplified Liquid Did Chemwvatch Material Safety Data Sheet (REVIEW) Version No: 4 (Chemwaich 6527-81 Issue Date: 4-Nov-2010 cat7LP [A iterareny cf Contos seems o be common -tho user shoul investigate 2 Reducten © Route © Recyating Disposal al else fal) ‘Tis matenal may be recycod if unused, orf thas nt Been contaminated so as c make i uneulable fo is inkended use fi has been coniamnatee, i may be possible to raclaim the product by fluaton. citilaon or some other means. Sha e consiéeratons Should aso te appled in making decisions of ths type. Neto that properles of & material may change in use, and recycling oF Feuse may nc aways be anproprate {© DO NOT slow wash water rom clearing or process eauipment te enter rains Itmay be necessary fe calest ll wash water or reaiment before disposal Inall eases cisposa fo sewer may be subjects lcal laws and regulations andthe ‘Wherein Soubt contac the responsible autenty Recycle wherever possibie. CCansult manufacturer for rey treaimentor oepoea! faclity aan be ented © Dispose cf by. bural ne land. specicalylcenced to accept chemical and / ar pharmaceutical wastes or Incineration in 8 Teenced spparatue afte: admislute ith stable combustible materia) ‘¢ Decontaminate empty containers. Observe all abe Sleguards unl containers are clesned and gestroyee. shoul be considered frst 1g options or consul lal or regional waste management aubonity for disposal tno sutable Labels Requeed: FLAMMABLE LIQUID HAZCHEM: SYE (ADGT) Land Transport UNDG: Class or division: s Subsidiary risk: None UN No.: 1247 UN packing group: u Shipping Name METHYL METHACRYLATE MONOMER, STABILIZED, Air Transport IATA: ICAOJIATA Class: a ICAOJIATA Subrisk: None UND Number: 1247 Packing Group: Special provisions: None Cargo Oniy Packing Instructions: 364 Maximum Qty/Pack: 60 L Passenger and Cargo Passenger and Cargo Packing Instructions: 383 Maximum QtyiPack: SL. Passenger and Cargo Passenger and Cargo Limited Quantity Limited Quanity Packing Instructions: 341 Maximum Qty/Pack: aL ‘Shipping nane:METHYL METHACRYLATE MONOMER, STABILIZED Maritime Transport IMDG: IMDG Class: 3 IMDG Subrisic None UN Number: 1247 Packing Group: u EMS Number: FESD Special provisions: None Limited Quantities: aL ‘Shinning nar METHYL METHACRYLATE MONOMER, STABILIZED. :// print=Y &NzGe ewno=6527-81&c... 30/01/2012 ca3 Page 15 of 15 Vertex Rapid-Simplified Liquid ee ‘Chamwatch Material Safety Data Sheet (REVIEW) Version No: 4 (Chermwatch 6527-81 Issue Date: 4-Nov-2010 cat7LP POISONS SCHEDULE Nene REGULATIONS. Regulations for ingredients methyl methacrylate (CAS: 80-62-6) is found on the following regulatory lists; “australa Dangerous Goods Code (ADG Code) - Goods Too Dangerous To. Be Transpored' ‘Australia Exsosure Standards" "Austvaia Hazardous Substances’ ‘Austala High Volume Industral Chemical List (HVICL)-"Ausrala Inventory of Chemica! Subsianoas (AICS) Ausrala National Paluin! Inventory "Australia Stardera forthe Uniform Seheduing Of Mesoines land Poisons (SUSMP) - Append C’Austiala Stardard Tor tha Uniform Senedulrg of Meciones and. Posone (SUSME) ‘Aapendix F (Pad 2)"7Austraia Standard for the. Uniform Seneduing of Mesienes. and Posons (SUSMP) - Schedule SE'GESANPIEHS Composite List - GESAMP "Hazara. Profies"IMO IBC. Code Chapter 17" Summary cf minimum Fequremenis" IMO MAREOL 7378 (Rn) ~ Ust of Noxious Liqus Substances Carried in Bu’rInlemational Agency for Research on Cancer (ARC) - Agen's Revewed by the ARG Manogaprs’intermatioral Air Transpon Associaton IATA) Dangercus. Goods Regulations" Intemational Air Transpor Ascozsion (IATA) Dangerous Goods. Reguiatons = Proheited List Inlemaional Fragrance Associaton (JFRA) Standards Prohibited ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (CAS: 97-90-5) is found on the following regulatory lists; “austala Haaardous. Substancee’ “Australia Inveniory of Chemical Substances (AICS}" Intemational Council of Chemical ‘Associations (ICCA) High Production Volume List” N,N-dimeth yl-p-toluidine (CAS: 99-97-8) is found on the following regulatory lists; “Ausvala Hazardous Substances” "Ausvalia Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS)” No data for Vertex Rapid-Simplified Liquid (CW: 6527-81) 15 Classification of the preparation and its individual components has drawn on offcisl and authoritative sources as well 3€ Independent review by the Cremuatch Ciassficston committee using avalable Weralure references, ‘lst of raforence resources uaed to asi the commniize may be found at ‘wera cherwsatch neieterences 1 The (M)SDS is a Hazard Communication too! and should be used to assist inthe Risk Assessment, Many factors determine ‘hether the reporied Hazards are Risks inthe workplace o oer stings. Risks may be determined by reference to Exposures ‘Scenarios. Scale of use, frequency of uve and eurent or avalable engingerng corioe mutt be conesered This document is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, review or criticism, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without uritten permission from CHEMWATCH. TEL (+61 3) 9572 4700. www Chemwatch net leave Date: 4Now-2010 Print Date:30-Jan-2012¥ &NzGe=&ewno=6527-81&c... 30/01/2012 aaorranseys fer rele ew hit eS ae ee on ae ee Se a-bo em pany wee coin ie = en Sncrell Sac ahah ae NON a ne Og? #2 IT soivearsnatcaete os ff ot errr monk are 2A, mesh 1 Same ect afaneaé (TW iy ae taaae mm ert iu ears 2 pean Sees aie iogiion Oat A lee ote 16 pyestig/ IB we BF BAS) eeeisha-qoiplosrno-s © a Te Tie aie AE nn te yrcabyrmdiaiecins

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