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tmux the terminal multiplexer Cheat Sheet

by bechtold via

General customizing tmux (cont) Pane Window Handling

Control-a prefix key (default C- set -g status-left # beginning of :joinp move window 2 into a new pane in
b) [fg=green]#H statusbar hostname -s :2 the current window
in green
: interactive dialog :joinp move the current pane into a new
(promt) set-window-option -g current window -t :1 pane in window 1
window-status-current- shown in red
d detach session
bg red Vim like commands
tmux restore restore session
set -g status-right # number of users
: source-file reload .tmux.conf bind s splitting
[fg=yellow]#(uptime | and load average for
~/.tmux.conf split-window -v
cut -d , -f 2-) computer
t big clock bind v splitting
setw -g monitor-activity highlight window
split-window -h
? list bindings on with new activity
bind h select- motion keys
set -g visual-activity on show info on new
pane -L
Session handling activity
bind j select- motion keys
tmux start new setw -g automatic- set window title to
pane -D
tmux new -s start new with name rename on current command
bind k select- motion keys
pane -U
Basic Window Handling
tmux a -t reattach session (or at,
bind l select- motion keys
or attach) c new window pane -R
tmux a -t myname reattach named session , rename window
setw -g mode- vim motion keys while in
tmux ls list sessions n next window keys vi copy mode

tmux kill-session -t kill named session p previous window bind - resize- resize pane down by 1
myname pane -D 1
l previously selected window
:new new session bind + resize- resize pane up by 1
w list all windows
s list sessions pane -U 1
[0-9] move to window number [0-
$ name session bind < resize- resize pane to left by 1
pane -L 1
tmux kill-server kill server and all f [window find window
sessions bind > resize- resize pane to right by 1
pane -R 1
: list-windows list windows
customizing tmux
& kill window Basic Pane Handling
set-option - rebind the Ctrl- -g for global
. move window
g prefix C-a b prefix to Ctrl- => every v split vertically

a window : split horizontally

Advanced Window Handling
bind-key C- switch to last To use hit Ctrl- split-windo
move-window [ d] [ s src-window] [ t dst- w
a last- active window a twice
window window]
o go to next pane (down-pane)
swap-window [ -d] [ -s src-window] [ -t dst-
unbind % Remove default split binding q show pane number, press
bind | bind vertical splitting to | number to go to
split-window { move current pane left
} move current pane right
bind bind horizontal splitting to -
x kill pane

set -g status-bg black

set -g status-fg white

By bechtold Published 8th July, 2013. Sponsored by Last updated 3rd June, 2014. Measure your website readability!
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tmux the terminal multiplexer Cheat Sheet
by bechtold via

Advanced Pane Handling

<space toggle through layouts


break- take a pane and make -d focus stays

pane own window

resize- resize pane down (20) by 20 cells


-U resize up (by 20
(20) cells)

-L resize left (by 20

(20) cells)

-R resize right (by

(20) 20 cells)

-t 2 pane with id 2
20 down by 20


tmux info

? list bindings

Set pane title printf '\033]2;%s\033\\' 'title goes here'

By bechtold Published 8th July, 2013. Sponsored by Last updated 3rd June, 2014. Measure your website readability!
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