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Manual del Alumno



I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal2


ndice General

Pag N
1. Introducing yourself ............................................................................... 2

2. Personal Pronouns ............................................................................. 3

3. Verb to be ........................................................................................... 4

4. Possessive Adjectives ........................................................................ 6

5. Demonstrative Adjectives ................................................................... 7

6. The Numbers, Days and Months ........................................................ 8

7. Countries and Nationalities. The article .............................................. 9

8. Information Questions. Modal can ........................................................ 12

9. Multiple Exercises ................................................................................. 14

11 Simple Present ..................................................................................... 15

12 Reading Comprehension ...................................................................... 16

13 Daily Routine .......................................................................................... 17

14 Adverbs of Frequency .......................................................................... 18

15 Verb to be vs. Do and Does .............................................................. 19

16 Object Pronouns ..................................................................................... 21

17 Ordinal Numbers .................................................................................... 22

18 Multiple Exercises .................................................................................. 23

I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal3


INTRODUCING YOURSELF (Dilogo de Presentacin)

Example : (Ejemplo)

Ann : Hello, my name is Ann. What`s your name ?

(Hola, mi nombre es Ann. Cul es tu nombre?)

Bob : Hi, my name is Bob.

(Hola, mi nombre es Bob)

Ann : How are you ?

(Cmo ests?)

Bob : Im fine thanks. And you ?

(Estoy bien, gracias. Y t?)

Ann : Very well, thank you.

(Muy bien, gracias)

Bob : Whats your last name ?

(Cul es tu apellido?)

Ann : My last name is Dickens

(Mi apellido es Dickens)
Bob : Are you a secretary ?
(Eres una secretaria?)

Ann : No, Im not, Im a student. What do you do?

(No, no soy. Soy estudiante. Qu haces t?)
Bob : Im a student too.
(Soy estudiante tambin)

Ann : Welcome to the institute.

(Bienvenida al instituto)

Bob : Thank you.


NOTA : Para preguntar Cul es tu ...?

first name? (primer nombre)
middle name? (segundo nombre)
Whats your last name? (apellido) Americano
surname? (apellido) Britnico
address? (direccin)
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal4

phone number? (nmero telefnico)

(Pronombres Personales)

Singular Plural

I (yo) We (nosotros)
You (t, usted) You (ustedes)
He (l) They (ellos)
She (ella)
It (esto)

Exercises (Ejercicios)

Rewrite these sentences. Use Personal Pronouns :

(Vuelve a escribir estas oraciones. Usa pronombres personales)

1. Alice is a secretary. She is a secretary.

2. Mr. Wilson is her boss. ----------------------------------
3. Alice and Mr. Wilson are in the office. ----------------------------------
4. This company is very big. ----------------------------------
5. Mrs. Peters is a personal secretary. ----------------------------------
6. Alice and I are American. ----------------------------------
7. Mr. Wilson is English. ----------------------------------
8. Mrs. Johnson is a sales assistant. ----------------------------------
9. Mr. Cooper is a sales manager. ----------------------------------
10. The secretaries are very efficient. ---------------------------------
11. The telephone is ringing. ----------------------------------
12. Mary is a good worker. ----------------------------------
13. Mr. And Mrs. Smith are in Boston. ----------------------------------
14. The computers are working. ----------------------------------
15. The scanner is in the office. ---------------------------------
16. The students are in the lab now. ---------------------------------
17. Bill and you are good students. ---------------------------------
18. English is very easy. ---------------------------------
19. This printer is new. ---------------------------------
20. Henry and I are engineers. ---------------------------------


(Saludos y Despedidas)
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal5


How do you do? (Cmo ests?) Hello, hi (Hola)

Good morning (buenos das) morning !
Good afternoon (b. tardes) afternoon!
Good evening (b. noches) saludo evening!
Good night (b. noches) despedida night!
Good bye (adis) bye!

EXERCISES : Complete :

1. 7 : 00 p.m Good __________ 3. 8 : 00 a.m _____________

2. 2 : 00 p.m _______________ 4. 11 : 00 p.m _____________


(Posibles respuestas a Cmo ests?)

o Fine, thanks (bien, gracias)

o Great, and you? (genial, y t?)
o Im tired (estoy cansado)
o Im o.k (estoy bien)
o Very well , thank you (muy bien, gracias)
o So,so (ms o menos)
o Not so good . I have . (a cold , fever, headache , etc)
(No muy bien. Tengo ... ( gripe, fiebre, dolor de cabeza)


(Posibles respuestas al despedirse)

o Bye (adis)
o Take care (cidate)
o So long (hasta luego)
o Have a nice .(day, evening, weekend)
(Que tengas un buen ... da, noche, fin de semana)
o See you ..(later, soon, tomorrow, on Monday)
(Nos vemos ... luego, pronto, maana, el lunes)
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal6

(Verbo Ser Estar)



(Written) (Spoken) (Written) (Spoken)

I am Im I am not Im not
You are Youre You are not You re not / You arent
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal7

He is Hes He is not Hes not / He isnt

She is Shes She is not Shes not / She isnt
It is Its It is not Its not / It isnt
We are Were We are not Were not / We arent
They are Theyre They are not Theyre not / They arent


I am = yo soy o estoy I am not = Yo no soy /no estoy

You are = t eres o ests You are not = t no eres / no ests
usted es o est Ud. no es / no est
He is = l es o est He is not = l no es / no est
She is = ella es o est She is not = ella no es / no est
It is = esto es o est It is not = esto no es / no est
We are = nosotros somos o estamos We are not = no somos o estamos
You are = ustedes son o estn You are not = Uds no son /no estn
They are = ellos son o estn They are not = ellos no son
ellos no estn


- En el idioma ingls existe la forma abreviada o contractiva. Esta abreviacin consiste en

omitir la primera vocal del verbo y sustituirla por un apstrofe ( ).

Ejemplo : I am Im
You are Youre
He is Hes

- En la forma negativa con el verbo To be es muy usual el usar contracciones, el apstrofe

( ) sustituye la vocal o de la palabra negativa not

Ejemplo : She is not She isnt

They are not They arent

Write the pronouns and the contractions of the verb To Be
(Escriba los pronombres y las formas contractivas del verbo To Be)

1. Robert is a doctor. __Hes a doctor

3. Cesar and Willy are friends. _______________________
4. Susan is very happy. _______________________
5. The book is new. _______________________
6. Tom Cuise is an American actor. ______________________
7. My brother and I are students. _______________________

Complete these sentences. Use the right form of the verb to be ( is, are, am):
(Completar estas oraciones. Usar la forma correcta del verbo to be)

1. I ........... a secretary. 11. They ........... very busy today.

2. You .......... a student. 12. It .......... a hot day.
3. H7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
4. 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal8

5. 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
6. 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
7. 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
8. 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
9. 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888



1. 88888888888888888888888888888888her
I ___ a student. ___ ____ not a teacher.

2. (+) American / (-) English

Henry ___ _______ . ____ _____ ________.

3. (+) students / (-) assistants

Bill and Alex ____ ________ . _____ _____ ________.

4. (+) a computer / (-) a printer

It ___ ________. ___ ____ _________

5. (+) a programmer / (-) an engineer.

You ___ __________. ____ ______ _________

6. (+) a secretary / (-) a student

Sally ___ __________. ____ ______ ________

7. (+) an actor / (-) a singer

Tom Cruise ___ ________. _____ _____ ________

8. (+) in the classroom / in the laboratory

The students ___ ____________ . _____ _____ _____________
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal9

(Preguntas y Respuestas)


Example :

Sentence : The C.P.U is the brain of a computer system

Question : Is the C.P.U the brain of a computer system?

Sentence : Computers are electronic brains.

Question : Are computers electronic brains?

La forma interrogativa del verbo To Be se forma colocando el verbo (am, is, are) delante del

Ejemplo : Paul is a good student They are at the University

Is Paul a good student? Are they at the University?


Change to question :
(Cambiar a pregunta) :

1. Bill is an engineer. ...............................................................................?

2. The students are in the lab. ...............................................................................?
3. This is a new printer. ...............................................................................?
4. That is a modern computer. ..............................................................................?
5. Henry and Alex are computer programmers. ...................................................?
6. The windows are closed. .................................................................................?


(Respuestas afirmativas y negativas)

Sentence : Mary is a woman ( man )

Question : Is Mary a woman ?
Affirmative Answer : Yes, she is. / Yes, Mary is a woman.
Question : Is Mary a man ?
Negative Answer : No, she isnt. / No, she isnt a man.

Sentence : Bill and Tom are students. ( teachers )

Question : Are Bill and Tom students?
Affirmative Answer : Yes, they are. / Yes, they are students.
Question : Are Bill and Tom teachers ?
Negative Answer : No, they arent. / No, they arent teachers

Existen dos formas de respuestas : forma corta (short answer) y forma completa.
Ejemplo : Is Paul a good doctor?
Yes, he is. / Yes, he is a good doctor.
No, he isnt. / No, he isnt a good doctor.
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal


Complete :

Sentence : Today is Tuesday (Sunday)

Question : IsToday Tuesday ?
Affirmative Answer : Yes, ....... is. / Yes, ..........................
Question : ..... ................ Sunday ?
Negative Answer : No, ..... .......... / No, ........................

Sentence : The letters are on the desk. (table)

Question : ...... the letters on the .............. ?
Affirmative Answer : Yes, .......... are. / Yes, .......................
Question : ......... the letters on the ................. ?
Negative Answer : No, ................. / No, ...........................


A la pregunta : Are you ...? (eres t...? o ests t ...?)

Se reponde : Yes, I am (s, yo soy o estoy)

No, I am not (No, yo no soy o no estoy)


Answer : (responder)

1. Is Lima a big city? ..................................................................

2. Is Bill Gates an actor? ............................................................
3. Are the windows open? .........................................................
4. Is Vargas Llosa Spanish? ......................................................
5. Is Laura Bosso Peruvian? ......................................................
6. Are you a student? ..................................................................
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal



(Adjetivos demostrativos) (Pronombres demostrativos)


This book These books This is a book These are books
That car Those cars That is a car Those are cars

This = este, esta These = estos, estas

That = ese, esa, aquel, aquella Those = esos, esas, aquellos, aquellas

This y These se utilizan para todos los objetos que se toquen o esten muy cerca
That y Those se utilizan para todos los objetos que esten lejos.

I. Complete : This or These

1. _____ classroom 3. _____ things 5. _____ Word processor

2. _____ computers 4. _____ scanner 6. _____ names

II. Complete : That or Those

1. _____ keyboard 3. _____ printer 5. _____ students

2. _____ microprocessors 4. _____ programs 6. _____ file


*with Of : The name of my mother is Lizzet

* w i t h S : M y m o t h e r s n a m e i s L i z z e t
(El nombre de mi mam es Lizzet)

The house of Susan is big

S u s a n s h o u s e i s b i g .
(La casa de Susan es grande)

N O TA : P a r a e x p r e s a r p o s e s i n , s e a a d e u n a p s t r o f e y u n a s
( s ) d e t r s d e l p o s e e d o r.
E j e m p l o : B i l l s c a r i s n e w. ( E l c a r r o d e B i l l e s n u e v o )

Show possession. Use s

1. (man) (name) is unusual. _The mans name is unusual ________

2. (doctor) (office) is on the second floor. _____________________
3. (Frank) (English) isnt very good. _________________________
4. (Helen) (computer) is very modern. _______________________
5. (teacher) (car) isnt new. ______________________________
6. (Jenny) (father) is an engineer. ___________________________
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

(Adjetivos Poseseivos)

Hello,my name is Diana. ADJECTI
(Hola, mi nombre es Diana) VES
Her name is Shirley.
(Su nombre es Shirley) Personal
His name is Larry
(Su nombre es Larry)
What is your name?
(Cul es tu nombre?)

My = mi, mis Our = nuestro, nuestros

Your = tu, su, sus, tus Your = Sus (de ustedes), su
His = su, sus (de l) Their = Sus (de ellos), su
Her = su, sus (de ella)
Its = su, sus (de esto o esta)

En ingls el mismo adjetivo posesivo nos sirve para el singular y para el plural
Ejemplo : This is my family (Esta es mi familia)
These are my parents (Estos son mis padres)

Complete. Use the right Possessive Adjectives :

(Completar. Usar el adjetivo posesivo correcto)

1 . H i . I m B o b L o g a n . T h i s i s _ _ _ _ _ _ f a t h e r. _ _ _ _ _ n a m e i s To m .
2 . H i . I m M i k e Yo u n g . T h i s i s _ _ _ _ _ m o t h e r. _ _ _ _ _ n a m e i s E l i n o r.
3 . H i . I m B o b L o g a n . T h e s e a r e _ _ _ _ _ p a r e n t s . _ _ _ _ _ n a m e s a r e To m
and Adela Logan.
4. Hi. Whats _____ name?
5 . H i . I m M i k e Yo u n g . T h e s e a r e _ _ _ _ _ s i s t e r s . _ _ _ _ _ n a m e s a r e L i z
and Joyce.
6. Hi. We are the Logans. These are _____ children. _____ names are
Sam, Bob and Lisa.
7. This is Gino Leone._____ girlfriend is Cristina.
8. This is Christina Silva. ______ boyfriend is Gino.
9. These are the Logans. _____ children are Sam, Bob and Lisa.
10. H i . W e r e t h e Yo u n g s . T h e s e a r e _ _ _ _ _ c h i l d r e n . _ _ _ _ _ _ n a m e s a r e
L i z , M i k e , Te d a n d J o y c e .

III. Read and Translate :

I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal


An ne Be ll is S he ila B ake r s n e w se cre ta ry. Th is is h e r f irst d a y a t B OS .

Jo y B rad le y is Sh e ila s fo rme r se cre ta ry. Jo y is sho win g A nn e t he off ice

Jo y : We ll, th is is t he off ice . An d t h is is S imon Yo un g . S imo n

an d I sh a re th e o ff ice .
S imon , th is is A nn e .
S imon : He llo An ne . Nice t o me e t yo u. We lco me to BO S .
An ne : Th an k you .
Jo y : Th is is yo u r de sk an d t h is is yo u r wo rd p ro ce sso r.
Th is is yo u r f ilin g ca b ine t an d t ha t s S imon s f iling
ca b ine t .
Th o se a re yo u r sh e lve s. Th e sa le s f ile s a re on t he bo tt o m
sh e lf .

IV. Answer :

1. What is Sheilas surname? ____________________________________________

2. Is Sheila Anns secretary? ____________________________________________
3. Who is Joe? _______________________________________________________
4. Are they in a restaurant? ______________________________________________
5. Where are they? ____________________________________________________
6. What is Simons surname? ____________________________________________
7. Where are the sales files? _____________________________________________
8. What is the name of their boss? ________________________________________


(pases y nacionalidades)
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

Country Nationality
Country Nationality

Peru Peruvian

Where are you from? De dnde eres t?

Im from Per Yo soy de Per
Im Peruvian Yo soy peruano


I. Translate :

1. Mr. Passas is Greek. Hes from Athenes.

2. Jacques de la Plaine is French. Hes from Paris.
3. Ken Hondo is Japanese. Hes from Tokyo.
4. Maura Mattioli and her daughter are Italian. They are from Rome.
5. Maria Haese and her husband are Brazilian. They are from Brasilia.

I. Answer :

1. Is Thalia Italian? _______________________________________

2. Where is Thalia from? ___________________________________
3. Is Fujimori Japanese? ____________________________________
4. Where is Perez de Cuellar from? ___________________________
5. Are your parents French? _________________________________
6. Where are your parents from? _____________________________
7. Are you Brazilian? ______________________________________
8. Where are you from? ____________________________________

II. Whats the capital of the following sentences :

1. Argentina ___________ 5. Germany __________

2. France ___________ 6. Italy __________
3. Spain ___________ 7. Japan __________
4. U.S.A. ___________ 8. Ecuador __________

III. Read this dialogue :

Henry : Whats your name? Henry : Where are you from?

Liz : My names Liz Smith. Liz : Im from Liverpool.
Henry : Are you American? Henry : Wheres Liverpool?
Liz : No, Im not. Liz : Its in England.
Henry : Oh, youre English.


I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

(Profesiones y ocupaciones)

Action Ocupation

Program (programar) Programmer (Programador)

Paint (pintar) Painter (pintor)
Sing (cantar) Singer (cantante)
Dance (bailar) Dancer (bailar)
Teach (ensear) Teacher (profesor)
Write (escribir) Writer (escritor)
Read (leer) Reader (lector)
Use (usar) User (usuario)
Build (construir) Builder (constructor)
Act (actuar) Actor (actor)
Actress (Actiz)

(Preguntas de Informacin)

What ...? (Qu, Cul?) When ...? (Cundo?) Who ...? (quin?)
Where ...? (dnde?) How ...? (cmo?) Why ...? (por qu?)

Example :

_______ is your first name? ________ are you?

_______ are you from? ________ is your birthday?
_______ is your teacher? ________ are you happy?

Ask questions about the expressions in italics. Use question words :
(Pregunta acerca de las expresiones en itlica. (Usa preguntas de informacin)

1. The computer programmer is in the lab. __Where is the computer programmer?

2. The meeting is on Monday. _____________________________________?
3. The disks are on the desk. _____________________________________?
4. Mr. Hill is my boss. _____________________________________?
5. The printer and the scanner are in the lab. _______________________________?
6. This exercise is easy. ___________________________________________?


Leonardo Di Caprio is American. He is from New York. He is an actor. Leonardo is a new movie
star in Hollywood. His mother is an actress too, and his father is a doctor.
Leonardo is considered a very attractive boy and a good actor too.
This young boy is very popular all around the world because of Titanic which is an excellent
film of love, adventure and disaster too.

1. Is Leonardo English? ________________________________

2. Where is he from? ________________________________
3. What is his last name? ________________________________
4. Is his father an actor? ________________________________
5. Why is he very popular? ________________________________
6. Is Titanic a film? ________________________________

I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal


Singular Singular Plural

A computer The computer The computers
A user The user The users
An address The address The addresses


Se usa A cuando la palabra siguiente comienza con un sonido consonntico

Ejemplo : A man (un hombre)
A woman (una mujer)

Se usa An cuando la palabra siguiente comienza con un sonido voclico.

Ejemplo : An old man (un hombre viejo)
An attractive woman (una mujer atractiva)

El artculo The puede significar el, la, los, las

Ejemplo : The book (el libro) The books (los libros)
The door (la puerta) The doors (las puertas)


I. Write A or An

1. _____ monitor 6. _____ screen

2. _____ external battery 7. _____ printer
3. _____ installation 8. _____ user
4. _____ mouse 9. _____ computer programmer
5. _____ option 10. _____ image

II. Write A, An or The

1. _____ new users 5. _____ first viruses

2. _____ old keyboard 6. _____ active windows
3. _____ hardware switch 7. _____ alarm
4. _____ error message 8. _____ programming languages


Regular Nouns Irregular Nouns

Singular Plural Singular Plural

(s, es, ies) Man Men
User Users Child Children
Class Classes Life Lives
City Cities Mouse Mice


- Los sustantivos terminados en ch, sh, s, x, forman el plural aadiendo es al singular.

Ejemplo : church - churches

- Los sustantivos terminados en y precedida de consonante, cambian dicha y en i y

aaden es al formar el plural.
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

Ejemplo : family families

- Los sustantivos terminados en y precedida de vocal forman el plural aadiendo una s al

Ejemplo : key - keys

- Existen sustantivos irregulares cuyo plural no requiere agregar s sino que la palabra se
Ejemplo : woman - women
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

( Los Colores)
Red Orange Yellow
Pink Blue Purple
Green Brown Beige
Gray White Black

1. What color is your hair? ....................................................
2. What color are your eyes? ...................................................
3. What color is the door? ...................................................
4. What color are your shoes? ...................................................


(Das y meses)


Sunday January July
Monday February August
Tu e s d a y March September
Wednesday April October
Thursday May November
Friday June December


1. How are you? _________________________________
2. Is today Sunday? _________________________________
3. What day is it today? ________________________________
4. What day is it tomorrow? _____________________________
5. What day was it yesterday? ___________________________
6. What days are the weekend? _________________________
7. On what days are your English classes? __________________
8. Is tomorrow Saturday? ______________________________
9. When is your birthday? ______________________________
10. How old are you? ___________________________________
- Los das de la semana y meses del ao se escriben siempre con letra inicial mayscula en
- En espaol se emplea el artculo el con los das de la semana, en ingls se emplea la
preposicin on
Ejemplo : On Sunday = el domingo
On Saturday = el sbado

(Los nmeros)

Cardinal numbers

1 = one 11 = e l e v e n 21 = twenty-one
2 = two 12 = twelve 22 = twenty-two
3 = three 13 = thirteen 30 = thirty
4 = four 14 = fourteen 40 = forty
5 = five 15 = fifteen 50 = fifty
6 = six 16 = sixteen 60 = sixty
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

7 = seven 17 = seventeen 70 = seventy

8 = eight 18 = eighteen 80 = eighty
9 = nine 19 = nineteen 90 = ninety
10= ten 20 = twenty 100 = one hundred

1 000 One thousand

1 000 000 One million

I. Write in number :
(Escribe en nmeros)

a) One thousand two hundred forty eight. = 1 248

b) Three hundred seventeen = ___________
c) Six thousand nine hundred fifty four = ___________
d) Twenty five thousand six hundred thirty six. = ___________
e) Seven hundred twenty one = ___________
f) Eight thousand four hundred ninety five = ___________
II. Write in words :
(Escribe en palabras) :

a) 1 879 = One thousand eight hundred seventy nine.

b) 2 590 = ____________________________________
c) 5 317 = ____________________________________
d) 34 601 = ____________________________________
e) 16 915 = ____________________________________
f) 2 030 = ____________________________________

III. Translate these words :

(Traduce estas palabras)
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

1. A screen 6. An external battery

2. A warning 7. An accent key
3. A control panel 8. An installation
4. A high level 9. An image
5. A low level 10. An option

1. The new user

2. The escape key 7. The keyboard input
3. The F1 function key 8. The modem
4. The help menu 9. The work drive
5. The alert message 10. The entire package
6. The password 11. The printer

1. This level 7. These systems

2. That task 8. These utilities
3. This case 9. Those messages
4. This step 10. These main boards
5. That label 11. Those windows
6. This database 12. Those mice


What can you do?

(Qu puedes hacer t?)
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

Positive : I can speak English Negative : I cant (can not) speak French,
(Yo puedo hablar ingls) (Yo no puedo hablar francs)

Question : Can you speak English?

(Puedes t hablar ingls?)

Affirmative answer : Yes, I can / Yes, I can speak English.

(S, yo puedo) / (S, yo puedo hablar ingls.)

Negative answer : No, I cant / No, I cant speak English

(No, yo no puedo) / (No, yo no puedo hablar ingls


Para formular una pregunta se debe anteponer el verbo Can al sujeto.

Ejemplo : He can use a computer.
Can he use a computer?


I. Use the chart to talk about you


Swim Cook Act
Ski Drive Dance
Windsurf Change a wheel Play the guitar
Ride a horse Repair a puncture Play the piano
Play tennis Type Draw
Play volleyball Use a computer Sing

Example :

SPORTS : I can swim and windsurf very well.

(yo puedo nadar y navegar en vela muy bien)

PRACTICAL : I can type quite well but I cant use a computer.

(yo puedo tipear bien pero no puedo usar una computadora)

ARTISTIC : I cant sing or dance but I can play the piano a little.
(yo no puedo cantar o bailar pero yo puedo tocar el piano un poquito)

LANGUAGES : I can speak German quite well but I cant speak Spanish at all.
(yo puedo hablar Alemn bien pero no puedo hablar espaol del todo.


I. Write about your skills, Join your sentences with and, but and or.
I can _____________ but _________________
I ________________ and _________________

II. Answer about you.

Use levels of ability : No, not at all Yes, a little

I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

Yes, very well Yes, but not very well.

1. Can you swim? __________________

2. Can you solve math problems? __________________
3. Can you speak English? __________________
4. Can you speak Spanish? __________________
5. Can you use a computer? __________________

III. Translate :

1. We can see the results of the computers work on a monitor.

2. The computer can send the output to a printer.
3. We can save the output on a disk.
4. Can you read the last line on the screen?
5. Computers can read, write and calculate at the speed of light.
6. I cant use a computer very well.
7. They cant create a new file.
8. Some computers can store billions of pages of information and do complicated operations
on the data incredibly fast.

1. Read 11. Paste
2. Write 12. Delete
3. Save 13. Find
4. Print 14. Go
5. File 15. Have
6. Store 16. Make
7. Do 17. Show
8. Undo 18. Exit
9. Redo 19. Add
10. Cut 20. Replace


I. Complete : Am, is, Are

I ____ a student, I ____ from Liverpool. This _____ my friend Susy, she ____ English
too , and these _____John and Rick, they _____ American.

II. Change the sentences. Use Personal Pronouns

1. Tom and July are students. _______________________________

2. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are English. _______________________________
3. Mrs. Hill is my boss. _______________________________
4. Fred and you are efficient programmers. __________________________
5. Alex and I can use a computer very well __________________________

III. Answer :

1. How are you? ______________________________________________

2. Are you married? ______________________________________________
3. Is your classroom big? ___________________________________________
4. Where are you from? ___________________________________________
5. How old are you? ___________________________________________
6. When is your birthday? __________________________________________
7. What do you do? ____________________________________________
8. Can you use a scanner? ________________________________________
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

9. Can computers think? _________________________________________

10. Where do you live? _____________________________________________

IV. Complete :

1. _______ is the concert? Next month.

2. _______ is the concert? In the stadium.
3. _______ is this? Its a printer.
4. _______ is your teacher? Mr. Johnson.
5. _______ are you? Very well.

V. Write short answers :

1. Is English difficult? No, ____ ____

2. Are the students in class? Yes, ____ ____
3. Is Mr. Brown American? No, ____ ____
4. Are Henry and Bill engineers? No, ____ ____
5. Can the secretaries type well? Yes, ____ ____

VI. Match :

1. Where is the conference? ___ a) Mr. Bennett.

2. Who is your maths teacher? ___ b) Very easy.
3. When is the meeting? ___ c) In the auditorium.
4. How is this exercise? ___ d) They are diskettes.
5. What are these? ___ e) On Monday morning.

VII. Write in numbers :

1. Two thousand three hundred forty = _________

2. Eight hundred thirty seven = _________
3. Six hundred twenty nine = _________
4. Five thousand one hundred eleven = _________
5. One hundred twelve = _________

VIII. Write in words :

1. 1 510 _____________________________________
2. 2 345 _____________________________________
3. 911 _____________________________________
4. 7 186 _____________________________________
5. 16 013 _____________________________________

IX. Complete. Use possessive adjectives

1. This is Peter, ____ last name is Steward.

2. That is Susan, ____mother is a dentist.
3. John and Alex are in ____ French class now.
4. I am in ____ English class now.

(Other Verbs)

Sentence : Henry opens his e.mail in the morning.

I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

Oracin : (Henry abre su correo electrnico en la maana.)

Question : Does Henry open his e.mail in the morning?

Pregunta : (Henry abre su correo elecrnico en la maana?)


- La tercera persona del singular (he, she, it) del presente habitual toma siempre una s
Ejemplo : He lives in New York (l vive en Nueva York)
She plays the guitar (ella toca la guitarra)
It works very well (esto trabaja muy bien)

- Para formular una pregunta se antepone el auxiliar Does al sujeto siempre que el sujeto
sea una tercera persona (he, she, it)
Asmismo, se omite la s al verbo.
Ejemplo : Does he live in New York? (l vive en Nueva York?)
Does she play the guitar? (ella toca la guitarra?)
Does it work very well? (esto trabaja muy bien?)

Sentence : The students go to the library in the afternoon.

Oracin : (Los estudiantes van a la biblioteca en la tarde.)

Question : Do the students go to the library in the afternoon?

Pregunta : (Los estudiantes van a la biblioteca en la tarde?)


- Para formular una pregunta se antepone el auxiliar Do al sujeto siempre que ste no sea
la tercera persona en singular (he, she, it)
Ejeemplo : Do the students speak English? (los estudiantes hablan ingls?)
Do you have a computer? (T tienes una computadora?)
Do Tim and Bill work in a big company?
(Tim y Bill tabajan en una gran compaa?)


I. Write sentences. Use the right form of the verbs :

1. Sally ___ works___ (work) for an important company.

2. This P.C. ______ (use) MS DOS.
3. They _________ (not / send) e. mails.
4. I ______ (study) computer science.

II. Complete : Do / Does . Then write short answers.

(Completar : Do / Does. Luego escribe respuestas cortas

1. _______ Mr. Cooper have a computer? Yes, ____ ____

2. _______ you send e. mails? No, ____ ____
3. _______ Mrs. Baker work in a big company? No, ____ ____
4. _______ this scanner work well? Yes, ____ ____
5. _______ the students save the important files? Yes, ____ ____
6. _______ I have a good English dictionary? No, ____ ____
7. ________the computer programmers study English? Yes, ____ ____
8. _______ you study hard every day? Yes, ____ ____

Affirmative and Negative Sentences
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal


I live in ... I dont live in ... Do I live in ...?

You have ... You dont have ... Do you have ...?
We work ... We dont work ... Do we work ...?
They understand ... They dont understand ... Do they understand ...?

He lives in ... He doesnt live in ... Does he live in ...?

She has ... She doesnt have ... Does she have ...?
It works well ... It doesnt work bad ... Does it work ...?


- Para formar una oracin negativa tambin se precisan los auxiliares Do o Does
acompaados de not, ( do not o dont y does not o doesnt)
Ejemplo : Bill doesnt live in Miami (Bill no vive en Miami)
The banks dont open on Sunday (Los bancos no abren los domingos)

- Al responder a una pregunta, puede darse una respuesta breve o bien puede emplearse
una respuesta completa.
Ejemplo : Does Hellen work in a bank?
Yes, she does. / Yes, she works in a bank.
No, she doesnt. / No, she doesnt work in a bank.

Do John and Erick have computers?

Yes, they do. / Yes, they have computers.
No, they dont. / No, they dont have computers.


Sentence : Jenny works in a big company. (- small company)

Question : Does Jenny work in a big company?

Aff. Answer : Yes, she does. / Yes, she works in a big company.

Question : _____ Jenny work in a small company?

Neg. Answer : No, she doesnt. / No, she _____ work in a small company.

Sentence : The students speak English in class. (- Spanish)

Question : Do the students speak English in class?

Aff. Answer : Yes, they do. / Yes, they speak English in class.

Question : ___ the students speak Spanish in class?

Neg. Answer : No, they dont. / No, they _____ speak Spanish in class.

I. Write sentences. Positive and Negative

(Escribe oraciones. Positivas y negativas) :

1. (+) live in Liverpool. / (-) live in London.

I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

Hellen lives in Liverpool. She doesnt live in London.

(Hellen vive en Liverpool. Ella no vive en Londres.

2. (+) speak English. / (-) speak Spanish

I ______________________________________________

3. (+) work in a bank / (-) work in a restaurant.

Arthur ________________________________________

4. (+) have a computer / (-) have a printer.

They ________________________________________

5. (+) write reports / (-) write letters

Mrs. Steward _________________________________

II. Answer :
(Responde: )

1. Do you work? _______________________________

2. Does your mother speak English?________________________
3. Do you have a computer?______________________________
4. Does your father work? _______________________________
5. What do you do? _______________________________
6. What do you study? _______________________________
7. Where do you study? _______________________________
8. When do you study? _______________________________

III. Match :

1. Does John work? ___ a) No, she doesnt.

2. Where does Susan live? ___ b) Yes, it does.
3. Does Sally play the piano? ___ c) Yes, I do.
4. Do you have a printer? ___ d) In Miami
5. Do the students speak English? ___ e) No, he doesnt.
6. Does this calculator work well? ___ f) Yes, they do.

IV. Reading Comprehension

Larry Jasper lives in a flat. Its not very big but its not very small. His address is one
hundred and seventy two Green Parrot Street, London.
Bernard Winter lives in a small house near a school. His address is fifteen, Merton Street,
Oxford. Oxford is a city near London.

Answer about the reading:

1) Does Larry live in a house? _____________________________

2) Where does Larry live? _______________________________
3) Whats his address? __________________________________
4) Does Bernard live in a small house? _____________________
5) Is this house near a school? ____________________________
6) Is Oxford a country? __________________________________

(Rutina Diaria)
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

Marie Hunter, from London, works as a secretary for an insurance company. Marie works
from nine o clock in the morning to five o clock in the evening. She usually gets up at
half past six, then she takes a shower and after that she eats breakfast, later she leaves
home at eight o clock and goes by bus to her office.
On Monday and Wednesday evenings she goes to her Italian classes in the local college.
The classes finish at half past seven. After the classes she goes home, drinks a cup of
hot chocolate and goes to bed. She usually sleeps at midnight.

(La hora)

1. 1 : 00 Its one o clock

2. 7 : 45 Its a quarter to eight
3. 10 : 15 Its a quarter past ten
4. 5: 30 Its half past five


- En ingls se emplea siempre el verbo en singular para indicar la hora. (Its...)

- Para indicar los cuartos de hora, se emplea . a quarter to... (un cuarto para...) o a
quarter past... (un cuarto pasadas las ...)
- Para indicar la media hora se emplea half past... (media)

(Palabras de enlace)

Then = luego
Later = despus
After that = despus
Finally = finalmente


I. Write your daily routine

II. Write your friends routine. Use He or She

(Adverbios de Frecuencia)

Example :

She always gets up at half past seven.

(She siempre se levanta a las siete y media)

She usually goes to the library in the morning.

(Ella usualmente va a la biblioteca en la maana.
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

She never sleeps after midnight.

(Ella nunca duerme despus de la medianoche.

Often = a menudo
Sometimes = a veces
Seldom = rara vez
Hardly ever = casi nunca
Once a week = una vez a la semana
Twice a week = dos veces por semana


I. Write about you :

(Escribe acerca de ti)

1. always / in the morning

... I always take a shower in the morning...........................................

2. usually / on Friday evening


3. never / on Sunday morning


4. often / on Saturday night


5. sometimes / at the weekend


II. Answer :
( Responde : )

1. What do you always do? ____________________________

2. What do you never eat? ____________________________
3. Where do you usually go on weekends? _________________
4. Do you usually cook? ____________________________
5. Where do you usually eat lunch? ______________________

(Comprensin de Lectura)

Bernard s Routine :

Bernard works in a museum in Oxford. It is open six days a week, from Tuesday to

He usually gets up at six thirty, then he takes a shower and by half past seven he is
ready for breakfast. After breakfast he leaves home. He starts work at nine and finishes
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

at six or six thirty. He works from Monday to Friday. Monday is always a good day for him
to work. The museum is closed on Monday.

He always eats lunch at a quarter past one. After lunch he continues working until six o
clock. Sometimes he works overtime, of course, he gets double pay for working

When he gets home, he washes himself and eats dinner, then he takes a little rest. After
that he studies his English lessons or reads the newspaper, he never watches television
but sometimes he goes to the cinema..He goes to bed at about eleven and falls asleep
soon. Usually he has pleasant dreams.

On Saturday he goes shopping in the morning. He often goes to London on Saturday

afternoon. He sees friends there. He likes to talk to them.
On Sunday he does housework all day, but he usually goes out in the evening.

Answer about Bernard :

1. Does he work in London? ________________________________________

2. Where does he work? ____________________________________________
3. Is the museum opened on Monday? _________________________________
4. What time does he usually have breakfast? ___________________________
5. What does he do after lunch? ______________________________________
6. Does he work overtime? __________________________________________
7. What does he do when he gets home? _______________________________
8. Does he watch television? _________________________________________
9. When does he go shopping? _______________________________________
10. Does he go to London on Saturday morning? _________________________
11. Where does he go on Saturday morning? ____________________________
12. When does he go to London? _____________________________________



I. Write sentences. Use Is / are / Am. Then translate the sentences.

(Escribe oraciones. Usa Is / Are / Am. Luego traduce las oraciones.)

1. Computers / electronic brains

2. The photocopier / similar to the laser printer.
3. A macro / a miniature computer program.
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

4. It / easy to write an e-mail.

5. The internet / a collection of computer networks
6. I / not a computer programmer.
7. Computers / only machines that follow instructions.
8. Automatic cashiers / open at any time.
9. Important information / stored on back up disks.

II. Change to negative. Use isnt, arent, dont doesnt, cant

(Cambiar a negativo) :

1. Computers are intelligent.

2. The banks open on Sunday.
3. A computer makes mistakes.
4. RAM is permanent memory.
5. Computers forget information.
6. Computers can think

III. Change to question. Use : Is, Are, Do, Does, Can

1. The CPU is the brain of a computer.

2. Computers are not intelligent.
3. RAM and ROM are the internal memory banks.
4. The monitor is easy on the eyes.
5. A computer can add numbers quickly.
6. ROM (Read Only Memory) is permanent memory.
7. Computers do not understand or think
8. Computers dont forget information.
9. A computer programmer works hard.
10. A computer stores information.

IV. Write information questions :

1. The basic job of a computer is to process information or data.

What ...........................................................?

2. The CPU is the brain of a computer system.

What ...........................................................?

3. An e-mail message is essencially a letter or memo sent electronically from one user to
What ..........................................................?

4. Dirt is the enemy of the computer.

What ..........................................................?

5. Important information is stored on back up disks

Where ............................................................?

V. Translate these sentences :

(Traduce estas oraciones :)

1. A computer has four essential parts : the input unit, the storage unit, the central processing
unit and the output unit.
2. The CPU controls all the other parts of the computer and does all the logical operations.
3. Computers dont make mistakes.
4. The cursor shows the user where he is on the screen.
5. A bug is a mistake in a computer program.
6. The menu is a list of options displayed on the screen.
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

7. We give the computer input through the keyboard or a mouse and also through disks
containing information.
8. The computer has two kinds of memory : ROM and RAM.

VI. Answer :
(Responde :)

1. Are computers intelligent? __________________________________

2. What is the basic job of the computers? ________________________
3. Is ROM permanent memory? ____________________________
4. Can computers think? __________________________________
5. What is the brain of a computer system? _____________________
6. Do computers make mistakes? ____________________________
7. What is a bug? _________________________________________
8. Are ROM and RAM memories? ____________________________
9. What is an e. mail? _________________________________________
10. Do computers forget information? ____________________________


Example : Subject
I can see George Pronoun
I can see him
Can you see the windows?
Can you see them?
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

Me = a m
You = a t
Him = a l
Her = a ella
It = a esto
Us = a nosotros


A detective is in Larry Jaspers flat, another detective is in a car in the street.

Shirley : Can you hear me, Jack?
Jack : Yes, I can
Shirley : Which room are you in ?
Jack : The kitchen.
Shirley : Is the door open or closed?
Jack : Its closed.
Shirley : Open it.
Jack : All right the door is open now.
Shirley : Can you see the doors to the other rooms?
Jack : Yes, I can see them.
Shirley : Good, open the door to the living room.
Jack : Which door is that? I can see four doors.
Shirley : I dont know. Can you see them? I cant.

Answer :

1) Can Shirley hear Jack? _______________

2) Can he hear her? _______________
3) Where is he? _______________
4) Where is she? _______________
5) What can he see? _______________
6) Can she see them, too? _______________


Complete Use Object Pronouns

1) A : Do you like Jenifer Lpez? B : No, I dont like ...her...

2) A : Can you hear the bell? B : Yes, I can hear ...........
3) A : Can you see Larry and Diana? B : Yes, I can see ............
4) A : Can you type this letter? B : Yes, I can type ...
5) A : Can you read these words? B : No, I cant read...
6) A : Do you like jazz music ? B : Yes, I like ...

I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

1st First 11th Eleventh 21st Twenty first

2nd Second 12th Twelfth 22nd Twenty second
3rd Third 13th Thirteenth 23rd Twenty third
4th Fourth 14th Fourteenth 24th Twenty fourth
5th Fifth 15th Fifteenth ..................................
6th Sixth 16th Sixteenth 30th Thirtieth
7th Seventh 17th Seventeenth 31st Thirty first
8th Eighth 18th Eighteenth ..................................
9th Ninth 19th Nineteenth 40th Fortieth
10th Tenth 20th Twentieth 50th Fiftieth

- Los nmeros ordinales se forman aadiendo th al cardinal
- Los tres primeros nmeros ordinales y sus derivados son irregulares (no siguen la regla)
- Al formar los ordinales de five twelve y nine vara ligeramente su ortografa

EXERCISES . Translate :

1. We work with computers.

2. A computer stores information
3. I dont use computers in my work.
4. This computer doesnt run MS DOS programs.
5. Its a computer. Its powerful. Its a powerful computer.
6. You can use your computer for entertainment.
7. Computers work fast and efficiently.
8. To add and substract are the two initial mathematical operations.
9. If you are working on a long document, save your work every hour.
10. A keyboard is in alphabetical order.
11. They use computers in their jobs.
12. We are very experienced programmers.
13. This cursor moves very slowly.
14. Computer programs are written in natural languages.
15. A pocket calculator has a disk drive.
16. The keyboard is made in Taiwan.
17. The cursor is moved on the screen by pressing the arrows.
18. Graphics are drawn with special programs using a mouse.
19. When the Esc key is pressed the program returns to the menu.
20. Laser printers are used by graphic design companies.
21. Important information is stored on back up disks.


I. Answer :

1. How are you? _______________________________________________________

2. Do you have a computer? ______________________________________________
3. Are computers intelligent? ______________________________________________
4. Can computers think? _________________________________________________
5. Do you have an e. mail? _______________________________________________
6. Can you use internet? _________________________________________________
7. Is English difficult? ___________________________________________________
8. What do you do? _____________________________________________________
9. Where do you study? __________________________________________________
10. When are the English classes? __________________________________________
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

II. Write positive or negative sentences :

1. Computers are intelligent. _____________________________________________

2. The secretaries cant speak English. _____________________________________
3. I have a computer. __________________________________________________
4. Mr. Baker is an engineer. ______________________________________________
5. John Cooper doesnt work for I.B.M. _____________________________________

III. Complete this paragraph. Use the right form of the verbs.

Mr. Paul Harris (be) ______ an American teacher. He (live) _____ in London, he (not/live)
________ in the United States. He (be) _____ married, his wife (not/be) _____ American,
she (be) _____ English. They (live) _____ in London because his wife (not/like) _________
the United States; but their children (be) _____ in the United States now, they (study) _____

IV. Reading Comprehension :

James Johnson is my name. I work in the main office of a big company. Twenty people work
in that office every day. Mr Wilson is my boss. He works very hard.
Mr. Wilson has a private office. He also has a secretary. Miss Steward is his secretary. She
helps Mr. Wilson, she doesnt help me.
I dont have a private office but I have my own secretary and two assistants. They help me
very much. They collect information, then they give it to my secretary, then she gives it to me
My secretary doesnt write reports, but she writes many letters for me. She also opens my
my mail. She reads the mail carefully and she gives me the important letters, then I answer
the important letters and she answers the other letters.

1. Does James work? ___________________________________________

2. Who is his boss? ____________________________________________
3. Is Miss Steward his secretary? __________________________________
4. Does Miss Steward help James? ________________________________
5. Who helps James? __________________________________________
6. Does he answer all the letters? _________________________________

V. Translate sentences.


1. Add 11. Help

2. Close 12. Make
3. Cut 13. Open
4. Do 14. Paste
5. Exit 15. Print
6. File 16. Quit
7. Find 17. Read
8. Finish 18. Redo
9. Go 19. Replace
10. Have 20. Save
I I.E.S.T.P. AVH Comunicacin Interpersonal

21. Save as 27. Start

22. Search 28. Store
23. Send 29. Understand
24. Select all 30. Undo
25. Show 31. Work
26. Speak 32. Write

Daily Activities
1. Get up 7. Study
2. Take a shower 8. Listen
3. Leave 9. Watch tv.
4. Return 10. Do homework
5. Eat (breakfast, lunch, dinner) 11. Rest
6. Clean 12. Sleep

Other Words :

1. Printer 17. Clear

2. Keyboard 18. Card
3. File 19. Cell
4. New 20. Case
5. Screen 21. Code
6. Word 22. Data
7. World 23. Date
8. Windows 24. Database
9. Network 25. End
10. Package 26. Font
11. Engineer 27. Function
12. User 28. Icons
13. Address 29. Index
14. Nickname 30. Mail
15. Drive 31. Row
16. Font 32. Unit
Instituto Superior Tecnolgico 36
Norbert Wiener Manual del Alumno

Curso: Ingls para Informtica I

Ciclo: I

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