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* U,,f ?F .f,,.,-z{t t47z

tril\l [J.F.EI. PHEI\ItrIMEI\,1^F
=trIlvDcllu disk" over Mt. H.ainier on June Condon veniured the opinion '

that the ie&son lor the PaucitY b{

Ly EDMUND MELTZEB 24, 1941 . The press. coined the
term l'flying saucers" and many scientific studies is that indivi-
sensational reports followed. dual researchers have indePen-
Soon the Air Force $/&s con- dently decidid that the phenome'
vinced that the UFO's were not na do not,offer opportunities for
defense hazards, and after four fruitful research. But he emPha-
or five yearsshowed.minimal in- sized a point made in the study:
terest. Organizations and jour- the conclusion that UFO research
nals sprang up, however, and be- is nst scientifically fruitful "will
gan to criticize the Air Force for not be uncriiicalty accepted bY
inadequate,attention ; bestiselling scientists, no! should it be, nor
paperbacks:took uP the cudgel, do we wani it to be."
and cartoonists had a field daY. The conclusions provoked an
Between 1,94? and 1968, few indignant reaetion liom UF'O en'
ecademics openlY Professed in' thusiasts from around the coun-
terest in the subject. PerhaPs the try. Dwing the study, said con-
p"euio-scientific as- don, a few staff members were al-
p""i" poiuhr studies scared ready eotperating with individu-
"r perhaps the secrecy im'
ihem off; als who sought to discredit the
program, Condon reaffirmed that
nosed by the Air Force made in'
formation hard to come bY. Bui iub-sequent criticisrn of ihe re'
port has not irlduced him to re-
interested ptrbllc opinion exe*ed
some influence on Congress, considet his recommendations.
which led toiincreased inYestiga- Condon sqid he does not oppose
tion by the Air Force. Proiect indioiou*G and sroups doins their
Bluebook was based in Dayton, own research on UFO's; he said t
Ohio; every Air Foree base had a did oppose,the AAAS symPoslum
UFO officer whose job it lsas to on qFO's (teports of which are
follow up reports. iu December of due for publication bY the Cornell
1969, the $eiretarY of Defense University Press), because it im'
officially cloised Bluebook, after piied an !'official" recognition of
well ovei t2,bo0 rePorts had been UFO's.
received. The reports ale no lon- condon discussed the argrrments
ger classified; now all such mate- of critics of his rePort, notably
rial is said to be available fot Prof. James MacDonald and Prof.
public scrutiirY. (tsut, noted Con- J. Aiien Hynek, chaitman of as-
don' where sectecy has ever been tronomy at Northurestern and au-
operating, there wiII aiwaYs re- thor of UFO Experience' A Scien'
main doubts sbout claims that it tific tnquiry. The latter's book,
has been 1ift6d.) An ad hoc com- reported Condon, is "alreadY_re-
mittee set uE to review Bluebook yiewed in the June issue ol PIaY'
found no verified qnd fullv authen- boy, which some of You.maY wish
tic instance outside the scoP of to see for other well"
out teehnologY, but admitted the Hynek rvaS a eonsultant to the
possibiiitY that a study of the re- Air Force from 1948 to 1869, and
perts would lncrease scientific in his bock wlites that 'lBlueboo]
knowledge. .
was a coYerup..." and "in a sens
The next P.oject was that which sense, I played KePiel to Blue-
Frrf. Condon was chosen to di- Tycho Brahe."
:Enttr-' 'book's
Uynei qlaims'that b'e did not cri
nr;., 5p, gr-oxPls:lepQirt'i
tled The Scientific StudY of Un-""r ticize the pfoject even though th
'data was Uaa, lut staYed on the
identified FlYing Objects, was
compieted on December 1, 1968' project to insure his aecess to
and was releiLsed to the Public information, This course was se-
or;on" 9, 1969- Condon and his verely criticized bY Condon, who
etaff concluded that further stu- {Contlnued on Fge 4)
Aies:of UF O's were not advisable
as they were unUkely to Yield
information for t'he advancement
of science. l{ork should continue
in fields such as atmospheric oP-
and elecilieitY, but. theY re-
commended, offioels should not
be sent out to verify sighting re-

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