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Daily Routine Role-Play

Interpersonal Mode of Communication

Essential Questions:
How do you describe your daily routine?
What do you do in the morning?
What sequencing vocabulary do you use to describe your daily routine?
What is a reflexive verb?
What is the difference between a reflexive verb and a non-reflexive verb?

What should students be able to do?

MLII.IP2C Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in oral and written exchanges.
MLII.IP1E Give and follow directions and instructions.
MLII.IP1H Use sequenced information meaningfully.
MLII.IP2C Use gestures and body language to convey and comprehend messages.
MLII.P1B Give brief, organized oral presentations, using visual and technological
support as appropriate.
MLII.P1C Write short, organized compositions, using visual and technological support
as appropriate.

What students should produce and utilize:

Vocabulary relating daily routine

Reflexive verbs
Stem changing verbs

Student role

Students will perform a role-play dealing with the topic of daily life. The role-play will be
entirely in Spanish. Each student will serve in the following roles: narrator, actor. As you
talk you will show use gestures to indicate each verb. Students will make use of sequencing
vocabulary and daily routine vocabulary to create a role-play to show proficiency. Props will
make your presentation more exciting. Student will submit a written copy of the role-play
for teacher to assess as well.

Students will create/act-out 12 narrations each relating to the daily life topic.
Students will make use of reflexive verbs and non-reflexive verbs.
Students will make use of at least 2 stem changing reflexive verbs.
Students will generate gestured responses to the narration that will demonstrate an
ability to understand
Students will communicate the information using 5 or more sequencing vocabulary
words from the Daily life Unit.
Student will present the information entirely in Spanish.
Students will present the information in a logical, sequential and cohesive manner. The
information should be easy to follow and comprehend
Students will provide props, visual aides, or backdrops to create a daily routine
Students may not use the same verb in every exchange.

Sample Vocabulary List:

Vocabulario General: El jabn

Por lo general El cepillo
Primero El cepillo de dientes
Luego La tina
Mas tarde La ducha
Entonces El Champ
Finalmente La toalla
Todos los das El maquillaje
Siempre El Espejo
Nunca Una secadora de pelo
A veces El Peine
despus La pasta de dientes
El despertador
Los Verbos Reflexivos:

Sample Narration:

Narrator: Actor:

Primero, me despierto a las cinco de la Gesture- Waking up, stretching, standing

maana. Props blanket, alarm clock
Scoring Rubric

3 Exceeds Expectations 90-100

Students created- acted out 12 narrations each relating to the daily life topic.
Students made correct usage of reflexive verbs and non-reflexive verbs.
Students made correct usage of at least 2 stem changing reflexive verbs.
Students generated gestured responses to the narration that will demonstrate an
ability to understand.
Students communicated the information using 5 or more sequencing vocabulary words
from the Daily life Unit.
Student presented the information entirely in Spanish.
Students presented the information in a logical, sequential and cohesive manner. The
information should be easy to follow and comprehend
Students provided props, visual aides, or backdrops to create a daily routine setting.
Students did not use the same verb in every exchange.
Presented role-play in a type-written format for teacher review.

2 Meets Expectations 80-89

Students created- acted out 10 narrations each relating to the daily life topic.
Students made correct usage of reflexive verbs and non-reflexive verbs.
Students made correct usage of at least 1 stem changing reflexive verbs.
Students generated gestured responses to the narration that will demonstrate an
ability to understand.
Students communicated the information using 3 sequencing vocabulary words from the
Daily life Unit.
Student presented the information mostly in Spanish.
Students presented the information in a semi-logical, sequential and cohesive manner.
The information should be easy to follow and comprehend.
Students provided props, visual aides, or backdrops to create a daily routine setting.
Students did not use the same verb in every exchange.
Presented role-play in a type-written format for teacher review.

1 Approaches Expectations 74-79

Students only made use of non-reflexive verbs.
Students communicated the information using 2 sequencing vocabulary words from the
Daily life Unit.
Presented the information entirely in Spanish with some information presented in English.
Presented information in a somewhat sequential and cohesive manner. It can be
understood with some effort.
Presented interview in a hand-written format for teacher review.

U Does not Meet Expectations < 73

Presented a role-play about daily life but without clear detail and requested format.
Presented the information in Spanish and English.
Used only short phrases and words- no complete thoughts or statements.
Lacked cohesiveness and sequence.

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