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f. cctusrwxr
Central Electricit!, Research Laboratories, Learhsrhead. Surrey IX1 SE

Many inconsistencies are ShoWI to have rxisttd in earlier prssent3rions and r2uiews. particutaric
with respect to quantifying the power indices and turbuiencs intensities ~pprupriar- to row&er terrains.
and the variation of ths WbthGe length scales with height and Wrain type- These are resolved
by defining from the data four distinct terrain types. The variation of the pour index. tu~bLllencc
intensity and Reynolds stresses with thee terrain types is shown 10 fol10~ the Qrne law. It is also
shown thal the longitudinal length scale of rurbuience decreases uirh increase OCterrain roughness:
a simple law is also propound for its variation with both hrighr and xrrain ttx.

constant in Iongitudinal turbulsnce eqtra-

c5nstant in veiocity profie tog-law
constant in larerai turbuience equation
constant in velocity profile log-law
constant in vertical turbtilcnee rquatiarr
drag cocficient. 2 Ejii:
consfant in velocity profile. linear taw
zero-plane displacement. m
Coriolis parameter. s- L
normalised power spectral function s-
non-ditiensionat frequency, nr;7i
non-dimensional frequency correspond-
ing to peak 11S(n)
or II f,,(flI
roughness height. m
wave number. 2 xrr%Xm-
Wave number corresponding to peak at
nS{n),m .. C prim2 denotes a iiucIuating contribudon.
Van Karmans constant
constant in Davenport and Harris power
spectra eyuations. m
longitudinal turbulence length scales. m
[Lu, derived Cram autocorrefatron or After the cotfapw of thr Ferrybridge cooling tovzers
spectrai date: Gt, and Ltr, are Eulerian in 1965 a wind tunnel programme was initiated at
isngth scales]
vertica1 turbuience length scale. m C.E,R,L. p3xitral Electricity Research Laboratoriesf
frequency. s- to investigate ths stresscts in model cooling towers
correlation coefficient arising from mean and punctuating wind loads. The
auto-correlation coefficient highest wind loads occur in the strong winds in
separation distance. m
~CXWXspectral density at freqtrcnc:v in), which the efkct of buognccy forces is small and
m$- mecIxGc&~y produced ~u~~~~enc~ ~~edorn~n~~e~.
power cospecrwl densit]: at frequencr (nf. Thsretbre. in order that mod4 loads should be repre-
sentative of fuli-scale loads. it is essential that such
free-stream or gradient velocity m S-I
tests should tx carried out in a tk~ which is a
friction vclocit~, \, : p
realistic model of an adiabatic boundary layer.
* This review is based orx Part I of thesis submittrd The pro&m of simuiaring the boundary layer Row
for degree of Ph.D.. the City University. London {March over rural terrain, where most power stations are
i97-t) sit&. was considered first. For this case there existed
\- J. COC i[HAL

up-to-date full scale data from which the general various aspects of the boundary layer by empirical
properties of rural boundary labers could be deduced. formulas.
and on which the subsequent simulation was
The problem of detining a typical urban boundary
2. I. 1 Prrioti ISY@l959. Early ideas on the struc-
laysr was morr: diticult since the available data
ture of the flow near the Earths surface u'srz derived
appearsd to be sparse and uncorrelated. in addition.
from observations of cloud and particle movements.
the literature showed that various anomalies existed.
Rawson (1913) commented on the presence of
both in published data and their analyses. with re-
motions which could be described as non-periodic or
spect to most terrain types. Many of these anomalies
turbulent. These motions decreased in intensity with
could be attributed to the following.
increase of height. Shaw (191-t) showed how the
(a) Truly adiabatic conditions are infrequently com- character of turbulence changed as it encountered
pletely established. large obstructions and illustrated its degree of ran-
(b) If such conditions are established initially, they domness.
may change during any test when data are being Taylor (1915) attempted to describe this tlow theor-
recorded. etically by considering the average effect of a collec-
(c) Lack of suficient fetch to establish true bound- tion of eddies rather than the complex mathematical
ary layer equilibrium. problem of individual eddies. Richardson (1920)
Therefore. a thorough review and analysis of the showed that the kinetic energy of eddying* vvas
available literature was undertaken. with the object extracted from the mean wind by the work done by
of producing a consistent picture of the structure of the eddy stresses on the rate of mean strain; this can
adiabatic boundary layers. be defined as the rate at which the mean wind gives
In the revisvv some effort has been made to avoid LIP energy to these eddies in the production of turbu-
inconsistencies arising from the above. and other fac- lence. The analysis of turbulence by statistical
tors. by using the following procedures. The data con- methods was later expanded by Taylor (1921) who
sidered were those which were specified as applying introduced the concept of describing the Row struc-
to adiabatic or near-adiabatic conditions. When such ture by correlation measurements.
conditions were not specified. or temperature profiles
were not measured, then only data for wind speeds
in excess of Sm 5-l. at z = IOm. were considered.
Mhsre details of the test site fetch were not given.
where .Yis the distance traversed by a particle in time
it was assumed that an adequate fetch was one of
7: This reduced the problem of turbulent diffusion
the f;tctors taken into account when choosing the site.
to the consideration of one quantity. namely the
It was also considered that an assessment of all
Lagrangian correlation coefficient R<. which is also
the relevant data. would help to isolate any that were
relevant to the study of the structure of turbulence.
invalid. In addition. it was intended to present all
Observations by Goldie (193) showed that the air
the data as a function of the roughness length for
near the ground consisted of partially formed. rapidly
simplicity of application and to bring some order to
disintegrating eddies. It was initially thought that the
the subject. This is not in complete agreement with
eddy velocities were isotropic. Becker (19301. Sherlock
theoretical treatments which require some data pre-
and Stout (1932) and Giblett (1932) investigated the
sented as a function of the Rossby number. However.
validity of this concept. Giblett. in demonstrating the
vartations in the Rossby number in strong winds are
random motion of the air. also showed that its struc-
almost entirely due to variations in the roughness
ture was dependent on the state of atmospheric ther-
mal stratification. Durst deduced from Gibletts data
that the shear in the flow resulted in the formation
of -rolled-up eddies with their axes across the
In the following text. each of the more important stream. Best (1935) demonstrated that the longitudi-
boundary layer quantities is considered separately. In nal. lateral and vertical eddy velocities were not the
this way. the gradual accumulation of knowledge on same in magnitude; he also showed that the flow con-
the various quantities can be described in chronologi- sisted of eddies of various sizes. The production of
cal order. turbulence was assumed to be a maximum at ground
Some of the main advances in quantifying the level and its magnitude was recognised as being a
properties of adiabatic boundary layers were made function of the ground roughness. Schmidt (1935) sug-
in the period IdSO--1959. Therefore. the treatment of gested that this turbulence. in the form of vortices
that period vviill be more detailed than that of the at ground level. vvas spread upwards in the boundary
more recent literature. The subsequent period. from layer. It was shown later (see Section 2.12) that these
I9hCr1973. is noteworthy for the accumulation of a vortices were in fact projected into the main flow
considerable amount of measurements from various above the ground. thus distributing the turbulence
sites and for attempts by many authors (e.g. Daven- from ground level into the upper part of the boundary
port. Harris. Panofsky and Pasquill) to describe layer (see also Pagon. 1935).
.L\diatxrx atmospheric boundq lakers

The uji: of a power spectrum had also been sug-

gested b> Schmidt (19X) as a method of indicating
the energy content of the various eddy sizes. The basic
theorq relating the power spectrum to the correlations
was subxqurntl> derived by TirlOr (1938). The
hypothesis of Kolmogoroff (1941) showed the simi-
farit! of the strtlcture of the turbulence at high
Reynolds numbers. that is the similarit: of the small
scale turbulent eddies associated with the high fre-
quency end of the spectrum. It was generally accepted
that the eddy sties represented in the spectrum could
be divided into three regions as follows: t, _.----.
h ,,/(;>--, \
(a) x low frequency range. containing most of the
turbulent energ! : this energ! being transferred by in-
ertial forces to higher frequencies.
(b) An intermediate range. or vertical subrange.
which follows Kolmogoroffs - $0 law. and
(c) A high frequency. dissipation range.
Townsend ( 1931). from work on Hat-plate boundary
layers, suggested that the size of large eddies in the
Row approached the boundary layer height. He also
proposed that rhc boundary layer could be divided Fig. I. Structure of boundark layer tlow lirom Townsend.
into (a) an outer laqer. in which non-turbulent fluid 1957).
was entrained from the mran flow by the large eddies.
(h) an inner later in which turbulent energy was shear instabilities in the main flow (cf. Durst. 19.32).
created. and that they rotated relatively slowly ha\ing vertical
Pricstley and Sheppard (1952) illustrated how mergq velocities of the order of 0.10 c,,. It \\as also shown
was transferred through the different frequency ranges by Panofsky and Singer (1965) that gust fronts have
of a power spectrum. Panofsky and McCormick a slope of the order of one due to the xsrtical cvind
(1951) showed that spectral shapes were generally in- shear.
dependent of terrain roughness. They also showed From studies on fiat-plarz boundary la)ers. Kline
that the structure of longitudinal turbulence differed lr nl. (1967) demonstrated the presence oi secondary
from that of vertical turbulence since its length scales. vorticitp (that is the large eddies proposed hq
or eddy sizes. lqere greater than those of the vertical Townsend. 19571 in the lower part of the boundary
turbulence. The rsistence of eddies of various sizes layer. The> suggested that the action of these on the
was also demonstrated by Deacon (1955a). spanu-ise vorticity formed wall streaks. The resultant
Extending his previous analysis. Townsend (1957) ejection of Huid from the Ivail region was considered
suggested that boundary layer flows had contra-rotat- to be the main mechanism for turbulent transfer
ing vortex pairs. moving with the Row. and having bebeen the inner and outer layers (cf. Schmidt. 1935).
their axes parallel to the flow direction (Fig. I). Sets In contrast. ths work of Tritton (1967) did not verify
of large eddies were assumed to exist both in the inner the existence in the boundary layer of the large eddy
and the outer section of the boundary layer. Extensive structure proposed by Townsend. He supgssted that
meas~irements in flat-plate boundary la-er flow by the separate descriptions of large eddies for inner and
Grant (19%) showed the existence of targe eddies in outer layers mat- be inappropriate. Bradshaw (196s)
the Row and the increase of eddy size with increase proposed that the sizes of the large sddies were in
of distance from the wall. Finally. Panofsky er al. fact of the same order of magnitude as the boundarc
(1958) verified Taylors hypothesis concerning the layer thickness. He agreed with Faller (19651concerning
transport of eddies at the same speed as the local the origin of these large eddies and that they consisted
mean wind speed. of a slow rotational drift of fluid ha\-ing ti: z 010
lo ~~{t~z~7ff~~~~:
Although a broad picture of the Row Gf,.
structure had now emerged. its detailed flow patterns Panofsky (1969) pointed out that the boundary
were still undefined. layer flow over the sea produced very large
2.1.2 Prriofl 1960-197~. It had been shotvn that the longitudinal eddies near the surface and suggested
lenpth scal& of turbulence increase. with increase of that over rough ground such eddies were likely to
distance from the ground. e.g. Blackadar (1962) pro- be broken LIP (see Section 3.10).
posed that the) increased in proportion to k: To sl~~t~/~iff~i~~~:
There is relatively little information
&= Van Karmans constant) close to the ground and available on the detailed Row structure of the
approachedfixed values higher up in the boundary layer boundary layer and some disagreement exists between
(that is for r > XC-XXI m). Failer (1965) suggested the work published by various authors. However. it
that the large eddies in adiabatic flows resulted from has been established that large scale motions are
present in the boundar\- la;er (i.e. large eddies exist) height was generally WI-700 m based on empirical
u hose orientation is a function of the shear in the formulae of the form.
mean How and whose degree of rotation is reiativefy d = 0.006 Cc1
slow. The size of these large :ddies is also a function F
of surface roughness and this will be considered later.
where F is the Coriolis parameter (rad s- ).
Theoretical estimates from Smith (1970) gave heights
around 800 m. Finally. Pasquill (1972) suggested that
the mechanical production of energ!. tended to
ths height of the adiabatic boundary IaFer. However.
approach zero at a height of 600 m and therefore,
most of them involve the use of empirical constants
for adiabatic conditions. it is reasonable to assume
or coeficients whose preciw values have not been
that this height should be coincident w?th the top
agreed. For practical purposes. measurements are
of the boundary layer.
therefore to be preferred and conseqL]ent~y the
To ~777777~~~~~~~: In choosing what ma! be considered
majority of the references considered below deal with
as a practical and typical boundary layer height. some
tither observed or measured data.
compromises must be made. e.g. the height is clearly
1 I P&.X/ l&80-1959. Some of the earliest data
a function of both the gradient wind speed and the
ivere contained in Dobson (1914) who showed that
surface roughness. On the basis of the reviewed data
the boundary layer height a-as CIJ. 4%?-6OOm. with
for high wind speeds (iit > j--7 m s-) which
little turbulence esisting abovs a height of about 600
produce adiabatic or near adiabatic conditions. a
m. In addition Taylor (1917). Schmidt (1918) and
value of 600 m is recommended as representing the
Giblett (1932) all suggested heights in the range of
average height of both rural and urban boundary
4%600 m.
Pagon (1935) derived theoretical values for rural
and urban boundary layer heights. of 325 and 525
m respectively. by assuming an eddy siscosity which 2.3 Hright 0Jthr cowfualrtskfzr strrss itrwi
s\as constant with height. Later in this period 23.1 Prriod 158@1972. This height is of interest
Sheppard (1922) and Sheppard and Omar (1952) since it defines the region in which the mean wind
quoted measured boundary layer heights of ND.and profile follows a log-law. From mean bvind
45@600 m respectively. Most other observations measurements in this layer the surface roughness
made in this period quoted heights around 600 m. length can be defined.
1 Period
_.-._ 196Cr1972. From Section 2.2.1 a The earlier data suggest values for this height
height of 600 m appeared to be an acceptable average consistently within the range of 30-50 m. However.
value for adiabatic boundary layers. However, much higher values have been quoted in more recent
Davenport (1961b) suggested that this height was a papers. particularly in the case of flow over urban
function of terrain type and proposed; terrain. Byzova (1963). for example. suggested a height
of about 75 m and Soma (1964) a height of at least
EWfl ill 6(il?j cf. 6(tlTj Pagon (1935)
200 m for an urban area. This implies that the log-law
Rural 273 i75
can be expected to apply over a greater height range
Urban 518 [ 525 I
for urban areas and hence it could be more difficult
.Although no reference for the values was quoted. they to establish a representative power law for such
are very similar to those given by Pagon (I 935) which terrain. These findings were supported by Yamamoto
are based on approximate theoretical assumptions and Shimanuki (1964) and by Lappe i 1965) who
only. The value of around 300 m suggested for a rural suggested that the log-law could be applied up to
boundary layer is not supported by any previous a height of about 140 m and that it was aiso more
meteorological data. In addition. it was found later applicable as the terrain roughness increased.
(Counihan. 1970) that if atmospheric and Hat-plate Constant stress layer heights of about 100 m were
boundary layer data are compared on the basis of also suggested by Deland and Binkouski (1966).
non-dimensional height (i.e. 6. for d = 3Om) very Estoque (1967) and Panofsky (1969).
little agreement was obtained. whereas a height of By assuming the constant stress layer to apply up
600 m gives very good agreement. to a height of about 200 m. Blackadar and Chaplin
Blackadar (I 962) suggested that the ~undar~ layer (1967) produced a modified version of the log-law
height was affected very little by changes in terrain which effectively linearised. when plotted. mean
roughness; this was further supported by Shellard velocity measurements which had been measured
(1963) who also assumed a mean boundary layer outside the normally accepted constant shear stress
height of 500 m. In addition. Shellards (1967) data layer. However. it was suggested by Davenport (1967)
showed that the height of rural terrain boundary that such theoretical approaches towards defining the
layers was in excess of 300-400 m. mean velocity profile are suspect because of the
Theoretical methods of estimating boundary layer assumptions involved in their development, More
heights. for various types of thermal stratification. recently. Panofsky and Petersen (1972) suggested that
were extensively reviewed by Hanna (1969). For the constant stress layer could be assumed to have
adiabatic conditions he found that the boundary layer a height of about 100 m.
.Ad~abarlc atmospheric boundary ia)crs x:j

To s~~rn~~ri:~~: It can be concluded that 100 m is The main problems involved in the measurement
a reasonable value for the average height of the of mean velocit! profiles were adequateI> assessed h>
constant shear stress layer. Chapman (1919). Although he concluded that most
of the data could best be represented b> a log-law
3.4 T/W 1t7m7 cdocifj~ projilr of the form.
2.41 Period lYS~l95%rrt~7l
rrmir7. \fanj laws
u = II log : + h.
for the variation of the mean velocity with height
have been suggested. One of the earliest was that of a power law provides an equally good tit to most
Stevenson ( 1880) who proposed a parabolic law. of the data considered. particularly in the case of high
winds. Other variations of the log-law vvere suggested
later. but these were not generally adopted as they
involved the use of empirical parameters Lvhich were
where 7i7 and U,_ are the mean velocities (m s-r) functions of both wind speed and atmosphsric
at arbitrary heights 1, (w) and z1 (VI) respectively. thermal equilibrium. e.g. Geiger (1927). Sutton (1932)
This law did not apply to the lower IO m of the and Ali (1932).
measured velocity profiles. By assuming the By utilizing the Hat-plate boundary la!sr theor) of
application of a power law. power indices of between Prandtl and Van Karman. a more refined version of
0,143 and 0.167 can be deduced from Stevensons the log-law vvas produced by Sverdrup I 193-t).
results for the various rural terrain types considered.
A power law representation was later proposed by
.Archibald ( 1885)having the form.
Ii/Ii> = (I ,,i-_$ a. This \vas assumed to be applicable for adiabatic
equilibrium. up to a height of about IO m and
Later, Shaw (1909) predicted a linear variation with
provided a method of determining the relative
roughness of the terrain considered. However.
7i7/L7 = -.
Ii, \
Sverdrup also pointed out that a Ian of the form.

where c is a function of the ground roughness.

Mean velocity measurements by Dobson (1914)
_ !I--1
._l, (i.e. a power lau-I.

were shown to follow a power law having an index could be applied equally well to most meteorological
of 0.143. .A theoretical mean wind profile estimated conditions. Since the power la\< could be
b> Taylor (1915) generally agreed with Dobsons mathematically manipulated more easil:. than the
measurements (Fig. 2). log-law, it tended to be used more often in
meteorological problems; 1:~ was taken as an
indication of the amount of turbulence present.
Generally. a value of 0.143 was regarded as applicable
to rural terrain. e.g. see Sutton (193-t). Rossbq and
Montgomery (1935) and Pagon (1935).
Paeschke (1927) quoted extensive data on povver
indes values for flows over man> t>pes of terrain.
However. these appear to be mostl) overestimated
because the! were based on measurements made too
close to the ground. This type of ovsrsstimate is
common to many papers, especially in the analysis
1 ,4 6 .a IO 200 100 0 of measurements of mean velocities in urban areas.
Further support for an index of 0.143 for rural areas
was given in Frost (1947) and Sheppard i 1947). The
most important modification to the above laws was
indicated by Sutton (1949) as.
u : - tf
- =;1og..-.
c* -n
which took into account the zero plane displacement
(d) when considering large roughness slements (see
also Paeschke. 1937).
Generally. in the period 1950-1959 I I = 0.143 was
quoted extensively as applying to rural terrain. The
most relevant data were included in Collins (1955).
3 2 4 6 8 IO 11 II 16 100 100 0


Deacon (1955,) and Kamei (19%) with more detailed
Fig. 2. Theoretical and measured mean velocityprofiles data on one site included in Lettau and Davidson
(from Taylor. 1915). (1959).
t-6 1. COL>IH.A\

Th2 choice appears arbitrary as to whether th2 area. the range for urban and rough terrains was
mean vslocity profils is representsd by a log-law or 0.2 I-040.
a power-lava. Thz lower ?@jO m of the boundary 2.4.1 Prriotl I36c 1972-1lrha~ crjrtl or/~/. rc~rrah.
layer is b2tter reprrsrnted by a log-lava. and it is Suburban and urban terrains w2re considered by
clearly incorrect to try to d2duce a power-law index Davenport ( 1961b. 196-t. 1967) who has specified
from m2asurements made in this height range. indices of 0.28 and 0.40 respectively: his most recent
Hovcsvsr. ths power law seems to give a better fit data suggested 0.36 for an urban area. However.
to most of the data ovsr a greatzr height range and Shellard (19631 suggested that these high indices were
for high wind conditions, Hsncr it was decided to neither realistic nor representative of urban areas. The
adopt the povver-law for the final presentation of the most rscent data presented in the E.S.D.U. data
data in this rzview. sheets 72026 (1971) again suggested 0.35 as being
To SUUIWW~X: The power index for flow over rural repressntative of an urban area. However. the
terrains lies m the rang2 of O.IJ.1-tII67. A value of majority of th2 urban data asssssed here suggest fairly
(1.14.: is the most liksly value for typical rural conclusively that the power ind2s for a typical urban
terrain. area should be about 0.%0.30: as an example. the
2.-t.? Prriotl I960- 197?-r1& rerrairl. A consider- following data ar2 quoted.
nbl2 amount of data is available from rural terrain I,% I%
slt2s in this period. However. they will not be
London 0.29 Nsw Orleans : 0~231
considered in detail here since th2y do not alter
the conclusions previously reached. Th2 data are Louisville : 0.16 Philadelphia : 0.28
tsbulatcd in 4ppendi.x 2 and are included in the final Minneapolis : 0.3I St. Louis : D2Y
prsssntation of all th2 results. iMontreal : 0.2SY Tokyo : i>IYj
3.4.3 Prriotl I YSG 1959~rfrharr a/fd or/w rerrai~~
To .summari~~~: The appropriate power indices for
The ass2ssment of mean velocity msasurements from
the various terrain types can only be detzrmined by
urban and other rough trrrains is more difficult
considering all of the available data. The data suggest
because: (a) Results for such conditions are scarce.
a power index of 0.21-0,?3 for a suburban area and
tb) Many of the available results represrnt local
a valus of 0.28 for urban areas.
topographical effects rather than particular typrs of
tsrrain. 2.5 71~ rougIm05 /r,rgtir
.LIeasursmsnts mad2 by Mildnsr (1933) near
The magnituds of the roughness length can be
Leipzig vvtlre among the earliest made in rough
derived simply by use of the log-law.
terrain. They may be taken as typical of a suburban
site and a power indes in the range of 0.X-0.35 gives -_ d
1( L.* = I/k log<,:-
;I good fit to the data. An urban case referred to by -0

Rossby and Montgomery (1935) was best represented

Reliablz estimates are difficult to obtain since the
by an indes of about 010. Values of 0.36 for
roughness lengths are a function of f2tch. atmospheric
Strasburg and 0.40 for Tokyo were suggested by
thermal stratification. to some sxtent. and of wind
Paeschke (1935) and Shiotani and Yamamoto (1948)
speed. unless.
respsctively. However there is insufficient detail
pressnted as to the instrument siting relative to the
local topography for a reliable assessment to be made
of these measurements. However. thers is some evidence that this criterion
Hellermann (1953) suggested a value of 033 for a is a function of the type of roughness being
typical city site and Kamsi (1955) the same value for considsred and therefore it cannot be taken as a
Japanese towns. In the latter case it is probable that definitr guide.
ths measuremrnts were influsnced by the presence of 2.5. I Pcviorl IWI& 1959~-I.urd rerraiu. Thers are
nearby buildings. The same criticism applies to the sufficient data available her2 to deduce typical values.
Copenhagen msasurements of Jensen (3953) from This is particularly true of mars recent data when
which a power index in the rang2 of 0.34-0.35 was factors such as fstch etc. were usually taken into
dsducrd for th2 city centre. An esample of an account. However. it is of intsrest to look at some
overestimate of the power index for the Brookhaven of the earlier data. For esample. it is possible to
sit2 can b2 deduced from De Marrais (1959) and obtain typical rural values from the measurements of
Singer and Smith (1959). Although a valus of 0.28 Stevenson (I 580):
IS prrsently taken to rrpresent this site. a closer
Terrain z,(m)
examination of the data suggests that power index
of 0.30-0.23 is more applicablz. The site consists of
Open Ground 0~001-1
soms woodland having trees LIP to about 10 m in
Corn (/I, = 0.3m) 0.07
h2ight. and this can b2 regarded as being similar to
a suburban site Corn (ii, = 1m) 0.048
TO .s1rm17ari:~: Although it was not entitely clear which are indepsndent of wind spred. Values derived
vvhat was the bsst pousr index for a typical urban by Sverdrup (193-I). although the terrain description
.Aduhatic atmospheric houndarb la!zrj \,-..

ij not \erL expiicit. hake the same order of 3.3 Pt~rioti 196O-i9~1. Rather than deai
magnitude: individuali! with the large amount of dara from this
Tstrain :&ml period. which hat? been tabulated in ,Appendix II. just
some of the more interesting bvork and conclusions
Short mown grass will be noted here reparding the roughness length and
Open Grassland its measurement in both rural and urban tsrrains.
R&itivel~ cairn WJ o&9
Some theoretical estimates of roughness lengths
The estznsivs data presented by Pacschke (1937) werr presented by Panofskl. Blxkadar and McNeil1
allowsd for the effect of the zero-plane displacement (1960) which v\ill be considered in Section 3.1. Jensen
in sstimating the roughness lengths. He quoted. (1961) classified the roughness length and the
displacement thickness as a function of vegetation
height. Rauner (1961) showed that the roughness
for terrain>ing from snow-covered ground to length of a forest was a function of wind sped. due
fields of beet and cereal crops. Frost (1947) quoted to the fact that at higher wind speeds the wind
values of 001 and 0.026 m for sea and open country penetrates mars through the trees. He also
respectiveI>. Sheppard (I 947) and Deacon (1948) determined the relative roughness of a forest with and
summarised most of the available data on roughness without foliage. ,An empirical form of the variation
lengths from uhich it can be deduced that for rural of the roughness length with terrain tbpc \cas
terrain, suggested b\ Davenport (1963).
The work of Oliphant and PanoBkg (1965)
illustrated a point of interest obsr\ed when
In a further example of allowing for the zero-plane determining thz roughness length of the BrookhaLen
displacement Pasquill (1950) determined a roughness site. Their data shoived how t\\o separate estimates
length of OXI m for grass 0.15 m tall. Shiotani
of this length could he derived from measurements
(1950) presented data for terrain covered by grass and
at the same site position. One estimate >,:pe:tred to
tegztables as.
be appropriate to the IocaI flat gro~md. and the
second one to the wooded area upstream: data from
both estimates were used to obtain a mean site
Data quoted by Deacon (1953). Sutton (195jy and
roughness length.
Lettau (1959) also lie in the range of values alread) Barry (1966) indicated that it teas posjlbie to obtain
quoted. Deacon (1957) suggested that Nikuradses
wide variations in estimates of the roughness length
criterion. when applied to grass roughness. should be
for any particular site. The data he as=swd appear
modified to.
to apply to a very restricted height range and
L.*-0 therefore his conclusions cannot be taken as being
- > 40.
I completely reliable. It is also considered that large
but no other data to support this have been found. discrepancies are possible in estimates of the
From the above data it is possible to deduce roughness Iength made by using the modified log-law
reliahls roughness lengths for particular sites; e.g. derived. on a theoretical basis. and proposed b>
Site : Cardmgton : ONeill : Brookhaven Blackadar and Chaplin (1967). This should be
particularly noted when considering the rcssnt papers
:,,(ml : OQG2 : O-01 : IGO.
of Harris (1972) and E.S.D.U. 72016 (19-Z).
for these sites the power law indices were aiso known. Fichtl (196Sa) in analysing data from the Kenned!
To SMWIW~:~:rural area roughness lengths should Space Centre. noted that when there ax variations
fall in the range. in the local terrain it is essential that the roughness
length should be defined as a function of wind
direction. With regard to urban areas. \funn (1968)
2.52 Periotl I SSO-1959-&a/I rerrni~. One of the drew attention to the problem of dctrrmining realistic
first values quoted for urban terrain was I m by roughness lengths and pointed out ths importance of
Rossby and Montgomery (1935); they also suggested choosing measuring sites which were not intluencsd
a value of 3-Z m for large roughness. Shiotani and by local efIects. The available data indicated that the
Yamamoto (19%) quoted a value of 4 m for Tokyo. roughness len_gthcould be assumed to be independent
They also suggested that for urban areas. of atmospheric thermal stratification. r.g. Blackadar
if a/. (1969).
The dependence of the roughness length on ths
Later. Kamei (19%) gave a value of 1.5 m for the density distribution of roughness elsmsnts vlas
roughness length of Tokyo. considered by Lettau (1969) and in more detail by
To .~~~~~IJII~~~~~~,: from data of this period. only an Wooding iit ai. (1969): however. the c&t of fetch
approximate guide for urban areas can be derived. was not considered. Both of these quantities are of
importance in the definition of suburban or urban
Ia Q I(, (111),< 4.0.
areas. Helli~~rll (1970) przsentsd furthsr data on the
(but see summark to 25.3). variation of the roughness length ivith terrain t>pe:
s-s J. COC VIH.4.

in this case the urban roughness length of 0.75 m

quoted was particularI> low and seems more
applicable to a suburban area. In addition. thz uork
of Harris (1972) and the E.S.D.U. (1972) quotsd very
low roughness lengths for the terrain types they
considered. This is probabl! due to use of the
modified log-law as suggested b> Blackadar and
Chaplin ( 1967).
To smttwix: typical roughness lengths for THE VARIATION OF THE DRAG COEFFICIENT OF A
suburban and urban areas are about I m and Z-3
Fig. 3. Variation of Reynolds stress with wind speed (from
m respectively. Deacon. 1957).

2.6 T/w Rrrttoitl~ .strc,sscs

The data quoted above refer mostly to rural terrain.
This is one of the most diticult quantities to assess
However. Deland and Panofsky (1957). comparing
since the available data ars not vsry extensive. and
data from Brookhaven (I,, = 1 m) and ONeill
in the case of urban areas are particularly sparse.
(:-(, = 0.01 m). suggested that the Reynolds stresses
However. If it is assumed that the variation of the
based on local velocity vary by about a factor of 10
stresses through the boundary layer is similar to that
between these two sites; Lsttau and Davidson (1957)
of a Hat-plate boundar! layer. then sufficient
quoted a value of 00017 for the ONill site. Finally.
information is available to define their order of
in this period Vinogradova (1959) gdw a value of
magnitude in the constant stress la>er for rural and
OGOO4 for the stresses on a water surface.
moderately rough terrains. It is then possible to define
To sztttmmix: neglecting the svtreme cases of the
bb extrapolation. with some degree of reliability. the
above data. it is suggested that rural stress values
stresses associated with urban terrain.
should lie in the range
2.6.1 Prriod lSStbl9j9. The earliest assessments of
- 7,
the ground level Reynolds stresses were included in 0~00~0 < - UWL ;, < 0~0030.
TIlylor (1916). which gave
at or near ground level.
- 7,
oGO11 < - II\\. I ; < 0~0020. -- 2.62 Period 196G1972. Data from urban sites
remained sparse (see Appendix 4). but some broad
These values are applicable to open countryside
generalizations are possible.
\vhere the velocit! rs,,is assumed to occur at a height
There was some evidence that the scatter of the
of 600 m. Scrase (1930) dsrived a value of approx.
available data increased as the roughness length
00315 at a height of 19 m above the ground: this
increased. This seems plausible. since the larger
can also be regarded as the appro.ximate value at
roughness elements would be expected to produce
ground level. since the Reynolds stress was considered
greater local variations from a mean value of the
to be constant (to within ccl. 6 per cent) up to a height
Reynolds stress. For rough terrain the data of
of about 50 m above ground level (e.g. see Calder.
Davenport (I 964). based on the free-stream velocity,
indicated that the Reynolds stress decreased with
Further measurements were presented by
Increase of the roughness length, in the range of
Sheppard (1947) in the form of a drag coefficient.
roughness appropriate to an urban terrain: no reason
C,, = 2 (-Z/ii;). can be suggested for this.
Pasquill (1970). from accumulated data on the
mhere Ir, is a reference velocity. The range of stresses Reynolds stresses. showed that this quantity increased
generally applicable to rural terrain can be deduced with increase of roughness length up to at least 1
from the above data as, m. and was not very sensitive to variations in the
free-stream velocity co. From this paper, or from
Smith (1970). the ratio of urban to rural stresses can
be determined as 1.46-1.56. for roughness lengths of
For Row over short grass and sea. values as low
23 and 0.10 m respectively. and so the existing data
as 00010 were quoted by Pasquill (1950) and
could be extrapolated to obtain Reynolds stresses for
Sheppard (1952) and a value of OGO2-1 by Shiotani
urban areas (i.e. 2 < Z,) (111)6 3).
(19%). Hay ( 1959) gave a value as low as 0.006 for
To srrmmvix: from the combined data. the range
How over the sea and Monin and Obukhov (1954)
of Reynolds stresses applicable to rural and sea areas
suggested a mean value of 00325 for rural terrain.
can be defined respectively as.
.A value of O-C005 was given by Rider (1954) for a
mown grass surface. which agreed with the data given - 7,
09020 ,< - 1rbv:C.i) d 0003
in Pasquill (I 950). Further ralues for open country
were given in Ellison (1956) and Deacon (1957) of and.
OX013 and OQO22 respectively; Deacons data also
showed the degree of scatter to which these
measurements are subject (Fig. 3). where r,, is assumed to occur at 600 m
s2e also Robinson (19531. Thz ratio of th2 vsrticaI
to longitudinal turbulenc2 intensity of 0.5 vvas dsrived
from JlcCrsady (1353) and others. whoa turbulence:
m2asurements also fall in ths rangss alrsady quot2d.
Shiotani (1953) for snow-covsr2d terrain gave

0.10 G ~ (2) !1 < 0.16

Ti smvnmizc: longitudinal turbulsncs intensitirs

for rural arsas fall in the range.
0.10 $ \ (Z, ti $ 0.70
L = 1 1 METRES

for httights betwssn 3 m and 30 m abovs ground Isvel.

1.7.2 Period I SSt)- I9j%t&m trvnirl. Som2 of th2
first m2asuremsnts of longitudinal turbulrnce
intznsity made in an urban area wer2 przsented in
Shiotani and Yamamoto (1912). These m2asuremsnts
fall in the range.
L = 18 MElRES
0.20 d , (Z) u < 0.30.
A valus of longitudinal turbulence intsnsity of 0.5,
near ground level. can be drrived from Cramer (1951)
Fig. -1. Variation ofgust structur? with height (from Scrasr.
for an ar2a having large roughness. On th2 basis
of the vsry few data from this psriod it can be
assumed that urban turbulence intensities should Ii2
2.7 7-/M,irltol.sirl~ of tlrrhirlerfct in the range.
Th2 rat2 of production of turbulence and its intensity
0.20 < ~ (LI.z),li < 0.35.
is a function of ths Reynolds stresses and the mean
velocity profile of the flow being considered. - Howevsr. th2 above data wer2 considerably
2.7. I Prriotl I SS@I959-ixral fWxi/l. It was augmsntzd during 1960-1977. AI1 of the data on these
rzcognissd in ths sarly literature that turbulrnce was measursmcnts are pres2ntsd in Appendi\ 3.
a function of both surface roughness and h2ight abovs 2.7.3 Period 1960-1971. The data from this psriod
ground level (Fig. -I). It was also assumed that all (see Appsndix 3) gsnrrally confirmed th: conclusions
three components of turbulencr wer2 of equal drawn from the earli2r measurements. Ttxrefore only
magnitude. Howevsr. Scrasl (1930) showed that the some general points of interest concsrning th2
ratio of thr three componsnts was as follovvs. measur2msnts and sstimation of turbulsncs intensity
will be considered here.
, F:, F:, II..? = 1:0.73:0.46.
It had bezn shown (2.7.). that ths variations of
(c.f. typical Hat-plate data which gives ratios of turbulsncs intensity with height were comparabls to
I :0.75 :O.W). These: ratios applied from about ground those of flat-plate boundary layers; th2 atmosphsric
12vel up to th2 hsight of 0 m considersd. Th2 data was then only available for a rsstricted height
magnitud2 of ths longitudinal component was rangr. This similarity was verified o\:r a grratrr
establishrd by Best (1935) as. height range by ths work of Swanson and Cramer
(1965). who showsd that both the longitudinal and
\ (?)!U - 0~1~5-0~16.
lateral intznsitiss of turbulcncc dscrsased with
for op2n country-side. Hence. the corr2sponding increax of height up to IO m abovs ground level.
values of the othsr two componsnts could be derived. Pritchard (1966) showed that the vertical turbulence
Up to the bright Best considerld, the ratios and intensity was approximately constant aith incrsass
variations of the components agreed with the pip2 of height up to about 370 m: he also assumed that
tlow m2asurem2nts of Fag2 and Townsnd (1932). the turbulence was isotropic at and abox this bright.
Many other authors at this time also dcriced the ratio Moors (1967) also demonstrated that ths turbulence
of thr lateral to vsrtical turbulence intensity as being was isotropic. for short wavelengths. above a height
I.Cl.6. of about 200 m.
Shiotani and Yamamoto (1932) quotsd values of Ths data of Harris (1972) shovvsd that th2
about 0.13 for rural terrain longitudinal turbulence longitudinal turbulence (, ?) was strictly not
intensity. Additional data for rural terrain were invariant with height. in th2 height range of IS0 m
presznted by Shiotani (1950) which fsll in ths rang2 considered. This fact is of particular rrIe\ance in ths
0~1~0~11. .A valus of the turbulence intensity over application of th2 first of thz following sxpressions.
water of 0.19 was quoted by Sheppard (1952).
\ (71 c:* = 4. ~ (7)/L.* = 5. \ (7) L:, = C.
Fairly eutensivs mrasurements of lateral turbulence
given by Friedman (1953) vsrified that the ratio of which are used est2nsively to obtain estimates of the
lateral to longitudinal turbulence intensity was 0.7j. turbulence intensities. A comparison of estimates.

using these sspressions. with measured data show The ralidit! of the above theories b&as checked by
thar they arc reason&l>- rzliahlc. However it should the sxperimental work oi Drkden { 1943) who
be noted that the measured data wers mainly those measured the power spectra of wind tunnel
available for flat and rural terrains. Lumley and turbulsnce.
Panofskl (1964) suggested that such estimates were The shape of the spsctrum was eventually defined
accurate to 420 psr cent. and that although the b- Von Karman (19-E) in a form which has not been
values of the constants .-I. B and C. in the above notabiy impro%sd on.
expressions. should be independent of height. that
they may be dependent on terrain type. It is assumed
here that this independent-of-height condition can
only apply in ths constant shear stress layer. where It was generally agreed that the greater part of the
it is abo usuall> assumed that the turbulence turbulent energy was contained in the low frequency
components are reasonably invariant with height. range of the spectrum. i.e. in the large eddy sizes.
This dependence of .-Lon terrain type. or roughness The energ! transfer processes through the complete
length. was shown to some e.stcnt by the work of turbulence spectrum were later defined in physical
Zubkovski and Kravchenko (1967) who demonstrated terms. e.g. see Priestley and Sheppard (1952).
some decrease of .-I as surface roughness increased. The existence of a spectral gap which
On this basis. the abox expressions can b? expected consenienti> separated the mean and turbulent
to overestimate the turbulence intensities associated motions in the m~cromct~orological. or gust. range
with large roughness lengths. Panofskv (1969) later of frequencies was initial!) shown h> Panofsky and
pointed out that both rt and B had shown a van dcr Haven (1955). Deland and Panofsky (1957)
systematic variation from site to site which suggested subssquzntly showed that the longitudinal spectra
that roughness a&ct?d their bchaviour. Teunissrn were approsimatzly invariant with height. Eventually
(1970) used the above expressions to estimate the a complete spectrum of the longitudinal velocity (Fig.
turbulence intensities through the full boundary layer 5) was presented by tan der Hoven (1957) which
depth. for v;irious degrees of surface roughness. but covered the micro and mesometeorolog~cal ranges.
such estimates should probably he restricted to the This is now thz classical spectrum shown in most
constant stress layer. _. . papers uhich refer to the atmospheric boundary layer.
The mean vaiues oi these constants derived from It showed that averaging periods of I i-30 min should
all the reviewed data are. be sufficiently long for measurement of representative
.-I = 2.5. 5 = 1375. C = I .Ei mean wind velocities. It was also suggested that the
spectral gap occurred at higher frequencies in fiows
from which. over rougher terrain: this implies a reduction in the
length scales of turbulence with increase of terrain
The majority of the available data confirmed that
X3.1 Prriorl IYSO-19j~~o/~~~fIl~~~}~~6 c~~~?~o~I~~lf. the slope of the spectrum was appros. -50 at the
The work involved in defining the form of the power high frsqucncy end. in agreement with Kolmogoroffs
spectral density of the three velocity components did theorem: confirmation was also obtained from the
not progress as rapidly as that on the measurement Right measurements of Notes (1957. 1959) and of
of other quantities. Henry ( 1959).
After the work of Scrase (1930) it was suggested To s11177177wI:~~: The general form and characteristics

by Giblett (1932) that the energy of eddies having of the longitudinal spectrum had been established,
various time periods could be represented by an 2.52 PLG%~ lS~~~9j~~~~~~ff~ rlltfi crrtirni
energy spectrum. Some attempts were made by co~r7pm7r77rs. There is little worthwhile information
Schmidt (1935) to define the high frequency end of available on laterai spectra; that available on the
such a spectrum. This concept of a power spectrum vertical spectra has in many instances been used in
was defined in more detail by Taylor (1935) who comparisons with the longitudinal spectra. For
suggested that it could be resolved into harmonic
components and that its integrated value i>) could
be regarded as being the sum of contributions from
all frequencies (0); he defined F(U) such that
F(n) d/l = I.
where F({7) is the normalised poiver spectral fxxction.
The high frequency end of the spectrum u-as defined
by Koimogoroff (1941) and was shown to obe) his
similarity law such that.
Fig. 5. Horizontal wind-speed spectrum at Brookhaven
r7.977) % 17-1: 3, Satlonal Laboratory at about 100 m height.
\d~abntic atmospheric boundar! labers SSI

e\ampl<. from measurements at Brook-haven. ( 1968) established the presence of more low frequent!
Punofsk) and McCormick (19511defined some ot the tnergq than in similar measurements o\sr land; this
general propcrties of the longitudinal and vertical was further supported bq the data of Shiotani (1968).
jp<CtlX. In particular. the> showed that at IOM Some additional forms for the longitudinal spectrum
fr-quencics there was comparativeI> little energy in were proposed at this time by various authors. Harris
the vertical spectrum in comparison to that in the (1968) suggested the form.
longitudinal spectrum: both spectra were shown to
be similar at high frequsncies. It was implied that
ths eddy sizes associatsd with the vertical component
increased with increase of distance from the ground. which is similar to that proposed b> \.on Karman
1.e the \ertlcal spectra ivill not be invariant with (194). Another form was proposed b> Fichtl and
height. McVehil (1969) as followx
Deland and Panofskb (1957) suggested that the
b?rtical spectrum shape could be represented bb.

(where L is a length scale dsrived semi+mpirically)

It was concluded b\ Panofsky (1969) that. due to
.-\p,tin most of the available data confirmed that the
the wide variation in spectral shapes. ths application
jlopes at the high frequency end of the spectra were
of an> empirical spectral form to a particular site
approu. -5 3.
could onI\ be approximate. Pasquiil (1970)
i% .SII~JWI~W~X: a general form for the vertical
recommended the use of a more simpl: spectrum
spectrum had been established.
expression which would appl! mainI> to the inertial
23.3 Pt,r~otl 196~-1972-lo/1yitlrtli,1n1 CON~OW/I~.
sub-range and for heights up to about ILWm.
There was a considerable increase in the measurement
and anal\& of po\ver spectral densities in this period:
rhe more interesting points only are discussed here
L* \L1 1

since po\vsr spectral data has generally been

pr:viousl! rsviewed. e.g. Kaimal er nl. (1972). -- He suggested that the power spectral densities at
From the work of Davenport (1961a. b) the lower frequencies \vere too variable to define
longitudinal spectrum lvas expressed in a revised form accurately; a possible esplanation for this iariabilitk
a.3. was given by Owen (197 I). Finally. thr most recent
spectral data for the longitudinal component wfre
given in Kaimal et al. (1971): their proposed form
was shown to agree \\ith the full-scale data
This form of the spectrum underestimates the energ) considered. However. these data. having been
in the IOU- frequency range and therefore does not presented only recently in the literature. have not
agree completely with full-scale spectral been fully assessed here but are noted for
measuremsnts; the invariance of the spectrum with completeness of the revielv.
hsight was also assumed. 2.8.1 PetGtl l960- 1971-_(arr~I nd wrricd

Pond (1966) demonstrated thdt Kolmogoroffs law COI~I~~I~~I~S. T/w lafrr-tr/ ,fimuclri~7q tdocir!.: There are
applied to power spectra over the sea down to values verv few data available on this po\ver spectral density.
of yii as low as 0.0082 m- and various power This is mainly due to the fact that there was not
spectral msasuremcnts showed that this law was very much interest in this component in structural
applicable over a much wider range of frequencies problems. However. the general charactsristics which
than anticipated. Elderkin (1967) established can be defined are outlined in ths follo\ving text.
applicability of the law down to 11,Ti= 0.029 m- for Elderkin 11967) sho\ved that the -5 3 law could
tlow over flat terrain. On the basis of this and other be applied to the available measurements in the
data it appears that the frequency range over which the inertial subrange. Singer et [II. ( 1967) showed that the
above law applied is a function of terrain roughness. lateral spectrum. in terms of energy contsnt. lay in
This seems plausible since some re-distribution of an intermediate position betbvsen the spectra of the
snergq would be expected to occur as surface longitudinal and vertical velocities. This point was
roughness increased. However. measuring techniques also adequately verified by the data of Fichtl and
are probabl) not capable of detecting these spectral $lcVehil (1969). In addition. Panoijky (1969)
dit%rences and Davenport (1967) concluded that suggested that these spectra should be invariant with
qWXI:l measured over rural and urban terrain were height. as Ivere the longitudinal spectra. The most
basicall) similar. up-to-date are contained in Kaimal rt al. I 1972).
Singer. Busch and Frizzola (1967) adequateI> 71~ L.L,I.IIC(II,~IICIII(IIIJI~ wlocir!,: The form proposed
established the invariance of the longitudinal by Panofskq and McCormick (1960) aas basicall)
spectrum ivith height. that is the fact that the peak similar to that previously given bv Deland and
Lalue of 11iT is independent of height. E.\tensive Panofskg (1957): this showed that thi spxtrum was
measurements over the sea by Busch and Panofsk! height dsprndsnt. Various other forms of this
532 J. cOL\IHA\

spectrum were proposed mainiy b> authors concsrncd anallsed b? Panofsk! and ?ilares I I%) who derived
rvith the ana&sis of vertical gust loads on aircraft. an expression for the cospectraf shape.
e.g. Zbrozsk f 1961) and tappe f 1963). Elderkin (1967)
establlshed the peak value of the reduced frequency
to be about O4O. compared to about O.O3 for
longitudinal spectra: this implies that the nx$ority of The quantity L. which is the value of the reduced
the energy associated with vertical spectra is at higher
frequency at the cospectrum peak. was taken as 0.08
frequencies. The measurements of Kaimal and
for adiabatic conditions. This quantit!. however. was
Haugen (1967) generally supported the findings of
found to be subject to a considerable degree of scatter
Elderkin: they also showed that these spectra were
which covered the range.
height dependent in as much as the peak frequency
decreased with increase of distance from the ground.
This implies that as the effect of ground proximity
The most recent data of :\/Iiyake vc rri. (1970) and
decreases. the vertical scale of the eddies can increase.
Sitaraman (1970) verified the validity of the cospectrai
i.e. reduced frequent> (rr:,,:ii)would increase with
form proposed by Panofskb and Mares (1968). The
height. Finally, Busch and Panofsky (1968) presented
above form of the cospectrum is generally used.
a slightly modified version of the spectral form
although its applicability for heights greater than
previously suggested b> Panofsky.
about 50 m has yet to be established. fhs more recent
data of Kaimal rrni. (1972) suggested.

rvhere _/, 2 0.32 for adiabatic conditions. This is the

form of the vertical spectrum most often ussd. The which is similar to that proposed by Panofsky and
most recent form has been given in Kaimal rf ai. Nares.

2. IO.I Prrid I SSC 1959. The mean eddy size in the

longitudinal direction (LuJ NX deduced initially b)
The relevance of the Reynolds stress cospectrum. Taylor (1915) to be about 70 m at a height of 10
in the context of defining the Earths boundar) layer. m. Extrapolation of more recent data would suggest
is that ir indicates the frequency band in which these a value of the order of 100 m at this height. which
stresses are of importance. gives fair agreement with Taylors estimate. He also
2.9.1 Prriotl I88@-1959. Early discussions on the deduced that the mean cddq size increased with
cospectrum are included in Panofsky and McCormick increase of height above the ground. for the simple
(1954) and Panofsky and van der Woven (1955). reascm that they have more room to gJ0~. His later
Deacon (19Sj.b) showed that most of the cospectral work. Taylor (1920). on the concept of correlation
energ! was contained in the range. m~asur~mcnts. showed that turbulence scales could
be determined from.
LL/.,= u R(r) dr.
and this has been adequately verified by recent i (1
measurements (see Panofsky and Mares. 1968). It also showed how a regular eddy pattsrn in a Row
Deland and Panofsky (1957) suggested that as the could be distinguished from such data.
height of observation increased there was an increase Most of the later data on length scales supported
of energy at low frequencies and a decrease at high TayIors deduction regarding the increase of length
frequencies. This is consistent with the data of Kaimal scale with height. e.g. Giblett (1932) gave Llr, as about
and Haugen (1967) concerning the characteristics of I20 m at a height of 15 m. One of the few values
vertical spectra. Panofskv and Deland (1959) further of the vertical scale of turbulence (Lu,) was
showed the expected rapid decrease in the energy determined by Schmidt (1935) as being of the order
content of the cospectrum at the frequencies where of 15 m at heights iess than 6 m. Additional
there was very little low frequency energy in the theoretical work by Taylor (1938) provided a
spectrum of the vertical velocity component. relationship betwern power spectra and the
2.92 Prriotl 1960-1972. This period produced correlation coefficients.
suFIicient data for the cospectrum to be defined. at
least over a restricted height range. The first relevant
data were presented in Monin t 1962) who confirmed
the findings of Deacon (1955b) regarding the /
frequency range of the cospectral energy. This was R(s) cos - ds.
also verified by Elderkin (1965). The majority of the ii
available data. for heights less than about 50 m. were where R(s) = correlation coefficient and f(n) = power
.Adiabatic atmospheric bounder) lalers $83

spectral density. Hence. when z = 0. the mean largest The maJorit> of ths data were concerned with the
eddy size is defined as. lsngth scalt Lu,~ and Pasquill (1961) showed that these
could be derived from spectral measurements since.

The nest significant length scale measurements

were those of Shiotani and Yamamoto (1915) who
determined. or ~22. 2.g. Pasquill and Butler (196-I). This was
derived bq assuming an exponential form for
correlation curves: in practice the exponential form
for heights up to 50 m In rural terrain: the! also
has been found to apply more often than not. The
quoted a value of the order of 100 m for urban
main difticult> can occur in defining the spectral
terrain. From Hat-plate boundary laher work Laufer
peak: however. checking estimates from the above
(1950) suggested that ths length scales should increase
expression against length scales derived from auto or
with increase of height up to ca. 0.X-0.60 of the
space correlations has shown its validity. From some
boundary layer height. Examples of other published
of the available data Pasquill also deduced.
data on length scales from various sites were:
LUr I -_.
LllJrnl Am) Source
II.5 z Sheppard (1952) Blackadar (1962) assumed that LI, increased with
12-15 2.5 Cramer (1952) increase of height LIP to CLI.200-300 m and that it
30 IO Shiotani (1953) was of the order of I00 m at greater heights. ,A
70 35 Webb(l955). reference to the length scale was contained in Singer
Most of the available data were reviewed b) Webb ( 1964) u ho suggested that.
(1955) who suggested that the variation of the length
Llfr = 0.3 Ll&
scale with height should follow the lau.
It can be shown fairly conclusively from analysis
of the data presented bq Berman (1965). and others.
up to a height of about 100 m (Fig. 61. A conssrvative that Lir, decreases as surface roughness increases, 2.g.
extrapolation of the measurements available ~rp~to Site -(Am) Llc,(m) AmI
this time suggestsd that IJI, should be about 200 m Cardmgton : 0.01 I5
at a height of ICH)m. Shiotani (1953) suggested that Round Hill : 0~04-0~
IO 55 16
the three dimensional form of individual eddies Brookhaven : 140 36 I6
should result in.
In addition to the laws noted previously. several
Lu, > L.11,> ,!A, others were proposed for the variation of Lu, with
in the lower section of the boundary lajer.
La\\ Source
Many other values of the length scale IA,, at
Lll, % 1 z4 Berman (1965)
various heights. can be sstracted from. e.g. PriestIe!
LU< % Pn Panofsky and Singer (1965)
(1952). Robinson (1953). Taylor (1955) and Hay and Ll,, T 1 Zbrozek (1965).
Pasquill (1954). Since these measurements agree with
previous data ths law proposed by Webb (1955) was It was also suggested by Zbrozek (1965) that Lu,
representative of the data from this period. However. increased as the height increased up to about 300
it included effects due to variation in surface m. The wide Lariety of indices observed is no doubt
roughnesses benveen the sites considered. due to the fact that the length scale was not
2.102 Prr-iotf 1960-1971. 7hr le,~grh x&s Lu,. Lu, considered to be a function of surface roughness.
a& Lu,: FairI! extensive data on the turbulence The rslativs sizes of other length scales of
length scales were obtained during this period. Some turbulence were deduced in a gznsralised form by
of those data and the laws relating to them are Pritchard (1966) as.
considered below.

He also assumed that these length scales were

functions only of height and thermal stratification.
but pointed out that some authors assumed that
greater roughness produced greater length scales.
which is Cledr!y inconsistent with the reanalysed data
of Berman and other workers.
Close to the ground the variation of IA, with height
cannot be expected to follow any of the above laws
Fig. 6. Variation of length scale with height (from Webb. because. as shown by Smith (1967). it decreases very
1955). rapidly near the surface.
Reliable data concerning ths variation of, with remained constant with further incease of height.
surface rouphnzss can be deduced from Busch and Pritchard ( 1966) sugersted that Lbv., increased with
Panofsky (1968). r\nothsr law. concerning its hsight up to about 120 m about: ground Ie~el. and
cariation Lvlth height. kvas glvsn b> Fichtl (196s) as. then remained constant 1~Ith further increase of height
up to about 370 m. Kaimal and Haugen (1967)
proposed that LK, should sither remain constant or
Fichtl and McVehil (1969) suggested that LID,
decrease uith increase of height abotz ca. 200 m.
decreased at heights grsatsr than 100 m and showed
For heights in the range of U-50 m. Singer <r al.
the validity of sstimating f.u, from.
( 1967) shousd that LIV, increased linear]! with height;
L[, = L at yeatrr heights its rate of increase was less. This
2n il I1 p, \h. result was supported bq the data of Panofsky (1969).
Finally. the general revieu by Teunissen (1970)
Finally. the recent work of Colmrr (1971) propoxd.

L\r, - 04 Z, (cf. Pasquill. I96 1)

In ths more recent literature. various other
and this was later confirmed by the data ot Karner
contlicting opinions have appeared regarding the
effects of surface roughness on the scales of
jr, swmurix: Lw, is insensitive to chanpes in
turbulence. In particular. the review paper of
terrain roughness: the variation with height can be
Teunissen (1970) stated that change of surface
taken as.
roughness had little effect on the length LUG, but that
large scale non-uniformities of the Earths surface L,r, % z.
tended to increase them: the latter statement is
in the constant shear stress Iaher.
plausible and is supported to a certain extent in some
of the literature. He also concluded that. for heights
greater than about 300 m. the length scales were
independent of terrain type. However. no reason was
given for the wide scatter of data below this height.
In contrast to the above conclusions. the f%-plate
It is convenient to be able to e.xpress the
data of Antonia and LLlston (1971) showed that
probabilit) density distributions of the fluctuating
increased surface roughness resulted in reduced length
velocities in terms of a normal or Gaussian
scales. The semi-empirical theories of Davenport
(1961) and Harris (1971) predicted that Lu, increased
Some of ths earliest data ucrc contained in Giblett
as both roughness and height increased
(1932) and later in Shiotani (19501. Cramer (1951).
monotonically: neither of those predictions agrees
McCreadq (1953) and Sutton (1953). .4lthough man)
with the measurements.
of the measured distributions had some degree of
Harris ( 197 I ) assumed. from homogeneous
positive or negative skew. there ivas no consistent bias
isotropic turbulence theory. that the following
either way. Measurements made b! Press (1957)
relationship could be applied to atmospheric
indicated the validity of Gaussian distributions up to
moderate values of the standard det,iation:
Lu, = hr = 0.5 LUG
however. at e.xtreme values. the measursmrnts varied
However the available data, e.g. Shiotani (1967) and from that predicted by the Gaussian distribution. In
Deacon (1971). showed that more appropriately. the period ISS@l959 the available data applied to
rural terrain. and it had to be assumsd that urban
LU, = 0.3 - 04 ,$
distributions are similar.
and The theoretical work of Novikoi and Stewart
(1964) suggested that the probability distributions
may vary irom the normal form. but no data wsre
To summmix: Lu, decreases with increase ot given in support of this. However. msasurements
surface roughness. increases with increase of height LIP presented by Singer (1964) and Davsnport (1967)
to ca. 2C+300 m. and thereafter decreases for further confirmed that the distributions i+ere normal or
increases of height. becoming independent of surface Gaussian. Finally. Blackadar. Dutton. Panofsky and
roughness. Chaplin ( I9691 proposed normal distributions for
T/W Irngfh SC& Lbr,: Some data were also available measurements in the range &3ri: for greater (3 the)
on the variation of the length scale ZJV, as a function sugsestcd that there was a tsndsnc! for a higher
of height. Pasquill (1961) using data from various proportion of larger gusts than indicated by the Gaus-
sites. derived. sian distribution. The above conclusions are generally
supported b> other data a\ailablc from this period.
TiI V/UWKW~TL,:In the range 536. a normal
Lumley and Panofsky (1964) suggested that Lw~ distribution is satisfactory: above + -3~ there is some
increased with height up to ca. 100-200 m. and then evidence that this distribution is not applicable.
Idlatxtlc atmospheric boerA:> labers


Fig. -. Drfinitlon of main ~::rain t>pzs.

2. cxsE~.iL CHARAC-TERISTICS s STRC~LRE 0~ to adiabatic atmospheric conditions. as discussed in

AThlOSPHERIC ADI;\B.\TICBOI_JDAR\' L.\YERS Section I. have been included. In all cases the free
The major characteristics. of adiabatic boundar! stream vslocit! is assumed to be reached at 600 m.
lavers can be defined from the data of the I YSO--1959
period. The four main terrain t>pes defined in Fig.
7 are;
Terrain t!ps All of the known available data art prssentcd in
I. Smooth Ice. mud. show. sea Fig. ?: tht iour terrain types are indicated on the
3. !vIoderately rough : Short grass. grass,crops. rural roughn<js length scale. \\hers possible. a method of
3 Rough RuralYwoods. woods. suburbs
analvsing msan velocity data was carried out which
4. Lrr) rough Lrban.
was intended to minimize the effects of doubtful data:
The s\tsnsive data obtained by the end of 1972 this consisted of estimating power indices from each
has enabled the properties of the above. and pair oi velocit! readings. at consecutive heights. from
intermediate. terrain types to be defined vvith some an! site. .A mean povvsr inds\: was then estimated.
precision. In the data finally presented. some attempt Hovv:v:r. in some cases somt degree of
has been made to make some allowances for errors over-estimation could not be avoided.
such as: adiabatic conditions not completeI> It can be seen from Fig. S that the scatter is such.
established. or changing. during any particular test: that ixorrect trends could easily be deduced if
measurements affected bq local topography or insuE&nt data are considered. The amount of
buildings: insufficient fetch for equilibrium flow to be scatter tends to increase with increase of the
established. roughness length. This is to be expected. since these
The quantities considered in the following test have data. in addition to other errors, will be more subject
been presented as functions of the roughness length to errors arising from insufficient fetch being available
and all of the data which Were considered to apply for sclrilibrium Bow to be established. for these




0 HELLIWELL - ipi0
E ESDU -1972

I ,I/,/,
0 001
i I I zor) +

Fig. 8. lariation of the pou-sr Index with roughness length.

SS6 .I. cot \IIHA>

reasons. a regression analvsis has not been applied at this height should be free irom ver! local intluences
here or to the data of the Wfollowing figures. but still be representative of the local terrain. The
The proposed variation of the power index with height of IO m commoni! adopted for meteorological
the roughness length is not a mean curve through reference measurements is thought to be too low for
the data but has been offset downwards since most man! sites. For sstremel! rough conditions s\sn n
of the sources of error tend to produce over-estimates height of 30m may still bc too IoM.. but is to be
of the power indes. The amount of offset was partially regarded as a reasonable compromise.
based on those data which were considered to be the The scatter of these data ts considerably less than
most accurate and reliable. These data were used as that of the mean velocit> measurements: therefore.
a guide in producing the proposed curve; the data this may be the best quantity to measure at a site
presented in other figures were treated similarly. and to us2 as a reference quantity in determining the
Clearly. an analysis of this form is subjective to some other flow characteristics. Hovvever. the most
extent; therefore the proposed variation of the povver important point to be noted here. is that the variation
index with the roughness length (Fig. 8) is the authors of the power inde\: and the turbulence intensit) with
interpretation of the most accurate representation of roughness length follow the same lavv. Therefore. if
all the data. The dotted lines are probable upper and the value of a site power index is knon-n. then the
lower scatter limits; data falling outside these lines magnitude of the turbulence intsnsit! 2t the site. at
can be considered as unreliable. a height of 30 m. is also knovvn.
Other proposals for the variation of the power The estimated variation of turbulence intsnsitk as
index aith the surface roughness can now be a function of roughness length is also shown in Fig.
considered and are shown plotted also on Fig. 8. It 9. This was derived from.
can be seen that the curve proposed here falls behveen
the two more recent curves. i.e. from Helliwell (1970) -T; I I
, (if -),li = -. or = 2.5 k ___ .
and E.S.D.U. (1972). for terrain types I and 2 and log,: 10 i\ log. : 1,)!
for part of terrain type 3. Generally the E.S.D.U.
curve falls near the upper scatter band limit and. like and it can be seen that this expression over-estimates
all the remaining curves. over-estimates the power the turbulence intensity for roughness I:ngths greater
indices relative to the curve proposed here. In general. than about 0.10 m. The above slpression was derived
it can be concluded that for roughness lengths greater on the basis that.
than CA.0.10 m. the curves suggested by other authors
, (II -) C., - 2.5. i.e. ,-I = T.5.
lie outside the upper scatter band of the data and
are therefore not considered to be satisfactory. Therefore. the data of Fig. 9 suggest that ,-i should
Therefore, the variation of the power index with the be reduced as the roughness length is increased: this
roughness length suggested here is considered to be reduction becoming significant for terrain types 3 and
the most reliable. 4. If the roughness length is in this range. then an
estimate of the modified value of .-I can be deduced
from the two curves in Fig. 9.
Although more data are needed for terrain types
All of the available data on these measurements 3 and 4. the proposed variation of the turbulence
are presented in Fig. 9. The reference height of 30 intensity as a function of roughness length is
m was chosen on the basis that measurements made suggested to be the most representative available.

EST FROM - 0,; = I/la: z~,zo,

.7 r )iiij 1

02 -

z 0. I I,,I,,
z 0.001 0.01 0.10 ,1,1,,III' 1
1 I/!/,,I, 1.00 ROUGHNESS LENGTH 10.0

t I/ 2 I 3 / G- 4 4

Fig. 9 Variation of turbulence intensity with roughness length.

under-cztimatc the Reynolds strews for terrain t!pc
For stmplicitq. one could thcrsfor~ USC the
The a~nilable data on Reynolds stresses are rclations:
prsentsd as 3 function of roughness length in Fig
I ii.
In cornp~~rison to the other quantities considered.
the availabk Reynolds stress measurements ar? For arbitrar! values of z,, . SLICK as z;, 1;;. etc. the
relati\el> fen- and. as can be seen. are subject to abo\s espression gives.
considerable scatter. Some of the scatter is no doubt
-,lm) I % (\ (Z, Ii)),), (II.i\ i*;)lo:
due to the inhswnt diHiculti<s in measuring the
Reynolds stresses. caused. for esampie. by instrument 2, 0.12 O-12 0.12
rni~~l~~nrnent and bad siting. It is again etident that _
-:, 076 0.26 0.36
incorrect trends can be deduced hq being selective - etc.
-,I ..
or restrictice regarding the measurements considered.
.Although the data of Fig. IO have been represented
h> a straight line. this representation is possibly open
IU doubt (see Section .?A). especially for roughness The available data on the length scale. Lxx. are
lengths greater than about I m where the data are presented in Fig. I I. which shoxvs its Lariation \vith
scarce and not particularly reliable. As in the case height (> l@m, and roughness length. Below a height
of the data previously presented. the more reliable of ccl. _%lOm it can be assumed that LIP, ivill decrease
stress measurements have been used as a guide in more rapidI> with decrease of height. due to the
determining the curve best fitted to the data. Other
forms for the Lariation of the Reynolds stress lsith
roughness lsngh have been given by Davenport
I196-4)and Pasquill (1970) and are also shown on Fig
11). Since these these curves are biased towards thz c
loww range of the stress measurements they do not L

appear to be representative of all the available data.

Thw is also no apparent reason uhq the stress.
presented in this form. should decrease at high
roushnsss lengths as suggested by Davenport (1964.
Thus is a ver) obvious need for more
measurements particularI> in the case of terrain t)pss
3 and 4. In the meantime. the proposed variation as
shou-n in Fig. IO. is suggested as a possible
compromise (see Section 3.-i).

3.4 Conhitwti ii&r Off the pow irules. rd?Liluw

iiirrv.\ir I irid Rc~~w/t/.~.wLwc5

Figures S and 9 shou that the variation of the

poww index and the turbulence intensit! with
roughness length follow the same law. The data of
Fio= ICI could also be represented by the same law
within the scatter band of the data. but will tend to

:QOQ _


ATI REF OF IOm Lu, = 1Q8(l/zol6

Fig. 12. Lariation of length scale with roughness length and hsight.

pro\imit> of the ground. Figure I3 in which hf., at then decrease ivith further increase of height. this is
the reference height of 30 m, is plotted as a function assumed to be caused by the intermittency.
of the roughness Isngth. may be compared tvith Figs. It was noted in the previous section that Lu, was
s- 10. regarded. in some literature. as being independent of
Figurs 1I shows that the measurements are subject terrain roughness; this is not shown to be supported
to much scatter. The positions of the lines. for various here. In addition. it was seen that the empirical
~.alues of the roughness lengths. were again based on theories of Davenport and Harris predicted that LL~,
the data that were considered to be most a-&rate should increase both as the roughness increased and
and reliable. It was assumed that these lines should as the height continuously increased: the reviewed
tend to converge at some height. and that above this data shows that these predictions are not acceptable.
height LU would be indepsndent of terrain If the height range IC-210 m is considered. then the
roughness. This height was assumed to be in the length scale at any height in this range. and for any
region where the intrrrnittency factor begins to roughness length. can be derived simply from.
decrease in calus from unity; this is of the order of
Lll, = C($
140 m for a boundary IaFer of height 600 m. This
also agrees with the suggestion in the literature that The values of C and I./K for any particular roughness
LUG should increase with increase of height up to length. can be obtained from Fig. 13.
7OG300 m and is reasonably well supportsd by the It is concluded that the variations of Lu, with
measurements shown in Fig. I I. The few roughness length and height deduced here are the
measurements above 240 m agree with flat-plate data most consistent and reliable based on the available
which indicate that the turbulence length scale should data. despite the lack of agreement with previous
With regard to the length scales Lu, and Lu,. it
has been sholvn that these can be derived from a
knowledge of Llr,. The remaining length scale of
importance, Lit.,. and its variation with height has
been adequatei! established by other authors.
Several equations have been derived which can
represent all of the data considered in the previous
sections. the process of obtaining a boundary layer
structure from these and other equations is
summarised in Appendix I,

It has been shown in the reviewed literature. that
adequate expressions have besn derived by other
authors for the forms of the longitudinal and vertical
spectra of the fluctuating velocities. In addition. since
hr, can now be defined for any terrain type. the
Fi:. I;_. Variatron of C and 1,~ with roughness length. position of the peak wavelength can be fivsd on the
.Adiabattc atmospheric boundar? la)ers SN

frtquenc\ scak. to date this represents the degree of The variation oi the longitudinal turbulence tntenstttes m

accurac> to which spectra can be defined. However. the constant shear stress layer:

as stated in the reviewed literature. the detailed

spectral shapes at low frequencies should not be
considered as being accurately defined. since the data
where -t = 2.5 for 0.01 < z0 IN < @IO
from the various sites are subject to a large degree
of scatter. and 2.5 > .-I > 1.60 for O.IOO < :,,nr < j-00.

For IO0 < z(m) < 6W assume a turbulence intensit) of

-I. coYcL~sIoss about @Ol at 6OOm. and extrapolate to this value from
the top of the constant shear stress laher.
(a) \arious anomalies have been found to exist in The Reynolds stress in the constant stress lahsr:
the published literature on both the interpretation of
rull-SCalC measurements and on the theoretical
= 2.75 x IO-+ 6 x IO-log,,,:,,. (5)
predictions of some boundary layer characteristics.
(b) The major anomalies occur with respect to the The length scale of turbulence, Lrr,. at a height of 30 m:
definition of both the power indices and turbulence
LU I = IOY(;:,) b. (6)
intensities for rougher terrain and with respect to the
variation of the length scale. LIP,, as a function of or as a function of height from,
terrain type.
I&, = C (I) Ii)
(c) The analbsed data show that for any value of
the roughness length the main boundary layer for. IO < r(m) < 310.

characteristics can be derived simply from two figures and where. C and VII are obtained from Fig. 13.
and one equation. The length scales Lu, and LUG:

Ill, = @3 _ 04 L1r,
~c~Jro~~/l,t/yerlll,Jlr.s-Thc uork was carried out at the
Central Electricit) Research Laboratories and the paper 1X)
is published b> permission of the Central Electricity
Generating Board. .Acknouledgemcnts are also due to Dr
D. J. Moore for considerable assistance in preparation of
the final version of this paper.
From homogeneous isotroprc turbulence theor) :
L? = LA, = LA, 3 19)
.APPEhDIS 1 for 710 < r(m) G 600.

Thts adiabatic houndarq layer structure is represented The length scale Lw,:
b! the following equations.
Roughness length can be derived from. mean velocity. LLL., = 040 :. t 10)
measurements for 1.5/t, < :(m) < 100;
in the constant sheer stress layer.

The power spectra and co-spectrum densIt> forms:

(H here tl is neglected for terrain types I and 2). (II)

The msan velocity power index and the turbulence
tntsnsit> : where. .U = ~Yri,,,. Y = IS00 m

Ks,(lI) = (1)
I i I3(j/m)' 3'
= O.O96log,,:, i @016(log,,~,) + 0.24.
where. fm or 0.32
(applicable for OGlIl g z,, 11, < 5.0 III).

The lateral and vertical turbulence intensities; (13)

where. ~;JI 2 -0.08

Source Site I1 -,,lm)

Stevenson (IYSO) Open terrain 0.143 04014

Cereal 0.166 0.04
Dines ( I9 I?- 19I-3) Farnborough 0.33
\\ing (1921) Ball) bunion @I30 0.0 I I
Scrase (1930) Salisbury Plain 0.I :+o. I43 O-OI
He>wood ( I93 I ) Leafield 0.17 0.60
Giblctt (1932) Cardington 0. I Y-0. I13
Best (1935) @I30 o-o I
Sourer Sits I I -,lml
Frost ( 1946) 0.113 0.0 I
0.113 0.026
Frost I 1917~ Cardington 0.15 0.0 I
Huss and Portman (IWS) Akron @22
Shiotant (i9-H) Tokyo 040
Franck2nbergrr (1919) Quickborn 0.20s
Lettat (1950) Leipzig 0.23
Shsppard (195)
Sea 0.122
Hat (19551 >
Sherlock (195.3) ,Ann .Arbor 0.093
Juul (19511 Sea + Islands 0105
Rtdrr (1954) Cardington
Deacon (1953) Sale 0. I 6-o.I :
Kamci (1955) Tokyo 0.3;
.Vau(1956) Sea + Land 0,236
Goptarsv (1957) Caspian Sea 003 I
Lettau (1957) ONeill 0.17
Paol~k\ (1957) ONeill
Brookhaven 0.73-0.35
Jensen (19581 Copenhagen 0.36
Hojer 0.1 I
Frerslau 0. I 52
De Marrais 11959) Hanford 0.12
Harwell 0.08
Idaho 0.16
Smger 11959) Brookhaven 0.21
-\r~el LI nl. (I 960) Leningrad 0.32
Blackadar cf al. (19601
ONeill 0. I 6-O. I:
Takcuchi (1961)
Durst (1960) > Cardington-
Davenport ( 1960) Sale 0.176
Cardington 0, I19
New York 0.39
Leipzig 0.33
Ciraham and Hudson (1960) Brookhaven 0.3
New Orleans 0.384
Washington 0.2.3g
Water 0.1 I4
Ibanov (1961) Moscow 0.303
Pasquill (1961) Round Hill
Taksuchl (1961) CSNeill 0, I 6-0. I 7
Deacon ( 1962) Open Sea 0.10
Londo ( 1962) Sendai Airfield.
Saito er nl. (I 961) Tokyo 0.33
Pasauill (19621 Porton
Shiotani i 1963) Tokyo Suburbs 0.25
Bb7ova (1963) Rural. Flat 0.30 0.015
Panofsky (I 963) ONeill 0. I b0. I 7 OOOS
Kawanabe (I 964) Tokyo 0.35 -J:-
- _>-
Coast 0.1 17 OGU
Lumley and Panofsk! (196-l) Round Hill 0.10
Slngcr (1961) Brookhaven 0.22 I .o
Soma (196-t) Tokyo 0.302 ,.T
_ .>_
Thullisr and Lappa (1964) Cedar Hill 0.143 0.03
Yamomoto and Shimanuki (1964) Tokyo 0.302 I .-IS I ,Yj
Berman (1965) Round Hill 0. I COG4
Cardington 0.149 0.0 I
Sale 0. I 76 0.05
Blackadar (1965) Hanford 0.1
Davenport (1965) London (Ont.1 0.36
Dcland and Binkowski (1966) Minneapolis @?I
Louisville 0.26
Elderkin (19661 Hanford 0. I 1
Kraus (1966) Sea 0.10
DaLenport (1967) St. Louis 0.X
Montreal 0.28
Eldsrkin (1967) Hanford 0.13
Adtabatrc atmospheric boundary layers %Yl

Source Site Ix z.,(ml

Fixzola (1967) Brookhaven

Paulson I 1967) Sea
Shcilard (1967) Mend&ham
Shiotani 11967) %a
Volkovitska>a and ivanov i 1967)
Harris (I9681 Rugby
Jones tr al. (19681 Liverpool
Munn (1968) New rork
Blackadar (jr al. (1969) White Sands
Fichtl and McVehii (1969) Kenned!. SC.
Pasquill i 1969) Urban
Slade (1969) ~hiIad~lphia
Colmsr (1971) RAE. (Bedford)
Dutton (1971) Kenned) SC.
Harris II971 I Rugby
Harris (1971) Cranficld

Where sufficient data are not available from which to (b) : = 7.5 m
interpolate the value of the turbulence intensity at a height
of .:O m. the followtng method of estimation is used. The
data of Shiotani (1953) are used as an example since
sutftcient informatiol~ is given from which a value of
turbulence intensity can bc interpolated graphically, and
hence the estimated values checked. _.
Sate: Snow covered ,I&=-----
_;; log, I300.00I I
-(m) \ (II _)!ir
._ [, (2)],om 2 0499.
7.5 0.156
IL 0.10 Mean values from (a) and (b) are:
75 0.063

la) I = II m [, C&&,> , = 0,103: :(, = 04)OlYm.

(c) Graphical interpolation of turbulence intensity at

3 = 30 m gives:

log,. : = s.34. [\ (7) ii],, , I= O,Ioo - 0~105

-0 !VOfi,
Giving In the following tabulated data (5) either indicates:
r. = 09026 m 2, estimated from given turbulence data or

at 3 = 30 ml [, (F),ti],,, estimated from a given roughness length,

The range of roughness lengths over which such estimates
are consrdered to apply is discussed in the main text. The
other values of turbulence intensity at I = .;O m have been
obtained by either interpolation or a moderate degree of
extrapolation of available msasurrmznts.

Source Site II,(z) L41j01, zolml

Best (1935) Rural @lOY MI

Shiotani (19-8) snow (T) 04297 O-WI(E)
Cramer (1952) Shrubs etc. 0.112 (mean) 0.0_6 (E)
0.I Y1 (max.) O.I:O(E)
Sheppard ( 1952) Water O.I:! O-00 I
McCready (19 j3) Trees. etc. @I56 0.05(E)
Shiotani (1953) Snow 0.103 tIM119(E)
Lettau and Davidson (1957) Rural. flat o-l34 O.#iT
Dursr ( J960) Rural. flat 0.128 @0065
Davenport (1961) Rural. Rat @l-t5 0~02
Ivanov and Klinov (1961 J Urban 0.275 3W
Pasquill (1961) Downland @15(E) 0.01
Air&Id 0.1 IUE)
Rural Hat 0.1 IS(E)
Rural Hat o- I I q E )
Pasqulll (19621 Rural. flat 0.122(E)
Shiotanl (19621 Suburbs 0,2?(E,
B>zo\a (I9631 Rural. flat 0.1-1
LJu-anahs (13Mj Lrban O.<YI(E)
Coast @152(E)
Lumle! and Panofsky (196-J) Woods 0.2-10
Singer ( 1964) Woods 0235
Soma ( I Y6JI Urban 0.30,39E,
1amamoto and Shimanuki (1964) Urban ().:-IS(E)
Su-anson and Cramer (I9651 Brush. sand
Eldcrkin (19661 Rural. Hat @II
Davenport and Is)umo\ 11967) Woods 0.27
Shsllard (1967) Rural
Shlorani and .Arai (1967) Coast
Graham (1968)
Harw ( 1968)
KS 1

Kaimal and Haugen (19691 Rural @17(E)
Slade I 1969) Urban 0.30
Calmer ( I971 I Rural 0.17
Harris ( 1971) Rural 0. I 75
Harris I 1972) Rural. Hat 0~131

Source Site -,dml

Taylor (1916) Rural. Hat oal I10~00~0 @OIlassumed)
Scrase ( 1930) Grassland 0~001j_0~0017 0.01
Sheppard ( 1947) Rural @CO30 (mean) 0.05 I mean)
Pasquill (1950) Grass OOOIO 0.0()66
Shlotani (1950) Grass. vegetation ONQ-1 0,035
Sheppard (I 952) Sea OIX~ I I 0Ixl I
Sheppard and Omar (1952) Water @oooJ O~COI~assumed)
Deacon (1953) Grass oGQ2I 0.015
Ha! (19%) Water OooO6 oJ2l IO
Monin and Obukhov (195-1) Rural OOOI!j
Rider ( 1954) Rural. flat OQOO83 04012
EllIson (1956) Rural 0.001:
Deacon (1957) Rural 0.0022
Lettau and DavIdson (1957) Rural. flat OQOl7 0.01 I
Linogradova (1959) Sea OOOiI5
Deacon ( 1962) Sea OOCO5
Bhzoba (I963 Rural. Hat OQOl7 0.01:
Siryr (I 964) Woods. OX!O32 I 011
Soma ( 1964) Urban ON2 7.33
Thullier and Lappe (1964, Rural O~OOlJ5 0.0.:
Berman (1965) Rural 0.003 0.0;
Blackadar tr al. (1965) Woods OQO25 I .oo
Rural OOOl2 0.0
Davenport (1965) Urban 0@116 -7.17_
Elderkin (1966) Rural O+UIl65 0.025
Kraus (1966) Sea O+NQ36 03txl I
Fri7zola cr al. (1967) Woods OQO25 I .O
Paulson (19671 Sea O.OCiI6 O.UIO6
Smith (1967) Sea O.o00.;5
Keilcr and Burling (1967) Sea ON)052
Gibson and L\illiams (1969) Sea 0.003
Hasse er a/. (I 969) Sea O~OOO4Y
Idtabatic atmospheric houndsr) labers

Taylor (1915) Rural

Giblstt (1932) Rural. Hat
Shiotani (1948) Rural

Shiotani (IUSO) Grass. vegetation

Cramer (1952) Trees. bushes
Priestlq (1957) Rural
Sheppard i 195) Uatrr
\lcCready (1953) Rural

Robinson (1951) Rural

Shiotani (1953) Snow

Tablor (1955, Rural

\Vebb (1955) Rural

Ha! and Pasquill (1959) Downland
Davenport (196la) Rural. Rat


I~anob and Klinov (1961) Urban

Pa%Jtlill (1961) Rural

Panofsky C1961) Rural

Soma (I Y6-Q Urban 26
Berman ( 1965) Various sites 7
Woods 16
Rural. flat I5
Rural 16
Eldrrkin (1966) Rural .;
Davenport f 1967) Urban 76
Elderkin (1967) Rural 3
Frizola tr al. (1967) Woods 1:
Shiotani (1967) Coast 10
s9-I J. COC LIH.t\

Source Sits rlnll Lu,lml

Slngrr ir ai. f 1967) L\oodr

Smith f 1967) Sea

ioiko\itska)a and I\ano\ I 1967) Rural()

Busch and Panofskt (19651 Grass



Harris I1965 t Rural

Fichtl and McVehil i 19691 Shrubs. trees

Gunter (1969)

.-\ntonia and Luxton (19-I) w T. Tests

Calmer ( I97 I 1 Rural

Harris (1971) Rural

Harris (lY72) Rural. Hat

Rural I27
I <s:

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