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Directions for the WWII In-Class Essay

Throughout this unit, you have analyzed and examined the origins of Americas participation in
World War II, its role in the war, and how the war influenced the United States politically,
economically, socially, and militarily. To end this unit and to demonstrate your knowledge and
understanding of the material, you will be composing an in-class essay. For this essay, you will
have 50 minutes to write a well-organized 4-page essay responding to the following question:

How did the events of World War II influence the United States
and its development?

Students essays should examine at least TWO different ways in which World War II
markedly altered the development of the U.S. Students may choose to look at the
impact on:
o 1. American politics and foreign policy
o 2. The American economy
o 3. American society
o 4. The U.S. military
Students will be using Microsoft Word to construct their essays on the day of the
Students should format their essay in the following manner:
o MLA Style format
o Size 12 Times New Roman font
o 1-inch margins
Students are encouraged to bring their completed guided notes, their completed
webercise worksheets, and their notes from their atomic bomb timeline assignment to
aid them in this task. Students should incorporate information from these assignments
into their essays. Students MAY NOT conduct research on the day of the assessment.
o DO NOT simply copy your notes or worksheets. They are meant to be references
for you to use to support your ideas and analysis. Be sure to cite your sources
Each essay should contain:
o A title Students should use a creative title that effectively reflects the content
of the essay.
o An introduction This paragraph should introduce the topic and should contain
the thesis. It should NOT begin by restating the essay question.
o A thesis This is your main argument or idea, and it should be supported by the
contents in the body of the essay.
o A multi-paragraph body This should contain your analysis and evidence to
support your thesis.
o A conclusion Here is where you should restate your position, add a final
thought, and conclude your argument.
Students should be sure to fully address the question by taking a comprehensive look at
American involvement in the war and support their analysis and each of their claims
with relevant historical facts, examples, and details.
o Ask yourself, What are some of the most significant events that the U.S.
participated in during World War II, and in what ways did those events change or
shape the U.S. as a nation in a meaningful way? In doing this, you should be
able to determine what is appropriate to include in your response to the essay
Note: Additional class time will be provided if necessary, but no more than 60 minutes
will be allotted.
If you have any questions, please e-mail me or ask me during class. Good luck!

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