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SET B Instructions! There are 60 questions I {HIS On hour exam. Check if you have the complete number of pagos and ask from the proctor if you have an incomplete set of questionnaire. Shade set 8 in the EAS, submit only the EAS at ‘end of examination. Test | MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the CORRECT answer. _* 1. These molecules are responsible forthe formation of the lipid bilayer of ihe ell membrane: A. Protein molecules B. Polysaccharide molecules ___2. On the external surface Zonjugation of membrane prot ‘A. Channels for molec: 8) Cell recognition D. Celt divisor '3. These molecules 7 ipid bilayer increases the fy exibilty of the cell mem A Cholesterol m Gi in molecules il membrane, an outer coating formed by rides functions for: (©) Phospholipid molecules D. Giycoprotei ty and lecules B. Protein m ide molecules ae 4, Pr at involves release of substances info the exterio ‘A. Pinocytosis c. Endocytosis B) Exocytosis D. Phagocytosis '5. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the RER: ‘A Site for ATP production B. There is continuity between the perinuclear space of the nuclear envelope and the cistems of the RER (©) The cisterns are tubular in shape % D. Capable of sol-replication, __& These pigment granules are commonly described as “wear and tear pigments: A. Melanin c. B))Lipofuscin D 7. A cross section of this cellular structure responsible for motilty oft Sperm is best described as: ‘A. Composed 13 globular subunts B) Composed of nine groupe of longitudinally oriented parallel sub-units . Composed of a ring of nine doubiets with a central pair . Composed of a single ring of microtubule '. In cells with high energy requirements, which of the following organelles Would be found in abundance? A RER B. Centriolo jondria __ 9. Organelles charact nce of DNA are capable of: ‘A. Phagocytosis, ©. Energy production 8 Self-eplication D Protein storage "40. These organelles are usually not seen by light microscope but are ‘esponsible for much of the eosinophilia ofthe cytoplasm with the standard H&E stain: A. Nucleus: C. Nucleolus B. Lysosomes > Mitochondria 41. Characteristic feature of the fucleus seen in the cells of the dorsal root d neurons ‘A. Chromatic nucleus B. Pyknotic nucl sete. Page 20f 4 42. These are intracellular components that are not essential to life ‘A. Organelles C)inclusion bodies B, Nucleus D Microfaments 43.Membrane-bound organelles that contain hydrolytic enzymes: ‘A. Mitochondria ©. Peroxisomes B)Lysosomes D. Nucleus “44, In the liver ces of individuals chronically treated with phenobarbital, there is hyperplasia of organelles whose function is for ‘A. ATP production {8} Detoxification of harmful substances T: Cell division D. Cellular digestion 16. This organelle in muscie cells is responsibie for the release and reuptake ‘of calcium ions: (ASER C.RER B Mitochondria Nucleus 16. This natural pigment is also present in nerve cells of the substantia nigra: @)Melanin ©. Carotene B. Hemosiderin D. Carbon IZA dference of miosis rom meiosis ’A)Produces identical daughter cell % C. Reduplcation of chromosomes 8. Rearrangement of aeles D. Spiting of chromatas _18.Aaiflerence of apoptess rom fetal cllimury ‘A Fragmentation ofthe nucleus C. Happens due to cell environmental changes B reversible D Happens in tonal deletion 19. Adifrence that can happen Sievers to reversible el ijury {A Sweling ofthe mtocnondia & ER's C. Detachment of rbosomes in ER {Rupture of ysosemal memorene_D. Presence of ipo pigment 20. The difference of facultative dividers from terminally differentiated cells: 7A Exempliied by pihelum (C May undergo miosis B.GOinatead of Gt phase 0. Avested nthe phase 21, The diference of continuously cycing cels from terminaly differentiated ais ‘SA. Exemplified by smooth muscles XC. Exemplified by skeletal muscles (@)Exempiies by basa thei cols (DsRed Blood caf in the blood Circulation TEST Il MATCHING Column A Column B B22. Intercellular bridges ‘A. Microfilaments '23. Contraction of muscles B.Tonoflaments ‘24. Largest form of cytoskeleton C. Microtubules 25. Proteins that movement that facilitates D. Dynein and kinesin Movement of membranous organelles Choices for # 26-30 C26, Most tissues and organs in aging ‘A. Pure hypertrophy TZ—27 The prostate gland upon aging 8. Hyperplasia L728. Six pack of bodybuilders CC. Atrophy 29, Heart of hypertensives D. Metapiasis 0. Bronchial epithelium in smokers Column A Comme | 31. Thyroid tissue in goter A '32. Smaller breast size in the eiderly B reversible Injury '33. Programmed cell death ©. Apoptosis '34. Appearance of lipid vacuoles in the hepatocytes D. Adaptive Change T2356. Karyorthexis or karyolysis Choices for # 36-40. ; 36 Absence of nuciear envelop ‘A Interphase 7. Process of cytokinesis hay B. Synthesis Phase '38. Chromosomes are C. Prophase iding cell's cycle’ D. Telophase romosomal dupl Choose the CORRECT ans 41. Which ofthe ff reflects the a tein synthesis in neurons? A. Dispersed chroma ent nucleolus 8 Condensed chromatin with prominent nucleolus ©. Abundant mitochondria and Golgi complex . Numerous synaptic junctions in the perikaryon 42. According to the length of its axon. the pyramidal cells classified as A. Golgi call type I C. Multipolar B, Golgi ceil type | D. Pseudounipolar 43, Wich of the f. characterizes the autonomic ganglion cell? ‘A. Pseudo-unipolar Uk \C. Many satelite cells B. Fine Nise! bodies ©, Presence of a synapse 44, Which of the ff, features characterizes an axon? ‘A. Gemmules (C_)Terminal buttons B.Niss! bodies 0” Many, short branchings 45, Which nerve fibers carry the inital sharp pain felt when pricked by a pin? A. Abeta fibers C.B fibers BA celta fibers ©. A alpha fibers 46, Which of the ff descrives the Schmidt Lanterman lines? “A. Intraperiad lines C Intermodal lines, venue . Atetcle-Scontinuous capiry->venule ©. Attrile-Sfenestrated capilay >venule D. Aftericle> fenestrated capllary-darterole ‘04 Which of theft. characterizes the heart ofa hypertensive patient? Hyperplasia ©. Enlarged and squared appearance of nuclei B. Increased branchings : Inceased foroustisaue {95 Whet type of vascular culation can be found in the lobe of the ler? A Arerole->venule B. Venule> sinusoidal capilary->ven @. Aterolescontinuous capitary ver D. Arteriole> sinusoidal capilry >venule {96 Which layer ofthe heat i directly exposed to the blood forts blood supply reeds? A. Epicardium ©. Pericardium B. Myocardium D. Endocardium _© _“e7. Which tayer of the heart is affected by a coronary artery occlusion? % Epicardium ©. Pericardium B. Myocardium D. Endocardium D__ 96. The heart valve is composed of the following, EXCEPT: A Valve leaflet ©. Chordae tendinae B. Papillary muscle D. Myoepithelial cells __A\ “99 The myocardium that undergoes hypertrophy is highly vulnerable to injury. A True ©. Uncertain B. False D. Poor conclusion “100. Which type of cel lines the epicardium? A Simple squamous Stratified squamous B. Columnar D. Cuboidal have the complete number of pages and ask from the proctor incomplete set of qu end of examination. Test | MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the CORRECT answer, 4. Which of the ff. is the role of the intercalated cells of collecting tubules? /,_ & S2zrgies Kinexchange for NaC. Reabsorption of Na with aldosterone B) Secrets H in exchange for HCO3_D. Reabsorption of Na with ADH effect * 7 DE wih afte normaly prevents aburin fom passing tough te barter? you have an ionnaire. Shade set B in the EAS, submit only the EAS at ‘% Lamina densa C. Slt pores between pedicels B. Lamina rara extema D) Fenestrations between endothelium _3. Which of the ff. changes reflects aging inthe kidney? ‘A, Decreased nephrons YE. Increased number of tubules _ ‘Decreased biood vessels 2, Increased re-absorptive capacity /, DLA. Wi of the fare lined by uroepitneiam? ‘A. Renal pelvis, ureter and urinary bladder only B. Renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder and the entire urethra G. Renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder and proximal 2/3 of urethra (D) Renal peivis, ureter, urinary bladder and proximal 1/3 of the urethra _/ A Biv tine disguises the female usta? Thicker muscular layer C. Thicker layer of fibrosa B. Deeper sinuses of Morgagni_D. Three types of lining epthelium _/, D_-8.\hich of te enables the u bladder store voluminous ne wou nury ‘A. Thick uroeptheliam G. Thick fsrous outer layer B. Thick muscular layer ©) Asymmetric unit membrane 1 _B__7. Which of the fis a joint product ofthe podocytes and endothelial cols? (A) Lamina densa 'B. Podocalyxin layer %. Mesangial matrix °B. Sit pores with diaphragm * / D__8.\mich part ofthe barr present ony in 0% ofthe area? A. GEM C. Fenestrated endothelium B. Sitpores ) Subpodocyte space af 9. Which histological feature of the proximal convoluted tubule enables it to ump sodium out of the cal? ‘A. Mirovil ©. Pinocytic vacuoles e © Numerous mitochondria _D. Prominent brush border 10. Which ofthe ft. characterizes the urinary bladder ofa 62 year old patient? Increased muscle tone (C) Decreased bladder capacty 5 Increased muscle layers D Decreased asymmetric unt membrane _/, &_.wiih ofthe fe stucures ove GBM an ena tabu? A. REC C)Myootebin B. Albumin 'D. Tamm Horsfall protein &_12. In what part of the enal tubules wil aldosterone exert is effect of sodium re- absopriion? A PCT ©. Loop of Henle : @oct . Collecting tubules A /_A\_13. Which ofthe f functions for tubule glomerular feedback? x @® Lacis cells C. Juxtagiomerular cells : B, Mesangial cells D. Macula denca cols 14. Which partof the uxtaglomerular apparatus i etmulated by BP of 70/502 oe. "A" Lacis celle C) Jurtaglomerular cells . Be Mesangial cells . Macula densa cells /- D__15.inwinat part ofthe tubule wil reabsorption of sodium due to/ADH take place? A PCT C. Loop of Henle eS B. OCT (©, Collecting tubules 16. Whats functional signifcance 6f mesangial cells? 2 A. Fltration barrier iE Tubuloglomeruiar feedback"? B. Secretion of renin() Phagocytosis of immune complexes in GEM sot Page 2 of 4 17.The glomerular capillaries are classified as: ‘A. Continuous C. Fenestrated with diaphragm B. Sinusoidal D. Fenestrated without diaphragm 18. Which of the f. 's responsible for maintaining hypertonicity of renal medulla? Ne ‘A. Long loop of Henle 'B. Simple squamous epith C. Four segments of the loop of henie C-® Different permeability of thin descending and ascendinglmbs of loop 219. Which of the ff. characterizes the muscular layer ofthe urinary passages? ICOL, smooth muscle ©ILOC, smooth muscle 3 ICOL, skeletal and smooth muscles D. ILOC, smooth and skel. muscles B20. Which of the ff. prevents infection and calcul formation in renal tubules? 7x Poderjes Macola denea _ B) Tamm Horsfall protein D. Juxtagiomerular mesangial celts _& 21. Easy absorption of nents (nthe wes) Weer deri oshaned bythe Fesice of ‘porta tia at the angles ofits lobules(@) miro in the space of Disse 2B Kupffer celis. ‘Supporting reticular fiber 22. Features of romel hepatocytes @Soinicleate cote steny age,” deleted SER i lcohoos Ex ipolucciin tesn agers Sioresonee a es A 23. True of hepatic sinusoids Aenea) Zils by continuous endothelium 36. supported by Sahl fors Jelosely associated with hepatocytes Bx high-resistance vascular channels. AC,__24. Region in the liver acinus that i first to show ischemic necrosis. Zone 1 (zone 3 B Zone 2 Zone 4 25. Which region in the liver acinus that i fist to regenerate after an ischernic Insult has resolved? ‘A)Zone 1 ©. Zone 3 , . B.Zone2 D. Zone 4 B26. Cells lining hepatic sinusoids responsible for phagocytosis of old RBC “ACendothelial ces, , stellate cells Bkupfier ces hepatic lipocytes “A binucleate cells glycogen and lipids °B, collagenous deposition hiipotuscin granules —A_28. EM feature of ver demonstrates the Tollowing feature thal serves to increase _/)_Sulgcastea or metabo exchange A)microvili extending from hepatocytes. network of reticular fibers 'B bile canaicut in adjacent hepatocytes D. numerous rER 29. Which organelle is markedly increased after consuming large amounts of rags or alcoho” ‘A mitochondria ©ser BER D. Golgi complex 30. With a closed sphincter of Oddi, bile is shunted to =. liver & pancreas s gall bladder 1K duodenum 31. Trué of CCK in the reguiaton of bile flow A Sterasates by low pid levels im Re Guademam A. gall bladder wall thrown into folds clinical jaundice 33. Effect of gall stones blocking the common bile duct poral hypertension Di fibrosis in ver parenchyma 34, True of exocrine component of the pancreas ‘@opurely serous acini . secretes active enzymes : -B. produce insuiin ‘. isolated, scattered throughout B96. alkalinity of pancreatic secretions is due tothe presence of AHCI © trypsin ® HCO3 0 lipases © _6 96. which ofthe fis an ultrastructural feature of the pancreas? ‘A. short mitochondria /supranuciear Golgi complex B. centrally located nucleus “Dy scattered ribosomes MATCHING: Column A Column B _ AST So ana ick demiunes A parotid gland 38, Thin and long demilunes 'B submandibular gland 39, Prominent stated ducts sublingual lana 40. Centroacinar cells Depancreas: B _ 41. These cells elaborate intrinsic factor: | ame I ©. Zymogenic cells a, 8) Oxynic cots D Emteroryes 42, Tete gland Sere a thin skaine mucus hat neutralizes he aise hyme 'A Deep esophagea! lands (Cierunners sends 8. Superficial exophagea glands __D. Bouman’ glands 48. The eet fold ofthe smal testing covered wth vi are ened a AS Valves of Kerckring 1: Semiunar folds ws Meee ess ee 44. The modified sweat glands of the perianal region are classified as ’A Merocrine . Apoctine : B. Ecetine B. Holorine fe 48. The presence of food in the stomach stimulates the secretion of this substance into he beodsteam. A, SomatostainC. HCL Sb 8) Gastrin 1D. Pepsinogen © _ 46. One of the following is TRUE of the neuroendocrine ceils of the stomach: A. Secrete gastrin 'B. Produce bicarbonate into the surface coat B Secrete serotonin “BE Most numerous in the isthmus and neck of gla _AD_-#7-T acral’ cola ant ancien oft GI set ue wal ae ye: JK. Meissner's plexus S. Heller's plexus Spinal gangion cts @)Cells of Coal Sb 48. This segment of the GIT has a purely fibrous outermost layer: ‘A Esophagus Edejunum 'B. Pylorus, stomach D. Appendix i ee ee absorpive cel ae caled: A. Goblet ces CT Lymphooytes ®. Paneth cells D; Eniorooytes E)__50. Smaill lipoproteins droplets that pass into the lacteals of the villi are known 25. A Pepldases ©. Monogiyeendes Ad B) Chylomicrons D. intraepithelial triglycerides 51. These oe are the most numerous gastric cells containing zymogen: iS Chiet cals C. Neuroendocrine cls, 'B Parietal cals D. Neck and surface mucous cals _52, The smooth muscle layer diving the mucosa fromthe submucosa fs the 6. Muscular externa C'Museulars propria ®O. Muscuiars mucosa D. Tunica media SotB Page 4 of 4 A 0 sms Seament ofthe alimertary tact contain the most rumereus goblet calls: (A)Colon '&. Jejunum tleum D. Recto-anal junction (.._ 54, These gastric cells exhibit a “Yried-egg appearance’ ‘A. Chief cells (C)Parietal celis B. Gels Surface mucous cells _/, D_86: Simple tabular glands found at tne base ofthe intestinal vil are identified as: A Microvl °E. Brush border B, Valvulae conniventes_(D, Crypts of Lieberkann DP _A_ 56, Duodenal neuroendocring cells releas& the following to stimulate secretion of pancreatic juice: A Secretin. 1S. Trypsin t 38, Cholecystokinin (B Bath A&B al % 28 _A 57. The ileumis characterized by intestinal vil that are described as: A. Clavate ©. Rounded Conical D.Foliate EE 16 there tenetinne beysnal walioe etc roucaael onan xsinot cide celled: SA, Valves of Kereksing (C)Columns of Morgagni 1. Taenia coli—ynivs" 3B Shypis of Lisberkthn We ‘A. 59. One of the following is TRUE of the large intestine: (Presence fre enon esa yp Distinct stated cuticular border . Abundant granule ces of Paneth inthe intestinal glands D, Presence of agaregste nodules 60, The folowing characterizes the appendix A Lymphatic nodules ar located opposte the mesenteric attachment © intestinal glands are smal and few in number © Vili are conical and few ‘B. Museular coat possesses three layers ‘the complete number of pages and ask from the proctor if you have an incomplete set of questionnaire. Shade set & in the EAS, submit only the EAS at end of examination. JULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the Correct/Best answer. p= ‘Which lymphoid organ is classified as fully encapsulated? K Lingual tonsi ©, Payer's patches B. Palatine tonsils D) thymus 2. Which lymphoid organ does not have a folicte with germinal center? AyThymus. *€. Lymph node ‘Spleen D. palatine ton 3. This lymphoid structure in the spleen surrounds the central arteries. A White pulp C. Germinal Center 8 Red pulp 1D) PALS %) DP _B_4. These immunohistochemistry stain tags B cls. ACD3 cD 22 8 CD56 .cD20 8. _A”"5.In the lymph circulation within the lymph node, the lymph goes to what structure after passing the marginal sinus. A Afferent vessel ©. Paracortical sinus S\Cortical sinus D. Medullary sinus. 8. This is NOT a function of the thymus. ‘JR Lymphopoiesis. ‘C. Important role in immune mechanism jemopoiesis -/B. Development of immunological self-tolerance 7. This is a primary lymphoid organ. Spleen C. Thymus, Lymph node By Palatine tonsis 38. This is part of adaptive immune system JA. Acute phase reactant ©, Phagocytes Bi Antibodies D Interferon B As. This structure in the lymph node is specialized forthe ext of rmphocyte. and Serves as a homing for different lymphocytes to diferent orga A. Efferent vessel 36 Dendritic cells tw ar igh endothelial vessel Bi Germinal center A, Cytotoxic ‘E Regulatory oer rueney A Rcikig HEE aoe Por lb TH ye orn rt alsin ost _/ ebmohe D Spleen Te Tr YGHC rechten by 6 aaae 2 alse orate A 2B, Lymph nodes ‘B, Spleen A ne ne oma cooet cece for feces eer Tha tee ne teoencean ae 8 Slow circulation “BC Open-ended circulation _14.1n the spleen, old red blood cells are detected and sequestered and later destroyed because of the REC’: “A Large size "B{ Increased antigen adherence 'B, The wall is less flexible. Deformity of structure C _f_15. The Hassait's body seen in the thymus are derived from these cells. KBiymphocytes C. Reticular epithelia clis & 8. Macrophages 1B, Dendrtc cals ‘Which lymphoid organ undergoes "age involution"? en C. Lymph node 8. Thymus 1D. Lingual tonsits 0 Page 207 ianpenane? ATER ot B cote 3. Cie phe of Gol operas ire pion of Gg RT ‘B. Secretory granules in the cytoplasm 77 Dineen isles to eee RESTGRS DS ice ag B. Seren ofthe phi cls ofthe Peay land C. Socreton of to pnp oa othe Party gee os D. Secretion of the parafollicular cell of the Thyroid gland 19. Which part of the endocrine system is induced by darkness and inhibited by iightto secrete its hormone? A. Pars distalis of the Pituitary gland ©. Pineal gland B, Pars intermedia of the Pituitary gland. Parathyroid gland Herring bodies refer to which part of the pituitary gland? Posterior pituitary, distention of axons Posterior pituitary pituicytes Myelinated exons ofthe Difluse Neuroendocrine System a-MSH secreting calls of the Pars intermedia \Which cells can produce more than one type of hormone? Somatotrophs. XE, Thyrotrophs Gonadotrophs. 2, Mammotrophs What type of microcirculation are associated with the endocrine system? Continuous capillaries Fenestrated capilaries without diaphragm Fenestrated capillaries with diaphragm Arteriovenous shunts OF the following, which hormone is NOT in the inhibitory control of the iypothelamus? A. Prolactin C. Adrenal cortical hormones B. Thyroxine and Tr:-iodothyronine TD. Péincreatic normones 24, Which refers tothe extension ofthe adenohypophysis that surrounds the ‘eural stalk? A. Pars intermedia C. Pars tuberals B. Rathke's pouch D. Neurohypophysis 25. What s the direct effect ofthe secretion of the parafoliculr cells of the thyroid gland? "A. Stimulates osteoclastic resorption B. Stimuiates osteoblastic activity a ‘& Promotes storage of thyroxine end triiodothyronine a 1 Controis the secretion of the parathyroid hormone J_26. Which part of the adrenal gland is affected if hyperadrenalism with Pronounced hypersecretion of mineralocorticoids is present? ‘A. Zona glomerulosa ©. Zona reticularis 8. Zona fasciculata D. Adrenal media a 2.27. Which signs and symptoms will be present if there is hyperadrenalism with ‘rondunced hypersecretion of glucocorticoids? 'A. Hypematemia, nypokalmia, hypertension 8. Hyponatremia, Hypotension, Hypovolema ©. Hirsutism and viritzation D. Central obesity, hypertension, high blood suger Page 307 B. Increases renal tubuler calcium reabsorption YE. Retards the absorption of calcium from the small intestine ‘7 »D. Stimulates osteoblastic activity 29. Which gland in the human endocrine system stores large amounts of ormone in an inactive form within extracellular compartments in the center of follicles? ‘A. Pars intermedia ofthe Pituitary gland. Thyroid gland B. Pineal gland D- Islets of Langerians, Pancreas Via 30. Which part ofthe adrenal glands secretes hormones causing metabolic effects such as promation of glycogenoilysis in liver and skeletal muscles? ‘A. Zona glomerulosa jniyei7) C. Zona reticularis B. Zona fasciculata jiyjo —B, Adrenal medulla =/F 31. Which ofthe following is true about the pars intermedia of the human pituitary jan? eff te umoray ane derived onbrylogcaWy from Se Ratha pouch B. The melanocyte stimulating hormone produced is responsible for the skin coloration. €. The supraoptic and the para synifiesize- MSH. D. Pars intermedia and (B)duct of Wirsung 5Q. portal vein ‘A _B _ 68. what changes occur after damage to pancreatic acinar cells? '69. Which of the following celts matutate in the thymus? 'R. Macrophages C. Plasma celis B.B lymphocytes 1D)T lymphocytes 70. The lymphatic nodules that are found inthe leum and appendix are found in which layer? Epithelium ©. Submucosa (@)pamina propia D. Musudlanis mucosa “ZC. Which ofthe folowing splenic regions is covecty matched with its tissue type? ‘lipases autoiyze fat cals .C-increase in bicarbonate Aug B. decrease in levels of amylase, ‘5, release of inactive form of trypsin (A)Red pulp venous sinuses Cortex-lymphatic tissue pulp dense connective tissue BX Capsule- simple cuboidal epithelium 72. Which ofthe folowing describes the correct order of flow of lymph through a lymph oe? ++ Cotical sinus 4- Trabecular sinus R Afferent lymphatic vessel_5: Etferent lymphatic vessel 2 Medullary sinus 1 Subcapsuiar sinus K21-4365 6.261.435 4-5 5641-32 ich of the folowing is needed to activate antibody-mediated immunity? jper T cell ‘Keylotoxic Tool Plasma cell SLAll ofthe above )_74. Which ofthe following is the molecule that displays an antigen on the surface of ees? rtigenic determinant x6. Antigen receptor “BL Antioody 1D. Major histocompatibilty complex molecule A sotB Page 6 of 7 A._75. Which ofthe folowing te NOT part of innate immunity? yaa ©. Skin ee -nlammation 8, ich fhe lowing e caused by an adaptive response et-antgens? 3K Shock Wiatowe reaction ‘D> Autoimmune disease 7. Which of the folowing is the part ofthe antigen tht is recognized by a B or T iymptocyte? 7B Antigenic determinant 28. Antigen receptor ‘Antibody Minor histocompatblty complex molecule 78. Which ofthe following is an antibody producing cel? jasma cel ©. Cytotoxic T cell ‘Helper T cel D. Delayed hypersensitivity T cell 79. Which ofthe following is correctly matched?” % ‘Aniibody-mediated immunity’ Teals Cell mediated immunity-antibodies )Cel.mediated immunity-T cells ‘Both A and B {80. Which of the fs a function of the thyrmic epithelia reticular celts? (A Ponte mechancal superig anew forthe hymphocy pont, B. Promote T cel differentiation end proliferation (: Secrete hormones that regulate maturation and proifetaion withthe thymus and other lymphoid organs and tissues. ALL OF THE ABOVE A 81. The blood-{hymic barier consists of: ‘Sieaths of reticular epthelium around biood vessels. 'B. Sheaths of reticular epithelium around cortical thymic lymphocytes 2 Sheaths of cortical thymic lymphocytes around blood vessels x Sheaths of corical thymic lymphocytes around reticular epithelium 62, Thymic involution inthe aging adult is characieized by: crease inthe size ofthe thymic cortex and medulla 18, Thymic atrophy and replacement by adipose tissues 1G. Metapiasia ofthe thymus gland with transformation in adipose tissues 1p ®eMarkes sop of bah thyme recur epela cas and hymocyes “£283. The frst part of the fitering mechanism ofthe spleen is formed by the 'A. Cords of Birth C. Periarterolar lymphoid sheath B Central anercies 1D; Schwelgger-Seidel sheath we 84, The GutAssociated Lymphoid Tissues (GALT) consis of organized nodular todituse ijmphoid aggregates in ALL paris of the GiT mucosa, EXCEPT: A Append ©. Stomach B. Duodenum (s|) DB: Terminal teum ( s A 85. ina functioning microddenoma of the pituitary gland affecting the mammotrophs; the common complaint ofthe patient will be: A Breast milk production C. Increase in height B, Moon facies D. Bulging of the eyeballs A. _C- 86. increase in activity of somatotrophs after puberty may result in this condition: K Reromegaly C. Gigantism B. Cushings's disease D. Cretinism '87. Which ofthe following endocrine glands is not regulated by the hypothalamus jor by the feedback mechanism of the level of circulating hormone in the plasma? ‘A. Ovary C. Testes, B Adrenal cortex D. Parathyroid gland 88, In diabetes insipidus, loss of free water in the urine is due to the absence of t C. Vasopressin D. Testosterone Set B Page 7 of 7 A 90. Which isthe part ofthe pitutary gland whose neurosecretory cells are found 1 hypothalamus? *9N¢ XpATALCYTN Ci laf (A Pars nervosa C. Pars distalis B, Pars intermedia D. Adenonypophysis 91. What is the part of the adrenal cortex that produces the hormone that acts on the renal tubules causing increase in sodiym and water retention? A Zona glomerulosa ‘G6 Zona intermedia B. Zona fasciculata 16. Zona reticularis, B92. Accidental removal of the parathyroid glands during total thyroidectomy could Fae ‘A. Hypoglycemia ©. Hypematremia B. Hypocalcemia D. Hyperkalemia FL (2 "93. The characteristic feature of the pineal gland in the elderly ‘A Psammona bodies ©. Corpora amylacea B.Hassa's bodies D. Herring bodies = 94. What are the endocrine cells in the thyroid gland with secretions having the ‘opposite effect of the parathyroid hormone? ‘A. Thyroid follicular cells ©. Chief celts, B,C cells = pain D. Diffuse neuroendocrine cells 95. What is the reaction caused by the oxidation of the chromaffin granules when exposed to potassium dichromate (Zenker fixative)? A. Pheochrome reaction C. Orangophil reaction hydration D. Condensation L._ 96. In patients who have undergone total thyroidectomy, a rise in this hormone is Usually seen: A TSH CH B.ACTH D. FSH _{_ 97. The endocrine gland whose hormonal secretion has influence on the onset of puberty and other biorhythms. % Hypothalamus C. Pituitary gland J Thyroid gland D. Pineal gland inate go 28. What is the component ofthe neurosecretory granules of the neuroendocrine ig thats used in immunohstochemisty to denty them? ‘Epinephrine "E. Norepinephrine B. Chromatin granules 1. Chromosranin A 29. Part ofthe endocrine system that are found dispersed among epithelia cells the GIf-and the respiratory system ‘A Diise neuroendocrine cals. Adrenal medulla B, Adrenal cortex D. Pituitary gland 100. What is the embxyological origin of he adonal cortex? 7. Nesoderm . Endoderm i 8. Hypothalamus D. Eetoderm hhave the complete number of pages and ask from the proctor if you havea incomplete set of questionnaire. Shade set B in the EAS, submit only the EAS at end of examination. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the Correct/Best answer. 1. Lipids in human milk are discharged into the acinar lumen in this manner: ‘A Holocrine . Merocrine B Apocrine D. Ecerine 2, Progesterone production by the corpus luteum is dependent on this pituitary hormone: A. FSH C)LH B Prolactin ©. inhibin 3, The active mammary giand is classified morphologically as: ‘A. Compound tubular C. Compound tubulo-acinar 8) Compound saccular D. Branched tubular 4, Female germ cell degeneration which can occur at any stage of folicular maturation is known as: A. Calcification C Fibrosis B. Atrophy D Atresia 55. Atthe time of bith, these type of folicies are found in the ovaries A. Primordial folicies C. Antral folcies B. Primary folicies D. Atretic folicies, 66. This hormone is the basis for a positive pregnancy test: ‘A Prolactin C.HCG B.LH D. Human placental lactogen 7. Siender non- +” C. Between the spermatogenic cells B, Layered appearance 1D) Prominent smooth endoplasmic reticulum ‘A._37. Which of the f. produces mucu8 for lubrication of urethra? ‘A. Cowper's gland ©. Seminal vesicie B. Prostate gland . Ejacularoty duct 38, Which part of male ductal system shows long microvili? A Epididymis . Eferent ducts B. Vas deferens D. Ejeculatory duct 39. Which stage of spermatogenesis sheds redundant cytoplasm for more ‘effective motility? JA Mitosis C. First meiotic division , 7B) Spermiogenesis . Second meiotic division 40. Which part of the spermatozoa is important to penetrate the zona pellucida? ‘A-Acrosomal cap . Mitochondria 8. Nuclear chromatin 1D. Nine doublets and central pair of tubules 41. Which layer contains keratinocytes characterized as having lateral intercellular bridges? Bi ‘A. stratum basale (@)stratum granulosum B. stratum spinosum 1D. stratum comeum ‘42. What clinical condition manifests as epidermal hyperplasia and accelerated ‘maturation of cells? A bullae C. melanoma B. contact dermatitis D. psoriasis 43. In a patient with allergic contact dermatitis, which of the following celis will stimulate the immune response? A. basal layer cells © Langerhans cells B keratin squames D. Merkel cells 44. What specialized collagen is involved in forming loops that extend from the lamina densa to the structural collagens in the dermis? A type | C. type IV B. type ill 1D) type Vil 5 _45. Which component of the baserent membrane is most easily disrupted? A. plasma membrane C. lamina densa B, lamina lucida . lamina fibroreticutaris: Set 8 - Page 4 of 4 D 46. Which of the ff. characterizes the Langerhans cells? ‘A Desmosomes C. Contains melanosomes 4 B, Mechanoreceptors D. Contains Birbeck granules 47. What is the undesirable effect of overexposure to UV light on melanocytes? 7 ‘A. sunburn) C. melanoma XB. hyperkeratosis D. vitligo A\_48. Which of these cells act as slowly adapting mechanoreceptors located at the “basal layer of the epidermis? S ‘A-Merkel 8. Melanocyte ©. Langerhans. Keratinocyte 9 49. Which is NOT part of the plosebaceous unit? A oylindrcal shaft of keratin apocrine gland 3 B. smooth muscle bundle __D. holoerine gland @ 50. In which layer of the hair flict isthe space for sebum secreted? = A cortex. B. cuticle (C)interal root sheath. D. external root sheath )_51. Which part of the nails embedded deep into the dermis? o ‘A.eponychium B. hyponychium C. nail plate (D)nail root 52. Which part ofthe nai is involved in nail growth? / Anailmatrix _B. eponychium —C. hyponychium —_lunula y 53. In areas exposed to constant friction, what histologic characteristics of the 7 Skin are expected to be seen? ‘A fewer sweat glands . plosebaceous units B. abundant holocrine glands (0. prominent ridges 54. Which o the following gland undergoes total cel disintegration when its / Secretion is released? A ordinary sweat B. odorous sweat (C_'sebaceous _D. Mammary gland _/ 2.58. Which ofthe folowing glands release its secretions through epidermal pore? 3 ‘A apocrine (B,eccrineC. simple tubular. branched acinar / 2-88. Which is true of apocrine glands ofthe axila? A similar in architecture to holocrne glands B connect to the folicularinfuncibulum 1G found throughout the skin 3B already functional at bith 57. Which ofthese sites will have many sweat glands but absent plosebaceous units? & Ascalp B eyelid C.sole DB vuva 58. Which structure in the skin does NOT participate in thermoregulation? Ac-adipose tissue ©. glomus bodies 7 B. eccrine glands keratin plates 58. Among the folowing thermoregulatory structures, which one involves arterial / to-venous diversion of blood? 7A, acrosyringium -C. panniculus B glomus ©. sweat pore 60. Which ofthe folowing contributes most dramatically to the skin's decrease in collagen density and fibroblasts? A-aging 8. chemicals, C. photoaging stress incomplete set of questionnaire. Shade set B in the EAS, submit only the EAS at end of examination. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the Correct/Best answer. 1. The part of the uveal tract that provides suppor to the retina and that is heavily pigmented is: A tris ©. Choroid A B. Ciliary body D. Ciliary process 2. TRUE of the aqueous humor —& Non-optical medium 'B, Secreted by the choroid into the posterior chamber ‘G. Does not provide nutrients to the comea and lens . Maintains the shape of the cornea thru its pressure The area of greatest visual acuity ne Cone & teen eee 5 een The shana tel searace fa coc eee tae e sneer Cae toe o occ eee cactus Rea Ay sae ee A cokers: 0. Voie eae £5 rte oft psd coe phoaecopess 8 SESS EE re ae Kaas Canaan 6 Gua eden ees 0, Oana D_17. The cal thet provides support and medites the Wanster of glucose tothe oo retinal neurones and are analogous to neuroglia: 7% Amactne cells ©. Horizontal cei B. Ganglion Sale D. Mulercals 6. TRUE of he rod cel ea %X_‘Quter sayment contains prominent golpi apparatus end mitochondria 3, Goniains Visual pigment sansiove toe, groen and red ight &” Outer segment contains flattened discs containing rhodopsin . Short honzontal cells Continous reabsorption of the aqueous humor is into the: ‘A. Posterior ciliary vein ©. Trabecular meshwork B. Canal of Schiemn D. Anterior ciliary vein 10. Area in the retina thatis subject to least refractory distortion and is a conical depression = . % Optic papilae & Macula 8 Fovea D. Optic The vascular layer ofthe eye is called: ‘A. Sclera ©. Uvea / B_Comea D. Retina —D_12. TRUE of the aqueous humor EXCEPT rae VA Acts as an optical medium 8, Maintains shape of the comea (2¢ Source of nutrients for the lens and comes D. Maintains shape ofthe eyeball _ C18, The area ofthe retina thal is deveid of photoreceptors and represeating the Bind Spot eA, Fovea centalis © Optic aise of papiloe 38 Maca tates 5 Pigment cal ayer 14, Numerous lage heavily pigmented melanocytes are characteristic of A Solera i Retna 8. Comea D. Choroid a rage cure 6 15. Bulk of the comea is found in the: oe ~ A. Descemets membrane C. Bowman's membrane B. Corneal stroma D. Anterior epithelium . 16. Layer of cells that lines the inner surface of the comea supported by thick jasement membrane: ‘A. Polyhedral calls C.Endothelial cells B. Cuboidal cells 1B. Columnar cells, MATCHIN A Column A Column B BAT. Rhodopsin A. CONE CELLS 18. Photoreceptor cells B. ROD CELLS “ZEZA®. ledopsin ©. BOTH ALED. woeeig neon D. NEITHER B21. Sebaceous glands associated A GLANDS OF MOR ite eyeashes B. ZEISS GLANDS \_22. Modified apocrine sweat glands C. MEIBONIAN GLAND ‘aasdciated with the eyelashes D. ALL OF THE ABOVE C28. Located within the tarsal plate E24. Modiied sebaceous gland That opens into the free margins of the eyelid BERS: Associates wth endotymen A. OSSEOUS LABYRINTH A286. Includes the vestibule, B. MEMBRANOUS LABYRINTH 7 Peprgrcuar canals 8. cochlea C. BOTH 1B ~ “Aor. rau fled itoroonected D. NEITHER en sate tm eneosione oe on Neto A Scala tympani ‘E. Semicircular canals B.Scala media ‘B Scalavestibuli a D. Elastic cartilage E 31, Membrane that separates the scala media and scala tympani providing Support tothe organ of cor : ‘A. Bruchs membrane © Descemet's membrane oan & Reissner's membrane. Basllar membrane A 22. The ossicles consists of . ‘A. Spongy bone C.Compact bone 2B, Hyaline cartilage D. Elastic cartilage » A, _ 33, The zonapellucida starts to appear in this type of ovarian follicle on A. Primary follcie J Antral folicie Primordial follicle 1D. Uniaminar folicie 34, Follicular maturation is made possible by the influence of A Estrogen’ C. Progesterone B.FSH D.LH . 35. Glycogen in the vaginal epithetium is anaerobically metabolized to produce ‘A Lactobacli ©. Citric acid B. Acid phosphatase D. Lactic acid ; Page 3016 B _A__ 26 inne actatng breast protein molecules ae rlesse om the secretory cals by his manner: A Apocrine C. Holocrine B. Merocrine D. Pinocytosis AZ __ 37 This hormone causes contraction of the myoepithelial cells of the secretory Me ‘acini of the lactating breast, propelling mik into the lactiferous sinuses A Prolactin prot ©. Oxytocin B. Estrogen D. Progesterone. 38. Degeneration and denudation of the entire stratum functionals is @ characteristic ofthe: A. Menstrual phase Late secretory phase © Early secretory phase . 1D. Early proliferative phase 38, The endometrial mucosa is lined by a. JX Simple squamous epithelium B, Simple columnar ciated and non-ciated cells : Stratifed squamous non-keratnizing epithelium ; 2 PasudontalfedconnaGhtedeptoti or 40. Large polyhedral, vacuolated cells that are seen in the endometrium after A ipaioton te fetid egg ae frown ae Deia cals ©. Cytovocblss +6. Sypctohophotasts 5 Stone vaudated als 41, The supporting CT of he nba cor consi of amon € Maes Ct , menowan © Embryonal CT D)_ 42. One of the following best describes the resting mammary gland: "A Thinned-out CT septa ‘Scanty amount of adipose CT ‘Well-developed lactiferous ducts filed with secretions pe D. Clusters of rudimentary secretory acini .43, One of the following is characterized by a mucosa that is thrown into @ tabyrinth of branching longitudinal folds: K Vagina 1; Endocervix B. Oviduct B.Endometrium 7 G44 An increase in the number of intermediate cals" in a Pepanicolau smear is . indicative of the predominance of the following A Estrogen C. Progesterone 8B. Androgens D FSH ae __45. What are spherical concretions found in the prostate gland of older individuals? ‘A Upld partes a ae - B. Chysiels of Reinke D. Corpor anviacea D_ 46. wnich of he deserbes the smcih musts wal of he vas deters? ‘inner cular outer longtsiel 2. Inet ongiadal cuter crete a . Inner and outer circular. intermediate longitudinal Sa D. inner and outer longitudinal, intermediate circular _cAL_ AT: whieh otto hee oeced neslogeal Signe ol oany in the male? TA Atrophy of the tests, '& Increased in spermatogenic cals Fy Rivermed toga eas 'B Increased tight junctions bet. Sertoli ces 48. Which of the fl. adaptive signs willbe undergone by a cyptorchd tests? ‘A. Atrophy G. Metapiasia B. Dysplasia 2 Hyperplasia Page 4 of 6 48. Which of the following will be most affected by an undescended testis? A Leydig cells ©. Spermatogenic cells B. Sertoli cells “BL Number of capillaries in t. propria “<-D__50. Which of the ff characterizes the cel involved in blood testis barier? “A RER ©. Crystals of Reinke Lis 'B Mitochondria D. Crystals of Charkot-Bottcher (© _A_51. which ofthe fare arranged in a tightly packed helix external o inner core of the middle piece of the tail of spermatozoa? A. Axoneme K Mitochondria B annuus 3 Coarse autor dense fibers £2. Wneh ofthe folowing secretes nin which regulates Rrmone production? ‘bay oate Cretan B Seren cals D.Spermatogenia 8 58, which porion ef the prostate surrounds the sector duct? A Central zone C. Peripheral zone B.Trarelion zope! FRromisculer fone AH 54, Which of the ff. maintains the germ ceil pool of the spermatogenic cells? ex spermatogonia AC. Prinery apsrmatoonee Lg... 2 8memaoyona® _b Secselay purmaenes P 55. Seminal vesicle secretion is a yellowish viscid fluid rich in. A, Citric acid & Fibrinolysin ® vitamin Sr Promavic enzymes . __L)_56. Which of the ff distinguishes the corpus ‘spongiosum from corpora ‘orice avs Sporgion 2c Vascderses') | % Credbetamve prosaic tasve Di Provence of he pende uta SE 57. Which characteristic of skin i fund inthe mons pubis? . % Absent plossbeceous unis NC fw sweat glands : i Proment ‘ete yon Pek srotun comeui ~ _{\__ 58. Which component of the basement membrane binds the hemidesmosomes ~~} tothe lamina dense? IX Anchoring filaments 5 Mesh-forming collagen ae B- Cytokeratin 32 Loop forming salen ‘59. The contraction of the arrectorpili muscles showing "goose flesh” response isan example of A Barter protecton ©. Meteboic tunetion B. Immune response D. Thermoregulation BB _D__60 Proiteraton and diferentition of nal epithelium is seen in "* Nal fla Nal pate ‘ B Nal mate Nai root D 61. Which layer of the hair flicie merges withthe sebaceous glands? A Medula © Guile A B. Cortex D. External root sheath a 162. Which of the ff. structures is involved in skin circulation that functions to control blood fiow in areas prone to excessive cold? = ‘A. Glomus body &. Panniculus ¢ B(Hair papillae D. Subpapillary plexus Pi 63. In what epidermal layer do you find cells responsible for protection against U UViight? 1 A Stratum corneum . Stratum granuiosum B. Stratum lucidum 7 stratum maiphige \__ 64. In what epidermal layer do you find erste squames connectas to tom = "basket weave pattern? A Stratum comeum LE SORT Fa Stratum lucidum “3¢ stratum malphigs 65. What are epidermal macrophages that contain Birbeck granules? ‘A. Langerhans cells C. Melanocytes B. Meissner's corpuscles D. Merkel cells Sets Page 5 of 6 66. What are tactile receptors found in the stratum basale? A Langerhans cells C. Melanocytes B Meissner's corpuscles D. Merkel cells 67. Which is responsible for producing ridges on the skin's surface? A Fine collagenous fibers Vascular ¢ willae B. Thick collagenous bundles 3B Nervous papillae E _ 68. What type of skin appendage releases its secretion through the skin's surface without destruction of its cells? eS ae eee esac | BaSquamous CellCarcinoma __B, Leiomyosarcoma A 70. keratin peat formation in Squamous Cal Carcinoma is feature of which ‘Grade of malignancy? 20 ‘Well! B. Moderate 2 © Poor = 0. Unditeentated B __C_“z1:mieh ofthe folowing has the poorest prognosis? 7 in-stu Carcinoma ofthe cervix C. Thyrod CA with iymeh node metastasis ¢ B. Hepatoma with lung metastasis . Grade Ill, Stage | Lung Adenocarcinoma 6, 72. Which features should be present in In-Situ Carcinoma? 7K No dysplasia, intact basement membrane: Focal Dyspasia, infact basement membrane C. Full thickness dysplasia, ntact basement membrane Fllthickness dyspasia, small breach nthe basement membrane 73, Wich of the folowing is NOT a dysplastic feature? ‘A. Increased nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio C. Nuctear pleomorphism and hyperchromasia B. Cellular pleomorphism D. Tumor Necrosis »_£,_74.tfan adenocarcinoma is said to be well-

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