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Episode 01x01: Multicultural New York

Before you watch [Rozgrzewka] 2. Countries and languages. Odpowiedz na pytania:
1. New York trivia quiz. Wybierz waciw odpowied. 1. Who speaks more than one language?
___________ and _________________________
1. New York is the capital of the USA.
True False
2. Whose parents come from China?
2. How many people live in New York? _________________________________________
about 8 million about 20 million
3. Who has parents from two countries?
3. What is New York's famous attraction?
the White House the Statue of Liberty
4. What is New York's central square? 4. Whose first language is English?
Times Square Piccadilly Circus _______________ and _____________________
5. A famous theatre in New York is...
5. Who said Hola, como estas?
Broadway Globe
Video tasks
*3. Opinions of New York. Uzupenij luki w wypowiedziach
[Do wykonania po obejrzeniu filmu] poniej. Brakujce informacje podane s w ramce.
1. Personal information. Zakrel poprawn odpowied: a, b,
c lub d i uzupenij brakujce informacje, wybierajc je z ramki never good language 25 love
poniej. Gosia 11103 career dirty Poland
a. Paris, France b. New York, USA amazing tourists cultures wonderful Polish
c. Rome, Italy d. Madrid, Spain place can 347-608- a lot city
Name: Alva, Bizzi, Juan, Martin, Mirko, French, Matossian
Age: 36, 26, 21, 26 I think New York is an (1)______ place
Zip-code: 10036, 288003, 10011 to live in. You live among people from
all the different (2) _______ in the
world. You can listen to every
1. Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (3)________ spoken in the world.
From: a / b / c / d
Age: ___ I (4)_____ it. I could (5)_____
Zip-code: ___________ imagine living [in] any other
(6)_______ but New York.

2. Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
From: a / b / c / d I love the (7)________ even though
Age: ___ it's kind of congested and
Zip-code: ___________ (8)_______, but I grew up in the city
and I'm a city boy, so it's for me.

New York is (9)_______. It's the dish

3. Name: _ _ _ _ _ _
that everybody wants. If you're
From: a / b / c / d
(10)______ and you're able to make
Age: ___
things, you (11)______ do everything.
Zip-code: ___________

My name is (12)_______. I'm from

4. Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (13)_______ and my first language is (14)
From: a / b / c / d ________. I'm (15) ______ years old. My
Age: ___ mobile phone number is (16) ___________.
My zip code is (17) __________. I think New
York is a big city. There are (18) ______ things
going on and there are a lot of (19) _______.
It's a great place to start your (20) _______.

Students Worksheet
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Episode 01x01: Multicultural New York

Follow up [Na nastpnej lekcji]
1.A. Introducing yourself and others. Uzupenij pytania i dobierz do nich waciwe odpowiedzi.

1. What _____ your name? a. I'm 21. NICE TO MEET YOU TOO
Say this when you meet someone new:
2. Can you _____ that? b. M-I-R-K-O
You: Nice to meet you.
3. How old _____ you? c. My name's Mirko. Your friend: Nice to meet you too.
4. ____ are you from? d. I'm from Rome, Italy.

1.B. Przewicz zadawanie i odpowiadanie na te pytania z koleg/koleank.

1.C. Pracujcie w grupach 4-osobowychi ptrzedstawiajcie si nawzajem.

Student A: This is .(Student B)...........He's/She's years old and he's/she's from .......................
....................... .
Student C: Nice to meet you.
Student B: Nice to meet you too.
Student C: And this is my friend .....(Student D)......... . He's/She's years old and he's/she's from ...................... (.)

2.A. Countries and languages. Uzupenij tabel poniej.

Country Language Country Language Culture note

People in many countries speak
China Mexico
more than one language
Spanish Polish fluently. In Belgium they speak
France Japan Dutch and French and in
Switzerland they sometimes
Welsh Italian speak four languages - French,
Morocco Poland German, Italian and Romansh.
Russian Greek
2.B. Wybierz jeden kraj i napisz o nim 3-4 zdania, nie podajc jego nazwy!
2.C. Przeczytaj swj opis koledze/ koleance i popro, by zgad/a, o jaki kraj chodzi.
Student A: In my city, tourists visit the Statue of Liberty and the Broadway theatre. The capital of my country is Washington.
We don't have "traditional" food, but we eat a lot of hamburgers.
Student B: The United States?
Student A: That's right!

3. Numbers. Uzupenij pytania poniej, a nastpnie wpisz odpowiedzi odnoszce si do ciebie w kolumnie You. Teraz zadaj
pytanie koledze/koleance i zapisz odpowiedzi w kolumnie Partner.

Question You Partner

1. What ________ your mobile phone ________?
2. ________ ________ your landline phone ________?
3. ________ ________CDs have you got?
4. ________ is your zip-________?
5. How many brothers or sisters have ________ ________?
6. ________ is your parents' car plate number?

Students Worksheet

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