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Amazing "Tensor Ring": pineala glandei Activator i mult mai mult

Articole recente, Spiritualitate

In cadrul unui inel Tensor este o surs infinit de energie, care nu este nici electric nici magnetic. Producia sa este
benefic i de vindecare la toate formele de viata. Este un supraconductor. Neutralizeaza cmpuri magnetice. Acesta
aduce coeren la haos, i produce un efect gravitaional msurabil. Dincolo de toate acestea, un inel Tensor este
simplu i ieftin de a crea.

Inele tensor au fost concepute de ctre regretatul Slim Spurling, o lume celebru geo-radiestezist cu un interes n
metafizic i o viziune de vindecare planetara.

Povestea lui a fost documentat n dou cri pe care am s v ncurajez s citii.

Slim tia c obiectele liniare au polaritate. El a gsit dovezi de el n copaci - i ntr-o lungime de srm. Jocul cu acest
concept, Slim a format o bucl nchis, care a dus la o coloan electromagnetic energia emis perpendicular bucla

"Benefice" energie a fost produs pe o parte a buclei timp ce energia "non-benefice" a fost realizat pe cealalt.
Pentru a atenua efectele negative, Slim pliat srm n jumtate i apoi rsucit-l nainte de aderarea capetele
mpreun. Viola! Tensor Inelul a fost nscut.

Slim mai trziu a descoperit c Ioan Archibald Wheeler a facut de lucru extinse cu bobine de bucl nchis. Wheeler
numit "cmpul" creat de bucl un "cmp tensorial."

Tensor Ring
n conformitate cu astrofizicianul Hans Becker, "atunci cnd creai o bobin bucl nchis, energie ncepe s curg i
legile fizicii merge pe fereastr. Ele pot fi mai simplu, sursa cea mai eficient a energiei acolo este-colectarea-o i
condensare l liber din spaiu. "

Interesant, Pangman i Evans, autorii Dancing cu ap: noua tiin a Apei, a menionat c Hogans Navajo au fost
construite folosind capetele pozitive i negative ale busteni pentru a crea o bucl nchis de lungime specifice, prin
urmare, crend un cmp Tensor care augmentat mediul de via .

Ce face un inel de lucru?

Acum, nu alerga afar i s fac un inel Tensor - nc. Exist dou condiii care trebuie ndeplinite n crearea unui inel
Tensor. Prima cerin este ca firele trebuie s fie rsucit. Motivul pentru care acest lucru este gsit n conceptul de
mod comun de respingere, aa cum este utilizat n electronic de baz a anula "zgomot", n cmpul electromagnetic.

Cnd Slim pune o poft de mncare dreptaci la lungimea pliate de srm, i a nchis capetele napoi pe fiecare parte,
a existat o anulare a cmpului electromagnetic n Ring. Acest lucru a creat o coloan non-polare de lumin.

Doua condiie pentru crearea unui Tensor inel de lucru este lungimea firului. Muli oameni au auzit de cot, care este
o unitate de msur din structurile megalitice de pe glob. Special cot pentru Inelelor Spurling provine din Marea
Piramida din Giza.

Doug Benjamin, care a gsit i a interpretat un simbol pierdut din cadrul Camerei Regelui, a descoperit patru lungimi
cot diferite n acest simbol. Doug utilizate dou seturi de aceste Cubit lungimi pentru a crea "Space Sacra" de
neutralizare in mod eficient liniile geomagnetice duntoare.

Slim a inceput sa foloseasca acest set de coi pentru remediere stres geopatic n GDV Imaging unui inel Tensor i
magnet crearea unui Meissner Efectul GDV Imaging unui magnet zona Denver n anii 1980. Tije de lungimi specifice
cot au fost conduse n sol pentru a neutraliza efectele nocive ale Hartman Grid Lines.

Cot suntem interesati este cot Royal (52,5 cm), care a fost lungimea folosit n primul lucru Tensor Ring. n
conformitate cu Hans Becker, "frecvena de rezonan a Royal sau cot Sacra este 144.000 Hz -. O armonic de viteza

Slim menionate sacre, sau Royal, cot ca fiind una de zece milioane de raza polar a Pmntului, i avnd o relaie cu
raza i masa atomului de hidrogen. "Slim i Hans Becker a identificat n cele din urm un alt lungime cot, 23.49 inch
(59.69 cm).

Au referit la acest lucru ca Lost cot deoarece se pare c ar putea fi lsat n mod intenionat din mai multe nregistrri
vechi, scrise. n timp ce inele face folosind lungimea (Royal) Cubit rezoneaz la 144 MHz. Inele face folosind lungimea
Lost Cubit rezoneaza la o frecventa mai mare de 177 de MHz. "

Prin observare, sa stabilit c un 1/8, 1/2, 1, 2 i 3 lungime Cubit srm rsucit produce, de asemenea de lucru
Tensor Inele. Cubit Spurling Ring (26.25cm) emite n continuare acelai 144 MHz ca plin lungime cotul 52,5 cm,
conform msurtorilor efectuate de ctre Hans Becker.

Experimentarea a dezvluit c o lungime aleatorie a fire rsucite nu creeaz n mod necesar un Tensor Ring lucru - i
nu toate lungimile cotului produce un inel de lucru.

Experimentarea personal a dezvluit un alt cot care creeaz un cmp Tensor; Vduva Slim are acces la o alt
lungime de lucru. Este postulat c existau 64 lungimi cot diferite. Sunt contient de 19. Acestea au fost toate pzit
ndeaproape; la fel ca i cunoaterea de a crea Inelelor tensorul a fost.

Designul tensorial inele se bazeaz n Sfnta Geometrie i cunotine vechi - destinate s beneficieze ntreaga
omenire. Este timpul ca aceast cunoatere s fie eliberat.

Un apel pentru Co-Crearea

Nu sunt nici un cuantificator, nici un teoretician cuantic. Dintre care multe se bazeaz pe munca de pionierat a lui
Slim - m un constructor maestru de instrumente subtile energetice n considerare. Sunt un instructor i un
vindector prin utilizarea de energii subtile, dar am fost educat n valoare de epistemologie.

Eu fac tot ce pot pentru a oferi teorii i dovezi n ceea ce privete domeniul Tensor, dei intenia acestui articol este
de a apela cei care au pasiune in ceea ce faci, s continue aceast discuie, printre colegii dvs. din ntreaga lume.

Gravitatea i Coerena

Scalare global Hartmut Mueller a fost discutat cu privire la Inelelor Spurling, ca inelelor tensorul emit o armonic la
un anumit val gravitaional.

Bnuiesc c domeniul Tensor creat n tensorul inele este un tip de cmp anti-gravitaie. Munca Viktor Grebennikov
accept aceast ipotez. Activitatea sa cu levitaie i cavitatea efect structural (CSE) sugereaz c MCP gasite in
structuri geometrice naturale, cum ar fi stupi, reduce cmpul gravitaional.

n conformitate cu Grebennikov, "Aceasta intr n conflict cu a doua lege a Dynamics termice, privind entropiei, care
este o msur de tulburare. Gravity este entropia. CSE a demonstrat calitile unui cmp anti-gravitaie: a. Teren
nivel ridicat de coeren "

S ne uitm la legtura dintre anti-gravitatie si coerenta

Coeren pare s rezulte din organizaie care creeaz o relaie de faz ntre valuri i / sau particule. Autorii dans cu
Apa discuta structura molecular a apei i coerena rezultat prin utilizarea unui inel Tensor. "Atunci cand apa este
trecut printr-o inel, structura sa molecular devine mai organizat. Ct acesta se afl n interiorul coloanei, mai rafinat
structura devine. "
GDV Imaging unei 1/8 Cubit (diametru 2,75 cm) Tensor Ring
Pangman i Evans ne spune mai mult ...

"Potrivit Phillip Callahan, un expert n paramagnetism, tensorul Inele prezint o valoare paramagnetic de multe ori
mai mare dect orice testat vreodata.

Acest lucru nseamn c tensorul Inele provoca unele dintre elementele din ap s se roteasc la starea lor de mare
de spin mentionat ca ORME [Orbital-rearanjate monoatomic elemente]. Acest lucru are un impact foarte mare
asupra structurii moleculare a apei, precum i pe componentele energetice ale apei. "

Poate c rata a crescut de spin explic efectul gravitaional asupra structurilor fizice impuse n aceast coloan de
lumin. Alte dovezi este revelat n site-ul creat de Pangman i Evans:

"Aezai dou volume egale de ap n recipiente identice pe o scar de echilibru, astfel nct acestea sunt la fel de
echilibrate. Publicai un inel Tensor direct peste un container. Dup 24-48 de ore, containerul cu Inel de mai sus
devine msurabil mai uor (diferena de greutate este dependent de tipul i cantitatea de minerale sau saruri din
apa care poate intra un stat mare de spin). "

Mutarea la Supraconductori

Supraconductori au fost n mod tradiional create de super-rcire. Atunci cnd o substan ajunge ceea ce Walther
Meissner numit "temperatur critic", se anuleaz sau elimin aproape toate cmpurile magnetice interior. Acest
fenomen este denumit efect Meissner.

HyperPhysics de Universitatea de Stat din Georgia ne informeaz mai departe despre supraconductori.

"Zero rezisten a fost demonstrat prin susinerea cureni n inele de plumb supraconductoare de mai muli ani, cu
o reducere msurabil, n cazul n care a indus curent n inel metalic obinuit dezintegrri rapid."

Inele tensor califica drept un supraconductor toate temperatur. Avnd n vedere discuia David Hudson a
potenialului pentru tragerea de energie din supraconductori. Cred c tensorul Inele au un potenial de a deveni o
surs de energie sigur i nelimitat.

ntr-un Curs pe Supraconductori, Hudson spune:

"Deci, ceea ce am aflat este c definiia unui supraconductor este c nu permite potenial orice tensiune sau orice
cmp magnetic s existe n interiorul probei ... Pentru a obine energie electric de pe un fir necesit tensiune i de a
obine energie electric din nou pe srm necesit o tensiune.

Deci nu poate primi energie electric de la un fir, acesta nu poate primi energia supraconductor napoi pe firul fr

Deci, acum tiu ntrebarea dumneavoastr este "Deci, ce naiba bun este chestia asta? Dac nu se poate obine
energie n ea i nu se poate obine energie napoi din ea, ce naiba bun este? "

Ei bine, ce ai venit pentru a afla c este n supraconductor exist o singur frecven de lumin, la fel ca un laser care
curge mereu n interiorul supraconductor.

i atunci cnd curge n interiorul supraconductor care o produce in jurul lui ceea ce se numete un cmp Meissner,
care este unic pentru supraconductori. [Cu] un conductor de energie electric ai pus pe srm, ai s ia energia
electric oprit sau nu va curge.

Trebuie s-l sol, nu? Cu un conductor de super, nu e. Se poate merge pe i du-te mai departe i merge pe i du-te la
... i nu trebuie s intre pe. Acum, dac dorii s-l scoat, trebuie s punei un fir de lng ea i va trebui s tune
frecvena de rezonan firul pentru a se potrivi supraconductor. i atunci cnd este n perfect armonie, cnd se
aplic o tensiune i poof pe merge energia.
Deci, dac putei face literalmente o supraconductor care se intinde de la Portland la New York City i ai pus energie
pe aici pentru doi sau trei sau patru zile. Nu trebuie s-l ia pe acolo. E bine; putei s v pstrai inscrie. i atunci cnd
doresc, n New York, ei pot rezonan frecven ton srm, se aplic tensiune i suge-l.

Ea devine o plimbare gratuit de Portland tot drumul pn la New York, pe acest val quantal de supraconductor, ca
lumina nu energie electric. Cum se msoar n cazul n care nu are nici o tensiune in ea? Cum este posibil pentru a
obine o main care poate msura aceast lumin? Si ghici ce?

Ea nu se poate face, produce fiecare bucat de om instrumente a dat vreodat ntotdeauna foloseste un diferential
trebuie s reflecte i nc supraconductor nu are tensiune.

ncepi literalmente supraconductor curge prin aplicarea unui cmp magnetic. Ea rspunde la cmpul magnetic de
curgere lumina n interiorul ei i construirea unui teren mai mare Meissner jurul ei. "

Deci, ce este ntr-un inel Tensor?

Partenerul lui Slim, Bill Reid, care a fost acolo n timpul descoperirea si dezvoltarea Inelului Tensor, solicit anti-
gravitaie. Clarvztori vedea un flux de energie. Aceia dintre noi sensibili la sentiment, tiu c are un fel de energie.

Ca Viktor Grebennikov a spus atunci cnd ncearc s dovedeasc existena CSE "organism simit, n timp ce
instrumentele au tcut."

Deci, muli dintre noi au vzut, simit i experimentat aceast energie. Sub golul de validarea tiinific este un
curent subteran de potenial incomensurabile. Aceia dintre voi citirea acestui articol stiu acest lucru ca un adevar.
Sper c ideile de Tesla, Spurling, i alte vizionari vor continua s triasc prin noi i s devin manifest n aceast

Observaiile Ring Tensor

In laboratorul lui privat, Hans Becker "a analizat apa plasat n domeniul energetic a inelelor cu ajutorul unui
spectrofotometru i a constatat c inelele modificat transmisia optic a apei.

Ele permit mai multa lumina sa treaca prin si-au schimbat de absorbie a apei de fotoni (uniti de lumin). Acestea
sunt indicii de modificri n structura moleculara. "

"... Dac Rings" organizeaz spaiul "(a crea coeren) n coloana lor energetic, acest lucru ar explica capacitatea lor
de a reduce durerea si inflamatia si capacitatea lor de a mbunti rspunsul de vindecare."

"Una dintre utilizrile cele mai practice pentru acest inel este ridicarea nivelului energetic al apei. Apa de la robinet
are aproximativ 22.000 de uniti Bovis de energie, n timp ce apa plasat ntr-o astfel de inel de cteva ore, atinge un
nivel de unitate Bovis 1,2 milioane. "

"Apa astfel tratat are un punct de congelare mai sczut i o structur de ghea cristalin diferit dect cea a apei
netratate. Luai dou pahare identice de ap cu ghea, stabilit o ntr-un inel, cealalt un picior sau asa departe i a
vedea care se topete mai nti! "(Ibid)

O alt utilizare benefic am gsit pentru cmpul Tensor este n electromagnetic i geomagnetice reducere teren.

Alte Observaii:

- mbuntete creterea plantelor i vitalitatea;

- Gustul i mirosul clorului este diminuat n 2-3 ore, atunci cnd inel plasat n jurul sau sub rezervorul de ap;

- Gust mbuntit apare cu re-structurarea apei;

- schimbri de ap de la pH foarte acid la neutru sau usor alcalin, atunci cnd rmase n picioare n ring timp de 24-48
de ore;

- Rapoartele de calmare leziuni ale nervilor grave n ncheieturi, Thumbs, genunchi, umeri i;

- ncheieturile rigid i umerii au relaxat i dureri disprut n cteva ore cu inele;

- Cunoscut pentru a calma umflarea i tensiune de leziuni;

- S-au gsit pentru remedierea efectelor nocive ale frecvenelor electromagnetice i geomagnetice;

- Plasarea unui obiect n coloana energetic amplific energia de vibraie a obiectului;

- Adaug la, sau synergizes, cu toate formele de vindecare a energiei i a dispozitivelor de vindecare;

- Amplific energia subtil;

Inele tensor pot fi transmise n diferite forme fizice pentru a crea diferite structuri energetice i a fluxurilor. De baz
Tensor Ring creeaz un vortex care curge ntr-o coloan de lumin. Fotografiat sunt alte instrumente bazate pe Ring

Toate Imagistica GDV filmat de Tony Gates. Putei contacta prin e-mail la Tony

Pentru informaii detaliate despre crearea Tensor Inele, cauta video de pe YouTube "Crearea Inelul Tensor." conine mai multe informaii cu privire la instrumentele de energie subtile create de Tensor Inele i
videoclipuri GDV ale Inelului Tensor i magnet.

Cu dragoste i recunotin,
Brian Besco,;

The Amazing "Tensor Ring": Pineal Gland

Activator and Much More
Recent Articles, Spirituality
6:21 AM
A+ A-

Within a Tensor Ring is an infinite source of energy that is neither electric nor magnetic. Its output is
beneficial and healing to all life forms. It is a superconductor. It neutralizes magnetic fields. It brings
coherency to chaos, and it produces a measurable gravitational effect. Beyond all this, a Tensor Ring is
simple and inexpensive to create.

Tensor Rings were conceived by the late Slim Spurling, a world famous geo-dowser with an interest in
metaphysics and a vision of planetary healing.

His story has been documented in two books which I encourage you to
Slim knew that linear objects have polarity. He found evidence for it in trees - and in a length of wire.
Playing with this concept, Slim formed a closed loop that resulted in an electromagnetic column of energy
emitted perpendicular to the enclosed loop.

Beneficial energy was produced on one side of the loop while non-beneficial energy was produced on
the other. To alleviate the negative effects, Slim folded the wire in half and then twisted it before joining the
ends together. Viola! The Tensor Ring was born.

Slim later discovered that John Archibald Wheeler had done extensive work with closed loop coils. Wheeler
called the field created by the loop a tensor field.
Tensor Ring
According to the astrophysicist Hans Becker, when you create a closed loop coil, energy begins to flow and
the laws of physics go out the window. They may be the simplest, most efficient source of energy there is-
gathering it and condensing it freely from space.

Interestingly, Pangman and Evans, authors of Dancing with Water: The New Science of Water, noted that
Navajo hogans were constructed using positive and negative ends of logs to create a closed loop of specific
length, hence creating a Tensor field that augmented the living environment.

What Makes a Working Ring?

Now, dont run out and make a Tensor Ring yet. There are two conditions that must be met in the
creation of a Tensor Ring. The first requirement is that the wires must be twisted. The reason for this is
found in the concept of Common Mode Rejection, as used in basic electronics to cancel out the noise, in
the electro-magnetic field.
When Slim put a right-handed twist to the folded length of wire, and closed the ends back onto each other,
there was a cancellation of the electromagnetic field within the Ring. This created a non-polar column of

The second condition for the creation of a working Tensor Ring is the length of the wire. Many people have
heard of the Cubit which is a unit of measure from megalithic structures around the globe. The particular
Cubit length for the Spurling Rings comes from the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Doug Benjamin, who found and interpreted a lost symbol from within the Kings Chamber, discovered four
different Cubit lengths within this symbol. Doug utilized two sets of these Cubit lengths to create Sacred
Space by effectively neutralizing harmful geomagnetic lines.

Slim began using this set of cubits for Geopathic stress remediation in GDV Imaging of a Tensor Ring and
magnet creating a Meissner Effect GDV Imaging of a magnet the Denver area in the 1980s. Rods of
specific Cubit lengths were driven into the ground to neutralize the harmful effects of the Hartman Grid

The Cubit we are interested in is the Royal Cubit (52.5 cm), which was the length used in the first working
Tensor Ring. According to Hans Becker, the resonant frequency of the Royal or Sacred cubit is 144,000 Hz
a harmonic of the speed of light.

Slim referred to the Sacred, or Royal, Cubit length as being one ten-millionth of the polar radius of the
Earth, and having a relationship to the radius and mass of the hydrogen atom. Slim and Hans Becker
eventually identified another cubit length, 23.49 inches (59.69 cm).

They referred to this as the Lost Cubit because it appeared that it may have been intentionally left out of
many ancient, written records. While rings made using the (Royal) Cubit length resonate at 144 MHz. Rings
made using the Lost Cubit length resonates at a higher frequency of 177 MHz.

Through observation, it has been determined that a 1/8, 1/2, 1, 2, and 3 Cubit length twisted wire also
produce working Tensor Rings. The Cubit Spurling Ring (26.25cm) still emits the same 144 MHz as the
full Cubit length of 52.5 cm according to measurements taken by Hans Becker.

Experimentation has revealed that a random length of twisted wire does not necessarily create a working
Tensor Ring and not all cubit lengths produce a working Ring.

My personal experimentation has revealed another Cubit length that creates a Tensor field; Slims widow
has access to yet another working length. It is postulated that there were 64 different Cubit lengths. I am
aware of 19. These have all been closely guarded; just as the knowledge of creating the Tensor Rings has

The design of Tensor Rings is based in Sacred Geometry and ancient knowledge intended to benefit all
mankind. It is time for this knowledge to be released.

A Call for Co-Creating

I am neither a quantifier nor a quantum theorist. I consider myself a master builder of subtle energy tools
many of which are based on Slims pioneering work. I am an instructor and a healer through the use of
subtle energies, yet I have been educated in the value of epistemology.

I do my best to offer theories and evidence in regards to the Tensor Field, though the intent of this article is
to call those of you who have passion in what you do, to further this discussion amongst your peers around
the world.

Gravity and Coherency

Hartmut Muellers global scaling has been discussed with regard to the Spurling Rings, as the Tensor Rings
emit a harmonic to a specific gravitational wave.

I suspect that the Tensor field created in Tensor Rings is a type of anti-gravity field. Viktor Grebennikovs
work supports this hypothesis. His work with levitation and the cavity Structural effect (CSE) suggests that
the CSEs found in natural geometric structures, such as beehives, reduce the gravitational field.

According to Grebennikov, This conflicts with the Second Law of Thermal Dynamics, concerning entropy,
which is a measure of disorder. Gravity is entropy. The CSE demonstrated the qualities of an anti-gravity
field: a high level field of coherency.

Lets look at the connection between anti-gravity and

Coherency appears to result from organization which creates a phase relationship between waves and/or
particles. The authors of Dancing with Water discuss the molecular structure of water and the resulting
coherence through the use of a Tensor Ring. When water is passed through a Ring, its molecular structure
becomes more organized. The longer it sits inside the column, the more refined the structure becomes.

GDV Imaging of a 1/8 Cubit (2.75 cm diameter) Tensor Ring

Pangman and Evans tell us more...

According to Phillip Callahan, an expert on paramagnetism, Tensor Rings exhibit a paramagnetic value
many times greater than anything ever tested.

This means that Tensor Rings cause some of the elements in water to spin to their high-spin state referred to
as ORME [Orbitally-Rearranged Monoatomic Elements]. This has a tremendous impact on waters
molecular structure and on the energetic components of the water.

Perhaps the increased spin rate explains the gravitational effect on physical structures placed within this
column of light. Further evidence is revealed in the website created by Pangman and Evans:

Place two equal volumes of water in identical containers on a balance scale so that they are equally
balanced. Place a Tensor Ring directly over one container. After 24-48 hours, the container with the Ring
above it becomes measurably lighter (the difference in weight is dependent on the type and amount of
minerals or salts in the water that can enter a high-spin state).

Moving on to Superconductors
Superconductors have traditionally been created by super-cooling. When a substance reaches what Walther
Meissner called critical temperature, it cancels or expels nearly all interior magnetic fields. This
phenomenon is referred to as the Meissner effect.

HyperPhysics of Georgia State University informs us further about superconductors.

Zero resistance has been demonstrated by sustaining currents in superconducting lead rings for many years
with no measurable reduction, where induced current in an ordinary metal ring decays rapidly.

Tensor Rings qualify as an all-temperature superconductor. Given David Hudsons discussion of the
potential for pulling energy out of superconductors. I believe Tensor Rings have potential to become a safe
and unlimited energy source.
In a Lecture on Superconductors, Hudson Says:
So what we found out is that the definition of a superconductor is that it does not allow any voltage
potential or any magnetic field to exist inside the sample... To get electricity off of a wire requires voltage
and to get electricity back on the wire requires a voltage.

So it cannot receive electricity from a wire, it cannot receive the energy of the superconductor back on the
wire without voltage.

So now I know your question is so what the heck good is this stuff? If you can't get energy into it and you
can't get energy back out of it, what the heck good is it?

Well what you come to find out is that in the superconductor there is a single frequency of light, just like a
laser that is flowing perpetually inside the superconductor.

And when it flows inside the superconductor it produces around it what is called a Meissner field which is
unique to superconductors. [With] a conductor you put electricity on the wire, youve got to take the
electricity off or it won't flow.

You've got to ground it, right? With a super conductor it's not. It can go on and go on and go on and go on...
and it doesn't have to come off. Now if you want to take it off, you have to put a wire next to it and you have
to resonance frequency tune the wire to match the superconductor. And when it's in perfect harmony, you
apply a voltage and poof off goes the energy.
So if you literally can make a superconductor that stretches from Portland to New York City and you put
energy on over here for two or three or four days. You don't have to take it off over there. Its ok; you can
keep putting it in. And when they want it in New York they can resonance frequency tune the wire, apply
voltage and suck it out.

It gets a free ride from Portland all the way to New York on this quantal wave of the superconductor, as light
not electricity. How do you measure it if it has no voltage in it? How is it possible to get a machine that can
measure this light? And guess what?

It can't be done, cause every piece of instrumentation man has ever figured out always uses a differential it
must reflect and yet a superconductor has no voltage.

You literally start the superconductor flowing by applying a magnetic field. It responds to the magnetic field
by flowing light inside of it and building a bigger Meissner field around it.

So, Whats in a Tensor Ring?

Slims partner, Bill Reid, who was there during the discovery and development
of the Tensor Ring, calls it anti-gravity. Clairvoyants see a flow of energy. Those of us sensitive to feeling,
know it has some kind of energy.

As Viktor Grebennikov said when trying to prove the existence of CSE The organism felt it, while the
instruments were silent."

So many of us have seen, felt, and experienced this energy. Beneath the void of scientific validation is an
undercurrent of immeasurable potential. Those of you reading this article know this as a truth. I am hopeful
that the ideas of Tesla, Spurling, and other visionaries will continue to live through us and become manifest
in this world.

Observations of the Tensor Ring

In his private lab, Hans Becker analyzed water placed in the energy field of the rings using a
spectrophotometer and found that the rings altered the optical transmission of the water.

They allow more light to pass through and they changed waters absorption of photons (light units). These
are indications of changes in molecular structure.

...if Rings organize the space (create coherence) within their energetic column, this would explain their
ability to reduce pain and inflammation and their ability to improve the healing response.

One of the most practical uses for this ring is raising the energetic level of water. Tap water has about
22,000 Bovis units of energy, whereas water placed within such a ring for a couple of hours, reaches a 1.2
million Bovis unit level.

Water so treated has a lower freezing point and a different crystalline ice structure than that of untreated
water. Take two identical glasses of ice water, set one in a ring, the other a foot or so away and see which
melts first!" (Ibid)

Another beneficial use we have found for the Tensor field is in electromagnetic and geomagnetic field

Further Observations:
- Enhances plant growth and vitality;

- The taste and smell of Chlorine is diminished in 2-3 hours when ring placed around or below water

- Improved taste occurs with re-structuring of water;

- Water changes from very acidic pH to neutral or slightly alkaline when left standing in the ring for 24-48

- Reports of calming severe nerve damage in wrists, thumbs, knees, and shoulders;

- Stiff wrists and shoulders have relaxed and pain disappeared in a few hours with Rings;

- Known to calm swelling and tension of injuries;

- Found to remediate the harmful effects of electromagnetic and geomagnetic frequencies;

- Placing an object in the energetic column amplifies the objects vibratory energy;

- Adds to, or synergizes, with all forms of energy healing and healing devices;

- Amplifies subtle energy;

Tensor Rings can be conveyed in different physical forms to create different energy structures and flows.
The basic Tensor Ring creates a vortex that flows out in a column of light. Pictured are other tools based on
the Tensor Ring.

All GDV Imaging filmed by Tony Gates. You may contact Tony by email at

For detailed information on creating Tensor Rings, search for the YouTube video Creating the Tensor
Ring. contains more information on the subtle energy tools created from Tensor Rings, and the
GDV videos of the Tensor Ring and magnet.

With Love and Gratitude,

Brian Besco,;

Dear Friends,

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