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En ingls el orden usual de los elementos de la oracin es el siguiente:

S V IO DO Manner Place Time

her to the
She sent him quickly yesterday
reports office
at the
I gave her a present last week
They me my name politely

Los adverbios de frecuencia (always, usually, often, sometimes,

never) se colocan delante del verbo principal pero detrs del
verbo to be.
She usually stays at home on Sunday.
We're never late for work.
Los adverbios de modo normalmente van detrs del verbo o del
objeto directo si lo hay.
We worked hard.
He talked to me rudely.
Los adverbios de tiempo normalmente van al final de la oracin
pero pueden colocarse al principio para darles ms importancia.
I saw that movie yesterday.
Yesterday I saw that movie.
Los adjetivos calificativos siempre se colocan delante del
sustantivo al que califican.
The old man helped the Asian immigrants.
Cuando hay dos complementos (directo e indirecto) en una
oracin, normalmente el indirecto se coloca despus del verbo.
I sent him an email.
Pero tambin puede ir despus del complemento directo precedido
de la preposicin to.
I sent an email to him.
El sujeto concuerda en nmero con el verbo.
A man is sitting on a bench.
Two men are sitting on a bench.

Los sustantivos colectivos que describen un grupo de
personas (army, band, class, crowd, family, government, staff,
team.) pueden llevar el verbo en singular o plural.
His family like/likes doing sport.
Con 'people' el verbo va en plural.
People are worried about the wrong use of mobile phones.
Con los pronombres indefinidos (everybody', something, anybody,
etc) el verbo va en singular.
Everybody uses the Internet nowadays.
Something is happening around the world.
No-one was waiting for me.
Algunos sustantivos acaban en .s pero son incontables (news,
maths, gymnastics, politics.) y por lo tanto llevan el verbo en
The news was a real surprise.
Maths is my favourite subject.
Algunos sustantivos son siempre plurales (trousers, scissors,
clothes.) y no se pueden usar en singular.
Casual clothes are my favourite.
Tight trousers were fashionable at that time.
Cuando escribimos sobre una experiencia que nos ha ocurrido es
importante tener en cuenta los siguientes aspectos.

1. La estructura
Una ancdota o historia consta de:

Introduccin: un prrafo que describe el escenario

(protagonistas, dnde, cundo, circunstancias.).
Cuerpo: uno o dos prrafos que desarrollan los
principales acontecimientos en la historia, presentndolos en
el orden en el que tuvieron lugar.
Conclusin: Un prrafo que incluye la resolucin de la historia
(resultado, reacciones, sentimientos.)
When we were young, we used to travel a
lot. So one weekend we planned a trip to Introduccin

After we finished packing our suitcases, we Cuerpo

drove to the airport. It was snowing heavily
so we were caught in a traffic jam for an
By the time we arrived to our terminal a lot
of furious people were shouting at the
check in desk. While we were waiting there,
someone suddenly hit one of the
employees. Next some security guards
arrived. Then, someone told us that there
was a strike and our flight was cancelled.
We waited for half an hour and finally we
decided to come back home. In the end we
spent our weekend watching a movie called
"Roman Holiday".
2. Tiempos narrativos
Para contar una ancdota o historia se usan varios tiempos verbales.

Past Simple: para describir las secuencias de acciones

First we finished packing our suitcases and then we drove to
the airport.
Past Continuous: para describir las circunstancias o
acciones en progreso.
It was snowing heavily so we were caught in a traffic jam.
We noticed a lot of furious people were shouting there.
Used to: para describir hbitos en el pasado.
Two years ago my girlfriend and I used to travel a lot.
3. Cmo secuenciar los acontecimientos
Fjate en las palabras resaltadas en la historia (when, after, by the
time, while, suddenly, next, then, finally, in the end). Son conectores
que indican el orden de los acontecimientos.

Firs Firstl First of
To begin with
t y all
Nex Late After
Then Immediately
t r that
In the
Finally Eventually
Before By the time
Afte Whe
At that moment
r n


But (pero) / although, even though, though (aunque)
My father wanted me to be an engineer but/ became a carpenter.Although/Even
though/ Though my father wanted me to be a engineer, I became a carpenter.

Still, however, nevertheless

Estos tres conectores son equivalentes a sin embargo o aun as. Van siempre
despus de una pausa fuerte y seguidos de coma.
I never went to university. However, / Nevertheless, /Still, I had a successful

In contrast/ on the contrary

Tambin van precedidos de pausa fuerte y seguidos de coma. Hay que distinguir
bien estas dos expresiones, ya que no son equivalentes. In contrast significa "en
cambio" y on the contraryse puede traducir como "por el contrario".

I have always lived in Glasgow. In contrast, my brother moved to London when

he was very young.

I wouldnt change anything in my life. On the contrary, if could, I would do the

same things again.


Instead of (something/doing something), rather than (something/doing
Ambas expresiones significan en lugar de, en vez de. Instead ofmoing to London, I
stayed in Glasgow.
My brother moved to London. I stayed in Glasgow instead.
Rather than moving to London, I stayed in Glasgow.
I became a carpenter taher than an engineer.


Because, for* +frase (porque) / because of + sustantivo (por)
*for tiene un uso exclusivamente literario.
I was lucky because/for I found a good job.
I had a good salary because of my job.

As, since (como, ya que) son alternativas de because. As suele ir al principio de la

frase. No hay que confundir este since con el que hace referencia al tiempo (desde).

As/Since/Because I was young, I wasn't afraid of the future.

That's why siempre inicia una nueva oracin.

I worked for a very succesful company.

That's why I always had a steady job.


So (as que) se suele usar dentro de una frase. En lenguaje coloquial tambin puede
introducir una oracin. En este caso va seguido de coma.
I wanted economic independence, so I got a job as soon as I finished school.
So, if I could change something in my life, I would only change my age.

Therefore, consequently y as a result son equivalentes a por lo tanto. Suelen

aparecer al principio de la oracin, seguidas de coma.

I didn't choose to follow my father's advide. Therefore/ Consequently/ As a result no

one in my family went to university.


To/ in order to + infinitivo significa para. En negativo solamente se puede utilizar in
order not to.
I had to move to London to/in order to find a better job.
I had to acept the new salary in order not to lose my job.

For + ing tambin significa para pero indica el propsito concreto de un objeto o una
Ineeded money for buying a new car.

So (that) + oracin subordinada (para qu).En lengiaje ms informal, that se puede


My father sent me to universitu so (that) I could become an enginner.


Para expresar agrado o satisfaccin por lo que se va decir se pueden usar
expresiones como luckily o fortunately.

Por el contrario, para expresar desagrado o lamentar lo que se va decir

podemos usar regrettably, sadly, unfortunately.

I was very happy with my new job. Regrettably,/ Sadly/ Unfortunately, I was
a madre redundant.

Honestly, frankly, in my opinion y as I see it introducen opiniones

personales.Honestly,/Franky, /In my opinion,/ As I see it, my father's
decision was very unfair.

Otras palabras introductorias que expresan diversas emociones u opiniones

son hopefully, surpreingly, to my surprise, funnily, clearly o interestingly.

Hopefully, you will soon find the right person.

Surprinsingly, /To my surprise, /Funnily/ Interestingly, they chose me as


Clearly, there are better options for you in the city.

For this reason, the reason why + frase / the reason for + sustantivo (por
esta razn, la razn por la cual, la razn de...)
He didn't believe in justice. For this reason, he became an anarchist.
The reason why they made a new version of the film was the success of the
musical version.
The reason for the strike was the salary conditions.

That's why + frase, that's the reason why + frase, because of this, (por
eso, es la razn por la cual, por esto)
Her first film wasn't succesful. That's why/ That's the reason why she didn't
take part in another film for many years.
He appeared in many famous films. Because of this, his face became
inmensely popular.


Regarding, concerning, as regards + sustantivo, as far as + is/are concerned (en cuanto a..., respecto a..., en lo que se
refiere a...)
As far as her career is concerned, she should be more than worried.

As for + sustantivo (en cuanto a...)

Esta es una alternativa menos formal a las expresiones anteriores.
As for your future as an actor, it will depend on the success of the


Estas son algunas de las expresiones ms utilizadas para indicar el orden en
el que se desarrollan los acontecimientos de un relato o las frases en la
descripcin de un proceso:

Expresiones para indicar el comienzo: first, first of all, at the beginning,

at first (at the beginning y at first son similares, peroat first implica que
despus hay un cambio)
First, / First of all, you see a family on their way to America.
At the beginning of the film, there is a long battle scene.
At first, the story is sad but it has a very happy ending.

Expresiones para indicar progresin: next, then, after that, later, after
some time/ a while

Next, / After that, / After some time, the story moves back to Europe.
Then, / Later,/ After a while, the plot becomes more complicated.

Expresiones para indicar simultaneidad: while (+ frase),meanwhile, in the

meantime.While part of the family is trying to find a new life in the city, the
rest keep working on the farm.
Meanwhile, /In the meantime, a war breaks out in their homeland.

Expresiones para indicar el final: finally, at the end (of), in the end,
Cuando usamos at the end (of), se marca el final de algo:
At the end of the film, you can see closing credits.

In the end y eventually son similares a finally e introducen el resultado

final de un proceso (al final, con el tiempo...) Finally yeventually se pueden
colocar entre el sujeto y el verbo:
Finally, / Eventually, / In the end, the whole family manages to get
together again.
He finally/ eventually realised that he was wrong and apologised.
Las expresiones on the one hand, ... on the other hand, (por un lado...,
por otro lado) ofrecen dos aspectos distintos sobre el mismo tema.
On the one hand, technology offers new opportunites for the future. On the
other hand, it could also become dangerous.
In contrast (en cambio...) pone en contraste dos hechos o dos elementos
o grupos de elementos.
Computers are quite cheap nowadays. In contrast, fifty years ago, only big
companies could afford them.
Americans are very keen on innovation. In contrast, Europeans are more


In addition, Besides, Moreover, (adems)
In addition to + sustantivo / -ing, besides + sustantivo / -ing(adems de)
In addition to / Besides the psychological effects of video games, they also
have negative physical effects.
In addition to / Besides being psychologically harmful, video games can
make your children obese.

Un email informal se escribe a alguien que se conoce bien (amigos,

parientes...) en un estilo personal y coloquial.

1. Tipos
Normalmente se escriben emails informales para...

ponerse al da sobre lo que nos ha ocurrido.

pedir o dar consejo sobre problemas personales.
hacer, aceptar o rechazar una invitacin.
pedir o dar informacin.
2. Estructura
Un email informal consta de las siguientes partes.

Saludo: Dear..., / Hi...,

Introduccin: se suele preguntar por la salud del
destinatario y se menciona el motivo por el que se escribe.
Cuerpo: se desarrollan los diferentes temas en detalle. Cada
tema debe aparecer en un prrafo distinto.
Conclusin: normalmente se cierra el email con una frase
que resume lo que te gustara que pasase en el futuro.
Despedida: Love / Lots of love / Best wishes / Give my
regards to... / Take care / Cheers.
Hi Gary, Saludo
How are you? I'm writing to let you Introduccin
know that I can't go shopping with
you tomorrow morning.
I've got great news. I have a job
interview at 11 o'clock so I'll be busy.
What about meeting in the
afternoon? We could go to that new
mall because I want to find a
birthday present for Janice
Well, I must go now. Write and let
me know if you can make it.
Lots of love,

3. Frases usuales para introducir y concluir un email informal

How are you?
Sorry I haven't written for ages.
I haven't heard from you for ages.
Thanks very much for you email.
Congratulations on your...
I'm writing to let you know that...
I'm writing because...
That's all for now.
Well, I must/'d better go now.
Write soon.
I can't wait to hear from you.
Write and let me know...
Please, write back soon
4. Registro informal
El registro informal se caracteriza por...

Expresiones y vocabulario coloquiales: Thanks a

million. / Drop me a line
Uso frecuente de formas verbales cortas: I can't go
shopping with you as I'm busy
Conectores sencillos como los resaltados en el
email: but, so, because, and...
Oraciones cortas: Thanks a lot for the invitation. I'd love
to come.
tono personal (uso de la primera persona): I've got great
news. I've found a job
5. Para expresar motivo o causa se usan as y because.

subject + verb ..., subject + verb
6. Fjate!

Las oraciones introducidas por as y because pueden iniciar la frase.

Cuando la causa se pone primero, se aade una coma.

As it's offensive, don't use the word 'negro'.

Don't use the word 'negro' as it's offensive.
Don't kiss people when you meet them in the UK because this is
Because she was late, she couldn't take the test.

Para expresar consecuencia o resultado se usa so.

Carl has a family reunion on Sunday so he won't be able to have

lunch with us.
They invited Sally to the wedding, so she had to buy them a

Para expresar consecuencia o resultado se usa so.
Carl has a family reunion on Sunday so he won't be able to have lunch with us.
They invited Sally to the wedding, so she had to buy them a present.

Dos de los principales problemas a la hora de redactar son encontrar ideas

y ordenarlas en prrafos adecuadamente. Por eso es importante preparar
un esquema con los prrafos que vamos a incluir en nuestra redaccin y
cul ser la idea principal en cada uno.
En un texto argumentativo sencillo, en principio necesitaremos los
siguientes prrafos:

Argumentos a favor.
Argumentos en contra.
En la introduccin se presenta el tema sobre el que se va a escribir
y a veces se suele incluir una pregunta. Respecto a la conclusin se
suele resumir en una frase las ventajas y desventajas presentadas en
los prrafos anteriores y se da la opinin personal sobre el tema.
Para ayudarnos a pensar en ideas podemos usar la tcnica
del brainstroming o tormenta de ideas, que consiste en escribir lo
primero que se nos venga a la cabeza al pensar en el tema de la
redaccin, sin seguir ningn orden ni preocuparnos por su validez o
En nuestro caso usaremos como tema las ventajas y desventajas
de vivir en otro planeta en el futuro. Es importante que este proceso
se haga en ingls porque as nos garantizamos que solo usamos el
vocabulario que conocemos (es decir, hablamos de lo que sabemos
Este es un ejemplo de cmo comenzar la tormenta de ideas
escribiendo unas cuantas palabras base:
A partir de este punto, continuamos el proceso, aadiendo en
cada grupo otras palabras que la palabra base nos sugiera. Como
antes, es importante no filtrar las palabras en esta fase pensando en
su posible validez o relevancia.
Se puede continuar el proceso aadiendo nuevos niveles en cada
rama del rbol de ideas si es necesario.
A partir de estas ideas, podemos completar el esquema de prrafos seleccionando y
ordenando la informacin que queremos desarrollar. En nuestro ejemplo, vamos a
cambiar el orden de los prrafos (poniendo las desventajas primero). Este es el
esquema que vamos a desarrollar:
Paragraph 1: Introduction
There are advantages and disadvantages to living on another planet.

Paragraph 2: Disadvantages

Missing Earth (family, friends, nature, entertainment)

Paragraph 3: Advantages

New opportunities (professional development, new life, new relationships, new


Paragraph 4: Conclusion

The experience would be positive.

A partir de aqu, solo tenemos que dedicarnos a redactar:

Living on another planet in the future
Living on another planet may sound strange or dangerous, but it would also have its
advantages. We could have new opportunities to have a different life, with more
money and adventure.
(1) ... , living on another planet would mean being very far from your family and
friends, from most of the people you love and the things you do with them like going
to a football match or to the cinema, or just sitting in the garden having coffee. i think I
would also miss nature: the sea, the sky, the mountains and animals as I know them.
(2) ... , a new planet would offer many opportunities. it would be possible for many
people to find uncommon jobs or to start a new life in a recently established society.
People could develop a new relationships or even become a totally different person.
(3) ... , they could put some adventure in their lives, with more challenges and
opportunities to explore the unknown.
In conclusion, although it would be hard to leave your old world behind, living on a
different planet would be an excellent opportunity for professional and personal
development or even to start a whole new life.

Utilizamos las siguientes palabras para indicar secuencia.

To get to the station, first walk to the end of the street.
Then, turn right.
Next, turn left after the cinema.
After that, walk over the bridge.
Finally, cross the street before you get to the supermarket. The station is
Then, next y after that tienen el mismo significado.
Irene really enjoys her Saturdays. First, she has coffee in a caf near her
house. Next, she goes shopping. After that, she has lunch with some
friends. Then, they usually...

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