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The Only D.I.Y Energy Site

Thanks for downloading my e-book. Here you will learn the 10

Best Energy Sources available today in the world. If you are
looking for a real economic incentive, this will helps you to
analyze what are the best Real Green energy source for you,
depending where you live and your budget.
Start Now!

All the Best

Al Figueroa, Renewable Energy Expert

Table of Contents


CHAPTER 1 How To Make Your Own Green Energy

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Source

Green Energy Sources


Benefits Of Green Energy Sources Solar Energy Is A Form Of Green Energy



Biofuels Are A Green Energy Source Why Is Hydropower A Green Energy Source


CHAPTER 4 You Can Build Your Car Powered By Solar,

Is Biomass A Green Energy Source A Green Energy Source


Can You Use A Green Energy Source Like

Water To Power A Car


Geothermal As A Green Energy Source


Advantages And
Disadvantages Of Using
Green Energy Sources
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Green
Energy Sources?

T oday, we are now aware of the effects of global warming.

Fortunately, it’s not too late and we can still change which is
why many are pushing for green energy sources. The advantage
of using green energy sources is that it is clean so it does not emit
anything harmful into the air which has an impact on the
environment. It is also renewable which means we will never run out
of it unlike oil which is expected to dry up in a decade or so. Although
green energy facilities are expensive to build, it requires less
maintenance so you don’t have to shell out a lot of money to operate
it. It can also bring economic benefits to certain areas even boost
tourism. While these sound good, there are some who say that there
are advantages to using such technology.

While green energy sources can produce

electricity, how much it can generate is not
consistent. This is because we have no control
of the weather so if a certain area relies on solar
energy and there is a weather disturbance, it will
not be able to convert sunlight into electricity.


Building these facilities also requires a lot of land so we may have to

cut on farmland which is what many are concerned about if more
wind turbines are to be put up.

Another Disadvantage
Another disadvantage is the
fact that some of the green
energy sources cannot be
installed in certain areas of
the planet. For instance,
wave energy can only be
utilized if the waves coming
from the ocean reach at least
16 feet. The use geothermal
energy can only be done in
geologically unstable parts of
the planet. But if you look at such arguments, places that cannot use
one form of green energy source can be substituted for another. If
wind turbines need more space, they can be installed near the coast
instead of putting these on land. A study shows that you can generate
more electricity while these are in the ocean.

While the weather is something we cannot

control, it is not everyday that there is a
weather disturbance so this too shall pass.
If solar energy is being used and the sun is
covered, the emergency generators will be
activated and use up the energy that was

The point is that there are ways around the

arguments put by certain individuals which discourage the use of green
energy sources. In fact, research is ongoing to try and harness other
means to generate the power we need.


A very good example of this is called ocean thermal energy. Power is

generated by harnessing the different temperatures in the water. It is
currently being used on a small scale both in Japan and Hawaii.

In the US, only 7% of

green energy sources are
used nationally. This was
much higher 11 years ago
and if we don’t have to
worry about the cost of oil
or even reduce our
dependency on it, we have
to invest more in this clean

We can get it from green energy sources such as biomass, biodiesel,

geothermal, solar, water and the wind. These are things we have all
around us and all it takes is for someone to harness it instead of
relying on traditional non-renewable means to produce energy.


Benefits Of Green Energy

What are the Benefits of Green Energy Sources?

F or a very long time, we have relied on fossil fuels. It provides

heat to our homes, gas for our cars and electricity. Since we are
now using it more than ever, there is a consequence. We are
depleting our resources and slowly killing our planet. Fortunately, we
can change our ways and then shift our attention to green energy

Why Green Energy Sources?

But why green energy sources? Well
because there are advantages to using them
which we will never be able to get if we
don’t change our ways. This is also even if
some will argue that the problem with
green energy is that it is sometimes
difficult to generate the power we need.
While that may be true, that is why there
are other green energy sources available
and we just to know which ones are viable
given the geographic location.

The various green energy sources such as solar, wind, wave,

hydropower and geothermal do not produce anything harmful which
may have a negative effect on the environment.


This is the exact opposite of what you get when you continue to
operate a coal or nuclear power plant. Coal you have to remember
releases carbon dioxide into the air. On its own, it may not cause that
much damage but there are currently 50,000 coal plants around the
world and that number is expected to grow.

Nuclear Plants as Renewable Energy

Nuclear plants may not
release anything harmful
into the air. The issue is
how we dispose of the
spend rods and if another
nuclear accident should
occur. We remember
Chernobyl and Three Mile
Island. We have probably
learned better ways to
prevent another incident
from happening. Through
the years, a few minor
accidents have occurred
and although the leak was contained, just imagine if it wasn’t?

Green energy sources may not be maintenance free but at least it does
not require that much to maintain them compared to conventional
means. In the end, we save money because such facilities don’t cost
that much to operate.

The next advantage of using green energy sources is that we will never
run out of them. For centuries, the sun’s rays have reached so has the
wind which is blown from the sea. By using it, we decrease our
dependence on oil which is a nonrenewable resource.

If you think about it, many of us have taken these green energy
sources for granted. If we do the right thing now, future generations
will not have to face the mess that we could have handled on our own
years before.


In short, the power is in our hands.

We have the technology and we
know what to do with it. The only
thing we need is to do is to put our
money where our mouth is because
despite the number of conferences
on global warming and climate
change, little has happened.

It is easy to talk about how

concerned we are about the
environment but you have to ask
yourself when will more solar
panels or wind turbines will be
erected? When will the number of
coal or nuclear power plants be reduced?

Imagine all the

pollution that the city in
this picture produce
every day. A green
energy source is the
solution to the
environmental, political
and social problems of
this lifetime. By
spending more on these
technologies, no country will have to depend on another or even a
corporation for their power needs because they are self dependent and

Start Your Own Renewable Green Energy Source


Biofuels Are A Green

Energy Source
Did you know that Biofuels Are A Green Energy Source ?

B iofuels are also a green energy source. It has been around for a
very long time and lately, people are beginning to take notice.

Liquid biofuel which is the one used in cars is a natural and renewable
domestic fuel that can only be used for diesel engines. This can be
made from vegetable oils mostly soy and corn. The nice thing about it
is that it contains no petroleum, is nontoxic and biodegradable.

By fueling up with biofuel, you decrease the pollutants in the air

because it does not emit anything. Right now, it is the only fuel
approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), passed
every Heath-Effects Test of the Clean Air Act and meets the
requirements of the California Air Resources Board (CARB).

One example of this is biodiesel which is made from alcohol like

methanol and a chemical process that separates glycerine and methyl
esters (biodiesel) from fats or vegetable oils. Aside from methanol,
some countries have also experimented with corn and sugarcane to
create their own version of biofuel.

Glycerine is a common products and this is used in making toothpaste

and soap. Since it is quite new, the process of converting it is quite
expensive and right now, this is still much more expensive per gallon
compared to petroleum.


But if you look at what

you pay for it, the
returns are huge
because you get to do
your share to preserve a
cleaner environment, an
improvement in air
quality and a reduction
of cancer-causing

A cheaper and primitive way to make bio-diesel is by collecting

cooking oil and then processing it. This may not good your car’s
engine so be careful if you decide to use it.

If you are skeptic about biodiesels, studies have shown that its
performance on the road is just as good as petroleum in terms of
power to efficiency, hauling and climbing. You can use this in its pure
form or blend with petroleum fuel. The most common mix in the
market is 20/80 and is referred to as “B20.” This means that 20% is
biodiesel and the remainder is 80%. Another version is the E85 which
is fuel composed of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline.

The best part about using biodiesel is that you only have to make a
few changes in your engine to be able to use it. Aside from making the
car run, it also helps clean the engine. If you are concerned that this
will void the warranty of your vehicle should there be a problem, don’t
worry because it doesn’t. In the US, B20 is the most common one
available but there are only a few gas stations that carry it.

When car’s first rolled out in the beginning of the 20th century, Henry
Ford planned to make these vehicles especially the Model T’s run
using ethanol. Tests have even shown that these may also run using
peanut oil.


This never
because huge oil
deposits were
discovered and
diesel was cheap.
It was only when
our demand for
oil increased in
the 1970’s,
1980’s, 1990’s
and in the early
part of year 2007
that people began
to realize that to
reduce our
demand for
foreign oil that
we should try
using biodiesels
and other forms
of alternative

Is it too late? Not yet because there is still time to use biofuels and
others as green energy sources.

Learn How to Create Your Own Biodiesel Now!


Biomas as Green Energy

Is Biomass A Green Energy Source?

I s biomass a green energy source? According to experts, yes it is. In

fact, it is one of the three main areas of bioenergy.

But what is bioenergy?

Well, it is a process by which organic material such as animal waste, plants
and wood are used to generate electricity, produce heat and also aid in the
production of biofuels. In the case of biomass, hot air or water is
generated to produce electricity. This is done through direct combustion
and is considered the simplest and most common method of generating
energy from biomass.
Aside from generating electricity, biomass can be used for hot air
production so you can keep a place warm. For this to work, biomass has
to be combusted in a furnace where it heats either water or air. Speaking
of water, this enables you to have warm water so you can take a shower.
In short, biomass in itself can also be used in a small scale as a heating
Since you can generate electricity and heat, some people have been able to
combine the two which is known as combined heat and power or CHP.
Something that many consider to be good as you use one energy source
for two purposes.
Learn How to Create Your Own Biodiesel Now!


If you are able to compare

the amount of electricity
generated between
biomass and let’s say solar
energy, you will notice that
biomass produces more
because the energy in
plants is already captured
and stored. You don’t
have to collect it first
which is what happens
with solar or even wind energy since this is manufactured technology. It is
readily available unlike the other two which is totally dependent on the

Using Organic Waste

Another is the fact that you can even use organic waste to product
electricity. No other green energy source can do that and by using this
extensively, any government can save money because you don’t have to
spend money to dispose of the waste and you will no longer depend on
foreign oil that much to power your plants.

The downside to biomass is that because you have to burn waste and
other organic materials to product power, you add to the pollution which
is already in the atmosphere. But this can be offset of course by planting
more crops which we know helps reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere.

You will also have to shell out a lot of money initially for the costs of
labor, the transport of these fuels and how these should be stored.
Learn How to Create Your Own Biodiesel Now!


Biomass uses renewable

natural resources which
is why it is considered a
green energy source.
This means that we have
an endless supply of it
around just like the
power of the sun or the
wind which flows from
the ocean. The challenge
is to find suitable land
that has a sufficient
water supply so these will
be able to grow.

This means that in areas where water is not that abundant, you cannot
rely on biomass technology to generate power. When that happens, you
use other means and one good example given the right geographical
location is wave energy which is the process of generating power from the
water. There is a way to generate power without causing harm to the
environment. We have the technology and the green energy sources. We
just need to muster the willingness to make it happen.

Learn How to Create Your Own Biodiesel Now!


Water as Green Energy

Can You Use A Green Energy Source Like Water To Power A

F or For more than a century, we rely on oil to fuel our cars. But
did you know that the world’s oil is close to drying up because it
is a nonrenewable resource? Well that may not happen
tomorrow or next year but we are getting closer because of the
demand in the world market. Why wait for that day when we can rely
on a green energy source like water to power our cars.

BMW Powered with Water?

If you think that’s impossible, well it is already here but this is not yet
being made on a commercial scale. The German automobile BMW has
produced the world’s first ever hydrogen powered car. While only 100
of these units were produced, you can already imagine if more of these
vehicles are on the road.

The initial model namely the BMW Hydrogen 7 uses the body of the
760i model. Once you pop the hood, you will notice that the engine is
different since it uses gas and hydrogen. This just means we have not
yet totally abandoned are dependence on gas. Given more time and
money, the current 4.7 miles per gallon it can travel using water alone
could hit double digits in the future.


The biggest challenge to using water as a green energy source as

opposed to oil in vehicles is the engine. While there are cars around
like the Prius which runs on electricity and gas thanks to fuel cell
technology, the hydrogen combustion is less than 10 years old so you
could say we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

To prevent the water from evaporating, this has to be stored in a large,

30-gallon, bi-layered and highly insulated tank so this does not
evaporate into compressed gas. Another safety mechanism is the
valves which are designed to open should the pressure within the tank
exceed 5 bars.

With the success of the BMW H7,

the company came out with a new
car that is also partly powered by
water known as the H2R. While we
cannot yet put our garden hose into
the fuselage to fill it up, this vehicle
uses liquid nitrogen as a fuel.

Tests on this vehicle have shown it

can achieve 285hp and reach a top
cruising speed of 185.5 miles per
hour. It can also accelerate from 0 to
60 miles per hour under 6 seconds.

But why use water? It is because

hydrogen combustion is clean so it does not emit harmful gases into
the atmosphere unlike cars that run on petrol or diesel that emit
carbon monoxide. Studies have shown that it also weighs less than
hydrocarbon-based fuels and burns faster than conventional gasoline.

So when can you expect to buy a car that uses water as a green energy
source? Hopefully in the next 10 to 20 years. It is really up to the
automakers because all we can do is wait until a better and clear car
hits the dealership.

Run Your Car With Water D.I.Y Guide


Right now, the best option we have are electric cars. Since its
introduction in 1999, more people are using it because they don’t want
to spend anymore for gasoline that could hit an all time high of more
than $140 per barrel.

If water as a green energy

source can be used to
power a car, why don’t we
do the same for solar
power which has been
around much longer? Take
advantage of the new
technologies if you suffer
the increase in combustible
prices and your energy bills
only increase each month ?
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Start Your Own Renewable Green Energy Source


Geothermal As A Green
Energy Source
Can You Use Geotherman as A Green Energy Source?

W e have the technology to do a lot of things and one of these

is to tap the earth’s energy. This is exactly what we do when
we decide to use geothermal which happens to be a green
energy source.

What is Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is energy obtained by tapping heat from the earth
itself. This comes from magma and the radioactive decay of uranium,
thorium, and potassium. The downside to geothermal energy is the
fact that it is expensive to build. On the other hand, because the
earth’s crust continuously decays replenishing the heat, it is still a
renewable source of energy.

There are three types of geothermal plants

These are namely dry steam, flash, and binary. Dry steam plants take
steam out of fractures in the ground and use it to directly drive a
turbine that spins a generator. Flash plants take on water at
temperatures over 200 °C, out of the ground, and allows it to boil as it
rises to the surface then separates the steam phase in steam/water
separators which runs the steam through a turbine to generate


Binary Geothermal Plants

Last, you have binary plants. Here, hot water flows through heat
exchangers and that boiling organic fluid is what spins the turbine.
Once power is generated, the condensed steam and remaining
geothermal fluid from all three types of plants are injected back into
the hot rock to pick up more heat.

Geothermal plants are used operational in different parts of the globe.

These are usually located in geologically unstable parts of the planet.
You can see some in Chile,
Iceland, New Zealand,
United States, the
Philippines and Italy. At
home, two most prominent
areas for this are in the
Yellowstone basin and in
northern California.

Aside from digging deep into

the earth, there are some
who believe we can generate power from hot dry rocks. You have to
dig 3 kilometers deep are drilled into the earth first to find these hot
underground radiogenic granite rocks. Right now, some Australia
companies are exploring this technology.

If you were to compare the amount of energy collected from

geothermal to solar, you still get more from the sun. Despite that,
people should still use it since solar energy cannot be harnessed when
the clouds block the sun’s rays from reaching the solar panels.

Geothermal energy is a green energy source just like wind,

hydropower and biofuel because it is a renewable. By maximizing its
potential, we don’t have to worry about the price of oil in the world
market when it hit more than $140 a barrel and is now under $90 in
the world market.
Start Your Own Renewable Green Energy Source


But that is not the only

thing we should be
concerned about. We
should also do our best to
protect the environment
given that coal fired and
nuclear power plants
produce harmful gases and
radioactive waste that may
cause to people and the
surrounding areas.

Everyone knows that our planet has changed due to global warming.
We learned our lessons from Chernobyl and Three Mile Island but
this does not mean it may not happen again.

For us to do our share to protect the environment now and for

generations to come, we have to promote alternative energy and
geothermal as a green energy source is just one of many that is
currently available.

Start Your Own Renewable Green Energy Source


How To Make Your Own

Green Energy Source
Did you know that you can make your own electricity?

W ouldn’t it be great if we can produce our own green energy

source? If we can do that, we don’t have to pay electrical
bills or gasoline anymore for our cars. While we can buy
some of the equipment, the rest will have to be done on our own.

Take solar or
wind energy for
example. We
already know
how to harness
and make it. If
you want to
make one, do
some research
online and then
set up the system yourself. To have solar energy, you will need to buy
an inverter, battery, charge controller, solar panels, some wires and
support structure. The only difference with wind energy is that you
need a fan. Once you have everything you need, you can put it all

If you are not skillful, you will be happy to know that some companies
sell the entire system. By buying it from them and having it installed
by their experts, you are sure that there won’t be any problems the
moment you switch it on. There is one more thing you need before


you can use one or the two green energy sources. Before you buy the
materials or the system, make sure you have a flat area that is about a
hundred square feet or so because it occupies a lot of space.

Out of Budget?
For those who don’t have the space or the budget to use these two
energy sources, another option is to create your own biofuels.

Biofuels are used in many countries and they get it from harvesting
corn, sugar and other crops. Luckily, you don’t need a farm to produce
it because you can also make your own using some recycled waste.

A good example of this

is vegetable oil which
we use for cooking. To
turn this into a biofuel,
we first filter it by
warming up the liquid
and then filtering this
with a coffee filter. The
next step is to remove
the water also by
boiling it again at 100
degrees for a short
period of time.

We need to know the amount of lye present in the vegetable oil and
we do this by a process known as titration. When we are done with
that, we now mix sodium hydroxide to produce sodium methoxide.

The process of converting used vegetable oil before it becomes a

biofuel takes quite awhile and it must be heated the entire time. This is
done so the fuel we produce is pure and only when this is achieved
that we give it time to cool. Just how much biofuel we make after all
the work varies but you will have an idea of how much you have
produced since this is the one you see floating at the top. If there is
still some glycerin present, filter it again. From there, you already have


your own backyard biofuel

which you can use and even
sell to those who are just as
concerned with the
environment as you are.

By making our own green

energy sources, we make
ourselves less dependent on
gasoline in its various forms
to power our heater, home
or car. Why don’t a lot of
people do it? Well simply
because they don’t have the
time to make it and would
rather rely on someone else
to do it for them.

Start Now your Energy

Project, what are you waiting
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Solar Energy Is A Form Of

Green Energy Source
Did you know that Solar Energy is the most popular and used energy in the

S Solar energy is a green energy source because it is a renewable

and it does not cause any harm to the environment. This is
achieved by converting the sun’s rays into electricity with the
help of solar cells.

There are three basic

approaches how we can use
this form of green energy
source namely passive, active
and by using photovoltaic
cells. When we refer to
passive solar energy, nothing
is converted. What happens
is the building’s design helps
avoid heat loss and gets the
most out of day lighting.

Such a technique can also be used in homes because studies have

shown that this can reduce the heating requirements by as much as
80% with minimal cost. This means you don’t have to turn on the air
condition or heater that often and if everyone does that, we don’t
consume that much electricity which we get from non-renewable


The second approach which is active solar energy is the first way of
converting sunlight into heat. You should know that there are certain
limits to this one and all it can do is make sure you have hot water.
The third approach is the big scale version and it can power an office
or an entire home. This is done with the help of solar cells that
convert sunlight into electricity. The smallest ones around can be seen
in calculators and watches with large ones planted over huge acres of

The only limitation to this

green energy source is the
fact that it can only
generate power when the
weather is good and the
sun is out. Should it rain,
then nothing is collected
and converted. When this
happens, the auxiliary
system is turned on until
the weather improves.

Despite that, scientists and students themselves have made solar

powered cars. NASA or the National Aeronautical Space
Administration has sent satellites into space that are powered by solar
panels. A fully functional airport can function on its own thanks to
solar power even if it is situated in the middle of the frozen desert.

So people can see the awesome power of solar energy, did you know a
kilowatt of solar energy can produce 5.5 hours of electricity per day. If
you have more solar cells in place, naturally you will be able to
produce enough power to last several days.

Start Your Own Renewable Green Energy Source


Solar energy is just one form of green energy source around. Through
the years, we have learned to tap other resources and these examples
include wind power, geothermal energy, hydroelectricity and biogas.
These are all safe and by using these more often, we don’t need to
depend on oil which is a nonrenewable resource.

To make this
happen, we have
to persuade our
law makers to
promote the use
of such resources.
Although you
hear speeches left
and right about
their concern for
the environment,
it is all talk and
not that much
action. It is
something that has to change. Two countries that have increased solar
usage happen to be Germany and Japan. Spain, France, Italy and
South Korea are next in the list and where is the United States? Well,
one thing is for certain and that it is not in the top 10 despite the fact
that it is an industrialized nation.

Start Your Own Renewable Green Energy Source


Hydro Power
Why Is Hydropower A Green Energy Source?

W hy is hydropower a green energy source? It is because we are

able to harness electrical power by converting water into

The use of hydroelectric power or even hydroelectricity dates back to

Ancient Greece and China when they installed waterwheels in rapidly
flowing rivers to turn millstones and other equipment. Years later, this
was used in the New World which is now known as North America to
power saws and other equipment.

But the hydroelectric plants of today

still use the same basic principles as
the historical waterwheel with some
variations. The difference is that we
use the force of the power to push
the turbine which in turn powers a
generator thus generating electricity.

To make sure that there is a steady

flow of power being produced, a dam
has to be built to retain the water. If
there is a need for more power, the
gates of the dam are opened so water
can be released. During non-peak, the gates are closed. To ensure
there is water at all times, some dams have a recovery and pumping
systems to the water released can be used again.


There are issues with the use

of hydroelectricity. Some
claim that it poses a problem
for fish and aquatic plants on
both sides of the dam.
Because the flow of water
has been altered, the nutrient
rich silt which helps crops
grow could be affected which
is exactly what happened
when the Aswan Dam was completed in Egypt.

But there are ways to fix that and the bigger picture is that power
produced from hydroelectric plants do not generate any emissions or
waste which happens to be much better than operating a coal-fired
power plant.

Another Way to Generate Hydro Power

There is another way to generate hydropower and you get this form
the sea. This is also known as wave power or wave energy which uses
changes in the air levels of sealed chambers to power turbines. When a
wave rises into the chamber, the rise water pushes the air out which
then turns a generator. Once the wave goes down, air flows into the
turbine and back into the chamber through doors that will close.

These chambers remain afloat on the ocean and how much power it
produces varies. A lot of these are used on the western coasts of
Scotland, northern Canada, southern Africa, Australia, and the
northwestern coasts of the United States. These systems are usually
small and can power a warning buoy or a small light house.

There is also tidal energy. The difference with wave energy is that
when the tide approaches, the water is trapped in reservoirs behind
dams. When the tide drops, the water behind the dam is released thus
producing power similar to a hydroelectric power plant.


How Hydropower Works

This can only work if you have tides that are at least 16 feet and since
there are only a few places in the planet that can do that. Lastly, you
have ocean thermal energy. Here, you get power based on the
different temperatures in the water. For this to work, you need at least
38 degrees Fahrenheit difference between the warmer surface water
and the colder deep ocean water. Still in the trial stage, it is used Japan
and Hawaii.

Hydropower is a green energy source. It is safe to use and what is even

better is that it is renewable. To learn more about Renewable Energy
Visit :


Solar Powered Cars

You Can Build Your Car Powered By Solar Green Energy Source ?

A ll cars are powered by gas. But with the volatility of crude oil
prices and because it is not a renewable, something must be
done before it is too late. Given that solar energy, a green
energy source is used to power a community, you can also do this on a
small scale by using the same principles to build your own car.

But what do you need to make this work?

A lot of things but the two
most important are the
solar array and the
batteries. The solar array is
vital because this is what’s
used to collect the sun’s
rays and then converts this
into electrical energy.
There are two types to
choose from in the market
namely the prefabricated
type and the individual kind which you set up yourself.

Start Your Own Renewable Green Energy Source


If you are looking for branded parts, check out either Siemens or ASE
Americas that sell terrestrial grade cells and the space grade cells. The
lower end model which can produce a significant amount of power is
the terrestrial grade version.

Proper wiring must be

done to make sure that if
one of the panels is not
working, your vehicle will
still move. If you are
worried that the voltage of
the solar array should
match the system voltage
of your motor, you should
not to worry because it will
still run.

Why Batteries are so Important?

We mentioned earlier that the battery is also important because this is
where the solar energy will be stored. Your options for this are lead
acid, lithium-ion or nickel-cadmium. Just how many you need to buy
will depend on your motor’s voltage.

When you finally have these two components, these will now have to
be connected to the motor. So you know how much juice is left in
your batteries, you will also need to install instrumentation similar to
the heads up display console on regular cars which tells you your
speed, mileage and gas.

Don’t forget to put a steering wheel, suspension, brakes, tires and

hubs. You may not be able to make a car that have the same features
as like what you see done by one of the three US automakers but just
enough to be able to drive it from one place to the next.

Learn How to Reconditioning Your Batteries


The only cars that use solar energy so far are the ones only used in
races especially the one held in Australia from travels from the
northern part of the country all the way to the south. If this has helped
people realize that renewable energy is really the key to the future, the
big automakers should try tapping this technology instead of relying of
still relying on gasoline.

But apart from solar

energy as a green
energy source, biodiesel
is another alternative.
This is a combination
of alcohol like
methanol and a
chemical process that
separates glycerine and
methyl esters (biodiesel)
from fats or vegetable
oils. This can also be
done using corn and

Although these are not renewable, these are still considered as a green
energy sources because it is cleaner than conventional gasoline. This
means you do not release harmful chemicals such as carbon monoxide
into the air which causes damage to the environment. So if you can’t
build a solar powered car, consider a different fuel alternative.

Make Your Own Bio Diesel Fuel


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