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Name: Carolina Garca.

Date: 01/11/2017
Subject: English. Teacher: Teacher Marcelo Moreno


Each one of us needs support and many of these come from others we consider friends. These
are people who, over time, gain trust, affection and respect for each other. We must also
differentiate who are true friends and worthwhile because many are only in the best times but
not in the worst.

In my case I have two people that I consider my best friends, are Nataly Pin and Guisella
Calvache, they are the ones who have supported me in the most difficult moments of my life,
they are my best friends since the first year of school. Whenever it has been necessary they
have challenged me or advised me and I know that they have not done so badly because my
mother has witnessed this beautiful friendship. We have shared many moments and in the same
way I will be there for them because I love them very much.

Friends are people who support you at all times and where they can support you as well as them
in you, trusting someone else is not something that allows us to be more comfortable with

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